Merge "[admin-guide] Deleting the remainder of the admin-guide from master"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2017-08-09 09:53:00 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 2ffc7e71fb
43 changed files with 0 additions and 1878 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ declare -A SPECIAL_BOOKS=(
# Do not translate

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
name = openstackcloudadminguide
summary = OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide
author = OpenStack
author-email =
home-page =
classifier =
Environment :: OpenStack
Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Intended Audience :: System Administrators
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
Topic :: Documentation
setup-hooks =
warning-is-error = 1
build-dir = build
source-dir = source
universal = 1

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import setuptools
# In python < 2.7.4, a lazy loading of package `pbr` will break
# setuptools if some other modules registered functions in `atexit`.
# solution from:
import multiprocessing # noqa
except ImportError:

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# limitations under the License.
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bug_tag = u'admin-guide'
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# html_show_copyright = True
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# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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('index', 'AdminGuidereview/joseph_robinson/bp/user-guides-reorganised',
u'Administrator Guide', u'OpenStack contributors', 'AdminGuide',
'This guide shows OpenStack end users how to create and manage resources '
'in an OpenStack cloud with the OpenStack dashboard and OpenStack client '
'commands.', 'Miscellaneous'),
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
# texinfo_appendices = []
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# -- Options for PDF output --------------------------------------------------
pdf_documents = [
('index', u'AdminGuide', u'Administrator Guide',
u'OpenStack contributors')

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@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
.. _cross-project:
Cross-origin resource sharing
.. note::
This is a new feature in OpenStack Liberty.
OpenStack supports :term:`Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)`, a W3C
specification defining a contract by which the single-origin policy of a user
agent (usually a browser) may be relaxed. It permits the javascript engine
to access an API that does not reside on the same domain, protocol, or port.
This feature is most useful to organizations which maintain one or more
custom user interfaces for OpenStack, as it permits those interfaces to access
the services directly, rather than requiring an intermediate proxy server. It
can, however, also be misused by malicious actors; please review the
security advisory below for more information.
Enabling CORS with configuration
In most cases, CORS support is built directly into the service itself. To
enable it, simply follow the configuration options exposed in the default
configuration file, or add it yourself according to the pattern below.
.. code-block:: ini
allowed_origin =
max_age = 3600
allow_methods = GET,POST,PUT,DELETE
allow_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma,X-Custom-Header
expose_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma,X-Custom-Header
Additional origins can be explicitly added. To express this in
your configuration file, first begin with a ``[cors]`` group as above,
into which you place your default configuration values. Then, add as many
additional configuration groups as necessary, naming them
``[cors.{something}]`` (each name must be unique). The purpose of the
suffix to ``cors.`` is legibility, we recommend using a reasonable
human-readable string:
.. code-block:: ini
# CORS Configuration for a hypothetical ironic webclient, which overrides
# authentication
allowed_origin =
allow_credentials = True
# CORS Configuration for horizon, which uses global options.
allowed_origin =
# CORS Configuration for the CORS specified domain wildcard, which only
# permits HTTP GET requests.
allowed_origin = *
allow_methods = GET
For more information about CORS configuration,
see `cross-origin resource sharing
in OpenStack Configuration Reference.
Enabling CORS with PasteDeploy
CORS can also be configured using PasteDeploy. First of all, ensure that
OpenStack's ``oslo_middleware`` package (version 2.4.0 or later) is
available in the Python environment that is running the service. Then,
add the following configuration block to your ``paste.ini`` file.
.. code-block:: ini
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
allowed_origin =
max_age = 3600
allow_methods = GET,POST,PUT,DELETE
allow_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma,X-Custom-Header
expose_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma,X-Custom-Header
.. note::
To add an additional domain in oslo_middleware v2.4.0, add
another filter. In v3.0.0 and after, you may add multiple domains
in the above ``allowed_origin`` field, separated by commas.
Security concerns
CORS specifies a wildcard character ``*``, which permits access to all user
agents, regardless of domain, protocol, or host. While there are valid use
cases for this approach, it also permits a malicious actor to create a
convincing facsimile of a user interface, and trick users into revealing
authentication credentials. Please carefully evaluate your use case and the
relevant documentation for any risk to your organization.
.. note::
The CORS specification does not support using this wildcard as
a part of a URI. Setting ``allowed_origin`` to ``*`` would work, while
``*`` would not.
CORS is very easy to get wrong, as even one incorrect property will violate
the prescribed contract. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot
your configuration.
Check the service log
The CORS middleware used by OpenStack provides verbose debug logging that
should reveal most configuration problems. Here are some example log
messages, and how to resolve them.
``CORS request from origin '' not permitted.``
A request was received from the origin ````, however this
origin was not found in the permitted list. The cause may be a superfluous
port notation (ports 80 and 443 do not need to be specified). To correct,
ensure that the configuration property for this host is identical to the
host indicated in the log message.
``Request method 'DELETE' not in permitted list: GET,PUT,POST``
A user agent has requested permission to perform a DELETE request, however
the CORS configuration for the domain does not permit this. To correct, add
this method to the ``allow_methods`` configuration property.
``Request header 'X-Custom-Header' not in permitted list: X-Other-Header``
A request was received with the header ``X-Custom-Header``, which is not
permitted. Add this header to the ``allow_headers`` configuration
Open your browser's console log
Most browsers provide helpful debug output when a CORS request is rejected.
Usually this happens when a request was successful, but the return headers on
the response do not permit access to a property which the browser is trying
to access.
Manually construct a CORS request
By using ``curl`` or a similar tool, you can trigger a CORS response with a
properly constructed HTTP request. An example request and response might look
like this.
Request example:
.. code-block:: console
$ curl -I -X OPTIONS -H "Origin:"
Response example:
.. code-block:: console
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: origin,authorization,accept,x-total,x-limit,x-marker,x-client,content-type
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin,authorization,accept,x-total,x-limit,x-marker,x-client,content-type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3600
If the service does not return any access control headers, check the service
log, such as ``/var/log/upstart/ironic-api.log`` for an indication on what
went wrong.

