Edit Intro section of Cloud Admin Guide Compute chapter
Remove deprecated information Correct figures Edit grammar and style Introduce refs to other guides Change Nova to Compute Change-Id: Icbf1a38e2d233ac3255858246b471a0c849c405b Partial-bug: #1222003 Author: Nermina Miller
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@ -7,11 +7,10 @@
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<para>Compute provides a tool that lets you orchestrate a cloud. By using Nova, you can run instances, manage networks, and manage access
to the cloud through users and projects. Nova provides software
that enables you to control an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud
computing platform and is similar in scope to Amazon EC2 and
Rackspace Cloud Servers.</para>
<para>The Compute service, code-named Nova, provides a tool that lets you orchestrate a cloud.
By using Compute, you can run instances, manage networks, and manage access to the cloud
through users and projects. Compute provides software that enables you to control an
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform.</para>
<section xml:id="section_compute-intro">
<title>Introduction to Compute</title>
<para>Compute does not include any virtualization software;
@ -21,190 +20,139 @@
<section xml:id="section_hypervisors">
<para>OpenStack Compute requires a hypervisor. Compute
controls hypervisors through an API server. To select a hypervisor, you must prioritize and make decisions
based on budget,
resource constraints,
supported features, and required technical
specifications. The majority of development is done
with the KVM and Xen-based hypervisors. For a detailed list of features and support across the
hypervisors, see <link
<para>Compute requires a hypervisor. Compute controls hypervisors through an API server.
To select a hypervisor, you must prioritize and make decisions based on budget,
resource constraints, supported features, and required technical specifications. The
majority of development is done with the KVM and Xen-based hypervisors. For a
detailed list of features and support across the hypervisors, see <link
With OpenStack Compute, you can
orchestrate clouds using multiple hypervisors in
different zones. The types of virtualization standards
that can be used with Compute include:</para>
>http://wiki.openstack.org/HypervisorSupportMatrix</link>. </para>
<para>With Compute, you can orchestrate clouds using multiple hypervisors in different
availability zones. The types of virtualization standards that can be used with
Compute include:</para>
>KVM</link> - Kernel-based Virtual
<para><link xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Baremetal"
>LXC</link> - Linux Containers (through
<para><link xlink:href="http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/hyper-v-server/default.aspx">Hyper-V</link></para>
>QEMU</link> - Quick EMUlator</para>
<para>Kernel-based Virtual Machine (<link
>UML</link> - User Mode Linux</para>
<para>Linux Containers (<link xlink:href="http://lxc.sourceforge.net/"
>LXC</link>). </para>
<para>Quick EMUlator (<link xlink:href="http://wiki.qemu.org/Manual"
<para>User Mode Linux (<link
>VMWare vSphere</link> 4.1 update 1 and
>VMWare vSphere</link>.</para>
>Xen</link> - Xen, Citrix XenServer and
Xen Cloud Platform (XCP)</para>
>Bare Metal</link> - Provisions physical
hardware through pluggable sub-drivers</para>
<para><link xlink:href="http://www.xen.org/support/documentation.html"
<para>Please see the <link
>Hypervisors</link> section in <citetitle>OpenStack Configuration
Reference</citetitle> for more information. </para>
<section xml:id="section_users-and-projects">
<title>Users and tenants</title>
<para>The OpenStack Compute system is designed to be used
by many different cloud computing consumers or
customers, basically tenants on a shared system, using
role-based access assignments. Roles control the
actions that a user is allowed to perform.</para><para>In the
default configuration, most actions do not require a
particular role, but this is configurable by the
system administrator editing the appropriate
<filename>policy.json</filename> file that
maintains the rules. For example, a rule can be
defined so that a user cannot allocate a public IP
without the admin role. A user's access to particular
images is limited by tenant, but the username and
password are assigned for each user. Key pairs
granting access to an instance are enabled for each
user, but quotas to control resource consumption
across available hardware resources are for each
tenant. <note>
<para>Earlier versions of OpenStack used the term
"project" instead of "tenant". Because of this
legacy terminology, some command-line tools
use <parameter>--project_id</parameter> when a
tenant ID is expected.</para>
<para>While the original EC2 API supports users, OpenStack
Compute adds the concept of tenants. Tenants are
isolated resource containers that form the principal
organizational structure within the Compute service.
They consist of a separate VLAN, volumes, instances,
images, keys, and users. A user can specify which
tenant he or she wishes to be known as by appending
<literal>:project_id</literal> to his or her
access key. If no tenant is specified in the API
request, Compute attempts to use a tenant with the
same ID as the user.</para>
<title>Tenants, users, and roles</title>
<para>The Compute system is designed to be used by many different cloud computing
consumers or customers, in native terms, tenants on a shared system, using
role-based access assignments. Roles control the actions that a user is allowed to
<para>While the original EC2 API supports users, Compute uses the concept of tenants.
Tenants are isolated resource containers that form the principal organizational
structure within the Compute service. They consist of a separate VLAN, volumes,
instances, images, keys, and users. A user can specify the tenant by appending
<literal>:project_id</literal> to their access key. If no tenant is specified in
the API request, Compute attempts to use a tenant with the same ID as the
<para>For tenants, quota controls are available to limit the:<itemizedlist>
<para>Number of volumes which may be
<para>Number of volumes that may be launched.</para>
<para>Total size of all volumes within a
project as measured in GB</para>
<para>Number of processor cores and the amount of RAM that may be
<para>Number of instances which may be
<para>Floating IP addresses (assigned to any instance when it launches so
the instance has the same publicly accessible IP addresses).</para>
<para>Number of processor cores which may be
<para>Fixed IP addresses (assigned to the same instance each time it boots,
publicly or privately accessibletypically private for management
<para>Floating IP addresses (assigned to any
instance when it launches so the instance
has the same publicly accessible IP
<para>Fixed IP addresses (assigned to the same
instance each time it boots, publicly or
privately accessible, typically private
for management purposes)</para>
</itemizedlist></para><para>Roles control the actions a user is allowed to perform. In the default configuration, most
actions do not require a particular role, but the system administrator can configure
them by editing the appropriate <filename>policy.json</filename> file that maintains
the rules. For example, a rule can be defined so that a user cannot allocate a
public IP without the admin role. A tenant limits the users' access to particular
images, but each user is assigned the username and password. Key pairs granting
access to an instance are enabled for each user, but quotas are set for each tenant
to control resource consumption across available hardware resources . <note>
<para>Earlier versions of OpenStack used the term "project" instead of "tenant."
Because of this legacy terminology, some command-line tools use
<parameter>--project_id</parameter> when a tenant ID is expected.
<section xml:id="section_images-and-instances">
<title>Images and instances</title>
<para>This introduction provides a high level overview of
what images and instances are and description of the
life-cycle of a typical virtual system within the
cloud. There are many ways to configure the details of
an OpenStack cloud and many ways to implement a
virtual system within that cloud. These configuration
details as well as the specific command line utilities
and API calls to perform the actions described are
presented in <xref linkend="section_image-mgmt"/> and
the volume-specific info in <link
><citetitle> OpenStack Configuration
<para>Images are disk images which are templates for
virtual machine file systems. The image service,
Glance, is responsible for the storage and management
of images within OpenStack.</para>
<para>Instances are the individual virtual machines
running on physical compute nodes. The compute
service, Nova, manages instances. Any number of
instances maybe started from the same image. Each
instance is run from a copy of the base image so
runtime changes made by an instance do not change the
image it is based on. Snapshots of running instances
may be taken which create a new image based on the
current disk state of a particular instance.</para>
<para>When starting an instance a set of virtual resources
known as a flavor must be selected. Flavors define how
many virtual CPUs an instance has and the amount of
RAM and size of its ephemeral disks. OpenStack
provides a number of predefined flavors which cloud
administrators may edit or add to. Users must select
from the set of available flavors defined on their
<para>Additional resources such as persistent volume
storage and public IP address may be added to and
removed from running instances. The examples below
show the <systemitem class="service"
>cinder-volume</systemitem> service which provide
persistent block storage as opposed to the ephemeral
storage provided by the instance flavor.</para>
<para>Here is an example of the life cycle of a typical
virtual system within an OpenStack cloud to illustrate
these concepts.</para>
<para>Images are disk images which are templates for virtual machine file systems. The
image service, Glance, is responsible for the storage and management of images
within OpenStack.</para>
<para>The <link
>Image Services</link> section of <citetitle>OpenStack Configuration
Reference</citetitle> explains image configuration options, while the <link
>Manage Images</link> section of <citetitle>OpenStack Admin User
Guide</citetitle> for specifics about creating and troubleshooting
<para>Instances are the individual virtual machines running on physical compute nodes.
Compute manages instances. Any number of instances may be started from the same
image. Each instance is run from a copy of the base image so runtime changes made by
an instance do not change the image it is based on. Snapshots of running instances
may be taken, creating a new image based on the current disk state of a particular
<para>When starting an instance, a user must select a set of virtual resources known as
a flavor. Flavors define how many virtual CPUs an instance has and the amount of RAM
and size of its ephemeral disks. OpenStack provides a number of predefined flavors
that cloud administrators may edit or add to. Users must select from the set of
available flavors defined on their cloud. For more information about flavors, see
the <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-ops/content/flavors.html">Flavors</link> section in <citetitle>OpenStack Operations Guide</citetitle>.</para>
<para>A user may add and remove additional resources from running instances, such as
persistent volume storage and public IP address. The following example shows the
lifecycle of a typical virtual system within an OpenStack cloud. It features the
<systemitem class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem> service, which provides
persistent block storage, as opposed to the ephemeral storage provided by the
instance flavor.</para>
<simplesect xml:id="initial-instance-state">
<title>Initial state</title>
<para>The following diagram shows the system state
prior to launching an instance. The image store
fronted by the image service, Glance, has some
number of predefined images. In the cloud there is
an available compute node with available vCPU,
memory and local disk resources. Plus there are a
number of predefined volumes in the <systemitem
<para>The following diagram shows the system state prior to launching an instance.
The image store fronted by the image service, Glance, has a number of predefined
images. Inside the cloud, a compute node contains available vCPU, memory, and
local disk resources. Additionaly, the <systemitem class="service"
>cinder-volume</systemitem> service provides a number of predefined
<figure xml:id="initial-instance-state-figure">
<title>Base image state with no running
@ -219,15 +167,12 @@
<simplesect xml:id="running-instance-state">
<title>Launching an instance</title>
<para>To launch an instance the user selects an image,
a flavor and optionally other attributes. In this
case the selected flavor provides a root volume
(as all flavors do) labeled vda in the diagram and
additional ephemeral storage labeled vdb in the
diagram. The user has also opted to map a volume
from the <systemitem class="service"
>cinder-volume</systemitem> store to the third
virtual disk, vdc, on this instance.</para>
<para>To launch an instance, the user selects an image, a flavor, and other optional
attributes. In this case, the selected flavor provides a root volume (as all
flavors do) labeled vda in the diagram and additional ephemeral storage labeled
vdb in the diagram. The user has also opted to map a volume from the <systemitem
class="service">cinder-volume</systemitem> store to the third virtual disk,
vdc, on this instance.</para>
<figure xml:id="run-instance-state-figure">
<title>Instance creation from image and run time
@ -239,40 +184,27 @@
<para>The OpenStack system copies the base image from
the image store to the local disk. The local disk
is the first disk (vda) that the instance
accesses. Using small images results in faster
start up of your instances as less data is copied
across the network. The system also creates a new
empty disk image to present as the second disk
(vdb). Be aware that the second disk is an empty
disk with an ephemeral life as it is destroyed
when you delete the instance. The compute node
attaches to the requested <systemitem
using iSCSI and maps this to the third disk (vdc)
as requested. The vCPU and memory resources are
provisioned and the instance is booted from the
first drive. The instance runs and changes data on
the disks indicated in red in the diagram <link
<para>The details of this scenario can vary,
particularly the type of back-end storage and the
network protocols that are used. One variant worth
mentioning here is that the ephemeral storage used
for volumes vda and vdb in this example may be
backed by network storage rather than local disk.
The details are left for later chapters.</para>
<para>The OpenStack system copies the base image from the image store to the local
disk. The local disk is the first disk (vda) that the instance accesses. Using
small images results in a faster start up of your instances as less data is
copied across the network. The system also creates a new empty disk image to
present as the second disk (vdb). Please note that the second disk is an empty
disk with an ephemeral life because it is destroyed when you delete an instance.
The compute node attaches to the requested <systemitem class="service"
>cinder-volume</systemitem> using iSCSI and maps this to the third disk
(vdc) as requested. The vCPU and memory resources are provisioned and the
instance is booted from the first drive. The instance runs and changes data on
the disks indicated in red in the diagram.</para>
<para>The details of this scenario can vary, particularly the type of back-end
storage and the network protocols that are used. One variant worth mentioning
here is that the ephemeral storage used for volumes vda and vdb in this example
may be backed by network storage rather than local disk. </para>
<simplesect xml:id="end-instance-state">
<title>End state</title>
<para>Once the instance has served its purpose and is
deleted all state is reclaimed, except the
persistent volume. The ephemeral storage is
purged. Memory and vCPU resources are released.
And of course the image has remained unchanged
through out.</para>
<para>Once the instance has served its purpose and is deleted, all state is
reclaimed, except the persistent volume. The ephemeral storage is purged. Memory
and vCPU resources are released. The image remains unchanged throughout.</para>
<figure xml:id="end-instance-state-figure">
<title>End state of image and volume after
instance exits</title>
@ -288,69 +220,47 @@
<section xml:id="section_system-architecture">
<title>System architecture</title>
<para>OpenStack Compute consists of several main
components. A "cloud controller" contains many of
these components, and it represents the global state
and interacts with all other components. An API Server
acts as the web services front end for the cloud
controller. The compute controller provides compute
server resources and typically contains the compute
service.</para><para>The Object Store component optionally
provides storage services. An auth manager provides
authentication and authorization services when used
with the Compute system, or you can use the Identity
Service (keystone) as a separate authentication
service. A volume controller provides fast and
permanent block-level storage for the compute servers.
