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It also provides' - 'basic networking context for those who may not be networking experts.' - 'commands.', 'Miscellaneous'), -] - -# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -# texinfo_appendices = [] - -# If false, no module index is generated. -# texinfo_domain_indices = True - -# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' - -# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. -# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False - -# -- Options for Internationalization output ------------------------------ -locale_dirs = ['locale/'] - -# -- Options for sphinxmark ----------------------------------------------- -sphinxmark_enable = True -sphinxmark_div = 'docs-body' -sphinxmark_image = 'text' -sphinxmark_text = 'Pike' diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-address-scopes.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-address-scopes.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d976d6e4c6..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-address-scopes.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,538 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-address-scopes: - -============== -Address scopes -============== - -Address scopes build from subnet pools. While subnet pools provide a mechanism -for controlling the allocation of addresses to subnets, address scopes show -where addresses can be routed between networks, preventing the use of -overlapping addresses in any two subnets. Because all addresses allocated in -the address scope do not overlap, neutron routers do not NAT between your -projects' network and your external network. As long as the addresses within -an address scope match, the Networking service performs simple routing -between networks. - -Accessing address scopes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Anyone with access to the Networking service can create their own address -scopes. However, network administrators can create shared address scopes, -allowing other projects to create networks within that address scope. - -Access to addresses in a scope are managed through subnet pools. -Subnet pools can either be created in an address scope, or updated to belong -to an address scope. - -With subnet pools, all addresses in use within the address -scope are unique from the point of view of the address scope owner. Therefore, -add more than one subnet pool to an address scope if the -pools have different owners, allowing for delegation of parts of the -address scope. Delegation prevents address overlap across the -whole scope. Otherwise, you receive an error if two pools have the same -address ranges. - -Each router interface is associated with an address scope by looking at -subnets connected to the network. When a router connects -to an external network with matching address scopes, network traffic routes -between without Network address translation (NAT). -The router marks all traffic connections originating from each interface -with its corresponding address scope. If traffic leaves an interface in the -wrong scope, the router blocks the traffic. - -Backwards compatibility -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Networks created before the Mitaka release do not -contain explicitly named address scopes, unless the network contains -subnets from a subnet pool that belongs to a created or updated -address scope. The Networking service preserves backwards compatibility with -pre-Mitaka networks through special address scope properties so that -these networks can perform advanced routing: - -#. Unlimited address overlap is allowed. -#. Neutron routers, by default, will NAT traffic from internal networks - to external networks. -#. Pre-Mitaka address scopes are not visible through the API. You cannot - list address scopes or show details. Scopes exist - implicitly as a catch-all for addresses that are not explicitly scoped. - -Create shared address scopes as an administrative user -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This section shows how to set up shared address scopes to -allow simple routing for project networks with the same subnet pools. - -.. note:: Irrelevant fields have been trimmed from the output of - these commands for brevity. - -#. Create IPv6 and IPv4 address scopes: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack address scope create --share --ip-version 6 address-scope-ip6 - - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | headers | | - | id | 28424dfc-9abd-481b-afa3-1da97a8fead7 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | name | address-scope-ip6 | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | shared | True | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack address scope create --share --ip-version 4 address-scope-ip4 - - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | headers | | - | id | 3193bd62-11b5-44dc-acf8-53180f21e9f2 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | address-scope-ip4 | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | shared | True | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -#. Create subnet pools specifying the name (or UUID) of the address - scope that the subnet pool belongs to. If you have existing - subnet pools, use the :command:`openstack subnet pool set` command to put - them in a new address scope: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool create --address-scope address-scope-ip6 \ - --share --pool-prefix 2001:db8:a583::/48 --default-prefix-length 64 \ - subnet-pool-ip6 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | 28424dfc-9abd-481b-afa3-1da97a8fead7 | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T22:53:30Z | - | default_prefixlen | 64 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | id | a59ff52b-0367-41ff-9781-6318b927dd0e | - | ip_version | 6 | - | is_default | False | - | max_prefixlen | 128 | - | min_prefixlen | 64 | - | name | subnet-pool-ip6 | - | prefixes | 2001:db8:a583::/48 | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T22:53:30Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool create --address-scope address-scope-ip4 \ - --share --pool-prefix --default-prefix-length 26 \ - subnet-pool-ip4 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | 3193bd62-11b5-44dc-acf8-53180f21e9f2 | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T22:55:09Z | - | default_prefixlen | 26 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | id | d02af70b-d622-426f-8e60-ed9df2a8301f | - | ip_version | 4 | - | is_default | False | - | max_prefixlen | 32 | - | min_prefixlen | 8 | - | name | subnet-pool-ip4 | - | prefixes | | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T22:55:09Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -#. Make sure that subnets on an external network are created - from the subnet pools created above: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet show ipv6-public-subnet - +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | 2001:db8:a583::2-2001:db8:a583:0:ffff:ff | - | | ff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | 2001:db8:a583::/64 | - | created_at | 2016-12-10T21:36:04Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | False | - | gateway_ip | 2001:db8:a583::1 | - | host_routes | | - | id | b333bf5a-758c-4b3f-97ec-5f12d9bfceb7 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | None | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | ipv6-public-subnet | - | network_id | 05a8d31e-330b-4d96-a3fa-884b04abfa4c | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 2 | - | segment_id | None | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | a59ff52b-0367-41ff-9781-6318b927dd0e | - | updated_at | 2016-12-10T21:36:04Z | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------+ - - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet show public-subnet - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-12-10T21:35:52Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | False | - | gateway_ip | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 7fd48240-3acc-4724-bc82-16c62857edec | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | None | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | public-subnet | - | network_id | 05a8d31e-330b-4d96-a3fa-884b04abfa4c | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 2 | - | segment_id | None | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | d02af70b-d622-426f-8e60-ed9df2a8301f | - | updated_at | 2016-12-10T21:35:52Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Routing with address scopes for non-privileged users -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This section shows how non-privileged users can use address scopes to -route straight to an external network without NAT. - -#. Create a couple of networks to host subnets: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create network1 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:21:01Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 1bcf3fe9-a0cb-4d88-a067-a4d7f8e635f0 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | network1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 94 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:21:01Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create network2 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:21:45Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 6c583603-c097-4141-9c5c-288b0e49c59f | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | network2 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 81 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:21:45Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a subnet not associated with a subnet pool or - an address scope: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --network network1 --subnet-range \ - subnet-ip4-1 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:24:16Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 66874039-d31b-4a27-85d7-14c89341bbb7 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | None | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | subnet-ip4-1 | - | network_id | 1bcf3fe9-a0cb-4d88-a067-a4d7f8e635f0 | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | None | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:24:16Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --network network1 --ipv6-ra-mode slaac \ - --ipv6-address-mode slaac --ip-version 6 --subnet-range \ - 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::/64 subnet-ip6-1 - +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::2-2001:db8:80d2:c4d | - | | 3:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::/64 | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:28:28Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::1 | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | a7551b23-2271-4a88-9c41-c84b048e0722 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | subnet-ip6-1 | - | network_id | 1bcf3fe9-a0cb-4d88-a067-a4d7f8e635f0 | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | None | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:28:28Z | - +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ - - -#. Create a subnet using a subnet pool associated with an address scope - from an external network: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-pool subnet-pool-ip4 \ - --network network2 subnet-ip4-2 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:32:12Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 12be8e8f-5871-4091-9e9e-4e0651b9677e | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | None | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | subnet-ip4-2 | - | network_id | 6c583603-c097-4141-9c5c-288b0e49c59f | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | d02af70b-d622-426f-8e60-ed9df2a8301f | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:32:12Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --ip-version 6 --ipv6-ra-mode slaac \ - --ipv6-address-mode slaac --subnet-pool subnet-pool-ip6 \ - --network network2 subnet-ip6-2 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | 2001:db8:a583::2-2001:db8:a583:0:fff | - | | f:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | 2001:db8:a583::/64 | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:31:17Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | 2001:db8:a583::1 | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | b599c2be-e3cd-449c-ba39-3cfcc744c4be | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | subnet-ip6-2 | - | network_id | 6c583603-c097-4141-9c5c-288b0e49c59f | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e91b6 | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | a59ff52b-0367-41ff-9781-6318b927dd0e | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:31:17Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - By creating subnets from scoped subnet pools, the network is - associated with the address scope. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network show network2 - +---------------------------+------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | nova | - | created_at | 2016-12-13T23:21:45Z | - | description | | - | id | 6c583603-c097-4141-9c5c- | - | | 288b0e49c59f | - | ipv4_address_scope | 3193bd62-11b5-44dc- | - | | acf8-53180f21e9f2 | - | ipv6_address_scope | 28424dfc-9abd-481b- | - | | afa3-1da97a8fead7 | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | network2 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 098429d072d34d3596c88b7dbf7e | - | | 91b6 | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 81 | - | revision_number | 10 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | 12be8e8f-5871-4091-9e9e- | - | | 4e0651b9677e, b599c2be-e3cd- | - | | 449c-ba39-3cfcc744c4be | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-13T23:32:12Z | - +---------------------------+------------------------------+ - -#. Connect a router to each of the project subnets that have been created, for - example, using a router called ``router1``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router add subnet router1 subnet-ip4-1 - $ openstack router add subnet router1 subnet-ip4-2 - $ openstack router add subnet router1 subnet-ip6-1 - $ openstack router add subnet router1 subnet-ip6-2 - -Checking connectivity ---------------------- - -This example shows how to check the connectivity between networks -with address scopes. - -#. Launch two instances, ``instance1`` on ``network1`` and - ``instance2`` on ``network2``. Associate a floating IP address to both - instances. - -#. Adjust security groups to allow pings and SSH (both IPv4 and IPv6): - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | 97e49c8e-... | instance1 | network1=2001:db8:80d2:c4d3:f816:3eff:fe52:b69f,,| cirros | - | ceba9638-... | instance2 | network2=, 2001:db8:a583:0:f816:3eff:fe42:1eeb, | centos | - +--------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - -Regardless of address scopes, the floating IPs can be pinged from the -external network: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ping -c 1 - 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms - $ ping -c 1 - 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms - -You can now ping ``instance2`` directly because ``instance2`` shares the -same address scope as the external network: - -.. note:: BGP routing can be used to automatically set up a static - route for your instances. - -.. code-block:: console - - # ip route add via - $ ping -c 1 - 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms - -.. code-block:: console - - # ip route add 2001:db8:a583::/64 via 2001:db8::1 - $ ping6 -c 1 2001:db8:a583:0:f816:3eff:fe42:1eeb - 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms - -You cannot ping ``instance1`` directly because the address scopes do not -match: - -.. code-block:: console - - # ip route add via - $ ping -c 1 - 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms - -.. code-block:: console - - # ip route add 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3::/64 via 2001:db8::1 - $ ping6 -c 1 2001:db8:80d2:c4d3:f816:3eff:fe52:b69f - 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms - -If the address scopes match between -networks then pings and other traffic route directly through. If the -scopes do not match between networks, the router either drops the -traffic or applies NAT to cross scope boundaries. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-auto-allocation.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-auto-allocation.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3326df2d2c..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-auto-allocation.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-auto-allocation: - -========================================== -Automatic allocation of network topologies -========================================== - -The auto-allocation feature introduced in Mitaka simplifies the procedure of -setting up an external connectivity for end-users, and is also known as **Get -Me A Network**. - -Previously, a user had to configure a range of networking resources to boot -a server and get access to the Internet. For example, the following steps -are required: - -* Create a network -* Create a subnet -* Create a router -* Uplink the router on an external network -* Downlink the router on the previously created subnet - -These steps need to be performed on each logical segment that a VM needs to -be connected to, and may require networking knowledge the user might not -have. - -This feature is designed to automate the basic networking provisioning for -projects. The steps to provision a basic network are run during instance -boot, making the networking setup hands-free. - -To make this possible, provide a default external network and default -subnetpools (one for IPv4, or one for IPv6, or one of each) so that the -Networking service can choose what to do in lieu of input. Once these are in -place, users can boot their VMs without specifying any networking details. -The Compute service will then use this feature automatically to wire user -VMs. - -Enabling the deployment for auto-allocation -------------------------------------------- - -To use this feature, the neutron service must have the following extensions -enabled: - -* ``auto-allocated-topology`` -* ``subnet_allocation`` -* ``external-net`` -* ``router`` - -Before the end-user can use the auto-allocation feature, the operator must -create the resources that will be used for the auto-allocated network -topology creation. To perform this task, proceed with the following steps: - -#. Set up a default external network - - Setting up an external network is described in - `OpenStack Administrator Guide - `_. - Assuming the external network to be used for the auto-allocation feature - is named ``public``, make it the ``default`` external network - with the following command: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network set public --default - - .. note:: - - The flag ``--default`` (and ``--no-default`` flag) is only effective - with external networks and has no effects on regular (or internal) - networks. - -#. Create default subnetpools - - The auto-allocation feature requires at least one default - subnetpool. One for IPv4, or one for IPv6, or one of each. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool create --share --default \ - --pool-prefix --default-prefix-length 26 \ - shared-default - - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | None | - | created_at | 2017-01-12T15:10:34Z | - | default_prefixlen | 26 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | b41b7b9c-de57-4c19-b1c5-731985bceb7f | - | ip_version | 4 | - | is_default | True | - | max_prefixlen | 32 | - | min_prefixlen | 8 | - | name | shared-default | - | prefixes | | - | project_id | 86acdbd1d72745fd8e8320edd7543400 | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2017-01-12T15:10:34Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack subnet pool create --share --default \ - --pool-prefix 2001:db8:8000::/48 --default-prefix-length 64 \ - default-v6 - - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | None | - | created_at | 2017-01-12T15:14:35Z | - | default_prefixlen | 64 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 6f387016-17f0-4564-96ad-e34775b6ea14 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | is_default | True | - | max_prefixlen | 128 | - | min_prefixlen | 64 | - | name | default-v6 | - | prefixes | 2001:db8:8000::/48 | - | project_id | 86acdbd1d72745fd8e8320edd7543400 | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2017-01-12T15:14:35Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Get Me A Network ----------------- - -In a deployment where the operator has set up the resources as described above, -they can get their auto-allocated network topology as follows: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network auto allocated topology create --or-show - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | a380c780-d6cd-4510-a4c0-1a6ec9b85a29 | - | name | None | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - -.. note:: - - When the ``--or-show`` option is used the command returns the topology - information if it already exists. - -Operators (and users with admin role) can get the auto-allocated topology for a -project by specifying the project ID: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network auto allocated topology create --project \ - cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c --or-show - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | a380c780-d6cd-4510-a4c0-1a6ec9b85a29 | - | name | None | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - -The ID returned by this command is a network which can be used for booting -a VM. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --flavor m1.small --image \ - cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec --nic \ - net-id=8b835bfb-cae2-4acc-b53f-c16bb5f9a7d0 vm1 - -The auto-allocated topology for a user never changes. In practice, when a user -boots a server omitting the ``--nic`` option, and there is more than one -network available, the Compute service will invoke the API behind -``auto allocated topology create``, fetch the network UUID, and pass it on -during the boot process. - -Validating the requirements for auto-allocation ------------------------------------------------ - -To validate that the required resources are correctly set up for -auto-allocation, without actually provisioning anything, use -the ``--check-resources`` option: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network auto allocated topology create --check-resources - Deployment error: No default router:external network. - - $ openstack network set public --default - - $ openstack network auto allocated topology create --check-resources - Deployment error: No default subnetpools defined. - - $ openstack subnet pool set shared-default --default - - $ openstack network auto allocated topology create --check-resources - +---------+-------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------+-------+ - | dry-run | pass | - +---------+-------+ - -The validation option behaves identically for all users. However, it -is considered primarily an admin or service utility since it is the -operator who must set up the requirements. - -Project resources created by auto-allocation --------------------------------------------- - -The auto-allocation feature creates one network topology in every project -where it is used. The auto-allocated network topology for a project contains -the following resources: - -+--------------------+------------------------------+ -|Resource |Name | -+====================+==============================+ -|network |``auto_allocated_network`` | -+--------------------+------------------------------+ -|subnet (IPv4) |``auto_allocated_subnet_v4`` | -+--------------------+------------------------------+ -|subnet (IPv6) |``auto_allocated_subnet_v6`` | -+--------------------+------------------------------+ -|router |``auto_allocated_router`` | -+--------------------+------------------------------+ - -Compatibility notes -------------------- - -Nova uses the ``auto allocated topology`` feature with API micro -version 2.37 or later. This is because, unlike the neutron feature -which was implemented in the Mitaka release, the integration for -nova was completed during the Newton release cycle. Note that -the CLI option ``--nic`` can be omitted regardless of the microversion -used as long as there is no more than one network available to the -project, in which case nova fails with a 400 error because it -does not know which network to use. Furthermore, nova does not start -using the feature, regardless of whether or not a user requests -micro version 2.37 or later, unless all of the ``nova-compute`` -services are running Newton-level code. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-az.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-az.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f140d16a22..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-az.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,378 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-az: - -================== -Availability zones -================== - -An availability zone groups network nodes that run services like DHCP, L3, FW, -and others. It is defined as an agent's attribute on the network node. This -allows users to associate an availability zone with their resources so that the -resources get high availability. - - -Use case --------- - -An availability zone is used to make network resources highly available. The -operators group the nodes that are attached to different power sources under -separate availability zones and configure scheduling for resources with high -availability so that they are scheduled on different availability zones. - - -Required extensions -------------------- - -The core plug-in must support the ``availability_zone`` extension. The core -plug-in also must support the ``network_availability_zone`` extension to -schedule a network according to availability zones. The ``Ml2Plugin`` supports -it. The router service plug-in must support the ``router_availability_zone`` -extension to schedule a router according to the availability zones. The -``L3RouterPlugin`` supports it. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack extension list --network -c Alias -c Name - +---------------------------+---------------------------+ - | Name | Alias | - +---------------------------+---------------------------+ - ... - | Network Availability Zone | network_availability_zone | - ... - | Availability Zone | availability_zone | - ... - | Router Availability Zone | router_availability_zone | - ... - +---------------------------+---------------------------+ - - -Availability zone of agents -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The ``availability_zone`` attribute can be defined in ``dhcp-agent`` and -``l3-agent``. To define an availability zone for each agent, set the -value into ``[AGENT]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini`` or -``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini``: - -.. code-block:: ini - - [AGENT] - availability_zone = zone-1 - -To confirm the agent's availability zone: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent show 116cc128-4398-49af-a4ed-3e95494cd5fc - +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | agent_type | DHCP agent | - | alive | True | - | availability_zone | zone-1 | - | binary | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | configurations | dhcp_driver='neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq', | - | | dhcp_lease_duration='86400', | - | | log_agent_heartbeats='False', networks='2', | - | | notifies_port_ready='True', ports='6', subnets='4 | - | created_at | 2016-12-14 00:25:54 | - | description | None | - | heartbeat_timestamp | 2016-12-14 06:20:24 | - | host | ankur-desktop | - | id | 116cc128-4398-49af-a4ed-3e95494cd5fc | - | started_at | 2016-12-14 00:25:54 | - | topic | dhcp_agent | - +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network agent show 9632309a-2aa4-4304-8603-c4de02c4a55f - +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | agent_type | L3 agent | - | alive | True | - | availability_zone | zone-1 | - | binary | neutron-l3-agent | - | configurations | agent_mode='legacy', ex_gw_ports='2', | - | | external_network_bridge='', floating_ips='0', | - | | gateway_external_network_id='', | - | | handle_internal_only_routers='True', | - | | interface_driver='openvswitch', interfaces='4', | - | | log_agent_heartbeats='False', routers='2' | - | created_at | 2016-12-14 00:25:58 | - | description | None | - | heartbeat_timestamp | 2016-12-14 06:20:28 | - | host | ankur-desktop | - | id | 9632309a-2aa4-4304-8603-c4de02c4a55f | - | started_at | 2016-12-14 00:25:58 | - | topic | l3_agent | - +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ - - -Availability zone related attributes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The following attributes are added into network and router: - -.. list-table:: - :header-rows: 1 - :widths: 25 10 10 10 50 - - * - Attribute name - - Access - - Required - - Input type - - Description - - * - availability_zone_hints - - RW(POST only) - - No - - list of string - - availability zone candidates for the resource - - * - availability_zones - - RO - - N/A - - list of string - - availability zones for the resource - -Use ``availability_zone_hints`` to specify the zone in which the resource is -hosted: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create --availability-zone-hint zone-1 \ - --availability-zone-hint zone-2 net1 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | zone-1 | - | | zone-2 | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T06:23:36Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | ad88e059-e7fa-4cf7-8857-6731a2a3a554 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | net1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 77 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T06:23:37Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router create --ha --availability-zone-hint zone-1 \ - --availability-zone-hint zone-2 router1 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | zone-1 | - | | zone-2 | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T06:25:40Z | - | description | | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | null | - | flavor_id | None | - | ha | False | - | headers | | - | id | ced10262-6cfe-47c1-8847-cd64276a868c | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | revision_number | 3 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T06:25:40Z | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - - -Availability zone is selected from ``default_availability_zones`` in -``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` if a resource is created without -``availability_zone_hints``: - -.. code-block:: ini - - default_availability_zones = zone-1,zone-2 - -To confirm the availability zone defined by the system: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack availability zone list - +-----------+-------------+ - | Zone Name | Zone Status | - +-----------+-------------+ - | zone-1 | available | - | zone-2 | available | - | zone-1 | available | - | zone-2 | available | - +-----------+-------------+ - -Look at the ``availability_zones`` attribute of each resource to confirm in -which zone the resource is hosted: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network show net1 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | zone-1 | - | | zone-2 | - | availability_zones | zone-1 | - | | zone-2 | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T06:23:36Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | ad88e059-e7fa-4cf7-8857-6731a2a3a554 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | net1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 77 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T06:23:37Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router show router1 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | zone-1 | - | | zone-2 | - | availability_zones | zone-1 | - | | zone-2 | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T06:25:40Z | - | description | | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | null | - | flavor_id | None | - | ha | False | - | headers | | - | id | ced10262-6cfe-47c1-8847-cd64276a868c | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | revision_number | 3 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T06:25:40Z | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -.. note:: - - The ``availability_zones`` attribute does not have a value until the - resource is scheduled. Once the Networking service schedules the resource - to zones according to ``availability_zone_hints``, ``availability_zones`` - shows in which zone the resource is hosted practically. The - ``availability_zones`` may not match ``availability_zone_hints``. For - example, even if you specify a zone with ``availability_zone_hints``, all - agents of the zone may be dead before the resource is scheduled. In - general, they should match, unless there are failures or there is no - capacity left in the zone requested. - - -Availability zone aware scheduler -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Network scheduler ------------------ - -Set ``AZAwareWeightScheduler`` to ``network_scheduler_driver`` in -``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` so that the Networking service schedules a -network according to the availability zone: - -.. code-block:: ini - - network_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.dhcp_agent_scheduler.AZAwareWeightScheduler - dhcp_load_type = networks - -The Networking service schedules a network to one of the agents within the -selected zone as with ``WeightScheduler``. In this case, scheduler refers to -``dhcp_load_type`` as well. - - -Router scheduler ----------------- - -Set ``AZLeastRoutersScheduler`` to ``router_scheduler_driver`` in file -``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` so that the Networking service schedules a router -according to the availability zone: - -.. code-block:: ini - - router_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.AZLeastRoutersScheduler - -The Networking service schedules a router to one of the agents within the -selected zone as with ``LeastRouterScheduler``. - - -Achieving high availability with availability zone -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Although, the Networking service provides high availability for routers and -high availability and fault tolerance for networks' DHCP services, availability -zones provide an extra layer of protection by segmenting a Networking service -deployment in isolated failure domains. By deploying HA nodes across different -availability zones, it is guaranteed that network services remain available in -face of zone-wide failures that affect the deployment. - -This section explains how to get high availability with the availability zone -for L3 and DHCP. You should naturally set above configuration options for the -availability zone. - -L3 high availability --------------------- - -Set the following configuration options in file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` -so that you get L3 high availability. - -.. code-block:: ini - - l3_ha = True - max_l3_agents_per_router = 3 - -HA routers are created on availability zones you selected when creating the -router. - -DHCP high availability ----------------------- - -Set the following configuration options in file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` -so that you get DHCP high availability. - -.. code-block:: ini - - dhcp_agents_per_network = 2 - -DHCP services are created on availability zones you selected when creating the -network. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-bgp-dynamic-routing.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-bgp-dynamic-routing.rst deleted file mode 100644 index cd8dd03698..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-bgp-dynamic-routing.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,880 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-bgp-dynamic-routing: - -=================== -BGP dynamic routing -=================== - -BGP dynamic routing enables advertisement of self-service (private) network -prefixes to physical network devices that support BGP such as routers, thus -removing the conventional dependency on static routes. The feature relies -on :ref:`address scopes ` and requires knowledge of -their operation for proper deployment. - -BGP dynamic routing consists of a service plug-in and an agent. The service -plug-in implements the Networking service extension and the agent manages BGP -peering sessions. A cloud administrator creates and configures a BGP speaker -using the CLI or API and manually schedules it to one or more hosts running -the agent. Agents can reside on hosts with or without other Networking -service agents. Prefix advertisement depends on the binding of external -networks to a BGP speaker and the address scope of external and internal -IP address ranges or subnets. - -.. image:: figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.png - :alt: BGP dynamic routing overview - -.. note:: - - Although self-service networks generally use private IP address ranges - (RFC1918) for IPv4 subnets, BGP dynamic routing can advertise any IPv4 - address ranges. - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The example configuration involves the following components: - -* One BGP agent. - -* One address scope containing IP address range for - provider networks, and IP address ranges and - for self-service networks. - -* One provider network using IP address range - -* Three self-service networks. - - * Self-service networks 1 and 2 use IP address ranges inside of - the address scope. - - * Self-service network 3 uses a unique IP address range to - demonstrate that the BGP speaker does not advertise prefixes outside - of address scopes. - -* Three routers. Each router connects one self-service network to the - provider network. - - * Router 1 contains IP addresses and - - * Router 2 contains IP addresses and - - * Router 3 contains IP addresses and - -.. note:: - - The example configuration assumes sufficient knowledge about the - Networking service, routing, and BGP. For basic deployment of the - Networking service, consult one of the - :ref:`deploy`. For more information on BGP, see - `RFC 4271 `_. - -Controller node ---------------- - -* In the ``neutron.conf`` file, enable the conventional layer-3 and BGP - dynamic routing service plug-ins: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - service_plugins = neutron_dynamic_routing.services.bgp.bgp_plugin.BgpPlugin,neutron.services.l3_router.l3_router_plugin.L3RouterPlugin - -Agent nodes ------------ - -* In the ``bgp_dragent.ini`` file: - - * Configure the driver. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [BGP] - bgp_speaker_driver = neutron_dynamic_routing.services.bgp.agent.driver.ryu.driver.RyuBgpDriver - - .. note:: - - The agent currently only supports the Ryu BGP driver. - - * Configure the router ID. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [BGP] - bgp_router_id = ROUTER_ID - - Replace ``ROUTER_ID`` with a suitable unique 32-bit number, typically an - IPv4 address on the host running the agent. For example, - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of each BGP dynamic routing agent. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron agent-list --agent-type="BGP dynamic routing agent" - +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+------------+-------------------+-------+----------------+---------------------------+ - | id | agent_type | host | availability_zone | alive | admin_state_up | binary | - +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+------------+-------------------+-------+----------------+---------------------------+ - | 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e | BGP dynamic routing agent | controller | | :-) | True | neutron-bgp-dragent | - +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+------------+-------------------+-------+----------------+---------------------------+ - -Create the address scope and subnet pools ------------------------------------------ - -#. Create an address scope. The provider (external) and self-service networks - must belong to the same address scope for the agent to advertise those - self-service network prefixes. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack address scope create --share --ip-version 4 bgp - - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | headers | | - | id | f71c958f-dbe8-49a2-8fb9-19c5f52a37f1 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | bgp | - | project_id | 86acdbd1d72745fd8e8320edd7543400 | - | shared | True | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Create subnet pools. The provider and self-service networks use different - pools. - - * Create the provider network pool. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool create --pool-prefix \ - --address-scope bgp provider - - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | f71c958f-dbe8-49a2-8fb9-19c5f52a37f1 | - | created_at | 2017-01-12T14:58:57Z | - | default_prefixlen | 8 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 63532225-b9a0-445a-9935-20a15f9f68d1 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | is_default | False | - | max_prefixlen | 32 | - | min_prefixlen | 8 | - | name | provider | - | prefixes | | - | project_id | 86acdbd1d72745fd8e8320edd7543400 | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | False | - | updated_at | 2017-01-12T14:58:57Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - * Create the self-service network pool. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool create --pool-prefix \ - --pool-prefix --address-scope bgp \ - --share selfservice - - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | f71c958f-dbe8-49a2-8fb9-19c5f52a37f1 | - | created_at | 2017-01-12T15:02:31Z | - | default_prefixlen | 8 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 8d8270b1-b194-4b7e-914c-9c741dcbd49b | - | ip_version | 4 | - | is_default | False | - | max_prefixlen | 32 | - | min_prefixlen | 8 | - | name | selfservice | - | prefixes |, | - | project_id | 86acdbd1d72745fd8e8320edd7543400 | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2017-01-12T15:02:31Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Create the provider and self-service networks ---------------------------------------------- - -#. Create the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create provider --external --provider-physical-network \ - provider --provider-network-type flat - Created a new network: - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-21T08:47:41Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 190ca651-2ee3-4a4b-891f-dedda47974fe | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | is_default | False | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | provider | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | c961a8f6d3654657885226378ade8220 | - | provider:network_type | flat | - | provider:physical_network | provider | - | provider:segmentation_id | 66 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | External | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-21T08:47:41Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a subnet on the provider network using an IP address range from - the provider subnet pool. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-create --name provider --subnetpool provider \ - --prefixlen 24 --allocation-pool start=,end= \ - --gateway provider - Created a new subnet: - +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-03-17T23:17:16 | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 8ed65d41-2b2a-4f3a-9f92-45adb266e01a | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | | - | ipv6_ra_mode | | - | name | provider | - | network_id | 68ec148c-181f-4656-8334-8f4eb148689d | - | subnetpool_id | 3771c0e7-7096-46d3-a3bd-699c58e70259 | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | updated_at | 2016-03-17T23:17:16 | - +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - - .. note:: - - The IP address allocation pool starting at ``.11`` improves clarity of - the diagrams. You can safely omit it. - -#. Create the self-service networks. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create selfservice1 - Created a new network: - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-21T08:49:38Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 9d842606-ef3d-4160-9ed9-e03fa63aed96 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | selfservice1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | c961a8f6d3654657885226378ade8220 | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 106 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-21T08:49:38Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network create selfservice2 - Created a new network: - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-21T08:50:05Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | f85639e1-d23f-438e-b2b1-f40570d86b1c | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | selfservice2 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | c961a8f6d3654657885226378ade8220 | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 21 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-21T08:50:05Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network create selfservice3 - Created a new network: - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2016-12-21T08:50:35Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | eeccdb82-5cf4-4999-8ab3-e7dc99e7d43b | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | selfservice3 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | c961a8f6d3654657885226378ade8220 | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 86 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2016-12-21T08:50:35Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a subnet on the first two self-service networks using an IP address - range from the self-service subnet pool. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-create --name selfservice1 --subnetpool selfservice \ - --prefixlen 25 selfservice1 - Created a new subnet: - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-03-17T23:20:20 | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 8edd3dc2-df40-4d71-816e-a4586d61c809 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | | - | ipv6_ra_mode | | - | name | selfservice1 | - | network_id | be79de1e-5f56-11e6-9dfb-233e41cec48c | - | subnetpool_id | c7e9737a-cfd3-45b5-a861-d1cee1135a92 | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | updated_at | 2016-03-17T23:20:20 | - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron subnet-create --name selfservice2 --subnetpool selfservice \ - --prefixlen 25 selfservice2 - Created a new subnet: - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-03-17T23:20:20 | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 8edd3dc2-df40-4d71-816e-a4586d61c809 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | | - | ipv6_ra_mode | | - | name | selfservice2 | - | network_id | c1fd9846-5f56-11e6-a8ac-0f998d9cc0a2 | - | subnetpool_id | c7e9737a-cfd3-45b5-a861-d1cee1135a92 | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | updated_at | 2016-03-17T23:20:20 | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a subnet on the last self-service network using an IP address - range outside of the address scope. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-create --name subnet3 selfservice3 - Created a new subnet: - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-03-17T23:20:20 | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | host_routes | | - | id | cd9f9156-5f59-11e6-aeec-172ec7ee939a | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | | - | ipv6_ra_mode | | - | name | selfservice3 | - | network_id | c283dc1c-5f56-11e6-bfb6-efc30e1eb73b | - | subnetpool_id | | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | updated_at | 2016-03-17T23:20:20 | - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ - -Create and configure the routers --------------------------------- - -#. Create the routers. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router create router1 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-10T13:15:19Z | - | description | | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | null | - | flavor_id | None | - | ha | False | - | headers | | - | id | 3f6f4ef8-63be-11e6-bbb3-2fbcef363ab8 | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | revision_number | 1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - | updated_at | 2017-01-10T13:15:19Z | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack router create router2 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-10T13:15:19Z | - | description | | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | null | - | flavor_id | None | - | ha | False | - | headers | | - | id | 3fd21a60-63be-11e6-9c95-5714c208c499 | - | name | router2 | - | project_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | revision_number | 1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - | updated_at | 2017-01-10T13:15:19Z | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack router create router3 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-10T13:15:19Z | - | description | | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | null | - | flavor_id | None | - | ha | False | - | headers | | - | id | 40069a4c-63be-11e6-9ecc-e37c1eaa7e84 | - | name | router3 | - | project_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - | revision_number | 1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - | updated_at | 2017-01-10T13:15:19Z | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. For each router, add one self-service subnet as an interface on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron router-interface-add router1 selfservice1 - Added interface 90e3880a-5f5c-11e6-914c-9f3e20c8c151 to router router1. - - $ neutron router-interface-add router2 selfservice2 - Added interface 91628362-5f5c-11e6-826a-7322fb03a821 to router router2. - - $ neutron router-interface-add router3 selfservice3 - Added interface 91d51044-5f5c-11e6-bf55-ffd180541cc2 to router router3. - -#. Add the provider network as a gateway on each router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron router-gateway-set router1 provider - Set gateway for router router1 - - $ neutron router-gateway-set router2 provider - Set gateway for router router2 - - $ neutron router-gateway-set router3 provider - Set gateway for router router3 - -Create and configure the BGP speaker ------------------------------------- - -The BGP speaker advertises the next-hop IP address for eligible self-service -networks and floating IP addresses for instances using those networks. - -#. Create the BGP speaker. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-create --ip-version 4 \ - --local-as LOCAL_AS bgpspeaker - Created a new bgp_speaker: - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | advertise_floating_ip_host_routes | True | - | advertise_tenant_networks | True | - | id | 5f227f14-4f46-4eca-9524-fc5a1eabc358 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | local_as | 1234 | - | name | bgpspeaker | - | networks | | - | peers | | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - Replace ``LOCAL_AS`` with an appropriate local autonomous system number. - The example configuration uses AS 1234. - -#. A BGP speaker requires association with a provider network to determine - eligible prefixes. The association builds a list of all virtual routers - with gateways on provider and self-service networks in the same address - scope so the BGP speaker can advertise self-service network prefixes with - the corresponding router as the next-hop IP address. Associate the BGP - speaker with the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-network-add bgpspeaker provider - Added network provider to BGP speaker bgpspeaker. - -#. Verify association of the provider network with the BGP speaker. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-show bgpspeaker - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | advertise_floating_ip_host_routes | True | - | advertise_tenant_networks | True | - | id | 5f227f14-4f46-4eca-9524-fc5a1eabc358 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | local_as | 1234 | - | name | bgpspeaker | - | networks | 68ec148c-181f-4656-8334-8f4eb148689d | - | peers | | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Verify the prefixes and next-hop IP addresses that the BGP speaker - advertises. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-advertiseroute-list bgpspeaker - +-----------------+--------------+ - | destination | next_hop | - +-----------------+--------------+ - | | | - | | | - +-----------------+--------------+ - -#. Create a BGP peer. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-peer-create --peer-ip \ - --remote-as REMOTE_AS bgppeer - Created a new bgp_peer: - +-----------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------+--------------------------------------+ - | auth_type | none | - | id | 35c89ca0-ac5a-4298-a815-0b073c2362e9 | - | name | bgppeer | - | peer_ip | | - | remote_as | 4321 | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - +-----------+--------------------------------------+ - - Replace ``REMOTE_AS`` with an appropriate remote autonomous system number. - The example configuration uses AS 4321 which triggers EBGP peering. - - .. note:: - - The host containing the BGP agent must have layer-3 connectivity to - the provider router. - -#. Add a BGP peer to the BGP speaker. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-peer-add bgpspeaker bgppeer - Added BGP peer bgppeer to BGP speaker bgpspeaker. - -#. Verify addition of the BGP peer to the BGP speaker. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-show bgpspeaker - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | advertise_floating_ip_host_routes | True | - | advertise_tenant_networks | True | - | id | 5f227f14-4f46-4eca-9524-fc5a1eabc358 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | local_as | 1234 | - | name | bgpspeaker | - | networks | 68ec148c-181f-4656-8334-8f4eb148689d | - | peers | 35c89ca0-ac5a-4298-a815-0b073c2362e9 | - | tenant_id | b3ac05ef10bf441fbf4aa17f16ae1e6d | - +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - .. note:: - - After creating a peering session, you cannot change the local or remote - autonomous system numbers. - -Schedule the BGP speaker to an agent ------------------------------------- - -#. Unlike most agents, BGP speakers require manual scheduling to an agent. - BGP speakers only form peering sessions and begin prefix advertisement - after scheduling to an agent. Schedule the BGP speaker to agent - ``37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-dragent-speaker-add 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e bgpspeaker - Associated BGP speaker bgpspeaker to the Dynamic Routing agent. - -#. Verify scheduling of the BGP speaker to the agent. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-dragent-list-hosting-speaker bgpspeaker - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------------+-------+ - | id | host | admin_state_up | alive | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------------+-------+ - | 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e | controller | True | :-) | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------------+-------+ - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-list-on-dragent 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - | id | name | local_as | ip_version | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - | 5f227f14-4f46-4eca-9524-fc5a1eabc358 | bgpspeaker | 1234 | 4 | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - -Prefix advertisement -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -BGP dynamic routing advertises prefixes for self-service networks and host -routes for floating IP addresses. - -Advertisement of a self-service network requires satisfying the following -conditions: - -* The external and self-service network reside in the same address scope. - -* The router contains an interface on the self-service subnet and a gateway - on the external network. - -* The BGP speaker associates with the external network that provides a - gateway on the router. - -* The BGP speaker has the ``advertise_tenant_networks`` attribute set to - ``True``. - -.. image:: figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example1.png - :alt: Example of prefix advertisements with self-service networks - -Advertisement of a floating IP address requires satisfying the following -conditions: - -* The router with the floating IP address binding contains a gateway on - an external network with the BGP speaker association. - -* The BGP speaker has the ``advertise_floating_ip_host_routes`` attribute - set to ``True``. - -.. image:: figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.png - :alt: Example of prefix advertisements with floating IP addresses - -Operation with Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In deployments using DVR, the BGP speaker advertises floating IP -addresses and self-service networks differently. For floating IP -addresses, the BGP speaker advertises the floating IP agent gateway -on the corresponding compute node as the next-hop IP address. For -self-service networks using SNAT, the BGP speaker advertises the -DVR SNAT node as the next-hop IP address. - -For example, consider the following components: - -#. A provider network using IP address range, and supporting - floating IP addresses,, and - -#. A self-service network using IP address range - -#. The SNAT gateway resides on - -#. The floating IP agent gateways (one per compute node) reside on -,, and - -#. Three instances, one per compute node, each with a floating IP - address. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-advertiseroute-list bgpspeaker - +------------------+--------------+ - | destination | next_hop | - +------------------+--------------+ - | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - +------------------+--------------+ - -.. note:: - - DVR lacks support for routing directly to a fixed IP address via the - floating IP agent gateway port and thus prevents the BGP speaker from - advertising fixed IP addresses. - -You can also identify floating IP agent gateways in your environment to -assist with verifying operation of the BGP speaker. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-list --device_owner="network:floatingip_agent_gateway" - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 87cf2970-4970-462e-939e-00e808295dfa | | fa:16:3e:7c:68:e3 | {"subnet_id": "8ed65d41-2b2a-4f3a-9f92-45adb266e01a", "ip_address": ""} | - | 8d218440-0d2e-49d0-8a7b-3266a6146dc1 | | fa:16:3e:9d:78:cf | {"subnet_id": "8ed65d41-2b2a-4f3a-9f92-45adb266e01a", "ip_address": ""} | - | 87cf2970-4970-462e-939e-00e802281dfa | | fa:16:3e:6b:18:e0 | {"subnet_id": "8ed65d41-2b2a-4f3a-9f92-45adb266e01a", "ip_address": ""} | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -IPv6 -~~~~ - -BGP dynamic routing supports peering via IPv6 and advertising IPv6 prefixes. - -* To enable peering via IPv6, create a BGP peer and use an IPv6 address for - ``peer_ip``. - -* To enable advertising IPv6 prefixes, create an address scope with - ``ip_version=6`` and a BGP speaker with ``ip_version=6``. - -.. note:: - - DVR with IPv6 functions similarly to DVR with IPv4. - -High availability -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -BGP dynamic routing supports scheduling a BGP speaker to multiple agents -which effectively multiplies prefix advertisements to the same peer. If -an agent fails, the peer continues to receive advertisements from one or -more operational agents. - -#. Show available dynamic routing agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron agent-list --agent-type="BGP dynamic routing agent" - +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+----------------+---------------------------+ - | id | agent_type | host | availability_zone | alive | admin_state_up | binary | - +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+----------------+---------------------------+ - | 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e | BGP dynamic routing agent | bgp-ha1 | | :-) | True | neutron-bgp-dragent | - | 1a2d33bb-9321-30a2-76ab-22eff3d2f56a | BGP dynamic routing agent | bgp-ha2 | | :-) | True | neutron-bgp-dragent | - +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+----------------+---------------------------+ - -#. Schedule BGP speaker to multiple agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron bgp-dragent-speaker-add 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e bgpspeaker - Associated BGP speaker bgpspeaker to the Dynamic Routing agent. - - $ neutron bgp-dragent-speaker-add 1a2d33bb-9321-30a2-76ab-22eff3d2f56a bgpspeaker - Associated BGP speaker bgpspeaker to the Dynamic Routing agent. - - $ neutron bgp-dragent-list-hosting-speaker bgpspeaker - +--------------------------------------+---------+----------------+-------+ - | id | host | admin_state_up | alive | - +--------------------------------------+---------+----------------+-------+ - | 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e | bgp-ha1 | True | :-) | - | 1a2d33bb-9321-30a2-76ab-22eff3d2f56a | bgp-ha2 | True | :-) | - +--------------------------------------+---------+----------------+-------+ - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-list-on-dragent 37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - | id | name | local_as | ip_version | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - | 5f227f14-4f46-4eca-9524-fc5a1eabc358 | bgpspeaker | 1234 | 4 | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - - $ neutron bgp-speaker-list-on-dragent 1a2d33bb-9321-30a2-76ab-22eff3d2f56a - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - | id | name | local_as | ip_version | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ - | 5f227f14-4f46-4eca-9524-fc5a1eabc358 | bgpspeaker | 1234 | 4 | - +--------------------------------------+------------+----------+------------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dhcp-ha.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dhcp-ha.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e50093132f..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dhcp-ha.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,504 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-dhcp-ha: - -========================== -High-availability for DHCP -========================== - -This section describes how to use the agent management (alias agent) and -scheduler (alias agent_scheduler) extensions for DHCP agents -scalability and HA. - -.. note:: - - Use the :command:`openstack extension list` command to check if these - extensions are enabled. Check ``agent`` and ``agent_scheduler`` - are included in the output. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack extension list --network -c Name -c Alias - +-------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+ - | Name | Alias | - +-------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+ - | Default Subnetpools | default-subnetpools | - | Network IP Availability | network-ip-availability | - | Network Availability Zone | network_availability_zone | - | Auto Allocated Topology Services | auto-allocated-topology | - | Neutron L3 Configurable external gateway mode | ext-gw-mode | - | Port Binding | binding | - | Neutron Metering | metering | - | agent | agent | - | Subnet Allocation | subnet_allocation | - | L3 Agent Scheduler | l3_agent_scheduler | - | Tag support | tag | - | Neutron external network | external-net | - | Neutron Service Flavors | flavors | - | Network MTU | net-mtu | - | Availability Zone | availability_zone | - | Quota management support | quotas | - | HA Router extension | l3-ha | - | Provider Network | provider | - | Multi Provider Network | multi-provider | - | Address scope | address-scope | - | Neutron Extra Route | extraroute | - | Subnet service types | subnet-service-types | - | Resource timestamps | standard-attr-timestamp | - | Neutron Service Type Management | service-type | - | Router Flavor Extension | l3-flavors | - | Tag support for resources: subnet, subnetpool, port, router | tag-ext | - | Neutron Extra DHCP opts | extra_dhcp_opt | - | Resource revision numbers | standard-attr-revisions | - | Pagination support | pagination | - | Sorting support | sorting | - | security-group | security-group | - | DHCP Agent Scheduler | dhcp_agent_scheduler | - | Router Availability Zone | router_availability_zone | - | RBAC Policies | rbac-policies | - | standard-attr-description | standard-attr-description | - | Neutron L3 Router | router | - | Allowed Address Pairs | allowed-address-pairs | - | project_id field enabled | project-id | - | Distributed Virtual Router | dvr | - +-------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+ - -Demo setup -~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. figure:: figures/demo_multiple_dhcp_agents.png - -There will be three hosts in the setup. - -.. list-table:: - :widths: 25 50 - :header-rows: 1 - - * - Host - - Description - * - OpenStack controller host - controlnode - - Runs the Networking, Identity, and Compute services that are required - to deploy VMs. The node must have at least one network interface that - is connected to the Management Network. Note that ``nova-network`` should - not be running because it is replaced by Neutron. - * - HostA - - Runs ``nova-compute``, the Neutron L2 agent and DHCP agent - * - HostB - - Same as HostA - -Configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -**controlnode: neutron server** - -#. Neutron configuration file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - core_plugin = linuxbridge - rabbit_host = controlnode - allow_overlapping_ips = True - host = controlnode - agent_down_time = 5 - dhcp_agents_per_network = 1 - - .. note:: - - In the above configuration, we use ``dhcp_agents_per_network = 1`` - for this demonstration. In usual deployments, we suggest setting - ``dhcp_agents_per_network`` to more than one to match the number of - DHCP agents in your deployment. - See :ref:`conf-dhcp-agents-per-network`. - -#. Update the plug-in configuration file - ``/etc/neutron/plugins/linuxbridge/linuxbridge_conf.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [vlans] - tenant_network_type = vlan - network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999 - [database] - connection = mysql://root:root@ - retry_interval = 2 - [linux_bridge] - physical_interface_mappings = physnet1:eth0 - -**HostA and HostB: L2 agent** - -#. Neutron configuration file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - rabbit_host = controlnode - rabbit_password = openstack - # host = HostB on hostb - host = HostA - -#. Update the plug-in configuration file - ``/etc/neutron/plugins/linuxbridge/linuxbridge_conf.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [vlans] - tenant_network_type = vlan - network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999 - [database] - connection = mysql://root:root@ - retry_interval = 2 - [linux_bridge] - physical_interface_mappings = physnet1:eth0 - -#. Update the nova configuration file ``/etc/nova/nova.conf``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - use_neutron=True - firewall_driver=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver - - [neutron] - admin_username=neutron - admin_password=servicepassword - admin_auth_url=http://controlnode:35357/v2.0/ - auth_strategy=keystone - admin_tenant_name=servicetenant - url= - -**HostA and HostB: DHCP agent** - -- Update the DHCP configuration file ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver - -Prerequisites for demonstration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Admin role is required to use the agent management and scheduler extensions. -Ensure you run the following commands under a project with an admin role. - -To experiment, you need VMs and a neutron network: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------------+------------+ - | c394fcd0-0baa-43ae-a793-201815c3e8ce | myserver1 | ACTIVE | net1= | cirros | - | 2d604e05-9a6c-4ddb-9082-8a1fbdcc797d | myserver2 | ACTIVE | net1= | ubuntu | - | c7c0481c-3db8-4d7a-a948-60ce8211d585 | myserver3 | ACTIVE | net1= | centos | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------------+------------+ - - $ openstack network list - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Subnets | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------+ - | ad88e059-e7fa-4cf7-8857-6731a2a3a554 | net1 | 8086db87-3a7a-4cad-88c9-7bab9bc69258 | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------+ - -Managing agents in neutron deployment -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -#. List all agents: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 | Linux bridge agent | HostA | None | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b | DHCP agent | HostA | None | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | 3066d20c-9f8f-440c-ae7c-a40ffb4256b6 | Linux bridge agent | HostB | nova | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe | DHCP agent | HostB | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - - Every agent that supports these extensions will register itself with the - neutron server when it starts up. - - The output shows information for four agents. The ``alive`` field shows - ``True`` if the agent reported its state within the period defined by the - ``agent_down_time`` option in the ``neutron.conf`` file. Otherwise the - ``alive`` is ``False``. - -#. List DHCP agents that host a specified network: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list --network net1 - +--------------------------------------+---------------+----------------+-------+ - | ID | Host | Admin State Up | Alive | - +--------------------------------------+---------------+----------------+-------+ - | 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 | HostA | UP | True | - +--------------------------------------+---------------+----------------+-------+ - -#. List the networks hosted by a given DHCP agent: - - This command is to show which networks a given dhcp agent is managing. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network list --agent 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 - +--------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Subnets | - +--------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ - | ad88e059-e7fa- | net1 | 8086db87-3a7a-4cad- | - | 4cf7-8857-6731a2a3a554 | | 88c9-7bab9bc69258 | - +--------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ - -#. Show agent details. - - The :command:`openstack network agent show` command shows details for a - specified agent: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent show 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b - +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | agent_type | DHCP agent | - | alive | True | - | availability_zone | nova | - | binary | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | configurations | dhcp_driver='neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq', | - | | dhcp_lease_duration='86400', | - | | log_agent_heartbeats='False', networks='1', | - | | notifies_port_ready='True', ports='3', | - | | subnets='1' | - | created_at | 2016-12-14 00:25:54 | - | description | None | - | last_heartbeat_at | 2016-12-14 06:53:24 | - | host | HostA | - | id | 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b | - | started_at | 2016-12-14 00:25:54 | - | topic | dhcp_agent | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ - - In this output, ``last_heartbeat_at`` is the time on the neutron - server. You do not need to synchronize all agents to this time for this - extension to run correctly. ``configurations`` describes the static - configuration for the agent or run time data. This agent is a DHCP agent - and it hosts one network, one subnet, and three ports. - - Different types of agents show different details. The following output - shows information for a Linux bridge agent: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent show 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | agent_type | Linux bridge agent | - | alive | True | - | availability_zone | nova | - | binary | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | configurations | { | - | | "physnet1": "eth0", | - | | "devices": "4" | - | | } | - | created_at | 2016-12-14 00:26:54 | - | description | None | - | last_heartbeat_at | 2016-12-14 06:53:24 | - | host | HostA | - | id | 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 | - | started_at | 2016-12-14T06:48:39.000000 | - | topic | N/A | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - The output shows ``bridge-mapping`` and the number of virtual network - devices on this L2 agent. - -Managing assignment of networks to DHCP agent -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -A single network can be assigned to more than one DHCP agents and -one DHCP agent can host more than one network. -You can add a network to a DHCP agent and remove one from it. - -#. Default scheduling. - - When you create a network with one port, the network will be scheduled to - an active DHCP agent. If many active DHCP agents are running, select one - randomly. You can design more sophisticated scheduling algorithms in the - same way as nova-schedule later on. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create net2 - $ openstack subnet create --network net2 --subnet-range subnet2 - $ openstack port create port2 --network net2 - $ openstack network agent list --network net2 - +--------------------------------------+---------------+----------------+-------+ - | ID | Host | Admin State Up | Alive | - +--------------------------------------+---------------+----------------+-------+ - | 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b | HostA | UP | True | - +--------------------------------------+---------------+----------------+-------+ - - It is allocated to DHCP agent on HostA. If you want to validate the - behavior through the :command:`dnsmasq` command, you must create a subnet for - the network because the DHCP agent starts the dnsmasq service only if - there is a DHCP. - -#. Assign a network to a given DHCP agent. - - To add another DHCP agent to host the network, run this command: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent add network --dhcp \ - 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe net2 - $ openstack network agent list --network net2 - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+--------+ - | ID | Host | Admin State Up | Alive | - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+--------+ - | 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b | HostA | UP | True | - | 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe | HostB | UP | True | - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+--------+ - - Both DHCP agents host the ``net2`` network. - -#. Remove a network from a specified DHCP agent. - - This command is the sibling command for the previous one. Remove - ``net2`` from the DHCP agent for HostA: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent remove network --dhcp \ - 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b net2 - $ openstack network agent list --network net2 - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+-------+ - | ID | Host | Admin State Up | Alive | - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+-------+ - | 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe | HostB | UP | True | - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+-------+ - - You can see that only the DHCP agent for HostB is hosting the ``net2`` - network. - -HA of DHCP agents -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Boot a VM on ``net2``. Let both DHCP agents host ``net2``. Fail the agents -in turn to see if the VM can still get the desired IP. - -#. Boot a VM on ``net2``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network list - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Subnets | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------+ - | ad88e059-e7fa-4cf7-8857-6731a2a3a554 | net1 | 8086db87-3a7a-4cad-88c9-7bab9bc69258 | - | 9b96b14f-71b8-4918-90aa-c5d705606b1a | net2 | 6979b71a-0ae8-448c-aa87-65f68eedcaaa | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------+ - $ openstack server create --image tty --flavor 1 myserver4 \ - --nic net-id=9b96b14f-71b8-4918-90aa-c5d705606b1a - ... - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+-------------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+-------------------+------------+ - | c394fcd0-0baa-43ae-a793-201815c3e8ce | myserver1 | ACTIVE | net1= | cirros | - | 2d604e05-9a6c-4ddb-9082-8a1fbdcc797d | myserver2 | ACTIVE | net1= | ubuntu | - | c7c0481c-3db8-4d7a-a948-60ce8211d585 | myserver3 | ACTIVE | net1= | centos | - | f62f4731-5591-46b1-9d74-f0c901de567f | myserver4 | ACTIVE | net2= | cirros1 | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+-------------------+------------+ - -#. Make sure both DHCP agents hosting ``net2``: - - Use the previous commands to assign the network to agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list --network net2 - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+-------+ - | ID | Host | Admin State Up | Alive | - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+-------+ - | 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b | HostA | UP | True | - | 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe | HostB | UP | True | - +--------------------------------------+-------+----------------+-------+ - -To test the HA of DHCP agent: - -#. Log in to the ``myserver4`` VM, and run ``udhcpc``, ``dhclient`` or - other DHCP client. - -#. Stop the DHCP agent on HostA. Besides stopping the - ``neutron-dhcp-agent`` binary, you must stop the ``dnsmasq`` processes. - -#. Run a DHCP client in VM to see if it can get the wanted IP. - -#. Stop the DHCP agent on HostB too. - -#. Run ``udhcpc`` in the VM; it cannot get the wanted IP. - -#. Start DHCP agent on HostB. The VM gets the wanted IP again. - -Disabling and removing an agent -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -An administrator might want to disable an agent if a system hardware or -software upgrade is planned. Some agents that support scheduling also -support disabling and enabling agents, such as L3 and DHCP agents. After -the agent is disabled, the scheduler does not schedule new resources to -the agent. - -After the agent is disabled, you can safely remove the agent. -Even after disabling the agent, resources on the agent are kept assigned. -Ensure you remove the resources on the agent before you delete the agent. - -Disable the DHCP agent on HostA before you stop it: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent set 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b --disable - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 | Linux bridge agent | HostA | None | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b | DHCP agent | HostA | None | True | DOWN | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | 3066d20c-9f8f-440c-ae7c-a40ffb4256b6 | Linux bridge agent | HostB | nova | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe | DHCP agent | HostB | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -After you stop the DHCP agent on HostA, you can delete it by the following -command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent delete 2444c54d-0d28-460c-ab0f-cd1e6b5d3c7b - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 22467163-01ea-4231-ba45-3bd316f425e6 | Linux bridge agent | HostA | None | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 3066d20c-9f8f-440c-ae7c-a40ffb4256b6 | Linux bridge agent | HostB | nova | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 55569f4e-6f31-41a6-be9d-526efce1f7fe | DHCP agent | HostB | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -After deletion, if you restart the DHCP agent, it appears on the agent -list again. - -.. _conf-dhcp-agents-per-network: - -Enabling DHCP high availability by default -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -You can control the default number of DHCP agents assigned to a network -by setting the following configuration option -in the file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. - -.. code-block:: ini - - dhcp_agents_per_network = 3 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dns-int.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dns-int.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 8b0cc2e9cd..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dns-int.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,841 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-dns-int: - -=============== -DNS integration -=============== - -This page serves as a guide for how to use the DNS integration functionality of -the Networking service. The functionality described covers DNS from two points -of view: - -* The internal DNS functionality offered by the Networking service and its - interaction with the Compute service. -* Integration of the Compute service and the Networking service with an - external DNSaaS (DNS-as-a-Service). - -Users can control the behavior of the Networking service in regards to DNS -using two attributes associated with ports, networks, and floating IPs. The -following table shows the attributes available for each one of these resources: - -.. list-table:: - :header-rows: 1 - :widths: 30 30 30 - - * - Resource - - dns_name - - dns_domain - * - Ports - - Yes - - No - * - Networks - - No - - Yes - * - Floating IPs - - Yes - - Yes - -.. _config-dns-int-dns-resolution: - -The Networking service internal DNS resolution -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The Networking service enables users to control the name assigned to ports by -the internal DNS. To enable this functionality, do the following: - -1. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and assign a value different to - ``openstacklocal`` (its default value) to the ``dns_domain`` parameter in - the ``[default]`` section. As an example: - - .. code-block:: ini - - dns_domain = example.org. - -2. Add ``dns`` to ``extension_drivers`` in the ``[ml2]`` section of - ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``. The following is an example: - - .. code-block:: console - - [ml2] - extension_drivers = port_security,dns - -After re-starting the ``neutron-server``, users will be able to assign a -``dns_name`` attribute to their ports. - -.. note:: - The enablement of this functionality is prerequisite for the enablement of - the Networking service integration with an external DNS service, which is - described in detail in :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`. - -The following illustrates the creation of a port with ``my-port`` -in its ``dns_name`` attribute. - -.. note:: - The name assigned to the port by the Networking service internal DNS is now - visible in the response in the ``dns_assignment`` attribute. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-create my-net --dns-name my-port - Created a new port: - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | allowed_address_pairs | | - | binding:vnic_type | normal | - | device_id | | - | device_owner | | - | dns_assignment | {"hostname": "my-port", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-port.example.org."} | - | dns_name | my-port | - | fixed_ips | {"subnet_id":"6141b474-56cd-430f-b731-71660bb79b79", "ip_address": ""} | - | id | fb3c10f4-017e-420c-9be1-8f8c557ae21f | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:aa:9b:e1 | - | name | | - | network_id | bf2802a0-99a0-4e8c-91e4-107d03f158ea | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | security_groups | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635 | - | status | DOWN | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -When this functionality is enabled, it is leveraged by the Compute service when -creating instances. When allocating ports for an instance during boot, the -Compute service populates the ``dns_name`` attributes of these ports with -the ``hostname`` attribute of the instance, which is a DNS sanitized version of -its display name. As a consequence, at the end of the boot process, the -allocated ports will be known in the dnsmasq associated to their networks by -their instance ``hostname``. - -The following is an example of an instance creation, showing how its -``hostname`` populates the ``dns_name`` attribute of the allocated port: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \ - --nic net-id=37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 my_vm - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | - | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | - | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | - | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | - | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | - | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - | - | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - | - | accessIPv4 | | - | accessIPv6 | | - | adminPass | dB45Zvo8Jpfe | - | config_drive | | - | created | 2016-02-05T21:35:04Z | - | flavor | m1.nano (42) | - | hostId | | - | id | 66c13cb4-3002-4ab3-8400-7efc2659c363 | - | image | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec(b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) | - | key_name | - | - | locked | False | - | metadata | {} | - | name | my_vm | - | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | - | progress | 0 | - | security_groups | default | - | status | BUILD | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - | updated | 2016-02-05T21:35:04Z | - | user_id | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525 | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron port-list --device_id 66c13cb4-3002-4ab3-8400-7efc2659c363 - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | b3ecc464-1263-44a7-8c38-2d8a52751773 | | fa:16:3e:a8:ce:b8 | {"subnet_id": "277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7", "ip_address": ""} | - | | | | {"subnet_id": "eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4", "ip_address":"2001:db8:10::8"} | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron port-show b3ecc464-1263-44a7-8c38-2d8a52751773 - +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | allowed_address_pairs | | - | binding:vnic_type | normal | - | device_id | 66c13cb4-3002-4ab3-8400-7efc2659c363 | - | device_owner | compute:None | - | dns_assignment | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::8", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | dns_name | my-vm | - | extra_dhcp_opts | | - | fixed_ips | {"subnet_id": "277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7", "ip_address": ""} | - | | {"subnet_id": "eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::8"} | - | id | b3ecc464-1263-44a7-8c38-2d8a52751773 | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:a8:ce:b8 | - | name | | - | network_id | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | security_groups | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635 | - | status | ACTIVE | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -In the above example notice that: - -* The name given to the instance by the user, ``my_vm``, is sanitized by the - Compute service and becomes ``my-vm`` as the port's ``dns_name``. -* The port's ``dns_assignment`` attribute shows that its FQDN is - ``my-vm.example.org.`` in the Networking service internal DNS, which is - the result of concatenating the port's ``dns_name`` with the value configured - in the ``dns_domain`` parameter in ``neutron.conf``, as explained previously. -* The ``dns_assignment`` attribute also shows that the port's ``hostname`` in - the Networking service internal DNS is ``my-vm``. -* Instead of having the Compute service create the port for the instance, the - user might have created it and assigned a value to its ``dns_name`` - attribute. In this case, the value assigned to the ``dns_name`` attribute - must be equal to the value that Compute service will assign to the instance's - ``hostname``, in this example ``my-vm``. Otherwise, the instance boot will - fail. - -Integration with an external DNS service -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Users can also integrate the Networking and Compute services with an external -DNS. To accomplish this, the users have to: - -#. Enable the functionality described in - :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-resolution`. -#. Configure an external DNS driver. The Networking service provides a driver - reference implementation based on the OpenStack DNS service. It is expected - that third party vendors will provide other implementations in the future. - For detailed configuration instructions, see - :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`. - -Once the ``neutron-server`` has been configured and restarted, users will have -functionality that covers three use cases, described in the following sections. -In each of the use cases described below: - -* The examples assume the OpenStack DNS service as the external DNS. -* A, AAAA and PTR records will be created in the DNS service. -* Before executing any of the use cases, the user must create in the DNS - service under his project a DNS zone where the A and AAAA records will be - created. For the description of the use cases below, it is assumed the zone - ``example.org.`` was created previously. -* The PTR records will be created in zones owned by a project with admin - privileges. See :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` for more details. - -.. _config-dns-use-case-1: - -Use case 1: Ports are published directly in the external DNS service --------------------------------------------------------------------- - -In this case, the user is creating ports or booting instances on a network -that is accessible externally. The steps to publish the port in the external -DNS service are the following: - -#. Assign a valid domain name to the network's ``dns_domain`` attribute. This - name must end with a period (``.``). -#. Boot an instance specifying the externally accessible network. - Alternatively, create a port on the externally accessible network specifying - a valid value to its ``dns_name`` attribute. If the port is going to be used - for an instance boot, the value assigned to ``dns_name`` must be equal to - the ``hostname`` that the Compute service will assign to the instance. - Otherwise, the boot will fail. - -Once these steps are executed, the port's DNS data will be published in the -external DNS service. This is an example: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-list - +--------------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | name | subnets | - +--------------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ - | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a | public | a67cfdf7-9d5d-406f-8a19-3f38e4fc3e74 | - | | | cbd8c6dc-ca81-457e-9c5d-f8ece7ef67f8 | - | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 | external | 277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7 | - | | | eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4 2001:db8:10::/64 | - | bf2802a0-99a0-4e8c-91e4-107d03f158ea | my-net | 6141b474-56cd-430f-b731-71660bb79b79 | - | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | private | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a fda4:653e:71b0::/64 | - | | | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff | - +--------------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron net-update 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 --dns_domain example.org. - Updated network: 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 - - $ neutron net-show 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | nova | - | dns_domain | example.org. | - | id | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | external | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | provider:network_type | vlan | - | provider:physical_network | | - | provider:segmentation_id | 2016 | - | router:external | False | - | shared | True | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4 | - | | 277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7 | - | tenant_id | 04fc2f83966245dba907efb783f8eab9 | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list example.org. - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1454729414 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron port-create 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 --dns_name my-vm - Created a new port: - +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | allowed_address_pairs | | - | binding:vnic_type | normal | - | device_id | | - | device_owner | | - | dns_assignment | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::9", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | dns_name | my-vm | - | fixed_ips | {"subnet_id": "277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7", "ip_address": ""} | - | | {"subnet_id": "eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::9"} | - | id | 04be331b-dc5e-410a-9103-9c8983aeb186 | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:0f:4b:e4 | - | name | | - | network_id | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | security_groups | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635 | - | status | DOWN | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list example.org. - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455563035 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 3593591b-181f-4beb-9ab7-67fad7413b37 | A | my-vm.example.org. | | - | 5649c68f-7a88-48f5-9f87-ccb1f6ae67ca | AAAA | my-vm.example.org. | 2001:db8:10::9 | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \ - --nic port-id=04be331b-dc5e-410a-9103-9c8983aeb186 my_vm - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | - | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | - | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | - | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | - | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | - | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - | - | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - | - | accessIPv4 | | - | accessIPv6 | | - | adminPass | TDc9EpBT3B9W | - | config_drive | | - | created | 2016-02-15T19:10:43Z | - | flavor | m1.nano (42) | - | hostId | | - | id | 62c19691-d1c7-4d7b-a88e-9cc4d95d4f41 | - | image | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) | - | key_name | - | - | locked | False | - | metadata | {} | - | name | my_vm | - | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | - | progress | 0 | - | security_groups | default | - | status | BUILD | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - | updated | 2016-02-15T19:10:43Z | - | user_id | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525 | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+--------------------------------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+--------------------------------------+------------+ - | 62c19691-d1c7-4d7b-a88e-9cc4d95d4f41 | my_vm | ACTIVE | - | Running | external=, 2001:db8:10::9 | cirros | - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+--------------------------------------+------------+ - -In this example the port is created manually by the user and then used to boot -an instance. Notice that: - -* The port's data was visible in the DNS service as soon as it was created. -* See :ref:`config-dns-performance-considerations` for an explanation of - the potential performance impact associated with this use case. - -Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for -IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. In the case of IPv6, the -value of ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 116. For more details, see -:ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ designate record-list 113.0.203.in-addr.arpa. - +--------------------------------------+------+---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | ab7ada72-7e64-4bed-913e-04718a80fafc | NS | 113.0.203.in-addr.arpa. | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 28346a94-790c-4ae1-9f7b-069d98d9efbd | SOA | 113.0.203.in-addr.arpa. | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455563035 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | cfcaf537-844a-4c1b-9b5f-464ff07dca33 | PTR | | my-vm.example.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list - +--------------------------------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | d8923354-13eb-4bd9-914a-0a2ae5f95989 | SOA | | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455563036 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 72e60acd-098d-41ea-9771-5b6546c9c06f | NS | | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 877e0215-2ddf-4d01-a7da-47f1092dfd56 | PTR | | my-vm.example.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -See :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` for detailed instructions on how -to create the externally accessible network. - -Use case 2: Floating IPs are published with associated port DNS attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -In this use case, the address of a floating IP is published in the external -DNS service in conjunction with the ``dns_name`` of its associated port and the -``dns_domain`` of the port's network. The steps to execute in this use case are -the following: - -#. Assign a valid domain name to the network's ``dns_domain`` attribute. This - name must end with a period (``.``). -#. Boot an instance or alternatively, create a port specifying a valid value to - its ``dns_name`` attribute. If the port is going to be used for an instance - boot, the value assigned to ``dns_name`` must be equal to the ``hostname`` - that the Compute service will assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot - will fail. -#. Create a floating IP and associate it to the port. - -Following is an example of these steps: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-update 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 --dns_domain example.org. - Updated network: 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 - - $ neutron net-show 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | nova | - | dns_domain | example.org. | - | id | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | private | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | False | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a | - | | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \ - --nic net-id=38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 my_vm - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | - | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | - | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | - | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | - | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | - | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - | - | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - | - | accessIPv4 | | - | accessIPv6 | | - | adminPass | oTLQLR3Kezmt | - | config_drive | | - | created | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z | - | flavor | m1.nano (42) | - | hostId | | - | id | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1 | - | image | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) | - | key_name | - | - | locked | False | - | metadata | {} | - | name | my_vm | - | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | - | progress | 0 | - | security_groups | default | - | status | BUILD | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - | updated | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z | - | user_id | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525 | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1 | my_vm | ACTIVE | - | Running | private=fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2, | cirros | - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - - $ neutron port-list --device_id 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1 - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f | | fa:16:3e:16:b5:f2 | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""} | - | | | | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2"} | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron port-show da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | allowed_address_pairs | | - | binding:vnic_type | normal | - | device_id | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1 | - | device_owner | compute:None | - | dns_assignment | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | dns_name | my-vm | - | extra_dhcp_opts | | - | fixed_ips | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""} | - | | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2"} | - | id | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:16:b5:f2 | - | name | | - | network_id | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | security_groups | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635 | - | status | ACTIVE | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list example.org. - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455563783 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron floatingip-create 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a \ - --port_id da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f - Created a new floatingip: - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | dns_domain | | - | dns_name | | - | fixed_ip_address | | - | floating_ip_address | | - | floating_network_id | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a | - | id | e78f6eb1-a35f-4a90-941d-87c888d5fcc7 | - | port_id | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f | - | router_id | 970ebe83-c4a3-4642-810e-43ab7b0c2b5f | - | status | DOWN | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list example.org. - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455564861 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 5ff53fd0-3746-48da-b9c9-77ed3004ec67 | A | my-vm.example.org. | | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -In this example, notice that the data is published in the DNS service when the -floating IP is associated to the port. - -Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for -IPv4, the value of ``ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size`` is 24. For more details, see -:ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ designate record-list 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa. - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 2dd0b894-25fa-4563-9d32-9f13bd67f329 | NS | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa. | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 47b920f1-5eff-4dfa-9616-7cb5b7cb7ca6 | SOA | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa. | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455564862 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | fb1edf42-abba-410c-8397-831f45fd0cd7 | PTR | | my-vm.example.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - -Use case 3: Floating IPs are published in the external DNS service ------------------------------------------------------------------- - -In this use case, the user assigns ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` attributes -to a floating IP when it is created. The floating IP data becomes visible in -the external DNS service as soon as it is created. The floating IP can be -associated with a port on creation or later on. The following example shows a -user booting an instance and then creating a floating IP associated to the port -allocated for the instance: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-show 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | nova | - | dns_domain | example.org. | - | id | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | private | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | False | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a | - | | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \ - --nic net-id=38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 my_vm - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | - | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | - | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | - | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | - | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | - | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - | - | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - | - | accessIPv4 | | - | accessIPv6 | | - | adminPass | HLXGznYqXM4J | - | config_drive | | - | created | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z | - | flavor | m1.nano (42) | - | hostId | | - | id | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125 | - | image | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) | - | key_name | - | - | locked | False | - | metadata | {} | - | name | my_vm | - | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | - | progress | 0 | - | security_groups | default | - | status | BUILD | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - | updated | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z | - | user_id | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525 | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125 | my_vm | ACTIVE | - | Running | private=fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614, | cirros | - +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+----------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - - $ neutron port-list --device_id 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125 - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | name | mac_address | fixed_ips | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb | | fa:16:3e:24:86:14 | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""} | - | | | | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614"} | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron port-show 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | allowed_address_pairs | | - | binding:vnic_type | normal | - | device_id | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125 | - | device_owner | compute:None | - | dns_assignment | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."} | - | dns_name | my-vm | - | extra_dhcp_opts | | - | fixed_ips | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""} | - | | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614"} | - | id | 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:24:86:14 | - | name | | - | network_id | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | security_groups | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635 | - | status | ACTIVE | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list example.org. - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455565110 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ neutron floatingip-create 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a \ - --dns_domain example.org. --dns_name my-floatingip - Created a new floatingip: - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | dns_domain | example.org. | - | dns_name | my-floatingip | - | fixed_ip_address | | - | floating_ip_address | | - | floating_network_id | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a | - | id | 9f23a9c6-eceb-42eb-9f45-beb58c473728 | - | port_id | | - | router_id | | - | status | DOWN | - | tenant_id | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725 | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ designate record-list example.org. - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455566486 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 8884c56f-3ef5-446e-ae4d-8053cc8bc2b4 | A | my-floatingip.example.org. | | - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -Note that in this use case: - -* The ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` attributes of a floating IP must be - specified together on creation. They cannot be assigned to the floating IP - separately. -* The ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` of a floating IP have precedence, for - purposes of being published in the external DNS service, over the - ``dns_name`` of its associated port and the ``dns_domain`` of the port's - network, whether they are specified or not. Only the ``dns_name`` and the - ``dns_domain`` of the floating IP are published in the external DNS service. - -Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for -IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. For more details, see -:ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ designate record-list 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa. - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | id | type | name | data | - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | 2dd0b894-25fa-4563-9d32-9f13bd67f329 | NS | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa. | ns1.devstack.org. | - | 47b920f1-5eff-4dfa-9616-7cb5b7cb7ca6 | SOA | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa. | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455566487 3600 600 86400 3600 | - | 589a0171-e77a-4ab6-ba6e-23114f2b9366 | PTR | | my-floatingip.example.org. | - +--------------------------------------+------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -.. _config-dns-performance-considerations: - -Performance considerations --------------------------- - -Only for :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, if the port binding extension is -enabled in the Networking service, the Compute service will execute one -additional port update operation when allocating the port for the instance -during the boot process. This may have a noticeable adverse effect in the -performance of the boot process that must be evaluated before adoption of this -use case. - -.. _config-dns-int-ext-serv: - -Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -The first step to configure the integration with an external DNS service is to -enable the functionality described in :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-resolution`. -Once this is done, the user has to take the following steps and restart -``neutron-server``. - -#. Edit the ``[default]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` and specify - the external DNS service driver to be used in parameter - ``external_dns_driver``. The valid options are defined in namespace - ``neutron.services.external_dns_drivers``. The following example shows how - to set up the driver for the OpenStack DNS service: - - .. code-block:: console - - external_dns_driver = designate - -#. If the OpenStack DNS service is the target external DNS, the ``[designate]`` - section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` must define the following - parameters: - - * ``url``: the OpenStack DNS service public endpoint URL. - * ``allow_reverse_dns_lookup``: a boolean value specifying whether to enable - or not the creation of reverse lookup (PTR) records. - * ``admin_auth_url``: the Identity service admin authorization endpoint url. - This endpoint will be used by the Networking service to authenticate as an - admin user to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``admin_username``: the admin user to be used by the Networking service to - create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``admin_password``: the password of the admin user to be used by - Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``admin_tenant_name``: the project of the admin user to be used by the - Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv4 - reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv6 - reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``insecure``: Disable SSL certificate validation. By default, certificates - are validated. - * ``cafile``: Path to a valid Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. - * ``auth_uri``: the unversioned public endpoint of the Identity service. - * ``project_domain_id``: the domain ID of the admin user's project. - * ``user_domain_id``: the domain ID of the admin user to be used by the - Networking service. - * ``project_name``: the project of the admin user to be used by the - Networking service. - * ``username``: the admin user to be used by the Networking service to - create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones. - * ``password``: the password of the admin user to be used by - Networking service. - - The following is an example: - - .. code-block:: console - - [designate] - url = - auth_uri = - admin_auth_url = - admin_username = neutron - admin_password = PASSWORD - admin_tenant_name = service - project_domain_id = default - user_domain_id = default - project_name = service - username = neutron - password = PASSWORD - allow_reverse_dns_lookup = True - ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size = 24 - ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size = 116 - cafile = /etc/ssl/certs/my_ca_cert - -Configuration of the externally accessible network for use case 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - -In :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, the externally accessible network must -meet the following requirements: - -* The network cannot have attribute ``router:external`` set to ``True``. -* The network type can be FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE. -* For network types VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE, the segmentation ID must be - outside the ranges assigned to project networks. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dns-res.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dns-res.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9756174998..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dns-res.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-dns-res: - -============================= -Name resolution for instances -============================= - -The Networking service offers several methods to configure name -resolution (DNS) for instances. Most deployments should implement -case 1 or 2. Case 3 requires security considerations to prevent -leaking internal DNS information to instances. - -Case 1: Each virtual network uses unique DNS resolver(s) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In this case, the DHCP agent offers one or more unique DNS resolvers -to instances via DHCP on each virtual network. You can configure a DNS -resolver when creating or updating a subnet. To configure more than -one DNS resolver, use a comma between each value. - -* Configure a DNS resolver when creating a subnet. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-create --dns-nameserver DNS_RESOLVER - - Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable - from the virtual network. For example: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-create --dns-nameserver, - - .. note:: - - This command requires other options outside the scope of this - content. - -* Configure a DNS resolver on an existing subnet. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-update --dns-nameserver DNS_RESOLVER SUBNET_ID_OR_NAME - - Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable - from the virtual network and ``SUBNET_ID_OR_NAME`` with the UUID or name - of the subnet. For example, using the ``selfservice`` subnet: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron subnet-update --dns-nameserver, selfservice - -Case 2: All virtual networks use same DNS resolver(s) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In this case, the DHCP agent offers the same DNS resolver(s) to -instances via DHCP on all virtual networks. - -* In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure one or more DNS resolvers. To - configure more than one DNS resolver, use a comma between each value. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - dnsmasq_dns_servers = DNS_RESOLVER - - Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable - from all virtual networks. For example: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - dnsmasq_dns_servers =, - - .. note:: - - You must configure this option for all eligible DHCP agents and - restart them to activate the values. - -Case 3: All virtual networks use DNS resolver(s) on the host -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In this case, the DHCP agent offers the DNS resolver(s) in the -``resolv.conf`` file on the host running the DHCP agent via DHCP to -instances on all virtual networks. - -* In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, enable advertisement of the DNS resolver(s) - on the host. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - dnsmasq_local_resolv = True - - .. note:: - - You must configure this option for all eligible DHCP agents and - restart them to activate the values. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dvr-ha-snat.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dvr-ha-snat.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e08ba4fd26..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-dvr-ha-snat.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-dvr-snat-ha-ovs: - -===================================== -Distributed Virtual Routing with VRRP -===================================== - -:ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-dvr` supports augmentation -using Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). Using this configuration, -virtual routers support both the ``--distributed`` and ``--ha`` options. - -Similar to legacy HA routers, DVR/SNAT HA routers provide a quick fail over of -the SNAT service to a backup DVR/SNAT router on an l3-agent running on a -different node. - -SNAT high availability is implemented in a manner similar to the -:ref:`deploy-lb-ha-vrrp` and :ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp` examples where -``keepalived`` uses VRRP to provide quick failover of SNAT services. - -During normal operation, the master router periodically transmits *heartbeat* -packets over a hidden project network that connects all HA routers for a -particular project. - -If the DVR/SNAT backup router stops receiving these packets, it assumes failure -of the master DVR/SNAT router and promotes itself to master router by -configuring IP addresses on the interfaces in the ``snat`` namespace. In -environments with more than one backup router, the rules of VRRP are followed -to select a new master router. - -.. warning:: - - There is a known bug with ``keepalived`` v1.2.15 and earlier which can - cause packet loss when ``max_l3_agents_per_router`` is set to 3 or more. - Therefore, we recommend that you upgrade to ``keepalived`` v1.2.16 - or greater when using this feature. - -.. note:: - - Experimental feature or incomplete documentation. - - -Configuration example -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The basic deployment model consists of one controller node, two or more network -nodes, and multiple computes nodes. - -Controller node configuration ------------------------------ - -#. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - core_plugin = ml2 - service_plugins = router - allow_overlapping_ips = True - router_distributed = True - l3_ha = True - l3_ha_net_cidr = - max_l3_agents_per_router = 3 - - When the ``router_distributed = True`` flag is configured, routers created - by all users are distributed. Without it, only privileged users can create - distributed routers by using ``--distributed True``. - - Similarly, when the ``l3_ha = True`` flag is configured, routers created - by all users default to HA. - - It follows that with these two flags set to ``True`` in the configuration - file, routers created by all users will default to distributed HA routers - (DVR HA). - - The same can explicitly be accomplished by a user with administrative - credentials setting the flags in the :command:`neutron router-create` - command: - - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron router-create name-of-router --distributed=True --ha=True - - .. note:: - - The *max_l3_agents_per_router* determine the number of backup - DVR/SNAT routers which will be instantiated. - -#. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - type_drivers = flat,vxlan - tenant_network_types = vxlan - mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population - extension_drivers = port_security - - [ml2_type_flat] - flat_networks = external - - [ml2_type_vxlan] - vni_ranges = MIN_VXLAN_ID:MAX_VXLAN_ID - - Replace ``MIN_VXLAN_ID`` and ``MAX_VXLAN_ID`` with VXLAN ID minimum and - maximum values suitable for your environment. - - .. note:: - - The first value in the ``tenant_network_types`` option becomes the - default project network type when a regular user creates a network. - -Network nodes -------------- - -#. Configure the Open vSwitch agent. Add the following to - ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - local_ip = TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - bridge_mappings = external:br-ex - - [agent] - enable_distributed_routing = True - tunnel_types = vxlan - l2_population = True - - Replace ``TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the interface - that handles VXLAN project networks. - -#. Configure the L3 agent. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - ha_vrrp_auth_password = password - interface_driver = openvswitch - external_network_bridge = - agent_mode = dvr_snat - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. Configure the Open vSwitch agent. Add the following to - ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - local_ip = TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - bridge_mappings = external:br-ex - - [agent] - enable_distributed_routing = True - tunnel_types = vxlan - l2_population = True - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver - -#. Configure the L3 agent. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini``: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = openvswitch - external_network_bridge = - agent_mode = dvr - - Replace ``TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the interface - that handles VXLAN project networks. - -Keepalived VRRP health check ----------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/keepalived-vrrp-healthcheck.txt - -Known limitations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* Migrating a router from distributed only, HA only, or legacy to distributed - HA is not supported at this time. The router must be created as distributed - HA. - The reverse direction is also not supported. You cannot reconfigure a - distributed HA router to be only distributed, only HA, or legacy. - -* There are certain scenarios where l2pop and distributed HA routers do not - interact in an expected manner. These situations are the same that affect HA - only routers and l2pop. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ipam.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ipam.rst deleted file mode 100644 index de7b79c411..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ipam.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-ipam: - -================== -IPAM configuration -================== - -.. note:: - - Experimental feature or incomplete documentation. - -Starting with the Liberty release, OpenStack Networking includes a pluggable -interface for the IP Address Management (IPAM) function. This interface creates -a driver framework for the allocation and de-allocation of subnets and IP -addresses, enabling the integration of alternate IPAM implementations or -third-party IP Address Management systems. - -The basics -~~~~~~~~~~ - -In Liberty and Mitaka, the IPAM implementation within OpenStack Networking -provided a pluggable and non-pluggable flavor. As of Newton, the non-pluggable -flavor is no longer available. Instead, it is completely replaced with a -reference driver implementation of the pluggable framework. All data will -be automatically migrated during the upgrade process, unless you have -previously configured a pluggable IPAM driver. In that case, no migration -is necessary. - -To configure a driver other than the reference driver, specify it -in the ``neutron.conf`` file. Do this after the migration is -complete. There is no need to specify any value if you wish to use the -reference driver. - -.. code-block:: ini - - ipam_driver = ipam-driver-name - -There is no need to specify any value if you wish to use the reference -driver, though specifying ``internal`` will explicitly choose the reference -driver. The documentation for any alternate drivers will include the value to -use when specifying that driver. - -Known limitations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* The driver interface is designed to allow separate drivers for each - subnet pool. However, the current implementation allows only a single - IPAM driver system-wide. -* Third-party drivers must provide their own migration mechanisms to convert - existing OpenStack installations to their IPAM. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ipv6.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ipv6.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 480f5d7f21..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ipv6.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,750 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-ipv6: - -==== -IPv6 -==== - -This section describes the following items: - -* How to enable dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6 enabled) instances. -* How those instances receive an IPv6 address. -* How those instances communicate across a router to other subnets or - the internet. -* How those instances interact with other OpenStack services. - -Enabling a dual-stack network in OpenStack Networking simply requires -creating a subnet with the ``ip_version`` field set to ``6``, then the -IPv6 attributes (``ipv6_ra_mode`` and ``ipv6_address_mode``) set. The -``ipv6_ra_mode`` and ``ipv6_address_mode`` will be described in detail in -the next section. Finally, the subnets ``cidr`` needs to be provided. - -This section does not include the following items: - -* Single stack IPv6 project networking -* OpenStack control communication between servers and services over an IPv6 - network. -* Connection to the OpenStack APIs via an IPv6 transport network -* IPv6 multicast -* IPv6 support in conjunction with any out of tree routers, switches, services - or agents whether in physical or virtual form factors. - -Neutron subnets and the IPv6 API attributes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -As of Juno, the OpenStack Networking service (neutron) provides two -new attributes to the subnet object, which allows users of the API to -configure IPv6 subnets. - -There are two IPv6 attributes: - -* ``ipv6_ra_mode`` -* ``ipv6_address_mode`` - -These attributes can be set to the following values: - -* ``slaac`` -* ``dhcpv6-stateful`` -* ``dhcpv6-stateless`` - -The attributes can also be left unset. - - -IPv6 addressing ---------------- - -The ``ipv6_address_mode`` attribute is used to control how addressing is -handled by OpenStack. There are a number of different ways that guest -instances can obtain an IPv6 address, and this attribute exposes these -choices to users of the Networking API. - - -Router advertisements ---------------------- - -The ``ipv6_ra_mode`` attribute is used to control router -advertisements for a subnet. - -The IPv6 Protocol uses Internet Control Message Protocol packets -(ICMPv6) as a way to distribute information about networking. ICMPv6 -packets with the type flag set to 134 are called "Router -Advertisement" packets, which contain information about the router -and the route that can be used by guest instances to send network -traffic. - -The ``ipv6_ra_mode`` is used to specify if the Networking service should -generate Router Advertisement packets for a subnet. - -ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode combinations ------------------------------------------------ - -.. list-table:: - :header-rows: 1 - :widths: 10 10 10 10 60 - - * - ipv6 ra mode - - ipv6 address mode - - radvd A,M,O - - External Router A,M,O - - Description - * - *N/S* - - *N/S* - - Off - - Not Defined - - Backwards compatibility with pre-Juno IPv6 behavior. - * - *N/S* - - slaac - - Off - - 1,0,0 - - Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from non-OpenStack router using SLAAC. - * - *N/S* - - dhcpv6-stateful - - Off - - 0,1,1 - - Not currently implemented in the reference implementation. - * - *N/S* - - dhcpv6-stateless - - Off - - 1,0,1 - - Not currently implemented in the reference implementation. - * - slaac - - *N/S* - - 1,0,0 - - Off - - Not currently implemented in the reference implementation. - * - dhcpv6-stateful - - *N/S* - - 0,1,1 - - Off - - Not currently implemented in the reference implementation. - * - dhcpv6-stateless - - *N/S* - - 1,0,1 - - Off - - Not currently implemented in the reference implementation. - * - slaac - - slaac - - 1,0,0 - - Off - - Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from OpenStack managed radvd using SLAAC. - * - dhcpv6-stateful - - dhcpv6-stateful - - 0,1,1 - - Off - - Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from dnsmasq using DHCPv6 - stateful and optional info from dnsmasq using DHCPv6. - * - dhcpv6-stateless - - dhcpv6-stateless - - 1,0,1 - - Off - - Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from OpenStack managed - radvd using SLAAC and optional info from dnsmasq using - DHCPv6. - * - slaac - - dhcpv6-stateful - - - - - - *Invalid combination.* - * - slaac - - dhcpv6-stateless - - - - - - *Invalid combination.* - * - dhcpv6-stateful - - slaac - - - - - - *Invalid combination.* - * - dhcpv6-stateful - - dhcpv6-stateless - - - - - - *Invalid combination.* - * - dhcpv6-stateless - - slaac - - - - - - *Invalid combination.* - * - dhcpv6-stateless - - dhcpv6-stateful - - - - - - *Invalid combination.* - -Project network considerations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Dataplane ---------- - -Both the Linux bridge and the Open vSwitch dataplane modules support -forwarding IPv6 -packets amongst the guests and router ports. Similar to IPv4, there is no -special configuration or setup required to enable the dataplane to properly -forward packets from the source to the destination using IPv6. Note that these -dataplanes will forward Link-local Address (LLA) packets between hosts on the -same network just fine without any participation or setup by OpenStack -components after the ports are all connected and MAC addresses learned. - -Addresses for subnets ---------------------- - -There are three methods currently implemented for a subnet to get its -``cidr`` in OpenStack: - -#. Direct assignment during subnet creation via command line or Horizon -#. Referencing a subnet pool during subnet creation -#. Using a Prefix Delegation (PD) client to request a prefix for a - subnet from a PD server - -In the future, additional techniques could be used to allocate subnets -to projects, for example, use of an external IPAM module. - -Address modes for ports ------------------------ - -.. note:: - - An external DHCPv6 server in theory could override the full - address OpenStack assigns based on the EUI-64 address, but that - would not be wise as it would not be consistent through the system. - -IPv6 supports three different addressing schemes for address configuration and -for providing optional network information. - -Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC) - Address configuration using Router Advertisement (RA). - -DHCPv6-stateless - Address configuration using RA and optional information - using DHCPv6. - -DHCPv6-stateful - Address configuration and optional information using DHCPv6. - -OpenStack can be setup such that OpenStack Networking directly -provides RA, DHCP -relay and DHCPv6 address and optional information for their networks -or this can be delegated to external routers and services based on the -drivers that are in use. There are two neutron subnet attributes - -``ipv6_ra_mode`` and ``ipv6_address_mode`` – that determine how IPv6 -addressing and network information is provided to project instances: - -* ``ipv6_ra_mode``: Determines who sends RA. -* ``ipv6_address_mode``: Determines how instances obtain IPv6 address, - default gateway, or optional information. - -For the above two attributes to be effective, ``enable_dhcp`` of the -subnet object must be set to True. - -Using SLAAC for addressing --------------------------- - -When using SLAAC, the currently supported combinations for ``ipv6_ra_mode`` and -``ipv6_address_mode`` are as follows. - -.. list-table:: - :header-rows: 1 - :widths: 10 10 50 - - * - ipv6_ra_mode - - ipv6_address_mode - - Result - * - Not specified. - - SLAAC - - Addresses are assigned using EUI-64, and an external router - will be used for routing. - * - SLAAC - - SLAAC - - Address are assigned using EUI-64, and OpenStack Networking - provides routing. - -Setting ``ipv6_ra_mode`` to ``slaac`` will result in OpenStack Networking -routers being configured to send RA packets, when they are created. -This results in the following values set for the address configuration -flags in the RA messages: - -* Auto Configuration Flag = 1 -* Managed Configuration Flag = 0 -* Other Configuration Flag = 0 - -New or existing neutron networks that contain a SLAAC enabled IPv6 subnet will -result in all neutron ports attached to the network receiving IPv6 addresses. -This is because when RA broadcast messages are sent out on a neutron -network, they are received by all IPv6 capable ports on the network, -and each port will then configure an IPv6 address based on the -information contained in the RA packet. In some cases, an IPv6 SLAAC -address will be added to a port, in addition to other IPv4 and IPv6 addresses -that the port already has been assigned. - -DHCPv6 ------- - -For DHCPv6, the currently supported combinations are as -follows: - -.. list-table:: - :header-rows: 1 - :widths: 10 10 50 - - * - ipv6_ra_mode - - ipv6_address_mode - - Result - * - DHCPv6-stateless - - DHCPv6-stateless - - Addresses are assigned through RAs (see SLAAC above) and optional - information is delivered through DHCPv6. - * - DHCPv6-stateful - - DHCPv6-stateful - - Addresses and optional information are assigned using DHCPv6. - -Setting DHCPv6-stateless for ``ipv6_ra_mode`` configures the neutron -router with radvd agent to send RAs. The list below captures the -values set for the address configuration flags in the RA packet in -this scenario. Similarly, setting DHCPv6-stateless for -``ipv6_address_mode`` configures neutron DHCP implementation to provide -the additional network information. - -* Auto Configuration Flag = 1 -* Managed Configuration Flag = 0 -* Other Configuration Flag = 1 - -Setting DHCPv6-stateful for ``ipv6_ra_mode`` configures the neutron -router with radvd agent to send RAs. The list below captures the -values set for the address configuration flags in the RA packet in -this scenario. Similarly, setting DHCPv6-stateful for -``ipv6_address_mode`` configures neutron DHCP implementation to provide -addresses and additional network information through DHCPv6. - -* Auto Configuration Flag = 0 -* Managed Configuration Flag = 1 -* Other Configuration Flag = 1 - -Router support -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The behavior of the neutron router for IPv6 is different than for IPv4 in -a few ways. - -Internal router ports, that act as default gateway ports for a network, will -share a common port for all IPv6 subnets associated with the network. This -implies that there will be an IPv6 internal router interface with multiple -IPv6 addresses from each of the IPv6 subnets associated with the network and a -separate IPv4 internal router interface for the IPv4 subnet. On the other -hand, external router ports are allowed to have a dual-stack configuration -with both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address assigned to them. - -Neutron project networks that are assigned Global Unicast Address (GUA) -prefixes and addresses don’t require NAT on the neutron router external gateway -port to access the outside world. As a consequence of the lack of NAT the -external router port doesn’t require a GUA to send and receive to the external -networks. This implies a GUA IPv6 subnet prefix is not necessarily needed for -the neutron external network. By default, a IPv6 LLA associated with the -external gateway port can be used for routing purposes. To handle this -scenario, the implementation of router-gateway-set API in neutron has been -modified so that an IPv6 subnet is not required for the external network that -is associated with the neutron router. The LLA address of the upstream router -can be learned in two ways. - -#. In the absence of an upstream RA support, ``ipv6_gateway`` flag can be set - with the external router gateway LLA in the neutron L3 agent configuration - file. This also requires that no subnet is associated with that port. -#. The upstream router can send an RA and the neutron router will - automatically learn the next-hop LLA, provided again that no subnet is - assigned and the ``ipv6_gateway`` flag is not set. - -Effectively the ``ipv6_gateway`` flag takes precedence over an RA that -is received from the upstream router. If it is desired to use a GUA -next hop that is accomplished by allocating a subnet to the external -router port and assigning the upstream routers GUA address as the -gateway for the subnet. - -.. note:: - - It should be possible for projects to communicate with each other - on an isolated network (a network without a router port) using LLA - with little to no participation on the part of OpenStack. The authors - of this section have not proven that to be true for all scenarios. - -.. note:: - - When using the neutron L3 agent in a configuration where it is - auto-configuring an IPv6 address via SLAAC, and the agent is - learning its default IPv6 route from the ICMPv6 Router Advertisement, - it may be necessary to set the - ``net.ipv6.conf..accept_ra`` sysctl to the - value ``2`` in order for routing to function correctly. - For a more detailed description, please see the `bug `__. - - -Neutron's Distributed Router feature and IPv6 ---------------------------------------------- - -IPv6 does work when the Distributed Virtual Router functionality is enabled, -but all ingress/egress traffic is via the centralized router (hence, not -distributed). More work is required to fully enable this functionality. - - -Advanced services -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -VPNaaS ------- - -VPNaaS supports IPv6, but support in Kilo and prior releases will have -some bugs that may limit how it can be used. More thorough and -complete testing and bug fixing is being done as part of the Liberty -release. IPv6-based VPN-as-a-Service is configured similar to the IPv4 -configuration. Either or both the ``peer_address`` and the -``peer_cidr`` can specified as an IPv6 address. The choice of -addressing modes and router modes described above should not impact -support. - - -LBaaS ------ - -TODO - -FWaaS ------ - -FWaaS allows creation of IPv6 based rules. - -NAT & Floating IPs ------------------- - -At the current time OpenStack Networking does not provide any facility -to support any flavor of NAT with IPv6. Unlike IPv4 there is no -current embedded support for floating IPs with IPv6. It is assumed -that the IPv6 addressing amongst the projects is using GUAs with no -overlap across the projects. - -Security considerations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. todo:: Initially this is probably just stating the security group rules - relative to IPv6 that are applied. Need some help for these - -Configuring interfaces of the guest ------------------------------------ - -OpenStack currently doesn't support the privacy extensions defined by RFC 4941. -The interface identifier and DUID used must be directly derived from the MAC -as described in RFC 2373. The compute hosts must not be setup to utilize the -privacy extensions when generating their interface identifier. - -There is no provisions for an IPv6-based metadata service similar to what is -provided for IPv4. In the case of dual stacked guests though it is always -possible to use the IPv4 metadata service instead. - -Unlike IPv4 the MTU of a given network can be conveyed in the RA messages sent -by the router as well as in the DHCP messages. - -OpenStack control & management network considerations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -As of the Kilo release, considerable effort has gone in to ensuring -the project network can handle dual stack IPv6 and IPv4 transport -across the variety of configurations described above. OpenStack control -network can be run in a dual stack configuration and OpenStack API -endpoints can be accessed via an IPv6 network. At this time, Open vSwitch -(OVS) tunnel types - STT, VXLAN, GRE, support both IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints. - - -Prefix delegation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -From the Liberty release onwards, OpenStack Networking supports IPv6 prefix -delegation. This section describes the configuration and workflow steps -necessary to use IPv6 prefix delegation to provide automatic allocation of -subnet CIDRs. This allows you as the OpenStack administrator to rely on an -external (to the OpenStack Networking service) DHCPv6 server to manage your -project network prefixes. - -.. note:: - - Prefix delegation became available in the Liberty release, it is - not available in the Kilo release. HA and DVR routers - are not currently supported by this feature. - -Configuring OpenStack Networking for prefix delegation ------------------------------------------------------- - -To enable prefix delegation, edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file. - -.. code-block:: console - - ipv6_pd_enabled = True - -.. note:: - - If you are not using the default dibbler-based driver for prefix - delegation, then you also need to set the driver in - ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``: - - .. code-block:: console - - pd_dhcp_driver = - - Drivers other than the default one may require extra configuration, - please refer to :ref:`extra-driver-conf` - -This tells OpenStack Networking to use the prefix delegation mechanism for -subnet allocation when the user does not provide a CIDR or subnet pool id when -creating a subnet. - -Requirements ------------- - -To use this feature, you need a prefix delegation capable DHCPv6 server that is -reachable from your OpenStack Networking node(s). This could be software -running on the OpenStack Networking node(s) or elsewhere, or a physical router. -For the purposes of this guide we are using the open-source DHCPv6 server, -Dibbler. Dibbler is available in many Linux package managers, or from source at -`tomaszmrugalski/dibbler `_. - -When using the reference implementation of the OpenStack Networking prefix -delegation driver, Dibbler must also be installed on your OpenStack Networking -node(s) to serve as a DHCPv6 client. Version 1.0.1 or higher is required. - -This guide assumes that you are running a Dibbler server on the network node -where the external network bridge exists. If you already have a prefix -delegation capable DHCPv6 server in place, then you can skip the following -section. - -Configuring the Dibbler server ------------------------------- - -After installing Dibbler, edit the ``/etc/dibbler/server.conf`` file: - -.. code-block:: none - - script "/var/lib/dibbler/pd-server.sh" - - iface "br-ex" { - pd-class { - pd-pool 2001:db8:2222::/48 - pd-length 64 - } - } - -The options used in the configuration file above are: - -- ``script`` - Points to a script to be run when a prefix is delegated or - released. This is only needed if you want instances on your - subnets to have external network access. More on this below. -- ``iface`` - The name of the network interface on which to listen for - prefix delegation messages. -- ``pd-pool`` - The larger prefix from which you want your delegated - prefixes to come. The example given is sufficient if you do - not need external network access, otherwise a unique - globally routable prefix is necessary. -- ``pd-length`` - The length that delegated prefixes will be. This must be - 64 to work with the current OpenStack Networking reference implementation. - -To provide external network access to your instances, your Dibbler server also -needs to create new routes for each delegated prefix. This is done using the -script file named in the config file above. Edit the -``/var/lib/dibbler/pd-server.sh`` file: - -.. code-block:: bash - - if [ "$PREFIX1" != "" ]; then - if [ "$1" == "add" ]; then - sudo ip -6 route add ${PREFIX1}/64 via $REMOTE_ADDR dev $IFACE - fi - if [ "$1" == "delete" ]; then - sudo ip -6 route del ${PREFIX1}/64 via $REMOTE_ADDR dev $IFACE - fi - fi - -The variables used in the script file above are: - -- ``$PREFIX1`` - The prefix being added/deleted by the Dibbler server. -- ``$1`` - The operation being performed. -- ``$REMOTE_ADDR`` - The IP address of the requesting Dibbler client. -- ``$IFACE`` - The network interface upon which the request was received. - -The above is all you need in this scenario, but more information on -installing, configuring, and running Dibbler is available in the Dibbler user -guide, at `Dibbler – a portable DHCPv6 -`_. - -To start your Dibbler server, run: - -.. code-block:: console - - # dibbler-server run - -Or to run in headless mode: - -.. code-block:: console - - # dibbler-server start - -When using DevStack, it is important to start your server after the -``stack.sh`` script has finished to ensure that the required network -interfaces have been created. - -User workflow -------------- - -First, create a network and IPv6 subnet: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create ipv6-pd - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T19:26:01Z | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | 4b782725-6abe-4a2d-b061-763def1bb029 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | ipv6-pd | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 46 | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T19:26:01Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack subnet create --ip-version 6 --ipv6-ra-mode slaac \ - --ipv6-address-mode slaac --use-default-subnet-pool \ - --network ipv6-pd ipv6-pd-1 - +------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | ::2-::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | ::/64 | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T19:31:53Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | ::1 | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 1319510d-c92c-4532-bf5d-8bcf3da761a1 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | ipv6-pd-1 | - | network_id | 4b782725-6abe-4a2d-b061-763def1bb029 | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | prefix_delegation | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T19:31:53Z | - | use_default_subnetpool | True | - +------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -The subnet is initially created with a temporary CIDR before one can be -assigned by prefix delegation. Any number of subnets with this temporary CIDR -can exist without raising an overlap error. The subnetpool_id is automatically -set to ``prefix_delegation``. - -To trigger the prefix delegation process, create a router interface between -this subnet and a router with an active interface on the external network: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router add subnet router1 ipv6-pd-1 - -The prefix delegation mechanism then sends a request via the external network -to your prefix delegation server, which replies with the delegated prefix. The -subnet is then updated with the new prefix, including issuing new IP addresses -to all ports: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet show ipv6-pd-1 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | 2001:db8:2222:6977::2-2001:db8:2222: | - | | 6977:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | 2001:db8:2222:6977::/64 | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T19:31:53Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | 2001:db8:2222:6977::1 | - | host_routes | | - | id | 1319510d-c92c-4532-bf5d-8bcf3da761a1 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | ipv6-pd-1 | - | network_id | 4b782725-6abe-4a2d-b061-763def1bb029 | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | revision_number | 4 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | prefix_delegation | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T19:35:26Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -If the prefix delegation server is configured to delegate globally routable -prefixes and setup routes, then any instance with a port on this subnet should -now have external network access. - -Deleting the router interface causes the subnet to be reverted to the temporary -CIDR, and all ports have their IPs updated. Prefix leases are released and -renewed automatically as necessary. - -References ----------- - -The following link provides a great step by step tutorial on setting up IPv6 -with OpenStack: `Tenant IPV6 deployment in OpenStack Kilo release -`_. - -.. _extra-driver-conf: - -Extra configuration -------------------- - -Neutron dhcpv6_pd_agent -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -To enable the driver for the dhcpv6_pd_agent, set pd_dhcp_driver to this in -``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``: - -.. code-block:: console - - pd_dhcp_driver = neutron_pd_agent - -To allow the neutron-pd-agent to communicate with prefix delegation servers, -you must set which network interface to use for external communication. In -DevStack the default for this is ``br-ex``: - -.. code-block:: console - - pd_interface = br-ex - -Once you have stacked run the command below to start the neutron-pd-agent: - -.. code-block:: console - - neutron-pd-agent --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-lbaas.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-lbaas.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 65aca6f36e..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-lbaas.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,503 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-lbaas: - -================================== -Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) -================================== - -The Networking service offers a load balancer feature called "LBaaS v2" -through the ``neutron-lbaas`` service plug-in. - -LBaaS v2 adds the concept of listeners to the LBaaS v1 load balancers. -LBaaS v2 allows you to configure multiple listener ports on a single load -balancer IP address. - -There are two reference implementations of LBaaS v2. -The one is an agent based implementation with HAProxy. -The agents handle the HAProxy configuration and manage the HAProxy daemon. -Another LBaaS v2 implementation, `Octavia -`_, has a separate API and -separate worker processes that build load balancers within virtual machines on -hypervisors that are managed by the Compute service. You do not need an agent -for Octavia. - -.. note:: - - LBaaS v1 was removed in the Newton release. These links provide more - details about how LBaaS v1 works and how to configure it: - - * `Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) overview `__ - * `Basic Load-Balancer-as-a-Service operations `__ - -.. warning:: - - Currently, no migration path exists between v1 and v2 load balancers. If you - choose to switch from v1 to v2, you must recreate all load balancers, pools, - and health monitors. - -.. TODO(amotoki): Data mirgation from v1 to v2 is provided in Newton release, - but its usage is not documented enough. It should be added here. - -LBaaS v2 Concepts -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -LBaaS v2 has several new concepts to understand: - -.. image:: figures/lbaasv2-diagram.png - :alt: LBaaS v2 layout - -Load balancer - The load balancer occupies a neutron network port and has an IP address - assigned from a subnet. - -Listener - Load balancers can listen for requests on multiple ports. Each one of those - ports is specified by a listener. - -Pool - A pool holds a list of members that serve content through the load balancer. - -Member - Members are servers that serve traffic behind a load balancer. Each member - is specified by the IP address and port that it uses to serve traffic. - -Health monitor - Members may go offline from time to time and health monitors divert traffic - away from members that are not responding properly. Health monitors are - associated with pools. - -LBaaS v2 has multiple implementations via different service plug-ins. The two -most common implementations use either an agent or the Octavia services. Both -implementations use the `LBaaS v2 API `_. - -Configurations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Configuring LBaaS v2 with an agent ----------------------------------- - -#. Add the LBaaS v2 service plug-in to the ``service_plugins`` configuration - directive in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. The plug-in list is - comma-separated: - - .. code-block:: console - - service_plugins = [existing service plugins],neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPluginv2 - -#. Add the LBaaS v2 service provider to the ``service_provider`` configuration - directive within the ``[service_providers]`` section in - ``/etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf``: - - .. code-block:: console - - service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default - - If you have existing service providers for other networking service - plug-ins, such as VPNaaS or FWaaS, add the ``service_provider`` line shown - above in the ``[service_providers]`` section as a separate line. These - configuration directives are repeatable and are not comma-separated. - -#. Select the driver that manages virtual interfaces in - ``/etc/neutron/lbaas_agent.ini``: - - .. code-block:: console - - [DEFAULT] - device_driver = neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.namespace_driver.HaproxyNSDriver - interface_driver = INTERFACE_DRIVER - [haproxy] - user_group = haproxy - - Replace ``INTERFACE_DRIVER`` with the interface driver that the layer-2 - agent in your environment uses. For example, ``openvswitch`` for Open - vSwitch or ``linuxbridge`` for Linux bridge. - -#. Run the ``neutron-lbaas`` database migration: - - .. code-block:: console - - neutron-db-manage --subproject neutron-lbaas upgrade head - -#. If you have deployed LBaaS v1, **stop the LBaaS v1 agent now**. The v1 and - v2 agents **cannot** run simultaneously. - -#. Start the LBaaS v2 agent: - - .. code-block:: console - - neutron-lbaasv2-agent \ - --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \ - --config-file /etc/neutron/lbaas_agent.ini - -#. Restart the Network service to activate the new configuration. You are now - ready to create load balancers with the LBaaS v2 agent. - -Configuring LBaaS v2 with Octavia ---------------------------------- - -Octavia provides additional capabilities for load balancers, including using a -compute driver to build instances that operate as load balancers. -The `Hands on Lab - Install and Configure OpenStack Octavia -`_ -session at the OpenStack Summit in Tokyo provides an overview of Octavia. - -The DevStack documentation offers a `simple method to deploy Octavia -`_ -and test the service with redundant load balancer instances. If you already -have Octavia installed and configured within your environment, you can -configure the Network service to use Octavia: - -#. Add the LBaaS v2 service plug-in to the ``service_plugins`` configuration - directive in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. The plug-in list is - comma-separated: - - .. code-block:: console - - service_plugins = [existing service plugins],neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPluginv2 - -#. Add the Octavia service provider to the ``service_provider`` configuration - directive within the ``[service_providers]`` section in - ``/etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf``: - - .. code-block:: console - - service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:Octavia:neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver:default - - Ensure that the LBaaS v1 and v2 service providers are removed from the - ``[service_providers]`` section. They are not used with Octavia. **Verify - that all LBaaS agents are stopped.** - -#. Restart the Network service to activate the new configuration. You are now - ready to create and manage load balancers with Octavia. - -Add LBaaS panels to Dashboard ------------------------------ - -The Dashboard panels for managing LBaaS v2 are available starting with the -Mitaka release. - -#. Clone the `neutron-lbaas-dashboard repository - `__ - and check out the release - branch that matches the installed version of Dashboard: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard - $ cd neutron-lbaas-dashboard - $ git checkout OPENSTACK_RELEASE - -#. Install the Dashboard panel plug-in: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ python setup.py install - -#. Copy the ``_1481_project_ng_loadbalancersv2_panel.py`` file from the - ``neutron-lbaas-dashboard/enabled`` directory into the Dashboard - ``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` directory. - - This step ensures that Dashboard can find the plug-in when it enumerates - all of its available panels. - -#. Enable the plug-in in Dashboard by editing the ``local_settings.py`` file - and setting ``enable_lb`` to ``True`` in the ``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` - dictionary. - -#. If Dashboard is configured to compress static files for better performance - (usually set through ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE`` in ``local_settings.py``), - optimize the static files again: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ./manage.py collectstatic - $ ./manage.py compress - -#. Restart Apache to activate the new panel: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ sudo service apache2 restart - -To find the panel, click on :guilabel:`Project` in Dashboard, then click the -:guilabel:`Network` drop-down menu and select :guilabel:`Load Balancers`. - -LBaaS v2 operations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The same neutron commands are used for LBaaS v2 with an agent or with Octavia. - -Building an LBaaS v2 load balancer ----------------------------------- - -#. Start by creating a load balancer on a network. In this example, the - ``private`` network is an isolated network with two web server instances: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-create --name test-lb private-subnet - -#. You can view the load balancer status and IP address with the - :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show test-lb - +---------------------+------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | description | | - | id | 7780f9dd-e5dd-43a9-af81-0d2d1bd9c386 | - | listeners | {"id": "23442d6a-4d82-40ee-8d08-243750dbc191"} | - | | {"id": "7e0d084d-6d67-47e6-9f77-0115e6cf9ba8"} | - | name | test-lb | - | operating_status | ONLINE | - | provider | octavia | - | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | - | tenant_id | fbfce4cb346c4f9097a977c54904cafd | - | vip_address | | - | vip_port_id | 9f8f8a75-a731-4a34-b622-864907e1d556 | - | vip_subnet_id | f1e7827d-1bfe-40b6-b8f0-2d9fd946f59b | - +---------------------+------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Update the security group to allow traffic to reach the new load balancer. - Create a new security group along with ingress rules to allow traffic into - the new load balancer. The neutron port for the load balancer is shown as - ``vip_port_id`` above. - - Create a security group and rules to allow TCP port 80, TCP port 443, and - all ICMP traffic: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron security-group-create lbaas - $ neutron security-group-rule-create \ - --direction ingress \ - --protocol tcp \ - --port-range-min 80 \ - --port-range-max 80 \ - --remote-ip-prefix \ - lbaas - $ neutron security-group-rule-create \ - --direction ingress \ - --protocol tcp \ - --port-range-min 443 \ - --port-range-max 443 \ - --remote-ip-prefix \ - lbaas - $ neutron security-group-rule-create \ - --direction ingress \ - --protocol icmp \ - lbaas - - Apply the security group to the load balancer's network port using - ``vip_port_id`` from the :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` - command: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-update \ - --security-group lbaas \ - 9f8f8a75-a731-4a34-b622-864907e1d556 - -Adding an HTTP listener ------------------------ - -#. With the load balancer online, you can add a listener for plaintext - HTTP traffic on port 80: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-listener-create \ - --name test-lb-http \ - --loadbalancer test-lb \ - --protocol HTTP \ - --protocol-port 80 - - This load balancer is active and ready to serve traffic on ````. - -#. Verify that the load balancer is responding to pings before moving further: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ping -c 4 - PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=0.410 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=0.407 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=0.396 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=0.397 ms - - --- ping statistics --- - 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2997ms - rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.396/0.402/0.410/0.020 ms - - -#. You can begin building a pool and adding members to the pool to serve HTTP - content on port 80. For this example, the web servers are ```` - and ````: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-pool-create \ - --name test-lb-pool-http \ - --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN \ - --listener test-lb-http \ - --protocol HTTP - $ neutron lbaas-member-create \ - --name test-lb-http-member-1 \ - --subnet private-subnet \ - --address \ - --protocol-port 80 \ - test-lb-pool-http - $ neutron lbaas-member-create \ - --name test-lb-http-member-2 \ - --subnet private-subnet \ - --address \ - --protocol-port 80 \ - test-lb-pool-http - -#. You can use ``curl`` to verify connectivity through the load balancers to - your web servers: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ curl - web2 - $ curl - web1 - $ curl - web2 - $ curl - web1 - - In this example, the load balancer uses the round robin algorithm and the - traffic alternates between the web servers on the backend. - -#. You can add a health monitor so that unresponsive servers are removed - from the pool: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-healthmonitor-create \ - --name test-lb-http-monitor \ - --delay 5 \ - --max-retries 2 \ - --timeout 10 \ - --type HTTP \ - --pool test-lb-pool-http - - In this example, the health monitor removes the server from the pool if - it fails a health check at two five-second intervals. When the server - recovers and begins responding to health checks again, it is added to - the pool once again. - -Adding an HTTPS listener ------------------------- - -You can add another listener on port 443 for HTTPS traffic. LBaaS v2 offers -SSL/TLS termination at the load balancer, but this example takes a simpler -approach and allows encrypted connections to terminate at each member server. - -#. Start by creating a listener, attaching a pool, and then adding members: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-listener-create \ - --name test-lb-https \ - --loadbalancer test-lb \ - --protocol HTTPS \ - --protocol-port 443 - $ neutron lbaas-pool-create \ - --name test-lb-pool-https \ - --lb-algorithm LEAST_CONNECTIONS \ - --listener test-lb-https \ - --protocol HTTPS - $ neutron lbaas-member-create \ - --name test-lb-https-member-1 \ - --subnet private-subnet \ - --address \ - --protocol-port 443 \ - test-lb-pool-https - $ neutron lbaas-member-create \ - --name test-lb-https-member-2 \ - --subnet private-subnet \ - --address \ - --protocol-port 443 \ - test-lb-pool-https - -#. You can also add a health monitor for the HTTPS pool: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-healthmonitor-create \ - --name test-lb-https-monitor \ - --delay 5 \ - --max-retries 2 \ - --timeout 10 \ - --type HTTPS \ - --pool test-lb-pool-https - - The load balancer now handles traffic on ports 80 and 443. - -Associating a floating IP address ---------------------------------- - -Load balancers that are deployed on a public or provider network that are -accessible to external clients do not need a floating IP address assigned. -External clients can directly access the virtual IP address (VIP) of those -load balancers. - -However, load balancers deployed onto private or isolated networks need a -floating IP address assigned if they must be accessible to external clients. To -complete this step, you must have a router between the private and public -networks and an available floating IP address. - -You can use the :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command from the -beginning of this section to locate the ``vip_port_id``. The ``vip_port_id`` -is the ID of the network port that is assigned to the load balancer. You can -associate a free floating IP address to the load balancer using -:command:`neutron floatingip-associate`: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron floatingip-associate FLOATINGIP_ID LOAD_BALANCER_PORT_ID - -Setting quotas for LBaaS v2 ---------------------------- - -Quotas are available for limiting the number of load balancers and load -balancer pools. By default, both quotas are set to 10. - -You can adjust quotas using the :command:`neutron quota-update` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron quota-update --tenant-id TENANT_UUID --loadbalancer 25 - $ neutron quota-update --tenant-id TENANT_UUID --pool 50 - -A setting of ``-1`` disables the quota for a tenant. - -Retrieving load balancer statistics ------------------------------------ - -The LBaaS v2 agent collects four types of statistics for each load balancer -every six seconds. Users can query these statistics with the -:command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-stats` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-stats test-lb - +--------------------+----------+ - | Field | Value | - +--------------------+----------+ - | active_connections | 0 | - | bytes_in | 40264557 | - | bytes_out | 71701666 | - | total_connections | 384601 | - +--------------------+----------+ - -The ``active_connections`` count is the total number of connections that were -active at the time the agent polled the load balancer. The other three -statistics are cumulative since the load balancer was last started. For -example, if the load balancer restarts due to a system error or a configuration -change, these statistics will be reset. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-macvtap.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-macvtap.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1185795941..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-macvtap.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-macvtap: - -======================== -Macvtap mechanism driver -======================== - -The Macvtap mechanism driver for the ML2 plug-in generally increases -network performance of instances. - -Consider the following attributes of this mechanism driver to determine -practicality in your environment: - -* Supports only instance ports. Ports for DHCP and layer-3 (routing) - services must use another mechanism driver such as Linux bridge or - Open vSwitch (OVS). - -* Supports only untagged (flat) and tagged (VLAN) networks. - -* Lacks support for security groups including basic (sanity) and - anti-spoofing rules. - -* Lacks support for layer-3 high-availability mechanisms such as - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and Distributed Virtual - Routing (DVR). - -* Only compute resources can be attached via macvtap. Attaching other - resources like DHCP, Routers and others is not supported. Therefore run - either OVS or linux bridge in VLAN or flat mode on the controller node. - -* Instance migration requires the same values for the - ``physical_interface_mapping`` configuration option on each compute node. - For more information, see - ``_. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -You can add this mechanism driver to an existing environment using either -the Linux bridge or OVS mechanism drivers with only provider networks or -provider and self-service networks. You can change the configuration of -existing compute nodes or add compute nodes with the Macvtap mechanism -driver. The example configuration assumes addition of compute nodes with -the Macvtap mechanism driver to the :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` or -:ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` deployment examples. - -Add one or more compute nodes with the following components: - -* Three network interfaces: management, provider, and overlay. -* OpenStack Networking Macvtap layer-2 agent and any dependencies. - -.. note:: - - To support integration with the deployment examples, this content - configures the Macvtap mechanism driver to use the overlay network - for untagged (flat) or tagged (VLAN) networks in addition to overlay - networks such as VXLAN. Your physical network infrastructure - must support VLAN (802.1q) tagging on the overlay network. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The Macvtap mechanism driver only applies to compute nodes. Otherwise, -the environment resembles the prerequisite deployment example. - -.. image:: figures/config-macvtap-compute1.png - :alt: Macvtap mechanism driver - compute node components - -.. image:: figures/config-macvtap-compute2.png - :alt: Macvtap mechanism driver - compute node connectivity - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for -the Macvtap mechanism driver to an existing operational environment. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - * Add ``macvtap`` to mechanism drivers. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - mechanism_drivers = macvtap - - * Configure network mappings. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2_type_flat] - flat_networks = provider,macvtap - - [ml2_type_vlan] - network_vlan_ranges = provider,macvtap:VLAN_ID_START:VLAN_ID_END - - .. note:: - - Use of ``macvtap`` is arbitrary. Only the self-service deployment - examples require VLAN ID ranges. Replace ``VLAN_ID_START`` and - ``VLAN_ID_END`` with appropriate numerical values. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Server - -Network nodes -------------- - -No changes. - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. Install the Networking service Macvtap layer-2 agent. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. In the ``macvtap_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [macvtap] - physical_interface_mappings = macvtap:MACVTAP_INTERFACE - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = noop - - Replace ``MACVTAP_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying - interface that handles Macvtap mechanism driver interfaces. - If using a prerequisite deployment example, replace - ``MACVTAP_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface - that handles overlay networks. For example, ``eth1``. - -#. Start the following services: - - * Macvtap agent - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 31e1bc1b-c872-4429-8fc3-2c8eba52634e | Metadata agent | compute1 | None | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 378f5550-feee-42aa-a1cb-e548b7c2601f | Open vSwitch agent | compute1 | None | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | 7d2577d0-e640-42a3-b303-cb1eb077f2b6 | L3 agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | d5d7522c-ad14-4c63-ab45-f6420d6a81dd | Metering agent | compute1 | None | True | UP | neutron-metering-agent | - | e838ef5c-75b1-4b12-84da-7bdbd62f1040 | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -This mechanism driver simply changes the virtual network interface driver -for instances. Thus, you can reference the ``Create initial networks`` -content for the prerequisite deployment example. - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -This mechanism driver simply changes the virtual network interface driver -for instances. Thus, you can reference the ``Verify network operation`` -content for the prerequisite deployment example. - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This mechanism driver simply removes the Linux bridge handling security -groups on the compute nodes. Thus, you can reference the network traffic -flow scenarios for the prerequisite deployment example. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ml2.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ml2.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 26b00dca2a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ml2.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,513 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-plugin-ml2: - -=========== -ML2 plug-in -=========== - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in is a framework allowing OpenStack -Networking to simultaneously use the variety of layer 2 networking -technologies found in complex real-world data centers. The ML2 framework -distinguishes between the two kinds of drivers that can be configured: - -* Type drivers - - Define how an OpenStack network is technically realized. Example: VXLAN - - Each available network type is managed by an ML2 type driver. Type drivers - maintain any needed type-specific network state. They validate the type - specific information for provider networks and are responsible for the - allocation of a free segment in project networks. - -* Mechanism drivers - - Define the mechanism to access an OpenStack network of a certain type. - Example: Open vSwitch mechanism driver. - - The mechanism driver is responsible for taking the information established by - the type driver and ensuring that it is properly applied given the - specific networking mechanisms that have been enabled. - - Mechanism drivers can utilize L2 agents (via RPC) and/or interact directly - with external devices or controllers. - -Multiple mechanism and type drivers can be used simultaneously to access -different ports of the same virtual network. - -.. todo:: - Picture showing relationships - -ML2 driver support matrix -------------------------- - - -.. list-table:: Mechanism drivers and L2 agents - :header-rows: 1 - - * - type driver / mech driver - - Flat - - VLAN - - VXLAN - - GRE - * - Open vSwitch - - yes - - yes - - yes - - yes - * - Linux bridge - - yes - - yes - - yes - - no - * - SRIOV - - yes - - yes - - no - - no - * - MacVTap - - yes - - yes - - no - - no - * - L2 population - - no - - no - - yes - - yes - -.. note:: - - L2 population is a special mechanism driver that optimizes BUM (Broadcast, - unknown destination address, multicast) traffic in the overlay networks - VXLAN and GRE. It needs to be used in conjunction with either the - Linux bridge or the Open vSwitch mechanism driver and cannot be used as - standalone mechanism driver. For more information, see the - *Mechanism drivers* section below. - -Configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Network type drivers --------------------- - -To enable type drivers in the ML2 plug-in. Edit the -``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file: - -.. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan,gre - -.. note:: - - For more details,see the `Bug 1567792 `__. - -For more details, see the -`Networking configuration options `__ -of Configuration Reference. - -The following type drivers are available - -* Flat - -* VLAN - -* GRE - -* VXLAN - -Provider network types -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -Provider networks provide connectivity like project networks. -But only administrative (privileged) users can manage those -networks because they interface with the physical network infrastructure. -More information about provider networks see -:doc:`intro-os-networking` or the `OpenStack Administrator Guide -`__. - -* Flat - - The administrator needs to configure a list of physical network names that - can be used for provider networks. - For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* VLAN - - The administrator needs to configure a list of physical network names that - can be used for provider networks. - For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* GRE - - No additional configuration required. - -* VXLAN - - The administrator can configure the VXLAN multicast group that should be - used. - - .. note:: - - VXLAN multicast group configuration is not applicable for the Open - vSwitch agent. - - As of today it is not used in the Linux bridge agent. The Linux bridge - agent has its own agent specific configuration option. For more details, - see the `Bug 1523614 `__. - -Project network types -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -Project networks provide connectivity to instances for a particular -project. Regular (non-privileged) users can manage project networks -within the allocation that an administrator or operator defines for -them. More information about project and provider networks see -:doc:`intro-os-networking` -or the `OpenStack Administrator Guide -`__. - -Project network configurations are made in the -``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` configuration file on the neutron -server: - -* VLAN - - The administrator needs to configure the range of VLAN IDs that can be - used for project network allocation. - For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* GRE - - The administrator needs to configure the range of tunnel IDs that can be - used for project network allocation. - For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* VXLAN - - The administrator needs to configure the range of VXLAN IDs that can be - used for project network allocation. - For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -.. note:: - Flat networks for project allocation are not supported. They only - can exist as a provider network. - -Mechanism drivers ------------------ - -To enable mechanism drivers in the ML2 plug-in, edit the -``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file on the neutron server: - -.. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - mechanism_drivers = ovs,l2pop - -.. note:: - - For more details, see the `Bug 1567792 `__. - -For more details, see the -`Configuration Reference `__. - -* Linux bridge - - No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional - agent configuration is required. For details, see the related *L2 agent* - section below. - -* Open vSwitch - - No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional - agent configuration is required. For details, see the related *L2 agent* - section below. - -* SRIOV - - The administrator needs to define a list PCI hardware that shall be used - by OpenStack. For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* MacVTap - - No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional - agent configuration is required. Please see the related section. - -* L2 population - - The administrator can configure some optional configuration options. For more - details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* Specialized - - * Open source - - External open source mechanism drivers exist as well as the neutron - integrated reference implementations. Configuration of those drivers is not - part of this document. For example: - - * OpenDaylight - * OpenContrail - - * Proprietary (vendor) - - External mechanism drivers from various vendors exist as well as the - neutron integrated reference implementations. - - Configuration of those drivers is not part of this document. - - -Agents ------- - -L2 agent -^^^^^^^^ - -An L2 agent serves layer 2 (Ethernet) network connectivity to OpenStack -resources. It typically runs on each Network Node and on each Compute Node. - -* Open vSwitch agent - - The Open vSwitch agent configures the Open vSwitch to realize L2 networks for - OpenStack resources. - - Configuration for the Open vSwitch agent is typically done in the - ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start - you pass this configuration file as argument. - - For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* Linux bridge agent - - The Linux bridge agent configures Linux bridges to realize L2 networks for - OpenStack resources. - - Configuration for the Linux bridge agent is typically done in the - ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start - you pass this configuration file as argument. - - For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* SRIOV Nic Switch agent - - The sriov nic switch agent configures PCI virtual functions to realize L2 - networks for OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other resources - like routers, DHCP, and so on are not supported. - - Configuration for the SRIOV nic switch agent is typically done in the - ``sriov_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start - you pass this configuration file as argument. - - For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* MacVTap agent - - The MacVTap agent uses kernel MacVTap devices for realizing L2 - networks for OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other resources - like routers, DHCP, and so on are not supported. - - Configuration for the MacVTap agent is typically done in the - ``macvtap_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start - you pass this configuration file as argument. - - For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -L3 agent -^^^^^^^^ - -The L3 agent offers advanced layer 3 services, like virtual Routers and -Floating IPs. It requires an L2 agent running in parallel. - -Configuration for the L3 agent is typically done in the -``l3_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start -you pass this configuration file as argument. - -For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the -`Configuration Reference `__. - -DHCP agent -^^^^^^^^^^ - -The DHCP agent is responsible for :term:`DHCP ` and RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon) services. -It requires a running L2 agent on the same node. - -Configuration for the DHCP agent is typically done in the -``dhcp_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start -you pass this configuration file as argument. - -For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the -`Configuration Reference `__. - -Metadata agent -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -The Metadata agent allows instances to access cloud-init meta data and user -data via the network. It requires a running L2 agent on the same node. - -Configuration for the Metadata agent is typically done in the -``metadata_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start -you pass this configuration file as argument. - -For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the -`Configuration Reference `__. - -L3 metering agent -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -The L3 metering agent enables layer3 traffic metering. It requires a running L3 -agent on the same node. - -Configuration for the L3 metering agent is typically done in the -``metering_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start -you pass this configuration file as argument. - -For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the -`Configuration Reference `__. - -Security --------- - -L2 agents support some important security configurations. - -* Security Groups - - For more details, see the related section in the - `Configuration Reference `__. - -* Arp Spoofing Prevention - - Configured in the *L2 agent* configuration. - - -Reference implementations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Overview --------- - -In this section, the combination of a mechanism driver and an L2 agent is -called 'reference implementation'. The following table lists these -implementations: - -.. list-table:: Mechanism drivers and L2 agents - :header-rows: 1 - - * - Mechanism Driver - - L2 agent - * - Open vSwitch - - Open vSwitch agent - * - Linux bridge - - Linux bridge agent - * - SRIOV - - SRIOV nic switch agent - * - MacVTap - - MacVTap agent - * - L2 population - - Open vSwitch agent, Linux bridge agent - -The following tables shows which reference implementations support which -non-L2 neutron agents: - -.. list-table:: Reference implementations and other agents - :header-rows: 1 - - * - Reference Implementation - - L3 agent - - DHCP agent - - Metadata agent - - L3 Metering agent - * - Open vSwitch & Open vSwitch agent - - yes - - yes - - yes - - yes - * - Linux bridge & Linux bridge agent - - yes - - yes - - yes - - yes - * - SRIOV & SRIOV nic switch agent - - no - - no - - no - - no - * - MacVTap & MacVTap agent - - no - - no - - no - - no - -.. note:: - L2 population is not listed here, as it is not a standalone mechanism. - If other agents are supported depends on the conjunctive mechanism driver - that is used for binding a port. - - .. todo:: - Update Link. Doc seems to be not available anymore since Liberty. - - More information about L2 population see the - `OpenStack Manuals `__. - - -Buying guide ------------- - -This guide characterizes the L2 reference implementations that currently exist. - -* Open vSwitch mechanism and Open vSwitch agent - - Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for attachments of - other network resources like routers, DHCP, and so on. - -* Linux bridge mechanism and Linux bridge agent - - Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for attachments of - other network resources like routers, DHCP, and so on. - -* SRIOV mechanism driver and SRIOV NIC switch agent - - Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner = compute). - - Is deployed besides an other mechanism driver and L2 agent such as OVS or - Linux bridge. It offers instances direct access to the network adapter - through a PCI Virtual Function (VF). This gives an instance direct access to - hardware capabilities and high performance networking. - - The cloud consumer can decide via the neutron APIs VNIC_TYPE attribute, if - an instance gets a normal OVS port or an SRIOV port. - - Due to direct connection, some features are not available when using SRIOV. - For example, DVR, security groups, migration. - - For more information see the :ref:`config-sriov`. - -* MacVTap mechanism driver and MacVTap agent - - Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner = compute) - and not for attachment of other resources like routers, DHCP, and so on. - - It is positioned as alternative to Open vSwitch or Linux bridge support on - the compute node for internal deployments. - - MacVTap offers a direct connection with very little overhead between - instances and down to the adapter. You can use MacVTap agent on the - compute node when you require a network connection that is performance - critical. It does not require specific hardware (like with SRIOV). - - Due to the direct connection, some features are not available when using - it on the compute node. For example, DVR, security groups and arp-spoofing - protection. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-mtu.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-mtu.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4748669250..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-mtu.