======================= Cleaning the Deployment ======================= Removing Helm Charts ==================== To delete an installed helm chart, use the following command: .. code-block:: shell helm delete ${RELEASE_NAME} --purge This will delete all Kubernetes resources generated when the chart was instantiated. However for OpenStack charts, by default, this will not delete the database and database users that were created when the chart was installed. All OpenStack projects can be configured such that upon deletion, their database will also be removed. To delete the database when the chart is deleted the database drop job must be enabled before installing the chart. There are two ways to enable the job, set the job_db_drop value to true in the chart's values.yaml file, or override the value using the helm install command as follows: .. code-block:: shell helm install ${RELEASE_NAME} --set manifests.job_db_drop=true Environment tear-down ===================== To tear-down, the development environment charts should be removed first from the 'openstack' namespace and then the 'ceph' namespace using the commands from the `Removing Helm Charts` section. You can run the following commands to loop through and delete the charts, then stop the kubelet systemd unit and remove all the containers before removing the ``/var/lib/openstack-helm`` and ``/var/lib/nova`` directory from the host. .. code-block:: shell for NS in openstack ceph; do helm ls --namespace $NS --short | xargs -L1 -P16 helm delete --purge done kubectl delete namespace openstack kubectl delete namespace ceph sudo systemctl disable kubelet --now sudo systemctl stop kubelet sudo docker ps -aq | xargs -L1 -P16 sudo docker rm -f sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openstack-helm sudo rm -rf /var/lib/nova These commands will restore the environment back to a clean Kubernetes deployment, that can either be manually removed or over-written by restarting the deployment process.