#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import glob import os import sys from xml.dom import minidom from xml.sax.saxutils import escape #Swift configuration example files live in # swift/etc/*.conf-sample # and contain sections enclosed in [], with # options one per line containing = # and generally only having a single entry # after the equals (the default value) def parse_line(line): """ takes a line from a swift sample configuration file and attempts to separate the lines with actual configuration option and default value from the rest. Returns None if the line doesn't appear to contain a valid configuration option = default value pair, and a pair of the config and its default if it does. """ if '=' not in line: return None temp_line = line.strip('#').strip() config, default = temp_line.split('=', 1) config = config.strip() if ' ' in config and config[0:3] != 'set': if len(default.split()) > 1 or config[0].isupper(): return None if len(config) < 2 or '.' in config or '<' in config or '>' in config: return None return config, default.strip() def get_existing_options(optfiles): """ parses an existing XML table to compile a list of existing options """ options = {} for optfile in optfiles: xmldoc = minidom.parse(optfile) tbody = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0] trlist = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr') for tr in trlist: try: optentry = tr.childNodes[1].childNodes[0] option, default = optentry.nodeValue.split('=', 1) helptext = tr.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue except IndexError: continue if option not in options or 'No help text' in options[option]: #options[option.split('=',1)[0]] = helptext options[option] = helptext return options def extract_descriptions_from_devref(repo, options): """ loop through the devref RST files, looking for lines formatted such that they might contain a description of a particular option """ option_descs = {} rsts = glob.glob(repo + '/doc/source/*.rst') for rst in rsts: rst_file = open(rst, 'r') in_option_block = False prev_option = None for line in rst_file: if 'Option ' in line: in_option_block = True if in_option_block: if '========' in line: in_option_block = False continue if line[0] == ' ' and prev_option is not None: option_descs[prev_option] = (option_descs[prev_option] + ' ' + line.strip()) for option in options: line_parts = line.strip().split(None, 2) if (' ' in line and len(line_parts) == 3 and option == line_parts[0] and line_parts[1] != '=' and option != 'use' and (option not in option_descs or len(option_descs[option]) < len(line_parts[2]))): option_descs[option] = line_parts[2] prev_option = option return option_descs def new_section_file(sample, current_section): section_filename = ('swift-' + path.basename(sample).split('.conf')[0] + '-' + current_section.replace('[', ''). replace(']', '').replace(':', '-') + '.xml') section_file = open(section_filename, 'w') section_file.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\ <!-- The tool that generated this table lives in the\n\ tools directory of this repository. As it was a one-time\n\ generation, you can edit this file. -->\n\ <para xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0">\n\ <table rules="all">\n\ <caption>Description of configuration options for <literal>' + current_section + '</literal> in <literal>' + path.basename(sample) + '</literal></caption>\n\ <col width="50%"/>\n\ <col width="50%"/>\n\ <thead>\n\ <tr>\n\ <td>Configuration option=Default value</td>\n\ <td>Description</td>\n\ </tr>\n\ </thead>\n\ <tbody>') return section_file def create_new_tables(repo, verbose): """ writes a set of docbook-formatted tables, one per section in swift configuration files. Uses existing tables and swift devref as a source of truth in that order to determine helptext for options found in sample config files """ existing_tables = glob.glob('../../doc/common/tables/swift*xml') options = {} #use the existing tables to get a list of option names options = get_existing_options(existing_tables) option_descs = extract_descriptions_from_devref(repo, options) conf_samples = glob.glob(repo + '/etc/*conf-sample') for sample in conf_samples: current_section = None section_file = None sample_file = open(sample, 'r') for line in sample_file: if '[' in line and ']\n' in line and '=' not in line: """ it's a header line in the conf file, open a new table file for this section and close any existing one """ if current_section != line.strip('#').strip(): if section_file is not None: section_file.write('\n </tbody>\n\ </table>\n\ </para>') section_file.close() current_section = line.strip('#').strip() section_file = new_section_file(sample, current_section) elif section_file is not None: """ it's a config option line in the conf file, find out the help text and write to the table file. """ parsed_line = parse_line(line) if parsed_line is not None: if (parsed_line[0] in options.keys() and 'No help text' not in options[parsed_line[0]]): # use the help text from existing tables option_desc = options[parsed_line[0]].replace(u'\xa0', u' ') elif parsed_line[0] in option_descs: # use the help text from the devref option_desc = option_descs[parsed_line[0]].replace( u'\xa0', u' ') else: option_desc = 'No help text available for this option' if verbose > 0: print parsed_line[0] + "has no help text" section_file.write('\n <tr>\n\ <td>' + parsed_line[0] + '=' + escape(str(parsed_line[1])) + '</td><td>' + option_desc + '</td>\n' + ' </tr>') if section_file is not None: section_file.write('\n </tbody>\n\ </table>\n\ </para>') section_file.close() def main(repo, verbose=0): """ writes a set of docbook-formatted files, based on configuration sections in swift sample configuration files """ create_new_tables(repo, verbose) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1])