This moves the set of ceph entrypoint scripts into the helm chart this allows us to control how the different pods start. Also gives each script the +x flag to give better insight as to the execution of entrypoint scripts. Change-Id: Ib78b8a5d57f653bdb399a1980b34ab5ea25f94cc
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# Start the latest OSD
# In case of forego, we don't run ceph-osd, start_forego will do it later
function start_osd() {
mode=$1 #forego or empty
OSD_ID=$(cat /var/lib/ceph/osd/$(ls -ltr /var/lib/ceph/osd/ | tail -n1 | awk -v pattern="$CLUSTER" '$0 ~ pattern {print $9}')/whoami)
OSD_PATH=$(get_osd_path $OSD_ID)
OSD_WEIGHT=$(df -P -k $OSD_PATH | tail -1 | awk '{ d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }')
ceph ${CLI_OPTS} --name=osd.${OSD_ID} --keyring=$OSD_KEYRING osd crush create-or-move -- ${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT} ${CRUSH_LOCATION}
# ceph-disk activiate has exec'ed /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID}
# wait till docker stop or ceph-osd is killed
OSD_PID=$(ps -ef |grep ceph-osd |grep osd.${OSD_ID} |awk '{print $2}')
if [ -n "${OSD_PID}" ]; then
log "OSD (PID ${OSD_PID}) is running, waiting till it exits"
while [ -e /proc/${OSD_PID} ]; do sleep 1;done
if [[ "$mode" == "forego" ]]; then
echo "${CLUSTER}-${OSD_ID}: /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID} --setuser ceph --setgroup disk" | tee -a /etc/forego/${CLUSTER}/Procfile
exec /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID} --setuser ceph --setgroup disk
# Starting forego
function start_forego() {
exec /usr/local/bin/forego start -f /etc/forego/${CLUSTER}/Procfile