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Cross-project features
Many features are common to all the OpenStack services and are consistent in
their configuration and deployment patterns. Unless explicitly noted, you can
safely assume that the features in this chapter are supported and configured
in a consistent manner.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:val="VT4()"/>
<title>Add list item permissions</title>
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<g id="shape80-15" v:mID="80" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-17.1067)">
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253.42 L52.84 282.7 L11.49 282.7 ZM59.74 309.73 L59.74 305.22 L43.65 305.22 L43.65 309.73 L59.74 309.73
ZM39.06 311.98 L39.06 302.97 L25.27 302.97 L25.27 311.98 L39.06 311.98 ZM34.46 291.71 L29.87 291.71
L29.87 298.47 L34.46 298.47 L34.46 291.71 ZM6.89 287.2 L57.44 287.2 L57.44 248.91 L6.89 248.91 L6.89
287.2 ZM20.68 309.73 L20.68 305.22 L4.6 305.22 L4.6 309.73 L20.68 309.73 ZM61.65 300.72 C63.13 300.72
64.33 301.9 64.33 303.35 L64.33 311.6 C64.33 313.06 63.13 314.23 61.65 314.23 L43.57 314.23 C43.38 315.5
42.31 316.49 40.97 316.49 L23.36 316.49 C22.02 316.49 20.95 315.5 20.76 314.23 L2.68 314.23 C1.2 314.23
0 313.06 0 311.6 L0 303.35 C-0 301.9 1.2 300.72 2.68 300.72 L20.76 300.72 C20.95 299.45 22.02 298.47
23.36 298.47 L25.27 298.47 L25.27 291.71 L4.98 291.71 C3.5 291.71 2.3 290.53 2.3 289.08 L2.3 247.04
C2.3 245.58 3.5 244.41 4.98 244.41 L59.35 244.41 C60.83 244.41 62.03 245.58 62.03 247.04 L62.03 289.08
C62.03 290.53 60.83 291.71 59.35 291.71 L39.06 291.71 L39.06 298.47 L40.97 298.47 C42.31 298.47 43.38
299.45 43.57 300.72 L61.65 300.72 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="shape2-17" v:mID="2" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(6.23971,1.13687E-013)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
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<text x="11.35" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Nova-api</text> </g>
<g id="group4-20" transform="translate(648.373,-207.395)" v:mID="4" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape7-21" v:mID="7" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-17.1067)">
<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
<path d="M13.79 255.67 L13.79 280.45 L50.55 280.45 L50.55 255.67 L13.79 255.67 ZM11.49 282.7 L11.49 253.42 L52.84
253.42 L52.84 282.7 L11.49 282.7 ZM59.74 309.73 L59.74 305.22 L43.65 305.22 L43.65 309.73 L59.74 309.73
ZM39.06 311.98 L39.06 302.97 L25.27 302.97 L25.27 311.98 L39.06 311.98 ZM34.46 291.71 L29.87 291.71
L29.87 298.47 L34.46 298.47 L34.46 291.71 ZM6.89 287.2 L57.44 287.2 L57.44 248.91 L6.89 248.91 L6.89
287.2 ZM20.68 309.73 L20.68 305.22 L4.6 305.22 L4.6 309.73 L20.68 309.73 ZM61.65 300.72 C63.13 300.72
64.33 301.9 64.33 303.35 L64.33 311.6 C64.33 313.06 63.13 314.23 61.65 314.23 L43.57 314.23 C43.38 315.5
42.31 316.49 40.97 316.49 L23.36 316.49 C22.02 316.49 20.95 315.5 20.76 314.23 L2.68 314.23 C1.2 314.23
0 313.06 0 311.6 L0 303.35 C-0 301.9 1.2 300.72 2.68 300.72 L20.76 300.72 C20.95 299.45 22.02 298.47
23.36 298.47 L25.27 298.47 L25.27 291.71 L4.98 291.71 C3.5 291.71 2.3 290.53 2.3 289.08 L2.3 247.04
C2.3 245.58 3.5 244.41 4.98 244.41 L59.35 244.41 C60.83 244.41 62.03 245.58 62.03 247.04 L62.03 289.08
C62.03 290.53 60.83 291.71 59.35 291.71 L39.06 291.71 L39.06 298.47 L40.97 298.47 C42.31 298.47 43.38
299.45 43.57 300.72 L61.65 300.72 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="shape12-23" v:mID="12" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-7.82161,1.13687E-013)">
<desc>Compute node</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="40.2066" cy="309.172" width="80.42" height="14.6291"/>
<rect x="0" y="301.858" width="80.4132" height="14.6291" class="st6"/>
<text x="16.03" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Compute node</text> </g>
<g id="shape13-26" v:mID="13" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(406.694,-260.743)">
<path d="M0 316.49 L228.74 316.49" class="st3"/>
<g id="shape14-31" v:mID="14" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(430.299,-254.095)">
<desc>The api sends a «get_vnc_console» message</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="97.9899" cy="309.172" width="195.98" height="14.6291"/>
<rect x="0" y="301.858" width="195.98" height="14.6291" class="st6"/>
<text x="25.77" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>The api sends a «get_vnc_console» message</text> </g>
<g id="group19-34" transform="translate(599.283,-167.07)" v:mID="19" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape21-35" v:mID="21" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(998.256,109.463) rotate(90)">
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<g id="group18-40" transform="translate(635.963,-170.045)" v:mID="18" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape20-41" v:mID="20" v:groupContext="shape">
<desc>Generates a token</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="42.2906" cy="309.172" width="84.59" height="14.6291"/>
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<text x="4" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>Generates a token</text> </g>
<g id="shape22-44" v:mID="22" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(81.0658,-3.50165)">
<path d="M2.87 316.25 A1.58888 1.60577 -180 0 0 2.91 316.27 a0.0367968 0.0364098 90 0 1 -0.0368398 -0.0219852 ZM2.91
316.27 A1.58888 1.60577 -180 0 0 4.63 316.18 A5.54577 5.60472 -180 0 0 6.01 314.87 A14.0646 14.2141
-180 0 0 7.52 310.98 L11.13 308.91 L12.46 306.1 L16.52 303.74 L17.58 301.61 L17.58 299.72 L16.29 298.98
L7.23 304.3 A2.02885 2.05041 -180 0 0 6.95 303.77 A1.74485 1.76339 -180 0 0 6.16 303.06 A1.74485 1.76339
-180 0 0 4.87 303.01 A1.70133 1.68344 90 0 1 6.16 303.06 L5.48 302.63 A2.21204 2.18877 -90 0 0 3.34
302.37 A6.27998 6.21394 -90 0 0 1.27 305.16 A15.3607 15.1992 -90 0 0 0 310.91 A8.22802 8.14148 -90 0
0 1.29 315.35 L2.9 316.29 L2.91 316.27 ZM1.29 311.64 A15.563 15.3993 90 0 1 2.24 306.64 A17.2407 17.424
