diff --git a/doc/image-guide/ch_obtaining_images.xml b/doc/image-guide/ch_obtaining_images.xml
index 3294d02b9f..518c096d71 100644
--- a/doc/image-guide/ch_obtaining_images.xml
+++ b/doc/image-guide/ch_obtaining_images.xml
@@ -92,6 +92,34 @@
a test openSUSE 12.3 image.
+ Official Debian images
+ Debian does not (yet) provide images for direct download.
+ Instead, a package named openstack-debian-images
+ provides a simple script for building them. This package is available
+ in Debian Unstable, Debian Jessie, and through the wheezy-backports
+ repositories. To produce a Wheezy image, simply run:
+ #build-openstack-debian-image -r wheezy
+ If building the image for Wheezy, packages like
+ cloud-init, cloud-utils or
+ cloud-initramfs-growroot will be pulled from
+ wheezy-backports. Also, the current version of
+ bootlogd in Wheezy doesn't support logging to
+ multiple consoles, which is needed so that both the OpenStack
+ Dashboard console and the nova console-log
+ console works. However, a
+ fixed version is available from the non-official GPLHost
+ repository. To install it on top of the image, it is possible
+ to use the option of the
+ build-openstack-debian-image script, with this
+ kind of script as parameter:
+cp bootlogd_2.88dsf-41+deb7u2_amd64.deb ${BODI_CHROOT_PATH}
+chroot ${BODI_CHROOT_PATH} dpkg -i bootlogd_2.88dsf-41+deb7u2_amd64.deb
+rm ${BODI_CHROOT_PATH}/bootlogd_2.88dsf-41+deb7u2_amd64.deb
+ Official images from other Linux distributionsAs of this writing, we are not aware of other distributions that provide images for download.