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-mtu: - -================== -MTU considerations -================== - -The Networking service uses the MTU of the underlying physical network to -calculate the MTU for virtual network components including instance network -interfaces. By default, it assumes a standard 1500-byte MTU for the -underlying physical network. - -The Networking service only references the underlying physical network MTU. -Changing the underlying physical network device MTU requires configuration -of physical network devices such as switches and routers. - -Jumbo frames -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The Networking service supports underlying physical networks using jumbo -frames and also enables instances to use jumbo frames minus any overlay -protocol overhead. For example, an underlying physical network with a -9000-byte MTU yields a 8950-byte MTU for instances using a VXLAN network -with IPv4 endpoints. Using IPv6 endpoints for overlay networks adds 20 -bytes of overhead for any protocol. - -The Networking service supports the following underlying physical network -architectures. Case 1 refers to the most common architecture. In general, -architectures should avoid cases 2 and 3. - -.. note:: - - You can trigger MTU recalculation for existing networks by changing the - MTU configuration and restarting the ``neutron-server`` service. - However, propagating MTU calculations to the data plane may require - users to delete and recreate ports on the network. - - When using the Open vSwitch or Linux bridge drivers, new MTU calculations - will be propogated automatically after restarting the ``l3-agent`` service. - -Case 1 ------- - -For typical underlying physical network architectures that implement a single -MTU value, you can leverage jumbo frames using two options, one in the -``neutron.conf`` file and the other in the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file. Most -environments should use this configuration. - -For example, referencing an underlying physical network with a 9000-byte MTU: - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - global_physnet_mtu = 9000 - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - path_mtu = 9000 - -Case 2 ------- - -Some underlying physical network architectures contain multiple layer-2 -networks with different MTU values. You can configure each flat or VLAN -provider network in the bridge or interface mapping options of the layer-2 -agent to reference a unique MTU value. - -For example, referencing a 4000-byte MTU for ``provider2``, a 1500-byte -MTU for ``provider3``, and a 9000-byte MTU for other networks using the -Open vSwitch agent: - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - global_physnet_mtu = 9000 - -#. In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - bridge_mappings = provider1:eth1,provider2:eth2,provider3:eth3 - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - physical_network_mtus = provider2:4000,provider3:1500 - path_mtu = 9000 - -Case 3 ------- - -Some underlying physical network architectures contain a unique layer-2 network -for overlay networks using protocols such as VXLAN and GRE. - -For example, referencing a 4000-byte MTU for overlay networks and a 9000-byte -MTU for other networks: - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - global_physnet_mtu = 9000 - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - path_mtu = 4000 - - .. note:: - - Other networks including provider networks and flat or VLAN - self-service networks assume the value of the ``global_physnet_mtu`` - option. - -Instance network interfaces (VIFs) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The DHCP agent provides an appropriate MTU value to instances using IPv4, -while the L3 agent provides an appropriate MTU value to instances using -IPv6. IPv6 uses RA via the L3 agent because the DHCP agent only supports -IPv4. Instances using IPv4 and IPv6 should obtain the same MTU value -regardless of method. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ovs-dpdk.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ovs-dpdk.rst deleted file mode 100644 index cd61fc507f..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ovs-dpdk.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-ovs-dpdk: - -=============================== -Open vSwitch with DPDK datapath -=============================== - -This page serves as a guide for how to use the OVS with DPDK datapath -functionality available in the Networking service as of the Mitaka release. - -The basics -~~~~~~~~~~ - -Open vSwitch (OVS) provides support for a Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) -datapath since OVS 2.2, and a DPDK-backed ``vhost-user`` virtual interface -since OVS 2.4. The DPDK datapath provides lower latency and higher performance -than the standard kernel OVS datapath, while DPDK-backed ``vhost-user`` -interfaces can connect guests to this datapath. For more information on DPDK, -refer to the `DPDK `__ website. - -OVS with DPDK, or OVS-DPDK, can be used to provide high-performance networking -between instances on OpenStack compute nodes. - -Prerequisites -------------- - -Using DPDK in OVS requires the following minimum software versions: - -* OVS 2.4 -* DPDK 2.0 -* QEMU 2.1.0 -* libvirt 1.2.13 - -Support of ``vhost-user`` multiqueue that enables use of multiqueue with -``virtio-net`` and ``igb_uio`` is available if the following newer -versions are used: - -* OVS 2.5 -* DPDK 2.2 -* QEMU 2.5 -* libvirt 1.2.17 - -In both cases, install and configure Open vSwitch with DPDK support for each -node. For more information, see the -`OVS-DPDK `__ -installation guide (select an appropriate OVS version in the -:guilabel:`Branch` drop-down menu). - -`Neutron configuration reference for OVS-DPDK -`__ -for configuration of neutron OVS agent. - -In case you wish to configure multiqueue, see the -`OVS configuration chapter on vhost-user -`__ -in QEMU documentation. - -The technical background of multiqueue is explained in the corresponding -`blueprint `__. - -Additionally, OpenStack supports ``vhost-user`` reconnect feature starting -from the Ocata release, as implementation of fix for -`bug 1604924 `__. -Starting from OpenStack Ocata release this feature is used without any -configuration necessary in case the following minimum software versions -are used: - -* OVS 2.6 -* DPDK 16.07 -* QEMU 2.7 - -The support of this feature is not yet present in ML2 OVN and ODL -mechanism drivers. - -Using vhost-user interfaces -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Once OVS and neutron are correctly configured with DPDK support, -``vhost-user`` interfaces are completely transparent to the guest -(except in case of multiqueue configuration described below). -However, guests must request huge pages. This can be done through flavors. -For example: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack flavor set m1.large --property hw:mem_page_size=large - -For more information about the syntax for ``hw:mem_page_size``, refer to the -`Flavors `__ guide. - -.. note:: - - ``vhost-user`` requires file descriptor-backed shared memory. Currently, the - only way to request this is by requesting large pages. This is why instances - spawned on hosts with OVS-DPDK must request large pages. The aggregate - flavor affinity filter can be used to associate flavors with large page - support to hosts with OVS-DPDK support. - -Create and add ``vhost-user`` network interfaces to instances in the same -fashion as conventional interfaces. These interfaces can use the kernel -``virtio-net`` driver or a DPDK-compatible driver in the guest - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --nic net-id=$net_id ... testserver - -Using vhost-user multiqueue -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -To use this feature, the following should be set in the flavor extra specs -(flavor keys): - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack flavor set $m1.large --property hw:vif_multiqueue_enabled=true - -This setting can be overridden by the image metadata property if the feature -is enabled in the extra specs: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack image set --property hw_vif_mutliqueue_enabled=true IMAGE_NAME - -Support of ``virtio-net`` multiqueue needs to be present in kernel of -guest VM and is available starting from Linux kernel 3.8. - -Check pre-set maximum for number of combined channels in channel -configuration. -Configuration of OVS and flavor done successfully should result in -maximum being more than '1'): - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ethtool -l INTERFACE_NAME - -To increase number of current combined channels run following command in -guest VM: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ethtool -L INTERFACE_NAME combined QUEUES_NR - -The number of queues should typically match the number of vCPUs -defined for the instance. In newer kernel versions -this is configured automatically. - -Known limitations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* This feature is only supported when using the libvirt compute driver, and the - KVM/QEMU hypervisor. -* Huge pages are required for each instance running on hosts with OVS-DPDK. - If huge pages are not present in the guest, the interface will appear but - will not function. -* Expect performance degradation of services using tap devices: these devices - do not support DPDK. Example services include DVR, FWaaS, or LBaaS. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ovsfwdriver.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ovsfwdriver.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3936b178b7..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-ovsfwdriver.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-ovsfwdriver: - -=================================== -Native Open vSwitch firewall driver -=================================== - -.. note:: - - Experimental feature or incomplete documentation. - -Historically, Open vSwitch (OVS) could not interact directly with *iptables* -to implement security groups. Thus, the OVS agent and Compute service use -a Linux bridge between each instance (VM) and the OVS integration bridge -``br-int`` to implement security groups. The Linux bridge device contains -the *iptables* rules pertaining to the instance. In general, additional -components between instances and physical network infrastructure cause -scalability and performance problems. To alleviate such problems, the OVS -agent includes an optional firewall driver that natively implements security -groups as flows in OVS rather than the Linux bridge device and *iptables*. -This increases scalability and performance. - -Configuring heterogeneous firewall drivers -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -L2 agents can be configured to use differing firewall drivers. There is no -requirement that they all be the same. If an agent lacks a firewall driver -configuration, it will default to what is configured on its server. This also -means there is no requirement that the server has any firewall driver -configured at all, as long as the agents are configured correctly. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The native OVS firewall implementation requires kernel and user space support -for *conntrack*, thus requiring minimum versions of the Linux kernel and -Open vSwitch. All cases require Open vSwitch version 2.5 or newer. - -* Kernel version 4.3 or newer includes *conntrack* support. -* Kernel version 3.3, but less than 4.3, does not include *conntrack* - support and requires building the OVS modules. - -Enable the native OVS firewall driver -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* On nodes running the Open vSwitch agent, edit the - ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file and enable the firewall driver. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = openvswitch - -For more information, see the `Open vSwitch Firewall Driver -`_ -and the `video `_. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-qos.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-qos.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9956342357..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-qos.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,479 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-qos: - -======================== -Quality of Service (QoS) -======================== - -QoS is defined as the ability to guarantee certain network requirements -like bandwidth, latency, jitter, and reliability in order to satisfy a -Service Level Agreement (SLA) between an application provider and end -users. - -Network devices such as switches and routers can mark traffic so that it is -handled with a higher priority to fulfill the QoS conditions agreed under -the SLA. In other cases, certain network traffic such as Voice over IP (VoIP) -and video streaming needs to be transmitted with minimal bandwidth -constraints. On a system without network QoS management, all traffic will be -transmitted in a "best-effort" manner making it impossible to guarantee service -delivery to customers. - -QoS is an advanced service plug-in. QoS is decoupled from the rest of the -OpenStack Networking code on multiple levels and it is available through the -ml2 extension driver. - -Details about the DB models, API extension, and use cases are out of the scope -of this guide but can be found in the -`Neutron QoS specification `_. - - -Supported QoS rule types -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Any plug-in or ml2 mechanism driver can claim support for some QoS rule types -by providing a plug-in/driver class property called -``supported_qos_rule_types`` that returns a list of strings that correspond -to `QoS rule types -`_. - -The following table shows the Networking back ends, QoS supported rules, and -traffic directions (from the VM point of view). - -.. table:: **Networking back ends, supported rules, and traffic direction** - - ==================== ================ ================ ================ - Rule \ back end Open vSwitch SR-IOV Linux bridge - ==================== ================ ================ ================ - Bandwidth limit Egress Egress (1) Egress - Minimum bandwidth - Egress - - DSCP marking Egress - Egress - ==================== ================ ================ ================ - -.. note:: - - (1) Max burst parameter is skipped because it is not supported by the - IP tool. - -In the most simple case, the property can be represented by a simple Python -list defined on the class. - -For an ml2 plug-in, the list of supported QoS rule types and parameters is -defined as a common subset of rules supported by all active mechanism drivers. -A QoS rule is always attached to a QoS policy. When a rule is created or -updated: - -* The QoS plug-in will check if this rule and parameters are supported by any - active mechanism driver if the QoS policy is not attached to any port or - network. - -* The QoS plug-in will check if this rule and parameters are supported by the - mechanism drivers managing those ports if the QoS policy is attached to any - port or network. - - -Configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -To enable the service, follow the steps below: - -On network nodes: - -#. Add the QoS service to the ``service_plugins`` setting in - ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. For example: - - .. code-block:: none - - service_plugins = \ - neutron.services.l3_router.l3_router_plugin.L3RouterPlugin, - neutron.services.metering.metering_plugin.MeteringPlugin, - neutron.services.qos.qos_plugin.QoSPlugin - -#. Optionally, set the needed ``notification_drivers`` in the ``[qos]`` - section in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` (``message_queue`` is the - default). - -#. In ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``, add ``qos`` to - ``extension_drivers`` in the ``[ml2]`` section. For example: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - extension_drivers = port_security, qos - -#. If the Open vSwitch agent is being used, set ``extensions`` to - ``qos`` in the ``[agent]`` section of - ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini``. For example: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [agent] - extensions = qos - -On compute nodes: - -#. In ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini``, add ``qos`` to the - ``extensions`` setting in the ``[agent]`` section. For example: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [agent] - extensions = qos - -.. note:: - - QoS currently works with ml2 only (SR-IOV, Open vSwitch, and linuxbridge - are drivers that are enabled for QoS in Mitaka release). - -Trusted projects policy.json configuration ------------------------------------------- - -If projects are trusted to administrate their own QoS policies in -your cloud, neutron's file ``policy.json`` can be modified to allow this. - -Modify ``/etc/neutron/policy.json`` policy entries as follows: - -.. code-block:: none - - "get_policy": "rule:regular_user", - "create_policy": "rule:regular_user", - "update_policy": "rule:regular_user", - "delete_policy": "rule:regular_user", - "get_rule_type": "rule:regular_user", - -To enable bandwidth limit rule: - -.. code-block:: none - - "get_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "create_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "delete_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "update_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user", - -To enable DSCP marking rule: - -.. code-block:: none - - "get_policy_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "create_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "delete_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "update_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user", - -To enable minimum bandwidth rule: - -.. code-block:: none - - "get_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "create_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "delete_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user", - "update_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user", - -User workflow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -QoS policies are only created by admins with the default ``policy.json``. -Therefore, you should have the cloud operator set them up on -behalf of the cloud projects. - -If projects are trusted to create their own policies, check the trusted -projects ``policy.json`` configuration section. - -First, create a QoS policy and its bandwidth limit rule: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos policy create bw-limiter - - Created a new policy: - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | description | | - | id | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f | - | name | qos1 | - | project_id | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500 | - | rules | [] | - | shared | False | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit --max-kbps 3000 \ - --max-burst-kbits 300 --egress bw-limiter - - Created a new bandwidth_limit_rule: - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | direction | egress | - | id | 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f | - | max_burst_kbps | 300 | - | max_kbps | 3000 | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - -.. note:: - - The QoS implementation requires a burst value to ensure proper behavior of - bandwidth limit rules in the Open vSwitch and Linux bridge agents. If you - do not provide a value, it defaults to 80% of the bandwidth limit which - works for typical TCP traffic. - -Second, associate the created policy with an existing neutron port. -In order to do this, user extracts the port id to be associated to -the already created policy. In the next example, we will assign the -``bw-limiter`` policy to the VM with IP address ````. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port list - - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ - | ID | Fixed IP Addresses | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ - | 0271d1d9-1b16-4410-bd74-82cdf6dcb5b3 | { ... , "ip_address": ""}| - | 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a | { ... , "ip_address": ""}| - | e04aab6a-5c6c-4bd9-a600-33333551a668 | { ... , "ip_address": ""}| - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ - - $ openstack port set --qos-policy bw-limiter \ - 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a - Updated port: 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a - -In order to detach a port from the QoS policy, simply update again the -port configuration. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port unset --no-qos-policy 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a - Updated port: 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a - - -Ports can be created with a policy attached to them too. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port create --qos-policy bw-limiter --network private port1 - - Created a new port: - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | allowed_address_pairs | | - | binding_host_id | | - | binding_profile | | - | binding_vif_details | | - | binding_vif_type | unbound | - | binding_vnic_type | normal | - | created_at | 2017-05-15T08:43:00Z | - | description | | - | device_id | | - | device_owner | | - | dns_assignment | None | - | dns_name | None | - | extra_dhcp_opts | | - | fixed_ips | ip_address='', subnet_id='292f8c1e-...' | - | id | f51562ee-da8d-42de-9578-f6f5cb248226 | - | ip_address | None | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:d9:f2:ba | - | name | port1 | - | network_id | 55dc2f70-0f92-4002-b343-ca34277b0234 | - | option_name | None | - | option_value | None | - | port_security_enabled | False | - | project_id | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500 | - | qos_policy_id | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f | - | revision_number | 6 | - | security_group_ids | 0531cc1a-19d1-4cc7-ada5-49f8b08245be | - | status | DOWN | - | subnet_id | None | - | updated_at | 2017-05-15T08:43:00Z | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ - - -You can attach networks to a QoS policy. The meaning of this is that -any compute port connected to the network will use the network policy by -default unless the port has a specific policy attached to it. Internal network -owned ports like DHCP and internal router ports are excluded from network -policy application. - -In order to attach a QoS policy to a network, update an existing -network, or initially create the network attached to the policy. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network set --qos-policy bw-limiter private - Updated network: private - -.. note:: - - Configuring the proper burst value is very important. If the burst value is - set too low, bandwidth usage will be throttled even with a proper bandwidth - limit setting. This issue is discussed in various documentation sources, for - example in `Juniper's documentation - `_. - Burst value for TCP traffic can be set as 80% of desired bandwidth limit - value. For example, if the bandwidth limit is set to 1000kbps then enough - burst value will be 800kbit. If the configured burst value is too low, - achieved bandwidth limit will be lower than expected. If the configured burst - value is too high, too few packets could be limited and achieved bandwidth - limit would be higher than expected. - -Administrator enforcement -------------------------- - -Administrators are able to enforce policies on project ports or networks. -As long as the policy is not shared, the project is not be able to detach -any policy attached to a network or port. - -If the policy is shared, the project is able to attach or detach such -policy from its own ports and networks. - - -Rule modification ------------------ -You can modify rules at runtime. Rule modifications will be propagated to any -attached port. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos rule set --max-kbps 2000 --max-burst-kbps 200 \ - --ingress bw-limiter 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f - Updated bandwidth_limit_rule: 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f - - $ openstack network qos rule show \ - bw-limiter 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f - - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | direction | ingress | - | id | 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f | - | max_burst_kbps | 200 | - | max_kbps | 2000 | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Just like with bandwidth limiting, create a policy for DSCP marking rule: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos policy create dscp-marking - - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | description | | - | id | d1f90c76-fbe8-4d6f-bb87-a9aea997ed1e | - | name | dscp-marking | - | project_id | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500 | - | rules | [] | - | shared | False | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - -You can create, update, list, delete, and show DSCP markings -with the neutron client: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos rule create --type dscp-marking --dscp-mark 26 \ - dscp-marking - - Created a new dscp marking rule - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d | - | dscp_mark | 26 | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos rule set --dscp-mark 22 \ - dscp-marking 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d - Updated dscp_rule: 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d - - $ openstack network qos rule list dscp-marking - - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ - | ID | DSCP Mark | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ - | 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d | 22 | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network qos rule show \ - dscp-marking 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d - - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d | - | dscp_mark | 22 | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network qos rule delete \ - dscp-marking 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d - Deleted dscp_rule: 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d - -You can also include minimum bandwidth rules in your policy: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos policy create bandwidth-control - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | description | | - | id | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c | - | name | bandwidth-control | - | project_id | 7cc5a84e415d48e69d2b06aa67b317d8 | - | rules | [] | - | shared | False | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network qos rule create \ - --type minimum-bandwidth --min-kbps 1000 --egress bandwidth-control - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - | direction | egress | - | id | da858b32-44bc-43c9-b92b-cf6e2fa836ab | - | min_kbps | 1000 | - | name | None | - | project_id | | - +------------+--------------------------------------+ - -A policy with a minimum bandwidth ensures best efforts are made to provide -no less than the specified bandwidth to each port on which the rule is -applied. However, as this feature is not yet integrated with the Compute -scheduler, minimum bandwidth cannot be guaranteed. - -It is also possible to combine several rules in one policy: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit \ - --max-kbps 50000 --max-burst-kbits 50000 bandwidth-control - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | 0db48906-a762-4d32-8694-3f65214c34a6 | - | max_burst_kbps | 50000 | - | max_kbps | 50000 | - | name | None | - | project_id | | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network qos policy show bandwidth-control - +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | description | | - | id | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c | - | name | bandwidth-control | - | project_id | 7cc5a84e415d48e69d2b06aa67b317d8 | - | rules | [{u'max_kbps': 50000, u'type': u'bandwidth_limit', | - | | u'id': u'0db48906-a762-4d32-8694-3f65214c34a6', | - | | u'max_burst_kbps': 50000, | - | | u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'}, | - | | {u'direction': | - | | u'egress', u'min_kbps': 1000, u'type': u'minimum_bandwidth', | - | | u'id': u'da858b32-44bc-43c9-b92b-cf6e2fa836ab', | - | | u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'}] | - | shared | False | - +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-rbac.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-rbac.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 48388effa3..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-rbac.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,458 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-rbac: - -================================ -Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) -================================ - -The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policy framework enables both operators -and users to grant access to resources for specific projects. - - -Supported objects for sharing with specific projects -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Currently, the access that can be granted using this feature -is supported by: - -* Regular port creation permissions on networks (since Liberty). -* Binding QoS policies permissions to networks or ports (since Mitaka). -* Attaching router gateways to networks (since Mitaka). - - -Sharing an object with specific projects -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Sharing an object with a specific project is accomplished by creating -a policy entry that permits the target project the ``access_as_shared`` -action on that object. - - -Sharing a network with specific projects -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Create a network to share: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create secret_network - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T20:16:40Z | - | description | | - | dns_domain | None | - | id | f55961b9-3eb8-42eb-ac96-b97038b568de | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | is_default | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | secret_network | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 9 | - | qos_policy_id | None | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | segments | None | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T20:16:40Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -Create the policy entry using the :command:`openstack network rbac create` -command (in this example, the ID of the project we want to share with is -``b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d``): - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac create --target-project \ - b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d --action access_as_shared \ - --type network f55961b9-3eb8-42eb-ac96-b97038b568de - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | action | access_as_shared | - | id | f93efdbf-f1e0-41d2-b093-8328959d469e | - | name | None | - | object_id | f55961b9-3eb8-42eb-ac96-b97038b568de | - | object_type | network | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | target_project_id | b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -The ``target-project`` parameter specifies the project that requires -access to the network. The ``action`` parameter specifies what -the project is allowed to do. The ``type`` parameter says -that the target object is a network. The final parameter is the ID of -the network we are granting access to. - -Project ``b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d`` will now be able to see -the network when running :command:`openstack network list` and -:command:`openstack network show` and will also be able to create ports -on that network. No other users (other than admins and the owner) -will be able to see the network. - -To remove access for that project, delete the policy that allows -it using the :command:`openstack network rbac delete` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac delete f93efdbf-f1e0-41d2-b093-8328959d469e - -If that project has ports on the network, the server will prevent the -policy from being deleted until the ports have been deleted: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac delete f93efdbf-f1e0-41d2-b093-8328959d469e - RBAC policy on object f93efdbf-f1e0-41d2-b093-8328959d469e - cannot be removed because other objects depend on it. - -This process can be repeated any number of times to share a network -with an arbitrary number of projects. - - -Sharing a QoS policy with specific projects -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Create a QoS policy to share: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network qos policy create secret_policy - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | description | | - | id | 1f730d69-1c45-4ade-a8f2-89070ac4f046 | - | name | secret_policy | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | rules | [] | - | shared | False | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -Create the RBAC policy entry using the :command:`openstack network rbac create` -command (in this example, the ID of the project we want to share with is -``be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9``): - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac create --target-project \ - be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9 --action access_as_shared \ - --type qos_policy 1f730d69-1c45-4ade-a8f2-89070ac4f046 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | action | access_as_shared | - | id | 8828e38d-a0df-4c78-963b-e5f215d3d550 | - | name | None | - | object_id | 1f730d69-1c45-4ade-a8f2-89070ac4f046 | - | object_type | qos_policy | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | target_project_id | be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9 | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -The ``target-project`` parameter specifies the project that requires -access to the QoS policy. The ``action`` parameter specifies what -the project is allowed to do. The ``type`` parameter says -that the target object is a QoS policy. The final parameter is the ID of -the QoS policy we are granting access to. - -Project ``be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9`` will now be able to see -the QoS policy when running :command:`openstack network qos policy list` and -:command:`openstack network qos policy show` and will also be able to bind -it to its ports or networks. No other users (other than admins and the owner) -will be able to see the QoS policy. - -To remove access for that project, delete the RBAC policy that allows -it using the :command:`openstack network rbac delete` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac delete 8828e38d-a0df-4c78-963b-e5f215d3d550 - -If that project has ports or networks with the QoS policy applied to them, -the server will not delete the RBAC policy until -the QoS policy is no longer in use: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac delete 8828e38d-a0df-4c78-963b-e5f215d3d550 - RBAC policy on object 8828e38d-a0df-4c78-963b-e5f215d3d550 - cannot be removed because other objects depend on it. - -This process can be repeated any number of times to share a qos-policy -with an arbitrary number of projects. - - -How the 'shared' flag relates to these entries -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -As introduced in other guide entries, neutron provides a means of -making an object (``network``, ``qos-policy``) available to every project. -This is accomplished using the ``shared`` flag on the supported object: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create global_network --share - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T20:32:06Z | - | description | | - | dns_domain | None | - | id | 84a7e627-573b-49da-af66-c9a65244f3ce | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | is_default | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | global_network | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 7 | - | qos_policy_id | None | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | segments | None | - | shared | True | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T20:32:07Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -This is the equivalent of creating a policy on the network that permits -every project to perform the action ``access_as_shared`` on that network. -Neutron treats them as the same thing, so the policy entry for that -network should be visible using the :command:`openstack network rbac list` -command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac list - +-------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------------+ - | ID | Object Type | Object ID | - +-------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------------+ - | 58a5ee31-2ad6-467d- | qos_policy | 1f730d69-1c45-4ade- | - | 8bb8-8c2ae3dd1382 | | a8f2-89070ac4f046 | - | 27efbd79-f384-4d89-9dfc- | network | 84a7e627-573b-49da- | - | 6c4a606ceec6 | | af66-c9a65244f3ce | - +-------------------------------+-------------+--------------------------------+ - - -Use the :command:`neutron rbac-show` command to see the details: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac show 27efbd79-f384-4d89-9dfc-6c4a606ceec6 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | action | access_as_shared | - | id | 27efbd79-f384-4d89-9dfc-6c4a606ceec6 | - | name | None | - | object_id | 84a7e627-573b-49da-af66-c9a65244f3ce | - | object_type | network | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | target_project_id | * | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -The output shows that the entry allows the action ``access_as_shared`` -on object ``84a7e627-573b-49da-af66-c9a65244f3ce`` of type ``network`` -to target_tenant ``*``, which is a wildcard that represents all projects. - -Currently, the ``shared`` flag is just a mapping to the underlying -RBAC policies for a network. Setting the flag to ``True`` on a network -creates a wildcard RBAC entry. Setting it to ``False`` removes the -wildcard entry. - -When you run :command:`openstack network list` or -:command:`openstack network show`, the ``shared`` flag is calculated by the -server based on the calling project and the RBAC entries for each network. -For QoS objects use :command:`openstack network qos policy list` or -:command:`openstack network qos policy show` respectively. -If there is a wildcard entry, the ``shared`` flag is always set to ``True``. -If there are only entries that share with specific projects, only -the projects the object is shared to will see the flag as ``True`` -and the rest will see the flag as ``False``. - - -Allowing a network to be used as an external network -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -To make a network available as an external network for specific projects -rather than all projects, use the ``access_as_external`` action. - -#. Create a network that you want to be available as an external network: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create secret_external_network - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T20:36:59Z | - | description | | - | dns_domain | None | - | id | 802d4e9e-4649-43e6-9ee2-8d052a880cfb | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | is_default | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | secret_external_network | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | proider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 21 | - | qos_policy_id | None | - | revision_number | 3 | - | router:external | Internal | - | segments | None | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T20:36:59Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -#. Create a policy entry using the :command:`openstack network rbac create` - command (in this example, the ID of the project we want to share with is - ``838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c``): - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac create --target-project \ - 838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c --action access_as_external \ - --type network 802d4e9e-4649-43e6-9ee2-8d052a880cfb - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | action | access_as_external | - | id | afdd5b8d-b6f5-4a15-9817-5231434057be | - | name | None | - | object_id | 802d4e9e-4649-43e6-9ee2-8d052a880cfb | - | object_type | network | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | target_project_id | 838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -The ``target-project`` parameter specifies the project that requires -access to the network. The ``action`` parameter specifies what -the project is allowed to do. The ``type`` parameter indicates -that the target object is a network. The final parameter is the ID of -the network we are granting external access to. - -Now project ``838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c`` is able to see -the network when running :command:`openstack network list` -and :command:`openstack network show` and can attach router gateway -ports to that network. No other users (other than admins -and the owner) are able to see the network. - -To remove access for that project, delete the policy that allows -it using the :command:`openstack network rbac delete` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac delete afdd5b8d-b6f5-4a15-9817-5231434057be - -If that project has router gateway ports attached to that network, -the server prevents the policy from being deleted until the -ports have been deleted: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac delete afdd5b8d-b6f5-4a15-9817-5231434057be - RBAC policy on object afdd5b8d-b6f5-4a15-9817-5231434057be - cannot be removed because other objects depend on it. - -This process can be repeated any number of times to make a network -available as external to an arbitrary number of projects. - -If a network is marked as external during creation, it now implicitly -creates a wildcard RBAC policy granting everyone access to preserve -previous behavior before this feature was added. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create global_external_network --external - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | created_at | 2017-01-25T20:41:44Z | - | description | | - | dns_domain | None | - | id | 72a257a2-a56e-4ac7-880f-94a4233abec6 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | is_default | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | global_external_network | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | 61b7eba037fd41f29cfba757c010faff | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 69 | - | qos_policy_id | None | - | revision_number | 4 | - | router:external | External | - | segments | None | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | updated_at | 2017-01-25T20:41:44Z | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -In the output above the standard ``router:external`` attribute is -``External`` as expected. Now a wildcard policy is visible in the -RBAC policy listings: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network rbac list --long -c ID -c Action - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+ - | ID | Action | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+ - | b694e541-bdca-480d-94ec-eda59ab7d71a | access_as_external | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+ - - -You can modify or delete this policy with the same constraints -as any other RBAC ``access_as_external`` policy. - - -Preventing regular users from sharing objects with each other -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The default ``policy.json`` file will not allow regular -users to share objects with every other project using a wildcard; -however, it will allow them to share objects with specific project -IDs. - -If an operator wants to prevent normal users from doing this, the -``"create_rbac_policy":`` entry in ``policy.json`` can be adjusted -from ``""`` to ``"rule:admin_only"``. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-routed-networks.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-routed-networks.rst deleted file mode 100644 index bfe5178ee1..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-routed-networks.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,450 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-routed-provider-networks: - -======================== -Routed provider networks -======================== - -.. note:: - - Use of this feature requires the OpenStack client - version 3.3 or newer. - -Before routed provider networks, the Networking service could not present a -multi-segment layer-3 network as a single entity. Thus, each operator typically -chose one of the following architectures: - -* Single large layer-2 network -* Multiple smaller layer-2 networks - -Single large layer-2 networks become complex at scale and involve significant -failure domains. - -Multiple smaller layer-2 networks scale better and shrink failure domains, but -leave network selection to the user. Without additional information, users -cannot easily differentiate these networks. - -A routed provider network enables a single provider network to represent -multiple layer-2 networks (broadcast domains) or segments and enables the -operator to present one network to users. However, the particular IP -addresses available to an instance depend on the segment of the network -available on the particular compute node. - -Similar to conventional networking, layer-2 (switching) handles transit of -traffic between ports on the same segment and layer-3 (routing) handles -transit of traffic between segments. - -Each segment requires at least one subnet that explicitly belongs to that -segment. The association between a segment and a subnet distinguishes a -routed provider network from other types of networks. The Networking service -enforces that either zero or all subnets on a particular network associate -with a segment. For example, attempting to create a subnet without a segment -on a network containing subnets with segments generates an error. - -The Networking service does not provide layer-3 services between segments. -Instead, it relies on physical network infrastructure to route subnets. -Thus, both the Networking service and physical network infrastructure must -contain configuration for routed provider networks, similar to conventional -provider networks. In the future, implementation of dynamic routing protocols -may ease configuration of routed networks. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Routed provider networks require additional prerequisites over conventional -provider networks. We recommend using the following procedure: - -#. Begin with segments. The Networking service defines a segment using the - following components: - - * Unique physical network name - * Segmentation type - * Segmentation ID - - For example, ``provider1``, ``VLAN``, and ``2016``. See the - `API reference `__ - for more information. - - Within a network, use a unique physical network name for each segment which - enables reuse of the same segmentation details between subnets. For - example, using the same VLAN ID across all segments of a particular - provider network. Similar to conventional provider networks, the operator - must provision the layer-2 physical network infrastructure accordingly. - -#. Implement routing between segments. - - The Networking service does not provision routing among segments. The - operator must implement routing among segments of a provider network. - Each subnet on a segment must contain the gateway address of the - router interface on that particular subnet. For example: - - =========== ======= ======================= ===================== - Segment Version Addresses Gateway - =========== ======= ======================= ===================== - segment1 4 - segment1 6 fd00:203:0:113::/64 fd00:203:0:113::1 - segment2 4 - segment2 6 fd00:198:51:100::/64 fd00:198:51:100::1 - =========== ======= ======================= ===================== - -#. Map segments to compute nodes. - - Routed provider networks imply that compute nodes reside on different - segments. The operator must ensure that every compute host that is supposed - to participate in a router provider network has direct connectivity to one - of its segments. - - =========== ====== ================ - Host Rack Physical Network - =========== ====== ================ - compute0001 rack 1 segment 1 - compute0002 rack 1 segment 1 - ... ... ... - compute0101 rack 2 segment 2 - compute0102 rack 2 segment 2 - compute0102 rack 2 segment 2 - ... ... ... - =========== ====== ================ - -#. Deploy DHCP agents. - - Unlike conventional provider networks, a DHCP agent cannot support more - than one segment within a network. The operator must deploy at least one - DHCP agent per segment. Consider deploying DHCP agents on compute nodes - containing the segments rather than one or more network nodes to reduce - node count. - - =========== ====== ================ - Host Rack Physical Network - =========== ====== ================ - network0001 rack 1 segment 1 - network0002 rack 2 segment 2 - ... ... ... - =========== ====== ================ - -#. Configure communication of the Networking service with the Compute - scheduler. - - An instance with an interface with an IPv4 address in a routed provider - network must be placed by the Compute scheduler in a host that has access to - a segment with available IPv4 addresses. To make this possible, the - Networking service communicates to the Compute scheduler the inventory of - IPv4 addresses associated with each segment of a routed provider network. - The operator must configure the authentication credentials that the - Networking service will use to communicate with the Compute scheduler's - placement API. Please see below an example configuration. - - .. note:: - - Coordination between the Networking service and the Compute scheduler is - not necessary for IPv6 subnets as a consequence of their large address - spaces. - - .. note:: - - The coordination between the Networking service and the Compute scheduler - requires the following minimum API micro-versions. - - * Compute service API: 2.41 - * Placement API: 1.1 - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. Enable the segments service plug-in by appending ``segments`` to the list - of ``service_plugins`` in the ``neutron.conf`` file on all nodes running the - ``neutron-server`` service: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - # ... - service_plugins = ..., segments - -#. Add a ``placement`` section to the ``neutron.conf`` file with authentication - credentials for the Compute service placement API: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [placement] - auth_uri = - project_domain_name = Default - project_name = service - user_domain_name = Default - password = apassword - username = nova - auth_url = - auth_type = password - region_name = RegionOne - -#. Restart the ``neutron-server`` service. - -Network or compute nodes ------------------------- - -* Configure the layer-2 agent on each node to map one or more segments to - the appropriate physical network bridge or interface and restart the - agent. - -Create a routed provider network -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The following steps create a routed provider network with two segments. Each -segment contains one IPv4 subnet and one IPv6 subnet. - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Create a VLAN provider network which includes a default segment. In this - example, the network uses the ``provider1`` physical network with VLAN ID - 2016. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create --share --provider-physical-network provider1 \ - --provider-network-type vlan --provider-segment 2016 multisegment1 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | l2_adjacency | True | - | mtu | 1500 | - | name | multisegment1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | provider:network_type | vlan | - | provider:physical_network | provider1 | - | provider:segmentation_id | 2016 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | True | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Rename the default segment to ``segment1``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network segment list --network multisegment1 - +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------+---------+ - | ID | Name | Network | Network Type | Segment | - +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------+---------+ - | 43e16869-ad31-48e4-87ce-acf756709e18 | None | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | vlan | 2016 | - +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------+---------+ - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network segment set --name segment1 43e16869-ad31-48e4-87ce-acf756709e18 - - .. note:: - - This command provides no output. - -#. Create a second segment on the provider network. In this example, the - segment uses the ``provider2`` physical network with VLAN ID 2016. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network segment create --physical-network provider2 \ - --network-type vlan --segment 2016 --network multisegment1 segment2 - +------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | description | None | - | headers | | - | id | 053b7925-9a89-4489-9992-e164c8cc8763 | - | name | segment2 | - | network_id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | network_type | vlan | - | physical_network | provider2 | - | segmentation_id | 2016 | - +------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Verify that the network contains the ``segment1`` and ``segment2`` segments. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network segment list --network multisegment1 - +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------+---------+ - | ID | Name | Network | Network Type | Segment | - +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------+---------+ - | 053b7925-9a89-4489-9992-e164c8cc8763 | segment2 | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | vlan | 2016 | - | 43e16869-ad31-48e4-87ce-acf756709e18 | segment1 | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | vlan | 2016 | - +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------+---------+ - -#. Create subnets on the ``segment1`` segment. In this example, the IPv4 - subnet uses and the IPv6 subnet uses fd00:203:0:113::/64. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create \ - --network multisegment1 --network-segment segment1 \ - --ip-version 4 --subnet-range \ - multisegment1-segment1-v4 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | id | c428797a-6f8e-4cb1-b394-c404318a2762 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | multisegment1-segment1-v4 | - | network_id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | segment_id | 43e16869-ad31-48e4-87ce-acf756709e18 | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack subnet create \ - --network multisegment1 --network-segment segment1 \ - --ip-version 6 --subnet-range fd00:203:0:113::/64 \ - --ipv6-address-mode slaac multisegment1-segment1-v6 - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | fd00:203:0:113::2-fd00:203:0:113:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | fd00:203:0:113::/64 | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | fd00:203:0:113::1 | - | id | e41cb069-9902-4c01-9e1c-268c8252256a | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | multisegment1-segment1-v6 | - | network_id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | segment_id | 43e16869-ad31-48e4-87ce-acf756709e18 | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - - .. note:: - - By default, IPv6 subnets on provider networks rely on physical network - infrastructure for stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) and - router advertisement. - -#. Create subnets on the ``segment2`` segment. In this example, the IPv4 - subnet uses and the IPv6 subnet uses fd00:198:51:100::/64. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create \ - --network multisegment1 --network-segment segment2 \ - --ip-version 4 --subnet-range \ - multisegment1-segment2-v4 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | id | 242755c2-f5fd-4e7d-bd7a-342ca95e50b2 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | multisegment1-segment2-v4 | - | network_id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | segment_id | 053b7925-9a89-4489-9992-e164c8cc8763 | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack subnet create \ - --network multisegment1 --network-segment segment2 \ - --ip-version 6 --subnet-range fd00:198:51:100::/64 \ - --ipv6-address-mode slaac multisegment1-segment2-v6 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | fd00:198:51:100::2-fd00:198:51:100:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | fd00:198:51:100::/64 | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | fd00:198:51:100::1 | - | id | b884c40e-9cfe-4d1b-a085-0a15488e9441 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | multisegment1-segment2-v6 | - | network_id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | segment_id | 053b7925-9a89-4489-9992-e164c8cc8763 | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Verify that each IPv4 subnet associates with at least one DHCP agent. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net multisegment1 - +--------------------------------------+-------------+----------------+-------+ - | id | host | admin_state_up | alive | - +--------------------------------------+-------------+----------------+-------+ - | c904ed10-922c-4c1a-84fd-d928abaf8f55 | compute0001 | True | :-) | - | e0b22cc0-d2a6-4f1c-b17c-27558e20b454 | compute0101 | True | :-) | - +--------------------------------------+-------------+----------------+-------+ - -#. Verify that inventories were created for each segment IPv4 subnet in the - Compute service placement API (for the sake of brevity, only one of the - segments is shown in this example). - - .. code-block:: console - - $ SEGMENT_ID=053b7925-9a89-4489-9992-e164c8cc8763 - $ curl -s -X GET \ - http://localhost/placement/resource_providers/$SEGMENT_ID/inventories \ - -H "Content-type: application/json" \ - -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \ - -H "Openstack-Api-Version: placement 1.1" - { - "resource_provider_generation": 1, - "inventories": { - "allocation_ratio": 1, - "total": 254, - "reserved": 2, - "step_size": 1, - "min_unit": 1, - "max_unit": 1 - } - } - - .. note:: - - As of the writing of this guide, there is not placement API CLI client, - so the :command:`curl` command is used for this example. - -#. Verify that host aggregates were created for each segment in the Compute - service (for the sake of brevity, only one of the segments is shown in this - example). - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack aggregate list - +----+---------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ - | Id | Name | Availability Zone | - +----+---------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ - | 10 | Neutron segment id 053b7925-9a89-4489-9992-e164c8cc8763 | None | - +----+---------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ - -#. Launch one or more instances. Each instance obtains IP addresses according - to the segment it uses on the particular compute node. - - .. note:: - - Creating a port and passing it to an instance yields a different - behavior than conventional networks. The Networking service - defers assignment of IP addresses to the port until the particular - compute node becomes apparent. For example: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port create --network multisegment1 port1 - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | binding_vnic_type | normal | - | id | 6181fb47-7a74-4add-9b6b-f9837c1c90c4 | - | ip_allocation | deferred | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:34:de:9b | - | name | port1 | - | network_id | 6ab19caa-dda9-4b3d-abc4-5b8f435b98d9 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | security_groups | e4fcef0d-e2c5-40c3-a385-9c33ac9289c5 | - | status | DOWN | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-service-subnets.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-service-subnets.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 585077f3a5..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-service-subnets.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,338 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-service-subnets: - -=============== -Service subnets -=============== - -Service subnets enable operators to define valid port types for each -subnet on a network without limiting networks to one subnet or manually -creating ports with a specific subnet ID. Using this feature, operators -can ensure that ports for instances and router interfaces, for example, -always use different subnets. - -Operation -~~~~~~~~~ - -Define one or more service types for one or more subnets on a particular -network. Each service type must correspond to a valid device owner within -the port model in order for it to be used. - -During IP allocation, the :ref:`IPAM ` driver returns an -address from a subnet with a service type matching the port device -owner. If no subnets match, or all matching subnets lack available IP -addresses, the IPAM driver attempts to use a subnet without any service -types to preserve compatibility. If all subnets on a network have a -service type, the IPAM driver cannot preserve compatibility. However, this -feature enables strict IP allocation from subnets with a matching device -owner. If multiple subnets contain the same service type, or a subnet -without a service type exists, the IPAM driver selects the first subnet -with a matching service type. For example, a floating IP agent gateway port -uses the following selection process: - -* ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway`` -* ``None`` - -.. note:: - - Ports with the device owner ``network:dhcp`` are exempt from the above IPAM - logic for subnets with ``dhcp_enabled`` set to ``True``. This preserves the - existing automatic DHCP port creation behaviour for DHCP-enabled subnets. - -Creating or updating a port with a specific subnet skips this selection -process and explicitly uses the given subnet. - -Usage -~~~~~ - -.. note:: - - Creating a subnet with a service type requires administrative - privileges. - -Example 1 - Proof-of-concept ----------------------------- - -This following example is not typical of an actual deployment. It is shown -to allow users to experiment with configuring service subnets. - -#. Create a network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create demo-net1 - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02 | - | ipv4_address_scope | None | - | ipv6_address_scope | None | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | demo-net1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | project_id | a3db43cd0f224242a847ab84d091217d | - | provider:network_type | vxlan | - | provider:physical_network | None | - | provider:segmentation_id | 110 | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | [] | - +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a subnet on the network with one or more service types. For - example, the ``compute:nova`` service type enables instances to use - this subnet. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create demo-subnet1 --subnet-range \ - --service-type 'compute:nova' --network demo-net1 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | 6e38b23f-0b27-4e3c-8e69-fd23a3df1935 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | cidr | | - | name | demo-subnet1 | - | network_id | b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02 | - | service_types | ['compute:nova'] | - | tenant_id | a8b3054cc1214f18b1186b291525650f | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Optionally, create another subnet on the network with a different service - type. For example, the ``compute:foo`` arbitrary service type. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create demo-subnet2 --subnet-range \ - --service-type 'compute:foo' --network demo-net1 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | id | ea139dcd-17a3-4f0a-8cca-dff8b4e03f8a | - | ip_version | 4 | - | cidr | | - | name | demo-subnet2 | - | network_id | b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02 | - | service_types | ['compute:foo'] | - | tenant_id | a8b3054cc1214f18b1186b291525650f | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Launch an instance using the network. For example, using the ``cirros`` - image and ``m1.tiny`` flavor. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create demo-instance1 --flavor m1.tiny \ - --image cirros --nic net-id=b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02 - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | - | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | - | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | None | - | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None | - | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-00000009 | - | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | - | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | - | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | - | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None | - | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None | - | accessIPv4 | | - | accessIPv6 | | - | addresses | | - | adminPass | Fn85skabdxBL | - | config_drive | | - | created | 2016-09-19T15:07:42Z | - | flavor | m1.tiny (1) | - | hostId | | - | id | 04222b73-1a6e-4c2a-9af4-ef3d17d521ff | - | image | cirros (4aaec87d-c655-4856-8618-b2dada3a2b11) | - | key_name | None | - | name | demo-instance1 | - | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | - | progress | 0 | - | project_id | d44c19e056674381b86430575184b167 | - | properties | | - | security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] | - | status | BUILD | - | updated | 2016-09-19T15:07:42Z | - | user_id | 331afbeb322d4c559a181e19051ae362 | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - -#. Check the instance status. The ``Networks`` field contains an IP address - from the subnet having the ``compute:nova`` service type. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+---------------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+---------------------+ - | 20181f46-5cd2-4af8-9af0-f4cf5c983008 | demo-instance1 | ACTIVE | demo-net1= | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------+---------+---------------------+ - -Example 2 - DVR configuration ------------------------------ - -The following example outlines how you can configure service subnets in -a DVR-enabled deployment, with the goal of minimizing public IP -address consumption. This example uses three subnets on the same external -network: - -* for instance floating IP addresses -* for floating IP agent gateway IPs configured on compute nodes -* for all other IP allocations on the external network - -This example uses again the private network, ``demo-net1`` -(b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02) which was created in -`Example 1 - Proof-of-concept`_. - -.. note: - - The output of the commands is not always shown since it - is very similar to the above. - -#. Create an external network: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create --external demo-ext-net - -#. Create a subnet on the external network for the instance floating IP - addresses. This uses the ``network:floatingip`` service type. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create demo-floating-ip-subnet \ - --subnet-range --no-dhcp \ - --service-type 'network:floatingip' --network demo-ext-net - -#. Create a subnet on the external network for the floating IP agent - gateway IP addresses, which are configured by DVR on compute nodes. - This will use the ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway`` service type. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create demo-floating-ip-agent-gateway-subnet \ - --subnet-range --no-dhcp \ - --service-type 'network:floatingip_agent_gateway' \ - --network demo-ext-net - -#. Create a subnet on the external network for all other IP addresses - allocated on the external network. This will not use any service - type. It acts as a fall back for allocations that do not match - either of the above two service subnets. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create demo-other-subnet \ - --subnet-range --no-dhcp \ - --network demo-ext-net - -#. Create a router: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router create demo-router - -#. Add an interface to the router on demo-subnet1: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router add subnet demo-router demo-subnet1 - -#. Set the external gateway for the router, which will create an - interface and allocate an IP address on demo-ext-net: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron router-gateway-set demo-router demo-ext-net - -#. Launch an instance on a private network and retrieve the neutron - port ID that was allocated. As above, use the ``cirros`` - image and ``m1.tiny`` flavor: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create demo-instance1 --flavor m1.tiny \ - --image cirros --nic net-id=b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02 - $ openstack port list --server demo-instance1 - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+--------+ - | ID | Name | MAC Address | Fixed IP Addresses | Status | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+--------+ - | a752bb24-9bf2-4d37-b9d6-07da69c86f19 | | fa:16:3e:99:54:32 | ip_address='', | ACTIVE | - | | | | subnet_id='6e38b23f-0b27-4e3c-8e69-fd23a3df1935' | | - +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------+--------+ - -#. Associate a floating IP with the instance port and verify it was - allocated an IP address from the correct subnet: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack floating ip create --port \ - a752bb24-9bf2-4d37-b9d6-07da69c86f19 demo-ext-net - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | fixed_ip_address | | - | floating_ip_address | | - | floating_network_id | 02d236d5-dad9-4082-bb6b-5245f9f84d13 | - | id | f15cae7f-5e05-4b19-bd25-4bb71edcf3de | - | port_id | a752bb24-9bf2-4d37-b9d6-07da69c86f19 | - | project_id | d44c19e056674381b86430575184b167 | - | router_id | 5a8ca19f-3703-4f81-bc29-db6bc2f528d6 | - | status | ACTIVE | - +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. As the `admin` user, verify the neutron routers are allocated IP - addresses from their correct subnets. Use ``openstack port list`` - to find ports associated with the routers. - - First, the router gateway external port: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-show f148ffeb-3c26-4067-bc5f-5c3dfddae2f5 - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | device_id | 5a8ca19f-3703-4f81-bc29-db6bc2f528d6 | - | device_owner | network:router_gateway | - | extra_dhcp_opts | | - | fixed_ips | ip_address='', | - | | subnet_id='67c251d9-2b7a-4200-99f6-e13785b0334d' | - | id | f148ffeb-3c26-4067-bc5f-5c3dfddae2f5 | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:2c:0f:69 | - | network_id | 02d236d5-dad9-4082-bb6b-5245f9f84d13 | - | project_id | | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - Second, the router floating IP agent gateway external port: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-show a2d1e756-8ae1-4f96-9aa1-e7ea16a6a68a - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | device_id | 3d0c98eb-bca3-45cc-8aa4-90ae3deb0844 | - | device_owner | network:floatingip_agent_gateway | - | extra_dhcp_opts | | - | fixed_ips | ip_address='', | - | | subnet_id='67c251d9-2b7a-4200-99f6-e13785b0334d' | - | id | a2d1e756-8ae1-4f96-9aa1-e7ea16a6a68a | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:f4:5d:fa | - | network_id | 02d236d5-dad9-4082-bb6b-5245f9f84d13 | - | project_id | | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-services-agent.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-services-agent.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1299de9625..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-services-agent.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-services-agent: - -=================== -Services and agents -=================== - -A usual neutron setup consists of multiple services and agents running on one -or multiple nodes (though some setups may not need any agents). -Each of these services provide some of the networking or API services. -Among those of special interest are: - -#. The neutron-server that provides API endpoints and serves as a single point - of access to the database. It usually runs on the controller nodes. -#. Layer2 agent that can utilize Open vSwitch, Linux Bridge or other - vendor-specific technology to provide network segmentation and isolation - for project networks. - The L2 agent should run on every node where it is deemed - responsible for wiring and securing virtual interfaces (usually both - compute and network nodes). -#. Layer3 agent that runs on network node and provides east-west and - north-south routing plus some advanced services such as FWaaS or VPNaaS. - -Configuration options -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The neutron configuration options are segregated between -neutron-server and agents. Both services and agents may load the main -``neutron.conf`` since this file should contain the oslo.messaging -configuration for internal neutron RPCs and may contain host specific -configuration, such as file paths. The ``neutron.conf`` contains the -database, keystone, nova credentials, and endpoints strictly for -neutron-server to use. - -In addition, neutron-server may load a plugin-specific configuration file, yet -the agents should not. As the plugin configuration is primarily site wide -options and the plugin provides the persistence layer for neutron, agents -should be instructed to act upon these values through RPC. - -Each individual agent may have its own configuration file. This file should be -loaded after the main ``neutron.conf`` file, so the agent configuration takes -precedence. The agent-specific configuration may contain configurations which -vary between hosts in a neutron deployment such as the -``external_network_bridge`` for an L3 agent. If any agent requires access to -additional external services beyond the neutron RPC, those endpoints should be -defined in the agent-specific configuration file (for example, nova metadata -for metadata agent). diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-sfc.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-sfc.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2016064b47..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-sfc.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ -.. _adv-config-sfc: - -========================= -Service function chaining -========================= - -:term:`Service function chain (SFC)` essentially refers to the -:term:`software-defined networking (SDN)` version of -:term:`policy-based routing (PBR)`. In many cases, SFC involves security, -although it can include a variety of other features. - -Fundamentally, SFC routes packets through one or more service functions -instead of conventional routing that routes packets using destination IP -address. Service functions essentially emulate a series of physical network -devices with cables linking them together. - -A basic example of SFC involves routing packets from one location to another -through a firewall that lacks a "next hop" IP address from a conventional -routing perspective. A more complex example involves an ordered series of -service functions, each implemented using multiple instances (VMs). Packets -must flow through one instance and a hashing algorithm distributes flows -across multiple instances at each hop. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -All OpenStack Networking services and OpenStack Compute instances connect to -a virtual network via ports making it possible to create a traffic steering -model for service chaining using only ports. Including these ports in a -port chain enables steering of traffic through one or more instances -providing service functions. - -A port chain, or service function path, consists of the following: - -* A set of ports that define the sequence of service functions. -* A set of flow classifiers that specify the classified traffic flows - entering the chain. - -If a service function involves a pair of ports, the first port acts as the -ingress port of the service function and the second port acts as the egress -port. If both ports use the same value, they function as a single virtual -bidirectional port. - -A port chain is a unidirectional service chain. The first port acts as the -head of the service function chain and the second port acts as the tail of the -service function chain. A bidirectional service function chain consists of -two unidirectional port chains. - -A flow classifier can only belong to one port chain to prevent ambiguity as -to which chain should handle packets in the flow. A check prevents such -ambiguity. However, you can associate multiple flow classifiers with a port -chain because multiple flows can request the same service function path. - -Currently, SFC lacks support for multi-project service functions. - -The port chain plug-in supports backing service providers including the OVS -driver and a variety of SDN controller drivers. The common driver API enables -different drivers to provide different implementations for the service chain -path rendering. - -.. image:: figures/port-chain-architecture-diagram.png - :alt: Port chain architecture - -.. image:: figures/port-chain-diagram.png - :alt: Port chain model - -See the `developer documentation -`_ for more information. - -Resources -~~~~~~~~~ - -Port chain ----------- - -* ``id`` - Port chain ID -* ``tenant_id`` - Project ID -* ``name`` - Readable name -* ``description`` - Readable description -* ``port_pair_groups`` - List of port pair group IDs -* ``flow_classifiers`` - List of flow classifier IDs -* ``chain_parameters`` - Dictionary of chain parameters - -A port chain consists of a sequence of port pair groups. Each port pair group -is a hop in the port chain. A group of port pairs represents service functions -providing equivalent functionality. For example, a group of firewall service -functions. - -A flow classifier identifies a flow. A port chain can contain multiple flow -classifiers. Omitting the flow classifier effectively prevents steering of -traffic through the port chain. - -The ``chain_parameters`` attribute contains one or more parameters for the -port chain. Currently, it only supports a correlation parameter that -defaults to ``mpls`` for consistency with :term:`Open vSwitch` (OVS) -capabilities. Future values for the correlation parameter may include -the :term:`network service header (NSH)`. - -Port pair group ---------------- - -* ``id`` - Port pair group ID -* ``tenant_id`` - Project ID -* ``name`` - Readable name -* ``description`` - Readable description -* ``port_pairs`` - List of service function port pairs - -A port pair group may contain one or more port pairs. Multiple port -pairs enable load balancing/distribution over a set of functionally -equivalent service functions. - -Port pair ---------- - -* ``id`` - Port pair ID -* ``tenant_id`` - Project ID -* ``name`` - Readable name -* ``description`` - Readable description -* ``ingress`` - Ingress port -* ``egress`` - Egress port -* ``service_function_parameters`` - Dictionary of service function parameters - -A port pair represents a service function instance that includes an ingress and -egress port. A service function containing a bidirectional port uses the same -ingress and egress port. - -The ``service_function_parameters`` attribute includes one or more parameters -for the service function. Currently, it only supports a correlation parameter -that determines association of a packet with a chain. This parameter defaults -to ``none`` for legacy service functions that lack support for correlation such -as the NSH. If set to ``none``, the data plane implementation must provide -service function proxy functionality. - -Flow classifier ---------------- - -* ``id`` - Flow classifier ID -* ``tenant_id`` - Project ID -* ``name`` - Readable name -* ``description`` - Readable description -* ``ethertype`` - Ethertype (IPv4/IPv6) -* ``protocol`` - IP protocol -* ``source_port_range_min`` - Minimum source protocol port -* ``source_port_range_max`` - Maximum source protocol port -* ``destination_port_range_min`` - Minimum destination protocol port -* ``destination_port_range_max`` - Maximum destination protocol port -* ``source_ip_prefix`` - Source IP address or prefix -* ``destination_ip_prefix`` - Destination IP address or prefix -* ``logical_source_port`` - Source port -* ``logical_destination_port`` - Destination port -* ``l7_parameters`` - Dictionary of L7 parameters - -A combination of the source attributes defines the source of the flow. A -combination of the destination attributes defines the destination of the flow. -The ``l7_parameters`` attribute is a place holder that may be used to support -flow classification using layer 7 fields, such as a URL. If unspecified, the -``logical_source_port`` and ``logical_destination_port`` attributes default to -``none``, the ``ethertype`` attribute defaults to ``IPv4``, and all other -attributes default to a wildcard value. - -Operations -~~~~~~~~~~ - -Create a port chain -------------------- - -The following example uses the ``neutron`` command-line interface (CLI) to -create a port chain consisting of three service function instances to handle -HTTP (TCP) traffic flows from to - -* Instance 1 - - * Name: vm1 - * Function: Firewall - * Port pair: [p1, p2] - -* Instance 2 - - * Name: vm2 - * Function: Firewall - * Port pair: [p3, p4] - -* Instance 3 - - * Name: vm3 - * Function: Intrusion detection system (IDS) - * Port pair: [p5, p6] - -.. note:: - - The example network ``net1`` must exist before creating ports on it. - -#. Source the credentials of the project that owns the ``net1`` network. - -#. Create ports on network ``net1`` and record the UUID values. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port create p1 --network net1 - $ openstack port create p2 --network net1 - $ openstack port create p3 --network net1 - $ openstack port create p4 --network net1 - $ openstack port create p5 --network net1 - $ openstack port create p6 --network net1 - -#. Launch service function instance ``vm1`` using ports ``p1`` and ``p2``, - ``vm2`` using ports ``p3`` and ``p4``, and ``vm3`` using ports ``p5`` - and ``p6``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --nic port-id=P1_ID --nic port-id=P2_ID vm1 - $ openstack server create --nic port-id=P3_ID --nic port-id=P4_ID vm2 - $ openstack server create --nic port-id=P5_ID --nic port-id=P6_ID vm3 - - Replace ``P1_ID``, ``P2_ID``, ``P3_ID``, ``P4_ID``, ``P5_ID``, and - ``P6_ID`` with the UUIDs of the respective ports. - - .. note:: - - This command requires additional options to successfully launch an - instance. See the - `CLI reference `_ - for more information. - - Alternatively, you can launch each instance with one network interface and - attach additional ports later. - -#. Create flow classifier ``FC1`` that matches the appropriate packet headers. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron flow-classifier-create \ - --description "HTTP traffic from to" \ - --ethertype IPv4 \ - --source-ip-prefix \ - --destination-ip-prefix \ - --protocol tcp \ - --source-port 1000:1000 \ - --destination-port 80:80 FC1 - -#. Create port pair ``PP1`` with ports ``p1`` and ``p2``, ``PP2`` with ports - ``p3`` and ``p4``, and ``PP3`` with ports ``p5`` and ``p6``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-pair-create \ - --description "Firewall SF instance 1" \ - --ingress p1 \ - --egress p2 PP1 - - $ neutron port-pair-create \ - --description "Firewall SF instance 2" \ - --ingress p3 \ - --egress p4 PP2 - - $ neutron port-pair-create \ - --description "IDS SF instance" \ - --ingress p5 \ - --egress p6 PP3 - -#. Create port pair group ``PPG1`` with port pair ``PP1`` and ``PP2`` and - ``PPG2`` with port pair ``PP3``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-pair-group-create \ - --port-pair PP1 --port-pair PP2 PPG1 - $ neutron port-pair-group-create \ - --port-pair PP3 PPG2 - - .. note:: - - You can repeat the ``--port-pair`` option for multiple port pairs of - functionally equivalent service functions. - -#. Create port chain ``PC1`` with port pair groups ``PPG1`` and ``PPG2`` and - flow classifier ``FC1``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-chain-create \ - --port-pair-group PPG1 --port-pair-group PPG2 \ - --flow-classifier FC1 PC1 - - .. note:: - - You can repeat the ``--port-pair-group`` option to specify additional - port pair groups in the port chain. A port chain must contain at least - one port pair group. - - You can repeat the ``--flow-classifier`` option to specify multiple - flow classifiers for a port chain. Each flow classifier identifies - a flow. - -Update a port chain or port pair group --------------------------------------- - -* Use the :command:`neutron port-chain-update` command to dynamically add or - remove port pair groups or flow classifiers on a port chain. - - * For example, add port pair group ``PPG3`` to port chain ``PC1``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-chain-update \ - --port-pair-group PPG1 --port-pair-group PPG2 --port-pair-group PPG3 \ - --flow-classifier FC1 PC1 - - * For example, add flow classifier ``FC2`` to port chain ``PC1``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-chain-update \ - --port-pair-group PPG1 --port-pair-group PPG2 \ - --flow-classifier FC1 --flow-classifier FC2 PC1 - - SFC steers traffic matching the additional flow classifier to the - port pair groups in the port chain. - -* Use the :command:`neutron port-pair-group-update` command to perform dynamic - scale-out or scale-in operations by adding or removing port pairs on a port - pair group. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron port-pair-group-update \ - --port-pair PP1 --port-pair PP2 --port-pair PP4 PPG1 - - SFC performs load balancing/distribution over the additional service - functions in the port pair group. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-sriov.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-sriov.rst deleted file mode 100644 index cadfbc1094..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-sriov.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,473 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-sriov: - -====== -SR-IOV -====== - -The purpose of this page is to describe how to enable SR-IOV functionality -available in OpenStack (using OpenStack Networking). This functionality was -first introduced in the OpenStack Juno release. This page intends to serve as -a guide for how to configure OpenStack Networking and OpenStack Compute to -create SR-IOV ports. - -The basics -~~~~~~~~~~ - -PCI-SIG Single Root I/O Virtualization and Sharing (SR-IOV) functionality is -available in OpenStack since the Juno release. The SR-IOV specification -defines a standardized mechanism to virtualize PCIe devices. This mechanism -can virtualize a single PCIe Ethernet controller to appear as multiple PCIe -devices. Each device can be directly assigned to an instance, bypassing the -hypervisor and virtual switch layer. As a result, users are able to achieve -low latency and near-line wire speed. - -The following terms are used throughout this document: - -.. list-table:: - :header-rows: 1 - :widths: 10 90 - - * - Term - - Definition - * - PF - - Physical Function. The physical Ethernet controller that supports - SR-IOV. - * - VF - - Virtual Function. The virtual PCIe device created from a physical - Ethernet controller. - -SR-IOV agent ------------- - -The SR-IOV agent allows you to set the admin state of ports, configure port -security (enable and disable spoof checking), and configure QoS rate limiting -and minimum bandwidth. You must include the SR-IOV agent on each compute node -using SR-IOV ports. - -.. note:: - - The SR-IOV agent was optional before Mitaka, and was not enabled by default - before Liberty. - -.. note:: - - The ability to control port security and QoS rate limit settings was added - in Liberty. - -Supported Ethernet controllers ------------------------------- - -The following manufacturers are known to work: - -- Intel -- Mellanox -- QLogic - -For information on **Mellanox SR-IOV Ethernet ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro cards**, see -`Mellanox: How To Configure SR-IOV VFs -`_. - -For information on **QLogic SR-IOV Ethernet cards**, see -`User's Guide OpenStack Deployment with SR-IOV Configuration -`_. - -Using SR-IOV interfaces -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In order to enable SR-IOV, the following steps are required: - -#. Create Virtual Functions (Compute) -#. Whitelist PCI devices in nova-compute (Compute) -#. Configure neutron-server (Controller) -#. Configure nova-scheduler (Controller) -#. Enable neutron sriov-agent (Compute) - -We recommend using VLAN provider networks for segregation. This way you can -combine instances without SR-IOV ports and instances with SR-IOV ports on a -single network. - -.. note:: - - Throughout this guide, ``eth3`` is used as the PF and ``physnet2`` is used - as the provider network configured as a VLAN range. These ports may vary in - different environments. - -Create Virtual Functions (Compute) ----------------------------------- - -Create the VFs for the network interface that will be used for SR-IOV. We use -``eth3`` as PF, which is also used as the interface for the VLAN provider -network and has access to the private networks of all machines. - -.. note:: - - The steps detail how to create VFs using Mellanox ConnectX-4 and newer/Intel - SR-IOV Ethernet cards on an Intel system. Steps may differ for different - hardware configurations. - -#. Ensure SR-IOV and VT-d are enabled in BIOS. - -#. Enable IOMMU in Linux by adding ``intel_iommu=on`` to the kernel parameters, - for example, using GRUB. - -#. On each compute node, create the VFs via the PCI SYS interface: - - .. code-block:: console - - # echo '8' > /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_numvfs - - .. note:: - - On some PCI devices, observe that when changing the amount of VFs you - receive the error ``Device or resource busy``. In this case, you must - first set ``sriov_numvfs`` to ``0``, then set it to your new value. - - .. note:: - - A network interface could be used both for PCI passthrough, using the PF, - and SR-IOV, using the VFs. If the PF is used, the VF number stored in - the ``sriov_numvfs`` file is lost. If the PF is attached again to the - operating system, the number of VFs assigned to this interface will be - zero. To keep the number of VFs always assigned to this interface, - modify the interfaces configuration file adding an ``ifup`` script - command. - - In Ubuntu, modifying the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - auto eth3 - iface eth3 inet dhcp - pre-up echo '4' > /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_numvfs - - - In Red Hat, modifying the ``/sbin/ifup-local`` file: - - .. code-block:: bash - - #!/bin/sh - if [[ "$1" == "eth3" ]] - then - echo '4' > /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_numvfs - fi - - - .. warning:: - - Alternatively, you can create VFs by passing the ``max_vfs`` to the - kernel module of your network interface. However, the ``max_vfs`` - parameter has been deprecated, so the PCI SYS interface is the preferred - method. - - You can determine the maximum number of VFs a PF can support: - - .. code-block:: console - - # cat /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_totalvfs - 63 - -#. Verify that the VFs have been created and are in ``up`` state: - - .. code-block:: console - - # lspci | grep Ethernet - 82:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01) - 82:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01) - 82:10.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:10.2 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:10.4 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:10.6 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:11.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:11.2 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:11.4 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - 82:11.6 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function (rev 01) - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip link show eth3 - 8: eth3: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT qlen 1000 - link/ether a0:36:9f:8f:3f:b8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff - vf 0 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 1 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 2 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 3 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 4 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 5 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 6 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - vf 7 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, spoof checking on, link-state auto - - If the interfaces are down, set them to ``up`` before launching a guest, - otherwise the instance will fail to spawn: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip link set eth3 up - -#. Persist created VFs on reboot: - - .. code-block:: console - - # echo "echo '7' > /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_numvfs" >> /etc/rc.local - - .. note:: - - The suggested way of making PCI SYS settings persistent is through - the ``sysfsutils`` tool. However, this is not available by default on - many major distributions. - -Whitelist PCI devices nova-compute (Compute) --------------------------------------------- - -#. Configure which PCI devices the ``nova-compute`` service may use. Edit - the ``nova.conf`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [default] - pci_passthrough_whitelist = { "devname": "eth3", "physical_network": "physnet2"} - - This tells the Compute service that all VFs belonging to ``eth3`` are - allowed to be passed through to instances and belong to the provider network - ``physnet2``. - - Alternatively the ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` parameter also supports - whitelisting by: - - - PCI address: The address uses the same syntax as in ``lspci`` and an - asterisk (*) can be used to match anything. - - .. code-block:: ini - - pci_passthrough_whitelist = { "address": "[[[[]:]]:][][.[]]", "physical_network": "physnet2" } - - For example, to match any domain, bus 0a, slot 00, and all functions: - - .. code-block:: ini - - pci_passthrough_whitelist = { "address": "*:0a:00.*", "physical_network": "physnet2" } - - - PCI ``vendor_id`` and ``product_id`` as displayed by the Linux utility - ``lspci``. - - .. code-block:: ini - - pci_passthrough_whitelist = { "vendor_id": "", "product_id": "", "physical_network": "physnet2" } - - If the device defined by the PCI address or ``devname`` corresponds to an - SR-IOV PF, all VFs under the PF will match the entry. Multiple - ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` entries per host are supported. - -#. Restart the ``nova-compute`` service for the changes to go into effect. - -.. _configure_sriov_neutron_server: - -Configure neutron-server (Controller) -------------------------------------- - -#. Add ``sriovnicswitch`` as mechanism driver. Edit the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file - on each controller: - - .. code-block:: ini - - mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,sriovnicswitch - -#. Add the ``ml2_conf_sriov.ini`` file as parameter to the ``neutron-server`` - service. Edit the appropriate initialization script to configure the - ``neutron-server`` service to load the SR-IOV configuration file: - - .. code-block:: bash - - --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf - --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini - --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_sriov.ini - -#. Restart the ``neutron-server`` service. - -Configure nova-scheduler (Controller) -------------------------------------- - -#. On every controller node running the ``nova-scheduler`` service, add - ``PciPassthroughFilter`` to ``scheduler_default_filters`` to enable - ``PciPassthroughFilter`` by default. - Also ensure ``scheduler_available_filters`` parameter under the - ``[DEFAULT]`` section in ``nova.conf`` is set to ``all_filters`` - to enable all filters provided by the Compute service. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - scheduler_default_filters = RetryFilter, AvailabilityZoneFilter, RamFilter, ComputeFilter, ComputeCapabilitiesFilter, ImagePropertiesFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAffinityFilter, PciPassthroughFilter - scheduler_available_filters = nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters - -#. Restart the ``nova-scheduler`` service. - -Enable neutron sriov-agent (Compute) -------------------------------------- - -#. Install the SR-IOV agent. - -#. Edit the ``sriov_agent.ini`` file on each compute node. For example: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver - - [sriov_nic] - physical_device_mappings = physnet2:eth3 - exclude_devices = - - .. note:: - - The ``physical_device_mappings`` parameter is not limited to be a 1-1 - mapping between physical networks and NICs. This enables you to map the - same physical network to more than one NIC. For example, if ``physnet2`` - is connected to ``eth3`` and ``eth4``, then - ``physnet2:eth3,physnet2:eth4`` is a valid option. - - The ``exclude_devices`` parameter is empty, therefore, all the VFs - associated with eth3 may be configured by the agent. To exclude specific - VFs, add them to the ``exclude_devices`` parameter as follows: - - .. code-block:: ini - - exclude_devices = eth1:0000:07:00.2;0000:07:00.3,eth2:0000:05:00.1;0000:05:00.2 - -#. Ensure the neutron sriov-agent runs successfully: - - .. code-block:: console - - # neutron-sriov-nic-agent \ - --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \ - --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/sriov_agent.ini - -#. Enable the neutron sriov-agent service. - - If installing from source, you must configure a daemon file for the init - system manually. - -(Optional) FDB L2 agent extension -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -Forwarding DataBase (FDB) population is an L2 agent extension to OVS agent or -Linux bridge. Its objective is to update the FDB table for existing instance -using normal port. This enables communication between SR-IOV instances and -normal instances. The use cases of the FDB population extension are: - -* Direct port and normal port instances reside on the same compute node. - -* Direct port instance that uses floating IP address and network node - are located on the same host. - -For additional information describing the problem, refer to: -`Virtual switching technologies and Linux bridge. -`_ - -#. Edit the ``ovs_agent.ini`` or ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file on each compute - node. For example: - - .. code-block:: console - - [agent] - extensions = fdb - -#. Add the FDB section and the ``shared_physical_device_mappings`` parameter. - This parameter maps each physical port to its physical network name. Each - physical network can be mapped to several ports: - - .. code-block:: console - - [FDB] - shared_physical_device_mappings = physnet1:p1p1, physnet1:p1p2 - -Launching instances with SR-IOV ports -------------------------------------- - -Once configuration is complete, you can launch instances with SR-IOV ports. - -#. Get the ``id`` of the network where you want the SR-IOV port to be created: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ net_id=`neutron net-show net04 | grep "\ id\ " | awk '{ print $4 }'` - -#. Create the SR-IOV port. ``vnic_type=direct`` is used here, but other options - include ``normal``, ``direct-physical``, and ``macvtap``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ port_id=`neutron port-create $net_id --name sriov_port --binding:vnic_type direct | grep "\ id\ " | awk '{ print $4 }'` - -#. Create the instance. Specify the SR-IOV port created in step two for the - NIC: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --flavor m1.large --image ubuntu_14.04 --nic port-id=$port_id test-sriov - - .. note:: - - There are two ways to attach VFs to an instance. You can create an SR-IOV - port or use the ``pci_alias`` in the Compute service. For more - information about using ``pci_alias``, refer to `nova-api configuration - `__. - -SR-IOV with InfiniBand -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The support for SR-IOV with InfiniBand allows a Virtual PCI device (VF) to -be directly mapped to the guest, allowing higher performance and advanced -features such as RDMA (remote direct memory access). To use this feature, -you must: - -#. Use InfiniBand enabled network adapters. - -#. Run InfiniBand subnet managers to enable InfiniBand fabric. - - All InfiniBand networks must have a subnet manager running for the network - to function. This is true even when doing a simple network of two - machines with no switch and the cards are plugged in back-to-back. A - subnet manager is required for the link on the cards to come up. - It is possible to have more than one subnet manager. In this case, one - of them will act as the master, and any other will act as a slave that - will take over when the master subnet manager fails. - -#. Install the ``ebrctl`` utility on the compute nodes. - - Check that ``ebrctl`` is listed somewhere in ``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ grep 'ebrctl' /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/* - - If ``ebrctl`` does not appear in any of the rootwrap files, add this to the - ``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters`` file in the ``[Filters]`` section. - - .. code-block:: none - - [Filters] - ebrctl: CommandFilter, ebrctl, root - -Known limitations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* When using Quality of Service (QoS), ``max_burst_kbps`` (burst over - ``max_kbps``) is not supported. In addition, ``max_kbps`` is rounded to - Mbps. -* Security groups are not supported when using SR-IOV, thus, the firewall - driver must be disabled. This can be done in the ``neutron.conf`` file. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver - -* SR-IOV is not integrated into the OpenStack Dashboard (horizon). Users must - use the CLI or API to configure SR-IOV interfaces. -* Live migration is not supported for instances with SR-IOV ports. - - .. note:: - - SR-IOV features may require a specific NIC driver version, depending on the vendor. - Intel NICs, for example, require ixgbe version 4.4.6 or greater, and ixgbevf version - 3.2.2 or greater. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-subnet-pools.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-subnet-pools.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4b26bf822d..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-subnet-pools.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-subnet-pools: - -============ -Subnet pools -============ - -Subnet pools have been made available since the Kilo release. It is a simple -feature that has the potential to improve your workflow considerably. It also -provides a building block from which other new features will be built in to -OpenStack Networking. - -To see if your cloud has this feature available, you can check that it is -listed in the supported aliases. You can do this with the OpenStack client. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack extension list | grep subnet_allocation - | Subnet Allocation | subnet_allocation | Enables allocation of subnets - from a subnet pool | - -Why you need them -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Before Kilo, Networking had no automation around the addresses used to create a -subnet. To create one, you had to come up with the addresses on your own -without any help from the system. There are valid use cases for this but if you -are interested in the following capabilities, then subnet pools might be for -you. - -First, would not it be nice if you could turn your pool of addresses over to -Neutron to take care of? When you need to create a subnet, you just ask for -addresses to be allocated from the pool. You do not have to worry about what -you have already used and what addresses are in your pool. Subnet pools can do -this. - -Second, subnet pools can manage addresses across projects. The addresses are -guaranteed not to overlap. If the addresses come from an externally routable -pool then you know that all of the projects have addresses which are *routable* -and unique. This can be useful in the following scenarios. - -#. IPv6 since OpenStack Networking has no IPv6 floating IPs. -#. Routing directly to a project network from an external network. - -How they work -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -A subnet pool manages a pool of addresses from which subnets can be allocated. -It ensures that there is no overlap between any two subnets allocated from the -same pool. - -As a regular project in an OpenStack cloud, you can create a subnet pool of -your own and use it to manage your own pool of addresses. This does not require -any admin privileges. Your pool will not be visible to any other project. - -If you are an admin, you can create a pool which can be accessed by any regular -project. Being a shared resource, there is a quota mechanism to arbitrate -access. - -Quotas -~~~~~~ - -Subnet pools have a quota system which is a little bit different than -other quotas in Neutron. Other quotas in Neutron count discrete -instances of an object against a quota. Each time you create something -like a router, network, or a port, it uses one from your total quota. - -With subnets, the resource is the IP address space. Some subnets take -more of it than others. For example, uses 256 addresses -in one subnet but uses only 16. If address space is -limited, the quota system can encourage efficient use of the space. - -With IPv4, the default_quota can be set to the number of absolute -addresses any given project is allowed to consume from the pool. For -example, with a quota of 128, I might get, -, and still have room to allocate 48 more addresses in -the future. - -With IPv6 it is a little different. It is not practical to count -individual addresses. To avoid ridiculously large numbers, the quota is -expressed in the number of /64 subnets which can be allocated. For -example, with a default_quota of 3, I might get 2001:db8:c18e:c05a::/64, -2001:db8:221c:8ef3::/64, and still have room to allocate one more prefix -in the future. - -Default subnet pools -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Beginning with Mitaka, a subnet pool can be marked as the default. This -is handled with a new extension. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack extension list | grep default-subnetpools - | Default Subnetpools | default-subnetpools | Provides ability to mark - and use a subnetpool as the default | - - -An administrator can mark a pool as default. Only one pool from each -address family can be marked default. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool set --default 74348864-f8bf-4fc0-ab03-81229d189467 - -If there is a default, it can be requested by passing -``--use-default-subnetpool`` instead of -``--subnet-pool SUBNETPOOL``. - -Demo ----- - -If you have access to an OpenStack Kilo or later based neutron, you can play -with this feature now. Give it a try. All of the following commands work -equally as well with IPv6 addresses. - -First, as admin, create a shared subnet pool: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool create --share --pool-prefix \ - --default-prefix-length 26 demo-subnetpool4 - +-------------------+--------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | None | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T07:21:26Z | - | default_prefixlen | 26 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | headers | | - | id | d3aefb76-2527-43d4-bc21-0ec253 | - | | 908545 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | is_default | False | - | max_prefixlen | 32 | - | min_prefixlen | 8 | - | name | demo-subnetpool4 | - | prefixes | | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d | - | | 7c | - | revision_number | 1 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T07:21:26Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------+ - -The ``default_prefix_length`` defines the subnet size you will get -if you do not specify ``--prefix-length`` when creating a subnet. - -Do essentially the same thing for IPv6 and there are now two subnet -pools. Regular projects can see them. (the output is trimmed a bit -for display) - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool list - +------------------+------------------+--------------------+ - | ID | Name | Prefixes | - +------------------+------------------+--------------------+ - | 2b7cc19f-0114-4e | demo-subnetpool | 2001:db8:a583::/48 | - | f4-ad86-c1bb91fc | | | - | d1f9 | | | - | d3aefb76-2527-43 | demo-subnetpool4 | | - | d4-bc21-0ec25390 | | | - | 8545 | | | - +------------------+------------------+--------------------+ - -Now, use them. It is easy to create a subnet from a pool: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --ip-version 4 --subnet-pool \ - demo-subnetpool4 --network demo-network1 demo-subnet1 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T07:33:13Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | 8d4fbae3-076c-4c08-b2dd-2d6175115a5e | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | None | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | demo-subnet1 | - | network_id | 6b377f77-ce00-4ff6-8676-82343817470d | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | d3aefb76-2527-43d4-bc21-0ec253908545 | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T07:33:13Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -You can request a specific subnet from the pool. You need to specify a subnet -that falls within the pool's prefixes. If the subnet is not already allocated, -the request succeeds. You can leave off the IP version because it is deduced -from the subnet pool. - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-pool demo-subnetpool4 \ - --network demo-network1 --subnet-range subnet2 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T07:27:40Z | - | description | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | headers | | - | host_routes | | - | id | d32814e3-cf46-4371-80dd-498a80badfba | - | ip_version | 4 | - | ipv6_address_mode | None | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | subnet2 | - | network_id | 6b377f77-ce00-4ff6-8676-82343817470d | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | revision_number | 2 | - | service_types | | - | subnetpool_id | d3aefb76-2527-43d4-bc21-0ec253908545 | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T07:27:40Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - - -If the pool becomes exhausted, load some more prefixes: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet pool set --pool-prefix \ - demo-subnetpool4 - $ openstack subnet pool show demo-subnetpool4 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | address_scope_id | None | - | created_at | 2016-12-14T07:21:26Z | - | default_prefixlen | 26 | - | default_quota | None | - | description | | - | id | d3aefb76-2527-43d4-bc21-0ec253908545 | - | ip_version | 4 | - | is_default | False | - | max_prefixlen | 32 | - | min_prefixlen | 8 | - | name | demo-subnetpool4 | - | prefixes |, | - | project_id | cfd1889ac7d64ad891d4f20aef9f8d7c | - | revision_number | 2 | - | shared | True | - | updated_at | 2016-12-14T07:30:32Z | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------+ - diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-trunking.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config-trunking.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4fa9c447f1..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config-trunking.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,304 +0,0 @@ -.. _config-trunking: - -======== -Trunking -======== - -The network trunk service allows multiple networks to be connected to an -instance using a single virtual NIC (vNIC). Multiple networks can be presented -to an instance by connecting it to a single port. - -Operation -~~~~~~~~~ - -Network trunking consists of a service plug-in and a set of drivers that -manage trunks on different layer-2 mechanism drivers. Users can create a -port, associate it with a trunk, and launch an instance on that port. Users -can dynamically attach and detach additional networks without disrupting -operation of the instance. - -Every trunk has a parent port and can have any number of subports. -The parent port is the port that the trunk is associated with. Users -create instances and specify the parent port of the trunk when launching -instances attached to a trunk. - -The network presented by the subport is the network of the associated -port. When creating a subport, a ``segmentation-id`` may be required by -the driver. ``segmentation-id`` defines the segmentation ID on which the -subport network is presented to the instance. ``segmentation-type`` may be -required by certain drivers like OVS, although at this time only ``vlan`` is -supported as a ``segmentation-type``. - -.. note:: - - The ``segmentation-type`` and ``segmentation-id`` parameters are optional - in the Networking API. However, all drivers as of the Newton release - require both to be provided when adding a subport to a trunk. Future - drivers may be implemented without this requirement. - -The ``segmentation-type`` and ``segmentation-id`` specified by the user on the -subports is intentionally decoupled from the ``segmentation-type`` and ID of -the networks. For example, it is possible to configure the Networking service -with ``tenant_network_types = vxlan`` and still create subports with -``segmentation_type = vlan``. The Networking service performs remapping as -necessary. - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The ML2 plug-in supports trunking with the following mechanism drivers: - -* Open vSwitch (OVS) -* Linux bridge -* Open Virtual Network (OVN) - -When using a ``segmentation-type`` of ``vlan``, the OVS and Linux bridge -drivers present the network of the parent port as the untagged VLAN and all -subports as tagged VLANs. - -Controller node ---------------- - -* In the ``neutron.conf`` file, enable the trunk service plug-in: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - service_plugins = trunk - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials and list the enabled - extensions. -#. Use the command :command:`openstack extension list --network` to verify - that the ``Trunk Extension`` and ``Trunk port details`` extensions are - enabled. - -Workflow --------- - -At a high level, the basic steps to launching an instance on a trunk are -the following: - -#. Create networks and subnets for the trunk and subports -#. Create the trunk -#. Add subports to the trunk -#. Launch an instance on the trunk - -Create networks and subnets for the trunk and subports ------------------------------------------------------- - -Create the appropriate networks for the trunk and subports that will be added -to the trunk. Create subnets on these networks to ensure the desired layer-3 -connectivity over the trunk. - -Create the trunk ----------------- - -* Create a parent port for the trunk. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port create --network project-net-A trunk-parent - +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | binding_vif_type | unbound | - | binding_vnic_type | normal | - | fixed_ips | ip_address='',subnet_id='8b957198-d3cf-4953-8449-ad4e4dd712cc' | - | id | 73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38 | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:dd:c4:d1 | - | name | trunk-parent | - | network_id | 1b47d3e7-cda5-48e4-b0c8-d20bd7e35f55 | - +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -* Create the trunk using ``--parent-port`` to reference the port from - the previous step: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network trunk create --parent-port trunk-parent trunk1 - +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | id | fdf02fcb-1844-45f1-9d9b-e4c2f522c164 | - | name | trunk1 | - | port_id | 73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38 | - | sub_ports | | - +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Add subports to the trunk -------------------------- - -Subports can be added to a trunk in two ways: creating the trunk with subports -or adding subports to an existing trunk. - -* Create trunk with subports: - - This method entails creating the trunk with subports specified at trunk - creation. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack port create --network project-net-A trunk-parent - +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | binding_vif_type | unbound | - | binding_vnic_type | normal | - | fixed_ips | ip_address='',subnet_id='8b957198-d3cf-4953-8449-ad4e4dd712cc' | - | id | 73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38 | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:dd:c4:d1 | - | name | trunk-parent | - | network_id | 1b47d3e7-cda5-48e4-b0c8-d20bd7e35f55 | - +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack port create --network trunked-net subport1 - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | binding_vif_type | unbound | - | binding_vnic_type | normal | - | fixed_ips | ip_address='',subnet_id='2a860e2c-922b-437b-a149-b269a8c9b120' | - | id | 91f9dde8-80a4-4506-b5da-c287feb8f5d8 | - | mac_address | fa:16:3e:ba:f0:4d | - | name | subport1 | - | network_id | aef78ec5-16e3-4445-b82d-b2b98c6a86d9 | - +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - $ openstack network trunk create \ - --parent-port trunk-parent \ - --subport port=subport1,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=100 \ - trunk1 - +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | id | 61d8e620-fe3a-4d8f-b9e6-e1b0dea6d9e3 | - | name | trunk1 | - | port_id | 73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38 | - | sub_ports | port_id='73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38', segmentation_id='100', segmentation_type='vlan' | - +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -* Add subports to an existing trunk: - - This method entails creating a trunk, then adding subports to the trunk - after it has already been created. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network trunk set --subport \ - port=subport1,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=100 \ - trunk1 - - .. note:: - - The command provides no output. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network trunk show trunk1 - +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | id | 61d8e620-fe3a-4d8f-b9e6-e1b0dea6d9e3 | - | name | trunk1 | - | port_id | 73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38 | - | sub_ports | port_id='73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38', segmentation_id='100', segmentation_type='vlan' | - +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -Launch an instance on the trunk -------------------------------- - -* Show trunk details to get the ``port_id`` of the trunk. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network trunk show trunk1 - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | id | 61d8e620-fe3a-4d8f-b9e6-e1b0dea6d9e3 | - | name | trunk | - | port_id | 73fb9d54-43a7-4bb1-a8dc-569e0e0a0a38 | - | sub_ports | | - +----------------+--------------------------------------+ - -* Launch the instance by specifying ``port-id`` using the value of ``port_id`` - from the trunk details. Launching an instance on a subport is not supported. - -Using trunks and subports inside an instance -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -When configuring instances to use a subport, ensure that the interface on the -instance is set to use the MAC address assigned to the port by the Networking -service. Instances are not made aware of changes made to the trunk after they -are active. For example, when a subport with a ``segmentation-type`` of -``vlan`` is added to a trunk, any operations specific to the instance operating -system that allow the instance to send and receive traffic on the new VLAN must -be handled outside of the Networking service. - -When creating subports, the MAC address of the trunk parent port can be set -on the subport. This will allow VLAN subinterfaces inside an instance launched -on a trunk to be configured without explicitly setting a MAC address. Although -unique MAC addresses can be used for subports, this can present issues with -ARP spoof protections and the native OVS firewall driver. If the native OVS -firewall driver is to be used, we recommend that the MAC address of the parent -port be re-used on all subports. - -Trunk states -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* ``ACTIVE`` - - The trunk is ``ACTIVE`` when both the logical and physical resources have - been created. This means that all operations within the Networking and - Compute services have completed and the trunk is ready for use. - -* ``DOWN`` - - A trunk is ``DOWN`` when it is first created without an instance launched on - it, or when the instance associated with the trunk has been deleted. - -* ``DEGRADED`` - - A trunk can be in a ``DEGRADED`` state when a temporary failure during - the provisioning process is encountered. This includes situations where a - subport add or remove operation fails. When in a degraded state, the trunk - is still usable and some subports may be usable as well. Operations that - cause the trunk to go into a ``DEGRADED`` state can be retried to fix - temporary failures and move the trunk into an ``ACTIVE`` state. - -* ``ERROR`` - - A trunk is in ``ERROR`` state if the request leads to a conflict or an - error that cannot be fixed by retrying the request. The ``ERROR`` status - can be encountered if the network is not compatible with the trunk - configuration or the binding process leads to a persistent failure. When - a trunk is in ``ERROR`` state, it must be brought to a sane state - (``ACTIVE``), or else requests to add subports will be rejected. - -* ``BUILD`` - - A trunk is in ``BUILD`` state while the resources associated with the - trunk are in the process of being provisioned. Once the trunk and all of - the subports have been provisioned successfully, the trunk transitions - to ``ACTIVE``. If there was a partial failure, the trunk transitions - to ``DEGRADED``. - - When ``admin_state`` is set to ``DOWN``, the user is blocked from performing - operations on the trunk. ``admin_state`` is set by the user and should not be - used to monitor the health of the trunk. - -Limitations and issues -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -* See `bugs `__ for - more information. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/config.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/config.rst deleted file mode 100644 index dd3d3a411d..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/config.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -.. _config: - -============= -Configuration -============= - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - config-services-agent - config-ml2 - config-address-scopes - config-auto-allocation - config-az - config-bgp-dynamic-routing - config-dhcp-ha - config-dns-int - config-dns-res - config-dvr-ha-snat - config-ipam - config-ipv6 - config-lbaas - config-macvtap - config-mtu - config-ovs-dpdk - config-ovsfwdriver - config-qos - config-rbac - config-routed-networks - config-sfc - config-sriov - config-subnet-pools - config-service-subnets - config-trunking - -.. note:: - - For general configuration, see the `Configuration Reference - `_. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 09f5153b1f..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-lb-ha-vrrp: - -========================================== -Linux bridge: High availability using VRRP -========================================== - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp.txt - -.. warning:: - - This high-availability mechanism is not compatible with the layer-2 - population mechanism. You must disable layer-2 population in the - ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file and restart the Linux bridge agent - on all existing network and compute nodes prior to deploying the example - configuration. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Add one network node with the following components: - -* Three network interfaces: management, provider, and overlay. -* OpenStack Networking layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and any - dependencies. - -.. note:: - - You can keep the DHCP and metadata agents on each compute node or - move them to the network nodes. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.png - :alt: High-availability using Linux bridge with VRRP - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service -network and one untagged (flat) network. The master router resides on network -node 1. In this particular case, the instance resides on the same compute -node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent resides on another -compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace and Linux bridge -with a port on the overlay physical network interface. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png - :alt: High-availability using Linux bridge with VRRP - components and connectivity - one network - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for -high-availability using VRRP to an existing operational environment that -supports self-service networks. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Enable VRRP. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - l3_ha = True - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Server - -Network node 1 --------------- - -No changes. - -Network node 2 --------------- - -#. Install the Networking service Linux bridge layer-2 agent and layer-3 - agent. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [linux_bridge] - physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE - - [vxlan] - enable_vxlan = True - local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = iptables - - Replace ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface - that handles provider networks. For example, ``eth1``. - - Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the - interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks. - -#. In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = linuxbridge - external_network_bridge = - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -#. Start the following services: - - * Linux bridge agent - * Layer-3 agent - -Compute nodes -------------- - -No changes. - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 09de6af6-c5f1-4548-8b09-18801f068c57 | Linux bridge agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 188945d1-9e70-4803-a276-df924e0788a4 | Linux bridge agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | e76c440d-d5f6-4316-a674-d689630b629e | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | e67367de-6657-11e6-86a4-931cd04404bb | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | e8174cae-6657-11e6-89f0-534ac6d0cb5c | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | ece49ec6-6657-11e6-bafb-c7560f19197d | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 598f6357-4331-4da5-a420-0f5be000bec9 | L3 agent | network1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | f4734e0f-bcd5-4922-a19d-e31d56b0a7ae | Linux bridge agent | network1 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 670e5805-340b-4182-9825-fa8319c99f23 | Linux bridge agent | network2 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 96224e89-7c15-42e9-89c4-8caac7abdd54 | L3 agent | network2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-initialnetworks.txt - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifynetworkoperation.txt - -Verify failover operation -------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifyfailoveroperation.txt - -Keepalived VRRP health check ----------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/keepalived-vrrp-healthcheck.txt - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This high-availability mechanism simply augments :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` -with failover of layer-3 services to another router if the master router -fails. Thus, you can reference :ref:`Self-service network traffic flow -` for normal operation. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-provider.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-provider.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ec4f60da5b..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-provider.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,365 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-lb-provider: - -=============================== -Linux bridge: Provider networks -=============================== - -The provider networks architecture example provides layer-2 connectivity -between instances and the physical network infrastructure using VLAN -(802.1q) tagging. It supports one untagged (flat) network and and up to -4095 tagged (VLAN) networks. The actual quantity of VLAN networks depends -on the physical network infrastructure. For more information on provider -networks, see :ref:`intro-os-networking-provider`. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -One controller node with the following components: - -* Two network interfaces: management and provider. -* OpenStack Networking server service and ML2 plug-in. - -Two compute nodes with the following components: - -* Two network interfaces: management and provider. -* OpenStack Networking Linux bridge layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata agent, - and any dependencies. - -.. note:: - - Larger deployments typically deploy the DHCP and metadata agents on a - subset of compute nodes to increase performance and redundancy. However, - too many agents can overwhelm the message bus. Also, to further simplify - any deployment, you can omit the metadata agent and use a configuration - drive to provide metadata to instances. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.png - :alt: Provider networks using Linux bridge - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one untagged -(flat) network. In this particular case, the instance resides on the -same compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent -resides on another compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace -and Linux bridge with a port on the provider physical network interface. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.png - :alt: Provider networks using Linux bridge - components and connectivity - one network - -The following figure describes virtual connectivity among components for -two tagged (VLAN) networks. Essentially, each network uses a separate -bridge that contains a port on the VLAN sub-interface on the provider -physical network interface. Similar to the single untagged network case, -the DHCP agent may reside on a different compute node. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.png - :alt: Provider networks using Linux bridge - components and connectivity - multiple networks - -.. note:: - - These figures omit the controller node because it does not handle instance - network traffic. - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to deploy provider -networks in your environment. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. Install the Networking service components that provides the - ``neutron-server`` service and ML2 plug-in. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - - * Disable service plug-ins because provider networks do not require - any. However, this breaks portions of the dashboard that manage - the Networking service. See the - `Ocata Install Tutorials and Guides `__ - for more information. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - service_plugins = - - * Enable two DHCP agents per network so both compute nodes can - provide DHCP service provider networks. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - dhcp_agents_per_network = 2 - - * If necessary, :ref:`configure MTU `. - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - * Configure drivers and network types: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - type_drivers = flat,vlan - tenant_network_types = - mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge - extension_drivers = port_security - - * Configure network mappings: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2_type_flat] - flat_networks = provider - - [ml2_type_vlan] - network_vlan_ranges = provider - - .. note:: - - The ``tenant_network_types`` option contains no value because the - architecture does not support self-service networks. - - .. note:: - - The ``provider`` value in the ``network_vlan_ranges`` option lacks VLAN - ID ranges to support use of arbitrary VLAN IDs. - -#. Populate the database. - - .. code-block:: console - - # su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \ - --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron - -#. Start the following services: - - * Server - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. Install the Networking service Linux bridge layer-2 agent. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, configure the Linux bridge agent: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [linux_bridge] - physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE - - [vxlan] - enable_vxlan = False - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = iptables - - Replace ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface - that handles provider networks. For example, ``eth1``. - -#. In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure the DHCP agent: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = linuxbridge - enable_isolated_metadata = True - force_metadata = True - - .. note:: - - The ``force_metadata`` option forces the DHCP agent to provide - a host route to the metadata service on ```` - regardless of whether the subnet contains an interface on a - router, thus maintaining similar and predictable metadata behavior - among subnets. - -#. In the ``metadata_agent.ini`` file, configure the metadata agent: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - nova_metadata_ip = controller - metadata_proxy_shared_secret = METADATA_SECRET - - The value of ``METADATA_SECRET`` must match the value of the same option - in the ``[neutron]`` section of the ``nova.conf`` file. - -#. Start the following services: - - * Linux bridge agent - * DHCP agent - * Metadata agent - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 09de6af6-c5f1-4548-8b09-18801f068c57 | Linux bridge agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 188945d1-9e70-4803-a276-df924e0788a4 | Linux bridge agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | e76c440d-d5f6-4316-a674-d689630b629e | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | e67367de-6657-11e6-86a4-931cd04404bb | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | e8174cae-6657-11e6-89f0-534ac6d0cb5c | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | ece49ec6-6657-11e6-bafb-c7560f19197d | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-provider-initialnetworks.txt - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-provider-verifynetworkoperation.txt - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-provider-networktrafficflow.txt - -North-south scenario: Instance with a fixed IP address ------------------------------------------------------- - -* The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1. -* The instance sends a packet to a host on the Internet. - -The following steps involve compute node 1. - -#. The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the provider - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the provider bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The VLAN sub-interface port (4) on the provider bridge forwards - the packet to the physical network interface (5). -#. The physical network interface (5) adds VLAN tag 101 to the packet and - forwards it to the physical network infrastructure switch (6). - -The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure: - -#. The switch removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and forwards it to the - router (7). -#. The router routes the packet from the provider network (8) to the - external network (9) and forwards the packet to the switch (10). -#. The switch forwards the packet to the external network (11). -#. The external network (12) receives the packet. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.png - :alt: Provider networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - north/south - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -East-west scenario 1: Instances on the same network ---------------------------------------------------- - -Instances on the same network communicate directly between compute nodes -containing those instances. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses provider network 1. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the provider - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the provider bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The VLAN sub-interface port (4) on the provider bridge forwards - the packet to the physical network interface (5). -#. The physical network interface (5) adds VLAN tag 101 to the packet and - forwards it to the physical network infrastructure switch (6). - -The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure: - -#. The switch forwards the packet from compute node 1 to compute node 2 (7). - -The following steps involve compute node 2: - -#. The physical network interface (8) removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet - and forwards it to the VLAN sub-interface port (9) on the provider bridge. -#. Security group rules (10) on the provider bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The provider bridge instance port (11) forwards the packet to - the instance 2 interface (12) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.png - :alt: Provider networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 1 - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -East-west scenario 2: Instances on different networks ------------------------------------------------------ - -Instances communicate via router on the physical network infrastructure. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 2. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -.. note:: - - Both instances reside on the same compute node to illustrate how VLAN - tagging enables multiple logical layer-2 networks to use the same - physical layer-2 network. - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the provider - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the provider bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The VLAN sub-interface port (4) on the provider bridge forwards - the packet to the physical network interface (5). -#. The physical network interface (5) adds VLAN tag 101 to the packet and - forwards it to the physical network infrastructure switch (6). - -The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure: - -#. The switch removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and forwards it to the - router (7). -#. The router routes the packet from provider network 1 (8) to provider - network 2 (9). -#. The router forwards the packet to the switch (10). -#. The switch adds VLAN tag 102 to the packet and forwards it to compute - node 1 (11). - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The physical network interface (12) removes VLAN tag 102 from the packet - and forwards it to the VLAN sub-interface port (13) on the provider bridge. -#. Security group rules (14) on the provider bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The provider bridge instance port (15) forwards the packet to - the instance 2 interface (16) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.png - :alt: Provider networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 2 - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-selfservice.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-selfservice.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ad535895e9..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb-selfservice.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,422 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-lb-selfservice: - -=================================== -Linux bridge: Self-service networks -=================================== - -This architecture example augments :ref:`deploy-lb-provider` to support -a nearly limitless quantity of entirely virtual networks. Although the -Networking service supports VLAN self-service networks, this example -focuses on VXLAN self-service networks. For more information on -self-service networks, see :ref:`intro-os-networking-selfservice`. - -.. note:: - - The Linux bridge agent lacks support for other overlay protocols such - as GRE and Geneve. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Add one network node with the following components: - -* Three network interfaces: management, provider, and overlay. -* OpenStack Networking Linux bridge layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and any - dependencies. - -Modify the compute nodes with the following components: - -* Add one network interface: overlay. - -.. note:: - - You can keep the DHCP and metadata agents on each compute node or - move them to the network node. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Linux bridge - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service -network and one untagged (flat) provider network. In this particular case, the -instance resides on the same compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. -If the DHCP agent resides on another compute node, the latter only contains -a DHCP namespace and Linux bridge with a port on the overlay physical network -interface. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Linux bridge - components and connectivity - one network - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for -self-service networks to an existing operational environment that supports -provider networks. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Enable routing and allow overlapping IP address ranges. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - service_plugins = router - allow_overlapping_ips = True - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - * Add ``vxlan`` to type drivers and project network types. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan - tenant_network_types = vxlan - - * Enable the layer-2 population mechanism driver. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,l2population - - * Configure the VXLAN network ID (VNI) range. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2_type_vxlan] - vni_ranges = VNI_START:VNI_END - - Replace ``VNI_START`` and ``VNI_END`` with appropriate numerical - values. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Server - -Network node ------------- - -#. Install the Networking service layer-3 agent. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [linux_bridge] - physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE - - [vxlan] - enable_vxlan = True - l2_population = True - local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = iptables - - Replace ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface - that handles provider networks. For example, ``eth1``. - - Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the - interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks. - -#. In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = linuxbridge - external_network_bridge = - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -#. Start the following services: - - * Linux bridge agent - * Layer-3 agent - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, enable VXLAN support including - layer-2 population. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [vxlan] - enable_vxlan = True - l2_population = True - local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - - Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the - interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Linux bridge agent - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 09de6af6-c5f1-4548-8b09-18801f068c57 | Linux bridge agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 188945d1-9e70-4803-a276-df924e0788a4 | Linux bridge agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | e76c440d-d5f6-4316-a674-d689630b629e | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | e67367de-6657-11e6-86a4-931cd04404bb | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | e8174cae-6657-11e6-89f0-534ac6d0cb5c | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | ece49ec6-6657-11e6-bafb-c7560f19197d | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 598f6357-4331-4da5-a420-0f5be000bec9 | L3 agent | network1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | f4734e0f-bcd5-4922-a19d-e31d56b0a7ae | Linux bridge agent | network1 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-initialnetworks.txt - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-verifynetworkoperation.txt - -.. _deploy-lb-selfservice-networktrafficflow: - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-networktrafficflow.txt - -North-south scenario 1: Instance with a fixed IP address --------------------------------------------------------- - -For instances with a fixed IPv4 address, the network node performs SNAT -on north-south traffic passing from self-service to external networks -such as the Internet. For instances with a fixed IPv6 address, the network -node performs conventional routing of traffic between self-service and -external networks. - -* The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* The instance sends a packet to a host on the Internet. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the self-service - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the self-service bridge handle - firewalling and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The self-service bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface (4) - which wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (5) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the network node via the overlay network (6). - -The following steps involve the network node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (7) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the VXLAN interface (8) which unwraps the packet. -#. The self-service bridge router port (9) forwards the packet to the - self-service network interface (10) in the router namespace. - - * For IPv4, the router performs SNAT on the packet which changes the - source IP address to the router IP address on the provider network - and sends it to the gateway IP address on the provider network via - the gateway interface on the provider network (11). - * For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, - typically the gateway IP address on the provider network, via the - provider gateway interface (11). - -#. The router forwards the packet to the provider bridge router - port (12). -#. The VLAN sub-interface port (13) on the provider bridge forwards - the packet to the provider physical network interface (14). -#. The provider physical network interface (14) adds VLAN tag 101 to the packet - and forwards it to the Internet via physical network infrastructure (15). - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. However, without a - floating IPv4 address, hosts on the provider or external networks cannot - originate connections to instances on the self-service network. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - north/south scenario 1 - -North-south scenario 2: Instance with a floating IPv4 address -------------------------------------------------------------- - -For instances with a floating IPv4 address, the network node performs SNAT -on north-south traffic passing from the instance to external networks -such as the Internet and DNAT on north-south traffic passing from external -networks to the instance. Floating IP addresses and NAT do not apply to IPv6. -Thus, the network node routes IPv6 traffic in this scenario. - -* The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* A host on the Internet sends a packet to the instance. - -The following steps involve the network node: - -#. The physical network infrastructure (1) forwards the packet to the - provider physical network interface (2). -#. The provider physical network interface removes VLAN tag 101 and forwards - the packet to the VLAN sub-interface on the provider bridge. -#. The provider bridge forwards the packet to the self-service - router gateway port on the provider network (5). - - * For IPv4, the router performs DNAT on the packet which changes the - destination IP address to the instance IP address on the self-service - network and sends it to the gateway IP address on the self-service - network via the self-service interface (6). - * For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, - typically the gateway IP address on the self-service network, via - the self-service interface (6). - -#. The router forwards the packet to the self-service bridge router - port (7). -#. The self-service bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface (8) - which wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (9) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the network node via the overlay network (10). - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (11) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the VXLAN interface (12) which unwraps the packet. -#. Security group rules (13) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The self-service bridge instance port (14) forwards the packet to - the instance interface (15) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. note:: - - Egress instance traffic flows similar to north-south scenario 1, except SNAT - changes the source IP address of the packet to the floating IPv4 address - rather than the router IP address on the provider network. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - north/south scenario 2 - -East-west scenario 1: Instances on the same network ---------------------------------------------------- - -Instances with a fixed IPv4/IPv6 or floating IPv4 address on the same network -communicate directly between compute nodes containing those instances. - -By default, the VXLAN protocol lacks knowledge of target location -and uses multicast to discover it. After discovery, it stores the -location in the local forwarding database. In large deployments, -the discovery process can generate a significant amount of network -that all nodes must process. To eliminate the latter and generally -increase efficiency, the Networking service includes the layer-2 -population mechanism driver that automatically populates the -forwarding database for VXLAN interfaces. The example configuration -enables this driver. For more information, see :ref:`config-plugin-ml2`. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses self-service network 1. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the - self-service bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The self-service bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface (4) - which wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (5) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to compute node 2 via the overlay network (6). - -The following steps involve compute node 2: - -#. The underlying physical interface (7) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the VXLAN interface (8) which unwraps the packet. -#. Security group rules (9) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The self-service bridge instance port (10) forwards the packet to - the instance 1 interface (11) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 1 - -East-west scenario 2: Instances on different networks ------------------------------------------------------ - -Instances using a fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address communicate -via router on the network node. The self-service networks must reside on the -same router. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 2. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -.. note:: - - Both instances reside on the same compute node to illustrate how VXLAN - enables multiple overlays to use the same layer-3 network. - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the self-service - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the self-service bridge handle - firewalling and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The self-service bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface (4) - which wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (5) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the network node via the overlay network (6). - -The following steps involve the network node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (7) for the VXLAN interface forwards - the packet to the VXLAN interface (8) which unwraps the packet. -#. The self-service bridge router port (9) forwards the packet to the - self-service network 1 interface (10) in the router namespace. -#. The router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically the - gateway IP address on self-service network 2, via the self-service - network 2 interface (11). -#. The router forwards the packet to the self-service network 2 bridge router - port (12). -#. The self-service network 2 bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN - interface (13) which wraps the packet using VNI 102. -#. The physical network interface (14) for the VXLAN interface sends the - packet to the compute node via the overlay network (15). - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (16) for the VXLAN interface sends - the packet to the VXLAN interface (17) which unwraps the packet. -#. Security group rules (18) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The self-service bridge instance port (19) forwards the packet to - the instance 2 interface (20) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Linux bridge - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 2 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 6cb646f3d1..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-lb.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-lb: - -============================= -Linux bridge mechanism driver -============================= - -The Linux bridge mechanism driver uses only Linux bridges and ``veth`` pairs -as interconnection devices. A layer-2 agent manages Linux bridges on each -compute node and any other node that provides layer-3 (routing), DHCP, -metadata, or other network services. - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - deploy-lb-provider - deploy-lb-selfservice - deploy-lb-ha-vrrp diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1d9940eafb..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,506 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-ovs-ha-dvr: - -========================================= -Open vSwitch: High availability using DVR -========================================= - -This architecture example augments the self-service deployment example -with the Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) high-availability mechanism that -provides connectivity between self-service and provider networks on compute -nodes rather than network nodes for specific scenarios. For instances with a -floating IPv4 address, routing between self-service and provider networks -resides completely on the compute nodes to eliminate single point of -failure and performance issues with network nodes. Routing also resides -completely on the compute nodes for instances with a fixed or floating IPv4 -address using self-service networks on the same distributed virtual router. -However, instances with a fixed IP address still rely on the network node for -routing and SNAT services between self-service and provider networks. - -Consider the following attributes of this high-availability mechanism to -determine practicality in your environment: - -* Only provides connectivity to an instance via the compute node on which - the instance resides if the instance resides on a self-service network - with a floating IPv4 address. Instances on self-service networks with - only an IPv6 address or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses rely on the network - node for IPv6 connectivity. - -* The instance of a router on each compute node consumes an IPv4 address - on the provider network on which it contains a gateway. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Modify the compute nodes with the following components: - -* Install the OpenStack Networking layer-3 agent. - -.. note:: - - Consider adding at least one additional network node to provide - high-availability for instances with a fixed IP address. See - See :ref:`config-dvr-snat-ha-ovs` for more information. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.png - :alt: High-availability using Open vSwitch with DVR - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service -network and one untagged (flat) network. In this particular case, the -instance resides on the same compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. -If the DHCP agent resides on another compute node, the latter only contains -a DHCP namespace with a port on the OVS integration bridge. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.png - :alt: High-availability using Open vSwitch with DVR - components and connectivity - one network - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for -high-availability using DVR to an existing operational environment that -supports self-service networks. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Enable distributed routing by default for all routers. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - router_distributed = True - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Server - -Network node ------------- - -#. In the ``openswitch_agent.ini`` file, enable distributed routing. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - enable_distributed_routing = True - -#. In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent to provide - SNAT services. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - agent_mode = dvr_snat - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Open vSwitch agent - * Layer-3 agent - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. Install the Networking service layer-3 agent. - -#. In the ``openswitch_agent.ini`` file, enable distributed routing. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - enable_distributed_routing = True - -#. In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = openvswitch - external_network_bridge = - agent_mode = dvr - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Open vSwitch agent - * Layer-3 agent - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 05d980f2-a4fc-4815-91e7-a7f7e118c0db | L3 agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | 1236bbcb-e0ba-48a9-80fc-81202ca4fa51 | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 2a2e9a90-51b8-4163-a7d6-3e199ba2374b | L3 agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | 457d6898-b373-4bb3-b41f-59345dcfb5c5 | Open vSwitch agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | 513caa68-0391-4e53-a530-082e2c23e819 | Linux bridge agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-linuxbridge-agent | - | 71f15e84-bc47-4c2a-b9fb-317840b2d753 | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | 8805b962-de95-4e40-bdc2-7a0add7521e8 | L3 agent | network1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | a33cac5a-0266-48f6-9cac-4cef4f8b0358 | Open vSwitch agent | network1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | a6c69690-e7f7-4e56-9831-1282753e5007 | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | af11f22f-a9f4-404f-9fd8-cd7ad55c0f68 | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | bcfc977b-ec0e-4ba9-be62-9489b4b0e6f1 | Open vSwitch agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -Similar to the self-service deployment example, this configuration supports -multiple VXLAN self-service networks. After enabling high-availability, all -additional routers use distributed routing. The following procedure creates -an additional self-service network and router. The Networking service also -supports adding distributed routing to existing routers. - -#. Source a regular (non-administrative) project credentials. -#. Create a self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create selfservice2 - +-------------------------+--------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | selfservice2 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+--------------+ - -#. Create a IPv4 subnet on the self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range \ - --network selfservice2 --dns-nameserver selfservice2-v4 - +-------------------+---------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+---------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | selfservice2-v4 | - +-------------------+---------------------------+ - -#. Create a IPv6 subnet on the self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range fd00:192:0:2::/64 --ip-version 6 \ - --ipv6-ra-mode slaac --ipv6-address-mode slaac --network selfservice2 \ - --dns-nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844 selfservice2-v6 - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | fd00:192:0:2::2-fd00:192:0:2:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | fd00:192:0:2::/64 | - | dns_nameservers | 2001:4860:4860::8844 | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | fd00:192:0:2::1 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | selfservice2-v6 | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router create router2 - +-----------------------+---------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+---------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | name | router2 | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-----------------------+---------+ - -#. Add the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets as interfaces on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router add subnet router2 selfservice2-v4 - $ openstack router add subnet router2 selfservice2-v6 - - .. note:: - - These commands provide no output. - -#. Add the provider network as a gateway on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router2 --external-gateway provider1 - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify distributed routing on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router show router2 - +-------------------------+---------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+---------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | distributed | True | - | ha | False | - | name | router2 | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+---------+ - -#. On each compute node, verify creation of a ``qrouter`` namespace with - the same ID. - - Compute node 1: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qrouter-78d2f628-137c-4f26-a257-25fc20f203c1 - - Compute node 2: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qrouter-78d2f628-137c-4f26-a257-25fc20f203c1 - -#. On the network node, verify creation of the ``snat`` and ``qrouter`` - namespaces with the same ID. - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - snat-78d2f628-137c-4f26-a257-25fc20f203c1 - qrouter-78d2f628-137c-4f26-a257-25fc20f203c1 - - .. note:: - - The namespace for router 1 from :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` should - also appear on network node 1 because of creation prior to enabling - distributed routing. - -#. Launch an instance with an interface on the addtional self-service network. - For example, a CirrOS image using flavor ID 1. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --flavor 1 --image cirros --nic net-id=NETWORK_ID selfservice-instance2 - - Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the additional self-service - network. - -#. Determine the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | bde64b00-77ae-41b9-b19a-cd8e378d9f8b | selfservice-instance2 | ACTIVE | selfservice2=fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe71:e93e, | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a floating IPv4 address on the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack floating ip create provider1 - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | fixed_ip | None | - | id | 0174056a-fa56-4403-b1ea-b5151a31191f | - | instance_id | None | - | ip | | - | pool | provider1 | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Associate the floating IPv4 address with the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server add floating ip selfservice-instance2 - - .. note:: - - This command provides no output. - -#. On the compute node containing the instance, verify creation of the - ``fip`` namespace with the same ID as the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - fip-4bfa3075-b4b2-4f7d-b88e-df1113942d43 - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-networktrafficflow.txt - -This section only contains flow scenarios that benefit from distributed -virtual routing or that differ from conventional operation. For other -flow scenarios, see :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow`. - -North-south scenario 1: Instance with a fixed IP address --------------------------------------------------------- - -Similar to :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow-ns1`, except -the router namespace on the network node becomes the SNAT namespace. The -network node still contains the router namespace, but it serves no purpose -in this case. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.png - :alt: High-availability using Open vSwitch with DVR - network traffic flow - north/south scenario 1 - -North-south scenario 2: Instance with a floating IPv4 address -------------------------------------------------------------- - -For instances with a floating IPv4 address using a self-service network -on a distributed router, the compute node containing the instance performs -SNAT on north-south traffic passing from the instance to external networks -such as the Internet and DNAT on north-south traffic passing from external -networks to the instance. Floating IP addresses and NAT do not apply to -IPv6. Thus, the network node routes IPv6 traffic in this scenario. -north-south traffic passing between the instance and external networks -such as the Internet. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* A host on the Internet sends a packet to the instance. - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The physical network infrastructure (1) forwards the packet to the - provider physical network interface (2). -#. The provider physical network interface forwards the packet to the - OVS provider bridge provider network port (3). -#. The OVS provider bridge swaps actual VLAN tag 101 with the internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` port (4) forwards the - packet to the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` port (5). -#. The OVS integration bridge port for the provider network (6) removes - the internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the provider network - interface (7) in the floating IP namespace. This interface responds - to any ARP requests for the instance floating IPv4 address. -#. The floating IP namespace routes the packet (8) to the distributed - router namespace (9) using a pair of IP addresses on the DVR internal - network. This namespace contains the instance floating IPv4 address. -#. The router performs DNAT on the packet which changes the destination - IP address to the instance IP address on the self-service network via - the self-service network interface (10). -#. The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for - the self-service network (11). -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge removes the internal VLAN tag from the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (12) forwards the packet - to the security group bridge OVS port (13) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (14) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (15) forwards the packet to the - instance interface (16) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.png - :alt: High-availability using Open vSwitch with DVR - network traffic flow - north/south scenario 2 - -.. note:: - - Egress traffic follows similar steps in reverse, except SNAT changes - the source IPv4 address of the packet to the floating IPv4 address. - -East-west scenario 1: Instances on different networks on the same router ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Instances with fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address on the -same compute node communicate via router on the compute node. Instances -on different compute nodes communicate via an instance of the router on -each compute node. - -.. note:: - - This scenario places the instances on different compute nodes to - show the most complex situation. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge port for self-service network 1 (6) removes the - internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the self-service network 1 - interface in the distributed router namespace (6). -#. The distributed router namespace routes the packet to self-service network - 2. -#. The self-service network 2 interface in the distributed router namespace - (8) forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for - self-service network 2 (9). -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an - internal tunnel ID. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` port (10) forwards the packet - to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` port (11). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge (12) wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (13) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to compute node 2 via the overlay network (14). - -The following steps involve compute node 2: - -#. The underlying physical interface (15) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (16). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel ID - to it. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (17) forwards the packet - to the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (18). -#. The OVS integration bridge removes the internal VLAN tag from the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (19) forwards the packet - to the security group bridge OVS port (20) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (21) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (22) forwards the packet to the - instance 2 interface (23) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. note:: - - Routing between self-service networks occurs on the compute node containing - the instance sending the packet. In this scenario, routing occurs on - compute node 1 for packets from instance 1 to instance 2 and on compute - node 2 for packets from instance 2 to instance 1. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.png - :alt: High-availability using Open vSwitch with DVR - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 2 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 878fb43b84..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,179 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp: - -========================================== -Open vSwitch: High availability using VRRP -========================================== - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp.txt - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Add one network node with the following components: - -* Three network interfaces: management, provider, and overlay. -* OpenStack Networking layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and any - dependencies. - -.. note:: - - You can keep the DHCP and metadata agents on each compute node or - move them to the network nodes. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.png - :alt: High-availability using VRRP with Linux bridge - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service -network and one untagged (flat) network. The master router resides on network -node 1. In this particular case, the instance resides on the same compute -node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent resides on another -compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace and Linux bridge -with a port on the overlay physical network interface. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png - :alt: High-availability using VRRP with Linux bridge - components and connectivity - one network - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for -high-availability using VRRP to an existing operational environment that -supports self-service networks. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Enable VRRP. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - l3_ha = True - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Server - -Network node 1 --------------- - -No changes. - -Network node 2 --------------- - -#. Install the Networking service OVS layer-2 agent and layer-3 agent. - -#. Install OVS. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. Start the following services: - - * OVS - -#. Create the OVS provider bridge ``br-provider``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-provider - -#. In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - bridge_mappings = provider:br-provider - local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - - [agent] - tunnel_types = vxlan - l2_population = true - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = iptables_hybrid - - Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the - interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks. - -#. In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = openvswitch - external_network_bridge = - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -#. Start the following services: - - * Open vSwitch agent - * Layer-3 agent - -Compute nodes -------------- - -No changes. - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 1236bbcb-e0ba-48a9-80fc-81202ca4fa51 | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 457d6898-b373-4bb3-b41f-59345dcfb5c5 | Open vSwitch agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | 71f15e84-bc47-4c2a-b9fb-317840b2d753 | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | 8805b962-de95-4e40-bdc2-7a0add7521e8 | L3 agent | network1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | a33cac5a-0266-48f6-9cac-4cef4f8b0358 | Open vSwitch agent | network1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | a6c69690-e7f7-4e56-9831-1282753e5007 | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | af11f22f-a9f4-404f-9fd8-cd7ad55c0f68 | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | bcfc977b-ec0e-4ba9-be62-9489b4b0e6f1 | Open vSwitch agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | 7f00d759-f2c9-494a-9fbf-fd9118104d03 | Open vSwitch agent | network2 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | b28d8818-9e32-4888-930b-29addbdd2ef9 | L3 agent | network2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-initialnetworks.txt - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifynetworkoperation.txt - -Verify failover operation -------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifyfailoveroperation.txt - -Keepalived VRRP health check ----------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/keepalived-vrrp-healthcheck.txt - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -This high-availability mechanism simply augments :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` -with failover of layer-3 services to another router if the master router -fails. Thus, you can reference :ref:`Self-service network traffic flow -` for normal operation. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-provider.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-provider.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9fa4cc78df..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-provider.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,428 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-ovs-provider: - -=============================== -Open vSwitch: Provider networks -=============================== - -This architecture example provides layer-2 connectivity between instances -and the physical network infrastructure using VLAN (802.1q) tagging. It -supports one untagged (flat) network and up to 4095 tagged (VLAN) networks. -The actual quantity of VLAN networks depends on the physical network -infrastructure. For more information on provider networks, see -:ref:`intro-os-networking-provider`. - -.. warning:: - - Linux distributions often package older releases of Open vSwitch that can - introduce issues during operation with the Networking service. We recommend - using at least the latest long-term stable (LTS) release of Open vSwitch - for the best experience and support from Open vSwitch. See - ``__ for available releases and the - `installation instructions - `__ for - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -One controller node with the following components: - -* Two network interfaces: management and provider. -* OpenStack Networking server service and ML2 plug-in. - -Two compute nodes with the following components: - -* Two network interfaces: management and provider. -* OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch (OVS) layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata - agent, and any dependencies including OVS. - -.. note:: - - Larger deployments typically deploy the DHCP and metadata agents on a - subset of compute nodes to increase performance and redundancy. However, - too many agents can overwhelm the message bus. Also, to further simplify - any deployment, you can omit the metadata agent and use a configuration - drive to provide metadata to instances. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.png - :alt: Provider networks using OVS - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one untagged -(flat) network. In this particular case, the instance resides on the -same compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent -resides on another compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace -with a port on the OVS integration bridge. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.png - :alt: Provider networks using OVS - components and connectivity - one network - -The following figure describes virtual connectivity among components for -two tagged (VLAN) networks. Essentially, all networks use a single OVS -integration bridge with different internal VLAN tags. The internal VLAN -tags almost always differ from the network VLAN assignment in the Networking -service. Similar to the untagged network case, the DHCP agent may reside on -a different compute node. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.png - :alt: Provider networks using OVS - components and connectivity - multiple networks - -.. note:: - - These figures omit the controller node because it does not handle instance - network traffic. - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to deploy provider -networks in your environment. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. Install the Networking service components that provide the - ``neutron-server`` service and ML2 plug-in. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - - * Disable service plug-ins because provider networks do not require - any. However, this breaks portions of the dashboard that manage - the Networking service. See the - `Ocata Install Tutorials and Guides - `__ for more - information. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - service_plugins = - - * Enable two DHCP agents per network so both compute nodes can - provide DHCP service provider networks. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - dhcp_agents_per_network = 2 - - * If necessary, :ref:`configure MTU `. - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - * Configure drivers and network types: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - type_drivers = flat,vlan - tenant_network_types = - mechanism_drivers = openvswitch - extension_drivers = port_security - - * Configure network mappings: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2_type_flat] - flat_networks = provider - - [ml2_type_vlan] - network_vlan_ranges = provider - - .. note:: - - The ``tenant_network_types`` option contains no value because the - architecture does not support self-service networks. - - .. note:: - - The ``provider`` value in the ``network_vlan_ranges`` option lacks VLAN - ID ranges to support use of arbitrary VLAN IDs. - -#. Populate the database. - - .. code-block:: console - - # su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \ - --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron - -#. Start the following services: - - * Server - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. Install the Networking service OVS layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, and - metadata agent. - -#. Install OVS. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, configure the OVS agent: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - bridge_mappings = provider:br-provider - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = iptables_hybrid - -#. In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure the DHCP agent: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = openvswitch - enable_isolated_metadata = True - force_metadata = True - - .. note:: - - The ``force_metadata`` option forces the DHCP agent to provide - a host route to the metadata service on ```` - regardless of whether the subnet contains an interface on a - router, thus maintaining similar and predictable metadata behavior - among subnets. - -#. In the ``metadata_agent.ini`` file, configure the metadata agent: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - nova_metadata_ip = controller - metadata_proxy_shared_secret = METADATA_SECRET - - The value of ``METADATA_SECRET`` must match the value of the same option - in the ``[neutron]`` section of the ``nova.conf`` file. - -#. Start the following services: - - * OVS - -#. Create the OVS provider bridge ``br-provider``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-provider - -#. Add the provider network interface as a port on the OVS provider - bridge ``br-provider``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ovs-vsctl add-port br-provider PROVIDER_INTERFACE - - Replace ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface - that handles provider networks. For example, ``eth1``. - -#. Start the following services: - - * OVS agent - * DHCP agent - * Metadata agent - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 1236bbcb-e0ba-48a9-80fc-81202ca4fa51 | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 457d6898-b373-4bb3-b41f-59345dcfb5c5 | Open vSwitch agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | 71f15e84-bc47-4c2a-b9fb-317840b2d753 | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | a6c69690-e7f7-4e56-9831-1282753e5007 | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | af11f22f-a9f4-404f-9fd8-cd7ad55c0f68 | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | bcfc977b-ec0e-4ba9-be62-9489b4b0e6f1 | Open vSwitch agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-provider-initialnetworks.txt - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-provider-verifynetworkoperation.txt - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-provider-networktrafficflow.txt - -North-south ------------ - -* The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1. -* The instance sends a packet to a host on the Internet. - -The following steps involve compute node 1. - -#. The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (6) forwards - the packet to the OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (7). -#. The OVS provider bridge swaps the internal VLAN tag with actual VLAN tag - 101. -#. The OVS provider bridge provider network port (8) forwards the packet to - the physical network interface (9). -#. The physical network interface forwards the packet to the physical - network infrastructure switch (10). - -The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure: - -#. The switch removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and forwards it to the - router (11). -#. The router routes the packet from the provider network (12) to the - external network (13) and forwards the packet to the switch (14). -#. The switch forwards the packet to the external network (15). -#. The external network (16) receives the packet. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.png - :alt: Provider networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - north/south - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -East-west scenario 1: Instances on the same network ---------------------------------------------------- - -Instances on the same network communicate directly between compute nodes -containing those instances. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses provider network 1. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (6) forwards - the packet to the OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (7). -#. The OVS provider bridge swaps the internal VLAN tag with actual VLAN tag - 101. -#. The OVS provider bridge provider network port (8) forwards the packet to - the physical network interface (9). -#. The physical network interface forwards the packet to the physical - network infrastructure switch (10). - -The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure: - -#. The switch forwards the packet from compute node 1 to compute node 2 (11). - -The following steps involve compute node 2: - -#. The physical network interface (12) forwards the packet to the OVS - provider bridge provider network port (13). -#. The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (14) forwards the - packet to the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (15). -#. The OVS integration bridge swaps the actual VLAN tag 101 with the internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (16) forwards the packet - to the security group bridge OVS port (17). -#. Security group rules (18) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (19) forwards the packet to the - instance 2 interface (20) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.png - :alt: Provider networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 1 - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -East-west scenario 2: Instances on different networks ------------------------------------------------------ - -Instances communicate via router on the physical network infrastructure. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 2. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -.. note:: - - Both instances reside on the same compute node to illustrate how VLAN - tagging enables multiple logical layer-2 networks to use the same - physical layer-2 network. - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (6) forwards - the packet to the OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (7). -#. The OVS provider bridge swaps the internal VLAN tag with actual VLAN tag - 101. -#. The OVS provider bridge provider network port (8) forwards the packet to - the physical network interface (9). -#. The physical network interface forwards the packet to the physical - network infrastructure switch (10). - -The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure: - -#. The switch removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and forwards it to the - router (11). -#. The router routes the packet from provider network 1 (12) to provider - network 2 (13). -#. The router forwards the packet to the switch (14). -#. The switch adds VLAN tag 102 to the packet and forwards it to compute - node 1 (15). - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The physical network interface (16) forwards the packet to the OVS - provider bridge provider network port (17). -#. The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (18) forwards the - packet to the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (19). -#. The OVS integration bridge swaps the actual VLAN tag 102 with the internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (20) removes the internal - VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the security group bridge OVS port - (21). -#. Security group rules (22) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (23) forwards the packet to the - instance 2 interface (24) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.png - :alt: Provider networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 2 - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-selfservice.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-selfservice.rst deleted file mode 100644 index c8f53d3517..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs-selfservice.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,508 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-ovs-selfservice: - -=================================== -Open vSwitch: Self-service networks -=================================== - -This architecture example augments :ref:`deploy-ovs-provider` to support -a nearly limitless quantity of entirely virtual networks. Although the -Networking service supports VLAN self-service networks, this example -focuses on VXLAN self-service networks. For more information on -self-service networks, see :ref:`intro-os-networking-selfservice`. - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Add one network node with the following components: - -* Three network interfaces: management, provider, and overlay. -* OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch (OVS) layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and - any including OVS. - -Modify the compute nodes with the following components: - -* Add one network interface: overlay. - -.. note:: - - You can keep the DHCP and metadata agents on each compute node or - move them to the network node. - -Architecture -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.png - :alt: Self-service networks using OVS - overview - -The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service -network and one untagged (flat) provider network. In this particular case, the -instance resides on the same compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. -If the DHCP agent resides on another compute node, the latter only contains -a DHCP namespace and with a port on the OVS integration bridge. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.png - :alt: Self-service networks using OVS - components and connectivity - one network - -Example configuration -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for -self-service networks to an existing operational environment that supports -provider networks. - -Controller node ---------------- - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file: - - * Enable routing and allow overlapping IP address ranges. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - service_plugins = router - allow_overlapping_ips = True - -#. In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file: - - * Add ``vxlan`` to type drivers and project network types. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan - tenant_network_types = vxlan - - * Enable the layer-2 population mechanism driver. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2] - mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,l2population - - * Configure the VXLAN network ID (VNI) range. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ml2_type_vxlan] - vni_ranges = VNI_START:VNI_END - - Replace ``VNI_START`` and ``VNI_END`` with appropriate numerical - values. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Neutron Server - * Open vSwitch agent - -Network node ------------- - -#. Install the Networking service OVS layer-2 agent and layer-3 agent. - -#. Install OVS. - -#. In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options: - - .. include:: shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt - -#. Start the following services: - - * OVS - -#. Create the OVS provider bridge ``br-provider``: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-provider - -#. In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - bridge_mappings = provider:br-provider - local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - - [agent] - tunnel_types = vxlan - l2_population = True - - [securitygroup] - firewall_driver = iptables_hybrid - - Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the - interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks. - -#. In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - interface_driver = openvswitch - external_network_bridge = - - .. note:: - - The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains - no value. - -#. Start the following services: - - * Open vSwitch agent - * Layer-3 agent - -Compute nodes -------------- - -#. In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, enable VXLAN support including - layer-2 population. - - .. code-block:: ini - - [ovs] - local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS - - [agent] - tunnel_types = vxlan - l2_population = True - - Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the - interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks. - -#. Restart the following services: - - * Open vSwitch agent - -Verify service operation ------------------------- - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify presence and operation of the agents. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network agent list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - | 1236bbcb-e0ba-48a9-80fc-81202ca4fa51 | Metadata agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | 457d6898-b373-4bb3-b41f-59345dcfb5c5 | Open vSwitch agent | compute2 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | 71f15e84-bc47-4c2a-b9fb-317840b2d753 | DHCP agent | compute2 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | 8805b962-de95-4e40-bdc2-7a0add7521e8 | L3 agent | network1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-l3-agent | - | a33cac5a-0266-48f6-9cac-4cef4f8b0358 | Open vSwitch agent | network1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - | a6c69690-e7f7-4e56-9831-1282753e5007 | Metadata agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-metadata-agent | - | af11f22f-a9f4-404f-9fd8-cd7ad55c0f68 | DHCP agent | compute1 | nova | True | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | - | bcfc977b-ec0e-4ba9-be62-9489b4b0e6f1 | Open vSwitch agent | compute1 | | True | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------+-------------------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ - -Create initial networks ------------------------ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-initialnetworks.txt - -Verify network operation ------------------------- - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-verifynetworkoperation.txt - -.. _deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow: - -Network traffic flow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. include:: shared/deploy-selfservice-networktrafficflow.txt - -.. _deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow-ns1: - -North-south scenario 1: Instance with a fixed IP address --------------------------------------------------------- - -For instances with a fixed IPv4 address, the network node performs SNAT -on north-south traffic passing from self-service to external networks -such as the Internet. For instances with a fixed IPv6 address, the network -node performs conventional routing of traffic between self-service and -external networks. - -* The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* The instance sends a packet to a host on the Internet. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an internal - tunnel ID. -#. The OVS integration bridge patch port (6) forwards the packet to the - OVS tunnel bridge patch port (7). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge (8) wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (9) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the network node via the overlay network (10). - -The following steps involve the network node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (11) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (12). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel ID - to it. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge patch port (13) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge patch port (14). -#. The OVS integration bridge port for the self-service network (15) - removes the internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the self-service - network interface (16) in the router namespace. - - * For IPv4, the router performs SNAT on the packet which changes the - source IP address to the router IP address on the provider network - and sends it to the gateway IP address on the provider network via - the gateway interface on the provider network (17). - * For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, - typically the gateway IP address on the provider network, via the - provider gateway interface (17). - -#. The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for - the provider network (18). -#. The OVS integration bridge adds the internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (19) forwards - the packet to the OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (20). -#. The OVS provider bridge swaps the internal VLAN tag with actual VLAN tag - 101. -#. The OVS provider bridge provider network port (21) forwards the packet to - the physical network interface (22). -#. The physical network interface forwards the packet to the Internet via - physical network infrastructure (23). - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. However, without a - floating IPv4 address, hosts on the provider or external networks cannot - originate connections to instances on the self-service network. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - north/south scenario 1 - -North-south scenario 2: Instance with a floating IPv4 address -------------------------------------------------------------- - -For instances with a floating IPv4 address, the network node performs SNAT -on north-south traffic passing from the instance to external networks -such as the Internet and DNAT on north-south traffic passing from external -networks to the instance. Floating IP addresses and NAT do not apply to IPv6. -Thus, the network node routes IPv6 traffic in this scenario. - -* The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* A host on the Internet sends a packet to the instance. - -The following steps involve the network node: - -#. The physical network infrastructure (1) forwards the packet to the - provider physical network interface (2). -#. The provider physical network interface forwards the packet to the - OVS provider bridge provider network port (3). -#. The OVS provider bridge swaps actual VLAN tag 101 with the internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` port (4) forwards the - packet to the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` port (5). -#. The OVS integration bridge port for the provider network (6) removes - the internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the provider network - interface (6) in the router namespace. - - * For IPv4, the router performs DNAT on the packet which changes the - destination IP address to the instance IP address on the self-service - network and sends it to the gateway IP address on the self-service - network via the self-service interface (7). - * For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, - typically the gateway IP address on the self-service network, via - the self-service interface (8). - -#. The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for - the self-service network (9). -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an internal - tunnel ID. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (10) forwards the - packet to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (11). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge (12) wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (13) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the network node via the overlay network (14). - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (15) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (16). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel ID - to it. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (17) forwards the packet - to the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (18). -#. The OVS integration bridge removes the internal VLAN tag from the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (19) forwards the packet - to the security group bridge OVS port (20) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (21) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (22) forwards the packet to the - instance interface (23) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - north/south scenario 2 - -.. note:: - - Egress instance traffic flows similar to north-south scenario 1, except SNAT - changes the source IP address of the packet to the floating IPv4 address - rather than the router IP address on the provider network. - -East-west scenario 1: Instances on the same network ---------------------------------------------------- - -Instances with a fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address on the -same network communicate directly between compute nodes containing those -instances. - -By default, the VXLAN protocol lacks knowledge of target location -and uses multicast to discover it. After discovery, it stores the -location in the local forwarding database. In large deployments, -the discovery process can generate a significant amount of network -that all nodes must process. To eliminate the latter and generally -increase efficiency, the Networking service includes the layer-2 -population mechanism driver that automatically populates the -forwarding database for VXLAN interfaces. The example configuration -enables this driver. For more information, see :ref:`config-plugin-ml2`. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses self-service network 1. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -The following steps involve compute node 1: - -#. The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an internal - tunnel ID. -#. The OVS integration bridge patch port (6) forwards the packet to the - OVS tunnel bridge patch port (7). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge (8) wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (9) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to compute node 2 via the overlay network (10). - -The following steps involve compute node 2: - -#. The underlying physical interface (11) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (12). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel ID - to it. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (13) forwards the packet - to the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (14). -#. The OVS integration bridge removes the internal VLAN tag from the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (15) forwards the packet - to the security group bridge OVS port (16) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (17) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (18) forwards the packet to the - instance 2 interface (19) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 1 - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -East-west scenario 2: Instances on different networks ------------------------------------------------------ - -Instances using a fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address communicate -via router on the network node. The self-service networks must reside on the -same router. - -* Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1. -* Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 2. -* Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2. - -.. note:: - - Both instances reside on the same compute node to illustrate how VXLAN - enables multiple overlays to use the same layer-3 network. - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group - bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS - integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair. -#. The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an internal - tunnel ID. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (6) forwards the - packet to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (7). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge (8) wraps the packet using VNI 101. -#. The underlying physical interface (9) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the network node via the overlay network (10). - -The following steps involve the network node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (11) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (12). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel ID - to it. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (13) forwards the packet to - the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (14). -#. The OVS integration bridge port for self-service network 1 (15) - removes the internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the self-service - network 1 interface (16) in the router namespace. -#. The router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically the - gateway IP address on self-service network 2, via the self-service - network 2 interface (17). -#. The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for - self-service network 2 (18). -#. The OVS integration bridge adds the internal VLAN tag to the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an internal - tunnel ID. -#. The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (19) forwards the - packet to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (20). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge (21) wraps the packet using VNI 102. -#. The underlying physical interface (22) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the compute node via the overlay network (23). - -The following steps involve the compute node: - -#. The underlying physical interface (24) for overlay networks forwards - the packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (25). -#. The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel - ID to it. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal - VLAN tag. -#. The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (26) forwards the packet - to the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (27). -#. The OVS integration bridge removes the internal VLAN tag from the packet. -#. The OVS integration bridge security group port (28) forwards the packet - to the security group bridge OVS port (29) via ``veth`` pair. -#. Security group rules (30) on the security group bridge handle firewalling - and connection tracking for the packet. -#. The security group bridge instance port (31) forwards the packet to the - instance interface (32) via ``veth`` pair. - -.. note:: - - Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. - -.. image:: figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.png - :alt: Self-service networks using Open vSwitch - network traffic flow - east/west scenario 2 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 00677e606c..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy-ovs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy-ovs: - -============================= -Open vSwitch mechanism driver -============================= - -The Open vSwitch (OVS) mechanism driver uses a combination of OVS and Linux -bridges as interconnection devices. However, optionally enabling the OVS -native implementation of security groups removes the dependency on Linux -bridges. - -We recommend using Open vSwitch version 2.4 or higher. Optional features -may require a higher minimum version. - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - deploy-ovs-provider - deploy-ovs-selfservice - deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp - deploy-ovs-ha-dvr diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 06640a61ab..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/deploy.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -.. _deploy: - -=================== -Deployment examples -=================== - -The following deployment examples provide building blocks of increasing -architectural complexity using the Networking service reference architecture -which implements the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plug-in and either the Open -vSwitch (OVS) or Linux bridge mechanism drivers. Both mechanism drivers support -the same basic features such as provider networks, self-service networks, -and routers. However, more complex features often require a particular -mechanism driver. Thus, you should consider the requirements (or goals) of -your cloud before choosing a mechanism driver. - -After choosing a :ref:`mechanism driver `, the -deployment examples generally include the following building blocks: - -#. Provider (public/external) networks using IPv4 and IPv6 - -#. Self-service (project/private/internal) networks including routers using - IPv4 and IPv6 - -#. High-availability features - -#. Other features such as BGP dynamic routing - -Prerequisites -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Prerequisites, typically hardware requirements, generally increase with each -building block. Each building block depends on proper deployment and operation -of prior building blocks. For example, the first building block (provider -networks) only requires one controller and two compute nodes, the second -building block (self-service networks) adds a network node, and the -high-availability building blocks typically add a second network node for a -total of five nodes. Each building block could also require additional -infrastructure or changes to existing infrastructure such as networks. - -For basic configuration of prerequisites, see the -`Ocata Install Tutorials and Guides `__. - -.. note:: - - Example commands using the ``openstack`` client assume version 3.2.0 or - higher. - -Nodes ------ - -The deployment examples refer one or more of the following nodes: - -* Controller: Contains control plane components of OpenStack services - and their dependencies. - - * Two network interfaces: management and provider. - * Operational SQL server with databases necessary for each OpenStack - service. - * Operational message queue service. - * Operational OpenStack Identity (keystone) service. - * Operational OpenStack Image Service (glance). - * Operational management components of the OpenStack Compute (nova) service - with appropriate configuration to use the Networking service. - * OpenStack Networking (neutron) server service and ML2 plug-in. - -* Network: Contains the OpenStack Networking service layer-3 (routing) - component. High availability options may include additional components. - - * Three network interfaces: management, overlay, and provider. - * OpenStack Networking layer-2 (switching) agent, layer-3 agent, and any - dependencies. - -* Compute: Contains the hypervisor component of the OpenStack Compute service - and the OpenStack Networking layer-2, DHCP, and metadata components. - High-availability options may include additional components. - - * Two network interfaces: management and provider. - * Operational hypervisor components of the OpenStack Compute (nova) service - with appropriate configuration to use the Networking service. - * OpenStack Networking layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata agent, and any - dependencies. - -Each building block defines the quantity and types of nodes including the -components on each node. - -.. note:: - - You can virtualize these nodes for demonstration, training, or - proof-of-concept purposes. However, you must use physical hosts for - evaluation of performance or scaling. - -Networks and network interfaces -------------------------------- - -The deployment examples refer to one or more of the following networks -and network interfaces: - -* Management: Handles API requests from clients and control plane traffic for - OpenStack services including their dependencies. -* Overlay: Handles self-service networks using an overlay protocol such as - VXLAN or GRE. -* Provider: Connects virtual and physical networks at layer-2. Typically - uses physical network infrastructure for switching/routing traffic to - external networks such as the Internet. - -.. note:: - - For best performance, 10+ Gbps physical network infrastructure should - support jumbo frames. - -For illustration purposes, the configuration examples typically reference -the following IP address ranges: - -* Provider network 1: - - * IPv4: - * IPv6: fd00:203:0:113::/64 - -* Provider network 2: - - * IPv4: - * IPv6: fd00:192:0:2::/64 - -* Self-service networks: - - * IPv4: in /24 segments - * IPv6: fd00:198:51::/48 in /64 segments - -You may change them to work with your particular network infrastructure. - -.. _deploy-mechanism-drivers: - -Mechanism drivers -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 1 - - deploy-lb - deploy-ovs diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/NetworkTypes.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/NetworkTypes.png deleted file mode 100644 index 7fc50e1383..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/NetworkTypes.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/NetworkTypes.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/NetworkTypes.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 10e1125ddc..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/NetworkTypes.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20392 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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- - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6 2016-08-10 22:15:39 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1BGP Dynamic RoutingExample with self-service networksSelf-service network networksL3 AgentPeering network192.0.2.0/30BGP AgentExternalNetworksSelf-service network RouterProviderNetworkSelf-serviceNetwork 1Self-serviceNetwork 2Self-serviceNetwork 3Router 1203. 2203. 3203.0.113.310.0.3.1Provider network203.0.113.0/24Self-service network 310.0.3.0/24Prefix Advertisements10.0.1.0/24 next-hop next-hop scopePeering SessionAS 1234Peering SessionAS 4321 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 83d5d4b229..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.png deleted file mode 100644 index e4a266ee15..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 4ed8e6a1dc..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-example2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6 2016-08-10 22:15:47 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1BGP Dynamic RoutingExample with floating IP addressesSelf-service network networksL3 AgentPeering network192.0.2.0/30BGP AgentExternalNetworksSelf-service network RouterProviderNetworkRouter 1203. 2203. 3203.0.113.310.0.3.1Provider network203.0.113.0/24Self-service network 310.0.3.0/24Prefix Advertisements10.0.1.0/24 next-hop next-hop next-hop next-hop 1Self-serviceNetwork 2Self-serviceNetwork 3Instance 1203.0.113.101Instance 2203.0.113.102Instance 3203.0.113.103Address scopePeeringSessionAS 1234Peering SessionAS 4321 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 04741e8592..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index 2a6c802d6d..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 2efd86ebdc..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/bgp-dynamic-routing-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6 2016-08-12 16:35:04 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1BGP Dynamic RoutingOverviewProvider RouterL3 AgentBGP AgentSelf-serviceNetwork 1Self-serviceNetwork 2Self-serviceNetwork 3Self-serviceNetwork XRouter 1Router 2Router 3Router XExternalNetworksProviderNetworksPeering SessionPeering Session diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/config-macvtap-compute1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/config-macvtap-compute1.png deleted file mode 100644 index f675f79b76..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/config-macvtap-compute1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/config-macvtap-compute2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/config-macvtap-compute2.png deleted file mode 100644 index d110379ece..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/config-macvtap-compute2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/demo_multiple_dhcp_agents.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/demo_multiple_dhcp_agents.png deleted file mode 100644 index 3867039563..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/demo_multiple_dhcp_agents.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 78f379cb0f..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index d2e9a84565..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index ddfa554672..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-20 23:43:13 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeCompute NodeLinux Bridge - High-availability with VRRPComponents and ConnectivitySelf-service networkVNI 101InstanceLinux BridgebrqDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethvethtapeth0iptablesPorttaptapPorttapPortVXLAN 101Interface 3Overlay network10.0.1.0/24Linux BridgebrqLinux BridgebrqMaster Router NamespaceqrouterPorttapPortVXLAN 101PorttapPortInterface 2PorttapPorttapInterface 3Interface 2VLAN 1InternetProvider networkVLAN 1 (untagged)vethvethVNI 101VNI 101Provider networkAggregateNetwork NodeLinux BridgebrqLinux BridgebrqBackup Router NamespaceqrouterPorttapPortVXLAN 101PorttapPortInterface 2PorttapPorttapInterface 3Interface 2VLAN 1vethvethVNI 101Physical Network Infrastructure diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 3e7896f02c..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index ab60fb3f78..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 3c98f805fd..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-ha-vrrp-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-04 14:46:19 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Compute NodesLinux Bridge - High-availability with VRRPOverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Metadata AgentDHCP AgentLinux Bridge AgentInterface 1InstanceInterface 2MetadataProcessDHCP NamespaceBridgeBridgeFirewall Network NodesLinux Bridge AgentLayer-3 AgentInterface 3BridgeBridgeRouterNamespaceInterface 1Interface 2Interface 3 Physical Network InfrastructureOverlay network10.0.1.0/24Provider networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index e5abe24509..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 919b8eec8d..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index ac2b83e4fd..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-20 23:42:18 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute NodeLinux Bridge - Provider NetworksComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 1 (untagged)InstanceLinux BridgebrqDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethvethtapeth0iptablesPorttaptapPorttapPortInterface 2Interface 2VLAN 1Provider networkAggregatePhysical Network InfrastructureInternet diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index ff024f0042..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1038a20289..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 5c982d2a1a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-compconn2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-20 23:42:33 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute NodeLinux Bridge - Provider NetworksComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 101Instance 1Linux Bridge 1brqDHCP Namespace 1qdhcpMetadataProcessvethvethtapeth0iptablesPorttaptapPorttapPortSub-Interface 2.101Instance 2Linux Bridge 2brqDHCP Namespace 2qdhcpMetadataProcessvethvethtapeth0iptablesPorttaptapPorttapPortSub-Interface 2.102Interface 2VLAN 101VLAN 102Provider network 2VLAN 102Provider networkAggregatePhysical Network InfrastructureInternet diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index b44116bb5d..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 3eb9d184ac..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index f6a7569e1e..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:02:59 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Linux Bridge - Provider NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 1Provider network 1VLAN 101, Node 1Instance 1Linux Bridgebrqveth(1)(3)(2)(4)VLAN 101Compute Node 2Instance 2Linux Bridgebrqveth(12)(10)(11)(9)VLAN 101Physical Network InfrastructureSwitch(8)(7)(6)(5)Provider networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index ab875018a1..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.png deleted file mode 100644 index c7d31e5e74..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 0ec8796130..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowew2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:02:35 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute Node 1Linux Bridge - Provider NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 2Provider network 1VLAN 101, network 2VLAN 102, Network InfrastructureSwitchRouterInstance 1Linux Bridgebrqveth(1)(3)(2)(4)VLAN 101VLAN 102Instance 2Linux Bridgebrqveth(16)(14)(15)(6)(11)(7)(10)(8)(9)(5)(12)(13)VLAN 101VLAN 102Provider networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index c6c9eaacfa..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 82e03cb0ba..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index c7e1aab672..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-flowns1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:01:59 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Physical Network InfrastructureLinux Bridge - Provider NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South ScenarioProvider network 1VLAN 101, NodeSwitchRouter(12)InstanceLinux Bridgebrq(1)(3)(2)(4)(5)VLAN 101(8)(9)(11)(6)(7)(10)Provider networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index d1e8e39dab..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index 8d1a0cc106..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index faa93c0762..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-provider-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-21 18:40:05 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Compute NodesLinux Bridge - Provider NetworksOverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Linux Bridge AgentInterface 1InstanceInterface 2BridgeBridgeFirewall Physical Network InfrastructureProvider networkAggregateMetadata AgentDHCP AgentMetadataProcessDHCP Namespace diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index afd7f1393f..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index db0e9b3b89..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index cc32b58fc2..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-20 23:43:48 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeCompute NodeLinux Bridge - Self-service NetworksComponents and ConnectivitySelf-service networkVNI 101InstanceLinux BridgebrqDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethvethtapeth0iptablesPorttaptapPorttapPortVXLAN 101Interface 3Overlay network10.0.1.0/24Linux BridgebrqLinux BridgebrqRouter NamespaceqrouterPorttapPortVXLAN 101PorttapPortInterface 2PorttapPorttapInterface 3Interface 2VLAN 1Physical Network InfrastructureInternetProvider networkVLAN 1 (untagged)vethvethVNI 101VNI 101Provider networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index c153ae8d73..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.png deleted file mode 100644 index a5d9445a7e..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index d47cfe974c..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:01:04 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Linux Bridge - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 1Compute Node 1InstanceLinux Bridgebrq(1)(3)(2)(4)(5)VNI 101Self-service network 1VNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24Compute Node 2InstanceLinux Bridgebrq(11)(9)(10)(8)(7)VNI 101(6) diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 290912bc38..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.png deleted file mode 100644 index 30980a333d..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 85d4863554..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowew2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:00:33 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Linux Bridge - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 2Compute NodeInstanceLinux Bridgebrq(1)(3)(2)(4)Network NodeLinux BridgebrqLinux BridgebrqRouter Namespaceqrouter(9)(8)(10)(6)(15)VNI 101VNI 102VNI 101VNI 102Self-service network 1VNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24InstanceLinux Bridgebrq(20)(18)(19)(17)(5)(16)(7)(14)(12)(13)(11)Self-service network 2VNI 102, diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index c6eac60a73..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 806e0a412d..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 8b437c68cf..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 17:59:10 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Linux Bridge - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South Scenario 1Compute NodeInstanceLinux Bridgebrq(1)(3)(2)(4)Network NodeLinux BridgebrqLinux BridgebrqRouter Namespaceqrouter(5)(9)(8)(12)(13)(10)(11)(7)(6)(14)(15)VLAN 101VNI 101VNI 101Self-service networkVNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24Provider networkVLAN 101, networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index c9071181ac..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.png deleted file mode 100644 index 3d3d64b796..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index cd64cd86b8..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-flowns2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:00:08 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Linux Bridge - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South Scenario 2Compute NodeInstanceLinux Bridgebrq(15)(13)(14)(12)Network NodeLinux BridgebrqLinux BridgebrqRouter Namespaceqrouter(11)(7)(8)(4)(3)(6)(5)(9)(10)(2)(1)VLAN 101VNI 101VNI 101Self-service networkVNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24Provider networkVLAN 101, networkAggregate diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 9859ee24a0..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index bce458eec7..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 81e524e5fb..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-lb-selfservice-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-21 18:41:59 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Compute NodesLinux Bridge - Self-service NetworksOverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Linux Bridge AgentInterface 1InstanceInterface 2BridgeBridgeFirewall Network NodeLinux Bridge AgentLayer-3 AgentInterface 3BridgeBridgeRouterNamespaceInterface 1Interface 2Interface 3 Physical Network InfrastructureOverlay network10.0.1.0/24Provider networkAggregateSelf-service networkMetadata AgentDHCP AgentMetadataProcessDHCP Namespace diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 94fd9983ea..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index d1bb34c4b3..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index d2ec7345e3..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-04 23:06:33 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeCompute NodeOpen vSwitch - High-availability with DVRComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 1 (untagged)InstanceLinux BridgeqbrDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethtapeth0iptablesPorttapVNI 101Provider networkAggregateInternet OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-inttapInterface 3PortqvoPortPatchtunPatchintPortInterface 3PortqvbvethRouter NamespaceqrouterVLAN 1 OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-intInterface 2Patchint-br-providerPatchphy-br-providerPortInterface 2OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunPatchintPatchtunInterface 3PortInterface 3Self-service networkVNI 101Overlay network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101PortPortqrInternalTunnel IDInternalTunnel IDInternalVLAN OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerDist Router NamespaceqrouterSNAT NamespacesnatFIP NamespacefipPortInterface 2Patchphy-br-providerPortrfpPortqrPortfprPortfgPortfgPortqrPatchint-br-providerPhysical Network InfrastructureInterface 2VLAN 1InternalVLANPortPortPortsgPortqgDVR internal network diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 1bd2dbba01..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 8f63e417a8..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 9f849e636a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowew1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 17:54:05 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute Node 2Compute Node 1Open vSwitch - High-availability with DVRNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 1Instance 1Linux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2)OVS Integration Bridgebr-intSelf-service network 1VNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24Distributed Router Namespaceqrouter(7)(8)(6)(9)Self-service network 2VNI 102, 101VNI 102OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tun(11)(10)(13)(12)Instance 2Linux Bridgeqbr(23)(21)(22)OVS Integration Bridgebr-intDistributed Router NamespaceqrouterOVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tun(17)(18)(16)(14)(15)VNI 101VNI 102(20)(19)(4)(5) diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index e007d507f9..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.png deleted file mode 100644 index bf7af55c86..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 9270e15dab..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 17:55:27 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeOpen vSwitch - High-availability with DVRNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South Scenario 1Provider network 1VLAN 101, NodeInstanceLinux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2)VNI 101Provider networkAggregate OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(5)(8)OVS Integration Bridgebr-intOVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tun OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerSNAT Namespacesnat(9)(20)(21)(18)(11)(13)(12)(16)(17)(15)(14)(19)(22)(10)(6)(7)(23)Self-service networkVNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101VLAN 101 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 27fd411700..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.png deleted file mode 100644 index c1c67085e4..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index e72bc61010..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-flowns2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 17:55:59 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Open vSwitch - High-availability with DVRNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South Scenario 2Provider network 1VLAN 101, NodeInstanceLinux Bridgeqbr(16)(14)(15)Provider networkAggregateOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(13)(12)Self-service networkVNI 101, internal networkDistributed Router NamespaceqrouterFloating IPNamespacefip OVS Provider Bridgebr-provider(5)(9)(10)(8)(7)(4)(3)(2)(1)(6)(11)VLAN 101 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 69ed88d35e..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1b12b3e0fc..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 09560e94a0..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-dvr-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-04 15:57:53 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Network Nodes Compute NodesOpen vSwitch - High-availability with DVROverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Open vSwitch AgentInterface 1Provider networkAggregateInstanceInterface 2FirewallOpen vSwitch AgentOverlay network10.0.1.0/24Self-service networkInterface 1Interface 2IntegrationBridgeProviderBridgeInterface 3TunnelBridgeTunnelBridgeInterface 3 Physical Network InfrastructureDHCP AgentMetadata AgentMetadataProcessDHCP NamespaceIntegrationBridgeLayer-3 AgentRouterNamespaceSNATNamespaceProviderBridgeLayer-3 AgentDist RouterNamespaceFloating IPNamespace diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 5675be93b4..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index cafc1ba663..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 1685a0f340..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-29 22:17:07 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeCompute NodeOpen vSwitch - High-availability with VRRPComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 1 (untagged)InstanceLinux BridgeqbrDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethtapeth0iptablesPorttapVNI 101Provider networkAggregateInternet OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-inttapInterface 3PortqvoPortPatchtunPatchintPortInterface 3PortqvbvethMasterRouter NamespaceqrouterVLAN 1 OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-intInterface 2Patchint-br-providerPatchphy-br-providerPortInterface 2OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunPatchintPatchtunInterface 3PortInterface 3Self-service networkVNI 101Overlay network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101PortPortPortPortInternalTunnel IDInternalTunnel IDInternalVLANNetwork NodeBackupRouter NamespaceqrouterVLAN 1 OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-intInterface 2Patchint-br-providerPatchphy-br-providerPortInterface 2OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunPatchintPatchtunInterface 3PortInterface 3VNI 101PortPortPortPortInternalTunnel IDInternalVLANPhysical Network Infrastructure diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index b5b8fbdab8..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index 9f1e69b93f..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 0833cb2670..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-04 15:21:58 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Network Nodes Compute NodesOpen vSwitch - High-availability with VRRPOverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Open vSwitch AgentInterface 1Provider networkAggregateInstanceInterface 2FirewallProviderBridgeOpen vSwitch AgentLayer-3 AgentOverlay network10.0.1.0/24Self-service networkInterface 1Interface 2IntegrationBridgeProviderBridgeRouterNamespaceInterface 3TunnelBridgeIntegrationBridgeTunnelBridgeInterface 3 Physical Network InfrastructureDHCP AgentMetadata AgentDHCP NamespaceMetadataProcess diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index b41509c4d1..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index dce7d3899a..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 4ec9028d9a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-04 15:54:45 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute NodeOpen vSwitch - Provider NetworksComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 1 (untagged)InstanceLinux BridgeqbrDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethtapeth0iptablesPorttapVLAN 1Provider networkAggregatePhysical Network InfrastructureInternet OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-inttapInterface 2PortqvoPortPatchint-br-providerPatchphy-br-providerPortInterface 2PortqvbvethInternal VLANVLAN 1 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index f01b00ad98..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.png deleted file mode 100644 index ce72ca1a2a..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 481da72132..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-compconn2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-27 19:22:48 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute NodeOpen vSwitch - Provider NetworksComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 101Instance 1DHCP Namespace 1qdhcpMetadataProcessvethInstance 2DHCP Namespace 2qdhcpMetadataProcessvethVLAN 101VLAN 102Provider network 2VLAN 102Provider networkAggregatePhysical Network InfrastructureInternetLinux BridgeqbriptablesLinux BridgeqbriptablesOVS Provider Bridgebr-provider OVS Integration Bridgebr-intPortqvbPortqvbPortqvoPatchint-br-providerPatchphy-br-providerPortqvoInterface 2PortInterface 2tapeth0taptapeth0tapPorttapPorttapPortPortvethvethInternal VLANsVLAN 101VLAN 102 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 37ed2786cd..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.png deleted file mode 100644 index d6bd50a4b8..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 7b0b24efff..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:12:30 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Compute Node 2Open vSwitch - Provider NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 1Provider network 1VLAN 101, 101Physical Network InfrastructureSwitchProvider networkAggregateCompute Node 1Instance 1Linux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2)VLAN 101 OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(5)(6)(7)Instance 2Linux Bridgebrq(20)(18)(19) OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(17)(16)(15)(14)(11)(8)(13)(10)(9)(12) diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index d6e37f334b..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.png deleted file mode 100644 index cc2723d9da..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index a67769522a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowew2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:12:04 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Open vSwitch - Provider NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 2Provider network 1VLAN 101, network 2VLAN 102, Network InfrastructureSwitchRouterVLAN 101VLAN 102(11)(14)(12)(13)Provider networkAggregateCompute NodeInstance 1Linux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2) OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(5)(6)(19)(7)(18)Instance 2Linux Bridgeqbr(24)(22)(21)(23)(20)(10)(15)(8)(17)(9)(16) diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 7eb3edd254..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.png deleted file mode 100644 index ae00b628e1..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 171fc0f6e8..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-flowns1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:11:40 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Physical Network InfrastructureOpen vSwitch - Provider NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South ScenarioProvider network 1VLAN 101, NodeSwitchRouter(16)InstanceLinux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2)VLAN 101(12)(13)(15)(11)(14)Provider networkAggregate OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(10)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 9d5abfa6aa..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index 678828d24a..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index f09c846996..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-provider-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-21 16:20:48 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Compute NodesOpen vSwitch - Provider NetworksOverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Metadata AgentDHCP AgentOpen vSwitch AgentInterface 1MetadataProcessDHCP Namespace Physical Network InfrastructureProvider networkAggregateInstanceInterface 2IntegrationBridgeFirewallProviderBridge diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 21cae57e03..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 24af2c4e12..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 1e7f11528f..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-compconn1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-09-27 23:26:12 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeCompute NodeOpen vSwitch - Self-service NetworksComponents and ConnectivityProvider network 1VLAN 1 (untagged)InstanceLinux BridgeqbrDHCP NamespaceqdhcpMetadataProcessvethtapeth0iptablesPorttapVNI 101Provider networkAggregateInternet OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-inttapInterface 3PortqvoPortPatchtunPatchintPortInterface 3PortqvbvethRouter NamespaceqrouterVLAN 1 OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerOVS Integration Bridgebr-intInterface 2Patchint-br-providerPatchphy-br-providerPortInterface 2OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunPatchintPatchtunPhysical Network InfrastructureInterface 3PortInterface 3Self-service networkVNI 101Overlay network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101PortPortPortPortInternalTunnel IDInternalTunnel IDInternalVLAN diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 09466c6322..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.png deleted file mode 100644 index c92b3a67a7..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 8d3257a5b8..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.1.4 2017-03-02 04:52:59 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Open vSwitch - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 1Compute Node 1Instance 1Linux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2) OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(5)(8)(9)(6)(7)Self-service network 1VNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101Compute Node 2Instance 2Linux Bridgeqbr(19)(17)(18) OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(16)(15)(12)(14)(13)(10)(11)VNI 101 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index ec61be50f4..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.png deleted file mode 100644 index c29a7c9d05..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 451cec0e1e..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowew2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:10:04 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Open vSwitch - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - East/West Scenario 2Compute NodeInstance 1Linux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2) OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(8)(25)(9)(24)(6)(27)(7)(26)Self-service network 1VNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101VNI 102(10)(23)Network NodeVNI 101VNI 102OVS Integration Bridgebr-intOVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunRouter Namespaceqrouter(18)(11)(22)(13)(20)(12)(21)(16)(17)(15)(14)(19)Instance 2Linux Bridgeqbr(32)(30)(31)(5)(28)(29)Self-service network 2VNI 102, diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 005c9be0ea..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.png deleted file mode 100644 index f1d83ce183..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index c48b5ee898..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:09:40 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeOpen vSwitch - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South Scenario 1Provider network 1VLAN 101, NodeInstanceLinux Bridgeqbr(1)(3)(2)VNI 101Provider networkAggregate OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(4)(5)(8)OVS Integration Bridgebr-intOVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tun OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerRouter Namespaceqrouter(9)(20)(21)(18)(11)(13)(12)(16)(17)(15)(14)(19)(22)(10)(6)(7)(23)Self-service networkVNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101VLAN 101 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 6eced6be25..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.png deleted file mode 100644 index a4b4b2506f..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index a87277a429..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-flowns2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:08:42 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1Network NodeOpen vSwitch - Self-service NetworksNetwork Traffic Flow - North/South Scenario 2Provider network 1VLAN 101, NodeInstanceLinux Bridgeqbr(23)(21)(22)VNI 101Provider networkAggregate OVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tunOVS Integration Bridgebr-int(20)(19)(16)OVS Integration Bridgebr-intOVS Tunnel Bridgebr-tun OVS Provider Bridgebr-providerRouter Namespaceqrouter(15)(4)(3)(6)(13)(11)(12)(8)(7)(9)(10)(5)(2)(14)(18)(17)(1)Self-service networkVNI 101, network10.0.1.0/24VNI 101VLAN 101 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.graffle b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.graffle deleted file mode 100644 index 93ad8d94ee..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.graffle and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.png deleted file mode 100644 index 623793e2db..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.svg deleted file mode 100644 index febd75e441..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/deploy-ovs-selfservice-overview.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - Produced by OmniGraffle 6.6.1 2016-10-06 18:08:15 +0000Canvas 1Layer 1 Network Node Compute NodesOpen vSwitch - Self-service NetworksOverviewInternetProvider network Controller NodeSQLDatabaseMessageBusNetworkingManagementML2 Plug-inAPIManagement network10.0.0.0/24Interface 1Open vSwitch AgentInterface 1Provider networkAggregateInstanceInterface 2FirewallProviderBridgeOpen vSwitch AgentLayer-3 AgentOverlay network10.0.1.0/24Self-service networkInterface 1Interface 2IntegrationBridgeProviderBridgeRouterNamespaceInterface 3TunnelBridgeIntegrationBridgeTunnelBridgeInterface 3 Physical Network InfrastructureDHCP AgentMetadata AgentDHCP NamespaceMetadataProcess diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/fwaas.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/fwaas.png deleted file mode 100644 index a0b6d5456f..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/fwaas.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/fwaas.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/fwaas.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 8789f94ca1..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/fwaas.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33668 +0,0 @@ - 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- - - - - - - - - - - Neutron Router - Networking Node 1 - Compute Node 2 - Open vSwitch 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Security Group - - - - - - - Tenant Network 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Compute Node 1 - Open vSwitch 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VM1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Security Group - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/lbaasv2-diagram.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/lbaasv2-diagram.png deleted file mode 100644 index f77453b01b..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/lbaasv2-diagram.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/lbaasv2-diagram.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/lbaasv2-diagram.svg deleted file mode 100644 index c431292b37..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/lbaasv2-diagram.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Load Balancer
[Not supported by viewer]
Port 80 / HTTP
[Not supported by viewer]
Port 443 / HTTPS
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Health Monitor
[Not supported by viewer]
Health Monitor
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/port-chain-architecture-diagram.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/port-chain-architecture-diagram.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1262b28005..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/port-chain-architecture-diagram.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/port-chain-diagram.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/port-chain-diagram.png deleted file mode 100644 index 6ac6b81312..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/port-chain-diagram.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-compute1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-compute1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 44c24c6d14..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-compute1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Compute Node
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
VLAN network
[Not supported by viewer]
Linux Network Utilities
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node Overview
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-compute2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-compute2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index d6fedf338a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-compute2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
VLAN network
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node Components
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Project Network 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Project Network 2
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 14cedbaf59..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index b74823afc5..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Compute Node 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Instance 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Traffic Flow - East/West
Instances on different networks

[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Project Network 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Node
Black Box
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
VLAN Network
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Instance 2
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Project Network 2
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew2.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew2.png deleted file mode 100644 index fd34320f21..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew2.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 1a0bc42c68..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowew2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Compute Node 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Instance 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Traffic Flow - East/West
Instances on same network

[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Project Network 1
[Not supported by viewer]
VLAN Network
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Instance 2
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowns1.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowns1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 0c56f590fa..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowns1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowns1.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowns1.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 40de69f0d3..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-flowns1.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Compute Node 1
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Traffic Flow - North/South
Instances with a fixed IP Address

[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Project Network 1
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Node
Black Box
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
VLAN Network
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-networks.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-networks.png deleted file mode 100644 index f046929d2e..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-networks.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-networks.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-networks.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 40b1421984..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-networks.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Controller Node
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Node
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 3
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Management  Network
[Not supported by viewer]
VLAN network
[Not supported by viewer]
External  Network
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Layout
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-services.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-services.png deleted file mode 100644 index 22eeb112d9..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-services.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-services.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-services.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 0ef86831af..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt-services.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Service Layout
[Not supported by viewer]
Controller Node
[Not supported by viewer]
Networking Management
[Not supported by viewer]
 ML2 Plug-in
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Node
[Not supported by viewer]
Linux Network
[Not supported by viewer]
 ML2 Plug-in
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Linuxbridge or OVS agent
[Not supported by viewer]
DHCP Agent
[Not supported by viewer]
Metadata Agent
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Nodes
[Not supported by viewer]
Linux Network
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Macvtap agent
[Not supported by viewer]
KVM Hypervisor
[Not supported by viewer]
 ML2 Plug-in
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt.png b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt.png deleted file mode 100644 index 9192b9db53..0000000000 Binary files a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt.svg b/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 43e8b4f546..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/figures/scenario-classic-mt.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
Compute Node 1
[Not supported by viewer]
Network Node
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 3
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
VLAN network
[Not supported by viewer]
External  Network
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
DHCP Service
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node 2
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
Compute Node X
[Not supported by viewer]
Interface 2
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
[Not supported by viewer]
General Architecture
[Not supported by viewer]
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas-v1-scenario.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas-v1-scenario.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ae76b89efc..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas-v1-scenario.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1 scenario -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Enable FWaaS v1 ---------------- - -FWaaS management options are also available in the Dashboard. - -#. Enable the FWaaS plug-in in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - service_plugins = firewall - - [service_providers] - # ... - service_provider = FIREWALL:Iptables:neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver:default - - [fwaas] - driver = neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.drivers.linux.iptables_fwaas.IptablesFwaasDriver - enabled = True - - .. note:: - - On Ubuntu, modify the ``[fwaas]`` section in the - ``/etc/neutron/fwaas_driver.ini`` file instead of - ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. - -#. Configure the FWaaS plugin for the L3 agent. - - In the ``AGENT`` section of ``l3_agent.ini``, make sure the FWaaS extension - is loaded: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [AGENT] - extensions = fwaas - - Edit the FWaaS section in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file to indicate - the agent version and driver: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [fwaas] - agent_version = v1 - driver = iptables - enabled = True - conntrack_driver = conntrack - -#. Create the required tables in the database: - - .. code-block:: console - - # neutron-db-manage --subproject neutron-fwaas upgrade head - -#. Enable the option in the ``local_settings.py`` file, - which is typically located on the controller node: - - .. code-block:: python - - OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK = { - # ... - 'enable_firewall' = True, - # ... - } - - .. note:: - - By default, ``enable_firewall`` option value is ``True`` in - ``local_settings.py`` file. - - Apply the settings by restarting the web server. - -#. Restart the ``neutron-l3-agent`` and ``neutron-server`` services - to apply the settings. - -Configure Firewall-as-a-Service v1 ----------------------------------- - -Create the firewall rules and create a policy that contains them. -Then, create a firewall that applies the policy. - -#. Create a firewall rule: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron firewall-rule-create --protocol {tcp,udp,icmp,any} \ - --source-ip-address SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS \ - --destination-ip-address DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS \ - --source-port SOURCE_PORT_RANGE --destination-port DEST_PORT_RANGE \ - --action {allow,deny,reject} - - The Networking client requires a protocol value. If the rule is protocol - agnostic, you can use the ``any`` value. - - .. note:: - - When the source or destination IP address are not of the same IP - version (for example, IPv6), the command returns an error. - -#. Create a firewall policy: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron firewall-policy-create --firewall-rules \ - "FIREWALL_RULE_IDS_OR_NAMES" myfirewallpolicy - - Separate firewall rule IDs or names with spaces. The order in which you - specify the rules is important. - - You can create a firewall policy without any rules and add rules later, - as follows: - - * To add multiple rules, use the update operation. - - * To add a single rule, use the insert-rule operation. - - For more details, see `Networking command-line client - `_ - in the OpenStack Command-Line Interface Reference. - - .. note:: - - FWaaS always adds a default ``deny all`` rule at the lowest precedence - of each policy. Consequently, a firewall policy with no rules blocks - all traffic by default. - -#. Create a firewall: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron firewall-create FIREWALL_POLICY_UUID - - .. note:: - - The firewall remains in PENDING\_CREATE state until you create a - Networking router and attach an interface to it. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas-v2-scenario.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas-v2-scenario.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e784da3be0..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas-v2-scenario.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v2 scenario -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Enable FWaaS v2 ---------------- - -#. Enable the FWaaS plug-in in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file: - - .. code-block:: ini - - service_plugins = firewall_v2 - - [service_providers] - # ... - service_provider = FIREWALL:Iptables:neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver:default - - [fwaas] - agent_version = v2 - driver = neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.drivers.linux.iptables_fwaas_v2.IptablesFwaasDriver - enabled = True - - .. note:: - - On Ubuntu and Centos, modify the ``[fwaas]`` section in the - ``/etc/neutron/fwaas_driver.ini`` file instead of - ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. - -#. Configure the FWaaS plugin for the L3 agent. - - In the ``AGENT`` section of ``l3_agent.ini``, make sure the FWaaS extension - is loaded: - - .. code-block:: ini - - [AGENT] - extensions = fwaas - -#. Create the required tables in the database: - - .. code-block:: console - - # neutron-db-manage --subproject neutron-fwaas upgrade head - -#. Restart the ``neutron-l3-agent`` and ``neutron-server`` services - to apply the settings. - - .. note:: - - Firewall v2 is not supported by horizon yet. - -Configure Firewall-as-a-Service v2 ----------------------------------- - -Create the firewall rules and create a policy that contains them. -Then, create a firewall that applies the policy. - -#. Create a firewall rule: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron firewall-rule-create --protocol {tcp,udp,icmp,any} \ - --source-ip-address SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS \ - --destination-ip-address DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS \ - --source-port SOURCE_PORT_RANGE --destination-port DEST_PORT_RANGE \ - --action {allow,deny,reject} - - The Networking client requires a protocol value. If the rule is protocol - agnostic, you can use the ``any`` value. - - .. note:: - - When the source or destination IP address are not of the same IP - version (for example, IPv6), the command returns an error. - -#. Create a firewall policy: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron firewall-policy-create --firewall-rules \ - "FIREWALL_RULE_IDS_OR_NAMES" myfirewallpolicy - - Separate firewall rule IDs or names with spaces. The order in which you - specify the rules is important. - - You can create a firewall policy without any rules and add rules later, - as follows: - - * To add multiple rules, use the update operation. - - * To add a single rule, use the insert-rule operation. - - For more details, see `Networking command-line client - `_ - in the OpenStack Command-Line Interface Reference. - - .. note:: - - FWaaS always adds a default ``deny all`` rule at the lowest precedence - of each policy. Consequently, a firewall policy with no rules blocks - all traffic by default. - -#. Create a firewall: - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron firewall-create FIREWALL_POLICY_UUID - - .. note:: - - The firewall remains in PENDING\_CREATE state until you create a - Networking router and attach an interface to it. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9ece4849ae..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/fwaas.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) plug-in applies firewalls to -OpenStack objects such as projects, routers, and router ports. - -.. note:: - - We anticipate this to expand to VM ports in the Ocata cycle. - -The central concepts with OpenStack firewalls are the notions of a firewall -policy and a firewall rule. A policy is an ordered collection of rules. A rule -specifies a collection of attributes (such as port ranges, protocol, and IP -addresses) that constitute match criteria and an action to take (allow or deny) -on matched traffic. A policy can be made public, so it can be shared across -projects. - -Firewalls are implemented in various ways, depending on the driver used. For -example, an iptables driver implements firewalls using iptable rules. An -OpenVSwitch driver implements firewall rules using flow entries in flow tables. -A Cisco firewall driver manipulates NSX devices. - -FWaaS v1 --------- - -The original FWaaS implementation, v1, provides protection for routers. When -a firewall is applied to a router, all internal ports are protected. - -The following diagram depicts FWaaS v1 protection. It illustrates the flow of -ingress and egress traffic for the VM2 instance: - -.. figure:: figures/fwaas.png - -FWaaS v2 --------- - -The newer FWaaS implementation, v2, provides a much more granular service. -The notion of a firewall has been replaced with firewall group to indicate -that a firewall consists of two policies: an ingress policy and an egress -policy. A firewall group is applied not at the router level (all ports on a -router) but at the port level. Currently, router ports can be specified. For -Ocata, VM ports can also be specified. - -FWaaS v1 versus v2 ------------------- - -The following table compares v1 and v2 features. - -+------------------------------------------+-----+------+ -| Feature | v1 | v2 | -+==========================================+=====+======+ -| Supports L3 firewalling for routers | YES | NO* | -+------------------------------------------+-----+------+ -| Supports L3 firewalling for router ports | NO | YES | -+------------------------------------------+-----+------+ -| Supports L2 firewalling (VM ports) | NO | NO** | -+------------------------------------------+-----+------+ -| CLI support | YES | YES | -+------------------------------------------+-----+------+ -| Horizon support | YES | NO | -+------------------------------------------+-----+------+ - -\* A firewall group can be applied to all ports on a given router in order to -effect this. - -\*\* This feature is planned for Ocata. - -For further information, see `v1 configuration guide -`_ or -`v2 configuration guide -`_. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/index.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/index.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 8045667063..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/index.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -.. meta:: - :description: This guide targets OpenStack administrators seeking - to deploy and manage OpenStack Networking (neutron). - :keywords: neutron, networking, OpenStack - -========================== -OpenStack Networking Guide -========================== - -Abstract -~~~~~~~~ - -This guide targets OpenStack administrators seeking to deploy and -manage OpenStack Networking (neutron). - -This guide documents the OpenStack Ocata release. - -Contents -~~~~~~~~ - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - common/conventions - intro - config - deploy - ops - migration - misc - common/appendix.rst diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-basic-networking.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-basic-networking.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 8f645fd079..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-basic-networking.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,481 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro-basic-networking: - -================ -Basic networking -================ - -Ethernet -~~~~~~~~ - -Ethernet is a networking protocol, specified by the IEEE 802.3 standard. Most -wired network interface cards (NICs) communicate using Ethernet. - -In the `OSI model `_ of networking -protocols, Ethernet occupies the second layer, which is known as the data -link layer. When discussing Ethernet, you will often hear terms such as -*local network*, *layer 2*, *L2*, *link layer* and *data link layer*. - -In an Ethernet network, the hosts connected to the network communicate -by exchanging *frames*. Every host on an Ethernet network is uniquely -identified by an address called the media access control (MAC) address. -In particular, every virtual machine instance in an OpenStack environment -has a unique MAC address, which is different from the MAC address of the -compute host. A MAC address has 48 bits and is typically represented as a -hexadecimal string, such as ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``. The MAC address is -hard-coded into the NIC by the manufacturer, although modern NICs -allow you to change the MAC address programmatically. In Linux, you can -retrieve the MAC address of a NIC using the :command:`ip` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ip link show eth0 - 2: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 - link/ether 08:00:27:b9:88:74 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff - -Conceptually, you can think of an Ethernet network as a single bus -that each of the network hosts connects to. In early implementations, -an Ethernet network consisted of a single coaxial cable that hosts -would tap into to connect to the network. However, network hosts in -modern Ethernet networks connect directly to a network device called a -*switch*. Still, this conceptual model is useful, and in network diagrams -(including those generated by the OpenStack dashboard) an Ethernet network -is often depicted as if it was a single bus. You'll sometimes hear an -Ethernet network referred to as a *layer 2 segment*. - -In an Ethernet network, every host on the network can send a frame directly to -every other host. An Ethernet network also supports broadcasts so -that one host can send a frame to every host on the network by sending to the -special MAC address ``ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff``. ARP_ and DHCP_ -are two notable protocols that use Ethernet broadcasts. Because Ethernet -networks support broadcasts, you will sometimes hear an Ethernet network -referred to as a *broadcast domain*. - -When a NIC receives an Ethernet frame, by default the NIC checks to -see if the destination MAC address matches the address of the NIC (or -the broadcast address), and the Ethernet frame is discarded if the MAC -address does not match. For a compute host, this behavior is -undesirable because the frame may be intended for one of the -instances. NICs can be configured for *promiscuous mode*, where they -pass all Ethernet frames to the operating system, even if the MAC -address does not match. Compute hosts should always have the -appropriate NICs configured for promiscuous mode. - -As mentioned earlier, modern Ethernet networks use switches to -interconnect the network hosts. A switch is a box of networking -hardware with a large number of ports that forward Ethernet frames -from one connected host to another. When hosts first send frames over -the switch, the switch doesn’t know which MAC address is associated -with which port. If an Ethernet frame is destined for an unknown MAC -address, the switch broadcasts the frame to all ports. The switch learns -which MAC addresses are at which ports by observing the traffic. Once -it knows which MAC address is associated with a port, it can send -Ethernet frames to the correct port instead of broadcasting. The -switch maintains the mappings of MAC addresses to switch ports in a -table called a *forwarding table* or *forwarding information base* -(FIB). Switches can be daisy-chained together, and the resulting -connection of switches and hosts behaves like a single network. - -VLANs -~~~~~ - -VLAN is a networking technology that enables a single switch to act as -if it was multiple independent switches. Specifically, two hosts that -are connected to the same switch but on different VLANs do not see -each other's traffic. OpenStack is able to take advantage of VLANs to -isolate the traffic of different projects, even if the projects happen -to have instances running on the same compute host. Each VLAN has an -associated numerical ID, between 1 and 4095. We say "VLAN 15" to refer -to the VLAN with a numerical ID of 15. - -To understand how VLANs work, let's consider VLAN applications in a -traditional IT environment, where physical hosts are attached to a -physical switch, and no virtualization is involved. Imagine a scenario -where you want three isolated networks but you only have a single -physical switch. The network administrator would choose three VLAN -IDs, for example, 10, 11, and 12, and would configure the switch to -associate switchports with VLAN IDs. For example, switchport 2 might be -associated with VLAN 10, switchport 3 might be associated with VLAN -11, and so forth. When a switchport is configured for a specific VLAN, -it is called an *access port*. The switch is responsible for ensuring -that the network traffic is isolated across the VLANs. - -Now consider the scenario that all of the switchports in the first -switch become occupied, and so the organization buys a second switch -and connects it to the first switch to expand the available number of -switchports. The second switch is also configured to support VLAN IDs -10, 11, and 12. Now imagine host A connected to switch 1 on a port -configured for VLAN ID 10 sends an Ethernet frame intended for host B -connected to switch 2 on a port configured for VLAN ID 10. When switch -1 forwards the Ethernet frame to switch 2, it must communicate that -the frame is associated with VLAN ID 10. - -If two switches are to be connected together, and the switches are configured -for VLANs, then the switchports used for cross-connecting the switches must be -configured to allow Ethernet frames from any VLAN to be -forwarded to the other switch. In addition, the sending switch must tag each -Ethernet frame with the VLAN ID so that the receiving switch can ensure that -only hosts on the matching VLAN are eligible to receive the frame. - -A switchport that is configured to pass frames from all VLANs and tag them with -the VLAN IDs is called a *trunk port*. IEEE 802.1Q is the network standard -that describes how VLAN tags are encoded in Ethernet frames when trunking is -being used. - -Note that if you are using VLANs on your physical switches to implement project -isolation in your OpenStack cloud, you must ensure that all of your -switchports are configured as trunk ports. - -It is important that you select a VLAN range not being used by your current -network infrastructure. For example, if you estimate that your cloud must -support a maximum of 100 projects, pick a VLAN range outside of that value, -such as VLAN 200–299. OpenStack, and all physical network infrastructure that -handles project networks, must then support this VLAN range. - -Trunking is used to connect between different switches. Each trunk uses a tag -to identify which VLAN is in use. This ensures that switches on the same VLAN -can communicate. - - -.. _ARP: - -Subnets and ARP -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -While NICs use MAC addresses to address network hosts, TCP/IP applications use -IP addresses. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) bridges the gap between -Ethernet and IP by translating IP addresses into MAC addresses. - -IP addresses are broken up into two parts: a *network number* and a *host -identifier*. Two hosts are on the same *subnet* if they have the same network -number. Recall that two hosts can only communicate directly over Ethernet if -they are on the same local network. ARP assumes that all machines that are in -the same subnet are on the same local network. Network administrators must -take care when assigning IP addresses and netmasks to hosts so that any two -hosts that are in the same subnet are on the same local network, otherwise ARP -does not work properly. - -To calculate the network number of an IP address, you must know the *netmask* -associated with the address. A netmask indicates how many of the bits in -the 32-bit IP address make up the network number. - -There are two syntaxes for expressing a netmask: - -* dotted quad -* classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) - -Consider an IP address of, where the first 24 bits of the -address are the network number. In dotted quad notation, the netmask -would be written as ````. CIDR notation includes both the -IP address and netmask, and this example would be written as -````. - -.. note:: - - Creating CIDR subnets including a multicast address or a loopback address - cannot be used in an OpenStack environment. For example, creating a subnet - using ```` or ```` is not supported. - -Sometimes we want to refer to a subnet, but not any particular IP -address on the subnet. A common convention is to set the host -identifier to all zeros to make reference to a subnet. For example, if -a host's IP address is ````, then we would say the -subnet is ````. - -To understand how ARP translates IP addresses to MAC addresses, -consider the following example. Assume host *A* has an IP address of -```` and a MAC address of ``fc:99:47:49:d4:a0``, and -wants to send a packet to host *B* with an IP address of -````. Note that the network number is the same for both -hosts, so host *A* is able to send frames directly to host *B*. - -The first time host *A* attempts to communicate with host *B*, the -destination MAC address is not known. Host *A* makes an ARP request to -the local network. The request is a broadcast with a message like -this: - -*To: everybody (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff). I am looking for the computer who -has IP address Signed: MAC address fc:99:47:49:d4:a0*. - -Host *B* responds with a response like this: - -*To: fc:99:47:49:d4:a0. I have IP address Signed: MAC -address 54:78:1a:86:00:a5.* - -Host *A* then sends Ethernet frames to host *B*. - -You can initiate an ARP request manually using the :command:`arping` command. -For example, to send an ARP request to IP address ````: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ arping -I eth0 - ARPING from eth0 - Unicast reply from [54:78:1A:86:1C:0B] 0.670ms - Unicast reply from [54:78:1A:86:1C:0B] 0.722ms - Unicast reply from [54:78:1A:86:1C:0B] 0.723ms - Sent 3 probes (1 broadcast(s)) - Received 3 response(s) - -To reduce the number of ARP requests, operating systems maintain an ARP cache -that contains the mappings of IP addresses to MAC address. On a Linux machine, -you can view the contents of the ARP cache by using the :command:`arp` -command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ arp -n - Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface - ether 52:54:00:12:35:03 C eth0 - ether 52:54:00:12:35:02 C eth0 - -.. _DHCP: - -DHCP -~~~~ - -Hosts connected to a network use the :term:`Dynamic Host Configuration -Protocol (DHCP)` to dynamically obtain IP addresses. A DHCP -server hands out the IP addresses to network hosts, which are the DHCP -clients. - -DHCP clients locate the DHCP server by sending a UDP_ packet from port -68 to address ```` on port 67. Address -```` is the local network broadcast address: all hosts -on the local network see the UDP packets sent to this address. -However, such packets are not forwarded to other networks. -Consequently, the DHCP server must be on the same local network as the -client, or the server will not receive the broadcast. The DHCP server -responds by sending a UDP packet from port 67 to port 68 on the -client. The exchange looks like this: - -1. The client sends a discover ("I’m a client at MAC address - ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``, I need an IP address") -2. The server sends an offer ("OK ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``, I’m offering - IP address ````") -3. The client sends a request ("Server ````, I would like - to have IP ````") -4. The server sends an acknowledgement ("OK ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``, IP - ```` is yours") - - -OpenStack uses a third-party program called -`dnsmasq `_ -to implement the DHCP server. -Dnsmasq writes to the syslog, where you can observe the DHCP request -and replies:: - - Apr 23 15:53:46 c100-1 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 08:00:27:b9:88:74 via eth2 - Apr 23 15:53:46 c100-1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 08:00:27:b9:88:74 via eth2 - Apr 23 15:53:48 c100-1 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 08:00:27:b9:88:74 via eth2 - Apr 23 15:53:48 c100-1 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 08:00:27:b9:88:74 via eth2 - -When troubleshooting an instance that is not reachable over the network, it can -be helpful to examine this log to verify that all four steps of the DHCP -protocol were carried out for the instance in question. - - -IP -~~ - -The Internet Protocol (IP) specifies how to route packets between -hosts that are connected to different local networks. IP relies on -special network hosts called *routers* or *gateways*. A router is a -host that is connected to at least two local networks and can forward -IP packets from one local network to another. A router has multiple IP -addresses: one for each of the networks it is connected to. - -In the OSI model of networking protocols IP occupies the third layer, -known as the network layer. When discussing IP, you will often hear terms -such as *layer 3*, *L3*, and *network layer*. - -A host sending a packet to an IP address consults its *routing table* -to determine which machine on the local network(s) the packet should -be sent to. The routing table maintains a list of the subnets -associated with each local network that the host is directly connected -to, as well as a list of routers that are on these local networks. - -On a Linux machine, any of the following commands displays the routing table: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ip route show - $ route -n - $ netstat -rn - -Here is an example of output from :command:`ip route show`: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ip route show - default via dev eth0 - dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src - dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src - dev virbr0 proto kernel scope link src - -Line 1 of the output specifies the location of the default route, -which is the effective routing rule if none of the other rules match. -The router associated with the default route (```` in the -example above) is sometimes referred to as the *default gateway*. A -DHCP_ server typically transmits the IP address of the default gateway -to the DHCP client along with the client's IP address and a netmask. - -Line 2 of the output specifies that IPs in the ```` subnet are on -the local network associated with the network interface eth0. - -Line 3 of the output specifies that IPs in the ```` subnet -are on the local network associated with the network interface eth1. - -Line 4 of the output specifies that IPs in the ```` subnet are -on the local network associated with the network interface virbr0. - -The output of the :command:`route -n` and :command:`netstat -rn` commands are -formatted in a slightly different way. This example shows how the same -routes would be formatted using these commands: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ route -n - Kernel IP routing table - Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface - UG 0 0 0 eth0 - U 0 0 0 eth0 - U 0 0 0 eth1 - U 0 0 0 virbr0 - -The :command:`ip route get` command outputs the route for a destination -IP address. From the below example, destination IP address ```` is on -the local network of eth0 and would be sent directly: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ip route get - dev eth0 src - -The destination IP address ```` is not on any of the connected -local networks and would be forwarded to the default gateway at ````: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ ip route get - via dev eth0 src - -It is common for a packet to hop across multiple routers to reach its final -destination. On a Linux machine, the ``traceroute`` and more recent ``mtr`` -programs prints out the IP address of each router that an IP packet -traverses along its path to its destination. - -.. _UDP: - -TCP/UDP/ICMP -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -For networked software applications to communicate over an IP network, they -must use a protocol layered atop IP. These protocols occupy the fourth -layer of the OSI model known as the *transport layer* or *layer 4*. See the -`Protocol Numbers `_ -web page maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers -Authority (IANA) for a list of protocols that layer atop IP and their -associated numbers. - -The *Transmission Control Protocol* (TCP) is the most -commonly used layer 4 protocol in networked applications. TCP is a -*connection-oriented* protocol: it uses a client-server model where a client -connects to a server, where *server* refers to the application that receives -connections. The typical interaction in a TCP-based application proceeds as -follows: - - -1. Client connects to server. -2. Client and server exchange data. -3. Client or server disconnects. - -Because a network host may have multiple TCP-based applications running, TCP -uses an addressing scheme called *ports* to uniquely identify TCP-based -applications. A TCP port is associated with a number in the range 1-65535, and -only one application on a host can be associated with a TCP port at a time, a -restriction that is enforced by the operating system. - -A TCP server is said to *listen* on a port. For example, an SSH server -typically listens on port 22. For a client to connect to a server -using TCP, the client must know both the IP address of a server's host -and the server's TCP port. - -The operating system of the TCP client application automatically -assigns a port number to the client. The client owns this port number -until the TCP connection is terminated, after which the operating -system reclaims the port number. These types of ports are referred to -as *ephemeral ports*. - -IANA maintains a `registry of port numbers -`_ -for many TCP-based services, as well as services that use other layer 4 -protocols that employ ports. Registering a TCP port number is not required, but -registering a port number is helpful to avoid collisions with other -services. See `firewalls and default ports -`_ -in OpenStack Administrator Guide for the default TCP ports used by -various services involved in an OpenStack deployment. - - -The most common application programming interface (API) for writing TCP-based -applications is called *Berkeley sockets*, also known as *BSD sockets* or, -simply, *sockets*. The sockets API exposes a *stream oriented* interface for -writing TCP applications. From the perspective of a programmer, sending data -over a TCP connection is similar to writing a stream of bytes to a file. It is -the responsibility of the operating system's TCP/IP implementation to break up -the stream of data into IP packets. The operating system is also -responsible for automatically retransmitting dropped packets, and for -handling flow control to ensure that transmitted data does not overrun -the sender's data buffers, receiver's data buffers, and network -capacity. Finally, the operating system is responsible for -re-assembling the packets in the correct order into a stream of data -on the receiver's side. Because TCP detects and retransmits lost -packets, it is said to be a *reliable* protocol. - -The *User Datagram Protocol* (UDP) is another layer 4 protocol that is -the basis of several well-known networking protocols. UDP is a -*connectionless* protocol: two applications that communicate over UDP -do not need to establish a connection before exchanging data. UDP is -also an *unreliable* protocol. The operating system does not attempt -to retransmit or even detect lost UDP packets. The operating system -also does not provide any guarantee that the receiving application -sees the UDP packets in the same order that they were sent in. - -UDP, like TCP, uses the notion of ports to distinguish between different -applications running on the same system. Note, however, that operating systems -treat UDP ports separately from TCP ports. For example, it is possible for one -application to be associated with TCP port 16543 and a separate application to -be associated with UDP port 16543. - -Like TCP, the sockets API is the most common API for writing UDP-based -applications. The sockets API provides a *message-oriented* interface for -writing UDP applications: a programmer sends data over UDP by transmitting a -fixed-sized message. If an application requires retransmissions of lost packets -or a well-defined ordering of received packets, the programmer is responsible -for implementing this functionality in the application code. - -DHCP_, the Domain Name System (DNS), the Network Time Protocol (NTP), and -:ref:`VXLAN` are examples of UDP-based protocols used in OpenStack deployments. - -UDP has support for one-to-many communication: sending a single packet -to multiple hosts. An application can broadcast a UDP packet to all of -the network hosts on a local network by setting the receiver IP -address as the special IP broadcast address ````. An -application can also send a UDP packet to a set of receivers using *IP -multicast*. The intended receiver applications join a multicast group -by binding a UDP socket to a special IP address that is one of the -valid multicast group addresses. The receiving hosts do not have to be -on the same local network as the sender, but the intervening routers -must be configured to support IP multicast routing. VXLAN is an -example of a UDP-based protocol that uses IP multicast. - -The *Internet Control Message Protocol* (ICMP) is a protocol used for sending -control messages over an IP network. For example, a router that receives an IP -packet may send an ICMP packet back to the source if there is no route in the -router's routing table that corresponds to the destination address -(ICMP code 1, destination host unreachable) or if the IP packet is too -large for the router to handle (ICMP code 4, fragmentation required -and "don't fragment" flag is set). - -The :command:`ping` and :command:`mtr` Linux command-line tools are two -examples of network utilities that use ICMP. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-nat.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-nat.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d700a1d746..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-nat.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro-nat: - -=========================== -Network address translation -=========================== - -*Network Address Translation* (NAT) is a process for modifying the source or -destination addresses in the headers of an IP packet while the packet is -in transit. In general, the sender and receiver applications are not aware that -the IP packets are being manipulated. - -NAT is often implemented by routers, and so we will refer to the host -performing NAT as a *NAT router*. However, in OpenStack deployments it -is typically Linux servers that implement the NAT functionality, not -hardware routers. These servers use the -`iptables `_ -software package to implement the NAT functionality. - -There are multiple variations of NAT, and here we describe three kinds -commonly found in OpenStack deployments. - -SNAT -~~~~ - -In *Source Network Address Translation* (SNAT), the NAT router modifies the IP -address of the sender in IP packets. SNAT is commonly used to enable -hosts with *private addresses* to communicate with servers on the -public Internet. - -`RFC 5737 `_ -reserves the following three subnets as private addresses: - -* ```` -* ```` -* ```` - -These IP addresses are not publicly routable, meaning that a host on the public -Internet can not send an IP packet to any of these addresses. Private IP -addresses are widely used in both residential and corporate environments. - -Often, an application running on a host with a private IP address will need to -connect to a server on the public Internet. An example is a user -who wants to access a public website such as www.openstack.org. If the IP -packets reach the web server at www.openstack.org with a private IP address as -the source, then the web server cannot send packets back to the sender. - -SNAT solves this problem by modifying the source IP address to an IP address -that is routable on the public Internet. There are different variations of -SNAT; in the form that OpenStack deployments use, a NAT router on the path -between the sender and receiver replaces the packet's source IP -address with the router's public IP address. The router also modifies -the source TCP or UDP port to another value, and the router maintains -a record of the sender's true IP address and port, as well as the -modified IP address and port. - -When the router receives a packet with the matching IP address and port, it -translates these back to the private IP address and port, and forwards the -packet along. - -Because the NAT router modifies ports as well as IP addresses, this -form of SNAT is sometimes referred to as *Port Address Translation* -(PAT). It is also sometimes referred to as *NAT overload*. - -OpenStack uses SNAT to enable applications running inside of instances to -connect out to the public Internet. - -DNAT -~~~~ - -In *Destination Network Address Translation* (DNAT), the NAT router -modifies the IP address of the destination in IP packet headers. - -OpenStack uses DNAT to route packets from instances to the OpenStack -metadata service. Applications running inside of instances access the -OpenStack metadata service by making HTTP GET requests to a web server -with IP address In an OpenStack deployment, there is -no host with this IP address. Instead, OpenStack uses DNAT to change -the destination IP of these packets so they reach the network -interface that a metadata service is listening on. - -One-to-one NAT -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In *one-to-one NAT*, the NAT router maintains a one-to-one mapping -between private IP addresses and public IP addresses. OpenStack uses -one-to-one NAT to implement floating IP addresses. - diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-network-components.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-network-components.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 49f0d6db0f..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-network-components.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro-network-components: - -================== -Network components -================== - -Switches -~~~~~~~~ - -Switches are Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) devices that enable packets -to travel from one node to another. Switches connect hosts that belong -to the same layer-2 network. Switches enable forwarding of the -packet received on one port (input) to another port (output) so that they -reach the desired destination node. Switches operate at layer-2 in the -networking model. They forward the traffic based on the destination -Ethernet address in the packet header. - -Routers -~~~~~~~ - -Routers are special devices that enable packets to travel from one -layer-3 network to another. Routers enable communication between two nodes -on different layer-3 networks that are not directly connected to each other. -Routers operate at layer-3 in the networking model. They route the traffic -based on the destination IP address in the packet header. - -Firewalls -~~~~~~~~~ - -Firewalls are used to regulate traffic to and from a host or a network. -A firewall can be either a specialized device connecting two networks or -a software-based filtering mechanism implemented on an operating system. -Firewalls are used to restrict traffic to a host based on the rules -defined on the host. They can filter packets based on several criteria such as -source IP address, destination IP address, port numbers, connection state, -and so on. It is primarily used to protect the hosts from unauthorized access -and malicious attacks. Linux-based operating systems implement firewalls -through ``iptables``. - -Load balancers -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Load balancers can be software-based or hardware-based devices that allow -traffic to evenly be distributed across several servers. By distributing the -traffic across multiple servers, it avoids overload of a single server thereby -preventing a single point of failure in the product. This further improves the -performance, network throughput, and response time of the servers. -Load balancers are typically used in a 3-tier architecture. In this model, -a load balancer receives a request from the front-end web server, -which then forwards the request to one of the available back-end database -servers for processing. The response from the database server is passed back to -the web server for further processing. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-network-namespaces.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-network-namespaces.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 20622fc8b1..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-network-namespaces.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro-network-namespaces: - -================== -Network namespaces -================== - -A namespace is a way of scoping a particular set of identifiers. Using a -namespace, you can use the same identifier multiple times in different -namespaces. You can also restrict an identifier set visible to particular -processes. - -For example, Linux provides namespaces for networking and processes, among -other things. If a process is running within a process namespace, it can only -see and communicate with other processes in the same namespace. So, if a shell -in a particular process namespace ran :command:`ps waux`, it would only show -the other processes in the same namespace. - -Linux network namespaces -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In a network namespace, the scoped 'identifiers' are network devices; so a -given network device, such as ``eth0``, exists in a particular namespace. -Linux starts up with a default network namespace, so if your operating system -does not do anything special, that is where all the network devices will be -located. But it is also possible to create further non-default namespaces, and -create new devices in those namespaces, or to move an existing device from one -namespace to another. - -Each network namespace also has its own routing table, and in fact this is the -main reason for namespaces to exist. A routing table is keyed by destination IP -address, so network namespaces are what you need if you want the same -destination IP address to mean different things at different times - which is -something that OpenStack Networking requires for its feature of providing -overlapping IP addresses in different virtual networks. - -Each network namespace also has its own set of iptables (for both IPv4 and -IPv6). So, you can apply different security to flows with the same IP -addressing in different namespaces, as well as different routing. - -Any given Linux process runs in a particular network namespace. By default this -is inherited from its parent process, but a process with the right capabilities -can switch itself into a different namespace; in practice this is mostly done -using the :command:`ip netns exec NETNS COMMAND...` invocation, which starts -``COMMAND`` running in the namespace named ``NETNS``. Suppose such a process -sends out a message to IP address A.B.C.D, the effect of the namespace is that -A.B.C.D will be looked up in that namespace's routing table, and that will -determine the network device that the message is transmitted through. - -Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Virtual routing and forwarding is an IP technology that allows multiple -instances of a routing table to coexist on the same router at the same time. -It is another name for the network namespace functionality described above. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-os-networking.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-os-networking.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f724bc64be..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-os-networking.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,379 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro-os-networking: - -==================== -OpenStack Networking -==================== - -OpenStack Networking allows you to create and manage network objects, -such as networks, subnets, and ports, which other OpenStack services -can use. Plug-ins can be implemented to accommodate different -networking equipment and software, providing flexibility to OpenStack -architecture and deployment. - -The Networking service, code-named neutron, provides an API that lets you -define network connectivity and addressing in the cloud. The Networking -service enables operators to leverage different networking technologies -to power their cloud networking. The Networking service also provides an -API to configure and manage a variety of network services ranging from L3 -forwarding and :term:`NAT ` to load -balancing, perimeter firewalls, and virtual private networks. - -It includes the following components: - -API server - The OpenStack Networking API includes support for Layer 2 networking - and :term:`IP address management (IPAM) `, as - well as an extension for a Layer 3 router construct that enables routing - between Layer 2 networks and gateways to external networks. OpenStack - Networking includes a growing list of plug-ins that enable interoperability - with various commercial and open source network technologies, - including routers, switches, virtual switches and software-defined - networking (SDN) controllers. - -OpenStack Networking plug-in and agents - Plugs and unplugs ports, creates networks or subnets, and provides - IP addressing. The chosen plug-in and agents differ depending on the - vendor and technologies used in the particular cloud. It is - important to mention that only one plug-in can be used at a time. - -Messaging queue - Accepts and routes RPC requests between agents to complete API operations. - Message queue is used in the ML2 plug-in for RPC between the neutron - server and neutron agents that run on each hypervisor, in the ML2 - mechanism drivers for :term:`Open vSwitch` and :term:`Linux bridge`. - -Concepts -~~~~~~~~ - -To configure rich network topologies, you can create and configure networks -and subnets and instruct other OpenStack services like Compute to attach -virtual devices to ports on these networks. -OpenStack Compute is a prominent consumer of OpenStack Networking to provide -connectivity for its instances. -In particular, OpenStack Networking supports each project having multiple -private networks and enables projects to choose their own IP addressing scheme, -even if those IP addresses overlap with those that other projects use. There -are two types of network, project and provider networks. It is possible to -share any of these types of networks among projects as part of the network -creation process. - -.. _intro-os-networking-provider: - -Provider networks ------------------ - -Provider networks offer layer-2 connectivity to instances with optional -support for DHCP and metadata services. These networks connect, or map, to -existing layer-2 networks in the data center, typically using VLAN (802.1q) -tagging to identify and separate them. - -Provider networks generally offer simplicity, performance, and reliability -at the cost of flexibility. By default only administrators can create or -update provider networks because they require configuration of physical -network infrastructure. It is possible to change the user who is allowed to -create or update provider networks with the following parameters of -``policy.json``: - -* ``create_network:provider:physical_network`` -* ``update_network:provider:physical_network`` - -.. warning:: - - The creation and modification of provider networks enables use of - physical network resources, such as VLAN-s. Enable these changes - only for trusted projects. - -Also, provider networks only handle layer-2 connectivity for instances, thus -lacking support for features such as routers and floating IP addresses. - -In many cases, operators who are already familiar with virtual networking -architectures that rely on physical network infrastructure for layer-2, -layer-3, or other services can seamlessly deploy the OpenStack Networking -service. In particular, provider networks appeal to operators looking to -migrate from the Compute networking service (nova-network) to the OpenStack -Networking service. Over time, operators can build on this minimal -architecture to enable more cloud networking features. - -In general, the OpenStack Networking software components that handle layer-3 -operations impact performance and reliability the most. To improve performance -and reliability, provider networks move layer-3 operations to the physical -network infrastructure. - -In one particular use case, the OpenStack deployment resides in a mixed -environment with conventional virtualization and bare-metal hosts that use a -sizable physical network infrastructure. Applications that run inside the -OpenStack deployment might require direct layer-2 access, typically using -VLANs, to applications outside of the deployment. - -Routed provider networks ------------------------- - -Routed provider networks offer layer-3 connectivity to instances. These -networks map to existing layer-3 networks in the data center. More -specifically, the network maps to multiple layer-2 segments, each of which is -essentially a provider network. Each has a router gateway attached to it which -routes traffic between them and externally. The Networking service does not -provide the routing. - -Routed provider networks offer performance at scale that is difficult to -achieve with a plain provider network at the expense of guaranteed layer-2 -connectivity. - -See :ref:`config-routed-provider-networks` for more information. - -.. _intro-os-networking-selfservice: - -Self-service networks ---------------------- - -Self-service networks primarily enable general (non-privileged) projects -to manage networks without involving administrators. These networks are -entirely virtual and require virtual routers to interact with provider -and external networks such as the Internet. Self-service networks also -usually provide DHCP and metadata services to instances. - -In most cases, self-service networks use overlay protocols such as VXLAN -or GRE because they can support many more networks than layer-2 segmentation -using VLAN tagging (802.1q). Furthermore, VLANs typically require additional -configuration of physical network infrastructure. - -IPv4 self-service networks typically use private IP address ranges (RFC1918) -and interact with provider networks via source NAT on virtual routers. -Floating IP addresses enable access to instances from provider networks -via destination NAT on virtual routers. IPv6 self-service networks always -use public IP address ranges and interact with provider networks via -virtual routers with static routes. - -The Networking service implements routers using a layer-3 agent that typically -resides at least one network node. Contrary to provider networks that connect -instances to the physical network infrastructure at layer-2, self-service -networks must traverse a layer-3 agent. Thus, oversubscription or failure -of a layer-3 agent or network node can impact a significant quantity of -self-service networks and instances using them. Consider implementing one or -more high-availability features to increase redundancy and performance -of self-service networks. - -Users create project networks for connectivity within projects. By default, -they are fully isolated and are not shared with other projects. OpenStack -Networking supports the following types of network isolation and overlay -technologies. - -Flat - All instances reside on the same network, which can also be shared - with the hosts. No VLAN tagging or other network segregation takes place. - -VLAN - Networking allows users to create multiple provider or project networks - using VLAN IDs (802.1Q tagged) that correspond to VLANs present in the - physical network. This allows instances to communicate with each other - across the environment. They can also communicate with dedicated servers, - firewalls, load balancers, and other networking infrastructure on the - same layer 2 VLAN. - -GRE and VXLAN - VXLAN and GRE are encapsulation protocols that create overlay networks - to activate and control communication between compute instances. A - Networking router is required to allow traffic to flow outside of the - GRE or VXLAN project network. A router is also required to connect - directly-connected project networks with external networks, including the - Internet. The router provides the ability to connect to instances directly - from an external network using floating IP addresses. - -.. image:: figures/NetworkTypes.png - :width: 100% - :alt: Project and provider networks - -Subnets -------- - -A block of IP addresses and associated configuration state. This -is also known as the native IPAM (IP Address Management) provided by the -networking service for both project and provider networks. -Subnets are used to allocate IP addresses when new ports are created on a -network. - -Subnet pools ------------- - -End users normally can create subnets with any valid IP addresses without other -restrictions. However, in some cases, it is nice for the admin or the project -to pre-define a pool of addresses from which to create subnets with automatic -allocation. - -Using subnet pools constrains what addresses can be used by requiring that -every subnet be within the defined pool. It also prevents address reuse or -overlap by two subnets from the same pool. - -See :ref:`config-subnet-pools` for more information. - -Ports ------ - -A port is a connection point for attaching a single device, such as the NIC -of a virtual server, to a virtual network. The port also describes the -associated network configuration, such as the MAC and IP addresses to be -used on that port. - -Routers -------- - -Routers provide virtual layer-3 services such as routing and NAT -between self-service and provider networks or among self-service -networks belonging to a project. The Networking service uses a -layer-3 agent to manage routers via namespaces. - -Security groups ---------------- - -Security groups provide a container for virtual firewall rules that control -ingress (inbound to instances) and egress (outbound from instances) network -traffic at the port level. Security groups use a default deny policy and -only contain rules that allow specific traffic. Each port can reference one -or more security groups in an additive fashion. The firewall driver -translates security group rules to a configuration for the underlying packet -filtering technology such as ``iptables``. - -Each project contains a ``default`` security group that allows all egress -traffic and denies all ingress traffic. You can change the rules in the -``default`` security group. If you launch an instance without specifying a -security group, the ``default`` security group automatically applies to it. -Similarly, if you create a port without specifying a security group, the -``default`` security group automatically applies to it. - -.. note:: - - If you use the metadata service, removing the default egress rules denies - access to TCP port 80 on, thus preventing instances from - retrieving metadata. - -Security group rules are stateful. Thus, allowing ingress TCP port 22 for -secure shell automatically creates rules that allow return egress traffic -and ICMP error messages involving those TCP connections. - -By default, all security groups contain a series of basic (sanity) and -anti-spoofing rules that perform the following actions: - -* Allow egress traffic only if it uses the source MAC and IP addresses - of the port for the instance, source MAC and IP combination in - ``allowed-address-pairs``, or valid MAC address (port or - ``allowed-address-pairs``) and associated EUI64 link-local IPv6 address. -* Allow egress DHCP discovery and request messages that use the source MAC - address of the port for the instance and the unspecified IPv4 address - ( -* Allow ingress DHCP and DHCPv6 responses from the DHCP server on the - subnet so instances can acquire IP addresses. -* Deny egress DHCP and DHCPv6 responses to prevent instances from - acting as DHCP(v6) servers. -* Allow ingress/egress ICMPv6 MLD, neighbor solicitation, and neighbor - discovery messages so instances can discover neighbors and join - multicast groups. -* Deny egress ICMPv6 router advertisements to prevent instances from acting - as IPv6 routers and forwarding IPv6 traffic for other instances. -* Allow egress ICMPv6 MLD reports (v1 and v2) and neighbor solicitation - messages that use the source MAC address of a particular instance and - the unspecified IPv6 address (::). Duplicate address detection (DAD) relies - on these messages. -* Allow egress non-IP traffic from the MAC address of the port for the - instance and any additional MAC addresses in ``allowed-address-pairs`` on - the port for the instance. - -Although non-IP traffic, security groups do not implicitly allow all ARP -traffic. Separate ARP filtering rules prevent instances from using ARP -to intercept traffic for another instance. You cannot disable or remove -these rules. - -You can disable security groups including basic and anti-spoofing rules -by setting the port attribute ``port_security_enabled`` to ``False``. - -Extensions ----------- - -The OpenStack Networking service is extensible. Extensions serve two -purposes: they allow the introduction of new features in the API -without requiring a version change and they allow the introduction of -vendor specific niche functionality. Applications can programmatically -list available extensions by performing a GET on the -:code:`/extensions` URI. Note that this is a versioned request; that -is, an extension available in one API version might not be available -in another. - -DHCP ----- - -The optional DHCP service manages IP addresses for instances on provider -and self-service networks. The Networking service implements the DHCP -service using an agent that manages ``qdhcp`` namespaces and the -``dnsmasq`` service. - -Metadata --------- - -The optional metadata service provides an API for instances to obtain -metadata such as SSH keys. - -Service and component hierarchy -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Server ------- - -* Provides API, manages database, etc. - -Plug-ins --------- - -* Manages agents - -Agents ------- - -* Provides layer 2/3 connectivity to instances - -* Handles physical-virtual network transition - -* Handles metadata, etc. - -Layer 2 (Ethernet and Switching) -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -* Linux Bridge - -* OVS - -Layer 3 (IP and Routing) -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -* L3 - -* DHCP - -Miscellaneous -^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -* Metadata - -Services --------- - -Routing services -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -VPNaaS -^^^^^^ - -The Virtual Private Network-as-a-Service (VPNaaS) is a neutron -extension that introduces the VPN feature set. - -LBaaS -^^^^^ - -The Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) API provisions and configures -load balancers. The reference implementation is based on the HAProxy -software load balancer. - -FWaaS -^^^^^ - -The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) API is an experimental API that -enables early adopters and vendors to test their networking -implementations. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-overlay-protocols.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-overlay-protocols.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4f29be4800..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro-overlay-protocols.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro-overlay-protocols: - -========================== -Overlay (tunnel) protocols -========================== - -Tunneling is a mechanism that makes transfer of payloads feasible over an -incompatible delivery network. It allows the network user to gain access to -denied or insecure networks. Data encryption may be employed to transport the -payload, ensuring that the encapsulated user network data appears as public -even though it is private and can easily pass the conflicting network. - - -Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) is a protocol that runs over IP and is -employed when delivery and payload protocols are compatible but payload -addresses are incompatible. For instance, a payload might think it is running -on a datalink layer but it is actually running over a transport layer using -datagram protocol over IP. GRE creates a private point-to-point connection -and works by encapsulating a payload. GRE is a foundation protocol for other -tunnel protocols but the GRE tunnels provide only weak authentication. - -.. _VXLAN: - -Virtual extensible local area network (VXLAN) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The purpose of VXLAN is to provide scalable network isolation. VXLAN is a -Layer 2 overlay scheme on a Layer 3 network. It allows an overlay layer-2 -network to spread across multiple underlay layer-3 network domains. Each -overlay is termed a VXLAN segment. Only VMs within the same VXLAN segment -can communicate. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/intro.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7a9af382c6..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/intro.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -.. _intro: - -============ -Introduction -============ - -The OpenStack :term:`Networking service ` -provides an API that allows users to set up and define network connectivity -and addressing in the cloud. The project code-name for Networking services is -neutron. OpenStack Networking handles the creation and management of a virtual -networking infrastructure, including networks, switches, subnets, and -routers for devices managed by the OpenStack Compute service -(nova). Advanced services such as firewalls or :term:`virtual private -networks (VPNs) ` can also be used. - -OpenStack Networking consists of the neutron-server, a database for -persistent storage, and any number of plug-in agents, which provide -other services such as interfacing with native Linux networking -mechanisms, external devices, or SDN controllers. - -OpenStack Networking is entirely standalone and can be deployed to a -dedicated host. If your deployment uses a controller host to run -centralized Compute components, you can deploy the Networking server -to that specific host instead. - -OpenStack Networking integrates with various OpenStack -components: - -* OpenStack :term:`Identity service (keystone)` is used for authentication - and authorization of API requests. - -* OpenStack :term:`Compute service (nova)` is used to plug each virtual - NIC on the VM into a particular network. - -* OpenStack :term:`Dashboard (horizon)` is used by administrators - and project users to create and manage network services through a web-based - graphical interface. - -.. note:: - - The network address ranges used in this guide are chosen in accordance with - `RFC 5737 `_ and - `RFC 3849 `_, and as such are restricted - to the following: - - **IPv4:** - - * - * - * - - **IPv6:** - - * 2001:DB8::/32 - - The network address ranges in the examples of this guide should not be used - for any purpose other than documentation. - -.. note:: - - To reduce clutter, this guide removes command output without relevance - to the particular action. - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - intro-basic-networking - intro-network-components - intro-overlay-protocols - intro-network-namespaces - intro-nat - intro-os-networking - fwaas diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/networking-guide.po b/doc/networking-guide/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/networking-guide.po deleted file mode 100644 index edefdfc3fa..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/networking-guide.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14107 +0,0 @@ -# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) 2015, OpenStack contributors -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Networking Guide package. -# -# Translators: -# OpenStack Infra , 2015. #zanata -# suhartono , 2016. #zanata -# suhartono , 2017. #zanata -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Networking Guide 15.0\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-12 16:24+0000\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-10 04:17+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: suhartono \n" -"Language: id\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n" -"Language-Team: Indonesian\n" - -msgid "(Optional) FDB L2 agent extension" -msgstr "(Optional) FDB L2 agent extension" - -msgid "**HostA and HostB: DHCP agent**" -msgstr "**HostA and HostB: DHCP agent**" - -msgid "**HostA and HostB: L2 agent**" -msgstr "**HostA and HostB: L2 agent**" - -msgid "**IPv4:**" -msgstr "**IPv4:**" - -msgid "**IPv6:**" -msgstr "**IPv6:**" - -msgid "**controlnode: neutron server**" -msgstr "**controlnode: neutron server**" - -msgid "*Invalid combination.*" -msgstr "*Invalid combination.*" - -msgid "*N/S*" -msgstr "*N/S*" - -msgid "" -"*Network Address Translation* (NAT) is a process for modifying the source or " -"destination addresses in the headers of an IP packet while the packet is in " -"transit. In general, the sender and receiver applications are not aware that " -"the IP packets are being manipulated." -msgstr "" -"*Network Address Translation* (NAT) adalah proses untuk memodifikasi sumber " -"atau alamat tujuan dalam header paket IP saat paket sedang dalam transit. " -"Secara umum, pengirim dan penerima aplikasi tidak menyadari bahwa paket IP " -"sedang dimanipulasi." - -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -msgid "0,1,1" -msgstr "0,1,1" - -msgid "1,0,0" -msgstr "1,0,0" - -msgid "1,0,1" -msgstr "1,0,1" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid " for instance floating IP addresses" -msgstr " untuk alamat IP mengambang instance." - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "" -" for floating IP agent gateway IPs configured on compute nodes" -msgstr "" -" untuk IP mengambang dimana IP gerbang agen dikonfigurasi " -"pada node komputasi" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "2001:DB8::/32" -msgstr "2001:DB8::/32" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid " for all other IP allocations on the external network" -msgstr " untuk semua alokasi IP lainnya pada jaringan eksternal" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "4" -msgstr "4" - -msgid "6" -msgstr "6" - -msgid "" -":ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-dvr` supports augmentation using Virtual Router " -"Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). Using this configuration, virtual routers " -"support both the ``--distributed`` and ``--ha`` options." -msgstr "" -":ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-dvr` mendukung pembesaran menggunakan Virtual Router " -"Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). Menggunakan konfigurasi ini, router virtual " -"mendukung kedua opsi ``--distributed`` dan ``--ha``." - -msgid "" -":term:`Service function chain (SFC)` essentially refers to the :term:" -"`software-defined networking (SDN)` version of :term:`policy-based routing " -"(PBR)`. In many cases, SFC involves security, although it can include a " -"variety of other features." -msgstr "" -":term:`Service function chain (SFC)` pada dasarnya mengacu pada versi:term:" -"`software-defined networking (SDN)` dari :term:`policy-based routing (PBR)`. " -"Dalam banyak kasus, SFC melibatkan keamanan, meskipun dapat mencakup " -"berbagai fitur lainnya." - -msgid "" -"A BGP speaker requires association with a provider network to determine " -"eligible prefixes. The association builds a list of all virtual routers with " -"gateways on provider and self-service networks in the same address scope so " -"the BGP speaker can advertise self-service network prefixes with the " -"corresponding router as the next-hop IP address. Associate the BGP speaker " -"with the provider network." -msgstr "" -"Speaker BGP memerlukan hubungan dengan jaringan provider untuk menentukan " -"prefixe yang memenuhi syarat. Asosiasi membangun daftar semua router " -"virtual dengan gateway pada jaringan provider dan self-service di lingkup " -"alamat yang sama sehingga speaker BGP dapat menyiarkan update dan perubahan " -"awalan jaringan self-service dengan sesuai router sebagai alamat IP next-" -"hop. Mengasosiasikan speaker BGP dengan jaringan provider." - -msgid "" -"A TCP server is said to *listen* on a port. For example, an SSH server " -"typically listens on port 22. For a client to connect to a server using TCP, " -"the client must know both the IP address of a server's host and the server's " -"TCP port." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah server TCP dikatakan *listen* pada port. Sebagai contoh, server SSH " -"biasanya mendengarkan pada port 22. Untuk klien supaya terhubung ke server " -"yang menggunakan TCP, klien harus tahu kedua alamat IP dari host server dan " -"port TCP server." - -msgid "" -"A basic example of SFC involves routing packets from one location to another " -"through a firewall that lacks a \"next hop\" IP address from a conventional " -"routing perspective. A more complex example involves an ordered series of " -"service functions, each implemented using multiple instances (VMs). Packets " -"must flow through one instance and a hashing algorithm distributes flows " -"across multiple instances at each hop." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah contoh dasar dari SFC melibatkan routing paket dari satu lokasi ke " -"lokasi lain melalui firewall yang tidak memiliki alamat IP \"next hop\" dari " -"perspektif routing yang konvensional. Sebuah contoh yang lebih kompleks " -"melibatkan serangkaian memerintahkan fungsi layanan, masing-masing " -"dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan beberapa instance (VMs). Paket harus " -"mengalir melalui satu instance dan algoritma hashing mendistribusikan arus " -"di beberapa instance pada setiap hop." - -msgid "" -"A block of IP addresses and associated configuration state. This is also " -"known as the native IPAM (IP Address Management) provided by the networking " -"service for both project and provider networks. Subnets are used to allocate " -"IP addresses when new ports are created on a network." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah blok alamat IP dan terkait keadaan konfigurasi. Hal ini juga dikenal " -"sebagai native IPAM (IP Address Management) yang disediakan oleh layanan " -"jaringan untuk proyek dan jaringan provider. Subnet digunakan untuk " -"mengalokasikan alamat IP ketika port baru diciptakan pada jaringan." - -msgid "" -"A combination of the source attributes defines the source of the flow. A " -"combination of the destination attributes defines the destination of the " -"flow. The ``l7_parameters`` attribute is a place holder that may be used to " -"support flow classification using layer 7 fields, such as a URL. If " -"unspecified, the ``logical_source_port`` and ``logical_destination_port`` " -"attributes default to ``none``, the ``ethertype`` attribute defaults to " -"``IPv4``, and all other attributes default to a wildcard value." -msgstr "" -"Kombinasi atribut sumber mendefinisikan sumber aliran. Kombinasi atribut " -"tujuan mendefinisikan tujuan aliran. Atribut `` l7_parameters`` adalah " -"tempat dudukan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung klasifikasi aliran " -"menggunakan layer 7 field, seperti URL. Jika tidak ditentukan, atribut " -"``logical_source_port`` dan ``logical_destination_port`` defaultnya ke " -"``none``, atribut ``ethertype`` defaultnya ke ``IPv4``, dan semua atribut " -"lainnya defaultnya nilai wildcard." - -msgid "" -"A database management command-line tool uses the Alembic library to manage " -"the migration." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah alat command-line pengelolaan database menggunakan perpustakaan " -"Alembic untuk mengelola migrasi." - -msgid "" -"A flow classifier can only belong to one port chain to prevent ambiguity as " -"to which chain should handle packets in the flow. A check prevents such " -"ambiguity. However, you can associate multiple flow classifiers with a port " -"chain because multiple flows can request the same service function path." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah classifier aliran hanya bisa memilik salah satu rantai port untuk " -"mencegah ambiguitas dimana rantai harus menangani paket dalam aliran. Sebuah " -"cek mencegah ambiguitas tersebut. Namun, Anda dapat mengaitkan beberapa " -"pengklasifikasi aliran dengan rantai port karena beberapa arus dapat meminta " -"jalur fungsi pelayanan yang sama." - -msgid "" -"A flow classifier identifies a flow. A port chain can contain multiple flow " -"classifiers. Omitting the flow classifier effectively prevents steering of " -"traffic through the port chain." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah klassifier aliran mengidentifikasi aliran. Sebuah rantai port dapat " -"berisi beberapa pengklasifikasi aliran. Menghilangkan klassifier aliran " -"efektif mencegah pengendalian lalu lintas melalui rantai port." - -msgid "A host on the Internet sends a packet to the instance." -msgstr "Sebuah host di Internet mengirimkan sebuah paket ke instance." - -msgid "" -"A host sending a packet to an IP address consults its *routing table* to " -"determine which machine on the local network(s) the packet should be sent " -"to. The routing table maintains a list of the subnets associated with each " -"local network that the host is directly connected to, as well as a list of " -"routers that are on these local networks." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah host mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP berkonsultasi dengan *routing " -"table* nya untuk menentukan dimana mesin pada jaringan lokal dimana paket " -"harus dikirim. Tabel routing menyimpan daftar subnet yang terkait dengan " -"setiap jaringan lokal dimana host terhubung langsung, serta daftar router " -"yang ada di jaringan lokal." - -msgid "" -"A namespace is a way of scoping a particular set of identifiers. Using a " -"namespace, you can use the same identifier multiple times in different " -"namespaces. You can also restrict an identifier set visible to particular " -"processes." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah namespace adalah cara pelingkupan (scoping) sekumpulan pengenal " -"(identifier) tertentu. Dengan menggunakan namespace, Anda dapat menggunakan " -"identifier yang sama beberapa kali dalam namespace yang berbeda. Anda juga " -"dapat membatasi sekumpulan identifier terlihat pada proses tertentu." - -msgid "" -"A pool holds a list of members that serve content through the load balancer." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah kolam memegang daftar anggota yang melayani konten melalui " -"penyeimbang beban." - -msgid "" -"A port chain consists of a sequence of port pair groups. Each port pair " -"group is a hop in the port chain. A group of port pairs represents service " -"functions providing equivalent functionality. For example, a group of " -"firewall service functions." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah rantai port terdiri dari urutan kelompok pasangan port. Setiap " -"kelompok pasangan port adalah hop dalam rantai port. Sekelompok pasang port " -"merupakan fungsi layanan yang menyediakan fungsi setara. Misalnya, " -"sekelompok fungsi layanan firewall." - -msgid "" -"A port chain is a unidirectional service chain. The first port acts as the " -"head of the service function chain and the second port acts as the tail of " -"the service function chain. A bidirectional service function chain consists " -"of two unidirectional port chains." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah rantai port merupakan rantai layanan searah. Port pertama bertindak " -"sebagai kepala rantai fungsi pelayanan dan port tindakan kedua sebagai ekor " -"rantai fungsi pelayanan. Sebuah rantai fungsi pelayanan dua arah terdiri " -"dari dua rantai port searah." - -msgid "A port chain, or service function path, consists of the following:" -msgstr "Sebuah rantai port, atau jalur fungsi pelayanan, terdiri dari:" - -msgid "" -"A port is a connection point for attaching a single device, such as the NIC " -"of a virtual server, to a virtual network. The port also describes the " -"associated network configuration, such as the MAC and IP addresses to be " -"used on that port." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah port adalah titik koneksi untuk menghubungkan satu perangkat, seperti " -"NIC dari server virtual, untuk jaringan virtual. Port juga menjelaskan " -"konfigurasi jaringan yang terkait, seperti MAC dan alamat IP yang akan " -"digunakan pada port tersebut." - -msgid "" -"A port pair group may contain one or more port pairs. Multiple port pairs " -"enable load balancing/distribution over a set of functionally equivalent " -"service functions." -msgstr "" -"Sekelompok pasangan port mungkin berisi satu atau lebih pasangan port. " -"Beberapa pasangan port mengaktifkan load balancing/distribution lebih dari " -"satu set fungsi layanan setara (equivalent) secara fungsional." - -msgid "" -"A port pair represents a service function instance that includes an ingress " -"and egress port. A service function containing a bidirectional port uses the " -"same ingress and egress port." -msgstr "" -"Sepasang port merupakan fungsi pelayanan instance yang mencakup ingress and " -"egress port. Sebuah fungsi pelayanan yang berisi port dua arah menggunakan " -"ingress and egress port yang sama." - -msgid "" -"A provider network using IP address range, and supporting " -"floating IP addresses,, and" -msgstr "" -"Sebuah jaringan operator menggunakan kisaran alamat IP, dan " -"mendukung alamat IP mengambang,, dan " -"" - -msgid "" -"A routed provider network enables a single provider network to represent " -"multiple layer-2 networks (broadcast domains) or segments and enables the " -"operator to present one network to users. However, the particular IP " -"addresses available to an instance depend on the segment of the network " -"available on the particular compute node." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah jaringan operator yang diarahkan mengaktifkan jaringan penyedia " -"tunggal untuk mewakili beberapa jaringan lapisan-2 (broadcast domains) atau " -"segmen dan mengaktifkan operator untuk menyajikan satu jaringan ke pengguna. " -"Namun, alamat IP tertentu tersedia untuk sebuah instance bergantung pada " -"segmen jaringan yang tersedia pada node komputasi tertentu." - -msgid "A self-service network using IP address range" -msgstr "Jaringan self-service menggunakan rentang alamat IP" - -msgid "" -"A set of flow classifiers that specify the classified traffic flows entering " -"the chain." -msgstr "" -"Satu set pengklasifikasi aliran yang menspesifikasikan arus lalu lintas yang " -"terklasifikasikan memasuki rantai." - -msgid "A set of ports that define the sequence of service functions." -msgstr "Satu set port yang menentukan urutan fungsi layanan." - -msgid "A setting of ``-1`` disables the quota for a tenant." -msgstr "Pengaturan ``-1`` menonaktifkan kuota untuk penyewa (tenant)." - -msgid "" -"A single network can be assigned to more than one DHCP agents and one DHCP " -"agent can host more than one network. You can add a network to a DHCP agent " -"and remove one from it." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah jaringan tunggal dapat ditugaskan untuk lebih dari satu agen DHCP dan " -"satu agen DHCP dapat host lebih dari satu jaringan. Anda dapat menambahkan " -"jaringan ke agen DHCP dan menghapus satu dari itu." - -msgid "" -"A subnet pool manages a pool of addresses from which subnets can be " -"allocated. It ensures that there is no overlap between any two subnets " -"allocated from the same pool." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah kolam subnet mengelola kolam alamat dimana subnet dapat dialokasikan. " -"Ini memastikan bahwa tidak ada tumpang tindih antara dua subnet yang " -"dialokasikan dari kolam yang sama." - -msgid "" -"A switchport that is configured to pass frames from all VLANs and tag them " -"with the VLAN IDs is called a *trunk port*. IEEE 802.1Q is the network " -"standard that describes how VLAN tags are encoded in Ethernet frames when " -"trunking is being used." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah switchport yang dikonfigurasi untuk melewatkan frame dari semua VLAN " -"dan menandai (tag) mereka dengan ID VLAN disebut *port trunk *. IEEE 802.1Q " -"adalah standar jaringan yang menggambarkan bagaimana VLAN tag dikodekan " -"dalam frame Ethernet ketika trunking (pengindukan) sedang dijalankan." - -msgid "" -"A trunk can be in a ``DEGRADED`` state when a temporary failure during the " -"provisioning process is encountered. This includes situations where a " -"subport add or remove operation fails. When in a degraded state, the trunk " -"is still usable and some subports may be usable as well. Operations that " -"cause the trunk to go into a ``DEGRADED`` state can be retried to fix " -"temporary failures and move the trunk into an ``ACTIVE`` state." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah trunk dapat berada dalam keadaan ``DEGRADED`` ketika kegagalan " -"sementara selama proses pengadaan terjadi. Degraded ini termasuk situasi " -"dimana sebuah subport menambah atau menghapus kegagalan operasi. Ketika " -"dalam keadaan rusak, trunk masih dapat digunakan dan beberapa subports " -"mungkin masih dapat digunakan juga. Operasi yang menyebabkan trunk beralih " -"ke keadaan ``DEGRADED`` dapat dicoba kembali untuk memperbaiki kegagalan " -"sementara dan memindahkan trunk menjadi keadaan ``ACTIVE``." - -msgid "" -"A trunk is ``DOWN`` when it is first created without an instance launched on " -"it, or when the instance associated with the trunk has been deleted." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah trunk menjadi `` DOWN`` ketika trunk yang pertama kali dibuat tanpa " -"sebuah instance yang diluncurkan di atasnya, atau ketika instance terkait " -"dengan trunk telah dihapus." - -msgid "" -"A trunk is in ``BUILD`` state while the resources associated with the trunk " -"are in the process of being provisioned. Once the trunk and all of the " -"subports have been provisioned successfully, the trunk transitions to " -"``ACTIVE``. If there was a partial failure, the trunk transitions to " -"``DEGRADED``." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah trunk berada dalam keadaan ``BUILD`` sedangkan sumber daya terkait " -"dengan trunk berada dalam proses yang ditetapkan. Setelah trunk dan semua " -"subports telah ditetapkan berhasil, transisi trunk akan berada ke " -"``ACTIVE``. Jika ada kegagalan parsial, transisi trank akan berada ke " -"``DEGRADED``." - -msgid "" -"A trunk is in ``ERROR`` state if the request leads to a conflict or an error " -"that cannot be fixed by retrying the request. The ``ERROR`` status can be " -"encountered if the network is not compatible with the trunk configuration or " -"the binding process leads to a persistent failure. When a trunk is in " -"``ERROR`` state, it must be brought to a sane state (``ACTIVE``), or else " -"requests to add subports will be rejected." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah trunk dalam keadaan ``ERROR`` jika permintaan mengarah ke konflik " -"atau kesalahan yang tidak dapat diperbaiki dengan permintaan ulang. Keadaan " -"``ERROR`` dapat ditemui jika jaringan tidak kompatibel dengan konfigurasi " -"trunk atau proses pengikatan yang mengarah ke kegagalan terus-menerus. " -"Ketika trunk dalam keadaan ``ERROR``, trunk itu harus dibawa ke keadaan " -"sehat (``ACTIVE``), atau permintaan untuk penambahan subports akan ditolak." - -msgid "A, AAAA and PTR records will be created in the DNS service." -msgstr "Catatan A, AAAA and PTR akan dibuat di layanan DNS." - -msgid "API server" -msgstr "API server" - -msgid "Ability to leverage tags by deployment tools." -msgstr "Kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan tag oleh alat pengerahan." - -msgid "" -"Ability to map IDs from different management/orchestration systems to " -"OpenStack networks in mixed environments. For example, in the Kuryr project, " -"the Docker network ID is mapped to the Neutron network ID." -msgstr "" -"Kemampuan untuk memetakan ID dari sistem management/orchestration yang " -"berbeda untuk jaringan OpenStack di lingkungan campuran. Misalnya, dalam " -"proyek Kuryr, ID jaringan Docker dipetakan ke ID jaringan Neutron." - -msgid "" -"Ability to map different networks in different OpenStack locations to one " -"logically same network (for multi-site OpenStack)." -msgstr "" -"Kemampuan untuk memetakan jaringan yang berbeda di lokasi OpenStack yang " -"berbeda ke satu jaringan logis yang sama (untuk OpenStack multi-situs)." - -msgid "" -"Ability to tag information about provider networks (for example, high-" -"bandwidth, low-latency, and so on)." -msgstr "" -"Kemampuan untuk menandai informasi tentang jaringan provider (misalnya, " -"high-bandwidth, low-latency, dan sebagainya)." - -msgid "Abstract" -msgstr "Abstrak" - -msgid "" -"Accepts and routes RPC requests between agents to complete API operations. " -"Message queue is used in the ML2 plug-in for RPC between the neutron server " -"and neutron agents that run on each hypervisor, in the ML2 mechanism drivers " -"for :term:`Open vSwitch` and :term:`Linux bridge`." -msgstr "" -"Menerima dan me-rute RPC request antara agen agen untuk menyelesaikan " -"operasi API. Antrian pesan digunakan dalam ML2 plug-in untuk RPC antara " -"server neutron dan agen neutron yang berjalan di setiap hypervisor, di " -"driver mekanisme ML2 untuk :term:`Open vSwitch` and :term:`Linux bridge`." - -msgid "Access" -msgstr "Access" - -msgid "" -"Access to addresses in a scope are managed through subnet pools. Subnet " -"pools can either be created in an address scope, or updated to belong to an " -"address scope." -msgstr "" -"Akses ke alamat di lingkup dikelola melalui kolam subnet. Kolam subnet baik " -"dapat dibuat dalam lingkup alamat, ataupun diperbarui milik lingkup alamat." - -msgid "Accessing address scopes" -msgstr "Mengakses lingkup alamat" - -msgid "Achieving high availability with availability zone" -msgstr "Pencapaian ketersediaan tinggi dengan zona ketersediaan" - -msgid "Add LBaaS panels to Dashboard" -msgstr "Tambahkan panel LBaaS ke Dashboard" - -msgid "Add VRRP to an existing router" -msgstr "Tambahkan VRRP ke router yang ada" - -msgid "" -"Add ``dns`` to ``extension_drivers`` in the ``[ml2]`` section of ``/etc/" -"neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``. The following is an example:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan ``dns`` ke ``extension_drivers`` dalam bagian ``[ml2]`` dari ``/" -"etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``. Berikut ini adalah contoh:" - -msgid "Add ``macvtap`` to mechanism drivers." -msgstr "Tambahkan ``macvtap`` untuk driver mekanisme." - -msgid "" -"Add ``sriovnicswitch`` as mechanism driver. Edit the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file " -"on each controller:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan ``sriovnicswitch`` sebagai driver mekanisme. Edit file ``ml2_conf." -"ini`` pada setiap controller:" - -msgid "Add ``vxlan`` to type drivers and project network types." -msgstr "Tambahkan ``vxlan`` untuk tipe driver dan tipe jaringan proyek." - -msgid "Add a BGP peer to the BGP speaker." -msgstr "Tambahkan rekan BGP ke BGP speaker." - -msgid "" -"Add a ``placement`` section to the ``neutron.conf`` file with authentication " -"credentials for the Compute service placement API:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan bagian ``placement`` ke file ``neutron.conf`` dengan kredential " -"otentikasi untuk placement API di layanan Compute:" - -msgid "Add a tag to a resource:" -msgstr "Tambahkan tag ke sumber daya:" - -msgid "Add an interface to the router on demo-subnet1:" -msgstr "Tambahkan antarmuka ke router pada demo-subnet1:" - -msgid "Add one network interface: overlay." -msgstr "Tambahkan satu antarmuka jaringan: overlay." - -msgid "Add one network node with the following components:" -msgstr "Tambahkan satu node jaringan dengan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "Add one or more compute nodes with the following components:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan satu atau lebih node komputasi dengan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "Add subports to an existing trunk:" -msgstr "Tambahkan subports ke trunk yang sudah ada:" - -msgid "Add subports to the trunk" -msgstr "Tambahkan subport dan trunk" - -msgid "" -"Add the FDB section and the ``shared_physical_device_mappings`` parameter. " -"This parameter maps each physical port to its physical network name. Each " -"physical network can be mapped to several ports:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan bagian FDB dan parameter ``shared_physical_device_mappings``. " -"Parameter ini memetakan setiap port fisik untuk nama jaringan fisik. Setiap " -"jaringan fisik dapat dipetakan ke beberapa port:" - -msgid "Add the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets as interfaces on the router." -msgstr "Tambahkan subnet IPv4 dan IPv6 sebagai interface pada router." - -msgid "" -"Add the LBaaS v2 service plug-in to the ``service_plugins`` configuration " -"directive in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. The plug-in list is comma-" -"separated:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan plug-in layanan LBaaS v2 ke perintah konfigurasi " -"``service_plugins`` dalam ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. Daftar plug-in " -"dipisahkan dengan koma:" - -msgid "" -"Add the LBaaS v2 service provider to the ``service_provider`` configuration " -"directive within the ``[service_providers]`` section in ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron_lbaas.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan penyedia layanan LBaaS v2 ke direktif konfigurasi " -"``service_provider`` dalam bagian ``[service_providers]`` dalam ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf``:" - -msgid "" -"Add the Octavia service provider to the ``service_provider`` configuration " -"directive within the ``[service_providers]`` section in ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron_lbaas.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan provider layanan Octavia ke konfigurasi direktif " -"``service_provider`` dalam bagian ``[service_providers]`` dalam ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf``:" - -msgid "" -"Add the QoS service to the ``service_plugins`` setting in ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron.conf``. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Menambahkan layanan QoS ke pengaturan ``service_plugins`` dalam ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf``. Sebagi contoh:" - -msgid "" -"Add the ``ml2_conf_sriov.ini`` file as parameter to the ``neutron-server`` " -"service. Edit the appropriate initialization script to configure the " -"``neutron-server`` service to load the SR-IOV configuration file:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan file ``ml2_conf_sriov.ini`` sebagai parameter untuk layanan " -"``neutron-server``. Edit script inisialisasi yang tepat untuk " -"mengkonfigurasi layanan ``neutron-server`` untuk memuat file konfigurasi SR-" -"IOV:" - -msgid "Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "Tambahkan hal berikut ke ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" -msgstr "Tambahkan berikut ke ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" - -msgid "Add the provider network as a gateway on each router." -msgstr "Tambahkan jaringan provider sebagai gateway pada masing-masing router." - -msgid "Add the provider network as a gateway on the router." -msgstr "Tambahkan jaringan provider sebagai gateway pada router." - -msgid "Add the provider network as the gateway on the router." -msgstr "Tambahkan jaringan provider sebagai gateway pada router." - -msgid "" -"Add the provider network interface as a port on the OVS provider bridge ``br-" -"provider``:" -msgstr "" -"Tambahkan antarmuka jaringan operator sebagai port pada OVS provider bridge " -"``br-provider``:" - -msgid "Adding an HTTP listener" -msgstr "Tambahkan pendengar HTTP" - -msgid "Adding an HTTPS listener" -msgstr "Menambahkan pendengar HTTPS" - -msgid "" -"Address are assigned using EUI-64, and OpenStack Networking provides routing." -msgstr "" -"Alamat ditugaskan penggunaan EUI-64, dan OpenStack Networking menyediakan " -"routing." - -msgid "Address configuration and optional information using DHCPv6." -msgstr "Konfigurasi alamat dan informasi opsional menggunakan DHCPv6." - -msgid "Address configuration using RA and optional information using DHCPv6." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi alamat menggunakan RA dan informasi opsional menggunakan DHCPv6." - -msgid "Address configuration using Router Advertisement (RA)." -msgstr "Konfigurasi alamat menggunakan Router Advertisement (RA)." - -msgid "Address modes for ports" -msgstr "Mode alamat untuk port" - -msgid "Address scopes" -msgstr "Lingkup alamat (address scopes)" - -msgid "" -"Address scopes build from subnet pools. While subnet pools provide a " -"mechanism for controlling the allocation of addresses to subnets, address " -"scopes show where addresses can be routed between networks, preventing the " -"use of overlapping addresses in any two subnets. Because all addresses " -"allocated in the address scope do not overlap, neutron routers do not NAT " -"between your projects' network and your external network. As long as the " -"addresses within an address scope match, the Networking service performs " -"simple routing between networks." -msgstr "" -"Lingkup alamat membangun kolam subnet. Sementara kolam subnet menyediakan " -"mekanisme untuk mengendalikan alokasi alamat untuk subnet, lingkup alamat " -"menunjukkan dimana alamat dapat dialihkan antara jaringan, mencegah " -"penggunaan tumpang tindih alamat dalam dua subnet. Karena semua alamat " -"dialokasikan dalam lingkup alamat tidak tumpang tindih, router neutron tidak " -"men-NAT (Network Address Translation) antara jaringan proyek Anda dan " -"jaringan eksternal Anda. Selama alamat dalam suatu kecocokan lingkup alamat, " -"layanan Networking melakukan routing sederhana antar jaringan." - -msgid "Addresses" -msgstr "Addresses (alamat)" - -msgid "Addresses and optional information are assigned using DHCPv6." -msgstr "Alamat dan informasi opsional ditugaskan untuk penggunaan DHCPv6." - -msgid "" -"Addresses are assigned using EUI-64, and an external router will be used for " -"routing." -msgstr "" -"Alamat ditugaskan penggunaan EUI-64, dan router eksternal akan digunakan " -"untuk routing." - -msgid "Addresses for subnets" -msgstr "Alamat untuk subnet" - -msgid "Adjust security groups to allow pings and SSH (both IPv4 and IPv6):" -msgstr "Atur kelompok keamanan untuk mengizinkan ping dan SSH (IPv4 dan IPv6):" - -msgid "" -"Admin role is required to use the agent management and scheduler extensions. " -"Ensure you run the following commands under a project with an admin role." -msgstr "" -"Peran admin diperlukan untuk menggunakan manajemen agen dan ekstensi " -"scheduler. Pastikan Anda menjalankan perintah berikut di bawah sebuah proyek " -"dengan peran admin." - -msgid "Administrator enforcement" -msgstr "Penegakan administrator" - -msgid "" -"Administrators are able to enforce policies on project ports or networks. As " -"long as the policy is not shared, the project is not be able to detach any " -"policy attached to a network or port." -msgstr "" -"Administrator dapat menegakkan kebijakan pada port proyek atau jaringan. " -"Selama kebijakan tersebut tidak dibagi, proyek ini tidak dapat melepaskan " -"kebijakan apa saja yang melekat ke jaringan atau port." - -msgid "Advanced services" -msgstr "Layanan canggih" - -msgid "" -"Advertisement of a floating IP address requires satisfying the following " -"conditions:" -msgstr "" -"Penyiaran update dan perubahan alamat IP mengambang membutuhkan terpenuhinya " -"kondisi berikut:" - -msgid "" -"Advertisement of a self-service network requires satisfying the following " -"conditions:" -msgstr "" -"Penyiaran update dan perubahan jaringan self-service membutuhkan memenuhi " -"kondisi berikut:" - -msgid "" -"After choosing a :ref:`mechanism driver `, the " -"deployment examples generally include the following building blocks:" -msgstr "" -"Setelah pemilihan :ref:`mechanism driver `, contoh " -"pengerahan umumnya memasukan blok bangunan berikut:" - -msgid "" -"After creating a peering session, you cannot change the local or remote " -"autonomous system numbers." -msgstr "" -"Setelah membuat sesi peering, Anda tidak dapat mengubah nomor sistem otonomi " -"lokal atau remote." - -msgid "" -"After deletion, if you restart the DHCP agent, it appears on the agent list " -"again." -msgstr "" -"Setelah penghapusan, jika Anda me-restart agen DHCP, akan muncul pada daftar " -"agen lagi." - -msgid "After installing Dibbler, edit the ``/etc/dibbler/server.conf`` file:" -msgstr "Setelah menginstal Dibbler, edit file ``/etc/dibbler/server.conf``:" - -msgid "" -"After installing a new version of the Neutron server, upgrade the database " -"using the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Setelah menginstal versi baru dari server Neutron, meng-upgrade database " -"kemudian gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"After re-starting the ``neutron-server``, users will be able to assign a " -"``dns_name`` attribute to their ports." -msgstr "" -"Setelah memulai kembali ``neutron-server``, pengguna akan dapat menetapkan " -"atribut ``dns_name`` ke portnya." - -msgid "" -"After the agent is disabled, you can safely remove the agent. Even after " -"disabling the agent, resources on the agent are kept assigned. Ensure you " -"remove the resources on the agent before you delete the agent." -msgstr "" -"Setelah agen dinonaktifkan, Anda dapat dengan aman menghapus agen. Bahkan " -"setelah menonaktifkan agen, sumber daya pada agen terus ditugaskan. Pastikan " -"Anda menghapus sumber daya pada agen sebelum Anda menghapus agen." - -msgid "" -"After you stop the DHCP agent on HostA, you can delete it by the following " -"command:" -msgstr "" -"Setelah Anda berhenti agen DHCP pada HostA, Anda dapat menghapusnya dengan " -"perintah berikut:" - -msgid "Agent nodes" -msgstr "Agent nodes" - -msgid "Agents" -msgstr "Agents" - -msgid "" -"All InfiniBand networks must have a subnet manager running for the network " -"to function. This is true even when doing a simple network of two machines " -"with no switch and the cards are plugged in back-to-back. A subnet manager " -"is required for the link on the cards to come up. It is possible to have " -"more than one subnet manager. In this case, one of them will act as the " -"master, and any other will act as a slave that will take over when the " -"master subnet manager fails." -msgstr "" -"Semua jaringan InfiniBand harus memiliki manajer subnet yang menjalankan " -"jaringan supaya berfungsi. Hal ini berlaku bahkan ketika melakukan jaringan " -"sederhana dari dua mesin tanpa switch dan kartu terpasang (plugged) di back-" -"to-back. Seorang manajer subnet diperlukan untuk link di kartu untuk " -"bangkit. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk memiliki lebih dari satu manajer subnet. " -"Dalam hal ini, salah satu dari mereka akan bertindak sebagai master, dan " -"lain akan bertindak sebagai slave yang akan mengambil alih ketika manajer " -"subnet master gagal." - -msgid "" -"All OpenStack Networking services and OpenStack Compute instances connect to " -"a virtual network via ports making it possible to create a traffic steering " -"model for service chaining using only ports. Including these ports in a port " -"chain enables steering of traffic through one or more instances providing " -"service functions." -msgstr "" -"Semua layanan OpenStack Jaringan dan instance OpenStack Compute " -"menghubungkan ke jaringan virtual melalui port sehingga hal itu memungkinkan " -"untuk membuat model kemudi lalu lintas (traffic steering model) untuk " -"layanan chaining hanya menggunakan port. Termasuk port ini dalam rantai port " -"mengaktifkan kemudi lalu lintas melalui satu atau lebih instance yang " -"menyediakan fungsi layanan." - -msgid "" -"All instances reside on the same network, which can also be shared with the " -"hosts. No VLAN tagging or other network segregation takes place." -msgstr "" -"Semua instance berada pada jaringan yang sama, yang juga dapat dibagi dengan " -"host. Tidak ada VLAN tagging atau pemisahan jaringan lainnya berlangsung." - -msgid "" -"Allow egress DHCP discovery and request messages that use the source MAC " -"address of the port for the instance and the unspecified IPv4 address " -"(" -msgstr "" -"Izinkan egress DHCP discovery and request messages yang menggunakan sumber " -"alamat MAC dari port untuk instance dan alamat IPv4 yang tidak ditentukan " -"(" - -msgid "" -"Allow egress ICMPv6 MLD reports (v1 and v2) and neighbor solicitation " -"messages that use the source MAC address of a particular instance and the " -"unspecified IPv6 address (::). Duplicate address detection (DAD) relies on " -"these messages." -msgstr "" -"Izinkan egress ICMPv6 MLD reports (v1 dan v2) dan neighbor solicitation " -"messages yang menggunakan sumber alamat MAC dari instance khusus dan alamat " -"IPv6 tidak ditentukan (: :). Duplicate address detection (DAD) tergantung " -"pada pesan ini." - -msgid "" -"Allow egress non-IP traffic from the MAC address of the port for the " -"instance and any additional MAC addresses in ``allowed-address-pairs`` on " -"the port for the instance." -msgstr "" -"Izinkan egress non-IP traffic dari alamat MAC dari port instance dan setiap " -"alamat MAC tambahan dalam ``allowed-address-pairs`` pada port instance." - -msgid "" -"Allow egress traffic only if it uses the source MAC and IP addresses of the " -"port for the instance, source MAC and IP combination in ``allowed-address-" -"pairs``, or valid MAC address (port or ``allowed-address-pairs``) and " -"associated EUI64 link-local IPv6 address." -msgstr "" -"Izinkan lalu lintas egress hanya jika menggunakan sumber alamat MAC dan IP " -"dari port untuk instance, sumber kombinasi MAC dan IP dalam ``allowed-" -"address-pairs``, atau alamat MAC valid (port or ``allowed-address-pairs``) " -"dan alamat IPv6 llink-local EUI64 terkait." - -msgid "" -"Allow ingress DHCP and DHCPv6 responses from the DHCP server on the subnet " -"so instances can acquire IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"Izinkan ingress DHCP and DHCPv6 responses dari server DHCP di subnet " -"sehingga kasus dapat memperoleh alamat IP." - -msgid "" -"Allow ingress/egress ICMPv6 MLD, neighbor solicitation, and neighbor " -"discovery messages so instances can discover neighbors and join multicast " -"groups." -msgstr "" -"Izinkan ingress/egress ICMPv6 MLD, neighbor solicitation, dan pesan penemuan " -"tetangga sehingga instance dapat menemukan neighbors dan bergabung dengan " -"multicast groups." - -msgid "Allowing a network to be used as an external network" -msgstr "Membiarkan jaringan untuk digunakan sebagai jaringan eksternal" - -msgid "" -"Also, provider networks only handle layer-2 connectivity for instances, thus " -"lacking support for features such as routers and floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"Juga, jaringan provider hanya menangani layer-2 connectivity untik instance, " -"sehingga kurang dukungan untuk fitur seperti router dan alamat IP mengambang." - -msgid "" -"Alternatively the ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` parameter also supports " -"whitelisting by:" -msgstr "" -"Atau dengan parameter ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` juga mendukung daftar " -"putih (whitelisting):" - -msgid "" -"Alternatively, you can create VFs by passing the ``max_vfs`` to the kernel " -"module of your network interface. However, the ``max_vfs`` parameter has " -"been deprecated, so the PCI SYS interface is the preferred method." -msgstr "" -"Atau, Anda dapat membuat VF dengan melewatkan ``max_vfs`` ke modul kernel " -"dari antarmuka jaringan Anda. Namun, parameter ``max_vfs`` telah usang, " -"sehingga interface PCI SYS menjadi metode yang disukai." - -msgid "" -"Alternatively, you can launch each instance with one network interface and " -"attach additional ports later." -msgstr "" -"Atau, Anda dapat memulai setiap instance dengan satu antarmuka jaringan dan " -"menghubungkan port tambahan nanti." - -msgid "" -"Although OpenStack does not make use of libvirt's networking, this " -"networking will not interfere with OpenStack's behavior, and can be safely " -"left enabled. However, libvirt's networking can be a nuisance when debugging " -"OpenStack networking issues. Because libvirt creates an additional bridge, " -"dnsmasq process, and iptables ruleset, these may distract an operator " -"engaged in network troubleshooting. Unless you need to start up virtual " -"machines using libvirt directly, you can safely disable libvirt's network." -msgstr "" -"Meskipun OpenStack tidak memanfaatkan jaringan libvirt ini, jaringan ini " -"tidak akan mengganggu perilaku OpenStack, dan dapat dengan aman ditinggalkan " -"diaktifkan. Namun, jaringan libvirt bisa menjadi gangguan ketika debugging " -"masalah jaringan OpenStack. Karena Libvirt menciptakan jembatan tambahan, " -"proses dnsmasq, dan iptables ruleset, ini mungkin mengalihkan perhatian " -"operator terlibat dalam pemecahan masalah jaringan. Kecuali Anda perlu untuk " -"memulai mesin virtual menggunakan libvirt langsung, Anda dapat dengan aman " -"menonaktifkan jaringan libvirt ini." - -msgid "" -"Although non-IP traffic, security groups do not implicitly allow all ARP " -"traffic. Separate ARP filtering rules prevent instances from using ARP to " -"intercept traffic for another instance. You cannot disable or remove these " -"rules." -msgstr "" -"Meskipun lalu lintas non-IP, kelompok keamanan tidak secara implisit " -"mengizinkan semua lalu lintas ARP. Pisahkan aturan penyaringan ARP untuk " -"mencegah instance menggunakan ARP untuk menghadang lalu lintas instance " -"lain. Anda tidak dapat menonaktifkan atau menghapus aturan ini." - -msgid "" -"Although self-service networks generally use private IP address ranges " -"(RFC1918) for IPv4 subnets, BGP dynamic routing can advertise any IPv4 " -"address ranges." -msgstr "" -"Meskipun jaringan self-service umumnya menggunakan rentang alamat IP private " -"(RFC1918) untuk subnet IPv4, BGP routing dinamis dapat menyiarkan upadate " -"dan perubahan rentang alamat IPv4." - -msgid "" -"Although, the Networking service provides high availability for routers and " -"high availability and fault tolerance for networks' DHCP services, " -"availability zones provide an extra layer of protection by segmenting a " -"Networking service deployment in isolated failure domains. By deploying HA " -"nodes across different availability zones, it is guaranteed that network " -"services remain available in face of zone-wide failures that affect the " -"deployment." -msgstr "" -"Meskipun, layanan Networking menyediakan ketersediaan tinggi untuk router " -"dan dan toleransi kesalahan untuk layanan DHCP jaringan ', zona ketersediaan " -"memberikan lapisan tambahan perlindungan dengan segmentasi pengerahan " -"layanan jaringan di daerah kegagalan terisolasi (isolated failure domain). " -"Dengan mengerahkan HA node (High Availability node) di zona ketersediaan " -"yang berbeda, dijamin bahwa layanan jaringan tetap tersedia dalam menghadapi " -"kegagalan zone-wide yang mempengaruhi pengerahan." - -msgid "" -"An L2 agent serves layer 2 (Ethernet) network connectivity to OpenStack " -"resources. It typically runs on each Network Node and on each Compute Node." -msgstr "" -"Agen L2 membantu konektivitas jaringan layer 2 (Ethernet) untuk sumber " -"OpenStack. Ini biasanya berjalan pada setiap Network Node dan pada setiap " -"Compute Node." - -msgid "" -"An administrator can mark a pool as default. Only one pool from each address " -"family can be marked default." -msgstr "" -"Administrator dapat menandai kolam sebagai default. Hanya satu kolam dari " -"masing-masing keluarga alamat dapat ditandai default." - -msgid "" -"An administrator might want to disable an agent if a system hardware or " -"software upgrade is planned. Some agents that support scheduling also " -"support disabling and enabling agents, such as L3 and DHCP agents. After the " -"agent is disabled, the scheduler does not schedule new resources to the " -"agent." -msgstr "" -"Administrator mungkin ingin menonaktifkan agen jika sistem perangkat keras " -"atau upgrade perangkat lunak direncanakan. Beberapa agen yang mendukung " -"penjadwalan juga mendukung penonaktifan dan pengaktifan agen, seperti L3 dan " -"DHCP agen. Setelah agen dinonaktifkan, scheduler tidak menjadwalkan sumber " -"daya baru untuk agen." - -msgid "" -"An availability zone groups network nodes that run services like DHCP, L3, " -"FW, and others. It is defined as an agent's attribute on the network node. " -"This allows users to associate an availability zone with their resources so " -"that the resources get high availability." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah node ketersediaan kelompok zona jaringan yang menjalankan layanan " -"seperti DHCP, L3, FW, dan lain-lain. Hal ini didefinisikan sebagai atribut " -"agen pada node jaringan. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menghubungkan " -"zona ketersediaan sumber daya mereka sehingga sumber daya mendapatkan " -"ketersediaan tinggi." - -msgid "" -"An availability zone is used to make network resources highly available. The " -"operators group the nodes that are attached to different power sources under " -"separate availability zones and configure scheduling for resources with high " -"availability so that they are scheduled on different availability zones." -msgstr "" -"Zona ketersediaan digunakan untuk membuat sumber daya jaringan sangat " -"tersedia. Operator mengelompokan node yang melekat pada sumber daya yang " -"berbeda di bawah zona ketersediaan terpisah dan mengkonfigurasi penjadwalan " -"sumber daya dengan ketersediaan tinggi sehingga mereka dijadwalkan pada zona " -"ketersediaan yang berbeda." - -msgid "" -"An instance with an interface with an IPv4 address in a routed provider " -"network must be placed by the Compute scheduler in a host that has access to " -"a segment with available IPv4 addresses. To make this possible, the " -"Networking service communicates to the Compute scheduler the inventory of " -"IPv4 addresses associated with each segment of a routed provider network. " -"The operator must configure the authentication credentials that the " -"Networking service will use to communicate with the Compute scheduler's " -"placement API. Please see below an example configuration." -msgstr "" -"Sebuah instance dengan sebuah antarmuka dengan alamat IPv4 dalam jaringan " -"provider yang diarahkan harus ditempatkan oleh Compute scheduler di host " -"yang memiliki akses ke segmen dengan alamat IPv4 yang tersedia. Untuk " -"membuat ini mungkin terjadi, layanan Networking berkomunikasi dengan Compute " -"scheduler persediaan alamat IPv4 yang terkait dengan setiap segmen jaringan " -"provider yang diarahkan. Operator harus mengkonfigurasi kredensial " -"otentikasi dimana layanan Networking akan digunakan untuk berkomunikasi " -"dengan placement API di Compute scheduler. Silakan lihat di bawah " -"konfigurasi contoh." - -msgid "" -"Any given Linux process runs in a particular network namespace. By default " -"this is inherited from its parent process, but a process with the right " -"capabilities can switch itself into a different namespace; in practice this " -"is mostly done using the :command:`ip netns exec NETNS COMMAND...` " -"invocation, which starts ``COMMAND`` running in the namespace named " -"``NETNS``. Suppose such a process sends out a message to IP address A.B.C.D, " -"the effect of the namespace is that A.B.C.D will be looked up in that " -"namespace's routing table, and that will determine the network device that " -"the message is transmitted through." -msgstr "" -"Setiap proses Linux yang ada berjalan dalam namespace jaringan tertentu. " -"Secara default proses ini merupakan warisan (inherited) dari proses " -"induknya, tetapi sebuah proses dengan kemampuan yang tepat dapat mengalihkan " -"dirinya menjadi namespace yang berbeda; dalam praktek ini banyak dilakukan " -"dengan menggunakan :command:`ip netns exec NETNS COMMAND...` invocation, " -"yang memulai menjalankan `` COMMAND`` di namespace yang bernama `` NETNS``. " -"Misalkan proses tersebut mengirimkan pesan ke alamat IP A.B.C.D, efek dari " -"namespace adalah bahwa A.B.C.D akan mencari dalam tabel routing yang " -"memiliki namespace ini, dan yang akan menentukan perangkat jaringan dimana " -"pesan akan diantarkan." - -msgid "" -"Any plug-in or ml2 mechanism driver can claim support for some QoS rule " -"types by providing a plug-in/driver class property called " -"``supported_qos_rule_types`` that returns a list of strings that correspond " -"to `QoS rule types `_." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme ml2 atau plug-in dapat mengklaim dukungan untuk beberapa " -"tipe atauran QoS dengan menyediakan properti kelas plug-in/driver yang " -"disebut ``supported_qos_rule_types`` yang mengembalikan daftar string yang " -"sesuai dengan `QoS rule types `_." - -msgid "" -"Anyone with access to the Networking service can create their own address " -"scopes. However, network administrators can create shared address scopes, " -"allowing other projects to create networks within that address scope." -msgstr "" -"Siapapun dengan akses ke layanan Networking dapat membuat lingkup alamat " -"mereka sendiri. Namun, administrator jaringan dapat membuat lingkup alamat " -"bersama, yang memungkinkan proyek lain untuk membuat jaringan dalam lingkup " -"alamat itu." - -msgid "" -"Apply the security group to the load balancer's network port using " -"``vip_port_id`` from the :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command:" -msgstr "" -"Terapkan kelompok keamanan untuk port jaringan penyeimbang beban menggunakan " -"`` vip_port_id`` dari perintah :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show`:" - -msgid "Apply the settings by restarting the web server." -msgstr "Terapkan pengaturan dengan me-restart web server." - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# config_server.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Architecture" -msgstr "Arsitektur" - -msgid "Arp Spoofing Prevention" -msgstr "Arp Spoofing Prevention" - -msgid "" -"As a regular project in an OpenStack cloud, you can create a subnet pool of " -"your own and use it to manage your own pool of addresses. This does not " -"require any admin privileges. Your pool will not be visible to any other " -"project." -msgstr "" -"Sebagai proyek reguler di cloud OpenStack, Anda dapat membuat subnet kolam " -"Anda sendiri dan menggunakannya untuk mengelola kolam alamat Anda sendiri. " -"Ini tidak memerlukan hak istimewa admin. Kolam renang Anda tidak akan " -"terlihat dari proyek lainnya." - -msgid "" -"As introduced in other guide entries, neutron provides a means of making an " -"object (``network``, ``qos-policy``) available to every project. This is " -"accomplished using the ``shared`` flag on the supported object:" -msgstr "" -"Seperti yang diperkenalkan dalam entri buku lainnya, neutron menyediakan " -"sarana untuk membuat sebuah objek (``network``, ``qos-policy``) tersedia " -"untuk setiap proyek. Hal ini dicapai dengan menggunakan ``shared`` flag pada " -"objek yang didukung:" - -msgid "" -"As mentioned earlier, modern Ethernet networks use switches to interconnect " -"the network hosts. A switch is a box of networking hardware with a large " -"number of ports that forward Ethernet frames from one connected host to " -"another. When hosts first send frames over the switch, the switch doesn’t " -"know which MAC address is associated with which port. If an Ethernet frame " -"is destined for an unknown MAC address, the switch broadcasts the frame to " -"all ports. The switch learns which MAC addresses are at which ports by " -"observing the traffic. Once it knows which MAC address is associated with a " -"port, it can send Ethernet frames to the correct port instead of " -"broadcasting. The switch maintains the mappings of MAC addresses to switch " -"ports in a table called a *forwarding table* or *forwarding information " -"base* (FIB). Switches can be daisy-chained together, and the resulting " -"connection of switches and hosts behaves like a single network." -msgstr "" -"Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, jaringan Ethernet modern menggunakan switch " -"untuk menghubungkan host jaringan. Sebuah switch adalah sebuah kotak dari " -"perangkat keras jaringan dengan sejumlah besar port yang meneruskan frame " -"Ethernet dari satu host terhubung ke host yang lain. Ketika host pertama " -"mengirim frame melintasi switch, switch tidak tahu dimana alamat MAC " -"dikaitkan dengan port. Jika sebuah frame Ethernet diperuntukan untuk alamat " -"MAC yang tidak diketahui, switch menyiarkan frame ke semua port. Switch ini " -"mempelajari alamat MAC dengan cara pengamatan lalu lintas pada port. Setelah " -"tahu dimana alamat MAC terkait dengan port, switch dapat mengirim frame " -"Ethernet ke port yang benar bukan ke penyiaran. Switch mempertahankan " -"pemetaan dari alamat MAC ke switch port dalam tabel yang disebut *forwarding " -"table* atau *forwarding information base* (FIB). Switch dapat daisy-chained " -"bersama-sama, dan koneksi yang dihasilkan dari switch dan host berperilaku " -"seperti jaringan tunggal." - -msgid "" -"As of Juno, the OpenStack Networking service (neutron) provides two new " -"attributes to the subnet object, which allows users of the API to configure " -"IPv6 subnets." -msgstr "" -"Sebagaimana Juno, layanan OpenStack Networking (neutron) menyediakan dua " -"atribut baru ke objek subnet, yang memungkinkan pengguna API untuk " -"mengkonfigurasi subnet IPv6." - -msgid "" -"As of the writing of this guide, there is not placement API CLI client, so " -"the :command:`curl` command is used for this example." -msgstr "" -"Pada penulisan buku ini, tidak ada penempatan API CLI client, sehingga " -"perintah :command:`curl` digunakan untuk contoh ini." - -msgid "" -"As the `admin` user, verify the neutron routers are allocated IP addresses " -"from their correct subnets. Use ``openstack port list`` to find ports " -"associated with the routers." -msgstr "" -"Sebagai pengguna `admin`, lakukan verifikasi apakah router neutron " -"dialokasikan alamat IP dari subnet yang benar. Gunakan ``openstack port " -"list`` untuk menemukan port yang berhubungan dengan router." - -msgid "Assign a network to a given DHCP agent." -msgstr "Tetapkan jaringan untuk agen DHCP yang diberikan." - -msgid "" -"Assign a valid domain name to the network's ``dns_domain`` attribute. This " -"name must end with a period (``.``)." -msgstr "" -"Tetapkan nama domain yang valid untuk atribut ``dns_domain`` milik jaringan. " -"Nama ini harus diakhiri dengan titik (``.``)." - -msgid "" -"Associate a floating IP with the instance port and verify it was allocated " -"an IP address from the correct subnet:" -msgstr "" -"Kaitkan IP mengambang dengan port instance dan lakukan verifikasi apakah " -"alamat IP yang dialokasikan itu dari subnet yang benar:" - -msgid "Associate the floating IPv4 address with the instance." -msgstr "Lakukan asosiasi alamat IPv4 mengambang dengan instance." - -msgid "Associating a floating IP address" -msgstr "Mengaitkannya alamat IP mengambang" - -msgid "" -"At a high level, the basic steps to launching an instance on a trunk are the " -"following:" -msgstr "" -"Pada tingkat tinggi, langkah dasar untuk meluncurkan sebuah instance pada " -"trunk adalah sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"At this moment the Networking DB is the source of truth, but nova-api is the " -"only public read-write API." -msgstr "" -"Pada saat ini Networking DB adalah sumber kebenaran (source of truth), " -"tetapi nova-api adalah satu-satunya public read-write API." - -msgid "" -"At this point, all compute nodes have been migrated, but they are still " -"using the nova-api API and Compute gateways. Finally, enable OpenStack " -"Networking by following these steps:" -msgstr "" -"Pada titik ini, semua node komputasi telah bermigrasi, namun mereka masih " -"menggunakan nova-api API dan gateway Compute. Akhirnya, aktifkan OpenStack " -"Networking dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah ini:" - -msgid "Attaching router gateways to networks (since Mitaka)." -msgstr "Pelekatan router gateways untuk jaringan (sejak Mitaka)." - -msgid "Attribute name" -msgstr "Nama atribut" - -msgid "Auto Configuration Flag = 1" -msgstr "Auto Configuration Flag = 1" - -msgid "" -"Automated removal of empty bridges has been disabled to fix a race condition " -"between the Compute (nova) and Networking (neutron) services. Previously, it " -"was possible for a bridge to be deleted during the time when the only " -"instance using it was rebooted." -msgstr "" -"Penghapusan secara otomatis jembatan kosong telah dinonaktifkan untuk " -"memperbaiki kondisi perebuatan (race condition) antara layanan Compute " -"(nova) dan Networking (neutron). Kondisi sebelumnya, penghapusan jembatan " -"memungkinkan dilakukan ketika instance dilakukan reboot, dan bila hanya " -"instance yang sedang menggunakan layanan itu. " - -msgid "Automatic allocation of network topologies" -msgstr "Alokasi otomatis topologi jaringan" - -msgid "Availability zone aware scheduler" -msgstr " Alat penjadwal mengetahui zona ketersediaan" - -msgid "" -"Availability zone is selected from ``default_availability_zones`` in ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf`` if a resource is created without " -"``availability_zone_hints``:" -msgstr "" -"ona ketersediaan dipilih dari ``default_availability_zones`` dalam ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf`` jika sumber daya dibuat tanpa " -"``availability_zone_hints``:" - -msgid "Availability zone of agents" -msgstr "Zona ketersediaan agen" - -msgid "Availability zone related attributes" -msgstr "Zona Ketersediaan terkait atribut" - -msgid "Availability zones" -msgstr "Zona ketersediaan" - -msgid "BGP dynamic routing" -msgstr "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing dinamis" - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing advertises prefixes for self-service networks and host " -"routes for floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"BGP routing dinamis menyiarkan update dan perubahan awalan untuk jaringan " -"self-service dan host route alamat IP mengambang." - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing consists of a service plug-in and an agent. The service " -"plug-in implements the Networking service extension and the agent manages " -"BGP peering sessions. A cloud administrator creates and configures a BGP " -"speaker using the CLI or API and manually schedules it to one or more hosts " -"running the agent. Agents can reside on hosts with or without other " -"Networking service agents. Prefix advertisement depends on the binding of " -"external networks to a BGP speaker and the address scope of external and " -"internal IP address ranges or subnets." -msgstr "" -"BGP routing dinamis terdiri dari plug-in layanan dan agen. Plug-in layanan " -"mengimplementasikan ekstensi layanan Networking dan agen mengelola BGP " -"peering sessions. Seorang administrator cloud menciptakan dan " -"mengkonfigurasi pembicara BGP menggunakan CLI atau API dan secara manual " -"menjadwalkan untuk satu atau lebih host menjalankan agen. Agen dapat berada " -"pada host dengan atau tanpa agen layanan Networking lainnya. Awalan " -"penyiaran update dan perubahan tergantung pada pengikatan jaringan eksternal " -"ke speaker BGP dan ruang lingkup alamat rentang atau subnet alamat IP " -"eksternal dan internal. " - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing enables advertisement of self-service (private) network " -"prefixes to physical network devices that support BGP such as routers, thus " -"removing the conventional dependency on static routes. The feature relies " -"on :ref:`address scopes ` and requires knowledge of " -"their operation for proper deployment." -msgstr "" -"BGP routing dinamis memungkinkan penyiaran update dan perubahan awalan " -"jaringan self-service (private) untuk perangkat jaringan fisik yang " -"mendukung BGP seperti router, sehingga menghilangkan ketergantungan " -"konvensional pada rute statis. Fitur ini bergantung pada :ref:`address " -"scopes ` dan membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang operasi " -"mereka untuk pengerahan yang tepat." - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing supports peering via IPv6 and advertising IPv6 prefixes." -msgstr "" -"Routing dinamis BGP mendukung peering (kebersamaan) melalui IPv6 dan " -"penyiaran update dan perubahan awalan IPv6." - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing supports scheduling a BGP speaker to multiple agents " -"which effectively multiplies prefix advertisements to the same peer. If an " -"agent fails, the peer continues to receive advertisements from one or more " -"operational agents." -msgstr "" -"Routing dinamis BGP mendukung penjadwalan BGP speaker ke beberapa agen yang " -"secara efektif melipatgandakan penyiaran update dan perubahan awalan untuk " -"rekan yang sama. Jika agen gagal, peer terus menerima penyiaran update dan " -"perubahan dari satu atau lebih agen operasional." - -msgid "" -"BGP routing can be used to automatically set up a static route for your " -"instances." -msgstr "" -"Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing dapat digunakan untuk secara otomatis " -"mengatur rute statis untuk instance Anda." - -msgid "Backwards compatibility" -msgstr "Kompatibilitas mundur" - -msgid "Backwards compatibility with pre-Juno IPv6 behavior." -msgstr "Kompatibilitas mundur dengan perilaku pra-Juno IPv6." - -msgid "Basic networking" -msgstr "Jaringan dasar" - -msgid "" -"Because a network host may have multiple TCP-based applications running, TCP " -"uses an addressing scheme called *ports* to uniquely identify TCP-based " -"applications. A TCP port is associated with a number in the range 1-65535, " -"and only one application on a host can be associated with a TCP port at a " -"time, a restriction that is enforced by the operating system." -msgstr "" -"Karena host jaringan mungkin memiliki beberapa aplikasi TCP-based yang " -"sedang berjalan, TCP menggunakan skema pengalamatan yang disebut *port * " -"untuk mengidentifikasi aplikasi TCP-based secara unik. Sebuah port TCP " -"dikaitkan dengan angka dalam kisaran 1-65535, dan hanya satu aplikasi pada " -"host dapat dikaitkan dengan port TCP pada suatu waktu, pembatasan yang " -"diberlakukan dengan sistem operasi." - -msgid "" -"Because the NAT router modifies ports as well as IP addresses, this form of " -"SNAT is sometimes referred to as *Port Address Translation* (PAT). It is " -"also sometimes referred to as *NAT overload*." -msgstr "" -"Karena router NAT memodifikasi port serta alamat IP, bentuk SNAT kadang-" -"kadang disebut sebagai *Port Address Translation* (PAT). Hal ini juga kadang-" -"kadang disebut sebagai *NAT overload*." - -msgid "" -"Before Kilo, Networking had no automation around the addresses used to " -"create a subnet. To create one, you had to come up with the addresses on " -"your own without any help from the system. There are valid use cases for " -"this but if you are interested in the following capabilities, then subnet " -"pools might be for you." -msgstr "" -"Sebelum Kilo, Networking tidak mempunyai otomatisasi sekitar alamat yang " -"digunakan untuk membuat subnet. Untuk membuat subnet, Anda harus membawa " -"alamat Anda sendiri tanpa bantuan dari sistem. Ada use case valid untuk ini, " -"tetapi jika Anda tertarik pada kemampuan berikut, maka kolam subnet mungkin " -"benar untuk Anda." - -msgid "" -"Before executing any of the use cases, the user must create in the DNS " -"service under his project a DNS zone where the A and AAAA records will be " -"created. For the description of the use cases below, it is assumed the zone " -"``example.org.