-180 0 0 1.29 311.64 A8.18363 8.27061 -180 0 0 1.81 314.57 A6.45582 6.38792 90 0 1 1.29 311.64 Z"
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316.27 A1.58888 1.60577 -180 0 0 4.63 316.18 A5.54577 5.60472 -180 0 0 6.01 314.87 A14.0646 14.2141
-180 0 0 7.52 310.98 L11.13 308.91 L12.46 306.1 L16.52 303.74 L17.58 301.61 L17.58 299.72 L16.29 298.98
L7.23 304.3 A2.02885 2.05041 -180 0 0 6.95 303.77 A1.74485 1.76339 -180 0 0 6.16 303.06 A1.74485 1.76339
-180 0 0 4.87 303.01 A1.70133 1.68344 90 0 1 6.16 303.06 L5.48 302.63 A2.21204 2.18877 -90 0 0 3.34
302.37 A6.27998 6.21394 -90 0 0 1.27 305.16 A15.3607 15.1992 -90 0 0 0 310.91 A8.22802 8.14148 -90 0
0 1.29 315.35 L2.9 316.29M1.29 311.64 A15.563 15.3993 90 0 1 2.24 306.64 A17.2407 17.424 -180 0 0 1.29
311.64 A8.18363 8.27061 -180 0 0 1.81 314.57 A6.45582 6.38792 90 0 1 1.29 311.64" class="st9"/>
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4.72 314.87 A5.54577 5.60472 0 0 1 3.34 316.18 A1.58888 1.60577 0 0 1 1 315.63 A8.18363 8.27061 0 0
1 0 311.64 A17.2407 17.424 0 0 1 0.99 306.5 A7.30166 7.37926 0 0 1 3.34 303.11 A1.74485 1.76339 0 0
1 5.65 303.77 A4.64183 4.69116 0 0 1 6.38 305.5 L16.28 299.72 Z" class="st10"/>
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303.32 A1.68344 1.70133 0 0 1 6.16 303.26 L5.48 302.83 A2.18877 2.21204 -180 0 0 3.34 302.57 A6.21394
6.27998 -180 0 0 1.27 305.36 A15.1992 15.3607 -180 0 0 0 311.11 A8.14148 8.22802 -180 0 0 1.29 315.55
L2.9 316.49 Z" class="st10"/>
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-180 0 0 1.62 315.39 A3.64133 3.68003 -180 0 0 1.79 313.47 a0.88788 0.897317 -180 0 0 -0.643292 -0.777107
a0.935131 0.94507 -180 0 0 -0.595176 0.242998 A3.2863 3.32123 0 0 1 0.76 313.73 Z" class="st10"/>
<g id="group34-66" transform="translate(640.024,-18.25)" v:mID="34" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape16-67" v:mID="16" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(6.59125,-22.7607)">
<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
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C61.76 273.9 63.22 273.31 64.57 272.75 C63.6 270.38 63.19 269.4 62.21 267.03 C60.85 267.59 56.34 269.44
56.34 269.44 L54.11 266.66 C53.03 265.31 51.7 264.04 50.02 262.75 L47.38 260.71 L48.45 257.48 C48.45
257.48 49.08 255.97 49.67 254.51 C47.3 253.54 46.31 253.14 43.94 252.17 C43.32 253.67 41.43 258.25 41.43
258.25 L37.93 257.91 C36.15 257.73 34.3 257.77 32.45 258.02 L29.12 258.46 L27.57 255.42 C27.57 255.42
26.89 253.81 26.22 252.24 C23.86 253.24 22.88 253.65 20.51 254.64 C21.22 256.31 23.2 261 23.2 261 L20.5
263.23 C19.22 264.29 18.03 265.54 16.85 267.07 L14.83 269.7 L11.58 268.66 C11.58 268.66 9.82 267.95
8.08 267.26 C7.12 269.64 6.73 270.63 5.77 273.01 C7.54 273.71 12.24 275.59 12.24 275.59 C12.24 275.59
11.95 280.91 11.93 281.34 C11.95 281.72 12.03 282.91 12.03 282.93 C12.03 282.93 12.3 285.75 12.3 285.75
L10.61 287.28 C10.09 287.8 9.91 287.93 5.69 289.59 C6.62 291.98 7.01 292.96 7.94 295.35 C9.7 294.67
14.62 292.76 14.62 292.76 L17.17 296.23 C17.95 297.19 19.04 298.28 20.37 299.4 L22.87 301.5 L21.76 304.62
C21.76 304.62 21.01 306.36 20.26 308.1 C22.61 309.11 23.59 309.53 25.95 310.55 C26.64 308.94 28.69 304.23
28.69 304.23 L32.26 304.73 C33.95 304.97 35.76 305 37.65 304.84 L40.9 304.56 L42.35 307.55 C42.35 307.55
43.01 309.19 43.66 310.79 C46.04 309.84 47.03 309.45 49.41 308.49 C48.82 307.02 46.93 302.31 46.93 302.31
L50.5 299.75 C51.51 298.93 52.67 297.76 53.87 296.31 L55.95 293.79 L59.14 294.87 C59.14 294.87 60.64
295.5 62.08 296.11 C63.07 293.74 63.49 292.76 64.49 290.4 ZM63.41 284.94 C63.41 284.94 63.39 285.07
63.37 285.18 C63.98 285.44 70.24 288.07 70.24 288.07 L64.42 301.84 C64.42 301.84 58.02 299.15 57.42
298.9 C57.34 298.99 57.26 299.08 57.26 299.08 C55.88 300.77 54.51 302.15 53.07 303.29 C53.07 303.29
52.6 303.63 52.28 303.86 C52.53 304.49 55.12 310.93 55.12 310.93 L41.21 316.49 C41.21 316.49 38.51 309.78
38.27 309.18 C38.16 309.19 38.03 309.2 38.03 309.2 C35.8 309.39 33.65 309.35 31.64 309.06 C31.64 309.06
31.51 309.04 31.39 309.02 C31.13 309.64 28.24 316.31 28.24 316.31 L14.48 310.38 C14.48 310.38 17.46
303.5 17.72 302.9 C17.63 302.83 17.54 302.75 17.54 302.75 C15.98 301.44 14.7 300.15 13.62 298.81 C13.62
298.81 13.3 298.36 13.07 298.06 C12.44 298.3 5.45 301.02 5.45 301.02 L0 287.1 C0 287.1 7.5 284.19 7.51
284.18 C7.51 284.18 7.62 284.14 7.73 284.1 C7.69 283.73 7.65 283.22 7.65 283.22 L7.53 281.36 C7.53 281.36
7.65 279.03 7.68 278.48 C7.09 278.25 0.06 275.44 0.06 275.44 L5.63 261.57 C5.63 261.57 12.6 264.35 13.22
264.6 C13.29 264.5 13.37 264.4 13.37 264.4 C14.74 262.62 16.16 261.13 17.7 259.86 C17.7 259.86 17.8
259.78 17.89 259.71 C17.63 259.11 14.76 252.31 14.76 252.31 L28.57 246.5 C28.57 246.5 31.36 253.09 31.62
253.71 C31.73 253.69 31.86 253.68 31.86 253.68 C34.06 253.38 36.25 253.34 38.37 253.55 C38.37 253.55
38.49 253.56 38.6 253.57 C38.85 252.97 41.54 246.45 41.54 246.45 L55.4 252.13 C55.4 252.13 52.77 258.53
52.52 259.14 C52.61 259.21 52.71 259.29 52.71 259.29 C54.66 260.8 56.24 262.31 57.52 263.91 C57.52 263.91
57.62 264.02 57.71 264.14 C58.32 263.89 64.61 261.31 64.61 261.31 L70.31 275.14 C70.31 275.14 64.04
277.7 63.43 277.95 C63.45 278.07 63.46 278.19 63.46 278.19 C63.6 279.4 63.67 280.41 63.67 281.35 C63.67
282.42 63.59 283.56 63.41 284.94 ZM41.49 288.74 C45.56 285.49 46.22 279.57 42.97 275.51 C39.71 271.45
33.77 270.79 29.7 274.04 C25.63 277.28 24.97 283.2 28.23 287.26 C31.48 291.32 37.42 291.98 41.49 288.74
ZM37.12 267.68 C40.8 268.09 44.09 269.9 46.4 272.78 C51.16 278.72 50.19 287.41 44.23 292.15 C41.35 294.46
37.74 295.5 34.07 295.09 C30.39 294.68 27.1 292.87 24.79 289.99 C22.76 287.46 21.77 284.42 21.77 281.4
C21.77 277.35 23.55 273.34 26.96 270.62 C29.84 268.32 33.45 267.28 37.12 267.68 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="shape33-69" v:mID="33" v:groupContext="shape">
<desc>Libvirt driver</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="40.2066" cy="309.172" width="80.42" height="14.6291"/>
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<text x="19.54" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Libvirt driver</text> </g>
<g id="group35-72" transform="translate(334.19,-18.25)" v:mID="35" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape38-73" v:mID="38" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(6.59125,-22.7607)">
<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
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C61.76 273.9 63.22 273.31 64.57 272.75 C63.6 270.38 63.19 269.4 62.21 267.03 C60.85 267.59 56.34 269.44
56.34 269.44 L54.11 266.66 C53.03 265.31 51.7 264.04 50.02 262.75 L47.38 260.71 L48.45 257.48 C48.45
257.48 49.08 255.97 49.67 254.51 C47.3 253.54 46.31 253.14 43.94 252.17 C43.32 253.67 41.43 258.25 41.43
258.25 L37.93 257.91 C36.15 257.73 34.3 257.77 32.45 258.02 L29.12 258.46 L27.57 255.42 C27.57 255.42
26.89 253.81 26.22 252.24 C23.86 253.24 22.88 253.65 20.51 254.64 C21.22 256.31 23.2 261 23.2 261 L20.5
263.23 C19.22 264.29 18.03 265.54 16.85 267.07 L14.83 269.7 L11.58 268.66 C11.58 268.66 9.82 267.95
8.08 267.26 C7.12 269.64 6.73 270.63 5.77 273.01 C7.54 273.71 12.24 275.59 12.24 275.59 C12.24 275.59
11.95 280.91 11.93 281.34 C11.95 281.72 12.03 282.91 12.03 282.93 C12.03 282.93 12.3 285.75 12.3 285.75
L10.61 287.28 C10.09 287.8 9.91 287.93 5.69 289.59 C6.62 291.98 7.01 292.96 7.94 295.35 C9.7 294.67
14.62 292.76 14.62 292.76 L17.17 296.23 C17.95 297.19 19.04 298.28 20.37 299.4 L22.87 301.5 L21.76 304.62
C21.76 304.62 21.01 306.36 20.26 308.1 C22.61 309.11 23.59 309.53 25.95 310.55 C26.64 308.94 28.69 304.23
28.69 304.23 L32.26 304.73 C33.95 304.97 35.76 305 37.65 304.84 L40.9 304.56 L42.35 307.55 C42.35 307.55
43.01 309.19 43.66 310.79 C46.04 309.84 47.03 309.45 49.41 308.49 C48.82 307.02 46.93 302.31 46.93 302.31
L50.5 299.75 C51.51 298.93 52.67 297.76 53.87 296.31 L55.95 293.79 L59.14 294.87 C59.14 294.87 60.64
295.5 62.08 296.11 C63.07 293.74 63.49 292.76 64.49 290.4 ZM63.41 284.94 C63.41 284.94 63.39 285.07
63.37 285.18 C63.98 285.44 70.24 288.07 70.24 288.07 L64.42 301.84 C64.42 301.84 58.02 299.15 57.42
298.9 C57.34 298.99 57.26 299.08 57.26 299.08 C55.88 300.77 54.51 302.15 53.07 303.29 C53.07 303.29
52.6 303.63 52.28 303.86 C52.53 304.49 55.12 310.93 55.12 310.93 L41.21 316.49 C41.21 316.49 38.51 309.78
38.27 309.18 C38.16 309.19 38.03 309.2 38.03 309.2 C35.8 309.39 33.65 309.35 31.64 309.06 C31.64 309.06
31.51 309.04 31.39 309.02 C31.13 309.64 28.24 316.31 28.24 316.31 L14.48 310.38 C14.48 310.38 17.46
303.5 17.72 302.9 C17.63 302.83 17.54 302.75 17.54 302.75 C15.98 301.44 14.7 300.15 13.62 298.81 C13.62
298.81 13.3 298.36 13.07 298.06 C12.44 298.3 5.45 301.02 5.45 301.02 L0 287.1 C0 287.1 7.5 284.19 7.51
284.18 C7.51 284.18 7.62 284.14 7.73 284.1 C7.69 283.73 7.65 283.22 7.65 283.22 L7.53 281.36 C7.53 281.36
7.65 279.03 7.68 278.48 C7.09 278.25 0.06 275.44 0.06 275.44 L5.63 261.57 C5.63 261.57 12.6 264.35 13.22
264.6 C13.29 264.5 13.37 264.4 13.37 264.4 C14.74 262.62 16.16 261.13 17.7 259.86 C17.7 259.86 17.8
259.78 17.89 259.71 C17.63 259.11 14.76 252.31 14.76 252.31 L28.57 246.5 C28.57 246.5 31.36 253.09 31.62
253.71 C31.73 253.69 31.86 253.68 31.86 253.68 C34.06 253.38 36.25 253.34 38.37 253.55 C38.37 253.55
38.49 253.56 38.6 253.57 C38.85 252.97 41.54 246.45 41.54 246.45 L55.4 252.13 C55.4 252.13 52.77 258.53
52.52 259.14 C52.61 259.21 52.71 259.29 52.71 259.29 C54.66 260.8 56.24 262.31 57.52 263.91 C57.52 263.91
57.62 264.02 57.71 264.14 C58.32 263.89 64.61 261.31 64.61 261.31 L70.31 275.14 C70.31 275.14 64.04
277.7 63.43 277.95 C63.45 278.07 63.46 278.19 63.46 278.19 C63.6 279.4 63.67 280.41 63.67 281.35 C63.67
282.42 63.59 283.56 63.41 284.94 ZM41.49 288.74 C45.56 285.49 46.22 279.57 42.97 275.51 C39.71 271.45
33.77 270.79 29.7 274.04 C25.63 277.28 24.97 283.2 28.23 287.26 C31.48 291.32 37.42 291.98 41.49 288.74
ZM37.12 267.68 C40.8 268.09 44.09 269.9 46.4 272.78 C51.16 278.72 50.19 287.41 44.23 292.15 C41.35 294.46
37.74 295.5 34.07 295.09 C30.39 294.68 27.1 292.87 24.79 289.99 C22.76 287.46 21.77 284.42 21.77 281.4
C21.77 277.35 23.55 273.34 26.96 270.62 C29.84 268.32 33.45 267.28 37.12 267.68 Z" class="st5"/>
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0 0 7.52 310.98 L11.13 308.91 L12.46 306.1 L16.52 303.74 L17.58 301.61 L17.58 299.72 L16.29 298.98 L7.23
304.3 A2.02885 2.05041 -180 0 0 6.95 303.77 A1.74485 1.76339 -180 0 0 6.16 303.06 A1.74485 1.76339 -180
0 0 4.87 303.01 A1.70133 1.68344 90 0 1 6.16 303.06 L5.48 302.63 A2.21204 2.18877 -90 0 0 3.34 302.37 A6.27998
6.21394 -90 0 0 1.27 305.16 A15.3607 15.1992 -90 0 0 0 310.91 A8.22802 8.14148 -90 0 0 1.29 315.35 L2.9
316.29 L2.91 316.27 ZM1.29 311.64 A15.563 15.3993 90 0 1 2.24 306.64 A17.2407 17.424 -180 0 0 1.29 311.64
A8.18363 8.27061 -180 0 0 1.81 314.57 A6.45582 6.38792 90 0 1 1.29 311.64 Z" class="st8"/>
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310.98 L11.13 308.91 L12.46 306.1 L16.52 303.74 L17.58 301.61 L17.58 299.72 L16.29 298.98 L7.23 304.3 A2.02885
2.05041 -180 0 0 6.95 303.77 A1.74485 1.76339 -180 0 0 6.16 303.06 A1.74485 1.76339 -180 0 0 4.87 303.01
A1.70133 1.68344 90 0 1 6.16 303.06 L5.48 302.63 A2.21204 2.18877 -90 0 0 3.34 302.37 A6.27998 6.21394 -90
0 0 1.27 305.16 A15.3607 15.1992 -90 0 0 0 310.91 A8.22802 8.14148 -90 0 0 1.29 315.35 L2.9 316.29M1.29
311.64 A15.563 15.3993 90 0 1 2.24 306.64 A17.2407 17.424 -180 0 0 1.29 311.64 A8.18363 8.27061 -180 0 0
1.81 314.57 A6.45582 6.38792 90 0 1 1.29 311.64" class="st9"/>
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L10.12 310.73 L2.41 310.73 ZM2.41 308.63 L2.41 308.11 L10.12 308.11 L10.12 308.63 L2.41 308.63 ZM2.41
306.54 L2.41 306.01 L10.12 306.01 L10.12 306.54 L2.41 306.54 ZM2.41 304.44 L2.41 303.92 L7.25 303.92
L7.25 304.44 L2.41 304.44 ZM11.57 315.44 L11.57 303.92 L8.68 303.92 L8.68 300.78 L0.96 300.78 L0.96
315.44 L11.57 315.44 ZM11.45 303.4 L9.16 300.91 L9.16 303.4 L11.45 303.4 ZM9.52 299.73 L12.53 303
L12.53 316.49 L0 316.49 L0 299.73 L9.52 299.73 Z" class="st5"/>
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<desc>Caches the connection informations and token</desc>
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L0 307.73 L4.5 309.5 L2.57 313.92 L7.01 312 L8.79 316.49 L10.56 312 L15 313.92 L13.07 309.5 L17.58 307.73
