diff --git a/doc/install-guide/ch_horizon.xml b/doc/install-guide/ch_horizon.xml
index 14e72da7a2..44e67386ed 100644
--- a/doc/install-guide/ch_horizon.xml
+++ b/doc/install-guide/ch_horizon.xml
@@ -8,37 +8,38 @@
The OpenStack dashboard, also known as Horizon, is a Web interface that enables cloud
- administrators and users to manage various OpenStack resources and
- services.
+ administrators and users to manage various OpenStack resources and
+ services.
The dashboard enables web-based interactions with the
- OpenStack Compute cloud controller through the OpenStack
- APIs.
- These instructions show an example deployment configured with
- an Apache web server.
- After you install and
- configure the dashboard, you can complete the following
- tasks:
- Customize your dashboard. See section Customize the dashboard in the OpenStack Cloud Administrator
- Guide.
- Set up session storage for the dashboard. See .
+ OpenStack Compute cloud controller through the OpenStack
+ APIs.
+ Horizon enables you to customize the brand of the dashboard.
+ Horizon provides a set of core classes and reusable templates and tools.
+ This example deployment uses an Apache web server.
Next stepsYour OpenStack environment now includes the dashboard. You can
- launch an instance or add more
- services to your environment in the following chapters.
+ launch an instance or add
+ more services to your environment in the following chapters.
+ After you install and configure the dashboard, you can
+ complete the following tasks:
+ Customize your dashboard. See section Customize the dashboard in the OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide
+ for information on setting up colors, logos, and site titles.
+ Set up session storage. See section Set up session storage for the dashboard
+ in the OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide for information on user
+ session data.
diff --git a/doc/install-guide/section_dashboard-install.xml b/doc/install-guide/section_dashboard-install.xml
index e1a77fa5a7..cffe32f9d9 100644
--- a/doc/install-guide/section_dashboard-install.xml
+++ b/doc/install-guide/section_dashboard-install.xml
@@ -6,96 +6,74 @@
Install the dashboard
- Before you can install and configure the dashboard, meet the
- requirements in .
+ Before you can install and configure the dashboard, meet the requirements in .
- When you install only Object Storage and the Identity
- Service, even if you install the dashboard, it does not
- pull up projects and is unusable.
+ When you install the dashboard with only OpenStack Object Storage and Identity, the
+ dashboard does not show projects and is unusable.
- For more information about how to deploy the dashboard, see
- For more information about how to deploy the dashboard, see deployment topics in the developer
- documentation.
+ >deployment topics in the developer documentation.
- Install the dashboard on the node that can contact
- the Identity Service as root:
+ Install the dashboard on the node that can contact the Identity service as
+ root:#apt-get install apache2 memcached libapache2-mod-wsgi openstack-dashboard#yum install memcached python-memcached mod_wsgi openstack-dashboard#zypper install memcached python-python-memcached apache2-mod_wsgi openstack-dashboard openstack-dashboard-testNote for Ubuntu users
- Remove the
- openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme
- package. This theme prevents translations, several
- menus as well as the network map from rendering
- correctly:
- #apt-get remove --purge openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme
+ The openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme package prevents
+ translations, several menus, and the network map from rendering correctly.
+ Remove this package:
+ #apt-get remove --purge openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-themeNote for Debian usersTo install the Apache package:#apt-get install openstack-dashboard-apache
- This command installs and configures Apache
- correctly, provided that the user asks for it
- during the debconf prompts. The
- default SSL certificate is self-signed, and it is
- probably wise to have it signed by a root
+ This command installs and configures Apache correctly, provided that the user
+ asks for it during the debconf prompts. The default SSL
+ certificate is self-signed, and it is probably wise to have it signed by a root
Certificate Authority (CA).
- Modify the value of
- CACHES['default']['LOCATION']
- in Modify the value of CACHES['default']['LOCATION'] in /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/srv/www/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
to match the ones set in /etc/memcached.conf/etc/memcached.conf/etc/sysconfig/memcached.Open /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py
- /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings
+ /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings
and look for this line:
- CACHES = {
-'default': {
-'BACKEND' : 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
-'LOCATION' : ''
+ CACHES = \
+ {'default': {'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
+ 'LOCATION': ''}}Notes
- The address and port must match the ones
- set in /etc/memcached.confThe address and port must match the ones set in /etc/memcached.conf/etc/sysconfig/memcached.
- If you change the memcached settings,
- you must restart the Apache web server for
- the changes to take effect.
+ If you change the memcached settings, you must restart the Apache web
+ server for the changes to take effect.
- You can use options other than memcached
- option for session storage. Set the
- session back-end through the
- option.
+ You can use options other than memcached option for session storage.
+ Set the session back-end through the
- To change the timezone, use the
- dashboard or edit the To change the timezone, use the dashboard or edit the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/srv/www/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
- Change the following parameter:
+ Change the following parameter: TIME_ZONE = "UTC"Update the ALLOWED_HOSTS in
- local_settings.py to include
- the addresses you wish to access the dashboard
- from.
+ local_settings.py to include the addresses from which you
+ want to access the dashboard.
Edit /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py/srv/www/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py:
- ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', 'my-desktop']
+ ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', 'my-desktop']
- This guide assumes that you are running the
- Dashboard on the controller node. You can easily run
- the dashboard on a separate server, by changing the
- appropriate settings in
- local_settings.py.
+ This guide assumes that you are running the dashboard on the controller node. You
+ can easily run the dashboard on a separate server by changing the appropriate
+ settings in local_settings.py.Edit /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py/srv/www/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
- and change OPENSTACK_HOST to the
- hostname of your Identity Service:
- OPENSTACK_HOST = "controller"
+ and change OPENSTACK_HOST to the host name of your Identity
+ service:
+ OPENSTACK_HOST = "controller"
- Setup Apache configuration:
- #cp /etc/apache2/conf.d/openstack-dashboard.conf.sample \
+ Configure Apache:
+ #cp /etc/apache2/conf.d/openstack-dashboard.conf.sample \
/etc/apache2/conf.d/openstack-dashboard.conf#a2enmod rewrite;a2enmod ssl;a2enmod wsgi
- By default, the
- openstack-dashboard
- package enables a database as session store. Before
- you continue, either change the session store set up
- as described in
- or finish the setup of the database session store as
- explained in .
+ By default, the openstack-dashboard package enables a database
+ as a session store.
+ Before you continue, you can either:
+ Change the session store. See Set up session
+ storage in the Cloud Administrator
+ Guide.
+ Complete the database session store set up. See
+ Initialize and configure the
+ database.
- Ensure that the SELinux policy of the system is
- configured to allow network connections to the HTTP
- server.
+ Ensure that the SELinux policy of the system is configured to allow network
+ connections to the HTTP server:#setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
@@ -180,12 +158,10 @@
You can now access the dashboard at http://controller/horizonhttps://controller/
- http://controller/dashboard
- http://controller.
- Login with credentials for any user that you created
- with the OpenStack Identity Service.
+ http://controller/dashboard
+ http://controller.
+ Log in with credentials for any user that you created with OpenStack
+ Identity.