Gauvain Pocentek 8bbf73babe extract_swift_flags: add RST support
Change-Id: Icf4e03f344bbccccac80f6d84da59d3b62210900
2015-11-10 20:22:09 +01:00

296 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import glob
import os
import pickle
import sys
import jinja2
from lxml import etree
from oslo_config import cfg
from autohelp import OptionsCache # noqa
# Swift configuration example files live in
# swift/etc/*.conf-sample
# and contain sections enclosed in [], with
# options one per line containing =
# and generally only having a single entry
# after the equals (the default value)
DBK_NS = ".//{}"
BASE_XML = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
<para xmlns=""
<!-- The tool that generated this table lives in the
openstack-doc-tools repository. The editions made in
this file will *not* be lost if you run the script again. -->
<table rules="all">
<caption>Description of configuration options for
<literal>[%s]</literal> in <filename>%s.conf</filename>
<col width="50%%"/>
<col width="50%%"/>
<th>Configuration option = Default value</th>
def parse_line(line):
"""Parse a line.
Takes a line from a swift sample configuration file and attempts
to separate the lines with actual configuration option and default
value from the rest. Returns None if the line doesn't appear to
contain a valid configuration option = default value pair, and
a pair of the config and its default if it does.
if '=' not in line:
return None
temp_line = line.strip('#').strip()
config, default = temp_line.split('=', 1)
config = config.strip()
if ' ' in config and config[0:3] != 'set':
if len(default.split()) > 1 or config[0].isupper():
return None
if len(config) < 2 or '.' in config or '<' in config or '>' in config:
return None
return config, default.strip()
def get_existing_options(optfiles):
"""Parse an existing XML table to compile a list of existing options."""
options = {}
for optfile in optfiles:
if optfile.endswith('/swift-conf-changes.xml'):
xml = etree.fromstring(open(optfile).read())
tbody = xml.find(DBK_NS + "tbody")
trlist = tbody.findall(DBK_NS + "tr")
for tr in trlist:
col1, col2 = tr.findall(DBK_NS + "td")
option = col1.find(DBK_NS + "option").text
helptext = etree.tostring(col2, xml_declaration=False,
except IndexError:
if option not in options or 'No help text' in options[option]:
# options[option.split('=',1)[0]] = helptext
options[option] = helptext.strip()
return options
def extract_descriptions_from_devref(swift_repo, options):
"""Extract descriptions from devref RST files.
Loop through the devref RST files, looking for lines formatted
such that they might contain a description of a particular
option_descs = {}
rsts = glob.glob(swift_repo + '/doc/source/*.rst')
for rst in rsts:
rst_file = open(rst, 'r')
in_option_block = False
prev_option = None
for line in rst_file:
if 'Option ' in line:
in_option_block = True
if in_option_block:
if '========' in line:
in_option_block = False
if line[0] == ' ' and prev_option is not None:
option_descs[prev_option] = (option_descs[prev_option]
+ ' ' + line.strip())
for option in options:
line_parts = line.strip().split(None, 2)
if (' ' in line and
len(line_parts) == 3 and
option == line_parts[0] and
line_parts[1] != '=' and
option != 'use' and
(option not in option_descs or
len(option_descs[option]) < len(line_parts[2]))):
option_descs[option] = line_parts[2]
prev_option = option
return option_descs
def write_files(options, manuals_repo, output_format):
"""Create new DocBook tables.
Writes a set of DocBook-formatted tables, one per section in swift
configuration files.
all_options = {}
names = options.get_option_names()
for full_option in sorted(names, OptionsCache._cmpopts):
section, optname = full_option.split('/')
oslo_opt = options.get_option(full_option)[1]
all_options.setdefault(section, [])
for full_section, options in all_options.items():
sample_filename, section = full_section.split('|')
tmpl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'templates/swift.%s.j2' % output_format)
with open(tmpl_file) as fd:
template = jinja2.Template(, trim_blocks=True)
output = template.render(filename=sample_filename,
if output_format == 'docbook':
tgt = (manuals_repo + '/doc/common/tables/' + 'swift-' +
sample_filename + '-' + section + '.xml')
tgt = (manuals_repo + '/doc/config-ref-rst/source/tables/' +
'swift-' + sample_filename + '-' + section + '.rst')
with open(tgt, 'w') as fd:
def read_options(swift_repo, manuals_repo, verbose):
"""Find swift configuration options.
Uses existing tables and swift devref as a source of truth in that order to
determine helptext for options found in sample config files.
existing_tables = glob.glob(manuals_repo + '/doc/common/tables/swift*xml')
options = {}
# use the existing tables to get a list of option names
options = get_existing_options(existing_tables)
option_descs = extract_descriptions_from_devref(swift_repo, options)
conf_samples = glob.glob(swift_repo + '/etc/*conf-sample')
for sample in conf_samples:
current_section = None
sample_file = open(sample, 'r')
for line in sample_file:
if '[' in line and ']\n' in line and '=' not in line:
# It's a header line in the conf file, open a new table file
# for this section and close any existing one
new_line = line.strip('#').strip()
if current_section != new_line:
current_section = new_line
base_section = os.path.basename(sample).split('.conf')[0]
extra_section = current_section[1:-1].replace(':', '-')
full_section = "%s|%s" % (base_section, extra_section)
# All the swift files start with a section, except the rsync
# sample. The first items are not important for us.
if current_section is None:
# It's a config option line in the conf file, find out the
# help text and write to the table file.
parsed_line = parse_line(line)
if parsed_line is not None:
if (parsed_line[0] in options.keys()
and 'No help text' not in options[parsed_line[0]]):
# use the help text from existing tables
option_desc = options[parsed_line[0]]
elif parsed_line[0] in option_descs:
# use the help text from the devref
option_desc = option_descs[parsed_line[0]]
option_desc = 'No help text available for this option.'
if verbose > 0:
print(parsed_line[0] + " has no help text")
# \xa0 is a non-breacking space
name = parsed_line[0]
option_desc = option_desc.replace(u'\xa0', u' ')
default = parsed_line[1]
o = cfg.StrOpt(name=name, default=default, help=option_desc)
cfg.CONF.register_opt(o, full_section)
except cfg.DuplicateOptError:
def dump_options(options):
"""Dump the list of options with their attributes.
This output is consumed by the diff_branches script.
def main():
"""Parse and write the Swift configuration options."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Update the swift options tables.",
usage=("%(prog)s docbook|rst|dump [-v] [-s swift_repo] "
"[-m manuals_repo]"))
help='Action (docbook, rst, dump).',
choices=['docbook', 'dump', 'rst'])
parser.add_argument('-s', '--swift-repo',
help="Location of the swift git repository.",
parser.add_argument('-m', '--manuals-repo',
help="Location of the manuals git repository.",
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
args = parser.parse_args()
# Avoid cluttering the pickle output, otherwise it's not usable
if args.subcommand == 'dump':
args.verbose = 0
read_options(args.swift_repo, args.manuals_repo, args.verbose)
options = OptionsCache()
if args.subcommand in ('docbook', 'rst'):
write_files(options, args.manuals_repo, args.subcommand)
elif args.subcommand == 'dump':
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":