Nagios: Ensure processes are reaped

This moves Nagios to run as child processes of either
the pause container or use the hosts init system (for k8s <1.10)
to prevent defunct process sprawl

Change-Id: I6a93d446577674b0b012f9567d5e6a5794ebc44b
This commit is contained in:
Steve Wilkerson 2018-11-02 08:12:24 -05:00
parent f1c2bf976f
commit 69196031cd

View File

@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ spec:
{{ .Values.labels.nagios.node_selector_key }}: {{ .Values.labels.nagios.node_selector_value | quote }}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: {{ .Values.pod.lifecycle.termination_grace_period.nagios.timeout | default "30" }}
{{- if or ( gt .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Major "1" ) ( ge .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Minor "10" ) }}
shareProcessNamespace: true
{{- else }}
hostPID: true
{{- end }}
{{ tuple $envAll "nagios" list | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_entrypoint_init_container" | indent 8 }}
- name: nagios-log-ownership