A network controller provides virtual networks to
enable compute servers to interact with each other and
with the public network. A scheduler selects the most
suitable compute controller to host an
<para>OpenStack Compute is built on a shared-nothing,
messaging-based architecture. You can run all of the
major components on multiple servers including a
compute controller, volume controller, network
controller, and object store (or image service). A
cloud controller communicates with the internal object
store through HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), but
it communicates with a scheduler, network controller,
and volume controller through AMQP (Advanced Message
Queue Protocol). To avoid blocking each component
while waiting for a response, OpenStack Compute uses
asynchronous calls, with a call-back that gets
triggered when a response is received.</para>
<para>To achieve the shared-nothing property with multiple
copies of the same component, OpenStack Compute keeps
all the cloud system state in a database.</para>
<para>Compute consists of several main components. A "cloud controller" contains many of
these components, and it represents the global state and interacts with all other
components. An API Server acts as the web services front end for the cloud
controller. The compute controller provides compute server resources and typically
contains the compute service.</para><para>The Object Store component optionally provides storage services. An auth manager provides
authentication and authorization services when used with the Compute system, or you
can use the Identity Service (Keystone) as a separate authentication service. A
volume controller provides fast and permanent block-level storage for the compute
servers. A network controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers to
interact with each other and with the public network. A scheduler selects the most
suitable compute controller to host an instance.</para>
<para>Compute is built on a shared-nothing, messaging-based architecture. You can run
all of the major components on multiple servers including a compute controller,
volume controller, network controller, and object store (or image service). A cloud
controller communicates with the internal object store through Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), but it communicates with a scheduler, network controller, and
volume controller through Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP). To avoid blocking
each component while waiting for a response, Compute uses asynchronous calls, with a
callback that gets triggered when a response is received.</para>
<para>To achieve the shared-nothing property with multiple copies of the same component,
Compute keeps all of the cloud system state in a database.</para>
<section xml:id="section_storage-and-openstack-compute">
<title>Block Storage and Compute</title>
<para>OpenStack provides two classes of block storage,
"ephemeral" storage and persistent "volumes".
Ephemeral storage exists only for the life of an
instance. It persists across reboots of the guest
operating system, but when the instance is deleted so
is the associated storage. All instances have some
ephemeral storage. Volumes are persistent virtualized
block devices independent of any particular instance.
Volumes may be attached to a single instance at a
time, but may be detached or reattached to a different
instance while retaining all data, much like a USB
<para>OpenStack provides two classes of block storage, ephemeral storage and persistent
volumes. Ephemeral storage exists only for the life of an instance. It persists
across reboots of the guest operating system, but when the instance is deleted so is
the associated storage. All instances have some ephemeral storage. Volumes are
persistent virtualized block devices independent of any particular instance. Volumes
may be attached to a single instance at a time, but may be detached or reattached to
a different instance while retaining all data, much like a USB drive.</para>
<simplesect xml:id="section_about-ephemeral-storage">
<title>Ephemeral storage</title>
<para>Ephemeral storage is associated with a single
unique instance. Its size is defined by the flavor
of the instance.</para>
<para>Data on ephemeral storage ceases to exist when
the instance it is associated with is terminated.
Rebooting the VM or restarting the host server,
however, does not destroy ephemeral data. In the
typical use case an instance's root file system is
stored on ephemeral storage. This is often an
unpleasant surprise for people unfamiliar with the
cloud model of computing.</para>
<para>Data on ephemeral storage ceases to exist when the instance it is associated
with is terminated. Rebooting the VM or restarting the host server, however,
does not destroy ephemeral data. In the typical use case, an instance's root
file system is stored on ephemeral storage. This is often an unpleasant surprise
for people unfamiliar with the cloud model of computing.</para>
<para>In addition to the ephemeral root volume, all
flavors except the smallest, m1.tiny, provide an
additional ephemeral block device whose size
@ -380,87 +290,64 @@
attached to only one instance at a time, but may
be detached and reattached to either the same or
different instances.</para>
<para>It is possible to configure a volume so that it
is bootable and provides a persistent virtual
instance similar to traditional non-cloud based
virtualization systems. In this use case the
resulting instance may still have ephemeral
storage depending on the flavor selected, but the
root file system (and possibly others) is on the
persistent volume and its state is maintained even
if the instance it shut down. Details of this
configuration are discussed in the <link
<citetitle>OpenStack End User
<para>Volumes do not provide concurrent access from
multiple instances. For that you need either a
traditional network file system like NFS or CIFS
or a cluster file system such as GlusterFS. These
may be built within an OpenStack cluster or
provisioned outside of it, but are not features
provided by the OpenStack software.</para>
<para>It is possible to configure a volume so that it is bootable and provides a
persistent virtual instance similar to traditional non-cloud-based
virtualization systems. In this use case, the resulting instance may still have
ephemeral storage depending on the flavor selected, but the root file system
(and possibly others) is on the persistent volume and its state is maintained
even if the instance it shut down. Details of this configuration are discussed
in the <citetitle>OpenStack Configuration Reference</citetitle> .</para>
<para>Volumes do not provide concurrent access from multiple instances. For that,
you need either a traditional network file system like NFS or CIFS or a cluster
file system such as GlusterFS. These may be built within an OpenStack cluster or
provisioned outside of it, but are not features provided by the OpenStack
<section xml:id="section_image-mgmt">
<title>Image management</title>
