Tadas Sutkaitis 30094ecc85
Cinder: Enable custom annotations
Enable custom annotations for pods [deployments, daemonsets]

Change-Id: I7e3605d521e6b8e9485c76a06def866fff7c6029
2024-03-26 00:25:27 +02:00

72 lines
3.5 KiB

- 0.1.0 Initial Chart
- 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to ">= 0.1.0"
- 0.1.2 Support service tokens to prevent long-running job failures
- 0.1.3 Support of external ceph backend
- 0.1.4 Enable iscsi to work correctly in cinder volume
- 0.1.5 Resolves mount issue with termination-log
- 0.1.6 Enable volume backup for iSCSI based volumes
- 0.1.7 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
- 0.1.8 Revert - Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
- 0.1.9 Use HostToContainer mount propagation
- 0.1.10 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
- 0.1.11 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1
- 0.1.12 Update volume type creation bootstrap logic
- 0.1.13 Add NFS cinder backup override
- 0.1.14 Add Multipathd support for ISCSI backed volumes
- 0.1.15 Fix the problem in hostNetwork mode
- 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T
- 0.2.1 Fix the ceph pool creations for openstack services
- 0.2.2 Adding rabbitmq TLS logic
- 0.2.3 Mount rabbitmq TLS secret
- 0.2.4 Add Ussuri release support
- 0.2.5 Add volume QoS support
- 0.2.6 Added with value of post-install and post-upgrade
- 0.2.7 Add Victoria and Wallaby releases support
- 0.2.8 Add logic to bootstrap to handle upgrade timing issue
- 0.2.9 Mount rabbitmq TLS secret for audit usage cronjob
- 0.2.10 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels
- 0.2.11 Update htk requirements repo
- 0.2.12 Remove cinder v1/v2 defaults
- 0.2.13 Upgrade default images to ussuri
- 0.2.14 Fix notifications
- 0.2.15 Remove glance registry
- 0.2.16 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services
- 0.2.17 Remove unsupported values overrides
- 0.2.18 Add helm hook in bootstrap job
- 0.2.19 Add volume types visibility (public/private)
- 0.2.20 Allow cinder v1/v2 endpoint creation if needed
- 0.2.21 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1
- 0.2.22 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides
- 0.2.23 Added OCI registry authentication
- 0.2.24 Fix conditional check for cinder.utils.has_ceph_backend template
- 0.2.25 Remove volumes unrelated with ceph backend from conditional volume list in cinder-volume deployment
- 0.2.26 Distinguish between port number of internal endpoint and binding port number
- 0.2.27 Support TLS endpoints
- 0.2.28 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe
- 0.2.29 Add SYS_ADMIN capability in cinder-volume
- 0.2.30 Specify a existing configmap name for external ceph configuration
- 0.2.31 Remove fixed node name from default values and add service cleaner cronjob
- 0.2.32 Revert "Remove fixed node name from default values and add service cleaner cronjob"
- 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri
- 0.3.1 Change ceph-config-helper image tag
- 0.3.2 Remove default policy rules
- 0.3.3 Fix for creation endpoins and services when v1/v2 are disabled
- 0.3.4 Fix Helm hooks for storage bootstrap jobs
- 0.3.5 Add Nova endpoint details to support online volume resize
- 0.3.6 Fix ceph keyring placement for uppercased backends
- 0.3.7 Allow Ceph pools to use 1x replication
- 0.3.8 Update all Ceph images to Focal
- 0.3.9 Replace with control-plane
- 0.3.10 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules
- 0.3.11 Add Zed overrides
- 0.3.12 Add 2023.1 overrides
- 0.3.13 Use service tokens
- 0.3.14 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides
- 0.3.15 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
- 0.3.16 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
- 0.3.17 Use uWSGI for API service
- 0.3.18 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods