
559 lines
18 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grammar xmlns="" xmlns:wadl="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xi="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:rng="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:html="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:ctrl="" xmlns:a="" datatypeLibrary="" ns="">
<include href="docbookxi.rng"/>
<include href="extensions.rng"/>
<define name="db.para.blocks" combine="choice">
<ref name="resources"/>
<define name="" combine="choice">
<ref name="rax.extensions"/>
<ref name="rax.extension"/>
<define name="db.xi.include.attlist" combine="choice">
<attribute name="db:prefix"/>
<attribute name="db:idfixup">
<attribute name="db:linkscope">
<s:pattern name="xml:id required on book, part, section, chapter, appendix, and preface">
<s:rule context="//db:book|//db:part|//db:section|//db:chapter|//db:appendix|//db:preface">
<s:assert test="@xml:id">xml:id required on book, part, section, chapter, appendix, and preface.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The fileref attribute must not be null">
<s:rule context="//db:imagedata">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(@fileref) = '')">The fileref attribute on olink must not be empty.</s:assert>
<!-- <s:pattern name="The glossterm element must have a linkend attribute"> -->
<!-- <s:rule context="//db:glossterm[not(parent::db:glossentry)]"> -->
<!-- <s:assert test="@linkend and not(normalize-space(@linkend) = '')">The glossentry/glossterm element must have a linkend attribute.</s:assert> -->
<!-- </s:rule> -->
<!-- </s:pattern> -->
<s:pattern name="The targetptr and targetdoc attributes must not be null">
<s:rule context="//db:olink">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(@targetptr) = '') and not(normalize-space(@targetdoc) = '')">The targetptr and targetdoc attributes on olink must not be empty.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The primary, secondary, and tertiary elements must not be null">
<s:rule context="//db:primary|//db:secondary|//db:tertiary">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(.) = '')">The primary, secondary, and tertiary elements must not be empty.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The remark element must not be empty">
<s:rule context="//db:remark">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(.) = '')">The remark element must not be empty.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The filename element must not be empty">
<s:rule context="//db:filename">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(.) = '')">The filename element must not be empty.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The code element must not be empty">
<s:rule context="//db:code">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(.) = '')">The code element must not be empty.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The title element is required and must not be null">
<s:rule context="//db:title">
<s:assert test="not(normalize-space(.) = '') and not(@security = 'writeronly') and not(@security = 'reviewer') and not(@security = 'internal') and not(@revisionflag = 'deleted') and not(@condition)">The title element must not be empty or conditioned out.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="If the language is English or not set, then the procedure element must have a title that begins with 'To'">
<s:rule context="//db:procedure[not(ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang]) or starts-with(ancestor-or-self::*[@xml:lang][1]/@xml:lang,'en')] ">
<s:assert test="./db:title[starts-with(normalize-space(.),'To ')]|./db:info/db:title[starts-with(normalize-space(.),'To ')]">The procedure element must have a title that begins with 'To'.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The security attribute should be put on the ancestor listitem">
<s:rule context="//db:listitem[not(ancestor-or-self::*[@security='reviewer']) and not(ancestor-or-self::*[@security='writeronly'])]/*">
<s:assert test="../*[not(@security) or @security = 'external'] or (not(@security = 'reviewer') and not(@security = 'internal') and not(@security = 'writeronly'))">The security attribute should be put on the ancestor listitem.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="The security attribute should be put on the ancestor step">
<s:rule context="//db:step[not(ancestor-or-self::*[@security='reviewer']) and not(ancestor-or-self::*[@security='writeronly'])]/*">
<s:assert test="../*[not(@security) or @security = 'external'] or (not(@security = 'reviewer') and not(@security = 'internal') and not(@security = 'writeronly'))">The security attribute should be put on the ancestor step.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="revisionflag=deleted attribute should be put on the ancestor listitem">
<s:rule context="//db:listitem[not(ancestor-or-self::*[@revisionflag='deleted'])]/*|//db:step[not(ancestor-or-self::*[@revisionflag='deleted'])]/*">