<para>The OpenStack Image Service, code-named <emphasis
role="italic">glance</emphasis>, discovers, registers,
and retrieves virtual machine images. The service includes
a <link
>RESTful API</link> that allows users to query VM
image metadata and retrieve the actual image with HTTP
<para>The Image service, code-named Glance, discovers,
registers, and retrieves virtual machine images. The service includes a <link
xlink:href="http://api.openstack.org/api-ref.html#os-images-2.0">RESTful API</link>
that allows users to query VM image metadata and retrieve the actual image with HTTP
requests. You can also use the <link
>glance command-line tool</link>, or the <link
>Python API</link> to accomplish the same
<para>VM images made available through OpenStack Image Service
can be stored in a variety of locations. The OpenStack
Image Service supports the following back end
API</link> to accomplish the same tasks.</para>
<para>VM images made available through the Image service can be stored in a variety of
locations. The Image service supports the following back-end stores:</para>
<para>OpenStack Object Storage - OpenStack Object
Storage (code-named <emphasis role="italic"
>swift</emphasis>) is the highly-available
object storage project in OpenStack.</para>
<para>Object Storage service (code-named Swift)The highly-available object storage
project in OpenStack.</para>
<para>File system - The default back end that
OpenStack Image Service uses to store virtual
machine images is the file system back end. This
simple back end writes image files to the local
file system.</para>
<para>File systemThe default back-end that OpenStack Image Service uses to store
virtual machine images is the file system back-end. This simple back-end writes
image files to the local file system.</para>
<para>S3 - This back end allows OpenStack Image
Service to store virtual machine images in
Amazon’s S3 service.</para>
<para>S3This back-end allows OpenStack Image Service to store virtual machine
images in Amazon’s S3 service.</para>
<para>HTTP - OpenStack Image Service can read virtual
machine images that are available through HTTP
somewhere on the Internet. This store is read
<para>HTTPOpenStack Image Service can read virtual machine images that are
available through HTTP somewhere on the Internet. This store is read
<para>Rados Block Device (RBD) - This back end stores
images inside of a Ceph storage cluster using
Ceph's RBD interface.</para>
<para>Rados Block Device (RBD)This back-end stores images inside of a Ceph storage
cluster using Ceph's RBD interface.</para>
<para>GridFS - This back end stores images inside of
<para>GridFSThis back-end stores images inside of MongoDB.</para>
<para>You must have a working installation of the Image
Service, with a working endpoint and users created in the
Identity Service. Also, you must source the environment
variables required by the nova and glance clients.</para>
<para>You must have a working installation of the Image Service, with a working endpoint and
users created in the Identity Service. Also, you must source the environment variables
required by the Compute and Image clients.</para>
<section xml:id="section_instance-mgmt">
<title>Instance management</title>
@ -487,18 +374,15 @@
<programlisting language="bash">sudo pip install python-novaclient</programlisting>
<para>Full details for <application>nova</application>
and other CLI tools are provided in the <link
><citetitle>OpenStack End User Guide</citetitle></link>. What follows is
the minimal introduction required to follow the
CLI example in this chapter. In the case of a
conflict the
<para>Full details for <application>nova</application> and other CLI tools are
provided in <link
><citetitle>OpenStack End User Guide</citetitle></link> should be
considered authoritative (and a bug filed against
this section).</para>
><citetitle>OpenStack End User Guide</citetitle></link>. What follows is
the minimal introduction required to follow the CLI example in this chapter. In
the case of a conflict in <link
><citetitle>OpenStack End User Guide</citetitle></link> should be
considered authoritative (and a bug filed against this section).</para>
<para>To function, the
<application>nova</application> CLI needs the following information:</para>
@ -561,15 +445,11 @@ export OS_TENANT_NAME=demoproject</programlisting>
<simplesect xml:id="instance-mgmt-novaapi">
<title>Compute API</title>
<para>OpenStack provides a RESTful API for all
functionality. Complete API documentation is
available at <link
>http://docs.openstack.org/api</link>. The
>OpenStack Compute API</link> documentation
refers to instances as "servers".</para>
<para>OpenStack provides a RESTful API for all functionality. Complete API
documentation is available at <link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/api"
>http://docs.openstack.org/api</link>. The <link
Compute API</link> documentation refers to instances as "servers."</para>
<para>The <link linkend="instance-mgmt-novaclient"
>nova cli</link> can be made to show the API
calls it is making by passing it the
@ -1580,13 +1460,11 @@ net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables=0</programlisting>
<section xml:id="section_compute-system-admin">
<title>System administration</title>
<para>By understanding how the different installed nodes
interact with each other you can administer the Compute
installation. Compute offers many ways to install using
multiple servers but the general idea is that you can have
multiple compute nodes that control the virtual servers
and a cloud controller node that contains the remaining
Nova services.</para>
<para>By understanding how the different installed nodes interact with each other you can
administer the Compute installation. Compute offers many ways to install using multiple
servers but the general idea is that you can have multiple compute nodes that control
the virtual servers and a cloud controller node that contains the remaining Compute
<para>The Compute cloud works through the interaction of a
series of daemon processes named nova-* that reside
persistently on the host machine or machines. These
@ -1761,8 +1639,7 @@ net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables=0</programlisting>
signed with the secret key. Upon receipt of API
requests, Compute verifies the signature and runs
commands on behalf of the user.</para>
<para>To begin using nova, you must create a user with the
Identity Service.</para>
<para>To begin using Compute, you must create a user with the Identity Service.</para>
<section xml:id="section_manage-the-cloud">
<title>Manage the cloud</title>
@ -1919,15 +1796,12 @@ qualname = nova</programlisting></para>
<para>You can configure OpenStack Compute services to
send logging information to syslog. This is useful
if you want to use rsyslog, which forwards the
logs to a remote machine. You need to separately
configure the Compute service (nova), the Identity
service (keystone), the Image service (glance),
and, if you are using it, the Block Storage
service (cinder) to send log messages to syslog.
