+ List instances, notice status of instance |
+ $ nova list
+ |
+ List images |
+ $ nova image-list
+ |
+ List flavors |
+ $ nova flavor-list
+ |
+ Boot an instance using flavor and image names (if names are unique) |
+ $ nova boot --image IMAGE --flavor FLAVOR INSTANCE_NAME
+$ nova boot --image cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.tiny \
+ MyFirstInstance
+ |
+ Login to instance |
+ # ip netns
+# ip netns exec NETNS_NAME ssh USER@SERVER
+# ip netns exec qdhcp-6021a3b4-8587-4f9c-8064-0103885dfba2 \
+ ssh cirros@
+ Note, in CirrOS the password for user
+ cirros is "cubswin:)" without the
+ quotes.
+ |
+ Show details of instance |
+$ nova show NAME
+$ nova show MyFirstInstance
+ |
+ View console log of instance |
+ $ nova console-log MyFirstInstance
+ |
+ Set metadata on an instance |
+ $ nova meta volumeTwoImage set newmeta='my meta data'
+ |
+ Create an instance snapshot |
+$ nova image-create volumeTwoImage snapshotOfVolumeImage
+$ nova image-show snapshotOfVolumeImage
+ |
+ Pause, suspend, stop, rescue, resize, rebuild, reboot an instance |
+ Pause |
+ $ nova pause NAME
+$ nova pause volumeTwoImage
+ |
+ Unpause |
+ $ nova unpause NAME
+ |
+ Suspend |
+ $ nova suspend NAME
+ |
+ Unsuspend |
+ $ nova resume NAME
+ |
+ Stop |
+ $ nova stop NAME
+ |
+ Start |
+ $ nova start NAME
+ |
+ Rescue |
+ $ nova rescue NAME
+ |
+ Resize |
+ $ nova resize NAME FLAVOR
+$ nova resize my-pem-server m1.small
+$ nova resize-confirm my-pem-server1
+ |
+ Rebuild |
+$ nova rebuild NAME IMAGE
+$ nova rebuild newtinny cirros-qcow2
+ |
+ Reboot |
+$ nova reboot NAME
+$ nova reboot newtinny
+ |
+ Inject user data and files into an instance |
+$ nova boot --user-data FILE INSTANCE
+$ nova boot --user-data userdata.txt --image cirros-qcow2 \
+ --flavor m1.tiny MyUserdataInstance2
+ To validate that the file is there, ssh into the
+ instance, and look in /var/lib/cloud
+ for the file.
+ |
+ Inject a keypair into an instance and access
+ the instance with that keypair |
+ Create keypair |
+ $ nova keypair-add test > test.pem
+$ chmod 600 test.pem
+ |
+ Boot |
+ $ nova boot --image cirros-0.3.0-x86_64 --flavor m1.small \
+ --key_name test MyFirstServer
+ |
+ Use ssh to connect to the instance |
+# ip netns exec qdhcp-98f09f1e-64c4-4301-a897-5067ee6d544f \
+ ssh -i test.pem cirros@
+ |
+ Manage security groups |
+ Add rules to default security group allowing ping and
+ SSH between instances in the default security group |
+$ nova secgroup-add-group-rule default default icmp -1 -1
+$ nova secgroup-add-group-rule default default tcp 22 22 |