#!/bin/bash set -e HELM_DATA_YAML=../openstack-helm-infra/roles/build-helm-packages/defaults/main.yml HELM_VERSION=$(yq -r '.version.helm' ${HELM_DATA_YAML}) GOOGLE_HELM_REPO_URL=$(yq -r '.url.google_helm_repo' ${HELM_DATA_YAML}) LINT_DIR=.yamllint mkdir ${LINT_DIR} cp -r * ${LINT_DIR} rm -rf ${LINT_DIR}/*/templates rm -rf */charts/helm-toolkit wget -qO ${LINT_DIR}/helm.tgz ${GOOGLE_HELM_REPO_URL}/helm-${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz tar xzf ${LINT_DIR}/helm.tgz -C ${LINT_DIR} --strip-components=1 linux-amd64/helm for i in */; do # avoid helm-toolkit to symlink on itself [ -d "$i/templates" -a "$i" != "helm-toolkit/" ] || continue mkdir -p $i/charts ln -s ../../../openstack-helm-infra/helm-toolkit $i/charts/helm-toolkit ${LINT_DIR}/helm template $i --output-dir ${LINT_DIR} 2>&1 > /dev/null done rm -rf */charts/helm-toolkit find .yamllint -type f -exec sed -i 's/%%%.*/XXX/g' {} + set +e shopt -s globstar extglob # lint all y*mls except for templates with the first config yamllint -c yamllint.conf ${LINT_DIR}/*{,/!(templates)/**}/*.y*ml yamllint*.conf result=$? # lint templates with the second config yamllint -c yamllint-templates.conf ${LINT_DIR}/*/templates/*.yaml exit $(($?|$result))