--- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. currentdate: "{{ now(utc=True,fmt='%Y%m%d') }}" python3: "yes" # is default docker0 ip. # wheels_location: "" # wheels_location: "{{ buildset_registry_alias }}/requirements:{{ shortbranchname }}-{{ distroname }}" base_repository: "base" requirements_repository: "requirements" tags: &imagetag - "{{ shortbranchname }}-{{ distroname }}" - "{{ shortbranchname }}-{{ distroname }}-{{ currentdate }}" base_docker_images: - context: "zuul.d/playbooks/" dockerfile: "Dockerfile_base" repository: '{{ base_repository }}' build_args: - "FROM='{{ from }}'" - "CEPH_REPO='{{ ceph_repo }}'" - "CEPH_KEY='{{ ceph_key }}'" tags: *imagetag requirements_docker_images: - context: "." repository: openstackhelm/requirements build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='requirements'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag openstack_docker_images_dict: # requirements: # context: "." # repository: openstackhelm/requirements # build_args: # - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" # - "PROJECT='requirements'" # - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" # - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" # tags: &imagetag # - "{{ shortbranchname }}-{{ distroname }}" # - "{{ shortbranchname }}-{{ distroname }}-{{ currentdate }}" # Frozen tag keystone: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/keystone build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}:{{ shortbranchname }}-{{ distroname }}'" - "PROJECT='keystone'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent apache ldap {{ shortbranchname }}'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='python-openstackclient'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag heat: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/heat build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='heat'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent apache'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "DIST_PACKAGES='curl'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag barbican: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/barbican build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='barbican'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" - "DIST_PACKAGES='python3-dev gcc'" - "PIP_ARGS='--only-binary :none:'" tags: *imagetag glance: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/glance build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='glance'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent ceph'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='python-swiftclient'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag cinder: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/cinder build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='cinder'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent lvm ceph qemu apache'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='python-swiftclient'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag designate: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/designate build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='designate'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag neutron: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/neutron build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='neutron'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent linuxbridge openvswitch apache vpn'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='tap-as-a-service'" - "DIST_PACKAGES='jq ethtool lshw'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag neutron_sriov: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/neutron build_args: - "FROM=docker.io/ubuntu:18.04" - "PROJECT='neutron'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent neutron linuxbridge openvswitch'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='tap-as-a-service'" - "DIST_PACKAGES='ethtool lshw'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: - "{{ shortbranchname }}-18.04-sriov" - "{{ shortbranchname }}-18.04-sriov-{{ currentdate }}" nova: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/nova build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='nova'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent ceph linuxbridge openvswitch configdrive qemu apache migration'" - "DIST_PACKAGES='net-tools openssh-server'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag horizon: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/horizon build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='horizon'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent apache'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag senlin: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/senlin build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='senlin'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag magnum: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/magnum build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='magnum'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag ironic: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/ironic build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='ironic'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='fluent ipxe ipmi qemu tftp'" - "DIST_PACKAGES='ethtool lshw iproute2'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag placement: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/placement build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='placement'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='apache'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='httplib2'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag watcher: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/watcher build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='watcher'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag monasca_api: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/monasca-api build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='monasca-api'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PROFILES='monasca api'" - "PIP_PACKAGES='influxdb cassandra-driver sqlalchemy'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag cyborg: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/cyborg build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='cyborg'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "DIST_PACKAGES='pciutils'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag masakari: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/masakari build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PYTHON3={{ python3 }}" - "PROJECT='masakari'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag masakari_monitors: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/masakari-monitors build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PYTHON3={{ python3 }}" - "PROJECT='masakari-monitors'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "PIP_PACKAGES='libvirt-python'" - "DIST_PACKAGES='libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients tcpdump pacemaker-cli-utils'" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag manila: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/manila build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='manila'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag tacker: context: "." repository: openstackhelm/tacker build_args: - "FROM='{{ base_repository }}'" - "PROJECT='tacker'" - "PROJECT_REF={{ branchname }}" - "WHEELS='{{ wheels_location }}'" - "KEEP_ALL_WHEELS=yes" tags: *imagetag