ZM9.96 310.55 C9.96 310.55 9.16 312.57 8.79 313.5 C8.42 312.57 7.62 310.55 7.62 310.55 C7.62 310.55
5.61 311.42 4.69 311.81 C5.09 310.9 5.96 308.9 5.96 308.9 C5.96 308.9 3.93 308.1 2.99 307.73 C3.93 307.37
5.96 306.57 5.96 306.57 C5.96 306.57 5.09 304.57 4.69 303.65 C5.61 304.05 7.62 304.92 7.62 304.92 C7.62
304.92 8.42 302.89 8.79 301.96 C9.16 302.89 9.96 304.92 9.96 304.92 C9.96 304.92 11.96 304.05 12.89
303.65 C12.49 304.57 11.61 306.57 11.61 306.57 C11.61 306.57 13.65 307.37 14.58 307.73 C13.65 308.1
11.61 308.9 11.61 308.9 C11.61 308.9 12.49 310.9 12.88 311.81 C11.96 311.42 9.96 310.55 9.96 310.55
Z" class="st5"/>
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x="4" dy="1.2em" class="st13">Http</tspan>://novncip:port/?token=xyz</text> </g>
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306.54 L2.41 306.01 L10.12 306.01 L10.12 306.54 L2.41 306.54 ZM2.41 304.44 L2.41 303.92 L7.25 303.92
L7.25 304.44 L2.41 304.44 ZM11.57 315.44 L11.57 303.92 L8.68 303.92 L8.68 300.78 L0.96 300.78 L0.96
315.44 L11.57 315.44 ZM11.45 303.4 L9.16 300.91 L9.16 303.4 L11.45 303.4 ZM9.52 299.73 L12.53 303
L12.53 316.49 L0 316.49 L0 299.73 L9.52 299.73 Z" class="st5"/>
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<title>Dialog form</title>
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<desc>Sends « check_token » message</desc>
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1.35346 -180 0 0 4.63 316.23 A5.54577 4.72406 -180 0 0 6.01 315.12 A14.0646 11.9807 -180 0 0 7.52
311.85 L11.13 310.1 L12.46 307.73 L16.52 305.74 L17.58 303.94 L17.58 302.35 L16.29 301.73 L7.23
306.22 A2.02885 1.72824 -180 0 0 6.95 305.77 A1.74485 1.48631 -180 0 0 6.16 305.17 A1.74485 1.48631
-180 0 0 4.87 305.13 A1.68344 1.43401 0 0 1 6.16 305.17 L5.48 304.81 A2.18877 1.86446 0 0 0 3.34
304.59 A6.21394 5.29322 0 0 0 1.27 306.94 A15.1992 12.9471 0 0 0 0 311.78 A8.14148 6.93517 0 0 0
1.29 315.53 L2.9 316.32 L2.91 316.31 ZM1.29 312.4 A15.3993 13.1176 -180 0 1 2.24 308.19 A17.2407
14.6862 -180 0 0 1.29 312.4 A8.18363 6.97106 -180 0 0 1.81 314.87 A6.38792 5.44143 -180 0 1 1.29
312.4 Z" class="st8"/>
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L11.13 310.1 L12.46 307.73 L16.52 305.74 L17.58 303.94 L17.58 302.35 L16.29 301.73 L7.23 306.22
A2.02885 1.72824 -180 0 0 6.95 305.77 A1.74485 1.48631 -180 0 0 6.16 305.17 A1.74485 1.48631 -180
0 0 4.87 305.13 A1.68344 1.43401 0 0 1 6.16 305.17 L5.48 304.81 A2.18877 1.86446 0 0 0 3.34 304.59
A6.21394 5.29322 0 0 0 1.27 306.94 A15.1992 12.9471 0 0 0 0 311.78 A8.14148 6.93517 0 0 0 1.29 315.53
L2.9 316.32M1.29 312.4 A15.3993 13.1176 -180 0 1 2.24 308.19 A17.2407 14.6862 -180 0 0 1.29 312.4
A8.18363 6.97106 -180 0 0 1.81 314.87 A6.38792 5.44143 -180 0 1 1.29 312.4" class="st9"/>
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0 0 1 0 312.4 A17.2407 14.6862 0 0 1 0.99 308.07 A7.30166 6.21978 0 0 1 3.34 305.21 A1.74485 1.48631
0 0 1 5.65 305.77 A4.64183 3.95405 0 0 1 6.38 307.23 L16.28 302.35 Z" class="st10"/>
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0 1 4.63 305.39 A1.68344 1.43401 0 0 1 6.16 305.34 L5.48 304.97 A2.18877 1.86446 -180 0 0 3.34 304.76
A6.21394 5.29322 -180 0 0 1.27 307.1 A15.1992 12.9471 -180 0 0 0 311.95 A8.14148 6.93517 -180 0
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1.57858 -180 0 0 1.62 315.56 A3.64133 3.1018 -180 0 0 1.79 313.94 a0.88788 0.756324 -180 0 0 -0.643292
-0.655002 a0.935131 0.796573 -180 0 0 -0.595176 0.204816 A3.2863 2.79937 0 0 1 0.76 314.17 Z"
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<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
<path d="M11.84 293.18 A11.8415 11.655 -180 0 0 0 304.83 A11.841 11.6545 -180 0 0 11.84 316.49 A11.8405 11.654 -180 0
0 23.68 304.83 A11.841 11.6545 -180 0 0 11.84 293.18 ZM12.21 315.01 L12.21 314.63 L12.21 310.3 L16.21 310.3
L15.96 310.82 A13.3821 13.1713 0 0 1 13.37 314.41 L12.98 314.77 L12.73 314.99 L12.21 315.01 ZM12.6 294.67
L12.83 294.87 A13.4054 13.1943 0 0 1 15.87 298.84 L16.14 299.37 L12.21 299.37 L12.21 294.65 L12.6 294.67
ZM20.58 299.37 L16.95 299.37 L16.85 299.15 A14.1999 13.9762 -180 0 0 14.28 295.25 L13.89 294.84 A10.3822
10.2187 0 0 1 20.58 299.37 ZM12.21 304.47 L12.21 300.1 L16.43 300.1 L16.52 300.34 A13.9247 13.7054 0 0 1
17.29 304.09 L17.31 304.47 L12.21 304.47 L12.21 304.47 ZM17.32 305.2 L17.3 305.58 A13.8413 13.6233 0 0 1
16.58 309.32 L16.49 309.57 L12.21 309.57 L12.21 305.2 L17.32 305.2 ZM14.4 314.39 A14.1216 13.8992 -180 0
0 16.9 310.52 L16.99 310.3 L20.58 310.3 A10.3818 10.2183 0 0 1 14.03 314.8 L14.4 314.39 ZM17.28 309.57 L17.43
309.1 A14.6141 14.3839 -180 0 0 18.05 305.55 L18.06 305.2 L22.18 305.2 A10.2928 10.1307 0 0 1 21.01 309.57
L17.28 309.57 ZM18.06 304.47 L18.04 304.13 A14.6934 14.462 -180 0 0 17.39 300.57 L17.24 300.1 L21.01 300.1
A10.2766 10.1148 0 0 1 22.18 304.47 L18.06 304.47 ZM11.47 295.18 L11.47 299.37 L7.55 299.37 L7.81 298.84
A13.4428 13.2311 0 0 1 10.34 295.36 L10.35 295.36 L10.34 295.36 L10.7 295.04 L11.12 294.67 L11.47 294.65
L11.47 295.18 ZM9.84 294.83 L9.45 295.24 A14.16 13.937 -180 0 0 6.87 299.15 L6.77 299.37 L3.11 299.37 A10.3778
10.2144 0 0 1 9.84 294.83 ZM6.48 300.1 L6.33 300.57 A14.6113 14.3812 -180 0 0 5.68 304.13 L5.66 304.47 L1.5
304.47 A10.2869 10.1249 0 0 1 2.67 300.1 L6.48 300.1 ZM1.5 305.2 L5.66 305.2 L5.67 305.55 A14.5258 14.297
-180 0 0 6.29 309.1 L6.44 309.57 L2.67 309.57 A10.2922 10.1301 0 0 1 1.5 305.2 ZM6.72 310.3 L6.82 310.52
A14.1361 13.9135 -180 0 0 9.33 314.41 L9.7 314.81 A10.384 10.2205 0 0 1 3.11 310.3 L6.72 310.3 L6.72 310.3
ZM7.16 309.32 A13.9094 13.6904 0 0 1 6.42 305.59 L6.4 305.2 L11.47 305.2 L11.47 309.57 L7.24 309.57 L7.16
309.32 ZM6.4 304.47 L6.42 304.09 A13.8139 13.5964 0 0 1 7.18 300.34 L7.27 300.1 L11.47 300.1 L11.47 304.47
L6.4 304.47 ZM10.99 314.99 L10.85 314.86 A13.4678 13.2557 0 0 1 7.79 310.82 L7.53 310.29 L11.47 310.29 L11.47
315.01 L10.99 314.99 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="shape72-171" v:mID="72" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(311.536,553.169) rotate(180)">
