From 3fe9fb5660581cef519fbd416b04f0e4eb386e82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Bock <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 14:47:45 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] [install] Use openstack instead of neutron client

Update documentation for creating the provider network to use the
openstack client as opposed to the neutron client. Also updated the
output of the client after creating the network / subnet.

Change-Id: I1094ac695c23b1c1f03027677697fd90f0f1bace
 .../launch-instance-networks-provider.rst     | 89 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/install-guide/source/launch-instance-networks-provider.rst b/doc/install-guide/source/launch-instance-networks-provider.rst
index 89dcbb1ea1..805b8a0ec7 100644
--- a/doc/install-guide/source/launch-instance-networks-provider.rst
+++ b/doc/install-guide/source/launch-instance-networks-provider.rst
@@ -43,45 +43,46 @@ Create the provider network
    .. code-block:: console
-      $ neutron net-create --shared --provider:physical_network provider \
-        --provider:network_type flat provider
+      $ openstack network create  --share \
+        --provider-physical-network provider \
+        --provider-network-type flat provider
       Created a new network:
       | Field                     | Value                                |
-      | admin_state_up            | True                                 |
+      | admin_state_up            | UP                                   |
       | availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
       | availability_zones        |                                      |
-      | created_at                | 2016-09-30T02:33:36Z                 |
+      | created_at                | 2016-11-02T20:36:18Z                 |
       | description               |                                      |
-      | id                        | 89e06055-e50d-4c60-bb02-2db800c5af30 |
-      | ipv4_address_scope        |                                      |
-      | ipv6_address_scope        |                                      |
+      | headers                   |                                      |
+      | id                        | 9793a02d-4f05-40d2-a280-407c48db0161 |
+      | ipv4_address_scope        | None                                 |
+      | ipv6_address_scope        | None                                 |
       | mtu                       | 1500                                 |
       | name                      | provider                             |
       | port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
       | project_id                | 7e188c33604d4b02ae0a99b5da68cae0     |
       | provider:network_type     | flat                                 |
       | provider:physical_network | provider                             |
-      | provider:segmentation_id  |                                      |
-      | revision_number           | 2                                    |
-      | router:external           | False                                |
+      | provider:segmentation_id  | None                                 |
+      | revision_number           | 3                                    |
+      | router:external           | Internal                             |
       | shared                    | True                                 |
       | status                    | ACTIVE                               |
       | subnets                   |                                      |
-      | tags                      |                                      |
-      | tenant_id                 | 7e188c33604d4b02ae0a99b5da68cae0     |
-      | updated_at                | 2016-09-30T02:33:36Z                 |
+      | tags                      | []                                   |
+      | updated_at                | 2016-11-02T20:36:18Z                 |
    .. end
-   The ``--shared`` option allows all projects to use the virtual network.
+   The ``--share`` option allows all projects to use the virtual network.
-   The ``--provider:physical_network provider`` and
-   ``--provider:network_type flat`` options connect the flat virtual network
+   The ``--provider-physical-network provider`` and
+   ``--provider-network-type flat`` options connect the flat virtual network
    to the flat (native/untagged) physical network on the ``eth1`` interface
    on the host using information from the following files:
@@ -107,10 +108,10 @@ Create the provider network
    .. code-block:: console
-      $ neutron subnet-create --name provider \
+      $ openstack subnet create --network provider \
         --allocation-pool start=START_IP_ADDRESS,end=END_IP_ADDRESS \
         --dns-nameserver DNS_RESOLVER --gateway PROVIDER_NETWORK_GATEWAY \
-        provider PROVIDER_NETWORK_CIDR
+        --subnet-range PROVIDER_NETWORK_CIDR provider
    .. end
@@ -137,36 +138,36 @@ Create the provider network
    .. code-block:: console
-      $ neutron subnet-create --name provider \
+      $ openstack subnet create --network provider \
         --allocation-pool start=,end= \
         --dns-nameserver --gateway \
-        provider
+        --subnet-range provider
       Created a new subnet:
-      +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
-      | Field             | Value                                              |
-      +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
-      | allocation_pools  | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
-      | cidr              |                                     |
-      | created_at        | 2016-09-30T02:51:06Z                               |
-      | description       |                                                    |
-      | dns_nameservers   |                                            |
-      | enable_dhcp       | True                                               |
-      | gateway_ip        |                                        |
-      | host_routes       |                                                    |
-      | id                | 5cc70da8-4ee7-4565-be53-b9c011fca011               |
-      | ip_version        | 4                                                  |
-      | ipv6_address_mode |                                                    |
-      | ipv6_ra_mode      |                                                    |
-      | name              | provider                                           |
-      | network_id        | 0e62efcd-8cee-46c7-b163-d8df05c3c5ad               |
-      | project_id        | 7e188c33604d4b02ae0a99b5da68cae0                   |
-      | revision_number   | 2                                                  |
-      | service_types     |                                                    |
-      | subnetpool_id     |                                                    |
-      | tenant_id         | d84313397390425c8ed50b2f6e18d092                   |
-      | updated_at        | 2016-09-30T02:51:06Z                               |
-      +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+      +-------------------+--------------------------------------+
+      | Field             | Value                                |
+      +-------------------+--------------------------------------+
+      | allocation_pools  |          |
+      | cidr              |                       |
+      | created_at        | 2016-11-02T20:45:04Z                 |
+      | description       |                                      |
+      | dns_nameservers   |                              |
+      | enable_dhcp       | True                                 |
+      | gateway_ip        |                          |
+      | headers           |                                      |
+      | host_routes       |                                      |
+      | id                | 2c65ef8c-a5f3-4f51-94c1-4df0daaaab5c |
+      | ip_version        | 4                                    |
+      | ipv6_address_mode | None                                 |
+      | ipv6_ra_mode      | None                                 |
+      | name              | provider                             |
+      | network_id        | 9793a02d-4f05-40d2-a280-407c48db0161 |
+      | project_id        | 7e188c33604d4b02ae0a99b5da68cae0     |
+      | revision_number   | 2                                    |
+      | service_types     | []                                   |
+      | subnetpool_id     | None                                 |
+      | updated_at        | 2016-11-02T20:45:04Z                 |
+      +-------------------+--------------------------------------+
    .. end