To do so, add the following lines to:</para>
<para>You can configure OpenStack Compute services to send logging information to
syslog. This is useful if you want to use rsyslog, which forwards the logs to a
remote machine. You need to separately configure the Compute service (Nova), the
Identity service (Keystone), the Image service (Glance), and, if you are using
it, the Block Storage service (Cinder) to send log messages to syslog. To do so,
add the following lines to:</para>
@ -2198,37 +2072,26 @@ HostC p2 5 10240 150
<programlisting>UPDATE instances SET host = 'np-rcc46' WHERE uuid = '3f57699a-e773-4650-a443-b4b37eed5a06'; </programlisting>
<para>Next, if using a hypervisor that relies
on libvirt (such as KVM) it is a good idea
to update the
<literal>libvirt.xml</literal> file
(found in
ID]</literal>). The important changes
to make are to change the
<literal>DHCPSERVER</literal> value to
the host ip address of the nova compute
host that is the VMs new home, and update
the VNC IP if it isn't already
<para>Next, if using a hypervisor that relies on libvirt (such as KVM) it is
a good idea to update the <literal>libvirt.xml</literal> file (found in
<literal>/var/lib/nova/instances/[instance ID]</literal>). The
important changes to make are to change the
<literal>DHCPSERVER</literal> value to the host ip address of the
Compute host that is the VMs new home, and update the VNC IP if it isn't
already <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>Next, reboot the VM:</para>
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>nova reboot --hard 3f57699a-e773-4650-a443-b4b37eed5a06</userinput></screen>
<para>In theory, the above database update and
<literal>nova reboot</literal> command
are all that is required to recover the
VMs from a failed host. However, if
further problems occur, consider looking
at recreating the network filter
configuration using
<literal>virsh</literal>, restarting
the nova services or updating the
<literal>vm_state</literal> and
<literal>power_state</literal> in the
nova database.</para>
<para>In theory, the above database update and <literal>nova
reboot</literal> command are all that is required to recover the VMs
from a failed host. However, if further problems occur, consider looking
at recreating the network filter configuration using
<literal>virsh</literal>, restarting the Compute services or
updating the <literal>vm_state</literal> and
<literal>power_state</literal> in the Compute database.</para>
@ -2301,9 +2164,7 @@ find / -gid 120 -exec chgrp nova {} \;</programlisting>
<section xml:id="section_nova-disaster-recovery-process">
<title>Nova disaster recovery process</title>
<para>Sometimes, things just don't go right. An incident
is never planned, by its definition.</para>
<title>Compute disaster recovery process</title>
<para>In this section describes how to manage your cloud
after a disaster, and how to easily back up the
persistent storage volumes. Back ups ARE mandatory,
@ -2313,8 +2174,7 @@ find / -gid 120 -exec chgrp nova {} \;</programlisting>
<title>A- The disaster Recovery Process
<title>A- The disaster recovery process presentation</title>
<para>A disaster could happen to several components of
your architecture: a disk crash, a network loss, a
power cut, and so on. In this example, assume the
@ -2399,9 +2259,8 @@ find / -gid 120 -exec chgrp nova {} \;</programlisting>
are no longer running)</para>
<para>Into the database, data was not updated
at all, since nova could not have guessed
the crash.</para>
<para>Into the database, data was not updated at all, since Compute could
not have guessed the crash.</para>
<para>Before going further, and to prevent the admin
@ -2446,89 +2305,62 @@ find / -gid 120 -exec chgrp nova {} \;</programlisting>
<title>B - The Disaster Recovery Process
<title>B - The disaster recovery procedure</title>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Instance to
Volume relation </emphasis>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Instance-to-volume relation </emphasis>
<para>We need to get the current relation
from a volume to its instance, because
we recreate the attachment:</para>
<para>This relation could be figured by
running <command>nova
volume-list</command> (note that
nova client includes ability to get
volume info from cinder)</para>
<para>We need to get the current relation from a volume to its instance,
because we recreate the attachment:</para>
<para>This relation could be figured by running <command>nova
volume-list</command> (note that nova client includes ability to
get volume info from cinder)</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Database
Update </emphasis>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Update the database </emphasis>
<para>Second, we need to update the
database in order to clean the stalled
state. Now that we have saved the
attachments we need to restore for
every volume, the database can be
cleaned with the following queries:
<para>Second, we need to update the database in order to clean the
stalled state. Now that we have saved the attachments we need to
restore for every volume, the database can be cleaned with the
following queries:
<programlisting><prompt>mysql></prompt> <userinput>use cinder;</userinput>
<prompt>mysql></prompt> <userinput>update volumes set mountpoint=NULL;</userinput>
<prompt>mysql></prompt> <userinput>update volumes set status="available" where status <>"error_deleting";</userinput>
<prompt>mysql></prompt> <userinput>update volumes set attach_status="detached";</userinput>
<prompt>mysql></prompt> <userinput>update volumes set instance_id=0;</userinput> </programlisting>Now,
when running <command>nova
volume-list</command> all volumes
should be available.</para>
when running <command>nova volume-list</command> all volumes should
be available.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Instances
Restart </emphasis>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Restart nstances </emphasis>
<para>We need to restart the instances.
