Change diff_branches.py to generate the config-changes file with an xml:id that always contains the release name instead of the name of the new branch. This way it can be avoided that the id changes, when stable branch is cut close to the end of a release cycle. Change-Id: I96ef56fef7dac98f344296d1217586326740b46e
336 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
336 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# A collection of tools for working with flags from OpenStack
# packages and documentation.
# For an example of usage, run this program with the -h switch.
import argparse
import os
import pickle
import subprocess
import sys
import git
from lxml import etree
PROJECTS = ['ceilometer', 'cinder', 'glance', 'heat', 'keystone', 'neutron',
'nova', 'swift', 'trove']
CODENAME_TITLE = {'ceilometer': 'Telemetry',
'cinder': 'OpenStack Block Storage',
'glance': 'OpenStack Image Service',
'heat': 'Orchestration',
'keystone': 'OpenStack Identity',
'neutron': 'OpenStack Networking',
'nova': 'OpenStack Compute',
'swift': 'OpenStack Object Storage',
'trove': 'Database Service'}
def setup_venv(branch, novenvupdate):
"""Setup a virtual environment for `branch`."""
dirname = os.path.join('venv', branch.replace('/', '_'))
if novenvupdate and os.path.exists(dirname):
if not os.path.exists('venv'):
args = ["./autohelp-wrapper", "-b", branch, "-e", dirname, "setup"]
if subprocess.call(args) != 0:
print("Impossible to create the %s environment." % branch)
def get_options(project, branch, args):
"""Get the list of known options for a project."""
print("Working on %(project)s (%(branch)s)" % {'project': project,
'branch': branch})
# Checkout the required branch
repo_path = os.path.join(args.sources, project)
repo = git.Repo(repo_path)
# And run autohelp script to get a serialized dict of the discovered
# options
dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('venv', branch.replace('/', '_')))
if project == 'swift':
cmd = ("python extract_swift_flags.py dump "
"-s %(sources)s/swift -m %(sources)s/openstack-manuals" %
{'sources': args.sources})
cmd = ("python autohelp.py dump %(project)s -i %(path)s" %
{'project': project, 'path': repo_path})
path = os.environ.get("PATH")
bin_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, "bin"))
path = "%s:%s" % (bin_path, path)
serialized = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True,
env={'VIRTUAL_ENV': dirname,
'PATH': path})
sys.path.insert(0, repo_path)
ret = pickle.loads(serialized)
return ret
def _cmpopts(x, y):
"""Compare to option names.
The options can be of 2 forms: option_name or group/option_name. Options
without a group always comes first. Options are sorted alphabetically
inside a group.
if '/' in x and '/' in y:
prex = x[:x.find('/')]
prey = y[:y.find('/')]
if prex != prey:
return cmp(prex, prey)
return cmp(x, y)
elif '/' in x:
return 1
elif '/' in y:
return -1
return cmp(x, y)
def dbk_append_table(parent, title, cols):
"""Create a docbook table and append it to `parent`.
:param parent: the element to which the table is added
:param title: the table title
:param cols: the number of columns in this table
table = etree.Element("table")
caption = etree.Element("caption")
caption.text = title
for i in range(cols):
# We cast to int for python 3
width = "%d%%" % int(100 / cols)
table.append(etree.Element("col", width=width))
return table
def dbk_append_row(parent, cells):
"""Append a row to a table.
:param parent: the table
:param cells: a list of strings, one string per column
tr = etree.Element("tr")
for text in cells:
td = etree.Element("td")
td.text = str(text)
def dbk_append_header(parent, cells):
"""Append a header to a table.
:param parent: the table
:param cells: a list of strings, one string per column
thead = etree.Element("thead")
dbk_append_row(thead, cells)
def diff(old_list, new_list):
"""Compare the old and new lists of options."""
new_opts = []
changed_default = []
deprecated_opts = []
for name, (group, option) in new_list.items():
# Find the new options
if name not in old_list.viewkeys():
# Find the options for which the default value has changed
elif option.default != old_list[name][1].default:
# Find options that have been deprecated in the new release.
# If an option name is a key in the old_list dict, it means that it
# wasn't deprecated.
for deprecated in option.deprecated_opts:
# deprecated_opts is a list which always holds at least 1 invalid
# dict. Forget it.
if deprecated.name is None:
if deprecated.group in [None, 'DEFAULT']:
full_name = deprecated.name
full_name = deprecated.group + '/' + deprecated.name
if full_name in old_list.viewkeys():
deprecated_opts.append((full_name, name))
return new_opts, changed_default, deprecated_opts
def format_option_name(name):
"""Return a formatted string for the option path."""
