This is a functioning neutron chart that leverages a flat network but supports vxlan and gre networks in values.yaml. We were unable to test the vxlan functionality as it tickles the bnx2x cards in our HP blade lab. For now, this leverages daemonsets which make sense. It does require a new label, namely openvswitch=enabled as we need a label that can be applied both to the control plane and tenant compute hosts as both require neutron agents and openvswitch. The interfaces today match our labs, namely enp11s0f0 for the flat network on physnet1 and enp12s0f0 for the external network. These can be overriden in values.yaml via set or a global environmental file. It depends on the keystone endpoint work. This chart was tested against a working nova chart not commited as DTadrzak has one open in PR#45
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.PHONY: ceph bootstrap mariadb keystone memcached rabbitmq common openstack neutron all clean
B64_DIRS := common/secrets
B64_EXCLUDE := $(wildcard common/secrets/*.b64)
CHARTS := ceph mariadb rabbitmq GLANCE memcached keystone glance horizon neutron openstack
COMMON_TPL := common/templates/_globals.tpl
all: common ceph bootstrap mariadb rabbitmq memcached keystone glance horizon neutron openstack
common: build-common
#ceph: nolint-build-ceph
ceph: build-ceph
bootstrap: build-bootstrap
mariadb: build-mariadb
keystone: build-keystone
horizon: build-horizon
rabbitmq: build-rabbitmq
glance: build-glance
glance: build-neutron
memcached: build-memcached
openstack: build-openstack
$(shell rm -rf common/secrets/*.b64)
$(shell rm -rf */templates/_partials.tpl)
$(shell rm -rf */templates/_globals.tpl)
echo "Removed all .b64, _partials.tpl, and _globals.tpl files"
if [ -f $*/Makefile ]; then make -C $*; fi
if [ -f $*/requirements.yaml ]; then helm dep up $*; fi
helm lint $*
helm package $*