Update network policy test executed in osh-infra job

This updates the network policy test that gets executed at the
conclusion of the network-policy job. As long as nsenter is used,
we need to account for situations where nsenter executing wget
fails due to invalid credentials. Since this validates the policy
successfully allows ingress traffic while still exiting with an
error code (6 for invalid credentials vs 4 for connection
timeouts), we should consider those scenarios successes.

This also updates the flags used for wget. Instead of using spider
mode, this enables flags for: recursive mode, not creating
directories, and deleting results after execution. This allows for
the testing of exporter endpoint paths explicitly.

Change-Id: I2d51e8ed5a153c2a6796e0df9b3fe5f710a947f9
This commit is contained in:
Steve Wilkerson 2019-02-11 13:34:41 -06:00
parent ef3adc4d0e
commit a03d047e07

View File

@ -27,13 +27,25 @@ function test_netpol {
POD=$(kubectl -n $NS get pod -l application=$APPLICATION,component=$COMPONENT | grep Running | cut -f 1 -d " " | head -n 1)
PID=$(sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Pid }}' $(kubectl get pods --namespace $NS $POD -o jsonpath='{.status.containerStatuses[0].containerID}' | cut -c 10-21))
if [ "x${STATUS}" == "xfail" ]; then
if ! sudo nsenter -t $PID -n wget --spider --timeout=5 --tries=1 $HOST ; then
echo "Connection timed out; as expected by policy."
if ! sudo nsenter -t $PID -n wget -r -nd --delete-after --timeout=5 --tries=1 $HOST ; then
if [[ "$?" == 6 ]]; then
exit 1
echo "Connection timed out; as expected by policy."
exit 1
sudo nsenter -t $PID -n wget --spider --timeout=10 --tries=1 $HOST
if sudo nsenter -t $PID -n wget -r -nd --delete-after --timeout=10 --tries=1 $HOST; then
echo "Connection successful; as expected by policy"
# NOTE(srwilkers): If wget returns error code 6 (invalid credentials), we should consider it
# a success
elif [[ "$?" == 6 ]]; then
echo "Connection successful; as expected by policy"
exit 1
# Doing negative tests
@ -43,5 +55,3 @@ test_netpol osh-infra mariadb server prometheus.osh-infra.svc.cluster.local fail
# Doing positive tests
test_netpol osh-infra grafana dashboard mariadb.osh-infra.svc.cluster.local:3306 success
echo Test successfully