section, name = name.split('/')
except ValueError:
# name without a section ('log_dir')
return "[DEFAULT] %s" % name
# If we're dealing with swift, we'll have a filename to extract
# ('proxy-server|filter:tempurl/use')
filename, section = section.split('|')
return "%s.conf: [%s] %s" % (filename, section, name)
except ValueError:
# section but no filename ('database/connection')
return "[%s] %s" % (section, name)
def release_from_branch(branch):
if branch == 'master':
return branch.replace('stable/', '').title()
def generate_docbook(project, new_branch, old_list, new_list):
"""Generate the diff between the 2 options lists for `project`."""
new_opts, changed_default, deprecated_opts = diff(old_list, new_list)
release = release_from_branch(new_branch)
XMLNS = '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}'
DOCBOOKMAP = {None: "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"}
section = etree.Element("section", nsmap=DOCBOOKMAP, version="5.0")
id = "%(project)s-conf-changes-%(release)s" % {'project': project,
'release': release.lower()}
section.set(XMLNS + 'id', id)
section.append(etree.Comment(" Warning: Do not edit this file. It is "
"automatically generated and your changes "
"will be overwritten. The tool to do so "
"lives in the openstack-doc-tools "
"repository. "))
title = etree.Element("title")
title.text = ("New, updated and deprecated options "
"in %(release)s for %(project)s" %
{'release': release,
'project': CODENAME_TITLE[project]})
# New options
if new_opts:
table = dbk_append_table(section, "New options", 2)
dbk_append_header(table, ["Option = default value",
"(Type) Help string"])
for name in sorted(new_opts, _cmpopts):
opt = new_list[name][1]
type = opt.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]
name = format_option_name(name)
cells = ["%(name)s = %(default)s" % {'name': name,
'default': opt.default},
"(%(type)s) %(help)s" % {'type': type, 'help': opt.help}]
dbk_append_row(table, cells)
# Updated default
if changed_default:
table = dbk_append_table(section, "New default values", 3)
dbk_append_header(table, ["Option", "Previous default value",
"New default value"])
for name in sorted(changed_default, _cmpopts):
old_default = old_list[name][1].default
new_default = new_list[name][1].default
if isinstance(old_default, list):
old_default = ", ".join(old_default)
if isinstance(new_default, list):
new_default = ", ".join(new_default)
name = format_option_name(name)
cells = [name, old_default, new_default]
dbk_append_row(table, cells)
# Deprecated options
if deprecated_opts:
table = dbk_append_table(section, "Deprecated options", 2)
dbk_append_header(table, ["Deprecated option", "New Option"])
for deprecated, new in deprecated_opts:
deprecated = format_option_name(deprecated)
new = format_option_name(new)
dbk_append_row(table, [deprecated, new])
return etree.tostring(section, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True,
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate a summary of configuration option changes.',
usage='%(prog)s <old_branch> <new_branch> [options]')
help='Name of the old branch.')
help='Name of the new branch.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input',
help='Path to a folder containing the git '
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
help='Directory or file in which data will be saved.\n'
'Defaults to "."',
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-venv-update',
help='Don\'t update the virtual envs.',
args = parser.parse_args()
# Blacklist trove if we diff between havana and icehouse: autohelp.py fails
# with trove on havana
if args.old_branch == "stable/havana":
setup_venv(args.old_branch, args.novenvupdate)
setup_venv(args.new_branch, args.novenvupdate)
for project in PROJECTS:
old_list = get_options(project, args.old_branch, args)
new_list = get_options(project, args.new_branch, args)
release = args.new_branch.replace('stable/', '')
xml = generate_docbook(project, release, old_list, new_list)
filename = ("%(project)s-conf-changes.xml" %
{'project': project, 'release': release})
if not os.path.exists(args.target):
dest = os.path.join(args.target, filename)
with open(dest, 'w') as fd:
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":