<path d="M0 316.49 L24.74 292.93 L148.52 292.93" class="st3"/>
<g id="group83-176" transform="translate(193.428,-49.3228)" v:mID="83" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape74-177" v:mID="74" v:groupContext="shape">
<desc>Proxy starts</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="29.2217" cy="309.172" width="58.45" height="14.6291"/>
<rect x="0" y="301.858" width="58.4434" height="14.6291" class="st6"/>
<text x="4" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>Proxy starts</text> </g>
<g id="shape79-180" v:mID="79" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(53.1704,-7.69048)">
<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
<path d="M8.57 303.69 L8.57 305.68 A4.76463 4.67134 0 0 1 11.43 309.95 A4.76568 4.67237 0 0 1 6.67 314.62 A4.7667
4.67337 0 0 1 1.9 309.95 A4.76436 4.67108 0 0 1 4.76 305.68 L4.76 303.7 A6.66222 6.53178 -180 0 0 0
309.95 A6.66572 6.53521 -180 0 0 6.67 316.49 A6.66572 6.53521 -180 0 0 13.33 309.95 A6.66245 6.532 -180
0 0 8.57 303.69 ZM5.71 311.35 L7.62 311.35 L7.62 302.48 L5.71 302.48 L5.71 311.35 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="shape102-182" v:mID="102" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(304.228,373.162) rotate(180)">
<path d="M0 316.49 L24.74 292.93 L160.58 292.93 L167.44 292.93" class="st3"/>
<g id="shape106-187" v:mID="106" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(416.753,-254.409)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="4.19166" cy="309.432" width="8.39" height="14.1096"/>
<rect x="0" y="302.377" width="8.38332" height="14.1096" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="314.83" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>2</text> </g>
<g id="shape107-190" v:mID="107" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(581.386,-147.402)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="4.25197" cy="308.55" width="8.51" height="15.874"/>
<rect x="0" y="300.613" width="8.50394" height="15.874" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="313.95" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>3</text> </g>
<g id="shape108-193" v:mID="108" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(293.74,-159.307)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
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<rect x="0" y="302.03" width="8.92913" height="14.4567" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="314.66" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>4</text> </g>
<g id="group105-196" transform="translate(153.071,-229.291)" v:mID="105" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape104-197" v:mID="104" v:groupContext="shape">
<desc>Returns a url with a token</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="53.8583" cy="309.172" width="107.72" height="14.6291"/>
<rect x="0" y="301.858" width="107.717" height="14.6291" class="st6"/>
<text x="4" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph/><v:tabList/>Returns a url with a token</text> </g>
<g id="shape1-200" v:mID="1" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(95.8617,-8.53134)">
<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
<path d="M21.2 310.42 A1.35348 1.37513 0 0 1 19.84 311.79 L9.02 311.79 A1.35348 1.37513 0 0 1 7.67 310.42 A1.35348
1.37513 0 0 1 9.02 309.04 L19.84 309.04 A1.35348 1.37513 0 0 1 21.2 310.42 ZM18.29 312.82 A1.7981 1.82687
-180 0 0 19.84 313.74 L24.35 313.74 A1.80579 1.83468 -180 0 0 26.16 311.9 L26.16 309.16 A1.80521 1.8341
-180 0 0 24.35 307.32 L19.84 307.32 A1.7981 1.82687 -180 0 0 18.29 308.24 L15.42 308.24 A4.51125 4.58343
0 0 1 19.84 304.57 L24.35 304.57 A4.50985 4.58201 0 0 1 28.86 309.16 L28.86 311.9 A4.50985 4.58201 0
0 1 24.35 316.49 L19.84 316.49 A4.51051 4.58268 0 0 1 15.42 312.82 L18.29 312.82 ZM10.57 312.82 A1.7981
1.82687 0 0 1 9.02 313.74 L4.51 313.74 A1.80579 1.83468 0 0 1 2.71 311.9 L2.71 309.16 A1.80521 1.8341
0 0 1 4.51 307.32 L9.02 307.32 A1.7981 1.82687 0 0 1 10.57 308.24 L13.44 308.24 A4.51224 4.58443 -180
0 0 9.02 304.57 L4.51 304.57 A4.50985 4.58201 -180 0 0 0 309.16 L0 311.9 A4.50985 4.58201 -180 0 0 4.51
316.49 L9.02 316.49 A4.51051 4.58268 -180 0 0 13.44 312.82 L10.57 312.82 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="group109-202" transform="translate(166.773,-252.66)" v:mID="109" v:groupContext="group">
<g id="shape43-203" v:mID="43" v:groupContext="shape">
<desc>The user requests an access URL</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="62.3971" cy="309.172" width="124.8" height="14.6291"/>
<rect x="0" y="301.858" width="124.794" height="14.6291" class="st6"/>
<text x="9.88" y="311.57" class="st7" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>The user requests an access URL</text> </g>
<g id="shape103-206" v:mID="103" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(113.857,-9.31811)">
<v:ud v:nameU="msvShapeCategories" v:prompt="" v:val="VT4(Icon)"/>
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(14):26"/>
<path d="M8.76 299.25 A8.7555 8.61762 -180 0 0 0 307.87 A8.75515 8.61727 -180 0 0 8.76 316.49 A8.7548 8.61693 -180
0 0 17.51 307.87 A8.75515 8.61727 -180 0 0 8.76 299.25 ZM9.03 315.4 L9.03 315.12 L9.03 311.91 L11.99
311.91 L11.8 312.3 A9.89464 9.73881 0 0 1 9.89 314.95 L9.6 315.22 L9.41 315.38 L9.03 315.4 ZM9.32 300.36
L9.48 300.51 A9.9119 9.75581 0 0 1 11.73 303.44 L11.93 303.83 L9.03 303.83 L9.03 300.34 L9.32 300.36
ZM15.21 303.83 L12.53 303.83 L12.46 303.67 A10.4993 10.334 -180 0 0 10.56 300.79 L10.27 300.48 A7.67653
7.55564 0 0 1 15.21 303.83 ZM9.03 307.6 L9.03 304.37 L12.15 304.37 L12.22 304.55 A10.2958 10.1337 0
0 1 12.78 307.32 L12.8 307.6 L9.03 307.6 L9.03 307.6 ZM12.81 308.14 L12.79 308.42 A10.2341 10.073 0
0 1 12.26 311.19 L12.19 311.37 L9.03 311.37 L9.03 308.14 L12.81 308.14 ZM10.65 314.94 A10.4414 10.277
-180 0 0 12.49 312.07 L12.57 311.91 L15.21 311.91 A7.67625 7.55536 0 0 1 10.37 315.24 L10.65 314.94
ZM12.78 311.37 L12.88 311.02 A10.8055 10.6354 -180 0 0 13.34 308.4 L13.36 308.14 L16.4 308.14 A7.61043
7.49058 0 0 1 15.53 311.37 L12.78 311.37 ZM13.35 307.6 L13.34 307.35 A10.8642 10.6931 -180 0 0 12.86