<s:assert test="../*[not(@revisionflag) or @revisionflag != 'deleted'] or (not(@revisionflag = 'deleted'))">The revisionflag=deleted attribute should be put on the ancestor listitem or step.</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="No roles on indexterms">
<s:rule context="db:indexterm">
<s:assert test="not(@role)">The indexterm element must not have a role attribute</s:assert>
<s:pattern name="No CALS tables">
<s:rule context="db:table|db:informaltable">
<s:assert test="not(db:tgroup)">Please use HTML tables instead of CALS tables.</s:assert>
<define name="rax._any.attribute">
<a:documentation>Any attribute including in any attribute in any namespace.</a:documentation>
<define name="rax._any.xhtml">
<a:documentation>Any element from the SVG namespace</a:documentation>
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="rax._any.attribute"/>
<ref name="rax._any.xhtml"/>
<define name="doc">
<element name="wadl:doc">
<attribute name="xml:lang">
<ref name="languageTag"/>
<attribute name="title"/>
<ref name="db.all.blocks"/>
<ref name="rax._any.xhtml"/>
<define name="grammars">
<element name="wadl:grammars">
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="incl"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<define name="incl">
<element name="wadl:include">
<ref name="doc"/>
<attribute name="href">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="resources">
<element name="wadl:resources">
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="resource"/>
<attribute name="base">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<attribute name="xml:id"/>
<attribute name="href">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<define name="resource_type">
<element name="wadl:resource_type">
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="param"/>
<ref name="method"/>
<ref name="resource"/>
<attribute name="id">
<data type="token"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="resource">
<element name="wadl:resource">
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="param"/>
<ref name="method"/>
<ref name="resource"/>
<attribute name="href">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<attribute name="type">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<attribute name="path"/>
<attribute name="id">
<data type="token"/>
<attribute name="queryType"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="method">
<element name="wadl:method">
<attribute name="href">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<!-- Allow wadl:doc in methods with hrefs so writers can supplement method docs in the DocBook -->
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="request"/>
<ref name="response"/>
<attribute name="id">
<data type="token"/>
<attribute name="name">
<data type="token"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="request">
<element name="wadl:request">
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="param"/>
<ref name="representation"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<define name="response">
<element name="wadl:response">
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="param"/>
<ref name="representation"/>
<attribute name="status">
<data type="int"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<define name="representation">
<element name="wadl:representation">
<attribute name="href">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="param"/>
<attribute name="id">
<data type="token"/>
<attribute name="element">
<data type="QName"/>
<attribute name="mediaType"/>
<attribute name="profile">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<define name="param">
<element name="wadl:param">
<attribute name="href">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<ref name="doc"/>
<ref name="option"/>
<ref name="link"/>
<attribute name="name">
<data type="token"/>
<attribute name="style">
<attribute name="id">
<data type="token"/>
<attribute name="type"/>
<attribute name="default"/>
<attribute name="path"/>
<attribute name="required">
<data type="boolean"/>
<attribute name="repeating">
<data type="boolean"/>
<attribute name="fixed"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="option">
<element name="wadl:option">
<ref name="doc"/>
<attribute name="value">
<data type="string"/>
<attribute name="mediaType"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="link">
<element name="wadl:link">
<ref name="doc"/>
<attribute name="resource_type">
<data type="anyURI"/>
<attribute name="rel">
<data type="token"/>
<attribute name="rev">
<data type="token"/>
<!-- <ref name="foreign-element"/> -->
<!-- <ref name="foreign-attribute"/> -->
<define name="foreign-attribute">
<nsName ns=""/>
<nsName ns=""/>
<!-- <define name="foreign-element">
<nsName ns=""/>
<ref name="any-element"/>
<!-- <define name="any-element">
<ref name="any-element"/>
<define name="languageTag">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*</param>