A short introduction to the policy.json file
None of the manuals contains a satisfactory overview of the syntax and semantics of policy.json. This description attempts to close the gap; it should eventually go to the configuration guide. The main source is ...keystone/openstack/common/policy.py. Change-Id: I87ae3c1be0d602aa05f26c01624f1f7cb9d576e2 Partial-Bug: #1311067
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<title>The policy.json file</title>
<para>Each OpenStack service, Identity, Compute, Networking and so on, has its own
role-based access policies. They determine which user can access which objects in
which way, and are defined in the service’s <filename>policy.json</filename>
<para>Whenever an API call to an OpenStack service is made, the service’s policy
engine uses the appropriate policy definitions to determine if the call can be
accepted. Any changes to <filename>policy.json</filename> are effective immediately,
which allows
new policies to be implemented while the service is running.</para>
<para>As the name implies, <filename>policy.json</filename> files are in JSON (Javascript
Object Notation) format. A policy is defined by a statement with the general form
<code>"<target>" : "<rule>"</code>.
A target, also named “action”, is an API call, such as “start an instance” or
“attach a volume”. The rule determines under which circumstances the API call
is permitted. In most cases, these circumstances involve the user who makes the
call, thereafter named the “API user” for simplicity.</para>
<section xml:id="Examples">
<para>A simple rule might look like this:
<programlisting language="json">"compute:get_all" : ""</programlisting>
The target is <code>"compute:get_all"</code>, the “list all instances” API
of the Compute service. The rule is an empty string meaning “always”. This policy
allows anybody to list instances.</para>
<para>You can also decline permission to use an API:
<programlisting language="json">"compute:shelve": "!"</programlisting>
The exclamation mark stands for “never” or “nobody”, which effectively disables
the Compute API “shelve an instance”.</para>
<para>Many APIs can only be called by admin users. This can be expressed by the rule
<code>"role:admin"</code>, which checks whether the API user has the admin role.
The following policy ensures that only administrators can create new users in the
Identity database:
<programlisting language="json">"identity:create_user" : "role:admin"</programlisting>
<para>You can limit APIs to any role. For example, the Orchestration service defines
a role named <code>heat_stack_user</code>. Whoever has this role isn't allowed to create stacks:
<programlisting language="json">"stacks:create": "not role:heat_stack_user"</programlisting>
This rule makes use of the boolean operator <code>not</code>.
More complex rules can be built using operators <code>and</code>, <code>or</code>
and parentheses.</para>
<para>You can define aliases for rules:
<programlisting language="json">"deny_stack_user": "not role:heat_stack_user"</programlisting>
The policy engine
understands that <code>"deny_stack_user"</code> is not an API and consequently
interprets it as an alias. The stack creation policy above can then be written as:
<programlisting language="json">"stacks:create": "rule:deny_stack_user"</programlisting>
This is taken verbatim from <filename>/etc/heat/policy.json</filename>.</para>
<para>Rules can compare API attributes to object attributes. For example:
<programlisting language="json">"compute:start" : "user_id:%(user_id)s"</programlisting>
states that only the owner of an instance can start it up. The <code>user_id</code>
before the colon is an API attribute, namely the user ID of the API user.
It is compared with the user ID of the object (in this case, an instance); more
precisely, it is compared with the <code>user_id</code> field of that object
in the database. If the two values are equal, permission is
<para>An admin user always has permission to call APIs.
This is how <filename>/etc/keystone/policy.json</filename> makes this policy explicit:
<programlisting language="json">"admin_required": "role:admin or is_admin:1",
"owner" : "user_id:%(user_id)s",
"admin_or_owner": "rule:admin_required or rule:owner",
"identity:change_password": "rule:admin_or_owner"</programlisting>
The first two lines define aliases for
"user is an admin user" and "user owns the object", respectively.
<code>is_admin</code> in line 1 is a flag that indicates an
admin user. While it looks redundant to <code>role:admin</code>, it allows
administrative users that don't have the admin role.
The <code>owner</code> alias (line 2) compares the API's user ID with the object's user ID.