304.72 L12.75 304.37 L15.53 304.37 A7.59845 7.47879 0 0 1 16.4 307.6 L13.35 307.6 ZM8.48 300.73 L8.48
303.83 L5.58 303.83 L5.78 303.44 A9.93954 9.78301 0 0 1 7.65 300.87 L7.65 300.86 L7.65 300.87 L7.91
300.63 L8.22 300.36 L8.48 300.34 L8.48 300.73 ZM7.27 300.47 L6.99 300.78 A10.4698 10.3049 -180 0 0 5.08
303.67 L5.01 303.83 L2.3 303.83 A7.6733 7.55246 0 0 1 7.27 300.47 ZM4.79 304.37 L4.68 304.72 A10.8035
10.6334 -180 0 0 4.2 307.35 L4.18 307.6 L1.11 307.6 A7.60608 7.4863 0 0 1 1.98 304.37 L4.79 304.37 ZM1.11
308.14 L4.18 308.14 L4.19 308.4 A10.7403 10.5711 -180 0 0 4.65 311.02 L4.76 311.37 L1.98 311.37 A7.60995
7.49011 0 0 1 1.11 308.14 ZM4.97 311.91 L5.04 312.07 A10.4522 10.2876 -180 0 0 6.9 314.95 L7.17 315.25
A7.67788 7.55697 0 0 1 2.3 311.91 L4.97 311.91 L4.97 311.91 ZM5.29 311.19 A10.2845 10.1226 0 0 1 4.75
308.43 L4.73 308.14 L8.48 308.14 L8.48 311.37 L5.36 311.37 L5.29 311.19 ZM4.73 307.6 L4.75 307.32 A10.2139
10.0531 0 0 1 5.31 304.55 L5.37 304.37 L8.48 304.37 L8.48 307.6 L4.73 307.6 ZM8.12 315.38 L8.02 315.29
A9.95803 9.80121 0 0 1 5.76 312.3 L5.57 311.91 L8.48 311.91 L8.48 315.4 L8.12 315.38 Z" class="st5"/>
<g id="shape101-208" v:mID="101" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(156.472,-253.63)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="4.25197" cy="310.463" width="8.51" height="12.0472"/>
<rect x="0" y="304.44" width="8.50394" height="12.0472" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="315.86" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>1</text> </g>
<g id="shape110-211" v:mID="110" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(143.433,-230.811)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="4.25197" cy="310.322" width="8.51" height="12.3307"/>
<rect x="0" y="304.156" width="8.50394" height="12.3307" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="315.72" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>5</text> </g>
<g id="shape111-214" v:mID="111" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(26.9291,-160.157)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="5.17323" cy="309.259" width="10.35" height="14.4567"/>
<rect x="0" y="302.03" width="10.3465" height="14.4567" class="st1"/>
<text x="0.61" y="314.66" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>6</text> </g>
<g id="shape112-217" v:mID="112" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(144.213,-74.4094)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="4.42913" cy="309.259" width="8.86" height="14.4567"/>
<rect x="0" y="302.03" width="8.85827" height="14.4567" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="314.66" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>7</text> </g>
<g id="shape113-220" v:mID="113" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(183.969,-49.3762)">
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>
<v:textRect cx="4.2874" cy="309.542" width="8.58" height="13.8898"/>
<rect x="0" y="302.597" width="8.5748" height="13.8898" class="st1"/>
<text x="0" y="314.94" class="st21" v:langID="1036"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>8</text> </g>


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View File

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
Firewalls and default ports
On some deployments, such as ones where restrictive firewalls are in
place, you might need to manually configure a firewall to permit
OpenStack service traffic.
To manually configure a firewall, you must permit traffic through the
ports that each OpenStack service uses. This table lists the default
ports that each OpenStack service uses:
.. list-table:: Default ports that OpenStack components use
:header-rows: 1
* - OpenStack service
- Default ports
- Port type
* - Application Catalog (``murano``)
- 8082
* - Block Storage (``cinder``)
- 8776
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Clustering (``senlin``)
- 8778
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Compute (``nova``) endpoints
- 8774
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Compute API (``nova-api``)
- 8773, 8775
* - Compute ports for access to virtual machine consoles
- 5900-5999
* - Compute VNC proxy for browsers ( openstack-nova-novncproxy)
- 6080
* - Compute VNC proxy for traditional VNC clients (openstack-nova-xvpvncproxy)
- 6081
* - Proxy port for HTML5 console used by Compute service
- 6082
* - Data processing service (``sahara``) endpoint
- 8386
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Identity service (``keystone``) administrative endpoint
- 35357
- adminurl
* - Identity service public endpoint
- 5000
- publicurl
* - Image service (``glance``) API
- 9292
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Image service registry
- 9191
* - Networking (``neutron``)
- 9696
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Object Storage (``swift``)
- 6000, 6001, 6002
* - Orchestration (``heat``) endpoint
- 8004
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Orchestration AWS CloudFormation-compatible API (``openstack-heat-api-cfn``)
- 8000
* - Orchestration AWS CloudWatch-compatible API (``openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch``)
- 8003
* - Root Cause Analysis service (``Vitrage``)
- 8999
* - Telemetry (``ceilometer``)
- 8777
- publicurl and adminurl
* - Workflow service (``Mistral``)
- 8989
To function properly, some OpenStack components depend on other,
non-OpenStack services. For example, the OpenStack dashboard uses HTTP
for non-secure communication. In this case, you must configure the
firewall to allow traffic to and from HTTP.
This table lists the ports that other OpenStack components use:
.. list-table:: Default ports that secondary services related to OpenStack components use
:header-rows: 1
* - Service
- Default port
- Used by
* - HTTP
- 80
- OpenStack dashboard (``Horizon``) when it is not configured to use secure access.
* - HTTP alternate
- 8080
- OpenStack Object Storage (``swift``) service.
- 443
- Any OpenStack service that is enabled for SSL, especially secure-access dashboard.
* - rsync
- 873
- OpenStack Object Storage. Required.
