
150 lines
7.5 KiB

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ template "influxdb.fullname" . }}
app: {{ template "influxdb.fullname" . }}
chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
influxdb.conf: |+
reporting-disabled = {{ .Values.config.reporting_disabled | default false }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.bind_address }}"
dir = "{{ .Values.config.storage_directory }}/meta"
retention-autocreate = {{ .Values.config.meta.retention_autocreate }}
logging-enabled = {{ .Values.config.meta.logging_enabled }}
dir = "{{ .Values.config.storage_directory }}/data"
wal-dir = "{{ .Values.config.storage_directory }}/wal"
index-version = "{{ }}"
query-log-enabled = {{ }}
cache-max-memory-size = {{ | int64 }}
cache-snapshot-memory-size = {{ | int64 }}
cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration = "{{ }}"
compact-full-write-cold-duration = "{{ }}"
max-series-per-database = {{ | int64 }}
max-values-per-tag = {{ | int64 }}
trace-logging-enabled = {{ }}
write-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.coordinator.write_timeout }}"
max-concurrent-queries = {{ .Values.config.coordinator.max_concurrent_queries | int64 }}
query-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.coordinator.query_timeout }}"
log-queries-after = "{{ .Values.config.coordinator.log_queries_after }}"
max-select-point = {{ .Values.config.coordinator.max_select_point | int64 }}
max-select-series = {{ .Values.config.coordinator.max_select_series | int64 }}
max-select-buckets = {{ .Values.config.coordinator.max_select_buckets | int64 }}
enabled = {{ .Values.config.retention.enabled }}
check-interval = "{{ .Values.config.retention.check_interval }}"
enabled = {{ .Values.config.shard_precreation.enabled }}
check-interval = "{{ .Values.config.shard_precreation.check_interval }}"
advance-period = "{{ .Values.config.shard_precreation.advance_period }}"
enabled = {{ .Values.config.admin.enabled }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.admin.bind_address }}"
https-enabled = {{ .Values.config.admin.https_enabled }}
https-certificate = "{{ .Values.config.admin.https_certificate }}"
store-enabled = {{ .Values.config.monitor.store_enabled }}
store-database = "{{ .Values.config.monitor.store_database }}"
store-interval = "{{ .Values.config.monitor.store_interval }}"
enabled = {{ .Values.config.subscriber.enabled }}
http-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.subscriber.http_timeout }}"
insecure-skip-verify = {{ .Values.config.subscriber.insecure_skip_verify }}
ca-certs = "{{ .Values.config.subscriber.ca_certs }}"
write-concurrency = {{ .Values.config.subscriber.write_concurrency | int64 }}
write-buffer-size = {{ .Values.config.subscriber.write_buffer_size | int64 }}
enabled = {{ .Values.config.http.enabled }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.http.bind_address }}"
auth-enabled = {{ .Values.config.http.auth_enabled }}
log-enabled = {{ .Values.config.http.log_enabled }}
write-tracing = {{ .Values.config.http.write_tracing }}
pprof-enabled = {{ .Values.config.http.pprof_enabled }}
https-enabled = {{ .Values.config.http.https_enabled }}
https-certificate = "{{ .Values.config.http.https_certificate }}"
https-private-key = "{{ .Values.config.http.https_private_key }}"
max-row-limit = {{ .Values.config.http.max_row_limit | int64 }}
max-connection-limit = {{ .Values.config.http.max_connection_limit | int64 }}
shared-secret = "{{ .Values.config.http.shared_secret }}"
realm = "{{ .Values.config.http.realm }}"
unix-socket-enabled = {{ .Values.config.http.unix_socket_enabled }}
bind-socket = "{{ .Values.config.http.bind_socket }}"
# TODO: allow multiple graphite listeners with templates
enabled = {{ .Values.config.graphite.enabled }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.graphite.bind_address }}"
database = "{{ .Values.config.graphite.database }}"
retention-policy = "{{ .Values.config.graphite.retention_policy }}"
protocol = "{{ .Values.config.graphite.protocol }}"
batch-size = {{ .Values.config.graphite.batch_size | int64 }}
batch-pending = {{ .Values.config.graphite.batch_pending | int64 }}
batch-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.graphite.batch_timeout }}"
consistency-level = "{{ .Values.config.graphite.consistency_level }}"
separator = "{{ .Values.config.graphite.separator }}"
udp-read-buffer = {{ .Values.config.graphite.udp_read_buffer | int64 }}
# TODO: allow multiple collectd listeners with templates
enabled = {{ .Values.config.collectd.enabled }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.collectd.bind_address }}"
database = "{{ .Values.config.collectd.database }}"
retention-policy = "{{ .Values.config.collectd.retention_policy }}"
batch-size = {{ .Values.config.collectd.batch_size | int64 }}
batch-pending = {{ .Values.config.collectd.batch_pending | int64 }}
batch-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.collectd.batch_timeout }}"
read-buffer = {{ .Values.config.collectd.read_buffer | int64 }}
typesdb = "{{ .Values.config.collectd.typesdb }}"
security-level = "{{ .Values.config.collectd.security_level }}"
auth-file = "{{ .Values.config.collectd.auth_file }}"
# TODO: allow multiple opentsdb listeners with templates
enabled = {{ .Values.config.opentsdb.enabled }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.opentsdb.bind_address }}"
database = "{{ .Values.config.opentsdb.database }}"
retention-policy = "{{ .Values.config.opentsdb.retention_policy }}"
consistency-level = "{{ .Values.config.opentsdb.consistency_level }}"
tls-enabled = {{ .Values.config.opentsdb.tls_enabled }}
certificate = "{{ .Values.config.opentsdb.certificate }}"
batch-size = {{ .Values.config.opentsdb.batch_size | int64 }}
batch-pending = {{ .Values.config.opentsdb.batch_pending | int64 }}
batch-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.opentsdb.batch_timeout }}"
log-point-errors = {{ .Values.config.opentsdb.log_point_errors }}
# TODO: allow multiple udp listeners with templates
enabled = {{ .Values.config.udp.enabled }}
bind-address = ":{{ .Values.config.udp.bind_address }}"
database = "{{ .Values.config.udp.database }}"
retention-policy = "{{ .Values.config.udp.retention_policy }}"
batch-size = {{ .Values.config.udp.batch_size | int64 }}
batch-pending = {{ .Values.config.udp.batch_pending | int64 }}
read-buffer = {{ .Values.config.udp.read_buffer | int64 }}
batch-timeout = "{{ .Values.config.udp.batch_timeout }}"
precision = "{{ .Values.config.udp.precision }}"
log-enabled = {{ .Values.config.continuous_queries.log_enabled }}
enabled = {{ .Values.config.continuous_queries.enabled }}
run-interval = "{{ .Values.config.continuous_queries.run_interval }}"