`` was created previously." -msgstr "" -"Sebelum melaksanakan salah satu use case, pengguna harus membuat dalam " -"layanan DNS di bawah proyeknya zona DNS dimana catatan A dan AAAA akan " -"dibuat. Untuk deskripsi use case di bawah, diasumsikan zona ``example.org.`` " -"diciptakan sebelumnya." - -msgid "" -"Before routed provider networks, the Networking service could not present a " -"multi-segment layer-3 network as a single entity. Thus, each operator " -"typically chose one of the following architectures:" -msgstr "" -"Sebelum jaringan penyedia yang diarahkan, layanan Networking tidak bisa " -"menghadirkan jaringan lapisan-3 multi-segment sebagai satu kesatuan. Dengan " -"demikian, masing-masing operator biasanya memilih salah satu arsitektur " -"berikut:" - -msgid "" -"Before the end-user can use the auto-allocation feature, the operator must " -"create the resources that will be used for the auto-allocated network " -"topology creation. To perform this task, proceed with the following steps:" -msgstr "" -"Sebelum end-user dapat menggunakan fitur auto-alokasi, operator harus " -"menciptakan sumber daya yang akan digunakan untuk pembuatan topologi " -"jaringan auto-allocated. Untuk melakukan tugas ini, lanjutkan dengan langkah-" -"langkah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"Begin a continuous ``ping`` of both the floating IPv4 address and IPv6 " -"address of the instance. While performing the next three steps, you should " -"see a minimal, if any, interruption of connectivity to the instance." -msgstr "" -"Mulailah terus menerus ``ping`` dari alamat IPv4 mengambang dan alamat IPv6 " -"dari instance. Sambil melakukan tiga langkah selanjutnya, Anda akan melihat " -"minimal, jika ada, gangguan konektivitas untuk instance." - -msgid "" -"Begin with segments. The Networking service defines a segment using the " -"following components:" -msgstr "" -"Mulailah dengan segmen. Layanan Networking mendefinisikan segmen menggunakan " -"komponen berikut:" - -msgid "" -"Beginning with Mitaka, a subnet pool can be marked as the default. This is " -"handled with a new extension." -msgstr "" -"Dimulai dengan Mitaka, kolam subnet dapat ditandai sebagai default. Hal ini " -"ditangani dengan ekstensi baru." - -msgid "Binding QoS policies permissions to networks or ports (since Mitaka)." -msgstr "Pengikatan izin kebijakan QoS ke jaringan atau port (sejak Mitaka)." - -msgid "" -"Boot a VM on ``net2``. Let both DHCP agents host ``net2``. Fail the agents " -"in turn to see if the VM can still get the desired IP." -msgstr "" -"Boot VM pada ``net2``. Biarkan kedua agen DHCP menjadi host ``net2``. Gagal " -"agen pada gilirannya untuk melihat apakah VM masih bisa mendapatkan IP yang " -"diinginkan." - -msgid "Boot a VM on ``net2``:" -msgstr "Boot VM pada ``net2``:" - -msgid "" -"Boot an instance or alternatively, create a port specifying a valid value to " -"its ``dns_name`` attribute. If the port is going to be used for an instance " -"boot, the value assigned to ``dns_name`` must be equal to the ``hostname`` " -"that the Compute service will assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot " -"will fail." -msgstr "" -"Boot instance atau alternatifnya, buatlah port yang menetapkan nilai valid " -"untuk atribut ``dns_name``. Jika port tersebut akan digunakan untuk boot " -"instance, nilai yang ditetapkan untuk ``dns_name`` harus sama dengan " -"``hostname`` dimana layanan Compute akan menetapkan ke instance. Jika " -"tidak, boot akan gagal." - -msgid "" -"Boot an instance specifying the externally accessible network. " -"Alternatively, create a port on the externally accessible network specifying " -"a valid value to its ``dns_name`` attribute. If the port is going to be used " -"for an instance boot, the value assigned to ``dns_name`` must be equal to " -"the ``hostname`` that the Compute service will assign to the instance. " -"Otherwise, the boot will fail." -msgstr "" -"Boot instance yang menentukan jaringan accessible secara eksternal. Atau, " -"buatlah port pada jaringan accessible secara eksternal yang menentukan " -"nilai yang valid untuk atribut ``dns_name`` nya. Jika port tersebut akan " -"digunakan untuk instance boot, nilai yang diberikan untuk ``dns_name`` harus " -"sama dengan ``hostname`` dimana layanan Compute akan menetapkan ke instance. " -"Jika tidak, boot akan gagal." - -msgid "Both DHCP agents host the ``net2`` network." -msgstr "Kedua agen DHCP menjadi host jaringan ``net2``." - -msgid "" -"Both instances reside on the same compute node to illustrate how VLAN " -"tagging enables multiple logical layer-2 networks to use the same physical " -"layer-2 network." -msgstr "" -"Kedua instance berada pada node komputasi yang sama untuk menggambarkan " -"bagaimana VLAN tagging mengaktifkan beberapa jaringan lapisan-2 logis " -"menggunakan jaringan lapisan-2 fisik yang sama." - -msgid "" -"Both instances reside on the same compute node to illustrate how VXLAN " -"enables multiple overlays to use the same layer-3 network." -msgstr "" -"Kedua instance berada pada node komputasi yang sama untuk menggambarkan " -"bagaimana VXLAN mengaktifkan beberapa overlays menggunakan jaringanlapisan-3 " -"yang sama." - -msgid "" -"Both the Linux bridge and the Open vSwitch dataplane modules support " -"forwarding IPv6 packets amongst the guests and router ports. Similar to " -"IPv4, there is no special configuration or setup required to enable the " -"dataplane to properly forward packets from the source to the destination " -"using IPv6. Note that these dataplanes will forward Link-local Address (LLA) " -"packets between hosts on the same network just fine without any " -"participation or setup by OpenStack components after the ports are all " -"connected and MAC addresses learned." -msgstr "" -"Jembatan Linux dan modul dataplane Open vSwitch mendukung penerusan paket " -"IPv6 di antara guest dan port router. Mirip dengan IPv4, tidak ada " -"konfigurasi khusus atau pengaturan diperlukan untuk mengaktifkan dataplane " -"untuk meneruskan paket dari sumber ke tujuan menggunakan IPv6. Perhatikan " -"bahwa dataplanes ini akan meneruskan paket Link-local Address (LLA) antara " -"host pada jaringan yang sama saja tanpa partisipasi atau setup oleh komponen " -"OpenStack setelah port terhubung semua dan alamat MAC dipelajari." - -msgid "" -"Bring up the Networking (l3) nodes. The new routers will have identical MAC" -"+IPs as old Compute gateways so some sort of immediate cutover is possible, " -"except for stateful connections issues such as NAT." -msgstr "" -"Munculkan Networking (l3) node. Router baru akan memiliki MAC+IP identik " -"seperti gateway Compute tua dan juga beberapa jenis immediate cutover " -"memungkinkan, kecuali untuk masalah koneksi stateful seperti NAT." - -msgid "Building an LBaaS v2 load balancer" -msgstr "Membangun penyeimbang beban LBaaS v2" - -msgid "Buying guide" -msgstr "Panduan membeli" - -msgid "" -"By creating subnets from scoped subnet pools, the network is associated with " -"the address scope." -msgstr "" -"Dengan pembuatan subnet dari kolam subnet terlingkup (scoped), jaringan " -"dikaitkan dengan lingkup alamat." - -msgid "" -"By default, IPv6 subnets on provider networks rely on physical network " -"infrastructure for stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) and router " -"advertisement." -msgstr "" -"Secara default, subnet IPv6 pada jaringan penyedia bergantung pada " -"infrastruktur jaringan fisik untuk stateless address autoconfiguration " -"(SLAAC) dan router advertisement." - -msgid "" -"By default, ``enable_firewall`` option value is ``True`` in ``local_settings." -"py`` file." -msgstr "" -"Secara default, nilai opsi ``enable_firewall`` adalah ``True`` dalam file " -"``local_settings.py``." - -msgid "" -"By default, all security groups contain a series of basic (sanity) and anti-" -"spoofing rules that perform the following actions:" -msgstr "" -"Secara default, semua kelompok keamanan berisi serangkaian aturan dasar " -"(sanity) dan anti-spoofing yang melakukan tindakan berikut:" - -msgid "" -"By default, libvirt creates a network named *default*. The details of this " -"network may vary by distribution; on Ubuntu this network involves:" -msgstr "" -"Secara default, libvirt menciptakan jaringan bernama *default*. Rincian " -"jaringan ini mungkin berbeda dengan distribusi; pada Ubuntu jaringan ini " -"melibatkan:" - -msgid "" -"By default, libvirt's networking functionality is enabled, and libvirt " -"creates a network when the system boots. To implement this network, libvirt " -"leverages some of the same technologies that OpenStack Network does. In " -"particular, libvirt uses:" -msgstr "" -"Secara default, fungsi jaringan libvirt ini diaktifkan, dan libvirt " -"menciptakan jaringan saat booting. Untuk mengimplementasikan jaringan ini, " -"libvirt memanfaatkan beberapa teknologi yang sama dimana OpenStack Network " -"menggunakannya. Secara khusus, libvirt menggunakan:" - -msgid "" -"By default, the VXLAN protocol lacks knowledge of target location and uses " -"multicast to discover it. After discovery, it stores the location in the " -"local forwarding database. In large deployments, the discovery process can " -"generate a significant amount of network that all nodes must process. To " -"eliminate the latter and generally increase efficiency, the Networking " -"service includes the layer-2 population mechanism driver that automatically " -"populates the forwarding database for VXLAN interfaces. The example " -"configuration enables this driver. For more information, see :ref:`config-" -"plugin-ml2`." -msgstr "" -"Secara default, protokol VXLAN tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang lokasi " -"target dan menggunakan multicast untuk menemukan itu. Setelah ada penemuan, " -"protokol menyimpan lokasi di database forwarding lokal. Dalam pengerahan " -"besar, proses penemuan dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar jaringan dimana " -"semua node harus memproses. Untuk menghilangkan terakhir ini dan umumnya " -"meningkatkan efisiensi, layanan Networking meliputi layer-2 population " -"mechanism driver yang secara otomatis mengisi database forwarding untuk " -"antarmuka VXLAN. Contoh konfigurasi mengaktifkan driver ini. Untuk informasi " -"lebih lanjut, lihat: ref: `config-plugin-ml2`." - -msgid "CLI support" -msgstr "Dukungan CLI (command-line interface)" - -msgid "" -"Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for attachments of " -"other network resources like routers, DHCP, and so on." -msgstr "" -"Dapat digunakan untuk attachment jaringan instance serta untuk attachment " -"dari sumber daya jaringan lain seperti router, DHCP, dan sebagainya." - -msgid "" -"Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner = compute) " -"and not for attachment of other resources like routers, DHCP, and so on." -msgstr "" -"Hanya dapat digunakan untuk attachment jaringan instance (device_owner = " -"compute) dan bukan untuk attachment dari sumber lain seperti router, DHCP, " -"dan sebagainya." - -msgid "" -"Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner = compute)." -msgstr "" -"Hanya dapat digunakan untuk attachment jaringan instance (device_owner = " -"compute)." - -msgid "Case 1" -msgstr "Case 1" - -msgid "Case 1: Each virtual network uses unique DNS resolver(s)" -msgstr "Case 1: Setiap jaringan virtual menggunakan DNS resolver unik" - -msgid "Case 2" -msgstr "Case 2" - -msgid "Case 2: All virtual networks use same DNS resolver(s)" -msgstr "Case 2: Semua jaringan virtual menggunakan DNS resolver yang sama" - -msgid "Case 3" -msgstr "Case 3" - -msgid "Case 3: All virtual networks use DNS resolver(s) on the host" -msgstr "Case 3: Semua jaringan virtual menggunakan DNS resolver pada host" - -msgid "" -"Check that ``ebrctl`` is listed somewhere in ``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*``:" -msgstr "" -"Cek bahwa ``ebrctl`` terdaftar di suatu tempat di ``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*``:" - -msgid "" -"Check the instance status. The ``Networks`` field contains an IP address " -"from the subnet having the ``compute:nova`` service type." -msgstr "" -"Periksa status instance. Field ``Networks`` berisi alamat IP dari subnet " -"memiliki tipe layanan ``compute:nova``" - -msgid "Checking connectivity" -msgstr "Pemeriksaan konektivitas" - -msgid "Clear tags from a resource:" -msgstr "Hapus tag dari sumber daya:" - -msgid "Client and server exchange data." -msgstr "Klien dan pertukaran data server." - -msgid "Client connects to server." -msgstr "Klien terhubung ke server." - -msgid "Client or server disconnects." -msgstr "Klien atau server terputus." - -msgid "" -"Clone the `neutron-lbaas-dashboard repository `__ and check out the release branch " -"that matches the installed version of Dashboard:" -msgstr "" -"Lakukan cloning `neutron-lbaas-dashboard repository `__ dan periksa cabang rilis " -"yang cocok dengan versi Dashboard terpasang:" - -msgid "Compatibility notes" -msgstr "Catatan kompatibilitas" - -msgid "Complex queries may have contradictory parameters. Example::" -msgstr "Query yang kompleks mungkin memiliki parameter bertentangan. Contoh::" - -msgid "" -"Compute needs a per-hypervisor \"has_transitioned\" boolean change in the " -"data model to be used during the migration process. This flag is no longer " -"required once the process is complete." -msgstr "" -"Komputasi kebutuhan per-hypervisor \"has_transitioned\" perubahan boolean " -"dalam model data yang akan digunakan selama proses migrasi. Flag ini tidak " -"lagi diperlukan setelah proses selesai." - -msgid "Compute node 1:" -msgstr "Compute node 1 (node komputasi 1):" - -msgid "Compute node 2:" -msgstr "Compute node 2 (node komputasi 2):" - -msgid "Compute nodes" -msgstr "Compute nodes (simpul komputasi)" - -msgid "Compute service API: 2.41" -msgstr "Layanan Compute API: 2.41" - -msgid "" -"Compute: Contains the hypervisor component of the OpenStack Compute service " -"and the OpenStack Networking layer-2, DHCP, and metadata components. High-" -"availability options may include additional components." -msgstr "" -"Compute: Mengandung komponen hypervisor layanan OpenStack Compute dan " -"OpenStack Networking layer-2, DHCP, dan komponen metadata. Opsi ketersediaan " -"tinggi (high-availability) mungkin termasuk komponen tambahan." - -msgid "Concepts" -msgstr "Konsep" - -msgid "" -"Conceptually, you can think of an Ethernet network as a single bus that each " -"of the network hosts connects to. In early implementations, an Ethernet " -"network consisted of a single coaxial cable that hosts would tap into to " -"connect to the network. However, network hosts in modern Ethernet networks " -"connect directly to a network device called a *switch*. Still, this " -"conceptual model is useful, and in network diagrams (including those " -"generated by the OpenStack dashboard) an Ethernet network is often depicted " -"as if it was a single bus. You'll sometimes hear an Ethernet network " -"referred to as a *layer 2 segment*." -msgstr "" -"Secara konseptual, Anda bisa memikirkan jaringan Ethernet sebagai bus " -"tunggal dimana masing-masing host jaringan menghubungkannya. Dalam " -"implementasi awal, jaringan Ethernet terdiri dari kabel koaksial tunggal " -"dimana host akan memanfaatkan hubungan ke jaringan. Namun, host jaringan " -"dalam jaringan Ethernet modern yang terhubung langsung ke perangkat jaringan " -"yang disebut *switch*. Namun, model konseptual ini berguna, dan dalam " -"diagram jaringan (termasuk jaringan yang dihasilkan oleh dashboard " -"OpenStack), jaringan Ethernet sering digambarkan seolah-olah itu adalah bus " -"tunggal. Kadang-kadang Anda akan mendengar bahwa jaringan Ethernet disebut " -"sebagai *layer 2 segment*." - -msgid "Configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurasi" - -msgid "Configuration example" -msgstr "Contoh konfigurasi" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the DHCP agent is typically done in the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` " -"configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you pass this " -"configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen DHCP biasanya dilakukan dalam file konfigurasi " -"``dhcp_agent.ini``. Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda melewati file " -"konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the L3 agent is typically done in the ``l3_agent.ini`` " -"configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you pass this " -"configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen L3 biasanya dilakukan dalam file konfigurasi " -"``l3_agent.ini``. Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda melewati file " -"konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the L3 metering agent is typically done in the " -"``metering_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you " -"pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen metering L3 biasanya dilakukan di file konfigurasi " -"``metering_agent.ini``. Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda melewati file " -"konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the Linux bridge agent is typically done in the " -"``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start " -"you pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen jembatan Linux biasanya dilakukan di file konfigurasi " -"``linuxbridge_agent.ini``. Pastikan bahwa pada agent starti Anda melewati " -"file konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the MacVTap agent is typically done in the ``macvtap_agent." -"ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you pass this " -"configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen MacVTap biasanya dilakukan di file konfigurasi " -"``macvtap_agent.ini``. Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda melewati file " -"konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the Metadata agent is typically done in the " -"``metadata_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you " -"pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen Metadata biasanya dilakukan di file konfigurasi " -"``metadata_agent.ini`` . Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda melewati file " -"konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the Open vSwitch agent is typically done in the " -"``openvswitch_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start " -"you pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk agen Open vSwitch biasanya dilakukan di file konfigurasi " -"``openvswitch_agent.ini`` . Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda melewati " -"file konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the SRIOV nic switch agent is typically done in the " -"``sriov_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you " -"pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi untuk SRIOV nic switch agen biasanya dilakukan dalam file " -"konfigurasi ``sriov_agent.ini``. Pastikan bahwa pada agent start Anda " -"melewati file konfigurasi ini sebagai argumen." - -msgid "Configuration of the externally accessible network for use case 1" -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi jaringan yang dapat diakses secara eksternal untuk use case 1" - -msgid "Configuration of those drivers is not part of this document." -msgstr "Konfigurasi driver ini bukan bagian dari dokumen ini." - -msgid "Configurations" -msgstr "Configurations" - -msgid "Configure Firewall-as-a-Service v1" -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi Firewall-as-a-Service v1" - -msgid "Configure Firewall-as-a-Service v2" -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi Firewall-as-a-Service v2" - -msgid "Configure a DNS resolver on an existing subnet." -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi DNS resolver pada subnet yang ada." - -msgid "Configure a DNS resolver when creating a subnet." -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi DNS resolver saat membuat subnet." - -msgid "" -"Configure an external DNS driver. The Networking service provides a driver " -"reference implementation based on the OpenStack DNS service. It is expected " -"that third party vendors will provide other implementations in the future. " -"For detailed configuration instructions, see :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan konfigurasi driver DNS eksternal. Layanan Networking menyediakan " -"implementasi referensi driver berdasarkan layanan DNS OpenStack. Diharapkan " -"vendor pihak ketiga akan menyediakan implementasi lain di masa depan. Untuk " -"petunjuk konfigurasi rinci, lihat :ref: `config-dns-int-ext-serv`." - -msgid "Configure common options:" -msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi opsi umum:" - -msgid "" -"Configure communication of the Networking service with the Compute scheduler." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan konfigurasi komunikasi layanan Networking dengan Compute scheduler." - -msgid "Configure drivers and network types:" -msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi driver dan tipe jaringan:" - -msgid "Configure network mappings." -msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi pemetaan jaringan." - -msgid "Configure network mappings:" -msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi pemetaan jaringan:" - -msgid "Configure neutron-server (Controller)" -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi neutron-server (Controller)" - -msgid "Configure nova-scheduler (Controller)" -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi nova-scheduler (Controller)" - -msgid "Configure the FWaaS plugin for the L3 agent." -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi agen FWaaS plugin for the L3." - -msgid "" -"Configure the L3 agent. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"Lakukan konfigurasi agen L3. Tambahkan hal berikut ke ``/etc/neutron/" -"l3_agent.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"Configure the Open vSwitch agent. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"Lakukan konfigurasi agen Open vSwitch. Tambahkan hal berikut ke ``/etc/" -"neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" - -msgid "Configure the VXLAN network ID (VNI) range." -msgstr "Lakukan konfigurasi kisaran VXLAN network ID (VNI)." - -msgid "Configure the driver." -msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi driver." - -msgid "" -"Configure the layer-2 agent on each node to map one or more segments to the " -"appropriate physical network bridge or interface and restart the agent." -msgstr "" -"Mengkonfigurasi agen lapisan-2 pada setiap node untuk memetakan satu atau " -"lebih segmen pada jembatan jaringan fisik yang sesuai atau antarmuka dan me-" -"restart agen." - -msgid "Configure the router ID." -msgstr "Konfigurasi ID router." - -msgid "" -"Configure which PCI devices the ``nova-compute`` service may use. Edit the " -"``nova.conf`` file:" -msgstr "" -"Lakukan konfigurasi dimana perangkat PCI layanan ``nova-compute`` dapat " -"menggunakannya. Edit file ``nova.conf``:" - -msgid "Configured in the *L2 agent* configuration." -msgstr "Dikonfigurasi dalam konfigurasi *L2 agent*." - -msgid "Configuring LBaaS v2 with Octavia" -msgstr "Konfigurasi LBaaS v2 dengan Octavia" - -msgid "Configuring LBaaS v2 with an agent" -msgstr "Konfigurasi LBaaS v2 dengan agen" - -msgid "" -"Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service" -msgstr "" -"Lakukan konfigurasi OpenStack Networking untuk integrasi dengan layanan DNS " -"eksternal" - -msgid "Configuring OpenStack Networking for prefix delegation" -msgstr "" -"Configuring OpenStack Networking untuk prefix delegation (penyerahan awalan)" - -msgid "Configuring interfaces of the guest" -msgstr "Konfigurasi interface (antarmuka) dari guest" - -msgid "Configuring the Dibbler server" -msgstr "Malakukan konfigurasi server Dibbler" - -msgid "" -"Configuring the proper burst value is very important. If the burst value is " -"set too low, bandwidth usage will be throttled even with a proper bandwidth " -"limit setting. This issue is discussed in various documentation sources, for " -"example in `Juniper's documentation `_. Burst value for TCP traffic can be set as 80% of desired bandwidth " -"limit value. For example, if the bandwidth limit is set to 1000kbps then " -"enough burst value will be 800kbit. If the configured burst value is too " -"low, achieved bandwidth limit will be lower than expected. If the configured " -"burst value is too high, too few packets could be limited and achieved " -"bandwidth limit would be higher than expected." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi burst value yang tepat sangat penting. Jika burst value diatur " -"terlalu rendah, penggunaan bandwidth akan tercekik bahkan dengan pengaturan " -"batas bandwidth yang tepat sekalipun. Masalah ini dibahas dalam berbagai " -"sumber dokumentasi, misalnya di `Juniper's documentation `_. Burst value untuk lalu lintas TCP dapat " -"ditetapkan sebagai 80% dari nilai yang diinginkan batas bandwidth. Sebagai " -"contoh, jika batas bandwidth diatur ke 1000kbps maka burst value yang cukup " -"akan menjadi 800kbit. Jika burst value dikonfigurasi terlalu rendah, batas " -"bandwidth yang dicapai akan lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan. Jika burst " -"value dikonfigurasi terlalu tinggi, terlalu sedikit paket bisa dibatasi dan " -"batas bandwidth mencapai akan lebih tinggi dari yang diharapkan." - -msgid "" -"Connect a router to each of the project subnets that have been created, for " -"example, using a router called ``router1``:" -msgstr "" -"Menghubungkan router untuk masing-masing subnet proyek yang telah dibuat, " -"misalnya, menggunakan router disebut ``router1``:" - -msgid "Connection to the OpenStack APIs via an IPv6 transport network" -msgstr "Koneksi ke API OpenStack melalui jaringan transportasi IPv6" - -msgid "" -"Consider adding at least one additional network node to provide high-" -"availability for instances with a fixed IP address. See See :ref:`config-dvr-" -"snat-ha-ovs` for more information." -msgstr "" -"Pertimbangkan untuk menambahkan setidaknya satu node jaringan tambahan untuk " -"menyediakan ketersediaan tinggi untuk instance dengan alamat IP tetap. Lihat " -"lihat :ref: `config-dvr-SNAT-ha-ovs` untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "" -"Consider the following attributes of this high-availability mechanism to " -"determine practicality in your environment:" -msgstr "" -"Pertimbangkan atribut berikut mekanisme ketersediaan tinggi ini untuk " -"menentukan kepraktisan di lingkungan Anda:" - -msgid "" -"Consider the following attributes of this mechanism driver to determine " -"practicality in your environment:" -msgstr "" -"Pertimbangkan atribut berikut dari driver mekanisme ini untuk menentukan " -"kepraktisan di lingkungan Anda:" - -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Contents (isi)" - -msgid "Controller node" -msgstr "Controller node" - -msgid "Controller node configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurasi controller node" - -msgid "" -"Controller: Contains control plane components of OpenStack services and " -"their dependencies." -msgstr "" -"Controller: Berisi control plane component dari layanan OpenStack dan " -"dependensinya." - -msgid "" -"Coordination between the Networking service and the Compute scheduler is not " -"necessary for IPv6 subnets as a consequence of their large address spaces." -msgstr "" -"Koordinasi antara layanan Networking dan Compute scheduler tidak diperlukan " -"untuk subnet IPv6 sebagai konsekuensi dari ruang alamat (address space) yang " -"besar." - -msgid "" -"Copy the ``_1481_project_ng_loadbalancersv2_panel.py`` file from the " -"``neutron-lbaas-dashboard/enabled`` directory into the Dashboard " -"``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` directory." -msgstr "" -"Salin file ``_1481_project_ng_loadbalancersv2_panel.py`` dari direktori " -"``neutron-lbaas-dashboard/enabled`` ke dalam direktori Dashboard " -"``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled``." - -msgid "Create IPv6 and IPv4 address scopes:" -msgstr "Buat lingkup alamat IPv6 dan IPv4:" - -msgid "Create Virtual Functions (Compute)" -msgstr "BuatlahVirtual Functions (Compute)" - -msgid "Create a BGP peer." -msgstr "Buat rekan BGP." - -msgid "Create a IPv4 subnet on the provider network." -msgstr "Buat subnet IPv4 pada jaringan provider." - -msgid "Create a IPv4 subnet on the self-service network." -msgstr "Buat subnet IPv4 pada jaringan self-service." - -msgid "Create a IPv6 subnet on the provider network." -msgstr "Buat subnet IPv6 pada jaringan provider." - -msgid "Create a IPv6 subnet on the self-service network." -msgstr "Buat subnet IPv6 pada jaringan self-service." - -msgid "Create a QoS policy to share:" -msgstr "Buat kebijakan QoS untuk berbagi:" - -msgid "" -"Create a VLAN provider network which includes a default segment. In this " -"example, the network uses the ``provider1`` physical network with VLAN ID " -"2016." -msgstr "" -"Membuat jaringan penyedia VLAN yang meliputi segmen default. Dalam contoh " -"ini, jaringan menggunakan jaringan fisik ``provider1`` dengan VLAN ID 2016." - -msgid "Create a couple of networks to host subnets:" -msgstr "Buat beberapa jaringan untuk subnet host:" - -msgid "Create a firewall policy:" -msgstr "Membuat kebijakan firewall:" - -msgid "Create a firewall rule:" -msgstr "Buat aturan firewall:" - -msgid "Create a firewall:" -msgstr "Buat firewall:" - -msgid "Create a flat network." -msgstr "Buat jaringan datar (flat network)" - -msgid "Create a floating IP and associate it to the port." -msgstr "Buat IP mengambang dan mengasosiasikannya ke port." - -msgid "Create a floating IPv4 address on the provider network." -msgstr "Buat alamat IPv4 mengambang di jaringan provider." - -msgid "Create a network" -msgstr "Membuat network" - -msgid "Create a network that you want to be available as an external network:" -msgstr "" -"Buat jaringan dimana Anda menginginkan tersedia sebagai jaringan eksternal:" - -msgid "Create a network to share:" -msgstr "Membuat jaringan untuk berbagi:" - -msgid "Create a network." -msgstr "Membuat jaringan." - -msgid "Create a parent port for the trunk." -msgstr "Buat port induk untuk trunk." - -msgid "" -"Create a policy entry using the :command:`openstack network rbac create` " -"command (in this example, the ID of the project we want to share with is " -"``838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c``):" -msgstr "" -"Buat entri kebijakan menggunakan perintah :command:`openstack network rbac " -"create` (dalam contoh ini, ID proyek dimana kami ingin berbagi dengan adalah " -"``838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c``):" - -msgid "Create a port chain" -msgstr "Create a port chain (pembuatan rantai port)" - -msgid "Create a routed provider network" -msgstr "Membuat jaringan penyedia dialihkan (routed)" - -msgid "Create a router" -msgstr "Membuat router" - -msgid "Create a router." -msgstr "Buat router." - -msgid "Create a router:" -msgstr "Buat router:" - -msgid "" -"Create a second segment on the provider network. In this example, the " -"segment uses the ``provider2`` physical network with VLAN ID 2016." -msgstr "" -"Membuat segmen kedua pada jaringan operator. Dalam contoh ini, segmen " -"menggunakan jaringan fisik ``provider2`` dengan VLAN ID 2016." - -msgid "" -"Create a security group and rules to allow TCP port 80, TCP port 443, and " -"all ICMP traffic:" -msgstr "" -"Buat grup keamanan dan aturan untuk memungkinkan TCP port 80, TCP port 443, " -"dan semua lalu lintas ICMP:" - -msgid "Create a self-service network." -msgstr "Buat jaringan self-service." - -msgid "Create a subnet" -msgstr "Membuat subnet" - -msgid "Create a subnet not associated with a subnet pool or an address scope:" -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet yang tidak terkait dengan kolam subnet atau lingkup alamat:" - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the external network for all other IP addresses allocated " -"on the external network. This will not use any service type. It acts as a " -"fall back for allocations that do not match either of the above two service " -"subnets." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan eksternal untuk semua alamat IP lainnya yang " -"dialokasikan pada jaringan eksternal. Subnet tidak akan menggunakan tipe " -"layanan. Subnet bertindak minder (fall back) ke alokasi yang tidak sesuai " -"dengan salah satu dari dua subnet layanan di atas." - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the external network for the floating IP agent gateway IP " -"addresses, which are configured by DVR on compute nodes. This will use the " -"``network:floatingip_agent_gateway`` service type." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan eksternal untuk floating IP agent gateway IP " -"addresses, yang dikonfigurasi dengan DVR pada node komputasi. Ini akan " -"menggunakan tipe layanan ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``." - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the external network for the instance floating IP " -"addresses. This uses the ``network:floatingip`` service type." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan eksternal untuk alamat IP mengambang instance. Ini " -"menggunakan tipe layanan ``network:floatingip``. " - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the first two self-service networks using an IP address " -"range from the self-service subnet pool." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan self-service dua pertama menggunakan kisaran " -"alamat IP dari kolam subnet self-service." - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the last self-service network using an IP address range " -"outside of the address scope." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan self-service terakhir menggunakan kisaran alamat " -"IP di luar lingkup alamat." - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the network with one or more service types. For example, " -"the ``compute:nova`` service type enables instances to use this subnet." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan dengan satu atau lebih tipe layanan. Sebagai " -"contoh, tipe layanan ``compute:nova`` mengaktifkan instance untuk " -"menggunakan subnet ini." - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the provider network using an IP address range from the " -"provider subnet pool." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada jaringan provider menggunakan kisaran alamat IP dari kolam " -"subnet provider." - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet using a subnet pool associated with an address scope from an " -"external network:" -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet menggunakan kolam subnet yang terkait dengan lingkup alamat dari " -"jaringan eksternal:" - -msgid "" -"Create an address scope. The provider (external) and self-service networks " -"must belong to the same address scope for the agent to advertise those self-" -"service network prefixes." -msgstr "" -"Buat lingkup alamat. Jaringan provider (eksternal) dan self-service harus " -"termasuk dalam ruang lingkup alamat yang sama untuk agen untuk penyiaran " -"update dan perubahan awalan jaringan self-service mereka." - -msgid "Create an external network:" -msgstr "Buat jaringan eksternal:" - -msgid "" -"Create and add ``vhost-user`` network interfaces to instances in the same " -"fashion as conventional interfaces. These interfaces can use the kernel " -"``virtio-net`` driver or a DPDK-compatible driver in the guest" -msgstr "" -"Buat dan tambahkan antarmuka jaringan ``vhost-user`` untuk instance dengan " -"cara yang sama sebagai antarmuka konvensional. Antarmuka ini dapat " -"menggunakan driver ``virtio-net`` kernel atau driver DPDK-compatible di " -"guest" - -msgid "Create and configure the BGP speaker" -msgstr "Membuat dan mengkonfigurasi BGP speaker" - -msgid "Create and configure the routers" -msgstr "Membuat dan mengkonfigurasi router" - -msgid "Create default subnetpools" -msgstr "Buat subnetpools bawaan" - -msgid "" -"Create flow classifier ``FC1`` that matches the appropriate packet headers." -msgstr "" -"Buat klassifier aliran ``FC1`` yang cocok dengan header paket yang sesuai." - -msgid "Create initial networks" -msgstr "Menciptakan jaringan awal" - -msgid "Create networks and subnets for the trunk and subports" -msgstr "Buat jaringan dan subnet untuk trunk dan subports" - -msgid "" -"Create port chain ``PC1`` with port pair groups ``PPG1`` and ``PPG2`` and " -"flow classifier ``FC1``." -msgstr "" -"Buat rantai port ``PC1`` dengan kelompok pasangan port ``PPG1`` dan `` " -"PPG2`` dan mengalir klassifier aliran ``FC1``." - -msgid "" -"Create port pair ``PP1`` with ports ``p1`` and ``p2``, ``PP2`` with ports " -"``p3`` and ``p4``, and ``PP3`` with ports ``p5`` and ``p6``." -msgstr "" -"Buat pasangan port ``PP1`` dengan port ``p1`` dan ``p2``, ``PP2`` dengan " -"port ``p3`` dan ``p4``, dan ``PP3`` dengan port ``p5`` dan ``p6``." - -msgid "" -"Create port pair group ``PPG1`` with port pair ``PP1`` and ``PP2`` and " -"``PPG2`` with port pair ``PP3``." -msgstr "" -"Buat grup pasangan port ``PPG1`` dengan pasangan port ``PP1`` dan ``PP2`` " -"dan ``PPG2`` dengan pasangan port ``PP3``." - -msgid "Create ports on network ``net1`` and record the UUID values." -msgstr "Buat port pada jaringan ``net1`` dan merekam nilai UUID." - -msgid "Create shared address scopes as an administrative user" -msgstr "Buat lingkup alamat bersama sebagai pengguna administratif" - -msgid "" -"Create subnet pools specifying the name (or UUID) of the address scope that " -"the subnet pool belongs to. If you have existing subnet pools, use the :" -"command:`openstack subnet pool set` command to put them in a new address " -"scope:" -msgstr "" -"Buat kolam subnet yang menetapkan nama (atau UUID) dari lingkup alamat " -"(address scope) dimana kolam subnet memilikinya. Jika Anda telah ada kolam " -"subnet, gunakan perintah :command:`openstack subnet pool set` untuk " -"menempatkan mereka dalam lingkup alamat baru:" - -msgid "" -"Create subnet pools. The provider and self-service networks use different " -"pools." -msgstr "" -"Membuat kolam subnet. Jaringan provider dan self-service menggunakan kolam " -"yang berbeda." - -msgid "" -"Create subnets on the ``segment1`` segment. In this example, the IPv4 subnet " -"uses and the IPv6 subnet uses fd00:203:0:113::/64." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada segmen ``segment1``. Dalam contoh ini, subnet IPv4 " -"menggunakan dan IPv6 menggunakan subnet fd00:203:0:113::/64." - -msgid "" -"Create subnets on the ``segment2`` segment. In this example, the IPv4 subnet " -"uses and the IPv6 subnet uses fd00:198:51:100::/64." -msgstr "" -"Buat subnet pada segmen ``segment2``. Dalam contoh ini, subnet IPv4 " -"menggunakan dan IPv6 menggunakan subnet " -"fd00:198:51:100::/64." - -msgid "Create the BGP speaker." -msgstr "Buat BGP speaker." - -msgid "Create the OVS provider bridge ``br-provider``:" -msgstr "Buat OVS provider bridge ``br-provider``:" - -msgid "" -"Create the RBAC policy entry using the :command:`openstack network rbac " -"create` command (in this example, the ID of the project we want to share " -"with is ``be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9``):" -msgstr "" -"Buat entri kebijakan RBAC menggunakan perintah :command:`openstack network " -"rbac create` (dalam contoh ini, ID proyek dimana kami ingin berbagi dengan " -"adalah ``be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9``):" - -msgid "" -"Create the SR-IOV port. ``vnic_type=direct`` is used here, but other options " -"include ``normal``, ``direct-physical``, and ``macvtap``:" -msgstr "" -"Buat port SR-IOV. ``vnic_type=direct`` digunakan di sini, tapi pilihan lain " -"termasuk ``normal``, ``direct-physical``, dan ``macvtap``:" - -msgid "" -"Create the VFs for the network interface that will be used for SR-IOV. We " -"use ``eth3`` as PF, which is also used as the interface for the VLAN " -"provider network and has access to the private networks of all machines." -msgstr "" -"Buat VF untuk antarmuka jaringan yang akan digunakan untuk SR-IOV. Kami " -"menggunakan ``eth3`` sebagai PF, yang juga digunakan sebagai antarmuka untuk " -"jaringan penyedia VLAN dan memiliki akses ke jaringan private dari semua " -"mesin." - -msgid "Create the address scope and subnet pools" -msgstr "Buat lingkup alamat dan kolam subnet" - -msgid "" -"Create the appropriate networks for the trunk and subports that will be " -"added to the trunk. Create subnets on these networks to ensure the desired " -"layer-3 connectivity over the trunk." -msgstr "" -"Buat jaringan yang tepat untuk trunk dan subports yang akan ditambahkan ke " -"bagasi. Buat subnet pada jaringan ini untuk memastikan konektivitas " -"lapisan-3 yang diinginkan di atas trunk." - -msgid "" -"Create the appropriate security group rules to allow ``ping`` and SSH access " -"instances using the network." -msgstr "" -"Buat aturan kelompok keamanan yang sesuai untuk mengizinkan ``ping`` dan " -"akses SSH instance menggunakan jaringan." - -msgid "" -"Create the firewall rules and create a policy that contains them. Then, " -"create a firewall that applies the policy." -msgstr "" -"Buat aturan firewall dan buat kebijakan yang berisi mereka. Kemudian, buat " -"firewall yang memberlakukan kebijakan." - -msgid "" -"Create the instance. Specify the SR-IOV port created in step two for the NIC:" -msgstr "" -"Buat instance. Tentukan port SR-IOV yang akan dibuat pada dua langkah untuk " -"NIC:" - -msgid "" -"Create the policy entry using the :command:`openstack network rbac create` " -"command (in this example, the ID of the project we want to share with is " -"``b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d``):" -msgstr "" -"Buat entri kebijakan menggunakan perintah :command:`openstack network rbac " -"create` (Dalam contoh ini, ID proyek dimana kami ingin berbagi dengan adalah " -"``b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d``):" - -msgid "Create the provider and self-service networks" -msgstr "Buat jaringan provider dan self-service" - -msgid "Create the provider network pool." -msgstr "Buat kolam jaringan provider." - -msgid "Create the provider network." -msgstr "Create jaringan provider." - -msgid "Create the required tables in the database:" -msgstr "Buat tabel yang diperlukan dalam database:" - -msgid "Create the routers." -msgstr "Buat router." - -msgid "Create the self-service network pool." -msgstr "Buat kolam jaringan self-service." - -msgid "Create the self-service networks." -msgstr "Buat jaringan self-service." - -msgid "Create the trunk" -msgstr "Buat trunk" - -msgid "" -"Create the trunk using ``--parent-port`` to reference the port from the " -"previous step:" -msgstr "" -"Buat trunk menggunakan ``--parent-port`` untuk referensi port dari langkah " -"sebelumnya:" - -msgid "Create trunk with subports:" -msgstr "Buat trunk dengan subports:" - -msgid "" -"Creating CIDR subnets including a multicast address or a loopback address " -"cannot be used in an OpenStack environment. For example, creating a subnet " -"using ```` or ```` is not supported." -msgstr "" -"Pembuatan subnet CIDR termasuk alamat multicast atau alamat loopback tidak " -"dapat digunakan dalam lingkungan OpenStack. Misalnya, membuat subnet dengan " -"menggunakan ```` or ```` tidak didukung." - -msgid "" -"Creating a port and passing it to an instance yields a different behavior " -"than conventional networks. The Networking service defers assignment of IP " -"addresses to the port until the particular compute node becomes apparent. " -"For example:" -msgstr "" -"Pembuatan port dan meneruskananya ke sebuah instance mengakibatkan aturan " -"yang berbeda dari jaringan konvensional. Layanan Networking menangguhkan " -"penugasan alamat IP ke port sampai node komputasi tertentu menjadi jelas. " -"Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"Creating a subnet with a service type requires administrative privileges." -msgstr "Pembuatan subnet dengan tipe layanan membutuhkan hak administratif." - -msgid "" -"Creating or updating a port with a specific subnet skips this selection " -"process and explicitly uses the given subnet." -msgstr "" -"Pembuatan atau pembaharuan port dengan subnet tertentu melompati proses " -"seleksi ini dan secara eksplisit menggunakan subnet yang diberikan." - -msgid "Currently, SFC lacks support for multi-project service functions." -msgstr "" -"Saat ini, SFC tidak memiliki dukungan untuk fungsi-fungsi layanan multi-" -"proyek." - -msgid "" -"Currently, no migration path exists between v1 and v2 load balancers. If you " -"choose to switch from v1 to v2, you must recreate all load balancers, pools, " -"and health monitors." -msgstr "" -"Saat ini, tidak ada jalur migrasi berada antara penyeimbang beban v1 dan v2. " -"Jika Anda memilih untuk beralih dari v1 ke v2, Anda harus menciptakan semua " -"penyeimbang beban, kolam, dan monitor kesehatan." - -msgid "" -"Currently, the ``shared`` flag is just a mapping to the underlying RBAC " -"policies for a network. Setting the flag to ``True`` on a network creates a " -"wildcard RBAC entry. Setting it to ``False`` removes the wildcard entry." -msgstr "" -"Saat ini, flag ``shared`` hanyalah pemetaan kebijakan RBAC yang mendasarinya " -"untuk jaringan. Pengaturan flag ke `` True`` pada jaringan menciptakan entri " -"RBAC wildcard. Pengaturan ke `` False`` menghapus entri wildcard." - -msgid "" -"Currently, the access that can be granted using this feature is supported by:" -msgstr "" -"Saat ini, akses yang dapat diberikan penggunaan fitur ini didukung oleh:" - -msgid "DHCP" -msgstr "DHCP" - -msgid "DHCP agent" -msgstr "Agen DHCP" - -msgid "" -"DHCP clients locate the DHCP server by sending a UDP_ packet from port 68 to " -"address ```` on port 67. Address ```` is the " -"local network broadcast address: all hosts on the local network see the UDP " -"packets sent to this address. However, such packets are not forwarded to " -"other networks. Consequently, the DHCP server must be on the same local " -"network as the client, or the server will not receive the broadcast. The " -"DHCP server responds by sending a UDP packet from port 67 to port 68 on the " -"client. The exchange looks like this:" -msgstr "" -"Klien DHCP mencari server DHCP dengan mengirimkan UDP_ packet dari port 68 " -"untuk alamat ```` pada port 67. Alamat ```` " -"adalah alamat broadcast jaringan lokal: semua host di jaringan lokal melihat " -"paket UDP dikirim ke alamat ini. Namun, paket tersebut tidak diteruskan ke " -"jaringan lain. Akibatnya, server DHCP harus berada di jaringan lokal yang " -"sama sebagai klien, atau server tidak akan menerima siaran. Server DHCP " -"merespon dengan mengirimkan paket UDP dari port 67 ke port 68 pada klien. " -"Pertukaran terlihat seperti ini:" - -msgid "DHCP high availability" -msgstr "DHCP ketersediaan tinggi" - -msgid "" -"DHCP services are created on availability zones you selected when creating " -"the network." -msgstr "" -"Layanan DHCP diciptakan di zona ketersediaan dimana Anda pilih ketika " -"pembuatan jaringan." - -msgid "" -"DHCP_, the Domain Name System (DNS), the Network Time Protocol (NTP), and :" -"ref:`VXLAN` are examples of UDP-based protocols used in OpenStack " -"deployments." -msgstr "" -"DHCP_, the Domain Name System (DNS), Network Time Protocol (NTP), dan :ref:" -"`VXLAN` adalah contoh dari protokol berbasis UDP yang digunakan dalam " -"pengerahan OpenStack." - -msgid "DHCPv6" -msgstr "DHCPv6" - -msgid "DHCPv6-stateful" -msgstr "DHCPv6-stateful" - -msgid "DHCPv6-stateless" -msgstr "DHCPv6-stateless" - -msgid "DNAT" -msgstr "DNAT" - -msgid "DNS integration" -msgstr "Integrasi DNS" - -msgid "DPDK 2.0" -msgstr "DPDK 2.0" - -msgid "DPDK 2.2" -msgstr "DPDK 2.2" - -msgid "" -"DVR lacks support for routing directly to a fixed IP address via the " -"floating IP agent gateway port and thus prevents the BGP speaker from " -"advertising fixed IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"DVR kekurangan dukungan untuk routing langsung ke alamat IP tetap melalui " -"port gateway agen IP mengambang dan dengan demikian mencegah BGP speaker " -"dari penyiaran update dan perubahan alamat IP tetap." - -msgid "DVR with IPv6 functions similarly to DVR with IPv4." -msgstr "DVR dengan fungsi IPv6 mirip dengan DVR dengan IPv4." - -msgid "Database" -msgstr "Database" - -msgid "Database downgrade is not supported." -msgstr "Database downgrade tidak didukung." - -msgid "Database management command-line tool" -msgstr "Alat command-line pengelolaan database" - -msgid "Dataplane" -msgstr "Dataplane" - -msgid "" -"Deactivating the network will remove the ``virbr0`` bridge, terminate the " -"dnsmasq process, and remove the iptables rules." -msgstr "" -"Penonaktifkan jaringan akan menghapus jembatan ``virbr0``, akhiri proses " -"dnsmasq, dan hapus aturan iptable." - -msgid "Default scheduling." -msgstr "Penjadwalan default." - -msgid "Default subnet pools" -msgstr "Kolam subnet default" - -msgid "Define how an OpenStack network is technically realized. Example: VXLAN" -msgstr "" -"Definisikan bagaimana jaringan OpenStack secara teknis diwujudkan. Contoh: " -"VXLAN" - -msgid "" -"Define one or more service types for one or more subnets on a particular " -"network. Each service type must correspond to a valid device owner within " -"the port model in order for it to be used." -msgstr "" -"Tentukan satu atau lebih tipe layanan untuk satu atau lebih subnet pada " -"jaringan tertentu. Setiap tipe layanan harus sesuai dengan pemilik perangkat " -"valid dalam model port supaya digunakan." - -msgid "" -"Define the mechanism to access an OpenStack network of a certain type. " -"Example: Open vSwitch mechanism driver." -msgstr "" -"Definisikan mekanisme untuk mengakses jaringan OpenStack dari tipe tertentu. " -"Contoh: sopir mekanisme Open vSwitch." - -msgid "Definition" -msgstr "Definition" - -msgid "Delete the network resources for a particular project." -msgstr "Hapus sumber daya jaringan untuk suatu proyek tertentu." - -msgid "" -"Deleting the router interface causes the subnet to be reverted to the " -"temporary CIDR, and all ports have their IPs updated. Prefix leases are " -"released and renewed automatically as necessary." -msgstr "" -"Penghapusan antarmuka router menyebabkan subnet yang akan dikembalikan ke " -"CIDR sementara, dan semua port memiliki IP yang diperbaruinya. Peminjaman " -"prefiks dilepaskan dan diperpanjang secara otomatis bila diperlukan." - -msgid "Demo" -msgstr "Demo" - -msgid "Demo setup" -msgstr "Penyiapan demo" - -msgid "" -"Deny egress DHCP and DHCPv6 responses to prevent instances from acting as " -"DHCP(v6) servers." -msgstr "" -"Tolak egress DHCP dan DHCPv6 response untuk mencegah instance dari tindakan " -"sebagai server DHCP (v6)." - -msgid "" -"Deny egress ICMPv6 router advertisements to prevent instances from acting as " -"IPv6 routers and forwarding IPv6 traffic for other instances." -msgstr "" -"Tolak egress ICMPv6 router advertisements untuk mencegah instance dari " -"tindakan sebagai router IPv6 dan meneruskan lalu lintas IPv6 untuk instance " -"lain." - -msgid "Deploy DHCP agents." -msgstr "Mengerahkan agen DHCP." - -msgid "Deployment examples" -msgstr "Contoh pengerahan " - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Deskripsi" - -msgid "" -"Details about the DB models, API extension, and use cases are out of the " -"scope of this guide but can be found in the `Neutron QoS specification " -"`_." -msgstr "" -"Rincian tentang model DB, ekstensi API, dan kasus penggunaan (use case) " -"berada di luar cakupan panduan ini, tetapi dapat ditemukan di `Neutron QoS " -"specification `_." - -msgid "Determine the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance." -msgstr "Tentukan alamat IPv4 dan IPv6 instance." - -msgid "" -"Different types of agents show different details. The following output shows " -"information for a Linux bridge agent:" -msgstr "" -"Berbagai jenis agen menunjukkan rincian yang berbeda. Output berikut " -"menunjukkan informasi untuk agen Linux bridge:" - -msgid "Direct assignment during subnet creation via command line or Horizon" -msgstr "" -"tugas langsung selama pembuatan subnet melalui baris perintah (command " -"line) atau Horizon" - -msgid "Direct port and normal port instances reside on the same compute node." -msgstr "" -"Instance port langsung dan instance port yang normal berada pada node " -"komputasi yang sama." - -msgid "" -"Direct port instance that uses floating IP address and network node are " -"located on the same host." -msgstr "" -"Instance port langsung yang menggunakan alamat IP mengambang dan node " -"jaringan terletak pada host yang sama." - -msgid "Disable libvirt networking" -msgstr "Nonaktifkan libvirt networking" - -msgid "Disable nova-compute." -msgstr "Nonaktifkan nova-compute." - -msgid "" -"Disable service plug-ins because provider networks do not require any. " -"However, this breaks portions of the dashboard that manage the Networking " -"service. See the `Ocata Install Tutorials and Guides `__ for more information." -msgstr "" -"Nonaktifkan layanan plug-in karena jaringan operator tidak memerlukan. " -"Namun, ini mengistirahatkan bagian dari dashboard yang mengelola layanan " -"Networking. Lihat `Ocata Install Tutorials and Guides `__ untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "Disable the DHCP agent on HostA before you stop it:" -msgstr "Menonaktifkan agen DHCP pada HostA sebelum Anda menghentikannya:" - -msgid "" -"Disable the hypervisor. This would be a good time to live migrate or " -"evacuate the compute node, if supported." -msgstr "" -"Nonaktifkan hypervisor. Ini akan menjadi saat yang tepat untuk bermigrasi " -"secara langsung (live) atau mengevakuasi node komputasi, jika didukung." - -msgid "Disabling and removing an agent" -msgstr "Menonaktifkan dan menghapus agen" - -msgid "Distributed Virtual Routing with VRRP" -msgstr "Distributed Virtual Routing dengan VRRP" - -msgid "" -"Do essentially the same thing for IPv6 and there are now two subnet pools. " -"Regular projects can see them. (the output is trimmed a bit for display)" -msgstr "" -"Lakukan hal pada dasarnya yang sama untuk IPv6 dan sekarang ada dua kolam " -"subnet. Proyek regular dapat melihat mereka. (Output dipangkas sedikit untuk " -"display)" - -msgid "" -"Do not use this tool when creating or migrating an instance as it throws an " -"error when the bridge does not exist." -msgstr "" -"Jangan menggunakan alat ini saat membuat atau memigrasikan instance " -"seperti pelemparan kesalahan ketika jembatan (bridge) tidak ada." - -msgid "Downlink the router on the previously created subnet" -msgstr "Downlink router di subnet yang dibuat sebelumnya" - -msgid "" -"Drivers other than the default one may require extra configuration, please " -"refer to :ref:`extra-driver-conf`" -msgstr "" -"Driver lain dari yang standar mungkin memerlukan konfigurasi tambahan, " -"silakan lihat :ref:`extra-driver-conf`" - -msgid "" -"Due to direct connection, some features are not available when using SRIOV. " -"For example, DVR, security groups, migration." -msgstr "" -"Karena hubungan langsung, beberapa fitur tidak tersedia saat penggunaan " -"SRIOV. Misalnya, DVR, kelompok keamanan, migrasi." - -msgid "" -"Due to the direct connection, some features are not available when using it " -"on the compute node. For example, DVR, security groups and arp-spoofing " -"protection." -msgstr "" -"Karena hubungan langsung, beberapa fitur tidak tersedia saat menggunakannya " -"pada node komputasi. Misalnya, DVR, kelompok keamanan dan perlindungan arp-" -"spoofing." - -msgid "" -"During IP allocation, the :ref:`IPAM ` driver returns an " -"address from a subnet with a service type matching the port device owner. If " -"no subnets match, or all matching subnets lack available IP addresses, the " -"IPAM driver attempts to use a subnet without any service types to preserve " -"compatibility. If all subnets on a network have a service type, the IPAM " -"driver cannot preserve compatibility. However, this feature enables strict " -"IP allocation from subnets with a matching device owner. If multiple subnets " -"contain the same service type, or a subnet without a service type exists, " -"the IPAM driver selects the first subnet with a matching service type. For " -"example, a floating IP agent gateway port uses the following selection " -"process:" -msgstr "" -"Selama alokasi IP, driver :ref:`IPAM ` mengembalikan alamat " -"dari subnet dengan tipe layanan yang cocok dengan pemilik perangkat port. " -"Jika tidak ada subnet cocok, atau semua subnet yang cocok kekurangan alamat " -"IP yang tersedia, driver IPAM mencoba untuk menggunakan subnet tanpa tipe " -"layanan untuk melestarikan kompatibilitas. Jika semua subnet pada jaringan " -"memiliki tipe layanan, driver IPAM tidak dapat melestarikan kompatibilitas. " -"Namun, fitur ini mengaktifkan alokasi IP yang ketat dari subnet dengan " -"pemilik perangkat yang cocok. Jika beberapa subnet berisi tipe layanan yang " -"sama, atau subnet tanpa tipe layanan itu ada, driver IPAM memilih subnet " -"pertama dengan tipe layanan yang cocok. Misalnya, port gerbang agen IP " -"mengambang menggunakan proses seleksi berikut:" - -msgid "" -"During normal operation, ``keepalived`` on the master router periodically " -"transmits *heartbeat* packets over a hidden network that connects all VRRP " -"routers for a particular project. Each project with VRRP routers uses a " -"separate hidden network. By default this network uses the first value in the " -"``tenant_network_types`` option in the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file. For additional " -"control, you can specify the self-service network type and physical network " -"name for the hidden network using the ``l3_ha_network_type`` and " -"``l3_ha_network_name`` options in the ``neutron.conf`` file." -msgstr "" -"Selama operasi normal, `` keepalived`` pada router utama secara berkala " -"mentransmisikan paket *heartbeat* melalui jaringan tersembunyi yang " -"menghubungkan semua router VRRP untuk proyek tertentu. Setiap proyek dengan " -"router VRRP menggunakan jaringan tersembunyi yang terpisah. Secara default " -"jaringan ini menggunakan nilai pertama dalam opsi ``tenant_network_types`` " -"dalam file ``ml2_conf.ini`` file. Untuk kontrol tambahan, Anda dapat " -"menentukan tipe jaringan self-service dan nama jaringan fisik untuk jaringan " -"tersembunyi menggunakan opsi ``l3_ha_network_type`` dan " -"``l3_ha_network_name`` dalam file ``neutron.conf``." - -msgid "" -"During normal operation, the master router periodically transmits " -"*heartbeat* packets over a hidden project network that connects all HA " -"routers for a particular project." -msgstr "" -"Selama operasi normal, master router secara periodik mengirimkan paket " -"*heartbeat* melalui jaringan proyek tersembunyi yang menghubungkan semua " -"router HA untuk proyek tertentu." - -msgid "" -"During the migration, nova-network API calls will go through an additional " -"internal conversion to Networking calls. This will have different and likely " -"poorer performance characteristics compared with either the pre-migration or " -"post-migration APIs." -msgstr "" -"Selama migrasi, panggilan nova-network API akan melalui konversi internal " -"tambahan untuk panggilan Networking. Ini akan memiliki karakteristik kinerja " -"yang berbeda dan mungkin lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan pre-migration API " -"ataupun post-migration API" - -msgid "" -"Each available network type is managed by an ML2 type driver. Type drivers " -"maintain any needed type-specific network state. They validate the type " -"specific information for provider networks and are responsible for the " -"allocation of a free segment in project networks." -msgstr "" -"Setiap tipe jaringan yang tersedia dikelola oleh driver tipe ML2. Driver " -"tipe memelihara setiap keadaan jaringan type-specific yang dibutuhkan. " -"Mereka memvalidasi informasi spesifik tipe untuk jaringan penyedia dan " -"bertanggung jawab untuk alokasi segmen bebas di jaringan proyek." - -msgid "" -"Each building block defines the quantity and types of nodes including the " -"components on each node." -msgstr "" -"Setiap blok bangunan mendefinisikan jumlah dan tipe node termasuk komponen " -"pada setiap node." - -msgid "" -"Each network namespace also has its own routing table, and in fact this is " -"the main reason for namespaces to exist. A routing table is keyed by " -"destination IP address, so network namespaces are what you need if you want " -"the same destination IP address to mean different things at different times " -"- which is something that OpenStack Networking requires for its feature of " -"providing overlapping IP addresses in different virtual networks." -msgstr "" -"Setiap namespace jaringan juga memiliki tabel routing sendiri, dan " -"sebenarnya ini adalah alasan utama untuk namespace ada. Sebuah tabel routing " -"diketik dengan alamat IP tujuan, sehingga namespace jaringan menjadi apa " -"yang Anda butuhkan jika Anda ingin alamat IP tujuan yang sama dengan kata " -"lain hal yang berbeda pada waktu yang berbeda - namespace merupakan sesuatu " -"dimana OpenStack Networking perlu mengetahui fitur-fiturnya yang menjadi " -"sumber alamat IP yang tumpang tindih di berbagai jaringan virtual." - -msgid "" -"Each network namespace also has its own set of iptables (for both IPv4 and " -"IPv6). So, you can apply different security to flows with the same IP " -"addressing in different namespaces, as well as different routing." -msgstr "" -"Setiap namespace jaringan juga telah mempunyai IP sendiri dari iptables " -"(untuk IPv4 dan IPv6). Jadi, Anda dapat menerapkan keamanan yang berbeda " -"untuk arus (flow) dengan alamat IP yang sama di namespace yang berbeda, " -"serta routing yang berbeda juga" - -msgid "" -"Each project contains a ``default`` security group that allows all egress " -"traffic and denies all ingress traffic. You can change the rules in the " -"``default`` security group. If you launch an instance without specifying a " -"security group, the ``default`` security group automatically applies to it. " -"Similarly, if you create a port without specifying a security group, the " -"``default`` security group automatically applies to it." -msgstr "" -"Setiap proyek berisi grup keamanan ``default`` yang mengizinkan semua lalu " -"lintas egress dan menyangkal semua lalu lintas ingress. Anda dapat mengubah " -"aturan dalam grup keamanan ``default``. Jika Anda memulai sebuah instance " -"tanpa menentukan kelompok keamanan, grup keamanan ``default`` otomatis " -"berlaku untuk itu. Demikian pula, jika Anda membuat sebuah port tanpa " -"menentukan kelompok keamanan, grup keamanan ``default`` otomatis berlaku " -"untuk itu." - -msgid "" -"Each router interface is associated with an address scope by looking at " -"subnets connected to the network. When a router connects to an external " -"network with matching address scopes, network traffic routes between without " -"Network address translation (NAT). The router marks all traffic connections " -"originating from each interface with its corresponding address scope. If " -"traffic leaves an interface in the wrong scope, the router blocks the " -"traffic." -msgstr "" -"Setiap interface router dikaitkan dengan lingkup alamat dengan melihat " -"subnet terhubung ke jaringan. Ketika router menghubungkan ke jaringan " -"eksternal dengan pencocokan lingkup alamat, lalu lintas me-rute jaringan " -"antar tanpa Network Address Translation (NAT). Router menandai semua koneksi " -"lalu lintas yang berasal dari masing-masing antarmuka dengan lingkup alamat " -"yang sesuai. Jika lalu lintas meninggalkan antarmuka dalam lingkup yang " -"salah, router memblok lalu lintas." - -msgid "" -"Each segment requires at least one subnet that explicitly belongs to that " -"segment. The association between a segment and a subnet distinguishes a " -"routed provider network from other types of networks. The Networking service " -"enforces that either zero or all subnets on a particular network associate " -"with a segment. For example, attempting to create a subnet without a segment " -"on a network containing subnets with segments generates an error." -msgstr "" -"Setiap segmen memerlukan setidaknya satu subnet yang memilik segmen itu " -"secara eksplisit. Hubungan antara segmen dan subnet membedakan jaringan " -"penyedia dialihkan (routed) dari jenis jaringan lainnya. Layanan Networking " -"memberlakukan bahwa subnet nol atau semua subnet pada jaringan tertentu yang " -"berasosiasi dengan segmen. Misalnya, usaha untuk membuat subnet tanpa segmen " -"pada jaringan yang berisi subnet dengan segmen akan menghasilkan kesalahan." - -msgid "" -"East-west scenario 1: Instances on different networks on the same router" -msgstr "" -"East-west scenario 1: Instances pada jaringan yang berbeda pada router yang " -"sama" - -msgid "East-west scenario 1: Instances on the same network" -msgstr "East-west scenario 1: Instance pada jaringan yang sama" - -msgid "East-west scenario 2: Instances on different networks" -msgstr "East-west scenario 2: Instances pada jaringan yang berbeda" - -msgid "" -"Edit the FWaaS section in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file to indicate " -"the agent version and driver:" -msgstr "" -"Edit bagian FWaaS di file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` menunjukkan versi " -"agen dan driver:" - -msgid "" -"Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and assign a value different to " -"``openstacklocal`` (its default value) to the ``dns_domain`` parameter in " -"the ``[default]`` section. As an example:" -msgstr "" -"Edit file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` dan menetapkan nilai yang berbeda " -"untuk (nilai default) ``openstacklocal`` ke parameter ``dns_domain`` dalam " -"bagian ``[default]``. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"Edit the ``[default]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` and specify " -"the external DNS service driver to be used in parameter " -"``external_dns_driver``. The valid options are defined in namespace " -"``neutron.services.external_dns_drivers``. The following example shows how " -"to set up the driver for the OpenStack DNS service:" -msgstr "" -"Edit ``[default]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` dan tentukan " -"driver layanan DNS eksternal yang akan digunakan dalam parameter " -"``external_dns_driver``. Opsi valid didefinisikan dalam namespace ``neutron." -"services.external_dns_drivers``. Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengatur " -"driver untuk layanan DNS OpenStack:" - -msgid "" -"Edit the ``ovs_agent.ini`` or ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file on each compute " -"node. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Edit file ``ovs_agent.ini`` atau ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` pada setiap node " -"komputasi. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "Edit the ``sriov_agent.ini`` file on each compute node. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Edit file ``sriov_agent.ini`` pada setiap node komputasi. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"Effectively the ``ipv6_gateway`` flag takes precedence over an RA that is " -"received from the upstream router. If it is desired to use a GUA next hop " -"that is accomplished by allocating a subnet to the external router port and " -"assigning the upstream routers GUA address as the gateway for the subnet." -msgstr "" -"Secra efektif flag ``ipv6_gateway`` diutamakan melalui RA yang diterima dari " -"router hulu. Jika ini diinginkan untuk menggunakan GUA next hop yang dicapai " -"dengan mengalokasikan subnet ke port router eksternal dan menempatkan alamat " -"GUA router hulu sebagai gateway untuk subnet." - -msgid "" -"Egress instance traffic flows similar to north-south scenario 1, except SNAT " -"changes the source IP address of the packet to the floating IPv4 address " -"rather than the router IP address on the provider network." -msgstr "" -"Egress instance traffic mengalir mirip dengan north-south scenario 1, " -"kecuali SNAT perubahan alamat IP sumber dari paket ke alamat IPv4 mengambang " -"bukannya alamat IP router pada jaringan provider." - -msgid "" -"Egress traffic follows similar steps in reverse, except SNAT changes the " -"source IPv4 address of the packet to the floating IPv4 address." -msgstr "" -"Egress traffic mengikuti langkah-langkah serupa secara terbalik, kecuali " -"SNAT mengubah alamat IPv4 sumber paket ke alamat IPv4 mengambang." - -msgid "Enable FWaaS v1" -msgstr "Enable FWaaS v1" - -msgid "Enable FWaaS v2" -msgstr "Aktifkan FWaaS v2" - -msgid "" -"Enable IOMMU in Linux by adding ``intel_iommu=on`` to the kernel parameters, " -"for example, using GRUB." -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan IOMMU di Linux dengan menambahkan ``intel_iommu = on`` dengan " -"parameter kernel, misalnya, menggunakan GRUB." - -msgid "Enable VRRP." -msgstr "Aktifkan VRRP." - -msgid "" -"Enable a nova-api proxy that recreates internal Compute objects from " -"Networking information (via the Networking REST API)." -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan proxy nova-api yang menciptakan objek Compute internal dari " -"informasi Networking (melalui Networking REST API)." - -msgid "Enable distributed routing by default for all routers." -msgstr "Aktifkan routing terdistribusikan dengan default untuk semua router." - -msgid "Enable neutron sriov-agent (Compute)" -msgstr "Aktifkan neutron sriov-agent (Compute)" - -msgid "Enable routing and allow overlapping IP address ranges." -msgstr "Aktifkan routing dan memungkinkan rentang alamat IP tumpang tindih." - -msgid "Enable the FWaaS plug-in in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file:" -msgstr "Aktifkan FWaaS plug-in dalam file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "Enable the Networking agent." -msgstr "Aktifkan agen Networking." - -msgid "" -"Enable the functionality described in :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-resolution`." -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan fungsi yang dijelaskan dalam :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-resolution`." - -msgid "Enable the layer-2 population mechanism driver." -msgstr "Aktifkan driver mekanisme populasi lapisan-2" - -msgid "Enable the native OVS firewall driver" -msgstr "Aktifkan driver firewall OVS asli" - -msgid "Enable the neutron sriov-agent service." -msgstr "Mengaktifkan layanan neutron sriov-agent." - -msgid "" -"Enable the option in the ``local_settings.py`` file, which is typically " -"located on the controller node:" -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan opsi dalam file ``local_settings.py``, yang biasanya terletak pada " -"controller node:" - -msgid "" -"Enable the plug-in in Dashboard by editing the ``local_settings.py`` file " -"and setting ``enable_lb`` to ``True`` in the ``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` " -"dictionary." -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan plug-in di Dashboard dengan mengedit file ``local_settings.py`` dan " -"pengaturan ``enable_lb`` ke ``True`` dalam direktori " -"``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK``." - -msgid "" -"Enable the segments service plug-in by appending ``segments`` to the list of " -"``service_plugins`` in the ``neutron.conf`` file on all nodes running the " -"``neutron-server`` service:" -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan segmen layanan plug-in dengan menambahkan ``segments`` ke daftar " -"``service_plugins`` di file ``neutron.conf`` pada semua node yang " -"menjalankan layanan ``neutron-server``:" - -msgid "" -"Enable two DHCP agents per network so both compute nodes can provide DHCP " -"service provider networks." -msgstr "" -"Aktifkan dua agen DHCP per jaringan sehingga kedua node komputasi dapat " -"memberikan layanan DHCP jaringan provider." - -msgid "Enabling DHCP high availability by default" -msgstr "Aktifkan HA DHCP secara default" - -msgid "Enabling the deployment for auto-allocation" -msgstr "Mengaktifkan pengerahan untuk auto-allocation" - -msgid "" -"End users normally can create subnets with any valid IP addresses without " -"other restrictions. However, in some cases, it is nice for the admin or the " -"project to pre-define a pool of addresses from which to create subnets with " -"automatic allocation." -msgstr "" -"End user biasanya dapat membuat subnet dengan alamat IP yang valid tanpa " -"pembatasan lainnya. Namun, dalam beberapa kasus, itu bagus untuk admin atau " -"proyek untuk pre-define kolam alamat yang membuat subnet dengan alokasi " -"otomatis." - -msgid "Ensure SR-IOV and VT-d are enabled in BIOS." -msgstr "Pastikan SR-IOV dan VT-d diaktifkan di BIOS." - -msgid "" -"Ensure that the LBaaS v1 and v2 service providers are removed from the " -"``[service_providers]`` section. They are not used with Octavia. **Verify " -"that all LBaaS agents are stopped.**" -msgstr "" -"Pastikan bahwa LBaaS v1 dan penyedia layanan v2 dikeluarkan dari bagian " -"``[service_providers]``. Mereka tidak digunakan dengan Octavia. **Verify " -"that all LBaaS agents are stopped.**" - -msgid "Ensure the neutron sriov-agent runs successfully:" -msgstr "Pastikan neutron sriov-agetn berjalan sukses:" - -msgid "Ethernet" -msgstr "Ethernet" - -msgid "" -"Ethernet is a networking protocol, specified by the IEEE 802.3 standard. " -"Most wired network interface cards (NICs) communicate using Ethernet." -msgstr "" -"Ethernet adalah protokol jaringan, ditentukan oleh standar IEEE 802.3. " -"Kebanyakan kartu antarmuka jaringan kabel (NIC) berkomunikasi menggunakan " -"Ethernet." - -msgid "" -"Every agent that supports these extensions will register itself with the " -"neutron server when it starts up." -msgstr "" -"Setiap agen yang mendukung ekstensi ini akan mendaftarkan diri dengan server " -"neutron ketika dijalankan." - -msgid "" -"Every trunk has a parent port and can have any number of subports. The " -"parent port is the port that the trunk is associated with. Users create " -"instances and specify the parent port of the trunk when launching instances " -"attached to a trunk." -msgstr "" -"Setiap trunk memiliki port orangtua dan dapat memiliki sejumlah subports. " -"Port orangtua adalah port yang bagasi terkait dengan. Pengguna membuat " -"contoh dan menentukan port induk dari bagasi saat meluncurkan kasus melekat " -"batang." - -msgid "Example 1 - Proof-of-concept" -msgstr "Example 1 - Proof-of-concept" - -msgid "Example 2 - DVR configuration" -msgstr "Example 2 - DVR configuration" - -msgid "" -"Example commands using the ``openstack`` client assume version 3.2.0 or " -"higher." -msgstr "" -"Contoh perintah menggunakan klien ``openstack`` menganggap versi 3.2.0 atau " -"lebih tinggi." - -msgid "Example configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurasi contoh" - -msgid "" -"Expect performance degradation of services using tap devices: these devices " -"do not support DPDK. Example services include DVR, FWaaS, or LBaaS." -msgstr "" -"Mengharapkan penurunan kinerja pelayanan menggunakan perangkat tap: " -"perangkat ini tidak mendukung DPDK. Layanan contoh termasuk DVR, FWaaS, atau " -"LBaaS." - -msgid "Experimental feature or incomplete documentation." -msgstr "Fitur eksperimental atau dokumentasi tak lengkap." - -msgid "Extensions" -msgstr "Extensions" - -msgid "External Router A,M,O" -msgstr "External Router A,M,O" - -msgid "" -"External mechanism drivers from various vendors exist as well as the neutron " -"integrated reference implementations." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme eksternal dari berbagai vendor ada serta implementasi " -"referensi neutron terintegrasi." - -msgid "" -"External open source mechanism drivers exist as well as the neutron " -"integrated reference implementations. Configuration of those drivers is not " -"part of this document. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme open source eksternal ada serta implementasi referensi " -"neutron terintegrasi. Konfigurasi driver ini bukan bagian dari dokumen ini. " -"Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "Extra configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurasi tambahan" - -msgid "FWaaS" -msgstr "FWaaS" - -msgid "FWaaS allows creation of IPv6 based rules." -msgstr "FWaaS memungkinkan penciptaan aturan berbasis IPv6." - -msgid "" -"FWaaS always adds a default ``deny all`` rule at the lowest precedence of " -"each policy. Consequently, a firewall policy with no rules blocks all " -"traffic by default." -msgstr "" -"FWaaS selalu menambahkan default aturan ``deny all``` pada prioritas " -"terendah dari setiap kebijakan. Akibatnya, kebijakan firewall tanpa aturan " -"memblok semua lalu lintas secara default." - -msgid "FWaaS management options are also available in the Dashboard." -msgstr "Opsi manajemen FWaaS juga tersedia di Dashboard." - -msgid "FWaaS v1" -msgstr "FWaaS v1" - -msgid "FWaaS v1 versus v2" -msgstr "FWaaS v1 dibandingkan dengan v2" - -msgid "FWaaS v2" -msgstr "FWaaS v2" - -msgid "Feature" -msgstr "Fitur" - -msgid "" -"Filtering resources with a tag whose name contains a comma is not supported. " -"Thus, do not put such a tag name to resources." -msgstr "" -"Penyaringan sumber dengan tag yang namanya mengandung koma tidak didukung. " -"Dengan demikian, tidak menempatkan seperti nama tag ke sumber daya." - -msgid "Filtering with tags" -msgstr "Penyaringan dengan tag" - -msgid "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)" -msgstr "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)" - -msgid "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1 scenario" -msgstr "Skenario Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1" - -msgid "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v2 scenario" -msgstr "Skenario Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v2" - -msgid "Firewalls" -msgstr "Firewall" - -msgid "" -"Firewalls are implemented in various ways, depending on the driver used. For " -"example, an iptables driver implements firewalls using iptable rules. An " -"OpenVSwitch driver implements firewall rules using flow entries in flow " -"tables. A Cisco firewall driver manipulates NSX devices." -msgstr "" -"Firewall diimplementasikan dalam berbagai cara, tergantung pada driver yang " -"digunakan. Sebagai contoh, driver iptables menerapkan firewall menggunakan " -"aturan iptable. Driver OpenVSwitch menerapkan aturan firewall menggunakan " -"entri aliran dalam flow table. Driver firewall Cisco memanipulasi perangkat " -"NSX." - -msgid "" -"Firewalls are used to regulate traffic to and from a host or a network. A " -"firewall can be either a specialized device connecting two networks or a " -"software-based filtering mechanism implemented on an operating system. " -"Firewalls are used to restrict traffic to a host based on the rules defined " -"on the host. They can filter packets based on several criteria such as " -"source IP address, destination IP address, port numbers, connection state, " -"and so on. It is primarily used to protect the hosts from unauthorized " -"access and malicious attacks. Linux-based operating systems implement " -"firewalls through ``iptables``." -msgstr "" -"Firewall digunakan untuk mengatur lalu lintas ke dan dari host atau " -"jaringan. Firewall dapat berupa perangkat khusus yang menghubungkan dua " -"jaringan atau mekanisme penyaringan berbasis software diimplementasikan pada " -"sistem operasi. Firewall digunakan untuk membatasi lalu lintas ke host " -"berdasarkan aturan yang ditetapkan pada host. Mereka dapat menyaring paket " -"berdasarkan beberapa kriteria seperti alamat IP sumber, alamat IP tujuan, " -"nomor port, status koneksi, dan sebagainya. Hal ini terutama digunakan untuk " -"melindungi host dari akses yang tidak sah dan serangan berbahaya. Sistem " -"operasi berbasis Linux mengimplementasikan firewall melalui ``iptables``." - -msgid "First, as admin, create a shared subnet pool:" -msgstr "Pertama, sebagai admin, buatlah subnet kolam bersama:" - -msgid "First, create a QoS policy and its bandwidth limit rule:" -msgstr "Pertama, buat kebijakan QoS dan aturan batas bandwidth:" - -msgid "First, create a network and IPv6 subnet:" -msgstr "Pertama, buat jaringan dan subnet IPv6:" - -msgid "First, the router gateway external port:" -msgstr "Pertama, port eksternal gerbang router:" - -msgid "" -"First, would not it be nice if you could turn your pool of addresses over to " -"Neutron to take care of? When you need to create a subnet, you just ask for " -"addresses to be allocated from the pool. You do not have to worry about what " -"you have already used and what addresses are in your pool. Subnet pools can " -"do this." -msgstr "" -"Pertama, mungkin tidak akan lebih baik jika Anda bisa mengubah kolam alamat " -"Anda ke Neutron untuk mengurusnya? Bila Anda perlu membuat subnet, Anda " -"hanya meminta alamat yang akan dialokasikan dari kolam. Anda tidak perlu " -"khawatir tentang apa yang Anda telah digunakan dan apa alamat yang ada di " -"kolam Anda. Kolam subnet bisa melakukan ini." - -msgid "Flat" -msgstr "Flat" - -msgid "" -"Flat networks for project allocation are not supported. They only can exist " -"as a provider network." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan datar (flat) untuk alokasi proyek tidak didukung. Mereka hanya " -"bisa eksis sebagai jaringan operator (provider)" - -msgid "Floating IP addresses" -msgstr "Alamat IP mengambang" - -msgid "Floating IPs" -msgstr "Floating IPs" - -msgid "Flow classifier" -msgstr "Flow classifier" - -msgid "" -"Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, " -"the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. For more details, see :ref:" -"`config-dns-int-ext-serv`:" -msgstr "" -"Berikut ini adalah catatan PTR yang dibuat untuk contoh ini. Perhatikan " -"bahwa untuk IPv4, nilai ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size adalah 24. Untuk lebih " -"jelasnya, lihat :ref: `config-dns-int-ext-serv`:" - -msgid "" -"Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, " -"the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. In the case of IPv6, the value " -"of ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 116. For more details, see :ref:`config-dns-" -"int-ext-serv`:" -msgstr "" -"Berikut ini adalah catatan PTR yang dibuat untuk contoh ini. Perhatikan " -"bahwa untuk IPv4, nilai ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size adalah 24. Dalam kasus " -"IPv6, nilai ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size adalah 116. Untuk lebih jelasnya, " -"lihat :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`:" - -msgid "Following is an example of these steps:" -msgstr "Berikut ini adalah contoh langkah-langkah:" - -msgid "" -"For IPv4, the router performs DNAT on the packet which changes the " -"destination IP address to the instance IP address on the self-service " -"network and sends it to the gateway IP address on the self-service network " -"via the self-service interface (6)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv4, router melakukan DNAT pada paket yang mengubah alamat IP tujuan " -"ke alamat IP instance di jaringan self-service dan mengirimkannya ke alamat " -"IP gateway di jaringan self-service melalui antarmuka self-service (6) ." - -msgid "" -"For IPv4, the router performs DNAT on the packet which changes the " -"destination IP address to the instance IP address on the self-service " -"network and sends it to the gateway IP address on the self-service network " -"via the self-service interface (7)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv4, router melakukan DNAT pada paket yang mengubah alamat IP tujuan " -"ke alamat IP instance di jaringan self-service dan mengirimkannya ke alamat " -"IP gateway di jaringan self-service melalui antarmuka self-service (7) ." - -msgid "" -"For IPv4, the router performs SNAT on the packet which changes the source IP " -"address to the router IP address on the provider network and sends it to the " -"gateway IP address on the provider network via the gateway interface on the " -"provider network (11)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv4, router melakukan SNAT pada paket yang mengubah alamat IP sumber " -"ke alamat IP router pada jaringan provider dan mengirimkannya ke alamat IP " -"gateway di jaringan provider melalui antarmuka gateway pada jaringan " -"provider (11)." - -msgid "" -"For IPv4, the router performs SNAT on the packet which changes the source IP " -"address to the router IP address on the provider network and sends it to the " -"gateway IP address on the provider network via the gateway interface on the " -"provider network (17)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv4, router melakukan SNAT pada paket yang mengubah alamat IP sumber " -"ke alamat IP router pada jaringan provider dan mengirimkannya ke alamat IP " -"gateway di jaringan provider melalui antarmuka gateway pada jaringan " -"provider (17)." - -msgid "" -"For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically " -"the gateway IP address on the provider network, via the provider gateway " -"interface (11)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv6, router mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP hop berikutnya (next-hop), " -"biasanya alamat IP gateway pada jaringan provider, melalui antarmuka gateway " -"provider (11)." - -msgid "" -"For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically " -"the gateway IP address on the provider network, via the provider gateway " -"interface (17)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv6, router mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP next-hop, biasanya alamat " -"IP gateway pada jaringan provider, melalui antarmuka gateway provider (17)." - -msgid "" -"For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically " -"the gateway IP address on the self-service network, via the self-service " -"interface (6)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv6, router mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP hop berikutnya (next-hop), " -"biasanya alamat IP gateway di jaringan self-service, melalui antarmuka self-" -"service (6)." - -msgid "" -"For IPv6, the router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically " -"the gateway IP address on the self-service network, via the self-service " -"interface (8)." -msgstr "" -"Untuk IPv6, router mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP next-hop, biasanya alamat " -"IP gateway di jaringan self-service, melalui antarmuka self-service (8)." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section in the " -"`Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk daftar rinci pilihan konfigurasi, lihat bagian terkait di " -"`Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For additional information describing the problem, refer to: `Virtual " -"switching technologies and Linux bridge. `_" -msgstr "" -"Untuk informasi tambahan menjelaskan masalah ini, lihat: `Virtual switching " -"technologies and Linux bridge. `_" - -msgid "" -"For basic configuration of prerequisites, see the `Ocata Install Tutorials " -"and Guides `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk konfigurasi dasar dari prasyarat, lihat `Ocata Install Tutorials and " -"Guides `__." - -msgid "" -"For best performance, 10+ Gbps physical network infrastructure should " -"support jumbo frames." -msgstr "" -"Untuk performa terbaik, 10+ Gbps infrastruktur jaringan fisik harus " -"mendukung frame jumbo." - -msgid "" -"For each router, add one self-service subnet as an interface on the router." -msgstr "" -"Untuk setiap router, tambahkan satu subnet self-service sebagai interface " -"pada router." - -msgid "" -"For example, Linux provides namespaces for networking and processes, among " -"other things. If a process is running within a process namespace, it can " -"only see and communicate with other processes in the same namespace. So, if " -"a shell in a particular process namespace ran :command:`ps waux`, it would " -"only show the other processes in the same namespace." -msgstr "" -"Misalnya, Linux menyediakan namespace untuk jaringan dan proses. Jika suatu " -"proses sedang berjalan dalam namespace proses, proses hanya bisa melihat dan " -"berkomunikasi dengan proses lainnya dalam namespace yang sama. Jadi, jika " -"suatu shell dimana proses namespace tertentu menjalankan :command:`ps waux`, " -"proses hanya akan menunjukkan proses lain dalam namespace yang sama." - -msgid "For example, add flow classifier ``FC2`` to port chain ``PC1``:" -msgstr "" -"Misalnya, tambahkan klassifier aliran ``FC2`` untuk rantai port ``PC1``:" - -msgid "For example, add port pair group ``PPG3`` to port chain ``PC1``:" -msgstr "" -"Misalnya, tambahkan grup pasangan port ``PPG3`` untuk rantai port ``PC1``:" - -msgid "For example, consider the following components:" -msgstr "Sebagai contoh, pertimbangkan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "" -"For example, referencing a 4000-byte MTU for ``provider2``, a 1500-byte MTU " -"for ``provider3``, and a 9000-byte MTU for other networks using the Open " -"vSwitch agent:" -msgstr "" -"Misalnya, referensi 4000-byte MTU untuk ``provider2``, 1500-byte MTU untuk " -"``provider3``, dan 9000-byte MTU untuk jaringan lain menggunakan agen Open " -"vSwitch:" - -msgid "" -"For example, referencing a 4000-byte MTU for overlay networks and a 9000-" -"byte MTU for other networks:" -msgstr "" -"Sebagai contoh, referensi 4000-byte MTU untuk jaringan overlay dan 9000-byte " -"MTU untuk jaringan lain:" - -msgid "" -"For example, referencing an underlying physical network with a 9000-byte MTU:" -msgstr "" -"Sebagai contoh, referensi jaringan fisik yang mendasari dengan MTU 9000-byte:" - -msgid "For example, to match any domain, bus 0a, slot 00, and all functions:" -msgstr "" -"Misalnya, untuk mencocokkan domain apapun, bus 0a, slot 00, dan semua fungsi:" - -msgid "" -"For further information, see `v1 configuration guide `_ or `v2 configuration " -"guide `_." -msgstr "" -"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat `v1 configuration guide `_ atau `v2 " -"configuration guide `_." - -msgid "" -"For general configuration, see the `Configuration Reference `_." -msgstr "" -"Untuk konfigurasi umum, lihat `Configuration Reference `_." - -msgid "" -"For illustration purposes, the configuration examples typically reference " -"the following IP address ranges:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk tujuan ilustrasi, contoh konfigurasi biasanya mereferensi rentang " -"alamat IP berikut:" - -msgid "" -"For information on **Mellanox SR-IOV Ethernet ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro " -"cards**, see `Mellanox: How To Configure SR-IOV VFs `_." -msgstr "" -"Untuk informasi tentang **Mellanox SR-IOV Ethernet ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro " -"cards**, lihat `Mellanox: How To Configure SR-IOV VFs `_." - -msgid "" -"For information on **QLogic SR-IOV Ethernet cards**, see `User's Guide " -"OpenStack Deployment with SR-IOV Configuration `_." -msgstr "" -"Untuk informasi tentang **QLogic SR-IOV Ethernet cards**, lihat `User's " -"Guide OpenStack Deployment with SR-IOV Configuration `_." - -msgid "" -"For instances with a fixed IPv4 address, the network node performs SNAT on " -"north-south traffic passing from self-service to external networks such as " -"the Internet. For instances with a fixed IPv6 address, the network node " -"performs conventional routing of traffic between self-service and external " -"networks." -msgstr "" -"Untuk instance dengan alamat IPv4 tetap, node jaringan melakukan SNAT pada " -"lalu lintas utara-selatan melewati dari self-service untuk jaringan " -"eksternal seperti Internet. Untuk instance dengan alamat IPv6 tetap, node " -"jaringan melakukan routing yang konvensional lalu lintas antara self-service " -"dan jaringan eksternal." - -msgid "" -"For instances with a floating IPv4 address using a self-service network on a " -"distributed router, the compute node containing the instance performs SNAT " -"on north-south traffic passing from the instance to external networks such " -"as the Internet and DNAT on north-south traffic passing from external " -"networks to the instance. Floating IP addresses and NAT do not apply to " -"IPv6. Thus, the network node routes IPv6 traffic in this scenario. north-" -"south traffic passing between the instance and external networks such as the " -"Internet." -msgstr "" -"Untuk instance dengan alamat IPv4 mengambang menggunakan jaringan self-" -"service pada router terdistribusikan, komputasi node yang berisi instance " -"melakukan SNAT pada lalu lintas utara-selatan lewat dari instance ke " -"jaringan eksternal seperti Internet dan DNAT di lalu lintas utara-selatan " -"yang lewat dari jaringan eksternal untuk instance. Alamat IP mengambang dan " -"NAT tidak berlaku untuk IPv6. Dengan demikian, node jaringan me-rute lalu " -"lintas IPv6 dalam skenario ini, lalu lintas utara-selatan yang melewati " -"antara instance dan jaringan eksternal seperti Internet." - -msgid "" -"For instances with a floating IPv4 address, maintains state of network " -"connections during failover as a side effect of 1:1 static NAT. The " -"mechanism does not actually implement connection tracking." -msgstr "" -"Untuk instance dengan alamat IPv4 mengambang, pertahankan keadaan koneksi " -"jaringan selama failover sebagai efek samping dari NAT statis 1:1. " -"Mekanisme tidak secara benar melaksanakan pelacakan koneksi." - -msgid "" -"For instances with a floating IPv4 address, the network node performs SNAT " -"on north-south traffic passing from the instance to external networks such " -"as the Internet and DNAT on north-south traffic passing from external " -"networks to the instance. Floating IP addresses and NAT do not apply to " -"IPv6. Thus, the network node routes IPv6 traffic in this scenario." -msgstr "" -"Untuk instance dengan alamat IPv4 mengambang, node jaringan melakukan SNAT " -"pada lalu lintas utara-selatan lewat dari instance ke jaringan eksternal " -"seperti Internet dan DNAT pada lalu lintas utara-selatan lewat dari jaringan " -"eksternal untuk instance. Alamat IP mengambang dan NAT tidak berlaku untuk " -"IPv6. Dengan demikian, node jaringan me-rute lalu lintas IPv6 dalam skenario " -"ini." - -msgid "" -"For more details, see `Networking command-line client `_ in the OpenStack Command-Line " -"Interface Reference." -msgstr "" -"Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat `Networking command-line client `_ dalam OpenStack Command-Line " -"Interface Reference." - -msgid "" -"For more details, see the `Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat `Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"For more details, see the `Networking configuration options `__ of Configuration " -"Reference." -msgstr "" -"Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat `Networking configuration options `__ dari " -"Configuration Reference." - -msgid "" -"For more details, see the related section in the `Configuration Reference " -"`__." -msgstr "" -"Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian terkait di `Configuration Reference " -"`__." - -msgid "" -"For more information about the syntax for ``hw:mem_page_size``, refer to the " -"`Flavors `__ " -"guide." -msgstr "" -"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang sintaks untuk ``hw:mem_page_size``, " -"mengacu kepada panduan `Flavors `__." - -msgid "For more information see the :ref:`config-sriov`." -msgstr "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut lihat :ref:`config-sriov`." - -msgid "" -"For networked software applications to communicate over an IP network, they " -"must use a protocol layered atop IP. These protocols occupy the fourth layer " -"of the OSI model known as the *transport layer* or *layer 4*. See the " -"`Protocol Numbers `_ web page maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers " -"Authority (IANA) for a list of protocols that layer atop IP and their " -"associated numbers." -msgstr "" -"Untuk aplikasi perangkat lunak jaringan yang berkomunikasi melalui jaringan " -"IP, mereka harus menggunakan protokol yang berlapisan atop IP. Protokol ini " -"menempati lapisan keempat dari model OSI yang dikenal sebagai *transport " -"layer* atau *layer 4*. Lihat halaman web `Protocol Numbers `_ yang dikelola " -"oleh Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) untuk daftar protokol yang " -"berlapisan atop IP dan nomor yang terkait." - -msgid "" -"For production deployments, we recommend at least three network nodes with " -"sufficient resources to handle network traffic for the entire environment if " -"one network node fails. Also, the remaining two nodes can continue to " -"provide redundancy." -msgstr "" -"Untuk pengerahan produksi, kami sarankan setidaknya tiga node jaringan " -"dengan sumber daya yang cukup untuk menangani lalu lintas jaringan untuk " -"seluruh lingkungan jika salah satu simpul jaringan gagal. Disamping itu, dua " -"node yang tersisa dapat terus memberikan redundansi." - -msgid "" -"For the above two attributes to be effective, ``enable_dhcp`` of the subnet " -"object must be set to True." -msgstr "" -"Untuk dua atribut di atas supaya menjadi efektif, ``enable_dhcp`` dari objek " -"subnet harus diatur ke True." - -msgid "" -"For typical underlying physical network architectures that implement a " -"single MTU value, you can leverage jumbo frames using two options, one in " -"the ``neutron.conf`` file and the other in the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file. Most " -"environments should use this configuration." -msgstr "" -"Untuk arsitektur jaringan fisik yang mendasarinya yang khas yang menerapkan " -"nilai MTU tunggal, Anda dapat memanfaatkan frame jumbo menggunakan dua " -"pilihan, satu di file ``neutron.conf`` dan yang lainnya di file ``ml2_conf." -"ini``. Kebanyakan lingkungan harus menggunakan konfigurasi ini." - -msgid "" -"Forwarding DataBase (FDB) population is an L2 agent extension to OVS agent " -"or Linux bridge. Its objective is to update the FDB table for existing " -"instance using normal port. This enables communication between SR-IOV " -"instances and normal instances. The use cases of the FDB population " -"extension are:" -msgstr "" -"Populasi Forwarding DataBase (FDB) adalah L2 agent extension untuk OVS agent " -"atau Linux bridge. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperbarui tabel FDB pada " -"instance yang ada menggunakan port normal. Hal ini mengaktifkan komunikasi " -"antara instance SR-IOV dan instance normal. Use case ekstensi populasi FDB " -"adalah:" - -msgid "" -"From the Liberty release onwards, OpenStack Networking supports IPv6 prefix " -"delegation. This section describes the configuration and workflow steps " -"necessary to use IPv6 prefix delegation to provide automatic allocation of " -"subnet CIDRs. This allows you as the OpenStack administrator to rely on an " -"external (to the OpenStack Networking service) DHCPv6 server to manage your " -"project network prefixes." -msgstr "" -"Dari rilis Liberty dan seterusnya, OpenStack Networking mendukung IPv6 " -"prefix delegation. Bagian ini menjelaskan langkah konfigurasi dan alur kerja " -"yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan IPv6 prefix delegation untuk memberikan " -"alokasi otomatis subnet CIDR. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda sebagai " -"administrator OpenStack mengandalkan server DHCPv6 eksternal (ke layanan " -"OpenStack Networking) untuk mengelola prefix jaringan proyek Anda." - -msgid "Function: Firewall" -msgstr "Function: Firewall" - -msgid "Function: Intrusion detection system (IDS)" -msgstr "Function: Intrusion detection system (IDS)" - -msgid "" -"Fundamentally, SFC routes packets through one or more service functions " -"instead of conventional routing that routes packets using destination IP " -"address. Service functions essentially emulate a series of physical network " -"devices with cables linking them together." -msgstr "" -"Pada dasarnya, SFC me-rute paket melalui satu atau lebih fungsi pelayanan " -"bukan routing konvensional yang me-rute paket menggunakan alamat IP tujuan. " -"Fungsi layanan pada dasarnya meniru serangkaian perangkat jaringan fisik " -"dengan kabel yang menghubungkan mereka bersama-sama." - -msgid "Future support" -msgstr "Dukungan di masa depan" - -msgid "GRE" -msgstr "GRE" - -msgid "GRE and VXLAN" -msgstr "GRE dan VXLAN" - -msgid "Gateway" -msgstr "Gateway (gerbang)" - -msgid "Gateway (via physical network infrastructure)" -msgstr "Gateway (melalui infrastruktur jaringan fisik)" - -msgid "Gateway on the provider network" -msgstr "Gateway jaringan provider" - -msgid "Generic routing encapsulation (GRE)" -msgstr "Generic routing encapsulation (GRE)" - -msgid "" -"Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) is a protocol that runs over IP and is " -"employed when delivery and payload protocols are compatible but payload " -"addresses are incompatible. For instance, a payload might think it is " -"running on a datalink layer but it is actually running over a transport " -"layer using datagram protocol over IP. GRE creates a private point-to-point " -"connection and works by encapsulating a payload. GRE is a foundation " -"protocol for other tunnel protocols but the GRE tunnels provide only weak " -"authentication." -msgstr "" -"Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) adalah protokol yang berjalan di atas IP " -"dan digunakan saat pengiriman dan protokol payload yang kompatibel tetapi " -"alamat payload tidak kompatibel. Misalnya, payload mungkin diperlirakan akan " -"berjalan pada lapisan datalink tetapi sebenarnya berjalan di atas lapisan " -"transport menggunakan protokol datagram over IP. GRE membuat koneksi point-" -"to-point private dan bekerja dengan encapsulating payload. GRE adalah " -"protokol dasar untuk protokol terowongan (terowongan) lain tetapi terowongan " -"GRE hanya menyediakan otentikasi lemah." - -msgid "Get Me A Network" -msgstr "Get Me A Network (dapatkan saya jaringan)" - -msgid "Get Network IP address availability for all IPv4 networks:" -msgstr "Dapatkan ketersediaan alamat IP jaringan untuk semua jaringan IPv4:" - -msgid "Get Network IP address availability for all IPv6 networks:" -msgstr "Dapatkan ketersediaan alamat IP jaringan untuk semua jaringan IPv6:" - -msgid "Get Network IP address availability statistics for a specific network:" -msgstr "" -"Dapatkan statistik ketersediaan alamat IP jaringan untuk jaringan tertentu:" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``not-tags-any`` filter:" -msgstr "Dapatkan daftar sumber daya dengan penyaring ``not-tags-any``:" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``not-tags`` filter:" -msgstr "Dapatkan daftar sumber daya dengan penyaring ``not-tags```:" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``tags-any`` filter:" -msgstr "Dapatkan daftar sumber daya dengan penyaring ``tag-any``:" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``tags`` filter:" -msgstr "Dapatkan daftar sumber daya dengan penyaring ``tags``:" - -msgid "" -"Get list of resources with tag filters from networks. The networks are: test-" -"net1 with \"red\" tag, test-net2 with \"red\" and \"blue\" tags, test-net3 " -"with \"red\", \"blue\", and \"green\" tags, and test-net4 with \"green\" tag." -msgstr "" -"Dapatkan daftar sumber daya dengan filter tag dari jaringan. Jaringan " -"menjadi are: test-net1 dengan tag \"red\", test-net2 dengan tag \"red\" and " -"\"blue\", test-net3 dengan tag \"red\", \"blue\", dan \"green\", dan test-" -"net4 dengan tag \"green\"." - -msgid "" -"Get the ``id`` of the network where you want the SR-IOV port to be created:" -msgstr "" -"Dapatkan ``id`` dari jaringan dimana Anda ingin port SR-IOV yang akan dibuat:" - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from OpenStack managed radvd using SLAAC " -"and optional info from dnsmasq using DHCPv6." -msgstr "" -"Guest instance memperoleh alamat IPv6 dari OpenStack dikelola dengan radvd " -"menggunakan SLAAC dan info opsional dari dnsmasq menggunakan DHCPv6." - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from OpenStack managed radvd using SLAAC." -msgstr "" -"Guest instance memperoleh alamat IPv6 dari OpenStack dikelola dengan radvd " -"menggunakan SLAAC." - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from dnsmasq using DHCPv6 stateful and " -"optional info from dnsmasq using DHCPv6." -msgstr "" -"Guest instance memperoleh alamat IPv6 dari dnsmasq menggunakan DHCPv6 " -"stateful dan info opsional dari dnsmasq menggunakan DHCPv6." - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from non-OpenStack router using SLAAC." -msgstr "" -"Guest instance memperoleh alamat IPv6 dari router non-OpenStack menggunakan " -"SLAAC." - -msgid "HA of DHCP agents" -msgstr "HA untuk agen DHCP" - -msgid "" -"HA routers are created on availability zones you selected when creating the " -"router." -msgstr "" -"HA router diciptakan pada zona ketersediaan dimana Anda pilih pada saat " -"pembuatan router." - -msgid "Handles metadata, etc." -msgstr "Tangani metadata, dll" - -msgid "Handles physical-virtual network transition" -msgstr "Tangani transisi jaringan physical-virtual" - -msgid "Health monitor" -msgstr "Health monitor" - -msgid "Here is an example of output from :command:`ip route show`:" -msgstr "Berikut adalah contoh output dari :command:`ip route show`:" - -msgid "Here is the router we have used in our demonstration:" -msgstr "Berikut adalah router yang telah kami digunakan di demonstrasi kami:" - -msgid "High availability" -msgstr "Ketersediaan tinggi" - -msgid "High-availability features" -msgstr "Fitur high-availability" - -msgid "High-availability for DHCP" -msgstr "Ketersediaan tinggi untuk DHCP" - -msgid "Horizon support" -msgstr "Dukungan Horizon" - -msgid "Host" -msgstr "Host" - -msgid "Host *A* then sends Ethernet frames to host *B*." -msgstr "Host *A* kemudian mengirimkan frame Ethernet ke host *B*." - -msgid "Host *B* responds with a response like this:" -msgstr "Host *B* merespon dengan respon seperti ini:" - -msgid "HostA" -msgstr "HostA" - -msgid "HostB" -msgstr "HostB" - -msgid "" -"Hosts connected to a network use the :term:`Dynamic Host Configuration " -"Protocol (DHCP)` to dynamically obtain IP addresses. A DHCP server hands out " -"the IP addresses to network hosts, which are the DHCP clients." -msgstr "" -"Host terhubung ke jaringan menggunakan :term:`Dynamic Host Configuration " -"Protocol (DHCP)` untuk mendapatkan alamat IP secara dinamis. Sebuah server " -"DHCP memberi alamat IP untuk jaringan host, yang merupakan klien DHCP." - -msgid "How the 'shared' flag relates to these entries" -msgstr "Bagaimana 'shared' flag berkaitan dengan entri ini" - -msgid "How they work" -msgstr "Bagaimana mereka bekerja" - -msgid "" -"How those instances communicate across a router to other subnets or the " -"internet." -msgstr "" -"Bagaimana instance ini berkomunikasi melewati router ke subnet lain atau " -"internet." - -msgid "How those instances interact with other OpenStack services." -msgstr "Bagaimana instance ini berinteraksi dengan layanan OpenStack lainnya." - -msgid "How those instances receive an IPv6 address." -msgstr "Bagaimana contoh menerima alamat IPv6." - -msgid "How to disable libvirt networks" -msgstr "Cara menonaktifkan jaringan libvirt" - -msgid "How to enable dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6 enabled) instances." -msgstr "Cara mengaktifkan instance dual-stack (IPv4 dan IPv6 diaktifkan)." - -msgid "" -"However, libvirt is capable of providing networking services to the virtual " -"machines that it manages. In particular, libvirt can be configured to " -"provide networking functionality akin to a simplified, single-node version " -"of OpenStack. Users can use libvirt to create layer 2 networks that are " -"similar to OpenStack Networking's networks, confined to a single node." -msgstr "" -"Namun, libvirt mampu memberikan layanan jaringan untuk mesin virtual yang " -"mengelolanya.. Secara khusus, libvirt dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menyediakan " -"fungsionalitas jaringan mirip dengan jaringan sederhana, versi single-node " -"dari OpenStack. Pengguna dapat menggunakan libvirt untuk membuat jaringan " -"layer 2 yang mirip dengan jaringan OpenStack Networking's ini, terbatas pada " -"node tunggal." - -msgid "" -"However, load balancers deployed onto private or isolated networks need a " -"floating IP address assigned if they must be accessible to external clients. " -"To complete this step, you must have a router between the private and public " -"networks and an available floating IP address." -msgstr "" -"Namun, balancers beban yang dikerahkan ke jaringan private atau jaringan " -"terisolasi membutuhkan alamat IP mengambang yang ditetapkan jika mereka " -"harus dapat diakses oleh klien eksternal. Untuk menyelesaikan langkah ini, " -"Anda harus memiliki router antara jaringan private dan publik dan alamat IP " -"mengambang yang tersedia." - -msgid "" -"IANA maintains a `registry of port numbers `_ for many TCP-" -"based services, as well as services that use other layer 4 protocols that " -"employ ports. Registering a TCP port number is not required, but registering " -"a port number is helpful to avoid collisions with other services. See " -"`firewalls and default ports `_ in OpenStack Administrator Guide for the " -"default TCP ports used by various services involved in an OpenStack " -"deployment." -msgstr "" -"IANA memelihara `registry of port numbers `_ untuk " -"berbagai layanan berbasis TCP, serta layanan yang menggunakan protokol " -"lapisan 4 lain yang mempekerjakan port. Pendaftaran nomor port TCP tidak " -"diperlukan, tetapi pendaftaran nomor port adalah membantu untuk menghindari " -"tabrakan dengan layanan lainnya. Lihat `firewalls and default ports `_ dalam " -"OpenStack Administrator Guide untuk port TCP default yang digunakan oleh " -"berbagai layanan yang terlibat dalam pengerahan OpenStack." - -msgid "IP" -msgstr "IP" - -msgid "IP address range and fd00:192:0:2::/64" -msgstr "Rentang alamat IP dan fd00:192:0:2::/64" - -msgid "IP address ranges and fd00:203:0:113::/64" -msgstr "Rentang alamat IP dan fd00:203:0:113::/64" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:192:0:2::1" -msgstr "Alamat IP dan fd00:192:0:2::1" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:192:0:2:0::101" -msgstr "Alamat IP dan fd00:192:0:2:0::101" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:203:0:113:0::1" -msgstr "Alamat IP dan fd00:203:0:113:0::1" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:203:0:113:0::101" -msgstr "Alamat IP dan fd00:203:0:113:0::101" - -msgid "" -"IP addresses are broken up into two parts: a *network number* and a *host " -"identifier*. Two hosts are on the same *subnet* if they have the same " -"network number. Recall that two hosts can only communicate directly over " -"Ethernet if they are on the same local network. ARP assumes that all " -"machines that are in the same subnet are on the same local network. Network " -"administrators must take care when assigning IP addresses and netmasks to " -"hosts so that any two hosts that are in the same subnet are on the same " -"local network, otherwise ARP does not work properly." -msgstr "" -"Alamat IP yang dipecah menjadi dua bagian: *network number* dan *host " -"identifier*. Dua host pada *subnet* yang sama jika mereka memiliki jumlah " -"jaringan yang sama. Ingat bahwa dua host hanya dapat berkomunikasi secara " -"langsung melintasi Ethernet jika mereka berada di jaringan lokal yang sama. " -"ARP mengasumsikan bahwa semua mesin yang berada di subnet yang sama berada " -"di jaringan lokal yang sama. Administrator jaringan harus berhati-hati " -"ketika menetapkan alamat IP dan netmask ke host sehingga setiap dua host " -"yang berada di subnet yang sama berada di jaringan lokal yang sama, jika " -"tidak seperti itu ARP tidak bekerja dengan benar." - -msgid "IP availability metrics" -msgstr "Metrik ketersediaan IP" - -msgid "IPAM configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurasi IPAM" - -msgid "" -"IPv4 self-service networks typically use private IP address ranges (RFC1918) " -"and interact with provider networks via source NAT on virtual routers. " -"Floating IP addresses enable access to instances from provider networks via " -"destination NAT on virtual routers. IPv6 self-service networks always use " -"public IP address ranges and interact with provider networks via virtual " -"routers with static routes." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan self-service IPv4 biasanya menggunakan rentang alamat IP private " -"(RFC1918) dan berinteraksi dengan jaringan provider melalui sumber NAT pada " -"router virtual. Alamat IP mengambang mengaktifkan akses ke instance dari " -"jaringan provider via NAT tujuan pada router virtual. IPv6 jaringan self-" -"service selalu menggunakan rentang alamat IP publik dan berinteraksi dengan " -"jaringan provider melalui router virtual dengan rute statis." - -msgid "IPv4:" -msgstr "IPv4:" - -msgid "IPv4:" -msgstr "IPv4:" - -msgid "IPv6" -msgstr "IPv6" - -msgid "IPv6 addressing" -msgstr "Alamat IPv6" - -msgid "" -"IPv6 connectivity with self-service networks often requires addition of " -"static routes to nodes and physical network infrastructure." -msgstr "" -"Konektivitas IPv6 dengan jaringan self-service sering membutuhkan penambahan " -"rute statis untuk node dan infrastruktur jaringan fisik." - -msgid "" -"IPv6 does work when the Distributed Virtual Router functionality is enabled, " -"but all ingress/egress traffic is via the centralized router (hence, not " -"distributed). More work is required to fully enable this functionality." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 tidak bekerja ketika fungsi Distributed Virtual Router diaktifkan, " -"tetapi semua lalu lintas masuk/keluar (ingress/egress) adalah melalui router " -"terpusat (oleh karena itu, tidak didistribusikan). Banyak pekerjaan " -"diperlukan untuk sepenuhnya mengaktifkan fungsi ini." - -msgid "IPv6 multicast" -msgstr "IPv6 multicast" - -msgid "IPv6 since OpenStack Networking has no IPv6 floating IPs." -msgstr "IPv6 sejak OpenStack Networking tidak mempunyai IPv6 floating IP." - -msgid "" -"IPv6 support in conjunction with any out of tree routers, switches, services " -"or agents whether in physical or virtual form factors." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 mendukungan dalam hubungannya dengan keluar dari tree router, switch, " -"layanan atau agen baik dalam faktor bentuk fisik atau virtual." - -msgid "" -"IPv6 supports three different addressing schemes for address configuration " -"and for providing optional network information." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 mendukung tiga skema pengalamatan yang berbeda untuk konfigurasi alamat " -"dan untuk menyediakan informasi jaringan opsional." - -msgid "IPv6: fd00:192:0:2::/64" -msgstr "IPv6: fd00:192:0:2::/64" - -msgid "IPv6: fd00:203:0:113::/64" -msgstr "IPv6: fd00:203:0:113::/64" - -msgid "" -"If Dashboard is configured to compress static files for better performance " -"(usually set through ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE`` in ``local_settings.py``), " -"optimize the static files again:" -msgstr "" -"Jika Dashboard dikonfigurasi untuk kompres file statis untuk kinerja yang " -"lebih baik (biasanya diatur melalui ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE`` dalam " -"``local_settings.py``), lakukan optimalisasi file statis lagi:" - -msgid "" -"If ``ebrctl`` does not appear in any of the rootwrap files, add this to the " -"``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters`` file in the ``[Filters]`` section." -msgstr "" -"JIka ``ebrctl`` tidak muncul dalam salah satu file rootwrap, tambahkan ini " -"ke file ``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters`` dalam bagian ``[Filters]``." - -msgid "" -"If ``keepalived`` on the backup router stops receiving *heartbeat* packets, " -"it assumes failure of the master router and promotes the backup router to " -"master router by configuring IP addresses on the interfaces in the " -"``qrouter`` namespace. In environments with more than one backup router, " -"``keepalived`` on the backup router with the next highest priority promotes " -"that backup router to master router." -msgstr "" -"If ``keepalived`` on the backup router stops receiving *heartbeat* packets, " -"it assumes failure of the master router and promotes the backup router to " -"master router by configuring IP addresses on the interfaces in the " -"``qrouter`` namespace. In environments with more than one backup router, " -"``keepalived`` on the backup router with the next highest priority promotes " -"that backup router to master router." - -msgid "" -"If a network is marked as external during creation, it now implicitly " -"creates a wildcard RBAC policy granting everyone access to preserve previous " -"behavior before this feature was added." -msgstr "" -"Jika jaringan ditandai sebagai eksternal selama pembuatan, sekarang secara " -"implisit hal itu menciptakan kebijakan RBAC wildcard memberikan akses setiap " -"orang untuk menjaga tindakan sebelumnya sebelum fitur ini ditambahkan." - -msgid "" -"If a service function involves a pair of ports, the first port acts as the " -"ingress port of the service function and the second port acts as the egress " -"port. If both ports use the same value, they function as a single virtual " -"bidirectional port." -msgstr "" -"Jika fungsi pelayanan melibatkan sepasang port, port pertama bertindak " -"sebagai ingress port fungsi pelayanan dan port kedua bertindak sebagai port " -"egress. Jika kedua port menggunakan nilai yang sama, mereka berfungsi " -"sebagai port bidirectional virtual tunggal." - -msgid "" -"If all routers lose connectivity simultaneously, the process of selecting a " -"new master router will be repeated in a round-robin fashion until one or " -"more routers have their connectivity restored." -msgstr "" -"Jika semua router kehilangan konektivitas secara bersamaan, proses pemilihan " -"router induk baru akan diulang secara round-robin sampai satu atau lebih " -"router telah dipulihkan konektivitas mereka." - -msgid "" -"If an operator wants to prevent normal users from doing this, the ``" -"\"create_rbac_policy\":`` entry in ``policy.json`` can be adjusted from ``" -"\"\"`` to ``\"rule:admin_only\"``." -msgstr "" -"Jika operator ingin mencegah pengguna biasa melakukan ini, ``" -"\"create_rbac_policy\":`` entri dalam ``policy.json`` dapat disesuaikan " -"dari ``\"\"`` menjadi ``\"rule:admin_only\"``." - -msgid "" -"If installing from source, you must configure a daemon file for the init " -"system manually." -msgstr "" -"Jika menginstal dari source, Anda harus mengkonfigurasi file daemon untuk " -"sistem init secara manual." - -msgid "If necessary, :ref:`configure MTU `." -msgstr "Jika diperlukan, :ref:`configure MTU `." - -msgid "" -"If projects are trusted to administrate their own QoS policies in your " -"cloud, neutron's file ``policy.json`` can be modified to allow this." -msgstr "" -"Jika proyek dipercaya melakukan administrasi kebijakan QoS sendiri di cloud " -"Anda, file ``policy.json`` milik neutron ini dapat dimodifikasi untuk " -"memberi ini." - -msgid "" -"If projects are trusted to create their own policies, check the trusted " -"projects ``policy.json`` configuration section." -msgstr "" -"Jika proyek dipercaya untuk membuat kebijakan mereka sendiri, periksa bagian " -"konfigurasi ``policy.json`` proyek dipercaya." - -msgid "" -"If that project has ports on the network, the server will prevent the policy " -"from being deleted until the ports have been deleted:" -msgstr "" -"Jika proyek memiliki port pada jaringan, server akan mencegah kebijakan dari " -"penghapusan sampai port itu telah dihapus:" - -msgid "" -"If that project has ports or networks with the QoS policy applied to them, " -"the server will not delete the RBAC policy until the QoS policy is no longer " -"in use:" -msgstr "" -"Jika proyek yang memiliki port atau jaringan dengan kebijakan QoS diterapkan " -"kepada mereka, server tidak akan menghapus kebijakan RBAC sampai kebijakan " -"QoS tidak lagi digunakan:" - -msgid "" -"If that project has router gateway ports attached to that network, the " -"server prevents the policy from being deleted until the ports have been " -"deleted:" -msgstr "" -"Jika proyek yang memiliki port gerbang router terpasang ke jaringan itu, " -"server akan mencegah kebijakan dari penghapusan sampai port telah dihapus:" - -msgid "" -"If the DVR/SNAT backup router stops receiving these packets, it assumes " -"failure of the master DVR/SNAT router and promotes itself to master router " -"by configuring IP addresses on the interfaces in the ``snat`` namespace. In " -"environments with more than one backup router, the rules of VRRP are " -"followed to select a new master router." -msgstr "" -"Jika router backup DVR/SNAT berhenti menerima paket ini, hal ini " -"mengasumsikan kegagalan router DVR/SNAT master dan mempromosikan diri untuk " -"menguasai router dengan mengkonfigurasi alamat IP pada antarmuka dalam " -"namespace ``snat``. Dalam lingkungan dengan lebih dari satu router cadangan, " -"aturan VRRP diikuti untuk memilih router msater baru." - -msgid "" -"If the Open vSwitch agent is being used, set ``extensions`` to ``qos`` in " -"the ``[agent]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent." -"ini``. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Jika agen Open vSwitch sedang digunakan, atur ``extensions`` ke ``qos`` " -"dalam bagian ``[agent]`` dari ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent." -"ini``. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"If the OpenStack DNS service is the target external DNS, the ``[designate]`` " -"section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` must define the following " -"parameters:" -msgstr "" -"Jika layanan OpenStack DNS adalah target DNS eksternal, bagian " -"``[designate]`` dari ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` harus mendefiniskan " -"parameter berikut:" - -msgid "" -"If the address scopes match between networks then pings and other traffic " -"route directly through. If the scopes do not match between networks, the " -"router either drops the traffic or applies NAT to cross scope boundaries." -msgstr "" -"Jika lingkup alamat ada kesesuaian antar jaringan maka ping dan rute lalu " -"lintas lainnya akan melalui langsung. Jika lingkup tidak cocok antar " -"jaringan, router menjatuhkan lalu lintas ataupun menerapkan NAT untuk " -"melintasi batas ruang lingkup." - -msgid "" -"If the device defined by the PCI address or ``devname`` corresponds to an SR-" -"IOV PF, all VFs under the PF will match the entry. Multiple " -"``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` entries per host are supported." -msgstr "" -"Jika perangkat didefinisikan oleh alamat PCI atau ``devname`` sesuai dengan " -"SR-IOV PF, semua VF bawah PF akan cocok dengan entri. Beberapa entri " -"``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` per host didukungnya." - -msgid "" -"If the interfaces are down, set them to ``up`` before launching a guest, " -"otherwise the instance will fail to spawn:" -msgstr "" -"Jika interface turun, aturlah mereka ke ``up`` sebelum meluncurkan guest " -"(tamu), jika instance akan gagal berkembangan (spawn):" - -msgid "" -"If the policy is shared, the project is able to attach or detach such policy " -"from its own ports and networks." -msgstr "" -"Jika kebijakan ini bersama, proyek ini dapat melekatkan atau melepaskan " -"kebijakan tersebut dari port dan jaringan itu sendiri." - -msgid "If the pool becomes exhausted, load some more prefixes:" -msgstr "Jika kolam menjadi habis, muatlah beberapa awalan (prefix) yang lebih:" - -msgid "" -"If the prefix delegation server is configured to delegate globally routable " -"prefixes and setup routes, then any instance with a port on this subnet " -"should now have external network access." -msgstr "" -"Jika server prefix delegation dikonfigurasi untuk mendelegasikan prefiks " -"routable global dan mengatur rute, maka setiap instance dengan port pada " -"subnet ini sekarang harus memiliki akses jaringan eksternal." - -msgid "" -"If there is a default, it can be requested by passing ``--use-default-" -"subnetpool`` instead of ``--subnet-pool SUBNETPOOL``." -msgstr "" -"Jika ada default, itu dapat diminta dengan melewati ``--use-default-" -"subnetpool`` bukannya ``--subnet-pool SUBNETPOOL``." - -msgid "" -"If two switches are to be connected together, and the switches are " -"configured for VLANs, then the switchports used for cross-connecting the " -"switches must be configured to allow Ethernet frames from any VLAN to be " -"forwarded to the other switch. In addition, the sending switch must tag each " -"Ethernet frame with the VLAN ID so that the receiving switch can ensure that " -"only hosts on the matching VLAN are eligible to receive the frame." -msgstr "" -"Jika dua switch dihubungkan bersama-sama, dan switch dikonfigurasi untuk " -"VLAN, maka switchport yang digunakan untuk cross-connecting switch harus " -"dikonfigurasi untuk mengizinkan frame Ethernet dari VLAN apapun untuk " -"diteruskan ke switch lainnya. Selain itu, switch pengirim harus menandai " -"(tag) setiap frame Ethernet dengan ID VLAN sehingga switch penerima dapat " -"memastikan bahwa hanya host pada VLAN yang cocok memenuhi syarat untuk " -"menerima frame." - -msgid "" -"If you are an admin, you can create a pool which can be accessed by any " -"regular project. Being a shared resource, there is a quota mechanism to " -"arbitrate access." -msgstr "" -"Jika Anda adalah seorang admin, Anda dapat membuat kolam yang dapat diakses " -"oleh setiap proyek biasa. Menjadi sumber daya bersama, kolam mempunyai " -"mekanisme kuota untuk menengahi konflik akses." - -msgid "" -"If you are not using the default dibbler-based driver for prefix delegation, " -"then you also need to set the driver in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"Jika Anda tidak menggunakan driver berbasis dibbler default untuk prefix " -"delegation, maka Anda juga perlu mengatur driver dalam ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "" -"If you have access to an OpenStack Kilo or later based neutron, you can play " -"with this feature now. Give it a try. All of the following commands work " -"equally as well with IPv6 addresses." -msgstr "" -"Jika Anda memiliki akses ke OpenStack Kilo atau later based neutron, Anda " -"dapat bermain dengan fitur ini sekarang. Cobalah. Semua perintah berikut " -"bekerja sama juga dengan alamat IPv6." - -msgid "" -"If you have deployed LBaaS v1, **stop the LBaaS v1 agent now**. The v1 and " -"v2 agents **cannot** run simultaneously." -msgstr "" -"Jika Anda telah mengerahkan LBaaS v1, **stop the LBaaS v1 agent now**. " -"Agen v1 dan v2 **cannot** berjalan secara bersamaan." - -msgid "" -"If you have existing service providers for other networking service plug-" -"ins, such as VPNaaS or FWaaS, add the ``service_provider`` line shown above " -"in the ``[service_providers]`` section as a separate line. These " -"configuration directives are repeatable and are not comma-separated." -msgstr "" -"Jika Anda memiliki penyedia layanan yang ada untuk plug-in layanan jejaring " -"lainnya, seperti VPNaaS atau FWaaS, tambahkan baris ``service_provider`` " -"yang ditunjukkan di atas dalam bagian ``[service_providers] `` sebagai baris " -"terpisah. Perintah konfigurasi ini berulang dan tidak dipisahkan koma." - -msgid "" -"If you use the metadata service, removing the default egress rules denies " -"access to TCP port 80 on, thus preventing instances from " -"retrieving metadata." -msgstr "" -"Jika Anda menggunakan layanan metadata, penghapusan aturan default egress " -"menolak akses ke TCP port 80 pada, sehingga hal itu dapat " -"mencegah pengambilan metadata." - -msgid "Impact and limitations" -msgstr "Dampak dan keterbatasan" - -msgid "Implement routing between segments." -msgstr "Terapkan routing antara segmen." - -msgid "" -"In *Destination Network Address Translation* (DNAT), the NAT router modifies " -"the IP address of the destination in IP packet headers." -msgstr "" -"Dalam *Destination Network Address Translation* (DNAT), router NAT " -"memodifikasi alamat IP tujuan ke dalam header paket IP." - -msgid "" -"In *Source Network Address Translation* (SNAT), the NAT router modifies the " -"IP address of the sender in IP packets. SNAT is commonly used to enable " -"hosts with *private addresses* to communicate with servers on the public " -"Internet." -msgstr "" -"Dalam *Source Network Address Translation* (SNAT), router NAT memodifikasi " -"alamat IP dari pengirim di paket IP. SNAT umumnya digunakan untuk " -"mengaktifkan host dengan *private addresses* untuk berkomunikasi dengan " -"server di Internet publik." - -msgid "" -"In *one-to-one NAT*, the NAT router maintains a one-to-one mapping between " -"private IP addresses and public IP addresses. OpenStack uses one-to-one NAT " -"to implement floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"Dalam *one-to-one NAT*, router NAT memelihara pemetaan one-to-one antara " -"alamat IP private dan alamat IP publik. OpenStack menggunakan one-to-one NAT " -"untuk menerapkan alamat IP mengambang." - -msgid "" -"In :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, the externally accessible network must meet " -"the following requirements:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, jaringan yang dapat diakses secara " -"eksternal harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"In Liberty and Mitaka, the IPAM implementation within OpenStack Networking " -"provided a pluggable and non-pluggable flavor. As of Newton, the non-" -"pluggable flavor is no longer available. Instead, it is completely replaced " -"with a reference driver implementation of the pluggable framework. All data " -"will be automatically migrated during the upgrade process, unless you have " -"previously configured a pluggable IPAM driver. In that case, no migration is " -"necessary." -msgstr "" -"Di Liberty dan Mitaka, pelaksanaan IPAM dalam OpenStack Networking tersedia " -"flavor pluggable dan non-pluggable. Pada Newton, rasa non-pluggable tidak " -"lagi tersedia. Sebaliknya, itu benar-benar diganti dengan implementasi " -"driver referensi dari kerangka pluggable. Semua data akan dipindahkan secara " -"otomatis selama proses upgrade, kecuali jika Anda sebelumnya telah " -"dikonfigurasi driver IPAM pluggable. Dalam hal ini, tidak ada migrasi " -"diperlukan." - -msgid "" -"In ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``, add ``qos`` to " -"``extension_drivers`` in the ``[ml2]`` section. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``, tambahkan ``qos`` ke " -"``extension_drivers`` dalam bagian ``[ml2]``. Sebagi contoh:" - -msgid "" -"In ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini``, add ``qos`` to the " -"``extensions`` setting in the ``[agent]`` section. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini``, tambahkan ``qos`` " -"ke pengaturan ``extensions`` dalam bagian ``[agent]``. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"In a deployment where the operator has set up the resources as described " -"above, they can get their auto-allocated network topology as follows:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam penyebaran dimana operator telah menyiapkan sumber daya seperti " -"dijelaskan di atas, mereka bisa mendapatkan topologi jaringan yang " -"dialokasikan secara otomatis sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"In a network namespace, the scoped 'identifiers' are network devices; so a " -"given network device, such as ``eth0``, exists in a particular namespace. " -"Linux starts up with a default network namespace, so if your operating " -"system does not do anything special, that is where all the network devices " -"will be located. But it is also possible to create further non-default " -"namespaces, and create new devices in those namespaces, or to move an " -"existing device from one namespace to another." -msgstr "" -"Dalam namespace jaringan, scoped 'identifiers' adalah perangkat jaringan; " -"sehingga perangkat jaringan tertentu, seperti ``eth0``, ada dalam namespace " -"tertentu. Linux memulai dengan namespace jaringan default, jadi jika sistem " -"operasi Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu yang istimewa, itulah namespace tempat " -"semua perangkat jaringan akan berlokasi. Tetapi juga namespace itu mungkin " -"membuat non-default namespace lebih lanjut, dan menciptakan perangkat baru " -"pada namespace itu, atau memindahkan perangkat yang ada dari satu namespace " -"ke namespace yang lain." - -msgid "" -"In an Ethernet network, every host on the network can send a frame directly " -"to every other host. An Ethernet network also supports broadcasts so that " -"one host can send a frame to every host on the network by sending to the " -"special MAC address ``ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff``. ARP_ and DHCP_ are two notable " -"protocols that use Ethernet broadcasts. Because Ethernet networks support " -"broadcasts, you will sometimes hear an Ethernet network referred to as a " -"*broadcast domain*." -msgstr "" -"Dalam sebuah jaringan Ethernet, setiap host pada jaringan dapat mengirim " -"frame langsung ke setiap host lainnya. Jaringan Ethernet juga mendukung " -"siaran sehingga satu host dapat mengirim frame untuk setiap host pada " -"jaringan dengan mengirimkan ke alamat MAC khusus ``ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff``. " -"ARP_ dan DHCP_ adalah dua protokol penting yang menggunakan siaran Ethernet. " -"Karena jaringan Ethernet mendukung siaran, Anda kadang-kadang akan mendengar " -"jaringan Ethernet disebut sebagai *broadcast domain*." - -msgid "" -"In an Ethernet network, the hosts connected to the network communicate by " -"exchanging *frames*. Every host on an Ethernet network is uniquely " -"identified by an address called the media access control (MAC) address. In " -"particular, every virtual machine instance in an OpenStack environment has a " -"unique MAC address, which is different from the MAC address of the compute " -"host. A MAC address has 48 bits and is typically represented as a " -"hexadecimal string, such as ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``. The MAC address is hard-" -"coded into the NIC by the manufacturer, although modern NICs allow you to " -"change the MAC address programmatically. In Linux, you can retrieve the MAC " -"address of a NIC using the :command:`ip` command:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam sebuah jaringan Ethernet, host terhubung ke jaringan berkomunikasi " -"dengan bertukar * frame *. Setiap host di jaringan Ethernet secara unik " -"diidentifikasi oleh alamat yang disebut media access control (MAC). Secara " -"khusus, setiap instance mesin virtual di lingkungan OpenStack memiliki " -"alamat MAC yang unik, yang berbeda dari alamat MAC dari host komputasi. " -"Sebuah alamat MAC memiliki 48 bit dan biasanya direpresentasikan sebagai " -"string heksadesimal, seperti ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``. Alamat MAC adalah hard-" -"coded ke dalam NIC oleh manufacturer, meskipun NIC modern memungkinkan Anda " -"untuk mengubah alamat MAC secara pemrograman. Di Linux, Anda dapat mengambil " -"alamat MAC dari NIC menggunakan perintah :command:`ip`" - -msgid "" -"In deployments using DVR, the BGP speaker advertises floating IP addresses " -"and self-service networks differently. For floating IP addresses, the BGP " -"speaker advertises the floating IP agent gateway on the corresponding " -"compute node as the next-hop IP address. For self-service networks using " -"SNAT, the BGP speaker advertises the DVR SNAT node as the next-hop IP " -"address." -msgstr "" -"Dalam pengerahan penggunaan DVR, BGP speaker menyiaran update dan perubahan " -"alamat IP mengambang dan jaringan self-service yang berbeda. Untuk alamat IP " -"mengambang, BGP speaker menyiaran update dan perubahan gateway agen IP " -"mengambang pada node komputasi yang sesuai sebagai alamat IP next-hop. Untuk " -"jaringan self-service menggunakan SNAT, BGP speaker menyiaran update dan " -"perubahan node DVR SNAT sebagai alamat IP next-hop." - -msgid "" -"In existing deployments, check the current database version using the " -"following command:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam pengerahan yang ada, periksa versi database saat menggunakan perintah " -"berikut:" - -msgid "" -"In future releases, the Networking service may support setting tags for " -"additional resources." -msgstr "" -"Dalam rilis mendatang, layanan Networking dapat mendukung pengaturan tag " -"untuk sumber daya tambahan." - -msgid "" -"In general, the OpenStack Networking software components that handle layer-3 " -"operations impact performance and reliability the most. To improve " -"performance and reliability, provider networks move layer-3 operations to " -"the physical network infrastructure." -msgstr "" -"Secara umum, komponen software OpenStack Networking yang menangani operasi " -"lapisan-3 berdampak secara nysta pada kinerja dan kehandalan. Untuk " -"meningkatkan kinerja dan kehandalan, jaringan provider memindahkan operasi " -"lapisan-3 untuk infrastruktur jaringan fisik." - -msgid "" -"In many cases, operators who are already familiar with virtual networking " -"architectures that rely on physical network infrastructure for layer-2, " -"layer-3, or other services can seamlessly deploy the OpenStack Networking " -"service. In particular, provider networks appeal to operators looking to " -"migrate from the Compute networking service (nova-network) to the OpenStack " -"Networking service. Over time, operators can build on this minimal " -"architecture to enable more cloud networking features." -msgstr "" -"Dalam banyak kasus, operator yang sudah akrab dengan arsitektur jaringan " -"virtual yang mengandalkan infrastruktur jaringan fisik untuk lapisan-2, " -"lapisan-3, atau layanan lainnya dapat secara mulus mnegerahkan layanan " -"OpenStack Networking. Secara khusus, jaringan provider menarik bagi operator " -"yang ingin bermigrasi dari layanan jaringan Compute (nova-network) ke " -"layanan OpenStack Networking. Seiring waktu, operator dapat membangun " -"arsitektur minimal ini untuk mengaktifkan fitur jaringan cloud." - -msgid "" -"In most cases, self-service networks use overlay protocols such as VXLAN or " -"GRE because they can support many more networks than layer-2 segmentation " -"using VLAN tagging (802.1q). Furthermore, VLANs typically require additional " -"configuration of physical network infrastructure." -msgstr "" -"Dalam kebanyakan kasus, jaringan self-service menggunakan protokol overlay " -"seperti VXLAN atau GRE karena mereka dapat mendukung lebih banyak jaringan " -"dari segmentasi lapisan-2 menggunakan VLAN tagging (802.1q). Selanjutnya, " -"VLAN biasanya membutuhkan konfigurasi infrastruktur jaringan fisik tambahan." - -msgid "" -"In new deployments, you start with an empty database and then upgrade to the " -"latest database version using the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam pengerahan baru, Anda mulai dengan database kosong dan kemudian meng-" -"upgrade ke versi terbaru database menggunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"In one particular use case, the OpenStack deployment resides in a mixed " -"environment with conventional virtualization and bare-metal hosts that use a " -"sizable physical network infrastructure. Applications that run inside the " -"OpenStack deployment might require direct layer-2 access, typically using " -"VLANs, to applications outside of the deployment." -msgstr "" -"Dalam satu kasus penggunaan tertentu, pengerahan OpenStack berada di " -"lingkungan campuran conventional virtualization dengan bare-metal host yang " -"menggunakan infrastruktur jaringan fisik yang cukup besar. Aplikasi yang " -"berjalan di dalam penyebaran OpenStack mungkin memerlukan lapisan-2 akses " -"langsung, biasanya menggunakan VLAN, untuk aplikasi di luar pengerahan." - -msgid "" -"In order to attach a QoS policy to a network, update an existing network, or " -"initially create the network attached to the policy." -msgstr "" -"Dalam rangka untuk melekatkan kebijakan QoS untuk jaringan, perbarui " -"jaringan yang ada, atau buat secara awal jaringan yang melekat pada " -"kebijakan." - -msgid "" -"In order to detach a port from the QoS policy, simply update again the port " -"configuration." -msgstr "" -"Dalam rangka untuk melepaskan port dari kebijakan QoS, hanya update lagi " -"konfigurasi port." - -msgid "In order to enable SR-IOV, the following steps are required:" -msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan SR-IOV, langkah-langkah berikut ini diperlukan:" - -msgid "" -"In order to support a wide range of deployment options, the migration " -"process described here requires a rolling restart of hypervisors. The rate " -"and timing of specific hypervisor restarts is under the control of the " -"operator." -msgstr "" -"Dalam rangka mendukung berbagai opsi pengerahan, proses migrasi dijelaskan " -"disini membutuhkan restart hypervisors rolling. Tingkat dan waktu restart " -"hypervisor tertentu berada di bawah kendali operator." - -msgid "" -"In order to support the widest range of deployer needs, the process " -"described here is easy to automate but is not already automated. Deployers " -"should expect to perform multiple manual steps or write some simple scripts " -"in order to perform this migration." -msgstr "" -"Dalam rangka mendukung jangkauan terluas kebutuhan deployer, proses yang " -"dijelaskan di sini adalah mudah untuk mengotomatisasi tetapi belum otomatis. " -"Deployers harus berharap untuk melakukan beberapa langkah-langkah manual " -"atau menulis beberapa script sederhana untuk melakukan migrasi ini." - -msgid "" -"In the OSI model of networking protocols IP occupies the third layer, known " -"as the network layer. When discussing IP, you will often hear terms such as " -"*layer 3*, *L3*, and *network layer*." -msgstr "" -"Dalam model OSI, IP protokol jaringan menempati lapisan ketiga, yang dikenal " -"sebagai lapisan jaringan. Ketika mendiskusikan IP, Anda akan sering " -"mendengar istilah-istilah seperti *layer 3*, *L3*, dan *network layer*." - -msgid "" -"In the `OSI model `_ of networking " -"protocols, Ethernet occupies the second layer, which is known as the data " -"link layer. When discussing Ethernet, you will often hear terms such as " -"*local network*, *layer 2*, *L2*, *link layer* and *data link layer*." -msgstr "" -"Dalam `OSI model `_ untuk protokol " -"jaringan, Ethernet menempati lapisan kedua, yang dikenal sebagai lapisan " -"data link. Ketika membahas Ethernet, Anda akan sering mendengar istilah-" -"istilah seperti *local network*, *layer 2*, *L2*, *link layer* dan *data " -"link layer*." - -msgid "" -"In the ``AGENT`` section of ``l3_agent.ini``, make sure the FWaaS extension " -"is loaded:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam bagian ``AGENT`` dari ``l3_agent.ini``, pastikan ekstensi FWaaS dimuat:" - -msgid "In the ``bgp_dragent.ini`` file:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``bgp_dragent.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure one or more DNS resolvers. To " -"configure more than one DNS resolver, use a comma between each value." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``dhcp_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi satu atau lebih DNS " -"resolvers. Untuk mengkonfigurasi lebih dari satu DNS resolver, gunakan koma " -"di antara setiap nilai." - -msgid "In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure the DHCP agent:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``dhcp_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi agen DHCP:" - -msgid "" -"In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, enable advertisement of the DNS resolver(s) " -"on the host." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``dhcp_agent.ini``, memungkinkan penyiaran update dan perubahan " -"DNS resolver pada host." - -msgid "" -"In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent to provide SNAT " -"services." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``l3_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi agen lapisan-3 untuk " -"memberikan layanan SNAT" - -msgid "In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent." -msgstr "Dalam file ``l3_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi layer-3 agent." - -msgid "" -"In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, configure the Linux bridge agent:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``linuxbridge_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi Linux bridge agent:" - -msgid "In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``linuxbridge_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi layer-2 agent." - -msgid "" -"In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, enable VXLAN support including " -"layer-2 population." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` , aktifkan dukungan VXLAN termasuk " -"populasi lapisan-2." - -msgid "In the ``macvtap_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent." -msgstr "Dalam file ``macvtap_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi agen layer-2." - -msgid "In the ``metadata_agent.ini`` file, configure the metadata agent:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``metadata_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi agen metadata:" - -msgid "In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``ml2_conf.ini``:" - -msgid "In the ``neutron.conf`` file, configure common options:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``neutron.conf``, lakukan konfigurasi opsi umum:" - -msgid "" -"In the ``neutron.conf`` file, enable the conventional layer-3 and BGP " -"dynamic routing service plug-ins:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``neutron.conf``, mengaktifkan lapisan-3 konvensional dan BGP " -"layanan routing dinamis plug-in:" - -msgid "In the ``neutron.conf`` file, enable the trunk service plug-in:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``neutron.conf``, aktifkan trunk service plug-in:" - -msgid "In the ``neutron.conf`` file:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "In the ``openswitch_agent.ini`` file, enable distributed routing." -msgstr "Dalam file ``openswitch_agent.ini``, aktifkan didistribusikan routing." - -msgid "In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, configure the OVS agent:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``openvswitch_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi agen OVS:" - -msgid "In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-2 agent." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``openvswitch_agent.ini``, lakukan konfigurasi layer-2 agent." - -msgid "" -"In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file, enable VXLAN support including " -"layer-2 population." -msgstr "" -"Dalam file ``openvswitch_agent.ini``, aktifkan dukungan VXLAN termasuk " -"layer-2 population." - -msgid "In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file:" -msgstr "Dalam file ``openvswitch_agent.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"In the above configuration, we use ``dhcp_agents_per_network = 1`` for this " -"demonstration. In usual deployments, we suggest setting " -"``dhcp_agents_per_network`` to more than one to match the number of DHCP " -"agents in your deployment. See :ref:`conf-dhcp-agents-per-network`." -msgstr "" -"Dalam konfigurasi di atas, kita menggunakan ``dhcp_agents_per_network = 1`` " -"untuk demonstrasi ini. Dalam pengerahan biasa, kami sarankan pengaturan " -"``dhcp_agents_per_network`` untuk lebih dari satu untuk mencocokkan jumlah " -"agen DHCP dalam pengerahan Anda. Lihat :ref:`conf-dhcp-agents-per-network`." - -msgid "In the above example notice that:" -msgstr "Dalam contoh di atas perhatikan bahwa:" - -msgid "" -"In the absence of an upstream RA support, ``ipv6_gateway`` flag can be set " -"with the external router gateway LLA in the neutron L3 agent configuration " -"file. This also requires that no subnet is associated with that port." -msgstr "" -"Dengan tidak adanya dukungan RA hulu, ``ilag ipv6_gateway`` dapat diatur " -"dengan LLA router gerbang eksternal dalam file konfigurasi neutron-l3-agent. " -"Ini juga mensyaratkan bahwa tidak ada subnet dikaitkan dengan port tersebut." - -msgid "" -"In the most simple case, the property can be represented by a simple Python " -"list defined on the class." -msgstr "" -"Dalam kasus yang paling sederhana, properti dapat diwakili oleh daftar " -"Python sederhana yang didefinisikan di kelas." - -msgid "" -"In the output above the standard ``router:external`` attribute is " -"``External`` as expected. Now a wildcard policy is visible in the RBAC " -"policy listings:" -msgstr "" -"Pada contoh di atas atribut ``router:external`` standar adalah `` External`` " -"seperti yang diharapkan. Sekarang kebijakan wildcard terlihat dalam daftar " -"kebijakan RBAC:" - -msgid "" -"In this case, the DHCP agent offers one or more unique DNS resolvers to " -"instances via DHCP on each virtual network. You can configure a DNS resolver " -"when creating or updating a subnet. To configure more than one DNS resolver, " -"use a comma between each value." -msgstr "" -"Dalam case ini, agen DHCP menawarkan satu atau lebih DNS resolver unik untuk " -"instance melalui DHCP pada setiap jaringan virtual. Anda dapat " -"mengkonfigurasi DNS resolver saat membuat atau memperbarui subnet. Untuk " -"mengkonfigurasi lebih dari satu DNS resolver, gunakan koma di antara setiap " -"nilai." - -msgid "" -"In this case, the DHCP agent offers the DNS resolver(s) in the ``resolv." -"conf`` file on the host running the DHCP agent via DHCP to instances on all " -"virtual networks." -msgstr "" -"Dalam case ini, agen DHCP menawarkan DNS resolver dalam file ``resolv.conf`` " -"pada host yang sedang menjalankan agen DHCP melalui DHCP untuk instance di " -"semua jaringan virtual." - -msgid "" -"In this case, the DHCP agent offers the same DNS resolver(s) to instances " -"via DHCP on all virtual networks." -msgstr "" -"Dalam case ini, agen DHCP menawarkan DNS resolver yang sama untuk instance " -"melalui DHCP di semua jaringan virtual." - -msgid "" -"In this case, the user is creating ports or booting instances on a network " -"that is accessible externally. The steps to publish the port in the external " -"DNS service are the following:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam hal ini, pengguna menciptakan port atau booting instance pada jaringan " -"yang dapat diakses secara eksternal. Langkah-langkah untuk menerbitkan port " -"di layanan DNS eksternal adalah sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"In this case, we should let the Networking service find these networks. " -"Obviously, there are no such networks and the service will return an empty " -"list." -msgstr "" -"Dalam hal ini, kita harus membiarkan layanan Networking menemukan jaringan " -"ini. Jelas, tidak ada jaringan tersebut dan layanan akan kembali daftar " -"kosong." - -msgid "" -"In this example the port is created manually by the user and then used to " -"boot an instance. Notice that:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam contoh ini port dibuat secara manual oleh pengguna dan kemudian " -"digunakan untuk boot sebuah instance. Perhatikan bahwa:" - -msgid "" -"In this example, notice that the data is published in the DNS service when " -"the floating IP is associated to the port." -msgstr "" -"Dalam contoh ini, perhatikan bahwa data yang diterbitkan dalam layanan DNS " -"ketika IP mengambang dikaitkan ke port." - -msgid "" -"In this example, the health monitor removes the server from the pool if it " -"fails a health check at two five-second intervals. When the server recovers " -"and begins responding to health checks again, it is added to the pool once " -"again." -msgstr "" -"Dalam contoh ini, monitor kesehatan menghapus server dari kolam jika gagal " -"cek kesehatan di dua interval lima detik. Ketika server pulih dan mulai " -"menanggapi pemeriksaan kesehatan lagi, itu akan ditambahkan ke kolam sekali " -"lagi." - -msgid "" -"In this example, the load balancer uses the round robin algorithm and the " -"traffic alternates between the web servers on the backend." -msgstr "" -"Dalam contoh ini, beban penyeimbang menggunakan algoritma round robin dan " -"pergantian lalu lintas antara server web pada backend." - -msgid "" -"In this section, the combination of a mechanism driver and an L2 agent is " -"called 'reference implementation'. The following table lists these " -"implementations:" -msgstr "" -"Pada bagian ini, kombinasi dari driver mekanisme dan agen L2 disebut " -"'reference implementation'. Tabel berikut berisi implementasi tersebut:" - -msgid "" -"In this use case, the address of a floating IP is published in the external " -"DNS service in conjunction with the ``dns_name`` of its associated port and " -"the ``dns_domain`` of the port's network. The steps to execute in this use " -"case are the following:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam use case ini, alamat IP mengambang diterbitkan dalam layanan DNS " -"eksternal dalam hubungannya dengan ``dns_name`` port yang terkait dan " -"``dns_domain`` jaringan port. Langkah untuk mengeksekusi use case ini adalah " -"sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"In this use case, the user assigns ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` " -"attributes to a floating IP when it is created. The floating IP data becomes " -"visible in the external DNS service as soon as it is created. The floating " -"IP can be associated with a port on creation or later on. The following " -"example shows a user booting an instance and then creating a floating IP " -"associated to the port allocated for the instance:" -msgstr "" -"Dalam use case ini, pengguna memberikan atribut ``dns_name`` dan " -"``dns_domain`` ke IP mengambang ketika dibuat. Data IP mengambang akan " -"terlihat dalam layanan DNS eksternal segera setelah itu dibuat. IP " -"mengambang dapat dikaitkan dengan port ketika pembuatan atau nanti. Contoh " -"berikut menunjukkan bagaimana pengguna booting instance dan kemudian membuat " -"IP mengambang terkait ke port yang dialokasikan untuk instance:" - -msgid "Input type" -msgstr "Input type (tipe masukan )" - -msgid "Install OVS." -msgstr "Instal OVS." - -msgid "Install the Dashboard panel plug-in:" -msgstr "Instal plug-in panel Dashboard:" - -msgid "" -"Install the Networking service Linux bridge layer-2 agent and layer-3 agent." -msgstr "" -"Instal layanan Networking, Linux bridge layer-2 agent dan layer-3 agent." - -msgid "Install the Networking service Linux bridge layer-2 agent." -msgstr "Instal layanan Networking, Linux bridge layer-2 agent." - -msgid "Install the Networking service Macvtap layer-2 agent." -msgstr "Instal agen ayer-2 Macvtap layanan Networking" - -msgid "Install the Networking service OVS layer-2 agent and layer-3 agent." -msgstr "Install OVS layer-2 agent dan layer-3 agent layanan Networking." - -msgid "" -"Install the Networking service OVS layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, and metadata " -"agent." -msgstr "" -"Instal Networking service OVS layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, dan metadata agent." - -msgid "" -"Install the Networking service components that provide the ``neutron-" -"server`` service and ML2 plug-in." -msgstr "" -"Menginstal komponen layanan Networking yang menyediakan layanan ``neutron-" -"server`` dan ML2 plug-in." - -msgid "" -"Install the Networking service components that provides the ``neutron-" -"server`` service and ML2 plug-in." -msgstr "" -"Instal komponen layanan Networking yang menyediakan layanan ``neutron-" -"server`` dan ML2 plug-in." - -msgid "Install the Networking service layer-3 agent." -msgstr "Instal agen lapisan-3 layanan Networking" - -msgid "Install the OpenStack Networking layer-3 agent." -msgstr "Instal agen lapisan-3 OpenStack Networking." - -msgid "Install the SR-IOV agent." -msgstr "Instal agen SR-IOV." - -msgid "Install the ``ebrctl`` utility on the compute nodes." -msgstr "Instal utilitas ``ebrctl`` pada node komputasi." - -msgid "Instance 1" -msgstr "Instance 1" - -msgid "Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1." -msgstr "" -"Instance 1 berada pada komputasi node 1 dan menggunakan jaringan operator 1." - -msgid "Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1." -msgstr "" -"Instance 1 berada pada compute node 1 dan menggunakan self-service network 1." - -msgid "Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2." -msgstr "Instance 1 mengirimkan sebuah paket ke instance 2." - -msgid "Instance 2" -msgstr "Instance 2" - -msgid "Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 2." -msgstr "" -"Instance 2 berada pada komputasi node 1 dan menggunakan provider network 2." - -msgid "Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 2." -msgstr "" -"Instance 2 berada pad compute node 1dan menggunakan self-service network 2." - -msgid "Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses provider network 1." -msgstr "" -"Instance 2 berada pada komputasi node 2 dan menggunakan jaringan operator 1." - -msgid "Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses self-service network 1." -msgstr "" -"Instance 2 berada pada compute node 2 dan menggunakan self-service network 1." - -msgid "Instance 3" -msgstr "Instance 3" - -msgid "" -"Instance migration requires the same values for the " -"``physical_interface_mapping`` configuration option on each compute node. " -"For more information, see ``_." -msgstr "" -"Migrasi instance membutuhkan nilai yang sama untuk opsi konfigurasi " -"``physical_interface_mapping`` pada setiap node komputasi. Untuk informasi " -"lebih lanjut, lihat ``_." - -msgid "Instance network interfaces (VIFs)" -msgstr "Instance network interfaces (VIF)" - -msgid "" -"Instance network traffic on self-service networks using a particular router " -"only traverses the master instance of that router. Thus, resource " -"limitations of a particular network node can impact all master instances of " -"routers on that network node without triggering failover to another network " -"node. However, you can configure the scheduler to distribute the master " -"instance of each router uniformly across a pool of network nodes to reduce " -"the chance of resource contention on any particular network node." -msgstr "" -"Lalu lintas jaringan instance di jaringan self-service menggunakan router " -"tertentu saja melintasi instance master router itu. Dengan demikian, " -"keterbatasan sumber daya dari node jaringan tertentu dapat berdampak pada " -"semua instance master router pada jaringan node tanpa memicu failover ke " -"node jaringan lain. Namun, Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi scheduler untuk " -"mendistribusikan instance master setiap router merata di kolam node jaringan " -"untuk mengurangi kemungkinan pertentangan sumber daya pada setiap simpul " -"jaringan tertentu." - -msgid "" -"Instances communicate via router on the physical network infrastructure." -msgstr "" -"Instance berkomunikasi melalui router pada infrastruktur jaringan fisik." - -msgid "" -"Instances on the same network communicate directly between compute nodes " -"containing those instances." -msgstr "" -"Instance pada jaringan yang sama berkomunikasi secara langsung antara node " -"komputasi yang berisi instance." - -msgid "" -"Instances using a fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address " -"communicate via router on the network node. The self-service networks must " -"reside on the same router." -msgstr "" -"Instance menggunakan alamat IPv4/IPv6 tetap atau alamat IPv4 mengambang " -"berkomunikasi melalui router pada node jaringan. Jaringan self-service harus " -"berada pada router yang sama." - -msgid "" -"Instances with a fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address on the " -"same network communicate directly between compute nodes containing those " -"instances." -msgstr "" -"Instance dengan alamat IPv4/IPv6 tetap atau alamat IPv4 mengambang pada " -"jaringan yang sama berkomunikasi secara langsung antara node komputasi yang " -"berisi instance." - -msgid "" -"Instances with a fixed IPv4/IPv6 or floating IPv4 address on the same " -"network communicate directly between compute nodes containing those " -"instances." -msgstr "" -"Instance dengan alamat IPv4 / IPv6 tetap atau alamat IPv4 mengambang pada " -"jaringan yang sama berkomunikasi secara langsung antara node komputasi yang " -"berisi instance" - -msgid "" -"Instances with fixed IPv4/IPv6 address or floating IPv4 address on the same " -"compute node communicate via router on the compute node. Instances on " -"different compute nodes communicate via an instance of the router on each " -"compute node." -msgstr "" -"Instance dengan alamat IPv4/IPv6 tetap atau alamat IPv4 mengambang pada " -"node komputasi yang sama berkomunikasi melalui router pada node komputasi. " -"Instance pada node komputasi yang berbeda berkomunikasi melalui sebuah " -"instance dari router pada setiap node komputasi." - -msgid "" -"Instead of having the Compute service create the port for the instance, the " -"user might have created it and assigned a value to its ``dns_name`` " -"attribute. In this case, the value assigned to the ``dns_name`` attribute " -"must be equal to the value that Compute service will assign to the " -"instance's ``hostname``, in this example ``my-vm``. Otherwise, the instance " -"boot will fail." -msgstr "" -"Dari pada memiliki layanan Compute membuat port untuk instance, pengguna " -"mungkin telah membuatnya dan menugaskan nilai untuk atribut ``dns_name`` " -"nya. Dalam hal ini, nilai yang diberikan kepada atribut ``dns_name`` harus " -"sama dengan nilai dimana layanan Compute akan menetapkan ke ``hostname`` " -"instance nya, dalam contoh ini ``my-vm``. Jika tidak, booting instance akan " -"gagal." - -msgid "" -"Instead of reading the DB connection from the configuration file(s), you can " -"use the ``--database-connection`` option:" -msgstr "" -"Dari pada membaca koneksi DB dari file konfigurasi, Anda dapat menggunakan " -"opsi ``--database-connection``:" - -msgid "" -"Integration of the Compute service and the Networking service with an " -"external DNSaaS (DNS-as-a-Service)." -msgstr "" -"Integrasi layanan Compute dan layanan Networking dengan DNSaaS (DNS-as-a-" -"Service) eksternal. " - -msgid "Integration with an external DNS service" -msgstr "Integrasi dengan layanan DNS eksternal" - -msgid "Intel" -msgstr "Intel" - -msgid "Interface on self-service network 1" -msgstr "Antarmuka pada jaringan self-service 1" - -msgid "Interface on self-service network 2" -msgstr "Antarmuka pada jaringan self-service 2" - -msgid "" -"Internal router ports, that act as default gateway ports for a network, will " -"share a common port for all IPv6 subnets associated with the network. This " -"implies that there will be an IPv6 internal router interface with multiple " -"IPv6 addresses from each of the IPv6 subnets associated with the network and " -"a separate IPv4 internal router interface for the IPv4 subnet. On the other " -"hand, external router ports are allowed to have a dual-stack configuration " -"with both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address assigned to them." -msgstr "" -"Port router internal, yang bertindak sebagai port gateway default untuk " -"jaringan, akan berbagi port umum untuk semua subnet IPv6 terkait dengan " -"jaringan. Ini berarti bahwa akan ada sebuah antarmuka router internal yang " -"IPv6 dengan beberapa alamat IPv6 dari masing-masing subnet IPv6 yang terkait " -"dengan jaringan dan interface router internal IPv4 yang terpisah untuk " -"subnet IPv4. Di sisi lain, port router eksternal diperbolehkan untuk " -"memiliki konfigurasi dual-stack dengan IPv4 dan alamat IPv6 yang ditugaskan " -"kepada mereka." - -msgid "" -"Interruption of VRRP *heartbeat* traffic between network nodes, typically " -"due to a network interface or physical network infrastructure failure, " -"triggers a failover. Restarting the layer-3 agent, or failure of it, does " -"not trigger a failover providing ``keepalived`` continues to operate." -msgstr "" -"Gangguanlalu lintas *heartbeat* VRRP antara node jaringan, biasanya karena " -"antarmuka jaringan atau kegagalan infrastruktur jaringan fisik, memicu " -"failover. Restart agen lapisan-3, atau kegagalan itu, tidak memicu failover " -"menyediakan ``keepalived`` terus beroperasi." - -msgid "Introduction" -msgstr "Pengantar" - -msgid "" -"Irrelevant fields have been trimmed from the output of these commands for " -"brevity." -msgstr "" -"Field tidak relevan telah dipangkas dari output dari perintah ini supaya " -"singkat." - -msgid "" -"Is deployed besides an other mechanism driver and L2 agent such as OVS or " -"Linux bridge. It offers instances direct access to the network adapter " -"through a PCI Virtual Function (VF). This gives an instance direct access to " -"hardware capabilities and high performance networking." -msgstr "" -"Dikerahkan bersama driver mekanisme lain dan agen L2 seperti OVS atau " -"jembatan Linux. Ia menawarkan akses langsung instance ke adaptor jaringan " -"melalui PCI Virtual Function (VF). Hal ini memberikan sebuah akses langsung " -"instance ke kekuatan hardware dan jaringan kinerja tinggi." - -msgid "" -"It follows that with these two flags set to ``True`` in the configuration " -"file, routers created by all users will default to distributed HA routers " -"(DVR HA)." -msgstr "" -"Ini berarti bahwa dengan dua flag ini diatur ke ``True`` dalam file " -"konfigurasi, router yang dibuat oleh semua pengguna akan menjadi default " -"untuk router HA (DVR HA) terdistribusi." - -msgid "It includes the following components:" -msgstr "Ini mencakup komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "" -"It is allocated to DHCP agent on HostA. If you want to validate the behavior " -"through the :command:`dnsmasq` command, you must create a subnet for the " -"network because the DHCP agent starts the dnsmasq service only if there is a " -"DHCP." -msgstr "" -"Hal ini dialokasikan untuk agen DHCP pada HostA. Jika Anda ingin memvalidasi " -"perilaku melalui perintah :command:`dnsmasq`, Anda harus membuat subnet " -"untuk jaringan karena agen DHCP memulai layanan dnsmasq hanya jika ada DHCP." - -msgid "" -"It is common for a packet to hop across multiple routers to reach its final " -"destination. On a Linux machine, the ``traceroute`` and more recent ``mtr`` " -"programs prints out the IP address of each router that an IP packet " -"traverses along its path to its destination." -msgstr "" -"Hal ini umum untuk sebuah paket untuk hop di beberapa router untuk mencapai " -"tujuan akhir. Pada mesin Linux, program ``traceroute`` dan ``mtr`` lebih " -"baru mencetak alamat IP untuk setiap router dimana paket IP melintasi " -"sepanjang jalan ke tujuannya." - -msgid "" -"It is important that you select a VLAN range not being used by your current " -"network infrastructure. For example, if you estimate that your cloud must " -"support a maximum of 100 projects, pick a VLAN range outside of that value, " -"such as VLAN 200–299. OpenStack, and all physical network infrastructure " -"that handles project networks, must then support this VLAN range." -msgstr "" -"Adalah penting bahwa Anda memilih rentang VLAN yang tidak digunakan oleh " -"infrastruktur jaringan Anda saat ini. Misalnya, jika Anda memperkirakan " -"bahwa cloud Anda harus mendukung maksimal 100 proyek, pilihlah rentang VLAN " -"yang luar nilai itu, seperti VLAN 200-299. OpenStack, dan semua " -"infrastruktur jaringan fisik yang menangani jaringan proyek, maka harus " -"mendukung berbagai VLAN ini." - -msgid "" -"It is positioned as alternative to Open vSwitch or Linux bridge support on " -"the compute node for internal deployments." -msgstr "" -"Hal ini diposisikan sebagai alternatif untuk Open vSwitch atau dukungan " -"jembatan Linux pada node komputasi untuk pengerahan internal." - -msgid "Jumbo frames" -msgstr "Frame jumbo" - -msgid "" -"Just like with bandwidth limiting, create a policy for DSCP marking rule:" -msgstr "" -"Sama seperti dengan bandwidth yang membatasi, buat kebijakan untuk aturan " -"DSCP marking:" - -msgid "Keepalived VRRP health check" -msgstr "Cek kesehatan Keepalived VRRP health check" - -msgid "" -"Kernel version 3.3, but less than 4.3, does not include *conntrack* support " -"and requires building the OVS modules." -msgstr "" -"Kernel versi 3.3, tetapi kurang dari 4.3, tidak termasuk dukungan *conntrack " -"* dan membutuhkan pembangunan modul OVS." - -msgid "Kernel version 4.3 or newer includes *conntrack* support." -msgstr "Kernel version 4.3 atau lebih baru termasuk dukungan *conntrack*." - -msgid "Known limitations" -msgstr "Keterbatasan dikenal" - -msgid "L2 agent" -msgstr "Agen L2" - -msgid "L2 agents support some important security configurations." -msgstr "Agen L2 mendukung beberapa konfigurasi keamanan penting." - -msgid "L2 population" -msgstr "Populasi L2" - -msgid "" -"L2 population is a special mechanism driver that optimizes BUM (Broadcast, " -"unknown destination address, multicast) traffic in the overlay networks " -"VXLAN and GRE. It needs to be used in conjunction with either the Linux " -"bridge or the Open vSwitch mechanism driver and cannot be used as standalone " -"mechanism driver. For more information, see the *Mechanism drivers* section " -"below." -msgstr "" -"Populasi L2 adalah driver mekanisme khusus yang mengoptimalkan lalu lintas " -"BUM (Broadcast, unknown destination address, multicast) di VXLAN dan GRE " -"jaringan overlay. Perlu digunakan bersama dengan baik jembatan Linux atau " -"driver mekanisme Open vSwitch dan tidak dapat digunakan sebagai driver " -"mekanisme mandiri. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat bagian bawah " -"*Mechanism drivers*." - -msgid "" -"L2 population is not listed here, as it is not a standalone mechanism. If " -"other agents are supported depends on the conjunctive mechanism driver that " -"is used for binding a port." -msgstr "" -"Populasi L2 tidak tercantum di sini, karena itu tidak memiliki mekanisme " -"mandiri. Jika agen lain didukung tergantung pada driver mekanisme penghubung " -"yang digunakan untuk mengikat port." - -msgid "L3" -msgstr "L3" - -msgid "L3 HA to Legacy" -msgstr "L3 HA untuk Legacy" - -msgid "L3 Metering agent" -msgstr "Agen metering L3 " - -msgid "L3 agent" -msgstr "Agen L3" - -msgid "L3 high availability" -msgstr "L3 ketersediaan tinggi" - -msgid "L3 metering agent" -msgstr "Agen metering L3" - -msgid "LBaaS" -msgstr "LBaaS" - -msgid "" -"LBaaS v1 was removed in the Newton release. These links provide more details " -"about how LBaaS v1 works and how to configure it:" -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v1 telah dihapus dalam rilis Newton. Link ini memberikan rincian lebih " -"lanjut tentang bagaimana LBaaS v1 bekerja dan bagaimana mengkonfigurasinya:" - -msgid "LBaaS v2 Concepts" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 Concepts" - -msgid "" -"LBaaS v2 adds the concept of listeners to the LBaaS v1 load balancers. LBaaS " -"v2 allows you to configure multiple listener ports on a single load balancer " -"IP address." -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v2 menambahkan konsep pendengar ke penyeimbang beban LBaaS v1. LBaaS " -"v2 memungkinkan Anda untuk mengkonfigurasi beberapa port pendengar pada " -"alamat IP penyeimbang beban tunggal." - -msgid "" -"LBaaS v2 has multiple implementations via different service plug-ins. The " -"two most common implementations use either an agent or the Octavia services. " -"Both implementations use the `LBaaS v2 API `_." -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v2 memiliki beberapa implementasi melalui berbagai service plug-ins. " -"Dua implementasi yang paling umum menggunakan layanan agen ataupun layanan " -"Octavia. Kedua implementasi menggunakan `LBaaS v2 API `_." - -msgid "LBaaS v2 has several new concepts to understand:" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 memiliki beberapa konsep baru untuk memahami:" - -msgid "LBaaS v2 operations" -msgstr "operasi LBaaS v2" - -msgid "" -"Lacks support for layer-3 high-availability mechanisms such as Virtual " -"Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and Distributed Virtual Routing (DVR)." -msgstr "" -"Kekurangan dukungan untuk mekanisme layer-3 high-availability seperti " -"Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) dan Distributed Virtual Routing " -"(DVR)." - -msgid "" -"Lacks support for security groups including basic (sanity) and anti-spoofing " -"rules." -msgstr "" -"Kekurangan dukungan untuk kelompok keamanan termasuk aturan basic (sanity) " -"dan anti-spoofing." - -msgid "" -"Larger deployments typically deploy the DHCP and metadata agents on a subset " -"of compute nodes to increase performance and redundancy. However, too many " -"agents can overwhelm the message bus. Also, to further simplify any " -"deployment, you can omit the metadata agent and use a configuration drive to " -"provide metadata to instances." -msgstr "" -"Pengerahan yang lebih besar biasanya menggunakan DHCP dan agen metadata pada " -"subset node komputasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan redundansi. Namun, " -"terlalu banyak agen dapat membanjiri (overwhelm) pengangkutan pesan. Juga, " -"untuk lebih menyederhanakan penyebaran, Anda dapat menghilangkan agen " -"metadata dan menggunakan drive konfigurasi untuk memberikan metadata untuk " -"instance." - -msgid "" -"Launch an instance on a private network and retrieve the neutron port ID " -"that was allocated. As above, use the ``cirros`` image and ``m1.tiny`` " -"flavor:" -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan sebuah instance pada jaringan private dan mengambil ID port " -"neutron yang dialokasikan. Seperti di atas, gunakan image ``cirros`` dan " -"flavor ``m1.tiny``:" - -msgid "Launch an instance on the trunk" -msgstr "Luncurkan instance pada trunk" - -msgid "" -"Launch an instance using the network. For example, using the ``cirros`` " -"image and ``m1.tiny`` flavor." -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan sebuah instance menggunakan jaringan. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan " -"image ``cirros`` dan flavor ``m1.tiny``." - -msgid "" -"Launch an instance with an interface on the addtional self-service network. " -"For example, a CirrOS image using flavor ID 1." -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan instance dengan sebuah antarmuka pada jaringan self-service " -"tambahan. Misalnya, image CirrOS menggunakan flavor ID 1." - -msgid "" -"Launch an instance with an interface on the provider network. For example, a " -"CirrOS image using flavor ID 1." -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan sebuah instance dengan sebuah antarmuka pada jaringan provider. " -"Misalnya, image CirrOS menggunakan flavor ID 1." - -msgid "" -"Launch an instance with an interface on the self-service network. For " -"example, a CirrOS image using flavor ID 1." -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan sebuah instance dengan sebuah antarmuka di jaringan self-service. " -"Misalnya, image CirrOS menggunakan flavor ID 1." - -msgid "" -"Launch one or more instances. Each instance obtains IP addresses according " -"to the segment it uses on the particular compute node." -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan satu atau lebih instance. Setiap instance memperoleh alamat IP " -"sesuai dengan segmennya pada node komputasi tertentu." - -msgid "" -"Launch service function instance ``vm1`` using ports ``p1`` and ``p2``, " -"``vm2`` using ports ``p3`` and ``p4``, and ``vm3`` using ports ``p5`` and " -"``p6``." -msgstr "" -"Peluncuran fungsi pelayanan instance ``vm1`` menggunakan ports ``p1`` dan " -"``p2``, ``vm2`` menggunakan ports ``p3`` and ``p4``, dan ``vm3`` menggunakan " -"ports ``p5`` and ``p6``." - -msgid "" -"Launch the instance by specifying ``port-id`` using the value of ``port_id`` " -"from the trunk details. Launching an instance on a subport is not supported." -msgstr "" -"Luncurkan instance dengan menentukan ``port-id`` menggunakan nilai " -"``port_id`` dari rincian trunk. Peluncuran sebuah instance pada subport " -"tidak didukung." - -msgid "" -"Launch two instances, ``instance1`` on ``network1`` and ``instance2`` on " -"``network2``. Associate a floating IP address to both instances." -msgstr "" -"Meluncurkan dua instance, ``instance1`` pada ``network1`` and ``instance2`` " -"pada ``network2``. Mengasosiasikan alamat IP mengambang dengan kedua " -"instance." - -msgid "Launching instances with SR-IOV ports" -msgstr "Peluncuran instance dengan port SR-IOV" - -msgid "Layer 2 (Ethernet and Switching)" -msgstr "Lapisan 2 (Ethernet dan Switching)" - -msgid "Layer 3 (IP and Routing)" -msgstr "Lapisan 3 (IP dan Routing)" - -msgid "Layer-3 agent" -msgstr "Layer-3 agent (agen lapisan-3)" - -msgid "Legacy nova-network to OpenStack Networking (neutron)" -msgstr "Legacy nova-network ke OpenStack Networking (neutron)" - -msgid "" -"Like TCP, the sockets API is the most common API for writing UDP-based " -"applications. The sockets API provides a *message-oriented* interface for " -"writing UDP applications: a programmer sends data over UDP by transmitting a " -"fixed-sized message. If an application requires retransmissions of lost " -"packets or a well-defined ordering of received packets, the programmer is " -"responsible for implementing this functionality in the application code." -msgstr "" -"Seperti TCP, soket API adalah API yang paling umum untuk menulis aplikasi " -"berbasis UDP. Soket API menyediakan antarmuka *message-oriented* untuk " -"menulis aplikasi UDP: programmer mengirimkan data melalui UDP dengan " -"mengirimkan pesan berukuran tetap. Jika aplikasi membutuhkan transmisi ulang " -"paket yang hilang atau memesan paket yang diterima didefinisikan dengan " -"baik, programmer bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan fungsi ini dalam kode " -"aplikasi." - -msgid "Limitations" -msgstr "Limitations (keterbatasan)" - -msgid "Limitations and issues" -msgstr "Keterbatasan dan masalah" - -msgid "Linux Bridge" -msgstr "Linux Bridge (jembatan Linux)" - -msgid "Linux bridge" -msgstr "Linux bridge (jembatan Linux)" - -msgid "Linux bridge & Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Agen jembatan Linux & jembatan Linux" - -msgid "Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Agen jembatan Linux" - -msgid "Linux bridge mechanism and Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Mekanisme jembatan Linux dan agen jembatan Linux" - -msgid "Linux bridge mechanism driver" -msgstr "Linux bridge mechanism driver (driver mekanisme jembatan linux)" - -msgid "Linux bridge: High availability using VRRP" -msgstr "Linux bridge: High availability menggunakan VRRP" - -msgid "Linux bridge: Provider networks" -msgstr "Linux bridge: Provider networks" - -msgid "Linux bridge: Self-service networks" -msgstr "Linux bridge: Jaringan self-service" - -msgid "Linux bridging for implementing a layer 2 network" -msgstr "Linux bridging untuk implementasi jaringan layer 2" - -msgid "" -"Linux distributions often package older releases of Open vSwitch that can " -"introduce issues during operation with the Networking service. We recommend " -"using at least the latest long-term stable (LTS) release of Open vSwitch for " -"the best experience and support from Open vSwitch. See ``__ for available releases and the `installation " -"instructions `__ " -"for" -msgstr "" -"Distribusi Linux sering memaket rilis yang lebih tua dari Open vSwitch yang " -"dapat menimbulkan masalah selama operasi dengan layanan Networking. " -"Sebaiknya gunakan setidaknya rilis jangka panjang yang stabil (LTS) terbaru " -"dari Open vSwitch untuk pengalaman terbaik dan dukungan dari Open vSwitch. " -"Lihat `` __ untuk rilis yang tersedia dan " -"`installation instructions `__" - -msgid "Linux network namespaces" -msgstr "Namespaces jaringan Linux" - -msgid "List DHCP agents that host a specified network:" -msgstr "Daftar agen DHCP yang menjadi tempat jaringan tertentu:" - -msgid "List all agents:" -msgstr "Daftar semua agen:" - -msgid "List the networks hosted by a given DHCP agent:" -msgstr "Daftar jaringan yang ditempati oleh agen DHCP yang diberikan:" - -msgid "Listener" -msgstr "Listener" - -msgid "Live migration is not supported for instances with SR-IOV ports." -msgstr "" -"Migrasi langsung (live) tidak didukung untuk instance dengan port SR-IOV." - -msgid "Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)" -msgstr "Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)" - -msgid "Load balancer" -msgstr "Penyeimbang beban (load balancer)" - -msgid "Load balancers" -msgstr "Load balancers (penyeimbang beban)" - -msgid "" -"Load balancers can be software-based or hardware-based devices that allow " -"traffic to evenly be distributed across several servers. By distributing the " -"traffic across multiple servers, it avoids overload of a single server " -"thereby preventing a single point of failure in the product. This further " -"improves the performance, network throughput, and response time of the " -"servers. Load balancers are typically used in a 3-tier architecture. In this " -"model, a load balancer receives a request from the front-end web server, " -"which then forwards the request to one of the available back-end database " -"servers for processing. The response from the database server is passed back " -"to the web server for further processing." -msgstr "" -"Penyeimbang beban dapat menjadi perangkat software-based atau hardware-based " -"yang memungkinkan lalu lintas terdistribusi secara merata di beberapa " -"server. Dengan mendistribusikan lalu lintas di beberapa server, penyeimbang " -"beban menghindari kelebihan beban di sebuah server tunggal sehingga mencegah " -"satu titik kegagalan dalam produk. Hal ini semakin meningkatkan kinerja, " -"throughput jaringan, dan waktu respon dari server. Penyeimbang beban " -"biasanya digunakan dalam arsitektur 3-tier. Dalam model ini, penyeimbang " -"beban menerima permintaan dari web server front-end, yang kemudian " -"meneruskan permintaannya ke salah satu server database back-end yang " -"tersedia untuk diproses. Tanggapan dari server database dilewatkan kembali " -"ke web server untuk diproses lebih lanjut." - -msgid "" -"Load balancers can listen for requests on multiple ports. Each one of those " -"ports is specified by a listener." -msgstr "" -"Penyeimbang beban dapat mendengarkan permintaan pada beberapa port. Masing-" -"masing dari port itu ditentukan oleh pendengar (listener)." - -msgid "" -"Load balancers that are deployed on a public or provider network that are " -"accessible to external clients do not need a floating IP address assigned. " -"External clients can directly access the virtual IP address (VIP) of those " -"load balancers." -msgstr "" -"Balancers beban yang digunakan pada jaringan publik atau penyedia yang dapat " -"diakses oleh klien eksternal tidak membutuhkan alamat IP mengambang yang " -"ditetapkan. Klien eksternal dapat langsung mengakses virtual IP address " -"(VIP) dari load balancer mereka" - -msgid "" -"Log in to the ``myserver4`` VM, and run ``udhcpc``, ``dhclient`` or other " -"DHCP client." -msgstr "" -"Log in ke ``myserver4`` VM, dan jalankan ``udhcpc``, ``dhclient`` atau klien " -"DHCP lainnya." - -msgid "" -"Look at the ``availability_zones`` attribute of each resource to confirm in " -"which zone the resource is hosted:" -msgstr "" -"Lihatlah atribut ``availability_zones`` dari setiap sumber untuk " -"mengkonfirmasi zona dimana sumber disimpan (hosted):" - -msgid "ML2 driver support matrix" -msgstr " Matriks dukungan driver ML2" - -msgid "ML2 plug-in" -msgstr "ML2 plug-in" - -msgid "MTU considerations" -msgstr "Pertimbangan MTU" - -msgid "MacVTap" -msgstr "MacVTap" - -msgid "MacVTap & MacVTap agent" -msgstr "Agen MacVTap & MacVTap" - -msgid "MacVTap agent" -msgstr "Agen MacVTap" - -msgid "MacVTap mechanism driver and MacVTap agent" -msgstr "Driver mekanisme MacVTap dan agen MacVTap" - -msgid "" -"MacVTap offers a direct connection with very little overhead between " -"instances and down to the adapter. You can use MacVTap agent on the compute " -"node when you require a network connection that is performance critical. It " -"does not require specific hardware (like with SRIOV)." -msgstr "" -"MacVTap menawarkan koneksi langsung dengan overhead yang sangat kecil antara " -"instance dan turun sampai adaptor. Anda dapat menggunakan agen MacVTap pada " -"node komputasi ketika Anda membutuhkan koneksi jaringan kinerja kritis. Ini " -"tidak memerlukan perangkat keras khusus (seperti dengan SRIOV)." - -msgid "Macvtap agent" -msgstr "agen Macvtap" - -msgid "Macvtap mechanism driver" -msgstr "Driver mekanisme Macvtap" - -msgid "" -"Make Compute REST API read-write again. This means legacy networking DB is " -"now unused, new changes are now stored in the Networking DB, and no rollback " -"is possible from here without losing those new changes." -msgstr "" -"Buat Compute REST API read-write lagi. Ini berarti legacy networking DB " -"sekarang tidak terpakai, perubahan baru sekarang disimpan di Networking DB, " -"dan tidak ada rollback adalah mungkin dari sini tanpa kehilangan perubahan " -"baru." - -msgid "Make sure both DHCP agents hosting ``net2``:" -msgstr "Pastikan kedua agen DHCP menjadi host ``net2``:" - -msgid "" -"Make sure that subnets on an external network are created from the subnet " -"pools created above:" -msgstr "" -"Pastikan bahwa subnet pada jaringan eksternal diciptakan dari kolam subnet " -"yang dibuat di atas:" - -msgid "Make sure that the router's ``ha`` attribute has changed to ``False``." -msgstr "Pastikan bahwa atribut router ``ha`` telah berubah menjadi ``False``." - -msgid "Make sure that the router's ``ha`` attribute has changed to ``True``." -msgstr "Pastikan bahwa atribut router ``ha`` telah berubah menjadi ``True``." - -msgid "Make the Compute REST API read-only." -msgstr "Buatlah Compute REST API read-only." - -msgid "Make the Networking API read-write and disable legacy networking." -msgstr "Membuat Networking API read-write dan menonaktifkan legacy networking." - -msgid "Managed Configuration Flag = 0" -msgstr "Managed Configuration Flag = 0" - -msgid "Management impact" -msgstr "Dampak manajemen" - -msgid "" -"Management: Handles API requests from clients and control plane traffic for " -"OpenStack services including their dependencies." -msgstr "" -"Management: Menangani permintaan API dari klien dan control plane traffic " -"untuk layanan OpenStack termasuk dependensinya.." - -msgid "Manages agents" -msgstr "Kelola agen" - -msgid "Managing agents in neutron deployment" -msgstr "Mengelola agen dalam pengerahan neutron" - -msgid "Managing assignment of networks to DHCP agent" -msgstr "Mengelola tugas jaringan agen DHCP" - -msgid "Map segments to compute nodes." -msgstr "Segmen peta untuk node komputasi" - -msgid "Mechanism Driver" -msgstr "Mechanism Driver (driver mekanisme)" - -msgid "Mechanism drivers" -msgstr "Driver mekanisme" - -msgid "Mechanism drivers and L2 agents" -msgstr "Driver mekanisme dan agen L2" - -msgid "" -"Mechanism drivers can utilize L2 agents (via RPC) and/or interact directly " -"with external devices or controllers." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme dapat memanfaatkan agen L2 (melalui RPC) dan/atau " -"berinteraksi langsung dengan perangkat eksternal atau controller." - -msgid "Mellanox" -msgstr "Mellanox" - -msgid "Member" -msgstr "Member" - -msgid "" -"Members are servers that serve traffic behind a load balancer. Each member " -"is specified by the IP address and port that it uses to serve traffic." -msgstr "" -"Anggota adalah server yang melayani lalu lintas di belakang penyeimbang " -"beban. Setiap anggota ditentukan oleh alamat IP dan port yang menggunakannya " -"untuk melayani lalu lintas." - -msgid "" -"Members may go offline from time to time and health monitors divert traffic " -"away from members that are not responding properly. Health monitors are " -"associated with pools." -msgstr "" -"Anggota dapat offline dari waktu ke waktu dan monitor kesehatan dapat " -"mengalihkan lalu lintas dari anggota yang tidak merespon dengan baik. " -"Monitor kesehatan dihubungankan dengan kolam." - -msgid "Messaging queue" -msgstr "Antrian pesan" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadata" - -msgid "Metadata agent" -msgstr "Agen Metadata" - -msgid "" -"Migrating a router from distributed only, HA only, or legacy to distributed " -"HA is not supported at this time. The router must be created as distributed " -"HA. The reverse direction is also not supported. You cannot reconfigure a " -"distributed HA router to be only distributed, only HA, or legacy." -msgstr "" -"Migrasi router dari hanya didistribusikan, hanya HA, atau legacy ke HA yang " -"didistribusikan tidak didukung saat ini. Router harus dibuat sebagai HA yang " -"didistribusikan. Arah sebaliknya juga tidak didukung. Anda tidak dapat " -"mengkonfigurasi ulang router HA yang didistribusikan ke hanya " -"didistribusikan, hanya HA, atau legacy (warisan)." - -msgid "Migration" -msgstr "Migrasi" - -msgid "Migration Completed!" -msgstr "Migrasi Selesai!" - -msgid "Migration process overview" -msgstr "ikhtisar proses migrasi" - -msgid "Miscellaneous" -msgstr "Miscellaneous (lain-lain)" - -msgid "Modify ``/etc/neutron/policy.json`` policy entries as follows:" -msgstr "" -"Modifikasi entri kebijakan ``/etc/neutron/policy.json`` sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "Modify the compute nodes with the following components:" -msgstr "Memodifikasi node komputasi dengan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "" -"More information about L2 population see the `OpenStack Manuals `__." -msgstr "" -"Informasi lebih lanjut tentang populasi L2 lihat `Manual OpenStack`__." - -msgid "Multiple ``--config-file`` options can be passed if needed." -msgstr "Beberapa opsi ``--config-file`` dapat dilewatkan jika diperlukan." - -msgid "" -"Multiple mechanism and type drivers can be used simultaneously to access " -"different ports of the same virtual network." -msgstr "" -"Beberapa driver mekanisme dan tipe dapat digunakan secara bersamaan untuk " -"mengakses port yang berbeda dari jaringan virtual yang sama." - -msgid "Multiple smaller layer-2 networks" -msgstr "Beberapa jaringan lapisan-2 lebih kecil " - -msgid "" -"Multiple smaller layer-2 networks scale better and shrink failure domains, " -"but leave network selection to the user. Without additional information, " -"users cannot easily differentiate these networks." -msgstr "" -"Beberapa jaringan lapisan-2 lebih kecil berskala yang lebih baik dan " -"menyusutkan failure domain, tetapi meninggalkan pilihan jaringan untuk " -"pengguna. Tanpa informasi tambahan, pengguna tidak dapat dengan mudah " -"membedakan jaringan ini." - -msgid "N/A" -msgstr "N/A" - -msgid "NAT & Floating IPs" -msgstr "NAT & IP mengambang" - -msgid "NO" -msgstr "NO" - -msgid "NO*" -msgstr "NO* " - -msgid "NO**" -msgstr "NO**" - -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Name" - -msgid "Name resolution for instances" -msgstr "Resolusi nama untuk instance" - -msgid "Name: vm1" -msgstr "Name: vm1" - -msgid "Name: vm2" -msgstr "Name: vm2" - -msgid "Name: vm3" -msgstr "Name: vm3" - -msgid "Native Open vSwitch firewall driver" -msgstr "Driver firewall Open vSwitch asli" - -msgid "" -"Network IP Availability is an information-only API extension that allows a " -"user or process to determine the number of IP addresses that are consumed " -"across networks and the allocation pools of their subnets. This extension " -"was added to neutron in the Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"Network IP Availability merupakan information-only API extension yang " -"mengizinkan pengguna atau proses untuk menentukan jumlah alamat IP yang " -"dikonsumsi di seluruh jaringan dan kolam alokasi subnet mereka. Extension " -"(perpanjangan) ini telah ditambahkan ke neutron dalam rilis Mitaka." - -msgid "Network address translation" -msgstr "Terjemahan alamat Jaringan" - -msgid "Network components" -msgstr "Komponen jaringan" - -msgid "" -"Network devices such as switches and routers can mark traffic so that it is " -"handled with a higher priority to fulfill the QoS conditions agreed under " -"the SLA. In other cases, certain network traffic such as Voice over IP " -"(VoIP) and video streaming needs to be transmitted with minimal bandwidth " -"constraints. On a system without network QoS management, all traffic will be " -"transmitted in a \"best-effort\" manner making it impossible to guarantee " -"service delivery to customers." -msgstr "" -"Perangkat jaringan seperti switch dan router bisa menandai lalu lintas " -"sehingga hal itu ditangani dengan prioritas yang lebih tinggi untuk memenuhi " -"persetujuan persyaratan QoS di bawah SLA. Dalam kasus lain, lalu lintas " -"jaringan tertentu seperti Voice over IP (VoIP) dan video streaming perlu " -"ditransmisikan dengan keterbatasan bandwidth minimal. Pada sistem tanpa " -"manajemen QoS jaringan, semua lalu lintas akan ditransmisikan dalam cara " -"\"best-effort\" membuat mustahil untuk menjamin pelayanan kepada pelanggan." - -msgid "Network namespaces" -msgstr "Network namespaces (namespace jaringan)" - -msgid "Network node" -msgstr "Node jaringan" - -msgid "Network node 1" -msgstr "Network node 1" - -msgid "Network node 1:" -msgstr "Network node 1:" - -msgid "Network node 2" -msgstr "Network node 2" - -msgid "Network node 2:" -msgstr "Network node 2:" - -msgid "Network nodes" -msgstr "Network nodes (simpul jaringan)" - -msgid "Network or compute nodes" -msgstr "Jaringan atau node komputasi" - -msgid "Network scheduler" -msgstr "Alat penjadwal jaringan" - -msgid "Network traffic flow" -msgstr "Arus lalu lintas jaringan" - -msgid "" -"Network trunking consists of a service plug-in and a set of drivers that " -"manage trunks on different layer-2 mechanism drivers. Users can create a " -"port, associate it with a trunk, and launch an instance on that port. Users " -"can dynamically attach and detach additional networks without disrupting " -"operation of the instance." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan trunking terdiri dari service plug-in dan satu set driver yang " -"mengelola trunk di berbagai driver mekanisme lapisan-2. Pengguna dapat " -"membuat sebuah port, mengasosiasikannya dengan trunk, dan meluncurkan sebuah " -"instance pada port tersebut. Pengguna dinamis dapat menghubungkan dan " -"melepaskan jaringan tambahan tanpa mengganggu pengoperasian instance." - -msgid "Network type drivers" -msgstr " Driver tipe jaringan" - -msgid "" -"Network: Contains the OpenStack Networking service layer-3 (routing) " -"component. High availability options may include additional components." -msgstr "" -"Network: Berisi layanan OpenStack Networking komponen lapisan-3 (routing). " -"Opsi ketersediaan tinggi (high availability) mungkin termasuk komponen " -"tambahan." - -msgid "" -"Networking allows users to create multiple provider or project networks " -"using VLAN IDs (802.1Q tagged) that correspond to VLANs present in the " -"physical network. This allows instances to communicate with each other " -"across the environment. They can also communicate with dedicated servers, " -"firewalls, load balancers, and other networking infrastructure on the same " -"layer 2 VLAN." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan mengizinkan pengguna untuk membuat beberapa provider atau proyek " -"jaringan menggunakan ID VLAN (802.1Q tag) yang sesuai dengan VLAN yang ada " -"dalam jaringan fisik. Hal ini mengizinkan instance untuk berkomunikasi satu " -"sama lain di lingkungan. Mereka juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan dedicated " -"server, firewall, load balancer, dan infrastruktur jaringan lain pada layer " -"2 VLAN yang sama." - -msgid "Networks" -msgstr "Networks" - -msgid "Networks and network interfaces" -msgstr "Jaringan dan antarmuka jaringan" - -msgid "" -"Networks created before the Mitaka release do not contain explicitly named " -"address scopes, unless the network contains subnets from a subnet pool that " -"belongs to a created or updated address scope. The Networking service " -"preserves backwards compatibility with pre-Mitaka networks through special " -"address scope properties so that these networks can perform advanced routing:" -msgstr "" -"Jaringan yang dibuat sebelum rilis Mitaka tidak mengandung secara eksplisit " -"lingkup address bernama, kecuali jaringan berisi subnet dari kolam subnet " -"milik lingkup alamat yang dibuat atau diperbarui. Layanan Networking " -"mempertahankan kompatibilitas mundur dengan jaringan pra-Mitaka melalui " -"sifat lingkup alamat khusus sehingga jaringan ini bisa melakukan routing " -"canggih:" - -msgid "Neutron configuration file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "file konfigurasi Neutron ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "Neutron dhcpv6_pd_agent" -msgstr "Neutron dhcpv6_pd_agent" - -msgid "" -"Neutron project networks that are assigned Global Unicast Address (GUA) " -"prefixes and addresses don’t require NAT on the neutron router external " -"gateway port to access the outside world. As a consequence of the lack of " -"NAT the external router port doesn’t require a GUA to send and receive to " -"the external networks. This implies a GUA IPv6 subnet prefix is not " -"necessarily needed for the neutron external network. By default, a IPv6 LLA " -"associated with the external gateway port can be used for routing purposes. " -"To handle this scenario, the implementation of router-gateway-set API in " -"neutron has been modified so that an IPv6 subnet is not required for the " -"external network that is associated with the neutron router. The LLA address " -"of the upstream router can be learned in two ways." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan proyek neutron yang ditugaskan di alamat dan prefiks Global Unicast " -"Address (GUA) tidak memerlukan NAT pada gateway port eksternal router " -"neutron untuk mengakses dunia luar. Sebagai konsekuensi dari kurangnya NAT " -"port router eksternal tidak memerlukan GUA untuk mengirim dan menerima " -"dengan jaringan eksternal. Ini berarti subnet prefix GUA IPv6 tidak selalu " -"diperlukan untuk jaringan eksternal neutron. Secara default, LLA IPv6 " -"terkait dengan port eksternal gateway dapat digunakan untuk tujuan routing. " -"Untuk menangani skenario ini, pelaksanaan router-gateway-set API di neutron " -"telah dimodifikasi sehingga suatu subnet IPv6 tidak diperlukan untuk " -"jaringan eksternal yang berhubungan dengan router neutron. Alamat LLA dari " -"router hulu dapat dipelajari dalam dua cara." - -msgid "" -"Neutron routers, by default, will NAT traffic from internal networks to " -"external networks." -msgstr "" -"Router neutron, secara default, akan men-NAT (Network Address Translation) " -"lalu lintas dari jaringan internal untuk jaringan eksternal." - -msgid "Neutron subnets and the IPv6 API attributes" -msgstr "Subnet neutron dan atribut API IPv6" - -msgid "Neutron's Distributed Router feature and IPv6" -msgstr "Fitur Router Terdistribusi milik Neutron dan IPv6" - -msgid "" -"Next, you'll need to migrate each hypervisor. To do that, follow these " -"steps:" -msgstr "" -"Berikutnya, Anda akan perlu memigrasikan setiap hypervisor. Untuk " -"melakukannya, ikuti langkah berikut:" - -msgid "No" -msgstr "No" - -msgid "No additional configuration required." -msgstr "Tidak ada konfigurasi tambahan yang diperlukan." - -msgid "" -"No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional " -"agent configuration is required. For details, see the related *L2 agent* " -"section below." -msgstr "" -"Tidak ada konfigurasi tambahan yang dibutuhkan untuk driver mekanisme. " -"Konfigurasi agen tambahan diperlukan. Untuk rincian, lihat bagian bawah *L2 " -"agent* terkait." - -msgid "" -"No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional " -"agent configuration is required. Please see the related section." -msgstr "" -"Tidak ada konfigurasi tambahan yang dibutuhkan untuk driver mekanisme. " -"Konfigurasi agen tambahan diperlukan. Silakan lihat bagian terkait." - -msgid "No changes." -msgstr "Tidak ada perubahan." - -msgid "Nodes" -msgstr "Node (simpul)" - -msgid "North-south" -msgstr "North-south (utara-selatan)" - -msgid "North-south scenario 1: Instance with a fixed IP address" -msgstr "North-south scenario 1: Instance dengan alamat IP tetap" - -msgid "North-south scenario 2: Instance with a floating IPv4 address" -msgstr "North-south scenario 2: Instance dengan alamat IPv4 mengambang" - -msgid "North-south scenario: Instance with a fixed IP address" -msgstr "North-south scenario: Instance dengan alamat IP tetap" - -msgid "Not Defined" -msgstr "Not Defined (tak terdefinisikan)" - -msgid "Not currently implemented in the reference implementation." -msgstr "Saat ini tidak dilaksanakan dalam implementasi referensi." - -msgid "Not specified." -msgstr "Tidak ditentukan." - -msgid "" -"Note that if you are using VLANs on your physical switches to implement " -"project isolation in your OpenStack cloud, you must ensure that all of your " -"switchports are configured as trunk ports." -msgstr "" -"Perhatikan bahwa jika Anda menggunakan VLAN pada switch fisik Anda untuk " -"menerapkan isolasi proyek di cloud OpenStack Anda, Anda harus memastikan " -"bahwa semua switchport Anda dikonfigurasi sebagai trunk port." - -msgid "Note that in this use case:" -msgstr "Perhatikan dalam use case ini:" - -msgid "" -"Nova uses the ``auto allocated topology`` feature with API micro version " -"2.37 or later. This is because, unlike the neutron feature which was " -"implemented in the Mitaka release, the integration for nova was completed " -"during the Newton release cycle. Note that the CLI option ``--nic`` can be " -"omitted regardless of the microversion used as long as there is no more than " -"one network available to the project, in which case nova fails with a 400 " -"error because it does not know which network to use. Furthermore, nova does " -"not start using the feature, regardless of whether or not a user requests " -"micro version 2.37 or later, unless all of the ``nova-compute`` services are " -"running Newton-level code." -msgstr "" -"Nova menggunakan fitur ``auto allocated topology`` dengan versi mikro API " -"2.37 atau yang lebih baru. Ini karena, tidak seperti fitur neutron yang " -"diimplementasikan dalam rilis Mitaka, integrasi untuk nova selesai selama " -"siklus pelepasan Newton. Perhatikan bahwa opsi CLI ``--nic`` dapat " -"dihilangkan terlepas dari mikrofi yang digunakan selama tidak ada lebih dari " -"satu jaringan yang tersedia untuk proyek ini, dalam hal ini nova gagal " -"dengan kesalahan 400 karena tidak tahu mana jaringan yang akan digunakan. " -"Selanjutnya, nova tidak mulai menggunakan fitur ini, terlepas dari apakah " -"pengguna meminta versi mikro 2.37 atau yang lebih baru, kecuali semua " -"layanan ``nova-compute`` menjalankan kode tingkat Newton." - -msgid "" -"Now consider the scenario that all of the switchports in the first switch " -"become occupied, and so the organization buys a second switch and connects " -"it to the first switch to expand the available number of switchports. The " -"second switch is also configured to support VLAN IDs 10, 11, and 12. Now " -"imagine host A connected to switch 1 on a port configured for VLAN ID 10 " -"sends an Ethernet frame intended for host B connected to switch 2 on a port " -"configured for VLAN ID 10. When switch 1 forwards the Ethernet frame to " -"switch 2, it must communicate that the frame is associated with VLAN ID 10." -msgstr "" -"Sekarang mempertimbangkan skenario bahwa semua switchport di switch pertama " -"sedang dipakai, dan perusahaan (organization) membeli switch kedua dan " -"menghubungkannya ke switch pertama untuk memperluas jumlah yang tersedia " -"dari switchports. Switch kedua juga dikonfigurasi untuk mendukung VLAN ID " -"10, 11, dan 12. Sekarang bayangkan bahwa host A terhubung dengan switch 1 " -"pada port yang dikonfigurasi untuk VLAN ID 10 mengirimkan sebuah frame " -"Ethernet yang ditujukan untuk host B yang terhubung dengan switch 2 pada " -"port yang dikonfigurasi untuk VLAN ID 10. Ketika switch 1 meneruskan frame " -"Ethernet untuk switch 2, switch 1 harus berkomunikasi frame yang berhubungan " -"dengan VLAN ID 10." - -msgid "" -"Now project ``838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c`` is able to see the network " -"when running :command:`openstack network list` and :command:`openstack " -"network show` and can attach router gateway ports to that network. No other " -"users (other than admins and the owner) are able to see the network." -msgstr "" -"Sekarang proyek `` 838030a7bf3c4d04b4b054c0f0b2b17c`` mampu melihat jaringan " -"ketika berjalan :command:`openstack network list` dan :command:`openstack " -"network show` dan dapat menghubungkan router gateway port ke jaringan itu. " -"Tidak ada pengguna lain (selain admin dan pemilik) dapat melihat jaringan." - -msgid "Now, use them. It is easy to create a subnet from a pool:" -msgstr "" -"Sekarang, silahkan menggunakannya. Sangat mudah untuk membuat subnet dari " -"kolam:" - -msgid "OVS" -msgstr "OVS" - -msgid "OVS 2.4" -msgstr "OVS 2.4" - -msgid "OVS 2.5" -msgstr "OVS 2.5" - -msgid "OVS agent" -msgstr "Agen OVS" - -msgid "" -"OVS with DPDK, or OVS-DPDK, can be used to provide high-performance " -"networking between instances on OpenStack compute nodes." -msgstr "" -"OVS dengan DPDK, atau OVS-DPDK, dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan jaringan " -"high-performance antara instance pada node komputasi OpenStack." - -msgid "Obtain access to the instance." -msgstr "Dapatkan akses ke instance." - -msgid "" -"Octavia provides additional capabilities for load balancers, including using " -"a compute driver to build instances that operate as load balancers. The " -"`Hands on Lab - Install and Configure OpenStack Octavia `_ session at the OpenStack " -"Summit in Tokyo provides an overview of Octavia." -msgstr "" -"Octavia memberikan kemampuan tambahan untuk penyeimbang beban, meliputi " -"penggunaan driver komputasi untuk membangun instance yang beroperasi sebagai " -"penyeimbang beban. Sesi `Hands on Lab - Install and Configure OpenStack " -"Octavia `_ pada " -"KTT OpenStack di Tokyo memberikan gambaran tentang Octavia." - -msgid "Off" -msgstr "Off" - -msgid "" -"Offline migration requires all Neutron server instances in the cluster to be " -"shutdown before you apply any contract scripts." -msgstr "" -"Migrasi Offline memerlukan semua instance server Neutron dalam cluster untuk " -"shutdown sebelum Anda menerapkan script kontrak." - -msgid "" -"Often, an application running on a host with a private IP address will need " -"to connect to a server on the public Internet. An example is a user who " -"wants to access a public website such as www.openstack.org. If the IP " -"packets reach the web server at www.openstack.org with a private IP address " -"as the source, then the web server cannot send packets back to the sender." -msgstr "" -"Seringkali, sebuah aplikasi yang berjalan pada host dengan alamat IP private " -"akan harus terhubung ke server di Internet publik. Contohnya adalah pengguna " -"yang ingin mengakses situs publik seperti www.openstack.org. Jika paket IP " -"mencapai server web di www.openstack.org dengan alamat IP private sebagai " -"sumber, maka web server tidak dapat mengirim paket kembali ke pengirim." - -msgid "" -"On Ubuntu, modify the ``[fwaas]`` section in the ``/etc/neutron/fwaas_driver." -"ini`` file instead of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``." -msgstr "" -"Pada Ubuntu, memodifikasi bagian ``[fwaas]`` dalam file ``/etc/neutron/" -"fwaas_driver.ini`` dari pada ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``." - -msgid "" -"On Ubuntu, the iptables ruleset that libvirt creates includes the following " -"rules::" -msgstr "" -"Pada Ubuntu, iptables ruleset dimana libvirt menciptakan, ruleset mencakup " -"aturan berikut ::" - -msgid "" -"On a Linux machine, any of the following commands displays the routing table:" -msgstr "Pada mesin Linux, semua perintah berikut menampilkan routing table:" - -msgid "On compute nodes:" -msgstr "Pada node komputasi:" - -msgid "On each compute node, create the VFs via the PCI SYS interface:" -msgstr "Pada setiap node komputasi, buatlah VF melalui antarmuka PCI SYS:" - -msgid "" -"On each compute node, verify creation of a ``qrouter`` namespace with the " -"same ID." -msgstr "" -"Pada setiap node komputasi, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan namespace " -"``qrouter`` dengan ID yang sama." - -msgid "On each compute node, verify creation of a second ``qdhcp`` namespace." -msgstr "" -"Pada setiap node komputasi, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan namespace " -"``qdhcp`` kedua." - -msgid "On each compute node, verify creation of the ``qdhcp`` namespace." -msgstr "" -"Pada setiap node komputasi, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan namespace " -"``qdhcp``." - -msgid "" -"On each network node, show the IP address of interfaces in the ``qrouter`` " -"namespace. With the exception of the VRRP interface, only one namespace " -"belonging to the master router instance contains IP addresses on the " -"interfaces." -msgstr "" -"Pada setiap node jaringan, tampilkan alamat IP dari antarmuka dalam " -"namespace ``qrouter``. Dengan pengecualian dari interface VRRP, hanya satu " -"namespace yang menjadi milik instance router utama berisi alamat IP pada " -"antarmuka." - -msgid "" -"On each network node, verify creation of a ``qrouter`` namespace with the " -"same ID." -msgstr "" -"Pada setiap node jaringan, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan namespace " -"``qrouter`` dengan ID yang sama." - -msgid "" -"On every controller node running the ``nova-scheduler`` service, add " -"``PciPassthroughFilter`` to ``scheduler_default_filters`` to enable " -"``PciPassthroughFilter`` by default. Also ensure " -"``scheduler_available_filters`` parameter under the ``[DEFAULT]`` section in " -"``nova.conf`` is set to ``all_filters`` to enable all filters provided by " -"the Compute service." -msgstr "" -"Pada setiap controller node yang menjalankan layanan ``nova-scheduler``, " -"tambahkan ``PciPassthroughFilter`` ke ``scheduler_default_filters`` untuk " -"mengaktifkan ``PciPassthroughFilter`` secara default. Juga memastikan " -"parameter ``scheduler_available_filters`` bawah bagian ``[DEFAULT] `` dalam " -"``nova.conf`` diatur ke ``all_filters`` untuk mengaktifkan semua filter yang " -"disediakan oleh layanan Compute." - -msgid "On network nodes:" -msgstr "Pada node jaringan:" - -msgid "" -"On nodes running the Open vSwitch agent, edit the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` " -"file and enable the firewall driver." -msgstr "" -"Pada node yang menjalankan agen Open vSwitch, edit file ``openvswitch_agent." -"ini`` dan aktifkan driver firewall." - -msgid "" -"On some PCI devices, observe that when changing the amount of VFs you " -"receive the error ``Device or resource busy``. In this case, you must first " -"set ``sriov_numvfs`` to ``0``, then set it to your new value." -msgstr "" -"Pada beberapa perangkat PCI, amati bahwa ketika mengubah jumlah VF dimana " -"Anda menerima kesalahan ``Device or resource busy``. Dalam hal ini, Anda " -"harus terlebih dahulu menetapkan ``sriov_numvfs`` ke ``0``, kemudian set ke " -"nilai baru Anda." - -msgid "" -"On the compute node containing the instance, verify creation of the ``fip`` " -"namespace with the same ID as the provider network." -msgstr "" -"Pada node komputasi yang berisi instance, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan " -"namespace ``fip`` dengan ID yang sama dengan jaringan provider." - -msgid "" -"On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, " -"``ping`` the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance." -msgstr "" -"Pada controller node atau host dengan akses ke jaringan provider, lakukan " -"``ping`` IPv4 dan alamat IPv6 instance." - -msgid "" -"On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, " -"``ping`` the IPv6 address of the instance." -msgstr "" -"Pada controller node atau host dengan akses ke jaringan provider, lakukan " -"``ping`` alamat IPv6 dari instance." - -msgid "" -"On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, " -"``ping`` the floating IPv4 address of the instance." -msgstr "" -"Pada controller node atau host dengan akses ke jaringan provider, lakukan " -"``ping`` alamat IPv4 dari instance." - -msgid "" -"On the network node with the master router, administratively disable the " -"overlay network interface." -msgstr "" -"Pada node jaringan dengan router utama, secara administratif menonaktifkan " -"antarmuka jaringan overlay." - -msgid "On the network node, verify creation of the ``qrouter`` namespace." -msgstr "" -"Pada node jaringan, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan namespace ``qrouter``." - -msgid "" -"On the network node, verify creation of the ``snat`` and ``qrouter`` " -"namespaces with the same ID." -msgstr "" -"Pada node jaringan, lakukan verifikasi penciptaan ``snat`` dan namespace " -"``qrouter`` dengan ID yang sama." - -msgid "" -"On the original network node in step 2, administratively enable the overlay " -"network interface. Note that the master router remains on the network node " -"in step 3." -msgstr "" -"Pada node jaringan asli dalam langkah 2, secara administratif aktifkan " -"antarmuka jaringan overlay. Perhatikan bahwa router utama tetap pada node " -"jaringan dalam langkah 3." - -msgid "" -"On the other network node, verify promotion of the backup router to master " -"router by noting addition of IP addresses to the interfaces in the " -"``qrouter`` namespace." -msgstr "" -"Pada node jaringan lainnya, lakukan verifikasi promosi cadangan router untuk " -"router utama dengan mencatat penambahan alamat IP ke interface dalam " -"namespace ``qrouter``." - -msgid "" -"Once configuration is complete, you can launch instances with SR-IOV ports." -msgstr "" -"Setelah konfigurasi selesai, Anda dapat meluncurkan instance dengan port SR-" -"IOV." - -msgid "" -"Once starting the migration, south-north connections (instances to internet) " -"will be severed. New connections will be able to start only when the " -"migration is complete." -msgstr "" -"Setelah memulai migrasi, koneksi selatan-utara (instance ke internet) akan " -"terputus. Koneksi baru akan dapat memulai hanya ketika migrasi selesai." - -msgid "" -"Once the ``neutron-server`` has been configured and restarted, users will " -"have functionality that covers three use cases, described in the following " -"sections. In each of the use cases described below:" -msgstr "" -"Setelah ``neutron-server`` telah dikonfigurasi dan di-restart, pengguna akan " -"memiliki fungsi yang mencakup tiga use case, dijelaskan di bagian berikut. " -"Dalam setiap use case dijelaskan di bawah:" - -msgid "" -"Once these steps are executed, the port's DNS data will be published in the " -"external DNS service. This is an example:" -msgstr "" -"Setelah langkah-langkah ini dijalankan, data DNS milik port akan diterbitkan " -"dalam layanan DNS eksternal. Ini adalah contohnya:" - -msgid "" -"Once you have stacked run the command below to start the neutron-pd-agent:" -msgstr "" -"Setelah Anda menumpuknya, jalankan perintah di bawah ini untuk memulai " -"neutron-pd-agent:" - -msgid "One BGP agent." -msgstr "Satu agen BGP." - -msgid "" -"One address scope containing IP address range for provider " -"networks, and IP address ranges and for self-" -"service networks." -msgstr "" -"Satu lingkup alamat yang berisi kisaran alamat IP untuk " -"jaringan penyedia, dan kisaran alamat IP dan " -"untuk jaringan self-service." - -msgid "One controller node with the following components:" -msgstr "Satu node controller dengan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "One provider network using IP address range" -msgstr "Satu jaringan provider menggunakan kisaran alamat IP" - -msgid "One-to-one NAT" -msgstr "One-to-one NAT" - -msgid "" -"Only compute resources can be attached via macvtap. Attaching other " -"resources like DHCP, Routers and others is not supported. Therefore run " -"either OVS or linux bridge in VLAN or flat mode on the controller node." -msgstr "" -"Hanya sumber komputasi dapat dihubungkan melalui macvtap. Menghubungkan " -"sumber lain seperti DHCP, Router dan lainnya tidak didukung. Oleh karena itu " -"jalankan OVS ataupun jembatan linux di VLAN atau modus datar pada controller " -"node." - -msgid "" -"Only for :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, if the port binding extension is " -"enabled in the Networking service, the Compute service will execute one " -"additional port update operation when allocating the port for the instance " -"during the boot process. This may have a noticeable adverse effect in the " -"performance of the boot process that must be evaluated before adoption of " -"this use case." -msgstr "" -"Hanya untuk :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, jika port yang mengikat ekstensi " -"diaktifkan dalam layanan Networking, layanan Compute akan mengeksekusi " -"operasi update satu tambahan port ketika pengalokasian port instance selama " -"proses boot . Ini mungkin memiliki efek yang merugikan nyata dalam kinerja " -"proses boot yang harus dievaluasi sebelum adopsi dari use case ini." - -msgid "" -"Only provides connectivity to an instance via the compute node on which the " -"instance resides if the instance resides on a self-service network with a " -"floating IPv4 address. Instances on self-service networks with only an IPv6 " -"address or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses rely on the network node for IPv6 " -"connectivity." -msgstr "" -"Hanya menyediakan konektivitas ke sebuah instance melalui node komputasi " -"dimana instance berada jika instance berada pada jaringan self-service " -"dengan alamat IPv4 mengambang. Instance pada jaringan self-service dengan " -"hanya alamat IPv6 atau kedua alamat IPv4 dan IPv6 tergantung pada node " -"jaringan untuk konektivitas IPv6." - -msgid "" -"Only supports self-service networks using a router. Provider networks " -"operate at layer-2 and rely on physical network infrastructure for " -"redundancy." -msgstr "" -"Hanya mendukung jaringan self-service menggunakan router. Jaringan provider " -"beroperasi pada lapisan-2 dan bergantung pada infrastruktur jaringan fisik " -"untuk redundansi." - -msgid "Open Virtual Network (OVN)" -msgstr "Open Virtual Network (OVN)" - -msgid "Open source" -msgstr "Open source" - -msgid "Open vSwitch" -msgstr "Open vSwitch" - -msgid "Open vSwitch & Open vSwitch agent" -msgstr "Agen Open vSwitch & Open vSwitch" - -msgid "Open vSwitch (OVS)" -msgstr "Open vSwitch (OVS)" - -msgid "" -"Open vSwitch (OVS) provides support for a Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) " -"datapath since OVS 2.2, and a DPDK-backed ``vhost-user`` virtual interface " -"since OVS 2.4. The DPDK datapath provides lower latency and higher " -"performance than the standard kernel OVS datapath, while DPDK-backed ``vhost-" -"user`` interfaces can connect guests to this datapath. For more information " -"on DPDK, refer to the `DPDK `__ website." -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch (OVS) menyediakan dukungan untuk Data Plane Development Kit " -"(DPDK) datapath sejak OVS 2.2, dan antarmuka virtual ``vhost-user`` DPDK-" -"backed sejak OVS 2.4. The DPDK datapath menyediakan latency rendah dan " -"kinerja tinggi dari OVS datapath kernel standar, sementara interface ``vhost-" -"user`` DPDK-backed dapat berhubungan guests untuk datapath ini. Untuk " -"informasi lebih lanjut tentang DPDK, rujuk pada situs `DPDK ` __." - -msgid "Open vSwitch agent" -msgstr "Agen Open vSwitch" - -msgid "Open vSwitch agent, Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Agen Open vSwitch, Agen jembatan Linux" - -msgid "Open vSwitch mechanism and Open vSwitch agent" -msgstr "Mekanisme Open vSwitch and agen Open vSwitch" - -msgid "Open vSwitch mechanism driver" -msgstr " Driver mekanisme Open vSwitch" - -msgid "Open vSwitch with DPDK datapath" -msgstr "Open vSwitch dengan DPDK datapath" - -msgid "Open vSwitch: High availability using DVR" -msgstr "Open vSwitch: High availability menggunakan DVR" - -msgid "Open vSwitch: High availability using VRRP" -msgstr "Open vSwitch: High availability menggunakan VRRP" - -msgid "Open vSwitch: Provider networks" -msgstr "Open vSwitch: Jaringan provider" - -msgid "Open vSwitch: Self-service networks" -msgstr "Open vSwitch: Jaringan self-service" - -msgid "OpenContrail" -msgstr "OpenContrail" - -msgid "OpenDaylight" -msgstr "OpenDaylight" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack :term:`Compute service (nova)` is used to plug each virtual NIC on " -"the VM into a particular network." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Compute service (nova)` digunakan untuk plug setiap NIC " -"virtual pada VM dalam jaringan tertentu." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack :term:`Dashboard (horizon)` is used by administrators and project " -"users to create and manage network services through a web-based graphical " -"interface." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Dashboard (horizon)` digunakan oleh administrator dan " -"pengguna proyek untuk membuat dan mengelola layanan jaringan melalui " -"antarmuka berbasis web grafis." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack :term:`Identity service (keystone)` is used for authentication and " -"authorization of API requests." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Identity service (keystone)` digunakan untuk otentikasi dan " -"otorisasi permintaan API." - -msgid "OpenStack Networking" -msgstr "OpenStack Networking (jaringan OpenStack)" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking (neutron) server service and ML2 plug-in." -msgstr "Layanan server OpenStack Networking (neutron) dan ML2 plug-in." - -msgid "OpenStack Networking Guide" -msgstr "Panduan OpenStack Networking" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking Linux bridge layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata agent, " -"and any dependencies." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking Linux bridge layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata agent, " -"dan dependensi." - -msgid "OpenStack Networking Linux bridge layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and any" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking Linux bridge layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, dan apapun" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking Macvtap layer-2 agent and any dependencies." -msgstr "Agen layer-2 Macvtap OpenStack Networking dan dependensi." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch (OVS) layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata " -"agent, and any dependencies including OVS." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch (OVS) layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata " -"agent, dan apapun dependensi termasuk OVS." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch (OVS) layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and " -"any including OVS." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch (OVS) layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, dan " -"apapun termasuk OVS." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking allows you to create and manage network objects, such " -"as networks, subnets, and ports, which other OpenStack services can use. " -"Plug-ins can be implemented to accommodate different networking equipment " -"and software, providing flexibility to OpenStack architecture and deployment." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking mengizinkan Anda untuk membuat dan mengelola objek " -"jaringan, seperti jaringan, subnet, dan port, dimana layanan OpenStack " -"lainnya dapat menggunakan. Plug-in dapat diimplementasikan untuk " -"mengakomodasi peralatan jaringan dan perangkat lunak yang berbeda, yang " -"memberikan fleksibilitas untuk arsitektur dan pengerahan OpenStack." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking consists of the neutron-server, a database for " -"persistent storage, and any number of plug-in agents, which provide other " -"services such as interfacing with native Linux networking mechanisms, " -"external devices, or SDN controllers." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking terdiri dari neutron-server, database untuk penyimpanan " -"persisten, dan sejumlah agen plug-in, yang menyediakan layanan lain seperti " -"berinteraksi dengan mekanisme jaringan Linux native, perangkat eksternal, " -"atau SDN controllers." - -msgid "OpenStack Networking integrates with various OpenStack components:" -msgstr "OpenStack Networking terintegrasi dengan berbagai komponen OpenStack:" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking is entirely standalone and can be deployed to a " -"dedicated host. If your deployment uses a controller host to run centralized " -"Compute components, you can deploy the Networking server to that specific " -"host instead." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking dapat sepenuhnya mandiri dan dapat digunakan untuk host " -"yang didedikasikan. Jika pengerahan Anda menggunakan host controller untuk " -"menjalankan komponen Compute terpusat, Anda dapat mengerahkan server " -"Networking bukan untuk host tertentu." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking layer-2 (switching) agent, layer-3 agent, and any " -"dependencies." -msgstr "" -"Agen OpenStack Networking layer-2 (switching), agen layer-3, dan dependensi." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking layer-2 agent, DHCP agent, metadata agent, and any " -"dependencies." -msgstr "" -"Agen OpenStack Networking layer-2, agen DHCP, agen metadata, dan dependensi" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, and any dependencies." -msgstr "OpenStack Networking layer-2 agent, layer-3 agent, dan dependensi." - -msgid "OpenStack Networking plug-in and agents" -msgstr "Plug-in dan agen OpenStack Networking" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking server service and ML2 plug-in." -msgstr "Layanan server OpenStack Networking dan ML2 plug-in." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack can be setup such that OpenStack Networking directly provides RA, " -"DHCP relay and DHCPv6 address and optional information for their networks or " -"this can be delegated to external routers and services based on the drivers " -"that are in use. There are two neutron subnet attributes - ``ipv6_ra_mode`` " -"and ``ipv6_address_mode`` – that determine how IPv6 addressing and network " -"information is provided to project instances:" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack bisa diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga OpenStack Networking langsung " -"memberikan RA, penyiaran DHCP dan alamat DHCPv6 dan informasi opsional untuk " -"jaringan mereka atau hal ini dapat didelegasikan kepada router dan layanan " -"eksternal didasarkan pada driver yang sedang digunakan. Ada atribut dua " -"subnet neutron - `` ipv6_ra_mode`` dan `` ipv6_address_mode`` - yang " -"menentukan bagaimana IPv6 dan informasi jaringan disediakan untuk instance " -"proyek:" - -msgid "OpenStack control & management network considerations" -msgstr "Pertimbangan jaringan manajemen dan kontrol OpenStack" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack control communication between servers and services over an IPv6 " -"network." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack mengkontrol komunikasi antara server dan layanan melalui jaringan " -"IPv6." - -msgid "OpenStack controller host - controlnode" -msgstr "OpenStack controller host - controlnode" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack currently doesn't support the privacy extensions defined by RFC " -"4941. The interface identifier and DUID used must be directly derived from " -"the MAC as described in RFC 2373. The compute hosts must not be setup to " -"utilize the privacy extensions when generating their interface identifier." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack saat ini tidak mendukung ekstensi privasi yang didefinisikan oleh " -"RFC 4941. Interface identifier dan DUID yang digunakan harus langsung " -"berasal dari MAC seperti yang dijelaskan dalam RFC 2373. Host komputasi " -"tidak harus mengatur untuk memanfaatkan ekstensi privasi saat membuat " -"identifier interface identifier mereka ." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack uses DNAT to route packets from instances to the OpenStack " -"metadata service. Applications running inside of instances access the " -"OpenStack metadata service by making HTTP GET requests to a web server with " -"IP address In an OpenStack deployment, there is no host " -"with this IP address. Instead, OpenStack uses DNAT to change the destination " -"IP of these packets so they reach the network interface that a metadata " -"service is listening on." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack menggunakan DNAT untuk me-rute paket dari instance ke layanan " -"metadata OpenStack. Aplikasi yang berjalan di dalam instance mengakses " -"layanan metadata OpenStack dengan membuat permintaan HTTP GET ke server web " -"dengan alamat IP Dalam pengerahan OpenStack, tidak ada host " -"dengan alamat IP ini. Sebaliknya, OpenStack menggunakan DNAT untuk mengubah " -"IP tujuan dari paket tersebut sehingga mereka mencapai antarmuka jaringan " -"dimana layanan metadata mendengarkannya." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack uses SNAT to enable applications running inside of instances to " -"connect out to the public Internet." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack menggunakan SNAT untuk mengaktifkan aplikasi yang berjalan dalam " -"instance untuk menghubungkan ke Internet publik." - -msgid "" -"OpenStack uses a third-party program called `dnsmasq `_ to implement the DHCP server. Dnsmasq writes to " -"the syslog, where you can observe the DHCP request and replies::" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack menggunakan program pihak ketiga yang disebut `dnsmasq `_ untuk menjalankan server DHCP. Dnsmasq " -"menulis ke syslog, dimana Anda dapat mengamati permintaan dan balasan DHCP::" - -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operation (operasi)" - -msgid "Operation with Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR)" -msgstr "Operasi dengan Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR)" - -msgid "Operational OpenStack Identity (keystone) service." -msgstr "Layanan OpenStack Identity (keystone) operasional." - -msgid "Operational OpenStack Image Service (glance)." -msgstr "Layanan OpenStack Image (glance) operasional." - -msgid "" -"Operational SQL server with databases necessary for each OpenStack service." -msgstr "" -"Server SQL operasional dengan database yang diperlukan untuk setiap layanan " -"OpenStack." - -msgid "" -"Operational hypervisor components of the OpenStack Compute (nova) service " -"with appropriate configuration to use the Networking service." -msgstr "" -"Komponen hypervisor operasional dari layanan OpenStack Compute (nova) dengan " -"konfigurasi yang sesuai untuk menggunakan layanan Networking." - -msgid "" -"Operational management components of the OpenStack Compute (nova) service " -"with appropriate configuration to use the Networking service." -msgstr "" -"Komponen manajemen operasional dari layanan OpenStack Compute (nova) dengan " -"konfigurasi yang sesuai untuk menggunakan layanan Networking." - -msgid "Operational message queue service." -msgstr "Layanan antrian pesan operasional." - -msgid "Operations" -msgstr "Operations (operasi)" - -msgid "Operations impact" -msgstr "Dampak operasi" - -msgid "" -"Operators (and users with admin role) can get the auto-allocated topology " -"for a project by specifying the project ID:" -msgstr "" -"Operator (dan pengguna dengan peran admin) bisa mendapatkan topologi auto-" -"allocated untuk proyek dengan menentukan ID proyek:" - -msgid "" -"Optionally, create another subnet on the network with a different service " -"type. For example, the ``compute:foo`` arbitrary service type." -msgstr "" -"Secara opsional, buat subnet lain di jaringan dengan tipe layanan yang " -"berbeda. Sebagai contoh, tipe layanan apapun ``compute:foo`` " - -msgid "" -"Optionally, enable IPv4 access from external networks such as the Internet " -"to the instance." -msgstr "" -"Secara opsional, aktifkan akses IPv4 dari jaringan eksternal seperti " -"Internet untuk instance." - -msgid "" -"Optionally, set the needed ``notification_drivers`` in the ``[qos]`` section " -"in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` (``message_queue`` is the default)." -msgstr "" -"Secara opsional, atur yang dibutuhkan ``notification_drivers`` dalam bagian " -"``[qos]`` dalam ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` (``message_queue`` menjadi " -"default)." - -msgid "Or to run in headless mode:" -msgstr "Atau untuk berjalan dalam modus tanpa kepala (headless mode):" - -msgid "Other Configuration Flag = 0" -msgstr "Other Configuration Flag = 0" - -msgid "Other Configuration Flag = 1" -msgstr "Other Configuration Flag = 1" - -msgid "Other features such as BGP dynamic routing" -msgstr "Fitur lainnya seperti routing dinamis BGP" - -msgid "" -"Other networks including provider networks and flat or VLAN self-service " -"networks assume the value of the ``global_physnet_mtu`` option." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan lain termasuk jaringan penyedia dan jaringan datar atau self-" -"service VLAN yang mengasumsikan nilai opsi ``global_physnet_mtu``." - -msgid "Overlay (tunnel) protocols" -msgstr "Protokol overlay (tunnel)" - -msgid "" -"Overlay: Handles self-service networks using an overlay protocol such as " -"VXLAN or GRE." -msgstr "" -"Overlay: Menangani jaringan self-service menggunakan protokol overlay " -"seperti VXLAN atau GRE." - -msgid "Overview" -msgstr "Iktisar" - -msgid "" -"PCI ``vendor_id`` and ``product_id`` as displayed by the Linux utility " -"``lspci``." -msgstr "" -"PCI ``vendor_id`` dan ``product_id`` seperti yang ditampilkan oleh utilitas " -"Linux ``lspci``." - -msgid "" -"PCI address: The address uses the same syntax as in ``lspci`` and an " -"asterisk (*) can be used to match anything." -msgstr "" -"Alamat PCI: alamat menggunakan sintaks yang sama seperti dalam ``lspci`` dan " -"tanda bintang (*) dapat digunakan untuk mencocokkan apa pun." - -msgid "" -"PCI-SIG Single Root I/O Virtualization and Sharing (SR-IOV) functionality is " -"available in OpenStack since the Juno release. The SR-IOV specification " -"defines a standardized mechanism to virtualize PCIe devices. This mechanism " -"can virtualize a single PCIe Ethernet controller to appear as multiple PCIe " -"devices. Each device can be directly assigned to an instance, bypassing the " -"hypervisor and virtual switch layer. As a result, users are able to achieve " -"low latency and near-line wire speed." -msgstr "" -"PCI-SIG Single Root I/O Virtualization dan Sharing (SR-IOV) secara " -"fungsional tersedia dalam OpenStack sejak rilis Juno. Spesifikasi SR-IOV " -"mendefinisikan mekanisme standar untuk virtualisasi perangkat PCIe. " -"Mekanisme ini dapat virtualisasi PCIe Ethernet controller tunggal akan " -"terlihat sebagai beberapa perangkat PCIe. Setiap perangkat dapat langsung " -"ditugaskan ke sebuah instance, denganmelewati hypervisor dan virtual switch " -"layer. Akibatnya, pengguna dapat mencapai latency rendah dan kecepatan kawat " -"near-line." - -msgid "PF" -msgstr "PF" - -msgid "Performance considerations" -msgstr "Pertimbangan kinerja" - -msgid "Performance impact" -msgstr "Dampak kinerja" - -msgid "Persist created VFs on reboot:" -msgstr "Pertahankan VF yang dibuat ketika reboot:" - -msgid "" -"Physical Function. The physical Ethernet controller that supports SR-IOV." -msgstr "Physical Function. Physical Ethernet controller yang mendukung SR-IOV." - -msgid "Physical Network" -msgstr "Physical Network (jaringan fisik)" - -msgid "Placement API: 1.1" -msgstr "Placement API: 1.1" - -msgid "Plug-ins" -msgstr "Plug-ins" - -msgid "" -"Plugs and unplugs ports, creates networks or subnets, and provides IP " -"addressing. The chosen plug-in and agents differ depending on the vendor and " -"technologies used in the particular cloud. It is important to mention that " -"only one plug-in can be used at a time." -msgstr "" -"Port plugs dan unplugs, menciptakan jaringan atau subnet, dan menyediakan " -"alamat IP. Plug-in dan agen yang dipilih berbeda tergantung pada vendor dan " -"teknologi yang digunakan di cloud tertentu. Hal ini penting untuk " -"menyebutkan bahwa hanya satu plug-in dapat digunakan pada satu waktu." - -msgid "Pool" -msgstr "Pool" - -msgid "Populate the database." -msgstr "Mengisi database." - -msgid "Port chain" -msgstr "Port chain (rantai port)" - -msgid "Port pair" -msgstr "Port pair (pasangan port)" - -msgid "Port pair group" -msgstr "Port pair group (kelompok pasangan port)" - -msgid "Port pair: [p1, p2]" -msgstr "Port pair: [p1, p2]" - -msgid "Port pair: [p3, p4]" -msgstr "Port pair: [p3, p4]" - -msgid "Port pair: [p5, p6]" -msgstr "Port pair: [p5, p6]" - -msgid "Ports" -msgstr "Port-Port" - -msgid "Ports can be created with a policy attached to them too." -msgstr "Port dapat dibuat dengan kebijakan yang menyertainya juga." - -msgid "" -"Ports with the device owner ``network:dhcp`` are exempt from the above IPAM " -"logic for subnets with ``dhcp_enabled`` set to ``True``. This preserves the " -"existing automatic DHCP port creation behaviour for DHCP-enabled subnets." -msgstr "" -"Port dengan pemilik perangkat ``network:dhcp`` dibebaskan dari logika IPAM " -"di atas untuk subnet dengan ``dhcp_enabled`` diatur ke `` True``. Ini " -"mempertahankan perilaku penciptaan port DHCP otomatis yang ada untuk subnet " -"DHCP-enabled." - -msgid "" -"Pre-Mitaka address scopes are not visible through the API. You cannot list " -"address scopes or show details. Scopes exist implicitly as a catch-all for " -"addresses that are not explicitly scoped." -msgstr "" -"Pre-Mitaka lingkup alamat tidak terlihat melalui API. Anda tidak bisa " -"mendaftar lingkup alamat atau menunjukkan detail. Lingkup ada secara " -"implisit sebagai catch-all untuk alamat yang tidak secara eksplisit " -"terlingkup." - -msgid "Prefix advertisement" -msgstr "Penyiaran update dan perubahan awal" - -msgid "Prefix delegation" -msgstr "Penyerahan awalan (prefix delegation)" - -msgid "" -"Prefix delegation became available in the Liberty release, it is not " -"available in the Kilo release. HA and DVR routers are not currently " -"supported by this feature." -msgstr "" -"Prefix delegation menjadi tersedia dalam rilis Liberty, tidak tersedia dalam " -"rilis Kilo. Router HA dan DVR saat ini tidak didukung oleh fitur ini." - -msgid "Prerequisites" -msgstr "Prasyarat" - -msgid "Prerequisites for demonstration" -msgstr "Prasyarat untuk demonstrasi" - -msgid "" -"Prerequisites, typically hardware requirements, generally increase with each " -"building block. Each building block depends on proper deployment and " -"operation of prior building blocks. For example, the first building block " -"(provider networks) only requires one controller and two compute nodes, the " -"second building block (self-service networks) adds a network node, and the " -"high-availability building blocks typically add a second network node for a " -"total of five nodes. Each building block could also require additional " -"infrastructure or changes to existing infrastructure such as networks." -msgstr "" -"Prasyarat, biasanya kebutuhan hardware, umumnya meningkat dengan setiap blok " -"bangunan. Setiap blok bangunan tergantung pada pengerahan yang tepat dan " -"pengoperasian blok bangunan sebelumnya. Misalnya, blok bangunan pertama " -"(jaringan provider) hanya membutuhkan satu controller dan dua node " -"komputasi, blok bangunan kedua (jaringan self-service) menambahkan node " -"jaringan, dan blok bangunan ketersediaan tinggi secara khusus menambahkan " -"node jaringan kedua untuk sebanyak lima node. Setiap blok bangunan juga bisa " -"memerlukan infrastruktur tambahan atau perubahan infrastruktur yang ada " -"seperti jaringan." - -msgid "Preventing regular users from sharing objects with each other" -msgstr "Pencegahan pengguna biasa berbagi objek dengan pengguna lainnya" - -msgid "" -"Previously, a user had to configure a range of networking resources to boot " -"a server and get access to the Internet. For example, the following steps " -"are required:" -msgstr "" -"Sebelumnya, pengguna harus mengkonfigurasi berbagai sumber daya jaringan " -"untuk boot server dan mendapatkan akses ke Internet. Misalnya, langkah " -"berikut ini diperlukan:" - -msgid "" -"Project ``b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d`` will now be able to see the " -"network when running :command:`openstack network list` and :command:" -"`openstack network show` and will also be able to create ports on that " -"network. No other users (other than admins and the owner) will be able to " -"see the network." -msgstr "" -"Proyek ``b87b2fc13e0248a4a031d38e06dc191d`` sekarang akan dapat melihat " -"jaringan ketika menjalankan :command:`openstack network list` dan :command:" -"`openstack network show` dan juga akan dapat membuat port pada jaringan itu. " -"Tidak ada pengguna lain (selain admin dan pemilik) akan dapat melihat " -"jaringan." - -msgid "" -"Project ``be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9`` will now be able to see the QoS " -"policy when running :command:`openstack network qos policy list` and :" -"command:`openstack network qos policy show` and will also be able to bind it " -"to its ports or networks. No other users (other than admins and the owner) " -"will be able to see the QoS policy." -msgstr "" -"Proyek ``be98b82f8fdf46b696e9e01cebc33fd9`` sekarang akan dapat melihat " -"kebijakan QoS ketika menjalankan :command:`openstack network qos policy " -"list` dan :command:`openstack network qos policy show` dan juga akan dapat " -"mengikat ke port atau jaringan. Tidak ada pengguna lain (selain admin dan " -"pemilik) akan dapat melihat kebijakan QoS." - -msgid "" -"Project network configurations are made in the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/" -"ml2_conf.ini`` configuration file on the neutron server:" -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi jaringan proyek dibuat di file konfigurasi ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` pada server neutron:" - -msgid "Project network considerations" -msgstr "Pertimbangan jaringan proyek" - -msgid "Project network types" -msgstr "Tipe jaringan proyek" - -msgid "" -"Project networks provide connectivity to instances for a particular project. " -"Regular (non-privileged) users can manage project networks within the " -"allocation that an administrator or operator defines for them. More " -"information about project and provider networks see :doc:`intro-os-" -"networking` or the `OpenStack Administrator Guide `__." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan proyek menyediakan konektivitas untuk instance untuk proyek " -"tertentu. Pengguna reguler (non-istimewa) dapat mengelola jaringan proyek " -"dalam alokasi dimana administrator atau operator mendefinisikan untuk " -"mereka. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek dan jaringan provider lihat :" -"doc:`intro-os-networking` atau `OpenStack Administrator Guide `__." - -msgid "Project resources created by auto-allocation" -msgstr "Sumber daya proyek yang dibuat oleh auto-allocation" - -msgid "Proprietary (vendor)" -msgstr "Proprietary (vendor)" - -msgid "Provider (public/external) networks using IPv4 and IPv6" -msgstr "Jaringan (public/external) provider menggunakan IPv4 dan IPv6" - -msgid "Provider network (VLAN)" -msgstr "Jaringan operator (VLAN)" - -msgid "Provider network 1 (VLAN)" -msgstr "Jaringan provider 1 (VLAN)" - -msgid "Provider network 1:" -msgstr "Provider network (jaringan provider) 1:" - -msgid "Provider network 2 (VLAN)" -msgstr "Jaringan provider 2 (VLAN)" - -msgid "Provider network 2:" -msgstr "Provider network (jaringan provider) 2:" - -msgid "Provider network types" -msgstr "Tipe jaringan operator (provider)" - -msgid "Provider networks" -msgstr "Jaringan provider" - -msgid "" -"Provider networks generally offer simplicity, performance, and reliability " -"at the cost of flexibility. By default only administrators can create or " -"update provider networks because they require configuration of physical " -"network infrastructure. It is possible to change the user who is allowed to " -"create or update provider networks with the following parameters of ``policy." -"json``:" -msgstr "" -"Jaringan provider umumnya menawarkan kesederhanaan, kinerja, dan kehandalan " -"pada biaya fleksibilitas. Secara default hanya administrator dapat membuat " -"atau memperbarui jaringan provider karena mereka memerlukan konfigurasi " -"infrastruktur jaringan fisik. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk mengubah pengguna " -"yang diizinkan untuk membuat atau memperbarui jaringan provider dengan " -"parameter berikut `` policy.json``:" - -msgid "" -"Provider networks offer layer-2 connectivity to instances with optional " -"support for DHCP and metadata services. These networks connect, or map, to " -"existing layer-2 networks in the data center, typically using VLAN (802.1q) " -"tagging to identify and separate them." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan provider menawarkan layer-2 connectivity untuk instance dengan " -"dukungan opsional untuk DHCP dan layanan metadata. Jaringan ini " -"menghubungkan, atau memetakan, untuk layer-2 network yang ada di pusat " -"data, biasanya menggunakan VLAN (802.1q) tagging untuk mengidentifikasi dan " -"memisahkan mereka." - -msgid "" -"Provider networks provide connectivity like project networks. But only " -"administrative (privileged) users can manage those networks because they " -"interface with the physical network infrastructure. More information about " -"provider networks see :doc:`intro-os-networking` or the `OpenStack " -"Administrator Guide `__." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan provider menyediakan konektivitas seperti jaringan proyek. Tetapi " -"hanya pengguna administratif (istimewa) dapat mengelola jaringan mereka " -"karena mereka berhadapan dengan infrastruktur jaringan fisik. Informasi " -"lebih lanjut tentang jaringan provider lihat :doc:`intro-os-networking` atau " -"`OpenStack Administrator Guide `__." - -msgid "" -"Provider: Connects virtual and physical networks at layer-2. Typically uses " -"physical network infrastructure for switching/routing traffic to external " -"networks such as the Internet." -msgstr "" -"Provider: Menghubungkan jaringan virtual dan fisik pada lapisan-2. Biasanya " -"menggunakan infrastruktur jaringan fisik untuk lalu lintas switching/routing " -"untuk jaringan eksternal seperti Internet." - -msgid "Provides API, manages database, etc." -msgstr "Sediakan API, kelola database, dll" - -msgid "Provides layer 2/3 connectivity to instances" -msgstr "Sediakan konektivitas lapisan 2/3 untuk instance" - -msgid "QEMU 2.1.0" -msgstr "QEMU 2.1.0" - -msgid "QEMU 2.5" -msgstr "QEMU 2.5" - -msgid "QLogic" -msgstr "QLogic" - -msgid "" -"QoS currently works with ml2 only (SR-IOV, Open vSwitch, and linuxbridge are " -"drivers that are enabled for QoS in Mitaka release)." -msgstr "" -"QoS saat ini bekerja dengan ML2 saja (SR-IOV, Open vSwitch, dan linuxbridge " -"adalah driver yang diaktifkan untuk QoS dalam rilis Mitaka)." - -msgid "" -"QoS is an advanced service plug-in. QoS is decoupled from the rest of the " -"OpenStack Networking code on multiple levels and it is available through the " -"ml2 extension driver." -msgstr "" -"QoS adalah plug-in layanan canggih. QoS dipisahkan dari sisa kode OpenStack " -"Networking pada beberapa tingkat dan tersedia melalui driver ekstensi ml2." - -msgid "" -"QoS is defined as the ability to guarantee certain network requirements like " -"bandwidth, latency, jitter, and reliability in order to satisfy a Service " -"Level Agreement (SLA) between an application provider and end users." -msgstr "" -"QoS didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan untuk menjamin kebutuhan jaringan " -"tertentu seperti bandwidth, latency, jitter, dan kehandalan untuk memenuhi " -"Service Level Agreement (SLA) antara penyedia aplikasi dan pengguna akhir " -"(end user)." - -msgid "" -"QoS policies are only created by admins with the default ``policy.json``. " -"Therefore, you should have the cloud operator set them up on behalf of the " -"cloud projects." -msgstr "" -"Kebijakan QoS hanya dibuat oleh admin dengan ``policy.json`` default. Oleh " -"karena itu, Anda harus memiliki operator cloud mengaturnya atas nama proyek " -"cloud." - -msgid "Quality of Service (QoS)" -msgstr "Quality of Service (QoS)" - -msgid "Quotas" -msgstr "Quotas (kuota)" - -msgid "" -"Quotas are available for limiting the number of load balancers and load " -"balancer pools. By default, both quotas are set to 10." -msgstr "" -"Kuota tersedia untuk membatasi jumlah penyeimbang beban dan kolam " -"penyeimbang beban. Secara default, kedua kuota itu ditetapkan 10." - -msgid "RO" -msgstr "RO" - -msgid "RW(POST only)" -msgstr "RW(POST only)" - -msgid "Rack" -msgstr "Rack" - -msgid "Re-enable the hypervisor." -msgstr "Aktifkan kembali hypervisor." - -msgid "" -"Reboot the hypervisor (or run \"smart\" live transition tool if available)." -msgstr "" -"Reboot hypervisor (atau menjalankan alat transisi hidup \"smart\" jika " -"tersedia)." - -msgid "Reference Implementation" -msgstr "Reference Implementation" - -msgid "Reference implementations" -msgstr "Implementasi referensi" - -msgid "Reference implementations and other agents" -msgstr "implementasi referensi dan agen lainnya" - -msgid "References" -msgstr "Referensi" - -msgid "Referencing a subnet pool during subnet creation" -msgstr "Mengacu kolam subnet selama pembuatan subnet" - -msgid "" -"Regardless of address scopes, the floating IPs can be pinged from the " -"external network:" -msgstr "" -"Terlepas dari lingkup alamat, IP mengambang dapat ping dari jaringan " -"eksternal:" - -msgid "Regular port creation permissions on networks (since Liberty)." -msgstr "Izin pembuatan port regular di jaringan (sejak Liberty)." - -msgid "Remove a network from a specified DHCP agent." -msgstr "Hapus jaringan dari agen DHCP ditentukan." - -msgid "Remove a tag from a resource:" -msgstr "Hapus tag dari sumber daya:" - -msgid "Rename the default segment to ``segment1``." -msgstr "Mengubah nama segmen default ke ``segment1``." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable " -"from all virtual networks. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``DNS_RESOLVER`` dengan alamat IP dari DNS resolver yang dapat " -"dijangkau dari semua jaringan virtual. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable " -"from the virtual network and ``SUBNET_ID_OR_NAME`` with the UUID or name of " -"the subnet. For example, using the ``selfservice`` subnet:" -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``DNS_RESOLVER`` dengan alamat IP dari DNS resolver yang dapat dicapai " -"dari jaringan virtual dan ``SUBNET_ID_OR_NAME`` dengan UUID atau nama " -"subnet. Misalnya, menggunakan subnet ``selfservice``:" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable " -"from the virtual network. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``DNS_RESOLVER`` dengan alamat IP dari DNS resolver yang dapat dicapai " -"dari jaringan virtual. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``INTERFACE_DRIVER`` with the interface driver that the layer-2 " -"agent in your environment uses. For example, ``openvswitch`` for Open " -"vSwitch or ``linuxbridge`` for Linux bridge." -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``INTERFACE_DRIVER`` dengan driver antarmuka dimana agen layer-2 di " -"lingkungan Anda menggunakannya. Sebagai contoh, ``openvswitch`` untuk Open " -"vSwitch atau ``linuxbridge`` for Linux bridge." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``LOCAL_AS`` with an appropriate local autonomous system number. The " -"example configuration uses AS 1234." -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``LOCAL_AS`` dengan nomor sistem otonomi lokal yang tepat. Konfigurasi " -"Contoh menggunakan AS 1234." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``MACVTAP_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface that " -"handles Macvtap mechanism driver interfaces. If using a prerequisite " -"deployment example, replace ``MACVTAP_INTERFACE`` with the name of the " -"underlying interface that handles overlay networks. For example, ``eth1``." -msgstr "" -"Ganti `` MACVTAP_INTERFACE`` dengan nama interface yang mendasari yang " -"menangani antarmuka driver mekanisme Macvtap. Jika menggunakan contoh " -"penyebaran prasyarat, ganti `` MACVTAP_INTERFACE`` dengan nama interface " -"yang mendasari yang menangani jaringan overlay. Misalnya, ``eth1``." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``MIN_VXLAN_ID`` and ``MAX_VXLAN_ID`` with VXLAN ID minimum and " -"maximum values suitable for your environment." -msgstr "" -"Gantilah ``MIN_VXLAN_ID`` dan ``MAX_VXLAN_ID`` dengan nilai minimum dan " -"maksimum VXLAN ID yang cocok dengan lingkungan Anda." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the additional self-service network." -msgstr "Gantilah ``NETWORK_ID`` dengan ID dari jaringan self-service tambahan" - -msgid "Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the provider network." -msgstr "Gantilah ``NETWORK_ID`` dengan ID dari jaringan provider." - -msgid "Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the self-service network." -msgstr "Ganti ``NETWORK_ID`` dengan ID jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the " -"interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"Gantilah ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` dengan alamat IP dari antarmuka " -"yang menangani VXLAN overlay untuk jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``P1_ID``, ``P2_ID``, ``P3_ID``, ``P4_ID``, ``P5_ID``, and ``P6_ID`` " -"with the UUIDs of the respective ports." -msgstr "" -"Gantikan ``P1_ID``, ``P2_ID``, ``P3_ID``, ``P4_ID``, ``P5_ID``, dan " -"``P6_ID`` dengan UUID dari port masing-masing." - -msgid "Replace ``PROJECT_ID`` with the project ID." -msgstr "Ganti ``PROJECT_ID`` dengan ID proyek." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface " -"that handles provider networks. For example, ``eth1``." -msgstr "" -"Gantilah ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` dengan nama interface yang mendasarinya " -"yang menangani jaringan penyedia. Sebagai contoh,``eth1``." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``REMOTE_AS`` with an appropriate remote autonomous system number. " -"The example configuration uses AS 4321 which triggers EBGP peering." -msgstr "" -"Ganti `` REMOTE_AS`` dengan nomor sistem otonom jarak jauh yang sesuai. " -"Konfigurasi contoh menggunakan AS 4321 yang memicu EBGP peering." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``ROUTER_ID`` with a suitable unique 32-bit number, typically an " -"IPv4 address on the host running the agent. For example," -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``ROUTER_ID`` dengan nomor 32-bit unik dan cocok, biasanya alamat IPv4 " -"dari host menjalankan agen. Misalnya," - -msgid "" -"Replace ``TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the interface " -"that handles VXLAN project networks." -msgstr "" -"Ganti ``TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` dengan alamat IP dari antarmuka yang " -"menangani jaringan proyek VXLAN." - -msgid "" -"Replace ``VNI_START`` and ``VNI_END`` with appropriate numerical values." -msgstr "" -"Gantilah ``VNI_START`` dan ``VNI_END`` dengan nilai-nilai numerik yang " -"sesuai." - -msgid "Replace all tags on the resource:" -msgstr "Ganti semua tag pada sumber daya:" - -msgid "Required" -msgstr "Required" - -msgid "Required extensions" -msgstr "Ekstensi yang diperlukan" - -msgid "Requirements" -msgstr "Requirements" - -msgid "Resource" -msgstr "Resource" - -msgid "Resource purge" -msgstr "Pembersihan sumber daya" - -msgid "Resource tags" -msgstr "Tag sumber daya" - -msgid "Resources" -msgstr "Resources (sumber daya)" - -msgid "Restart Apache to activate the new panel:" -msgstr "Restart Apache untuk mengaktifkan panel baru:" - -msgid "" -"Restart the Network service to activate the new configuration. You are now " -"ready to create and manage load balancers with Octavia." -msgstr "" -"Restart layanan jaringan untuk mengaktifkan konfigurasi baru. Anda sekarang " -"siap untuk membuat dan mengelola penyeimbang beban dengan Octavia." - -msgid "" -"Restart the Network service to activate the new configuration. You are now " -"ready to create load balancers with the LBaaS v2 agent." -msgstr "" -"Restart layanan jaringan untuk mengaktifkan konfigurasi baru. Anda sekarang " -"siap untuk membuat penyeimbang beban dengan agen v2 LBaaS." - -msgid "" -"Restart the ``neutron-l3-agent`` and ``neutron-server`` services to apply " -"the settings." -msgstr "" -"Restart layanan ``neutron-l3-agent`` dan ``neutron-server`` untuk menerapkan " -"pengaturan." - -msgid "Restart the ``neutron-server`` service." -msgstr "Restart layanan ``neutron-server``." - -msgid "Restart the ``nova-compute`` service for the changes to go into effect." -msgstr "Restart layanan ``nova-compute`` agar perubahan berlaku." - -msgid "Restart the ``nova-scheduler`` service." -msgstr "Restart layanan ``nova-scheduler``." - -msgid "Restart the following services:" -msgstr "Restart layanan berikut:" - -msgid "Result" -msgstr "Result" - -msgid "Retrieving load balancer statistics" -msgstr "Pengambilan statistik penyeimbang beban" - -msgid "Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse." -msgstr "Lalu lintas balik mengikuti langkah yang sama secara terbalik." - -msgid "" -"Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse. However, without a floating " -"IPv4 address, hosts on the provider or external networks cannot originate " -"connections to instances on the self-service network." -msgstr "" -"Lalu lintas balik mengikuti langkah yang sama secara terbalik. Namun, tanpa " -"alamat IPv4 mengambang, host pada provider atau eksternal jaringan tidak " -"dapat berasal koneksi untuk instance pada jaringan self-service." - -msgid "Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)" -msgstr "Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)" - -msgid "Routed provider networks" -msgstr "jaringan penyedia (provider) yang diarahkan" - -msgid "" -"Routed provider networks imply that compute nodes reside on different " -"segments. The operator must ensure that every compute host that is supposed " -"to participate in a router provider network has direct connectivity to one " -"of its segments." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan provider Routed menyiratkan bahwa komputasi node berada pada segmen " -"yang berbeda. Operator harus memastikan bahwa setiap komputasi host yang " -"seharusnya berpartisipasi dalam jaringan provider router telah memiliki " -"konektivitas langsung ke salah satu segmen tersebut." - -msgid "" -"Routed provider networks offer layer-3 connectivity to instances. These " -"networks map to existing layer-3 networks in the data center. More " -"specifically, the network maps to multiple layer-2 segments, each of which " -"is essentially a provider network. Each has a router gateway attached to it " -"which routes traffic between them and externally. The Networking service " -"does not provide the routing." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan provider yang di-rute menawarkan lapisan-3 konektivitas untuk " -"instance. Jaringan ini memetakan jaringan lapisan-3 yang ada di pusat data. " -"Lebih khusus, jaringan memetakan ke beberapa segmen lapisan-2, masing-masing " -"yang pada dasarnya adalah jaringan provider. Masing-masing jaringan memiliki " -"router gateway yang terhubung ke yang me-rute lalu lintas antara jaringan " -"mereka dan secara eksternal. Layanan Networking tidak menyediakan routing." - -msgid "" -"Routed provider networks offer performance at scale that is difficult to " -"achieve with a plain provider network at the expense of guaranteed layer-2 " -"connectivity." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan provider yang di-rute menawarkan kinerja di skala yang sulit " -"dicapai dengan jaringan provider polos (plain) pada tingkat ongkos " -"konektivitas lapisan-2 yang terjamin." - -msgid "" -"Routed provider networks require additional prerequisites over conventional " -"provider networks. We recommend using the following procedure:" -msgstr "" -"Jaringan penyedia dialihkan (routed) memerlukan prasyarat tambahan melalui " -"jaringan penyedia konvensional. Sebaiknya, kita gunakan prosedur berikut:" - -msgid "Router 1 contains IP addresses and" -msgstr "Router 1 berisi IP addresses dan" - -msgid "Router 2 contains IP addresses and" -msgstr "Router 2 berisi IP addresses dan" - -msgid "Router 3 contains IP addresses and" -msgstr "Router 3 berisi IP addresses dan" - -msgid "Router advertisements" -msgstr "Penyiaran update dan perubahan router" - -msgid "Router interfaces" -msgstr "Antarmuka router" - -msgid "Router scheduler" -msgstr "Alat penjadwal router" - -msgid "Router support" -msgstr "Dukungan router" - -# #-#-#-#-# intro_networking_components.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_overview.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) -# #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Routers" -msgstr "Routers" - -msgid "" -"Routers are special devices that enable packets to travel from one layer-3 " -"network to another. Routers enable communication between two nodes on " -"different layer-3 networks that are not directly connected to each other. " -"Routers operate at layer-3 in the networking model. They route the traffic " -"based on the destination IP address in the packet header." -msgstr "" -"Router adalah perangkat khusus yang mengaktifkan paket untuk perjalanan dari " -"satu jaringan lapisan-3 ke yang lain. Router mengaktifkan komunikasi antara " -"dua node pada berbagai jaringan lapisan-3 yang tidak langsung terhubung satu " -"sama lain. Router beroperasi pada lapisan-3 dalam model jaringan. Mereka me-" -"rute lalu lintas berdasarkan alamat IP tujuan dalam header paket." - -msgid "" -"Routers provide virtual layer-3 services such as routing and NAT between " -"self-service and provider networks or among self-service networks belonging " -"to a project. The Networking service uses a layer-3 agent to manage routers " -"via namespaces." -msgstr "" -"Router menyediakan layanan lapisan-3 virtual seperti routing dan NAT antara " -"self-service dan jaringan provider atau antar jaringan self-service milik " -"proyek. Layanan Networking menggunakan agen lapisan-3 untuk mengelola router " -"melalui namespace." - -msgid "" -"Routing between self-service networks occurs on the compute node containing " -"the instance sending the packet. In this scenario, routing occurs on compute " -"node 1 for packets from instance 1 to instance 2 and on compute node 2 for " -"packets from instance 2 to instance 1." -msgstr "" -"Routing antara jaringan self-service terjadi pada node komputasi yang berisi " -"instance yang sedang mengirim paket. Dalam skenario ini, routing terjadi " -"pada komputasi node 1 untuk paket dari instance 1 ke instance 2 dan pada " -"komputasi node 2 untuk paket dari instance 2 ke instance 1." - -msgid "Routing directly to a project network from an external network." -msgstr "Routing langsung ke jaringan proyek dari jaringan eksternal." - -msgid "Routing services" -msgstr "Layanan routing" - -msgid "Routing with address scopes for non-privileged users" -msgstr "Routing dengan lingkup alamat untuk pengguna non-istimewa" - -msgid "Rule modification" -msgstr "Modifikasi aturan" - -msgid "Run InfiniBand subnet managers to enable InfiniBand fabric." -msgstr "" -"Jalankan manajer subnet InfiniBand untuk mengaktifkan InfiniBand fabric." - -msgid "Run ``udhcpc`` in the VM; it cannot get the wanted IP." -msgstr "" -"Jalankan ``udhcpc`` di VM; ini tidak bisa mendapatkan IP yang diinginkan." - -msgid "" -"Run a DB dump/restore tool that creates Networking data structures " -"representing current legacy networking config." -msgstr "" -"Jalankan alat dump/restore DB yang menciptakan struktur data Networking yang " -"mewakili konfigurasi jaringan legacy saat ini." - -msgid "Run a DHCP client in VM to see if it can get the wanted IP." -msgstr "" -"Jalankan klien DHCP di VM untuk melihat apakah ia bisa mendapatkan IP yang " -"diinginkan." - -msgid "Run the ``neutron-lbaas`` database migration:" -msgstr "Jalankan migrasi database ``neutron-lbaas``:" - -msgid "Runs ``nova-compute``, the Neutron L2 agent and DHCP agent" -msgstr "Jakankan ``nova-compute``, agen Neutron L2 dan agen DHCP" - -msgid "" -"Runs the Networking, Identity, and Compute services that are required to " -"deploy VMs. The node must have at least one network interface that is " -"connected to the Management Network. Note that ``nova-network`` should not " -"be running because it is replaced by Neutron." -msgstr "" -"Jalankan layanan Networking, Identity, dan Compute yang diperlukan untuk " -"pengerahan VM. Node harus memiliki setidaknya satu antarmuka jaringan yang " -"terhubung ke Management Network. Perhatikan bahwa `` nova-network`` tidak " -"harus berjalan karena digantikan oleh Neutron." - -msgid "" -"SFC performs load balancing/distribution over the additional service " -"functions in the port pair group." -msgstr "" -"SFC melakukan load balancing/distribution terhadap fungsi layanan tambahan " -"pada kelompok pasangan port." - -msgid "" -"SFC steers traffic matching the additional flow classifier to the port pair " -"groups in the port chain." -msgstr "" -"SFC mengarahkan lalu lintas yang cocok dengan klassifier aliran tambahan " -"untuk kelompok pasangan port dalam rantai port." - -msgid "SLAAC" -msgstr "SLAAC" - -msgid "SNAT" -msgstr "SNAT" - -msgid "" -"SNAT high availability is implemented in a manner similar to the :ref:" -"`deploy-lb-ha-vrrp` and :ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp` examples where " -"``keepalived`` uses VRRP to provide quick failover of SNAT services." -msgstr "" -"SNAT ketersediaan tinggi diimplementasikan dengan cara yang sama dengan " -"contoh :ref:`deploy-lb-ha-vrrp` dan :ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp` dimana " -"``keepalived`` menggunakan VRRP untuk memberikan failover cepat layanan SNAT." - -msgid "" -"SNAT solves this problem by modifying the source IP address to an IP address " -"that is routable on the public Internet. There are different variations of " -"SNAT; in the form that OpenStack deployments use, a NAT router on the path " -"between the sender and receiver replaces the packet's source IP address with " -"the router's public IP address. The router also modifies the source TCP or " -"UDP port to another value, and the router maintains a record of the sender's " -"true IP address and port, as well as the modified IP address and port." -msgstr "" -"SNAT memecahkan masalah ini dengan memodifikasi alamat IP sumber ke alamat " -"IP yang routable di Internet publik. Ada variasi yang berbeda dari SNAT; " -"dalam bentuk dimana pengerahan OpenStack menggunakan, router NAT di path " -"antara pengirim dan penerima menggantikan alamat IP sumber paket dengan " -"alamat IP publik router. Router juga memodifikasi TCP sumber atau port UDP " -"ke nilai lain, dan router memelihara catatan alamat IP yang benar dari " -"pengirim dan port, serta alamat IP yang dimodifikasi dan port." - -msgid "SR-IOV" -msgstr "SR-IOV" - -msgid "SR-IOV agent" -msgstr "Agen SR-IOV" - -msgid "" -"SR-IOV features may require a specific NIC driver version, depending on the " -"vendor. Intel NICs, for example, require ixgbe version 4.4.6 or greater, and " -"ixgbevf version 3.2.2 or greater." -msgstr "" -"Fitur-IOV SR mungkin memerlukan versi driver NIC tertentu, tergantung pada " -"vendor. Intel NIC, misalnya, memerlukan ixgbe versi 4.4.6 atau lebih besar, " -"dan ixgbevf versi 3.2.2 atau lebih besar." - -msgid "" -"SR-IOV is not integrated into the OpenStack Dashboard (horizon). Users must " -"use the CLI or API to configure SR-IOV interfaces." -msgstr "" -"SR-IOV tidak terintegrasi ke dalam OpenStack Dashboard (horizon). Pengguna " -"harus menggunakan CLI atau API untuk mengkonfigurasi antarmuka SR-IOV." - -msgid "SR-IOV with InfiniBand" -msgstr "SR-IOV dengan InfiniBand" - -msgid "SRIOV" -msgstr "SRIOV" - -msgid "SRIOV & SRIOV nic switch agent" -msgstr "Agen SRIOV & SRIOV nic switch" - -msgid "SRIOV Nic Switch agent" -msgstr "Agen SRIOV Nic Switch" - -msgid "SRIOV mechanism driver and SRIOV NIC switch agent" -msgstr "Driver mekanisme SRIOV dan agen switch SRIOV NIC" - -msgid "SRIOV nic switch agent" -msgstr "Agen SRIOV nic switch" - -msgid "Same as HostA" -msgstr "Sama dengan HostA" - -msgid "Schedule BGP speaker to multiple agents." -msgstr "Jadwalkan BGP speaker ke beberapa agen." - -msgid "Schedule the BGP speaker to an agent" -msgstr "Jadwalkan speaker BGP ke agen" - -msgid "" -"Second, associate the created policy with an existing neutron port. In order " -"to do this, user extracts the port id to be associated to the already " -"created policy. In the next example, we will assign the ``bw-limiter`` " -"policy to the VM with IP address ````." -msgstr "" -"Kedua, kaitkan kebijakan yang dibuat dengan port neutron yang ada. Untuk " -"melakukan ini, pengguna mengekstrak id port yang akan dikaitkan dengan " -"kebijakan yang sudah dibuat. Pada contoh berikut, kita akan menetapkan " -"kebijakan ``bb-limiter`` ke VM dengan alamat IP ````." - -msgid "" -"Second, subnet pools can manage addresses across projects. The addresses are " -"guaranteed not to overlap. If the addresses come from an externally routable " -"pool then you know that all of the projects have addresses which are " -"*routable* and unique. This can be useful in the following scenarios." -msgstr "" -"Kedua, kolam subnet dapat mengelola alamat di seluruh proyek. Alamat dijamin " -"tidak tumpang tindih. Jika alamat berasal dari kolam eksternal routable maka " -"Anda tahu bahwa semua proyek memiliki alamat yang *routable * dan unik. Hal " -"ini dapat berguna dalam skenario berikut." - -msgid "Second, the router floating IP agent gateway external port:" -msgstr "Kedua, port eksternal gerbang agen IP mengambang router :" - -msgid "Security" -msgstr "Keamanan" - -msgid "Security Groups" -msgstr "Grup keamanan" - -msgid "Security considerations" -msgstr "Pertimbangan keamanan" - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (10) on the provider bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (10) pada provider bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (13) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (13) pada self-service bridge menangani firewall " -"dan pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (14) on the provider bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (14) dari provider bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (14) on the security group bridge handle firewalling " -"and connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (14) pada security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (17) on the security group bridge handle firewalling " -"and connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (17) pada security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (18) on the security group bridge handle firewalling " -"and connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (18) pada security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"koneksi pelacakan paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (18) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (18) pada self-service bridge menangani firewall " -"dan pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (21) on the security group bridge handle firewalling " -"and connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (21) dari security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (22) on the security group bridge handle firewalling " -"and connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (22) pada security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (3) on the provider bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (3) dari jembatan provider menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (3) on the security group bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (3) pada security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (3) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (3) pada self-service bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (30) on the security group bridge handle firewalling " -"and connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Security group rules (30) pada security group bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules (9) on the self-service bridge handle firewalling and " -"connection tracking for the packet." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan (9) pada self-service bridge menangani firewall dan " -"pelacakan koneksi untuk paket." - -msgid "" -"Security group rules are stateful. Thus, allowing ingress TCP port 22 for " -"secure shell automatically creates rules that allow return egress traffic " -"and ICMP error messages involving those TCP connections." -msgstr "" -"Aturan kelompok keamanan menjadi stateful (tegas). Dengan demikian, " -"mengizinkan ingress TCP port 22 untuk secure shell secara otomatis membuat " -"aturan yang mengizinkan lalu lintas egress kembali dan pesan kesalahan ICMP " -"yang melibatkan koneksi TCP." - -msgid "Security groups" -msgstr "Kelompok keamanan" - -msgid "" -"Security groups are not supported when using SR-IOV, thus, the firewall " -"driver must be disabled. This can be done in the ``neutron.conf`` file." -msgstr "" -"Kelompok keamanan tidak didukung saat penggunaa SR-IOV, dengan demikian, " -"driver firewall harus dinonaktifkan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dalam file " -"``neutron.conf``." - -msgid "" -"Security groups provide a container for virtual firewall rules that control " -"ingress (inbound to instances) and egress (outbound from instances) network " -"traffic at the port level. Security groups use a default deny policy and " -"only contain rules that allow specific traffic. Each port can reference one " -"or more security groups in an additive fashion. The firewall driver " -"translates security group rules to a configuration for the underlying packet " -"filtering technology such as ``iptables``." -msgstr "" -"Kelompok keamanan menyediakan kontainer untuk aturan virtual firewall yang " -"mengontrol ingress (inbound ke instance) dan egress (outbound dari instance) " -"lalu lintas jaringan di tingkat port. Kelompok keamanan menggunakan default " -"menyangkal kebijakan dan hanya berisi aturan yang mengizinkan lalu lintas " -"tertentu. Setiap port dapat referensi satu atau lebih kelompok keamanan " -"dalam mode aditif. Driver firewall menerjemahkan aturan kelompok keamanan " -"untuk konfigurasi teknologi penyaringan paket yang mendasarinya seperti " -"``iptables``." - -msgid "" -"See :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` for detailed instructions on how to " -"create the externally accessible network." -msgstr "" -"Lihat :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` untuk petunjuk rinci tentang cara " -"membuat jaringan yang dapat diakses secara eksternal." - -msgid "" -"See :ref:`config-dns-performance-considerations` for an explanation of the " -"potential performance impact associated with this use case." -msgstr "" -"Lihat :ref:`config-dns-performance-considerations` untuk penjelasan potensi " -"dampak kinerja yang terkait dengan kasus ini digunakan." - -msgid "See :ref:`config-routed-provider-networks` for more information." -msgstr "" -"Lihat :ref:`config-routed-provider-networks` untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "See :ref:`config-subnet-pools` for more information." -msgstr "Lihat :ref:`config-subnet-pools` untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "" -"See `bugs `__ for " -"more information." -msgstr "" -"Lihat `bugs `__ " -"untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "" -"See the `Installation Tutorials and Guides `_ " -"and `Configuration Reference `_ for your " -"OpenStack release to obtain the appropriate additional configuration for the " -"``[DEFAULT]``, ``[database]``, ``[keystone_authtoken]``, ``[nova]``, and " -"``[agent]`` sections." -msgstr "" -"Lihat `Installation Tutorials and Guides `_ dan " -"`Configuration Reference `_ untuk rilis " -"OpenStack Anda untuk mendapatkan konfigurasi tambahan yang sesuai untuk " -"bagian ``[DEFAULT]``, ``[database]``, ``[keystone_authtoken]``, ``[nova]``, " -"and ``[agent]``." - -msgid "" -"See the `developer documentation `_ for more information." -msgstr "" -"Lihat `developer documentation `_ untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "Segment" -msgstr "Segment (segmen)" - -msgid "Segmentation ID" -msgstr "Segmentation ID (ID segmentasi)" - -msgid "Segmentation type" -msgstr "Segmentation type (tipe segmentasi)" - -msgid "" -"Select the driver that manages virtual interfaces in ``/etc/neutron/" -"lbaas_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"Pilih driver yang mengelola antarmuka virtual dalam ``/etc/neutron/" -"lbaas_agent.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"Self-service (project/private/internal) networks including routers using " -"IPv4 and IPv6" -msgstr "" -"Jaringan (proyek/private/internal) self-service meliputi routers menggunakan " -"IPv4 dan IPv6" - -msgid "Self-service network 1 (VXLAN)" -msgstr "Jaringan self-service 1 (VXLAN)" - -msgid "Self-service network 2 (VXLAN)" -msgstr "Jaringan self-service 2 (VXLAN)" - -msgid "" -"Self-service network 3 uses a unique IP address range to " -"demonstrate that the BGP speaker does not advertise prefixes outside of " -"address scopes." -msgstr "" -"Self-service network 3 menggunakan range alamat IP yang unik " -"untuk menunjukkan bahwa BGP speaker tidak mengiklankan prefiks di luar " -"lingkup alamat." - -msgid "Self-service networks" -msgstr "Jaringan self-service" - -msgid "" -"Self-service networks 1 and 2 use IP address ranges inside of the address " -"scope." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan self-service 1 dan 2 menggunakan berkisar alamat IP dalam lingkup " -"alamat." - -msgid "" -"Self-service networks primarily enable general (non-privileged) projects to " -"manage networks without involving administrators. These networks are " -"entirely virtual and require virtual routers to interact with provider and " -"external networks such as the Internet. Self-service networks also usually " -"provide DHCP and metadata services to instances." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan self-service terutama mengaktifkan secara umum proyek (non-" -"privileged) untuk mengelola jaringan tanpa melibatkan administrator. " -"Jaringan ini sepenuhnya virtual dan membutuhkan router virtual untuk " -"berinteraksi dengan provider dan jaringan eksternal seperti Internet. " -"Jaringan self-service juga biasanya menyediakan DHCP dan layanan metadata " -"untuk instance." - -msgid "Self-service networks:" -msgstr "Self-service networks (jaringan swalayan):" - -msgid "Self-service router" -msgstr "Self-service router" - -msgid "" -"Separate firewall rule IDs or names with spaces. The order in which you " -"specify the rules is important." -msgstr "" -"Pisahkan ID aturan firewall atau nama dengan spasi. Urutan menjadi penting, " -"dimana Anda menentukan aturan urutan itu." - -msgid "Server" -msgstr "Server" - -msgid "Service and component hierarchy" -msgstr "Layanan dan hirarki komponen" - -msgid "Service function chaining" -msgstr "Service function chaining (SFC)" - -msgid "Service subnets" -msgstr "Subnet layanan" - -msgid "" -"Service subnets enable operators to define valid port types for each subnet " -"on a network without limiting networks to one subnet or manually creating " -"ports with a specific subnet ID. Using this feature, operators can ensure " -"that ports for instances and router interfaces, for example, always use " -"different subnets." -msgstr "" -"Subnet layanan mengaktifkan operator untuk menentukan tipe port yang valid " -"untuk setiap subnet pada jaringan tanpa membatasi jaringan ke satu subnet " -"atau secara manual membuat port dengan ID subnet tertentu. Menggunakan fitur " -"ini, operator dapat memastikan bahwa port untuk instance dan antarmuka " -"router, misalnya, selalu menggunakan subnet yang berbeda." - -msgid "Services" -msgstr "Layanan-layanan" - -msgid "" -"Set ``AZAwareWeightScheduler`` to ``network_scheduler_driver`` in ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf`` so that the Networking service schedules a network " -"according to the availability zone:" -msgstr "" -"Atur ``AZAwareWeightScheduler`` ke ``network_scheduler_driver`` dalam ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf`` sehingga layanan Networking menjadwal jaringan sesuai " -"dengan zona ketersediaan:" - -msgid "" -"Set ``AZLeastRoutersScheduler`` to ``router_scheduler_driver`` in file ``/" -"etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` so that the Networking service schedules a router " -"according to the availability zone:" -msgstr "" -"Atur ``AZLeastRoutersScheduler`` ke ``router_scheduler_driver`` dalam file " -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` sehingga layanan Networking menjadwal router " -"sesuai dengan zona ketersediaan:" - -msgid "" -"Set the \"has_transitioned\" flag in the Compute hypervisor database/config." -msgstr "Atur flag \"has_transitioned\" di Compute hypervisor database/config." - -msgid "Set the ``ha`` attribute of the router to ``True``." -msgstr "Atur attribut router ``ha`` ke ``True``." - -msgid "" -"Set the admin_state_up to ``False``. This will severe south-north " -"connections until admin_state_up is set to ``True`` again." -msgstr "" -"Atur admin_state_up ke ``False``. Ini akan ada koneksi selatan-utara yang " -"parah sampai admin_state_up diatur ke ``True`` kembali." - -msgid "" -"Set the admin_state_up to ``True``. After this, south-north connections can " -"start." -msgstr "" -"Atur admin_state_up ke ``True``. Setelah ini, koneksi selatan-utara dapat " -"mulai." - -msgid "" -"Set the external gateway for the router, which will create an interface and " -"allocate an IP address on demo-ext-net:" -msgstr "" -"Atur gateway eksternal untuk router, yang akan membuat sebuah antarmuka dan " -"mengalokasikan alamat IP pada demo-ext-net:" - -msgid "" -"Set the following configuration options in file ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf`` so that you get DHCP high availability." -msgstr "" -"Atur opsi konfigurasi berikut dalam file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` " -"sehingga Anda mendapatkan DHCP ketersediaan tinggi." - -msgid "" -"Set the following configuration options in file ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf`` so that you get L3 high availability." -msgstr "" -"Atur opsi konfigurasi berikut dalam file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` " -"sehingga Anda mendapatkan L3 ketersediaan tinggi." - -msgid "Set up a default external network" -msgstr "Mengatur jaringan eksternal standar" - -msgid "" -"Setting ``ipv6_ra_mode`` to ``slaac`` will result in OpenStack Networking " -"routers being configured to send RA packets, when they are created. This " -"results in the following values set for the address configuration flags in " -"the RA messages:" -msgstr "" -"Pengaturan ``ipv6_ra_mode`` untuk ``slaac`` akan menghasilkan router " -"OpenStack Networking yang dikonfigurasi untuk mengirim paket RA, ketika " -"mereka diciptakan. Hal ini menyebabkan nilai berikut ditetapkan untuk flag " -"konfigurasi alamat dalam pesan RA:" - -msgid "Setting quotas for LBaaS v2" -msgstr "Penetapan kuota untuk LBaaS v2" - -msgid "" -"Setting up an external network is described in `OpenStack Administrator " -"Guide `_. Assuming the external network to be used for the auto-allocation " -"feature is named ``public``, make it the ``default`` external network with " -"the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Menyiapkan jaringan eksternal dijelaskan di `OpenStack Administrator Guide " -"`_. " -"Dengan asumsi jaringan eksternal yang akan digunakan untuk fitur alokasi " -"otomatis dinamakan ``public``, jadikan jaringan eksternal ``default`` dengan " -"perintah berikut:" - -msgid "Sharing a QoS policy with specific projects" -msgstr "Berbagi kebijakan QoS dengan proyek tertentu" - -msgid "Sharing a network with specific projects" -msgstr "Berbagi jaringan dengan proyek tertentu" - -msgid "" -"Sharing an object with a specific project is accomplished by creating a " -"policy entry that permits the target project the ``access_as_shared`` action " -"on that object." -msgstr "" -"Berbagi sebuah objek dengan proyek tertentu dilakukan dengan pembuatan entri " -"kebijakan yang mengizinkan proyek target aksi `` access_as_shared`` pada " -"objek itu." - -msgid "Sharing an object with specific projects" -msgstr "Berbagi obyek dengan proyek tertentu" - -msgid "Show agent details." -msgstr "Tampilkan detail agen." - -msgid "Show available dynamic routing agents." -msgstr "Tampilkan agen routing dinamis yang tersedia" - -msgid "Show trunk details to get the ``port_id`` of the trunk." -msgstr "Tampilkan detail trunk untuk mendapatkan ``port_id`` dari trunk." - -msgid "" -"Similar to :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow-ns1`, except the " -"router namespace on the network node becomes the SNAT namespace. The network " -"node still contains the router namespace, but it serves no purpose in this " -"case." -msgstr "" -"Mirip dengan :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow-ns1`, kecuali " -"namespace router pada node jaringan menjadi namespace SNAT. Node jaringan " -"masih mengandung namespace router, tetapi node jaringan ini melayani tanpa " -"tujuan dalam hal ini." - -msgid "" -"Similar to conventional networking, layer-2 (switching) handles transit of " -"traffic between ports on the same segment and layer-3 (routing) handles " -"transit of traffic between segments." -msgstr "" -"Mirip dengan jaringan konvensional, lapisan-2 (switching) menangani transit " -"lalu lintas antara port pada segmen yang sama dan lapisan-3 (routing) " -"menangani transit lalu lintas antara segmen." - -msgid "" -"Similar to legacy HA routers, DVR/SNAT HA routers provide a quick fail over " -"of the SNAT service to a backup DVR/SNAT router on an l3-agent running on a " -"different node." -msgstr "" -"Mirip dengan legacy HA router, DVR/SNAT HA router menyediakan penanganan " -"kegagalan (failover) cepat layanan SNAT ke router DVR/SNAT backup pada l3-" -"agent yang berjalan pada node yang berbeda." - -msgid "" -"Similar to the classic scenario, all network traffic on a project network " -"that requires routing actively traverses only one network node regardless of " -"the quantity of network nodes providing HA for the router. Therefore, this " -"high-availability implementation primarily addresses failure situations " -"instead of bandwidth constraints that limit performance. However, it " -"supports random distribution of routers on different network nodes to reduce " -"the chances of bandwidth constraints and to improve scaling." -msgstr "" -"Serupa dengan skenario klasik, semua lalu lintas jaringan pada jaringan " -"proyek yang memerlukan routing yang aktif hanya melintasi satu node jaringan " -"terlepas dari kuantitas node jaringan menyediakan HA untuk router. Oleh " -"karena itu, pelaksanaan ketersediaan tinggi ini terutama membahas situasi " -"kegagalan bukan kendala bandwidth yang membatasi kinerja. Namun, hal itu " -"mendukung distribusi router acak pada node jaringan yang berbeda untuk " -"mengurangi kemungkinan kendala bandwidth dan untuk meningkatkan skala." - -msgid "" -"Similar to the self-service deployment example, this configuration supports " -"multiple VXLAN self-service networks. After enabling high-availability, all " -"additional routers use VRRP. The following procedure creates an additional " -"self-service network and router. The Networking service also supports adding " -"high-availability to existing routers. However, the procedure requires " -"administratively disabling and enabling each router which temporarily " -"interrupts network connectivity for self-service networks with interfaces on " -"that router." -msgstr "" -"Serupa dengan contoh pengerahan self-service, konfigurasi ini mendukung " -"beberapa VXLAN jaringan self-service. Setelah mengaktifkan high-" -"availability, semua router tambahan menggunakan VRRP. Prosedur berikut " -"membuat jaringan self-service tambahan dan router. Layanan Networking juga " -"mendukung penambahan high-availability untuk router yang ada. Namun, " -"prosedur ini secara administratif membutuhkan penonaktifkan dan pengaktifkan " -"setiap router yang sementara mengganggu konektivitas jaringan untuk jaringan " -"self-service dengan interface pada router itu." - -msgid "" -"Similar to the self-service deployment example, this configuration supports " -"multiple VXLAN self-service networks. After enabling high-availability, all " -"additional routers use distributed routing. The following procedure creates " -"an additional self-service network and router. The Networking service also " -"supports adding distributed routing to existing routers." -msgstr "" -"Serupa dengan contoh pengerahan self-service, konfigurasi ini mendukung " -"beberapa jaringan self-service VXLAN. Setelah mengaktifkan ketersediaan " -"tinggi, semua router tambahan menggunakan routing terdistribusikan. Prosedur " -"berikut membuat jaringan self-service tambahan dan router. Layanan " -"Networking juga mendukung penambahan routing terdistribusikan untuk router " -"yang ada." - -msgid "" -"Similarly, when the ``l3_ha = True`` flag is configured, routers created by " -"all users default to HA." -msgstr "" -"Demikian pula, ketika flag ``l3_ha = True`` dikonfigurasi, router yang " -"dibuat oleh semua pengguna menjadi default untuk HA." - -msgid "" -"Since Liberty, Networking maintains two parallel Alembic migration branches." -msgstr "" -"Sejak Liberty, Networking mempertahankan dua cabang migrasi Alembic yang " -"paralel." - -msgid "Single large layer-2 network" -msgstr " Jaringan lapisan-2 besar tunggal." - -msgid "" -"Single large layer-2 networks become complex at scale and involve " -"significant failure domains." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan lapisan-2 besar tunggal menjadi kompleks pada skala dan melibatkan " -"failure domain yang signifikan." - -msgid "Single stack IPv6 project networking" -msgstr "Satu tumpukan (stack) jaringan proyek IPv6" - -msgid "" -"Some underlying physical network architectures contain a unique layer-2 " -"network for overlay networks using protocols such as VXLAN and GRE." -msgstr "" -"Beberapa arsitektur jaringan fisik yang mendasarinya memuat jaringan " -"lapisan-2 yang unik untuk jaringan overlay menggunakan protokol seperti " -"VXLAN dan GRE." - -msgid "" -"Some underlying physical network architectures contain multiple layer-2 " -"networks with different MTU values. You can configure each flat or VLAN " -"provider network in the bridge or interface mapping options of the layer-2 " -"agent to reference a unique MTU value." -msgstr "" -"Beberapa arsitektur jaringan fisik yang mendasari berisi beberapa jaringan " -"lapisan-2 dengan nilai-nilai MTU yang berbeda. Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi " -"setiap jaringan penyedia VLAN atau datar di jembatan atau opsi pemetaan " -"antarmuka dari agen lapisan-2 untuk referensi nilai MTU yang unik." - -msgid "Source a regular (non-administrative) project credentials." -msgstr "Dapatkan sumber kredensial proyek (non-administratif) biasa." - -msgid "" -"Source the administrative project credentials and list the enabled " -"extensions." -msgstr "" -"Dapatkan sumber kredensial proyek administrasi dan daftar ekstensi yang " -"diaktifkan." - -msgid "Source the administrative project credentials." -msgstr "Dapatkan sumber kredensial proyek administrasi." - -msgid "Source the credentials of the project that owns the ``net1`` network." -msgstr "Sumber kepercayaan dari proyek yang memiliki jaringan ``net1``." - -msgid "" -"Source the necessary project credentials. The administrative project can " -"delete resources for all other projects. A regular project can delete its " -"own network resources and those belonging to other projects for which it has " -"sufficient access." -msgstr "" -"Dapatkan sumber kredensial proyek yang diperlukan. Proyek administrasi dapat " -"menghapus sumber daya untuk semua proyek lainnya. Sebuah proyek yang teratur " -"dapat menghapus sumber daya jaringan sendiri dan sumber daya yang termasuk " -"proyek lain yang memiliki akses yang memadai." - -msgid "Specialized" -msgstr "Specialized" - -msgid "Start DHCP agent on HostB. The VM gets the wanted IP again." -msgstr "Mulailah agen DHCP pada HostB. VM mendapatkan yang diinginkan IP lagi." - -msgid "" -"Start by creating a listener, attaching a pool, and then adding members:" -msgstr "" -"Mulailah dengan membuat pendengar, melekatkan kolam, dan kemudian " -"menambahkan anggota:" - -msgid "" -"Start by creating a load balancer on a network. In this example, the " -"``private`` network is an isolated network with two web server instances:" -msgstr "" -"Mulailah dengan pembuatan penyeimbang beban pada jaringan. Dalam contoh ini, " -"jaringan ``private`` merupakan jaringan terisolasi dengan dua instance web " -"server:" - -msgid "" -"Start neutron-server in intended final config, except with REST API " -"restricted to read-write only by nova-api." -msgstr "" -"Mulailah neutron-server di config akhir yang ditujukan, kecuali dengan REST " -"API yang terbatas untuk hanya read-write dengan nova-api." - -msgid "Start the LBaaS v2 agent:" -msgstr "Mulai agen LBaaS v2:" - -msgid "Start the following services:" -msgstr "Mulai layanan berikut:" - -msgid "" -"Starting with the Liberty release, OpenStack Networking includes a pluggable " -"interface for the IP Address Management (IPAM) function. This interface " -"creates a driver framework for the allocation and de-allocation of subnets " -"and IP addresses, enabling the integration of alternate IPAM implementations " -"or third-party IP Address Management systems." -msgstr "" -"Dimulai dari rilis Liberty, OpenStack Networking mencakup antarmuka " -"pluggable untuk fungsi IP Address Manajemen (IPAM). Interface ini " -"menciptakan kerangka kerja driver untuk alokasi dan de-alokasi subnet dan " -"alamat IP, yang memungkinkan integrasi implementasi IPAM alternatif atau " -"pihak ketiga sistem IP Address Manajemen." - -msgid "Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC)" -msgstr "Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC)" - -msgid "" -"Stop the DHCP agent on HostA. Besides stopping the ``neutron-dhcp-agent`` " -"binary, you must stop the ``dnsmasq`` processes." -msgstr "" -"Hentikan agen DHCP pada HostA. Selain penghentian binary ``neutron-dhcp-" -"agent``, Anda harus menghentikan proses ``dnsmasq``." - -msgid "Stop the DHCP agent on HostB too." -msgstr "Hhentikan agen DHCP pada HostB juga." - -msgid "Subnet pools" -msgstr "Subnet pools (kolam subnet)" - -msgid "" -"Subnet pools have a quota system which is a little bit different than other " -"quotas in Neutron. Other quotas in Neutron count discrete instances of an " -"object against a quota. Each time you create something like a router, " -"network, or a port, it uses one from your total quota." -msgstr "" -"Kolam subnet memiliki sistem kuota yang sedikit berbeda dari kuota lainnya " -"di Neutron. Kuota lainnya di Neutron menghitung instance diskrit suatu obyek " -"terhadap kuota. Setiap kali Anda membuat sesuatu seperti router, jaringan, " -"atau port, menggunakan salah satu dari jumlah kuota." - -msgid "" -"Subnet pools have been made available since the Kilo release. It is a simple " -"feature that has the potential to improve your workflow considerably. It " -"also provides a building block from which other new features will be built " -"in to OpenStack Networking." -msgstr "" -"Kolam subnet telah tersedia sejak rilis Kilo. Ini adalah fitur sederhana " -"yang memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan alur kerja Anda secara mencukupi. " -"Ini juga menyediakan blok bangunan dimana fitur baru lainnya akan dibangun " -"untuk OpenStack Networking." - -msgid "Subnets" -msgstr "Subnet-subnet" - -msgid "Subnets and ARP" -msgstr "Subnets dan ARP" - -msgid "" -"Subports can be added to a trunk in two ways: creating the trunk with " -"subports or adding subports to an existing trunk." -msgstr "" -"Subports dapat ditambahkan ke sebuah trunk dengan dua cara: menciptakan " -"trunk dengan subports atau menambahkan subports ke trunk yang ada." - -msgid "Supported Ethernet controllers" -msgstr "Ethernet controller yang didukung" - -msgid "Supported QoS rule types" -msgstr " Tipe aturan Quality of Service (QoS) yang didukung" - -msgid "Supported objects for sharing with specific projects" -msgstr "Objek yang didukung untuk berbagi dengan proyek tertentu" - -msgid "Supports L2 firewalling (VM ports)" -msgstr "Mendukung L2 firewall (port VM)" - -msgid "Supports L3 firewalling for router ports" -msgstr "Mendukung L3 firewall untuk port router" - -msgid "Supports L3 firewalling for routers" -msgstr "Mendukung L3 firewall untuk router" - -msgid "" -"Supports only instance ports. Ports for DHCP and layer-3 (routing) services " -"must use another mechanism driver such as Linux bridge or Open vSwitch (OVS)." -msgstr "" -"Hanya mendukung instance port. Port untuk layanan DHCP dan layer-3 " -"(routing) harus menggunakan driver mekanisme lain seperti jembatan Linux " -"atau Open vSwitch (OVS)." - -msgid "Supports only untagged (flat) and tagged (VLAN) networks." -msgstr "Hanya mendukung jaringan untagged (flat) dan tagged (VLAN)." - -msgid "Switches" -msgstr "Switches" - -msgid "" -"Switches are Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) devices that enable packets to " -"travel from one node to another. Switches connect hosts that belong to the " -"same layer-2 network. Switches enable forwarding of the packet received on " -"one port (input) to another port (output) so that they reach the desired " -"destination node. Switches operate at layer-2 in the networking model. They " -"forward the traffic based on the destination Ethernet address in the packet " -"header." -msgstr "" -"Switch adalah perangkat Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) yang mengaktifkan " -"paket untuk perjalanan dari satu node ke yang lain. Switch menghubungkan " -"host yang tergabung dalam jaringan lapisan-2 sama. Switch mengaktifkan " -"penerusan paket yang diterima pada satu port (input) ke port lain (output) " -"sehingga mereka mencapai node tujuan yang diinginkan. Switch beroperasi pada " -"lapisan-2 dalam model jaringan. Mereka meneruskan lalu lintas berdasarkan " -"alamat Ethernet tujuan dalam header paket." - -msgid "TCP/UDP/ICMP" -msgstr "TCP/UDP/ICMP" - -msgid "TODO" -msgstr "TODO" - -msgid "Term" -msgstr "Term" - -msgid "" -"Test IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity to the Internet or other external network." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan uji konektivitas IPv4 dan IPv6 ke Internet atau jaringan eksternal " -"lainnya." - -msgid "" -"The *Internet Control Message Protocol* (ICMP) is a protocol used for " -"sending control messages over an IP network. For example, a router that " -"receives an IP packet may send an ICMP packet back to the source if there is " -"no route in the router's routing table that corresponds to the destination " -"address (ICMP code 1, destination host unreachable) or if the IP packet is " -"too large for the router to handle (ICMP code 4, fragmentation required and " -"\"don't fragment\" flag is set)." -msgstr "" -"*Internet Control Message Protocol* (ICMP) adalah protokol yang digunakan " -"untuk mengirimkan pesan kontrol melintasi jaringan IP. Sebagai contoh, " -"sebuah router yang menerima paket IP dapat mengirim paket ICMP kembali ke " -"sumber jika tidak ada rute dalam tabel routing router yang sesuai dengan " -"alamat tujuan (ICMP code 1, host tujuan tidak terjangkau) atau jika paket IP " -"terlalu besar untuk router untuk menangani (ICMP code 4, fragmentasi " -"dibutuhkan dan flag \"don't fragment\" diatur)." - -msgid "" -"The *Transmission Control Protocol* (TCP) is the most commonly used layer 4 " -"protocol in networked applications. TCP is a *connection-oriented* protocol: " -"it uses a client-server model where a client connects to a server, where " -"*server* refers to the application that receives connections. The typical " -"interaction in a TCP-based application proceeds as follows:" -msgstr "" -"*Transmission Control Protocol* (TCP) adalah protokol yang paling umum " -"digunakan lapisan 4 dalam aplikasi jaringan. TCP adalah protokol *connection-" -"oriented*: menggunakan model client-server dimana klien terhubung ke server, " -"dimana *server * mengacu pada aplikasi yang menerima koneksi. Interaksi yang " -"khas dalam aplikasi berbasis TCP mengikuti sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"The *User Datagram Protocol* (UDP) is another layer 4 protocol that is the " -"basis of several well-known networking protocols. UDP is a *connectionless* " -"protocol: two applications that communicate over UDP do not need to " -"establish a connection before exchanging data. UDP is also an *unreliable* " -"protocol. The operating system does not attempt to retransmit or even detect " -"lost UDP packets. The operating system also does not provide any guarantee " -"that the receiving application sees the UDP packets in the same order that " -"they were sent in." -msgstr "" -"*User Datagram Protocol* (UDP) adalah satu protokol lapisan 4 lain yang " -"merupakan dasar dari beberapa protokol jaringan yang terkenal. UDP adalah " -"protokol *connectionless*: dua aplikasi yang berkomunikasi melalui UDP tidak " -"perlu membuat sambungan sebelum bertukar data. UDP juga protokol " -"*unreliable*. Sistem operasi tidak melakukan pengiriman ulang atau bahkan " -"mendeteksi paket UDP hilang. Sistem operasi juga tidak memberikan jaminan " -"bahwa aplikasi penerima melihat paket UDP dalam urutan yang sama ketika " -"mereka dikirim." - -msgid "" -"The *max_l3_agents_per_router* determine the number of backup DVR/SNAT " -"routers which will be instantiated." -msgstr "" -"*max_l3_agents_per_router* menentukan jumlah cadangan router DVR/SNAT yang " -"akan dipakai." - -msgid "" -"The :command:`openstack network agent show` command shows details for a " -"specified agent:" -msgstr "" -"Perintah :command:`openstack network agent show` menunjukkan rincian untuk " -"agen tertentu:" - -msgid "" -"The :command:`ping` and :command:`mtr` Linux command-line tools are two " -"examples of network utilities that use ICMP." -msgstr "" -"Linux command-line tool :command:`ping` dan :command:`mtr` adalah dua " -"contoh dari jaringan utilitas yang menggunakan ICMP." - -msgid "" -"The API allows searching/filtering of the ``GET /v2.0/networks`` API. The " -"following query parameters are supported:" -msgstr "" -"API mengizinkan searching/filtering dari ``GET /v2.0/networks`` API. " -"Parameter permintaan berikut ini didukung:" - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker advertises the next-hop IP address for eligible self-service " -"networks and floating IP addresses for instances using those networks." -msgstr "" -"Speaker BGP menyiarkan update dan perubahan alamat IP next-hop untuk " -"jaringan self-service yang memenuhi syarat dan alamat IP mengambang untuk " -"instance menggunakan jaringan tersebut." - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker associates with the external network that provides a gateway " -"on the router." -msgstr "" -"BGP speaker berassosiasi dengan jaringan eksternal yang menyediakan gateway " -"pada router." - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker has the ``advertise_floating_ip_host_routes`` attribute set " -"to ``True``." -msgstr "" -"BGP speaker memiliki ``advertise_floating_ip_host_routes`` atribut diatur ke " -"``True``." - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker has the ``advertise_tenant_networks`` attribute set to " -"``True``." -msgstr "" -"BGP speaker memiliki ``advertise_tenant_networks`` atribut diatur ke " -"``True``." - -msgid "" -"The Compute REST API is available throughout the entire process, although " -"there is a brief period where it is made read-only during a database " -"migration. The Networking REST API will need to expose (to nova-api) all " -"details necessary for reconstructing the information previously held in the " -"legacy networking database." -msgstr "" -"Compute REST API tersedia di sepnajang seluruh proses, meskipun ada periode " -"singkat dimana itu dibuat read-only selama migrasi database. Networking REST " -"API memerlukan untuk mengekspos (ke nova-api) semua rincian yang diperlukan " -"untuk merekonstruksi informasi yang sebelumnya diadakan di database jaringan " -"legacy." - -msgid "" -"The DHCP agent is responsible for :term:`DHCP ` and RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon) services. It " -"requires a running L2 agent on the same node." -msgstr "" -"Agen DHCP bertanggung jawab untuk :term:`DHCP ` dan layanan RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon). Hal ini " -"membutuhkan agen L2 berjalan pada node yang sama." - -msgid "" -"The DHCP agent provides an appropriate MTU value to instances using IPv4, " -"while the L3 agent provides an appropriate MTU value to instances using " -"IPv6. IPv6 uses RA via the L3 agent because the DHCP agent only supports " -"IPv4. Instances using IPv4 and IPv6 should obtain the same MTU value " -"regardless of method." -msgstr "" -"Agen DHCP memberikan nilai MTU yang tepat untuk instance penggunaan IPv4, " -"sementara agen L3 memberikan nilai MTU yang tepat untuk instance penggunaan " -"IPv6. IPv6 menggunakan RA melalui agen L3 karena agen DHCP hanya mendukung " -"IPv4. Instance yang menggunakan IPv4 dan IPv6 harus mendapatkan nilai MTU " -"yang sama terlepas dari metode." - -msgid "" -"The Dashboard panels for managing LBaaS v2 are available starting with the " -"Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"Panel Dashboard untuk mengelola LBaaS v2 tersedia mulai dari rilis Mitaka." - -msgid "" -"The DevStack documentation offers a `simple method to deploy Octavia " -"`_ and test the service with redundant load balancer instances. If you " -"already have Octavia installed and configured within your environment, you " -"can configure the Network service to use Octavia:" -msgstr "" -"Dokumentasi DevStack menawarkan `simple method to deploy Octavia `_ " -"dan menguji layanan dengan instance penyeimbang beban redundant " -"(berlebihan). Jika Anda sudah memiliki Octavia terinstal dan dikonfigurasi " -"dalam lingkungan Anda, Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi layanan jaringan untuk " -"menggunakan Octavia:" - -msgid "" -"The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) API is an experimental API that enables " -"early adopters and vendors to test their networking implementations." -msgstr "" -"Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) API adalah API eksperimental yang mengaktifkan " -"pengadopsi awal dan vendor untuk menguji implementasi jaringan mereka." - -msgid "" -"The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) plug-in applies firewalls to OpenStack " -"objects such as projects, routers, and router ports." -msgstr "" -"Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) plug-in memberlakukan firewall untuk objek " -"OpenStack seperti proyek, router, dan port router." - -msgid "" -"The ID returned by this command is a network which can be used for booting a " -"VM." -msgstr "" -"ID yang dikembalikan oleh perintah ini adalah jaringan yang dapat digunakan " -"untuk booting VM." - -msgid "" -"The IP address allocation pool starting at ``.11`` improves clarity of the " -"diagrams. You can safely omit it." -msgstr "" -"Kolam alokasi alamat IP mulai ``.11`` meningkatkan kejelasan diagram. Anda " -"dapat dengan aman menghilangkan itu." - -msgid "" -"The IPv4 address resides in a private IP address range (RFC1918). Thus, the " -"Networking service performs source network address translation (SNAT) for " -"the instance to access external networks such as the Internet. Access from " -"external networks such as the Internet to the instance requires a floating " -"IPv4 address. The Networking service performs destination network address " -"translation (DNAT) from the floating IPv4 address to the instance IPv4 " -"address on the self-service network. On the other hand, the Networking " -"service architecture for IPv6 lacks support for NAT due to the significantly " -"larger address space and complexity of NAT. Thus, floating IP addresses do " -"not exist for IPv6 and the Networking service only performs routing for IPv6 " -"subnets on self-service networks. In other words, you cannot rely on NAT to " -"\"hide\" instances with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses or only IPv6 addresses and " -"must properly implement security groups to restrict access." -msgstr "" -"Alamat IPv4 berada dalam kisaran alamat IP pribadi (RFC1918). Dengan " -"demikian, layanan Networking melakukan penterjemahan alamat jaringan sumber " -"(SNAT) instance untuk mengakses jaringan eksternal seperti Internet. Akses " -"dari jaringan eksternal seperti Internet untuk instance memerlukan alamat " -"IPv4 mengambang. Layanan Networking melakukan penterjemahan alamat jaringan " -"tujuan (DNAT) dari alamat IPv4 mengambang ke alamat IPv4 instance pada " -"jaringan self-service . Di sisi lain, arsitektur layanan Networking untuk " -"IPv6 tidak memiliki dukungan untuk NAT karena ruang alamat lebih besar " -"(larger address space) secara nyata dan kompleksitas NAT. Dengan demikian, " -"alamat IP mengambang tidak ada untuk IPv6 dan layanan Networking hanya " -"melakukan routing untuk subnet IPv6 pada jaringan self-service. Dengan kata " -"lain, Anda tidak dapat mengandalkan NAT untuk \"hide\" instance dengan " -"alamat IPv4 dan IPv6 atau hanya alamat IPv6 dan harus menerapkan secara " -"benar kelompok keamanan untuk membatasi akses." - -msgid "" -"The Internet Protocol (IP) specifies how to route packets between hosts that " -"are connected to different local networks. IP relies on special network " -"hosts called *routers* or *gateways*. A router is a host that is connected " -"to at least two local networks and can forward IP packets from one local " -"network to another. A router has multiple IP addresses: one for each of the " -"networks it is connected to." -msgstr "" -"Internet Protocol (IP) menentukan bagaimana rute paket antara host yang " -"terhubung ke jaringan lokal yang berbeda. IP bergantung pada host jaringan " -"khusus yang disebut *routers* atau *gateways*. Sebuah router adalah host " -"yang terhubung ke setidaknya dua jaringan lokal dan dapat meneruskan paket " -"IP dari satu jaringan lokal ke yang lain. Sebuah router memiliki beberapa " -"alamat IP: satu untuk masing-masing jaringan dimana router terhubung." - -msgid "" -"The L3 agent offers advanced layer 3 services, like virtual Routers and " -"Floating IPs. It requires an L2 agent running in parallel." -msgstr "" -"Agen L3 menawarkan layanan lapisan 3 lanjutan, seperti Router virtual dan IP " -"mengambang. Hal ini membutuhkan agen L2 berjalan secara paralel." - -msgid "" -"The L3 metering agent enables layer3 traffic metering. It requires a running " -"L3 agent on the same node." -msgstr "" -"Agen metering L3 mengaktifkan metering lalu lintas layer3. Hal ini " -"membutuhkan agen L3 berjalan pada node yang sama." - -msgid "" -"The LBaaS v2 agent collects four types of statistics for each load balancer " -"every six seconds. Users can query these statistics with the :command:" -"`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-stats` command:" -msgstr "" -"Agen LBaaS v2 mengumpulkan empat jenis statistik untuk setiap load balancer " -"setiap enam detik. Pengguna dapat query statistik ini dengan perintah :" -"command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-stats`:" - -msgid "" -"The Linux bridge agent configures Linux bridges to realize L2 networks for " -"OpenStack resources." -msgstr "" -"Agen jembatan Linux mengkonfigurasi jembatan Linux untuk mewujudkan jaringan " -"L2 untuk sumber daya OpenStack." - -msgid "" -"The Linux bridge agent lacks support for other overlay protocols such as GRE " -"and Geneve." -msgstr "" -"Agen jembatan Linux memiliki dukungan untuk protokol overlay lain seperti " -"GRE dan Geneve." - -msgid "" -"The Linux bridge mechanism driver uses only Linux bridges and ``veth`` pairs " -"as interconnection devices. A layer-2 agent manages Linux bridges on each " -"compute node and any other node that provides layer-3 (routing), DHCP, " -"metadata, or other network services." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme jembatan Linux hanya menggunakan jembatan Linux dan pasang " -"``veth`` sebagai perangkat interkoneksi. Agen lapisan-2 mengelola jembatan " -"Linux pada setiap node komputasi dan node lain yang menyediakan lapisan-3 " -"(routing), DHCP, metadata, atau layanan jaringan lainnya." - -msgid "" -"The Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) API provisions and configures load " -"balancers. The reference implementation is based on the HAProxy software " -"load balancer." -msgstr "" -"Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) API menyediakan dan mengkonfigurasi " -"penyeimbang beban. Implementasi referensi didasarkan pada penyeimbang beban " -"perangkat lunak HAProxy." - -msgid "The ML2 plug-in supports trunking with the following mechanism drivers:" -msgstr "" -"ML2 plug-in mendukung trunking dengan driver mekanisme sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"The MacVTap agent uses kernel MacVTap devices for realizing L2 networks for " -"OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other resources like routers, " -"DHCP, and so on are not supported." -msgstr "" -"Agen MacVTap menggunakan perangkat MacVTap kernel untuk mewujudkan jaringan " -"L2 untuk instance OpenStack. Network attachment untuk sumber daya lain " -"seperti router, DHCP, dan sebagainya tidak didukung." - -msgid "" -"The Macvtap mechanism driver for the ML2 plug-in generally increases network " -"performance of instances." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme Macvtap untuk ML2 plug-in umumnya meningkatkan kinerja " -"jaringan instance." - -msgid "" -"The Macvtap mechanism driver only applies to compute nodes. Otherwise, the " -"environment resembles the prerequisite deployment example." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme Macvtap hanya berlaku untuk komputasi node. Jika tidak, " -"lingkungan menyerupai contoh prasyarat pengerahan." - -msgid "" -"The Metadata agent allows instances to access cloud-init meta data and user " -"data via the network. It requires a running L2 agent on the same node." -msgstr "" -"Agen Metadata memungkinkan instance untuk mengakses data meta cloud-init dan " -"data pengguna melalui jaringan. Hal ini membutuhkan agen L2 berjalan pada " -"node yang sama." - -msgid "" -"The Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in is a framework allowing OpenStack " -"Networking to simultaneously use the variety of layer 2 networking " -"technologies found in complex real-world data centers. The ML2 framework " -"distinguishes between the two kinds of drivers that can be configured:" -msgstr "" -"Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in adalah kerangka yang memungkinkan " -"OpenStack Networking untuk secara bersamaan menggunakan berbagai teknologi " -"jaringan lapisan 2 yang ditemukan di pusat data real-world yang kompleks. " -"Kerangka ML2 membedakan antara dua jenis driver yang dapat dikonfigurasi:" - -msgid "" -"The Networking REST API is publicly read-only until after the migration is " -"complete. During the migration, Networking REST API is read-write only to " -"nova-api, and changes to Networking are only allowed via nova-api." -msgstr "" -"Networking REST API menjadi read-only publik sampai setelah migrasi selesai. " -"Selama migrasi, Networking REST API menjadi read-write hanya untuk nova-api, " -"dan perubahan Networking hanya diperbolehkan melalui nova-api." - -msgid "" -"The Networking client requires a protocol value. If the rule is protocol " -"agnostic, you can use the ``any`` value." -msgstr "" -"Klien Networking membutuhkan nilai protokol. Jika aturan ini adalah protokol " -"agnostik, Anda dapat menggunakan nilai ``any``." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service does not provide layer-3 services between segments. " -"Instead, it relies on physical network infrastructure to route subnets. " -"Thus, both the Networking service and physical network infrastructure must " -"contain configuration for routed provider networks, similar to conventional " -"provider networks. In the future, implementation of dynamic routing " -"protocols may ease configuration of routed networks." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking tidak menyediakan layanan lapisan-3 antar segmen. " -"Sebaliknya, hal itu bergantung pada infrastruktur jaringan fisik untuk rute " -"subnet. Dengan demikian, layanan Networking dan infrastruktur jaringan fisik " -"harus berisi konfigurasi untuk jaringan penyedia dialihkan (routed), mirip " -"dengan jaringan penyedia konvensional. Di masa depan, pelaksanaan protokol " -"routing dinamis dapat meringankan konfigurasi jaringan dialihkan (routed)." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service does not provision routing among segments. The " -"operator must implement routing among segments of a provider network. Each " -"subnet on a segment must contain the gateway address of the router interface " -"on that particular subnet. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking tidak penyediaan routing antara segmen. Operator harus " -"mengimplementasikan routing antara segmen di jaringan penyedia. Setiap " -"subnet di segmen harus berisi alamat gateway dari antarmuka router pada " -"subnet tertentu itu. Sebagai contoh:" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service enables users to control the name assigned to ports " -"by the internal DNS. To enable this functionality, do the following:" -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengontrol nama ditugaskan " -"untuk port oleh DNS internal. Untuk mengaktifkan fungsi ini, lakukan hal " -"berikut:" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service implements routers using a layer-3 agent that " -"typically resides at least one network node. Contrary to provider networks " -"that connect instances to the physical network infrastructure at layer-2, " -"self-service networks must traverse a layer-3 agent. Thus, oversubscription " -"or failure of a layer-3 agent or network node can impact a significant " -"quantity of self-service networks and instances using them. Consider " -"implementing one or more high-availability features to increase redundancy " -"and performance of self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menerapkan router yang menggunakan agen lapisan-3 yang " -"biasanya berada pada setidaknya satu node jaringan. Bertentangan dengan " -"jaringan provider yang menghubungkan instance untuk infrastruktur jaringan " -"fisik pada lapisan-2, jaringan self-service harus melintasi agen lapisan-3. " -"Dengan demikian, kelebihan permintaan atau kegagalan dari agen lapisan-3 " -"atau node jaringan dapat berdampak pada jumlah yang signifikan dari jaringan " -"self-service dan instance yang menggunakan mereka. Mempertimbangkan untuk " -"menerapkan satu atau lebih fitur ketersediaan tinggi untuk meningkatkan " -"redundansi dan kinerja jaringan swalayan." - -msgid "The Networking service internal DNS resolution" -msgstr "Layanan Networking resolusi DNS internal" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service offers a load balancer feature called \"LBaaS v2\" " -"through the ``neutron-lbaas`` service plug-in." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menawarkan fitur penyeimbang beban (load balancer) " -"disebut \"LBaaS v2\" melalui plug-in layanan ``neutron-lbaas``." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service offers several methods to configure name resolution " -"(DNS) for instances. Most deployments should implement case 1 or 2. Case 3 " -"requires security considerations to prevent leaking internal DNS information " -"to instances." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menawarkan beberapa metode untuk mengkonfigurasi resolusi " -"nama (DNS) untuk instance. Kebanyakan pengerahan harus menerapkan case 1 " -"atau 2. Case 3 membutuhkan pertimbangan keamanan untuk mencegah kebocoran " -"informasi DNS internal untuk instance." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service only references the underlying physical network MTU. " -"Changing the underlying physical network device MTU requires configuration " -"of physical network devices such as switches and routers." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking hanya mereferensi MTU jaringan fisik yang mendasarinya. " -"Perubahan MTU perangkat jaringan fisik yang mendasarinya memerlukan " -"konfigurasi perangkat jaringan fisik seperti switch dan router." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service provides a purge mechanism to delete the following " -"network resources for a project:" -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menyediakan mekanisme pembersihan untuk menghapus sumber " -"daya jaringan berikut untuk proyek:" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service schedules a network to one of the agents within the " -"selected zone as with ``WeightScheduler``. In this case, scheduler refers to " -"``dhcp_load_type`` as well." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menjadwal jaringan ke salah satu agen dalam zona terpilih " -"sebagai dengan ``WeightScheduler``. Dalam hal ini, scheduler mengacu juga " -"``dhcp_load_type``." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service schedules a router to one of the agents within the " -"selected zone as with ``LeastRouterScheduler``." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menjadwal router untuk salah satu agen dalam zona " -"terpilih sebagai dengan ``LeastRouterScheduler``." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service supports the following underlying physical network " -"architectures. Case 1 refers to the most common architecture. In general, " -"architectures should avoid cases 2 and 3." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking mendukung arsitektur jaringan fisik yang mendasari " -"berikutnya. Case 1 mengacu pada arsitektur yang paling umum. Secara umum, " -"arsitektur harus menghindari case 2 dan 3." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service supports underlying physical networks using jumbo " -"frames and also enables instances to use jumbo frames minus any overlay " -"protocol overhead. For example, an underlying physical network with a 9000-" -"byte MTU yields a 8950-byte MTU for instances using a VXLAN network with " -"IPv4 endpoints. Using IPv6 endpoints for overlay networks adds 20 bytes of " -"overhead for any protocol." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking mendukung jaringan fisik yang mendasarinya menggunakan " -"frame jumbo dan juga mengaktifkan instance menggunakan frame jumbo dikurangi " -"overhead protokol overlay. Sebagai contoh, sebuah jaringan fisik yang " -"mendasarinya dengan MTU 9000-byte menghasilkan MTU 8950-byte untuk instance " -"menggunakan jaringan VXLAN dengan endpoint IPv4. Penggunaan endpoint IPv6 " -"untuk jaringan overlay menambahkan 20 byte overhead untuk setiap protokol." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service uses the MTU of the underlying physical network to " -"calculate the MTU for virtual network components including instance network " -"interfaces. By default, it assumes a standard 1500-byte MTU for the " -"underlying physical network." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menggunakan MTU dari jaringan fisik yang mendasarinya " -"untuk menghitung MTU untuk komponen jaringan virtual termasuk antarmuka " -"jaringan instance. Secara default, hal ini diasumsikan MTU 1500-byte " -"standard untuk jaringan fisik yang mendasari." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service uses the layer-3 agent to provide router " -"advertisement. Provider networks rely on physical network infrastructure for " -"layer-3 services rather than the layer-3 agent. Thus, the physical network " -"infrastructure must provide router advertisement on provider networks for " -"proper operation of IPv6." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking menggunakan agen lapisan-3 untuk memberikan router " -"advertisement. Jaringan penyedia mengandalkan infrastruktur jaringan fisik " -"untuk lapisan layer-3 daripada agen layer-3. Dengan demikian, infrastruktur " -"jaringan fisik harus menyediakan router advertisement pada jaringan provider " -"untuk operasi IPv6 yang tepat." - -msgid "" -"The Networking service, code-named neutron, provides an API that lets you " -"define network connectivity and addressing in the cloud. The Networking " -"service enables operators to leverage different networking technologies to " -"power their cloud networking. The Networking service also provides an API to " -"configure and manage a variety of network services ranging from L3 " -"forwarding and :term:`NAT ` to load " -"balancing, perimeter firewalls, and virtual private networks." -msgstr "" -"Layanan Networking, code-named neutron, menyediakan API yang memungkinkan " -"Anda menentukan konektivitas jaringan dan menangani di cloud. Layanan " -"Networking mengaktifkan para operator untuk memanfaatkan teknologi jaringan " -"yang berbeda untuk memperdayakan jaringan cloud mereka. Layanan Networking " -"juga menyediakan API untuk mengkonfigurasi dan mengelola berbagai layanan " -"jaringan mulai dari L3 forwarding dan :term:`NAT ` sampai load balancing, perimeter firewall, dan jaringan " -"private virtual." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (19) forwards the " -"packet to the OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (20)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (19) meneruskan paket " -"ke OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (20)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (6) forwards the " -"packet to the OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (7)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (6) meneruskan paket " -"ke OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (7)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (10) forwards the packet " -"to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (11)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (10) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (11)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (19) forwards the packet " -"to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (20)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (19) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (20)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (6) forwards the packet " -"to the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (7)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (6) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (7)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` port (10) forwards the packet to " -"the OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` port (11)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` port (10) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` port (11)." - -msgid "The OVS integration bridge adds an internal VLAN tag to the packet." -msgstr "OVS integration bridge menambahkan tag VLAN internal ke paket." - -msgid "The OVS integration bridge adds the internal VLAN tag to the packet." -msgstr "OVS integration bridge menambahkan internal VLAN tag ke paket." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge exchanges the internal VLAN tag for an internal " -"tunnel ID." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge menukarkan internal VLAN tag ke internal tunnel ID." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge patch port (6) forwards the packet to the OVS " -"tunnel bridge patch port (7)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge patch port (6) meneruskan paket ke OVS tunnel bridge " -"patch port (7)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge port for self-service network 1 (15) removes the " -"internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the self-service network 1 " -"interface (16) in the router namespace." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge port untuk jaringan self-service 1 (15) menghapus " -"internal VLAN tag dan meneruskan paket ke jaringan self-service 1 antarmuka " -"(16) dalam namespace router." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge port for self-service network 1 (6) removes the " -"internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the self-service network 1 " -"interface in the distributed router namespace (6)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge port untuk self-service network 1 (6) menghapus " -"internal VLAN tag dan meneruskan paket ke self-service network 1 interface " -"di distributed router namespace (6)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge port for the provider network (6) removes the " -"internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the provider network interface " -"(6) in the router namespace." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge port untuk the provider network (6) menghapus " -"internal VLAN tag dan meneruskan paket ke provider network interface (6) " -"dalam router namespace." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge port for the provider network (6) removes the " -"internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the provider network interface " -"(7) in the floating IP namespace. This interface responds to any ARP " -"requests for the instance floating IPv4 address." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge port untuk provider network (6) menghapus internal " -"VLAN tagdan meneruskan paket ke provider network interface (7) dalam " -"namespace IP mengambang. Interface ini merespon setiap permintaan ARP untuk " -"alamat IPv4 mengambang instance." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge port for the self-service network (15) removes " -"the internal VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the self-service network " -"interface (16) in the router namespace." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge port untuk the self-service network (15) menghaps " -"internal VLAN tag dan meneruskan paket ke self-service network interface " -"(16) dalam router namespace." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge removes the internal VLAN tag from the packet." -msgstr "OVS integration bridge menghapus tag VLAN internal dari paket." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge security group port (12) forwards the packet to " -"the security group bridge OVS port (13) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge security group port (12) meneruskan paket ke security " -"group bridge OVS port (13) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge security group port (15) forwards the packet to " -"the security group bridge OVS port (16) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge security group port (15) meneruskan paket ke security " -"group bridge OVS port (16) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge security group port (16) forwards the packet to " -"the security group bridge OVS port (17)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge security group port (16) menerskan paket ke security " -"group bridge OVS port (17)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge security group port (19) forwards the packet to " -"the security group bridge OVS port (20) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge security group port (19) meneruskan paket ke the " -"security group bridge OVS port (20) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge security group port (20) removes the internal " -"VLAN tag and forwards the packet to the security group bridge OVS port (21)." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge security group port (20) menghapus internal VLAN tag " -"dan meneruskan paket ke security group bridge OVS port (21)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge security group port (28) forwards the packet to " -"the security group bridge OVS port (29) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge security group port (28) meneruskan paket ke security " -"group bridge OVS port (29) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge swaps the actual VLAN tag 101 with the internal " -"VLAN tag." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge menukar (swap) actual VLAN tag 101 dengan internal " -"VLAN tag." - -msgid "" -"The OVS integration bridge swaps the actual VLAN tag 102 with the internal " -"VLAN tag." -msgstr "" -"OVS integration bridge menukar (swap) actual VLAN tag 102 dengan internal " -"VLAN tag." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (14) forwards the " -"packet to the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (15)." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (14) meneruskan paket ke " -"OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (15)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (18) forwards the " -"packet to the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (19)." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` patch port (18) meneruskan paket ke " -"OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` patch port (19)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` port (4) forwards the packet to " -"the OVS integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` port (5)." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge ``phy-br-provider`` port (4) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"integration bridge ``int-br-provider`` port (5)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge provider network port (21) forwards the packet to " -"the physical network interface (22)." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge provider network port (21) meneruskan paket ke physical " -"network interface (22)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge provider network port (8) forwards the packet to the " -"physical network interface (9)." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge provider network port (8) meneruskan paket ke physical " -"network interface (9)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge swaps actual VLAN tag 101 with the internal VLAN tag." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge menukar actual VLAN tag 101 dengan internal VLAN tag." - -msgid "" -"The OVS provider bridge swaps the internal VLAN tag with actual VLAN tag 101." -msgstr "" -"OVS provider bridge menukar (swap) VLAN tag dengan actual VLAN tag 101." - -msgid "The OVS tunnel bridge (12) wraps the packet using VNI 101." -msgstr "OVS tunnel bridge (12) membungkus paket menggunakan VNI 101." - -msgid "The OVS tunnel bridge (21) wraps the packet using VNI 102." -msgstr "OVS tunnel bridge (21) membungkus paket menggunakan VNI 102." - -msgid "The OVS tunnel bridge (8) wraps the packet using VNI 101." -msgstr "OVS tunnel bridge (8) membungkus (wrap) paket menggunakan VNI 101." - -msgid "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (13) forwards the packet to " -"the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (14)." -msgstr "" -"OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (13) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (14)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (17) forwards the packet to " -"the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (18)." -msgstr "" -"OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (17) meneruskan paket ke OVS " -"integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (18)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (26) forwards the packet to " -"the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (27)." -msgstr "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge ``patch-int`` patch port (26) forwards the packet to " -"the OVS integration bridge ``patch-tun`` patch port (27)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge exchanges the internal tunnel ID for an internal VLAN " -"tag." -msgstr "OVS tunnel bridge menukar internal tunnel ID dengan internal VLAN tag." - -msgid "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge patch port (13) forwards the packet to the OVS " -"integration bridge patch port (14)." -msgstr "" -"OVS tunnel bridge patch port (13) meneruskan paket ke OVS integration bridge " -"patch port (14)." - -msgid "" -"The OVS tunnel bridge unwraps the packet and adds an internal tunnel ID to " -"it." -msgstr "" -"OVS tunnel bridge membuka paket dan menambahkan internal tunnel IDuntuk " -"paket itu." - -msgid "" -"The Open vSwitch (OVS) mechanism driver uses a combination of OVS and Linux " -"bridges as interconnection devices. However, optionally enabling the OVS " -"native implementation of security groups removes the dependency on Linux " -"bridges." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme Open vSwitch (OVS) menggunakan kombinasi OVS dan Linux " -"bridge sebagai perangkat interkoneksi. Namun, secara opsional pengaktifan " -"OVS native implementation of security group menghilangkan ketergantungan " -"pada Linux bridge." - -msgid "" -"The Open vSwitch agent configures the Open vSwitch to realize L2 networks " -"for OpenStack resources." -msgstr "" -"Agen Open vSwitch mengkonfigurasi Open vSwitch untuk mewujudkan jaringan L2 " -"untuk sumber daya OpenStack." - -msgid "" -"The OpenStack :term:`Networking service ` " -"provides an API that allows users to set up and define network connectivity " -"and addressing in the cloud. The project code-name for Networking services " -"is neutron. OpenStack Networking handles the creation and management of a " -"virtual networking infrastructure, including networks, switches, subnets, " -"and routers for devices managed by the OpenStack Compute service (nova). " -"Advanced services such as firewalls or :term:`virtual private networks " -"(VPNs) ` can also be used." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Networking service ` " -"menyediakan API yang mengizinkan pengguna untuk mengatur dan menentukan " -"konektivitas jaringan dan menanganinya di cloud. Code-name proyek untuk " -"layanan Networking adalah neutron. OpenStack Networking menangani pembuatan " -"dan pengelolaan infrastruktur jaringan virtual, termasuk jaringan, switch, " -"subnet, dan router untuk perangkat yang dikelola oleh layanan OpenStack " -"Compute (nova). Layanan canggih seperti firewall atau :term:`virtual private " -"networks (VPNs) ` juga dapat digunakan." - -msgid "" -"The OpenStack Networking API includes support for Layer 2 networking and :" -"term:`IP address management (IPAM) `, as well " -"as an extension for a Layer 3 router construct that enables routing between " -"Layer 2 networks and gateways to external networks. OpenStack Networking " -"includes a growing list of plug-ins that enable interoperability with " -"various commercial and open source network technologies, including routers, " -"switches, virtual switches and software-defined networking (SDN) controllers." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking API meliputi dukungan untuk Layer 2 networking dan :" -"term:`IP address management (IPAM) `, serta " -"ekstensi konstruksi untuk Layer 3 router yang mengaktifkan routing diantara " -"Layer 2 networks dan gateway ke jaringan eksternal. OpenStack Networking " -"meliputi daftar tumbuh plug-in yang mengaktifkan interoperabilitas dengan " -"berbagai teknologi jaringan komersial dan open source, termasuk router, " -"switch, switch virtual dan software-defined networking (SDN) controller." - -msgid "" -"The OpenStack Networking service is extensible. Extensions serve two " -"purposes: they allow the introduction of new features in the API without " -"requiring a version change and they allow the introduction of vendor " -"specific niche functionality. Applications can programmatically list " -"available extensions by performing a GET on the :code:`/extensions` URI. " -"Note that this is a versioned request; that is, an extension available in " -"one API version might not be available in another." -msgstr "" -"Layanan OpenStack Networking adalah extensible. Ekstensi melayani dua " -"tujuan: mereka mengizinkan pengenalan fitur baru di API tanpa memerlukan " -"perubahan versi dan mereka mengizinkan pengenalan niche spesifik vendor " -"secara fungsional. Aplikasi secara pemrograman bisa mendaftar ekstensi yang " -"tersedia dengan melakukan GET pada :code:`/extensions` URI. Catatan bahwa " -"ini adalah permintaan berversi; yaitu, extension tersedia dalam suatu versi " -"API mungkin tidak tersedia di versi lain." - -msgid "" -"The PTR records will be created in zones owned by a project with admin " -"privileges. See :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` for more details." -msgstr "" -"Catatan PTR akan dibuat di zona yang dimiliki oleh sebuah proyek dengan hak " -"admin. Lihat :ref: `config-dns-int-ext-serv` untuk lebih jelasnya." - -msgid "" -"The QoS implementation requires a burst value to ensure proper behavior of " -"bandwidth limit rules in the Open vSwitch and Linux bridge agents. If you do " -"not provide a value, it defaults to 80% of the bandwidth limit which works " -"for typical TCP traffic." -msgstr "" -"Pelaksanaan QoS memerlukan burst value untuk memastikan perilaku yang tepat " -"dari aturan batas bandwidth dalam agen Open vSwitch dan Linux bridge. Jika " -"Anda tidak memberikan nilai, standarnya ke 80% dari batas bandwidth yang " -"bekerja untuk lalu lintas TCP tipikal." - -msgid "" -"The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policy framework enables both operators " -"and users to grant access to resources for specific projects." -msgstr "" -"Kerangka kebijakan Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) mengaktifkan operator " -"dan pengguna untuk memberikan akses ke sumber daya untuk proyek-proyek " -"tertentu." - -msgid "The SNAT gateway resides on" -msgstr "SNAT gateway berada pada" - -msgid "" -"The SR-IOV agent was optional before Mitaka, and was not enabled by default " -"before Liberty." -msgstr "" -"Agen SR-IOV sebagai opsional sebelum Mitaka, dan tidak diaktifkan secara " -"default sebelum Liberty." - -msgid "" -"The VLAN sub-interface port (13) on the provider bridge forwards the packet " -"to the provider physical network interface (14)." -msgstr "" -"VLAN sub-interface port (13) di provider bridge meneruskan paket ke " -"provider physical network interface (14)." - -msgid "" -"The VLAN sub-interface port (4) on the provider bridge forwards the packet " -"to the physical network interface (5)." -msgstr "" -"Port sub-interface VLAN (4) di provider bridge meneruskan paket ke antarmuka " -"jaringan fisik (5)." - -msgid "" -"The Virtual Private Network-as-a-Service (VPNaaS) is a neutron extension " -"that introduces the VPN feature set." -msgstr "" -"Virtual Private Network-as-a-Service (VPNaaS) adalah ekstensi neutron yang " -"memperkenalkan set fitur VPN." - -msgid "" -"The ``active_connections`` count is the total number of connections that " -"were active at the time the agent polled the load balancer. The other three " -"statistics are cumulative since the load balancer was last started. For " -"example, if the load balancer restarts due to a system error or a " -"configuration change, these statistics will be reset." -msgstr "" -"Count ``active_connections`` adalah jumlah koneksi yang aktif pada saat agen " -"disurvei penyeimbang beban. Tiga statistik lainnya adalah kumulatif sejak " -"penyeimbang beban yang terakhir dimulai. Misalnya, jika penyeimbang beban " -"restart karena kesalahan sistem atau perubahan konfigurasi, statistik ini " -"akan disetel ulang." - -msgid "" -"The ``availability_zone`` attribute can be defined in ``dhcp-agent`` and " -"``l3-agent``. To define an availability zone for each agent, set the value " -"into ``[AGENT]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini`` or ``/etc/" -"neutron/l3_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``availability_zone`` dapat didefinisikan dalam ``dhcp-agent`` and " -"``l3-agent``. Untuk menentukan zona ketersediaan untuk setiap agen, tetapkan " -"nilai ke dalam bagian ``[AGENT]`` dari ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini`` atau " -"``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"The ``availability_zones`` attribute does not have a value until the " -"resource is scheduled. Once the Networking service schedules the resource to " -"zones according to ``availability_zone_hints``, ``availability_zones`` shows " -"in which zone the resource is hosted practically. The ``availability_zones`` " -"may not match ``availability_zone_hints``. For example, even if you specify " -"a zone with ``availability_zone_hints``, all agents of the zone may be dead " -"before the resource is scheduled. In general, they should match, unless " -"there are failures or there is no capacity left in the zone requested." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``availability_zones`` tidak memiliki nilai sampai sumber yang " -"dijadwalkan. Setelah layanan Networking menjadwal sumber daya untuk zona " -"menurut ``availability_zone_hints``, ``availability_zones`` menunjukkan zona " -"dimana sumber disimpan (hosted) secara praktis. ``availability_zones`` " -"mungkin tidak cocok dengan ``availability_zone_hints``. Misalnya, bahkan " -"jika Anda menentukan zona dengan ``availability_zone_hints``, semua agen " -"dari zona mungkin akan mati sebelum sumber dijadwalkan. Secara umum, mereka " -"harus cocok, kecuali ada kegagalan atau tidak ada kapasitas yang tersisa di " -"zona yang diminta." - -msgid "" -"The ``chain_parameters`` attribute contains one or more parameters for the " -"port chain. Currently, it only supports a correlation parameter that " -"defaults to ``mpls`` for consistency with :term:`Open vSwitch` (OVS) " -"capabilities. Future values for the correlation parameter may include the :" -"term:`network service header (NSH)`." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``chain_parameters`` berisi satu atau lebih parameter untuk rantai " -"port. Saat ini, hanya mendukung parameter korelasi yang defaultnya ``mpls`` " -"untuk konsistensi dengan kemampuan (OVS) :term:`Open vSwitch` . Nilai-nilai " -"masa depan untuk parameter korelasi dapat mencakup :term:`network service " -"header (NSH)`." - -msgid "" -"The ``default_prefix_length`` defines the subnet size you will get if you do " -"not specify ``--prefix-length`` when creating a subnet." -msgstr "" -"``default_prefix_length`` mendefinisikan ukuran subnet dimana Anda akan " -"mendapatkan jika Anda tidak menentukan `` --prefix-length`` saat membuat " -"subnet." - -msgid "" -"The ``dns_assignment`` attribute also shows that the port's ``hostname`` in " -"the Networking service internal DNS is ``my-vm``." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``dns_assignment`` juga menunjukkan bahwa ``hostname`` milik port " -"di DNS internal layanan Networking adalah``my-vm``." - -msgid "" -"The ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` attributes of a floating IP must be " -"specified together on creation. They cannot be assigned to the floating IP " -"separately." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``dns_name`` dan ``dns_domain``` dari IP mengambang harus ditentukan " -"bersama-sama pada pembuatan. Mereka tidak dapat ditugaskan ke IP mengambang " -"secara terpisah." - -msgid "" -"The ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` of a floating IP have precedence, for " -"purposes of being published in the external DNS service, over the " -"``dns_name`` of its associated port and the ``dns_domain`` of the port's " -"network, whether they are specified or not. Only the ``dns_name`` and the " -"``dns_domain`` of the floating IP are published in the external DNS service." -msgstr "" -"`` dns_name`` dan `` dns_domain`` dari IP mengambang berada di awal (have " -"precedence), untuk tujuan penerbitan dalam layanan DNS eksternal, di atas " -"``dns_name`` port yang terkait dan ``dns_domain`` dari jaringan port, apakah " -"mereka dibuat spesifik atau tidak. Hanya ``dns_name`` dan ``dns_domain`` " -"dari IP mengambang akan diterbitkan dalam layanan DNS eksternal." - -msgid "" -"The ``exclude_devices`` parameter is empty, therefore, all the VFs " -"associated with eth3 may be configured by the agent. To exclude specific " -"VFs, add them to the ``exclude_devices`` parameter as follows:" -msgstr "" -"Parameter ``exclude_devices`` kosong, oleh karena itu, semua VF terkait " -"dengan eth3 dapat dikonfigurasi oleh agen. Untuk mengeluarkan VF tertentu, " -"tambahkan VF ke parameter ``exclude_devices`` sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains no value." -msgstr "Opsi ``external_network_bridge`` sengaja tidak mengandung nilai." - -msgid "" -"The ``force_metadata`` option forces the DHCP agent to provide a host route " -"to the metadata service on ```` regardless of whether the " -"subnet contains an interface on a router, thus maintaining similar and " -"predictable metadata behavior among subnets." -msgstr "" -"Opsi ``force_metadata`` memaksa agen DHCP untuk memberikan rute host ke " -"layanan metadata pada ```` terlepas dari apakah subnet berisi " -"sebuah antarmuka pada router, dengan demikian mempertahankan perilaku " -"metadata yang sama dan dapat diprediksi antar subnet." - -msgid "" -"The ``ipv6_address_mode`` attribute is used to control how addressing is " -"handled by OpenStack. There are a number of different ways that guest " -"instances can obtain an IPv6 address, and this attribute exposes these " -"choices to users of the Networking API." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``ipv6_address_mode`` digunakan untuk mengontrol bagaimana " -"pengalamatan ditangani oleh OpenStack. Ada sejumlah cara yang berbeda dimana " -"guest instance dapat memperoleh alamat IPv6, dan atribut ini membuka " -"(expose) pilihan ini untuk pengguna dari API Networking." - -msgid "" -"The ``ipv6_ra_mode`` attribute is used to control router advertisements for " -"a subnet." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``ipv6_ra_mode`` digunakan untuk mengontrol penyiaran update dan " -"perubahan router untuk subnet." - -msgid "" -"The ``physical_device_mappings`` parameter is not limited to be a 1-1 " -"mapping between physical networks and NICs. This enables you to map the same " -"physical network to more than one NIC. For example, if ``physnet2`` is " -"connected to ``eth3`` and ``eth4``, then ``physnet2:eth3,physnet2:eth4`` is " -"a valid option." -msgstr "" -"Parameter ``physical_device_mappings`` tidak terbatas menjadi pemetaan 1-1 " -"antara jaringan fisik dan NIC. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk memetakan " -"jaringan fisik yang sama untuk lebih dari satu NIC. Misalnya, jika " -"``physnet2`` terhubung ke ``eth3`` dan ``eth4``, maka ``physnet2: eth3, " -"physnet2: eth4`` adalah pilihan yang valid." - -msgid "" -"The ``provider`` value in the ``network_vlan_ranges`` option lacks VLAN ID " -"ranges to support use of arbitrary VLAN IDs." -msgstr "" -"Nilai ``provider`` di opsi ``network_vlan_ranges`` tidak memiliki berkisar " -"VLAN ID untuk mendukung penggunaan ID VLAN bebas." - -msgid "" -"The ``segmentation-type`` and ``segmentation-id`` parameters are optional in " -"the Networking API. However, all drivers as of the Newton release require " -"both to be provided when adding a subport to a trunk. Future drivers may be " -"implemented without this requirement." -msgstr "" -"Parameter ``segmentation-type`` dan ``segmentation-id`` adalah opsional " -"dalam Networking API. Namun, semua driver pada rilis Newton mengharuskan " -"kedua parameter yang akan diberikan ketika menambahkan subport ke trunk. " -"Driver yang akan datang dapat dilaksanakan tanpa persyaratan ini." - -msgid "" -"The ``segmentation-type`` and ``segmentation-id`` specified by the user on " -"the subports is intentionally decoupled from the ``segmentation-type`` and " -"ID of the networks. For example, it is possible to configure the Networking " -"service with ``tenant_network_types = vxlan`` and still create subports with " -"``segmentation_type = vlan``. The Networking service performs remapping as " -"necessary." -msgstr "" -"``segmentasi-type`` dan ``segmentasi-id`` ditentukan oleh pengguna pada " -"subports yang sengaja dipisahkan dari ``segmentasi-type`` dan ID jaringan. " -"Sebagai contoh, adalah mungkin untuk mengkonfigurasi layanan Networking " -"dengan ``tenant_network_types = vxlan`` dan masih membuat subports dengan " -"``segmentation_type = vlan``. Layanan Networking melakukan mapping ulang " -"seperlunya." - -msgid "" -"The ``service_function_parameters`` attribute includes one or more " -"parameters for the service function. Currently, it only supports a " -"correlation parameter that determines association of a packet with a chain. " -"This parameter defaults to ``none`` for legacy service functions that lack " -"support for correlation such as the NSH. If set to ``none``, the data plane " -"implementation must provide service function proxy functionality." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``service_function_parameters`` mencakup satu atau lebih parameter " -"untuk fungsi pelayanan. Saat ini, atribut itu hanya mendukung parameter " -"korelasi yang menentukan asosiasi paket dengan rantai. Parameter ini default " -"ke ``none`` untuk fungsi layanan legacy yang tidak memiliki dukungan untuk " -"korelasi seperti NSH tersebut. Jika diatur ke ``none``, pelaksanaan data " -"plane harus secara funcional menyediakan fungsi pelayanan proxy." - -msgid "" -"The ``share`` option allows any project to use this network. To limit access " -"to provider networks, see :ref:`config-rbac`." -msgstr "" -"Opsi ``share`` memungkinkan proyek untuk menggunakan jaringan ini. Untuk " -"membatasi akses ke jaringan provider, lihat :ref: `config-rbac`." - -msgid "" -"The ``tags``, ``tags-any``, ``not-tags``, and ``not-tags-any`` arguments can " -"be combined to build more complex queries. Example::" -msgstr "" -"Argumen ``tags``, ``tags-any``, ``not-tags``, dan ``not-tags-any`` dapat " -"dikombinasikan untuk membangun query yang lebih kompleks. Contoh::" - -msgid "" -"The ``target-project`` parameter specifies the project that requires access " -"to the QoS policy. The ``action`` parameter specifies what the project is " -"allowed to do. The ``type`` parameter says that the target object is a QoS " -"policy. The final parameter is the ID of the QoS policy we are granting " -"access to." -msgstr "" -"Parameter ``target-project`` menentukan proyek yang membutuhkan akses ke " -"kebijakan QoS. Parameter ``action`` menentukan proyek apa yang diperbolehkan " -"untuk dilakukan. Parameter ``type`` mengatakan bahwa objek target adalah " -"kebijakan QoS. Parameter terakhir adalah ID kebijakan QoS dimana kita " -"memberikan akses ke." - -msgid "" -"The ``target-project`` parameter specifies the project that requires access " -"to the network. The ``action`` parameter specifies what the project is " -"allowed to do. The ``type`` parameter indicates that the target object is a " -"network. The final parameter is the ID of the network we are granting " -"external access to." -msgstr "" -"Parameter ``target-project`` menentukan proyek yang membutuhkan akses ke " -"jaringan. Parameter ``action`` menentukan proyek apa yang diperbolehkan " -"untuk dilakukan. Parameter ``type`` menunjukkan bahwa objek target adalah " -"jaringan. Parameter terakhir adalah ID jaringan dimana kami memberikan akses " -"eksternalnya." - -msgid "" -"The ``target-project`` parameter specifies the project that requires access " -"to the network. The ``action`` parameter specifies what the project is " -"allowed to do. The ``type`` parameter says that the target object is a " -"network. The final parameter is the ID of the network we are granting access " -"to." -msgstr "" -"Parameter ``target-project``` menentukan proyek yang membutuhkan akses ke " -"jaringan. Parameter ``action`` menentukan proyek apa yang diperbolehkan " -"untuk dilakukan. Parameter ``type`` mengatakan bahwa objek target adalah " -"jaringan. Parameter terakhir adalah ID jaringan dimana kita memberikan akses " -"ke." - -msgid "" -"The ``tenant_network_types`` option contains no value because the " -"architecture does not support self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"Opsi ``tenant_network_types`` tidak mengandung nilai karena arsitektur tidak " -"mendukung jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"The `branches`, `current`, and `history` commands all accept a ``--verbose`` " -"option, which, when passed, will instruct :command:`neutron-db-manage` to " -"display more verbose output for the specified command:" -msgstr "" -"Perintah `branches`,`current`, dan `history` semuanya menerima opsi ``--" -"verbose``, ketika melewatinya, dan perintah ini akan menginstruksikan :" -"command:`neutron-db-manage` untuk menampilkan output yang lebih banyak kata " -"(verbose) untuk perintah tertentu:" - -msgid "" -"The ability to control port security and QoS rate limit settings was added " -"in Liberty." -msgstr "" -"Kemampuan untuk mengontrol pengaturan batas keamanan port dan tingkat QoS " -"ditambahkan di Liberty." - -msgid "" -"The above example returns any networks that have the \"red\" and \"blue\" " -"tags, plus at least one of \"green\" and \"orange\"." -msgstr "" -"Contoh di atas mengembalikan setiap jaringan yang memiliki tag \"red\" dan " -"\"blue\", ditambah setidaknya satu dari \"green\" dan \"orange\"." - -msgid "" -"The above is all you need in this scenario, but more information on " -"installing, configuring, and running Dibbler is available in the Dibbler " -"user guide, at `Dibbler – a portable DHCPv6 `_." -msgstr "" -"Hal di atas adalah semua hal yang Anda butuhkan untuk skenario ini, tetapi " -"informasi lebih lanjut tentang instalasi, konfigurasi, dan mejalankan " -"Dibbler tersedia di buku petunjuk Dibbler, di `Dibbler – a portable DHCPv6 " -"`_." - -msgid "" -"The administrator can configure some optional configuration options. For " -"more details, see the related section in the `Configuration Reference " -"`__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator dapat mengkonfigurasi beberapa opsi konfigurasi opsional. " -"Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian terkait di `Configuration Reference " -"`__." - -msgid "" -"The administrator can configure the VXLAN multicast group that should be " -"used." -msgstr "" -"Administrator dapat mengkonfigurasi grup multicast VXLAN yang harus " -"digunakan." - -msgid "" -"The administrator needs to configure a list of physical network names that " -"can be used for provider networks. For more details, see the related section " -"in the `Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator perlu mengkonfigurasi daftar nama jaringan fisik yang dapat " -"digunakan untuk jaringan provider. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian " -"terkait di `Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"The administrator needs to configure a list of physical network names that " -"can be used for provider networks. For more details, see the related section " -"in the `Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator perlu mengkonfigurasi daftar nama jaringan fisik yang dapat " -"digunakan untuk jaringan provider. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian " -"terkait di `Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"The administrator needs to configure the range of VLAN IDs that can be used " -"for project network allocation. For more details, see the related section in " -"the `Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator perlu untuk mengkonfigurasi berbagai ID VLAN yang dapat " -"digunakan untuk alokasi jaringan proyek. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian " -"terkait di `Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"The administrator needs to configure the range of VXLAN IDs that can be used " -"for project network allocation. For more details, see the related section in " -"the `Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator perlu untuk mengkonfigurasi berbagai ID VXLAN yang dapat " -"digunakan untuk alokasi jaringan proyek. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian " -"terkait di `Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"The administrator needs to configure the range of tunnel IDs that can be " -"used for project network allocation. For more details, see the related " -"section in the `Configuration Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator perlu untuk mengkonfigurasi berbagai ID terowongan (tunnel ID) " -"yang dapat digunakan untuk alokasi jaringan proyek. Untuk lebih jelasnya, " -"lihat bagian terkait di `Configuration Reference `__." - -msgid "" -"The administrator needs to define a list PCI hardware that shall be used by " -"OpenStack. For more details, see the related section in the `Configuration " -"Reference `__." -msgstr "" -"Administrator perlu mendefinisikan daftar hardware PCI yang harus digunakan " -"oleh OpenStack. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat bagian terkait di `Configuration " -"Reference `__." - -msgid "The agent currently only supports the Ryu BGP driver." -msgstr "Agen saat ini hanya mendukung driver Ryu BGP." - -msgid "The attributes can also be left unset." -msgstr "Atribut juga dapat dibiarkan tanpa disetel." - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocated topology for a user never changes. In practice, when a " -"user boots a server omitting the ``--nic`` option, and there is more than " -"one network available, the Compute service will invoke the API behind ``auto " -"allocated topology create``, fetch the network UUID, and pass it on during " -"the boot process." -msgstr "" -"Topologi auto-allocated untuk pengguna tidak pernah berubah. Dalam " -"praktiknya, ketika pengguna mem-boot sebuah server yang menghilangkan opsi " -"``--nic``, dan ada lebih dari satu jaringan yang tersedia, layanan Compute " -"akan memanggil API di belakang ``auto allocated topology create``, mengambil " -"jaringan UUID , Dan menyebarkannya selama proses boot." - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocation feature creates one network topology in every project " -"where it is used. The auto-allocated network topology for a project contains " -"the following resources:" -msgstr "" -"Fitur auto-alokasi menciptakan satu topologi jaringan di setiap proyek " -"dimana ia digunakan. Topologi jaringan auto-allocated untuk proyek berisi " -"sumber daya berikut:" - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocation feature introduced in Mitaka simplifies the procedure of " -"setting up an external connectivity for end-users, and is also known as " -"**Get Me A Network**." -msgstr "" -"Fitur auto-alokasi yang diperkenalkan di Mitaka menyederhanakan prosedur " -"pemasangan sebuah konektivitas eksternal untuk end-user, dan juga dikenal " -"sebagai **Get Me A Network**." - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocation feature requires at least one default subnetpool. One " -"for IPv4, or one for IPv6, or one of each." -msgstr "" -"Fitur auto-alokasi membutuhkan setidaknya satu subnetpool default. Satu " -"untuk IPv4, atau satu untuk IPv6, atau masing-masing satu." - -msgid "" -"The basic deployment model consists of one controller node, two or more " -"network nodes, and multiple computes nodes." -msgstr "" -"Model pengerahan dasar terdiri dari satu controller node, dua atau lebih " -"node jaringan, dan beberapa node komputasi." - -msgid "The basics" -msgstr "Dasar" - -msgid "" -"The central concepts with OpenStack firewalls are the notions of a firewall " -"policy and a firewall rule. A policy is an ordered collection of rules. A " -"rule specifies a collection of attributes (such as port ranges, protocol, " -"and IP addresses) that constitute match criteria and an action to take " -"(allow or deny) on matched traffic. A policy can be made public, so it can " -"be shared across projects." -msgstr "" -"Konsep pusat dengan firewall OpenStack adalah pengertian dari kebijakan " -"firewall dan aturan firewall. Kebijakan adalah koleksi aturan yang " -"diperintahkan. Aturan menentukan koleksi atribut (seperti rentang port, " -"protokol, dan alamat IP) yang merupakan kriteria yang cocok dan suatu " -"tindakan untuk melakukan (mengizinkan atau menolak) pada lalu lintas yang " -"cocok. Sebuah kebijakan dapat dibuat publik, sehingga bisa dibagi di seluruh " -"proyek." - -msgid "" -"The client sends a discover (\"I’m a client at MAC address ``08:00:27:" -"b9:88:74``, I need an IP address\")" -msgstr "" -"Klien mengirimkan pilihan (\"I’m a client at MAC address ``08:00:27:" -"b9:88:74``, I need an IP address\")" - -msgid "" -"The cloud consumer can decide via the neutron APIs VNIC_TYPE attribute, if " -"an instance gets a normal OVS port or an SRIOV port." -msgstr "" -"Konsumen cloud dapat memutuskan melalui atribut API VNIC_TYPE neutron, jika " -"sebuah instance mendapat port OVS normal atau port SRIOV." - -msgid "The command also indicates if a project lacks network resources." -msgstr "" -"Perintah ini juga menunjukkan jika proyek tidak memiliki sumber daya " -"jaringan." - -msgid "The command provides no output." -msgstr "Perintah ini tidak memberikan keluaran (output)." - -msgid "" -"The command provides output that includes a completion percentage and the " -"quantity of successful or unsuccessful network resource deletions. An " -"unsuccessful deletion usually indicates sharing of a resource with one or " -"more additional projects." -msgstr "" -"Perintah ini menyediakan output yang mencakup persentase penyelesaian dan " -"kuantitas penghapusan sumber daya jaringan sukses atau gagal. Sebuah " -"penghapusan berhasil biasanya menunjukkan berbagi sumber daya dengan satu " -"atau lebih proyek tambahan." - -msgid "" -"The configuration supports multiple VXLAN self-service networks. For " -"simplicity, the following procedure creates one self-service network and a " -"router with a gateway on the flat provider network. The router uses NAT for " -"IPv4 network traffic and directly routes IPv6 network traffic." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi mendukung beberapa jaringan self-service VXLAN. Untuk " -"mempermudah, prosedur berikut menciptakan satu jaringan self-service dan " -"router dengan gateway di jaringan provider datar (flat). Router menggunakan " -"NAT untuk lalu lintas jaringan IPv4 dan langsung me-rute lalu lintas " -"jaringan IPv6." - -msgid "" -"The configuration supports one flat or multiple VLAN provider networks. For " -"simplicity, the following procedure creates one flat provider network." -msgstr "" -"Konfigurasi ini mendukung satu jaringan datar atau beberapa jaringan " -"penyedia VLAN. Untuk mempermudah, prosedur berikut menciptakan satu jaringan " -"operator datar." - -msgid "" -"The coordination between the Networking service and the Compute scheduler " -"requires the following minimum API micro-versions." -msgstr "" -"Koordinasi antara layanan Networking dan Compute schedule memerlukan mikro-" -"versi API minimum berikut." - -msgid "" -"The core plug-in must support the ``availability_zone`` extension. The core " -"plug-in also must support the ``network_availability_zone`` extension to " -"schedule a network according to availability zones. The ``Ml2Plugin`` " -"supports it. The router service plug-in must support the " -"``router_availability_zone`` extension to schedule a router according to the " -"availability zones. The ``L3RouterPlugin`` supports it." -msgstr "" -"Plug-in inti harus mendukung ekstensi ``availability_zone``. Plug-in inti " -"juga harus mendukung ekstensi ``network_availability_zone`` untuk " -"menjadwalkan jaringan sesuai dengan zona ketersediaan. ``Ml2Plugin`` " -"mendukungnya. Layanan router plug-in harus mendukung ekstensi " -"``router_availability_zone`` untuk menjadwal router sesuai dengan zona " -"ketersediaan. ``L3RouterPlugin`` mendukungnya." - -msgid "" -"The current process as designed is a minimally viable migration with the " -"goal of deprecating and then removing legacy networking. Both the Compute " -"and Networking teams agree that a one-button migration process from legacy " -"networking to OpenStack Networking (neutron) is not an essential requirement " -"for the deprecation and removal of the legacy networking at a future date. " -"This section includes a process and tools which are designed to solve a " -"simple use case migration." -msgstr "" -"Proses saat seperti yang dirancang adalah migrasi minimal yang layak dengan " -"tujuan mencela (deprecating) dan kemudian menghapus (removing) jaringan " -"legacy. Tim Compute maupun Networking setuju bahwa proses migrasi one-button " -"dari warisan jaringan untuk OpenStack Networking (neutron) bukan merupakan " -"persyaratan penting untuk depresiasi dan penghapusan warisan jaringan di " -"masa mendatang. Bagian ini mencakup proses dan alat-alat yang dirancang " -"untuk memecahkan migrasi use case migration yang sederhana." - -msgid "The currently supported resources are:" -msgstr "Sumber daya saat ini didukung adalah:" - -msgid "" -"The database management command-line tool is called :command:`neutron-db-" -"manage`. Pass the ``--help`` option to the tool for usage information." -msgstr "" -"Alat command-line manajemen database disebut :command:`neutron-db-manage`. " -"Melewatkan opsi ``--help`` ke alat itu untuk informasi penggunaan." - -msgid "" -"The default ``policy.json`` file will not allow regular users to share " -"objects with every other project using a wildcard; however, it will allow " -"them to share objects with specific project IDs." -msgstr "" -"File ``policy.json`` default tidak akan mengizinkan pengguna biasa untuk " -"berbagi objek dengan proyek lainnya menggunakan wildcard; Namun, hal itu " -"akan mengizinkan mereka untuk berbagi objek dengan ID proyek tertentu." - -msgid "The deployment examples refer one or more of the following nodes:" -msgstr "Contoh pengerahan merujuk satu atau lebih node berikut:" - -msgid "" -"The deployment examples refer to one or more of the following networks and " -"network interfaces:" -msgstr "" -"Contoh penyebaran mengacu pada satu atau lebih jaringan berikut dan " -"antarmuka jaringan:" - -msgid "" -"The distributed router namespace routes the packet to self-service network 2." -msgstr "Distributed router namespace me-rute paket ke self-service network 2." - -msgid "" -"The driver interface is designed to allow separate drivers for each subnet " -"pool. However, the current implementation allows only a single IPAM driver " -"system-wide." -msgstr "" -"Interface driver dirancang untuk memungkinkan driver yang terpisah untuk " -"setiap kolam subnet. Namun, pelaksanaan saat ini memungkinkan hanya system-" -"wide driver IPAM tunggal. " - -msgid "" -"The enablement of this functionality is prerequisite for the enablement of " -"the Networking service integration with an external DNS service, which is " -"described in detail in :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`." -msgstr "" -"Pemberdayaan fungsi ini merupakan prasyarat untuk pemberdayaan dari " -"integrasi layanan Networking dengan layanan DNS eksternal, yang dijelaskan " -"secara rinci dalam :ref: `config-dns-int-ext-serv`." - -msgid "" -"The example configuration assumes sufficient knowledge about the Networking " -"service, routing, and BGP. For basic deployment of the Networking service, " -"consult one of the :ref:`deploy`. For more information on BGP, see `RFC 4271 " -"`_." -msgstr "" -"Contoh konfigurasi mengasumsikan pengetahuan yang cukup tentang layanan " -"Networking, routing, dan BGP. Untuk pengerahan dasar layanan Networking, " -"konsultasikan salah satu :ref: `deploy`. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut " -"tentang BGP, lihat `RFC 4271 `_." - -msgid "The example configuration involves the following components:" -msgstr "Contoh konfigurasi melibatkan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "The example network ``net1`` must exist before creating ports on it." -msgstr "The example network ``net1`` must exist before creating ports on it." - -msgid "The examples assume the OpenStack DNS service as the external DNS." -msgstr "Contoh ini menganggap layanan DNS OpenStack sebagai DNS eksternal." - -msgid "The external and self-service network reside in the same address scope." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan eksternal dan self-service berada dalam lingkup alamat yang sama." - -msgid "The external network (12) receives the packet." -msgstr "Jaringan eksternal (12) menerima paket." - -msgid "The external network (16) receives the packet." -msgstr "External network (16) menerima paket." - -msgid "" -"The firewall remains in PENDING\\_CREATE state until you create a Networking " -"router and attach an interface to it." -msgstr "" -"firewall tetap dalam keadaan PENDING \\_CREATE sampai Anda membuat router " -"Networking dan menghubungkan sebuah antarmuka untuk itu." - -msgid "" -"The first branch is called expand and is used to store expansion-only " -"migration rules. These rules are strictly additive and can be applied while " -"the Neutron server is running." -msgstr "" -"Cabang pertama disebut memperluas dan digunakan untuk menyimpan aturan " -"migrasi expansion-only. Aturan-aturan ini secara ketat aditif dan dapat " -"diterapkan ketika server Neutron berjalan." - -msgid "" -"The first step to configure the integration with an external DNS service is " -"to enable the functionality described in :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-" -"resolution`. Once this is done, the user has to take the following steps and " -"restart ``neutron-server``." -msgstr "" -"Langkah pertama untuk mengkonfigurasi integrasi dengan layanan DNS eksternal " -"adalah mengaktifkan fungsi yang dijelaskan dalam :ref: `config-dns-int-dns-" -"resolution`. Setelah ini dilakukan, pengguna harus mengambil langkah berikut " -"dan restart ``neutron-server``." - -msgid "" -"The first time host *A* attempts to communicate with host *B*, the " -"destination MAC address is not known. Host *A* makes an ARP request to the " -"local network. The request is a broadcast with a message like this:" -msgstr "" -"Waktu pertama host *A* mencoba untuk berkomunikasi dengan host *B*, alamat " -"MAC tujuan tidak diketahui. Host *A* membuat permintaan ARP ke jaringan " -"lokal. Permintaan ini adalah broadcast (penyiaran) dengan pesan seperti ini:" - -msgid "" -"The first value in the ``tenant_network_types`` option becomes the default " -"project network type when a regular user creates a network." -msgstr "" -"Nilai pertama dalam opsi ``tenant_network_types`` menjadi tipe jaringan " -"proyek default ketika user biasa membuat sebuah jaringan." - -msgid "" -"The flag ``--default`` (and ``--no-default`` flag) is only effective with " -"external networks and has no effects on regular (or internal) networks." -msgstr "" -"Flag ``--default`` (and ``--no-default`` flag) hanya efektif dengan jaringan " -"eksternal dan tidak memiliki efek pada jaringan reguler (atau internal)." - -msgid "" -"The floating IP agent gateways (one per compute node) reside on " -",, and" -msgstr "" -"Agen gateway IP mengambang (satu per node komputasi) berada pada " -",, dan" - -msgid "" -"The floating IP namespace routes the packet (8) to the distributed router " -"namespace (9) using a pair of IP addresses on the DVR internal network. This " -"namespace contains the instance floating IPv4 address." -msgstr "" -"Namespace IP mengambang me-rute paket (8) ke distributed router namespace " -"(9) menggunakan sepasang alamat IP pada jaringan internal DVR. Namespace " -"ini berisi alamat IPv4 mengambang instance." - -msgid "The following attributes are added into network and router:" -msgstr "Atribut berikut ditambahkan ke dalam jaringan dan router:" - -msgid "" -"The following deployment examples provide building blocks of increasing " -"architectural complexity using the Networking service reference architecture " -"which implements the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plug-in and either the Open " -"vSwitch (OVS) or Linux bridge mechanism drivers. Both mechanism drivers " -"support the same basic features such as provider networks, self-service " -"networks, and routers. However, more complex features often require a " -"particular mechanism driver. Thus, you should consider the requirements (or " -"goals) of your cloud before choosing a mechanism driver." -msgstr "" -"Contoh pengerahan berikut menyediakan blok bangunan seiring dengan " -"peningkatan kompleksitas arsitektur menggunakan arsitektur referensi layanan " -"Networking yang mengimplementasikan Modular Layer 2 (ML2) plug-in dan Open " -"vSwitch (OVS) ataupun driver mekanisme Linux bridge. Kedua driver mekanisme " -"mendukung fitur dasar yang sama seperti jaringan provider, jaringan self-" -"service, dan router. Namun, fitur yang lebih kompleks sering membutuhkan " -"driver mekanisme tertentu. Dengan demikian, Anda harus mempertimbangkan " -"persyaratan (atau tujuan) dari cloud Anda sebelum pemilihan driver mekanisme." - -msgid "" -"The following diagram depicts FWaaS v1 protection. It illustrates the flow " -"of ingress and egress traffic for the VM2 instance:" -msgstr "" -"Diagram berikut menggambarkan perlindungan FWaaS v1. Ini menggambarkan " -"aliran masuknya (ingress) dan lalu lintas jalan keluar (egress) untuk " -"instance VM2:" - -msgid "" -"The following example outlines how you can configure service subnets in a " -"DVR-enabled deployment, with the goal of minimizing public IP address " -"consumption. This example uses three subnets on the same external network:" -msgstr "" -"Contoh berikut menguraikan bagaimana Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi subnet " -"layanan dalam pengerahan DVR-enabled, dengan tujuan meminimalkan konsumsi " -"alamat IP publik. Contoh ini menggunakan tiga subnet pada jaringan eksternal " -"yang sama:" - -msgid "" -"The following figure describes virtual connectivity among components for two " -"tagged (VLAN) networks. Essentially, all networks use a single OVS " -"integration bridge with different internal VLAN tags. The internal VLAN tags " -"almost always differ from the network VLAN assignment in the Networking " -"service. Similar to the untagged network case, the DHCP agent may reside on " -"a different compute node." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menjelaskan konektivitas virtual antara komponen untuk dua " -"jaringan tag (VLAN). Pada dasarnya, semua jaringan menggunakan jembatan OVS " -"integrasi tunggal dengan tag VLAN internal yang berbeda. Tag VLAN internal " -"yang hampir selalu berbeda dari tugas VLAN jaringan dalam layanan " -"Networking. Mirip dengan kasus jaringan untagged, agen DHCP dapat berada " -"pada node komputasi yang berbeda." - -msgid "" -"The following figure describes virtual connectivity among components for two " -"tagged (VLAN) networks. Essentially, each network uses a separate bridge " -"that contains a port on the VLAN sub-interface on the provider physical " -"network interface. Similar to the single untagged network case, the DHCP " -"agent may reside on a different compute node." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menjelaskan konektivitas virtual antar komponen untuk dua " -"jaringan tag (VLAN). Pada dasarnya, setiap jaringan menggunakan jembatan " -"terpisah yang berisi port pada sub-interface VLAN pada antarmuka jaringan " -"fisik provider. Mirip dengan kasus jaringan tunggal untagged, agen DHCP " -"dapat berada pada node komputasi yang berbeda." - -msgid "" -"The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service " -"network and one untagged (flat) network. In this particular case, the " -"instance resides on the same compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. " -"If the DHCP agent resides on another compute node, the latter only contains " -"a DHCP namespace with a port on the OVS integration bridge." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menunjukkan komponen dan konektivitas untuk satu jaringan " -"self-service dan satu jaringan tanpa tanda (flat). Dalam kasus ini, " -"instance berada pada node komputasi yang sama sebagai agen DHCP untuk " -"jaringan. Jika agen DHCP berada pada node komputasi lain, yang terakhir " -"hanya berisi namespace DHCP dengan port pada jembatan integrasi OVS." - -msgid "" -"The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service " -"network and one untagged (flat) network. The master router resides on " -"network node 1. In this particular case, the instance resides on the same " -"compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent resides on " -"another compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace and Linux " -"bridge with a port on the overlay physical network interface." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menunjukkan komponen dan konektivitas untuk satu jaringan " -"self-service dan satu jaringan untagged (flat). Router master berada pada " -"node jaringan 1. Dalam kasus ini, instance berada pada node komputasi yang " -"sama sebagai agen DHCP untuk jaringan. Jika agen DHCP berada pada node " -"komputasi lain, yang terakhir hanya berisi namespace DHCP dan Linux bridge " -"dengan port pada interface jaringan fisik overlay." - -msgid "" -"The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service " -"network and one untagged (flat) provider network. In this particular case, " -"the instance resides on the same compute node as the DHCP agent for the " -"network. If the DHCP agent resides on another compute node, the latter only " -"contains a DHCP namespace and Linux bridge with a port on the overlay " -"physical network interface." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menunjukkan komponen dan konektivitas untuk satu jaringan " -"self-service dan satu jaringan operator untagged (flat). Dalam kasus ini, " -"instance berada pada node komputasi yang sama sebagai agen DHCP untuk " -"jaringan. Jika agen DHCP berada pada node komputasi lain, yang terakhir " -"hanya berisi namespace DHCP dan jembatan Linux dengan port pada interface " -"jaringan fisik overlay." - -msgid "" -"The following figure shows components and connectivity for one self-service " -"network and one untagged (flat) provider network. In this particular case, " -"the instance resides on the same compute node as the DHCP agent for the " -"network. If the DHCP agent resides on another compute node, the latter only " -"contains a DHCP namespace and with a port on the OVS integration bridge." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menunjukkan komponen dan konektivitas untuk satu jaringan " -"self-service dan satu jaringan provider tanpa tanda (flat). Dalam kasus ini, " -"instance berada pada node komputasi yang sama sebagai agen DHCP untuk " -"jaringan. Jika agen DHCP berada pada node komputasi lain, yang terakhir " -"hanya berisi namespace DHCP dan dengan port di jembatan integrasi OVS." - -msgid "" -"The following figure shows components and connectivity for one untagged " -"(flat) network. In this particular case, the instance resides on the same " -"compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent resides on " -"another compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace and Linux " -"bridge with a port on the provider physical network interface." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menunjukkan komponen dan konektivitas untuk satu jaringan " -"untagged (flat). Dalam kasus ini, instance berada pada node komputasi yang " -"sama sebagai agen DHCP untuk jaringan. Jika agen DHCP berada pada node " -"komputasi lain, yang terakhir hanya berisi namespace DHCP dan Linux bridge " -"dengan port pada antarmuka jaringan fisik provider." - -msgid "" -"The following figure shows components and connectivity for one untagged " -"(flat) network. In this particular case, the instance resides on the same " -"compute node as the DHCP agent for the network. If the DHCP agent resides on " -"another compute node, the latter only contains a DHCP namespace with a port " -"on the OVS integration bridge." -msgstr "" -"Gambar berikut menunjukkan komponen dan konektivitas untuk satu jaringan " -"untagged (flat). Dalam kasus ini, instance berada pada node komputasi yang " -"sama sebagai agen DHCP untuk jaringan. Jika agen DHCP berada pada node " -"komputasi lain, yang terakhir hanya berisi namespace DHCP dengan port di " -"jembatan integrasi OVS." - -msgid "" -"The following illustrates the creation of a port with ``my-port`` in its " -"``dns_name`` attribute." -msgstr "" -"Berikut ini menggambarkan pembuatan port dengan ``my-port`` dalam " -"attributnya ``dns_name``." - -msgid "" -"The following is an example of an instance creation, showing how its " -"``hostname`` populates the ``dns_name`` attribute of the allocated port:" -msgstr "" -"Berikut ini adalah contoh dari pembuatan instance, yang menunjukkan " -"bagaimana ``hostname`` akan mengisi atribut ``dns_name`` dari port yang " -"dialokasikan:" - -msgid "The following is an example:" -msgstr "Berikut ini adalah contoh:" - -msgid "" -"The following link provides a great step by step tutorial on setting up IPv6 " -"with OpenStack: `Tenant IPV6 deployment in OpenStack Kilo release `_." -msgstr "" -"Link berikut memberikan langkah besar tutorial langkah demi langkah tentang " -"pengaturan IPv6 dengan OpenStack: `Tenant IPV6 deployment in OpenStack Kilo " -"release `_." - -msgid "The following manufacturers are known to work:" -msgstr "Produsen berikut diketahui bekerja:" - -msgid "" -"The following sections describe the flow of network traffic in several " -"common scenarios. *North-south* network traffic travels between an instance " -"and external network such as the Internet. *East-west* network traffic " -"travels between instances on the same or different networks. In all " -"scenarios, the physical network infrastructure handles switching and routing " -"among provider networks and external networks such as the Internet. Each " -"case references one or more of the following components:" -msgstr "" -"Bagian berikut menjelaskan arus lalu lintas jaringan di beberapa skenario " -"umum. Lalu lintas jaringan *north-south* berjalan antara instance dan " -"jaringan eksternal seperti Internet. Lalu lintas jaringan *east-barat * " -"berjalan antara instance pada jaringan yang sama atau berbeda. Dalam semua " -"skenario, infrastruktur jaringan fisik menangani switching dan routing " -"antara jaringan provider dan jaringan eksternal seperti Internet. Setiap " -"kasus merujuk satu atau lebih dari komponen berikut:" - -msgid "" -"The following shows the dnsmasq process that libvirt manages as it appears " -"in the output of :command:`ps`::" -msgstr "" -"Berikut ini menunjukkan proses dnsmasq dimana libvirt mengelola seperti yang " -"muncul dalam output :command:`ps`::" - -msgid "" -"The following steps create a routed provider network with two segments. Each " -"segment contains one IPv4 subnet and one IPv6 subnet." -msgstr "" -"Langkah-langkah berikut membuat jaringan penyedia dialihkan dengan dua " -"segmen. Setiap segmen berisi satu subnet IPv4 dan satu subnet IPv6." - -msgid "The following steps involve compute node 1." -msgstr "Langkah berikut melibatkan komputasi node 1." - -msgid "The following steps involve compute node 1:" -msgstr "Langkah berikut melibatkan komputasi node 1:" - -msgid "The following steps involve compute node 2:" -msgstr "Langkah berikut melibatkan komputasi node 2:" - -msgid "The following steps involve the compute node:" -msgstr "Langkah berikut melibatkan node komputasi:" - -msgid "The following steps involve the network node:" -msgstr "Langkah berikut melibatkan node jaringan:" - -msgid "The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure:" -msgstr "Langkah-langkah berikut melibatkan infrastruktur jaringan fisik:" - -msgid "The following table compares v1 and v2 features." -msgstr "Tabel berikut membandingkan fitur v1 dan v2." - -msgid "" -"The following tables shows which reference implementations support which non-" -"L2 neutron agents:" -msgstr "" -"Tabel berikut menunjukkan dimana reference implementation mendukung yang " -"agen neutron non-L2:" - -msgid "The following terms are used throughout this document:" -msgstr "Istilah berikut digunakan di seluruh dokumen ini:" - -msgid "The following type drivers are available" -msgstr "Driver tipe berikut tersedia" - -msgid "" -"The following use cases refer to adding tags to networks, but the same can " -"be applicable to any other supported Networking service resource:" -msgstr "" -"Kasus penggunaan (use case) berikut mengacu pada penambahan tag ke jaringan, " -"tetapi hal yang sama dapat berlaku untuk setiap sumber daya layanan " -"Networking yang didukung lainnya:" - -msgid "" -"The health of your ``keepalived`` instances can be automatically monitored " -"via a bash script that verifies connectivity to all available and configured " -"gateway addresses. In the event that connectivity is lost, the master router " -"is rescheduled to another node." -msgstr "" -"Kesehatan instance ``keepalived`` Anda dapat secara otomatis dipantau " -"melalui skrip bash yang memverifikasi konektivitas ke semua alamat gerbang " -"yang dikonfigurasi dan tersedia. Dalam hal konektivitas yang hilang, master " -"router dijadwal ulang ke node lain." - -msgid "" -"The host containing the BGP agent must have layer-3 connectivity to the " -"provider router." -msgstr "" -"Host yang berisi agen BGP harus memiliki konektivitas lapisan-3 dengan " -"router provider." - -msgid "" -"The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the provider bridge " -"instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Instance 1 interface (1) meneruskan paket ke provider bridge instance port " -"(2) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group " -"bridge instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Instance 1 interface (1) meneruskan paket ke security group bridge instance " -"port (2) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The instance 1 interface (1) forwards the packet to the self-service bridge " -"instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"The instance 1 interface (1) meneruskan paket untuk self-service bridge " -"instance port (2) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the provider bridge " -"instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka instance (1) meneruskan paket ke provider bridge instance port (2) " -"melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the security group bridge " -"instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Instance interface (1) meneruskan paket ke security group bridge instance " -"port (2) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The instance interface (1) forwards the packet to the self-service bridge " -"instance port (2) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Instance interface (1)) meneruskan paket ke self-service bridge instance " -"port (2) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The instance of a router on each compute node consumes an IPv4 address on " -"the provider network on which it contains a gateway." -msgstr "" -"Instance router pada setiap node komputasi mengkonsumsi alamat IPv4 pada " -"jaringan provider yang mengandung gateway." - -msgid "The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1." -msgstr "" -"Instance berada pada komputasi node 1 dan menggunakan jaringan provider 1." - -msgid "The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1." -msgstr "" -"Instance berada pada menghitung node 1 dan menggunakan jaringan self-" -"service 1." - -msgid "The instance sends a packet to a host on the Internet." -msgstr "Instance mengirimkan sebuah paket ke host di Internet." - -msgid "" -"The intent of separate branches is to allow invoking those safe migrations " -"from the expand branch while the Neutron server is running and therefore " -"reducing downtime needed to upgrade the service." -msgstr "" -"Maksud dari cabang terpisah adalah untuk memungkinkan permohonan migrasi " -"mereka yang aman dari perluasan cabang ketika server Neutron berjalan dan " -"karena itu mengurangi downtime yang dibutuhkan untuk meng-upgrade layanan." - -msgid "" -"The internal DNS functionality offered by the Networking service and its " -"interaction with the Compute service." -msgstr "" -"Fungsi DNS internal yang ditawarkan oleh layanan Networking dan interaksinya " -"dengan layanan Compute." - -msgid "The load balancer now handles traffic on ports 80 and 443." -msgstr "Penyeimbang beban sekarang menangani lalu lintas pada port 80 dan 443." - -msgid "" -"The load balancer occupies a neutron network port and has an IP address " -"assigned from a subnet." -msgstr "" -"Penyeimbang beban menempati port jaringan neutron dan memiliki alamat IP " -"yang ditetapkan dari subnet." - -msgid "The master router may reside on network node 2." -msgstr "Router utama mungkin berada pada network node 2." - -msgid "" -"The mechanism driver is responsible for taking the information established " -"by the type driver and ensuring that it is properly applied given the " -"specific networking mechanisms that have been enabled." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme bertanggung jawab untuk mengambil informasi yang ditetapkan " -"oleh driver tipe dan memastikan bahwa itu benar diterapkan mengingat " -"mekanisme jaringan tertentu yang telah diaktifkan." - -msgid "" -"The migration may be paused, even for an extended period of time (for " -"example, while testing or investigating issues) with some hypervisors on " -"legacy networking and some on Networking, and Compute API remains fully " -"functional. Individual hypervisors may be rolled back to legacy networking " -"during this stage of the migration, although this requires an additional " -"restart." -msgstr "" -"Migrasi dapat berhenti, bahkan untuk jangka waktu (misalnya, saat uji coba " -"atau menyelidiki masalah) dengan beberapa hypervisors pada jaringan legacy " -"dan beberapa di layanan Networking, dan Compute API tetap berfungsi secara " -"penuh. Hypervisors individu dapat digulung kembali (rolled back) ke jaringan " -"legacy selama tahap ini migrasi, meskipun ini membutuhkan restart tambahan." - -msgid "" -"The migration process from the legacy nova-network networking service to " -"OpenStack Networking (neutron) has some limitations and impacts on the " -"operational state of the cloud. It is critical to understand them in order " -"to decide whether or not this process is acceptable for your cloud and all " -"users." -msgstr "" -"Proses migrasi dari layanan jaringan nova-network legacy ke OpenStack " -"Networking (neutron) memiliki beberapa keterbatasan dan dampak pada keadaan " -"operasional cloud. Hal ini penting untuk memahami mereka untuk memutuskan " -"apakah proses ini dapat diterima atau tidak bagi cloud dan semua pengguna." - -msgid "" -"The migration process is quite simple, it involves turning down the router " -"by setting the router's ``admin_state_up`` attribute to ``False``, upgrading " -"the router to L3 HA and then setting the router's ``admin_state_up`` " -"attribute back to ``True``." -msgstr "" -"Proses migrasi cukup sederhana, proses melibatkan menolak router dengan " -"menetapkan attribut router ``admin_state_up`` ke ``False``, upgrade router " -"ke L3 HA dan kemudian menetapkan attribut router ``admin_state_up`` kembali " -"ke ``True``." - -msgid "" -"The most common application programming interface (API) for writing TCP-" -"based applications is called *Berkeley sockets*, also known as *BSD sockets* " -"or, simply, *sockets*. The sockets API exposes a *stream oriented* interface " -"for writing TCP applications. From the perspective of a programmer, sending " -"data over a TCP connection is similar to writing a stream of bytes to a " -"file. It is the responsibility of the operating system's TCP/IP " -"implementation to break up the stream of data into IP packets. The operating " -"system is also responsible for automatically retransmitting dropped packets, " -"and for handling flow control to ensure that transmitted data does not " -"overrun the sender's data buffers, receiver's data buffers, and network " -"capacity. Finally, the operating system is responsible for re-assembling the " -"packets in the correct order into a stream of data on the receiver's side. " -"Because TCP detects and retransmits lost packets, it is said to be a " -"*reliable* protocol." -msgstr "" -"Application programming interface (API) yang paling umum untuk menulis " -"aplikasi berbasis TCP disebut *Berkeley soket *, juga dikenal sebagai *BSD " -"soket * atau, sederhananya, *soket *. Soket API mengekspos antarmuka *stream " -"oriented* untuk menulis aplikasi TCP. Dari perspektif programmer, pengiriman " -"data melalui koneksi TCP mirip dengan menulis aliran byte ke file. Ini " -"adalah tanggung jawab penerapan TCP/IP di sistem operasi untuk memecah " -"aliran data ke dalam paket IP. Sistem operasi ini juga bertanggung jawab " -"untuk secara otomatis mentransmisi kembali paket terjatuh, dan untuk " -"menangani kontrol aliran untuk memastikan bahwa data yang dikirimkan tidak " -"dibanjiri buffer data pengirim, buffer data penerima, dan kapasitas " -"jaringan. Akhirnya, sistem operasi bertanggung jawab untuk kembali merakit " -"paket dalam urutan yang benar ke dalam aliran data di sisi penerima. Karena " -"TCP mendeteksi dan mentransmisikan kembali paket yang hilang, maka dikatakan " -"protokol *reliable*." - -msgid "" -"The name assigned to the port by the Networking service internal DNS is now " -"visible in the response in the ``dns_assignment`` attribute." -msgstr "" -"Nama yang ditugaskan ke port oleh layanan Jaringan DNS internal sekarang " -"terlihat dalam respon dalam atribut ``dns_assignment``." - -msgid "" -"The name given to the instance by the user, ``my_vm``, is sanitized by the " -"Compute service and becomes ``my-vm`` as the port's ``dns_name``." -msgstr "" -"Nama yang diberikan untuk instance oleh pengguna, ``my_vm``, disterilkan " -"oleh layanan Compute dan menjadi ``my-vm`` sebagai `` dns_name`` port." - -msgid "" -"The namespace for router 1 from :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` should only " -"appear on network node 1 because of creation prior to enabling VRRP." -msgstr "" -"Namespace untuk router 1 dari :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` seharusnya hanya " -"muncul di jaringan node 1 karena penciptaan sebelum mengaktifkan VRRP." - -msgid "" -"The namespace for router 1 from :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` should also " -"appear on network node 1 because of creation prior to enabling distributed " -"routing." -msgstr "" -"Namespace untuk router 1 dari :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` juga harus " -"muncul di jaringan node 1 karena penciptaan sebelum mengaktifkan routing " -"terdistribusikan." - -msgid "" -"The native OVS firewall implementation requires kernel and user space " -"support for *conntrack*, thus requiring minimum versions of the Linux kernel " -"and Open vSwitch. All cases require Open vSwitch version 2.5 or newer." -msgstr "" -"Implementasi firewall OVS asli memerlukan kernel dan dukungan ruang pengguna " -"untuk *conntrack *, sehingga membutuhkan versi minimum dari kernel Linux dan " -"Open vSwitch. Semua case memerlukan Open vSwitch versi 2.5 atau yang lebih " -"baru." - -msgid "" -"The network address ranges in the examples of this guide should not be used " -"for any purpose other than documentation." -msgstr "" -"Rentang alamat jaringan dalam contoh panduan ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk " -"tujuan apapun selain dokumentasi." - -msgid "" -"The network address ranges used in this guide are chosen in accordance with " -"`RFC 5737 `_ and `RFC 3849 `_, and as such are restricted to the following:" -msgstr "" -"Rentang alamat jaringan yang digunakan dalam panduan ini dipilih sesuai " -"dengan `RFC 5737 `_ dan `RFC 3849 " -"`_, dan dengan demikian dibatasi " -"sebagai berikut: " - -msgid "The network cannot have attribute ``router:external`` set to ``True``." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan tidak dapat memiliki atribut ``router:external`` atur ke ``True``." - -msgid "" -"The network presented by the subport is the network of the associated port. " -"When creating a subport, a ``segmentation-id`` may be required by the " -"driver. ``segmentation-id`` defines the segmentation ID on which the subport " -"network is presented to the instance. ``segmentation-type`` may be required " -"by certain drivers like OVS, although at this time only ``vlan`` is " -"supported as a ``segmentation-type``." -msgstr "" -"Jaringan disajikan oleh subport adalah jaringan dari port yang terkait. " -"Ketika membuat subport, satu `` segmentasi-id`` mungkin diperlukan oleh " -"driver. ``segmentasi-id`` mendefinisikan ID segmentasi dimana jaringan " -"subport disajikan untuk instance. ``segmentasi-type`` mungkin diperlukan " -"oleh driver tertentu seperti OVS, meskipun saat ini hanya ``vlan`` didukung " -"sebagai ``segmentasi-type``." - -msgid "" -"The network trunk service allows multiple networks to be connected to an " -"instance using a single virtual NIC (vNIC). Multiple networks can be " -"presented to an instance by connecting it to a single port." -msgstr "" -"Layanan trunk jaringan mengizinkan beberapa jaringan untuk terhubung ke " -"sebuah instance menggunakan NIC virtual tunggal (vNIC). Beberapa jaringan " -"dapat disajikan ke sebuah instance dengan menghubungkannya ke port tunggal." - -msgid "The network type can be FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE." -msgstr "Tipe jaringan dapat FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN atau GENEVE." - -msgid "" -"The newer FWaaS implementation, v2, provides a much more granular service. " -"The notion of a firewall has been replaced with firewall group to indicate " -"that a firewall consists of two policies: an ingress policy and an egress " -"policy. A firewall group is applied not at the router level (all ports on a " -"router) but at the port level. Currently, router ports can be specified. For " -"Ocata, VM ports can also be specified." -msgstr "" -"Penerapan FWaaS yang lebih baru, v2, menyediakan layanan yang jauh lebih " -"rinci. Gagasan firewall telah diganti dengan kelompok firewall untuk " -"menunjukkan bahwa firewall terdiri dari dua kebijakan: kebijakan masuknya " -"(ingress) dan kebijakan egress. Sekelompok firewall diterapkan tidak pada " -"tingkat router (semua port pada router) tetapi di tingkat port. Saat ini, " -"port router dapat ditentukan. Untuk Ocata, port VM juga dapat ditentukan." - -msgid "" -"The operating system of the TCP client application automatically assigns a " -"port number to the client. The client owns this port number until the TCP " -"connection is terminated, after which the operating system reclaims the port " -"number. These types of ports are referred to as *ephemeral ports*." -msgstr "" -"Sistem operasi dari aplikasi klien TCP secara otomatis memberikan nomor port " -"untuk klien. Klien memiliki nomor port ini sampai koneksi TCP dihentikan, " -"setelah sistem operasi mengambil kembali nomor port. Jenis port disebut " -"sebagai *ephemeral ports*." - -msgid "" -"The optional DHCP service manages IP addresses for instances on provider and " -"self-service networks. The Networking service implements the DHCP service " -"using an agent that manages ``qdhcp`` namespaces and the ``dnsmasq`` service." -msgstr "" -"Layanan DHCP opsional mengelola alamat IP untuk instance pada jaringan " -"provider dan self-service. Layanan Networking mengimplementasikan layanan " -"DHCP dengan menggunakan agen yang mengelola namespaces ``qdhcp`` dan layanan " -"``dnsmasq``." - -msgid "" -"The optional metadata service provides an API for instances to obtain " -"metadata such as SSH keys." -msgstr "" -"Layanan metadata opsional menyediakan API instance untuk mendapatkan " -"metadata seperti kunci SSH." - -msgid "The options used in the configuration file above are:" -msgstr "Opsi yang digunakan dalam file konfigurasi di atas adalah:" - -msgid "" -"The original FWaaS implementation, v1, provides protection for routers. When " -"a firewall is applied to a router, all internal ports are protected." -msgstr "" -"Pelaksanaan FWaaS original, v1, memberikan perlindungan untuk router. Ketika " -"firewall diterapkan untuk router, semua port internal dilindungi." - -msgid "" -"The output of the :command:`route -n` and :command:`netstat -rn` commands " -"are formatted in a slightly different way. This example shows how the same " -"routes would be formatted using these commands:" -msgstr "" -"Output dari perintah :command:`route -n` and :command:`netstat -rn` diformat " -"dengan cara yang sedikit berbeda. Contoh ini menunjukkan bagaimana rute yang " -"sama akan diformat menggunakan perintah ini:" - -msgid "" -"The output shows ``bridge-mapping`` and the number of virtual network " -"devices on this L2 agent." -msgstr "" -"Output menunjukkan ``bridge-mapping`` dan jumlah perangkat jaringan virtual " -"pada agen L2 ini." - -msgid "" -"The output shows information for four agents. The ``alive`` field shows " -"``True`` if the agent reported its state within the period defined by the " -"``agent_down_time`` option in the ``neutron.conf`` file. Otherwise the " -"``alive`` is ``False``." -msgstr "" -"Hasilnya menunjukkan informasi untuk empat agen. Field ``alive`` menunjukkan " -"``True`` jika agen melaporkan keadaannya dalam periode yang ditentukan oleh " -"opsi ``agent_down_time`` di file ``neutron.conf``. Jika tidak ``alive`` " -"adalah ``False``." - -msgid "" -"The output shows that the entry allows the action ``access_as_shared`` on " -"object ``84a7e627-573b-49da-af66-c9a65244f3ce`` of type ``network`` to " -"target_tenant ``*``, which is a wildcard that represents all projects." -msgstr "" -"Output menunjukkan bahwa entri menizinkan tindakan ``access_as_shared`` on " -"object ``84a7e627-573b-49da-af66-c9a65244f3ce`` dari tipe ``network`` ke " -"target_tenant ``*``, merupakan wildcard yang mewakili semua proyek." - -msgid "" -"The physical network infrastructure (1) forwards the packet to the provider " -"physical network interface (2)." -msgstr "" -"Infrastruktur jaringan fisik (1) meneruskan paket ke provider physical " -"network interface (2)." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface (12) forwards the packet to the OVS provider " -"bridge provider network port (13)." -msgstr "" -"Physical network interface (12) meneruskan paket ke OVS provider bridge " -"provider network port (13)." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface (12) removes VLAN tag 102 from the packet and " -"forwards it to the VLAN sub-interface port (13) on the provider bridge." -msgstr "" -"Physical network interface (12) menghapus VLAN tag 102 dari paket dan " -"meneruskannya ke VLAN sub-interface port (13) di provider bridge." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface (14) for the VXLAN interface sends the packet " -"to the compute node via the overlay network (15)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka jaringan fisik (14) untuk antarmuka VXLAN mengirimkan paket ke " -"node komputasi melalui jaringan overlay (15)." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface (16) forwards the packet to the OVS provider " -"bridge provider network port (17)." -msgstr "" -"Physical network interface (16) meneruskan paket ke OVS provider bridge " -"provider network port (17)." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface (5) adds VLAN tag 101 to the packet and " -"forwards it to the physical network infrastructure switch (6)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka jaringan fisik (5) menambahkan VLAN tag 101 untuk paket dan " -"meneruskannya ke switch infrastruktur jaringan fisik (6)." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface (8) removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and " -"forwards it to the VLAN sub-interface port (9) on the provider bridge." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka jaringan fisik (8) menghapus VLAN tag 101 dari paket dan " -"meneruskannya ke VLAN sub-interface port (9) pada provider bridge." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface forwards the packet to the Internet via " -"physical network infrastructure (23)." -msgstr "" -"Physical network interface meneruskan paket ke Internet melalui physical " -"network infrastructure (23)." - -msgid "" -"The physical network interface forwards the packet to the physical network " -"infrastructure switch (10)." -msgstr "" -"Physical network interface meneruskan paket ke physical network " -"infrastructure switch (10)." - -msgid "" -"The port chain plug-in supports backing service providers including the OVS " -"driver and a variety of SDN controller drivers. The common driver API " -"enables different drivers to provide different implementations for the " -"service chain path rendering." -msgstr "" -"Plug-in rantai port mendukung penyokong penyedia layanan termasuk driver " -"OVS dan berbagai driver kontroler SDN. Driver umum API mengaktifkan driver " -"yang lain untuk memberikan implementasi yang berbeda untuk rantai layanan " -"path rendering." - -msgid "" -"The port's ``dns_assignment`` attribute shows that its FQDN is ``my-vm." -"example.org.`` in the Networking service internal DNS, which is the result " -"of concatenating the port's ``dns_name`` with the value configured in the " -"``dns_domain`` parameter in ``neutron.conf``, as explained previously." -msgstr "" -"Atribut ``dns_assignment`` port menunjukkan bahwa FQDN nya adalah ``my-vm." -"example.org.`` dalam layanan Jaringan DNS internal, yang merupakan hasil " -"dari penggabungan ``dns_name`` port dengan nilai yang dikonfigurasi dalam " -"yang parameter ``dns_domain`` di ``neutron.conf``, seperti yang dijelaskan " -"sebelumnya." - -msgid "" -"The port's data was visible in the DNS service as soon as it was created." -msgstr "Data milk port terlihat di layanan DNS segera setelah dibuat." - -msgid "" -"The prefix delegation mechanism then sends a request via the external " -"network to your prefix delegation server, which replies with the delegated " -"prefix. The subnet is then updated with the new prefix, including issuing " -"new IP addresses to all ports:" -msgstr "" -"Mekanisme prefix delegation kemudian mengirimkan permintaan melalui jaringan " -"eksternal ke server prefix delegation Anda, yang menjawab dengan delegated " -"prefix. Subnet tersebut kemudian diperbarui dengan prefix baru, termasuk " -"menerbitkan alamat IP baru untuk semua port:" - -msgid "" -"The provider bridge forwards the packet to the self-service router gateway " -"port on the provider network (5)." -msgstr "" -"Provider bridge meneruskan paket ke self-service router gateway port pada " -"jaringan provider (5)." - -msgid "" -"The provider bridge instance port (11) forwards the packet to the instance 2 " -"interface (12) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Provider bridge instance port (11) meneruskan paket ke instance 2 interface " -"(12) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The provider bridge instance port (15) forwards the packet to the instance 2 " -"interface (16) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Provider bridge instance port (15) meneruskan paket ke instance 2 interface " -"(16) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The provider networks architecture example provides layer-2 connectivity " -"between instances and the physical network infrastructure using VLAN " -"(802.1q) tagging. It supports one untagged (flat) network and and up to 4095 " -"tagged (VLAN) networks. The actual quantity of VLAN networks depends on the " -"physical network infrastructure. For more information on provider networks, " -"see :ref:`intro-os-networking-provider`." -msgstr "" -"Contoh arsitektur jaringan provider memberikan konektivitas lapisan-2 antar " -"instance dan infrastruktur jaringan fisik dengan menggunakan VLAN (802.1q) " -"tagging. Arsitektur ini mendukung satu jaringan untagged (flat) dan dan " -"jaringan tagged (VLAN) sampai 4095. Jumlah sebenarnya dari jaringan VLAN " -"tergantung pada infrastruktur jaringan fisik. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut " -"tentang jaringan provider, lihat :ref:`intro-os-networking-provider`." - -msgid "" -"The provider physical network interface (14) adds VLAN tag 101 to the packet " -"and forwards it to the Internet via physical network infrastructure (15)." -msgstr "" -"Provider physical network interface (14) menambahkan VLAN tag 101 untuk " -"paket dan meneruskannya ke Internet melalui infrastruktur jaringan fisik " -"(15)." - -msgid "" -"The provider physical network interface forwards the packet to the OVS " -"provider bridge provider network port (3)." -msgstr "" -"Provider physical network interface meneruskan paket ke OVS provider bridge " -"provider network port (3)." - -msgid "" -"The provider physical network interface removes VLAN tag 101 and forwards " -"the packet to the VLAN sub-interface on the provider bridge." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka jaringan fisik provider menghapus VLAN tag 101 dan meneruskan " -"paket ke sub-interface VLAN pada provider bridge." - -msgid "" -"The purpose of VXLAN is to provide scalable network isolation. VXLAN is a " -"Layer 2 overlay scheme on a Layer 3 network. It allows an overlay layer-2 " -"network to spread across multiple underlay layer-3 network domains. Each " -"overlay is termed a VXLAN segment. Only VMs within the same VXLAN segment " -"can communicate." -msgstr "" -"Tujuan dari VXLAN adalah untuk memberikan isolasi jaringan scalable. VXLAN " -"adalah skema overlay Layer 2 pada jaringan Layer 3. Hal ini mengizinkan " -"jaringan lapisan-2 overlay untuk tersebar di beberapa domain jaringan " -"lapisan-3 yang mendasarinya. Setiap overlay disebut segmen VXLAN. Hanya VM " -"dalam segmen VXLAN yang sama dapat berkomunikasi." - -msgid "" -"The purpose of this page is to describe how to enable SR-IOV functionality " -"available in OpenStack (using OpenStack Networking). This functionality was " -"first introduced in the OpenStack Juno release. This page intends to serve " -"as a guide for how to configure OpenStack Networking and OpenStack Compute " -"to create SR-IOV ports." -msgstr "" -"Tujuan dari halaman ini adalah untuk menjelaskan cara mengaktifkan fungsi SR-" -"IOV yang tersedia di OpenStack (menggunakan OpenStack Networking). Fungsi " -"ini pertama kali diperkenalkan di rilis OpenStack Juno. Halaman ini " -"bermaksud untuk membantu sebagai panduan untuk mengetahui cara bagaimana " -"mengkonfigurasi OpenStack Networking dan OpenStack Compute untuk membuat " -"port SR-IOV." - -msgid "" -"The router contains an interface on the self-service subnet and a gateway on " -"the external network." -msgstr "" -"Router berisi sebuah antarmuka pada subnet self-service dan gateway pada " -"jaringan eksternal." - -msgid "" -"The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for self-" -"service network 2 (18)." -msgstr "" -"Router meneruskan paket ke OVS integration bridge port untuk self-service " -"network 2 (18)." - -msgid "" -"The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for the " -"provider network (18)." -msgstr "" -"Router meneruskan paket ke OVS integration bridge port untuk jaringan " -"provider (18)." - -msgid "" -"The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for the " -"self-service network (11)." -msgstr "" -"Router meneruskan paket ke OVS integration bridge port untuk jaringan self-" -"service (11)." - -msgid "" -"The router forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for the " -"self-service network (9)." -msgstr "" -"Router meneruskan paket ke OVS integration bridge port untuk jaringan self-" -"service (9)." - -msgid "The router forwards the packet to the provider bridge router port (12)." -msgstr "Router meneruskan paket ke provider bridge router port (12)." - -msgid "" -"The router forwards the packet to the self-service bridge router port (7)." -msgstr "Router meneruskan paket ke self-service bridge router port (7)." - -msgid "" -"The router forwards the packet to the self-service network 2 bridge router " -"port (12)." -msgstr "" -"Router meneruskan paket ke self-service network 2 bridge router port (12)." - -msgid "The router forwards the packet to the switch (10)." -msgstr "Router meneruskan paket ke switch (10)." - -msgid "The router forwards the packet to the switch (14)." -msgstr "Router meneruskan paket ke switch (14)." - -msgid "" -"The router performs DNAT on the packet which changes the destination IP " -"address to the instance IP address on the self-service network via the self-" -"service network interface (10)." -msgstr "" -"Router melakukan DNAT pada paket yang mengubah alamat IP tujuan ke alamat IP " -"instance di jaringan self-service melalui antarmuka jaringan self-service " -"(10)." - -msgid "" -"The router routes the packet from provider network 1 (12) to provider " -"network 2 (13)." -msgstr "" -"Router me-rute paket dari provider network 1 (12) ke provider network 2 (13)." - -msgid "" -"The router routes the packet from provider network 1 (8) to provider network " -"2 (9)." -msgstr "" -"Router me-rute paket dari provider network 1 (8) ke provider network 2 (9)." - -msgid "" -"The router routes the packet from the provider network (12) to the external " -"network (13) and forwards the packet to the switch (14)." -msgstr "" -"Router me-rute paket dari provider network (12) ke external network (13) dan " -"meneruskan paket ke switch (14)." - -msgid "" -"The router routes the packet from the provider network (8) to the external " -"network (9) and forwards the packet to the switch (10)." -msgstr "" -"Router me-rute paket dari jaringan operator (8) ke jaringan eksternal (9) " -"dan meneruskan paket ke switch (10)." - -msgid "" -"The router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically the " -"gateway IP address on self-service network 2, via the self-service network 2 " -"interface (11)." -msgstr "" -"Router mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP hop berikutnya (next-hop), biasanya " -"alamat IP gateway pada self-service network 2, melalui self-service network " -"2 interface (11)." - -msgid "" -"The router sends the packet to the next-hop IP address, typically the " -"gateway IP address on self-service network 2, via the self-service network 2 " -"interface (17)." -msgstr "" -"Router mengirimkan paket ke alamat IP next-hop, biasanya alamat IP gateway " -"pada self-service network 2, melalui self-service network 2 interface (17)." - -msgid "" -"The router with the floating IP address binding contains a gateway on an " -"external network with the BGP speaker association." -msgstr "" -"Router dengan alamat IP mengambang yang terikat berisi gateway pada jaringan " -"eksternal dengan asosiasi BGP speaker." - -msgid "" -"The same can explicitly be accomplished by a user with administrative " -"credentials setting the flags in the :command:`neutron router-create` " -"command:" -msgstr "" -"Hal yang sama dapat secara eksplisit dicapai oleh pengguna dengan kredensial " -"administratif pengaturan flag di perintah :command:`neutron router-create`:" - -msgid "" -"The same neutron commands are used for LBaaS v2 with an agent or with " -"Octavia." -msgstr "" -"Perintah neutron yang sama digunakan untuk LBaaS v2 dengan agen atau dengan " -"Octavia." - -msgid "" -"The second branch is called contract and is used to store those migration " -"rules that are not safe to apply while Neutron server is running." -msgstr "" -"Cabang kedua disebut kontrak dan digunakan untuk menyimpan aturan-aturan " -"migrasi yang tidak aman untuk menerapkannya ketika Neutron server berjalan." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge OVS port (4) forwards the packet to the OVS " -"integration bridge security group port (5) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge OVS port (4) meneruskan paket ke OVS integration " -"bridge security group port (5) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (15) forwards the packet to the " -"instance interface (16) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (15) meneruskan paket ke instance " -"interface (16) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (18) forwards the packet to the " -"instance 2 interface (19) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (18) meneruskan paket ke instance 2 " -"interface (19) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (19) forwards the packet to the " -"instance 2 interface (20) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (19) meneruskan paket ke instance 2 " -"interface (20) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (22) forwards the packet to the " -"instance 2 interface (23) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (22) meneruskan paket ke instance 2 " -"interface (23 melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (22) forwards the packet to the " -"instance interface (23) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (22) meneruskan paket ke instance " -"interface (23) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (23) forwards the packet to the " -"instance 2 interface (24) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (23) meneruskan paket ke instance 2 " -"interface (24) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The security group bridge instance port (31) forwards the packet to the " -"instance interface (32) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Security group bridge instance port (31) meneruskan paket ke instance " -"interface (32) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface (4) which " -"wraps the packet using VNI 101." -msgstr "" -"Self-service bridge meneruskan paket ke antarmuka VXLAN (4) yang membungkus " -"paket menggunakan VNI 101." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface (8) which " -"wraps the packet using VNI 101." -msgstr "" -"Jembatan self-service meneruskan paket ke interface VXLAN (8) yang " -"membungkus paket menggunakan VNI 101." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge instance port (10) forwards the packet to the " -"instance 1 interface (11) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Self-service bridge instance port (10) meneruskan paket ke instance 1 " -"interface (11) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge instance port (14) forwards the packet to the " -"instance interface (15) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Self-service bridge instance port (14) meneruskan paket ke instance " -"interface (15) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge instance port (19) forwards the packet to the " -"instance 2 interface (20) via ``veth`` pair." -msgstr "" -"Self-service bridge instance port (19 meneruskan paket ke instance 2 " -"interface (20) melalui pasangan ``veth``." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge router port (9) forwards the packet to the self-" -"service network 1 interface (10) in the router namespace." -msgstr "" -"Self-service bridge router port (9) meneruskan paket ke self-service network " -"1 interface (10) ) dalam router namespace." - -msgid "" -"The self-service bridge router port (9) forwards the packet to the self-" -"service network interface (10) in the router namespace." -msgstr "" -"self-service bridge router port (9) meneruskan paket ke interface jaringan " -"self-service (10) dalam namespace router." - -msgid "" -"The self-service network 2 bridge forwards the packet to the VXLAN interface " -"(13) which wraps the packet using VNI 102." -msgstr "" -"Self-service network 2 bridge meneruskan paket ke VXLAN interface (13) yang " -"membungkus paket menggunakan VNI 102." - -msgid "" -"The self-service network 2 interface in the distributed router namespace (8) " -"forwards the packet to the OVS integration bridge port for self-service " -"network 2 (9)." -msgstr "" -"Self-service network 2 interface dalam distributed router namespace (8) " -"meneruskan paket ke OVS integration bridge port pada self-service network 2 " -"(9)." - -msgid "" -"The sriov nic switch agent configures PCI virtual functions to realize L2 " -"networks for OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other resources " -"like routers, DHCP, and so on are not supported." -msgstr "" -"Sriov nic switch agent mengkonfigurasi fungsi virtual PCI untuk mewujudkan " -"jaringan L2 untuk instance OpenStack. Network attachment untuk sumber daya " -"lain seperti router, DHCP, dan sebagainya tidak didukung." - -msgid "" -"The steps detail how to create VFs using Mellanox ConnectX-4 and newer/Intel " -"SR-IOV Ethernet cards on an Intel system. Steps may differ for different " -"hardware configurations." -msgstr "" -"Langkah-langkah rinci bagaimana untuk membuat VF menggunakan kartu Mellanox " -"ConnectX-4 dan kartu Intel SR-IOV Ethernet atau yang lebih baru pada sistem " -"Intel. Langkah inimungkin berbeda untuk konfigurasi hardware yang berbeda." - -msgid "" -"The subnet is initially created with a temporary CIDR before one can be " -"assigned by prefix delegation. Any number of subnets with this temporary " -"CIDR can exist without raising an overlap error. The subnetpool_id is " -"automatically set to ``prefix_delegation``." -msgstr "" -"Subnet pada awalnya dibuat dengan CIDR sementara sebelum subnet dapat " -"diberikan oleh prefix delegation. Jumlah subnet dengan CIDR sementara ini " -"bisa eksis tanpa menimbulkan error tumpang tindih. subnetpool_id secara " -"otomatis diatur untuk ``prefix_delegation``." - -msgid "" -"The suggested way of making PCI SYS settings persistent is through the " -"``sysfsutils`` tool. However, this is not available by default on many major " -"distributions." -msgstr "" -"Cara yang disarankan untuk membuat pengaturan PCI SYS persisten adalah " -"melalui alat ``sysfsutils``. Namun, ini tidak tersedia secara default pada " -"banyak distribusi utama." - -msgid "" -"The support for SR-IOV with InfiniBand allows a Virtual PCI device (VF) to " -"be directly mapped to the guest, allowing higher performance and advanced " -"features such as RDMA (remote direct memory access). To use this feature, " -"you must:" -msgstr "" -"Dukungan untuk SR-IOV dengan InfiniBand memungkinkan perangkat Virtual PCI " -"(VF) untuk langsung dipetakan ke guest, yang memungkinkan kinerja yang lebih " -"tinggi dan fitur-fitur canggih seperti RDMA (remote direct memory access). " -"Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, Anda harus:" - -msgid "" -"The switch adds VLAN tag 102 to the packet and forwards it to compute node 1 " -"(11)." -msgstr "" -"Switch menambahkan VLAN tag 102 untuk paket dan meneruskannya ke compute " -"node 1 (11)." - -msgid "" -"The switch adds VLAN tag 102 to the packet and forwards it to compute node 1 " -"(15)." -msgstr "" -"Switch menambahkan VLAN tag 102 ke paket dan meneruskannya ke komputasi " -"node 1 (15)." - -msgid "" -"The switch forwards the packet from compute node 1 to compute node 2 (11)." -msgstr "" -"Switch meneruskan paket dari komputasi node 1 ke komputasi node 2 (11)." - -msgid "" -"The switch forwards the packet from compute node 1 to compute node 2 (7)." -msgstr "Switch meneruskan paket dari komputasi node 1 ke komputasi node 2 (7)." - -msgid "The switch forwards the packet to the external network (11)." -msgstr "Switch meneruskan paket ke jaringan eksternal (11)." - -msgid "The switch forwards the packet to the external network (15)." -msgstr "Switch meneruskan paket ke external network (15)." - -msgid "" -"The switch removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and forwards it to the " -"router (11)." -msgstr "" -"Switch menghapus VLAN tag 101 dari paket dan meneruskannya ke router (11)." - -msgid "" -"The switch removes VLAN tag 101 from the packet and forwards it to the " -"router (7)." -msgstr "" -"Switch menghapus VLAN tag 101 dari paket dan meneruskannya ke router (7)." - -msgid "" -"The tool needs to access the database connection string, which is provided " -"in the ``neutron.conf`` configuration file in an installation. The tool " -"automatically reads from ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` if it is present. If " -"the configuration is in a different location, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Alat ini perlu mengakses string koneksi database, yang disediakan dalam file " -"konfigurasi ``neutron.conf`` dalam instalasi. Alat ini secara otomatis " -"membaca dari ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` jika ada. Jika konfigurasi ini " -"ada di lokasi yang berbeda, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "The tool takes some options followed by some commands:" -msgstr "" -"Alat ini mengambil beberapa pilihan yang diikuti oleh beberapa perintah:" - -msgid "" -"The tool usage examples below do not show the options. It is assumed that " -"you use the options that you need for your environment." -msgstr "" -"Contoh penggunaan alat di bawah ini tidak menunjukkan pilihan. Hal ini " -"diasumsikan bahwa Anda menggunakan pilihan yang Anda butuhkan untuk " -"lingkungan Anda." - -msgid "" -"The trunk is ``ACTIVE`` when both the logical and physical resources have " -"been created. This means that all operations within the Networking and " -"Compute services have completed and the trunk is ready for use." -msgstr "" -"Trunk menjadi ``ACTIVE`` ketika kedua sumber logis dan fisik telah " -"diciptakan. Ini berarti bahwa semua operasi dalam layanan Networking dan " -"Compute telah selesai dan trunk siap digunakan." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (11) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (12)." -msgstr "" -"Underlying physical interface (11) untuk overlay network meneruskan paket " -"ke OVS tunnel bridge (12)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (11) for the VXLAN interface forwards the " -"packet to the VXLAN interface (12) which unwraps the packet." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (11) untuk antarmuka VXLAN meneruskan paket " -"ke interface VXLAN (12) yang membuka paket." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (13) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to compute node 2 via the overlay network (14)." -msgstr "" -"Underlying physical interface (13) untuk overlay network meneruskan paket ke " -"compute node 2 melalui overlay network (14)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (13) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to the network node via the overlay network (14)." -msgstr "" -"Underlying physical interface (13) untuk overlay network meneruskan paket ke " -"network node melalui overlay network (14)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (15) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (16)." -msgstr "" -"underlying physical interface (15) untuk jaringan overlay meneruskan paket " -"ke OVS tunnel bridge (16)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (16) for the VXLAN interface sends the " -"packet to the VXLAN interface (17) which unwraps the packet." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (16) untuk antarmuka VXLAN mengirimkan paket " -"ke interface VXLAN (17) yang membuka paket." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (22) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to the compute node via the overlay network (23)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (22) untuk jaringan overlay meneruskan paket " -"ke node komputasi melalui jaringan overlay (23)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (24) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to the OVS tunnel bridge (25)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (24) untuk jaringan overlay meneruskan paket " -"ke OVS tunnel bridge (25)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (5) for the VXLAN interface forwards the " -"packet to compute node 2 via the overlay network (6)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (5) untuk antarmuka VXLAN meneruskan paket ke " -"compute node 2 melalui jaringan overlay (6)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (5) for the VXLAN interface forwards the " -"packet to the network node via the overlay network (6)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (5) untuk antarmuka VXLAN meneruskan paket ke " -"node jaringan melalui jaringan overlay (6)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (7) for the VXLAN interface forwards the " -"packet to the VXLAN interface (8) which unwraps the packet." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (7) untuk antarmuka VXLAN meneruskan paket ke " -"interface VXLAN (8) yang membuka paket." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (9) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to compute node 2 via the overlay network (10)." -msgstr "" -"Underlying physical interface (9) untuk overlay networks meneruskan paket ke " -"komputasi node 2 melalui jaringan overlay (10)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (9) for overlay networks forwards the " -"packet to the network node via the overlay network (10)." -msgstr "" -"Underlying physical interface (9) untuk overlay network meneruskan paket ke " -"network node melalui overlay network (10)." - -msgid "" -"The underlying physical interface (9) for the VXLAN interface forwards the " -"packet to the network node via the overlay network (10)." -msgstr "" -"Antarmuka fisik yang mendasari (9) untuk antarmuka VXLAN meneruskan paket ke " -"node jaringan melalui jaringan overlay (10)." - -msgid "" -"The upgrade of the Networking service database is implemented with Alembic " -"migration chains. The migrations in the ``alembic/versions`` contain the " -"changes needed to migrate from older Networking service releases to newer " -"ones." -msgstr "" -"Upgrade dari database layanan Networking diimplementasikan dengan rantai " -"migrasi Alembic. Migrasi di ``alembic /versions`` berisi perubahan yang " -"dibutuhkan untuk bermigrasi dari rilis layanan Networking tua ke yang lebih " -"baru." - -msgid "" -"The upstream router can send an RA and the neutron router will automatically " -"learn the next-hop LLA, provided again that no subnet is assigned and the " -"``ipv6_gateway`` flag is not set." -msgstr "" -"Router hulu dapat mengirim RA dan router neutron otomatis akan mempelajari " -"LLA next-hop, tersedia lagi bahwa tidak ada subnet ditugaskan dan flag " -"``ipv6_gateway`` tidak diatur." - -msgid "" -"The validation option behaves identically for all users. However, it is " -"considered primarily an admin or service utility since it is the operator " -"who must set up the requirements." -msgstr "" -"Opsi validasi berperilaku identik untuk semua pengguna. Namun, validasi itu " -"dianggap utama bagi admin atau utilitas layanan karena merupakan operator " -"yang harus menyiapkan dan memenuhi persyaratan itu." - -msgid "" -"The value of ``METADATA_SECRET`` must match the value of the same option in " -"the ``[neutron]`` section of the ``nova.conf`` file." -msgstr "" -"Nilai ``METADATA_SECRET`` harus sesuai dengan nilai opsi yang sama dalam " -"bagian ``[neutron] `` dari file ``nova.conf``." - -msgid "The variables used in the script file above are:" -msgstr "Variabel yang digunakan dalam file script di atas adalah:" - -msgid "" -"There are certain scenarios where l2pop and distributed HA routers do not " -"interact in an expected manner. These situations are the same that affect HA " -"only routers and l2pop." -msgstr "" -"Ada skenario tertentu di mana l2pop dan router HA didistribusikan tidak " -"berinteraksi dengan cara yang diharapkan. Situasi ini adalah sama yang " -"mempengaruhi router hanya HA dan l2pop." - -msgid "" -"There are multiple variations of NAT, and here we describe three kinds " -"commonly found in OpenStack deployments." -msgstr "" -"Ada beberapa variasi dari NAT, dan disini kami menjelaskan tiga jenis umum " -"yang ditemukan dalam pengerahan OpenStack." - -msgid "There are two IPv6 attributes:" -msgstr "Ada dua atribut IPv6:" - -msgid "" -"There are two reference implementations of LBaaS v2. The one is an agent " -"based implementation with HAProxy. The agents handle the HAProxy " -"configuration and manage the HAProxy daemon. Another LBaaS v2 " -"implementation, `Octavia `_, " -"has a separate API and separate worker processes that build load balancers " -"within virtual machines on hypervisors that are managed by the Compute " -"service. You do not need an agent for Octavia." -msgstr "" -"Ada dua implementasi referensi dari LBaaS v2. Yang satu adalah implementasi " -"berdasarkan agen dengan HAProxy. Para agen menangani konfigurasi HAProxy dan " -"mengelola daemon HAProxy. Implementasi LBaaS v2 lain, `Octavia `_, memiliki API terpisah dan proses " -"pekerja terpisah yang membangun penyeimbang beban dalam mesin virtual pada " -"hypervisors yang dikelola oleh layanan Compute. Anda tidak perlu agen untuk " -"Octavia." - -msgid "There are two syntaxes for expressing a netmask:" -msgstr "Ada dua sintaks untuk mengekspresikan netmask:" - -msgid "" -"There are two ways to attach VFs to an instance. You can create an SR-IOV " -"port or use the ``pci_alias`` in the Compute service. For more information " -"about using ``pci_alias``, refer to `nova-api configuration `__." -msgstr "" -"Ada dua cara untuk menghubungkan VFS ke sebuah instance. Anda dapat membuat " -"port SR-IOV atau menggunakan ``pci_alias`` dalam pelayanan Compute. Untuk " -"informasi lebih lanjut tentang menggunakan ``pci_alias``, mengacu pada " -"`nova-api configuration `__." - -msgid "" -"There is a known bug with ``keepalived`` v1.2.15 and earlier which can cause " -"packet loss when ``max_l3_agents_per_router`` is set to 3 or more. " -"Therefore, we recommend that you upgrade to ``keepalived`` v1.2.16 or " -"greater when using this feature." -msgstr "" -"Ada bug yang dikenal dengan ``keepalived`` v1.2.15 dan sebelumnya yang " -"dapat menyebabkan kehilangan paket (packet loss) ketika `` " -"max_l3_agents_per_router`` diatur ke 3 atau lebih. Oleh karena itu, kami " -"menyarankan Anda meng-upgrade ke ``keepalived`` v1.2.16 atau lebih besar " -"saat penggunaan fitur ini." - -msgid "" -"There is no need to specify any value if you wish to use the reference " -"driver, though specifying ``internal`` will explicitly choose the reference " -"driver. The documentation for any alternate drivers will include the value " -"to use when specifying that driver." -msgstr "" -"Tidak perlu untuk menentukan nilai apapun jika Anda ingin menggunakan driver " -"referensi, meskipun menentukan ``internal`` secara eksplisit akan memilih " -"driver referensi. Dokumentasi untuk setiap driver alternatif akan mencakup " -"nilai untuk digunakan saat menentukan driver tersebut." - -msgid "There will be three hosts in the setup." -msgstr "Akan ada tiga host saat penyiapan." - -msgid "" -"These IP addresses are not publicly routable, meaning that a host on the " -"public Internet can not send an IP packet to any of these addresses. Private " -"IP addresses are widely used in both residential and corporate environments." -msgstr "" -"Alamat IP ini tidak routable publik, yang berarti bahwa host di Internet " -"publik tidak dapat mengirim paket IP ke salah satu alamat ini. Alamat IP " -"private yang banyak digunakan dalam lingkungan perumahan maupun perusahaan." - -msgid "These attributes can be set to the following values:" -msgstr "Atribut ini dapat diatur untuk nilai berikut:" - -msgid "These commands provide no output." -msgstr "Perintah ini tidak memberikan output." - -msgid "" -"These figures omit the controller node because it does not handle instance " -"network traffic." -msgstr "" -"Angka ini menghilangkan controller node karena tidak menangani lalu lintas " -"jaringan instance." - -msgid "" -"These steps need to be performed on each logical segment that a VM needs to " -"be connected to, and may require networking knowledge the user might not " -"have." -msgstr "" -"Langkah ini perlu dilakukan pada setiap segmen logis dimana VM perlu " -"terhubung ke segmen itu, dan mungkin memerlukan pengetahuan jaringan dimana " -"pengguna mungkin tidak memilikinya." - -msgid "" -"Third-party drivers must provide their own migration mechanisms to convert " -"existing OpenStack installations to their IPAM." -msgstr "" -"Driver pihak ketiga harus menyediakan mekanisme migrasi mereka sendiri untuk " -"mengkonversi instalasi OpenStack yang ada ke IPAM mereka." - -msgid "" -"This architecture example augments :ref:`deploy-lb-provider` to support a " -"nearly limitless quantity of entirely virtual networks. Although the " -"Networking service supports VLAN self-service networks, this example focuses " -"on VXLAN self-service networks. For more information on self-service " -"networks, see :ref:`intro-os-networking-selfservice`." -msgstr "" -"Contoh arsitektur ini menambah :ref:`deploy-lb-provider` untuk mendukung " -"sejumlah hampir tak terbatas dari jaringan virtual sepenuhnya. Meskipun " -"layanan Networking mendukung jaringan self-service VLAN, contoh ini berfokus " -"pada jaringan self-service VXLAN. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang " -"jaringan self-service, lihat :ref:`intro-os-networking-selfservice`." - -msgid "" -"This architecture example augments :ref:`deploy-ovs-provider` to support a " -"nearly limitless quantity of entirely virtual networks. Although the " -"Networking service supports VLAN self-service networks, this example focuses " -"on VXLAN self-service networks. For more information on self-service " -"networks, see :ref:`intro-os-networking-selfservice`." -msgstr "" -"Contoh arsitektur ini menambah :ref:`deploy-ovs-provider` untuk mendukung " -"jumlah hampir tak terbatas dari jaringan virtual sepenuhnya. Meskipun " -"layanan Networking mendukung jaringan self-service VLAN, contoh ini berfokus " -"pada jaringan self-service VXLAN. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang " -"jaringan self-service, lihat :ref:`intro-os-networking-selfservice`." - -msgid "" -"This architecture example augments the self-service deployment example with " -"a high-availability mechanism using the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol " -"(VRRP) via ``keepalived`` and provides failover of routing for self-service " -"networks. It requires a minimum of two network nodes because VRRP creates " -"one master (active) instance and at least one backup instance of each router." -msgstr "" -"Contoh arsitektur ini menambah contoh pengerahan self-service dengan " -"mekanisme high-availability menggunakan Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol " -"(VRRP) melalui ``keepalived`` dan menyediakan failover routing untuk " -"jaringan self-service. Hal ini membutuhkan minimal dua node jaringan karena " -"VRRP menciptakan satu instance master (aktif) dan setidaknya satu instance " -"cadangan dari setiap router." - -msgid "" -"This architecture example augments the self-service deployment example with " -"the Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) high-availability mechanism that " -"provides connectivity between self-service and provider networks on compute " -"nodes rather than network nodes for specific scenarios. For instances with a " -"floating IPv4 address, routing between self-service and provider networks " -"resides completely on the compute nodes to eliminate single point of failure " -"and performance issues with network nodes. Routing also resides completely " -"on the compute nodes for instances with a fixed or floating IPv4 address " -"using self-service networks on the same distributed virtual router. However, " -"instances with a fixed IP address still rely on the network node for routing " -"and SNAT services between self-service and provider networks." -msgstr "" -"Contoh arsitektur ini menambah contoh pengerahan self-service dengan " -"mekanisme ketersediaan tinggi Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) yang " -"menyediakan konektivitas antara jaringan self-service dan jaringan provider " -"pada node komputasi bukannya pada node jaringan untuk skenario tertentu. " -"Untuk instance dengan alamat IPv4 mengambang, routing antara jaringan self-" -"service dan jaringan provider berada sepenuhnya pada node komputasi untuk " -"menghilangkan titik tunggal kegagalan (single point of failure) dan masalah " -"kinerja dengan node jaringan. Routing juga berada sepenuhnya pada node " -"komputasi untuk instance dengan alamat IPv4 tetap atau mengambang dengan " -"menggunakan jaringan self-service dari router virtual terdistribusikan yang " -"sama. Namun, instance dengan alamat IP tetap masih mengandalkan node " -"jaringan untuk routing dan layanan SNAT antara jaringan self-service dan " -"provider." - -msgid "" -"This architecture example provides layer-2 connectivity between instances " -"and the physical network infrastructure using VLAN (802.1q) tagging. It " -"supports one untagged (flat) network and up to 4095 tagged (VLAN) networks. " -"The actual quantity of VLAN networks depends on the physical network " -"infrastructure. For more information on provider networks, see :ref:`intro-" -"os-networking-provider`." -msgstr "" -"This architecture example provides layer-2 connectivity between instances " -"and the physical network infrastructure using VLAN (802.1q) tagging. It " -"supports one untagged (flat) network and up to 4095 tagged (VLAN) networks. " -"The actual quantity of VLAN networks depends on the physical network " -"infrastructure. For more information on provider networks, see :ref:`intro-" -"os-networking-provider`." - -msgid "" -"This command is the sibling command for the previous one. Remove ``net2`` " -"from the DHCP agent for HostA:" -msgstr "" -"Perintah ini adalah perintah sibling (saudara kandung) untuk perintah " -"sebelumnya. Hapus ``net2`` dari agen DHCP untuk HostA:" - -msgid "This command is to show which networks a given dhcp agent is managing." -msgstr "" -"Perintah ini adalah untuk menunjukkan jaringan dimana agen dhcp diberikan " -"sedang mengelola." - -msgid "This command provides no output." -msgstr "Perintah ini tidak memberikan output." - -msgid "" -"This command requires additional options to successfully launch an instance. " -"See the `CLI reference `_ for more information." -msgstr "" -"Perintah ini memerlukan opsi tambahan untuk berhasil meluncurkan sebuah " -"instance. Lihat `CLI reference `_ untuk informasi lebih lanjut." - -msgid "This command requires other options outside the scope of this content." -msgstr "Perintah ini membutuhkan opsi lain di luar lingkup konten ini." - -msgid "" -"This example shows how to check the connectivity between networks with " -"address scopes." -msgstr "" -"Contoh ini menunjukkan bagaimana untuk memeriksa konektivitas antara " -"jaringan dengan lingkup alamat." - -msgid "" -"This example uses again the private network, ``demo-net1`` " -"(b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02) which was created in `Example 1 - " -"Proof-of-concept`_." -msgstr "" -"Contoh ini menggunakan lagi jaringan private, ``demo-net1`` " -"(b5b729d8-31cc-4d2c-8284-72b3291fec02) yang diciptakan di `Example 1 - Proof-" -"of-concept`_." - -msgid "" -"This feature is designed to automate the basic networking provisioning for " -"projects. The steps to provision a basic network are run during instance " -"boot, making the networking setup hands-free." -msgstr "" -"Fitur ini dirancang untuk mengotomatisasi penyediaan jaringan dasar untuk " -"proyek. Langkah-langkah untuk menyediakan jaringan dasar dijalankan saat " -"boot, membuat pengaturan jaringan hands-free." - -msgid "" -"This feature is only supported when using the libvirt compute driver, and " -"the KVM/QEMU hypervisor." -msgstr "" -"Fitur ini hanya didukung bila menggunakan libvirt compute driver, dan KVM/" -"QEMU hypervisor." - -msgid "" -"This following example is not typical of an actual deployment. It is shown " -"to allow users to experiment with configuring service subnets." -msgstr "" -"Ini contoh berikut ini tidak khas dari pengerahan yang nyata. Hal ini " -"ditunjukkan untuk memungkinkan pengguna untuk bereksperimen dengan " -"konfigurasi subnet layanan." - -msgid "" -"This generates a prepopulated template with the changes needed to match the " -"database state with the models." -msgstr "" -"Ini menghasilkan prepopulated template dengan perubahan yang diperlukan " -"untuk mencocokkan keadaan database dengan model." - -msgid "" -"This guide assumes that you are running a Dibbler server on the network node " -"where the external network bridge exists. If you already have a prefix " -"delegation capable DHCPv6 server in place, then you can skip the following " -"section." -msgstr "" -"Panduan ini mengasumsikan bahwa Anda menjalankan server Dibbler pada node " -"jaringan dimana jembatan jaringan eksternal ada. Jika Anda sudah memiliki " -"server DHCPv6 yang mampu prefix delegation di tempat, maka anda dapat " -"melewati (skip) bagian berikut." - -msgid "" -"This guide characterizes the L2 reference implementations that currently " -"exist." -msgstr "Panduan ini mencirikan implementasi referensi L2 yang saat ini ada." - -msgid "This guide documents the OpenStack Ocata release." -msgstr "Panduan ini mendokumentasikan rilis OpenStack Ocata." - -msgid "" -"This guide targets OpenStack administrators seeking to deploy and manage " -"OpenStack Networking (neutron)." -msgstr "" -"Panduan ini menargetkan administrator OpenStack untuk berusaha mengerahkan " -"dan mengelola OpenStack Networking (neutron)." - -msgid "" -"This high-availability mechanism configures VRRP using the same priority for " -"all routers. Therefore, VRRP promotes the backup router with the highest IP " -"address to the master router." -msgstr "" -"Mekanisme high-availability ini mengkonfigurasi VRRP menggunakan prioritas " -"yang sama untuk semua router. Oleh karena itu, VRRP mempromosikan router " -"cadangan dengan alamat IP tertinggi ke router utama." - -msgid "" -"This high-availability mechanism is not compatible with the layer-2 " -"population mechanism. You must disable layer-2 population in the " -"``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file and restart the Linux bridge agent on all " -"existing network and compute nodes prior to deploying the example " -"configuration." -msgstr "" -"Mekanisme high-availability ini tidak kompatibel dengan mekanisme populasi " -"lapisan-2. Anda harus menonaktifkan populasi lapisan-2 di file " -"``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` dan restart agen Linux bridge pada semua jaringan " -"dan komputasi node yang ada sebelum pengerahan konfigurasi contoh." - -msgid "" -"This high-availability mechanism simply augments :ref:`deploy-lb-" -"selfservice` with failover of layer-3 services to another router if the " -"master router fails. Thus, you can reference :ref:`Self-service network " -"traffic flow ` for normal " -"operation." -msgstr "" -"Mekanisme high-availabilityi ini hanya menambah :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` " -"dengan failover layanan lapisan-3 kepada router lain jika router master " -"gagal. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat referensi :ref:`Self-service network " -"traffic flow ` untuk operasi " -"normal." - -msgid "" -"This high-availability mechanism simply augments :ref:`deploy-ovs-" -"selfservice` with failover of layer-3 services to another router if the " -"master router fails. Thus, you can reference :ref:`Self-service network " -"traffic flow ` for normal " -"operation." -msgstr "" -"Mekanisme high-availability ini hanya menambah :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` " -"dengan failover layanan lapisan-3 kepada router lain jika master router " -"gagal. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat referensi :ref:`Self-service network " -"traffic flow ` untuk operasi " -"normal." - -msgid "" -"This is the equivalent of creating a policy on the network that permits " -"every project to perform the action ``access_as_shared`` on that network. " -"Neutron treats them as the same thing, so the policy entry for that network " -"should be visible using the :command:`openstack network rbac list` command:" -msgstr "" -"Ini adalah setara dengan pembuatan kebijakan di jaringan yang mengizinkan " -"setiap proyek untuk melakukan aksi ``access_as_shared`` pada jaringan itu. " -"Neutron memperlakukan mereka sebagai hal yang sama, sehingga masuknya " -"kebijakan untuk jaringan itu harus terlihat dengan menggunakan perintah :" -"command:`openstack network rbac list`:" - -msgid "" -"This mechanism driver simply changes the virtual network interface driver " -"for instances. Thus, you can reference the ``Create initial networks`` " -"content for the prerequisite deployment example." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme ini hanya merubah driver antarmuka jaringan virtual untuk " -"instance. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat referensi konten ``Create initial " -"networks` untuk contoh pengerahan prasyarat." - -msgid "" -"This mechanism driver simply changes the virtual network interface driver " -"for instances. Thus, you can reference the ``Verify network operation`` " -"content for the prerequisite deployment example." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme ini hanya merubah driver antarmuka jaringan virtual untuk " -"instance. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat referensi konten ``Verify network " -"operation`` untuk contoh pengerahan prasyarat." - -msgid "" -"This mechanism driver simply removes the Linux bridge handling security " -"groups on the compute nodes. Thus, you can reference the network traffic " -"flow scenarios for the prerequisite deployment example." -msgstr "" -"Driver mekanisme ini hanya menghilangkan jembatan Linux penanganan kelompok " -"keamanan pada node komputasi. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat referensi skenario " -"arus lalu lintas jaringan untuk contoh pengerahan prasyarat." - -msgid "" -"This method entails creating a trunk, then adding subports to the trunk " -"after it has already been created." -msgstr "" -"Metode ini memerlukan pembuatan trunk, kemudian menambahkan subports ke " -"trunk setelah trunk dibuat." - -msgid "" -"This method entails creating the trunk with subports specified at trunk " -"creation." -msgstr "" -"Metode ini memerlukan pembuatan trunk dengan subports yang spesifik pada " -"pembuatan trunk." - -msgid "" -"This page serves as a guide for how to use the DNS integration functionality " -"of the Networking service. The functionality described covers DNS from two " -"points of view:" -msgstr "" -"Halaman ini berfungsi sebagai panduan bagaimana menggunakan fungsi integrasi " -"DNS dari layanan Networking. Fungsionalitas yang dijelaskan meliputi DNS " -"dari dua sudut pandang:" - -msgid "" -"This page serves as a guide for how to use the OVS with DPDK datapath " -"functionality available in the Networking service as of the Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"Halaman ini berfungsi sebagai panduan untuk bagaimana menggunakan OVS dengan " -"DPDK datapath secara fungsinal yang tersedia di layanan Networking sebagai " -"rilis Mitaka." - -msgid "" -"This process can be repeated any number of times to make a network available " -"as external to an arbitrary number of projects." -msgstr "" -"Proses ini dapat diulang beberapa kali untuk membuat jaringan yang tersedia " -"sebagai eksternal sampai jumlah proyek berapapun." - -msgid "" -"This process can be repeated any number of times to share a network with an " -"arbitrary number of projects." -msgstr "" -"Proses ini dapat diulang beberapa kali untuk berbagi jaringan dengan jumlah " -"proyek berapapun." - -msgid "" -"This process can be repeated any number of times to share a qos-policy with " -"an arbitrary number of projects." -msgstr "" -"Proses ini dapat diulang beberapa kali untuk berbagi qos-policy dengan " -"jumlah proyek berapapun." - -msgid "" -"This scenario places the instances on different compute nodes to show the " -"most complex situation." -msgstr "" -"Skenario ini menempatkan instance pada node komputasi yang berbeda untuk " -"menunjukkan situasi yang paling kompleks." - -msgid "" -"This section describes how to use the agent management (alias agent) and " -"scheduler (alias agent_scheduler) extensions for DHCP agents scalability and " -"HA." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menjelaskan cara menggunakan manajemen agen (agent alias) dan " -"ekstensi scheduler (alias agent_scheduler) untuk skalabilitas agen DHCP dan " -"HA." - -msgid "" -"This section describes the process of migrating clouds based on the legacy " -"networking model to the OpenStack Networking model. This process requires " -"additional changes to both compute and networking to support the migration. " -"This document describes the overall process and the features required in " -"both Networking and Compute." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menjelaskan proses migrasi cloud didasarkan pada model legacy " -"networking ke model OpenStack Networking. Proses ini membutuhkan perubahan " -"tambahan untuk komputasi maupun jaringan untuk mendukung migrasi. Dokumen " -"ini menjelaskan proses secara keseluruhan dan fitur yang diperlukan di " -"Networking maupun Compute." - -msgid "" -"This section describes the process of migrating from a classic router to an " -"L3 HA router, which is available starting from the Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menjelaskan proses migrasi dari router klasik ke sebuah router L3 " -"HA, yang tersedia mulai dari rilis Mitaka." - -msgid "" -"This section explains how to get high availability with the availability " -"zone for L3 and DHCP. You should naturally set above configuration options " -"for the availability zone." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan ketersediaan tinggi " -"dengan zona ketersediaan L3 dan DHCP. Anda secara alami harus mengatur opsi " -"konfigurasi di atas untuk zona ketersediaan." - -msgid "" -"This section illustrates how you can get the Network IP address availability " -"through the command-line interface." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menggambarkan bagaimana Anda bisa mendapatkan ketersediaan alamat " -"IP jaringan melalui command-line interface." - -msgid "" -"This section only contains flow scenarios that benefit from distributed " -"virtual routing or that differ from conventional operation. For other flow " -"scenarios, see :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice-networktrafficflow`." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini hanya berisi skenario aliran yang menguntungkan dari routing " -"virtual yang didistribusikan atau yang berbeda dari operasi konvensional. " -"Untuk skenario aliran lainnya, lihat :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice-" -"networktrafficflow`." - -msgid "" -"This section references parts of :ref:`deploy-lb-ha-vrrp` and :ref:`deploy-" -"ovs-ha-vrrp`. For details regarding needed infrastructure and configuration " -"to allow actual L3 HA deployment, read the relevant guide before continuing " -"with the migration process." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini merujuk bagian dari :ref:`deploy-lb-ha-vrrp` dan :ref:`deploy-ovs-" -"ha-vrrp`. Untuk rincian mengenai infrastruktur yang diperlukan dan " -"konfigurasi untuk melancarkan pengerahan L3 HA aktual, silahkan baca buku " -"yang relevan sebelum melanjutkan dengan proses migrasi." - -msgid "" -"This section shows how non-privileged users can use address scopes to route " -"straight to an external network without NAT." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menunjukkan bagaimana pengguna non-hak istimewa dapat menggunakan " -"lingkup alamat untuk rute langsung ke jaringan eksternal tanpa NAT (Network " -"Address Translation). " - -msgid "" -"This section shows how to set up shared address scopes to allow simple " -"routing for project networks with the same subnet pools." -msgstr "" -"Bagian ini menunjukkan cara mengatur lingkup alamat bersama untuk " -"memungkinkan routing sederhana untuk jaringan proyek dengan kolam subnet " -"yang sama." - -msgid "" -"This step ensures that Dashboard can find the plug-in when it enumerates all " -"of its available panels." -msgstr "" -"Langkah ini memastikan bahwa Dashboard dapat menemukan plug-in ketika " -"menjumlahkan semua panel yang tersedia." - -msgid "" -"This tells OpenStack Networking to use the prefix delegation mechanism for " -"subnet allocation when the user does not provide a CIDR or subnet pool id " -"when creating a subnet." -msgstr "" -"Ini memberitahu OpenStack Networking supaya menggunakan mekanisme prefix " -"delegation untuk alokasi subnet ketika pengguna tidak menyediakan CIDR atau " -"id kolam subnet saat membuat subnet." - -msgid "" -"This tells the Compute service that all VFs belonging to ``eth3`` are " -"allowed to be passed through to instances and belong to the provider network " -"``physnet2``." -msgstr "" -"Ini memberitahu layanan Compute dimana semua VF milik ``eth3`` diizinkan " -"untuk dilewatkan ke instance dan menjadi milik jaringan penyedia " -"``physnet2``." - -msgid "Three instances, one per compute node, each with a floating IP address." -msgstr "" -"Tiga instance, salah satu per node komputasi, masing-masing dengan alamat IP " -"mengambang." - -msgid "Three network interfaces: management, overlay, and provider." -msgstr "Tiga antarmuka jaringan: manajemen, overlay, dan provider." - -msgid "Three network interfaces: management, provider, and overlay." -msgstr "Tiga antarmuka jaringan: manajemen, penyedia (provider), dan overlay." - -msgid "" -"Three routers. Each router connects one self-service network to the provider " -"network." -msgstr "" -"Tiga router. Setiap router menghubungkan satu jaringan self-service ke " -"jaringan provider." - -msgid "Three self-service networks." -msgstr "Tiga jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"Throughout this guide, ``eth3`` is used as the PF and ``physnet2`` is used " -"as the provider network configured as a VLAN range. These ports may vary in " -"different environments." -msgstr "" -"Dalam panduan ini, ``eth3`` digunakan sebagai PF dan ``physnet2`` digunakan " -"sebagai jaringan penyedia yang dikonfigurasi sebagai rentang VLAN. Port ini " -"dapat bervariasi dalam lingkungan yang berbeda." - -msgid "To activate the network after it has been deactivated:" -msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan jaringan setelah jaringan telah dinonaktifkan:" - -msgid "To add a single rule, use the insert-rule operation." -msgstr "Untuk menambahkan aturan tunggal, gunakan operasi insert-rule." - -msgid "To add another DHCP agent to host the network, run this command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menambahkan agen DHCP lain supaya menjadi host jaringan, jalankan " -"perintah ini:" - -msgid "To add multiple rules, use the update operation." -msgstr "" -"Untuk menambahkan beberapa aturan (multiple rule), gunakan operasi update." - -msgid "" -"To allow the neutron-pd-agent to communicate with prefix delegation servers, " -"you must set which network interface to use for external communication. In " -"DevStack the default for this is ``br-ex``:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk memungkinkan neutron-pd-agen untuk berkomunikasi dengan server prefix " -"delegation, Anda harus mengatur jaringan yang antarmukanya digunakan untuk " -"komunikasi eksternal. Dalam DevStack default untuk ini adalah ``br-ex``:" - -msgid "To apply the expansion migration rules, use the following command:" -msgstr "Untuk menerapkan aturan migrasi ekspansi, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "To apply the non-expansive migration rules, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menerapkan aturan migrasi non-expansive, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"To calculate the network number of an IP address, you must know the " -"*netmask* associated with the address. A netmask indicates how many of the " -"bits in the 32-bit IP address make up the network number." -msgstr "" -"Untuk menghitung jumlah jaringan alamat IP, Anda harus tahu *netmask * " -"terkait dengan alamat. Sebuah netmask menunjukkan berapa banyak bit dalam " -"alamat IP 32-bit yang menyusun jumlah jaringan." - -msgid "" -"To check if any contract migrations are pending and therefore if offline " -"migration is required, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk memeriksa apakah ada migrasi kontrak yang tertunda dan oleh karena itu " -"jika migrasi secara offline diperlukan, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"To configure a driver other than the reference driver, specify it in the " -"``neutron.conf`` file. Do this after the migration is complete. There is no " -"need to specify any value if you wish to use the reference driver." -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengkonfigurasi driver selain driver referensi, menetapkannya dalam " -"file ``neutron.conf``. Lakukan ini setelah migrasi selesai. Tidak perlu " -"untuk menentukan nilai apapun jika Anda ingin menggunakan driver referensi." - -msgid "" -"To configure rich network topologies, you can create and configure networks " -"and subnets and instruct other OpenStack services like Compute to attach " -"virtual devices to ports on these networks. OpenStack Compute is a prominent " -"consumer of OpenStack Networking to provide connectivity for its instances. " -"In particular, OpenStack Networking supports each project having multiple " -"private networks and enables projects to choose their own IP addressing " -"scheme, even if those IP addresses overlap with those that other projects " -"use. There are two types of network, project and provider networks. It is " -"possible to share any of these types of networks among projects as part of " -"the network creation process." -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengkonfigurasi topologi jaringan yang beragam, Anda dapat membuat dan " -"mengkonfigurasi jaringan dan subnet dan menginstruksikan layanan OpenStack " -"lain seperti Compute untuk menghubungkan perangkat virtual ke port pada " -"jaringan ini. OpenStack Compute adalah konsumen yang menonjol dari OpenStack " -"Networking untuk menyediakan konektivitas untuk instances nya. Secara " -"khusus, OpenStack Networking mendukung setiap proyek yang memiliki beberapa " -"jaringan private dan mengaktifkan proyek untuk memilih skema pengalamatan IP " -"mereka sendiri, bahkan jika alamat IP proyek mereka terjadi tumpang tindih " -"dengan proyek lain menggunakan. Ada dua jenis jaringan, jaringan proyek dan " -"jaringan provider. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk berbagi salah satu jenis " -"jaringan antara proyek-proyek sebagai bagian dari proses pembuatan jaringan." - -msgid "To confirm the agent's availability zone:" -msgstr "Untuk mengkonfirmasi zona ketersediaan agen:" - -msgid "To confirm the availability zone defined by the system:" -msgstr "Untuk mengkonfirmasi zona ketersediaan yang didefinisikan oleh sistem:" - -msgid "" -"To create a VLAN network instead of a flat network, change ``--provider:" -"network_type flat`` to ``--provider-network-type vlan`` and add ``--provider-" -"segment`` with a value referencing the VLAN ID." -msgstr "" -"Untuk membuat jaringan VLAN bukannya jaringan datar, rubahlah ``--provider:" -"network_type flat`` ke ``--provider-network-type vlan`` and add ``--provider-" -"segment`` dengan nilai mereferensi VLAN ID." - -msgid "To deactivate the libvirt network named ``default``:" -msgstr "Untuk menonaktifkan jaringan libvirt bernama ``default``:" - -msgid "To enable DSCP marking rule:" -msgstr "Mengaktifkan aturan DSCP marking:" - -msgid "" -"To enable advertising IPv6 prefixes, create an address scope with " -"``ip_version=6`` and a BGP speaker with ``ip_version=6``." -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengaktifkan penyiaran update dan perubahan awalan IPv6, buatlah " -"lingkup alamat dengan ``ip_version=6`` dan BGP speaker dengan " -"``ip_version=6``." - -msgid "To enable bandwidth limit rule:" -msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan aturan batas bandwidth:" - -msgid "" -"To enable mechanism drivers in the ML2 plug-in, edit the ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file on the neutron server:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengaktifkan driver mekanisme di ML2 plug-in, edit file ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` di server neutron:" - -msgid "" -"To enable peering via IPv6, create a BGP peer and use an IPv6 address for " -"``peer_ip``." -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengaktifkan peering (kebersamaan) melalui IPv6, membuat rekan (peer) " -"BGP dan menggunakan alamat IPv6 untuk ``peer_ip``." - -msgid "" -"To enable the driver for the dhcpv6_pd_agent, set pd_dhcp_driver to this in " -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengaktifkan driver untuk ini dhcpv6_pd_agent, set pd_dhcp_driver " -"dalam ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "To enable the service, follow the steps below:" -msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan layanan ini, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:" - -msgid "To enable this feature, edit the ``l3_agent.ini`` file:" -msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, edit file ``l3_agent.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"To enable type drivers in the ML2 plug-in. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/" -"ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengaktifkan driver tipe dalam ML2 plug-in. Edit file ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" - -msgid "To experiment, you need VMs and a neutron network:" -msgstr "Untuk bereksperimen, Anda perlu VM dan jaringan neutron:" - -msgid "" -"To find the panel, click on :guilabel:`Project` in Dashboard, then click " -"the :guilabel:`Network` drop-down menu and select :guilabel:`Load Balancers`." -msgstr "" -"Untuk menemukan panel, klik pada :guilabel:`Project` di Dashboard, lalu klik " -"drop-down menu :guilabel:`Network` dan pilih :guilabel:`Load Balancers`." - -msgid "" -"To generate a script of the command instead of operating immediately on the " -"database, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menghasilkan script perintah sebagai ganti operasi segera pada " -"database, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"To make a network available as an external network for specific projects " -"rather than all projects, use the ``access_as_external`` action." -msgstr "" -"Untuk membuat sebuah jaringan tersedia sebagai jaringan eksternal untuk " -"proyek-proyek tertentu bukan untuk semua proyek, gunakan aksi " -"``access_as_external``." - -msgid "" -"To make this possible, provide a default external network and default " -"subnetpools (one for IPv4, or one for IPv6, or one of each) so that the " -"Networking service can choose what to do in lieu of input. Once these are in " -"place, users can boot their VMs without specifying any networking details. " -"The Compute service will then use this feature automatically to wire user " -"VMs." -msgstr "" -"Untuk membuat ini memungkinkan, berikan jaringan eksternal default dan " -"subnetpool standar (satu untuk IPv4, atau satu untuk IPv6, atau satu dari " -"masing-masing) sehingga layanan Networking dapat memilih apa yang harus " -"dilakukan sebagai pengganti masukan. Setelah ini di tempat, pengguna dapat " -"boot VM mereka tanpa menentukan rincian jaringan. Layanan Compute kemudian " -"akan menggunakan fitur ini secara otomatis ke wire user VM." - -msgid "" -"To migrate between specific migration versions, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk bermigrasi antara versi migrasi tertentu, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "To prevent the network from automatically starting on boot:" -msgstr "Untuk mencegah jaringan dari permulaan secara otomatis saat boot:" - -msgid "" -"To provide external network access to your instances, your Dibbler server " -"also needs to create new routes for each delegated prefix. This is done " -"using the script file named in the config file above. Edit the ``/var/lib/" -"dibbler/pd-server.sh`` file:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menyediakan akses jaringan eksternal untuk instance Anda, server " -"Dibbler Anda juga perlu membuat rute baru untuk setiap awalan yang " -"didelegasikan. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan file script di dalam " -"file konfigurasi di atas. Edit file ``/var/lib/dibbler/pd-server.sh``:" - -msgid "" -"To reduce clutter, this guide removes command output without relevance to " -"the particular action." -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengurangi kekacauan (clutter), panduan ini menghilangkan output " -"perintah tanpa relevansi dengan tindakan tertentu." - -msgid "" -"To reduce the number of ARP requests, operating systems maintain an ARP " -"cache that contains the mappings of IP addresses to MAC address. On a Linux " -"machine, you can view the contents of the ARP cache by using the :command:" -"`arp` command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk mengurangi jumlah permintaan ARP, sistem operasi mempertahankan cache " -"ARP yang berisi pemetaan dari alamat IP ke alamat MAC. Pada mesin Linux, " -"Anda dapat melihat isi dari cache ARP dengan menggunakan perintah :command:" -"`arp`:" - -msgid "" -"To remove access for that project, delete the RBAC policy that allows it " -"using the :command:`openstack network rbac delete` command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menghapus akses untuk proyek itu, hapuslah kebijakan RBAC yang " -"mengizinkan penggunaan perintah :command:`openstack network rbac delete`:" - -msgid "" -"To remove access for that project, delete the policy that allows it using " -"the :command:`openstack network rbac delete` command:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menghapus akses untuk proyek itu, hapus kebijakan yang mengizinkan " -"penggunaan perintah :command:`openstack network rbac delete`:" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that do not have at least one of a list of " -"tags, the ``not-tags-any`` argument should be set to the list of tags, " -"separated by commas. In this case, only the networks that do not have at " -"least one of the given tags will be included in the query result. Example " -"that returns the networks that do not have the \"red\" tag, or do not have " -"the \"blue\" tag::" -msgstr "" -"Untuk meminta daftar jaringan yang tidak memiliki setidaknya satu dari " -"daftar tag, argumen ``not-tags-any`` harus ditetapkan ke daftar tag, " -"dipisahkan dengan koma. Dalam hal ini, hanya jaringan yang tidak memiliki " -"setidaknya salah satu tag yang diberikan akan dimasukkan dalam hasil query. " -"argumen yang mengembalikan jaringan yang tidak memiliki tag \"merah\", atau " -"tidak memiliki tag \"biru\" ::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that do not have one or more tags, the ``not-" -"tags`` argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by commas. In " -"this case, only the networks that do not have any of the given tags will be " -"included in the query results. Example that returns the networks that do not " -"have either \"red\" or \"blue\" tag::" -msgstr "" -"Untuk meminta daftar jaringan yang tidak memiliki satu atau lebih tag, " -"argumen ``not-tags`` harus ditetapkan ke daftar tag, dipisahkan dengan koma. " -"Dalam hal ini, hanya jaringan yang tidak memiliki tag yang diberikan akan " -"dimasukkan dalam hasil query. Contoh argumen mengembalikan jaringan yang " -"tidak memiliki tag \"merah\" ataupun \"biru\" ::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that have a single tag, ``tags`` argument " -"should be set to the desired tag name. Example::" -msgstr "" -"Untuk meminta daftar jaringan yang memiliki tag tunggal, argumen ``tags`` " -"harus ditetapkan dengan nama tag yang diinginkan. Contoh::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that have one or more of a list of given " -"tags, the ``tags-any`` argument should be set to the list of tags, separated " -"by commas. In this case, as long as one of the given tags is present, the " -"network will be included in the query result. Example that returns the " -"networks that have the \"red\" or the \"blue\" tag::" -msgstr "" -"Untuk meminta daftar jaringan yang memiliki satu atau lebih dari daftar tag " -"yang diberikan, argumen ``tag-any`` harus ditetapkan ke daftar tag, " -"dipisahkan dengan koma. Dalam hal ini, selama salah satu tag yang diberikan " -"hadir, jaringan akan dimasukkan dalam hasil query. Contoh argumen " -"mengembalikan jaringan yang memiliki tag \"red\" atau \"blue\" ::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that have two or more tags, the ``tags`` " -"argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by commas. In this " -"case, the tags given must all be present for a network to be included in the " -"query result. Example that returns networks that have the \"red\" and \"blue" -"\" tags::" -msgstr "" -"Untuk meminta daftar jaringan yang memiliki dua atau lebih tag, argumen " -"``tags`` harus ditetapkan ke daftar tag, dipisahkan dengan koma. Dalam hal " -"ini, tag yang diberikan harus semua hadir untuk jaringan untuk dimasukkan " -"dalam hasil query. Contoh argumen mengembalikan jaringan yang memiliki tag " -"\"red\" and \"blue\"::" - -msgid "" -"To return to classic mode, turn down the router again, turning off L3 HA and " -"starting the router again." -msgstr "" -"Untuk kembali ke modus klasik, kecilkan lagi router, matikan L3 HA dan mulai " -"router lagi." - -msgid "" -"To see if your cloud has this feature available, you can check that it is " -"listed in the supported aliases. You can do this with the OpenStack client." -msgstr "" -"Untuk melihat apakah cloud Anda memiliki fitur ini tersedia, Anda dapat " -"memeriksa dimana fitur tercantum dalam alias didukung. Anda dapat melakukan " -"ini dengan klien OpenStack." - -msgid "To start your Dibbler server, run:" -msgstr "Untuk memulai server Dibbler Anda, jalankan:" - -msgid "" -"To support integration with the deployment examples, this content configures " -"the Macvtap mechanism driver to use the overlay network for untagged (flat) " -"or tagged (VLAN) networks in addition to overlay networks such as VXLAN. " -"Your physical network infrastructure must support VLAN (802.1q) tagging on " -"the overlay network." -msgstr "" -"Untuk mendukung integrasi dengan contoh pengerahan, konten ini " -"mengkonfigurasi driver mekanisme Macvtap untuk menggunakan jaringan overlay " -"untuk jaringan untagged (flat) atau tag (VLAN) dan juga jaringan overlay " -"seperti VXLAN. Infrastruktur jaringan fisik Anda harus mendukung VLAN " -"(802.1q) tagging pada jaringan overlay." - -msgid "To test the HA of DHCP agent:" -msgstr "Untuk menguji HA agen DHCP:" - -msgid "" -"To trigger the prefix delegation process, create a router interface between " -"this subnet and a router with an active interface on the external network:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk memicu proses prefix delegation, buat antarmuka router antara subnet " -"ini dan router dengan interface yang aktif pada jaringan eksternal:" - -msgid "" -"To understand how VLANs work, let's consider VLAN applications in a " -"traditional IT environment, where physical hosts are attached to a physical " -"switch, and no virtualization is involved. Imagine a scenario where you want " -"three isolated networks but you only have a single physical switch. The " -"network administrator would choose three VLAN IDs, for example, 10, 11, and " -"12, and would configure the switch to associate switchports with VLAN IDs. " -"For example, switchport 2 might be associated with VLAN 10, switchport 3 " -"might be associated with VLAN 11, and so forth. When a switchport is " -"configured for a specific VLAN, it is called an *access port*. The switch is " -"responsible for ensuring that the network traffic is isolated across the " -"VLANs." -msgstr "" -"Untuk memahami bagaimana VLAN bekerja, mari kita pertimbangkan aplikasi VLAN " -"dalam lingkungan TI tradisional, dimana host fisik yang melekat pada switch " -"fisik, dan tidak ada virtualisasi yang terlibat. Bayangkan sebuah skenario " -"dimana Anda ingin tiga jaringan terisolasi tetapi Anda hanya memiliki switch " -"fisik tunggal. Administrator jaringan akan memilih tiga ID VLAN, misalnya, " -"10, 11, dan 12, dan akan mengkonfigurasi switch untuk mengasosiasikan " -"switchport dengan VLAN ID. Misalnya, switchport 2 mungkin terkait dengan " -"VLAN 10, switchport 3 mungkin terkait dengan VLAN 11, dan sebagainya. Ketika " -"switchport dikonfigurasi untuk VLAN tertentu, hal itu disebut *access port*. " -"Switch bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa lalu lintas jaringan " -"terisolasi di seluruh VLAN." - -msgid "To upgrade the database incrementally, use the following command:" -msgstr "Untuk meng-upgrade database secara bertahap, gunakan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "" -"To use this feature, the neutron service must have the following extensions " -"enabled:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, layanan neutron harus memiliki ekstensi yang " -"diaktifkan berikut:" - -msgid "" -"To use this feature, you need a prefix delegation capable DHCPv6 server that " -"is reachable from your OpenStack Networking node(s). This could be software " -"running on the OpenStack Networking node(s) or elsewhere, or a physical " -"router. For the purposes of this guide we are using the open-source DHCPv6 " -"server, Dibbler. Dibbler is available in many Linux package managers, or " -"from source at `tomaszmrugalski/dibbler `_." -msgstr "" -"Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, Anda perlu delegasi awalan (prefix delegation) " -"yang mampu server DHCPv6 yang dicapai dari node OpenStack Networking Anda. " -"Ini bisa menjadi perangkat lunak yang berjalan pada node OpenStack " -"Networking atau di tempat lain, atau router fisik. Untuk tujuan panduan ini " -"kita menggunakan Dibbler, open source Server DHCPv6. Dibbler tersedia di " -"banyak manajer paket Linux, atau dari sumber di `tomaszmrugalski/dibbler " -"`_." - -msgid "" -"To validate that the required resources are correctly set up for auto-" -"allocation, without actually provisioning anything, use the ``--check-" -"resources`` option:" -msgstr "" -"Untuk memvalidasi bahwa sumber daya yang dibutuhkan ditetapkan dengan benar " -"untuk alokasi otomatis, tanpa benar-benar menyediakan apapun, gunakan opsi " -"``--check-resources``:" - -msgid "To view the defined libvirt networks and their state:" -msgstr "Untuk melihat jaringan libvirt yang didefinisikan dan keadaan mereka:" - -msgid "Trunk states" -msgstr "Status Trunk" - -msgid "Trunking" -msgstr "Trunking" - -msgid "" -"Trunking is used to connect between different switches. Each trunk uses a " -"tag to identify which VLAN is in use. This ensures that switches on the same " -"VLAN can communicate." -msgstr "" -"Trunking digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara switch yang berbeda. Setiap " -"trunk menggunakan tag untuk mengidentifikasi VLAN yang sedang digunakan. Hal " -"ini memastikan bahwa switch pada VLAN yang sama dapat berkomunikasi." - -msgid "Trusted projects policy.json configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurasi policy.json proyek terpercaya" - -msgid "" -"Tunneling is a mechanism that makes transfer of payloads feasible over an " -"incompatible delivery network. It allows the network user to gain access to " -"denied or insecure networks. Data encryption may be employed to transport " -"the payload, ensuring that the encapsulated user network data appears as " -"public even though it is private and can easily pass the conflicting network." -msgstr "" -"Tunneling (terowongan) adalah sebuah mekanisme yang membuat pemidahan " -"payload feasible melalui jaringan pengiriman tidak kompatibel. Tunneling ini " -"mengizinkan pengguna jaringan untuk mendapatkan akses ke jaringan tidak aman " -"atau ditolak. Enkripsi data dapat digunakan untuk mengangkut payload, " -"memastikan bahwa jaringan data pengguna yang dikemas akan muncul sebagai " -"publik meskipun sebenarnya private, dan dapat dengan mudah melewati jaringan " -"yang saling bertentangan." - -msgid "Two compute nodes with the following components:" -msgstr "Dua node komputasi dengan komponen-komponen berikut:" - -msgid "Two network interfaces: management and provider." -msgstr "Dua antarmuka jaringan: manajemen dan provider." - -msgid "" -"Two networking models exist in OpenStack. The first is called legacy " -"networking (:term:`nova-network`) and it is a sub-process embedded in the " -"Compute project (nova). This model has some limitations, such as creating " -"complex network topologies, extending its back-end implementation to vendor-" -"specific technologies, and providing project-specific networking elements. " -"These limitations are the main reasons the OpenStack Networking (neutron) " -"model was created." -msgstr "" -"Dua model jaringan ada di OpenStack. Yang pertama disebut legacy networking " -"(:term:`nova-network`) dan itu adalah sub-process tertanam dalam proyek " -"Compute (nova). Model ini memiliki beberapa keterbatasan, seperti dalam " -"pembuatan topologi jaringan yang kompleks, peluasan implementasi back-end " -"untuk teknologi vendor-specific, dan penyediaan elemen jaringan project-" -"specific. Keterbatasan ini adalah alasan utama model OpenStack Networking " -"(neutron) dibuat." - -msgid "Type drivers" -msgstr "Tipe driver" - -msgid "" -"Typically, one uses this mechanism to delete networking resources for a " -"defunct project regardless of its existence in the Identity service." -msgstr "" -"Biasanya, orang menggunakan mekanisme ini untuk menghapus sumber daya " -"jaringan untuk proyek mati (defunct) terlepas dari keberadaannya dalam " -"layanan Identity." - -msgid "" -"UDP has support for one-to-many communication: sending a single packet to " -"multiple hosts. An application can broadcast a UDP packet to all of the " -"network hosts on a local network by setting the receiver IP address as the " -"special IP broadcast address ````. An application can also " -"send a UDP packet to a set of receivers using *IP multicast*. The intended " -"receiver applications join a multicast group by binding a UDP socket to a " -"special IP address that is one of the valid multicast group addresses. The " -"receiving hosts do not have to be on the same local network as the sender, " -"but the intervening routers must be configured to support IP multicast " -"routing. VXLAN is an example of a UDP-based protocol that uses IP multicast." -msgstr "" -"UDP memiliki dukungan untuk komunikasi one-to-many: mengirimkan paket ke " -"beberapa host. Sebuah aplikasi dapat menyiarkan paket UDP ke semua host " -"jaringan pada jaringan lokal dengan menetapkan alamat IP penerima sebagai " -"alamat broadcast IP khusus ````. Sebuah aplikasi juga dapat " -"mengirim paket UDP ke satu set receiver menggunakan *IP multicast *. " -"Aplikasi penerima yang dimaksudkan akan menggabungkan kelompok multicast " -"yang terikat soket UDP ke alamat IP khusus yang merupakan salah satu alamat " -"grup multicast yang valid. Host menerima tidak harus berada di jaringan " -"lokal yang sama sebagai pengirim, tetapi router intervensi harus " -"dikonfigurasi untuk mendukung IP multicast routing. VXLAN adalah contoh dari " -"protokol berbasis UDP yang menggunakan IP multicast." - -msgid "" -"UDP, like TCP, uses the notion of ports to distinguish between different " -"applications running on the same system. Note, however, that operating " -"systems treat UDP ports separately from TCP ports. For example, it is " -"possible for one application to be associated with TCP port 16543 and a " -"separate application to be associated with UDP port 16543." -msgstr "" -"UDP, seperti TCP, menggunakan gagasan (notion) port untuk membedakan antara " -"aplikasi yang berbeda berjalan pada sistem yang sama. Catatan, bagaimanapun, " -"bahwa sistem operasi memperlakukan port UDP secara terpisah dari port TCP. " -"Sebagai contoh, ada kemungkinan satu aplikasi untuk dihubungkan dengan TCP " -"port 16543 dan aplikasi terpisah untuk dihubungkan dengan port UDP 16.543." - -msgid "Unique physical network name" -msgstr "Unique physical network name (nama jaringan fisik unik)" - -msgid "" -"Unlike conventional provider networks, a DHCP agent cannot support more than " -"one segment within a network. The operator must deploy at least one DHCP " -"agent per segment. Consider deploying DHCP agents on compute nodes " -"containing the segments rather than one or more network nodes to reduce node " -"count." -msgstr "" -"Tidak seperti jaringan penyedia konvensional, agen DHCP tidak dapat " -"mendukung lebih dari satu segmen dalam jaringan. Operator harus menggunakan " -"setidaknya satu agen DHCP per segmen. Pertimbangkan penggelaran agen DHCP " -"pada node komputasi yang berisi segmen daripada satu atau lebih node " -"jaringan untuk mengurangi jumlah node." - -msgid "" -"Unlike most agents, BGP speakers require manual scheduling to an agent. BGP " -"speakers only form peering sessions and begin prefix advertisement after " -"scheduling to an agent. Schedule the BGP speaker to agent " -"``37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e``." -msgstr "" -"Tidak seperti kebanyakan agen, speaker BGP memerlukan penjadwalan manual " -"untuk agen. Speaker BGP hanya membentuk sesi kebersamaan dan mulai " -"penyiaran update dan perubahan awal prefix setelah penjadwalan untuk agen. " -"Jadwalkan speaker BGP untuk agen ``37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e``." - -msgid "Unlimited address overlap is allowed." -msgstr "Tak terbatas tumpang tindih alamat diperbolehkan." - -msgid "Update a port chain or port pair group" -msgstr "Memperbarui rantai port atau kelompok pasangan port" - -msgid "Update the DHCP configuration file ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "Update file konfigurasi DHCP ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini``:" - -msgid "Update the nova configuration file ``/etc/nova/nova.conf``:" -msgstr "Update file konfigurasi nova ``/etc/nova/nova.conf``:" - -msgid "" -"Update the plug-in configuration file ``/etc/neutron/plugins/linuxbridge/" -"linuxbridge_conf.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"Update file konfigurasi plug-in ``/etc/neutron/plugins/linuxbridge/" -"linuxbridge_conf.ini``:" - -msgid "" -"Update the provider network to support external connectivity for self-" -"service networks." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan update jaringan provider untuk mendukung konektivitas eksternal " -"untuk jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"Update the security group to allow traffic to reach the new load balancer. " -"Create a new security group along with ingress rules to allow traffic into " -"the new load balancer. The neutron port for the load balancer is shown as " -"``vip_port_id`` above." -msgstr "" -"Update grup keamanan untuk mengizinkan lalu lintas untuk mencapai " -"penyeimbang beban baru. Buat grup keamanan baru bersama dengan aturan " -"masuknya untuk mengizinkan lalu lintas ke penyeimbang beban baru. Port " -"neutron untuk penyeimbang beban ditampilkan sebagai ``vip_port_id`` di atas." - -msgid "Uplink the router on an external network" -msgstr "Uplink router pada jaringan eksternal" - -msgid "Usage" -msgstr "Usage (penggunaan)" - -msgid "Use InfiniBand enabled network adapters." -msgstr "Gunakan InfiniBand yang diaktifkan adapter jaringan." - -msgid "" -"Use ``availability_zone_hints`` to specify the zone in which the resource is " -"hosted:" -msgstr "" -"Gunakan ``availability_zone_hints`` untuk menentukan zona dimana sumber " -"akan disimpan (hosted):" - -msgid "Use case" -msgstr "Use case" - -msgid "Use case 1: Ports are published directly in the external DNS service" -msgstr "" -"Use case 1: Port yang diterbitkan secara langsung dalam layanan DNS eksternal" - -msgid "" -"Use case 2: Floating IPs are published with associated port DNS attributes" -msgstr "Use case 2: IP mengambang diterbitkan dengan atribut DNS port terkait" - -msgid "Use case 3: Floating IPs are published in the external DNS service" -msgstr "Use case 3: IP mengambang diterbitkan dalam layanan DNS eksternal" - -msgid "Use cases" -msgstr "Use case (kasus penggunaan)" - -msgid "" -"Use of ``macvtap`` is arbitrary. Only the self-service deployment examples " -"require VLAN ID ranges. Replace ``VLAN_ID_START`` and ``VLAN_ID_END`` with " -"appropriate numerical values." -msgstr "" -"Penggunaan ``macvtap`` ini sembarang. Hanya contoh pengerahan self-service " -"memerlukan rentang ID VLAN. Gantikan ``VLAN_ID_START`` dan ``VLAN_ID_END`` " -"dengan nilai-nilai numerik yang sesuai." - -msgid "" -"Use the :command:`neutron port-chain-update` command to dynamically add or " -"remove port pair groups or flow classifiers on a port chain." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan perintah :command:`neutron port-chain-update` untuk secara dinamis " -"menambahkan atau menghapus kelompok pasangan port atau pengklasifikasi " -"aliran pada rantai port." - -msgid "" -"Use the :command:`neutron port-pair-group-update` command to perform dynamic " -"scale-out or scale-in operations by adding or removing port pairs on a port " -"pair group." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan perintah :command:`neutron port-pair-group-update` untuk melakukan " -"scale-out dinamis atau operasi scale-in dengan menambahkan atau menghapus " -"pasang port pada kelompok pasangan port." - -msgid "Use the :command:`neutron rbac-show` command to see the details:" -msgstr "Gunakan perintah :command:`neutron rbac-show`, lihat rincian:" - -msgid "" -"Use the :command:`openstack extension list` command to check if these " -"extensions are enabled. Check ``agent`` and ``agent_scheduler`` are included " -"in the output." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan perintah :command:`openstack extension list` untuk memeriksa apakah " -"ekstensi ini diaktifkan. Periksa ``agent`` dan `` agent_scheduler`` " -"disertakan dalam output." - -msgid "" -"Use the command :command:`openstack extension list --network` to verify that " -"the ``Trunk Extension`` and ``Trunk port details`` extensions are enabled." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan perintah :command:`openstack extension list --network` untuk " -"memverifikasi dimana ekstensi ``Trunk Extension`` dan ``Trunk port " -"details`` diaktifkan." - -msgid "" -"Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for " -"high-availability using DVR to an existing operational environment that " -"supports self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"Menggunakan contoh konfigurasi berikut sebagai template untuk menambahkan " -"dukungan untuk ketersediaan tinggi menggunakan DVR di lingkungan operasional " -"yang ada yang mendukung jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for " -"high-availability using VRRP to an existing operational environment that " -"supports self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan contoh konfigurasi berikut sebagai template untuk menambahkan " -"dukungan high-availability penggunaan VRRP untuk lingkungan operasional yang " -"ada yang mendukung jaringan self-service." - -msgid "" -"Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for " -"self-service networks to an existing operational environment that supports " -"provider networks." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan contoh konfigurasi berikut sebagai template untuk menambahkan " -"dukungan untuk jaringan self-service untuk lingkungan operasional yang ada " -"yang mendukung jaringan provider." - -msgid "" -"Use the following example configuration as a template to add support for the " -"Macvtap mechanism driver to an existing operational environment." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan konfigurasi contoh berikut sebagai template untuk menambahkan " -"dukungan driver mekanisme Macvtap din lingkungan operasional yang ada." - -msgid "" -"Use the following example configuration as a template to deploy provider " -"networks in your environment." -msgstr "" -"Gunakan konfigurasi contoh berikut sebagai template untuk menggunakan " -"jaringan provider di lingkungan Anda." - -msgid "Use the previous commands to assign the network to agents." -msgstr "Gunakan perintah sebelumnya untuk menetapkan jaringan untuk agen." - -msgid "" -"Use this script to remove empty bridges on compute nodes by running the " -"following command:" -msgstr "" -"Menggunakan skrip ini untuk menghapus jembatan kosong pada node komputasi " -"dengan menjalankan perintah berikut:" - -msgid "User workflow" -msgstr "Alur kerja pengguna" - -msgid "" -"Users are encouraged to take these tools, test them, provide feedback, and " -"then expand on the feature set to suit their own deployments; deployers that " -"refrain from participating in this process intending to wait for a path that " -"better suits their use case are likely to be disappointed." -msgstr "" -"Pengguna didorong untuk mengambil alat-alat ini, menguji alat mereka, " -"memberikan umpan balik, dan kemudian memperluas pada pengaturan fitur yang " -"sesuai dengan deployment mereka sendiri; deployers yang menahan diri dari " -"berpartisipasi dalam proses ini berniat untuk menunggu jalan yang lebih baik " -"sesuai dengan use case mereka mungkin akan kecewa." - -msgid "" -"Users can also integrate the Networking and Compute services with an " -"external DNS. To accomplish this, the users have to:" -msgstr "" -"Pengguna juga dapat mengintegrasikan layanan Networking dan Compute dengan " -"DNS eksternal. Untuk mencapai hal ini, pengguna harus:" - -msgid "" -"Users can control the behavior of the Networking service in regards to DNS " -"using two attributes associated with ports, networks, and floating IPs. The " -"following table shows the attributes available for each one of these " -"resources:" -msgstr "" -"Pengguna dapat mengontrol perilaku layanan Networking dalam hal DNS " -"menggunakan dua atribut yang terkait dengan ports, jaringan, dan IP " -"mengambang. Tabel berikut menunjukkan atribut yang tersedia untuk masing-" -"masing sumber daya ini:" - -msgid "" -"Users create project networks for connectivity within projects. By default, " -"they are fully isolated and are not shared with other projects. OpenStack " -"Networking supports the following types of network isolation and overlay " -"technologies." -msgstr "" -"Pengguna membuat jaringan proyek untuk konektivitas dalam proyek. Secara " -"default, jeringan proyek sepenuhnya terisolasi dan tidak dibagi dengan " -"proyek-proyek lainnya. OpenStack Networking mendukung jenis jaringan isolasi " -"dan overlay teknologi." - -msgid "Using DPDK in OVS requires the following minimum software versions:" -msgstr "" -"Penggunaan DPDK di OVS membutuhkan perangkat lunak versi minimum berikut:" - -msgid "Using SLAAC for addressing" -msgstr "Penggunaan SLAAC untuk pengalamatan" - -msgid "Using SR-IOV interfaces" -msgstr "Penggunaan SR-IOV interface" - -msgid "" -"Using subnet pools constrains what addresses can be used by requiring that " -"every subnet be within the defined pool. It also prevents address reuse or " -"overlap by two subnets from the same pool." -msgstr "" -"Penggunaan kolam subnet membatasi alamat dimana dapat digunakan dengan " -"mewajibkan bahwa setiap subnet berada dalam kolam yang ditetapkan. Hal ini " -"juga mencegah penggunaan ulang alamat atau tumpang tindih dengan dua subnet " -"dari kolam yang sama." - -msgid "" -"Using this script can still trigger the original race condition. Only run " -"this script if you have evacuated all instances off a compute node and you " -"want to clean up the bridges. In addition to evacuating all instances, you " -"should fence off the compute node where you are going to run this script so " -"new instances do not get scheduled on it." -msgstr "" -"Penggunaan skrip ini masih dapat memicu kondisi race condition (kondisi " -"perebutan). Hanya menjalankan skrip ini jika Anda telah mengevakuasi semua " -"instance dari node komputasi dan Anda ingin membersihkan jembatan. Selain " -"mengevakuasi semua instance, Anda harus memagari node komputasi ketika Anda " -"akan menjalankan skrip ini sehingga instance baru tidak bisa dijadwalkan di " -"node komputasi." - -msgid "Using trunks and subports inside an instance" -msgstr "Penggunaan trunk dan subport dalam sebuah instance" - -msgid "Using vhost-user interfaces" -msgstr "Penggunaan antarmuka vhost-user" - -msgid "VF" -msgstr "VF" - -msgid "VLAN" -msgstr "VLAN" - -msgid "VLAN ID 101 (tagged)" -msgstr "VLAN ID 101 (tagged)" - -msgid "VLAN ID 102 (tagged)" -msgstr "VLAN ID 102 (tagged)" - -msgid "" -"VLAN is a networking technology that enables a single switch to act as if it " -"was multiple independent switches. Specifically, two hosts that are " -"connected to the same switch but on different VLANs do not see each other's " -"traffic. OpenStack is able to take advantage of VLANs to isolate the traffic " -"of different projects, even if the projects happen to have instances running " -"on the same compute host. Each VLAN has an associated numerical ID, between " -"1 and 4095. We say \"VLAN 15\" to refer to the VLAN with a numerical ID of " -"15." -msgstr "" -"VLAN adalah teknologi jaringan yang mengaktifkan sebuah switch tunggal untuk " -"bertindak seolah-olah itu beberapa switch independen. Secara khusus, dua " -"host yang terhubung ke switch yang sama tetapi pada VLAN yang berbeda tidak " -"melihat lalu lintas masing-masing. OpenStack mampu memanfaatkan VLAN untuk " -"mengisolasi lalu lintas dari proyek yang berbeda, bahkan jika proyek " -"kebetulan punya instance yang sedang berjalan pada host komputasi yang sama. " -"Setiap VLAN memiliki angka ID yang terkait, antara 1 sampai 4095. Kita " -"mengatakan \"VLAN 15\" untuk merujuk pada VLAN dengan ID numerik dari 15." - -msgid "VLANs" -msgstr "VLANs" - -msgid "VPNaaS" -msgstr "VPNaaS" - -msgid "" -"VPNaaS supports IPv6, but support in Kilo and prior releases will have some " -"bugs that may limit how it can be used. More thorough and complete testing " -"and bug fixing is being done as part of the Liberty release. IPv6-based VPN-" -"as-a-Service is configured similar to the IPv4 configuration. Either or both " -"the ``peer_address`` and the ``peer_cidr`` can specified as an IPv6 address. " -"The choice of addressing modes and router modes described above should not " -"impact support." -msgstr "" -"VPNaaS mendukung IPv6, namun dukungan di Kilo dan rilis sebelumnya akan " -"memiliki beberapa bug yang mungkin membatasi bagaimana hal itu dapat " -"digunakan. Lebih menyeluruh dan lengkap pengujian dan perbaikan bug telah " -"dilakukan sebagai bagian dari rilis Liberty. IPv6 yang berbasis VPN-as-a-" -"Service dikonfigurasi mirip dengan konfigurasi IPv4. Salah satu atau kedua " -"``peer_address`` dan `` peer_cidr`` dapat ditetapkan sebagai alamat IPv6. " -"Pilihan mode pengalamatan dan mode router dijelaskan di atas seharusnya " -"tidak berdampak dukungan." - -msgid "VXLAN" -msgstr "VXLAN" - -msgid "VXLAN ID (VNI) 101" -msgstr "VXLAN ID (VNI) 101" - -msgid "VXLAN ID (VNI) 102" -msgstr "VXLAN ID (VNI) 102" - -msgid "" -"VXLAN and GRE are encapsulation protocols that create overlay networks to " -"activate and control communication between compute instances. A Networking " -"router is required to allow traffic to flow outside of the GRE or VXLAN " -"project network. A router is also required to connect directly-connected " -"project networks with external networks, including the Internet. The router " -"provides the ability to connect to instances directly from an external " -"network using floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"VXLAN dan GRE adalah protokol enkapsulasi yang membuat jaringan overlay " -"untuk mengaktifkan dan mengendalikan komunikasi antara instance komputasi. " -"Sebuah router jaringan diperlukan untuk mengizinkan lalu lintas mengalir di " -"luar jaringan proyek GRE atau VXLAN. Sebuah router juga diperlukan untuk " -"menghubungkan jaringan proyek langsung terhubung dengan jaringan eksternal, " -"termasuk Internet. Router memberikan kemampuan untuk terhubung ke instance " -"langsung dari jaringan eksternal menggunakan alamat IP mengambang." - -msgid "" -"VXLAN multicast group configuration is not applicable for the Open vSwitch " -"agent." -msgstr "" -"VXLAN konfigurasi kelompok multicast tidak berlaku untuk agen Open vSwitch." - -msgid "Validating the requirements for auto-allocation" -msgstr "Memvalidasi persyaratan untuk auto-alokasi" - -msgid "" -"Various virtual networking resources support tags for use by external " -"systems or any other clients of the Networking service API." -msgstr "" -"Berbagai sumber daya jaringan virtual mendukungan tag untuk digunakan oleh " -"sistem eksternal atau klien lainnya dari Networking service API." - -msgid "Verify addition of the BGP peer to the BGP speaker." -msgstr "Lakukan verifikasi penambahan peer BGP ke BGP speaker." - -msgid "Verify association of the provider network with the BGP speaker." -msgstr "Lakukan verifikasi asosiasi jaringan provider dengan BGP speaker." - -msgid "" -"Verify creation of the internal high-availability network that handles VRRP " -"*heartbeat* traffic." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan verifikasi penciptaan jaringan high-availability internal yang " -"menangani VRRP lalu lintas *heartbeat*." - -msgid "Verify distributed routing on the router." -msgstr "Lakukan verifikasi routing terdistribusikan pada router." - -msgid "Verify failover operation" -msgstr "Verifikasi operasi pemulihan kegagalan" - -msgid "Verify network operation" -msgstr "Lakukan verifikasi operasi jaringan" - -msgid "Verify presence and operation of each BGP dynamic routing agent." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan verifikasi keberadaan dan operasi masing-masing agen routing dinamis " -"BGP." - -msgid "Verify presence and operation of the agents." -msgstr "Memverifikasi keberadaan dan operasi dari agen." - -msgid "Verify presence and operation of the agents:" -msgstr "Memverifikasi keberadaan dan operasi agen:" - -msgid "Verify scheduling of the BGP speaker to the agent." -msgstr "Lakukan verifikasi penjadwalan BGP speaker untuk agen." - -msgid "Verify service operation" -msgstr "Melakukan verifikasi operasi layanan" - -msgid "Verify that each IPv4 subnet associates with at least one DHCP agent." -msgstr "" -"Pastikan bahwa setiap subnet IPv4 berasosiasi dengan setidaknya satu agen " -"DHCP." - -msgid "" -"Verify that host aggregates were created for each segment in the Compute " -"service (for the sake of brevity, only one of the segments is shown in this " -"example)." -msgstr "" -"Pastikan bahwa kumpulan host diciptakan untuk setiap segmen dalam pelayanan " -"Compute (untuk singkatnya, hanya salah satu segmen yang ditunjukkan dalam " -"contoh ini)." - -msgid "" -"Verify that inventories were created for each segment IPv4 subnet in the " -"Compute service placement API (for the sake of brevity, only one of the " -"segments is shown in this example)." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan verifikasi dimana persediaan yang diciptakan untuk setiap subnet " -"IPv4 segment dalam placement API di layanan Compute (untuk singkatnya, " -"hanya salah satu segmen yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh ini)." - -msgid "Verify that the VFs have been created and are in ``up`` state:" -msgstr "Pastikan bahwa VF telah dibuat dan dalam keadaan ``up``:" - -msgid "" -"Verify that the load balancer is responding to pings before moving further:" -msgstr "" -"Pastikan bahwa penyeimbang beban merespon ping sebelum bergerak lebih lanjut:" - -msgid "" -"Verify that the network contains the ``segment1`` and ``segment2`` segments." -msgstr "Pastikan jaringan berisi segmen `` segment1`` dan ``segment2``." - -msgid "" -"Verify the prefixes and next-hop IP addresses that the BGP speaker " -"advertises." -msgstr "" -"Lakukan verifikasi prefiks dan alamat IP next-hop dimana speaker BGP " -"menyiarkan update dan perubahan." - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Version (versi)" - -msgid "" -"Virtual Function. The virtual PCIe device created from a physical Ethernet " -"controller." -msgstr "" -"Virtual Function. Perangkat PCIe virtual yang terbuat dari physical Ethernet " -"controller." - -msgid "Virtual extensible local area network (VXLAN)" -msgstr "Virtual extensible local area network (VXLAN)" - -msgid "Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)" -msgstr "Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)" - -msgid "" -"Virtual routing and forwarding is an IP technology that allows multiple " -"instances of a routing table to coexist on the same router at the same time. " -"It is another name for the network namespace functionality described above." -msgstr "" -"Virtual routing and forwarding adalah sebuah teknologi IP yang mengizinkan " -"beberapa instance dari tabel routing untuk hidup berdampingan pada router " -"yang sama pada waktu yang sama. VRF ini adalah nama lain untuk fungsi " -"jaringan namespace yang dijelaskan di atas." - -msgid "We anticipate this to expand to VM ports in the Ocata cycle." -msgstr "" -"Kami mengantisipasi ini untuk memperluas ke port VM dalam siklus Ocata." - -msgid "" -"We recommend using Open vSwitch version 2.4 or higher. Optional features may " -"require a higher minimum version." -msgstr "" -"Sebaiknya menggunakan Open vSwitch versi 2.4 atau lebih tinggi. Fitur " -"opsional mungkin memerlukan versi minimum yang lebih tinggi." - -msgid "" -"We recommend using VLAN provider networks for segregation. This way you can " -"combine instances without SR-IOV ports and instances with SR-IOV ports on a " -"single network." -msgstr "" -"Kami merekomendasikan penggunaan jaringan provider VLAN untuk pemisahan. " -"Dengan cara ini Anda dapat menggabungkan instance tanpa port SR-IOV dan " -"instance dengan port SR-IOV pada jaringan tunggal." - -msgid "" -"When ``admin_state`` is set to ``DOWN``, the user is blocked from performing " -"operations on the trunk. ``admin_state`` is set by the user and should not " -"be used to monitor the health of the trunk." -msgstr "" -"Ketika ``admin_state`` diatur ke ``DOWN``, pengguna akan diblokir untuk " -"melakukan operasi di trunk. ``admin_state`` diatur oleh pengguna dan tidak " -"boleh digunakan untuk memantau kesehatan trunk." - -msgid "" -"When a NIC receives an Ethernet frame, by default the NIC checks to see if " -"the destination MAC address matches the address of the NIC (or the broadcast " -"address), and the Ethernet frame is discarded if the MAC address does not " -"match. For a compute host, this behavior is undesirable because the frame " -"may be intended for one of the instances. NICs can be configured for " -"*promiscuous mode*, where they pass all Ethernet frames to the operating " -"system, even if the MAC address does not match. Compute hosts should always " -"have the appropriate NICs configured for promiscuous mode." -msgstr "" -"Ketika NIC menerima frame Ethernet, secara default NIC memeriksa untuk " -"melihat apakah tujuan alamat MAC sesuai dengan alamat NIC (atau alamat " -"broadcast), dan frame Ethernet dibuang jika alamat MAC tidak cocok. Untuk " -"host komputasi, perilaku ini tidak diinginkan karena frame mungkin " -"dimaksudkan untuk salah satu instance. NIC dapat dikonfigurasi untuk " -"*promiscuous mode*, dimana mereka melewatkan semua frame Ethernet ke sistem " -"operasi, bahkan jika alamat MAC tidak cocok. Host komputasi harus selalu " -"memiliki NIC yang tepat dikonfigurasi untuk promiscuous mode." - -msgid "" -"When configuring instances to use a subport, ensure that the interface on " -"the instance is set to use the MAC address assigned to the port by the " -"Networking service. Instances are not made aware of changes made to the " -"trunk after they are active. For example, when a subport with a " -"``segmentation-type`` of ``vlan`` is added to a trunk, any operations " -"specific to the instance operating system that allow the instance to send " -"and receive traffic on the new VLAN must be handled outside of the " -"Networking service." -msgstr "" -"Ketika mengkonfigurasi instance untuk menggunakan subport, pastikan bahwa " -"antarmuka pada instance diatur untuk menggunakan alamat MAC yang ditugaskan " -"(assigned) ke port oleh layanan Networking. Instance tidak menyadarai " -"perubahan yang dibuat trunk setelah mereka aktif. Misalnya, ketika subport " -"dengan ``segmentasi-type`` dari ``vlan`` ditambahkan ke trunk, setiap " -"operasi akan menspesifikasi untuk sistem operasi instance yang mengizinkan " -"instance mengirim dan menerima lalu lintas pada VLAN baru harus ditangani di " -"luar layanan Networking." - -msgid "" -"When creating subports, the MAC address of the trunk parent port can be set " -"on the subport. This will allow VLAN subinterfaces inside an instance " -"launched on a trunk to be configured without explicitly setting a MAC " -"address. Although unique MAC addresses can be used for subports, this can " -"present issues with ARP spoof protections and the native OVS firewall " -"driver. If the native OVS firewall driver is to be used, we recommend that " -"the MAC address of the parent port be re-used on all subports." -msgstr "" -"Ketika pembuatan subports, alamat MAC dari port tua induk dapat diatur pada " -"subport tersebut. Hal ini akan mengizinkan subinterfaces VLAN dalam sebuah " -"instance yang diluncurkan pada trunk yang akan dikonfigurasi tanpa secara " -"eksplisit menetapkan alamat MAC. Meskipun alamat MAC yang unik dapat " -"digunakan untuk subports, ini dapat menimbulkan masalah dengan perlindungan " -"spoof ARP dan driver firewall OVS asli (native). Jika driver firewall OVS " -"asli akan digunakan, kami menyarankan bahwa alamat MAC dari port induk akan " -"digunakan kembali pada semua subports." - -msgid "" -"When libvirt boots a virtual machine, it places the machine's VIF in the " -"bridge ``virbr0`` unless explicitly told not to." -msgstr "" -"Ketika libvirt boot mesin virtual, ia menempatkan VIF mesin di jembatan " -"``virbr0`` kecuali secara eksplisit mengatakan tidak." - -msgid "" -"When the ``--or-show`` option is used the command returns the topology " -"information if it already exists." -msgstr "" -"Bila opsi ``--or-show`` digunakan, perintah akan mengembalikan informasi " -"topologi jika sudah ada." - -msgid "" -"When the ``router_distributed = True`` flag is configured, routers created " -"by all users are distributed. Without it, only privileged users can create " -"distributed routers by using ``--distributed True``." -msgstr "" -"Ketika flag ``router_distributed = True`` dikonfigurasi, router yang dibuat " -"oleh semua pengguna didistribusikan. Tanpa itu, hanya pengguna istimewa " -"dapat menciptakan didistribusikan router dengan menggunakan ``--distributed " -"True``." - -msgid "" -"When the router receives a packet with the matching IP address and port, it " -"translates these back to the private IP address and port, and forwards the " -"packet along." -msgstr "" -"Ketika router menerima paket dengan alamat IP dan port yang cocok , router " -"itu menterjemahkan kembali paket ke alamat IP private dan port, dan " -"meneruskan paket secara bersama." - -msgid "" -"When the source or destination IP address are not of the same IP version " -"(for example, IPv6), the command returns an error." -msgstr "" -"Ketika sumber atau alamat IP tujuan adalah bukan dari versi IP yang sama " -"(misalnya, IPv6), perintah akan mengembalikan suatu kesalahan." - -msgid "" -"When this functionality is enabled, it is leveraged by the Compute service " -"when creating instances. When allocating ports for an instance during boot, " -"the Compute service populates the ``dns_name`` attributes of these ports " -"with the ``hostname`` attribute of the instance, which is a DNS sanitized " -"version of its display name. As a consequence, at the end of the boot " -"process, the allocated ports will be known in the dnsmasq associated to " -"their networks by their instance ``hostname``." -msgstr "" -"Ketika fungsi ini diaktifkan, terjadi pengungkitkan oleh layanan Compute " -"saat membuat instance. Ketika mengalokasikan port untuk instance saat boot, " -"layanan Compute akan mengisi atribut port ``dns_name`` ini dengan atribut " -"instance ``hostname``, yang merupakan versi DNS yang dibersihkan dari nama " -"tampilan nya. Akibatnya, pada akhir proses booting, port dialokasikan akan " -"diketahui dalam dnsmasq terkait ke jaringan mereka dengan instance `` " -"hostname``mereka." - -msgid "" -"When troubleshooting an instance that is not reachable over the network, it " -"can be helpful to examine this log to verify that all four steps of the DHCP " -"protocol were carried out for the instance in question." -msgstr "" -"Ketika ada masalah sebuah instance yang tidak dapat dijangkau melalui " -"jaringan, ada bantuan untuk memeriksa log ini untuk memverifikasi bahwa " -"semua empat langkah dari protokol DHCP dilakukan untuk instance yang " -"dipermasalahkan." - -msgid "" -"When using DevStack, it is important to start your server after the ``stack." -"sh`` script has finished to ensure that the required network interfaces have " -"been created." -msgstr "" -"Bila menggunakan DevStack, Hal ini penting untuk memulai server Anda setelah " -"skrip ``stack.sh`` telah selesai untuk memastikan bahwa antarmuka jaringan " -"yang diperlukan telah dibuat." - -msgid "" -"When using Quality of Service (QoS), ``max_burst_kbps`` (burst over " -"``max_kbps``) is not supported. In addition, ``max_kbps`` is rounded to Mbps." -msgstr "" -"Ketika penggunaan Quality of Service (QoS), ``max_burst_kbps`` (meledak " -"lebih ``max_kbps``) tidak didukung. Sebagai tambahan, ``max_kbps`` " -"dibulatkan ke Mbps." - -msgid "" -"When using SLAAC, the currently supported combinations for ``ipv6_ra_mode`` " -"and ``ipv6_address_mode`` are as follows." -msgstr "" -"Bila menggunakan SLAAC, kombinasi didukung saat ini untuk ``ipv6_ra_mode`` " -"dan ``ipv6_address_mode`` adalah sebagai berikut." - -msgid "" -"When using a ``segmentation-type`` of ``vlan``, the OVS and Linux bridge " -"drivers present the network of the parent port as the untagged VLAN and all " -"subports as tagged VLANs." -msgstr "" -"Bila menggunakan ``segmentasi-type`` dari ` vlan``, driver OVS dan Linux " -"bridge menyajikan jaringan port induk sebagai VLAN untagged dan semua " -"subports sebagai VLAN taged." - -msgid "" -"When using the Open vSwitch or Linux bridge drivers, new MTU calculations " -"will be propogated automatically after restarting the ``l3-agent`` service." -msgstr "" -"Bila menggunakan Open vSwitch atau driver jembatan Linux, perhitungan MTU " -"baru akan diperbanyak secara otomatis setelah restart layanan ``l3-agent``." - -msgid "" -"When using the neutron L3 agent in a configuration where it is auto-" -"configuring an IPv6 address via SLAAC, and the agent is learning its default " -"IPv6 route from the ICMPv6 Router Advertisement, it may be necessary to set " -"the ``net.ipv6.conf..accept_ra`` sysctl to the value " -"``2`` in order for routing to function correctly. For a more detailed " -"description, please see the `bug `__." -msgstr "" -"Bila menggunakan neutron L3 agent dalam konfigurasi dimana itu adalah auto-" -"configuring alamat IPv6 melalui SLAAC, dan agen sedang mempelajari rute IPv6 " -"defaultnya dari ICMPv6 Router Advertisement, itu mungkin perlu untuk " -"mengatur sysctl ``net.ipv6.conf . .accept_ra`` dengan " -"nilai ``2`` agar routing berfungsi dengan benar. Untuk penjelasan lebih " -"rinci, silakan lihat `bug ` " -"__." - -msgid "" -"When using the reference implementation of the OpenStack Networking prefix " -"delegation driver, Dibbler must also be installed on your OpenStack " -"Networking node(s) to serve as a DHCPv6 client. Version 1.0.1 or higher is " -"required." -msgstr "" -"Bila menggunakan implementasi referensi dari driver prefix delegation " -"OpenStack Networking, Dibbler juga harus diinstal pada node OpenStack " -"Networking Anda untuk melayani sebagai klien DHCPv6. Versi 1.0.1 atau lebih " -"tinggi diperlukan." - -msgid "" -"When you create a network with one port, the network will be scheduled to an " -"active DHCP agent. If many active DHCP agents are running, select one " -"randomly. You can design more sophisticated scheduling algorithms in the " -"same way as nova-schedule later on." -msgstr "" -"Bila Anda membuat jaringan dengan satu port, jaringan akan dijadwalkan untuk " -"agen DHCP aktif. Jika banyak agen DHCP aktif berjalan, pilih salah satu " -"secara acak. Anda dapat merancang algoritma penjadwalan yang lebih canggih " -"dalam cara yang sama seperti nova-schedule nanti." - -msgid "" -"When you run :command:`openstack network list` or :command:`openstack " -"network show`, the ``shared`` flag is calculated by the server based on the " -"calling project and the RBAC entries for each network. For QoS objects use :" -"command:`openstack network qos policy list` or :command:`openstack network " -"qos policy show` respectively. If there is a wildcard entry, the ``shared`` " -"flag is always set to ``True``. If there are only entries that share with " -"specific projects, only the projects the object is shared to will see the " -"flag as ``True`` and the rest will see the flag as ``False``." -msgstr "" -"Ketika Anda menjalankan :command:`openstack network list` atau :command:" -"`openstack network show`, flag ``shared`` dihitung oleh server berdasarkan " -"proyek panggilan dan entri RBAC untuk setiap jaringan. Untuk objek QoS " -"gunakan :command:`openstack network qos policy list` atau :command:" -"`openstack network qos policy show` masing-masing. Jika ada entri wildcard, " -"flag ``shared`` selalu diatur ke ``True``. Jika hanya ada entri yang berbagi " -"dengan proyek tertentu, hanya proyek yang objeknya berbagi akan melihat flag " -"sebagai `` True`` dan sisanya akan melihat bendera sebagai ``False``." - -msgid "" -"Where ``ha_vrrp_health_check_interval`` indicates how often in seconds the " -"health check should run. The default value is ``0``, which indicates that " -"the check should not run at all." -msgstr "" -"Dimana ``ha_vrrp_health_check_interval`` menunjukkan seberapa sering dalam " -"detik dimana pengecekan kesehatan harus dijalankan. Nilai default adalah " -"``0``, yang menunjukkan bahwa pengecekan tidak berjalan sama sekali." - -msgid "" -"While NICs use MAC addresses to address network hosts, TCP/IP applications " -"use IP addresses. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) bridges the gap " -"between Ethernet and IP by translating IP addresses into MAC addresses." -msgstr "" -"Sementara NIC menggunakan alamat MAC untuk mengatasi host jaringan, aplikasi " -"TCP/IP menggunakan alamat IP. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) menjembatani " -"kesenjangan antara Ethernet dan IP dengan menerjemahkan alamat IP ke alamat " -"MAC." - -msgid "Whitelist PCI devices in nova-compute (Compute)" -msgstr "Daftarlah (whitelist) perangkat PCI di nova-compute (Compute)" - -msgid "Whitelist PCI devices nova-compute (Compute)" -msgstr "Daftarlah (whitelist) perangkat PCI nova-compute (Compute)" - -msgid "Why you need them" -msgstr "Mengapa Anda membutuhkan mereka" - -msgid "" -"With IPv4, the default_quota can be set to the number of absolute addresses " -"any given project is allowed to consume from the pool. For example, with a " -"quota of 128, I might get,, and still have " -"room to allocate 48 more addresses in the future." -msgstr "" -"Dengan IPv4, default_quota yang dapat diatur untuk jumlah alamat absolut " -"setiap proyek yang diberikan diperbolehkan untuk mengkonsumsi dari kolam. " -"Misalnya, dengan kuota 128, saya mungkin akan mendapatkan, " -", dan masih memiliki ruang untuk mengalokasikan 48 alamat " -"lebih di masa depan." - -msgid "" -"With IPv6 it is a little different. It is not practical to count individual " -"addresses. To avoid ridiculously large numbers, the quota is expressed in " -"the number of /64 subnets which can be allocated. For example, with a " -"default_quota of 3, I might get 2001:db8:c18e:c05a::/64, 2001:" -"db8:221c:8ef3::/64, and still have room to allocate one more prefix in the " -"future." -msgstr "" -"Dengan IPv6 itu adalah sedikit berbeda. Hal ini tidak praktis untuk " -"menghitung alamat individu. Untuk menghindari nomor besar yang tidak masuk " -"akal, kuota dinyatakan dalam jumlah /64 subnet yang dapat dialokasikan. " -"Misalnya, dengan default_quota dari 3, saya bisa mendapatkan 2001:db8:c18e:" -"c05a::/64, 2001:db8:221c:8ef3::/64, dan masih memiliki ruang untuk " -"mengalokasikan satu awalan (prefix) lebih di masa depan." - -msgid "" -"With subnet pools, all addresses in use within the address scope are unique " -"from the point of view of the address scope owner. Therefore, add more than " -"one subnet pool to an address scope if the pools have different owners, " -"allowing for delegation of parts of the address scope. Delegation prevents " -"address overlap across the whole scope. Otherwise, you receive an error if " -"two pools have the same address ranges." -msgstr "" -"Dengan kolam subnet, semua alamat digunakan dalam lingkup alamat menjadi " -"unik dari sudut pandang pemilik lingkup alamat. Oleh karena itu, tambahkan " -"lebih dari satu subnet kolam untuk lingkup alamat jika kolam memiliki " -"pemilik yang berbeda, yang memungkinkan untuk pendelegasian bagian dari " -"lingkup alamat. Delegasi mencegah alamat tumpang tindih di seluruh lingkup. " -"Jika tidak, Anda menerima pesan kesalahan jika dua kolam memiliki rentang " -"alamat yang sama." - -msgid "" -"With subnets, the resource is the IP address space. Some subnets take more " -"of it than others. For example, uses 256 addresses in one " -"subnet but uses only 16. If address space is limited, the " -"quota system can encourage efficient use of the space." -msgstr "" -"Dengan subnet, sumber daya adalah ruang alamat IP. Beberapa subnet mengambil " -"lebih banyak daripada lainnya. Misalnya, menggunakan 256 " -"alamat dalam satu subnet tetapi hanya menggunakan 16. Jika " -"ruang alamat terbatas, sistem kuota dapat mendorong efisiensi penggunaan " -"ruang." - -msgid "" -"With the load balancer online, you can add a listener for plaintext HTTP " -"traffic on port 80:" -msgstr "" -"Dengan load balancer online, Anda dapat menambahkan pendengar untuk lalu " -"lintas HTTP plaintext pada port 80:" - -msgid "" -"Within a network, use a unique physical network name for each segment which " -"enables reuse of the same segmentation details between subnets. For example, " -"using the same VLAN ID across all segments of a particular provider network. " -"Similar to conventional provider networks, the operator must provision the " -"layer-2 physical network infrastructure accordingly." -msgstr "" -"Dalam jaringan, gunakan nama jaringan fisik yang unik untuk setiap segmen " -"yang mengaktifkan penggunaan kembali rincian segmentasi yang sama antara " -"subnet. Misalnya, penggunaan VLAN ID yang sama di semua segmen dari jaringan " -"operator tertentu. Serupa dengan jaringan penyedia konvensional, operator " -"harus menyediakan infrastruktur jaringan fisik lapisan-2 yang sesuai." - -msgid "Workflow" -msgstr "Workflow (alur kerja)" - -msgid "YES" -msgstr "YES" - -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Yes" - -msgid "" -"You can add a health monitor so that unresponsive servers are removed from " -"the pool:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menambahkan monitor kesehatan sehingga server yang tidak " -"responsif dapat dikeluarkan dari kolam:" - -msgid "" -"You can add another listener on port 443 for HTTPS traffic. LBaaS v2 offers " -"SSL/TLS termination at the load balancer, but this example takes a simpler " -"approach and allows encrypted connections to terminate at each member server." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menambahkan pendengar lain pada port 443 untuk lalu lintas HTTPS. " -"LBaaS v2 menawarkan terminasi SSL/TLS pada penyeimbang beban, tapi contoh " -"ini mengambil pendekatan yang lebih sederhana dan memungkinkan koneksi " -"terenkripsi untuk mengakhiri di setiap server anggota." - -msgid "" -"You can add this mechanism driver to an existing environment using either " -"the Linux bridge or OVS mechanism drivers with only provider networks or " -"provider and self-service networks. You can change the configuration of " -"existing compute nodes or add compute nodes with the Macvtap mechanism " -"driver. The example configuration assumes addition of compute nodes with the " -"Macvtap mechanism driver to the :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` or :ref:`deploy-" -"ovs-selfservice` deployment examples." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menambahkan driver mekanisme ini untuk lingkungan yang ada " -"menggunakan jembatan Linux ataupun driver mekanisme OVS dengan hanya " -"jaringan provider atau jaringan provider dan jaringan self-service. Anda " -"dapat mengubah konfigurasi node komputasi yang ada atau menambahkan node " -"komputasi dengan driver mekanisme Macvtap. Contoh konfigurasi mengasumsikan " -"penambahan node komputasi dengan driver mekanisme Macvtap ke contoh " -"pengerahan :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` atau :ref:`deploy-ovs-selfservice` ." - -msgid "" -"You can adjust quotas using the :command:`neutron quota-update` command:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengatur kuota menggunakan perintah :command:`neutron quota-" -"update`" - -msgid "You can also add a health monitor for the HTTPS pool:" -msgstr "Anda juga dapat menambahkan monitor kesehatan untuk HTTPS pool:" - -msgid "" -"You can also identify floating IP agent gateways in your environment to " -"assist with verifying operation of the BGP speaker." -msgstr "" -"Anda juga dapat mengidentifikasi agent gateway IP mengambang di lingkungan " -"Anda untuk membantu memverifikasi operasi BGP speaker." - -msgid "" -"You can control the default number of DHCP agents assigned to a network by " -"setting the following configuration option in the file ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron.conf``." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengontrol jumlah default agen DHCP yang ditugaskan ke jaringan " -"dengan menetapkan pilihan konfigurasi berikut di file ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf``." - -msgid "" -"You can create a firewall policy without any rules and add rules later, as " -"follows:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat membuat kebijakan firewall tanpa aturan dan menambahkan aturan " -"kemudian, sebagai berikut:" - -msgid "" -"You can create, update, list, delete, and show DSCP markings with the " -"neutron client:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat membuat, memperbarui, mendaftar, menghapus, dan menunjukkan DSCP " -"marking dengan klien neutron:" - -msgid "You can determine the maximum number of VFs a PF can support:" -msgstr "You can determine the maximum number of VFs a PF can support:" - -msgid "" -"You can disable security groups including basic and anti-spoofing rules by " -"setting the port attribute ``port_security_enabled`` to ``False``." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menonaktifkan kelompok keamanan termasuk aturan dasar dan anti-" -"spoofing dengan menetapkan atribut port ``port_security_enabled`` ke " -"``False``." - -msgid "" -"You can keep the DHCP and metadata agents on each compute node or move them " -"to the network node." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menjaga agen DHCP dan metadata pada setiap node komputasi atau " -"memindahkan mereka ke node jaringan." - -msgid "" -"You can keep the DHCP and metadata agents on each compute node or move them " -"to the network nodes." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menjaga DHCP dan agen metadata pada setiap node komputasi atau " -"memindahkannya ke node jaringan." - -msgid "" -"You can modify or delete this policy with the same constraints as any other " -"RBAC ``access_as_external`` policy." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengubah atau menghapus kebijakan ini dengan kendala yang sama " -"seperti kebijakan ``access_as_external`` RBAC lainnya." - -msgid "" -"You can modify rules at runtime. Rule modifications will be propagated to " -"any attached port." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat memodifikasi aturan pada saat runtime. Modifikasi aturan akan " -"disebarkan ke port yang terpasang." - -msgid "" -"You can now ping ``instance2`` directly because ``instance2`` shares the " -"same address scope as the external network:" -msgstr "" -"Anda sekarang dapat ping ``instance2`` langsung karena share ``instance2`` " -"lingkup alamat sama dengan jaringan eksternal:" - -msgid "" -"You can repeat the ``--flow-classifier`` option to specify multiple flow " -"classifiers for a port chain. Each flow classifier identifies a flow." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengulangi ``opsi --flow-classifier`` untuk menentukan beberapa " -"pengklasifikasi aliran untuk rantai port. Setiap klassifier aliran " -"mengidentifikasi aliran." - -msgid "" -"You can repeat the ``--port-pair-group`` option to specify additional port " -"pair groups in the port chain. A port chain must contain at least one port " -"pair group." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengulangi opsi ``--port-pair-group`` untuk menentukan tambahan " -"kelompok pasangan port dalam rantai port. Sebuah rantai port harus " -"mengandung setidaknya satu kelompok pasangan port." - -msgid "" -"You can repeat the ``--port-pair`` option for multiple port pairs of " -"functionally equivalent service functions." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengulangi opsi ``--port-pair`` untuk beberapa pasang port fungsi " -"layanan setara secara fungsional." - -msgid "" -"You can request a specific subnet from the pool. You need to specify a " -"subnet that falls within the pool's prefixes. If the subnet is not already " -"allocated, the request succeeds. You can leave off the IP version because it " -"is deduced from the subnet pool." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat meminta subnet dari kolam. Anda perlu menentukan subnet yang " -"termasuk dalam awalan (prefix) kolam ini. Jika subnet tersebut belum " -"dialokasikan, permintaan berhasil. Anda dapat meninggalkan versi IP karena " -"disimpulkan dari subnet kolam." - -msgid "" -"You can see that only the DHCP agent for HostB is hosting the ``net2`` " -"network." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat melihat bahwa hanya agen DHCP untuk HostB menjadi host jaringan " -"``net2``." - -msgid "" -"You can trigger MTU recalculation for existing networks by changing the MTU " -"configuration and restarting the ``neutron-server`` service. However, " -"propagating MTU calculations to the data plane may require users to delete " -"and recreate ports on the network." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mencetuskan (trigger) perhitungan kembali MTU untuk jaringan yang " -"ada dengan mengubah konfigurasi MTU dan restart layanan ``neutron-server``. " -"Namun, pengerahan perhitungan MTU terhadap data plane mungkin mengharuskan " -"pengguna untuk menghapus dan menciptakan port pada jaringan." - -msgid "" -"You can use ``curl`` to verify connectivity through the load balancers to " -"your web servers:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menggunakan ``curl`` untuk memverifikasi konektivitas melalui " -"load balancers ke server web Anda:" - -msgid "" -"You can use the :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command from the " -"beginning of this section to locate the ``vip_port_id``. The ``vip_port_id`` " -"is the ID of the network port that is assigned to the load balancer. You can " -"associate a free floating IP address to the load balancer using :command:" -"`neutron floatingip-associate`:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat menggunakan perintah :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` " -"dari awal bagian ini untuk menemukan ``vip_port_id``. ``vip_port_id`` adalah " -"ID dari port jaringan yang ditugaskan untuk penyeimbang beban. Anda dapat " -"mengaitkan alamat IP mengambang bebas untuk penyeimbang beban menggunakan :" -"command:`neutron floatingip-associate`:" - -msgid "" -"You can view the load balancer status and IP address with the :command:" -"`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command:" -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat melihat status penyeimbang beban dan alamat IP dengan perintah :" -"command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show`:" - -msgid "" -"You can virtualize these nodes for demonstration, training, or proof-of-" -"concept purposes. However, you must use physical hosts for evaluation of " -"performance or scaling." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat virtualisasi node ini untuk demonstrasi, pelatihan, atau tujuan " -"proof-of-concept. Namun, Anda harus menggunakan host fisik untuk evaluasi " -"kinerja atau scaling (pembesaran)." - -msgid "" -"You cannot ping ``instance1`` directly because the address scopes do not " -"match:" -msgstr "" -"Anda tidak bisa ping langsung ``instance1`` karena lingkup alamat tidak " -"cocok:" - -msgid "" -"You may change them to work with your particular network infrastructure." -msgstr "" -"Anda dapat mengubah mereka untuk bekerja dengan infrastruktur jaringan " -"tertentu." - -msgid "" -"You must configure this option for all eligible DHCP agents and restart them " -"to activate the values." -msgstr "" -"Anda harus mengkonfigurasi opsi ini untuk semua agen DHCP yang memenuhi " -"syarat dan restart mereka untuk mengaktifkan nilai." - -msgid "" -"\\* A firewall group can be applied to all ports on a given router in order " -"to effect this." -msgstr "" -"\\* Sekelompok firewall dapat diterapkan ke semua port pada router yang " -"diberikan supaya efek ini." - -msgid "\\*\\* This feature is planned for Ocata." -msgstr "\\*\\* Fitur ini direncanakan untuk Ocata." - -msgid "" -"`Basic Load-Balancer-as-a-Service operations `__" -msgstr "" -"`Basic Load-Balancer-as-a-Service operations `__" - -msgid "" -"`Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) overview `__" -msgstr "" -"`Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) overview `__" - -msgid "``$1`` The operation being performed." -msgstr "``$1``, Operasi yang dilakukan." - -msgid "``$IFACE`` The network interface upon which the request was received." -msgstr "``$IFACE``, Antarmuka jaringan dimana permintaan itu diterima." - -msgid "``$PREFIX1`` The prefix being added/deleted by the Dibbler server." -msgstr "``$PREFIX1``, Awalan yang ditambahkan/dihapus oleh server Dibbler." - -msgid "``$REMOTE_ADDR`` The IP address of the requesting Dibbler client." -msgstr "``$REMOTE_ADDR`` Alamat IP dari klien Dibbler yang meminta." - -msgid "``ACTIVE``" -msgstr "``ACTIVE``" - -msgid "``BUILD``" -msgstr "``BUILD``" - -msgid "``DEGRADED``" -msgstr "``DEGRADED``" - -msgid "``DOWN``" -msgstr "``DOWN``" - -msgid "``ERROR``" -msgstr "``ERROR``" - -msgid "``None``" -msgstr "``None``" - -msgid "" -"``admin_auth_url``: the Identity service admin authorization endpoint url. " -"This endpoint will be used by the Networking service to authenticate as an " -"admin user to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_auth_url``: admin authorization endpoint url layanan Identity. " -"Endpoint ini akan digunakan oleh layanan Networking untuk mengotentikasi " -"sebagai user admin membuat dan memperbarui zona reverse lookup (PTR)." - -msgid "" -"``admin_password``: the password of the admin user to be used by Networking " -"service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_password``: password dari user admin untuk digunakan oleh layanan " -"Networking membuat dan memperbarui zona reverse lookup (PTR)." - -msgid "" -"``admin_tenant_name``: the project of the admin user to be used by the " -"Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_tenant_name``: proyek user admin untuk digunakan oleh layanan " -"Networking membuat dan memperbarui zona reverse lookup (PTR)." - -msgid "" -"``admin_username``: the admin user to be used by the Networking service to " -"create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_username``: user admin yang digunakan oleh layanan Networking " -"membuat dan memperbarui reverse zona lookup (PTR)." - -msgid "" -"``allow_reverse_dns_lookup``: a boolean value specifying whether to enable " -"or not the creation of reverse lookup (PTR) records." -msgstr "" -"``allow_reverse_dns_lookup``: nilai boolean yang menspesifikasi apakah " -"mengaktifkan atau tidak mengaktifkan pembuatan reverse lookup (PTR) record." - -msgid "``auto-allocated-topology``" -msgstr "``auto-allocated-topology``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_network``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_network``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_router``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_router``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_subnet_v4``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_subnet_v4``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_subnet_v6``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_subnet_v6``" - -msgid "``chain_parameters`` - Dictionary of chain parameters" -msgstr "``chain_parameters`` - Dictionary of chain parameters" - -msgid "``create_network:provider:physical_network``" -msgstr "``create_network:provider:physical_network``" - -msgid "``description`` - Readable description" -msgstr "``description`` - Readable description" - -msgid "``destination_ip_prefix`` - Destination IP address or prefix" -msgstr "``destination_ip_prefix`` - Destination IP address or prefix" - -msgid "``destination_port_range_max`` - Maximum destination protocol port" -msgstr "``destination_port_range_max`` - Maximum destination protocol port" - -msgid "``destination_port_range_min`` - Minimum destination protocol port" -msgstr "``destination_port_range_min`` - Minimum destination protocol port" - -msgid "``dhcpv6-stateful``" -msgstr "``dhcpv6-stateful``" - -msgid "``dhcpv6-stateless``" -msgstr "``dhcpv6-stateless``" - -msgid "``egress`` - Egress port" -msgstr "``egress`` - Egress port" - -msgid "``ethertype`` - Ethertype (IPv4/IPv6)" -msgstr "``ethertype`` - Ethertype (IPv4/IPv6)" - -msgid "``external-net``" -msgstr "``external-net``" - -msgid "``flow_classifiers`` - List of flow classifier IDs" -msgstr "``flow_classifiers`` - List of flow classifier IDs" - -msgid "``id`` - Flow classifier ID" -msgstr "``id`` - Flow classifier ID" - -msgid "``id`` - Port chain ID" -msgstr "``id`` - Port chain ID" - -msgid "``id`` - Port pair ID" -msgstr "``id`` - Port pair ID" - -msgid "``id`` - Port pair group ID" -msgstr "``id`` - Port pair group ID" - -msgid "" -"``iface`` The name of the network interface on which to listen for prefix " -"delegation messages." -msgstr "" -"`` Iface``, nama antarmuka jaringan untuk mendengarkan pesan awalan delegasi." - -msgid "``ingress`` - Ingress port" -msgstr "``ingress`` - Ingress port" - -msgid "" -"``insecure``: Disable SSL certificate validation. By default, certificates " -"are validated." -msgstr "" -"``insecure``: Menonaktifkan validasi sertifikat SSL. Secara default, " -"sertifikat divalidasi." - -msgid "" -"``ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv4 " -"reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: ukuran dalam bit dari awalan (prefix) untuk " -"zona IPv4 reverse lookup (PTR)." - -msgid "``ipv6_address_mode``" -msgstr "``ipv6_address_mode``" - -msgid "" -"``ipv6_address_mode``: Determines how instances obtain IPv6 address, default " -"gateway, or optional information." -msgstr "" -"``Ipv6_address_mode``: Menentukan bagaimana instance mendapatkan alamat " -"IPv6, gateway default, atau informasi opsional." - -msgid "" -"``ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv6 " -"reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: ukuran dalam bit dari awalan (prefix) untuk " -"zona IPv6 reverse lookup (PTR)." - -msgid "``ipv6_ra_mode``" -msgstr "``ipv6_ra_mode``" - -msgid "``ipv6_ra_mode``: Determines who sends RA." -msgstr "`` Ipv6_ra_mode``: Menentukan siapa yang mengirimkan RA." - -msgid "``l7_parameters`` - Dictionary of L7 parameters" -msgstr "``l7_parameters`` - Dictionary of L7 parameters" - -msgid "``logical_destination_port`` - Destination port" -msgstr "``logical_destination_port`` - Destination port" - -msgid "``logical_source_port`` - Source port" -msgstr "``logical_source_port`` - Source port" - -msgid "``name`` - Readable name" -msgstr "``name`` - Readable name" - -msgid "``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``" -msgstr "``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``" - -msgid "``not-tags-any``" -msgstr "``not-tags-any``" - -msgid "``not-tags``" -msgstr "``not-tags``" - -msgid "" -"``pd-length`` The length that delegated prefixes will be. This must be 64 to " -"work with the current OpenStack Networking reference implementation." -msgstr "" -"`` Pd-length`` Panjang dimana prefiks akan mendelegasikan. Ini harus menjadi " -"64 untuk bekerja dengan implementasi referensi OpenStack Networking saat ini." - -msgid "" -"``pd-pool`` The larger prefix from which you want your delegated prefixes to " -"come. The example given is sufficient if you do not need external network " -"access, otherwise a unique globally routable prefix is necessary." -msgstr "" -"``pd-pool``, prefiks yang lebih besar dari mana Anda ingin prefiks Anda " -"didelegasikan untuk datang. Contoh yang diberikan ini sudah cukup jika Anda " -"tidak memerlukan akses jaringan eksternal, jika tidak prefix routable global " -"yang unik ini diperlukan." - -msgid "``port_pair_groups`` - List of port pair group IDs" -msgstr "``port_pair_groups`` - List of port pair group IDs" - -msgid "``port_pairs`` - List of service function port pairs" -msgstr "``port_pairs`` - List of service function port pairs" - -msgid "``protocol`` - IP protocol" -msgstr "``protocol`` - IP protocol" - -msgid "``router``" -msgstr "``router``" - -msgid "" -"``script`` Points to a script to be run when a prefix is delegated or " -"released. This is only needed if you want instances on your subnets to have " -"external network access. More on this below." -msgstr "" -"``script``, poin untuk script untuk dijalankan ketika awalan didelegasikan " -"atau dilepaskan. Ini hanya diperlukan jika Anda ingin instance pada subnet " -"Anda untuk memiliki akses jaringan eksternal. Lebih di bawah ini." - -msgid "" -"``service_function_parameters`` - Dictionary of service function parameters" -msgstr "" -"``service_function_parameters`` - Dictionary of service function parameters" - -msgid "``slaac``" -msgstr "``slaac``" - -msgid "``source_ip_prefix`` - Source IP address or prefix" -msgstr "``source_ip_prefix`` - Source IP address or prefix" - -msgid "``source_port_range_max`` - Maximum source protocol port" -msgstr "``source_port_range_max`` - Maximum source protocol port" - -msgid "``source_port_range_min`` - Minimum source protocol port" -msgstr "``source_port_range_min`` - Minimum source protocol port" - -msgid "``subnet_allocation``" -msgstr "``subnet_allocation``" - -msgid "``tags-any``" -msgstr "``tags-any``" - -msgid "``tags``" -msgstr "``tags``" - -msgid "``tenant_id`` - Project ID" -msgstr "``tenant_id`` - Project ID" - -msgid "``update_network:provider:physical_network``" -msgstr "``update_network:provider:physical_network``" - -msgid "``url``: the OpenStack DNS service public endpoint URL." -msgstr "``url``: URL endpoint publik layanan DNS OpenStack." - -msgid "" -"``vhost-user`` requires file descriptor-backed shared memory. Currently, the " -"only way to request this is by requesting large pages. This is why instances " -"spawned on hosts with OVS-DPDK must request large pages. The aggregate " -"flavor affinity filter can be used to associate flavors with large page " -"support to hosts with OVS-DPDK support." -msgstr "" -"``vhost-user`` membutuhkan memori bersama descriptor-backed file. Saat ini, " -"satu-satunya cara untuk meminta ini dengan meminta halaman besar. Inilah " -"sebabnya mengapa instance melahirkan pada host dengan OVS-DPDK harus meminta " -"halaman besar. Filter afinitas flavor agregat dapat digunakan untuk " -"mengasosiasikan flavor dengan dukungan halaman besar untuk host dengan " -"dukungan OVS-DPDK." - -msgid "a set of iptables rules" -msgstr "Seperangkat aturan iptables" - -msgid "availability zone candidates for the resource" -msgstr "Calon zona ketersediaan untuk sumber" - -msgid "availability zones for the resource" -msgstr "Zona ketersediaan untuk sumber" - -msgid "availability_zone_hints" -msgstr "availability_zone_hints" - -msgid "availability_zones" -msgstr "availability_zones" - -msgid "classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)" -msgstr "Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)" - -msgid "compute0001" -msgstr "compute0001" - -msgid "compute0002" -msgstr "compute0002" - -msgid "compute0101" -msgstr "compute0101" - -msgid "compute0102" -msgstr "compute0102" - -msgid "dependencies." -msgstr "ketergantungan." - -msgid "dhcpv6-stateful" -msgstr "dhcpv6-stateful" - -msgid "dhcpv6-stateless" -msgstr "dhcpv6-stateless" - -msgid "dns_domain" -msgstr "dns_domain" - -msgid "dns_name" -msgstr "dns_name" - -msgid "dnsmasq for providing IP addresses to virtual machines using DHCP" -msgstr "" -"dnsmasq untuk menyediakan alamat IP untuk mesin virtual menggunakan DHCP" - -msgid "dotted quad" -msgstr "dotted quad" - -msgid "fd00:198:51:100::/64" -msgstr "fd00:198:51:100::/64" - -msgid "fd00:198:51:100::1" -msgstr "fd00:198:51:100::1" - -msgid "fd00:203:0:113::/64" -msgstr "fd00:203:0:113::/64" - -msgid "fd00:203:0:113::1" -msgstr "fd00:203:0:113::1" - -msgid "" -"iptables to implement SNAT so instances can connect out to the public " -"internet, and to ensure that virtual machines are permitted to communicate " -"with dnsmasq using DHCP" -msgstr "" -"iptables untuk melaksanakan SNAT sehingga instance dapat terhubung ke " -"internet publik, dan untuk memastikan bahwa mesin virtual diizinkan untuk " -"berkomunikasi dengan dnsmasq menggunakan DHCP" - -msgid "ipv6 address mode" -msgstr "ipv6 address mode" - -msgid "ipv6 ra mode" -msgstr "ipv6 ra mode" - -msgid "ipv6_address_mode" -msgstr "ipv6_address_mode" - -msgid "ipv6_ra_mode" -msgstr "ipv6_ra_mode" - -msgid "ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode combinations" -msgstr "Kombinasi ipv6_ra_mode dan ipv6_address_mode" - -msgid "libvirt 1.2.13" -msgstr "libvirt 1.2.13" - -msgid "libvirt 1.2.17" -msgstr "libvirt 1.2.17" - -msgid "libvirt network implementation" -msgstr "Implementasi jaringan libvirt" - -msgid "list of string" -msgstr "daftar string" - -msgid "network" -msgstr "network" - -msgid "network0001" -msgstr "network0001" - -msgid "network0002" -msgstr "network0002" - -msgid "networks" -msgstr "network (jaringan)" - -msgid "neutron, networking, OpenStack" -msgstr "neutron, networking, OpenStack" - -msgid "neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup utility" -msgstr " Utilitas neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup." - -msgid "no" -msgstr "no" - -msgid "ports" -msgstr "port" - -msgid "rack 1" -msgstr "rack 1" - -msgid "rack 2" -msgstr "rack 2" - -msgid "radvd A,M,O" -msgstr "radvd A,M,O" - -msgid "router" -msgstr "router" - -msgid "routers" -msgstr "router" - -msgid "segment 1" -msgstr "segment 1" - -msgid "segment 2" -msgstr "segment 2" - -msgid "segment1" -msgstr "segment1" - -msgid "segment2" -msgstr "segment2" - -msgid "slaac" -msgstr "slaac" - -msgid "subnet (IPv4)" -msgstr "subnet (IPv4)" - -msgid "subnet (IPv6)" -msgstr "subnet (IPv6)" - -msgid "subnetpools" -msgstr "subnetpool" - -msgid "subnets" -msgstr "subnet" - -msgid "type driver / mech driver" -msgstr "type driver / mech driver" - -msgid "v1" -msgstr "v1" - -msgid "v2" -msgstr "v2" - -msgid "yes" -msgstr "yes" diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/networking-guide.po b/doc/networking-guide/source/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/networking-guide.po deleted file mode 100644 index d3c2cae111..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/networking-guide.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9025 +0,0 @@ -# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) 2015, OpenStack contributors -# This file is distributed under the same license as the Networking Guide package. -# -# Translators: -# nao nishijima , 2015 -# Sasuke(Kyohei MORIYAMA) <>, 2015 -# Tomoyuki KATO , 2014-2015 -# yfukuda , 2014 -# Yoshiteru Takizawa , 2015 -# Akihiro Motoki , 2015. #zanata -# KATO Tomoyuki , 2015. #zanata -# OpenStack Infra , 2015. #zanata -# Akihiro Motoki , 2016. #zanata -# KATO Tomoyuki , 2016. #zanata -# 小羽根 陸 , 2016. #zanata -# KATO Tomoyuki , 2017. #zanata -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Networking Guide 15.0\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-02 05:46+0000\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-03 08:25+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: KATO Tomoyuki \n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese\n" - -msgid "(Optional) FDB L2 agent extension" -msgstr "(オプション) FDB L2 エージェント拡張機能" - -msgid "**HostA and HostB: DHCP agent**" -msgstr "**HostA、HostB: DHCP エージェント**" - -msgid "**HostA and HostB: L2 agent**" -msgstr "**HostA、HostB: L2 エージェント**" - -msgid "**controlnode: neutron server**" -msgstr "**controlnode: neutron サーバー**" - -msgid "*Invalid combination.*" -msgstr "*無効な組み合わせ*" - -msgid "*N/S*" -msgstr "*指定なし*" - -msgid "" -"*Network Address Translation* (NAT) is a process for modifying the source or " -"destination addresses in the headers of an IP packet while the packet is in " -"transit. In general, the sender and receiver applications are not aware that " -"the IP packets are being manipulated." -msgstr "" -"*ネットワークアドレス変換* (NAT; Network Address Translation) は、 IP パケッ" -"トの転送中に IP パケットヘッダーの送信元アドレスや宛先アドレスを変更する処理" -"です。一般に、送信者、受信者のアプリケーションには、 IP パケットが途中で操作" -"されていることは分かりません。" - -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -msgid "0,1,1" -msgstr "0,1,1" - -msgid "1,0,0" -msgstr "1,0,0" - -msgid "1,0,1" -msgstr "1,0,1" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -msgid "4" -msgstr "4" - -msgid "6" -msgstr "6" - -msgid "" -"A BGP speaker requires association with a provider network to determine " -"eligible prefixes. The association builds a list of all virtual routers with " -"gateways on provider and self-service networks in the same address scope so " -"the BGP speaker can advertise self-service network prefixes with the " -"corresponding router as the next-hop IP address. Associate the BGP speaker " -"with the provider network." -msgstr "" -"有効なプレフィックスを判定するには、 BGP スピーカーはプロバイダーネットワーク" -"と関連付けられている必要があります。この関連付けにより、同じアドレススコープ" -"にあるプロバイダーネットワークとセルフサービスネットワークにゲートウェイがあ" -"る全仮想ルーターのリストを作成し、BGP スピーカーが、セルフサービスネットワー" -"クのプレフィックス、およびネクストホップ IP アドレスとして対応するルーターを" -"広告できるようにします。 BGP スピーカーをプロバイダーネットワークと関連付けま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"A TCP server is said to *listen* on a port. For example, an SSH server " -"typically listens on port 22. For a client to connect to a server using TCP, " -"the client must know both the IP address of a server's host and the server's " -"TCP port." -msgstr "" -"TCP サーバーは、ポートを *リッスン (listen)* します。例えば、 SSH サーバーは" -"通常ポート 22 をリッスンします。サーバーに TCP を使って接続するクライアント" -"は、サーバーホストの IP アドレスとサーバーでの TCP ポートの両方を知っている必" -"要があります。" - -msgid "" -"A basic example of SFC involves routing packets from one location to another " -"through a firewall that lacks a \"next hop\" IP address from a conventional " -"routing perspective. A more complex example involves an ordered series of " -"service functions, each implemented using multiple instances (VMs). Packets " -"must flow through one instance and a hashing algorithm distributes flows " -"across multiple instances at each hop." -msgstr "" -"SFC の基本的な例としては、パケットをある場所から別の場所へ、従来のルーティン" -"グで言うところの「ネクストホップ」 IP アドレスを持たないファイアウォールを経" -"由して転送する例があります。もっと複雑な例としては、複数のサービス機能の列を" -"順番に通すケースで、それぞれのサービス機能は複数のインスタンス (VM) を使って" -"実装されているというものです。パケットは各ホップで必ず 1 つのインスタンスを" -"経由し、複数のインスタンスがある場合は各ホップにおいてハッシュアルゴリズムを" -"使ってそれらのインスタンスに分散されます。" - -msgid "" -"A block of IP addresses and associated configuration state. This is also " -"known as the native IPAM (IP Address Management) provided by the networking " -"service for both project and provider networks. Subnets are used to allocate " -"IP addresses when new ports are created on a network." -msgstr "" -"IP アドレスブロックと関連する設定です。サブネットは、プロジェクトネットワーク" -"とプロバイダーネットワークの両方に networking サービスが提供する元々の IPAM " -"(IP アドレス管理) として知られています。新しいポートがネットワークに作成され" -"た際に、 IP アドレスを割り当てるのにサブネットは使用されます。" - -msgid "" -"A combination of the source attributes defines the source of the flow. A " -"combination of the destination attributes defines the destination of the " -"flow. The ``l7_parameters`` attribute is a place holder that may be used to " -"support flow classification using layer 7 fields, such as a URL. If " -"unspecified, the ``logical_source_port`` and ``logical_destination_port`` " -"attributes default to ``none``, the ``ethertype`` attribute defaults to " -"``IPv4``, and all other attributes default to a wildcard value." -msgstr "" -"\"source\" 関連の属性の組み合わせで、フローの入力元が定義されます。 " -"\"destination\" 関連の属性の組み合わせで、フローの宛先が定義されます。 " -"``l7_parameters`` 属性は、URL などのレイヤー 7 のフィールドを使ったフロー分類" -"をサポートする際に使用するための予約場所です。 ``logical_source_port`` と " -"``logical_destination_port`` 属性は、指定されなかった場合はデフォルトで " -"``none``になります。 ``ethertype`` 属性のデフォルトは ``IPv4`` で、それ以外の" -"属性のデフォルト値はすべてワイルドカード値です。" - -msgid "" -"A database management command-line tool uses the Alembic library to manage " -"the migration." -msgstr "" -"データベース移行コマンドラインツールは、Alembic ライブラリーを使って移行ルー" -"ルを管理しています。" - -msgid "" -"A flow classifier can only belong to one port chain to prevent ambiguity as " -"to which chain should handle packets in the flow. A check prevents such " -"ambiguity. However, you can associate multiple flow classifiers with a port " -"chain because multiple flows can request the same service function path." -msgstr "" -"1 つの Flow Classifier が所属できるポートチェインは 1 つだけです。これは、フ" -"ローのパケットをどのチェインが処理するかを判定する際の曖昧さを避けるためで" -"す。チェック機構があり、このような曖昧さを防止できます。一方で、複数の Flow " -"Classifier を 1 つのポートチェインに関連付けできます。これは、複数のフローを" -"同じサービス機能パスを通すためです。" - -msgid "" -"A flow classifier identifies a flow. A port chain can contain multiple flow " -"classifiers. Omitting the flow classifier effectively prevents steering of " -"traffic through the port chain." -msgstr "" -"Flow Classifier はフローを特定します。ポートチェインには複数の Flow " -"Classifier を含めることができます。 Flow Classifier を指定しなかった場合、そ" -"のポートチェインによるトラフィックのステアリング (steering) は実際には行われ" -"ません。" - -msgid "" -"A host sending a packet to an IP address consults its *routing table* to " -"determine which machine on the local network(s) the packet should be sent " -"to. The routing table maintains a list of the subnets associated with each " -"local network that the host is directly connected to, as well as a list of " -"routers that are on these local networks." -msgstr "" -"ある IP アドレスにパケットを送信するホストは、 *ルーティングテーブル* に問い" -"合わせを行い、パケットをローカルネットワーク上のどのマシンに送信すべきかを決" -"定します。ルーティングテーブルは、サブネットと各ネットワークにおいて直接接続" -"されているホストの関連付けのリストであり、これらのローカルネットワークにいる" -"ルーターのリストでもあります。" - -msgid "" -"A namespace is a way of scoping a particular set of identifiers. Using a " -"namespace, you can use the same identifier multiple times in different " -"namespaces. You can also restrict an identifier set visible to particular " -"processes." -msgstr "" -"名前空間は、特定の ID 集合に範囲を絞る方法です。名前空間を使うと、名前空間が" -"異なれば同じ ID を何回も使用できます。また、特定のプロセスに見える ID 集合を" -"限定することもできます。" - -msgid "" -"A pool holds a list of members that serve content through the load balancer." -msgstr "" -"プールは、ロードバランサーを通じてコンテンツを提供するメンバーのリストを保持" -"します。" - -msgid "" -"A port chain consists of a sequence of port pair groups. Each port pair " -"group is a hop in the port chain. A group of port pairs represents service " -"functions providing equivalent functionality. For example, a group of " -"firewall service functions." -msgstr "" -"ポートチェインは、ポートペアグループの列で構成されます。各ポートペアグループ" -"は、そのポートチェインでの各ホップに対応します。ポートペアのグループは、等価" -"な機能を提供するサービス機能を表現します。例えば、ファイアウォールのサービス" -"機能のグループなどです。" - -msgid "" -"A port chain is a unidirectional service chain. The first port acts as the " -"head of the service function chain and the second port acts as the tail of " -"the service function chain. A bidirectional service function chain consists " -"of two unidirectional port chains." -msgstr "" -"ポートチェインは単方向のサービスチェインです。最初のポートはサービス機能チェ" -"インの先頭となり、2 つ目のポートはサービス機能チェインの末尾となります。双方" -"向のサービス機能チェインは 2 つの単方向のポートチェインで構成されます。" - -msgid "A port chain, or service function path, consists of the following:" -msgstr "ポートチェイン、すなわちサービス機能パス、は以下から構成されます。" - -msgid "" -"A port is a connection point for attaching a single device, such as the NIC " -"of a virtual server, to a virtual network. The port also describes the " -"associated network configuration, such as the MAC and IP addresses to be " -"used on that port." -msgstr "" -"ポートは、仮想サーバーの NIC などの 1 つのデバイスを、仮想ネットワークに接続" -"する接続点です。ポートは、そのポートで使用される MAC アドレスや IP アドレスな" -"どの関連するネットワーク設定の表現でもあります。" - -msgid "" -"A port pair group may contain one or more port pairs. Multiple port pairs " -"enable load balancing/distribution over a set of functionally equivalent " -"service functions." -msgstr "" -"ポートペアグループには、ポートペアが 1 つ以上含まれます。複数のポートペアを指" -"定すると、機能的に等価なサービス機能集合間で負荷分散が行われます。" - -msgid "" -"A port pair represents a service function instance that includes an ingress " -"and egress port. A service function containing a bidirectional port uses the " -"same ingress and egress port." -msgstr "" -"ポートペアは、入力ポートと出力ポートを持つサービス機能を表現します。入出力の" -"両方向のポートを持つサービス機能の場合は、入力ポートと出力ポートとして同じ" -"ポートを指定します。" - -msgid "" -"A provider network using IP address range, and supporting " -"floating IP addresses,, and" -msgstr "" -"プロバイダーネットワークは IP アドレス範囲 を使用し、 " -"Floating IP アドレスとして,, を使用" -"できる。" - -msgid "" -"A set of flow classifiers that specify the classified traffic flows entering " -"the chain." -msgstr "チェインに入るトラフィックフローを指定する Flow Classifier の集合。" - -msgid "A set of ports that define the sequence of service functions." -msgstr "サービス機能の列を定義するポートの集合。" - -msgid "A setting of ``-1`` disables the quota for a tenant." -msgstr "``-1`` を設定すると、テナントのクォータが上限なしになります。" - -msgid "" -"A single network can be assigned to more than one DHCP agents and one DHCP " -"agent can host more than one network. You can add a network to a DHCP agent " -"and remove one from it." -msgstr "" -"1 つのネットワークを複数の DHCP エージェントに割り当てることもできますし、 1 " -"つの DHCP エージェントで複数のネットワークを担当することもできます。ネット" -"ワークを DHCP エージェントに追加したり、DHCP エージェントから削除したりできま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"A subnet pool manages a pool of addresses from which subnets can be " -"allocated. It ensures that there is no overlap between any two subnets " -"allocated from the same pool." -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールはアドレスのプールを管理し、そこからサブネットを割り当てでき" -"ます。同じサブネットプールから割り当てられた任意のサブネット間で重複がないこ" -"とが保証されます。" - -msgid "" -"A switchport that is configured to pass frames from all VLANs and tag them " -"with the VLAN IDs is called a *trunk port*. IEEE 802.1Q is the network " -"standard that describes how VLAN tags are encoded in Ethernet frames when " -"trunking is being used." -msgstr "" -"スイッチポートがすべての VLAN からのフレームを転送し、それらに VLAN ID のタグ" -"を付ける場合、そのポートは *トランクポート* と呼ばれます。 