* - iSCSI target
- 3260
- OpenStack Block Storage. Required.
* - MySQL database service
- 3306
- Most OpenStack components.
* - Message Broker (AMQP traffic)
- 5672
- OpenStack Block Storage, Networking, Orchestration, and Compute.
On some deployments, the default port used by a service may fall within
the defined local port range of a host. To check a host's local port
.. code-block:: console
$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range
If a service's default port falls within this range, run the following
program to check if the port has already been assigned to another
.. code-block:: console
$ lsof -i :PORT
Configure the service to use a different port if the default port is
already being used by another application.

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
OpenStack Administrator Guide
Major rework in progress!
Note that on July 3rd of 2017, all projects have been
moved to a new location on this server.
Keep in mind that bookmarks saved before
the changes may no longer function.
Project-specific content have been moved to the project
repos. For example, if you are looking for Identity service
administration information, please visit the
`keystone <>`_
See `the specification <>`_
for more information.
OpenStack offers open source software for OpenStack administrators to
manage and troubleshoot an OpenStack cloud.
.. note::
This guide documents OpenStack Ocata, Newton, and Mitaka releases
and may not apply to EOL releases Kilo and Liberty.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

View File

@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
.. _support-compute:
Troubleshoot Compute
Common problems for Compute typically involve misconfigured
networking or credentials that are not sourced properly in the
environment. Also, most flat networking configurations do not
enable :command:`ping` or :command:`ssh` from a compute node
to the instances that run on that node. Another common problem
is trying to run 32-bit images on a 64-bit compute node.
This section shows you how to troubleshoot Compute.
.. _log-files-for-openstack-compute:
Compute service logging
Compute stores a log file for each service in
``/var/log/nova``. For example, ``nova-compute.log``
is the log for the ``nova-compute`` service. You can set the
following options to format log strings for the ``nova.log``
module in the ``nova.conf`` file:
* ``logging_context_format_string``
* ``logging_default_format_string``
If the log level is set to ``debug``, you can also specify
``logging_debug_format_suffix`` to append extra formatting.
For information about what variables are available for the
formatter, see `Formatter Objects
You have two logging options for OpenStack Compute based on
configuration settings. In ``nova.conf``, include the
``logfile`` option to enable logging. Alternatively you can set
``use_syslog = 1`` so that the nova daemon logs to syslog.
.. _section_compute-GuruMed-reports:
Guru Meditation reports
A Guru Meditation report is sent by the Compute service upon receipt of the
``SIGUSR2`` signal (``SIGUSR1`` before Mitaka). This report is a
general-purpose error report that includes details about the current state
of the service. The error report is sent to ``stderr``.
For example, if you redirect error output to ``nova-api-err.log``
using :command:`nova-api 2>/var/log/nova/nova-api-err.log`,
resulting in the process ID 8675, you can then run:
.. code-block:: console
# kill -USR2 8675
This command triggers the Guru Meditation report to be printed to
The report has the following sections:
* Package: Displays information about the package to which the process
belongs, including version information.
* Threads: Displays stack traces and thread IDs for each of the threads
within the process.
* Green Threads: Displays stack traces for each of the green threads
within the process (green threads do not have thread IDs).
* Configuration: Lists all configuration options currently accessible
through the CONF object for the current process.
For more information, see `Guru Meditation Reports <>`_.
.. _compute-common-errors-and-fixes:
Common errors and fixes for Compute
The ` <>`_ site offers a place to ask
and answer questions, and you can also mark questions as frequently asked
questions. This section describes some errors people have posted previously.
Bugs are constantly being fixed, so online resources are a great way to get
the most up-to-date errors and fixes.
Credential errors, 401, and 403 forbidden errors
Missing credentials cause a ``403 forbidden`` error.
To resolve this issue, use one of these methods:
#. Manual method
Gets the ``novarc`` file from the project ZIP file, saves existing
credentials in case of override, and manually sources the ``novarc``
#. Script method
Generates ``novarc`` from the project ZIP file and sources it for you.
When you run ``nova-api`` the first time, it generates the certificate
authority information, including ``openssl.cnf``. If you
start the CA services before this, you might not be
able to create your ZIP file. Restart the services.
When your CA information is available, create your ZIP file.
Also, check your HTTP proxy settings to see whether they cause problems with
``novarc`` creation.
Instance errors
Sometimes a particular instance shows ``pending`` or you cannot SSH to
it. Sometimes the image itself is the problem. For example, when you
use flat manager networking, you do not have a DHCP server and certain
images do not support interface injection; you cannot connect to
To fix instance errors use an image that does support
this method, such as Ubuntu, which obtains an IP address correctly
with FlatManager network settings.
To troubleshoot other possible problems with an instance, such as
an instance that stays in a spawning state, check the directory for
the particular instance under ``/var/lib/nova/instances`` on
the ``nova-compute`` host and make sure that these files are present:
* ``libvirt.xml``
* ``disk``
* ``disk-raw``
* ``kernel``
* ``ramdisk``
* ``console.log``, after the instance starts.
If any files are missing, empty, or very small, the ``nova-compute``
service did not successfully download the images from the Image service.
Also check ``nova-compute.log`` for exceptions. Sometimes they do not
appear in the console output.
Next, check the log file for the instance in the ``/var/log/libvirt/qemu``
directory to see if it exists and has any useful error messages in it.
Finally, from the ``/var/lib/nova/instances`` directory for the instance,
see if this command returns an error:
.. code-block:: console
# virsh create libvirt.xml
Empty log output for Linux instances
You can view the log output of running instances
from either the :guilabel:`Log` tab of the dashboard or the output of
:command:`nova console-log`. In some cases, the log output of a running
Linux instance will be empty or only display a single character (for example,
the `?` character).
This occurs when the Compute service attempts to retrieve the log output
of the instance via a serial console while the instance itself is not
configured to send output to the console.
To rectify this, append the following parameters to kernel arguments
specified in the instance's boot loader:
.. code-block:: ini
console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8
Upon rebooting, the instance will be configured to send output to the Compute
.. _reset-state:
Reset the state of an instance
Instances can remain in an intermediate state, such as ``deleting``.
You can use the :command:`nova reset-state` command to manually reset
the state of an instance to an error state. You can then delete the
instance. For example:
.. code-block:: console
$ nova reset-state c6bbbf26-b40a-47e7-8d5c-eb17bf65c485
$ openstack server delete c6bbbf26-b40a-47e7-8d5c-eb17bf65c485
You can also use the ``--active`` parameter to force the instance back
to an active state instead of an error state. For example:
.. code-block:: console
$ nova reset-state --active c6bbbf26-b40a-47e7-8d5c-eb17bf65c485
.. _problems-with-injection:
Injection problems
Instances may boot slowly, or do not boot. File injection can cause this
To disable injection in libvirt, set the following in ``nova.conf``:
.. code-block:: ini
inject_partition = -2
.. note::
If you have not enabled the configuration drive and
you want to make user-specified files available from
the metadata server for to improve performance and
avoid boot failure if injection fails, you must
disable injection.
.. _live-snapshotting-fail:
Disable live snapshotting
Administrators using libvirt version ``1.2.2`` may experience problems
with live snapshot creation. Occasionally, libvirt version ``1.2.2`` fails
to create live snapshots under the load of creating concurrent snapshot.
To effectively disable the libvirt live snapshotting, until the problem
is resolved, configure the ``disable_libvirt_livesnapshot`` option.
You can turn off the live snapshotting mechanism by setting up its value to
``True`` in the ``[workarounds]`` section of the ``nova.conf`` file:
.. code-block:: ini
disable_libvirt_livesnapshot = True