{{/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */}} {{/* abstract: | Creates a certificate using jetstack examples: - values: | endpoints: dashboard: host_fqdn_override: default: host: null tls: secretName: keystone-tls-api issuerRef: name: ca-issuer duration: 2160h organization: - ACME commonName: keystone-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local keySize: 2048 usages: - server auth - client auth dnsNames: - cluster.local issuerRef: name: ca-issuer usage: | {{- $opts := dict "envAll" . "service" "dashboard" "type" "internal" -}} {{ $opts | include "helm-toolkit.manifests.certificates" }} return: | --- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: Certificate metadata: name: keystone-tls-api namespace: NAMESPACE spec: commonName: keystone-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local dnsNames: - cluster.local duration: 2160h issuerRef: name: ca-issuer keySize: 2048 organization: - ACME secretName: keystone-tls-api usages: - server auth - client auth - values: | cert_manager_version: v0.15.0 endpoints: dashboard: host_fqdn_override: default: host: null tls: secretName: keystone-tls-api issuerRef: name: ca-issuer duration: 2160h organization: - ACME commonName: keystone-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local keySize: 2048 usages: - server auth - client auth dnsNames: - cluster.local issuerRef: name: ca-issuer usage: | {{- $opts := dict "envAll" . "service" "dashboard" "type" "internal" -}} {{ $opts | include "helm-toolkit.manifests.certificates" }} return: | --- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha3 kind: Certificate metadata: name: keystone-tls-api namespace: NAMESPACE spec: commonName: keystone-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local dnsNames: - cluster.local duration: 2160h issuerRef: name: ca-issuer keySize: 2048 organization: - ACME secretName: keystone-tls-api usages: - server auth - client auth */}} {{- define "helm-toolkit.manifests.certificates" -}} {{- $envAll := index . "envAll" -}} {{- $service := index . "service" -}} {{- $type := index . "type" | default "" -}} {{- $slice := index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls" -}} {{/* Put in some sensible default value if one is not provided by values.yaml */}} {{/* If a dnsNames list is not in the values.yaml, it can be overridden by a passed-in parameter. This allows user to use other HTK method to determine the URI and pass that into this method.*/}} {{- if not (hasKey $slice "dnsNames") -}} {{- $hostName := tuple $service $type $envAll | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.hostname_short_endpoint_lookup" -}} {{- $dnsNames := list $hostName (printf "%s.%s" $hostName $envAll.Release.Namespace) (printf "%s.%s.svc.%s" $hostName $envAll.Release.Namespace $envAll.Values.endpoints.cluster_domain_suffix) -}} {{- $_ := $dnsNames | set (index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls") "dnsNames" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Default keySize to 4096. This can be overridden. */}} {{- if not (hasKey $slice "keySize") -}} {{- $_ := ( printf "%d" 4096 | atoi ) | set (index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls") "keySize" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Default keySize to 3 months. Note the min is 720h. This can be overridden. */}} {{- if not (hasKey $slice "duration") -}} {{- $_ := printf "%s" "2190h" | set (index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls") "duration" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Default renewBefore to 15 days. This can be overridden. */}} {{- if not (hasKey $slice "renewBefore") -}} {{- $_ := printf "%s" "360h" | set (index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls") "renewBefore" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Default the usage to server auth and client auth. This can be overridden. */}} {{- if not (hasKey $slice "usages") -}} {{- $_ := (list "server auth" "client auth") | set (index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls") "usages" -}} {{- end -}} {{- $cert_manager_version := "v1.0.0" -}} {{- if $envAll.Values.cert_manager_version -}} {{- $cert_manager_version = $envAll.Values.cert_manager_version -}} {{- end -}} --- {{- if semverCompare "< v1.0.0" $cert_manager_version }} apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha3 {{- else }} apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 {{- end }} kind: Certificate metadata: name: {{ index $envAll.Values.endpoints $service "host_fqdn_override" "default" "tls" "secretName" }} namespace: {{ $envAll.Release.Namespace }} spec: {{ $slice | toYaml | indent 2 }} {{- end -}}