Line 3 defines a third alias <code>admin_or_owner</code>, combining
the two first aliases with the Boolean operator <code>or</code>.
Line 4, then, sets up the policy that
a password can only be modified by its owner or an admin user.</para>
<para>As a final example, let's examine a more complex rule:
<programlisting language="json">"identity:ec2_delete_credential": "rule:admin_required or
(rule:owner and user_id:%(target.credential.user_id)s)"
It determines who can use the Identity API “delete EC2 credential”.
Here, boolean operators and parentheses combine three simpler rules.
<code>admin_required</code> and <code>owner</code> are the same aliases as in the
previous example. <code>user_id:%(target.credential.user_id)s</code> compares the
API user with the user ID of the credential object associated with the target.</para>
<section xml:id="syntax">
<para>A <filename>policy.json</filename> file consists of policies and aliases of the
form <code>target:rule</code> or <code>alias:definition</code>, separated by commas
and enclosed in curly braces:
<programlisting language="json"> {
"alias 1" : "definition 1",
"alias 2" : "definition 2",
"target 1" : "rule 1",
"target 2" : "rule 2",
<para>Targets are APIs and are written <code>"service:API"</code> or simply
<code>"API"</code>. For example, <code>"compute:create"</code> or
<para>Rules determine whether the API call is allowed.</para>
<para>Rules can be:
<listitem><para>always true. The action is always permitted. This can be written as
<code>""</code> (empty string), <code>[]</code>, or <code>"@"</code>.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>always false. The action is never permitted. Written as <code>"!"</code>.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>a special check</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>a comparison of two values</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>boolean expressions based on simpler rules</para></listitem>
<para>Special checks are
<listitem><para><code><role>:<role name></code>, a test whether the API credentials
contain this role.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><code><rule>:<rule name></code>,
the definition of an alias.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><code>http:<target URL></code>,
which delegates the check to a remote server.
The API is authorized when the server returns True.</para></listitem>
<para>Developers can define additional special checks.</para>
<para>Two values are compared in the following way:
<programlisting language="json">"value1 : value2"</programlisting>
<para>Possible values are
<listitem><para>constants: Strings, numbers, <code>true</code>, <code>false</code></para></listitem>
<listitem><para>API attributes</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>target object attributes</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the flag <code>is_admin</code></para></listitem>
<para>API attributes can be <code>project_id</code>, <code>user_id</code> or
<para>Target object attributes are fields from the object description in the database.
For example in the case of the <code>"compute:start"</code> API, the object is the
instance to be started. The policy for starting instances could use the
<code>%(project_id)s</code>attribute, that is the project that owns the instance.
The trailing s indicates this is a string.</para>
<para><code>is_admin</code> tells whether the API user is an administrator,
no matter if the user has the admin role or not.</para>
<para>The alias construct exists for convenience. An alias is short name for a
complex or hard to understand rule.
It is defined in the same way as a policy:
<programlisting language="json">alias name : alias definition</programlisting>
Once an alias is defined, use the <code>rule</code> keyword to use it in a policy rule.</para>
<section xml:id="older-syntax">
<title>Older syntax</title>
<para>You may encounter older <filename>policy.json</filename> files that feature a different syntax,
where JavaScript arrays are used instead of boolean operators.
For example, the EC2 credentials rule above would have been written as
<programlisting language="json">"identity:ec2_delete_credential": [ [ "rule:admin_required ],
[ "rule:owner", "user_id:%(target.credential.user_id)s)" ] ]
The rule is an array of arrays. The innermost arrays are or'ed together,
whereas elements inside the innermost arrays are and'ed.</para>
<para>While the old syntax is still supported, we recommend using the newer, more
intuitive syntax.</para>
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<!-- Telemetry -->
<xi:include href="ch_telemetryconfigure.xml"/>
<!-- Appendices -->
<xi:include href="app_policy_json.xml"/>
<xi:include href="app_firewalls-ports.xml"/>
<!-- Support -->
<xi:include href="../common/app_support.xml"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user