This can be done through a simple
<command>nova reboot
<para>You can restart the instances through a simple <command>nova
reboot <replaceable>$instance</replaceable></command>
<para>At that stage, depending on your
image, some instances completely
reboot and become reachable, while
others stop on the "plymouth"
<para>At that stage, depending on your image, some instances completely
reboot and become reachable, while others stop on the "plymouth"
<para><emphasis role="bold">DO NOT reboot
a second time</emphasis> the ones
which are stopped at that stage
(<emphasis role="italic">see below,
the fourth step</emphasis>). In
fact it depends on whether or not you
added an
entry for that volume. Images built
with the <emphasis role="italic"
>cloud-init</emphasis> package
remain in a pending state, while
others skip the missing volume and
start. (More information is available
on <link
>help.ubuntu.com</link>.) The idea
of that stage is only to ask nova to
reboot every instance, so the stored
state is preserved.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">DO NOT reboot a second time</emphasis> the
ones which are stopped at that stage (<emphasis role="italic">see
below, the fourth step</emphasis>). In fact it depends on
whether or not you added an <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> entry
for that volume. Images built with the <emphasis role="italic"
>cloud-init</emphasis> package remain in a pending state, while
others skip the missing volume and start. (More information is
available on <link
>help.ubuntu.com</link>.) The idea of that stage is only to ask
nova to reboot every instance, so the stored state is
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Volume
Attachment </emphasis>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> Reattach volumes</emphasis>
<para>After the restart, we can reattach
the volumes to their respective
instances. Now that nova has restored
the right status, it is time to
perform the attachments through a
<para>Here is a simple snippet that uses
the file we created:</para>
<para>After the restart, we can reattach the volumes to their respective
instances. Now that nova has restored the right status, it is time
to perform the attachments through a <command>nova
<para>Here is a simple snippet that uses the file we created:</para>
<programlisting language="bash">#!/bin/bash
while read line; do
@ -2539,30 +2371,22 @@ while read line; do
nova volume-attach $instance $volume $mount_point
sleep 2
done < $volumes_tmp_file</programlisting>
<para>At that stage, instances that were
pending on the boot sequence
(<emphasis role="italic"
>plymouth</emphasis>) automatically
continue their boot, and restart
normally, while the ones that booted
see the volume.</para>
<para>At that stage, instances that were pending on the boot sequence
(<emphasis role="italic">plymouth</emphasis>) automatically
continue their boot, and restart normally, while the ones that
booted see the volume.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> SSH into
instances </emphasis>
<para><emphasis role="bold"> SSH into instances </emphasis>
<para>If some services depend on the
volume, or if a volume has an entry
into fstab, it could be good to simply
restart the instance. This restart
needs to be made from the instance
itself, not through nova. So, we SSH
into the instance and perform a
<para>If some services depend on the volume, or if a volume has an entry
into fstab, it could be good to simply restart the instance. This
restart needs to be made from the instance itself, not through nova.
So, we SSH into the instance and perform a reboot:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>shutdown -r now</userinput></screen>
</itemizedlist>Voila! You successfully recovered
your cloud after that.</para>
</itemizedlist>By completing this procedure, you will have successfully
recovered your cloud.</para>
<para>Here are some suggestions:</para>
@ -2619,7 +2443,7 @@ done < $volumes_tmp_file</programlisting>
<title>C- Scripted DRP</title>
<title>C- scripted DRP</title>
<para>You can download from <link
>here</link> a bash script which performs
@ -5,37 +5,30 @@
<title>Secure with root wrappers</title>
<para>The goal of the root wrapper is to allow the nova
unprivileged user to run a number of actions as the root user,
in the safest manner possible. Historically, Nova used a
specific sudoers file listing every command that the nova user
was allowed to run, and just used sudo to run that command as
root. However this was difficult to maintain (the sudoers file
was in packaging), and did not allow for complex filtering of
parameters (advanced filters). The rootwrap was designed to
solve those issues.</para>
<para>The goal of the root wrapper is to allow the Compute unprivileged user to run a number of
actions as the root user, in the safest manner possible. Historically, Compute used a
specific sudoers file listing every command that the Compute user was allowed to run, and
just used sudo to run that command as root. However this was difficult to maintain (the
sudoers file was in packaging), and did not allow for complex filtering of parameters
(advanced filters). The rootwrap was designed to solve those issues.</para>
<simplesect> <title>How rootwrap works</title>
<para>Instead of just calling sudo make me a sandwich, Compute services starting with nova- call
sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf make me a sandwich.
