diff --git a/doc/training-guides/module001-ch008-queues-messaging.xml b/doc/training-guides/module001-ch008-queues-messaging.xml
index c1a2581675..256a763ed3 100644
--- a/doc/training-guides/module001-ch008-queues-messaging.xml
+++ b/doc/training-guides/module001-ch008-queues-messaging.xml
@@ -64,21 +64,21 @@
Nova RPC Mappings
The figure below shows the internals of a message broker node
(referred to as a RabbitMQ node in the diagrams) when a single
- instance is deployed and shared in an OpenStack cloud. Every Nova
- component connects to the message broker and, depending on its
+ instance is deployed and shared in an OpenStack cloud. Every component
+ within Nova connects to the message broker and, depending on its
personality, such as a compute node or a network node, may
use the queue either as an Invoker (such as API or Scheduler) or a
Worker (such as Compute or Network). Invokers and Workers do not
- actually exist in the Nova object model, but we are going to use
- them as an abstraction for sake of clarity. An Invoker is a
- component that sends messages in the queuing system via two
- operations: 1) rpc.call and ii) rpc.cast; a Worker is a component
- that receives messages from the queuing system and reply
+ actually exist in the Nova object model, but in this example they are used
+ as an abstraction for the sake of clarity. An Invoker is a
+ component that sends messages in the queuing system using rpc.call
+ and rpc.cast. A worker is a component
+ that receives messages from the queuing system and replies
accordingly to rcp.call operations.
Figure 2 shows the following internal elements:
- Topic Publisher:a Topic
+ Topic Publisher: A Topic
Publisher comes to life when an rpc.call or an rpc.cast
operation is executed; this object is instantiated and used to
push a message to the queuing system. Every publisher connects
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
limited to the message delivery.
- Direct Consumer:a Direct
+ Direct Consumer: A Direct
Consumer comes to life if (an only if) a rpc.call operation is
executed; this object is instantiated and used to receive a
response message from the queuing system; Every consumer
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
Topic Publisher (only rpc.call operations).
- Topic Consumer:a Topic
+ Topic Consumer: A Topic
Consumer comes to life as soon as a Worker is instantiated and
exists throughout its life-cycle; this object is used to
receive messages from the queue and it invokes the appropriate
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
exchange key is ‘topic.host’).
- Direct Publisher:a Direct
+ Direct Publisher: A Direct
Publisher comes to life only during rpc.call operations and it
is instantiated to return the message required by the
request/response operation. The object connects to a
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
incoming message.
- Topic Exchange:The
+ Topic Exchange: The
Exchange is a routing table that exists in the context of a
virtual host (the multi-tenancy mechanism provided by Qpid or
RabbitMQ); its type (such as topic vs. direct) determines the
@@ -127,14 +127,14 @@
topic-based exchange for every topic in Nova.
- Direct Exchange:this is a
+ Direct Exchange: This is a
routing table that is created during rpc.call operations;
there are many instances of this kind of exchange throughout
the life-cycle of a message broker node, one for each rpc.call
- Queue Element:A Queue is
+ Queue Element: A Queue is
a message bucket. Messages are kept in the queue until a
Consumer (either Topic or Direct Consumer) connects to the
queue and fetch it. Queues can be shared or can be exclusive.
@@ -302,56 +302,56 @@
The following parameters are default:
- Insist: insist on
+ Insist: Insist on
connecting to a server. In a configuration with multiple
load-sharing servers, the Insist option tells the server that
the client is insisting on a connection to the specified
server. Default is False.
- Connect_timeout: the
+ Connect_timeout: The
timeout in seconds before the client gives up connecting to
the server. The default is no timeout.
- SSL: use SSL to connect
+ SSL: Use SSL to connect
to the server. The default is False.
More precisely consumers need the following parameters:
- Connection: the above
+ Connection: The above
mentioned Connection object.
- Queue:name of the
+ Queue: Name of the
- Exchange:name of the
+ Exchange: Name of the
exchange the queue binds to.
- Routing_key:the
+ Routing_key: The
interpretation of the routing key depends on the value of the
exchange_type attribute.
- Direct exchange:if the
+ Direct exchange: If the
routing key property of the message and the routing_key
attribute of the queue are identical, then the message is
forwarded to the queue.
- Fanout exchange:messages
+ Fanout exchange: Messages
are forwarded to the queues bound the exchange, even if the
binding does not have a key.
- Topic exchange:if the
+ Topic exchange: If the
routing key property of the message matches the routing key of
the key according to a primitive pattern matching scheme, then
the message is forwarded to the queue. The message routing key
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
- Durable:this flag
+ Durable: This flag
determines the durability of both exchanges and queues;
durable exchanges and queues remain active when a RabbitMQ
server restarts. Non-durable exchanges/queues (transient
@@ -374,29 +374,29 @@
bind to transient exchanges. Default is True.
- Auto_delete:if set, the
+ Auto_delete: If set, the
exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it.
Default is False.
- Exclusive:exclusive
+ Exclusive: Exclusive
queues (such as non-shared) may only be consumed from by the
current connection. When exclusive is on, this also implies
auto_delete. Default is False.
- Exchange_type:AMQP
+ Exchange_type: AMQP
defines several default exchange types (routing algorithms)
that covers most of the common messaging use cases.
- Auto_ack:acknowledgement
+ Auto_ack: Acknowledgement
is handled automatically once messages are received. By
default auto_ack is set to False, and the receiver is required
to manually handle acknowledgment.
- No_ack:it disable
+ No_ack: It disables
acknowledgement on the server-side. This is different from
auto_ack in that acknowledgement is turned off altogether.
This functionality increases performance but at the cost of
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
can deliver them to the application.
- Auto_declare:if this is
+ Auto_declare: If this is
True and the exchange name is set, the exchange will be
automatically declared at instantiation. Auto declare is on by
default. Publishers specify most the parameters of consumers
@@ -412,19 +412,19 @@
specify the following:
- Delivery_mode:the default
+ Delivery_mode: The default
delivery mode used for messages. The value is an integer. The
following delivery modes are supported by RabbitMQ:
- 1 or “transient”:the
+ 1 or “transient”: The
message is transient. Which means it is stored in memory only,
and is lost if the server dies or restarts.
- 2 or “persistent”:the
+ 2 or “persistent”: The
message is persistent. Which means the message is stored both
in-memory, and on disk, and therefore preserved if the server
dies or restarts.