#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -xe #NOTE: Pull images and lint chart make pull-images neutron make pull-images ironic make pull-images nova #NOTE: Deploy neutron #NOTE(portdirect): for simplicity we will assume the default route device # should be used for tunnels NETWORK_TUNNEL_DEV="$(sudo ip -4 route list 0/0 | awk '{ print $5; exit }')" OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV="ironic-pxe" OSH_IRONIC_PXE_PYSNET="ironic" tee /tmp/neutron.yaml << EOF network: interface: tunnel: "${NETWORK_TUNNEL_DEV}" labels: ovs: node_selector_key: openstack-helm-node-class node_selector_value: primary agent: dhcp: node_selector_key: openstack-helm-node-class node_selector_value: primary l3: node_selector_key: openstack-helm-node-class node_selector_value: primary metadata: node_selector_key: openstack-helm-node-class node_selector_value: primary pod: replicas: server: 1 conf: neutron: DEFAULT: l3_ha: False min_l3_agents_per_router: 1 max_l3_agents_per_router: 1 l3_ha_network_type: vxlan dhcp_agents_per_network: 1 plugins: ml2_conf: ml2_type_flat: flat_networks: public,${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_PYSNET} openvswitch_agent: agent: tunnel_types: vxlan ovs: bridge_mappings: "external:br-ex,${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_PYSNET}:${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" EOF helm install ./neutron \ --namespace=openstack \ --name=neutron \ --values=/tmp/neutron.yaml tee /tmp/ironic.yaml << EOF labels: node_selector_key: openstack-helm-node-class node_selector_value: primary network: pxe: device: "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" neutron_provider_network: "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_PYSNET}" conf: ironic: conductor: automated_clean: "false" deploy: shred_final_overwrite_with_zeros: "false" EOF helm install ./ironic \ --namespace=openstack \ --name=ironic \ --values=/tmp/ironic.yaml tee /tmp/nova.yaml << EOF labels: agent: compute_ironic: node_selector_key: openstack-helm-node-class node_selector_value: primary conf: nova: DEFAULT: force_config_drive: false scheduler_host_manager: ironic_host_manager compute_driver: ironic.IronicDriver ram_allocation_ratio: 1.0 reserved_host_memory_mb: 0 scheduler_use_baremetal_filters: true baremetal_scheduler_default_filters: "RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter" scheduler_tracks_instance_changes: false scheduler_host_subset_size: 9999 manifests: daemonset_compute: false daemonset_libvirt: false statefulset_compute_ironic: true job_cell_setup: false EOF # Deploy Nova and enable the neutron agents helm install ./nova \ --namespace=openstack \ --name=nova \ --values=/tmp/nova.yaml #NOTE: Wait for deploy ./tools/deployment/common/wait-for-pods.sh openstack #NOTE: Validate Deployment info export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm openstack service list sleep 30 openstack network agent list openstack baremetal driver list openstack compute service list