Andreas Jaeger 94849df097 Fix issues found by bashate and include in gating
Cleanup shell scripts to pass bashate testing.
Add bashate check to pep8 check target.

Change-Id: I49b9ab1e352378a43f82a4e1f5db02a8dae99d27
2014-08-17 15:17:30 +02:00
bin Fix issues found by bashate and include in gating 2014-08-17 15:17:30 +02:00
files Fix issues found by bashate and include in gating 2014-08-17 15:17:30 +02:00 A virtual building and testing environment using Vagrant 2014-08-11 18:46:00 +02:00
Vagrantfile A virtual building and testing environment using Vagrant 2014-08-11 18:46:00 +02:00 A virtual building and testing environment using Vagrant 2014-08-11 18:46:00 +02:00

Virtual build and testing environment

This is a virtual building and testing environment for the OpenStack manuals using Vagrant to simplify the work.

Getting started with Vagrant

Build your own environment

To manually build your own environment you have to follow the following steps.

Ansible ( needs to be installed on the workstation.

$ git clone
$ cd openstack-doc-tools/build_environment
$ vagrant up

After vagrant up successfully finished you can login with vagrant ssh. The virtual system can be destroyed with vagrant destroy.

Use the Vagrantbox from the VagrantCloud

Using the prebuilt box for VirtualBox on the VagrantCloud saves a lot of time and you don't need to install Ansbile. Simply follow the following steps:

$ vagrant box add openstack/openstack-manuals
$ mkdir /path/to/your/vagrantbox
$ cd /path/to/your/vagrantbox
$ vagrant init openstack/openstack-manuals
$ vagrant up


To test and build the documents login into the box. The generated files are browsable at http://localhost:8080/.

$ vagrant ssh

Go into the repositories located in /home/vagrant/repositories and build the documents with mvn clean generate-sources.

To edit the documents and to commit changes you can use the toolchain on the workstation. All repositories can be found in the local directory repositories. This directory is available inside the virtual system at /home/vagrant/repositories.

Included repositories

  • api-site
  • compute-api
  • identity-api
  • image-api
  • netconn-api
  • object-api
  • openstack-doc-tools
  • openstack-manuals
  • volume-api


  • At the moment the only tested provider is VirtualBox.