A generic sudoers entry lets the nova user run nova-rootwrap
as root. The nova-rootwrap code looks for filter definition directories
in its configuration file, and loads command filters from
them. Then it checks if the command requested by Compute matches
one of those filters, in which case it executes the command
(as root). If no filter matches, it denies the request.</para></simplesect>
sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf make me a sandwich. A generic sudoers entry
lets the Compute user run nova-rootwrap as root. The nova-rootwrap code looks for filter
definition directories in its configuration file, and loads command filters from them.
Then it checks if the command requested by Compute matches one of those filters, in
which case it executes the command (as root). If no filter matches, it denies the
<title>Security model</title>
<para>The escalation path is fully controlled by the root
user. A sudoers entry (owned by root) allows nova to run
(as root) a specific rootwrap executable, and only with a
specific configuration file (which should be owned by
root). nova-rootwrap imports the Python modules it needs
from a cleaned (and system-default) PYTHONPATH. The
configuration file (also root-owned) points to root-owned
filter definition directories, which contain root-owned
filters definition files. This chain ensures that the nova
user itself is not in control of the configuration or
modules used by the nova-rootwrap executable.</para>
<para>The escalation path is fully controlled by the root user. A sudoers entry (owned by
root) allows Compute to run (as root) a specific rootwrap executable, and only with a
specific configuration file (which should be owned by root). nova-rootwrap imports the
Python modules it needs from a cleaned (and system-default) PYTHONPATH. The
configuration file (also root-owned) points to root-owned filter definition directories,
which contain root-owned filters definition files. This chain ensures that the Compute
user itself is not in control of the configuration or modules used by the nova-rootwrap
<title>Details of rootwrap.conf</title>
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="section-troubleshooting-openstack-compute">
<title>Troubleshooting OpenStack Compute</title>
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="section_compute-troubleshooting">
<title>Troubleshooting Compute</title>
<para>Common problems for Compute typically involve misconfigured networking or credentials that are not sourced properly in the environment. Also, most flat networking configurations do not enable ping or ssh from a compute node to the instances running on that node. Another common problem is trying to run 32-bit images on a 64-bit compute node. This section offers more information about how to troubleshoot Compute.</para>
<section xml:id="log-files-for-openstack-compute"><title>Log files for OpenStack Compute</title>
<section xml:id="log-files-for-openstack-compute"><title>Log files for Compute</title>
<para>Compute stores a log file for each service in
<filename>/var/log/nova</filename>. For example,
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
daemon logs to syslog.</para>
<section xml:id="common-errors-and-fixes-for-openstack-compute">
<title>Common Errors and Fixes for OpenStack Compute</title>
<section xml:id="section_compute-common-errors-and-fixes">
<title>Common errors and fixes for Compute</title>
<para>The ask.openstack.org site offers a place to ask and
answer questions, and you can also mark questions as
frequently asked questions. This section describes some
@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
are constantly fixing bugs, so online resources are a
great way to get the most up-to-date errors and
<para>Credential errors, 401, 403 forbidden errors</para>
<section xml:id="section_credential-errors">
<title>Credential errors, 401, 403 forbidden errors</title>
<para>A 403 forbidden error is caused by missing credentials.
Through current installation methods, there are basically
two ways to get the <filename>novarc</filename> file. The manual method
@ -63,7 +64,9 @@
<para>You may also need to check your http proxy settings to see if
they are causing problems with the <filename>novarc</filename>
<para>Instance errors</para>
<section xml:id="section_instance-errors">
<title>Instance errors</title>
<para>Sometimes a particular instance shows "pending" or you
cannot SSH to it. Sometimes the image itself is the
problem. For example, when using flat manager networking,
@ -109,11 +112,11 @@
to see if it exists and has any useful error messages
in it.</para>
<para>Finally, from the directory for the instance under
<filename>/var/lib/nova/instances</filename>, try
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>virsh create libvirt.xml</userinput></screen> and see if you
get an error when running this.</para>
<section xml:id="reset-state">
<title>Manually reset the state of an instance</title>
@ -129,7 +132,7 @@
example:<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>nova reset-state --active c6bbbf26-b40a-47e7-8d5c-eb17bf65c485</userinput> </screen></para>
<section xml:id="problems-with-injection">
<title>Problems with Injection</title>
<title>Problems with injection</title>
<para>If you are diagnosing problems with instances not booting,
or booting slowly, consider investigating file injection as a
cause. Setting <literal>libvirt_injection_partition</literal>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user