IEEE 802.1Q は、 " -"トランクポートを使う際に VLAN タグをどのように Ethernet フレームに入れるかを" -"規程したネットワーク標準です。" - -msgid "A, AAAA and PTR records will be created in the DNS service." -msgstr "" -"A レコード、AAAA レコード、PTR レコードが DNS サービスにより作成されます。" - -msgid "API server" -msgstr "API サーバー" - -msgid "Ability to leverage tags by deployment tools." -msgstr "デプロイメントツールがタグを利用する。" - -msgid "" -"Ability to map IDs from different management/orchestration systems to " -"OpenStack networks in mixed environments. For example, in the Kuryr project, " -"the Docker network ID is mapped to the Neutron network ID." -msgstr "" -"混在環境で、別の管理システムやオーケストレーションシステムが割り当てた ID を " -"OpenStack ネットワークにマッピングする。例えば、 Kuryr プロジェクトでは、 " -"Docker のネットワーク ID が Neutron ネットワーク ID にマッピングされます。" - -msgid "" -"Ability to map different networks in different OpenStack locations to one " -"logically same network (for multi-site OpenStack)." -msgstr "" -"別の場所にある OpenStack 上の別々のネットワークを論理的な 1 つのネットワーク" -"にマッピングする (マルチサイト OpenStack 用)。" - -msgid "" -"Ability to tag information about provider networks (for example, high-" -"bandwidth, low-latency, and so on)." -msgstr "" -"プロバイダーネットワークに関する情報をタグ付けする (例えば、広帯域、低遅延な" -"ど)。" - -msgid "Abstract" -msgstr "概要" - -msgid "" -"Accepts and routes RPC requests between agents to complete API operations. " -"Message queue is used in the ML2 plug-in for RPC between the neutron server " -"and neutron agents that run on each hypervisor, in the ML2 mechanism drivers " -"for :term:`Open vSwitch` and :term:`Linux bridge`." -msgstr "" -"API 操作を完了するためにエージェント間でやり取りされる RPC 要求を受信し宛先に" -"届けます。 ML2 プラグインで :term:`Open vSwitch` や :term:`Linux bridge` の " -"ML2 メカニズムドライバーを使う場合、 neutron サーバーと各ハイパーバイザー上で" -"動作する neutron エージェント間の RPC にメッセージキューが使用されます。" - -msgid "Access" -msgstr "アクセス" - -msgid "" -"Access to addresses in a scope are managed through subnet pools. Subnet " -"pools can either be created in an address scope, or updated to belong to an " -"address scope." -msgstr "" -"スコープ内のアドレスへのアクセスはサブネットプールを通じて管理されます。サブ" -"ネットプールをアドレススコープ内に作成することも、サブネットプールを更新して" -"アドレススコープに所属させることもできます。" - -msgid "Accessing address scopes" -msgstr "アドレススコープの利用" - -msgid "Achieving high availability with availability zone" -msgstr "アベイラビリティーゾーンを使った高可用性の実現" - -msgid "Add LBaaS panels to Dashboard" -msgstr "ダッシュボードへの LBaaS パネルの追加" - -msgid "" -"Add ``dns`` to ``extension_drivers`` in the ``[ml2]`` section of ``/etc/" -"neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``. The following is an example:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` の ``[ml2]`` セクションの " -"``extension_drivers`` に ``dns`` を追加します。以下は例です。" - -msgid "Add ``macvtap`` to mechanism drivers." -msgstr "``macvtap`` をメカニズムドライバーに追加します。" - -msgid "" -"Add ``sriovnicswitch`` as mechanism driver. Edit the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file " -"on each controller:" -msgstr "" -"``sriovnicswitch`` をメカニズムドライバーとして追加します。各コントローラー" -"で ``ml2_conf.ini`` ファイルを編集します。" - -msgid "Add a BGP peer to the BGP speaker." -msgstr "BGP ピアを BPG スピーカーに追加します。" - -msgid "Add a tag to a resource:" -msgstr "リソースにタグを付与します。" - -msgid "" -"Add the FDB section and the ``shared_physical_device_mappings`` parameter. " -"This parameter maps each physical port to its physical network name. Each " -"physical network can be mapped to several ports:" -msgstr "" -"FDB セクションを追加し、 ``shared_physical_device_mappings`` パラメーターを設" -"定します。このパラメーターは、各物理ポートと物理ネットワーク名のマッピングを" -"行います。 1 つの物理ネットワークを複数の物理ポートにマッピングできます。" - -msgid "" -"Add the LBaaS v2 service plug-in to the ``service_plugins`` configuration " -"directive in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``. The plug-in list is comma-" -"separated:" -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v2 サービスプラグインを ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` の " -"``service_plugins`` 設定項目に追加します。プラグインリストはコンマ区切りで" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Add the LBaaS v2 service provider to the ``service_provider`` configuration " -"directive within the ``[service_providers]`` section in ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron_lbaas.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf`` の ``[service_providers]`` セクションの " -"``service_provider`` 設定項目に LBaaS v2 サービスプロバイダーを追加します。" - -msgid "" -"Add the Octavia service provider to the ``service_provider`` configuration " -"directive within the ``[service_providers]`` section in ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron_lbaas.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf`` の ``[service_providers]`` セクションの " -"``service_provider`` 設定項目に Octavia サービスプロバイダーを追加します。" - -msgid "" -"Add the QoS service to the ``service_plugins`` setting in ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron.conf``. For example:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` の ``service_plugins`` 設定に QoS サービスを追" -"加します。例:" - -msgid "" -"Add the ``ml2_conf_sriov.ini`` file as parameter to the ``neutron-server`` " -"service. Edit the appropriate initialization script to configure the " -"``neutron-server`` service to load the SR-IOV configuration file:" -msgstr "" -"``ml2_conf_sriov.ini`` ファイルを ``neutron-server`` サービスのパラメーターと" -"して追加します。適切な初期化スクリプトを編集して、 ``neutron-server`` サービ" -"スが SR-IOV 設定ファイルを読みこむように設定します。" - -msgid "Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` に以下を追加します。" - -msgid "Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" -msgstr "``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` に以下を追加します。" - -msgid "Add the provider network as a gateway on each router." -msgstr "各ルーターのゲートウェイとしてプロバイダーネットワークを追加します。" - -msgid "Add the provider network as a gateway on the router." -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワークをルーターのゲートウェイとして追加します。" - -msgid "Add the provider network as the gateway on the router." -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワークをルーターのゲートウェイとして追加します。" - -msgid "Adding an HTTP listener" -msgstr "HTTP リスナーの追加" - -msgid "Adding an HTTPS listener" -msgstr "HTTPS リスナーの追加" - -msgid "" -"Address are assigned using EUI-64, and OpenStack Networking provides routing." -msgstr "" -"アドレスは EUI-64 を使って割り当てられます。ルーティング情報も OpenStack " -"Networking が提供します。" - -msgid "Address configuration and optional information using DHCPv6." -msgstr "DHCPv6 を使ってアドレス設定と追加の情報を通知する方法" - -msgid "Address configuration using RA and optional information using DHCPv6." -msgstr "RA を使ってアドレス設定を行い、DHCPv6 を使って追加の情報を通知する方法" - -msgid "Address configuration using Router Advertisement (RA)." -msgstr "ルーター広告 (Router Advertisement; RA) を使ったアドレス設定" - -msgid "Address modes for ports" -msgstr "ポートのアドレスモード" - -msgid "Address scopes" -msgstr "アドレススコープ" - -msgid "" -"Address scopes build from subnet pools. While subnet pools provide a " -"mechanism for controlling the allocation of addresses to subnets, address " -"scopes show where addresses can be routed between networks, preventing the " -"use of overlapping addresses in any two subnets. Because all addresses " -"allocated in the address scope do not overlap, neutron routers do not NAT " -"between your projects' network and your external network. As long as the " -"addresses within an address scope match, the Networking service performs " -"simple routing between networks." -msgstr "" -"アドレススコープは、サブネットプールを利用して作成されます。サブネットプール" -"はサブネットへのアドレス割り当てを制御する仕組みを提供するのに対して、アドレ" -"ススコープはどのアドレスがネットワーク間でルーティング可能かを示します。 1 つ" -"のアドレススコープ内で割り当てられたアドレスはすべて重複しないため、 neutron " -"ルーターはプロジェクトのネットワーク間や外部ネットワークとの間で NAT を行いま" -"せん。アドレスのアドレススコープが一致する限り、 Networking サービスはネット" -"ワーク間では通常のルーティングを行います。" - -msgid "Addresses" -msgstr "アドレス" - -msgid "Addresses and optional information are assigned using DHCPv6." -msgstr "アドレスと追加の情報は DHCPv6 を使って割り当てられます。" - -msgid "" -"Addresses are assigned using EUI-64, and an external router will be used for " -"routing." -msgstr "" -"アドレスは EUI-64 を使って割り当てられます。ルーティング情報は外部ルーターに" -"より提供されます。" - -msgid "Addresses for subnets" -msgstr "サブネットのアドレス" - -msgid "Adjust security groups to allow pings and SSH (both IPv4 and IPv6):" -msgstr "" -"ping と SSH を許可するようにセキュリティーグループを調整します (IPv4 と IPv6 " -"の両方)。" - -msgid "" -"Admin role is required to use the agent management and scheduler extensions. " -"Ensure you run the following commands under a project with an admin role." -msgstr "" -"エージェント管理およびスケジューラー拡張機能を使用するには管理ロールが必要で" -"す。以下のコマンドは管理ロールを持つプロジェクトで実行してください。" - -msgid "Administrator enforcement" -msgstr "管理者による強制適用" - -msgid "" -"Administrators are able to enforce policies on project ports or networks. As " -"long as the policy is not shared, the project is not be able to detach any " -"policy attached to a network or port." -msgstr "" -"管理者は、プロジェクトのポートやネットワークにポリシーを強制的に適用すること" -"ができます。ポリシーが共有されていない限り、プロジェクトは、ネットワークや" -"ポートに付与されたポリシーを解除することはできません。" - -msgid "Advanced services" -msgstr "ネットワークサービス" - -msgid "" -"Advertisement of a floating IP address requires satisfying the following " -"conditions:" -msgstr "" -"Floating IP アドレスが広告されるには、以下の条件が成立する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"Advertisement of a self-service network requires satisfying the following " -"conditions:" -msgstr "" -"セルフサービスネットワークが広告されるには、以下の条件が成立する必要がありま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"After creating a peering session, you cannot change the local or remote " -"autonomous system numbers." -msgstr "" -"ピアリングセッションを作成した後で、ローカルやリモートの AS 番号を変更するこ" -"とはできません。" - -msgid "" -"After deletion, if you restart the DHCP agent, it appears on the agent list " -"again." -msgstr "" -"削除した後で、 DHCP エージェントを再起動すると、そのエージェントは再びエー" -"ジェント一覧に登場します。" - -msgid "After installing Dibbler, edit the ``/etc/dibbler/server.conf`` file:" -msgstr "" -"Dibbler をインストールしたら、 ``/etc/dibbler/server.conf`` ファイルを編集し" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"After installing a new version of the Neutron server, upgrade the database " -"using the following command:" -msgstr "" -"新しいバージョンの neutron サーバーのインストール後は、以下のコマンドを使って" -"データベースをアップグレードします。" - -msgid "" -"After re-starting the ``neutron-server``, users will be able to assign a " -"``dns_name`` attribute to their ports." -msgstr "" -"``neutron-server`` を再起動すると、ユーザーはポートの ``dns_name`` 属性を設定" -"できるようになります。" - -msgid "" -"After the agent is disabled, you can safely remove the agent. Even after " -"disabling the agent, resources on the agent are kept assigned. Ensure you " -"remove the resources on the agent before you delete the agent." -msgstr "" -"エージェントを無効にした後、そのエージェントは安全に削除できます。エージェン" -"トを無効化した後も、そのエージェント上のリソースは割り当てられたままです。" -"エージェントを削除する前に、エージェント上のリソースを削除してください。" - -msgid "" -"After you stop the DHCP agent on HostA, you can delete it by the following " -"command:" -msgstr "" -"HostA の DHCP エージェントを停止した後で、以下のコマンドでエージェントを削除" -"できます。" - -msgid "Agent nodes" -msgstr "エージェントノード" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Agents" -msgstr "エージェント" - -msgid "" -"All InfiniBand networks must have a subnet manager running for the network " -"to function. This is true even when doing a simple network of two machines " -"with no switch and the cards are plugged in back-to-back. A subnet manager " -"is required for the link on the cards to come up. It is possible to have " -"more than one subnet manager. In this case, one of them will act as the " -"master, and any other will act as a slave that will take over when the " -"master subnet manager fails." -msgstr "" -"どの InfiniBand ネットワークでも、そのネットワークが機能するためにはサブネッ" -"トマネージャーが実行されている必要があります。スイッチなしの 2 台のホストしか" -"ない単純なネットワークで、カードどうしが直結されている場合であっても変わりま" -"せん。カードのリンクがアップするために、サブネットマネージャーは必須です。サ" -"ブネットマネージャーを複数台にすることもできます。この場合は、いずれか 1 台が" -"マスターとして動作し、それ以外はスレーブとして動作し、マスターのサブネットマ" -"ネージャーが故障した際に切り替わります。" - -msgid "" -"All OpenStack Networking services and OpenStack Compute instances connect to " -"a virtual network via ports making it possible to create a traffic steering " -"model for service chaining using only ports. Including these ports in a port " -"chain enables steering of traffic through one or more instances providing " -"service functions." -msgstr "" -"すべての OpenStack Networking サービスと OpenStack Compute インスタンスは、" -"ポートを経由して仮想ネットワークに接続されます。このため、ポートだけを使って" -"サービスチェイニング用のトラフィックステアリングのモデルを作成できます。ポー" -"トチェインにこれらのポートを含めることで、サービス機能を提供する 1 つ以上のイ" -"ンスタンスを経由するようにトラフィックをステアリングできます。" - -msgid "" -"All instances reside on the same network, which can also be shared with the " -"hosts. No VLAN tagging or other network segregation takes place." -msgstr "" -"すべてのインスタンスが同じネットワークにあります。これは、ホストとも共有でき" -"ます。VLAN タギングや他のネットワーク分割が行われません。" - -msgid "Allowing a network to be used as an external network" -msgstr "ネットワークの外部ネットワークとしての使用の許可" - -msgid "" -"Alternatively the ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` parameter also supports " -"whitelisting by:" -msgstr "" -"代わりに、 ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` パラメーターを使ったホワイトリストの" -"設定もできます。" - -msgid "" -"Alternatively, you can create VFs by passing the ``max_vfs`` to the kernel " -"module of your network interface. However, the ``max_vfs`` parameter has " -"been deprecated, so the PCI SYS interface is the preferred method." -msgstr "" -"別の方法として、 お使いのネットワークインターフェースのカーネルモジュールに " -"``max_vfs`` を渡して VF を作成することもできます。 ``max_vfs`` パラメーターは" -"廃止予定になっているので、 PCI SYS インターフェースを使うことを推奨します。" - -msgid "" -"Alternatively, you can launch each instance with one network interface and " -"attach additional ports later." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークインターフェース 1 つで各インスタンスを起動し、後で追加のポートを" -"接続することもできます。" - -msgid "" -"Although OpenStack does not make use of libvirt's networking, this " -"networking will not interfere with OpenStack's behavior, and can be safely " -"left enabled. However, libvirt's networking can be a nuisance when debugging " -"OpenStack networking issues. Because libvirt creates an additional bridge, " -"dnsmasq process, and iptables ruleset, these may distract an operator " -"engaged in network troubleshooting. Unless you need to start up virtual " -"machines using libvirt directly, you can safely disable libvirt's network." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack は libvirt のネットワークを使用しませんが、このネットワークは " -"OpenStack の動作には干渉せず、そのまま有効にしておくこともできます。しかし、 " -"OpenStack ネットワークの問題をデバッグする際に、 libvirt のネットワークはじゃ" -"まになりえます。 libvirt は追加のブリッジ、 dnsmasq プロセス、 iptables ルー" -"ルセットを作成するため、ネットワークの問題切り分けを行うオペレーターの注意を" -"そらすこともあります。 libvirt を使って仮想マシンを直接起動する必要がない場合" -"には、 libvirt のネットワークは安全に無効にすることができます。" - -msgid "" -"Although self-service networks generally use private IP address ranges " -"(RFC1918) for IPv4 subnets, BGP dynamic routing can advertise any IPv4 " -"address ranges." -msgstr "" -"セルフサービスネットワークの IPv4 サブネットでは一般的にはプライベート IP ア" -"ドレス範囲 (RFC1918) が使用されますが、 BGP 動的ルーティングはどのような " -"IPv4 アドレス範囲でも広告できます。" - -msgid "" -"Although, the Networking service provides high availability for routers and " -"high availability and fault tolerance for networks' DHCP services, " -"availability zones provide an extra layer of protection by segmenting a " -"Networking service deployment in isolated failure domains. By deploying HA " -"nodes across different availability zones, it is guaranteed that network " -"services remain available in face of zone-wide failures that affect the " -"deployment." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは、ルーターに対する高可用性と、ネットワークの DHCP サービ" -"スに対する高可用性と耐障害性を持ちますが、アベイラビリティーゾーンはこれとは" -"異なる保護レイヤーを提供し、 Networking サービスのデプロイメントを別々の故障" -"ドメインに区分けするものです。異なるアベイラビリティーゾーンにまたがって HA " -"ノードをデプロイすることで、ゾーン全体に渡る障害が発生した場合でも、ネット" -"ワークサービスが利用可能な状態になることを保証できます。" - -msgid "" -"An L2 agent serves layer 2 (Ethernet) network connectivity to OpenStack " -"resources. It typically runs on each Network Node and on each Compute Node." -msgstr "" -"L2 エージェントは、OpenStack リソースに対してレイヤー 2 (Ethernet) ネットワー" -"クの接続性を提供します。通常は、ネットワークノードとコンピュートノードで実行" -"されます。" - -msgid "" -"An administrator can mark a pool as default. Only one pool from each address " -"family can be marked default." -msgstr "" -"管理者は、サブネットプールにデフォルトであるというマークをつけることができま" -"す。各アドレスファミリーにつき 1 つのプールをデフォルトとして指定できます。" - -msgid "" -"An administrator might want to disable an agent if a system hardware or " -"software upgrade is planned. Some agents that support scheduling also " -"support disabling and enabling agents, such as L3 and DHCP agents. After the " -"agent is disabled, the scheduler does not schedule new resources to the " -"agent." -msgstr "" -"管理者は、システムのハードウェアやソフトウェアのアップグレードを計画している" -"場合、エージェントを無効化したいことでしょう。 L3 エージェントや DHCP エー" -"ジェントなど、スケジューリングに対応しているエージェントのいくつかでは、エー" -"ジェントの有効化、無効化ができます。エージェントを無効にすると、スケジュー" -"ラーはそれ以降はそのエージェントに新たにリソースをスケジューリングしません。" - -msgid "" -"An availability zone groups network nodes that run services like DHCP, L3, " -"FW, and others. It is defined as an agent's attribute on the network node. " -"This allows users to associate an availability zone with their resources so " -"that the resources get high availability." -msgstr "" -"アベイラビリティーゾーンを使うと、DHCP、 L3、ファイアウォールなどのサービスを" -"実行するネットワークノードをグルーピングできます。アベイラビリティーゾーン" -"は、ネットワークノード上のエージェントの属性として定義されます。ユーザーはリ" -"ソースをアベイラビリティーゾーンに関連付けることで、リソースの可用性を高める" -"ことができます。" - -msgid "" -"An availability zone is used to make network resources highly available. The " -"operators group the nodes that are attached to different power sources under " -"separate availability zones and configure scheduling for resources with high " -"availability so that they are scheduled on different availability zones." -msgstr "" -"アベイラビリティーゾーンはネットワークリソースの可用性を高めるために使用され" -"ます。オペレーターは、異なる電源供給源に接続されたネットワークノードを別々の" -"アベイラビリティーゾーンにグルーピングし、可用性を確保しながらリソースの割り" -"当てを行うように設定します。これにより、ネットワークリソースは異なるアベイラ" -"ビリティーゾーンに割り当てられます。" - -msgid "" -"Any given Linux process runs in a particular network namespace. By default " -"this is inherited from its parent process, but a process with the right " -"capabilities can switch itself into a different namespace; in practice this " -"is mostly done using the :command:`ip netns exec NETNS COMMAND...` " -"invocation, which starts ``COMMAND`` running in the namespace named " -"``NETNS``. Suppose such a process sends out a message to IP address A.B.C.D, " -"the effect of the namespace is that A.B.C.D will be looked up in that " -"namespace's routing table, and that will determine the network device that " -"the message is transmitted through." -msgstr "" -"任意の Linux プロセスを特定のネットワーク名前空間で実行できます。デフォルトで" -"は、実行される名前空間は親プロセスから継承されますが、適切な権限を持ったプロ" -"セスであれば自分自身を別の名前空間に切り替えることができます。実際のところ" -"は、 :command:`ip netns exec NETNS COMMAND...` によるプロセス起動を使うのがほ" -"とんどです。このコマンドは ``NETNS`` という名前の名前空間で ``COMMAND`` を実" -"行します。このようなプロセスが IP アドレス A.B.C.D にメッセージを送信したとす" -"ると、名前空間の影響で A.B.C.D は名前空間内のルーティングテーブルを対象に検索" -"が行われ、そのメッセージが送信されるネットワークデバイスが決定されます。" - -msgid "" -"Any plug-in or ml2 mechanism driver can claim support for some QoS rule " -"types by providing a plug-in/driver class property called " -"``supported_qos_rule_types`` that returns a list of strings that correspond " -"to `QoS rule types `_." -msgstr "" -"プラグインや ML2 メカニズムドライバーは、対応している QoS ルール種別を、 " -"``supported_qos_rule_types`` という名前のプロパティーを設定することで宣言でき" -"ます。 ``supported_qos_rule_types`` は `QoS ルール種別 `_ を指定します。" - -msgid "" -"Anyone with access to the Networking service can create their own address " -"scopes. However, network administrators can create shared address scopes, " -"allowing other projects to create networks within that address scope." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスにアクセスできるユーザーは誰でも自分のアドレススコープを作" -"成できます。一方、ネットワーク管理者は共有のアドレススコープを作成できます。" -"共有のアドレススコープを使うと、他のプロジェクトがそのアドレススコープ内に" -"ネットワークを作成できます。" - -msgid "" -"Apply the security group to the load balancer's network port using " -"``vip_port_id`` from the :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command:" -msgstr "" -"そのセキュリティーグループをロードバランサーのポートに適用します。ロードバラ" -"ンサーのポートは :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` コマンドの " -"``vip_port_id`` に表示されたものを使用します。" - -msgid "Apply the settings by restarting the web server." -msgstr "ウェブサーバーを再起動して、設定を適用します。" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# config_server.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Architecture" -msgstr "アーキテクチャー" - -msgid "Arp Spoofing Prevention" -msgstr "ARP 詐称防止" - -msgid "" -"As a regular project in an OpenStack cloud, you can create a subnet pool of " -"your own and use it to manage your own pool of addresses. This does not " -"require any admin privileges. Your pool will not be visible to any other " -"project." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack クラウドの通常プロジェクトは、自分用のサブネットプールを作成し、こ" -"れを使って自分用のアドレスプールを管理できます。これを行うのに、管理者権限は" -"全く不要です。あなたのプールは他のプロジェクトには一切見えません。" - -msgid "" -"As introduced in other guide entries, neutron provides a means of making an " -"object (``network``, ``qos-policy``) available to every project. This is " -"accomplished using the ``shared`` flag on the supported object:" -msgstr "" -"他の箇所に説明があるように、 neutron ではオブジェクト (``network``, ``qos-" -"policy``) をすべてのプロジェクトと共有する方法が提供されています。これを行う" -"には、オブジェクトの ``shared`` フラグを使います。" - -msgid "" -"As mentioned earlier, modern Ethernet networks use switches to interconnect " -"the network hosts. A switch is a box of networking hardware with a large " -"number of ports that forward Ethernet frames from one connected host to " -"another. When hosts first send frames over the switch, the switch doesn’t " -"know which MAC address is associated with which port. If an Ethernet frame " -"is destined for an unknown MAC address, the switch broadcasts the frame to " -"all ports. The switch learns which MAC addresses are at which ports by " -"observing the traffic. Once it knows which MAC address is associated with a " -"port, it can send Ethernet frames to the correct port instead of " -"broadcasting. The switch maintains the mappings of MAC addresses to switch " -"ports in a table called a *forwarding table* or *forwarding information " -"base* (FIB). Switches can be daisy-chained together, and the resulting " -"connection of switches and hosts behaves like a single network." -msgstr "" -"上で述べたように、最近の Ethernet ネットワークはネットワーク間を接続するのに" -"スイッチを使用します。スイッチは、多数のポートを持つネットワークハードウェア" -"の箱で、スイッチに接続されたあるホストから別のホストに Ethernet フレームを転" -"送します。ホストが最初にフレームをそのスイッチ経由で送信する際には、スイッチ" -"はどの MAC アドレスがどのポートに関連付いているかを知りません。 Ethernet フ" -"レームの宛先が知らない MAC アドレスの場合、スイッチはすべてのポートにそのフ" -"レームをブロードキャストします。スイッチはどの MAC アドレスがどのポートにいる" -"かを、トラフィックを観測して学習します。いったんどの MAC アドレスがどのポート" -"に関連付いているかを学習すると、その後はスイッチは Ethernet フレームをブロー" -"ドキャストせずに正しいポートに送信できます。スイッチは MAC アドレスからスイッ" -"チポートへの対応関係をテーブルで管理します。このテーブルは *forwarding " -"table (転送テーブル)* や *forwarding information base* (FIB) と呼ばれます。ス" -"イッチは数珠つなぎ (daisy-chain) にすることができ、その結果、スイッチとホスト" -"の接続は 1 つのネットワークの場合と同様の動作をします。" - -msgid "" -"As of Juno, the OpenStack Networking service (neutron) provides two new " -"attributes to the subnet object, which allows users of the API to configure " -"IPv6 subnets." -msgstr "" -"Juno 時点では、 OpenStack Networking サービス (neutron) のサブネットオブジェ" -"クトには 2 つの属性があり、この属性により API ユーザーは IPv6 サブネットの設" -"定が可能です。" - -msgid "Assign a network to a given DHCP agent." -msgstr "ネットワークを指定した DHCP エージェントに割り当てます。" - -msgid "" -"Assign a valid domain name to the network's ``dns_domain`` attribute. This " -"name must end with a period (``.``)." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークの ``dns_domain`` 属性に有効なドメイン名を割り当てます。このドメ" -"イン名の末尾はピリオド (``.``) でなければいけません。" - -msgid "Associating a floating IP address" -msgstr "Floating IP アドレスの割り当て" - -msgid "" -"At this moment the Networking DB is the source of truth, but nova-api is the " -"only public read-write API." -msgstr "" -"この時点で、Networking DB が真の情報源になりますが、 nova-api は唯一の公開さ" -"れた読み書き可能な API です。" - -msgid "" -"At this point, all compute nodes have been migrated, but they are still " -"using the nova-api API and Compute gateways. Finally, enable OpenStack " -"Networking by following these steps:" -msgstr "" -"この時点で、すべてのコンピュートノードの移行が完了しましたが、依然として " -"nova-api と Compute ゲートウェイが使用されています。最後に、以下の手順を行い " -"OpenStack Networking を有効にします。" - -msgid "Attaching router gateways to networks (since Mitaka)." -msgstr "ルーターのゲートウェイをネットワークに接続する許可 (Mitaka 以降)" - -msgid "Attribute name" -msgstr "属性名" - -msgid "Auto Configuration Flag = 1" -msgstr "Auto Configuration Flag = 1" - -msgid "Automatic allocation of network topologies" -msgstr "ネットワークトポロジーの自動割り当て" - -msgid "Availability zone aware scheduler" -msgstr "アベイラビリティーゾーン対応スケジューラー" - -msgid "" -"Availability zone is selected from ``default_availability_zones`` in ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf`` if a resource is created without " -"``availability_zone_hints``:" -msgstr "" -"リソースが ``availability_zone_hints`` を指定せずに作成された場合は、アベイラ" -"ビリティーゾーンは ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` の " -"``default_availability_zones`` から選択されます。" - -msgid "Availability zone of agents" -msgstr "エージェントのアベイラビリティーゾーン" - -msgid "Availability zone related attributes" -msgstr "アベイラビリティーゾーン関連の属性" - -msgid "Availability zones" -msgstr "アベイラビリティーゾーン" - -msgid "BGP dynamic routing" -msgstr "BGP 動的ルーティング" - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing advertises prefixes for self-service networks and host " -"routes for floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"BGP 動的ルーティングは、セルフサービスネットワークのプレフィックスや " -"Floating IP アドレスへのホストルートを広告します。" - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing consists of a service plug-in and an agent. The service " -"plug-in implements the Networking service extension and the agent manages " -"BGP peering sessions. A cloud administrator creates and configures a BGP " -"speaker using the CLI or API and manually schedules it to one or more hosts " -"running the agent. Agents can reside on hosts with or without other " -"Networking service agents. Prefix advertisement depends on the binding of " -"external networks to a BGP speaker and the address scope of external and " -"internal IP address ranges or subnets." -msgstr "" -"BGP 動的ルーティングは、サービスプラグインとエージェントで構成されます。サー" -"ビスプラグインは Networking サービスの API 拡張を実装し、エージェントは BGP " -"ピアリングセッションの管理を行います。クラウド管理者は CLI や API を使って " -"BGP スピーカーを作成、設定し、手動で BGP スピーカーを 1 つ以上のエージェント" -"が動作するホストに割り当てます。エージェントは他の Networking サービスのエー" -"ジェントと同じホストに置くことも別のホストに置くこともできます。プレフィック" -"ス広告 (prefix advertisement) は、BGP スピーカーが関連付けられた外部ネット" -"ワーク、および外部と内部の IP アドレス範囲やサブネットのアドレススコープに基" -"いて行われます。" - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing enables advertisement of self-service (private) network " -"prefixes to physical network devices that support BGP such as routers, thus " -"removing the conventional dependency on static routes. The feature relies " -"on :ref:`address scopes ` and requires knowledge of " -"their operation for proper deployment." -msgstr "" -"BGP 動的ルーティングを使うと、セルフサービス (プライベート) ネットワークの" -"ネットワークプレフィックスを、ルーターなどの BGP に対応した物理ネットワークデ" -"バイスに広告できるようになります。これにより、従来からの静的経路による方法に" -"依存する必要がなくなります。この機能は :ref:`アドレススコープ ` に依存しており、また、適切なデプロイメントを運用するだけの知" -"識も必要です。" - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing supports peering via IPv6 and advertising IPv6 prefixes." -msgstr "" -"BGP 動的ルーティングは、 IPv6 経由のピアリングと IPv6 プレフィックスの広告に" -"対応しています。" - -msgid "" -"BGP dynamic routing supports scheduling a BGP speaker to multiple agents " -"which effectively multiplies prefix advertisements to the same peer. If an " -"agent fails, the peer continues to receive advertisements from one or more " -"operational agents." -msgstr "" -"BGP 動的ルーティングでは、 BGP スピーカーを複数のエージェントにスケジューリン" -"グすることもできます。この場合、実際には同じピアに対してプレフィックス広告が" -"複数送られることになります。あるエージェントが故障しても、ピアは残りの動作し" -"ているエージェントから広告を受信し続けます。" - -msgid "" -"BGP routing can be used to automatically set up a static route for your " -"instances." -msgstr "" -"BGP ルーティングを使うと、インスタンスへの静的経路を自動的に設定できます。" - -msgid "Backwards compatibility" -msgstr "後方互換性" - -msgid "Backwards compatibility with pre-Juno IPv6 behavior." -msgstr "Juno より前の IPv6 動作と後方互換性があります。" - -msgid "Basic networking" -msgstr "ネットワークの基本" - -msgid "" -"Because a network host may have multiple TCP-based applications running, TCP " -"uses an addressing scheme called *ports* to uniquely identify TCP-based " -"applications. A TCP port is associated with a number in the range 1-65535, " -"and only one application on a host can be associated with a TCP port at a " -"time, a restriction that is enforced by the operating system." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークホストでは TCP を使ったアプリケーションが複数動作する場合があるた" -"め、 TCP は *ポート* と呼ばれる番号付け機構を使い、 TCP を使うアプリケーショ" -"ンを一意に特定します。 TCP ポートは 1-65535 の範囲の数値に関連付けられ、ある" -"ホストにおいてはある時点では 1 つの TCP ポートに関連付けられるのは 1 つのアプ" -"リケーションだけで、この制約はオペレーティングシステムにより適用されます。" - -msgid "" -"Because the NAT router modifies ports as well as IP addresses, this form of " -"SNAT is sometimes referred to as *Port Address Translation* (PAT). It is " -"also sometimes referred to as *NAT overload*." -msgstr "" -"NAT ルーターは IP アドレスだけでなくポートも変更するので、この形態の NAT は *" -"ポートアドレス変換* (PAT) と呼ばれることもあります。 *NAT オーバーロード " -"(overload)* と呼ばれることもあります。" - -msgid "" -"Before Kilo, Networking had no automation around the addresses used to " -"create a subnet. To create one, you had to come up with the addresses on " -"your own without any help from the system. There are valid use cases for " -"this but if you are interested in the following capabilities, then subnet " -"pools might be for you." -msgstr "" -"Kilo より前では、 Networking にはサブネット作成時に使用するアドレスを自動的に" -"割り当てる方法がありませんでした。サブネットを作るためには、自分のアドレスを" -"システムの助けなしに指定する必要がありました。この方法が意味のあるユースケー" -"スもありますが、以下のあげるような機能が求められる場合には、サブネットプール" -"は役にたつことでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"Before executing any of the use cases, the user must create in the DNS " -"service under his project a DNS zone where the A and AAAA records will be " -"created. For the description of the use cases below, it is assumed the zone " -"``example.org.`` was created previously." -msgstr "" -"ユースケースを開始する前に、ユーザーは DNS サービスの自分のプロジェクト下に " -"DNS ゾーンを作成しておかなければいけません。この DNS ゾーンに A レコードと " -"AAAA レコードが作成されます。以下のユースケースの説明では、ゾーン ``example." -"org`` がすでに作成されているものとします。" - -msgid "" -"Before the end-user can use the auto-allocation feature, the operator must " -"create the resources that will be used for the auto-allocated network " -"topology creation. To perform this task, proceed with the following steps:" -msgstr "" -"エンドユーザーが自動割り当て機能を利用できるようになる前に、オペレーターは自" -"動割り当てネットワークトポロジーの作成に使用されるリソースを作成しなければい" -"けません。このためには、以下の手順を実行します。" - -msgid "" -"Beginning with Mitaka, a subnet pool can be marked as the default. This is " -"handled with a new extension." -msgstr "" -"Mitaka リリースから、デフォルトのサブネットプールを指定できるようになりまし" -"た。この機能は新しい機能拡張により提供されます。" - -msgid "Binding QoS policies permissions to networks or ports (since Mitaka)." -msgstr "ネットワークやポートに QoS ポリシーを割り当てる許可 (Mitaka 以降)" - -msgid "" -"Boot a VM on ``net2``. Let both DHCP agents host ``net2``. Fail the agents " -"in turn to see if the VM can still get the desired IP." -msgstr "" -"``net2`` に VM を起動して、両方の DHCP エージェントに ``net2`` を担当させま" -"す。これらのエージェントを順番に故障させて、 エージェントが故障した場合でも " -"VM が所望の IP アドレスを取得できることを確認します。" - -msgid "Boot a VM on ``net2``:" -msgstr "VM を ``net2`` 上に起動します。" - -msgid "" -"Boot an instance or alternatively, create a port specifying a valid value to " -"its ``dns_name`` attribute. If the port is going to be used for an instance " -"boot, the value assigned to ``dns_name`` must be equal to the ``hostname`` " -"that the Compute service will assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot " -"will fail." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスを起動するか、 ``dns_name`` 属性に有効な値を指定してポートを作成" -"します。このポートをインスタンス起動時に使用する場合には、 ``dns_name`` に割" -"り当てる値は Compute サービスがインスタンスに割り当てる ``hostname`` と同じで" -"なければいけません。さもないと、起動に失敗します。" - -msgid "" -"Boot an instance specifying the externally accessible network. " -"Alternatively, create a port on the externally accessible network specifying " -"a valid value to its ``dns_name`` attribute. If the port is going to be used " -"for an instance boot, the value assigned to ``dns_name`` must be equal to " -"the ``hostname`` that the Compute service will assign to the instance. " -"Otherwise, the boot will fail." -msgstr "" -"外部からアクセス可能なネットワークを指定してインスタンスを起動します。別の方" -"法としては、 ``dns_name`` 属性に有効な値を指定して、外部からアクセス可能な" -"ネットワーク上にポートを作成します。このポートをインスタンス起動時に使用する" -"場合には、 ``dns_name`` に割り当てる値は Compute サービスがインスタンスに割り" -"当てる ``hostname`` と同じでなければいけません。さもないと、起動に失敗しま" -"す。" - -msgid "Both DHCP agents host the ``net2`` network." -msgstr "両方の DHCP エージェントが ``net2`` ネットワークを担当しています。" - -msgid "" -"Both the Linux bridge and the Open vSwitch dataplane modules support " -"forwarding IPv6 packets amongst the guests and router ports. Similar to " -"IPv4, there is no special configuration or setup required to enable the " -"dataplane to properly forward packets from the source to the destination " -"using IPv6. Note that these dataplanes will forward Link-local Address (LLA) " -"packets between hosts on the same network just fine without any " -"participation or setup by OpenStack components after the ports are all " -"connected and MAC addresses learned." -msgstr "" -"Linux ブリッジと Open vSwitch のデータプレーンモジュールは両方とも、ゲスト同" -"士やルーターポートとの間の IPv6 パケットの転送をサポートしています。 IPv4 と" -"同様に、送信元から宛先へ IPv6 を使ってパケットをデータプレーンが適切に転送で" -"きるようにするように特別な設定や構成は必要ありません。また、ポートがすべて接" -"続され、MAC アドレスのラーニングが行われた後は、同じネットワーク上のホスト間" -"のリンクローカルアドレス (LLA) パケットの転送も、OpenStack コンポーネントによ" -"る特別な関与や設定なしに、正しく行われます。" - -msgid "" -"Bring up the Networking (l3) nodes. The new routers will have identical MAC" -"+IPs as old Compute gateways so some sort of immediate cutover is possible, " -"except for stateful connections issues such as NAT." -msgstr "" -"Networking ノード (L3 ノード) を立ち上げます。新しいルーターは Compute ゲート" -"ウェイと同じ MAC+IP を持つので、ある程度の即時の切り替えが可能です。ただし、" -"NAT などの状態管理が必要なコネクションはこの限りではありません。" - -msgid "Building an LBaaS v2 load balancer" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 ロードバランサーの作成" - -msgid "Buying guide" -msgstr "どれを選べばよいか?" - -msgid "" -"By creating subnets from scoped subnet pools, the network is associated with " -"the address scope." -msgstr "" -"アドレススコープに関連付けられたサブネットプールからサブネットを作成すること" -"で、そのネットワークはアドレススコープと関連付けられます。" - -msgid "" -"By default, libvirt creates a network named *default*. The details of this " -"network may vary by distribution; on Ubuntu this network involves:" -msgstr "" -"デフォルトでは、 libvirt は *default* という名前のネットワークを作成します。" -"このネットワークの詳細はディストリビューション毎に異なります。 Ubuntu では、" -"このネットワークは以下が含まれます。" - -msgid "" -"By default, libvirt's networking functionality is enabled, and libvirt " -"creates a network when the system boots. To implement this network, libvirt " -"leverages some of the same technologies that OpenStack Network does. In " -"particular, libvirt uses:" -msgstr "" -"デフォルトでは、 libvirt のネットワーク機能は有効になっており、 libvirt はシ" -"ステム起動時にネットワークを作成します。このネットワークを作るため、libvirt " -"は OpenStack Networking が使っているのと同じ技術をいくつか活用しています。特" -"に以下を使います。" - -msgid "CLI support" -msgstr "CLI サポート" - -msgid "" -"Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for attachments of " -"other network resources like routers, DHCP, and so on." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスのネットワーク接続にも、ルーターや DHCP などの他のネットワークリ" -"ソースの接続にも使用できます。" - -msgid "" -"Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner = compute) " -"and not for attachment of other resources like routers, DHCP, and so on." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスのネットワーク接続 (device_owner = compute) のみに使用でき、ルー" -"ターや DHCP などの他のネットワークリソースの接続には使用できません。" - -msgid "" -"Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner = compute)." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスのネットワーク接続 (device_owner = compute) のみに使用できます。" - -msgid "Case 1" -msgstr "ケース 1" - -msgid "Case 1: Each virtual network uses unique DNS resolver(s)" -msgstr "ケース 1: 仮想ネットワークごとに独自の DNS レゾルバーを使用する場合" - -msgid "Case 2" -msgstr "ケース 2" - -msgid "Case 2: All virtual networks use same DNS resolver(s)" -msgstr "ケース 2: すべての仮想ネットワークが同じ DNS レゾルバーを使用する場合" - -msgid "Case 3" -msgstr "ケース 3" - -msgid "Case 3: All virtual networks use DNS resolver(s) on the host" -msgstr "" -"ケース 3: すべての仮想ネットワークがホストの DNS レゾルバーを使用する場合" - -msgid "" -"Check that ``ebrctl`` is listed somewhere in ``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*``:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*`` のいずれかのファイルに ``ebrctl`` が入っていること" -"を確認します。" - -msgid "" -"Check the instance status. The ``Networks`` field contains an IP address " -"from the subnet having the ``compute:nova`` service type." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスの状態を確認します。 ``Networks`` フィールドを見ると、 ``compute:" -"nova`` サービスタイプを持つサブネットの IP アドレスが割り当てられています。" - -msgid "Checking connectivity" -msgstr "接続性の確認" - -msgid "Clear tags from a resource:" -msgstr "リソースのタグをクリアします。" - -msgid "Client and server exchange data." -msgstr "クライアントとサーバーがデータを交換します。" - -msgid "Client connects to server." -msgstr "クライアントがサーバーに接続します。" - -msgid "Client or server disconnects." -msgstr "クライアントかサーバーが接続を終了します。" - -msgid "" -"Clone the `neutron-lbaas-dashboard repository `__ and check out the release branch " -"that matches the installed version of Dashboard:" -msgstr "" -"`neutron-lbaas-dashboard リポジトリー `__ をクローンし、インストールされている" -"ダッシュボードのバージョンに合致するリリースブランチをチェックアウトします。" - -msgid "Complex queries may have contradictory parameters. Example::" -msgstr "" -"複雑な問い合わせでは、矛盾するパラメーターを指定することもできます。例::" - -msgid "" -"Compute needs a per-hypervisor \"has_transitioned\" boolean change in the " -"data model to be used during the migration process. This flag is no longer " -"required once the process is complete." -msgstr "" -"Compute では、データモデルにハイパーバイザー単位にブール値の " -"\"has_transitioned\" フラグが必要で、このフラグは移行作業中に使用されます。移" -"行手順が一度完了すると、このフラグはそれ以降は必要ありません。" - -msgid "Compute node 1:" -msgstr "コンピュートノード 1:" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Compute nodes" -msgstr "コンピュートノード" - -msgid "Concepts" -msgstr "概念" - -msgid "" -"Conceptually, you can think of an Ethernet network as a single bus that each " -"of the network hosts connects to. In early implementations, an Ethernet " -"network consisted of a single coaxial cable that hosts would tap into to " -"connect to the network. However, network hosts in modern Ethernet networks " -"connect directly to a network device called a *switch*. Still, this " -"conceptual model is useful, and in network diagrams (including those " -"generated by the OpenStack dashboard) an Ethernet network is often depicted " -"as if it was a single bus. You'll sometimes hear an Ethernet network " -"referred to as a *layer 2 segment*." -msgstr "" -"概念としては、 Ethernet ネットワークはそのネットワークのすべてのホストが接続" -"する 1 本のバスとみなせます。初期の実装では、 Ethernet ネットワークは、ネット" -"ワークに接続するためにホストがつなぎ込む 1 本の同軸ケーブルで構成されていまし" -"た。しかしながら、最近の Ethernet ネットワークでは *スイッチ* と呼ばれるネッ" -"トワークデバイスに直接接続します。依然として、この概念モデルは有用で、ネット" -"ワーク図ではしばしば Ethernet ネットワークは 1 本のバスであるかのように描かれ" -"ます (OpenStack ダッシュボードが生成するネットワーク図もそうです)。時として " -"Ethernet ネットワークは *レイヤー 2 セグメント* と呼ばれることもあります。" - -msgid "Configuration" -msgstr "設定" - -msgid "Configuration example" -msgstr "設定例" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the DHCP agent is typically done in the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` " -"configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you pass this " -"configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"DHCP エージェントの設定は通常 ``dhcp_agent.ini`` 設定ファイルで行われます。" -"エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してください。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the L3 agent is typically done in the ``l3_agent.ini`` " -"configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you pass this " -"configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"L3 エージェントの設定は通常 ``l3_agent.ini`` 設定ファイルで行われます。エー" -"ジェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してください。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the L3 metering agent is typically done in the " -"``metering_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you " -"pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"メータリングエージェントの設定は通常 ``metering_agent.ini`` 設定ファイルで行" -"われます。エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してください。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the Linux bridge agent is typically done in the " -"``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start " -"you pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Linux ブリッジエージェントの設定は通常 ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` 設定ファイル" -"で行われます。エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してくださ" -"い。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the MacVTap agent is typically done in the ``macvtap_agent." -"ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you pass this " -"configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"MacVTap エージェントの設定は通常 ``macvtap_agent.ini`` 設定ファイルで行われま" -"す。エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してください。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the Metadata agent is typically done in the " -"``metadata_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you " -"pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"メタデータエージェントの設定は通常 ``metadata_agent.ini`` 設定ファイルで行わ" -"れます。エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してください。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the Open vSwitch agent is typically done in the " -"``openvswitch_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start " -"you pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch エージェントの設定は通常 ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` 設定ファイル" -"で行われます。エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してくださ" -"い。" - -msgid "" -"Configuration for the SRIOV nic switch agent is typically done in the " -"``sriov_agent.ini`` configuration file. Make sure that on agent start you " -"pass this configuration file as argument." -msgstr "" -"SRIOV NIC スイッチエージェントの設定は通常 ``sriov_agent.ini`` 設定ファイルで" -"行われます。エージェント開始時にこの設定ファイルを引数として指定してくださ" -"い。" - -msgid "Configuration of the externally accessible network for use case 1" -msgstr "ユースケース 1 での外部からアクセス可能なネットワークの設定" - -msgid "Configuration of those drivers is not part of this document." -msgstr "これらのドライバーの設定はこのドキュメントの対象外です。" - -msgid "Configurations" -msgstr "設定" - -msgid "Configure a DNS resolver on an existing subnet." -msgstr "既存のサブネットの DNS レゾルバーを設定します。" - -msgid "Configure a DNS resolver when creating a subnet." -msgstr "サブネット作成時に DNS レゾルバーを設定します。" - -msgid "" -"Configure an external DNS driver. The Networking service provides a driver " -"reference implementation based on the OpenStack DNS service. It is expected " -"that third party vendors will provide other implementations in the future. " -"For detailed configuration instructions, see :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`." -msgstr "" -"外部 DNS ドライバーを設定します。 Networking サービスには、 OpenStack DNS " -"サービスを利用する参照実装のドライバーがあります。将来的には、 third party ベ" -"ンダーが他の実装を提供することが期待されています。詳細な設定手順は :ref:" -"`config-dns-int-ext-serv` を参照してください。" - -msgid "Configure common options:" -msgstr "共通のオプションを設定します。" - -msgid "Configure drivers and network types:" -msgstr "ドライバーとネットワークタイプを設定します。" - -msgid "Configure network mappings." -msgstr "ネットワークマッピングを設定します。" - -msgid "Configure network mappings:" -msgstr "ネットワークマッピングを設定します。" - -msgid "Configure neutron-server (Controller)" -msgstr "neutron-server の設定 (コントローラーノード)" - -msgid "Configure nova-scheduler (Controller)" -msgstr "nova-scheduler の設定 (コントローラーノード)" - -msgid "" -"Configure the L3 agent. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"L3 エージェントを設定します。 ``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini`` に以下を追加しま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Configure the Open vSwitch agent. Add the following to ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch エージェントを設定します。 ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf." -"ini`` に以下を追加します。" - -msgid "Configure the driver." -msgstr "ドライバーを設定します。" - -msgid "Configure the router ID." -msgstr "ルーター ID を設定します。" - -msgid "" -"Configure which PCI devices the ``nova-compute`` service may use. Edit the " -"``nova.conf`` file:" -msgstr "" -"``nova-compute`` サービスがどの PCI デバイスを使用できるかを設定します。 " -"``nova.conf`` ファイルを編集します。" - -msgid "Configured in the *L2 agent* configuration." -msgstr "*L2 エージェント* 設定により決まります。" - -msgid "Configuring LBaaS v2 with Octavia" -msgstr "Octavia を用いた LBaaS v2 の設定" - -msgid "Configuring LBaaS v2 with an agent" -msgstr "エージェントを用いた LBaaS v2 の設定" - -msgid "" -"Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service" -msgstr "OpenStack Networking の外部 DNS サービスとの連携の設定" - -msgid "Configuring OpenStack Networking for prefix delegation" -msgstr "prefix delegation 用の OpenStack Networking の設定" - -msgid "Configuring interfaces of the guest" -msgstr "ゲストのインターフェース設定" - -msgid "Configuring the Dibbler server" -msgstr "Dibbler サーバーの設定" - -msgid "" -"Configuring the proper burst value is very important. If the burst value is " -"set too low, bandwidth usage will be throttled even with a proper bandwidth " -"limit setting. This issue is discussed in various documentation sources, for " -"example in `Juniper's documentation `_. Burst value for TCP traffic can be set as 80% of desired bandwidth " -"limit value. For example, if the bandwidth limit is set to 1000kbps then " -"enough burst value will be 800kbit. If the configured burst value is too " -"low, achieved bandwidth limit will be lower than expected. If the configured " -"burst value is too high, too few packets could be limited and achieved " -"bandwidth limit would be higher than expected." -msgstr "" -"適切なバースト値を設定するのは非常に重要です。バースト値が小さすぎると、帯域" -"制限設定が適切であったとしても帯域の使用量が低く制限されてしまいます。この問" -"題は様々なドキュメントで議論されています。例えば、 `Juniper のドキュメント " -"`_ があります。 TCP トラフィックの" -"バースト値は、所望の帯域制限値の 80% に設定します。例えば、帯域制限を " -"1000kbps に設定した場合、十分なバースト値は 800kbit になるでしょう。設定した" -"バースト値が小さすぎると、実際の制限帯域は期待する帯域よりも低くなります。設" -"定したバースト値が大きすぎると、制限がかかるパケットが少なくなりすぎ、実際の" -"制限帯域が期待する帯域よりも大きくなることでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"Connect a router to each of the project subnets that have been created, for " -"example, using a router called ``router1``:" -msgstr "" -"作成したそれぞれのサブネットをルーターに接続します。例えば、 ``router1`` とい" -"う名前のルーターを使用します。" - -msgid "Connection to the OpenStack APIs via an IPv6 transport network" -msgstr "IPv6 ネットワーク経由での OpenStack API への接続" - -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "内容" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Controller node" -msgstr "コントローラーノード" - -msgid "Controller node configuration" -msgstr "コントローラーノードの設定" - -msgid "" -"Copy the ``_1481_project_ng_loadbalancersv2_panel.py`` file from the " -"``neutron-lbaas-dashboard/enabled`` directory into the Dashboard " -"``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` directory." -msgstr "" -"``neutron-lbaas-dashboard/enabled`` ディレクトリーの " -"``_1481_project_ng_loadbalancersv2_panel.py`` ファイルをダッシュボードの " -"``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` ディレクトリーにコピーします。" - -msgid "Create IPv6 and IPv4 address scopes:" -msgstr "IPv6 と IPv4 のアドレススコープを作成します。" - -msgid "Create Virtual Functions (Compute)" -msgstr "Virtual Function の作成 (コンピュートノード)" - -msgid "Create a BGP peer." -msgstr "BGP ピアを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a IPv4 subnet on the provider network." -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワークのIPv4サブネットを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a IPv4 subnet on the self-service network." -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワークのIPv4サブネットを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a IPv6 subnet on the provider network." -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワークのIPv6サブネットを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a IPv6 subnet on the self-service network." -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワークのIPv6サブネットを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a QoS policy to share:" -msgstr "共有する QoS ポリシーを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a couple of networks to host subnets:" -msgstr "サブネットを収容するネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a firewall policy:" -msgstr "ファイアウォールのポリシーを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a firewall rule:" -msgstr "ファイアウォールのルールを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a flat network." -msgstr "フラットネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a floating IP and associate it to the port." -msgstr "Floating IP を作成し、ポートに関連付けします。" - -msgid "Create a network that you want to be available as an external network:" -msgstr "外部ネットワークとして利用できるようにするネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a network to share:" -msgstr "共有するネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a network." -msgstr "ネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a port chain" -msgstr "ポートチェインの作成" - -msgid "Create a router." -msgstr "ルーターを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create a security group and rules to allow TCP port 80, TCP port 443, and " -"all ICMP traffic:" -msgstr "" -"セキュリティーグループを作成し、 TCP ポート 80、 TCP ポート 443 とすべての " -"ICMP トラフィックを許可するルールを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a self-service network." -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create a subnet not associated with a subnet pool or an address scope:" -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールにもアドレススコープにも関連付けられないサブネットを作成しま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the first two self-service networks using an IP address " -"range from the self-service subnet pool." -msgstr "" -"最初の 2 つのセルフサービスネットワークは、セルフサービスサブネットプールの " -"IP アドレス範囲を使って作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the last self-service network using an IP address range " -"outside of the address scope." -msgstr "" -"最後のセルフサービスネットワークは、アドレススコープに属さない IP アドレス範" -"囲を使って作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the network with one or more service types. For example, " -"the ``compute:nova`` service type enables instances to use this subnet." -msgstr "" -"サービスタイプを 1 つ以上指定して、ネットワークにサブネットを作成します。例え" -"ば、 ``compute:nova`` サービスタイプを指定すると、インスタンスがこのサブネッ" -"トを使うようにできます。" - -msgid "" -"Create a subnet on the provider network using an IP address range from the " -"provider subnet pool." -msgstr "" -"プロバイダーサブネットプール内の IP アドレス範囲を使って、プロバイダーネット" -"ワーク上にサブネットを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create an address scope. The provider (external) and self-service networks " -"must belong to the same address scope for the agent to advertise those self-" -"service network prefixes." -msgstr "" -"アドレススコープを作成します。プロバイダー (外部) ネットワークとセルフサービ" -"スネットワークは同じアドレススコープに属していなければいけません。これは、" -"エージェントはセルフサービスサービスネットワークのプレフィックスを広告するた" -"めに必要です。" - -msgid "" -"Create and add ``vhost-user`` network interfaces to instances in the same " -"fashion as conventional interfaces. These interfaces can use the kernel " -"``virtio-net`` driver or a DPDK-compatible driver in the guest" -msgstr "" -"通常と同じ方法で ``vhost-user`` ネットワークインターフェースを作成し、インス" -"タンスに接続できます。これらのインターフェースでは、ゲスト側では、カーネルの " -"``vhost-net`` ドライバー、もしくは DPDK 互換のドライバーを使用できます。" - -msgid "Create and configure the BGP speaker" -msgstr "BGP スピーカーの作成と設定" - -msgid "Create and configure the routers" -msgstr "ルーターの作成と設定" - -msgid "Create default subnetpools" -msgstr "デフォルトのサブネットプールを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create flow classifier ``FC1`` that matches the appropriate packet headers." -msgstr "" -"必要なパケットヘッダーに一致する Flow Classifier ``FC1`` を作成します。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Create initial networks" -msgstr "初期ネットワークの作成" - -msgid "" -"Create port chain ``PC1`` with port pair groups ``PPG1`` and ``PPG2`` and " -"flow classifier ``FC1``." -msgstr "" -"ポートペアグループ ``PPG1``, ``PPG2`` と Flow Classifier ``FC1`` を使って、" -"ポートチェイン ``PC1`` を作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create port pair ``PP1`` with ports ``p1`` and ``p2``, ``PP2`` with ports " -"``p3`` and ``p4``, and ``PP3`` with ports ``p5`` and ``p6``." -msgstr "" -"ポート ``p1`` と ``p2`` でポートペア ``PP1`` を作成します。同様に、ポート " -"``p3`` と ``p4`` でポートペア ``PP2`` を、ポート ``p5`` と ``p6`` でポートペ" -"ア ``PP3`` を作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create port pair group ``PPG1`` with port pair ``PP1`` and ``PP2`` and " -"``PPG2`` with port pair ``PP3``." -msgstr "" -"ポートペア ``PP1`` と ``PP2`` でポートペアグループ ``PPG1`` を作成します。ま" -"た、ポートペア ``PP3`` でポートペアグループ ``PPG2`` を作成します。" - -msgid "Create ports on network ``net1`` and record the UUID values." -msgstr "" -"ネットワーク ``net1`` にポートを作成し、その UUID 値を記録しておきます。" - -msgid "Create shared address scopes as an administrative user" -msgstr "管理者での共有アドレススコープの作成" - -msgid "" -"Create subnet pools specifying the name (or UUID) of the address scope that " -"the subnet pool belongs to. If you have existing subnet pools, use the :" -"command:`openstack subnet pool set` command to put them in a new address " -"scope:" -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールが所属するアドレススコープの名前 (または UUID) を指定してサブ" -"ネットプールを作成します。既存のサブネットプールがある場合、 :command:" -"`openstack subnet pool set` コマンドを使って、既存のサブネットプールを新しい" -"アドレススコープに所属させることもできます。" - -msgid "" -"Create subnet pools. The provider and self-service networks use different " -"pools." -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールを作成します。プロバイダーネットワークとセルフサービスネット" -"ワークは異なるプールを使用します。" - -msgid "Create the BGP speaker." -msgstr "BGP スピーカーを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Create the SR-IOV port. ``vnic_type=direct`` is used here, but other options " -"include ``normal``, ``direct-physical``, and ``macvtap``:" -msgstr "" -"SR-IOV ポートを作成します。ここでは ``vnic_type=direct`` を指定していますが、" -"他の有効な値としては ``normal``, ``direct-physical``, ``macvtap`` がありま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Create the VFs for the network interface that will be used for SR-IOV. We " -"use ``eth3`` as PF, which is also used as the interface for the VLAN " -"provider network and has access to the private networks of all machines." -msgstr "" -"SR-IOV 用に使用予定のネットワークインターフェースで VF を作成します。ここで" -"は ``eth3`` を PF として使用します。 ``eth3`` は VLAN プロバイダーネットワー" -"クに接続するインターフェースとしても使用され、すべてのインスタンスのプライ" -"ベートネットワークにも到達性があります。" - -msgid "Create the address scope and subnet pools" -msgstr "アドレススコープとサブネットプールの作成" - -msgid "" -"Create the instance. Specify the SR-IOV port created in step two for the NIC:" -msgstr "" -"インスタンスを作成します。 2 番目の手順で作成した SR-IOV ポートを NIC に指定" -"します。" - -msgid "Create the provider and self-service networks" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワークとセルフサービスネットワークの作成" - -msgid "Create the provider network pool." -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク用のプールを作成します。" - -msgid "Create the provider network." -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "Create the required tables in the database:" -msgstr "必要なテーブルをデータベースに作成します。" - -msgid "Create the routers." -msgstr "ルーターを作成します。" - -msgid "Create the self-service network pool." -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク用のプールを作成します。" - -msgid "Create the self-service networks." -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Creating CIDR subnets including a multicast address or a loopback address " -"cannot be used in an OpenStack environment. For example, creating a subnet " -"using ```` or ```` is not supported." -msgstr "" -"マルチキャストアドレスやループバックアドレスを含む CIDR サブネットを作ると、" -"OpenStack 環境では使用できません。例えば、 ```` や " -"```` を使うサブネットの作成はサポートされません。" - -msgid "" -"Creating a subnet with a service type requires administrative privileges." -msgstr "" -"サービスタイプを指定してサブネットを作成するには、管理者権限が必要です。" - -msgid "" -"Creating or updating a port with a specific subnet skips this selection " -"process and explicitly uses the given subnet." -msgstr "" -"特定のサブネットを指定してポートの作成や更新を行った場合は、この選択処理はス" -"キップされ、指定されたサブネットが明示的に使用されます。" - -msgid "Currently, SFC lacks support for multi-project service functions." -msgstr "" -"現時点では、 SFC は、複数のプロジェクトに属するサービス機能を扱うことはできま" -"せん。" - -msgid "" -"Currently, no migration path exists between v1 and v2 load balancers. If you " -"choose to switch from v1 to v2, you must recreate all load balancers, pools, " -"and health monitors." -msgstr "" -"現在のところ、 v1 と v2 のロードバランサー間での移行方法は存在しません。 v1 " -"から v2 に切り替える場合には、すべてのロードバランサー、プール、ヘルスモニ" -"ターを作り直す必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"Currently, the ``shared`` flag is just a mapping to the underlying RBAC " -"policies for a network. Setting the flag to ``True`` on a network creates a " -"wildcard RBAC entry. Setting it to ``False`` removes the wildcard entry." -msgstr "" -"現時点では、 ``shared`` フラグは単にネットワークの RBAC ポリシーにマッピング" -"されているだけです。ネットワークの ``shared`` フラグを ``True`` に設定する" -"と、ワイルドカードの RBAC エントリーが作成されます。 フラグを ``False`` に設" -"定すると、ワイルドカードエントリーは削除されます。" - -msgid "" -"Currently, the access that can be granted using this feature is supported by:" -msgstr "現在のところ、この機能を使ってアクセスを許可できるのは以下の操作です。" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_basic_networking.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "DHCP" -msgstr "DHCP" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "DHCP agent" -msgstr "DHCP エージェント" - -msgid "" -"DHCP clients locate the DHCP server by sending a UDP_ packet from port 68 to " -"address ```` on port 67. Address ```` is the " -"local network broadcast address: all hosts on the local network see the UDP " -"packets sent to this address. However, such packets are not forwarded to " -"other networks. Consequently, the DHCP server must be on the same local " -"network as the client, or the server will not receive the broadcast. The " -"DHCP server responds by sending a UDP packet from port 67 to port 68 on the " -"client. The exchange looks like this:" -msgstr "" -"DHCP クライアントは、ポート番号 68 からアドレス ```` のポート" -"番号 67 に対して UDP_ パケットを送信して、 DHCP サーバーを探します。 " -"```` はローカルネットワークのブロードキャストアドレスです。" -"ローカルネットワークのすべてのホストで、このアドレスに送信された UDP パケット" -"が見えます。しかし、このパケットは他のネットワークには転送されません。した" -"がって、 DHCP サーバーはクライアントと同じローカルネットワークに存在しなけれ" -"ばならないということです。さもないと、サーバーはブロードキャストを受信できま" -"せん。 DHCP サーバーは、ポート番号 67 からクライアントのポート番号 68 に UDP " -"パケットを送信して、応答を行います。やり取りは以下のようになります。" - -msgid "DHCP high availability" -msgstr "DHCP の高可用性" - -msgid "" -"DHCP services are created on availability zones you selected when creating " -"the network." -msgstr "" -"DHCP サービスは、ネットワーク作成時に指定したアベイラビリティーゾーンに作成さ" -"れます。" - -msgid "" -"DHCP_, the Domain Name System (DNS), the Network Time Protocol (NTP), and :" -"ref:`VXLAN` are examples of UDP-based protocols used in OpenStack " -"deployments." -msgstr "" -"DHCP_、Domain Name System (DNS)、Network Time Protocol (NTP)、:ref:`VXLAN` " -"が、OpenStack 環境で使用される UDP 系のプロトコルの例です。" - -msgid "DHCPv6" -msgstr "DHCPv6" - -msgid "DHCPv6-stateful" -msgstr "DHCPv6-stateful" - -msgid "DHCPv6-stateless" -msgstr "DHCPv6-stateless" - -msgid "DNAT" -msgstr "DNAT" - -msgid "DNS integration" -msgstr "DNS 連携" - -msgid "DPDK 2.0" -msgstr "DPDK 2.0" - -msgid "DPDK 2.2" -msgstr "DPDK 2.2" - -msgid "" -"DVR lacks support for routing directly to a fixed IP address via the " -"floating IP agent gateway port and thus prevents the BGP speaker from " -"advertising fixed IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"DVR は、 Floating IP エージェントのゲートウェイポート経由での Fixed IP アドレ" -"スへの直接のルーティングに対応していません。そのため、 BGP スピーカーは " -"Fixed IP アドレスを広告できません。" - -msgid "DVR with IPv6 functions similarly to DVR with IPv4." -msgstr "IPv6 での DVR 機能は IPv4 での DVR を同様です。" - -msgid "Database" -msgstr "データベース" - -msgid "Database downgrade is not supported." -msgstr "データベースのダウングレードはサポートされていません。" - -msgid "Database management command-line tool" -msgstr "データベース管理コマンドラインツール" - -msgid "Dataplane" -msgstr "データプレーン" - -msgid "" -"Deactivating the network will remove the ``virbr0`` bridge, terminate the " -"dnsmasq process, and remove the iptables rules." -msgstr "" -"このネットワークを非活性化すると、 ``virbr0`` ブリッジは削除され、 dnsmasq プ" -"ロセスは終了され、 iptables ルールセットは削除されます。" - -msgid "Default scheduling." -msgstr "デフォルトのスケジューリング。" - -msgid "Default subnet pools" -msgstr "デフォルトサブネットプール" - -msgid "Define how an OpenStack network is technically realized. Example: VXLAN" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack ネットワークがどの技術で実現されているかを定義します。例: VXLAN" - -msgid "" -"Define one or more service types for one or more subnets on a particular " -"network. Each service type must correspond to a valid device owner within " -"the port model in order for it to be used." -msgstr "" -"あるネットワークの 1 つ以上のサブネットにサービスタイプを 1 つ以上定義しま" -"す。サービスタイプを使用するには、サービスタイプがポートモデルの有効な " -"device_owner に対応する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"Define the mechanism to access an OpenStack network of a certain type. " -"Example: Open vSwitch mechanism driver." -msgstr "" -"あるタイプの OpenStack ネットワークを実現する仕組みを定義します。例: Open " -"vSwitch メカニズムドライバー。" - -msgid "Definition" -msgstr "定義" - -msgid "Delete the network resources for a particular project." -msgstr "特定のプロジェクトのネットワークリソースを削除します。" - -msgid "" -"Deleting the router interface causes the subnet to be reverted to the " -"temporary CIDR, and all ports have their IPs updated. Prefix leases are " -"released and renewed automatically as necessary." -msgstr "" -"ルーターインターフェースを削除すると、サブネットは仮の CIDR に戻り、すべての" -"ポートの IP アドレスが更新されます。移譲されていたプレフィックスは解放され、" -"必要に応じて自動的に新たに使用されます。" - -msgid "Demo" -msgstr "デモ" - -msgid "Demo setup" -msgstr "デモ環境の構成" - -msgid "Deploy DHCP agents." -msgstr "DHCP エージェントを配備します。" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "説明" - -msgid "" -"Different types of agents show different details. The following output shows " -"information for a Linux bridge agent:" -msgstr "" -"別の種類のエージェントでは別の詳細が表示されます。以下は Linux ブリッジエー" -"ジェントの情報を表示したものです。" - -msgid "Direct assignment during subnet creation via command line or Horizon" -msgstr "サブネット作成時にコマンドラインや Horizon で直接指定する" - -msgid "Direct port and normal port instances reside on the same compute node." -msgstr "" -"SR-IOV ポートを持つインスタンスと通常ポートのインスタンスを同じコンピュート" -"ノード上に配置する" - -msgid "" -"Direct port instance that uses floating IP address and network node are " -"located on the same host." -msgstr "" -"Floating IP アドレスを使用する SR-IOV ポートを持つインスタンスとネットワーク" -"ノードを同じホストに配置する" - -msgid "Disable libvirt networking" -msgstr "libvirt ネットワークの無効化" - -msgid "Disable nova-compute." -msgstr "nova-compute を無効にします。" - -msgid "Disable the DHCP agent on HostA before you stop it:" -msgstr "HostA のエージェントを停止する前に無効化します。" - -msgid "" -"Disable the hypervisor. This would be a good time to live migrate or " -"evacuate the compute node, if supported." -msgstr "" -"ハイパーバイザーを無効にします。サポートされている場合は、対象のコンピュート" -"ノードからライブマイグレーションや退避 (evacuate) を行うよいタイミングでしょ" -"う。" - -msgid "Disabling and removing an agent" -msgstr "エージェントの無効化と削除" - -msgid "Distributed Virtual Routing with VRRP" -msgstr "分散仮想ルーティングと VRRP の組み合わせ" - -msgid "" -"Do essentially the same thing for IPv6 and there are now two subnet pools. " -"Regular projects can see them. (the output is trimmed a bit for display)" -msgstr "" -"IPv6 についても全く同じことを行うと、 2 つのサブネットプールができます。これ" -"らのサブネットプールは通常のプロジェクトから参照できます (この出力は見やすく" -"するため少し省略しています)。" - -msgid "" -"Drivers other than the default one may require extra configuration, please " -"refer to :ref:`extra-driver-conf`" -msgstr "" -"デフォルト以外のドライバーの場合、追加の設定が必要な場合があります。 :ref:" -"`extra-driver-conf` を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"Due to direct connection, some features are not available when using SRIOV. " -"For example, DVR, security groups, migration." -msgstr "" -"直接アクセスを行うため、 SRIOV を使う場合、利用できない機能があります。例え" -"ば、 DVR、セキュリティーグループ、マイグレーションなどです。" - -msgid "" -"Due to the direct connection, some features are not available when using it " -"on the compute node. For example, DVR, security groups and arp-spoofing " -"protection." -msgstr "" -"直接アクセスを行うため、コンピュートノードで macvtap を使う場合、利用できない" -"機能があります。例えば、 DVR、セキュリティーグループ、 ARP 詐称防止などです。" - -msgid "" -"During IP allocation, the :ref:`IPAM ` driver returns an " -"address from a subnet with a service type matching the port device owner. If " -"no subnets match, or all matching subnets lack available IP addresses, the " -"IPAM driver attempts to use a subnet without any service types to preserve " -"compatibility. If all subnets on a network have a service type, the IPAM " -"driver cannot preserve compatibility. However, this feature enables strict " -"IP allocation from subnets with a matching device owner. If multiple subnets " -"contain the same service type, or a subnet without a service type exists, " -"the IPAM driver selects the first subnet with a matching service type. For " -"example, a floating IP agent gateway port uses the following selection " -"process:" -msgstr "" -"IP 割り当ての際、 :ref:`IPAM ` ドライバーは、ポートの " -"device_owner に一致するサービスタイプを持つサブネットからアドレスを返します。" -"一致するサブネットがない場合や、一致するすべてのサブネットに利用可能な IP ア" -"ドレスが不足している場合、 IPAM ドライバーは、これまでと同じ動作をするよう、" -"サービスタイプが指定されていないサブネットを使って IP アドレスを割り当てよう" -"とします。ネットワーク上のすべてのサブネットにサービスタイプが指定されている" -"場合には、 IPAM ドライバーはこれまでと同じ動作を保つことはできません。一方" -"で、この機能を使うと、 device owner にマッチするサブネットから厳密に IP 割り" -"当てができます。同じサービスタイプを持つサブネットが複数ある場合や、サービス" -"タイプが指定されていないサブネットが存在する場合、 IPAM ドライバーはサービス" -"タイプに一致した最初のサブネットを選択します。例えば、 Floating IP エージェン" -"トゲートウェイは以下の順番で選択を行います。" - -msgid "" -"During normal operation, the master router periodically transmits " -"*heartbeat* packets over a hidden project network that connects all HA " -"routers for a particular project." -msgstr "" -"通常動作中は、マスタールーターは定期的に *heartbeat* パケットを、隠しプロジェ" -"クトネットワーク経由で送信します。隠しプロジェクトネットワークには、1 つのプ" -"ロジェクトのすべての HA ルーターが接続されます。" - -msgid "" -"During the migration, nova-network API calls will go through an additional " -"internal conversion to Networking calls. This will have different and likely " -"poorer performance characteristics compared with either the pre-migration or " -"post-migration APIs." -msgstr "" -"移行の途中では、 nova-network API 呼び出しは内部で Networking の呼び出しに変" -"換されます。そのため、移行前や移行後の API と比べると、違った、性能特性、おそ" -"らく低い性能性能になることでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"Each available network type is managed by an ML2 type driver. Type drivers " -"maintain any needed type-specific network state. They validate the type " -"specific information for provider networks and are responsible for the " -"allocation of a free segment in project networks." -msgstr "" -"利用可能なネットワークタイプはそれぞれ ML2 タイプドライバーにより管理されま" -"す。タイプドライバーはネットワークタイプ固有の必要な情報を管理します。プロバ" -"イダーネットワークではタイプ固有の情報の検証を行い、プロジェクトのネットワー" -"クの場合は空きセグメントの割り当てを行います。" - -msgid "" -"Each network namespace also has its own routing table, and in fact this is " -"the main reason for namespaces to exist. A routing table is keyed by " -"destination IP address, so network namespaces are what you need if you want " -"the same destination IP address to mean different things at different times " -"- which is something that OpenStack Networking requires for its feature of " -"providing overlapping IP addresses in different virtual networks." -msgstr "" -"各々のネットワーク名前空間は独自のルーティングテーブルも持ちます。実際のとこ" -"ろ、これが名前空間が存在する主要な理由です。ルーティングテーブルは宛先 IP ア" -"ドレスをキーとして検索が行われるので、ネットワーク名前空間は、同じ宛先 IP ア" -"ドレスに時と場合に応じて異なる意味を持たせたい場合に必要となります。これは、" -"OpenStack Networking が異なる仮想ネットワークで IP アドレス重複を許容する機能" -"を実現する際に必要となる機能なのです。" - -msgid "" -"Each network namespace also has its own set of iptables (for both IPv4 and " -"IPv6). So, you can apply different security to flows with the same IP " -"addressing in different namespaces, as well as different routing." -msgstr "" -"各々のネットワーク名前空間は独自の iptables 集合 (IPv4 と IPv6 の両方) を持ち" -"ます。したがって、別の名前空間では、異なるルーティングだけでなく、同じ IP ア" -"ドレスのフローに対して異なるセキュリティーを適用できます。" - -msgid "" -"Each router interface is associated with an address scope by looking at " -"subnets connected to the network. When a router connects to an external " -"network with matching address scopes, network traffic routes between without " -"Network address translation (NAT). The router marks all traffic connections " -"originating from each interface with its corresponding address scope. If " -"traffic leaves an interface in the wrong scope, the router blocks the " -"traffic." -msgstr "" -"各ルーターインターフェースは、そのインターフェースが接続されたネットワークの" -"サブネットを参照し、アドレススコープと関連付けされます。ルーターをアドレスス" -"コープが一致する外部ネットワークに接続した場合、ネットワークトラフィックは " -"NAT (ネットワークアドレス変換) なしでルーティングされます。ルーターは、内部で" -"は、各インターフェースからのすべてのトラフィック接続を対応するアドレススコー" -"プと関連付けます。トラフィックが間違ったスコープのインターフェースからやって" -"来た場合は、ルーターはそのトラフィックをブロックします。" - -msgid "" -"Edit the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file and assign a value different to " -"``openstacklocal`` (its default value) to the ``dns_domain`` parameter in " -"the ``[default]`` section. As an example:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` ファイルを編集し、 ``[default]`` セクションの " -"``dns_domain`` パラメーターに (デフォルト値の) ``openstacklocal`` 以外の値を" -"割り当てます" - -msgid "" -"Edit the ``[default]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` and specify " -"the external DNS service driver to be used in parameter " -"``external_dns_driver``. The valid options are defined in namespace " -"``neutron.services.external_dns_drivers``. The following example shows how " -"to set up the driver for the OpenStack DNS service:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` の ``[default]`` セクションを編集し、使用する外" -"部 DNS サービスを ``external_dns_driver`` パラメーターで指定します。指定でき" -"る値は ``neutron.services.external_dns_drivers`` 名前空間に定義されています。" -"以下の例では OpenStack DNS サービス用のドライバーの設定方法を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"Edit the ``ovs_agent.ini`` or ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file on each compute " -"node. For example:" -msgstr "" -"各コンピュートノードで ``ovs_agent.ini`` または ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` を" -"編集します。" - -msgid "Edit the ``sriov_agent.ini`` file on each compute node. For example:" -msgstr "各コンピュートノードで ``sriov_agent.ini`` ファイルを編集します。例:" - -msgid "" -"Effectively the ``ipv6_gateway`` flag takes precedence over an RA that is " -"received from the upstream router. If it is desired to use a GUA next hop " -"that is accomplished by allocating a subnet to the external router port and " -"assigning the upstream routers GUA address as the gateway for the subnet." -msgstr "" -"実際には、 ``ipv6_gateway`` フラグが上流ルーターから受信する RA よりも優先さ" -"れます。 GUA のネクストホップを使いたい場合は、外部ルーターポートにサブネット" -"を確保して、そのサブネットのゲートウェイとして上流ルーターの GUA アドレスを割" -"り当てることで実現できます。" - -msgid "Enable FWaaS v1" -msgstr "FWaaS v1 の有効化" - -msgid "" -"Enable IOMMU in Linux by adding ``intel_iommu=on`` to the kernel parameters, " -"for example, using GRUB." -msgstr "" -"Linux で IOMMU を有効にするには、 GRUB などを使って、カーネルパラメーターに " -"``intel_iommu=on`` を追加します。" - -msgid "" -"Enable a nova-api proxy that recreates internal Compute objects from " -"Networking information (via the Networking REST API)." -msgstr "" -"nova-api プロキシーを有効にします。nova-api プロキシーは、(Networking REST " -"API 経由で) Networking の情報から Compute の内部オブジェクトを再作成します。" - -msgid "Enable neutron sriov-agent (Compute)" -msgstr "neutron sriov-agent の有効化 (コンピュートノード)" - -msgid "Enable the FWaaS plug-in in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` ファイルにおいて FWaaS プラグインを有効化しま" -"す。" - -msgid "Enable the Networking agent." -msgstr "Networking エージェントを有効にします。" - -msgid "" -"Enable the functionality described in :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-resolution`." -msgstr "" -":ref:`config-dns-int-dns-resolution` で説明されている機能を有効にします。" - -msgid "Enable the native OVS firewall driver" -msgstr "ネイティブ OVS ファイアウォールドライバーの有効化" - -msgid "Enable the neutron sriov-agent service." -msgstr "neutron sriov-agent を有効にします。" - -msgid "" -"Enable the option in the ``local_settings.py`` file, which is typically " -"located on the controller node:" -msgstr "" -"通常コントローラノードに配置されている`` local_settings.py``ファイル中のオプ" -"ションを有効にします。" - -msgid "" -"Enable the plug-in in Dashboard by editing the ``local_settings.py`` file " -"and setting ``enable_lb`` to ``True`` in the ``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` " -"dictionary." -msgstr "" -"``local_settings.py`` ファイルを編集し、 ``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` の " -"``enable_lb`` を ``True`` にすることで、ダッシュボードでこのプラグインを有効" -"化します。" - -msgid "Enabling DHCP high availability by default" -msgstr "デフォルトで DHCP の高可用性を有効にする" - -msgid "Enabling the deployment for auto-allocation" -msgstr "デプロイメントで自動割り当てを有効にする" - -msgid "" -"End users normally can create subnets with any valid IP addresses without " -"other restrictions. However, in some cases, it is nice for the admin or the " -"project to pre-define a pool of addresses from which to create subnets with " -"automatic allocation." -msgstr "" -"通常、エンドユーザーは任意の有効な IP アドレスでサブネットを作成でき、他に何" -"の制約もありません。しかしながら、場合によっては、管理者やプロジェクトが、ア" -"ドレスプールをあらかじめ定義し、サブネット作成時にこのプールからアドレスを自" -"動割り当てする方がよい場面があります。" - -msgid "Ensure SR-IOV and VT-d are enabled in BIOS." -msgstr "BIOS で SR-IOV と VT-d を有効にしてください。" - -msgid "" -"Ensure that the LBaaS v1 and v2 service providers are removed from the " -"``[service_providers]`` section. They are not used with Octavia. **Verify " -"that all LBaaS agents are stopped.**" -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v1 と v2 のサービスプロバイダーは ``[service_provider]`` セクションから" -"必ず削除してください。これらは Octavia の場合には使用されません。 **すべての " -"LBaaS エージェントが停止していることを確認してください。**" - -msgid "Ensure the neutron sriov-agent runs successfully:" -msgstr "neutron sriov-agent が正常に実行できることを確認します。" - -msgid "Ethernet" -msgstr "Ethernet" - -msgid "" -"Ethernet is a networking protocol, specified by the IEEE 802.3 standard. " -"Most wired network interface cards (NICs) communicate using Ethernet." -msgstr "" -"Ethernet は IEEE 802.3 標準で規程されたネットワークプロトコルです。ほとんどの" -"有線のネットワークインターフェースカード (NIC) は Ethernet を使って通信しま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Every agent that supports these extensions will register itself with the " -"neutron server when it starts up." -msgstr "" -"これらの拡張機能に対応した全エージェントは、開始時に neutron サーバーに自身を" -"登録します。" - -msgid "Example configuration" -msgstr "設定例" - -msgid "" -"Expect performance degradation of services using tap devices: these devices " -"do not support DPDK. Example services include DVR, FWaaS, or LBaaS." -msgstr "" -"tap デバイスを使用するサービスでは性能の劣化が見込まれます。 tap デバイスは " -"DPDK には対応していません。このようなサービスとしては、 DVR、 FWaaS、 LBaaS " -"などがあります。" - -msgid "Experimental feature or incomplete documentation." -msgstr "実験的な機能で、ドキュメントも不十分です。" - -msgid "Extensions" -msgstr "API 拡張" - -msgid "External Router A,M,O" -msgstr "External Router A,M,O" - -msgid "" -"External mechanism drivers from various vendors exist as well as the neutron " -"integrated reference implementations." -msgstr "" -"neutron 組み込みの参照実装以外に、様々なベンダーからメカニズムドライバーが提" -"供されています。" - -msgid "" -"External open source mechanism drivers exist as well as the neutron " -"integrated reference implementations. Configuration of those drivers is not " -"part of this document. For example:" -msgstr "" -"neutron 組み込みの参照実装以外にも、オープンソースドライバーがあります。これ" -"らのドライバーの設定はこのドキュメントの対象外です。例:" - -msgid "Extra configuration" -msgstr "追加の設定" - -# #-#-#-#-# adv_config_FwaaS.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# adv_config_ipv6.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "FWaaS" -msgstr "FWaaS" - -msgid "FWaaS allows creation of IPv6 based rules." -msgstr "FWaaS では、IPv6 を使ったルールを作成できます。" - -msgid "FWaaS management options are also available in the Dashboard." -msgstr "ダッシュボードでもFWaaSの管理オプションは利用できます。" - -msgid "FWaaS v2" -msgstr "FWaaS v2" - -msgid "Feature" -msgstr "機能" - -msgid "" -"Filtering resources with a tag whose name contains a comma is not supported. " -"Thus, do not put such a tag name to resources." -msgstr "" -"名前にコンマが入ったタグによるリソースのフィルタリングには対応していません。" -"したがって、コンマが入ったタグ名をリソースに付与しないでください。" - -msgid "Filtering with tags" -msgstr "タグによるフィルタリング" - -msgid "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1 scenario" -msgstr "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1 シナリオ" - -msgid "Firewalls" -msgstr "ファイアウォール" - -msgid "" -"Firewalls are used to regulate traffic to and from a host or a network. A " -"firewall can be either a specialized device connecting two networks or a " -"software-based filtering mechanism implemented on an operating system. " -"Firewalls are used to restrict traffic to a host based on the rules defined " -"on the host. They can filter packets based on several criteria such as " -"source IP address, destination IP address, port numbers, connection state, " -"and so on. It is primarily used to protect the hosts from unauthorized " -"access and malicious attacks. Linux-based operating systems implement " -"firewalls through ``iptables``." -msgstr "" -"ファイアウォールは、ホストやネットワークへのトラフィックを制御をするのに使用" -"されます。ファイアウォールは、 2 つのネットワークに接続された特別なデバイスの" -"場合もありますし、オペレーティング・システム上に実装されたソフトウェアベース" -"のフィルタリング機構の場合もあります。ファイアウォールは、そのホストで定義さ" -"れたルールに基いてホストへのトラフィックを制限します。送信元 IP アドレス、宛" -"先 IP アドレス、ポート番号、コネクションの状態、などの様々な基準に基いてパ" -"ケットのフィルタリングを行います。主に、ホストを許可されていないアクセスや悪" -"意のある攻撃から保護するために使用されます。 Linux ベースのオペレーティングシ" -"ステムでは、ファイアウォールは ``iptables`` として実装されています。" - -msgid "First, as admin, create a shared subnet pool:" -msgstr "まず、管理者で、共有サブネットプールを作成します。" - -msgid "First, create a QoS policy and its bandwidth limit rule:" -msgstr "最初に、 QoS ポリシーと帯域制限ルールを作成します。" - -msgid "First, create a network and IPv6 subnet:" -msgstr "最初に、ネットワークと IPv6 サブネットを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"First, would not it be nice if you could turn your pool of addresses over to " -"Neutron to take care of? When you need to create a subnet, you just ask for " -"addresses to be allocated from the pool. You do not have to worry about what " -"you have already used and what addresses are in your pool. Subnet pools can " -"do this." -msgstr "" -"まず、あなたが使用するアドレスプールを Neutron の管理に任せてしまうと、いいと" -"は思いませんか?サブネットを作る必要がある際に、プールからアドレスを割り当て" -"てもらうように依頼するだけです。どのアドレスプールをすでに使用しているか、ど" -"のアドレスがあなたが使用できるアドレスプールに含まれているか、といったことを" -"気にかける必要はありません。サブネットプールがこうしたことをやってくれます。" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_overview.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) -# #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Flat" -msgstr "Flat" - -msgid "" -"Flat networks for project allocation are not supported. They only can exist " -"as a provider network." -msgstr "" -"プロジェクトネットワークへのフラットネットワークの割り当てはサポートされてい" -"ません。フラットネットワークはプロバイダーネットワークでのみ使用できます。" - -msgid "Floating IP addresses" -msgstr "Floating IP アドレス" - -msgid "Floating IPs" -msgstr "Floating IP" - -msgid "Flow classifier" -msgstr "Flow Classifier" - -msgid "" -"Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, " -"the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. For more details, see :ref:" -"`config-dns-int-ext-serv`:" -msgstr "" -"以下は、この例で作成された PTR レコードです。 IPv4 の場合は " -"ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size の値が 24 です。詳細は :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-" -"serv` を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, " -"the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. In the case of IPv6, the value " -"of ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 116. For more details, see :ref:`config-dns-" -"int-ext-serv`:" -msgstr "" -"以下は、この例で作成された PTR レコードです。 IPv4 の場合は " -"ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size の値が 24 で、 IPv6 の場合は " -"ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size の値が 116 です。詳細は :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-" -"serv` を参照してください。" - -msgid "Following is an example of these steps:" -msgstr "以下は実行例です。" - -msgid "" -"For additional information describing the problem, refer to: `Virtual " -"switching technologies and Linux bridge. `_" -msgstr "" -"この問題の詳しい情報は、 `Virtual switching technologies and Linux bridge. " -"`_ を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"For each router, add one self-service subnet as an interface on the router." -msgstr "" -"それぞれのルーターで、セルフサービスサブネットをルーターのインターフェースと" -"して追加します。" - -msgid "" -"For example, Linux provides namespaces for networking and processes, among " -"other things. If a process is running within a process namespace, it can " -"only see and communicate with other processes in the same namespace. So, if " -"a shell in a particular process namespace ran :command:`ps waux`, it would " -"only show the other processes in the same namespace." -msgstr "" -"例えば、 Linux は、他にもありますが、ネットワークとプロセスの名前空間を提供し" -"ています。プロセスがプロセス名前空間内で実行されている場合、そのプロセスには" -"同じ名前空間内の他のプロセスだけが見え、通信できるのも名前空間内のプロセスだ" -"けです。そのため、あるプロセス名前空間内のシェルで :command:`ps waux` を実行" -"すると、同じ名前空間内の他のプロセスだけが表示されます。" - -msgid "For example, add flow classifier ``FC2`` to port chain ``PC1``:" -msgstr "" -"例えば、 Flow Classifier ``FC2`` をポートチェイン ``PC1`` に追加します。" - -msgid "For example, add port pair group ``PPG3`` to port chain ``PC1``:" -msgstr "" -"例えば、ポートペアグループ ``PPG3`` をポートチェイン ``PC1`` に追加します。" - -msgid "For example, consider the following components:" -msgstr "例えば、以下の構成要素がある場合を考えます。" - -msgid "" -"For example, referencing a 4000-byte MTU for ``provider2``, a 1500-byte MTU " -"for ``provider3``, and a 9000-byte MTU for other networks using the Open " -"vSwitch agent:" -msgstr "" -"例えば、Open vSwitch エージェントを使う場合で、 ``provider2`` の MTU は 4000 " -"バイト、 ``provider3`` の MTU は 1500 バイト、それ以外のネットワークの MTU " -"は 9000 バイトの場合には、以下のように設定します。" - -msgid "" -"For example, referencing a 4000-byte MTU for overlay networks and a 9000-" -"byte MTU for other networks:" -msgstr "" -"例えば、オーバーレイネットワーク側の MTU が 4000 バイトで、他のネットワーク" -"の MTU が 9000 バイトの場合には、以下のように設定します。" - -msgid "" -"For example, referencing an underlying physical network with a 9000-byte MTU:" -msgstr "" -"例えば、アンダーレイ物理ネットワークの MTU が 9000 バイトの場合には、以下のよ" -"うに設定します。" - -msgid "For example, to match any domain, bus 0a, slot 00, and all functions:" -msgstr "" -"例えば、任意のドメイン、バス 0a、スロット 00 のすべての PCI ファンクションに" -"マッチするようにするには以下のようにします。" - -msgid "For more information see the :ref:`config-sriov`." -msgstr "詳しい情報は :ref:`config-sriov` を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"For networked software applications to communicate over an IP network, they " -"must use a protocol layered atop IP. These protocols occupy the fourth layer " -"of the OSI model known as the *transport layer* or *layer 4*. See the " -"`Protocol Numbers `_ web page maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers " -"Authority (IANA) for a list of protocols that layer atop IP and their " -"associated numbers." -msgstr "" -"IP ネットワーク上で通信するネットワークソフトウェア・アプリケーションは、 IP " -"の上位層のプロトコルを使用する必要があります。これらのプロトコルは OSI モデル" -"の第 4 層にあたり、 *トランスポート層* や *レイヤー 4* とも呼ばれます。 " -"Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) が管理している `Protocol Numbers " -"`_ " -"のウェブページを見ると、 IP の上位層に位置するプロトコルと割り当てられている" -"番号の一覧があります。" - -msgid "" -"For the above two attributes to be effective, ``enable_dhcp`` of the subnet " -"object must be set to True." -msgstr "" -"上記の 2 つの属性が意味を持つには、そのサブネットの ``enable_dhcp`` 属性が " -"True になっていなければなりません。" - -msgid "" -"For typical underlying physical network architectures that implement a " -"single MTU value, you can leverage jumbo frames using two options, one in " -"the ``neutron.conf`` file and the other in the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file. Most " -"environments should use this configuration." -msgstr "" -"使用する MTU 値が 1 つだけの一般的なアンダーレイ物理ネットワークアーキテク" -"チャーの場合、 2 つのオプションを使うことでジャンボフレームを活用できます。 " -"1 つは ``neutron.conf`` ファイルで設定し、もう 1 つは ``ml2_conf.ini`` ファイ" -"ルで設定します。ほとんどの環境で、この設定が使用できることでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"Forwarding DataBase (FDB) population is an L2 agent extension to OVS agent " -"or Linux bridge. Its objective is to update the FDB table for existing " -"instance using normal port. This enables communication between SR-IOV " -"instances and normal instances. The use cases of the FDB population " -"extension are:" -msgstr "" -"FDB (Forwarding Database) population は、 OVS エージェントや Linux ブリッジ" -"エージェントに対する L2 エージェント拡張機能です。この機能の目的は、通常ポー" -"トを使った既存のインスタンス用に FDB テーブルを更新することです。これによ" -"り、 SR-IOV インスタンスと通常のインスタンス間での通信が可能になります。 FDB " -"population 拡張機能には、以下のようなユースケースがあります。" - -msgid "" -"From the Liberty release onwards, OpenStack Networking supports IPv6 prefix " -"delegation. This section describes the configuration and workflow steps " -"necessary to use IPv6 prefix delegation to provide automatic allocation of " -"subnet CIDRs. This allows you as the OpenStack administrator to rely on an " -"external (to the OpenStack Networking service) DHCPv6 server to manage your " -"project network prefixes." -msgstr "" -"Liberty リリース以降では、 OpenStack Networking は IPv6 prefix delegation に" -"対応しています。このセクションでは、IPv6 prefix delegation を使って サブネッ" -"トの CIDR の自動的な割り当てを行えるようにするのに必要な設定と利用手順を説明" -"します。これにより、 OpenStack 管理者は (OpenStack Networking サービスの) 外" -"部の DHCPv6 サーバーを使って、プロジェクトのネットワークのプレフィックスの管" -"理を行えるようになります。" - -msgid "Function: Firewall" -msgstr "機能: ファイアウォール" - -msgid "Function: Intrusion detection system (IDS)" -msgstr "機能: 侵入検知システム (IDS)" - -msgid "" -"Fundamentally, SFC routes packets through one or more service functions " -"instead of conventional routing that routes packets using destination IP " -"address. Service functions essentially emulate a series of physical network " -"devices with cables linking them together." -msgstr "" -"基本的には、 SFC は、宛先 IP アドレスを使ってパケットを転送する従来のルーティ" -"ングではなく、パケットを 1 つ以上のサービス機能 (service function) 群を順に通" -"過させます。サービス機能群は、本質的には、互いにケーブルで接続される物理ネッ" -"トワークデバイスのつながりをエミュレートするものです。" - -msgid "Future support" -msgstr "今後の予定" - -msgid "GRE" -msgstr "GRE" - -msgid "GRE and VXLAN" -msgstr "GRE と VXLAN" - -msgid "Gateway" -msgstr "ゲートウェイ" - -msgid "Gateway (via physical network infrastructure)" -msgstr "ゲートウェイ (物理ネットワーク環境経由)" - -msgid "Gateway on the provider network" -msgstr "プロバイダネットワークのゲートウェイ" - -msgid "Generic routing encapsulation (GRE)" -msgstr "Generic routing encapsulation (GRE)" - -msgid "" -"Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) is a protocol that runs over IP and is " -"employed when delivery and payload protocols are compatible but payload " -"addresses are incompatible. For instance, a payload might think it is " -"running on a datalink layer but it is actually running over a transport " -"layer using datagram protocol over IP. GRE creates a private point-to-point " -"connection and works by encapsulating a payload. GRE is a foundation " -"protocol for other tunnel protocols but the GRE tunnels provide only weak " -"authentication." -msgstr "" -"GRE (Generic routing encapsulation) は、 IP 上で動作するプロトコルで、プロト" -"コルと転送方式はそのまま使えるがペイロードアドレスがそのままでは利用できない" -"場合に利用されます。例えば、ペイロード自体はデータリンク層で動作しているよう" -"に見えるが、実際には IP 上のデータグラムプロトコルを使った転送レイヤー上で動" -"作しているということです。GRE は 1 対 1 の専用の接続を作成し、ペイロードをカ" -"プセル化します。 GRE は他のトンネルプロトコルの基本となるプロトコルですが、 " -"GRE トンネルには弱い認証機構しかありません。" - -msgid "Get Me A Network" -msgstr "Get Me A Network" - -msgid "Get Network IP address availability for all IPv4 networks:" -msgstr "全 IPv4 ネットワークの IP アドレス利用状況を取得します。" - -msgid "Get Network IP address availability for all IPv6 networks:" -msgstr "全 IPv6 ネットワークの IP アドレス利用状況を取得します。" - -msgid "Get Network IP address availability statistics for a specific network:" -msgstr "特定のネットワークの IP アドレス使用状況を取得します。" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``not-tags-any`` filter:" -msgstr "``not-tags-any`` フィルターを使ってリソース一覧を取得します。" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``not-tags`` filter:" -msgstr "``not-tags`` フィルターを使ってリソース一覧を取得します。" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``tags-any`` filter:" -msgstr "``tags-any`` フィルターを使ってリソース一覧を取得します。" - -msgid "Get list of resources with ``tags`` filter:" -msgstr "``tags`` フィルターを使ってリソース一覧を取得します。" - -msgid "" -"Get list of resources with tag filters from networks. The networks are: test-" -"net1 with \"red\" tag, test-net2 with \"red\" and \"blue\" tags, test-net3 " -"with \"red\", \"blue\", and \"green\" tags, and test-net4 with \"green\" tag." -msgstr "" -"タグフィルターを使ってネットワークの一覧を取得できます。以下の例では、 test-" -"net1 にはタグ \"red\"、 test-net2 にはタグ \"red\" と \"blue\"、 test-net3 に" -"はタグ \"red\", \"blue\", \"green\"、 test-net4 にはタグ \"green\" が付与され" -"ています。" - -msgid "" -"Get the ``id`` of the network where you want the SR-IOV port to be created:" -msgstr "SR-IOV ポートを作成したいネットワークの ``id`` を取得します。" - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from OpenStack managed radvd using SLAAC " -"and optional info from dnsmasq using DHCPv6." -msgstr "" -"ゲストインスタンスは SLAAC を使って OpenStack が管理する radvd から IPv6 アド" -"レスを取得し、DHCPv6 を使って dnsmasq から追加情報を取得します。" - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from OpenStack managed radvd using SLAAC." -msgstr "" -"ゲストインスタンスは SLAAC を使って OpenStack が管理する radvd から IPv6 アド" -"レスを取得します。" - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from dnsmasq using DHCPv6 stateful and " -"optional info from dnsmasq using DHCPv6." -msgstr "" -"ゲストインスタンスは DHCPv6 stateful を使って dnsmasq から IPv6 アドレスを取" -"得し、DHCPv6 を使って dnsmasq から追加情報を取得します。" - -msgid "" -"Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from non-OpenStack router using SLAAC." -msgstr "" -"ゲストインスタンスは SLAAC を使って OpenStack 外のルーターから IPv6 アドレス" -"を取得します。" - -msgid "HA of DHCP agents" -msgstr "DHCP エージェントの HA" - -msgid "" -"HA routers are created on availability zones you selected when creating the " -"router." -msgstr "" -"HA ルーターは、ルーター作成時に指定したアベイラビリティーゾーンに作成されま" -"す。" - -msgid "Handles metadata, etc." -msgstr "メタデータを処理する、など" - -msgid "Handles physical-virtual network transition" -msgstr "物理〜仮想ネットワーク間の変換を扱う" - -msgid "Health monitor" -msgstr "ヘルスモニター" - -msgid "Here is an example of output from :command:`ip route show`:" -msgstr ":command:`ip route show` の出力例を以下に示します。" - -msgid "Here is the router we have used in our demonstration:" -msgstr "今回のデモでは以下のルーターを使用します。" - -msgid "High availability" -msgstr "高可用性" - -msgid "High-availability features" -msgstr "高可用性の機能" - -msgid "High-availability for DHCP" -msgstr "DHCP の高可用性" - -msgid "Horizon support" -msgstr "Horizon サポート" - -msgid "Host" -msgstr "ホスト" - -msgid "Host *A* then sends Ethernet frames to host *B*." -msgstr "それから、ホスト *A* はホスト *B* に Ethernet フレームを送信します。" - -msgid "Host *B* responds with a response like this:" -msgstr "ホスト *B* は次のような応答を返します。" - -msgid "HostA" -msgstr "HostA" - -msgid "HostB" -msgstr "HostB" - -msgid "" -"Hosts connected to a network use the :term:`Dynamic Host Configuration " -"Protocol (DHCP)` to dynamically obtain IP addresses. A DHCP server hands out " -"the IP addresses to network hosts, which are the DHCP clients." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークに接続されたホストは、 :term:`Dynamic Host Configuration " -"Protocol (DHCP)` を使って、動的に IP アドレスを取得します。 DHCP サーバー" -"は、 IP アドレスを DHCP クライアントとなるネットワークホストに払い出します。" - -msgid "How the 'shared' flag relates to these entries" -msgstr "'shared' フラグとポリシーエントリーの関係" - -msgid "How they work" -msgstr "どのように動作するか?" - -msgid "" -"How those instances communicate across a router to other subnets or the " -"internet." -msgstr "" -"これらのインスタンスがルーター越しに他のサブネットやインターネットとどのよう" -"に通信するか" - -msgid "How those instances interact with other OpenStack services." -msgstr "" -"これらのインスタンスが他の OpenStack サービスとどうやってやり取りを行うか" - -msgid "How those instances receive an IPv6 address." -msgstr "これらのインスタンスは IPv6 アドレスをどのように取得するか" - -msgid "How to disable libvirt networks" -msgstr "libvirt ネットワークを無効にする方法" - -msgid "How to enable dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6 enabled) instances." -msgstr "" -"デュアルスタックの (IPv4 と IPv6 の両方が有効になった) インスタンスを使用する" -"にはどうすればよいか" - -msgid "" -"However, libvirt is capable of providing networking services to the virtual " -"machines that it manages. In particular, libvirt can be configured to " -"provide networking functionality akin to a simplified, single-node version " -"of OpenStack. Users can use libvirt to create layer 2 networks that are " -"similar to OpenStack Networking's networks, confined to a single node." -msgstr "" -"しかしながら、 libvirt は、自身が管理する仮想マシンに対してネットワークサービ" -"スを提供することはできます。もう少し具体的に言うと、 libvirt は、簡単な 1 台" -"構成の OpenStack に似たネットワーク機能を提供するように設定することができま" -"す。 1 台構成に限ると、ユーザーは libvirt を使って OpenStack Networking の" -"ネットワークと同様のレイヤー 2 ネットワークを作成できます。" - -msgid "" -"However, load balancers deployed onto private or isolated networks need a " -"floating IP address assigned if they must be accessible to external clients. " -"To complete this step, you must have a router between the private and public " -"networks and an available floating IP address." -msgstr "" -"一方、ロードバランサーが分離されたプライベートネットワーク上に配備される場合" -"は、外部のクライアントからアクセスできるようにするには Floating IP アドレスを" -"割り当てる必要があります。 Floating IP アドレスを割り当てるためには、プライ" -"ベートネットワークとパブリックネットワークを接続するルーターと、利用可能な " -"Floating IP アドレスが必要です。" - -msgid "IP" -msgstr "IP" - -msgid "IP address ranges and fd00:203:0:113::/64" -msgstr "IP アドレス範囲 と fd00:203:0:113::/64" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:192:0:2::1" -msgstr "IP アドレス と fd00:192:0:2::1" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:192:0:2:0::101" -msgstr "IP アドレス と fd00:192:0:2:0::101" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:203:0:113:0::1" -msgstr "IPアドレス203.0.113.1とfd00:203:0:113:0::1" - -msgid "IP addresses and fd00:203:0:113:0::101" -msgstr "IP アドレス と fd00:203:0:113:0::101" - -msgid "" -"IP addresses are broken up into two parts: a *network number* and a *host " -"identifier*. Two hosts are on the same *subnet* if they have the same " -"network number. Recall that two hosts can only communicate directly over " -"Ethernet if they are on the same local network. ARP assumes that all " -"machines that are in the same subnet are on the same local network. Network " -"administrators must take care when assigning IP addresses and netmasks to " -"hosts so that any two hosts that are in the same subnet are on the same " -"local network, otherwise ARP does not work properly." -msgstr "" -"IP アドレスは *ネットワーク番号* と *ホスト識別子* の 2 つの部分に分解できま" -"す。 2 つのホストが同じネットワーク番号を持つ場合、両者は同じ *サブネット* に" -"あります。 2 つのホストが同じローカルネットワーク上にある場合、両者が通信する" -"手段は直接 Ethernet 経由しかないことを思い出してください。 ARP は同じサブネッ" -"トのすべてのマシンが同じローカルネットワーク上にあると仮定します。ネットワー" -"ク管理者は IP アドレスとネットマスクをホストに割り当てる際に、同じサブネット" -"に属する任意の 2 つのホストが同じローカルネットワーク上にあるように気を付ける" -"必要があります。さもなければ ARP は正しく動作しません。" - -msgid "IP availability metrics" -msgstr "IP 利用状況" - -msgid "IPAM configuration" -msgstr "IPAM 設定" - -msgid "IPv4:" -msgstr "IPv4:" - -msgid "IPv4:" -msgstr "IPv4:" - -msgid "IPv6" -msgstr "IPv6" - -msgid "IPv6 addressing" -msgstr "IPv6 アドレス割り当て" - -msgid "" -"IPv6 does work when the Distributed Virtual Router functionality is enabled, " -"but all ingress/egress traffic is via the centralized router (hence, not " -"distributed). More work is required to fully enable this functionality." -msgstr "" -"分散仮想ルーター (DVR) 機能が有効の場合も IPv6 は動きますが、すべての入力方" -"向、出力方向のトラフィックが centralized router を経由します (つまり、分散で" -"はありません)。IPv6 が DVR が完全に動作するようになるには、まだ開発が必要で" -"す。" - -msgid "IPv6 multicast" -msgstr "IPv6 マルチキャスト" - -msgid "IPv6 since OpenStack Networking has no IPv6 floating IPs." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking の IPv6 では IPv6 Floating IP はサポートされていません。" - -msgid "" -"IPv6 support in conjunction with any out of tree routers, switches, services " -"or agents whether in physical or virtual form factors." -msgstr "" -"物理仮想を問わず、Neutron コードツリー外のルーター、スイッチ、サービス、エー" -"ジェントとの組み合わせでの IPv6 サポート" - -msgid "" -"IPv6 supports three different addressing schemes for address configuration " -"and for providing optional network information." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 では、アドレス設定と追加のネットワーク情報の提供方法に関して、 3 つの異" -"なるアドレス割り当て方法がサポートされています。" - -msgid "IPv6: fd00:192:0:2::/64" -msgstr "IPv6: fd00:192:0:2::/64" - -msgid "IPv6: fd00:203:0:113::/64" -msgstr "IPv6: fd00:203:0:113::/64" - -msgid "" -"If Dashboard is configured to compress static files for better performance " -"(usually set through ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE`` in ``local_settings.py``), " -"optimize the static files again:" -msgstr "" -"性能向上のため、ダッシュボードが静的ファイルを圧縮するように設定されている場" -"合 (通常は ``local_settings.py`` の ``COMPRESS_OFFLIME`` により設定されま" -"す)、静的ファイルの最適化をもう一度行います。" - -msgid "" -"If ``ebrctl`` does not appear in any of the rootwrap files, add this to the " -"``/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters`` file in the ``[Filters]`` section." -msgstr "" -"``ebrctl`` が rootwrap ファイルのいずれにも含まれていない場合、 ``/etc/nova/" -"rootwrap.d/compute.filters`` ファイルの ``[filters]`` セクションに以下を追加" -"してください。" - -msgid "" -"If a network is marked as external during creation, it now implicitly " -"creates a wildcard RBAC policy granting everyone access to preserve previous " -"behavior before this feature was added." -msgstr "" -"ネットワーク作成時に external (外部ネットワーク) フラグが指定された場合は、全" -"員にアクセスを許可するワイルドカードの RBAC ポリシーが作成され、本機能が追加" -"される前の動作は保持されます。" - -msgid "" -"If a service function involves a pair of ports, the first port acts as the " -"ingress port of the service function and the second port acts as the egress " -"port. If both ports use the same value, they function as a single virtual " -"bidirectional port." -msgstr "" -"サービス機能がポートペアを持つ場合、最初のポートはサービス機能の入力ポートと" -"して機能し、 2 つ目のポートは出力ポートとして機能します。両方のポートが同じ値" -"の場合、これららは 1 つの双方向の仮想ポートとして動作します。" - -msgid "" -"If an operator wants to prevent normal users from doing this, the ``" -"\"create_rbac_policy\":`` entry in ``policy.json`` can be adjusted from ``" -"\"\"`` to ``\"rule:admin_only\"``." -msgstr "" -"運用者が通常ユーザーにこれを許したくない場合は、 ``policy.json`` のエント" -"リー ``create_rbac_policy`` を ``\"\"`` から ``\"rule:admin_only\"`` に変更" -"します。" - -msgid "" -"If installing from source, you must configure a daemon file for the init " -"system manually." -msgstr "" -"ソースコードからインストールした場合には、 init システム用のデーモンファイル" -"を手動で設定する必要があります。" - -msgid "If necessary, :ref:`configure MTU `." -msgstr "必要であれば :ref:`MTU を設定します。 `" - -msgid "" -"If projects are trusted to administrate their own QoS policies in your " -"cloud, neutron's file ``policy.json`` can be modified to allow this." -msgstr "" -"プロジェクトが信頼でき、クラウドでプロジェクトが自身の QoS ポリシーを管理して" -"もよい場合は、 neutron のファイル ``policy.json`` を以下のように変更します。" - -msgid "" -"If projects are trusted to create their own policies, check the trusted " -"projects ``policy.json`` configuration section." -msgstr "" -"プロジェクトが信頼でき、自身のポリシーを作成してもよい場合には、「プロジェク" -"トを信頼する場合の ``policy.json`` の設定」の節を確認してください。" - -msgid "" -"If that project has ports on the network, the server will prevent the policy " -"from being deleted until the ports have been deleted:" -msgstr "" -"そのプロジェクトのポートが対象のネットワークにある場合は、そのポートが削除さ" -"れるまでポリシーを削除することはできません。" - -msgid "" -"If that project has ports or networks with the QoS policy applied to them, " -"the server will not delete the RBAC policy until the QoS policy is no longer " -"in use:" -msgstr "" -"このプロジェクトにその QoS ポリシーが適用されたネットワークのポートがある場合" -"は、その QoS ポリシーが使われなくなるまで RBAC ポリシーの削除は行われません。" - -msgid "" -"If that project has router gateway ports attached to that network, the " -"server prevents the policy from being deleted until the ports have been " -"deleted:" -msgstr "" -"そのプロジェクトのルーターのゲートウェイポートが対象のネットワークにある場合" -"は、そのポートが削除されるまでポリシーを削除することはできません。" - -msgid "" -"If the DVR/SNAT backup router stops receiving these packets, it assumes " -"failure of the master DVR/SNAT router and promotes itself to master router " -"by configuring IP addresses on the interfaces in the ``snat`` namespace. In " -"environments with more than one backup router, the rules of VRRP are " -"followed to select a new master router." -msgstr "" -"バックアップの DVR/SNAT ルーターがこれらのパケットを受信しなくなると、バック" -"アップのルーターはマスターの DVR/SNAT ルーターの障害とみなし、 自身をマスター" -"ルーターに昇格させ、 ``snat`` 名前空間のインターフェースに IP アドレスを設定" -"します。バックアップルーターが複数ある環境では、 VRRP のルールに基いて新しい" -"マスタールーターが選択されます。" - -msgid "" -"If the Open vSwitch agent is being used, set ``extensions`` to ``qos`` in " -"the ``[agent]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent." -"ini``. For example:" -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch エージェントを使用している場合、 ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/" -"openvswitch_agent.ini`` の ``[agent]`` セクションで ``extensions`` に " -"``qos`` を設定します。" - -msgid "" -"If the OpenStack DNS service is the target external DNS, the ``[designate]`` " -"section of ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` must define the following " -"parameters:" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack DNS サービスが対象の外部 DNS の場合、 ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf`` の ``[designate]`` セクションで以下のパラメーターを定義する必要があり" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"If the address scopes match between networks then pings and other traffic " -"route directly through. If the scopes do not match between networks, the " -"router either drops the traffic or applies NAT to cross scope boundaries." -msgstr "" -"ネットワーク間でアドレススコープが一致する場合、 ping (やその他のトラフィッ" -"ク) はルーターでそのまま転送されます。ネットワーク間でアドレススコープが一致" -"しない場合、ルーターはそのトラフィックを破棄するか、スコープ境界をまたぐため " -"NAT を行います。" - -msgid "" -"If the device defined by the PCI address or ``devname`` corresponds to an SR-" -"IOV PF, all VFs under the PF will match the entry. Multiple " -"``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` entries per host are supported." -msgstr "" -"PCI アドレスや ``devname`` で定義されたデバイスが SR-IOV PF に対応している場" -"合、その PF 配下のすべての VF がこのエントリーにマッチします。 1 つのホストで" -"複数の ``pci_passthrough_whitelist`` を設定することもできます。" - -msgid "" -"If the interfaces are down, set them to ``up`` before launching a guest, " -"otherwise the instance will fail to spawn:" -msgstr "" -"インターフェースが ``down`` の場合は、ゲストを起動する前にインターフェースを " -"``up`` に設定してください。 ``up`` になっていない場合は、インスタンスの起動に" -"失敗します。" - -msgid "" -"If the policy is shared, the project is able to attach or detach such policy " -"from its own ports and networks." -msgstr "" -"ポリシーが共有されている場合、プロジェクトは自分のポートやネットワークに共有" -"ポリシーを付与したり解除したりできます。" - -msgid "If the pool becomes exhausted, load some more prefixes:" -msgstr "プールを使い切った場合は、プレフィックスを追加します。" - -msgid "" -"If the prefix delegation server is configured to delegate globally routable " -"prefixes and setup routes, then any instance with a port on this subnet " -"should now have external network access." -msgstr "" -"prefix delegation サーバーがグローバルに到達可能なプレフィックスを移譲して経" -"路を設定するように設定されている場合には、このサブネット上のポートを持つイン" -"スタンスはこの時点で外部ネットワークにアクセスできるようになります。" - -msgid "" -"If two switches are to be connected together, and the switches are " -"configured for VLANs, then the switchports used for cross-connecting the " -"switches must be configured to allow Ethernet frames from any VLAN to be " -"forwarded to the other switch. In addition, the sending switch must tag each " -"Ethernet frame with the VLAN ID so that the receiving switch can ensure that " -"only hosts on the matching VLAN are eligible to receive the frame." -msgstr "" -"2 台のスイッチは互いに接続されていて、両方のスイッチで VLAN が設定されている" -"場合、スイッチ間の相互接続に使用されるスイッチポートは、どの VLAN からの " -"Ethernet フレームももう一方のスイッチに転送できなければいけません。さらに、受" -"信側のスイッチが VLAN に対応するホストだけがそのフレームを受信できることを保" -"証できるように、送信側のスイッチは Ethernet フレームに VLAN ID のタグを付けな" -"ければいけません。" - -msgid "" -"If you are an admin, you can create a pool which can be accessed by any " -"regular project. Being a shared resource, there is a quota mechanism to " -"arbitrate access." -msgstr "" -"管理者の場合、任意の通常プロジェクトが利用可能なプールを作成できます。共有リ" -"ソースの場合には、クォータ機構を使って利用を調停します。" - -msgid "" -"If you are not using the default dibbler-based driver for prefix delegation, " -"then you also need to set the driver in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"prefix delegation 用としてデフォルトの dibbler ベースのドライバーを使っていな" -"い場合は、 ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` でドライバーの設定も必要です。" - -msgid "" -"If you have access to an OpenStack Kilo or later based neutron, you can play " -"with this feature now. Give it a try. All of the following commands work " -"equally as well with IPv6 addresses." -msgstr "" -"Kilo 以降の Neutron を使った OpenStack を使用できるのであれば、この機能をすぐ" -"に使うことができます。やってみましょう。以下のコマンドはすべて IPv6 アドレス" -"でも同じように動きます。" - -msgid "" -"If you have deployed LBaaS v1, **stop the LBaaS v1 agent now**. The v1 and " -"v2 agents **cannot** run simultaneously." -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v1 をデプロイしていた場合には、 **LBaaS v1 エージェントをこの時点で停止" -"してください。** v1 と v2 のエージェントは同時には実行 **できません。**" - -msgid "" -"If you have existing service providers for other networking service plug-" -"ins, such as VPNaaS or FWaaS, add the ``service_provider`` line shown above " -"in the ``[service_providers]`` section as a separate line. These " -"configuration directives are repeatable and are not comma-separated." -msgstr "" -"VPNaaS や FWaaS などの他のネットワークサービスプラグイン用のサービスプロバイ" -"ダーをすでに設定している場合には、 ``service_provider`` 行を上記の " -"``[service_provider]`` セクションに新しい行として追加します。この設定項目は繰" -"り返し指定することができ、コンマ区切りではありません。" - -msgid "" -"If you use the metadata service, removing the default egress rules denies " -"access to TCP port 80 on, thus preventing instances from " -"retrieving metadata." -msgstr "" -"メタデータサービスを使用する場合、デフォルトの出力ルールを削除すると、 " -" の TCP ポート 80 へのアクセスが拒否され、その結果インスタンス" -"がメタデータを取得できなくなります。" - -msgid "Impact and limitations" -msgstr "影響と制限事項" - -msgid "" -"In *Destination Network Address Translation* (DNAT), the NAT router modifies " -"the IP address of the destination in IP packet headers." -msgstr "" -"*宛先ネットワークアドレス変換* (DNAT) では、NAT ルーターは IP パケットヘッ" -"ダーの宛先 IP アドレスを変更します。" - -msgid "" -"In *Source Network Address Translation* (SNAT), the NAT router modifies the " -"IP address of the sender in IP packets. SNAT is commonly used to enable " -"hosts with *private addresses* to communicate with servers on the public " -"Internet." -msgstr "" -"*送信元ネットワークアドレス変換* (SNAT) では、NAT ルーターは IP パケットヘッ" -"ダーの送信元 IP アドレスを変更します。 SNAT は *プライベートアドレス* のホス" -"トをパブリックインターネット上のサーバーと通信できるようにするのに広く使われ" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"In *one-to-one NAT*, the NAT router maintains a one-to-one mapping between " -"private IP addresses and public IP addresses. OpenStack uses one-to-one NAT " -"to implement floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"*one-to-one NAT* では、 NAT ルーターはプライベート IP アドレスとパブリック " -"IP アドレスの 1 対 1 のマッピングを管理します。 OpenStack は one-to-one NAT " -"を使って Floating IP アドレスを実装しています。" - -msgid "" -"In :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, the externally accessible network must meet " -"the following requirements:" -msgstr "" -":ref:`config-dns-use-case-1` では、外部からアクセス可能なネットワークは以下の" -"要件を満たす必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"In Liberty and Mitaka, the IPAM implementation within OpenStack Networking " -"provided a pluggable and non-pluggable flavor. As of Newton, the non-" -"pluggable flavor is no longer available. Instead, it is completely replaced " -"with a reference driver implementation of the pluggable framework. All data " -"will be automatically migrated during the upgrade process, unless you have " -"previously configured a pluggable IPAM driver. In that case, no migration is " -"necessary." -msgstr "" -"Liberty と Mitaka リリースでは、 OpenStack Networking の IPAM 実装としては、" -"取り換え対応の IPAM と組み込みの IPAM が提供されていました。 Newton リリース" -"では、組み込みの IPAM は利用できなくなりました。代わりに、取り換え対応のフ" -"レームワークの参照実装ドライバーが使われるようになりました。アップグレード手" -"順の中ですべてのデータが自動的に移行されます。なお、取り換え対応の IPAM ドラ" -"イバーをすでに使用していた場合は、移行処理は不要です。" - -msgid "" -"In ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini``, add ``qos`` to " -"``extension_drivers`` in the ``[ml2]`` section. For example:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` で、 ``[ml2]`` セクションの " -"``extension_drivers`` に ``qos`` を追加します。例:" - -msgid "" -"In ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini``, add ``qos`` to the " -"``extensions`` setting in the ``[agent]`` section. For example:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini`` で、 ``[agent]`` セクショ" -"ンの ``extensions`` 設定に ``qos`` を追加します。例:" - -msgid "" -"In a network namespace, the scoped 'identifiers' are network devices; so a " -"given network device, such as ``eth0``, exists in a particular namespace. " -"Linux starts up with a default network namespace, so if your operating " -"system does not do anything special, that is where all the network devices " -"will be located. But it is also possible to create further non-default " -"namespaces, and create new devices in those namespaces, or to move an " -"existing device from one namespace to another." -msgstr "" -"ネットワーク名前空間の場合、範囲が限定される 'ID' (識別子) はネットワークデバ" -"イスになります。名前空間には、 ``eth0`` のようなネットワークデバイスが存在し" -"ます。 Linux はデフォルトネットワーク名前空間で開始し、オペレーティングシステ" -"ムが何か特別なことをしない限り、すべてのネットワークデバイスはデフォルトネッ" -"トワーク名前空間にロードされます。しかし、デフォルト以外の名前空間をさらに作" -"成することができ、その名前空間内に新しいデバイスを作成したり、ある名前空間に" -"すでに存在するデバイスを別の名前空間に移動できます。" - -msgid "" -"In an Ethernet network, every host on the network can send a frame directly " -"to every other host. An Ethernet network also supports broadcasts so that " -"one host can send a frame to every host on the network by sending to the " -"special MAC address ``ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff``. ARP_ and DHCP_ are two notable " -"protocols that use Ethernet broadcasts. Because Ethernet networks support " -"broadcasts, you will sometimes hear an Ethernet network referred to as a " -"*broadcast domain*." -msgstr "" -"Ethernet ネットワークでは、ネットワーク上のどのホストも他のどのホストにも直接" -"フレームを送信できます。 Ethernet ネットワークはブロードキャストもサポートし" -"ており、特別な MAC アドレス``ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff`` に送信することで、 あるホス" -"トが 1 つのフレームでネットワーク上のすべてのホストに送信ができます。 " -"Ethernet のブロードキャストを使う有名なプロトコルが 2 つあり、 ARP_ と DHCP_ " -"です。 Ethernet ネットワークはブロードキャストをサポートしているため、 " -"Ethernet ネットワークは *ブロードキャストドメイン* と呼ばれることもあります。" - -msgid "" -"In an Ethernet network, the hosts connected to the network communicate by " -"exchanging *frames*. Every host on an Ethernet network is uniquely " -"identified by an address called the media access control (MAC) address. In " -"particular, every virtual machine instance in an OpenStack environment has a " -"unique MAC address, which is different from the MAC address of the compute " -"host. A MAC address has 48 bits and is typically represented as a " -"hexadecimal string, such as ``08:00:27:b9:88:74``. The MAC address is hard-" -"coded into the NIC by the manufacturer, although modern NICs allow you to " -"change the MAC address programmatically. In Linux, you can retrieve the MAC " -"address of a NIC using the :command:`ip` command:" -msgstr "" -"Ethernet ネットワークでは、ネットワークに接続されたホストは *フレーム* をやり" -"取りして通信します。 Ethernet ネットワーク上の各ホストは、MAC (media access " -"control; メディアアクセス制御) アドレスと呼ばれるアドレスにより一意に識別され" -"ます。特に、 OpenStack 環境では、各仮想マシンインスタンスは一意な MAC アドレ" -"スを持ち、その MAC アドレスはコンピュートホストの MAC アドレスとも異なりま" -"す。 MAC アドレスは 48 ビットで、通常は ``08:00:27:b9:88:74`` のような 16 進" -"数で表現されます。 MAC アドレスは製造ベンダーにより NIC に書き込まれています" -"が、最近の NIC は MAC アドレスをプログラムして書き換えることもできます。 " -"Linux では :command:`ip` コマンドを使って NIC の MAC アドレスを取得できます。" - -msgid "" -"In deployments using DVR, the BGP speaker advertises floating IP addresses " -"and self-service networks differently. For floating IP addresses, the BGP " -"speaker advertises the floating IP agent gateway on the corresponding " -"compute node as the next-hop IP address. For self-service networks using " -"SNAT, the BGP speaker advertises the DVR SNAT node as the next-hop IP " -"address." -msgstr "" -"DVR を使ったデプロイメントでは、 BGP スピーカーは Floating IP アドレスとセル" -"フサービスネットワークを異なる方法で広告します。 Floating IP アドレスの場合" -"は、 BGP スピーカーは対応するコンピュートノードの Floating IP エージェント" -"ゲートウェイをネクストホップの IP アドレスとして広告します。 SNAT を使ったセ" -"ルフサービスネットワークの場合は、 BGP スピーカーは DVR SNAT ノードをネクスト" -"ホップの IP アドレスとして広告します。" - -msgid "" -"In existing deployments, check the current database version using the " -"following command:" -msgstr "" -"既存のデプロイメントでは、以下のコマンドを使って現在のデータベースのバージョ" -"ンを確認します。" - -msgid "" -"In general, the OpenStack Networking software components that handle layer-3 " -"operations impact performance and reliability the most. To improve " -"performance and reliability, provider networks move layer-3 operations to " -"the physical network infrastructure." -msgstr "" -"一般には、 レイヤー 3 操作を行う OpenStack Networking のソフトウェアコンポー" -"ネントは、最も性能と信頼性に影響を与えるコンポーネントです。性能と信頼性を向" -"上させるため、プロバイダーネットワークでは、レイヤー 3 操作を物理ネットワーク" -"基盤に移しています。" - -msgid "" -"In new deployments, you start with an empty database and then upgrade to the " -"latest database version using the following command:" -msgstr "" -"新規のデプロイメントでは、空のデータベースから始め、以下のコマンドを使って最" -"新のデータベースバージョンまでアップグレードします。" - -msgid "" -"In one particular use case, the OpenStack deployment resides in a mixed " -"environment with conventional virtualization and bare-metal hosts that use a " -"sizable physical network infrastructure. Applications that run inside the " -"OpenStack deployment might require direct layer-2 access, typically using " -"VLANs, to applications outside of the deployment." -msgstr "" -"ある特定のユースケースでは、従来の仮想化とベアメタルホストが混在する、かなり" -"大きな物理ネットワーク基盤を使った環境に、 OpenStack 環境があります。 " -"OpenStack 環境内で動作するアプリケーションが OpenStack 環境外のアプリケーショ" -"ンに直接レイヤー 2 (通常は VLAN を使用) でのアクセスが必要な場合があります。" - -msgid "" -"In order to attach a QoS policy to a network, update an existing network, or " -"initially create the network attached to the policy." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークに QoS ポリシーを付与するには、既存のネットワークを更新するか、ポ" -"リシーを付与してネットワークを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"In order to detach a port from the QoS policy, simply update again the port " -"configuration." -msgstr "" -"ポートから QoS ポリシーの関連付けを解除するには、ポート設定をもう一度更新する" -"だけです。" - -msgid "In order to enable SR-IOV, the following steps are required:" -msgstr "SR-IOV を有効にするには、以下の手順を行う必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"In order to support a wide range of deployment options, the migration " -"process described here requires a rolling restart of hypervisors. The rate " -"and timing of specific hypervisor restarts is under the control of the " -"operator." -msgstr "" -"幅広いデプロイメントの選択肢に対応するため、ここで説明する移行手順では、ハイ" -"パーバイザーを順に再起動 (rolling restart) していく必要があります。個々のハイ" -"パーバイザーの再起動をどのくらいの早さで、いつ行っていくかについては、オペ" -"レーターが制御できます。" - -msgid "" -"In order to support the widest range of deployer needs, the process " -"described here is easy to automate but is not already automated. Deployers " -"should expect to perform multiple manual steps or write some simple scripts " -"in order to perform this migration." -msgstr "" -"様々なデプロイメントでの需要に対応するため、ここで説明する手順は、簡単に自動" -"化できますが、まだ自動化はされていません。オペレーターは、この移行手順を実行" -"するのに、手動作業をいくつか実行したり、簡単なスクリプトを書く必要があること" -"でしょう。" - -msgid "" -"In the OSI model of networking protocols IP occupies the third layer, known " -"as the network layer. When discussing IP, you will often hear terms such as " -"*layer 3*, *L3*, and *network layer*." -msgstr "" -"IP は、ネットワークプロトコルの OSI モデルの第 3 層にあたり、ネットワーク層と" -"も呼ばれます。 IP の話をすると、 *レイヤー 3*、 *L3*、*ネットワーク層* といっ" -"た用語をしばしば聞くことでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"In the `OSI model `_ of networking " -"protocols, Ethernet occupies the second layer, which is known as the data " -"link layer. When discussing Ethernet, you will often hear terms such as " -"*local network*, *layer 2*, *L2*, *link layer* and *data link layer*." -msgstr "" -"Ethernet は、ネットワークプロトコルの `OSI model `_ の第 2 層にあたり、データリンク層とも呼ばれます。 Ethernet " -"の話をすると、 *ローカルネットワーク*、*レイヤー 2*、 *L2*、*リンクレイヤー" -"*、 *データリンク層* といった用語をしばしば聞くことでしょう。" - -msgid "In the ``bgp_dragent.ini`` file:" -msgstr "``bgp_dragent.ini`` ファイル:" - -msgid "" -"In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure one or more DNS resolvers. To " -"configure more than one DNS resolver, use a comma between each value." -msgstr "" -"``dhcp_agent.ini`` ファイルで、 DNS レゾルバーを設定します。複数の DNS レゾル" -"バーを設定する場合は、コンマを使って値を区切ります。" - -msgid "In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, configure the DHCP agent:" -msgstr "``dhcp_agent.ini`` ファイルで DHCP エージェントを設定します。" - -msgid "" -"In the ``dhcp_agent.ini`` file, enable advertisement of the DNS resolver(s) " -"on the host." -msgstr "" -"``dhcp_agent.ini`` ファイルで、ホストの DNS レゾルバーを広告するようにしま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent to provide SNAT " -"services." -msgstr "" -"SNAT サービスを提供するために ``l3_agent.ini`` ファイルで L3 エージェントを設" -"定します。" - -msgid "In the ``l3_agent.ini`` file, configure the layer-3 agent." -msgstr "``l3_agent.ini`` ファイルで L3 エージェントを設定します。" - -msgid "" -"In the ``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` file, configure the Linux bridge agent:" -msgstr "" -"``linuxbridge_agent.ini`` ファイルで Linux ブリッジエージェントを設定します。" - -msgid "In the ``metadata_agent.ini`` file, configure the metadata agent:" -msgstr "``metadata_agent.ini`` ファイルでメタデータエージェントを設定します。" - -msgid "In the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file:" -msgstr "``ml2_conf.ini`` ファイル:" - -msgid "" -"In the ``neutron.conf`` file, enable the conventional layer-3 and BGP " -"dynamic routing service plug-ins:" -msgstr "" -"``neutron.conf`` ファイルで、従来のレイヤー 3 サービスプラグインと BGP 動的" -"ルーティングサービスプラグインを有効にします。" - -msgid "In the ``neutron.conf`` file:" -msgstr "``neutron.conf`` ファイル:" - -msgid "In the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` file:" -msgstr "``openvswitch_agent.ini`` ファイル:" - -msgid "" -"In the above configuration, we use ``dhcp_agents_per_network = 1`` for this " -"demonstration. In usual deployments, we suggest setting " -"``dhcp_agents_per_network`` to more than one to match the number of DHCP " -"agents in your deployment. See :ref:`conf-dhcp-agents-per-network`." -msgstr "" -"上記の設定では、デモ用に ``dhcp_agents_per_network = 1`` を使用しています。通" -"常の環境では、 ``dhcp_agents_per_network`` をお使いの環境の DHCP エージェント" -"数に合うように複数に設定することをお薦めします。 :ref:`conf-dhcp-agents-per-" -"network` を参照してください。" - -msgid "In the above example notice that:" -msgstr "上記の例では、以下の点に注意してください。" - -msgid "" -"In the absence of an upstream RA support, ``ipv6_gateway`` flag can be set " -"with the external router gateway LLA in the neutron L3 agent configuration " -"file. This also requires that no subnet is associated with that port." -msgstr "" -"上流ルーターが RA をサポートしていない場合、 neutron L3 エージェントの設定" -"ファイルの ``ipv6_gateway`` フラグで外部ルーターのゲートウェイ LLA を設定でき" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"In the most simple case, the property can be represented by a simple Python " -"list defined on the class." -msgstr "" -"最も簡単な場合では、プロパティーはクラス内で単純な Python リストで定義されて" -"います。" - -msgid "" -"In this case, the DHCP agent offers one or more unique DNS resolvers to " -"instances via DHCP on each virtual network. You can configure a DNS resolver " -"when creating or updating a subnet. To configure more than one DNS resolver, " -"use a comma between each value." -msgstr "" -"この場合、 DHCP エージェントは、 1 つ以上の独自の DNS レゾルバーを、 各仮想" -"ネットワークのインスタンスに DHCP 経由で提供します。サブネットの作成時または" -"更新時に、 DNS レゾルバーを設定できます。 DNS レゾルバーを複数設定する場合" -"は、コンマを使って値を区切ります。" - -msgid "" -"In this case, the DHCP agent offers the DNS resolver(s) in the ``resolv." -"conf`` file on the host running the DHCP agent via DHCP to instances on all " -"virtual networks." -msgstr "" -"この場合、 DHCP エージェントは、 DHCP エージェントが動作しているホストの " -"``resolv.conf`` ファイルに書かれた DNS レゾルバーを、 DHCP 経由ですべての仮想" -"ネットワークのインスタンスに提供します。" - -msgid "" -"In this case, the DHCP agent offers the same DNS resolver(s) to instances " -"via DHCP on all virtual networks." -msgstr "" -"この場合、 DHCP エージェントは、同じ DNS レゾルバーを、すべての仮想ネットワー" -"クのインスタンスに DHCP 経由で提供します。" - -msgid "" -"In this case, the user is creating ports or booting instances on a network " -"that is accessible externally. The steps to publish the port in the external " -"DNS service are the following:" -msgstr "" -"このユースケースでは、ユーザーは外部からアクセス可能なネットワーク上にポート" -"を作成したりインスタンスを起動したりします。外部 DNS サービスにポートを公開す" -"る手順は以下の通りです。" - -msgid "" -"In this case, we should let the Networking service find these networks. " -"Obviously, there are no such networks and the service will return an empty " -"list." -msgstr "" -"この場合、 Networking サービスにこのようなネットワークを検索させることになり" -"ます。明らかに、このようなネットワークは存在しないので、空のリストが返されま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"In this example the port is created manually by the user and then used to " -"boot an instance. Notice that:" -msgstr "" -"この例では、ポートはユーザーが手動で作成し、インスタンス起動時に使用されてい" -"ます。以下の点に注意してください。" - -msgid "" -"In this example, notice that the data is published in the DNS service when " -"the floating IP is associated to the port." -msgstr "" -"この例では、 Floating IP がポートに関連付けられた際にデータが DNS サービスで" -"公開されている点に注目してください。" - -msgid "" -"In this example, the health monitor removes the server from the pool if it " -"fails a health check at two five-second intervals. When the server recovers " -"and begins responding to health checks again, it is added to the pool once " -"again." -msgstr "" -"この例では、ヘルスモニターは、 5 秒間隔で 2 回ヘルスチェックに失敗すると、そ" -"のサーバーをプールから削除します。サーバーが復活しヘルスチェックに再び応答し" -"始めると、そのサーバーはプールにもう一度追加されます。" - -msgid "" -"In this example, the load balancer uses the round robin algorithm and the " -"traffic alternates between the web servers on the backend." -msgstr "" -"この例では、ロードバランサーはラウンドロビン方式を使用しており、トラフィック" -"はバックエンドのサーバー間に交互に渡されます。" - -msgid "" -"In this section, the combination of a mechanism driver and an L2 agent is " -"called 'reference implementation'. The following table lists these " -"implementations:" -msgstr "" -"この節では、メカニズムドライバーと L2 エージェントの組み合わせを「参照実装」" -"と呼びます。以下の表はこうした実装の一覧です。" - -msgid "" -"In this use case, the address of a floating IP is published in the external " -"DNS service in conjunction with the ``dns_name`` of its associated port and " -"the ``dns_domain`` of the port's network. The steps to execute in this use " -"case are the following:" -msgstr "" -"このユースケースでは、 Floating IP のアドレスが外部 DNS サービスで公開されま" -"す。名前は、関連付けられたポートの ``dns_name`` とポートのネットワークの " -"dns_domain`` を組み合わせたものになります。この手順で実行する手順は以下の通り" -"です。" - -msgid "" -"In this use case, the user assigns ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` " -"attributes to a floating IP when it is created. The floating IP data becomes " -"visible in the external DNS service as soon as it is created. The floating " -"IP can be associated with a port on creation or later on. The following " -"example shows a user booting an instance and then creating a floating IP " -"associated to the port allocated for the instance:" -msgstr "" -"このユースケースでは、ユーザーが Floating IP 作成時に Floating IP に " -"``dns_name`` と ``dns_domain`` 属性を割り当てます。 Floating IP のデータは作" -"成直後から外部 DNS サービスで参照可能になります。 Floating IP は作成時にポー" -"トと関連付けることも後で関連付けることもできます。以下の例では、ユーザーがイ" -"ンスタンスを起動し、それからインスタンスに割り当てられたポートを関連付けて " -"Floating IP を作成しています。" - -msgid "Input type" -msgstr "入力データ型" - -msgid "Install the Dashboard panel plug-in:" -msgstr "ダッシュボードパネルのプラグインをインストールします。" - -msgid "Install the SR-IOV agent." -msgstr "SR-IOV エージェントをインストールします。" - -msgid "Install the ``ebrctl`` utility on the compute nodes." -msgstr "コンピュートノードに ``ebrctl`` ユーティリティーをインストールします。" - -msgid "Instance 1" -msgstr "インスタンス 1" - -msgid "Instance 1 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1." -msgstr "" -"インスタンス 1 はコンピュートノード 1 上にあり、プロバイダーネットワーク 1 を" -"使用します。" - -msgid "Instance 1 sends a packet to instance 2." -msgstr "インスタンス 1 がインスタンス 2 にパケットを送信します。" - -msgid "Instance 2" -msgstr "インスタンス 2" - -msgid "Instance 2 resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 2." -msgstr "" -"インスタンス 2 はコンピュートノード 1 上にあり、プロバイダーネットワーク 2 を" -"使用します。" - -msgid "Instance 2 resides on compute node 2 and uses provider network 1." -msgstr "" -"インスタンス 2 はコンピュートノード 2 上にあり、プロバイダーネットワーク 1 を" -"使用します。" - -msgid "Instance 3" -msgstr "インスタンス 3" - -msgid "Instance network interfaces (VIFs)" -msgstr "インスタンスのネットワークインターフェース (VIF)" - -msgid "" -"Instead of having the Compute service create the port for the instance, the " -"user might have created it and assigned a value to its ``dns_name`` " -"attribute. In this case, the value assigned to the ``dns_name`` attribute " -"must be equal to the value that Compute service will assign to the " -"instance's ``hostname``, in this example ``my-vm``. Otherwise, the instance " -"boot will fail." -msgstr "" -"Compute サービスがインスタンス用のポートを作成する代わりに、ユーザーがポート" -"を作成して ``dns_name`` 属性に値を割り当てることもできます。この場合、 " -"``dns_name`` 属性に割り当てられる値は、 Compute サービスがインスタンスの " -"``hostname`` に割り当て値、この例では ``my-vm`` と等しくなければいけません。" -"さもなければ、インスタンスの起動は失敗します。" - -msgid "" -"Integration of the Compute service and the Networking service with an " -"external DNSaaS (DNS-as-a-Service)." -msgstr "" -"外部 DNSaaS (DNS-as-a-Service) との Compute サービスと Networking サービスの" -"連携" - -msgid "Integration with an external DNS service" -msgstr "外部 DNS サービスとの連携" - -msgid "Intel" -msgstr "Intel" - -msgid "Interface on self-service network 1" -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク1のインターフェイス" - -msgid "Interface on self-service network 2" -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク2のインターフェイス" - -msgid "" -"Internal router ports, that act as default gateway ports for a network, will " -"share a common port for all IPv6 subnets associated with the network. This " -"implies that there will be an IPv6 internal router interface with multiple " -"IPv6 addresses from each of the IPv6 subnets associated with the network and " -"a separate IPv4 internal router interface for the IPv4 subnet. On the other " -"hand, external router ports are allowed to have a dual-stack configuration " -"with both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address assigned to them." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークのデフォルトゲートウェイポートして動作する内部ルーターポートで" -"は、そのネットワークに関連付けられた IPv6 サブネットすべてで 1 つの共通のポー" -"トが共有されます。つまり、IPv6 内部ルーターインターフェースは複数の IPv6 アド" -"レスを持ち、そのアドレスはそのネットワークに関連付けられた各 IPv6 サブネット" -"から 1 つずつ割り当てられ、それとは別に IPv4 サブネットに対する IPv4 内部ルー" -"ターインターフェースが作成されるということになります。一方、外部ルーターポー" -"トではデュアルスタック設定が可能で、 IPv4 と IPv6 アドレスの両方が割り当てら" -"れます。" - -msgid "Introduction" -msgstr "はじめに" - -msgid "" -"Irrelevant fields have been trimmed from the output of these commands for " -"brevity." -msgstr "" -"分かりやすくするため、これらのコマンドの出力のうち無関係なフィールドは省略し" -"ています。" - -msgid "" -"Is deployed besides an other mechanism driver and L2 agent such as OVS or " -"Linux bridge. It offers instances direct access to the network adapter " -"through a PCI Virtual Function (VF). This gives an instance direct access to " -"hardware capabilities and high performance networking." -msgstr "" -"OVS や Linux ブリッジなどの他のメカニズムドライバーや L2 エージェントと組み合" -"わせて使用します。 PCI Virtual Function (VF) 経由でインスタンスからネットワー" -"クアダプターへの直接アクセスが可能です。インスタンスは、ハードウェア機能を直" -"接利用でき、高性能なネットワークを得られます。" - -msgid "" -"It follows that with these two flags set to ``True`` in the configuration " -"file, routers created by all users will default to distributed HA routers " -"(DVR HA)." -msgstr "" -"要するに、設定ファイルでこれら 2 つのフラグを ``True`` に設定すると、すべての" -"ユーザーが作成するルーターがデフォルトで分散 HA ルーター (DVR HA) になるとい" -"うことです。" - -msgid "It includes the following components:" -msgstr "以下のコンポーネントがあります。" - -msgid "" -"It is allocated to DHCP agent on HostA. If you want to validate the behavior " -"through the :command:`dnsmasq` command, you must create a subnet for the " -"network because the DHCP agent starts the dnsmasq service only if there is a " -"DHCP." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークは HostA の DHCP エージェントに割り当てられています。 :command:" -"`dnsmasq` コマンドにより動作を検証する場合、そのネットワークにサブネットを作" -"成しなければいけません。 DHCP エージェントは DHCP が有効な場合にのみ dnsmasq " -"サービスを開始するからです。" - -msgid "" -"It is common for a packet to hop across multiple routers to reach its final " -"destination. On a Linux machine, the ``traceroute`` and more recent ``mtr`` " -"programs prints out the IP address of each router that an IP packet " -"traverses along its path to its destination." -msgstr "" -"パケットが最終的な宛先に到達するまでに複数のルーターを経由することはよくある" -"ことです。 Linux マシンでは、 ``traceroute`` や最近では ``mtr`` プログラムを" -"使うと、 IP パケットが宛先に到達するまでに通過する各ルーターの IP アドレスが" -"表示されます。" - -msgid "" -"It is important that you select a VLAN range not being used by your current " -"network infrastructure. For example, if you estimate that your cloud must " -"support a maximum of 100 projects, pick a VLAN range outside of that value, " -"such as VLAN 200–299. OpenStack, and all physical network infrastructure " -"that handles project networks, must then support this VLAN range." -msgstr "" -"現在ネットワーク基盤で使用されていない VLAN の範囲を選択することが重要です。" -"例えば、あなたのクラウドで最大 100 プロジェクトをサポートする必要があると見込" -"んだ場合、 VLAN の範囲としてそれだけの数の値、例えば VLAN 200-299 など、を選" -"びます。 OpenStack およびプロジェクトネットワークを扱うすべての物理ネットワー" -"ク基盤でこの VLAN 範囲が利用できる必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"It is positioned as alternative to Open vSwitch or Linux bridge support on " -"the compute node for internal deployments." -msgstr "" -"内向きのデプロイメントでの、コンピュートノードの Open vSwitch や Linux ブリッ" -"ジの代替という位置付けです。" - -msgid "Jumbo frames" -msgstr "ジャンボフレーム" - -msgid "" -"Just like with bandwidth limiting, create a policy for DSCP marking rule:" -msgstr "帯域制限の場合と同様、 DSCP マーキングルールのポリシーを作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Kernel version 3.3, but less than 4.3, does not include *conntrack* support " -"and requires building the OVS modules." -msgstr "" -"バージョン 3.3 以降 4.3 未満のカーネルには *conntrack* サポートが入っていない" -"ため、 OVS モジュールを作成する必要があります。" - -msgid "Kernel version 4.3 or newer includes *conntrack* support." -msgstr "バージョン 4.3 以降のカーネルには *conntrack* サポートが入っています。" - -msgid "Known limitations" -msgstr "既知の制限" - -msgid "L2 agent" -msgstr "L2 エージェント" - -msgid "L2 agents support some important security configurations." -msgstr "L2 エージェントはいくつかの重要なセキュリティー機能を持ちます。" - -msgid "L2 population" -msgstr "L2 population" - -msgid "" -"L2 population is a special mechanism driver that optimizes BUM (Broadcast, " -"unknown destination address, multicast) traffic in the overlay networks " -"VXLAN and GRE. It needs to be used in conjunction with either the Linux " -"bridge or the Open vSwitch mechanism driver and cannot be used as standalone " -"mechanism driver. For more information, see the *Mechanism drivers* section " -"below." -msgstr "" -"L2 population は、 VXLAN や GRE のオーバーレイネットワークにおいて BUM (ブ" -"ロードキャスト、不明な宛先アドレス、マルチキャスト) トラフィックを最適化する" -"ための特別なメカニズムドライバーです。 Linux ブリッジメカニズムドライバーか " -"Open vSwitch メカニズムドライバーと組み合わせて使用する必要があり、単独のメカ" -"ニズムドライバーとして使用することはできません。詳しい情報は、下記の *メカニ" -"ズムドライバー* の節を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"L2 population is not listed here, as it is not a standalone mechanism. If " -"other agents are supported depends on the conjunctive mechanism driver that " -"is used for binding a port." -msgstr "" -"L2 population は、独立して動作するメカニズムドライバーではないため、この表に" -"は記載されていません。他のエージェントが使用できるかは、ポートのバインド時に" -"使用される、組み合わせて使うメカニズムドライバーにより決まります。" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "L3" -msgstr "L3" - -msgid "L3 HA to Legacy" -msgstr "L3 HA からレガシー" - -msgid "L3 Metering agent" -msgstr "L3 メータリングエージェント" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "L3 agent" -msgstr "L3 エージェント" - -msgid "L3 high availability" -msgstr "L3 の高可用性" - -msgid "L3 metering agent" -msgstr "L3 メータリングエージェント" - -# #-#-#-#-# adv_config_ipv6.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# adv_config_LBaaS.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "LBaaS" -msgstr "LBaaS" - -msgid "" -"LBaaS v1 was removed in the Newton release. These links provide more details " -"about how LBaaS v1 works and how to configure it:" -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v1 は Newton リリースで削除されました。LBaaS v1 の動作や設定方法の詳細" -"については以下のリンクを参照してください。" - -msgid "LBaaS v2 Concepts" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 の概念" - -msgid "" -"LBaaS v2 adds the concept of listeners to the LBaaS v1 load balancers. LBaaS " -"v2 allows you to configure multiple listener ports on a single load balancer " -"IP address." -msgstr "" -" LBaaS v2 では、 LBaaS v1 ロードバランサーにリスナーの概念が追加されていま" -"す。 LBaaS v2 では、 1 つのロードバランサー IP アドレスに対して複数のリスナー" -"を設定できます。" - -msgid "" -"LBaaS v2 has multiple implementations via different service plug-ins. The " -"two most common implementations use either an agent or the Octavia services. " -"Both implementations use the `LBaaS v2 API `_." -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v2 には、異なるサービスプラグインにより複数の実装があります。最も一般的" -"な 2 つの実装はエージェントや Octavia サービスを使用していますが、どちらの実" -"装も `LBaaS v2 API `_ を使用しています。" - -msgid "LBaaS v2 has several new concepts to understand:" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 には、理解しておくべき新しい概念がいくつかあります。" - -msgid "LBaaS v2 operations" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 の操作" - -msgid "" -"Launch an instance using the network. For example, using the ``cirros`` " -"image and ``m1.tiny`` flavor." -msgstr "" -"上記のネットワークを使ってインスタンスを起動します。例えば、 ``cirros`` イ" -"メージと ``m1.tiny`` フレーバーを使用しています。" - -msgid "" -"Launch service function instance ``vm1`` using ports ``p1`` and ``p2``, " -"``vm2`` using ports ``p3`` and ``p4``, and ``vm3`` using ports ``p5`` and " -"``p6``." -msgstr "" -"サービス機能インスタンス ``vm1`` をポート ``p1`` と ``p2`` を使って作成しま" -"す。 ``vm2`` をポート ``p3`` と ``p4`` を使って作成します。 ``vm3`` をポート " -"``p5`` と ``p6`` を使って作成します。" - -msgid "" -"Launch two instances, ``instance1`` on ``network1`` and ``instance2`` on " -"``network2``. Associate a floating IP address to both instances." -msgstr "" -"2 つのインスタンス、 ``network1`` に ``instance1`` を、 ``network2`` を " -"``instance2`` を起動します。両方のインスタンスに Floating IP アドレスを付与し" -"ます。" - -msgid "Launching instances with SR-IOV ports" -msgstr "SR-IOV ポートを持ったインスタンスの起動" - -msgid "Layer 2 (Ethernet and Switching)" -msgstr "レイヤー 2 (Ethernet とスイッチング)" - -msgid "Layer 3 (IP and Routing)" -msgstr "レイヤー 3 (IP とルーティング)" - -msgid "Layer-3 agent" -msgstr "L3 エージェント" - -msgid "Legacy nova-network to OpenStack Networking (neutron)" -msgstr "以前の nova-network から OpenStack Networking (neutron) へ" - -msgid "" -"Like TCP, the sockets API is the most common API for writing UDP-based " -"applications. The sockets API provides a *message-oriented* interface for " -"writing UDP applications: a programmer sends data over UDP by transmitting a " -"fixed-sized message. If an application requires retransmissions of lost " -"packets or a well-defined ordering of received packets, the programmer is " -"responsible for implementing this functionality in the application code." -msgstr "" -"TCP と同様に、ソケット API が UDP を使うアプリケーションを書く際に最も広く使" -"われています。ソケット API は UDP を使うアプリケーションに対して *メッセージ" -"志向* インターフェースを提供します。プログラマーは固定サイズのメッセージを送" -"信して、 UDP 上でデータ送信を行います。アプリケーションが失われたパケットの再" -"送や受信パケットの並び替えを必要とする場合、アプリケーションのコードでこれら" -"の機能を実装するのはプログラマーの仕事になります。" - -msgid "Limitations" -msgstr "制限事項" - -msgid "Linux Bridge" -msgstr "Linux ブリッジ" - -msgid "Linux bridge" -msgstr "Linux ブリッジ" - -msgid "Linux bridge & Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Linux ブリッジ & Linux ブリッジエージェント" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Linux ブリッジエージェント" - -msgid "Linux bridge mechanism and Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Linux ブリッジメカニズムドライバーと Linux ブリッジエージェント" - -msgid "Linux bridge: Provider networks" -msgstr "Linux bridge: プロバイダーネットワーク" - -msgid "Linux bridge: Self-service networks" -msgstr "Linux bridge: セルフサービスネットワーク" - -msgid "Linux bridging for implementing a layer 2 network" -msgstr "Linux ブリッジング: レイヤー 2 ネットワークを実現するため" - -msgid "Linux network namespaces" -msgstr "Linux 名前空間" - -msgid "List DHCP agents that host a specified network:" -msgstr "特定のネットワークを扱っている DHCP エージェントの一覧を表示します。" - -msgid "List all agents:" -msgstr "全エージェントを一覧表示します。" - -msgid "List the networks hosted by a given DHCP agent:" -msgstr "指定した DHCP エージェントが扱っているネットワークの一覧を表示します。" - -msgid "Listener" -msgstr "リスナー" - -msgid "Live migration is not supported for instances with SR-IOV ports." -msgstr "" -"SR-IOV ポートを持つインスタンスのライブマイグレーションはサポートされていませ" -"ん。" - -msgid "Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)" -msgstr "Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)" - -msgid "Load balancer" -msgstr "ロードバランサー" - -msgid "Load balancers" -msgstr "負荷分散装置" - -msgid "" -"Load balancers can be software-based or hardware-based devices that allow " -"traffic to evenly be distributed across several servers. By distributing the " -"traffic across multiple servers, it avoids overload of a single server " -"thereby preventing a single point of failure in the product. This further " -"improves the performance, network throughput, and response time of the " -"servers. Load balancers are typically used in a 3-tier architecture. In this " -"model, a load balancer receives a request from the front-end web server, " -"which then forwards the request to one of the available back-end database " -"servers for processing. The response from the database server is passed back " -"to the web server for further processing." -msgstr "" -"ロードバランサーは、複数のサーバー間でトラフィックを均等に振り分けることがで" -"きるデバイスで、ソフトウェアベースのものもハードウェアベースのものがありま" -"す。複数のサーバーにトラフィックを振り分けることで、サーバー 1 台の過負荷を避" -"けることができ、提供機能の単一障害点を防止できます。また、性能、ネットワーク" -"スループット、サーバーの応答時間などを改善します。通常、ロードバランサーは 3 " -"階層アーキテクチャーで使用されます。このモデルでは、ロードバランサーは、フロ" -"ントエンドのウェブサーバーからリクエストを受信し、そのリクエストを処理を行う" -"利用可能なバックエンドのデータベースサーバーに転送します。データベースサー" -"バーからの応答はウェブサーバーに戻され、さらに処理が行われます。" - -msgid "" -"Load balancers can listen for requests on multiple ports. Each one of those " -"ports is specified by a listener." -msgstr "" -"ロードバランサーは複数のポートに対するリクエストをリッスンできます。それぞれ" -"のポートはリスナーで指定されます。" - -msgid "" -"Load balancers that are deployed on a public or provider network that are " -"accessible to external clients do not need a floating IP address assigned. " -"External clients can directly access the virtual IP address (VIP) of those " -"load balancers." -msgstr "" -"ロードバランサーが外部のクライアントと通信可能なパブリックネットワークやプロ" -"バイダーネットワークに配備される場合は、 Floating IP アドレスを割り当てる必要" -"がありません。外部のクライアントはロードバランサーの仮想 IP アドレス (VIP) に" -"直接アクセスできます。" - -msgid "" -"Log in to the ``myserver4`` VM, and run ``udhcpc``, ``dhclient`` or other " -"DHCP client." -msgstr "" -"``myserver4`` VM にログインして、 ``udhcpc`` 、 ``dhclient`` もしくはその他" -"の DHCP クライアントを実行します。" - -msgid "" -"Look at the ``availability_zones`` attribute of each resource to confirm in " -"which zone the resource is hosted:" -msgstr "" -"どのゾーンにそのリソースが配置されたかを確認するには、各リソースの " -"``availability_zones`` を見ます。" - -msgid "ML2 driver support matrix" -msgstr "ML2 ドライバーの対応状況" - -msgid "ML2 plug-in" -msgstr "ML2 プラグイン" - -msgid "MTU considerations" -msgstr "MTU に関する考慮事項" - -msgid "MacVTap" -msgstr "MacVTap" - -msgid "MacVTap & MacVTap agent" -msgstr "MacVTap & MacVTap エージェント" - -msgid "MacVTap agent" -msgstr "MacVTap エージェント" - -msgid "MacVTap mechanism driver and MacVTap agent" -msgstr "MacVTap メカニズムドライバーと MacVTap エージェント" - -msgid "" -"MacVTap offers a direct connection with very little overhead between " -"instances and down to the adapter. You can use MacVTap agent on the compute " -"node when you require a network connection that is performance critical. It " -"does not require specific hardware (like with SRIOV)." -msgstr "" -"macvtap を使うと、インスタンスとアダプター間を非常に小さいオーバーヘッドで直" -"接接続できます。性能が非常に重要なネットワーク接続が必要な場合、コンピュート" -"ノードで macvtap エージェントを使用できます。 (SRIOV の場合のように) 特別な" -"ハードウェアは必要としません。" - -msgid "Macvtap agent" -msgstr "Macvtap エージェント" - -msgid "Macvtap mechanism driver" -msgstr "Macvtap メカニズムドライバー" - -msgid "" -"Make Compute REST API read-write again. This means legacy networking DB is " -"now unused, new changes are now stored in the Networking DB, and no rollback " -"is possible from here without losing those new changes." -msgstr "" -"Compute REST API を読み書き両用に戻します。この時点で、レガシーネットワーク用" -"の DB は使用されなくなり、新しい変更は Networking DB に格納されなくなります。" -"これ以降は新規の変更を保持したままロールバックはできません。" - -msgid "Make sure both DHCP agents hosting ``net2``:" -msgstr "両方の DHCP エージェントが ``net2`` を担当するようにします。" - -msgid "" -"Make sure that subnets on an external network are created from the subnet " -"pools created above:" -msgstr "" -"外部ネットワークのサブネットは、上記で作成したサブネットプールから作成してく" -"ださい。" - -msgid "Make sure that the router's ``ha`` attribute has changed to ``False``." -msgstr "" -"ルーターの ``ha`` 属性が ``False`` に変更されたことを確認してください。" - -msgid "Make sure that the router's ``ha`` attribute has changed to ``True``." -msgstr "ルーターの ``ha`` 属性が ``True`` に変更されたことを確認してください。" - -msgid "Make the Compute REST API read-only." -msgstr "Compute REST API を読み出し専用にします。" - -msgid "Make the Networking API read-write and disable legacy networking." -msgstr "" -"Networking API を読み書きモードにして、レガシーネットワークを無効にします。" - -msgid "Managed Configuration Flag = 0" -msgstr "Managed Configuration Flag = 0" - -msgid "Management impact" -msgstr "管理面での影響" - -msgid "Manages agents" -msgstr "エージェントを管理する" - -msgid "Managing agents in neutron deployment" -msgstr "neutron 環境でのエージェントの管理" - -msgid "Managing assignment of networks to DHCP agent" -msgstr "DHCP エージェントへのネットワーク割り当ての管理" - -msgid "Mechanism Driver" -msgstr "メカニズムドライバー" - -msgid "Mechanism drivers" -msgstr "メカニズムドライバー" - -msgid "Mechanism drivers and L2 agents" -msgstr "メカニズムドライバーと L2 エージェント" - -msgid "" -"Mechanism drivers can utilize L2 agents (via RPC) and/or interact directly " -"with external devices or controllers." -msgstr "" -"メカニズムドライバーは、 (RPC 経由で) L2 エージェントを活用したり、外部のデバ" -"イスやコントローラーと直接やり取りしたりできます。" - -msgid "Mellanox" -msgstr "Mellanox" - -msgid "Member" -msgstr "メンバー" - -msgid "" -"Members are servers that serve traffic behind a load balancer. Each member " -"is specified by the IP address and port that it uses to serve traffic." -msgstr "" -"メンバーは、ロードバランサーの裏でトラフィックを処理するサーバーです。各メン" -"バーはトラフィックを処理するのに使われる IP アドレスとポート番号で指定されま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Members may go offline from time to time and health monitors divert traffic " -"away from members that are not responding properly. Health monitors are " -"associated with pools." -msgstr "" -"メンバーは時としてオフラインになることがあります。ヘルスモニターは、正常に応" -"答していないメンバーにトラフィックが向かないようにします。ヘルスモニターは" -"プールに関連付けされます。" - -msgid "Messaging queue" -msgstr "メッセージングキュー" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "メタデータ" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Metadata agent" -msgstr "メタデータエージェント" - -msgid "" -"Migrating a router from distributed only, HA only, or legacy to distributed " -"HA is not supported at this time. The router must be created as distributed " -"HA. The reverse direction is also not supported. You cannot reconfigure a " -"distributed HA router to be only distributed, only HA, or legacy." -msgstr "" -"現時点では、分散のみ、HA のみ、レガシーモードのルーターから分散 HA ルーターへ" -"の移行には対応していません。ルーターは分散 HA モードで作成しなければいけませ" -"ん。逆方向の移行にも対応していません。分散 HA ルーターを、分散のみ、HA のみ、" -"レガシーモードに設定し直すことはできません。" - -msgid "Migration" -msgstr "移行" - -msgid "Migration Completed!" -msgstr "これで移行は完了です!" - -msgid "Migration process overview" -msgstr "移行手順の概要" - -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# miscellaneous.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Miscellaneous" -msgstr "その他" - -msgid "Modify ``/etc/neutron/policy.json`` policy entries as follows:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/policy.json`` のポリシーエントリーを以下のように変更します。" - -msgid "" -"More information about L2 population see the `OpenStack Manuals `__." -msgstr "" -"L2 population についての詳しい情報は `OpenStack マニュアル `__ を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"Multiple mechanism and type drivers can be used simultaneously to access " -"different ports of the same virtual network." -msgstr "" -"同じ仮想ネットワークのいろいろなポートを扱うために、複数のメカニズムドライ" -"バーやタイプドライバーを同時に使用できます。" - -msgid "N/A" -msgstr "N/A" - -msgid "NAT & Floating IPs" -msgstr "NAT と Floating IP" - -msgid "NO" -msgstr "いいえ" - -msgid "NO*" -msgstr "いいえ*" - -msgid "NO**" -msgstr "いいえ**" - -msgid "Name" -msgstr "名前" - -msgid "Name resolution for instances" -msgstr "インスタンス用の名前解決" - -msgid "Name: vm1" -msgstr "名前: vm1" - -msgid "Name: vm2" -msgstr "名前: vm2" - -msgid "Name: vm3" -msgstr "名前: vm3" - -msgid "Native Open vSwitch firewall driver" -msgstr "ネイティブ Open vSwitch ファイアウォールドライバー" - -msgid "" -"Network IP Availability is an information-only API extension that allows a " -"user or process to determine the number of IP addresses that are consumed " -"across networks and the allocation pools of their subnets. This extension " -"was added to neutron in the Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"ネットワーク IP アドレス利用状況機能 (network IP availability) は情報取得用" -"の API 拡張で、これを使うとユーザーやプロセスがネットワークやサブネットのアド" -"レス割り当てプールで使用されている IP アドレス数を取得できます。この API 拡張" -"は Mitaka リリースで追加されました。" - -msgid "Network address translation" -msgstr "ネットワークアドレス変換 (NAT)" - -msgid "Network components" -msgstr "ネットワークコンポーネント" - -msgid "" -"Network devices such as switches and routers can mark traffic so that it is " -"handled with a higher priority to fulfill the QoS conditions agreed under " -"the SLA. In other cases, certain network traffic such as Voice over IP " -"(VoIP) and video streaming needs to be transmitted with minimal bandwidth " -"constraints. On a system without network QoS management, all traffic will be " -"transmitted in a \"best-effort\" manner making it impossible to guarantee " -"service delivery to customers." -msgstr "" -"スイッチやルーターといったネットワークデバイスはトラフィックにマークを付ける" -"ことができ、そららを高優先度として扱うことで、 SLA において合意された QoS 条" -"件を達成します。他の例としては、 Voice over IP (VoIP) やビデオストリーミング" -"などのネットワークトラフィックを最小限の帯域制約で転送するために QoS が必要で" -"す。ネットワーク QoS 管理のないシステムでは、すべてのトラフィックは「ベストエ" -"フォート」で転送され、顧客へのサービス提供を保証することが困難になります。" - -msgid "Network namespaces" -msgstr "ネットワーク名前空間" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Network node" -msgstr "ネットワークノード" - -msgid "Network node 1" -msgstr "ネットワークノード 1" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Network node 1:" -msgstr "ネットワークノード 1:" - -msgid "Network node 2" -msgstr "ネットワークノード 2" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Network node 2:" -msgstr "ネットワークノード 2:" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Network nodes" -msgstr "ネットワークノード" - -msgid "Network scheduler" -msgstr "ネットワークスケジューラー" - -msgid "Network traffic flow" -msgstr "ネットワークトラフィックフロー" - -msgid "Network type drivers" -msgstr "ネットワークタイプドライバー" - -msgid "Networks" -msgstr "ネットワーク" - -msgid "" -"Networks created before the Mitaka release do not contain explicitly named " -"address scopes, unless the network contains subnets from a subnet pool that " -"belongs to a created or updated address scope. The Networking service " -"preserves backwards compatibility with pre-Mitaka networks through special " -"address scope properties so that these networks can perform advanced routing:" -msgstr "" -"Mitaka リリースより前に作成されたネットワークは、明示的なアドレススコープを持" -"ちません。ただし、ネットワークのサブネットが、作成、更新されたアドレススコー" -"プに属すサブネットプールから作られている場合はこの限りではありません。 " -"Networking サービスは、特別なアドレススコープを使うことで Mitaka リリースより" -"前に作成されたネットワークに対する後方互換性を実現しており、こうしたネット" -"ワークでは以下のようなルーティングが行われます。" - -msgid "Neutron configuration file ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "neutron 設定ファイル ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" - -msgid "Neutron dhcpv6_pd_agent" -msgstr "Neutron dhcpv6_pd_agent" - -msgid "" -"Neutron project networks that are assigned Global Unicast Address (GUA) " -"prefixes and addresses don’t require NAT on the neutron router external " -"gateway port to access the outside world. As a consequence of the lack of " -"NAT the external router port doesn’t require a GUA to send and receive to " -"the external networks. This implies a GUA IPv6 subnet prefix is not " -"necessarily needed for the neutron external network. By default, a IPv6 LLA " -"associated with the external gateway port can be used for routing purposes. " -"To handle this scenario, the implementation of router-gateway-set API in " -"neutron has been modified so that an IPv6 subnet is not required for the " -"external network that is associated with the neutron router. The LLA address " -"of the upstream router can be learned in two ways." -msgstr "" -"グローバルに一意なアドレス (Global Unicast Address; GUA) プレフィックスとアド" -"レスを割り当てられた neutron プロジェクトネットワークは、外部の世界にアクセス" -"する際に neutron ルーターの外部ゲートウェイポートでの NAT が不要です。 NAT が" -"不要なため、外部ルーターポートは外部ネットワークと送受信するための GUA が必要" -"ありません。これは、neutron 外部ネットワークに GUA な IPv6 サブネットプレ" -"フィックスが不要なことを意味します。デフォルトでは、外部ゲートウェイポートに" -"関連付けられた IPv6 LLA がルーティング用に使用されます。このシナリオに対応す" -"るため、 neutron の router-gateway-set API に変更が行われ、 neutron ルーター" -"に関連付ける外部ネットワークで IPv6 サブネットが必須ではなくなりました。 上流" -"ルーターの LLA アドレスは以下の 2 つの方法で学習されます。" - -msgid "" -"Neutron routers, by default, will NAT traffic from internal networks to " -"external networks." -msgstr "" -"デフォルトでは、Neutron ルーターは、内部ネットワークから外部ネットワークへの" -"トラフィックに対して NAT を行います。" - -msgid "Neutron subnets and the IPv6 API attributes" -msgstr "Neutron サブネットと IPv6 API 属性" - -msgid "Neutron's Distributed Router feature and IPv6" -msgstr "Neutron の DVR (分散ルーター機能) と IPv6" - -msgid "" -"Next, you'll need to migrate each hypervisor. To do that, follow these " -"steps:" -msgstr "" -"次に、各ハイパーバイザーを移行する必要があります。以下の手順を行います。" - -msgid "No" -msgstr "いいえ" - -msgid "No additional configuration required." -msgstr "追加の設定はありません。" - -msgid "" -"No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional " -"agent configuration is required. For details, see the related *L2 agent* " -"section below." -msgstr "" -"メカニズムドライバーに関する追加の設定は不要です。追加のエージェント設定が必" -"要です。詳細は下記の *L2 エージェント* の節を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver. Additional " -"agent configuration is required. Please see the related section." -msgstr "" -"メカニズムドライバーに関する追加の設定は不要です。追加のエージェント設定が必" -"要です。関連する節を参照してください。" - -msgid "No changes." -msgstr "変更なし。" - -msgid "Nodes" -msgstr "ノード" - -msgid "North-south" -msgstr "ノース・サウス" - -msgid "Not Defined" -msgstr "未定義" - -msgid "Not currently implemented in the reference implementation." -msgstr "今のところ参照実装では未実装です。" - -msgid "Not specified." -msgstr "指定なし" - -msgid "" -"Note that if you are using VLANs on your physical switches to implement " -"project isolation in your OpenStack cloud, you must ensure that all of your " -"switchports are configured as trunk ports." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack クラウドでプロジェクト分離を行うために物理スイッチで VLAN を使う場" -"合、すべてのスイッチポートをトランクポートとして設定する必要がある点に注意し" -"てください。" - -msgid "Note that in this use case:" -msgstr "このユースケースで注意する点は以下です。" - -msgid "" -"Now consider the scenario that all of the switchports in the first switch " -"become occupied, and so the organization buys a second switch and connects " -"it to the first switch to expand the available number of switchports. The " -"second switch is also configured to support VLAN IDs 10, 11, and 12. Now " -"imagine host A connected to switch 1 on a port configured for VLAN ID 10 " -"sends an Ethernet frame intended for host B connected to switch 2 on a port " -"configured for VLAN ID 10. When switch 1 forwards the Ethernet frame to " -"switch 2, it must communicate that the frame is associated with VLAN ID 10." -msgstr "" -"今度は、 1 台目のスイッチのスイッチポートがすべて利用され、組織が 2 台目のス" -"イッチを購入して、1 台目のスイッチに接続して、利用できるスイッチポート数を拡" -"張する、というシナリオを考えましょう。 2 台目のスイッチも VLAN 10, 11, 12 が" -"使用できるように設定します。ここで、スイッチ 1 の VLAN ID 10 に設定されたポー" -"トに接続されたホスト A が、スイッチ 2 の VLAN ID 10 に設定されたポートに接続" -"されたホスト B に Ethernet フレームを送信する場面を考えます。スイッチ 1 は " -"Ethernet フレームをスイッチ 2 に転送する際に、そのフレームは VLAN ID 10 に関" -"連付けられていることを伝える必要があります。" - -msgid "Now, use them. It is easy to create a subnet from a pool:" -msgstr "" -"このサブネットプールを使ってみましょう。プールからサブネットを作るのは簡単で" -"す。" - -msgid "OVS" -msgstr "OVS" - -msgid "OVS 2.4" -msgstr "OVS 2.4" - -msgid "OVS 2.5" -msgstr "OVS 2.5" - -msgid "OVS agent" -msgstr "OVS エージェント" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Obtain access to the instance." -msgstr "インスタンスにアクセスします。" - -msgid "" -"Octavia provides additional capabilities for load balancers, including using " -"a compute driver to build instances that operate as load balancers. The " -"`Hands on Lab - Install and Configure OpenStack Octavia `_ session at the OpenStack " -"Summit in Tokyo provides an overview of Octavia." -msgstr "" -"Octavia はロードバランサーに関する追加の機能を提供します。例えば、コンピュー" -"トドライバーを使って、ロードバランサーとして機能するインスタンスを作成すると" -"いったことです。 Octavia の概要については、東京の OpenStack Summit でのセッ" -"ション `Hands on Lab - Install and Configure OpenStack Octavia (ハンズオンラ" -"ボ - OpenStack Octavia のインストールと設定) `_ を見てください。" - -msgid "Off" -msgstr "オフ" - -msgid "" -"Offline migration requires all Neutron server instances in the cluster to be " -"shutdown before you apply any contract scripts." -msgstr "" -"オフライン移行を行うには、 contract スクリプトを適用する前に、クラスター内の" -"すべての Neutron サーバーをシャットダウンする必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"Often, an application running on a host with a private IP address will need " -"to connect to a server on the public Internet. An example is a user who " -"wants to access a public website such as www.openstack.org. If the IP " -"packets reach the web server at www.openstack.org with a private IP address " -"as the source, then the web server cannot send packets back to the sender." -msgstr "" -"プライベート IP アドレスを持つホストで動作するアプリケーションがパブリックな" -"インターネット上のサーバーへの接続を必要とすることはしばしばあります。 1 例と" -"しては、ユーザーが www.openstack.org のような公開ウェブサイトにアクセスしたい" -"場面があるでしょう。 IP パケットが送信元アドレスがプライベート IP アドレスを" -"持ったまま www.openstack.org があるウェブサーバーに到達してしまうと、ウェブ" -"サーバーは送信元にパケットを送り返すことができません。" - -msgid "" -"On Ubuntu, the iptables ruleset that libvirt creates includes the following " -"rules::" -msgstr "" -"Ubuntu では、 libvirt が作成する iptable ルールセットには以下のルールが含まれ" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"On a Linux machine, any of the following commands displays the routing table:" -msgstr "" -"Linux マシンでは、以下のどのコマンドを使ってもルーティングテーブルを表示でき" -"ます。" - -msgid "On compute nodes:" -msgstr "コンピュートノード:" - -msgid "On each compute node, create the VFs via the PCI SYS interface:" -msgstr "" -"各コンピュートノードで、 PCI SYS インターフェース経由で VF を作成します。" - -msgid "" -"On every controller node running the ``nova-scheduler`` service, add " -"``PciPassthroughFilter`` to ``scheduler_default_filters`` to enable " -"``PciPassthroughFilter`` by default. Also ensure " -"``scheduler_available_filters`` parameter under the ``[DEFAULT]`` section in " -"``nova.conf`` is set to ``all_filters`` to enable all filters provided by " -"the Compute service." -msgstr "" -"``nova-scheduler`` サービスを実行しているすべてのコントローラーノードで、 " -"``scheduler_default_filters`` パラメーターに ``PciPassthroughFilter`` を追加" -"し、デフォルトで ``PciPassthroughFilter`` が有効になるようにします。また、 " -"Compute サービスで提供されているすべてのフィルターが有効になるように、 " -"``nova.conf`` の ``[DEFAULT]`` セクションの ``scheduler_available_filters`` " -"パラメーターを ``all_filters`` に設定します。" - -msgid "On network nodes:" -msgstr "ネットワークノード:" - -msgid "" -"On nodes running the Open vSwitch agent, edit the ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` " -"file and enable the firewall driver." -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch エージェントが動作しているノードで、 ``openvswitch_agent.ini`` " -"ファイルを編集し、ファイアウォールドライバーを有効にします。" - -msgid "" -"On some PCI devices, observe that when changing the amount of VFs you " -"receive the error ``Device or resource busy``. In this case, you must first " -"set ``sriov_numvfs`` to ``0``, then set it to your new value." -msgstr "" -"PCI デバイスによっては、 VF の総数を変更する際に ``Device or resource busy`` " -"というエラーを出る場合があります。この場合は、まず ``sriov_numvfs`` を ``0`` " -"に設定し、それから新しい値に設定してください。" - -msgid "" -"On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, " -"``ping`` the IPv6 address of the instance." -msgstr "" -"コントローラーノードかプロバイダーネットワークに接続されているホストから、イ" -"ンスタンスの IPv6 アドレスに ``ping`` を行います。" - -msgid "" -"On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, " -"``ping`` the floating IPv4 address of the instance." -msgstr "" -"コントローラーノードかプロバイダーネットワークに接続されているホストから、イ" -"ンスタンスの floating IPv4 アドレスに ``ping`` を行います。" - -msgid "On the network node, verify creation of the ``qrouter`` namespace." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークノードにおいて、``qrouter`` 名前空間が作成されていることを確認し" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"Once configuration is complete, you can launch instances with SR-IOV ports." -msgstr "設定が完了したら、 SR-IOV ポートを持ったインスタンスを起動できます。" - -msgid "" -"Once starting the migration, south-north connections (instances to internet) " -"will be severed. New connections will be able to start only when the " -"migration is complete." -msgstr "" -"一度移行作業を開始すると、south-north トラフィック (インスタンスからインター" -"ネット) は切断されます。新しいコネクションを開始できるのは移行完了後です。" - -msgid "" -"Once the ``neutron-server`` has been configured and restarted, users will " -"have functionality that covers three use cases, described in the following " -"sections. In each of the use cases described below:" -msgstr "" -"``neutron-server`` の設定と再起動が終わると、ユーザーは以下の節で説明する 3 " -"つのユースケースが実現できる機能を使えるようになります。各ユースケースに共通" -"の事項として以下があります。" - -msgid "" -"Once these steps are executed, the port's DNS data will be published in the " -"external DNS service. This is an example:" -msgstr "" -"これらの手順を実行すると、ポートの DNS データが外部 DNS サービスで公開されま" -"す。例を示します。" - -msgid "" -"Once you have stacked run the command below to start the neutron-pd-agent:" -msgstr "" -"DevStack 実行後は、以下のコマンドを実行して neutron-pd-agent を開始します。" - -msgid "One BGP agent." -msgstr "1 個の BGP エージェント。" - -msgid "One provider network using IP address range" -msgstr "" -"1 個のプロバイダーネットワーク。 IP アドレス範囲として を使用" -"します。" - -msgid "One-to-one NAT" -msgstr "One-to-One (1対1) NAT" - -msgid "" -"Only compute resources can be attached via macvtap. Attaching other " -"resources like DHCP, Routers and others is not supported. Therefore run " -"either OVS or linux bridge in VLAN or flat mode on the controller node." -msgstr "" -"コンピュートリソースだけが macvtap 経由で接続できます。 DHCP、ルーターなどの" -"他のリソースの接続には対応していません。したがって、コントローラーノードでは " -"OVS エージェントか Linux ブリッジエージェントを VLAN かフラットモードで動かし" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"Only for :ref:`config-dns-use-case-1`, if the port binding extension is " -"enabled in the Networking service, the Compute service will execute one " -"additional port update operation when allocating the port for the instance " -"during the boot process. This may have a noticeable adverse effect in the " -"performance of the boot process that must be evaluated before adoption of " -"this use case." -msgstr "" -":ref:`config-dns-use-case-1` の場合だけですが、 Networking サービスで port " -"binding API 拡張が有効になっている場合、 Compute サービスは起動処理中にインス" -"タンスにポートを割り当てる際に余計に 1 回ポート更新操作を行うことになります。" -"このことは、起動処理の性能に目に見えるマイナス影響を与える可能性もあり、この" -"ユースケースを採用する前に評価を行うべきです。" - -msgid "Open source" -msgstr "オープンソース" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Open vSwitch" -msgstr "Open vSwitch" - -msgid "Open vSwitch & Open vSwitch agent" -msgstr "Open vSwitch & Open vSwitch エージェント" - -msgid "" -"Open vSwitch (OVS) provides support for a Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) " -"datapath since OVS 2.2, and a DPDK-backed ``vhost-user`` virtual interface " -"since OVS 2.4. The DPDK datapath provides lower latency and higher " -"performance than the standard kernel OVS datapath, while DPDK-backed ``vhost-" -"user`` interfaces can connect guests to this datapath. For more information " -"on DPDK, refer to the `DPDK `__ website." -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch (OVS) は、 OVS 2.2 以降で Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) デー" -"タパスに対応しており、 OVS 2.4 以降では DPDK を利用した ``vhost-user`` 仮想イ" -"ンターフェースに対応しています。 DPDK データパスを使うと、標準のカーネル OVS " -"のデータパスよりも低遅延で高性能なデータパスが実現できます。 DPDK を利用した " -"``vhost-user`` インターフェースを使うと、ゲストを DPDK データパスに接続できま" -"す。 DPDK の詳しい情報は `DPDK `__ のウェブサイトを参照して" -"ください。" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Open vSwitch agent" -msgstr "Open vSwitch エージェント" - -msgid "Open vSwitch agent, Linux bridge agent" -msgstr "Open vSwitch エージェント、 Linux ブリッジエージェント" - -msgid "Open vSwitch mechanism and Open vSwitch agent" -msgstr "Open vSwitch メカニズムドライバーと Open vSwitch エージェント" - -msgid "Open vSwitch with DPDK datapath" -msgstr "Open vSwitch を DPDK データパスで使用する" - -msgid "OpenContrail" -msgstr "OpenContrail" - -msgid "OpenDaylight" -msgstr "OpenDaylight" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack :term:`Compute service (nova)` is used to plug each virtual NIC on " -"the VM into a particular network." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Compute サービス (nova) ` は、仮想マ" -"シンの各仮想 NIC を特定のネットワークに差し込むために使用されます。" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack :term:`Dashboard (horizon)` is used by administrators and project " -"users to create and manage network services through a web-based graphical " -"interface." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Dashboard (horizon)` は、管理者やプロジェクトのユーザーが、" -"ウェブベースの GUI で、ネットワークサービスを作成、管理するのに使用されます。" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking" -msgstr "OpenStack Networking" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking Guide" -msgstr "OpenStack ネットワークガイド" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking allows you to create and manage network objects, such " -"as networks, subnets, and ports, which other OpenStack services can use. " -"Plug-ins can be implemented to accommodate different networking equipment " -"and software, providing flexibility to OpenStack architecture and deployment." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking により、ネットワーク、サブネット、ポートなどのネットワー" -"クオブジェクトを作成、管理でき、これらのネットワークオブジェクトは他の " -"OpenStack サービスも利用できます。プラグインにより様々なネットワーク装置や" -"ネットワークソフトウェアを収容することができ、 自由度のある OpenStack アーキ" -"テクチャーやデプロイメントが実現できます。" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking consists of the neutron-server, a database for " -"persistent storage, and any number of plug-in agents, which provide other " -"services such as interfacing with native Linux networking mechanisms, " -"external devices, or SDN controllers." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking は、 neutron-server、永続ストレージとしてのデータベース" -"と、任意の数のプラグインエージェントで構成されます。プラグインエージェント" -"は、 Linux が持つネットワーク機構、外部デバイス、SDN コントローラーなどとやり" -"取りを行い、それ以外のサービスを提供します。" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking integrates with various OpenStack components:" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking は、さまざまな OpenStack コンポーネントと統合されていま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack Networking is entirely standalone and can be deployed to a " -"dedicated host. If your deployment uses a controller host to run centralized " -"Compute components, you can deploy the Networking server to that specific " -"host instead." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking は完全にそれだけで完結しており、専用のホストのデプロイで" -"きます。お使いの環境で、 Compute の集中型のコンポーネントを実行するコントロー" -"ラーホストを使っている場合は、 Networking サーバーをそのホストに置くこともで" -"きます。" - -msgid "OpenStack Networking plug-in and agents" -msgstr "OpenStack Networking プラグインとエージェント" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack can be setup such that OpenStack Networking directly provides RA, " -"DHCP relay and DHCPv6 address and optional information for their networks or " -"this can be delegated to external routers and services based on the drivers " -"that are in use. There are two neutron subnet attributes - ``ipv6_ra_mode`` " -"and ``ipv6_address_mode`` – that determine how IPv6 addressing and network " -"information is provided to project instances:" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack は、OpenStack Networking が OpenStack 上のネットワークに対して " -"RA、 DHCP relay、 DHCPv6 アドレス、追加の情報を直接提供するようにセットアップ" -"することも、こうした機能を使用するドライバーに基いて外部のルーターやサービス" -"に移譲できるようにすることもできます。 Neutron サブネットには、 " -"``ipv6_ra_mode`` と ``ipv6_address_mode`` という 2 つの属性があり、これらの属" -"性により IPv6 アドレスとネットワーク情報をプロジェクトのインスタンスにどのよ" -"うに提供するかが決定されます。" - -msgid "OpenStack control & management network considerations" -msgstr "OpenStack の制御、管理ネットワークでの考慮事項" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack control communication between servers and services over an IPv6 " -"network." -msgstr "IPv6 ネットワーク越しの、サーバー間、サービス間での OpenStack 制御通信" - -msgid "OpenStack controller host - controlnode" -msgstr "OpenStack コントローラーホスト - controlnode" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack currently doesn't support the privacy extensions defined by RFC " -"4941. The interface identifier and DUID used must be directly derived from " -"the MAC as described in RFC 2373. The compute hosts must not be setup to " -"utilize the privacy extensions when generating their interface identifier." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack は現在のところ RFC 4941 で定義されたプライバシー拡張に対応していま" -"せん。使用するインターフェース識別子と DUID は、 RFC 2373 に書かれているよう" -"に直接 MAC に基づいて生成される必要があります。コンピュートホストは、インター" -"フェース識別子の生成時にプライバシー拡張を使用しないように設定しなければいけ" -"ません。" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack uses DNAT to route packets from instances to the OpenStack " -"metadata service. Applications running inside of instances access the " -"OpenStack metadata service by making HTTP GET requests to a web server with " -"IP address In an OpenStack deployment, there is no host " -"with this IP address. Instead, OpenStack uses DNAT to change the destination " -"IP of these packets so they reach the network interface that a metadata " -"service is listening on." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack は、インスタンスからのパケットを OpenStack メタデータサービスにルー" -"ティングするために、DNAT を使用します。インスタンス内で動作するアプリケーショ" -"ンは、 IP アドレス のウェブサーバーに HTTP GET リクエストを行" -"うことで、 OpenStack メタデータサービスにアクセスします。 OpenStack 環境で" -"は、この IP アドレスを持つホストはありません。その代わり、 OpenStack は、 " -"DNAT を使ってこれらのパケットの宛先 IP アドレスを変更し、メタデータサービスが" -"リッスンしているネットワークインターフェースにパケットが届くようにします。" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack uses SNAT to enable applications running inside of instances to " -"connect out to the public Internet." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack は SNAT を使うことで、インスタンス内で動作するアプリケーションがパ" -"ブリックなインターネットに出て行けるようにしています。" - -msgid "" -"OpenStack uses a third-party program called `dnsmasq `_ to implement the DHCP server. Dnsmasq writes to " -"the syslog, where you can observe the DHCP request and replies::" -msgstr "" -"OpenStack は第三者製のプログラム `dnsmasq `_ を使って DHCP サーバーを実装しています。 dnsmasq は " -"syslog に書き込みます。 DHCP 要求と応答を確認できます。::" - -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "運用" - -msgid "Operation with Distributed Virtual Routers (DVR)" -msgstr "分散仮想ルーター (DVR) 利用時の動作" - -msgid "Operations" -msgstr "運用" - -msgid "Operations impact" -msgstr "運用面での影響" - -msgid "" -"Operators (and users with admin role) can get the auto-allocated topology " -"for a project by specifying the project ID:" -msgstr "" -"運用者 (や管理者ロールを持つユーザー) は、プロジェクト ID を指定することで、" -"プロジェクト用の自動割り当てされたネットワークトポロジーを取得することもでき" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"Optionally, create another subnet on the network with a different service " -"type. For example, the ``compute:foo`` arbitrary service type." -msgstr "" -"別のサービスタイプを指定して、同じネットワーク上に別のサブネットを作成するこ" -"ともできます。例えば、 ``compute:foo`` といった任意のサービスタイプを指定でき" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"Optionally, set the needed ``notification_drivers`` in the ``[qos]`` section " -"in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` (``message_queue`` is the default)." -msgstr "" -"必要であれば、 ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` の ``[qos]`` セクションで必要な " -"``notification_drivers`` を設定してください (デフォルト値は " -"``message_queue`` です)。" - -msgid "Or to run in headless mode:" -msgstr "もしくは headless モードで実行するには、以下のようにします。" - -msgid "Other Configuration Flag = 0" -msgstr "Other Configuration Flag = 0" - -msgid "Other Configuration Flag = 1" -msgstr "Other Configuration Flag = 1" - -msgid "Other features such as BGP dynamic routing" -msgstr "BGP 動的ルーティングなどの機能" - -msgid "" -"Other networks including provider networks and flat or VLAN self-service " -"networks assume the value of the ``global_physnet_mtu`` option." -msgstr "" -"プロバイダーネットワークや flat/VLAN のセルフサービスネットワークなどの他の" -"ネットワークでは ``global_physnet_mtu`` オプションの値が使用されます。" - -msgid "Overlay (tunnel) protocols" -msgstr "オーバーレイ (トンネル) プロトコル" - -msgid "Overview" -msgstr "概要" - -msgid "" -"PCI ``vendor_id`` and ``product_id`` as displayed by the Linux utility " -"``lspci``." -msgstr "" -"PCI ``vendor_id`` と ``product_id`` は Linux のユーティリティー ``lspci`` で" -"表示できます。" - -msgid "" -"PCI address: The address uses the same syntax as in ``lspci`` and an " -"asterisk (*) can be used to match anything." -msgstr "" -"PCI アドレス: アドレスは ``lspci`` と同じ書式を使用します、アスタリスク (*) " -"は任意のものにマッチすることを示します。" - -msgid "" -"PCI-SIG Single Root I/O Virtualization and Sharing (SR-IOV) functionality is " -"available in OpenStack since the Juno release. The SR-IOV specification " -"defines a standardized mechanism to virtualize PCIe devices. This mechanism " -"can virtualize a single PCIe Ethernet controller to appear as multiple PCIe " -"devices. Each device can be directly assigned to an instance, bypassing the " -"hypervisor and virtual switch layer. As a result, users are able to achieve " -"low latency and near-line wire speed." -msgstr "" -"PCI-SGI の Single Root I/O Virtualization and Sharing (SR-IOV) 機能は Juno リ" -"リース以降の OpenStack で利用できます。 SR-IOV 規格は、PCIe デバイスを仮想化" -"する標準化された仕組みを定義しています。この仕組みを使うと、 1 つの PCIe " -"Ethernet コントローラーを仮想化して、複数の PCIe デバイスのように見せることが" -"できます。各仮想デバイスは、ハイパーバイザーと仮想スイッチの層を経由せずに、" -"直接インスタンスに割り当てることができます。その結果、ユーザーは低遅延とライ" -"ンレートに近い通信速度を得ることができます。" - -msgid "PF" -msgstr "PF" - -msgid "Performance considerations" -msgstr "性能面の考慮事項" - -msgid "Performance impact" -msgstr "性能面での影響" - -msgid "Persist created VFs on reboot:" -msgstr "再起動時にも作成 VF が保持されるようにします。" - -msgid "" -"Physical Function. The physical Ethernet controller that supports SR-IOV." -msgstr "" -"Physical Function (物理機能)。SR-IOV に対応した物理 Ethernet コントローラーで" -"す。" - -msgid "Physical Network" -msgstr "物理ネットワーク" - -msgid "Plug-ins" -msgstr "プラグイン" - -msgid "" -"Plugs and unplugs ports, creates networks or subnets, and provides IP " -"addressing. The chosen plug-in and agents differ depending on the vendor and " -"technologies used in the particular cloud. It is important to mention that " -"only one plug-in can be used at a time." -msgstr "" -"ポートの接続と抜去、ネットワークとサブネットの作成、IP アドレスの割り当てを行" -"います。選択したプラグインは、そのクラウドで使用されるベンダーや技術により異" -"なります。大事なのは、同時には 1 つのプラグインしか使用できないことです。" - -msgid "Pool" -msgstr "プール" - -msgid "Populate the database." -msgstr "データベースを展開します。" - -msgid "Port chain" -msgstr "ポートチェイン (port chain)" - -msgid "Port pair" -msgstr "ポートペア (port_pair)" - -msgid "Port pair group" -msgstr "ポートペアグループ (port pair group)" - -msgid "Port pair: [p1, p2]" -msgstr "ポートペア: [p1, p2]" - -msgid "Port pair: [p3, p4]" -msgstr "ポートペア: [p3, p4]" - -msgid "Port pair: [p5, p6]" -msgstr "ポートペア: [p5, p6]" - -msgid "Ports" -msgstr "ポート" - -msgid "Ports can be created with a policy attached to them too." -msgstr "ポート作成時に QoS ポリシーを関連付けることもできます。" - -msgid "" -"Pre-Mitaka address scopes are not visible through the API. You cannot list " -"address scopes or show details. Scopes exist implicitly as a catch-all for " -"addresses that are not explicitly scoped." -msgstr "" -"Mitaka リリース以前用のアドレススコープは API 経由では見えません。このスコー" -"プはアドレススコープの一覧には出て来ませんし、詳細を見ることもできません。こ" -"のスコープは、明示的にスコープが指定されていないすべてのアドレスを暗黙のうち" -"に収容するためだけに存在します。" - -msgid "Prefix advertisement" -msgstr "プレフィックス広告" - -msgid "Prefix delegation" -msgstr "Prefix delegation (プレフィックス移譲)" - -msgid "" -"Prefix delegation became available in the Liberty release, it is not " -"available in the Kilo release. HA and DVR routers are not currently " -"supported by this feature." -msgstr "" -"prefix delegation が利用できるようになったのは Liberty リリースです。Kilo リ" -"リースでは利用できません。 HA ルーターと DVR ルーターは現時点ではこの機能に対" -"応していません。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Prerequisites" -msgstr "前提" - -msgid "Prerequisites for demonstration" -msgstr "デモの前提条件" - -msgid "Preventing regular users from sharing objects with each other" -msgstr "通常ユーザー同士のオブジェクトの共有をさせたくない場合" - -msgid "" -"Project network configurations are made in the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/" -"ml2_conf.ini`` configuration file on the neutron server:" -msgstr "" -"プロジェクトネットワークの設定は、 neutron サーバーの ``/etc/neutron/plugins/" -"ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` ファイルで行われます。" - -msgid "Project network considerations" -msgstr "プロジェクトネットワークでの考慮事項" - -msgid "Project network types" -msgstr "プロジェクトネットワーク種別" - -msgid "Project resources created by auto-allocation" -msgstr "自動割り当てで作成されるプロジェクトのリソース" - -msgid "Proprietary (vendor)" -msgstr "プロプライエタリティ (ベンダー)" - -msgid "Provider network (VLAN)" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク (VLAN)" - -msgid "Provider network 1 (VLAN)" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク 1 (VLAN)" - -msgid "Provider network 1:" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク 1:" - -msgid "Provider network 2 (VLAN)" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク 2 (VLAN)" - -msgid "Provider network 2:" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク 2:" - -msgid "Provider network types" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク種別" - -msgid "Provider networks" -msgstr "プロバイダーネットワーク" - -msgid "Provides API, manages database, etc." -msgstr "API を提供する、データベースを管理する、など" - -msgid "Provides layer 2/3 connectivity to instances" -msgstr "レイヤー 2/3 の接続性をインスタンスに提供する" - -msgid "QEMU 2.1.0" -msgstr "QEMU 2.1.0" - -msgid "QEMU 2.5" -msgstr "QEMU 2.5" - -msgid "QLogic" -msgstr "QLogic" - -msgid "" -"QoS currently works with ml2 only (SR-IOV, Open vSwitch, and linuxbridge are " -"drivers that are enabled for QoS in Mitaka release)." -msgstr "" -"現時点では QoS は ML2 でのみ動作します (Mitaka リリースでは QoS が有効なドラ" -"イバーは SR-IOV、 Open vSwitch、 Linux ブリッジです)。" - -msgid "" -"QoS is an advanced service plug-in. QoS is decoupled from the rest of the " -"OpenStack Networking code on multiple levels and it is available through the " -"ml2 extension driver." -msgstr "" -"QoS はサービスプラグインです。 QoS は OpenStack Networking の他のコードから" -"様々なレベルで疎結合になっており、ML2 extension ドライバー経由で利用可能に" -"なっています。" - -msgid "" -"QoS is defined as the ability to guarantee certain network requirements like " -"bandwidth, latency, jitter, and reliability in order to satisfy a Service " -"Level Agreement (SLA) between an application provider and end users." -msgstr "" -"QoS は、帯域、遅延、ジッター、信頼性などのある種のネットワーク要件を保証する" -"機能で、アプリケーションプロバイダーとユーザー間のサービスレベル合意 (SLA) を" -"満たすために使用されます。" - -msgid "" -"QoS policies are only created by admins with the default ``policy.json``. " -"Therefore, you should have the cloud operator set them up on behalf of the " -"cloud projects." -msgstr "" -"デフォルトの ``policy.json`` では管理者だけが QoS ポリシーを作成できます。そ" -"のため、クラウドオペレーターはクラウドのプロジェクトのために QoS ポリシーを作" -"成する必要があります。" - -msgid "Quality of Service (QoS)" -msgstr "QoS (Quality of Service)" - -msgid "Quotas" -msgstr "クォータ" - -msgid "" -"Quotas are available for limiting the number of load balancers and load " -"balancer pools. By default, both quotas are set to 10." -msgstr "" -"クォータを使って、ロードバランサー数とロードバランサープール数を制限すること" -"ができます。デフォルトでは、どちらのクォータも 10 に設定されます。" - -msgid "RO" -msgstr "RO" - -msgid "RW(POST only)" -msgstr "RW (POST のみ)" - -msgid "Rack" -msgstr "ラック" - -msgid "Re-enable the hypervisor." -msgstr "ハイパーバイザーを有効に戻します。" - -msgid "" -"Reboot the hypervisor (or run \"smart\" live transition tool if available)." -msgstr "" -"ハイパーバイザーを再起動します (もしくは「賢い」動かしたまま移行できるツール" -"があればそれを実行します)。" - -msgid "Reference Implementation" -msgstr "参照実装" - -msgid "Reference implementations" -msgstr "参照実装" - -msgid "Reference implementations and other agents" -msgstr "参照実装のそれ以外のエージェント" - -msgid "References" -msgstr "参考資料" - -msgid "Referencing a subnet pool during subnet creation" -msgstr "サブネット作成時にサブネットプールを指定する" - -msgid "" -"Regardless of address scopes, the floating IPs can be pinged from the " -"external network:" -msgstr "" -"アドレススコープに関係なく、 Floating IP には外部ネットワークから ping が可能" -"です。" - -msgid "Regular port creation permissions on networks (since Liberty)." -msgstr "ネットワークに通常のポートを作成する許可 (Liberty 以降)" - -msgid "Remove a network from a specified DHCP agent." -msgstr "ネットワークを指定した DHCP エージェントから削除します。" - -msgid "Remove a tag from a resource:" -msgstr "リソースからタグを削除します。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable " -"from all virtual networks. For example:" -msgstr "" -"``DNS_RESOLVER`` は、すべての仮想ネットワークから到達可能な DNS レゾルバーの " -"IP アドレスで置き換えてください。例:" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable " -"from the virtual network and ``SUBNET_ID_OR_NAME`` with the UUID or name of " -"the subnet. For example, using the ``selfservice`` subnet:" -msgstr "" -"``DNS_RESOLVER`` は仮想ネットワークから到達可能な DNS レゾルバーの IP アドレ" -"スで、 ``SUBNET_ID_OR_NAME`` はサブネットの UUID か名前で置き換えてください。" -"例えば、 ``selfservice`` サブネットを使用する場合:" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``DNS_RESOLVER`` with the IP address of a DNS resolver reachable " -"from the virtual network. For example:" -msgstr "" -"``DNS_RESOLVER`` は仮想ネットワークから到達可能な DNS レゾルバーの IP アドレ" -"スで置き換えてください。例:" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``INTERFACE_DRIVER`` with the interface driver that the layer-2 " -"agent in your environment uses. For example, ``openvswitch`` for Open " -"vSwitch or ``linuxbridge`` for Linux bridge." -msgstr "" -"``INTERFACE_DRIVER`` は、お使いの環境のレイヤー 2 エージェントが使用するイン" -"ターフェースドライバーに置き換えます。例えば、 Open vSwitch の場合は " -"``openvswitch`` 、 Linux ブリッジの場合は ``linuxbridge`` です。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``LOCAL_AS`` with an appropriate local autonomous system number. The " -"example configuration uses AS 1234." -msgstr "" -"``LOCAL_AS`` は、適切なローカル AS 番号 (autonomous system number) に置き換え" -"てください。設定例では AS 1234 を使っています。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``MIN_VXLAN_ID`` and ``MAX_VXLAN_ID`` with VXLAN ID minimum and " -"maximum values suitable for your environment." -msgstr "" -"``MIN_VXLAN_ID``, ``MAX_VXLAN_ID`` は、お使いの環境に応じた VXLAN ID の最小" -"値、最大値に置き換えてください。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the " -"interface that handles VXLAN overlays for self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"``OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` は、セルフサービスネットワーク向けの VXLAN " -"オーバーレイを扱うインターフェースの IP アドレスに置き換えます。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``P1_ID``, ``P2_ID``, ``P3_ID``, ``P4_ID``, ``P5_ID``, and ``P6_ID`` " -"with the UUIDs of the respective ports." -msgstr "" -"``P1_ID``, ``P2_ID``, ``P3_ID``, ``P4_ID``, ``P5_ID``, ``P6_ID`` は、それぞれ" -"のポートの UUID に置き換えてください。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` with the name of the underlying interface " -"that handles provider networks. For example, ``eth1``." -msgstr "" -"``PROVIDER_INTERFACE`` は、 プロバイダーネットワークを処理するインターフェー" -"ス名で置き換えます。例えば、 ``eth1`` など。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``REMOTE_AS`` with an appropriate remote autonomous system number. " -"The example configuration uses AS 4321 which triggers EBGP peering." -msgstr "" -"``REMOTE_AS`` は、適切なリモート AS 番号 (autonomous system number) に置き換" -"えてください。設定例では AS 4321 を使用し、 EBGP ピアリングで接続されます。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``ROUTER_ID`` with a suitable unique 32-bit number, typically an " -"IPv4 address on the host running the agent. For example," -msgstr "" -"``ROUTER_ID`` は、適切な一意な 32 ビットの数字に置き換えます。通常は、エー" -"ジェントが動作しているホストの IPv4 アドレスを使います。例:。" - -msgid "" -"Replace ``TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the interface " -"that handles VXLAN project networks." -msgstr "" -"``TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS`` は、VXLAN プロジェクトネットワークを扱うイン" -"ターフェースの IP アドレスに置き換えます。" - -msgid "Replace all tags on the resource:" -msgstr "リソースのタグをすべて置き換えます。" - -msgid "Required" -msgstr "必須" - -msgid "Required extensions" -msgstr "必要な拡張機能" - -msgid "Requirements" -msgstr "要件" - -msgid "Resource" -msgstr "リソース" - -msgid "Resource purge" -msgstr "リソースの一括削除" - -msgid "Resource tags" -msgstr "リソースタグ" - -msgid "Resources" -msgstr "リソース" - -msgid "Restart Apache to activate the new panel:" -msgstr "Apache を再起動して、新しいパネルを有効にします。" - -msgid "" -"Restart the Network service to activate the new configuration. You are now " -"ready to create and manage load balancers with Octavia." -msgstr "" -"新しい設定を有効にするために Network サービスを再起動してください。この時点" -"で Octavia でロードバランサーを作成できるようになります。" - -msgid "" -"Restart the Network service to activate the new configuration. You are now " -"ready to create load balancers with the LBaaS v2 agent." -msgstr "" -"新しい設定を有効にするために Network サービスを再起動してください。この時点" -"で LBaaS v2 エージェントでロードバランサーを作成できるようになります。" - -msgid "" -"Restart the ``neutron-l3-agent`` and ``neutron-server`` services to apply " -"the settings." -msgstr "" -"設定を適用するために``neutron-l3-agent`` と``neutron-server``を再起動しま" -"す。 " - -msgid "Restart the ``neutron-server`` service." -msgstr "``neutron-server`` サービスを再起動します。" - -msgid "Restart the ``nova-compute`` service for the changes to go into effect." -msgstr "``nova-compute`` サービスを再起動し、変更を反映します。" - -msgid "Restart the ``nova-scheduler`` service." -msgstr "``nova-scheduler`` サービスを再起動します。" - -msgid "Restart the following services:" -msgstr "以下のサービスを再起動します。" - -msgid "Result" -msgstr "結果" - -msgid "Retrieving load balancer statistics" -msgstr "ロードバランサーの統計情報の取得" - -msgid "Return traffic follows similar steps in reverse." -msgstr "戻りのトラフィックは、同様の手順の逆順で処理されます。" - -msgid "Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)" -msgstr "ロールベースアクセス制御 (RBAC)" - -msgid "Router advertisements" -msgstr "ルーター広告 (Router Advertisements)" - -msgid "Router interfaces" -msgstr "ルーターインターフェース" - -msgid "Router scheduler" -msgstr "ルータースケジューラー" - -msgid "Router support" -msgstr "ルーターのサポート" - -# #-#-#-#-# intro_networking_components.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_overview.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) -# #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Routers" -msgstr "ルーター" - -msgid "" -"Routers are special devices that enable packets to travel from one layer-3 " -"network to another. Routers enable communication between two nodes on " -"different layer-3 networks that are not directly connected to each other. " -"Routers operate at layer-3 in the networking model. They route the traffic " -"based on the destination IP address in the packet header." -msgstr "" -"ルーターは、パケットをあるレイヤー 3 ネットワークから別のレイヤー 3 ネット" -"ワークへ転送できる特別なデバイスです。ルーターにより、互いに直接接続されてい" -"ない異なるレイヤー 3 ネットワーク上の 2 ノード間での通信が可能になります。" -"ルーターはネットワークモデルの第 3 層として動作します。トラフィックは、パケッ" -"トヘッダーの宛先 IP アドレスに基いてルーティングされます。" - -msgid "Routing directly to a project network from an external network." -msgstr "外部ネットワークからプロジェクトネットワークへの直接のルーティング。" - -msgid "Routing services" -msgstr "ルーティングサービス" - -msgid "Routing with address scopes for non-privileged users" -msgstr "非特権ユーザーでのアドレススコープによるルーティング" - -msgid "Rule modification" -msgstr "ルールの変更" - -msgid "Run InfiniBand subnet managers to enable InfiniBand fabric." -msgstr "" -"InfiniBand サブネットマネージャーを実行し、 InfiniBand ファブリックを有効にし" -"ます。" - -msgid "Run ``udhcpc`` in the VM; it cannot get the wanted IP." -msgstr "VM 内で ``udhcpc`` を実行します。 VM は所望の IP を取得できません。" - -msgid "" -"Run a DB dump/restore tool that creates Networking data structures " -"representing current legacy networking config." -msgstr "" -"DB のダンプ/リストアツールを使って、現在のレガシーネットワークの設定に対応す" -"る Networking のデータ構造を作成します。" - -msgid "Run a DHCP client in VM to see if it can get the wanted IP." -msgstr "" -"VM で DHCP クライアントを実行し、所望の IP が取得できるかを確認します。" - -msgid "Run the ``neutron-lbaas`` database migration:" -msgstr "``neutron-lbaas`` のデータベース移行スクリプトを実行します。" - -msgid "Runs ``nova-compute``, the Neutron L2 agent and DHCP agent" -msgstr "" -"`nova-compute` と Neutron L2 エージェント、 DHCP エージェントが動作します。" - -msgid "" -"Runs the Networking, Identity, and Compute services that are required to " -"deploy VMs. The node must have at least one network interface that is " -"connected to the Management Network. Note that ``nova-network`` should not " -"be running because it is replaced by Neutron." -msgstr "" -"VM をデプロイするのに必要な Networking, Identity, Compute サービスが動作しま" -"す。このノードにはネットワークインターフェースが 少なくとも 1 つ必要で、管理" -"ネットワークに接続します。 ``nova-network`` は Neutron で置き換えられるの" -"で、このノードで ``nova-network`` は動作させないでください。" - -msgid "" -"SFC performs load balancing/distribution over the additional service " -"functions in the port pair group." -msgstr "" -"SFC は、ポートペアグループに新たに追加されたサービス機能に負荷の分散を行いま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"SFC steers traffic matching the additional flow classifier to the port pair " -"groups in the port chain." -msgstr "" -"SFC は、追加された Flow Classifier に一致したトラフィックを、ポートチェインの" -"ポートペアグループに転送します。" - -msgid "SLAAC" -msgstr "SLAAC" - -msgid "SNAT" -msgstr "SNAT" - -msgid "" -"SNAT solves this problem by modifying the source IP address to an IP address " -"that is routable on the public Internet. There are different variations of " -"SNAT; in the form that OpenStack deployments use, a NAT router on the path " -"between the sender and receiver replaces the packet's source IP address with " -"the router's public IP address. The router also modifies the source TCP or " -"UDP port to another value, and the router maintains a record of the sender's " -"true IP address and port, as well as the modified IP address and port." -msgstr "" -"SNAT は、送信元 IP アドレスをパブリックなインターネットから到達可能な IP アド" -"レスに変更することで、この問題を解決します。 SNAT にはいくつかの種類がありま" -"す。 OpenStack デプロイメントで使用されている形では、 送信者と受信者間の経路" -"上にある NAT ルーターが、パケットの送信元 IP アドレスをルーターのパブリック " -"IP アドレスに変更します。このルーターは送信元の TCP や UDP のポート番号も別の" -"値に変更し、ルーターは、送信元の実際の IP アドレスとポートと、変更後の IP ア" -"ドレスとポートの情報を管理します。" - -msgid "SR-IOV" -msgstr "SR-IOV" - -msgid "SR-IOV agent" -msgstr "SR-IOV エージェント" - -msgid "" -"SR-IOV is not integrated into the OpenStack Dashboard (horizon). Users must " -"use the CLI or API to configure SR-IOV interfaces." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) は SR-IOV に対応していません。ユーザーは CLI " -"や API を使って SR-IOV インターフェースを設定する必要があります。" - -msgid "SR-IOV with InfiniBand" -msgstr "InfiniBand を用いた SR-IOV" - -msgid "SRIOV" -msgstr "SRIOV" - -msgid "SRIOV & SRIOV nic switch agent" -msgstr "SRIOV & SRIOV NIC スイッチエージェント" - -msgid "SRIOV Nic Switch agent" -msgstr "SRIOV NIC スイッチエージェント" - -msgid "SRIOV mechanism driver and SRIOV NIC switch agent" -msgstr "SRIOV メカニズムドライバーと SRIOV NIC スイッチエージェント" - -msgid "SRIOV nic switch agent" -msgstr "SRIOV NIC スイッチエージェント" - -msgid "Same as HostA" -msgstr "HostA と同じ。" - -msgid "Schedule BGP speaker to multiple agents." -msgstr "BGP スピーカーを複数のエージェントにスケジューリングします。" - -msgid "Schedule the BGP speaker to an agent" -msgstr "BGP スピーカーのエージェントへのスケジューリング" - -msgid "" -"Second, subnet pools can manage addresses across projects. The addresses are " -"guaranteed not to overlap. If the addresses come from an externally routable " -"pool then you know that all of the projects have addresses which are " -"*routable* and unique. This can be useful in the following scenarios." -msgstr "" -"2 つめとして、サブネットプールはプロジェクトにまたがってアドレスを管理できま" -"す。アドレスは重複しないことが保証されます。アドレスが外部から到達可能なプー" -"ルから割り当てられた場合、すべてのプロジェクトが *外部から到達可能* で一意な" -"アドレスを持つことになります。この機能は以下のシナリオで有用です。" - -msgid "Security" -msgstr "セキュリティー" - -msgid "Security Groups" -msgstr "セキュリティーグループ" - -msgid "Security considerations" -msgstr "セキュリティーの考慮事項" - -msgid "Security groups" -msgstr "セキュリティーグループ" - -msgid "" -"Security groups are not supported when using SR-IOV, thus, the firewall " -"driver must be disabled. This can be done in the ``neutron.conf`` file." -msgstr "" -"SR-IOV を使用する場合、セキュリティーグループはサポートされていません。した" -"がって、ファイアウォールドライバーは無効にする必要があります。この設定は " -"``neutron.conf`` ファイルで行えます。" - -msgid "" -"See :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` for detailed instructions on how to " -"create the externally accessible network." -msgstr "" -"外部からアクセス可能なネットワークを作成する詳細な手順は :ref:`config-dns-" -"int-ext-serv` を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"See :ref:`config-dns-performance-considerations` for an explanation of the " -"potential performance impact associated with this use case." -msgstr "" -"このユースケースでの潜在的な性能面への影響については :ref:`config-dns-" -"performance-considerations` を参照してください。" - -msgid "See :ref:`config-subnet-pools` for more information." -msgstr "詳しい情報は :ref:`config-subnet-pools` を参照してください。" - -msgid "Segment" -msgstr "セグメント" - -msgid "Segmentation ID" -msgstr "セグメント ID" - -msgid "" -"Select the driver that manages virtual interfaces in ``/etc/neutron/" -"lbaas_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/lbaas_agent.ini`` で仮想インターフェースを管理するドライバーを" -"設定します。" - -msgid "Self-service network 1 (VXLAN)" -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク1(VXLAN)" - -msgid "Self-service network 2 (VXLAN)" -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク2(VXLAN)" - -msgid "Self-service networks" -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク" - -msgid "" -"Self-service networks 1 and 2 use IP address ranges inside of the address " -"scope." -msgstr "" -"セルフサービスネットワーク 1 と 2 は、アドレススコープ内の IP アドレス範囲を" -"使用します。" - -msgid "Self-service networks:" -msgstr "セルフサービスネットワーク:" - -msgid "Self-service router" -msgstr "セルフサービスルーター" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_server.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Server" -msgstr "サーバー" - -msgid "Service and component hierarchy" -msgstr "サービスとコンポーネントの構造" - -msgid "Service function chaining" -msgstr "Service Function Chaining" - -msgid "Service subnets" -msgstr "サービスサブネット" - -msgid "" -"Service subnets enable operators to define valid port types for each subnet " -"on a network without limiting networks to one subnet or manually creating " -"ports with a specific subnet ID. Using this feature, operators can ensure " -"that ports for instances and router interfaces, for example, always use " -"different subnets." -msgstr "" -"サービスサブネットを使用すると、運用者がネットワーク上の各サブネットに対して" -"有効なポート種別を定義できるようになります。これにより、ネットワークに作成す" -"るサブネットを 1 つに限定したり、特定のサブネット ID を指定してポートを手動で" -"作成したりする必要がなくなります。この機能を使うと、運用者は、例えば、インス" -"タンス用のポートとルーターインターフェース用のポートが常に別のサブネットを使" -"用するようにできます。" - -msgid "Services" -msgstr "サービス" - -msgid "" -"Set ``AZAwareWeightScheduler`` to ``network_scheduler_driver`` in ``/etc/" -"neutron/neutron.conf`` so that the Networking service schedules a network " -"according to the availability zone:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` で ``network_scheduler_driver`` に " -"``AZAwareWeightScheduler`` を設定すると、 Networking サービスはアベイラビリ" -"ティーゾーンに基いてネットワークの割り当てを行います。" - -msgid "" -"Set ``AZLeastRoutersScheduler`` to ``router_scheduler_driver`` in file ``/" -"etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` so that the Networking service schedules a router " -"according to the availability zone:" -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` で ``router_scheduler_driver`` に " -"``AZLeastRoutersScheduler`` を設定すると、 Networking サービスはアベイラビリ" -"ティーゾーンに基いてルーターの割り当てを行います。" - -msgid "" -"Set the \"has_transitioned\" flag in the Compute hypervisor database/config." -msgstr "" -"Compute のハイパーバイザーデータベース/設定に \"has_transitioned\" フラグを" -"セットします。" - -msgid "Set the ``ha`` attribute of the router to ``True``." -msgstr "ルーターの ``ha`` 属性を ``True`` に設定します。" - -msgid "" -"Set the admin_state_up to ``False``. This will severe south-north " -"connections until admin_state_up is set to ``True`` again." -msgstr "" -"admin_state_up を ``False`` に設定します。これを行うと、もう一度 " -"admin_state_up を ``True`` に戻すまで、south-north コネクションは切断されま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"Set the admin_state_up to ``True``. After this, south-north connections can " -"start." -msgstr "" -"admin_state_up を ``True`` に設定します。これ以降は south-north コネクション" -"が開始できます。" - -msgid "" -"Set the following configuration options in file ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf`` so that you get DHCP high availability." -msgstr "" -"DHCP の高可用性を実現するには ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` で以下のオプショ" -"ンを設定します。" - -msgid "" -"Set the following configuration options in file ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf`` so that you get L3 high availability." -msgstr "" -"L3 の高可用性を実現するには ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` で以下のオプション" -"を設定します。" - -msgid "Set up a default external network" -msgstr "デフォルトの外部ネットワークを用意します" - -msgid "" -"Setting ``ipv6_ra_mode`` to ``slaac`` will result in OpenStack Networking " -"routers being configured to send RA packets, when they are created. This " -"results in the following values set for the address configuration flags in " -"the RA messages:" -msgstr "" -"``ipv6_ra_mode`` を ``slaac`` に設定すると、 OpenStack Networking のルーター" -"はルーター作成時に RA パケットを送信するように設定されます。 RA メッセージの" -"アドレス設定フラグは以下の値に設定されます。" - -msgid "Setting quotas for LBaaS v2" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 のクォータの設定" - -msgid "Sharing a QoS policy with specific projects" -msgstr "特定のプロジェクトとの QoS ポリシーの共有" - -msgid "Sharing a network with specific projects" -msgstr "特定のプロジェクトとのネットワークの共有" - -msgid "" -"Sharing an object with a specific project is accomplished by creating a " -"policy entry that permits the target project the ``access_as_shared`` action " -"on that object." -msgstr "" -"特定のプロジェクトとのオブジェクトを共有するには、アクセスを許可したいプロ" -"ジェクトに対してそのオブジェクトへの ``access_as_shared`` アクションを許可す" -"るポリシーエントリーを作成します。" - -msgid "Sharing an object with specific projects" -msgstr "特定のプロジェクトとのオブジェクトの共有" - -msgid "Show agent details." -msgstr "エージェントの詳細を表示します。" - -msgid "Show available dynamic routing agents." -msgstr "利用可能な動的ルーティングエージェントを表示します。" - -msgid "" -"Similar to legacy HA routers, DVR/SNAT HA routers provide a quick fail over " -"of the SNAT service to a backup DVR/SNAT router on an l3-agent running on a " -"different node." -msgstr "" -"従来の HA ルーターと同じく、 DVR/SNAT HA ルーターでは SNAT サービスが別のノー" -"ドで動作する L3 エージェントのバックアップ DVR/SNAT HA ルーターに迅速にフェー" -"ルオーバーされます。" - -msgid "" -"Similar to the classic scenario, all network traffic on a project network " -"that requires routing actively traverses only one network node regardless of " -"the quantity of network nodes providing HA for the router. Therefore, this " -"high-availability implementation primarily addresses failure situations " -"instead of bandwidth constraints that limit performance. However, it " -"supports random distribution of routers on different network nodes to reduce " -"the chances of bandwidth constraints and to improve scaling." -msgstr "" -"基本構成と同様、ルーターに HA を提供するネットワークノードの数に関わらず、" -"ルーティングが必要なプロジェクトネットワークのすべてのネットワークトラフィッ" -"クは 1 台のネットワークノードを通ります。