#!/bin/bash # shellcheck shell=dash if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi function parse_db_url { # extract the protocol DATABASE_URL=$1 proto="`echo $DATABASE_URL | grep '://' | sed -e's,^\(.*://\).*,\1,g'`" url=`echo $DATABASE_URL | sed -e s,$proto,,g` userpass="`echo $url | grep @ | cut -d@ -f1`" pass=`echo $userpass | grep : | cut -d: -f2` if [ -n "$pass" ]; then user=`echo $userpass | grep : | cut -d: -f1` else user=$userpass fi hostport=`echo $url | sed -e s,$userpass@,,g | cut -d/ -f1` port=`echo $hostport | grep : | cut -d: -f2` if [ -n "$port" ]; then host=`echo $hostport | grep : | cut -d: -f1` else host=$hostport fi path="`echo $url | grep / | cut -d/ -f2-`" echo $host $port $user $pass $path } CONFIG_TEMPLATES="/templates" CONFIG_DEST="/etc/monasca" LOG_TEMPLATES="/logging" LOG_DEST="/storm/log4j2" APACHE_STORM_DIR="/apache-storm-1.2.3" ZOOKEEPER_WAIT=${ZOOKEEPER_WAIT:-"true"} ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_TIMEOUT=${ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_TIMEOUT:-"3"} ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_DELAY=${ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_DELAY:-"10"} ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_RETRIES=${ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_RETRIES:-"20"} SUPERVISOR_STACK_SIZE=${SUPERVISOR_STACK_SIZE:-"1024k"} WORKER_STACK_SIZE=${WORKER_STACK_SIZE:-"1024k"} NIMBUS_STACK_SIZE=${NIMBUS_STACK_SIZE:-"1024k"} UI_STACK_SIZE=${UI_STACK_SIZE:-"1024k"} TOPOLOGY_NAME="thresh-cluster" MYSQL_WAIT_RETRIES=${MYSQL_WAIT_RETRIES:-"24"} MYSQL_WAIT_DELAY=${MYSQL_WAIT_DELAY:-"5"} KAFKA_WAIT_RETRIES=${KAFKA_WAIT_RETRIES:-"24"} KAFKA_WAIT_DELAY=${KAFKA_WAIT_DELAY:-"5"} THRESH_STACK_SIZE=${THRESH_STACK_SIZE:-"1024k"} first_zk={{ first (index .Values.conf.storm "storm.zookeeper.servers") }} STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT={{ index .Values.conf.storm "storm.zookeeper.port" }} # render the config db_connection={{ tuple "oslo_db" "internal" "monasca" "mysql" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.authenticated_endpoint_uri_lookup" }} read MYSQL_HOST MYSQL_PORT MYSQL_USER MYSQL_PASSWORD MYSQL_DB < <(parse_db_url $db_connection) export MYSQL_HOST export MYSQL_PORT export MYSQL_USER export MYSQL_PASSWORD export MYSQL_DB cp /tmp/thresh-config.yml /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml sed -i "s/%THRESH_DB_USER%/$MYSQL_USER/g" /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml sed -i "s/%THRESH_DB_PASSWORD%/$MYSQL_PASSWORD/g" /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml sed -i "s/%THRESH_DB_URL%/$MYSQL_HOST:$MYSQL_PORT\/$MYSQL_DB/g" /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml # wait for zookeeper to become available if [ "$ZOOKEEPER_WAIT" = "true" ]; then success="false" for i in $(seq "$ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_RETRIES"); do if ok=$(echo ruok | nc "$first_zk" "$STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT" -w "$ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_TIMEOUT") && [ "$ok" = "imok" ]; then success="true" break else echo "Connect attempt $i of $ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_RETRIES failed, retrying..." sleep "$ZOOKEEPER_WAIT_DELAY" fi done if [ "$success" != "true" ]; then echo "Could not connect to $first_zk after $i attempts, exiting..." sleep 1 exit 1 fi fi if [ -z "$STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME" ]; then # see also: http://stackoverflow.com/a/21336679 ip=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}') echo "Using autodetected IP as advertised hostname: $ip" export STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME=$ip fi if [ -z "$SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS" ]; then SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS="-XX:MaxRAM=$(python /memory.py "$SUPERVISOR_MAX_MB") -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss$SUPERVISOR_STACK_SIZE" export SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS fi if [ -z "$WORKER_CHILDOPTS" ]; then WORKER_CHILDOPTS="-XX:MaxRAM=$(python /memory.py "$WORKER_MAX_MB") -Xss$WORKER_STACK_SIZE" WORKER_CHILDOPTS="$WORKER_CHILDOPTS -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" if [ "$WORKER_REMOTE_JMX" = "true" ]; then WORKER_CHILDOPTS="$WORKER_CHILDOPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote" fi export WORKER_CHILDOPTS fi if [ -z "$NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS" ]; then NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS="-XX:MaxRAM=$(python /memory.py "$NIMBUS_MAX_MB") -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss$NIMBUS_STACK_SIZE" export NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS fi if [ -z "$UI_CHILDOPTS" ]; then UI_CHILDOPTS="-XX:MaxRAM=$(python /memory.py "$UI_MAX_MB") -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss$UI_STACK_SIZE" export UI_CHILDOPTS fi if [ "$WORKER_LOGS_TO_STDOUT" = "true" ]; then for PORT in $(echo "$SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS" | sed -e "s/,/ /"); do LOGDIR="/storm/logs/workers-artifacts/thresh/$PORT" mkdir -p "$LOGDIR" WORKER_LOG="$LOGDIR/worker.log" RECREATE="true" if [ -e "$WORKER_LOG" ]; then if [ -L "$WORKER_LOG" ]; then RECREATE="false" else rm -f "$WORKER_LOG" fi fi if [ $RECREATE = "true" ]; then ln -s /proc/1/fd/1 "$WORKER_LOG" fi done fi export KAFKA_URI={{ .Values.conf.thresh_config.kafkaProducerConfig.metadataBrokerList }} # Test services we need before starting our service. echo "Start script: waiting for needed services" python3 /kafka_wait_for_topics.py python3 /mysql_check.py echo "Waiting for storm to become available..." success="false" for i in $(seq "$STORM_WAIT_RETRIES"); do if timeout "$STORM_WAIT_TIMEOUT" storm list; then echo "Storm is available, continuing..." success="true" break else echo "Connection attempt $i of $STORM_WAIT_RETRIES failed" sleep "$STORM_WAIT_DELAY" fi done if [ "$success" != "true" ]; then echo "Unable to connect to Storm! Exiting..." sleep 1 exit 1 fi topologies=$(storm list | awk '/-----/,0{if (!/-----/)print $1}') found="false" for topology in $topologies; do if [ "$topology" = "$TOPOLOGY_NAME" ]; then found="true" echo "Found existing storm topology with name: $topology" break fi done if [ "$found" = "true" ]; then echo "Storm topology already exists, will not submit again" # TODO handle upgrades else echo "Using Thresh Config file /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml. Contents:" grep -vi password /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml echo "Submitting storm topology..." storm jar /monasca-thresh.jar \ monasca.thresh.ThresholdingEngine \ /etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml \ "$TOPOLOGY_NAME" fi