Switch to / for group delimieter in flagmappings files

Previously we named grouped options "group.name" in the flagmappings
file. Turns out Neutron has options with "." in the name. So change
the syntax to "group/name".

Change-Id: I8d2b004cc333409b8e5e95e79b26dc784a3dc9b1
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Shaun McCance 2014-01-20 10:31:35 -05:00
parent 758819a77b
commit b090fa5710
1 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ class OptionsCache(object):
if group == 'DEFAULT':
optname = opt.name
optname = group + '.' + opt.name
optname = group + '/' + opt.name
if optname in self._opts_by_name:
oldmod = self._opts_by_name[optname][0]
if oldmod.startswith(modname + '.'):
if oldmod.startswith(modname + '/'):
if verbose >= 2:
print (("Duplicate option name %s" +
" from %s and %s. Using %s.") %
(optname, modname, oldmod, oldmod))
elif modname.startswith(oldmod + '.'):
elif modname.startswith(oldmod + '/'):
self._opts_by_name[optname] = (modname, group, opt)
if verbose >= 2:
print (("Duplicate option name %s"
@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ class OptionsCache(object):
def _cmpopts(x, y):
if '.' in x and '.' in y:
prex = x[:x.find('.')]
prey = y[:x.find('.')]
if '/' in x and '/' in y:
prex = x[:x.find('/')]
prey = y[:x.find('/')]
if prex != prey:
return cmp(prex, prey)
return cmp(x, y)
elif '.' in x:
elif '/' in x:
return 1
elif '.' in y:
elif '/' in y:
return -1
return cmp(x, y)
@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ def update_flagmappings(package_name, options, verbose=0):
updated_flags.append((opt, original_flags[opt][0]))
if '.' in opt:
if '/' in opt:
# Compaitibility hack for old-style flagmappings, where grouped
# options didn't have their group names prefixed. If there's only
# one category, we assume there wasn't a conflict, and use it.
barename = opt[opt.find('.') + 1:]
barename = opt[opt.find('/') + 1:]
if len(original_flags.get(barename, [])) == 1:
updated_flags.append((opt, original_flags[barename][0]))