したがって、この高可用性シナリオは、" -"主として、性能限界となる帯域制約ではなく、障害状況への対策になります。しかし" -"ながら、別のネットワークノードにルーターをランダムに分散させることができるの" -"で、帯域制約が発生する可能性は減少し、スケーラビリティーが向上することでしょ" -"う。" - -msgid "" -"Similarly, when the ``l3_ha = True`` flag is configured, routers created by " -"all users default to HA." -msgstr "" -"同様に、 ``l3_ha = True`` フラグが設定されると、すべてのユーザーが作成する" -"ルーターがデフォルトで HA ルーターになります。" - -msgid "" -"Since Liberty, Networking maintains two parallel Alembic migration branches." -msgstr "" -"Liberty 以降、 Networking サービスでは 2 つの独立した Alembic の移行ブランチ" -"を持っています。" - -msgid "Single stack IPv6 project networking" -msgstr "IPv6 スタックのみのプロジェクトネットワーク" - -msgid "" -"Some underlying physical network architectures contain a unique layer-2 " -"network for overlay networks using protocols such as VXLAN and GRE." -msgstr "" -"アンダーレイ物理ネットワークアーキテクチャーによっては、VXLAN や GRE などのプ" -"ロトコルを使うオーバーレイネットワーク用に専用のレイヤー 2 ネットワークを持つ" -"場合があります。" - -msgid "" -"Some underlying physical network architectures contain multiple layer-2 " -"networks with different MTU values. You can configure each flat or VLAN " -"provider network in the bridge or interface mapping options of the layer-2 " -"agent to reference a unique MTU value." -msgstr "" -"物理ネットワークアーキテクチャーによっては、アンダーレイ物理ネットワークが " -"MTU が異なる複数のレイヤー 2 ネットワークで構成される場合があります。レイ" -"ヤー 2 エージェントのブリッジマッピングやインターフェースマッピングのオプショ" -"ンで flat/VLAN プロバイダーネットワーク毎に独自の MTU 値を使うように設定でき" -"ます。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Source the administrative project credentials." -msgstr "管理プロジェクトのクレデンシャルを読み込みます。" - -msgid "Source the credentials of the project that owns the ``net1`` network." -msgstr "ネットワーク ``net1`` を所有するプロジェクトの認証情報を読み込みます。" - -msgid "" -"Source the necessary project credentials. The administrative project can " -"delete resources for all other projects. A regular project can delete its " -"own network resources and those belonging to other projects for which it has " -"sufficient access." -msgstr "" -"必要なプロジェクトの認証情報を読み込みます。管理プロジェクトは、任意の他のプ" -"ロジェクトのリソースを削除できます。通常プロジェクトは、自分自身のネットワー" -"クリソースと、必要なアクセス権を持つ他のプロジェクトのリソースを削除できま" -"す。" - -msgid "Specialized" -msgstr "個別事項" - -msgid "Start DHCP agent on HostB. The VM gets the wanted IP again." -msgstr "" -"HostB で DHCP エージェントを開始します。 VM は所望の IP アドレスを再び取得で" -"きます。" - -msgid "" -"Start by creating a listener, attaching a pool, and then adding members:" -msgstr "リスナーを作成し、プールを接続し、メンバーを追加します。" - -msgid "" -"Start by creating a load balancer on a network. In this example, the " -"``private`` network is an isolated network with two web server instances:" -msgstr "" -"まず、ネットワークにロードバランサーを作成します。この例では、 ``private`` " -"ネットワークは分離されたネットワークで、このネットワークには 2 つのサーバーイ" -"ンスタンスがあります。" - -msgid "" -"Start neutron-server in intended final config, except with REST API " -"restricted to read-write only by nova-api." -msgstr "" -"neutron-server を最終的な設定内容で開始します。例外は、 REST API が nova-api " -"による読み書きに限定されるという点だけです。" - -msgid "Start the LBaaS v2 agent:" -msgstr "LBaaS v2 エージェントを起動します。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Start the following services:" -msgstr "以下のサービスを実行します。" - -msgid "" -"Starting with the Liberty release, OpenStack Networking includes a pluggable " -"interface for the IP Address Management (IPAM) function. This interface " -"creates a driver framework for the allocation and de-allocation of subnets " -"and IP addresses, enabling the integration of alternate IPAM implementations " -"or third-party IP Address Management systems." -msgstr "" -"Liberty 以降では、 OpenStack Networking では、IP アドレス管理 (IPAM) 機能に取" -"り換え可能なインターフェースが導入されています。このインターフェースを使っ" -"て、サブネットと IP アドレスの割り当て、解放におけるドライバーフレームワーク" -"が作成されており、別の IPAM 実装や third-party 製の IP アドレス管理システムと" -"統合することが可能です。" - -msgid "Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC)" -msgstr "" -"ステートレスアドレス自動設定 (SLAAC; Stateless Address Auto Configuration)" - -msgid "" -"Stop the DHCP agent on HostA. Besides stopping the ``neutron-dhcp-agent`` " -"binary, you must stop the ``dnsmasq`` processes." -msgstr "" -"HostA の DHCP エージェントを停止します。 ``neutron-dhcp-agent`` バイナリーを" -"停止するだけでなく、 ``dnsmasq`` プロセスも停止する必要があります。" - -msgid "Stop the DHCP agent on HostB too." -msgstr "HostB の DHCP エージェントも停止します。" - -msgid "Subnet pools" -msgstr "サブネットプール" - -msgid "" -"Subnet pools have a quota system which is a little bit different than other " -"quotas in Neutron. Other quotas in Neutron count discrete instances of an " -"object against a quota. Each time you create something like a router, " -"network, or a port, it uses one from your total quota." -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールには、 Neutron の他のクォータとは少し違ったクォータ機構があり" -"ます。 Neutron の他のクォータは、あるオブジェクトの個々のインスタンス数を数" -"え、クォータと比較します。ルーター、ネットワーク、ポートなどを作成する度に、" -"自分のクォータから 1 つ消費されます。" - -msgid "" -"Subnet pools have been made available since the Kilo release. It is a simple " -"feature that has the potential to improve your workflow considerably. It " -"also provides a building block from which other new features will be built " -"in to OpenStack Networking." -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールは Kilo リリース以降で利用可能です。これは簡単な機能ですが、" -"Networking サービス利用時のワークフローが大きくよくなる可能性があります。ま" -"た、 OpenStack Networking に新しい他の機能を作り込む際の基本的な部品としても" -"使われます。" - -msgid "Subnets" -msgstr "サブネット" - -msgid "Subnets and ARP" -msgstr "サブネットと ARP" - -msgid "Supported Ethernet controllers" -msgstr "対応している Ethernet コントローラー" - -msgid "Supported QoS rule types" -msgstr "サポートされている QoS ルール種別" - -msgid "Supported objects for sharing with specific projects" -msgstr "特定のプロジェクトとの共有に対応しているオブジェクト" - -msgid "Switches" -msgstr "スイッチ" - -msgid "" -"Switches are Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) devices that enable packets to " -"travel from one node to another. Switches connect hosts that belong to the " -"same layer-2 network. Switches enable forwarding of the packet received on " -"one port (input) to another port (output) so that they reach the desired " -"destination node. Switches operate at layer-2 in the networking model. They " -"forward the traffic based on the destination Ethernet address in the packet " -"header." -msgstr "" -"スイッチは、複数入力、複数出力 (MIMO; Multi-Input Multi-Output) のデバイス" -"で、スイッチを使うとパケットをあるノードから別のノードに転送できます。スイッ" -"チは同じレイヤー 2 ネットワークに属するホストどうしを接続詞ます。スイッチは、" -"あるポート (入力) で受信したパケットを別のポート (出力) に転送し、所望の宛先" -"ノードにパケットを届けることができます。スイッチはネットワークモデルの第 2 層" -"として動作します。スイッチはパケットヘッダーの宛先 Ethernet アドレスに基いて" -"トラフィックを転送します。" - -msgid "TCP/UDP/ICMP" -msgstr "TCP/UDP/ICMP" - -msgid "TODO" -msgstr "TODO" - -msgid "Term" -msgstr "用語" - -msgid "" -"The *Internet Control Message Protocol* (ICMP) is a protocol used for " -"sending control messages over an IP network. For example, a router that " -"receives an IP packet may send an ICMP packet back to the source if there is " -"no route in the router's routing table that corresponds to the destination " -"address (ICMP code 1, destination host unreachable) or if the IP packet is " -"too large for the router to handle (ICMP code 4, fragmentation required and " -"\"don't fragment\" flag is set)." -msgstr "" -"*Internet Control Message Protocol* (ICMP) は、 IP ネットワーク上で制御メッ" -"セージを送信するのに使用されるプロトコルです。例えば、IP パケットを受信した" -"ルーターは、宛先アドレスに対応する経路がルーターのルーティングテーブルにない" -"場合は、ICMP パケットを送信元に送ります (ICMP コード 1、宛先ホスト到達不能)。" -"また、 IP パケットが大きすぎて、そのルーターでは処理できない場合にも、ICMP パ" -"ケットを送信元に送ります (ICMP コード 4、フラグメンテーションが必要だが " -"\"don't fragment\" (フラグメント禁止) フラグがセットされている)。" - -msgid "" -"The *Transmission Control Protocol* (TCP) is the most commonly used layer 4 " -"protocol in networked applications. TCP is a *connection-oriented* protocol: " -"it uses a client-server model where a client connects to a server, where " -"*server* refers to the application that receives connections. The typical " -"interaction in a TCP-based application proceeds as follows:" -msgstr "" -"*Transmission Control Protocol* (TCP) は、ネットワークアプリケーションで最も" -"広く使用されているレイヤー 4 プロトコルです。 TCP は *接続志向* (connection-" -"oriented) のプロトコルで、クライアントがサーバーに接続するクライアント~サー" -"バーモデルを使用します。ここで、 *サーバー* というのは接続を受信するアプリ" -"ケーションのことです。 TCP を使うアプリケーションでの一般的なやり取りは次の通" -"りです。" - -msgid "" -"The *User Datagram Protocol* (UDP) is another layer 4 protocol that is the " -"basis of several well-known networking protocols. UDP is a *connectionless* " -"protocol: two applications that communicate over UDP do not need to " -"establish a connection before exchanging data. UDP is also an *unreliable* " -"protocol. The operating system does not attempt to retransmit or even detect " -"lost UDP packets. The operating system also does not provide any guarantee " -"that the receiving application sees the UDP packets in the same order that " -"they were sent in." -msgstr "" -"*User Datagram Protocol* (UDP) は、いくつかの有名なネットワークプロトコルで使" -"われている別のレイヤー 4 プロトコルです。 UDP は *コネクションレス* プロトコ" -"ルです。 UDP を使って通信する 2 つのアプリケーションは、データのやり取りを行" -"う前にコネクションを確立する必要がありません。オペレーティングシステムは、失" -"われた UDP パケットの再送を行いませんし、検出さえ行いません。オペレーティング" -"システムは、UDP パケットが送信されたときと同じ順序で受信側のアプリケーション" -"に見えるという保証も行いません。" - -msgid "" -"The :command:`ping` and :command:`mtr` Linux command-line tools are two " -"examples of network utilities that use ICMP." -msgstr "" -"Linux のコマンドラインツール :command:`ping` や :command:`mtr` は、 ICMP を使" -"うネットワークユーティリティーの例です。" - -msgid "" -"The API allows searching/filtering of the ``GET /v2.0/networks`` API. The " -"following query parameters are supported:" -msgstr "" -"この API では、 ``GET /v2.0/networks`` API で検索やフィルタリングが可能です。" -"以下の問い合わせパラメーターが使用できます。" - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker advertises the next-hop IP address for eligible self-service " -"networks and floating IP addresses for instances using those networks." -msgstr "" -"BGP スピーカーは、要件を満たすセルフサービスネットワークおよびそれらのネット" -"ワークに接続されたインスタンスの Floating IP アドレスに対するネクストホップを" -"広告します。" - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker associates with the external network that provides a gateway " -"on the router." -msgstr "" -"BGP スピーカーが、ルーターのゲートウェイを提供する外部ネットワークに関連付け" -"られている。" - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker has the ``advertise_floating_ip_host_routes`` attribute set " -"to ``True``." -msgstr "" -"BGP スピーカーの ``advertise_floating_ip_host_routes`` が ``True`` に設定され" -"ている。" - -msgid "" -"The BGP speaker has the ``advertise_tenant_networks`` attribute set to " -"``True``." -msgstr "" -"BGP スピーカーの ``advertise_tenant_networks`` 属性が ``True`` に設定されてい" -"る。" - -msgid "" -"The Compute REST API is available throughout the entire process, although " -"there is a brief period where it is made read-only during a database " -"migration. The Networking REST API will need to expose (to nova-api) all " -"details necessary for reconstructing the information previously held in the " -"legacy networking database." -msgstr "" -"Compute REST API は移行中全体を通じて利用できますが、データベースの移行中の短" -"い期間だけは読み出し専用になります。 Networking REST API は、レガシーネット" -"ワークの DB に格納されていた情報を再構築するのに必要な前情報を (nova-api に) " -"公開する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The DHCP agent is responsible for :term:`DHCP ` and RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon) services. It " -"requires a running L2 agent on the same node." -msgstr "" -"DHCP エージェントは、 :term:`DHCP ` と RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon) サービスを担当します。 L2 " -"エージェントもあわせて動作させる必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The Dashboard panels for managing LBaaS v2 are available starting with the " -"Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"Mitaka リリース以降では、 LBaaSv2 を管理するためのダッシュボードパネルが利用" -"できます。" - -msgid "" -"The DevStack documentation offers a `simple method to deploy Octavia " -"`_ and test the service with redundant load balancer instances. If you " -"already have Octavia installed and configured within your environment, you " -"can configure the Network service to use Octavia:" -msgstr "" -"DevStack のドキュメントには、 `Octavia をデプロイする簡単な方法 `_ " -"と冗長化したロードバランサーインスタンスを使ったサービスのテストについて書か" -"れています。 Octavia をお使いの環境にすでにインストールして設定している場合" -"は、 Octavia を使うように Network サービスを設定できます。" - -msgid "" -"The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) API is an experimental API that enables " -"early adopters and vendors to test their networking implementations." -msgstr "" -"Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) API は実験的な API で、新しい機能を使う人やベン" -"ダーがネットワーク実装の評価に使っています。" - -msgid "" -"The ID returned by this command is a network which can be used for booting a " -"VM." -msgstr "このコマンドが返す ID はネットワークで、VM 起動時に指定できます。" - -msgid "" -"The IP address allocation pool starting at ``.11`` improves clarity of the " -"diagrams. You can safely omit it." -msgstr "" -"IP アドレスの割り当てプールが ``.11`` で始まっているのは、説明を分かりやすく" -"するためです。省略しても問題ありません。" - -msgid "" -"The Internet Protocol (IP) specifies how to route packets between hosts that " -"are connected to different local networks. IP relies on special network " -"hosts called *routers* or *gateways*. A router is a host that is connected " -"to at least two local networks and can forward IP packets from one local " -"network to another. A router has multiple IP addresses: one for each of the " -"networks it is connected to." -msgstr "" -"インターネットプロトコル (IP) は、異なるローカルネットワークに接続されたホス" -"ト間でパケットをどのようにルーティングするかを規程しています。 IP は*ルーター" -"* や *ゲートウェイ* と呼ばれる特別なネットワークホストを利用します。ルーター" -"は、少なくとも 2 つのローカルネットワークに接続されたホストで、 IP パケットを" -"あるローカルネットワークからもう 1 つのローカルネットワークに転送します。ルー" -"ターは複数の IP アドレスを持ち、それぞれが各々のネットワークに接続されていま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"The L3 agent offers advanced layer 3 services, like virtual Routers and " -"Floating IPs. It requires an L2 agent running in parallel." -msgstr "" -"L3 エージェントは、仮想ルーターや Floating IP などの高度な L3 サービスを提供" -"します。 L2 エージェントもあわせて動作させる必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The L3 metering agent enables layer3 traffic metering. It requires a running " -"L3 agent on the same node." -msgstr "" -"L3 メータリングエージェントは L3 トラフィック計測を可能にします。同じノード" -"で L3 エージェントを実行する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The LBaaS v2 agent collects four types of statistics for each load balancer " -"every six seconds. Users can query these statistics with the :command:" -"`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-stats` command:" -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v2 エージェントは、 6 秒毎に各ロードバランサーについて 4 種類の統計情報" -"を収集します。ユーザーはこれらの統計情報を :command:`neutron lbaas-" -"loadbalancer-stats` コマンドを使って照会できます。" - -msgid "" -"The Linux bridge agent configures Linux bridges to realize L2 networks for " -"OpenStack resources." -msgstr "" -"Linux ブリッジエージェントは Linux ブリッジの設定を行い、OpenStack リソース用" -"の L2 ネットワークを実現します。" - -msgid "" -"The Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) API provisions and configures load " -"balancers. The reference implementation is based on the HAProxy software " -"load balancer." -msgstr "" -"負荷分散サービス (LBaaS) API は、ロードバランサーの払い出しと設定を行います。" -"参照実装は HAProxy ソフトウェアロードバランサーをベースとしています。" - -msgid "" -"The MacVTap agent uses kernel MacVTap devices for realizing L2 networks for " -"OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other resources like routers, " -"DHCP, and so on are not supported." -msgstr "" -"macvtap エージェントは、 OpenStack インスタンス用の L2 ネットワークを実現する" -"ために、カーネルの macvtap デバイスを使用します。ルーター、DHCP などのその他" -"のリソースのネットワーク接続には対応していません。" - -msgid "" -"The Metadata agent allows instances to access cloud-init meta data and user " -"data via the network. It requires a running L2 agent on the same node." -msgstr "" -"メタデータエージェントは、 cloud-init メタデータやユーザーデータにインスタン" -"スがネットワーク経由でアクセスできるようにします。同じノードで L2 エージェン" -"トを実行する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in is a framework allowing OpenStack " -"Networking to simultaneously use the variety of layer 2 networking " -"technologies found in complex real-world data centers. The ML2 framework " -"distinguishes between the two kinds of drivers that can be configured:" -msgstr "" -"Modular Layer 2 (ML2) プラグインは、 OpenStack Networking で、複雑な実世界の" -"データセンターで使われている様々な L2 ネットワーク技術を同時に利用できるよう" -"にするフレームワークです。 ML2 フレームワークでは 2 種類のドライバーが区別さ" -"れています。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking REST API is publicly read-only until after the migration is " -"complete. During the migration, Networking REST API is read-write only to " -"nova-api, and changes to Networking are only allowed via nova-api." -msgstr "" -"移行が完了するまでは、Networking REST API は公開 API としては読み出し専用にな" -"ります。移行中は、Networking REST API を読み書きできるのは nova-api だけで、" -"Networking への変更ができるのは nova-api 経由だけとなります。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service enables users to control the name assigned to ports " -"by the internal DNS. To enable this functionality, do the following:" -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスでは、内部 DNS によりポートに割り当てられる名前をユーザー" -"が制御できます。この機能を有効にするには、以下のようにします。" - -msgid "The Networking service internal DNS resolution" -msgstr "Networking サービス内部の DNS 解決" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service offers a load balancer feature called \"LBaaS v2\" " -"through the ``neutron-lbaas`` service plug-in." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは、 ``neutron-lbaas`` サービスプラグインとして 、LBaaS " -"v2 と呼ばれるロードバランサー機能を提供しています。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service offers several methods to configure name resolution " -"(DNS) for instances. Most deployments should implement case 1 or 2. Case 3 " -"requires security considerations to prevent leaking internal DNS information " -"to instances." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスでは、インスタンス用の名前解決を設定する方法が複数ありま" -"す。ほとんどのデプロイメントではケース 1 か 2 が使用されることでしょう。ケー" -"ス 3 を使用する場合は、内部の DNS 情報がインスタンスにもれないようセキュリ" -"ティー面の考慮が必要です。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service only references the underlying physical network MTU. " -"Changing the underlying physical network device MTU requires configuration " -"of physical network devices such as switches and routers." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスはアンダーレイの物理ネットワークの MTU のみを参照します。" -"アンダーレイの物理ネットワークデバイスの MTU を変更するには、スイッチやルー" -"ターなどの物理ネットワークデバイスの設定が必要です。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service schedules a network to one of the agents within the " -"selected zone as with ``WeightScheduler``. In this case, scheduler refers to " -"``dhcp_load_type`` as well." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは、選択されたゾーン内のいずれかのエージェントに " -"``WeightScheduler`` によりネットワークの割り当てを行います。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service schedules a router to one of the agents within the " -"selected zone as with ``LeastRouterScheduler``." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは、選択されたゾーン内のいずれかのエージェントに " -"``LeastRouterScheduler`` によりルーターの割り当てを行います。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service supports the following underlying physical network " -"architectures. Case 1 refers to the most common architecture. In general, " -"architectures should avoid cases 2 and 3." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは以下のアンダーレイの物理ネットワークアーキテクチャーに対" -"応しています。ケース 1 が最も一般的なアーキテクチャーです。一般には、ケース " -"2 や 3 のアーキテクチャーは避けるべきでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service supports underlying physical networks using jumbo " -"frames and also enables instances to use jumbo frames minus any overlay " -"protocol overhead. For example, an underlying physical network with a 9000-" -"byte MTU yields a 8950-byte MTU for instances using a VXLAN network with " -"IPv4 endpoints. Using IPv6 endpoints for overlay networks adds 20 bytes of " -"overhead for any protocol." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは、アンダーレイの物理ネットワークでのジャンボフレームの使" -"用に対応しており、インスタンスでもオーバーレイプロトコルのオーバーヘッド分を" -"引いたサイズのジャンボフレームを使用できます。例えば、アンダーレイの物理ネッ" -"トワークが 9000 バイトの MTU の場合、 IPv4 エンドポイントの VXLAN ネットワー" -"クではインスタンスは 8950 バイトの MTU を使用できます。 IPv6 エンドポイントの" -"オーバーレイネットワークでは、どのプロトコルの場合でもさらに 20 バイトほど" -"オーバーヘッドが増えます。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service uses the MTU of the underlying physical network to " -"calculate the MTU for virtual network components including instance network " -"interfaces. By default, it assumes a standard 1500-byte MTU for the " -"underlying physical network." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスは、アンダーレイの物理ネットワークの MTU に基いて、インス" -"タンスのネットワーク・インターフェースなどの仮想ネットワークコンポーネントの " -"MTU を計算します。デフォルトでは、アンダーレイの物理ネットワークの MTU を標準" -"の 1500 バイトと仮定します。" - -msgid "" -"The Networking service, code-named neutron, provides an API that lets you " -"define network connectivity and addressing in the cloud. The Networking " -"service enables operators to leverage different networking technologies to " -"power their cloud networking. The Networking service also provides an API to " -"configure and manage a variety of network services ranging from L3 " -"forwarding and :term:`NAT ` to load " -"balancing, perimeter firewalls, and virtual private networks." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービス、コード名 neutron、は、ユーザーがクラウドにおけるネット" -"ワーク接続性やアドレス割り当てを定義できる API を提供します。Networking サー" -"ビスを使うと、オペレーターはクラウドネットワークを支えるネットワーク技術とし" -"て様々な技術を活用できます。 Networking サービスは、 L3 転送や :term:`NAT " -"` から負荷分散、境界 ファイアウォール " -"(perimeter firewall)、 仮想プライベートネットワーク (VPN) などまで様々なネッ" -"トワークサービスを設定、管理するための API も提供しています。" - -msgid "" -"The Open vSwitch agent configures the Open vSwitch to realize L2 networks " -"for OpenStack resources." -msgstr "" -"Open vSwitch エージェントは Open vSwitch の設定を行い、OpenStack リソース用" -"の L2 ネットワークを実現します。" - -msgid "" -"The OpenStack :term:`Networking service ` " -"provides an API that allows users to set up and define network connectivity " -"and addressing in the cloud. The project code-name for Networking services " -"is neutron. OpenStack Networking handles the creation and management of a " -"virtual networking infrastructure, including networks, switches, subnets, " -"and routers for devices managed by the OpenStack Compute service (nova). " -"Advanced services such as firewalls or :term:`virtual private networks " -"(VPNs) ` can also be used." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack :term:`Networking サービス ` は、ユー" -"ザーがクラウド内のネットワーク接続性やアドレス割り当てを定義できる API を提供" -"しています。 Networking サービスのプロジェクトコード名は neutron です。 " -"OpenStack Networking は、ネットワーク、スイッチ、サブネット、ルーターなどの仮" -"想ネットワーク基盤の作成、管理を行い、 OpenStack Compute (nova) が管理するデ" -"バイスに対して仮想ネットワーク基盤を提供します。ファイアウォールや :term:`仮" -"想プライベートネットワーク (VPN) ` などの上位" -"サービスも使用できます。" - -msgid "" -"The OpenStack Networking API includes support for Layer 2 networking and :" -"term:`IP address management (IPAM) `, as well " -"as an extension for a Layer 3 router construct that enables routing between " -"Layer 2 networks and gateways to external networks. OpenStack Networking " -"includes a growing list of plug-ins that enable interoperability with " -"various commercial and open source network technologies, including routers, " -"switches, virtual switches and software-defined networking (SDN) controllers." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking API は、レイヤー 2 ネットワークと :term:`IP アドレス管" -"理 (IPAM) ` をサポートしています。また、レイ" -"ヤー 3 ルーター用の API 拡張もサポートしており、これによりレイヤー 2 ネット" -"ワーク間のルーティング、および外部ネットワークへのゲートウェイが提供されま" -"す。 OpenStack Networking に対応するプラグインは増え続けており、ルーター、ス" -"イッチ、仮想スイッチ、SDN コントローラーなどの様々な製品やオープンソースの" -"ネットワーク技術で相互運用性が実現されています。" - -msgid "" -"The OpenStack Networking service is extensible. Extensions serve two " -"purposes: they allow the introduction of new features in the API without " -"requiring a version change and they allow the introduction of vendor " -"specific niche functionality. Applications can programmatically list " -"available extensions by performing a GET on the :code:`/extensions` URI. " -"Note that this is a versioned request; that is, an extension available in " -"one API version might not be available in another." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking サービスは拡張性があります。API 拡張は 2 つの目的で使用" -"されます。 API に新しい機能をバージョンの変更なしに追加できます。ベンダー固有" -"の特定の機能を追加できます。アプリケーションは、 URI :code:`/extensions` に " -"GET を行うことで、利用可能な API 拡張の一覧を取得できます。 API 拡張はバー" -"ジョン毎であることに注意してください。ある API バージョンで利用できた API 拡" -"張は別の API バージョンでは利用できないかもしれません。" - -msgid "" -"The PTR records will be created in zones owned by a project with admin " -"privileges. See :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` for more details." -msgstr "" -"PTR レコードは、管理者権限を持つプロジェクトが所有するゾーンに作成されます。" -"詳細は :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"The QoS implementation requires a burst value to ensure proper behavior of " -"bandwidth limit rules in the Open vSwitch and Linux bridge agents. If you do " -"not provide a value, it defaults to 80% of the bandwidth limit which works " -"for typical TCP traffic." -msgstr "" -"QoS 実装では、 Open vSwitch エージェントや Linux ブリッジエージェントで帯域制" -"限ルールが適切に動作するためには、適切なバースト値が必要です。値を指定しな" -"かった場合、デフォルト値は帯域制限の 80% になり、この値は通常の TCP トラ" -"フィックでは適切な値です。" - -msgid "" -"The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policy framework enables both operators " -"and users to grant access to resources for specific projects." -msgstr "" -"ロールベースアクセス制御 (RBAC) ポリシーフレームワークにより、オペレーターと" -"ユーザーのどちらもがリソースへのアクセスを特定のプロジェクトに対して許可でき" -"るようになりました。" - -msgid "The SNAT gateway resides on" -msgstr "SNAT ゲートウェイは IP アドレス を持つ。" - -msgid "" -"The SR-IOV agent was optional before Mitaka, and was not enabled by default " -"before Liberty." -msgstr "" -"Mitaka より前では SR-IOV エージェントはオプションで、 Liberty より前ではデ" -"フォルトでは有効ではありませんでした。" - -msgid "" -"The Virtual Private Network-as-a-Service (VPNaaS) is a neutron extension " -"that introduces the VPN feature set." -msgstr "" -"仮想プライベートネットワークサービス (VPNaaS) は VPN 機能セットを実現する " -"neutron 機能拡張です。" - -msgid "" -"The ``active_connections`` count is the total number of connections that " -"were active at the time the agent polled the load balancer. The other three " -"statistics are cumulative since the load balancer was last started. For " -"example, if the load balancer restarts due to a system error or a " -"configuration change, these statistics will be reset." -msgstr "" -"``active_connections`` カウントは、エージェントがロードバランサーの情報を収集" -"した時点でアクティブな接続の総数です。他の 3 つの統計情報は、ロードバランサー" -"が最後に起動してからの累積値です。例えば、ロードバランサーがシステムエラーや" -"設定変更で再起動されると、これらの統計情報はリセットされます。" - -msgid "" -"The ``availability_zone`` attribute can be defined in ``dhcp-agent`` and " -"``l3-agent``. To define an availability zone for each agent, set the value " -"into ``[AGENT]`` section of ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini`` or ``/etc/" -"neutron/l3_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"``availability_zone`` 属性は ``dhcp-agent`` と ``l3-agent`` で定義できます。" -"各エージェントでアベイラビリティーゾーンを定義するには、 ``/etc/neutron/" -"dhcp_agent.ini`` や ``/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini`` の ``[AGENT]`` セクションで" -"値を設定します。" - -msgid "" -"The ``availability_zones`` attribute does not have a value until the " -"resource is scheduled. Once the Networking service schedules the resource to " -"zones according to ``availability_zone_hints``, ``availability_zones`` shows " -"in which zone the resource is hosted practically. The ``availability_zones`` " -"may not match ``availability_zone_hints``. For example, even if you specify " -"a zone with ``availability_zone_hints``, all agents of the zone may be dead " -"before the resource is scheduled. In general, they should match, unless " -"there are failures or there is no capacity left in the zone requested." -msgstr "" -"``availability_zones`` 属性は、そのリソースの割り当てが行われるまでは値を持ち" -"ません。 Networking サービスが ``availability_zone_hints`` に基いてリソースの" -"割り当てを行うと、そのリソースが配置されたゾーンが ``availability_zone`` に表" -"示されます。 ``availability_zones`` は ``availability_zone_hints`` と一致しな" -"い場合もあります。例えば、 ``availability_zone_hints`` にあるゾーンを指定した" -"としても、リソースの割り当てが行われる前の時点で、そのゾーンの全エージェント" -"が死んでいた場合などです。一般には、指定されたゾーンで障害が発生したり空き容" -"量がない場合を除き、両者の値は一致します。" - -msgid "" -"The ``dns_assignment`` attribute also shows that the port's ``hostname`` in " -"the Networking service internal DNS is ``my-vm``." -msgstr "" -"``dns_assignment`` 属性を見ると、 Networking サービスの内部 DNS でのそのポー" -"トの ``hostname`` が ``my-vm`` であることが分かります。" - -msgid "" -"The ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` attributes of a floating IP must be " -"specified together on creation. They cannot be assigned to the floating IP " -"separately." -msgstr "" -"Floating IP の ``dns_name`` と ``dns_domain`` 属性は、作成時に両方一緒に指定" -"しなければいけません。別々に Floating IP に割り当てることはできません。" - -msgid "" -"The ``dns_name`` and ``dns_domain`` of a floating IP have precedence, for " -"purposes of being published in the external DNS service, over the " -"``dns_name`` of its associated port and the ``dns_domain`` of the port's " -"network, whether they are specified or not. Only the ``dns_name`` and the " -"``dns_domain`` of the floating IP are published in the external DNS service." -msgstr "" -"外部 DNS サービスでの公開においては、 Floating IP の ``dns_name`` と " -"``dns_domain`` は、関連付けされたポートの ``dns_name`` とポートのネットワーク" -"の ``dns_domain`` が設定されているかに関わらず、必ず優先されます。 Floating " -"IP の ``dns_name`` と``dns_domain`` のみが外部 DNS サービスで公開されます。" - -msgid "" -"The ``exclude_devices`` parameter is empty, therefore, all the VFs " -"associated with eth3 may be configured by the agent. To exclude specific " -"VFs, add them to the ``exclude_devices`` parameter as follows:" -msgstr "" -"``exclude_devices`` パラメーターは空なので、 eth3 に関連付けられたすべての " -"VF はエージェントが設定できます。特定の VF を除外するには、以下のようにその " -"VF を ``exclude_devices`` パラメーターに追加します。" - -msgid "The ``external_network_bridge`` option intentionally contains no value." -msgstr "" -"``external_network_bridge`` オプションには意図的に値を指定していません。" - -msgid "" -"The ``ipv6_address_mode`` attribute is used to control how addressing is " -"handled by OpenStack. There are a number of different ways that guest " -"instances can obtain an IPv6 address, and this attribute exposes these " -"choices to users of the Networking API." -msgstr "" -"``ipv6_address_mode`` 属性は、 OpenStack がどのようにアドレス割り当てを行うか" -"を制御するのに使用されます。 ゲストインスタンスが IPv6 アドレスを取得する方法" -"には様々なものがあり、この属性は Networking API のユーザーに選択肢を公開して" -"います。" - -msgid "" -"The ``ipv6_ra_mode`` attribute is used to control router advertisements for " -"a subnet." -msgstr "" -"``ipv6_ra_mode`` 属性は、サブネットに対するルーター広告を制御するのに使用され" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"The ``physical_device_mappings`` parameter is not limited to be a 1-1 " -"mapping between physical networks and NICs. This enables you to map the same " -"physical network to more than one NIC. For example, if ``physnet2`` is " -"connected to ``eth3`` and ``eth4``, then ``physnet2:eth3,physnet2:eth4`` is " -"a valid option." -msgstr "" -"``physical_device_mapping`` パラメーターには、物理ネットワークと NIC の 1:1 " -"マッピング以外の設定も可能です。これにより、 1 つの物理ネットワークを複数の " -"NIC に割り当てることもできます。例えば、 ``physnet2`` が ``eth3`` と " -"``eth4`` に接続されている場合には、 ``physnet2:eth3,physnet2:eth4`` は有効な" -"設定となります。" - -msgid "" -"The ``provider`` value in the ``network_vlan_ranges`` option lacks VLAN ID " -"ranges to support use of arbitrary VLAN IDs." -msgstr "" -"``network_vlan_ranges`` オプションの ``provider`` 値に VLAN ID を指定しなかっ" -"た場合、任意の VLAN ID を使用できます。" - -msgid "" -"The ``service_function_parameters`` attribute includes one or more " -"parameters for the service function. Currently, it only supports a " -"correlation parameter that determines association of a packet with a chain. " -"This parameter defaults to ``none`` for legacy service functions that lack " -"support for correlation such as the NSH. If set to ``none``, the data plane " -"implementation must provide service function proxy functionality." -msgstr "" -"``service_function_parameters`` 属性は、サービス機能に関連するパラメーターが " -"1 つ以上含まれます。現時点では、パケットをチェインに関連付ける correlation " -"(関連付け) パラメーターのみがサポートされています。 NSH などのチェインへの関" -"連付けに対応していない従来のサービス機能では、このパラメーターのデフォルト値" -"は ``none`` になります。 ``none`` に設定する場合、データプレーンの実装でサー" -"ビス機能のプロキシー機能が提供されている必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The ``share`` option allows any project to use this network. To limit access " -"to provider networks, see :ref:`config-rbac`." -msgstr "" -"``shared`` オプションを指定すると、すべてのプロジェクトがこのネットワークを使" -"用できるようになります。プロバイダーネットワークへのアクセスを制限する方法" -"は :ref:`config-rbac` を参照してください。" - -msgid "" -"The ``tags``, ``tags-any``, ``not-tags``, and ``not-tags-any`` arguments can " -"be combined to build more complex queries. Example::" -msgstr "" -"``tags``, ``tags-any``, ``not-tags``, ``not-tags-any`` 引数は組み合わせて、" -"もっと複雑な問い合わせを構成することもできます。例::" - -msgid "" -"The ``tenant_network_types`` option contains no value because the " -"architecture does not support self-service networks." -msgstr "" -"``tenant_network_types`` オプションには何も値を指定しません。このアーキテク" -"チャーでは、セルフサービスネットワークがサポートされないからです。" - -msgid "" -"The ability to control port security and QoS rate limit settings was added " -"in Liberty." -msgstr "" -"port security の制御および QoS レート制限の設定の機能は Liberty で追加されま" -"した。" - -msgid "" -"The above example returns any networks that have the \"red\" and \"blue\" " -"tags, plus at least one of \"green\" and \"orange\"." -msgstr "" -"上記の例では、 \"red\" と \"blue\" の両方のタグを持ち、かつ \"green\" と " -"\"orange\" のタグの少なくとも 1 つが設定されているネットワークの一覧を取得し" -"ています。" - -msgid "" -"The administrator can configure the VXLAN multicast group that should be " -"used." -msgstr "管理者は、使用すべき VXLAN マルチキャストグループを設定できます。" - -msgid "The agent currently only supports the Ryu BGP driver." -msgstr "" -"現在のところ、エージェントが対応しているのは Ryu BGP ドライバーのみです。" - -msgid "The attributes can also be left unset." -msgstr "これらの属性に値を設定しないままにすることもできます。" - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocation feature creates one network topology in every project " -"where it is used. The auto-allocated network topology for a project contains " -"the following resources:" -msgstr "" -"自動割り当て機能は、この機能を使うプロジェクト 1 つにつき 1 つのネットワーク" -"トポロジーを作成します。プロジェクトに自動割り当てされたネットワークトポロ" -"ジーには以下のリソースが含まれます。" - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocation feature introduced in Mitaka simplifies the procedure of " -"setting up an external connectivity for end-users, and is also known as " -"**Get Me A Network**." -msgstr "" -"Mitaka で追加された自動割り当て (auto-allocation) 機能を使うと、エンドユー" -"ザーが外部へ接続できる構成をセットアップする手順を単純化できます。この機能は " -"**Get Me A Network (私にネットワークを)** とも呼ばれます。" - -msgid "" -"The auto-allocation feature requires at least one default subnetpool. One " -"for IPv4, or one for IPv6, or one of each." -msgstr "" -"自動割り当て機能を使用するには、デフォルトサブネットプールが少なくとも 1 つ必" -"要です。 IPv4 が 1 つ、 IPv6 が 1 つ、IPv4/IPv6 それぞれが 1 つ、のいずれか。" - -msgid "" -"The basic deployment model consists of one controller node, two or more " -"network nodes, and multiple computes nodes." -msgstr "" -"基本的なデプロイメントモデルは、 1 台のコントローラーノード、 2 台以上のネッ" -"トワークノード、複数台のコンピュートノードから構成されます。" - -msgid "The basics" -msgstr "基本" - -msgid "" -"The client sends a discover (\"I’m a client at MAC address ``08:00:27:" -"b9:88:74``, I need an IP address\")" -msgstr "" -"クライアントは discover を送信します (「自分は MAC アドレス ``08:00:27:" -"b9:88:74`` のクライアントです。 IP アドレスがほしいです」)" - -msgid "" -"The cloud consumer can decide via the neutron APIs VNIC_TYPE attribute, if " -"an instance gets a normal OVS port or an SRIOV port." -msgstr "" -"クラウドの利用者は、インスタンスが通常の OVS ポートか SRIOV ポートのどちらを" -"使うかを、 neutron API の VNIC_TYPE 属性で指定できます。" - -msgid "The command also indicates if a project lacks network resources." -msgstr "プロジェクトにネットワークリソースがない場合は、その旨が表示されます。" - -msgid "" -"The command provides output that includes a completion percentage and the " -"quantity of successful or unsuccessful network resource deletions. An " -"unsuccessful deletion usually indicates sharing of a resource with one or " -"more additional projects." -msgstr "" -"このコマンドは、進捗率、およびネットワークリソース削除の成功数、失敗数を表示" -"します。削除の失敗が起こるのは、通常は別のプロジェクトとリソースが共有されて" -"いる場合です。" - -msgid "" -"The core plug-in must support the ``availability_zone`` extension. The core " -"plug-in also must support the ``network_availability_zone`` extension to " -"schedule a network according to availability zones. The ``Ml2Plugin`` " -"supports it. The router service plug-in must support the " -"``router_availability_zone`` extension to schedule a router according to the " -"availability zones. The ``L3RouterPlugin`` supports it." -msgstr "" -"コアプラグインは ``availability_zone`` 拡張をサポートしている必要があります。" -"また、ネットワークをアベイラビリティーゾーンに基いて割り当てを行うには、コア" -"プラグインが ``network_availability_zone`` 拡張もサポートしている必要がありま" -"す。ルーターをアベイラビリティーゾーンに基いて割り当てを行うには、ルーター" -"サービスプラグインが ``router_availability_zone`` 拡張をサポートしている必要" -"があります。" - -msgid "" -"The current process as designed is a minimally viable migration with the " -"goal of deprecating and then removing legacy networking. Both the Compute " -"and Networking teams agree that a one-button migration process from legacy " -"networking to OpenStack Networking (neutron) is not an essential requirement " -"for the deprecation and removal of the legacy networking at a future date. " -"This section includes a process and tools which are designed to solve a " -"simple use case migration." -msgstr "" -"現在の手順は、レガシーネットワークを廃止予定としその後削除するために、最小限" -"で必要な移行手順です。 Compute と Networking の両チームは、レガシーネットワー" -"クから OpenStack Networking (neutron) への「ボタン 1 つ押すだけ」の移行作業" -"は、レガシーネットワークを将来廃止予定に削除するにあたっての、必須の要件では" -"ないという点で合意しています。この節では、単純なユースケースで移行を可能にす" -"るために設計された手順とツールについて説明します。" - -msgid "" -"The default ``policy.json`` file will not allow regular users to share " -"objects with every other project using a wildcard; however, it will allow " -"them to share objects with specific project IDs." -msgstr "" -"デフォルトの ``policy.json`` では、通常ユーザーがワイルドカードで他のすべての" -"プロジェクトとオブジェクトを共有することは許可されていませんが、通常ユーザー" -"が特定のプロジェクトとオブジェクトを共有することは許可されています。" - -msgid "" -"The driver interface is designed to allow separate drivers for each subnet " -"pool. However, the current implementation allows only a single IPAM driver " -"system-wide." -msgstr "" -"ドライバーインターフェースは、サブネットプール毎に別のドライバーを利用できる" -"ように設計されていますが、現在の実装ではシステム全体で 1 つの IPAM ドライバー" -"しか利用できません。" - -msgid "" -"The enablement of this functionality is prerequisite for the enablement of " -"the Networking service integration with an external DNS service, which is " -"described in detail in :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv`." -msgstr "" -"この機能を有効にするには、 Networking サービスの外部 DNS サービスとの連携が有" -"効になっている必要があります。詳細は :ref:`config-dns-int-ext-serv` で説明し" -"ています。" - -msgid "" -"The example configuration assumes sufficient knowledge about the Networking " -"service, routing, and BGP. For basic deployment of the Networking service, " -"consult one of the :ref:`deploy`. For more information on BGP, see `RFC 4271 " -"`_." -msgstr "" -"この設定例では、 Networking サービスやルーティング、BGP についての十分な知識" -"があることを前提にしています。 Networking サービスの基本的なデプロイメントに" -"ついては、 :ref:`deploy` のいずれかを参考にしてください。 BGP についての詳し" -"い情報は `RFC 4271 `_ を参照してくださ" -"い。" - -msgid "The example configuration involves the following components:" -msgstr "この設定例では、以下の構成要素が登場します。" - -msgid "The example network ``net1`` must exist before creating ports on it." -msgstr "" -"サンプルのネットワーク ``net1`` は、そのネットワークにポートを作成する前に存" -"在している必要があります。" - -msgid "The examples assume the OpenStack DNS service as the external DNS." -msgstr "ここの例では外部 DNS として OpenStack DNS サービスを前提とします。" - -msgid "The external and self-service network reside in the same address scope." -msgstr "" -"外部ネットワークとセルフサービスネットワークが同じアドレススコープに属してい" -"る。" - -msgid "" -"The first branch is called expand and is used to store expansion-only " -"migration rules. These rules are strictly additive and can be applied while " -"the Neutron server is running." -msgstr "" -"1 つめのブランチは expand (拡張) と呼ばれ、拡張のみの移行ルールを格納するのに" -"使用されます。これらのルールは追加処理のみであり、Neutron サーバーの実行中に" -"適用できます。" - -msgid "" -"The first step to configure the integration with an external DNS service is " -"to enable the functionality described in :ref:`config-dns-int-dns-" -"resolution`. Once this is done, the user has to take the following steps and " -"restart ``neutron-server``." -msgstr "" -"外部 DNS サービスとの連携を設定する際に最初にすべきことは、 :ref:`config-dns-" -"int-dns-resolution` に書かれた機能を有効にすることです。これが終わったら、" -"ユーザーは以下の手順を実行し ``neutron-server`` を再起動する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The first time host *A* attempts to communicate with host *B*, the " -"destination MAC address is not known. Host *A* makes an ARP request to the " -"local network. The request is a broadcast with a message like this:" -msgstr "" -"ホスト *A* が最初にホスト *B* と通信する際、宛先の MAC アドレスは不明です。ホ" -"スト *A* はローカルネットワークに ARP リクエストを行います。リクエストは以下" -"のようなメッセージが入ったブロードキャストです。" - -msgid "" -"The first value in the ``tenant_network_types`` option becomes the default " -"project network type when a regular user creates a network." -msgstr "" -"`tenant_network_types`` オプションの最初の値は、一般ユーザーがネットワークを" -"作成した際のデフォルトのプロジェクトネットワーク種別になります。" - -msgid "" -"The floating IP agent gateways (one per compute node) reside on " -",, and" -msgstr "" -"Floating IP エージェントゲートウェイ (各コンピュートノードに 1 つ置かれる) " -"は IP アドレス,, を持つ。" - -msgid "The following attributes are added into network and router:" -msgstr "以下の属性がネットワークとルーターに追加されます。" - -msgid "" -"The following illustrates the creation of a port with ``my-port`` in its " -"``dns_name`` attribute." -msgstr "" -"以下では、 ``dns_name`` 属性の値が ``my-port`` でポートを作成しています。" - -msgid "" -"The following is an example of an instance creation, showing how its " -"``hostname`` populates the ``dns_name`` attribute of the allocated port:" -msgstr "" -"以下は、インスタンスを作成し、割り当てられたポートの ``dns_name`` 属性に " -"``hostname`` がどのように設定されているかの例です。" - -msgid "The following is an example:" -msgstr "以下は設定例です。" - -msgid "The following manufacturers are known to work:" -msgstr "以下のベンダーの製品が動作するとされています。" - -msgid "" -"The following shows the dnsmasq process that libvirt manages as it appears " -"in the output of :command:`ps`::" -msgstr "" -"以下は、出力 libvirt が管理する dnsmasq プロセスの :command:`ps` の出力で" -"す。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "The following steps involve compute node 1." -msgstr "以下の手順は、コンピュートノード 1 で行われます。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "The following steps involve compute node 1:" -msgstr "以下の手順は、コンピュートノード 1 で行われます。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "The following steps involve compute node 2:" -msgstr "以下の手順は、コンピュートノード 2 で行われます。" - -msgid "The following steps involve the compute node:" -msgstr "以下の手順は、コンピュートノードで行われます。" - -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "The following steps involve the network node:" -msgstr "以下の手順は、ネットワークノードで行われます。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "The following steps involve the physical network infrastructure:" -msgstr "以下の手順は、物理ネットワーク環境で行われます。" - -msgid "" -"The following tables shows which reference implementations support which non-" -"L2 neutron agents:" -msgstr "" -"以下の表に、どの参照実装でどの L2 以外の neutron エージェントが使用できるかを" -"示します。" - -msgid "The following terms are used throughout this document:" -msgstr "以下の用語がこのページではたびたび登場します。" - -msgid "The following type drivers are available" -msgstr "以下のタイプドライバーが利用できます。" - -msgid "" -"The host containing the BGP agent must have layer-3 connectivity to the " -"provider router." -msgstr "" -"BGP エージェントが動作するホストは、プロバイダールーターへの L3 での接続性が" -"必要です。" - -msgid "The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses provider network 1." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスは、コンピュートノード 1 上にあり、プロバイダーネットワーク 1 を" -"使用します。" - -msgid "The instance resides on compute node 1 and uses self-service network 1." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスは、コンピュートノード 1 上にあり、セルフサービスネットワーク 1 " -"を使用します。" - -msgid "The instance sends a packet to a host on the Internet." -msgstr "インスタンスが内部ネットワーク上のホストにパケットを送信します。" - -msgid "" -"The intent of separate branches is to allow invoking those safe migrations " -"from the expand branch while the Neutron server is running and therefore " -"reducing downtime needed to upgrade the service." -msgstr "" -"別々のブランチを持つ理由は、 Neutron サーバーの実行中に expand ブランチの安全" -"な移行ルールを適用し、サービスのアップグレードに必要な停止時間を減らすことに" -"あります。" - -msgid "" -"The internal DNS functionality offered by the Networking service and its " -"interaction with the Compute service." -msgstr "Networking サービスが提供する内部 DNS 機能と Compute サービスとの連携" - -msgid "The load balancer now handles traffic on ports 80 and 443." -msgstr "" -"この時点で、ロードバランサーはポート 80 と 443 のトラフィックを処理します。" - -msgid "" -"The load balancer occupies a neutron network port and has an IP address " -"assigned from a subnet." -msgstr "" -"ロードバランサーは neutron のネットワークポートを所有し、サブネットから割り当" -"てられた IP アドレスを持ちます。" - -msgid "" -"The mechanism driver is responsible for taking the information established " -"by the type driver and ensuring that it is properly applied given the " -"specific networking mechanisms that have been enabled." -msgstr "" -"メカニズムドライバーは、タイプドライバーが設定した情報を受け取り、有効化に" -"なっているそれぞれのネットワーク機構にその情報を適切に適用する役割を持ちま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"The migration may be paused, even for an extended period of time (for " -"example, while testing or investigating issues) with some hypervisors on " -"legacy networking and some on Networking, and Compute API remains fully " -"functional. Individual hypervisors may be rolled back to legacy networking " -"during this stage of the migration, although this requires an additional " -"restart." -msgstr "" -"移行作業を途中で止めることもできます。一部のハイパーバイザーはレガシーネット" -"ワークで、一部ハイパーバイザーは Networking を使っているという状況で、(例え" -"ば、テストや問題の調査などで) 長い時間止めることもでき、その間も Compute API " -"は完全に機能し続けます。個々のハイパーバイザーは、移行のこの段階であれば、も" -"う一度再起動を行う必要はありますが、レガシーネットワークに切り戻すこともでき" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"The migration process from the legacy nova-network networking service to " -"OpenStack Networking (neutron) has some limitations and impacts on the " -"operational state of the cloud. It is critical to understand them in order " -"to decide whether or not this process is acceptable for your cloud and all " -"users." -msgstr "" -"レガシーネットワークの nova-network サービスから OpenStack Networking " -"(neutron) への移行手順には、いくつか制限があり、クラウドの運用状態への影響が" -"あります。あなたのクラウドとユーザーにとって、この手順が受け入れ可能なものか" -"を判断する上で、この内容を理解するのは不可欠です。" - -msgid "" -"The migration process is quite simple, it involves turning down the router " -"by setting the router's ``admin_state_up`` attribute to ``False``, upgrading " -"the router to L3 HA and then setting the router's ``admin_state_up`` " -"attribute back to ``True``." -msgstr "" -"移行手順はかなり簡単です。ルーターの ``admin_state_up`` 属性を ``False`` に設" -"定してルーターを停止してから、ルーターを L3 HA にアップグレードし、最後にルー" -"ターの ``admin_state_up`` 属性を ``True`` に戻します。" - -msgid "" -"The most common application programming interface (API) for writing TCP-" -"based applications is called *Berkeley sockets*, also known as *BSD sockets* " -"or, simply, *sockets*. The sockets API exposes a *stream oriented* interface " -"for writing TCP applications. From the perspective of a programmer, sending " -"data over a TCP connection is similar to writing a stream of bytes to a " -"file. It is the responsibility of the operating system's TCP/IP " -"implementation to break up the stream of data into IP packets. The operating " -"system is also responsible for automatically retransmitting dropped packets, " -"and for handling flow control to ensure that transmitted data does not " -"overrun the sender's data buffers, receiver's data buffers, and network " -"capacity. Finally, the operating system is responsible for re-assembling the " -"packets in the correct order into a stream of data on the receiver's side. " -"Because TCP detects and retransmits lost packets, it is said to be a " -"*reliable* protocol." -msgstr "" -"TCP を使ったアプリケーションを書く際に最も広く使われるアプリケーションプログ" -"ラミングインターフェース (API) は *Berkeley ソケット* と呼ばれています。 " -"*BSD ソケット* とか、単に *ソケット* と呼ばれることもあります。ソケット API " -"は TCP アプリケーションを書くための *ストリーム志向* のインターフェースを公開" -"しています。プログラマーの視点では、 TCP コネクションにデータを送信するのは、" -"ファイルにバイトストリームを書き込むのに似ています。データストリームを IP パ" -"ケットに分解するのはオペレーティングシステムの TCP/IP 実装の仕事です。失われ" -"たパケットを自動的に再送したり、送信したデータが送信側のデータバッファーや受" -"信側のデータバッファー、ネットワーク容量を超えてしまわないようにフロー制御を" -"行うのも、オペレーティングシステムの仕事です。最後に、受信側でパケットを正し" -"い順番で再組み立てしてデータストリームに戻すのも、オペレーティングシステムの" -"しごとです。 TCP はパケットロスを検知して再送を行うので、 *信頼性がある* プロ" -"トコルだと言われます。" - -msgid "" -"The name assigned to the port by the Networking service internal DNS is now " -"visible in the response in the ``dns_assignment`` attribute." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスの内部 DNS によってこのポートに割り当てられる名前が、レス" -"ポンスの ``dns_assignment`` 属性に入っています。" - -msgid "" -"The name given to the instance by the user, ``my_vm``, is sanitized by the " -"Compute service and becomes ``my-vm`` as the port's ``dns_name``." -msgstr "" -"ユーザーがインスタンスに渡した名前 ``my_vm`` は Compute サービスにより使用で" -"きない文字が取り除かれ、ポートの ``dns_name`` では ``my-vm`` になっています。" - -msgid "" -"The native OVS firewall implementation requires kernel and user space " -"support for *conntrack*, thus requiring minimum versions of the Linux kernel " -"and Open vSwitch. All cases require Open vSwitch version 2.5 or newer." -msgstr "" -"ネイティブ OVS ファイアウォール実装は、カーネル空間とユーザー空間の両方の " -"*conntrack* サポートを必要とします。そのため、 Linux カーネルと Open vSwitch " -"の必要な最小バージョンがあります。すべてのケースで Open vSwitch のバージョン " -"2.5 以降が必要です。" - -msgid "The network cannot have attribute ``router:external`` set to ``True``." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークの ``router:external`` 属性は ``True`` であってはいけません。" - -msgid "The network type can be FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE." -msgstr "" -"ネットワーク種別は FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN, GENEVE のいずれかにできます。" - -msgid "" -"The operating system of the TCP client application automatically assigns a " -"port number to the client. The client owns this port number until the TCP " -"connection is terminated, after which the operating system reclaims the port " -"number. These types of ports are referred to as *ephemeral ports*." -msgstr "" -"TCP クライアントアプリケーションのオペレーティングシステムは、自動的にクライ" -"アントにポート番号を割り当てます。クライアントはそのポート番号を TCP コネク" -"ションが終了するまで所有します。一定時間後にオペレーティングシステムはポート" -"番号を回収します。このようなポートは *ephemeral ポート (一時的なポート)* と呼" -"ばれます。" - -msgid "The options used in the configuration file above are:" -msgstr "上記の設定ファイルで使用されているオプションは以下の通りです::" - -msgid "" -"The output of the :command:`route -n` and :command:`netstat -rn` commands " -"are formatted in a slightly different way. This example shows how the same " -"routes would be formatted using these commands:" -msgstr "" -"コマンド :command:`route -n` と :command:`netstat -rn` の出力は、少し違った形" -"で整形されます。以下の例は、これらのコマンドを使って同じ経路を表示したもので" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"The output shows ``bridge-mapping`` and the number of virtual network " -"devices on this L2 agent." -msgstr "" -"出力には ``bridge-mapping`` とこの L2 エージェント上の仮想ネットワークデバイ" -"ス数が表示されています。" - -msgid "" -"The port chain plug-in supports backing service providers including the OVS " -"driver and a variety of SDN controller drivers. The common driver API " -"enables different drivers to provide different implementations for the " -"service chain path rendering." -msgstr "" -"ポートチェインプラグインは、OVS ドライバーや各種 SDN コントローラードライバー" -"など、さまざまなサービスプロバイダーに対応しています。共通ドライバー API によ" -"り、それぞれのドライバーがサービスチェインパスの異なる方法で実装できるように" -"なっています。" - -msgid "" -"The port's ``dns_assignment`` attribute shows that its FQDN is ``my-vm." -"example.org.`` in the Networking service internal DNS, which is the result " -"of concatenating the port's ``dns_name`` with the value configured in the " -"``dns_domain`` parameter in ``neutron.conf``, as explained previously." -msgstr "" -"ポートの ``dns_assignment`` 属性では、 Networking サービスの内部 DNS での " -"FQDN が ``my-vm.example.org`` であることが分かります。この FQDN は、ポートの " -"``dna_name`` と ``neutron.conf`` の ``dns_domain`` パラメーターに設定された値" -"を結合したものです。" - -msgid "" -"The port's data was visible in the DNS service as soon as it was created." -msgstr "" -"ポートが作成された直後から DNS サービスでポートのデータが見えています。" - -msgid "" -"The prefix delegation mechanism then sends a request via the external " -"network to your prefix delegation server, which replies with the delegated " -"prefix. The subnet is then updated with the new prefix, including issuing " -"new IP addresses to all ports:" -msgstr "" -"prefix delegation 機構により、外部ネットワーク経由で prefix delegation サー" -"バーに要求が送信され、 prefix delegation サーバーは移譲するプレフィックスを返" -"します。サブネットは新しいプレフィックスを持つように更新され、新しい IP アド" -"レスがすべてのポートに発行されます。" - -msgid "" -"The router contains an interface on the self-service subnet and a gateway on " -"the external network." -msgstr "" -"ルーターが、セルフサービスサブネットに接続されたインターフェースと、外部ネッ" -"トワークに接続されたゲートウェイを持つ。" - -msgid "The router forwards the packet to the switch (10)." -msgstr "ルーターは、パケットをスイッチ (10) に転送します。" - -msgid "" -"The router routes the packet from provider network 1 (8) to provider network " -"2 (9)." -msgstr "" -"ルーターは、パケットをプロバイダーネットワーク 1 (8) からプロバイダーネット" -"ワーク 2 (9) へルーティングします。" - -msgid "" -"The router with the floating IP address binding contains a gateway on an " -"external network with the BGP speaker association." -msgstr "" -"Floating IP アドレスが関連付けられたルーターのゲートウェイが、 BGP スピーカー" -"の関連付けがある外部ネットワーク上にある。" - -msgid "" -"The same can explicitly be accomplished by a user with administrative " -"credentials setting the flags in the :command:`neutron router-create` " -"command:" -msgstr "" -"管理者権限を持つユーザーがこれらのフラグを :command:`neutron router-create` " -"コマンドで指定して、同じことを明示的に行うこともできます。" - -msgid "" -"The same neutron commands are used for LBaaS v2 with an agent or with " -"Octavia." -msgstr "" -"エージェントを用いた LBaaS v2 でも Octavia を用いた LBaaS v2 でも同じ " -"neutron コマンドを使用します。" - -msgid "" -"The second branch is called contract and is used to store those migration " -"rules that are not safe to apply while Neutron server is running." -msgstr "" -"2 つめのブランチは contract (縮小) と呼ばれ、 Neutron サーバーの実行中には安" -"全に適用できない移行ルールが格納されます。" - -msgid "" -"The sriov nic switch agent configures PCI virtual functions to realize L2 " -"networks for OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other resources " -"like routers, DHCP, and so on are not supported." -msgstr "" -"SRIOV NIC スイッチエージェントは、 OpenStack インスタンス用の L2 ネットワーク" -"を実現するための PCI 仮想ファンクション (VF) の設定を行います。ルーター、" -"DHCP などのその他のリソースのネットワーク接続には対応していません。" - -msgid "" -"The subnet is initially created with a temporary CIDR before one can be " -"assigned by prefix delegation. Any number of subnets with this temporary " -"CIDR can exist without raising an overlap error. The subnetpool_id is " -"automatically set to ``prefix_delegation``." -msgstr "" -"サブネットは、 prefix delegation でアドレスが割り当てられるまでは、仮の CIDR " -"で作成されます。重複エラーが発生しないかぎりは、仮の CIDR を持つサブネットは" -"何個でも存在できます。 subnetpool_id は自動的に ``prefix_delegation`` に設定" -"されます。" - -msgid "" -"The suggested way of making PCI SYS settings persistent is through the " -"``sysfsutils`` tool. However, this is not available by default on many major " -"distributions." -msgstr "" -"PCI SYS 設定を永続化させる推奨の方法は ``sysfsutils`` ツールを使用する方法で" -"す。しかしながら、多くの主要なディストリビューションではこの方法はデフォルト" -"では利用できません。" - -msgid "" -"The support for SR-IOV with InfiniBand allows a Virtual PCI device (VF) to " -"be directly mapped to the guest, allowing higher performance and advanced " -"features such as RDMA (remote direct memory access). To use this feature, " -"you must:" -msgstr "" -"InfiniBand を使った SR-IOV 対応では、 仮想 PCI デバイス (VF) をゲストに直接" -"マッピングでき、高い性能が得られ、 RDMA (remote direct memory access) などの" -"高度な機能が利用できます。この機能を使用するには、以下を行う必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"The switch forwards the packet from compute node 1 to compute node 2 (11)." -msgstr "" -"スイッチは、コンピュートノード 1 からコンピュートノード 2 (11) へパケットを転" -"送します" - -msgid "" -"The switch forwards the packet from compute node 1 to compute node 2 (7)." -msgstr "" -"スイッチは、コンピュートノード 1 からコンピュートノード 2 (7) へパケットを転" -"送します" - -msgid "" -"The tool needs to access the database connection string, which is provided " -"in the ``neutron.conf`` configuration file in an installation. The tool " -"automatically reads from ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` if it is present. If " -"the configuration is in a different location, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"このツールでは、 OpenStack 環境の設定ファイル ``neutron.conf`` で指定される" -"データベース接続の文字列オプションが必要です。 ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` " -"が存在する場合は、自動的にこのファイルから設定を読み込みます。設定ファイルが" -"別の場所にある場合は、以下のコマンドを使用します。" - -msgid "The tool takes some options followed by some commands:" -msgstr "このツールでは、オプションの後にコマンドが続きます。" - -msgid "" -"The tool usage examples below do not show the options. It is assumed that " -"you use the options that you need for your environment." -msgstr "" -"以下のツールの実行例ではオプションは記載していません。必要な場合はオプション" -"を指定してください。" - -msgid "" -"The upgrade of the Networking service database is implemented with Alembic " -"migration chains. The migrations in the ``alembic/versions`` contain the " -"changes needed to migrate from older Networking service releases to newer " -"ones." -msgstr "" -"Networking サービスのデータベースのアップグレードは、一連の Alembic の移行" -"ルールとして実装されています。 ``alembic/versions`` の移行ルール (migration) " -"には、Networking サービスの古いリリースから新しいリリースへの移行に必要な変更" -"が入っています。" - -msgid "" -"The upstream router can send an RA and the neutron router will automatically " -"learn the next-hop LLA, provided again that no subnet is assigned and the " -"``ipv6_gateway`` flag is not set." -msgstr "" -"上流ルーターが RA を送信できる場合は、サブネットが割り当てられておらず、 " -"``ipv6_gateway`` フラグが設定されていない場合、 neutron ルーターはネクスト" -"ホップの LLA を自動的に学習します。" - -msgid "The variables used in the script file above are:" -msgstr "上記のスクリプトで使用されている変数は以下の通りです。" - -msgid "" -"There are certain scenarios where l2pop and distributed HA routers do not " -"interact in an expected manner. These situations are the same that affect HA " -"only routers and l2pop." -msgstr "" -"L2 population と分散 HA ルーターが期待通りに連携しない場面がいくつかありま" -"す。これらの場面は、 HA のみのルーターと L2 population がうまく連携できない場" -"面と同じです。" - -msgid "" -"There are multiple variations of NAT, and here we describe three kinds " -"commonly found in OpenStack deployments." -msgstr "" -"NAT にはいくつかの種類があります。ここでは、OpenStack デプロイメントでよく使" -"われている 3 種類について説明します。" - -msgid "There are two IPv6 attributes:" -msgstr "2 つの IPv6 関連の属性があります。" - -msgid "" -"There are two reference implementations of LBaaS v2. The one is an agent " -"based implementation with HAProxy. The agents handle the HAProxy " -"configuration and manage the HAProxy daemon. Another LBaaS v2 " -"implementation, `Octavia `_, " -"has a separate API and separate worker processes that build load balancers " -"within virtual machines on hypervisors that are managed by the Compute " -"service. You do not need an agent for Octavia." -msgstr "" -"LBaaS v2 は 2 つのリファレンス実装があります。1 つは、HAProxy を用いたエー" -"ジェントベースの実装です。エージェントが HAProxy 設定を処理し、HAProxy デーモ" -"ンを管理します。もう 1 つの LBaaS v2 の実装である `Octavia `_ は、独立した API とワーカープロセスを持" -"ち、 Compute サービスが管理するハイパーバイザー上の仮想マシンにロードバラン" -"サーを作成します。 Octavia 用のエージェントは必要ありません。" - -msgid "There are two syntaxes for expressing a netmask:" -msgstr "ネットマスクを表現する書式は 2 つあります。" - -msgid "" -"There is no need to specify any value if you wish to use the reference " -"driver, though specifying ``internal`` will explicitly choose the reference " -"driver. The documentation for any alternate drivers will include the value " -"to use when specifying that driver." -msgstr "" -"参照実装ドライバーを使用する場合には、値を設定する必要はありませんが、 " -"``internal`` を指定して参照実装ドライバーを明示的に指定することもできます。こ" -"れ以外のドライバーを指定する場合、指定すべき値についてはドライバーのドキュメ" -"ントを参照してください。" - -msgid "There will be three hosts in the setup." -msgstr "この構成では 3 つのホストがあります。" - -msgid "" -"These IP addresses are not publicly routable, meaning that a host on the " -"public Internet can not send an IP packet to any of these addresses. Private " -"IP addresses are widely used in both residential and corporate environments." -msgstr "" -"これらの IP アドレスは、グローバルにはルーティングできないアドレスです。つま" -"り、パブリックなインターネット上のホストはこれらのアドレスを持つ IP パケット" -"を送信できません。プライベート IP アドレスは家庭や企業の環境では広く使われて" -"います。" - -msgid "These attributes can be set to the following values:" -msgstr "これらの属性には以下の値を設定できます。" - -msgid "" -"Third-party drivers must provide their own migration mechanisms to convert " -"existing OpenStack installations to their IPAM." -msgstr "" -"third-party 製のドライバーは、既存の OpenStack 環境を third-party 製の IPAM " -"に変換する仕組みを自分で提供する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"This command is the sibling command for the previous one. Remove ``net2`` " -"from the DHCP agent for HostA:" -msgstr "" -"このコマンドは上記のコマンドの対となるコマンドです。 HostA の DHCP から " -"``net2`` を削除します。" - -msgid "This command is to show which networks a given dhcp agent is managing." -msgstr "" -"このコマンドは、指定した DHCP エージェントが管理しているネットワーク一覧を表" -"示します。" - -msgid "This command provides no output." -msgstr "このコマンドは何も出力しません。" - -msgid "This command requires other options outside the scope of this content." -msgstr "" -"このコマンドには、ここで議論している以外のオプションも指定する必要がありま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"This example shows how to check the connectivity between networks with " -"address scopes." -msgstr "" -"この例では、アドレススコープに所属するネットワーク間での接続性を確認します。" - -msgid "" -"This feature is only supported when using the libvirt compute driver, and " -"the KVM/QEMU hypervisor." -msgstr "" -"この機能がサポートされるのは、 libvirt コンピュートドライバーと KVM/QEMU ハイ" -"パーバイザーを使う場合のみです。" - -msgid "" -"This guide assumes that you are running a Dibbler server on the network node " -"where the external network bridge exists. If you already have a prefix " -"delegation capable DHCPv6 server in place, then you can skip the following " -"section." -msgstr "" -"このガイドでは、外部ネットワークブリッジが存在するネットワークノード上で " -"Dibbler サーバーが動いていることを前提にします。すでに prefix delegation に対" -"応した DHCPv6 サーバーがそこで動いている場合には、次のセクションはスキップで" -"きます。" - -msgid "" -"This guide characterizes the L2 reference implementations that currently " -"exist." -msgstr "ここでは、現在存在する L2 参照実装の特徴を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This guide targets OpenStack administrators seeking to deploy and manage " -"OpenStack Networking (neutron)." -msgstr "" -"このガイドは、OpenStack Networking (neutron) を導入して管理しようとしている、" -"OpenStack 管理者を対象にしています。" - -msgid "" -"This page serves as a guide for how to use the DNS integration functionality " -"of the Networking service. The functionality described covers DNS from two " -"points of view:" -msgstr "" -"このページでは、 Networking サービスの DNS 関連の機能の使用方法を説明します。" -"ここでは以下の 2 種類の DNS 関連機能を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This page serves as a guide for how to use the OVS with DPDK datapath " -"functionality available in the Networking service as of the Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"このページでは、 OVS で DPDK データパスを使う方法について、 Networking サービ" -"スの Mitaka リリース時点で利用できる方法を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This process can be repeated any number of times to make a network available " -"as external to an arbitrary number of projects." -msgstr "" -"この手順を繰り返して、任意の数のプロジェクトに対して、あるネットワークを外部" -"ネットワークとして利用可能にできます。" - -msgid "" -"This process can be repeated any number of times to share a network with an " -"arbitrary number of projects." -msgstr "" -"この手順を繰り返して、任意の数のプロジェクトとネットワークを共有できます。" - -msgid "" -"This process can be repeated any number of times to share a qos-policy with " -"an arbitrary number of projects." -msgstr "" -"この手順を繰り返して、任意の数のプロジェクトと QoS ポリシーを共有できます。" - -msgid "" -"This section describes how to use the agent management (alias agent) and " -"scheduler (alias agent_scheduler) extensions for DHCP agents scalability and " -"HA." -msgstr "" -"このセクションでは、エージェント管理 API 拡張 (別名 agent) とスケジューラー " -"API 拡張 (別名 agent_scheduler) を使って DHCP エージェントのスケーラビリ" -"ティーと HA (高可用性) を行う方法を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This section describes the process of migrating clouds based on the legacy " -"networking model to the OpenStack Networking model. This process requires " -"additional changes to both compute and networking to support the migration. " -"This document describes the overall process and the features required in " -"both Networking and Compute." -msgstr "" -"この節では、レガシーネットワークモデルのクラウドを OpenStack Networking モデ" -"ルに移行する手順を説明します。この手順では、移行に対応するために compute と " -"networking の両方に追加の変更が必要です。ここでは、全体の手順と、Networking " -"と Compute の両方に必要となる機能について説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This section describes the process of migrating from a classic router to an " -"L3 HA router, which is available starting from the Mitaka release." -msgstr "" -"この節では、従来のルーター (クラシックルーター) を L3 HA ルーターに移行する手" -"順を説明します。この機能は Mitaka リリースから利用可能です。" - -msgid "" -"This section explains how to get high availability with the availability " -"zone for L3 and DHCP. You should naturally set above configuration options " -"for the availability zone." -msgstr "" -"このセクションでは、L3 と DHCP に対するアベイラビリティーゾーンと組み合わせて" -"高可用性を実現する方法を説明します。アベイラビリティーゾーンについては上記の" -"オプションを設定しているものとします。" - -msgid "" -"This section illustrates how you can get the Network IP address availability " -"through the command-line interface." -msgstr "" -"このセクションでは、コマンドラインインターフェースを使ってネットワークの IP " -"アドレス利用状況を取得する方法を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This section shows how non-privileged users can use address scopes to route " -"straight to an external network without NAT." -msgstr "" -"このセクションでは、非特権ユーザーがアドレススコープを使って、外部ネットワー" -"クと NAT なしでそのままルーティングする方法を説明します。" - -msgid "" -"This section shows how to set up shared address scopes to allow simple " -"routing for project networks with the same subnet pools." -msgstr "" -"このセクションでは、共有アドレススコープを用意し、同じサブネットプールのプロ" -"ジェクトネットワーク間では通常のルーティングが行うようにする方法を説明しま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"This step ensures that Dashboard can find the plug-in when it enumerates all " -"of its available panels." -msgstr "" -"この手順を行うことで、ダッシュボードが利用可能なパネルを探す際に LBaaSv2 プラ" -"グインを認識するようになります。" - -msgid "" -"This tells OpenStack Networking to use the prefix delegation mechanism for " -"subnet allocation when the user does not provide a CIDR or subnet pool id " -"when creating a subnet." -msgstr "" -"これにより、ユーザーが CIDR またはサブネットプール ID をサブネット作成時に指" -"定しなかった場合、 OpenStack Networking は prefix delegation 機構を使ってサブ" -"ネット割り当てを行うようになります。" - -msgid "" -"This tells the Compute service that all VFs belonging to ``eth3`` are " -"allowed to be passed through to instances and belong to the provider network " -"``physnet2``." -msgstr "" -"この設定では、 ``eth3`` に属するすべての VF をインスタンスにパススルーでき、" -"これらの VF はプロバイダーネットワーク ``physnet2`` に所属することを Compute " -"サービスに指示しています。" - -msgid "Three instances, one per compute node, each with a floating IP address." -msgstr "" -"3 つのインスタンスが、各コンピュートノードに 1 つずつあり、それぞれ Floating " -"IP アドレスを持つ。" - -msgid "" -"Three routers. Each router connects one self-service network to the provider " -"network." -msgstr "" -"3 個のルーター。各ルーターはそれぞれ 1 個のセルフサービスネットワークをプロバ" -"イダーネットワークに接続します。" - -msgid "Three self-service networks." -msgstr "3 個のセルフサービスネットワーク。" - -msgid "" -"Throughout this guide, ``eth3`` is used as the PF and ``physnet2`` is used " -"as the provider network configured as a VLAN range. These ports may vary in " -"different environments." -msgstr "" -"このページでは、、 PF として ``eth3`` を、 VLAN の範囲が設定されたプロバイ" -"ダーネットワークとして ``physnet2`` を使用します。これらの値は環境によって変" -"わります。" - -msgid "To activate the network after it has been deactivated:" -msgstr "" -"非活性化した後に、このネットワークをアクティブにするには以下のようにします。" - -msgid "To add a single rule, use the insert-rule operation." -msgstr "単一のルールを追加するには、インサート・ルール操作を使ってください。" - -msgid "To add another DHCP agent to host the network, run this command:" -msgstr "" -"ネットワークを別の DHCP エージェントに追加するには、以下のコマンドを実行しま" -"す。" - -msgid "To add multiple rules, use the update operation." -msgstr "複数のルールを追加するには、更新操作を使ってください。" - -msgid "" -"To allow the neutron-pd-agent to communicate with prefix delegation servers, " -"you must set which network interface to use for external communication. In " -"DevStack the default for this is ``br-ex``:" -msgstr "" -"neutron-pd-agent が prefix delegation サーバーと通信できるように、外部通信に" -"使うネットワークインターフェースを設定しなければいけません。 DevStack では、" -"デフォルト値として ``br-ex`` が設定されます。" - -msgid "To apply the expansion migration rules, use the following command:" -msgstr "拡張の移行ルールを適用するには、以下のコマンドを使用します。" - -msgid "To apply the non-expansive migration rules, use the following command:" -msgstr "拡張以外の移行ルールを適用するには、以下のコマンドを使用します。" - -msgid "" -"To calculate the network number of an IP address, you must know the " -"*netmask* associated with the address. A netmask indicates how many of the " -"bits in the 32-bit IP address make up the network number." -msgstr "" -"IP アドレスのネットワーク番号を計算するには、そのアドレスに関連付けられた *" -"ネットマスク* を知る必要があります。ネットマスクは 32 ビット IP アドレスのう" -"ち何ビットがネットワーク番号であるかを示します。" - -msgid "" -"To check if any contract migrations are pending and therefore if offline " -"migration is required, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"適用待ちの contract (縮小) 移行ルールがあり、オフラインでの移行が必要かを確認" -"するには、以下のコマンドを実行します。" - -msgid "" -"To configure a driver other than the reference driver, specify it in the " -"``neutron.conf`` file. Do this after the migration is complete. There is no " -"need to specify any value if you wish to use the reference driver." -msgstr "" -"参照実装ドライバー以外のドライバーを設定するには、 ``neutron.conf`` ファイル" -"でそのドライバーを指定します。この作業は移行処理が完了してから行ってくださ" -"い。参照実装ドライバーを使用する場合、値を設定する必要はありません。" - -msgid "" -"To configure rich network topologies, you can create and configure networks " -"and subnets and instruct other OpenStack services like Compute to attach " -"virtual devices to ports on these networks. OpenStack Compute is a prominent " -"consumer of OpenStack Networking to provide connectivity for its instances. " -"In particular, OpenStack Networking supports each project having multiple " -"private networks and enables projects to choose their own IP addressing " -"scheme, even if those IP addresses overlap with those that other projects " -"use. There are two types of network, project and provider networks. It is " -"possible to share any of these types of networks among projects as part of " -"the network creation process." -msgstr "" -"様々なネットワークトポロジーを作るには、ネットワークやサブネットの作成、設定" -"を行い、Compute などの他の OpenStack サービスに仮想デバイスをこれらのネット" -"ワークのポートに接続するように指示します。 OpenStack Networking の主要な利用" -"者は OpenStack Compute で、 Networking を使ってインスタンスに対する接続性を提" -"供します。特に、 OpenStack Networking では、各プロジェクトは複数のプライベー" -"トネットワークを所有でき、プロジェクト自身の IP アドレス割り当てスキームを使" -"うことができます。他のプロジェクトが使用する IP アドレスと重複する IP アドレ" -"スも使用できます。プロジェクトネットワークとプロバイダーネットワークという 2 " -"種類のネットワークがあります。ネットワーク作成時に指定すれば、どちらのネット" -"ワークもプロジェクト間で共有させることができます。" - -msgid "To confirm the agent's availability zone:" -msgstr "" -"エージェントのアベイラビリティーゾーンを確認するには、以下のようにします。" - -msgid "To confirm the availability zone defined by the system:" -msgstr "" -"システムで定義されているアベイラビリティーゾーンを確認するには、以下のように" -"します。" - -msgid "To deactivate the libvirt network named ``default``:" -msgstr "``default`` という名前の libvirt ネットワークを非活性化します。" - -msgid "To enable DSCP marking rule:" -msgstr "DSCP マーキングを有効にする場合:" - -msgid "" -"To enable advertising IPv6 prefixes, create an address scope with " -"``ip_version=6`` and a BGP speaker with ``ip_version=6``." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 プレフィックスの広告を行うには、 ``ip_version=6`` でアドレススコープを作" -"成し、 ``ip_version=6`` で BGP スピーカーを作成します。" - -msgid "To enable bandwidth limit rule:" -msgstr "帯域制限ルールを有効にする場合:" - -msgid "" -"To enable mechanism drivers in the ML2 plug-in, edit the ``/etc/neutron/" -"plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file on the neutron server:" -msgstr "" -"ML2 プラグインでメカニズムドライバーを有効にするには、 neutron サーバーの ``/" -"etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` ファイルを編集します。" - -msgid "" -"To enable peering via IPv6, create a BGP peer and use an IPv6 address for " -"``peer_ip``." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 経由のピアリングを有効にするには、 BGP ピアを作成する際に ``peer_ip`` " -"に IPv6 アドレスを使用します。" - -msgid "" -"To enable the driver for the dhcpv6_pd_agent, set pd_dhcp_driver to this in " -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:" -msgstr "" -"dhcpv6_pd_agent 用のドライバーを有効にするには、 ``/etc/neutron/neutron." -"conf``: で pd_dhcp_driver に dhcpv6_pd_agent を指定します。" - -msgid "To enable the service, follow the steps below:" -msgstr "このサービスを有効にするには、以下の手順を行います。" - -msgid "" -"To enable type drivers in the ML2 plug-in. Edit the ``/etc/neutron/plugins/" -"ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` file:" -msgstr "" -"ML2 プラグインでタイプドライバーを有効にするには、 ``/etc/neutron/plugins/" -"ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` ファイルを編集します。" - -msgid "To experiment, you need VMs and a neutron network:" -msgstr "以下を試すには、VM と neutron ネットワークが必要です。" - -msgid "" -"To find the panel, click on :guilabel:`Project` in Dashboard, then click " -"the :guilabel:`Network` drop-down menu and select :guilabel:`Load Balancers`." -msgstr "" -"このパネルを開くには、 ダッシュボードの :guilabel:`プロジェクト` 、 :" -"guilabel:`ネットワーク` ドロップダウンメニューをクリックし、 :guilabel:`ロー" -"ドバランサー` を選択します。" - -msgid "" -"To generate a script of the command instead of operating immediately on the " -"database, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"データベースを直接操作せず、代わりにコマンドスクリプトを生成するには、以下の" -"コマンドを実行します。" - -msgid "" -"To make a network available as an external network for specific projects " -"rather than all projects, use the ``access_as_external`` action." -msgstr "" -"あるネットワークの外部ネットワークとしての利用を、すべてのプロジェクトではな" -"く特定のプロジェクトに対してだけ許可するには、 ``access_as_external`` アク" -"ションを使用します。" - -msgid "" -"To migrate between specific migration versions, use the following command:" -msgstr "指定したバージョン間の移行を行うには、以下のコマンドを実行します。" - -msgid "To prevent the network from automatically starting on boot:" -msgstr "" -"このネットワークがホスト起動時に自動的に開始しないようにするには以下のように" -"します。" - -msgid "" -"To provide external network access to your instances, your Dibbler server " -"also needs to create new routes for each delegated prefix. This is done " -"using the script file named in the config file above. Edit the ``/var/lib/" -"dibbler/pd-server.sh`` file:" -msgstr "" -"インスタンスに外部ネットワークへのアクセスを提供する場合、 Dibbler サーバーは" -"移譲するプレフィックスそれぞれについて新しい経路を作成する必要があります。こ" -"れは、上記の設定ファイルで指定した名前のスクリプトにより行われます。 ファイ" -"ル ``/var/lib/dibbler/pd-server.sh`` を編集します。" - -msgid "" -"To reduce the number of ARP requests, operating systems maintain an ARP " -"cache that contains the mappings of IP addresses to MAC address. On a Linux " -"machine, you can view the contents of the ARP cache by using the :command:" -"`arp` command:" -msgstr "" -"ARP 要求の数を抑えるため、オペレーティングシステムは IP アドレスから MAC アド" -"レスへの対応表を保持する ARP キャッシュを管理します。 Linux マシンでは、 :" -"command:`arp` コマンドで ARP キャッシュの内容を表示できます。" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that do not have at least one of a list of " -"tags, the ``not-tags-any`` argument should be set to the list of tags, " -"separated by commas. In this case, only the networks that do not have at " -"least one of the given tags will be included in the query result. Example " -"that returns the networks that do not have the \"red\" tag, or do not have " -"the \"blue\" tag::" -msgstr "" -"指定されたタグのいずれも持たないネットワークの一覧を取得するには、 ``not-" -"tags-any`` 引数にタグのリストをコンマ区切りで指定します。この場合、指定された" -"タグのいずれも持たないネットワークだけが問い合わせの結果として返されます。 " -"\"red\" と \"blue\" のタグのどちらも持たないネットワーク一覧を取得する例::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that do not have one or more tags, the ``not-" -"tags`` argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by commas. In " -"this case, only the networks that do not have any of the given tags will be " -"included in the query results. Example that returns the networks that do not " -"have either \"red\" or \"blue\" tag::" -msgstr "" -"指定された 1 つ以上のタグを持たないネットワークの一覧を取得するには、 ``not-" -"tags`` 引数にタグのリストをコンマ区切りで指定します。この場合、指定されたタグ" -"のいずれかを持たないネットワークだけが問い合わせの結果として返されます。 " -"\"red\" と \"blue\" のタグのどちらかを持たないネットワーク一覧を取得する例::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that have a single tag, ``tags`` argument " -"should be set to the desired tag name. Example::" -msgstr "" -"あるタグを持つネットワークの一覧を取得するには、 ``tags`` 引数に所望のタグ名" -"を指定します。例::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that have one or more of a list of given " -"tags, the ``tags-any`` argument should be set to the list of tags, separated " -"by commas. In this case, as long as one of the given tags is present, the " -"network will be included in the query result. Example that returns the " -"networks that have the \"red\" or the \"blue\" tag::" -msgstr "" -"指定されたタグのいずれかを持つネットワークの一覧を取得するには、 ``tags-" -"any`` 引数にタグのリストをコンマ区切りで指定します。この場合、指定されたタグ" -"が 1 つでもあれば、そのネットワークは問い合わせの結果として返されます。 \"red" -"\" か \"blue\" のタグを持つネットワーク一覧を取得する例::" - -msgid "" -"To request the list of networks that have two or more tags, the ``tags`` " -"argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by commas. In this " -"case, the tags given must all be present for a network to be included in the " -"query result. Example that returns networks that have the \"red\" and \"blue" -"\" tags::" -msgstr "" -"2 つ以上のタグを持つネットワークの一覧を取得するには、 ``tags`` 引数にタグの" -"リストをコンマ区切りで指定します。この場合、指定されたすべてのタグを持つネッ" -"トワークが問い合わせの結果として返されます。 \"red\" と \"blue\" のタグを持つ" -"ネットワーク一覧を取得する例::" - -msgid "" -"To return to classic mode, turn down the router again, turning off L3 HA and " -"starting the router again." -msgstr "" -"クラシックモードに戻すには、ルーターをもう一度停止し、 L3 HA をオフに変更し、" -"ルーターを再開します。" - -msgid "To start your Dibbler server, run:" -msgstr "Dibbler サーバーを開始するには、以下を実行します。" - -msgid "To test the HA of DHCP agent:" -msgstr "DHCP エージェントの HA を試験するには以下のようにします。" - -msgid "" -"To trigger the prefix delegation process, create a router interface between " -"this subnet and a router with an active interface on the external network:" -msgstr "" -"prefix delegation 処理を行うには、ルーターインターフェースを作成し、このサブ" -"ネットと外部ネットワーク上にアクティブなインターフェースを持つルーターを接続" -"します。" - -msgid "" -"To understand how VLANs work, let's consider VLAN applications in a " -"traditional IT environment, where physical hosts are attached to a physical " -"switch, and no virtualization is involved. Imagine a scenario where you want " -"three isolated networks but you only have a single physical switch. The " -"network administrator would choose three VLAN IDs, for example, 10, 11, and " -"12, and would configure the switch to associate switchports with VLAN IDs. " -"For example, switchport 2 might be associated with VLAN 10, switchport 3 " -"might be associated with VLAN 11, and so forth. When a switchport is " -"configured for a specific VLAN, it is called an *access port*. The switch is " -"responsible for ensuring that the network traffic is isolated across the " -"VLANs." -msgstr "" -"VLAN がどのように動作するかを理解するために、物理ホストが物理スイッチに接続さ" -"れ、仮想化が行われていない、従来の IT 環境で VLAN の利用を考えてみましょう。" -"ここで、 3 つの分離されたネットワークが必要だが、物理スイッチは 1 つしか持っ" -"ていないとしましょう。ネットワーク管理者は 3 つ VLAN ID (10, 11, 12 としま" -"す) を選んで、スイッチを設定してスイッチポートをこれらの VLAN ID に関連付けま" -"す。例えば、スイッチポート 2 は VLAN 10 に、スイッチポート 3 は VLAN 11 に関" -"連付け、他も同様とします。スイッチポートが特定の VLAN に設定された場合、その" -"ポートは *アクセスポート* と呼ばれます。ネットワークトラフィックが VLAN 間で" -"分離されることは、スイッチの責任で保証されます。" - -msgid "To upgrade the database incrementally, use the following command:" -msgstr "" -"データベースのアップグレードを少しずつ行うには、以下のコマンドを使用します。" - -msgid "" -"To use this feature, the neutron service must have the following extensions " -"enabled:" -msgstr "" -"この機能を使用するには、 neutron サービスで以下の拡張機能が有効になっている必" -"要があります。" - -msgid "To view the defined libvirt networks and their state:" -msgstr "定義済みの libvirt ネットワークとその状態を表示します。" - -msgid "" -"Trunking is used to connect between different switches. Each trunk uses a " -"tag to identify which VLAN is in use. This ensures that switches on the same " -"VLAN can communicate." -msgstr "" -"トランクポートは、別のスイッチ間を接続するのに使用されます。各トランクでは、" -"タグを使って、対象の VLAN を識別します。これにより、同じ VLAN のスイッチが通" -"信していることが保証されます。" - -msgid "Trusted projects policy.json configuration" -msgstr "プロジェクトを信頼する場合の policy.json の設定" - -msgid "" -"Tunneling is a mechanism that makes transfer of payloads feasible over an " -"incompatible delivery network. It allows the network user to gain access to " -"denied or insecure networks. Data encryption may be employed to transport " -"the payload, ensuring that the encapsulated user network data appears as " -"public even though it is private and can easily pass the conflicting network." -msgstr "" -"トンネリングは、直接は転送できないネットワーク上でペイロードを転送するための" -"仕組みです。これにより、ネットワークユーザーは直接アクセスできないネットワー" -"クにアクセスできます。ペイロードを転送する際にデータ暗号化を行って、カプセル" -"化されたネットワークデータが実際には非公開であっても公開しても問題ない形に" -"し、そのまま転送できないネットワーク上を経由させることもできます。" - -msgid "Type drivers" -msgstr "タイプドライバー" - -msgid "" -"Typically, one uses this mechanism to delete networking resources for a " -"defunct project regardless of its existence in the Identity service." -msgstr "" -"通常は、存在しなくなったプロジェクトのネットワークリソースを削除するために、" -"この機能が使われます。 Identity サービスにプロジェクトが存在するかは関係あり" -"ません。" - -msgid "" -"UDP has support for one-to-many communication: sending a single packet to " -"multiple hosts. An application can broadcast a UDP packet to all of the " -"network hosts on a local network by setting the receiver IP address as the " -"special IP broadcast address ````. An application can also " -"send a UDP packet to a set of receivers using *IP multicast*. The intended " -"receiver applications join a multicast group by binding a UDP socket to a " -"special IP address that is one of the valid multicast group addresses. The " -"receiving hosts do not have to be on the same local network as the sender, " -"but the intervening routers must be configured to support IP multicast " -"routing. VXLAN is an example of a UDP-based protocol that uses IP multicast." -msgstr "" -"UDP は 1対多通信に対応しており、1 つのパケットを複数のホストに送信できます。" -"アプリケーションは、受信者の IP アドレスを特別なブロードキャスト IP アドレス " -"```` に設定することで、ローカルネットワーク上のすべてのネット" -"ワークホストに UDP パケットをブロードキャストできます。また、アプリケーション" -"は *IP マルチキャスト* を使って UDP パケットを受信者の集合に送ることができま" -"す。パケットを受信したい受信側アプリケーションは、UDP ソケットを特別な IP ア" -"ドレス、つまり、有効なマルチキャストグループアドレスの 1 つにバインドすること" -"で、マルチキャストグループに参加します。受信者のホストは送信者と同じローカル" -"ネットワークにある必要はありませんが、途中のルーターが IP マルチキャストルー" -"ティングをサポートするように設定されている必要があります。 VXLAN は IP マルチ" -"キャストを使用する UDP ベースのプロトコルの 1 例です。" - -msgid "" -"UDP, like TCP, uses the notion of ports to distinguish between different " -"applications running on the same system. Note, however, that operating " -"systems treat UDP ports separately from TCP ports. For example, it is " -"possible for one application to be associated with TCP port 16543 and a " -"separate application to be associated with UDP port 16543." -msgstr "" -"UDP も TCP と同じくポートという考え方で、同じシステム上で動作するアプリケー" -"ションを区別します。ただし、オペレーティングシステムは UDP ポートを TCP ポー" -"トとは別ものとして扱います。例えば、あるアプリケーションを TCP ポート 16543 " -"に関連付けて、別のアプリケーションを UDP ポート 16543 に関連付けることができ" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"Unlike most agents, BGP speakers require manual scheduling to an agent. BGP " -"speakers only form peering sessions and begin prefix advertisement after " -"scheduling to an agent. Schedule the BGP speaker to agent " -"``37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e``." -msgstr "" -"多くのエージェントとは違い、 BGP スピーカーは手動でエージェントにスケジューリ" -"ングする必要があります。 BGP スピーカーがピアリングセッションを構成しプレ" -"フィックス広告を開始するのは、エージェントへのスケジューリング後だけです。 " -"BGP スピーカーをエージェント ``37729181-2224-48d8-89ef-16eca8e2f77e`` にスケ" -"ジューリングします。" - -msgid "Unlimited address overlap is allowed." -msgstr "無制限のアドレス重複が許可されます。" - -msgid "Update a port chain or port pair group" -msgstr "ポートチェインやポートペアグループの更新" - -msgid "Update the DHCP configuration file ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini``:" -msgstr "DHCP 設定ファイル ``/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini`` を更新します。" - -msgid "Update the nova configuration file ``/etc/nova/nova.conf``:" -msgstr "nova 設定ファイル ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` を更新します。" - -msgid "" -"Update the plug-in configuration file ``/etc/neutron/plugins/linuxbridge/" -"linuxbridge_conf.ini``:" -msgstr "" -"プラグイン設定ファイル ``/etc/neutron/plugins/linuxbridge/linuxbridge_conf." -"ini`` を更新します。" - -msgid "" -"Update the security group to allow traffic to reach the new load balancer. " -"Create a new security group along with ingress rules to allow traffic into " -"the new load balancer. The neutron port for the load balancer is shown as " -"``vip_port_id`` above." -msgstr "" -"新しいロードバランサーにトラフィックが到達できるようにセキュリティーグループ" -"を更新します。新しいセキュリティーグループを作成し、新しいロードバランサーへ" -"のトラフィックを許可する受信ルールを追加します。ロードバランサーの neutron " -"ポートは上記では ``vip_port_id`` として表示されます。" - -msgid "Usage" -msgstr "使用方法" - -msgid "Use InfiniBand enabled network adapters." -msgstr "InfiniBand が有効になったネットワークアダプターを使用します。" - -msgid "" -"Use ``availability_zone_hints`` to specify the zone in which the resource is " -"hosted:" -msgstr "" -"``availability_zone_hints`` を使って、そのリソースを配置するゾーンを指定しま" -"す。" - -msgid "Use case" -msgstr "ユースケース" - -msgid "Use case 1: Ports are published directly in the external DNS service" -msgstr "ユースケース 1: ポートを外部 DNS サービスで直接公開する" - -msgid "" -"Use case 2: Floating IPs are published with associated port DNS attributes" -msgstr "" -"ユースケース 2: Floating IP を関連付けされたポートの DNS 属性で公開する" - -msgid "Use case 3: Floating IPs are published in the external DNS service" -msgstr "ユースケース 3: Floating IP を外部 DNS サービスで公開する" - -msgid "Use cases" -msgstr "ユースケース" - -msgid "Use the :command:`neutron rbac-show` command to see the details:" -msgstr ":command:`neutron rbac-show` を使うと、詳細を確認できます。" - -msgid "Use the previous commands to assign the network to agents." -msgstr "上述のコマンドを使って、ネットワークをエージェントに割り当てます。" - -msgid "User workflow" -msgstr "ユーザーのワークフロー" - -msgid "" -"Users are encouraged to take these tools, test them, provide feedback, and " -"then expand on the feature set to suit their own deployments; deployers that " -"refrain from participating in this process intending to wait for a path that " -"better suits their use case are likely to be disappointed." -msgstr "" -"ユーザーは、是非、これらのツールを使用し、テストし、フィードバックを行い、自" -"分の環境に適した機能を持つように機能追加を行ってください。こうした活動に参加" -"せずに、自分のユースケースにもっと適したものになるまで待っていると、できあ" -"がったものはあまり望ましいものにはなっていないことでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"Users can also integrate the Networking and Compute services with an " -"external DNS. To accomplish this, the users have to:" -msgstr "" -"ユーザーは、Networking サービスと Compute サービスを外部 DNS と連携させること" -"もできます。これを行うには、ユーザーは以下を行う必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"Users can control the behavior of the Networking service in regards to DNS " -"using two attributes associated with ports, networks, and floating IPs. The " -"following table shows the attributes available for each one of these " -"resources:" -msgstr "" -"ユーザーは、ポート、ネットワーク、Floating IP に関連付けられた 2 つの属性を" -"使って、 DNS に関する Networking サービスの動作を制御できます。下表に、これら" -"のリソースのそれぞれでどの属性が利用可能かを示します。" - -msgid "Using DPDK in OVS requires the following minimum software versions:" -msgstr "" -"OVS で DPDK を使用するには、少なくとも以下のバージョンのソフトウェアが必要で" -"す。" - -msgid "Using SLAAC for addressing" -msgstr "SLAAC を使ったアドレス割り当て" - -msgid "Using SR-IOV interfaces" -msgstr "SR-IOV インターフェースを使用する" - -msgid "" -"Using subnet pools constrains what addresses can be used by requiring that " -"every subnet be within the defined pool. It also prevents address reuse or " -"overlap by two subnets from the same pool." -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールを使うと、どのアドレスが使用できるかは、すべてのサブネットは" -"定義されたプール内になければいけないという制約により決まります。また、同じ" -"プールから割り当てた 2 つのサブネットでアドレスの再利用や重複はできません。" - -msgid "Using vhost-user interfaces" -msgstr "vhost-user インターフェースを使用する" - -msgid "VF" -msgstr "VF" - -# #-#-#-#-# config_ml2_plug_in.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_overview.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) -# #-#-#-#-# -msgid "VLAN" -msgstr "VLAN" - -msgid "VLAN ID 101 (tagged)" -msgstr "VLAN ID 101 (タグ VLAN)" - -msgid "VLAN ID 102 (tagged)" -msgstr "VLAN ID 102 (タグ VLAN)" - -msgid "" -"VLAN is a networking technology that enables a single switch to act as if it " -"was multiple independent switches. Specifically, two hosts that are " -"connected to the same switch but on different VLANs do not see each other's " -"traffic. OpenStack is able to take advantage of VLANs to isolate the traffic " -"of different projects, even if the projects happen to have instances running " -"on the same compute host. Each VLAN has an associated numerical ID, between " -"1 and 4095. We say \"VLAN 15\" to refer to the VLAN with a numerical ID of " -"15." -msgstr "" -"VLAN は、1 つのスイッチがあたかも複数の独立したスイッチであるかのように振る舞" -"えるようにするネットワーク技術です。特に、 同じスイッチだが別の VLAN に接続さ" -"れている 2 つのホストはお互いのトラフィックを見ることはできません。 " -"OpenStack は、複数のプロジェクトが 1 つの同じコンピュートホスト上で動作するイ" -"ンスンタンスを持っている場合でも、 VLAN を使って異なるプロジェクトのトラ" -"フィックを分離できます。各 VLAN には数値の ID が関連付けられ、 1 から 4095 の" -"範囲です。 \"VLAN 15\" といった場合は、その VLAN の数値の ID が 15 ということ" -"です。" - -msgid "VLANs" -msgstr "VLAN" - -# #-#-#-#-# adv_config_ipv6.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# adv_config_VPNaaS.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# intro_os_networking_service.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "VPNaaS" -msgstr "VPNaaS" - -msgid "" -"VPNaaS supports IPv6, but support in Kilo and prior releases will have some " -"bugs that may limit how it can be used. More thorough and complete testing " -"and bug fixing is being done as part of the Liberty release. IPv6-based VPN-" -"as-a-Service is configured similar to the IPv4 configuration. Either or both " -"the ``peer_address`` and the ``peer_cidr`` can specified as an IPv6 address. " -"The choice of addressing modes and router modes described above should not " -"impact support." -msgstr "" -"VPNaaS は IPv6 に対応していますが、 Kilo およびそれ以前のリリースでは、バグが" -"あり、使い方が制限されてしまう可能性があります。 Liberty リリースでより徹底的" -"にテストとバグ修正が行われ、 IPv6 ベースの VPNaaS は IPv4 の場合と同様に使え" -"るようになりました。 ``peer_address`` と ``peer_cidr`` の一方または両方に " -"IPv6 アドレスを指定できます。上で説明したアドレスモード属性とルーターモード属" -"性の組み合わせにより、IPv6 サポートのレベルが変わることはありません。" - -msgid "VXLAN" -msgstr "VXLAN" - -msgid "VXLAN ID (VNI) 101" -msgstr "VXLANID(VNI)101" - -msgid "VXLAN ID (VNI) 102" -msgstr "VXLAN(VNI)102" - -msgid "" -"VXLAN and GRE are encapsulation protocols that create overlay networks to " -"activate and control communication between compute instances. A Networking " -"router is required to allow traffic to flow outside of the GRE or VXLAN " -"project network. A router is also required to connect directly-connected " -"project networks with external networks, including the Internet. The router " -"provides the ability to connect to instances directly from an external " -"network using floating IP addresses." -msgstr "" -"VXLAN と GRE は、オーバーレイプロトコルで、オーバーレイネットワークを作成し、" -"コンピュートインスタンス間の通信を実現します。 トラフィックが GRE や VXLAN の" -"プロジェクトネットワーク外と通信するには、Networking ルーターが必要です。直接" -"接続されたプロジェクトネットワークを、インターネットなどの外部ネットワークと" -"接続するためにも、ルーターは必要です。ルーターは Floating IP を使って外部ネッ" -"トワークから直接インスタンスに接続できるようにするためにも必要です。" - -msgid "" -"VXLAN multicast group configuration is not applicable for the Open vSwitch " -"agent." -msgstr "" -"VXLAN マルチキャストグループの設定項目は Open vSwitch エージェントにはありま" -"せん。" - -msgid "Validating the requirements for auto-allocation" -msgstr "自動割り当てに必要な要件の検証" - -msgid "" -"Various virtual networking resources support tags for use by external " -"systems or any other clients of the Networking service API." -msgstr "" -"いくつかの仮想ネットワークリソースは、外部のシステムや Networking サービス " -"API のクライアントが使用できるタグをサポートしています。" - -msgid "Verify addition of the BGP peer to the BGP speaker." -msgstr "BGP ピアが BGP スピーカーに関連付いていることを確認します。" - -msgid "Verify association of the provider network with the BGP speaker." -msgstr "" -"プロバイダーネットワークが BGP スピーカーに関連付いていることを確認します。" - -msgid "Verify failover operation" -msgstr "フェイルオーバーの動作検証" - -msgid "Verify network operation" -msgstr "ネットワーク動作の検証" - -msgid "Verify presence and operation of each BGP dynamic routing agent." -msgstr "BGP 動的ルーティングエージェントが存在し機能していることを確認します。" - -msgid "Verify presence and operation of the agents." -msgstr "エージェントが存在し、動作していることを確認します。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Verify presence and operation of the agents:" -msgstr "エージェントが存在し、動作していることを確認します。" - -msgid "Verify scheduling of the BGP speaker to the agent." -msgstr "BGP スピーカーのエージェントへのスケジューリングを確認します。" - -# #-#-#-#-# deploy_scenario4b.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_dvr_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_l3ha_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_lb.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_legacy_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -# #-#-#-#-# scenario_provider_ovs.pot (Networking Guide 0.9) #-#-#-#-# -msgid "Verify service operation" -msgstr "サービスの動作検証" - -msgid "Verify that the VFs have been created and are in ``up`` state:" -msgstr "VF が作成され、状態が ``up`` になっていることを確認します。" - -msgid "" -"Verify that the load balancer is responding to pings before moving further:" -msgstr "次に進む前にロードバランサーが ping に応答しているかを確認します。" - -msgid "" -"Verify the prefixes and next-hop IP addresses that the BGP speaker " -"advertises." -msgstr "" -"BGP スピーカーが広告するプレフィックスとネクストホップ IP アドレスを確認しま" -"す。" - -msgid "Version" -msgstr "バージョン" - -msgid "" -"Virtual Function. The virtual PCIe device created from a physical Ethernet " -"controller." -msgstr "" -"Virtual Function (仮想機能)。物理 Ethernet コントローラーから作成された仮想 " -"PCIe デバイスです。" - -msgid "Virtual extensible local area network (VXLAN)" -msgstr "Virtual extensible local area network (VXLAN)" - -msgid "Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)" -msgstr "仮想ルーティング & フォワーディング (VRF)" - -msgid "" -"Virtual routing and forwarding is an IP technology that allows multiple " -"instances of a routing table to coexist on the same router at the same time. " -"It is another name for the network namespace functionality described above." -msgstr "" -"仮想ルーティング & フォワーディングは、同時に同じルーターにルーティングテーブ" -"ルのインスタンスを複数保持できる IP 技術です。上で説明したネットワーク名前空" -"間機能の別名です。" - -msgid "" -"We recommend using VLAN provider networks for segregation. This way you can " -"combine instances without SR-IOV ports and instances with SR-IOV ports on a " -"single network." -msgstr "" -"推奨のネットワーク分離方法はVLAN プロバイダーネットワークを使用することです。" -"こうすることで、 SR-IOV ポートを持たないインスタンスと SR-IOV ポートを持つイ" -"ンスタンスを 1 つの neutron ネットワークで共存させることができます。" - -msgid "" -"When a NIC receives an Ethernet frame, by default the NIC checks to see if " -"the destination MAC address matches the address of the NIC (or the broadcast " -"address), and the Ethernet frame is discarded if the MAC address does not " -"match. For a compute host, this behavior is undesirable because the frame " -"may be intended for one of the instances. NICs can be configured for " -"*promiscuous mode*, where they pass all Ethernet frames to the operating " -"system, even if the MAC address does not match. Compute hosts should always " -"have the appropriate NICs configured for promiscuous mode." -msgstr "" -"NIC がEthernet フレームを受信すると、デフォルトでは NIC は宛先 MAC アドレス" -"が NIC のアドレス (またはブロードキャストアドレス) に一致するかを確認し、 " -"MAC アドレスが一致しない場合はその Ethernet フレームを廃棄します。コンピュー" -"トホストでは、この動作は期待されるものではありません。なぜなら、そのフレーム" -"はインスタンスの 1 つに宛てたものかもしれないからです。 NIC は *promiscuous " -"モード (無差別モード)* に設定することができ、このモードでは、 MAC アドレスが" -"一致しない場合であっても、すべての Ethernet フレームがオペレーティングシステ" -"ムに渡されます。 コンピュートホストでは、必要な NIC を常に promiscuous モード" -"に設定する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"When libvirt boots a virtual machine, it places the machine's VIF in the " -"bridge ``virbr0`` unless explicitly told not to." -msgstr "" -"libvirt は、仮想マシンを起動する際、明示的に指定されていない場合、その仮想マ" -"シンの VIF をブリッジ ``virbr0`` に接続します。" - -msgid "" -"When the ``router_distributed = True`` flag is configured, routers created " -"by all users are distributed. Without it, only privileged users can create " -"distributed routers by using ``--distributed True``." -msgstr "" -"``router_distributed = True`` フラグが設定されると、すべてのユーザーが作成す" -"るルーターが分散ルーターになります。この設定をしない場合は、特権ユーザーだけ" -"が ``--distributed True`` を使って分散ルーターを作成できます。" - -msgid "" -"When the router receives a packet with the matching IP address and port, it " -"translates these back to the private IP address and port, and forwards the " -"packet along." -msgstr "" -"ルーターが管理している IP アドレスとポートにマッチするパケットを受信すると、" -"プライベート Ip アドレスとポートに戻す変換を行い、引き続きパケットを転送しま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"When this functionality is enabled, it is leveraged by the Compute service " -"when creating instances. When allocating ports for an instance during boot, " -"the Compute service populates the ``dns_name`` attributes of these ports " -"with the ``hostname`` attribute of the instance, which is a DNS sanitized " -"version of its display name. As a consequence, at the end of the boot " -"process, the allocated ports will be known in the dnsmasq associated to " -"their networks by their instance ``hostname``." -msgstr "" -"この機能が有効になっている場合、 Compute サービスはインスタンス作成時にこの機" -"能を活用します。起動中にインスタンスにポートを割り当てる際に、 Compute サービ" -"スはこれらのポートの ``dns_name`` 属性にそのインスタンスの ``hostname`` 属性" -"を設定します。設定される値は、実際に見える値から DNS で使えない文字を除いたも" -"のになります。その結果、起動プロセスが終わった時には、割り当てられたポート" -"は、それぞれのネットワークに対応する dnsmasq ではインスタンスの ``hostname`` " -"で 参照できるようになっています。" - -msgid "" -"When troubleshooting an instance that is not reachable over the network, it " -"can be helpful to examine this log to verify that all four steps of the DHCP " -"protocol were carried out for the instance in question." -msgstr "" -"インスタンスがネットワークに到達できないという問題を切り分ける際には、このロ" -"グを確認して、上記の DHCP プロトコルの 4 つのステップが問題のインスタンスに対" -"して実行されているかを検証するとよいでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"When using DevStack, it is important to start your server after the ``stack." -"sh`` script has finished to ensure that the required network interfaces have " -"been created." -msgstr "" -"DevStack を使用する場合には、 ``stack.sh`` が完了した後にサーバーを開始するこ" -"とが重要です。必要なネットワークインターフェースが作成された状態でサーバーを" -"開始するためです。" - -msgid "" -"When using Quality of Service (QoS), ``max_burst_kbps`` (burst over " -"``max_kbps``) is not supported. In addition, ``max_kbps`` is rounded to Mbps." -msgstr "" -"Quality of Service (QoS) を使用する場合、 ``max_burst_kbps`` (``max_kbps`` に" -"対するバーストサイズ) には対応していません。また、 ``max_kbps`` は Mbps に丸" -"められます。" - -msgid "" -"When using SLAAC, the currently supported combinations for ``ipv6_ra_mode`` " -"and ``ipv6_address_mode`` are as follows." -msgstr "" -"SLAAC を使う場合、現在サポートされている ``ipv6_ra_mode`` と " -"``ipv6_address_mode`` の組み合わせは以下の通りです。" - -msgid "" -"When using the reference implementation of the OpenStack Networking prefix " -"delegation driver, Dibbler must also be installed on your OpenStack " -"Networking node(s) to serve as a DHCPv6 client. Version 1.0.1 or higher is " -"required." -msgstr "" -"OpenStack Networking の prefix delegation ドライバーの参照実装を使う場合、 " -"Dibbler は、 DHCPv6 クライアントとなる OpenStack Networking ノード上にインス" -"トールする必要があります。バージョン 1.0.1 以上が必要です。" - -msgid "" -"When you create a network with one port, the network will be scheduled to an " -"active DHCP agent. If many active DHCP agents are running, select one " -"randomly. You can design more sophisticated scheduling algorithms in the " -"same way as nova-schedule later on." -msgstr "" -"ネットワークにポートを 1 つ作成すると、そのネットワークは稼働中の DHCP エー" -"ジェントに割り当てられます。複数の稼働中のエージェントがある場合は、 1 つがラ" -"ンダムに選択されます。 nova-scheduler と同様、もっと洗練されたスケジューリン" -"グアルゴリズムを設計することもできるでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"While NICs use MAC addresses to address network hosts, TCP/IP applications " -"use IP addresses. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) bridges the gap " -"between Ethernet and IP by translating IP addresses into MAC addresses." -msgstr "" -"NIC はネットワークホストを表すのに MAC アドレスを使用しますが、 TCP/IP アプリ" -"ケーションは IP アドレスを使用します。アドレス解決プロトコル (Address " -"Resolution Protocol; ARP) が、IP アドレスを MAC アドレスに変換して、Ethernet " -"と IP の違いを埋めます。" - -msgid "Whitelist PCI devices in nova-compute (Compute)" -msgstr "" -"nova-compute での PCI デバイスのホワイトリストの設定 (コンピュートノード)" - -msgid "Whitelist PCI devices nova-compute (Compute)" -msgstr "" -"nova-compute の PCI デバイスのホワイトリストを作成する (コンピュートノード)" - -msgid "Why you need them" -msgstr "なぜ必要か?" - -msgid "" -"With IPv4, the default_quota can be set to the number of absolute addresses " -"any given project is allowed to consume from the pool. For example, with a " -"quota of 128, I might get,, and still have " -"room to allocate 48 more addresses in the future." -msgstr "" -"IPv4 の場合、 default_quota を使って、あるプロジェクトがプールから取得できる" -"アドレスの絶対数を設定できます。例えば、クォータが 128 の場合、 " -" と を確保し、将来さらに 48 個のアドレスを確" -"保することができます。" - -msgid "" -"With IPv6 it is a little different. It is not practical to count individual " -"addresses. To avoid ridiculously large numbers, the quota is expressed in " -"the number of /64 subnets which can be allocated. For example, with a " -"default_quota of 3, I might get 2001:db8:c18e:c05a::/64, 2001:" -"db8:221c:8ef3::/64, and still have room to allocate one more prefix in the " -"future." -msgstr "" -"IPv6 の場合は少し違います。この場合、 1 つ 1 つのアドレスを数えるのは現実的で" -"はありません。途方もなく大きな数字になるのを避けるため、クォータは割り当て可" -"能な /64 サブネットの数で表現されます。例えば、 default_quota が 3 の場合、 " -"2001:db8:c18e:c05a::/64 と 2001:db8:221c:8ef3::/64 を確保し、将来さらにこ" -"の /64 のプレフィックスをもう 1 つ確保することができます。" - -msgid "" -"With subnet pools, all addresses in use within the address scope are unique " -"from the point of view of the address scope owner. Therefore, add more than " -"one subnet pool to an address scope if the pools have different owners, " -"allowing for delegation of parts of the address scope. Delegation prevents " -"address overlap across the whole scope. Otherwise, you receive an error if " -"two pools have the same address ranges." -msgstr "" -"サブネットプールが複数ある場合、アドレス管理の観点では、そのアドレススコープ" -"内で使用されるすべてのアドレスは一意になります。したがって、プールに所有者が" -"複数おり、アドレススコープの一部の管理を委譲するには、アドレススコープに複数" -"のサブネットプールを追加します。この委譲では、アドレススコープ全体でアドレス" -"の重複は防止されます。 2 つのプールが同じアドレス範囲を持つ場合にはエラーが発" -"生します。" - -msgid "" -"With subnets, the resource is the IP address space. Some subnets take more " -"of it than others. For example, uses 256 addresses in one " -"subnet but uses only 16. If address space is limited, the " -"quota system can encourage efficient use of the space." -msgstr "" -"サブネットの場合、リソースは IP アドレス空間です。あるサブネットが他のサブ" -"ネットよりも多くのアドレス空間を持つ場合もあります。例えば、 " -"は 1 つのサブネットで 256 個のアドレスを使用しますが、 は " -"16 個のアドレスしか使用しません。アドレス空間が限られている場合、クォータ機構" -"によりアドレス空間の効率的な利用が可能になります。" - -msgid "" -"With the load balancer online, you can add a listener for plaintext HTTP " -"traffic on port 80:" -msgstr "" -"オンラインのロードバランサーに、平文の HTTP トラフィックに対するポート 80 の" -"リスナーを追加します。" - -msgid "YES" -msgstr "はい" - -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "はい" - -msgid "" -"You can add a health monitor so that unresponsive servers are removed from " -"the pool:" -msgstr "" -"ヘルスモニターを追加し、反応のないサーバーをプールから削除できるようにしま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"You can add another listener on port 443 for HTTPS traffic. LBaaS v2 offers " -"SSL/TLS termination at the load balancer, but this example takes a simpler " -"approach and allows encrypted connections to terminate at each member server." -msgstr "" -"HTTPS トラフィックに対するポート 443 のリスナーをさらに追加できます。 LBaaS " -"v2 ではロードバランサーでの SSL/TLS 終端が提供されていますが、この例では簡単" -"な方法を使用し、暗号化された接続は各メンバーサーバーで終端されます。" - -msgid "" -"You can adjust quotas using the :command:`neutron quota-update` command:" -msgstr "" -":command:`neutron quota-update` コマンドを使ってクォータを調整できます。" - -msgid "You can also add a health monitor for the HTTPS pool:" -msgstr "HTTPS プールに対してもヘルスモニターを追加できます。" - -msgid "" -"You can also identify floating IP agent gateways in your environment to " -"assist with verifying operation of the BGP speaker." -msgstr "" -"以下のように Floating IP エージェントゲートウェイを確認することも、BGP スピー" -"カーの動作確認の一助となるでしょう。" - -msgid "" -"You can control the default number of DHCP agents assigned to a network by " -"setting the following configuration option in the file ``/etc/neutron/" -"neutron.conf``." -msgstr "" -"``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` ファイルの以下の設定オプションで、1 つのネット" -"ワークに割り当てるデフォルトの DHCP エージェント数を制御できます。" - -msgid "" -"You can create a firewall policy without any rules and add rules later, as " -"follows:" -msgstr "" -"次のように、任意のルールなしで、ファイアウォールポリシーを作成し、後でルール" -"を追加することができます。" - -msgid "" -"You can create, update, list, delete, and show DSCP markings with the " -"neutron client:" -msgstr "" -"neutron クライアントを使って、 DSCP マーキングの作成、更新、一覧表示、詳細表" -"示ができます。" - -msgid "You can determine the maximum number of VFs a PF can support:" -msgstr "PF がサポートしている VF の最大数は以下で確認できます。" - -msgid "" -"You can modify or delete this policy with the same constraints as any other " -"RBAC ``access_as_external`` policy." -msgstr "" -"他の ``access_as_external`` RBAC ポリシーと同じく、このポリシーも、同じ制約の" -"元、変更したり削除したりできます。" - -msgid "" -"You can modify rules at runtime. Rule modifications will be propagated to " -"any attached port." -msgstr "" -"実行中にルールを変更できます。ルールの変更はすべての関連ポートに反映されま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"You can now ping ``instance2`` directly because ``instance2`` shares the " -"same address scope as the external network:" -msgstr "" -"``instance2`` は外部ネットワークと同じアドレススコープに属しているため、 " -"``instance2`` には直接 ping することもできます。" - -msgid "" -"You can repeat the ``--flow-classifier`` option to specify multiple flow " -"classifiers for a port chain. Each flow classifier identifies a flow." -msgstr "" -"``--flow-classifier`` オプションを複数個指定することで、 1 つのポートチェイン" -"に複数の Flow Classifier を指定できます。各 Flow Classifier でフローが特定さ" -"れます。" - -msgid "" -"You can repeat the ``--port-pair-group`` option to specify additional port " -"pair groups in the port chain. A port chain must contain at least one port " -"pair group." -msgstr "" -"``--port-pair-group`` オプションを複数個指定することで、ポートチェインに追加" -"のポートペアグループを指定できます。 1 つのポートチェインには、少なくとも 1 " -"つポートペアグループを含める必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"You can repeat the ``--port-pair`` option for multiple port pairs of " -"functionally equivalent service functions." -msgstr "" -"``--port-pair`` オプションを複数指定することで、機能的に等価なサービス機能の" -"ポートペアを複数追加できます。" - -msgid "" -"You can request a specific subnet from the pool. You need to specify a " -"subnet that falls within the pool's prefixes. If the subnet is not already " -"allocated, the request succeeds. You can leave off the IP version because it " -"is deduced from the subnet pool." -msgstr "" -"プールから特定のサブネットを割り当てることもできます。プールのプレフィックス" -"内に収まるサブネットを指定する必要があります。サブネットがまだ割り当てられて" -"いなければ、要求は成功します。サブネットプールから IP バージョンは推定できる" -"ので、 IP バージョンの指定は省略できます。" - -msgid "" -"You can see that only the DHCP agent for HostB is hosting the ``net2`` " -"network." -msgstr "" -"HostB の DHCP エージェントだけが ``net2`` ネットワークを担当していることが分" -"かります。" - -msgid "" -"You can use ``curl`` to verify connectivity through the load balancers to " -"your web servers:" -msgstr "" -"``curl`` を使って、ロードバランサー経由でのウェブサーバーへの接続性を検証しま" -"す。" - -msgid "" -"You can use the :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command from the " -"beginning of this section to locate the ``vip_port_id``. The ``vip_port_id`` " -"is the ID of the network port that is assigned to the load balancer. You can " -"associate a free floating IP address to the load balancer using :command:" -"`neutron floatingip-associate`:" -msgstr "" -"この節の最初に紹介した :command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` コマンドを" -"使って ``vip_port_id`` を確認します。 ``vip_port_id`` はロードバランサーに割" -"り当てられたネットワークポートの ID です。 :command:`neutron floatingip-" -"associate` を使って未使用の Floating IP アドレスをロードバランサーに割り当て" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"You can view the load balancer status and IP address with the :command:" -"`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` command:" -msgstr "" -":command:`neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-show` コマンドでロードバランサーの状態" -"と IP アドレスを確認できます。" - -msgid "" -"You cannot ping ``instance1`` directly because the address scopes do not " -"match:" -msgstr "" -"アドレススコープが一致しないので、 ``instance1`` には ping が直接では届きませ" -"ん。" - -msgid "" -"You must configure this option for all eligible DHCP agents and restart them " -"to activate the values." -msgstr "" -"すべての有効な DHCP エージェントでこのオプションを設定し、値を反映するために" -"エージェントを再起動する必要があります。" - -msgid "" -"`Basic Load-Balancer-as-a-Service operations `__" -msgstr "" -"`Load-Balancer-as-a-Service の基本的な操作 `__" - -msgid "" -"`Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) overview `__" -msgstr "" -"`Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) 概要 `__" - -msgid "``$1`` The operation being performed." -msgstr "``$1``: 実行中の操作" - -msgid "``$IFACE`` The network interface upon which the request was received." -msgstr "``$IFACE``: 要求を受信したネットワークインターフェース" - -msgid "``$PREFIX1`` The prefix being added/deleted by the Dibbler server." -msgstr "``$PREFIX1``: Dibbler サーバーにより追加、削除されるプレフィックス" - -msgid "``$REMOTE_ADDR`` The IP address of the requesting Dibbler client." -msgstr "``$REMOTE_ADDR``: 要求を行った Dibbler クライアントの IP アドレス" - -msgid "``None``" -msgstr "``None``" - -msgid "" -"``admin_auth_url``: the Identity service admin authorization endpoint url. " -"This endpoint will be used by the Networking service to authenticate as an " -"admin user to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_auth_url``:Identity サービスの管理者認証エンドポイント URL。このエン" -"ドポイントは、 Networking サービスが逆引き (PTR) ゾーンの作成、更新用に管理" -"ユーザーとして認証する際に使用されます。" - -msgid "" -"``admin_password``: the password of the admin user to be used by Networking " -"service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_password``: Networking サービスが逆引き (PTR) ゾーンの作成、更新用に" -"使用する管理ユーザーのパスワード" - -msgid "" -"``admin_tenant_name``: the project of the admin user to be used by the " -"Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_tenant_name``: Networking サービスが逆引き (PTR) ゾーンの作成、更新用" -"に使用する管理ユーザーのプロジェクト" - -msgid "" -"``admin_username``: the admin user to be used by the Networking service to " -"create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``admin_username``: Networking サービスが逆引き (PTR) ゾーンの作成、更新用に" -"使用する管理ユーザー" - -msgid "" -"``allow_reverse_dns_lookup``: a boolean value specifying whether to enable " -"or not the creation of reverse lookup (PTR) records." -msgstr "" -"``allow_reverse_dns_lookup``: 逆引き (PTR) レコードの作成を有効にするかを示す" -"ブール値" - -msgid "``auto-allocated-topology``" -msgstr "``auto-allocated-topology``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_network``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_network``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_router``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_router``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_subnet_v4``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_subnet_v4``" - -msgid "``auto_allocated_subnet_v6``" -msgstr "``auto_allocated_subnet_v6``" - -msgid "``chain_parameters`` - Dictionary of chain parameters" -msgstr "``chain_parameters`` - チェインパラメーターの dict" - -msgid "``create_network:provider:physical_network``" -msgstr "``create_network:provider:physical_network``" - -msgid "``description`` - Readable description" -msgstr "``description`` - 分かりやすい説明" - -msgid "``destination_ip_prefix`` - Destination IP address or prefix" -msgstr "``destination_ip_prefix`` - 宛先 IP アドレスもしくはプレフィックス" - -msgid "``destination_port_range_max`` - Maximum destination protocol port" -msgstr "``destination_port_range_max`` - 宛先プロトコルポートの最大値" - -msgid "``destination_port_range_min`` - Minimum destination protocol port" -msgstr "``destination_port_range_min`` - 宛先プロトコルポートの最小値" - -msgid "``dhcpv6-stateful``" -msgstr "``dhcpv6-stateful``" - -msgid "``dhcpv6-stateless``" -msgstr "``dhcpv6-stateless``" - -msgid "``egress`` - Egress port" -msgstr "``egress`` - 出力ポート" - -msgid "``ethertype`` - Ethertype (IPv4/IPv6)" -msgstr "``ethertype`` - Ethernet タイプ (IPv4/IPv6)" - -msgid "``external-net``" -msgstr "``external-net``" - -msgid "``flow_classifiers`` - List of flow classifier IDs" -msgstr "``flow_classifiers`` - flow classifier ID のリスト" - -msgid "``id`` - Flow classifier ID" -msgstr "``id`` - Flow Classifier ID" - -msgid "``id`` - Port chain ID" -msgstr "``id`` - ポートチェイン ID" - -msgid "``id`` - Port pair ID" -msgstr "``id`` - ポートペア ID" - -msgid "``id`` - Port pair group ID" -msgstr "``id`` - ポートペアグループ ID" - -msgid "" -"``iface`` The name of the network interface on which to listen for prefix " -"delegation messages." -msgstr "" -"``iface``: prefix delegation メッセージを待ち受けるネットワークインターフェー" -"ス名。" - -msgid "``ingress`` - Ingress port" -msgstr "``ingress`` - 入力ポート" - -msgid "" -"``insecure``: Disable SSL certificate validation. By default, certificates " -"are validated." -msgstr "" -"``insecure``: SSL 証明書検証を無効化します。デフォルトでは、証明書が検証され" -"ます。" - -msgid "" -"``ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv4 " -"reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: IPv4 逆引き (PTR) ゾーン用のプレフィックスの" -"ビットサイズ" - -msgid "``ipv6_address_mode``" -msgstr "``ipv6_address_mode``" - -msgid "" -"``ipv6_address_mode``: Determines how instances obtain IPv6 address, default " -"gateway, or optional information." -msgstr "" -"``ipv6_address_mode``: インスタンスが IPv6 アドレス、デフォルトゲートウェイ、" -"追加の情報をどのように取得するかを決定します。" - -msgid "" -"``ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv6 " -"reverse lookup (PTR) zones." -msgstr "" -"``ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size``: IPv6 逆引き (PTR) ゾーン用のプレフィックスの" -"ビットサイズ" - -msgid "``ipv6_ra_mode``" -msgstr "``ipv6_ra_mode``" - -msgid "``ipv6_ra_mode``: Determines who sends RA." -msgstr "``ipv6_ra_mode``: RA を誰が送信するかを決定します。" - -msgid "``l7_parameters`` - Dictionary of L7 parameters" -msgstr "``l7_parameters`` - L7 パラメーターの dict" - -msgid "``logical_destination_port`` - Destination port" -msgstr "``logical_destination_port`` - 宛先ポート" - -msgid "``logical_source_port`` - Source port" -msgstr "``logical_source_port`` - 送信元ポート" - -msgid "``name`` - Readable name" -msgstr "``name`` - 分かりやすい名前" - -msgid "``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``" -msgstr "``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``" - -msgid "``not-tags-any``" -msgstr "``not-tags-any``" - -msgid "``not-tags``" -msgstr "``not-tags``" - -msgid "" -"``pd-length`` The length that delegated prefixes will be. This must be 64 to " -"work with the current OpenStack Networking reference implementation." -msgstr "" -"``pd-length``: 移譲されるプレフィックスの長さ。現在の OpenStack Networking の" -"参照実装で動作するためには、この値は 64 でなければいけません。" - -msgid "" -"``pd-pool`` The larger prefix from which you want your delegated prefixes to " -"come. The example given is sufficient if you do not need external network " -"access, otherwise a unique globally routable prefix is necessary." -msgstr "" -"``pd-pool``: 移譲される prefix の取得元となるプレフィックス。外部ネットワーク" -"アクセスが不要の場合は設定例のままで十分です。アクセスが必要な場合は、一意で" -"グローバルに到達可能なプレフィックスを指定する必要があります。" - -msgid "``port_pair_groups`` - List of port pair group IDs" -msgstr "``port_pair_groups`` - ポートペアグループ ID のリスト" - -msgid "``port_pairs`` - List of service function port pairs" -msgstr "``port_pairs`` - サービス機能のポートペアのリスト" - -msgid "``protocol`` - IP protocol" -msgstr "``protocol`` - IP プロトコル" - -msgid "``router``" -msgstr "``router``" - -msgid "" -"``script`` Points to a script to be run when a prefix is delegated or " -"released. This is only needed if you want instances on your subnets to have " -"external network access. More on this below." -msgstr "" -"``script``: プレフィックスの移譲、解放が行われた際に実行されるスクリプトを指" -"します。このスクリプトが必要なのは、サブネットのインスタンスが外部ネットワー" -"クへのアクセスが必要な場合だけです。詳しくは後述します。" - -msgid "" -"``service_function_parameters`` - Dictionary of service function parameters" -msgstr "``service_function_parameters`` - サービス機能パラメーターの dict" - -msgid "``slaac``" -msgstr "``slaac``" - -msgid "``source_ip_prefix`` - Source IP address or prefix" -msgstr "``source_ip_prefix`` - 送信元 IP アドレスもしくはプレフィックス" - -msgid "``source_port_range_max`` - Maximum source protocol port" -msgstr "``source_port_range_max`` - 送信元プロトコルポートの最大値" - -msgid "``source_port_range_min`` - Minimum source protocol port" -msgstr "``source_port_range_min`` - 送信元プロトコルポートの最小値" - -msgid "``subnet_allocation``" -msgstr "``subnet_allocation``" - -msgid "``tags-any``" -msgstr "``tags-any``" - -msgid "``tags``" -msgstr "``tags``" - -msgid "``tenant_id`` - Project ID" -msgstr "``tenant_id`` - プロジェクト ID" - -msgid "``update_network:provider:physical_network``" -msgstr "``update_network:provider:physical_network``" - -msgid "``url``: the OpenStack DNS service public endpoint URL." -msgstr "``url``: OpenStack DNS サービスのパブリックエンドポイント URL" - -msgid "" -"``vhost-user`` requires file descriptor-backed shared memory. Currently, the " -"only way to request this is by requesting large pages. This is why instances " -"spawned on hosts with OVS-DPDK must request large pages. The aggregate " -"flavor affinity filter can be used to associate flavors with large page " -"support to hosts with OVS-DPDK support." -msgstr "" -"``vhost-user`` は、ファイルディスクリプターに関連付けられた共有メモリーを必要" -"とします。現在のところ、このような共有メモリーを要求する方法は、ラージページ" -"を要求する方法しかありません。このため、 OVS-DPDK を使うホストで起動するイン" -"スタンスは必ずラージページを要求する必要があります。 aggregate flavor " -"affinity フィルターを使用すると、 OVS-DPDK 対応を提供するホストに、ラージペー" -"ジ対応のフレーバーを関連付けることができます。" - -msgid "a set of iptables rules" -msgstr "iptables のルールセット" - -msgid "availability zone candidates for the resource" -msgstr "そのリソースのアベイラビリティーゾーン候補" - -msgid "availability zones for the resource" -msgstr "そのリソースのアベイラビリティーゾーン" - -msgid "availability_zone_hints" -msgstr "availability_zone_hints" - -msgid "availability_zones" -msgstr "availability_zones" - -msgid "classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)" -msgstr "classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)" - -msgid "compute0001" -msgstr "compute0001" - -msgid "compute0002" -msgstr "compute0002" - -msgid "compute0101" -msgstr "compute0101" - -msgid "compute0102" -msgstr "compute0102" - -msgid "dependencies." -msgstr "依存サービス。" - -msgid "dhcpv6-stateful" -msgstr "dhcpv6-stateful" - -msgid "dhcpv6-stateless" -msgstr "dhcpv6-stateless" - -msgid "dns_domain" -msgstr "dns_domain" - -msgid "dns_name" -msgstr "dns_name" - -msgid "dnsmasq for providing IP addresses to virtual machines using DHCP" -msgstr "dnsmasq: DHCP を使って仮想マシンに IP アドレスを割り当てるため" - -msgid "dotted quad" -msgstr "ドット区切りの 4 つの数字" - -msgid "fd00:198:51:100::/64" -msgstr "fd00:198:51:100::/64" - -msgid "fd00:198:51:100::1" -msgstr "fd00:198:51:100::1" - -msgid "fd00:203:0:113::/64" -msgstr "fd00:203:0:113::/64" - -msgid "fd00:203:0:113::1" -msgstr "fd00:203:0:113::1" - -msgid "" -"iptables to implement SNAT so instances can connect out to the public " -"internet, and to ensure that virtual machines are permitted to communicate " -"with dnsmasq using DHCP" -msgstr "" -"iptables: インスタンスがパブリックインターネットに接続するための SNAT を実現" -"するため、仮想マシンの DHCP を使った dnsmasq との通信を許可するため" - -msgid "ipv6 address mode" -msgstr "ipv6 address mode" - -msgid "ipv6 ra mode" -msgstr "ipv6 ra mode" - -msgid "ipv6_address_mode" -msgstr "ipv6_address_mode" - -msgid "ipv6_ra_mode" -msgstr "ipv6_ra_mode" - -msgid "ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode combinations" -msgstr "ipv6_ra_mode と ipv6_address_mode の組み合わせ" - -msgid "libvirt 1.2.13" -msgstr "libvirt 1.2.13" - -msgid "libvirt 1.2.17" -msgstr "libvirt 1.2.17" - -msgid "libvirt network implementation" -msgstr "libvirt ネットワーク実装" - -msgid "list of string" -msgstr "文字列リスト" - -msgid "network" -msgstr "ネットワーク" - -msgid "no" -msgstr "いいえ" - -msgid "rack 1" -msgstr "rack 1" - -msgid "rack 2" -msgstr "rack 2" - -msgid "radvd A,M,O" -msgstr "radvd A,M,O" - -msgid "router" -msgstr "ルーター" - -msgid "segment 1" -msgstr "segment 1" - -msgid "segment 2" -msgstr "segment 2" - -msgid "segment1" -msgstr "segment1" - -msgid "segment2" -msgstr "segment2" - -msgid "slaac" -msgstr "slaac" - -msgid "subnet (IPv4)" -msgstr "サブネット (IPv4)" - -msgid "subnet (IPv6)" -msgstr "サブネット (IPv6)" - -msgid "type driver / mech driver" -msgstr "タイプドライバー / メカニズムドライバー" - -msgid "v1" -msgstr "v1" - -msgid "v2" -msgstr "v2" - -msgid "yes" -msgstr "はい" diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-classic-to-l3ha.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-classic-to-l3ha.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0d371cea6c..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-classic-to-l3ha.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -.. _migration-to-vrrp: - -============================== -Add VRRP to an existing router -============================== - -This section describes the process of migrating from a classic router to an L3 -HA router, which is available starting from the Mitaka release. - -Similar to the classic scenario, all network traffic on a project network that -requires routing actively traverses only one network node regardless of the -quantity of network nodes providing HA for the router. Therefore, this -high-availability implementation primarily addresses failure situations instead -of bandwidth constraints that limit performance. However, it supports random -distribution of routers on different network nodes to reduce the chances of -bandwidth constraints and to improve scaling. - -This section references parts of :ref:`deploy-lb-ha-vrrp` and -:ref:`deploy-ovs-ha-vrrp`. For details regarding needed infrastructure and -configuration to allow actual L3 HA deployment, read the relevant guide -before continuing with the migration process. - -Migration -~~~~~~~~~ - -The migration process is quite simple, it involves turning down the router by -setting the router's ``admin_state_up`` attribute to ``False``, upgrading the -router to L3 HA and then setting the router's ``admin_state_up`` attribute back -to ``True``. - -.. warning:: - - Once starting the migration, south-north connections (instances to internet) - will be severed. New connections will be able to start only when the - migration is complete. - -Here is the router we have used in our demonstration: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router show router1 - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | | - | ha | False | - | id | 6b793b46-d082-4fd5-980f-a6f80cbb0f2a | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | bb8b84ab75be4e19bd0dfe02f6c3f5c1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Set the admin_state_up to ``False``. This will severe south-north - connections until admin_state_up is set to ``True`` again. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router1 --disable - -#. Set the ``ha`` attribute of the router to ``True``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router1 --ha - -#. Set the admin_state_up to ``True``. - After this, south-north connections can start. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router1 --enable - -#. Make sure that the router's ``ha`` attribute has changed to ``True``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router show router1 - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | | - | ha | True | - | id | 6b793b46-d082-4fd5-980f-a6f80cbb0f2a | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | bb8b84ab75be4e19bd0dfe02f6c3f5c1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - - -L3 HA to Legacy -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -To return to classic mode, turn down the router again, turning off L3 HA -and starting the router again. - -.. warning:: - - Once starting the migration, south-north connections (instances to internet) - will be severed. New connections will be able to start only when the - migration is complete. - -Here is the router we have used in our demonstration: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router show router1 - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | DOWN | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | | - | ha | True | - | id | 6b793b46-d082-4fd5-980f-a6f80cbb0f2a | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | bb8b84ab75be4e19bd0dfe02f6c3f5c1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Set the admin_state_up to ``False``. This will severe south-north - connections until admin_state_up is set to ``True`` again. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router1 --disable - -#. Set the ``ha`` attribute of the router to ``True``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router1 --no-ha - -#. Set the admin_state_up to ``True``. - After this, south-north connections can start. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router set router1 --enable - -#. Make sure that the router's ``ha`` attribute has changed to ``False``. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router show router1 - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | distributed | False | - | external_gateway_info | | - | ha | False | - | id | 6b793b46-d082-4fd5-980f-a6f80cbb0f2a | - | name | router1 | - | project_id | bb8b84ab75be4e19bd0dfe02f6c3f5c1 | - | routes | | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-database.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-database.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 85a31a5946..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-database.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -.. _migration-database: - -======== -Database -======== - -The upgrade of the Networking service database is implemented with Alembic -migration chains. The migrations in the ``alembic/versions`` contain the -changes needed to migrate from older Networking service releases to newer ones. - -Since Liberty, Networking maintains two parallel Alembic migration branches. - -The first branch is called expand and is used to store expansion-only -migration rules. These rules are strictly additive and can be applied while the -Neutron server is running. - -The second branch is called contract and is used to store those migration -rules that are not safe to apply while Neutron server is running. - -The intent of separate branches is to allow invoking those safe migrations -from the expand branch while the Neutron server is running and therefore -reducing downtime needed to upgrade the service. - -A database management command-line tool uses the Alembic library to manage the -migration. - -Database management command-line tool -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The database management command-line tool is called -:command:`neutron-db-manage`. Pass the ``--help`` option to the tool for -usage information. - -The tool takes some options followed by some commands: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage - -The tool needs to access the database connection string, which is provided in -the ``neutron.conf`` configuration file in an installation. The tool -automatically reads from ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` if it is present. -If the configuration is in a different location, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf - -Multiple ``--config-file`` options can be passed if needed. - -Instead of reading the DB connection from the configuration file(s), you can -use the ``--database-connection`` option: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage --database-connection - mysql+pymysql://root:secret@ - -The `branches`, `current`, and `history` commands all accept a -``--verbose`` option, which, when passed, will instruct -:command:`neutron-db-manage` to display more verbose output for the specified -command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage current --verbose - -.. note:: - - The tool usage examples below do not show the options. It is assumed that - you use the options that you need for your environment. - -In new deployments, you start with an empty database and then upgrade to -the latest database version using the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade heads - -After installing a new version of the Neutron server, upgrade the database -using the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade heads - -In existing deployments, check the current database version using the -following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage current - -To apply the expansion migration rules, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade --expand - -To apply the non-expansive migration rules, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade --contract - -To check if any contract migrations are pending and therefore if offline -migration is required, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage has_offline_migrations - -.. note:: - - Offline migration requires all Neutron server instances in the cluster to - be shutdown before you apply any contract scripts. - -To generate a script of the command instead of operating immediately on the -database, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade heads --sql - - .. note:: - - The `--sql` option causes the command to generate a script. The script - can be run later (online or offline), perhaps after verifying and/or - modifying it. - -To migrate between specific migration versions, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade : - -To upgrade the database incrementally, use the following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-db-manage upgrade --delta <# of revs> - -.. note:: - - Database downgrade is not supported. - -To look for differences between the schema generated by the upgrade command -and the schema defined by the models, use the -:command:`revision --autogenerate` command: - -.. code-block:: console - - neutron-db-manage revision -m REVISION_DESCRIPTION --autogenerate - -.. note:: - - This generates a prepopulated template with the changes needed to match the - database state with the models. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-nova-network-to-neutron.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-nova-network-to-neutron.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b321179f1b..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration-nova-network-to-neutron.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -.. _migration-nova-to-neutron: - -===================================================== -Legacy nova-network to OpenStack Networking (neutron) -===================================================== - -Two networking models exist in OpenStack. The first is called legacy -networking (:term:`nova-network`) and it is a sub-process embedded in -the Compute project (nova). This model has some limitations, such as -creating complex network topologies, extending its back-end implementation -to vendor-specific technologies, and providing project-specific networking -elements. These limitations are the main reasons the OpenStack -Networking (neutron) model was created. - -This section describes the process of migrating clouds based on the -legacy networking model to the OpenStack Networking model. This -process requires additional changes to both compute and networking to -support the migration. This document describes the overall process and -the features required in both Networking and Compute. - -The current process as designed is a minimally viable migration with -the goal of deprecating and then removing legacy networking. Both the -Compute and Networking teams agree that a one-button migration -process from legacy networking to OpenStack Networking (neutron) is -not an essential requirement for the deprecation and removal of the -legacy networking at a future date. This section includes a process -and tools which are designed to solve a simple use case migration. - -Users are encouraged to take these tools, test them, provide feedback, -and then expand on the feature set to suit their own deployments; -deployers that refrain from participating in this process intending to -wait for a path that better suits their use case are likely to be -disappointed. - -Impact and limitations -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The migration process from the legacy nova-network networking service -to OpenStack Networking (neutron) has some limitations and impacts on -the operational state of the cloud. It is critical to understand them -in order to decide whether or not this process is acceptable for your -cloud and all users. - -Management impact ------------------ - -The Networking REST API is publicly read-only until after the -migration is complete. During the migration, Networking REST API is -read-write only to nova-api, and changes to Networking are only -allowed via nova-api. - -The Compute REST API is available throughout the entire process, -although there is a brief period where it is made read-only during a -database migration. The Networking REST API will need to expose (to -nova-api) all details necessary for reconstructing the information -previously held in the legacy networking database. - -Compute needs a per-hypervisor "has_transitioned" boolean change in -the data model to be used during the migration process. This flag is -no longer required once the process is complete. - -Operations impact ------------------ - -In order to support a wide range of deployment options, the migration -process described here requires a rolling restart of hypervisors. The -rate and timing of specific hypervisor restarts is under the control -of the operator. - -The migration may be paused, even for an extended period of time (for -example, while testing or investigating issues) with some hypervisors -on legacy networking and some on Networking, and Compute API remains -fully functional. Individual hypervisors may be rolled back to legacy -networking during this stage of the migration, although this requires -an additional restart. - -In order to support the widest range of deployer needs, the process -described here is easy to automate but is not already automated. -Deployers should expect to perform multiple manual steps or write some -simple scripts in order to perform this migration. - -Performance impact ------------------- - -During the migration, nova-network API calls will go through an -additional internal conversion to Networking calls. This will have -different and likely poorer performance characteristics compared with -either the pre-migration or post-migration APIs. - -Migration process overview -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -#. Start neutron-server in intended final config, except with REST API - restricted to read-write only by nova-api. -#. Make the Compute REST API read-only. -#. Run a DB dump/restore tool that creates Networking data structures - representing current legacy networking config. -#. Enable a nova-api proxy that recreates internal Compute objects - from Networking information - (via the Networking REST API). -#. Make Compute REST API read-write again. This means legacy - networking DB is now unused, new changes are now stored in the - Networking DB, and no rollback is possible from here without losing - those new changes. - -.. note:: - - At this moment the Networking DB is the source of truth, but - nova-api is the only public read-write API. - -Next, you'll need to migrate each hypervisor. To do that, follow these steps: - -#. Disable the hypervisor. This would be a good time to live migrate - or evacuate the compute node, if supported. -#. Disable nova-compute. -#. Enable the Networking agent. -#. Set the "has_transitioned" flag in the Compute hypervisor database/config. -#. Reboot the hypervisor (or run "smart" live transition tool if available). -#. Re-enable the hypervisor. - -At this point, all compute nodes have been migrated, but they are -still using the nova-api API and Compute gateways. Finally, enable -OpenStack Networking by following these steps: - -#. Bring up the Networking (l3) nodes. The new routers will have - identical MAC+IPs as old Compute gateways so some sort of immediate - cutover is possible, except for stateful connections issues such as - NAT. -#. Make the Networking API read-write and disable legacy networking. - -Migration Completed! diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/migration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3fe12a8e4d..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/migration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -.. _migration: - -========= -Migration -========= - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - migration-database - migration-nova-network-to-neutron - migration-classic-to-l3ha diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/misc-libvirt.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/misc-libvirt.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0b0558ac2c..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/misc-libvirt.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -.. _misc-disable-libvirt-networking: - -========================== -Disable libvirt networking -========================== - -Most OpenStack deployments use the `libvirt `__ -toolkit for interacting with the -hypervisor. Specifically, OpenStack Compute uses libvirt for tasks such as -booting and terminating virtual machine instances. When OpenStack Compute boots -a new instance, libvirt provides OpenStack with the VIF associated with the -instance, and OpenStack Compute plugs the VIF into a virtual device provided by -OpenStack Network. The libvirt toolkit itself does not provide any networking -functionality in OpenStack deployments. - -However, libvirt is capable of providing networking services to the virtual -machines that it manages. In particular, libvirt can be configured to provide -networking functionality akin to a simplified, single-node version of -OpenStack. Users can use libvirt to create layer 2 networks that are similar to -OpenStack Networking's networks, confined to a single node. - -libvirt network implementation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -By default, libvirt's networking functionality is enabled, and libvirt -creates a network when the system boots. To implement this network, -libvirt leverages some of the same technologies that OpenStack Network -does. In particular, libvirt uses: - -* Linux bridging for implementing a layer 2 network -* dnsmasq for providing IP addresses to virtual machines using DHCP -* iptables to implement SNAT so instances can connect out to the public - internet, and to ensure that virtual machines are permitted to communicate - with dnsmasq using DHCP - -By default, libvirt creates a network named *default*. The details of this -network may vary by distribution; on Ubuntu this network involves: - -* a Linux bridge named ``virbr0`` with an IP address of ```` -* a dnsmasq process that listens on the ``virbr0`` interface and hands out IP - addresses in the range ```` -* a set of iptables rules - -When libvirt boots a virtual machine, it places the machine's VIF in the bridge -``virbr0`` unless explicitly told not to. - -On Ubuntu, the iptables ruleset that libvirt creates includes the following -rules:: - - *nat - -A POSTROUTING -s -d -j RETURN - -A POSTROUTING -s -d -j RETURN - -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 - -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 - -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE - *mangle - -A POSTROUTING -o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill - *filter - -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT - -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT - -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT - -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT - -A FORWARD -d -o virbr0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT - -A FORWARD -s -i virbr0 -j ACCEPT - -A FORWARD -i virbr0 -o virbr0 -j ACCEPT - -A FORWARD -o virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable - -A FORWARD -i virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable - -A OUTPUT -o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT - -The following shows the dnsmasq process that libvirt manages as it appears in -the output of :command:`ps`:: - - 2881 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf - -How to disable libvirt networks -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Although OpenStack does not make use of libvirt's networking, this -networking will not interfere with OpenStack's behavior, and can be -safely left enabled. However, libvirt's networking can be a nuisance -when debugging OpenStack networking issues. Because libvirt creates an -additional bridge, dnsmasq process, and iptables ruleset, these may -distract an operator engaged in network troubleshooting. -Unless you need to start up virtual machines using libvirt directly, you can -safely disable libvirt's network. - -To view the defined libvirt networks and their state: - -.. code-block:: console - - # virsh net-list - Name State Autostart Persistent - ---------------------------------------------------------- - default active yes yes - -To deactivate the libvirt network named ``default``: - -.. code-block:: console - - # virsh net-destroy default - -Deactivating the network will remove the ``virbr0`` bridge, terminate -the dnsmasq process, and remove the iptables rules. - -To prevent the network from automatically starting on boot: - -.. code-block:: console - - # virsh net-autostart --network default --disable - -To activate the network after it has been deactivated: - -.. code-block:: console - - # virsh net-start default diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/misc.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/misc.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 492c1f6bb5..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/misc.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -.. _miscellaneous: - -============= -Miscellaneous -============= - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - fwaas-v2-scenario - fwaas-v1-scenario - misc-libvirt - neutron_linuxbridge diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/neutron_linuxbridge.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/neutron_linuxbridge.rst deleted file mode 100644 index aa95750072..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/neutron_linuxbridge.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -==================================== -neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup utility -==================================== - -Description -~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Automated removal of empty bridges has been disabled to fix a race condition -between the Compute (nova) and Networking (neutron) services. Previously, it -was possible for a bridge to be deleted during the time when the only instance -using it was rebooted. - -Usage -~~~~~ - -Use this script to remove empty bridges on compute nodes by running the -following command: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup - -.. important:: - - Do not use this tool when creating or migrating an instance as it - throws an error when the bridge does not exist. - -.. note:: - - Using this script can still trigger the original race condition. Only - run this script if you have evacuated all instances off a compute - node and you want to clean up the bridges. In addition to evacuating - all instances, you should fence off the compute node where you are going - to run this script so new instances do not get scheduled on it. - diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-ip-availability.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-ip-availability.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3df6c0028a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-ip-availability.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -.. _ops-ip-availability: - -======================= -IP availability metrics -======================= - -Network IP Availability is an information-only API extension that allows -a user or process to determine the number of IP addresses that are consumed -across networks and the allocation pools of their subnets. This extension was -added to neutron in the Mitaka release. - -This section illustrates how you can get the Network IP address availability -through the command-line interface. - -Get Network IP address availability for all IPv4 networks: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack ip availability list - - +--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ - | Network ID | Network Name | Total IPs | Used IPs | - +--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ - | 363a611a-b08b-4281-b64e-198d90cb94fd | private | 253 | 3 | - | c92d0605-caf2-4349-b1b8-8d5f9ac91df8 | public | 253 | 1 | - +--------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+----------+ - -Get Network IP address availability for all IPv6 networks: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack ip availability list --ip-version 6 - - +--------------------------------------+--------------+----------------------+----------+ - | Network ID | Network Name | Total IPs | Used IPs | - +--------------------------------------+--------------+----------------------+----------+ - | 363a611a-b08b-4281-b64e-198d90cb94fd | private | 18446744073709551614 | 3 | - | c92d0605-caf2-4349-b1b8-8d5f9ac91df8 | public | 18446744073709551614 | 1 | - +--------------------------------------+--------------+----------------------+----------+ - -Get Network IP address availability statistics for a specific network: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack ip availability show NETWORKUUID - - +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - | network_id | 0bf90de6-fc0f-4dba-b80d-96670dfb331a | - | network_name | public | - | project_id | 5669caad86a04256994cdf755df4d3c1 | - | subnet_ip_availability | cidr='', ip_version='4', subnet_id='346806ee- | - | | a53e-44fd-968a-ddb2bcd2ba96', subnet_name='public_subnet', | - | | total_ips='13', used_ips='5' | - | total_ips | 13 | - | used_ips | 5 | - +------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-resource-purge.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-resource-purge.rst deleted file mode 100644 index eb0b5b568e..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-resource-purge.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -.. _ops-resource-purge: - -============== -Resource purge -============== - -The Networking service provides a purge mechanism to delete the -following network resources for a project: - -* Networks -* Subnets -* Ports -* Router interfaces -* Routers -* Floating IP addresses -* Security groups - -Typically, one uses this mechanism to delete networking resources -for a defunct project regardless of its existence in the Identity -service. - -Usage -~~~~~ - -#. Source the necessary project credentials. The administrative project - can delete resources for all other projects. A regular project can - delete its own network resources and those belonging to other projects - for which it has sufficient access. - -#. Delete the network resources for a particular project. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron purge PROJECT_ID - - Replace ``PROJECT_ID`` with the project ID. - -The command provides output that includes a completion percentage and -the quantity of successful or unsuccessful network resource deletions. -An unsuccessful deletion usually indicates sharing of a resource with -one or more additional projects. - -.. code-block:: console - - Purging resources: 100% complete. - Deleted 1 security_group, 2 ports, 1 router, 1 floatingip, 2 networks. - The following resources could not be deleted: 1 network. - -The command also indicates if a project lacks network resources. - -.. code-block:: console - - Tenant has no supported resources. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-resource-tags.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-resource-tags.rst deleted file mode 100644 index aa1b5872b9..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops-resource-tags.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ -.. _ops-resource-tags: - -============= -Resource tags -============= - -Various virtual networking resources support tags for use by external -systems or any other clients of the Networking service API. - -The currently supported resources are: - -* networks -* subnets -* subnetpools -* ports -* routers - -Use cases -~~~~~~~~~ - -The following use cases refer to adding tags to networks, but the same -can be applicable to any other supported Networking service resource: - -#. Ability to map different networks in different OpenStack locations - to one logically same network (for multi-site OpenStack). - -#. Ability to map IDs from different management/orchestration systems to - OpenStack networks in mixed environments. For example, in the Kuryr project, - the Docker network ID is mapped to the Neutron network ID. - -#. Ability to leverage tags by deployment tools. - -#. Ability to tag information about provider networks - (for example, high-bandwidth, low-latency, and so on). - -Filtering with tags -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -The API allows searching/filtering of the ``GET /v2.0/networks`` API. The -following query parameters are supported: - -* ``tags`` -* ``tags-any`` -* ``not-tags`` -* ``not-tags-any`` - -To request the list of networks that have a single tag, ``tags`` argument -should be set to the desired tag name. Example:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?tags=red - -To request the list of networks that have two or more tags, the ``tags`` -argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by commas. In this case, -the tags given must all be present for a network to be included in the query -result. Example that returns networks that have the "red" and "blue" tags:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?tags=red,blue - -To request the list of networks that have one or more of a list of given tags, -the ``tags-any`` argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by -commas. In this case, as long as one of the given tags is present, the network -will be included in the query result. Example that returns the networks that -have the "red" or the "blue" tag:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?tags-any=red,blue - -To request the list of networks that do not have one or more tags, the -``not-tags`` argument should be set to the list of tags, separated by commas. -In this case, only the networks that do not have any of the given tags will be -included in the query results. Example that returns the networks that do not -have either "red" or "blue" tag:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?not-tags=red,blue - -To request the list of networks that do not have at least one of a list of -tags, the ``not-tags-any`` argument should be set to the list of tags, -separated by commas. In this case, only the networks that do not have at least -one of the given tags will be included in the query result. Example that -returns the networks that do not have the "red" tag, or do not have the "blue" -tag:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?not-tags-any=red,blue - -The ``tags``, ``tags-any``, ``not-tags``, and ``not-tags-any`` arguments can be -combined to build more complex queries. Example:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?tags=red,blue&tags-any=green,orange - -The above example returns any networks that have the "red" and "blue" tags, -plus at least one of "green" and "orange". - -Complex queries may have contradictory parameters. Example:: - - GET /v2.0/networks?tags=blue¬-tags=blue - -In this case, we should let the Networking service find these -networks. Obviously, there are no such networks and the service will return an -empty list. - -User workflow -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Add a tag to a resource: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron tag-add --resource-type network --resource ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 --tag red - $ neutron net-show net - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | id | ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 | - | ipv4_address_scope | | - | ipv6_address_scope | | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | net | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | False | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | red | - | tenant_id | e6710680bfd14555891f265644e1dd5c | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Remove a tag from a resource: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron tag-remove --resource-type network --resource ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 --tag red - $ neutron net-show net - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | id | ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 | - | ipv4_address_scope | | - | ipv6_address_scope | | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | net | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | False | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | | - | tenant_id | e6710680bfd14555891f265644e1dd5c | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Replace all tags on the resource: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron tag-replace --resource-type network --resource ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 --tag red --tag blue - $ neutron net-show net - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | id | ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 | - | ipv4_address_scope | | - | ipv6_address_scope | | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | net | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | False | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | red | - | | blue | - | tenant_id | e6710680bfd14555891f265644e1dd5c | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Clear tags from a resource: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron tag-remove --resource-type network --resource ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 --all - $ neutron net-show net - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | admin_state_up | True | - | availability_zone_hints | | - | availability_zones | | - | id | ab442634-1cc9-49e5-bd49-0dac9c811f69 | - | ipv4_address_scope | | - | ipv6_address_scope | | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | net | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | False | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - | subnets | | - | tags | | - | tenant_id | e6710680bfd14555891f265644e1dd5c | - +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -Get list of resources with tag filters from networks. The networks are: -test-net1 with "red" tag, test-net2 with "red" and "blue" tags, test-net3 with -"red", "blue", and "green" tags, and test-net4 with "green" tag. - -Get list of resources with ``tags`` filter: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-list --tags red,blue - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | id | name | subnets | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | 8ca3b9ed-f578-45fa-8c44-c53f13aec05a | test-net3 | | - | e736e63d-42e4-4f4c-836c-6ad286ffd68a | test-net2 | | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - -Get list of resources with ``tags-any`` filter: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-list --tags-any red,blue - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | id | name | subnets | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | 30491224-3855-431f-a688-fb29df004d82 | test-net1 | | - | 8ca3b9ed-f578-45fa-8c44-c53f13aec05a | test-net3 | | - | e736e63d-42e4-4f4c-836c-6ad286ffd68a | test-net2 | | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - -Get list of resources with ``not-tags`` filter: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-list --not-tags red,blue - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | id | name | subnets | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | 30491224-3855-431f-a688-fb29df004d82 | test-net1 | | - | cdb3ed08-ca63-4090-ba12-30b366372993 | test-net4 | | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - -Get list of resources with ``not-tags-any`` filter: - -.. code-block:: console - - $ neutron net-list --not-tags-any red,blue - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | id | name | subnets | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - | cdb3ed08-ca63-4090-ba12-30b366372993 | test-net4 | | - +--------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ - -Limitations -~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Filtering resources with a tag whose name contains a comma is not -supported. Thus, do not put such a tag name to resources. - -Future support -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In future releases, the Networking service may support setting tags for -additional resources. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops.rst b/doc/networking-guide/source/ops.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 096a4becdd..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/ops.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -.. _operations: - -========== -Operations -========== - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - ops-ip-availability - ops-resource-tags - ops-resource-purge diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9175f7b69d..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-config-neutron-common.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -.. code-block:: ini - - [DEFAULT] - core_plugin = ml2 - auth_strategy = keystone - - [database] - # ... - - [keystone_authtoken] - # ... - - [nova] - # ... - - [agent] - # ... - -See the `Installation Tutorials and Guides `_ and -`Configuration Reference `_ for your OpenStack -release to obtain the appropriate additional configuration for the -``[DEFAULT]``, ``[database]``, ``[keystone_authtoken]``, ``[nova]``, and -``[agent]`` sections. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-initialnetworks.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-initialnetworks.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9d4298b53a..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-initialnetworks.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -Similar to the self-service deployment example, this configuration supports -multiple VXLAN self-service networks. After enabling high-availability, all -additional routers use VRRP. The following procedure creates an additional -self-service network and router. The Networking service also supports adding -high-availability to existing routers. However, the procedure requires -administratively disabling and enabling each router which temporarily -interrupts network connectivity for self-service networks with interfaces -on that router. - -#. Source a regular (non-administrative) project credentials. -#. Create a self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create selfservice2 - +-------------------------+--------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | selfservice2 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+--------------+ - -#. Create a IPv4 subnet on the self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range \ - --network selfservice2 --dns-nameserver selfservice2-v4 - +-------------------+------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | selfservice2-v4 | - +-------------------+------------------------------+ - -#. Create a IPv6 subnet on the self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range fd00:198:51:100::/64 --ip-version 6 \ - --ipv6-ra-mode slaac --ipv6-address-mode slaac --network selfservice2 \ - --dns-nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844 selfservice2-v6 - +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | fd00:198:51:100::2-fd00:198:51:100:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | fd00:198:51:100::/64 | - | dns_nameservers | 2001:4860:4860::8844 | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | fd00:198:51:100::1 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | selfservice2-v6 | - +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router create router2 - +-----------------------+---------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+---------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | name | router2 | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-----------------------+---------+ - -#. Add the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets as interfaces on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router add subnet router2 selfservice2-v4 - $ openstack router add subnet router2 selfservice2-v6 - - .. note:: - - These commands provide no output. - -#. Add the provider network as a gateway on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron router-gateway-set router2 provider1 - Set gateway for router router2 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifyfailoveroperation.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifyfailoveroperation.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9f4d29329c..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifyfailoveroperation.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#. Begin a continuous ``ping`` of both the floating IPv4 address and IPv6 - address of the instance. While performing the next three steps, you - should see a minimal, if any, interruption of connectivity to the - instance. - -#. On the network node with the master router, administratively disable - the overlay network interface. - -#. On the other network node, verify promotion of the backup router to - master router by noting addition of IP addresses to the interfaces - in the ``qrouter`` namespace. - -#. On the original network node in step 2, administratively enable the - overlay network interface. Note that the master router remains on - the network node in step 3. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifynetworkoperation.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifynetworkoperation.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 94b2f61ba6..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp-verifynetworkoperation.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Verify creation of the internal high-availability network that handles - VRRP *heartbeat* traffic. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network list - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Subnets | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - | 1b8519c1-59c4-415c-9da2-a67d53c68455 | HA network tenant f986edf55ae945e2bef3cb4bfd589928 | 6843314a-1e76-4cc9-94f5-c64b7a39364a | - +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. On each network node, verify creation of a ``qrouter`` namespace with - the same ID. - - Network node 1: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qrouter-b6206312-878e-497c-8ef7-eb384f8add96 - - Network node 2: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qrouter-b6206312-878e-497c-8ef7-eb384f8add96 - - .. note:: - - The namespace for router 1 from :ref:`deploy-lb-selfservice` should - only appear on network node 1 because of creation prior to enabling - VRRP. - -#. On each network node, show the IP address of interfaces in the ``qrouter`` - namespace. With the exception of the VRRP interface, only one namespace - belonging to the master router instance contains IP addresses on the - interfaces. - - Network node 1: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns exec qrouter-b6206312-878e-497c-8ef7-eb384f8add96 ip addr show - 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1 - link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 - inet scope host lo - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 ::1/128 scope host - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - 2: ha-eb820380-40@if21: mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:78:ba:99 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - inet brd scope global ha-eb820380-40 - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet scope global ha-eb820380-40 - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe78:ba99/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - 3: qr-da3504ad-ba@if24: mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:dc:8e:a8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - inet scope global qr-da3504ad-ba - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fedc:8ea8/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - 4: qr-442e36eb-fc@if27: mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:ee:c8:41 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - inet6 fd00:198:51:100::1/64 scope global nodad - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:feee:c841/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - 5: qg-33fedbc5-43@if28: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:03:1a:f6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - inet scope global qg-33fedbc5-43 - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fd00:203:0:113::21/64 scope global nodad - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe03:1af6/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - - Network node 2: - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns exec qrouter-b6206312-878e-497c-8ef7-eb384f8add96 ip addr show - 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1 - link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 - inet scope host lo - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 ::1/128 scope host - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - 2: ha-7a7ce184-36@if8: mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:16:59:84 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - inet brd scope global ha-7a7ce184-36 - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe16:5984/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - 3: qr-da3504ad-ba@if11: mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:dc:8e:a8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - 4: qr-442e36eb-fc@if14: mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - 5: qg-33fedbc5-43@if15: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:16:3e:03:1a:f6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 - - .. note:: - - The master router may reside on network node 2. - -#. Launch an instance with an interface on the addtional self-service network. - For example, a CirrOS image using flavor ID 1. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --flavor 1 --image cirros --nic net-id=NETWORK_ID selfservice-instance2 - - Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the additional self-service - network. - -#. Determine the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | bde64b00-77ae-41b9-b19a-cd8e378d9f8b | selfservice-instance2 | ACTIVE | selfservice2=fd00:198:51:100:f816:3eff:fe71:e93e, | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a floating IPv4 address on the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack floating ip create provider1 - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | fixed_ip | None | - | id | 0174056a-fa56-4403-b1ea-b5151a31191f | - | instance_id | None | - | ip | | - | pool | provider1 | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - -#. Associate the floating IPv4 address with the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server add floating ip selfservice-instance2 - - .. note:: - - This command provides no output. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1a8158ed72..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-ha-vrrp.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -This architecture example augments the self-service deployment example -with a high-availability mechanism using the Virtual Router Redundancy -Protocol (VRRP) via ``keepalived`` and provides failover of routing -for self-service networks. It requires a minimum of two network nodes -because VRRP creates one master (active) instance and at least one backup -instance of each router. - -During normal operation, ``keepalived`` on the master router periodically -transmits *heartbeat* packets over a hidden network that connects all VRRP -routers for a particular project. Each project with VRRP routers uses a -separate hidden network. By default this network uses the first value in -the ``tenant_network_types`` option in the ``ml2_conf.ini`` file. For -additional control, you can specify the self-service network type and physical -network name for the hidden network using the ``l3_ha_network_type`` and -``l3_ha_network_name`` options in the ``neutron.conf`` file. - -If ``keepalived`` on the backup router stops receiving *heartbeat* packets, -it assumes failure of the master router and promotes the backup router to -master router by configuring IP addresses on the interfaces in the -``qrouter`` namespace. In environments with more than one backup router, -``keepalived`` on the backup router with the next highest priority promotes -that backup router to master router. - -.. note:: - - This high-availability mechanism configures VRRP using the same priority - for all routers. Therefore, VRRP promotes the backup router with the - highest IP address to the master router. - -.. warning:: - - There is a known bug with ``keepalived`` v1.2.15 and earlier which can - cause packet loss when ``max_l3_agents_per_router`` is set to 3 or more. - Therefore, we recommend that you upgrade to ``keepalived`` v1.2.16 - or greater when using this feature. - -Interruption of VRRP *heartbeat* traffic between network nodes, typically -due to a network interface or physical network infrastructure failure, -triggers a failover. Restarting the layer-3 agent, or failure of it, does -not trigger a failover providing ``keepalived`` continues to operate. - -Consider the following attributes of this high-availability mechanism to -determine practicality in your environment: - -* Instance network traffic on self-service networks using a particular - router only traverses the master instance of that router. Thus, - resource limitations of a particular network node can impact all - master instances of routers on that network node without triggering - failover to another network node. However, you can configure the - scheduler to distribute the master instance of each router uniformly - across a pool of network nodes to reduce the chance of resource - contention on any particular network node. - -* Only supports self-service networks using a router. Provider networks - operate at layer-2 and rely on physical network infrastructure for - redundancy. - -* For instances with a floating IPv4 address, maintains state of network - connections during failover as a side effect of 1:1 static NAT. The - mechanism does not actually implement connection tracking. - -For production deployments, we recommend at least three network nodes -with sufficient resources to handle network traffic for the entire -environment if one network node fails. Also, the remaining two nodes -can continue to provide redundancy. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-initialnetworks.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-initialnetworks.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7af9d56aaa..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-initialnetworks.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -The configuration supports one flat or multiple VLAN provider networks. For -simplicity, the following procedure creates one flat provider network. - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Create a flat network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create --share --provider-physical-network provider \ - --provider-network-type flat provider1 - +---------------------------+-----------+- - | Field | Value | - +---------------------------+-----------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | mtu | 1500 | - | name | provider1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | provider:network_type | flat | - | provider:physical_network | provider | - | provider:segmentation_id | None | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | True | - | status | ACTIVE | - +---------------------------+-----------+ - - .. note:: - - The ``share`` option allows any project to use this network. To limit - access to provider networks, see :ref:`config-rbac`. - - .. note:: - - To create a VLAN network instead of a flat network, change - ``--provider:network_type flat`` to ``--provider-network-type vlan`` - and add ``--provider-segment`` with a value referencing - the VLAN ID. - -#. Create a IPv4 subnet on the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --gateway \ - --network provider1 --allocation-pool start=,end= \ - --dns-nameserver provider1-v4 - +-------------------+----------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+----------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | provider1-v4 | - +-------------------+----------------------------+ - - .. important:: - - Enabling DHCP causes the Networking service to provide DHCP which can - interfere with existing DHCP services on the physical network - infrastructure. Use the ``--no-dhcp`` option to have the subnet managed - by existing DHCP services. - -#. Create a IPv6 subnet on the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range fd00:203:0:113::/64 --gateway fd00:203:0:113::1 \ - --ip-version 6 --ipv6-address-mode slaac --network provider1 \ - --dns-nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844 provider1-v6 - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | fd00:203:0:113::2-fd00:203:0:113:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | fd00:203:0:113::/64 | - | dns_nameservers | 2001:4860:4860::8844 | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | fd00:203:0:113::1 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | None | - | name | provider1-v6 | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - - .. note:: - - The Networking service uses the layer-3 agent to provide router - advertisement. Provider networks rely on physical network infrastructure - for layer-3 services rather than the layer-3 agent. Thus, the physical - network infrastructure must provide router advertisement on provider - networks for proper operation of IPv6. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-networktrafficflow.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-networktrafficflow.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5b3cce46e6..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-networktrafficflow.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -The following sections describe the flow of network traffic in several -common scenarios. *North-south* network traffic travels between an instance -and external network such as the Internet. *East-west* network traffic -travels between instances on the same or different networks. In all scenarios, -the physical network infrastructure handles switching and routing among -provider networks and external networks such as the Internet. Each case -references one or more of the following components: - -* Provider network 1 (VLAN) - - * VLAN ID 101 (tagged) - * IP address ranges and fd00:203:0:113::/64 - * Gateway (via physical network infrastructure) - - * IP addresses and fd00:203:0:113:0::1 - -* Provider network 2 (VLAN) - - * VLAN ID 102 (tagged) - * IP address range and fd00:192:0:2::/64 - * Gateway - - * IP addresses and fd00:192:0:2::1 - -* Instance 1 - - * IP addresses and fd00:203:0:113:0::101 - -* Instance 2 - - * IP addresses and fd00:192:0:2:0::101 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-verifynetworkoperation.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-verifynetworkoperation.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 831540bbb2..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-provider-verifynetworkoperation.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -#. On each compute node, verify creation of the ``qdhcp`` namespace. - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qdhcp-8b868082-e312-4110-8627-298109d4401c - -#. Source a regular (non-administrative) project credentials. -#. Create the appropriate security group rules to allow ``ping`` and SSH - access instances using the network. - - .. include:: shared/deploy-secgrouprules.txt - -#. Launch an instance with an interface on the provider network. For example, - a CirrOS image using flavor ID 1. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --flavor 1 --image cirros \ - --nic net-id=NETWORK_ID provider-instance1 - - Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the provider network. - -#. Determine the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image Name | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - | 018e0ae2-b43c-4271-a78d-62653dd03285 | provider-instance1 | ACTIVE | provider1=, fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e | cirros | - +--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ - -#. On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, - ``ping`` the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ping -c 4 - PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. - 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=3.18 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=63 time=0.981 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=63 time=1.06 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=63 time=0.929 ms - - --- ping statistics --- - 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3002ms - rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.929/1.539/3.183/0.951 ms - - $ ping6 -c 4 fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e - PING fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e(fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e) 56 data bytes - 64 bytes from fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.25 ms - 64 bytes from fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.683 ms - 64 bytes from fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.762 ms - 64 bytes from fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.486 ms - - --- fd00:203:0:113:f816:3eff:fe58:be4e ping statistics --- - 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2999ms - rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.486/0.796/1.253/0.282 ms - -#. Obtain access to the instance. -#. Test IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity to the Internet or other external network. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-secgrouprules.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-secgrouprules.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4326319340..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-secgrouprules.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -.. code-block:: console - - $ openstack security group rule create --proto icmp default - +------------------+-----------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------------+-----------+ - | direction | ingress | - | ethertype | IPv4 | - | protocol | icmp | - | remote_ip_prefix | | - +------------------+-----------+ - - $ openstack security group rule create --ethertype IPv6 --proto ipv6-icmp default - +-----------+-----------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------+-----------+ - | direction | ingress | - | ethertype | IPv6 | - | protocol | ipv6-icmp | - +-----------+-----------+ - - $ openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default - +------------------+-----------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------------+-----------+ - | direction | ingress | - | ethertype | IPv4 | - | port_range_max | 22 | - | port_range_min | 22 | - | protocol | tcp | - | remote_ip_prefix | | - +------------------+-----------+ - - $ openstack security group rule create --ethertype IPv6 --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default - +------------------+-----------+ - | Field | Value | - +------------------+-----------+ - | direction | ingress | - | ethertype | IPv6 | - | port_range_max | 22 | - | port_range_min | 22 | - | protocol | tcp | - +------------------+-----------+ diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-initialnetworks.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-initialnetworks.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 68ea6f49af..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-initialnetworks.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -The configuration supports multiple VXLAN self-service networks. For -simplicity, the following procedure creates one self-service network and -a router with a gateway on the flat provider network. The router uses -NAT for IPv4 network traffic and directly routes IPv6 network traffic. - -.. note:: - - IPv6 connectivity with self-service networks often requires addition of - static routes to nodes and physical network infrastructure. - -#. Source the administrative project credentials. -#. Update the provider network to support external connectivity for - self-service networks. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network set --external provider1 - - .. note:: - - This command provides no output. - -#. Source a regular (non-administrative) project credentials. -#. Create a self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack network create selfservice1 - +-------------------------+--------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------------+--------------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | mtu | 1450 | - | name | selfservice1 | - | port_security_enabled | True | - | router:external | Internal | - | shared | False | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-------------------------+--------------+ - -#. Create a IPv4 subnet on the self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range \ - --network selfservice1 --dns-nameserver selfservice1-v4 - +-------------------+---------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+---------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | | - | cidr | | - | dns_nameservers | | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | | - | ip_version | 4 | - | name | selfservice1-v4 | - +-------------------+---------------------------+ - -#. Create a IPv6 subnet on the self-service network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range fd00:192:0:2::/64 --ip-version 6 \ - --ipv6-ra-mode slaac --ipv6-address-mode slaac --network selfservice1 \ - --dns-nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844 selfservice1-v6 - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - | allocation_pools | fd00:192:0:2::2-fd00:192:0:2:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff | - | cidr | fd00:192:0:2::/64 | - | dns_nameservers | 2001:4860:4860::8844 | - | enable_dhcp | True | - | gateway_ip | fd00:192:0:2::1 | - | ip_version | 6 | - | ipv6_address_mode | slaac | - | ipv6_ra_mode | slaac | - | name | selfservice1-v6 | - +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ - -#. Create a router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router create router1 - +-----------------------+---------+ - | Field | Value | - +-----------------------+---------+ - | admin_state_up | UP | - | name | router1 | - | status | ACTIVE | - +-----------------------+---------+ - -#. Add the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets as interfaces on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack router add subnet router1 selfservice1-v4 - $ openstack router add subnet router1 selfservice1-v6 - - .. note:: - - These commands provide no output. - -#. Add the provider network as the gateway on the router. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ neutron router-gateway-set router1 provider1 - Set gateway for router router1 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-networktrafficflow.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-networktrafficflow.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 688f128ac6..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-networktrafficflow.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -The following sections describe the flow of network traffic in several -common scenarios. *North-south* network traffic travels between an instance -and external network such as the Internet. *East-west* network traffic -travels between instances on the same or different networks. In all scenarios, -the physical network infrastructure handles switching and routing among -provider networks and external networks such as the Internet. Each case -references one or more of the following components: - -* Provider network (VLAN) - - * VLAN ID 101 (tagged) - -* Self-service network 1 (VXLAN) - - * VXLAN ID (VNI) 101 - -* Self-service network 2 (VXLAN) - - * VXLAN ID (VNI) 102 - -* Self-service router - - * Gateway on the provider network - * Interface on self-service network 1 - * Interface on self-service network 2 - -* Instance 1 - -* Instance 2 diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-verifynetworkoperation.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-verifynetworkoperation.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 44b9b48b2f..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/deploy-selfservice-verifynetworkoperation.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -#. On each compute node, verify creation of a second ``qdhcp`` namespace. - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qdhcp-8b868082-e312-4110-8627-298109d4401c - qdhcp-8fbc13ca-cfe0-4b8a-993b-e33f37ba66d1 - -#. On the network node, verify creation of the ``qrouter`` namespace. - - .. code-block:: console - - # ip netns - qrouter-17db2a15-e024-46d0-9250-4cd4d336a2cc - -#. Source a regular (non-administrative) project credentials. -#. Create the appropriate security group rules to allow ``ping`` and SSH - access instances using the network. - - .. include:: shared/deploy-secgrouprules.txt - -#. Launch an instance with an interface on the self-service network. For - example, a CirrOS image using flavor ID 1. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server create --flavor 1 --image cirros --nic net-id=NETWORK_ID selfservice-instance1 - - Replace ``NETWORK_ID`` with the ID of the self-service network. - -#. Determine the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server list - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - | ID | Name | Status | Networks | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - | c055cdb0-ebb4-4d65-957c-35cbdbd59306 | selfservice-instance1 | ACTIVE | selfservice1=, fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0 | - +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - - .. warning:: - - The IPv4 address resides in a private IP address range (RFC1918). Thus, - the Networking service performs source network address translation (SNAT) - for the instance to access external networks such as the Internet. Access - from external networks such as the Internet to the instance requires a - floating IPv4 address. The Networking service performs destination - network address translation (DNAT) from the floating IPv4 address to the - instance IPv4 address on the self-service network. On the other hand, - the Networking service architecture for IPv6 lacks support for NAT due - to the significantly larger address space and complexity of NAT. Thus, - floating IP addresses do not exist for IPv6 and the Networking service - only performs routing for IPv6 subnets on self-service networks. In - other words, you cannot rely on NAT to "hide" instances with IPv4 and - IPv6 addresses or only IPv6 addresses and must properly implement - security groups to restrict access. - -#. On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, - ``ping`` the IPv6 address of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ping6 -c 4 fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0 - PING fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0(fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0) 56 data bytes - 64 bytes from fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=2.08 ms - 64 bytes from fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0: icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=1.88 ms - 64 bytes from fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0: icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=1.55 ms - 64 bytes from fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0: icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=1.62 ms - - --- fd00:192:0:2:f816:3eff:fe30:9cb0 ping statistics --- - 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms - rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.557/1.788/2.085/0.217 ms - -#. Optionally, enable IPv4 access from external networks such as the - Internet to the instance. - - #. Create a floating IPv4 address on the provider network. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack floating ip create provider1 - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | Field | Value | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - | fixed_ip | None | - | id | 22a1b088-5c9b-43b4-97f3-970ce5df77f2 | - | instance_id | None | - | ip | | - | pool | provider1 | - +-------------+--------------------------------------+ - - #. Associate the floating IPv4 address with the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ openstack server add floating ip selfservice-instance1 - - .. note:: - - This command provides no output. - - #. On the controller node or any host with access to the provider network, - ``ping`` the floating IPv4 address of the instance. - - .. code-block:: console - - $ ping -c 4 - PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=3.41 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=1.67 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=1.47 ms - 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=1.59 ms - - --- ping statistics --- - 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3005ms - rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.473/2.040/3.414/0.798 ms - -#. Obtain access to the instance. -#. Test IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity to the Internet or other external network. diff --git a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/keepalived-vrrp-healthcheck.txt b/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/keepalived-vrrp-healthcheck.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 89dab7c94d..0000000000 --- a/doc/networking-guide/source/shared/keepalived-vrrp-healthcheck.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -The health of your ``keepalived`` instances can be automatically monitored via -a bash script that verifies connectivity to all available and configured -gateway addresses. In the event that connectivity is lost, the master router -is rescheduled to another node. - -If all routers lose connectivity simultaneously, the process of selecting a -new master router will be repeated in a round-robin fashion until one or more -routers have their connectivity restored. - -To enable this feature, edit the ``l3_agent.ini`` file: - -.. code-block:: ini - - ha_vrrp_health_check_interval = 30 - -Where ``ha_vrrp_health_check_interval`` indicates how often in seconds the -health check should run. The default value is ``0``, which indicates that the -check should not run at all. diff --git a/tools/build-all-rst.sh b/tools/build-all-rst.sh index 92879b2b68..742c94a320 100755 --- a/tools/build-all-rst.sh +++ b/tools/build-all-rst.sh @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ done # PDF targets for Install guides are dealt in build-install-guides-rst.sh PDF_TARGETS=( 'arch-design'\ - 'ha-guide' 'image-guide' 'networking-guide'\ + 'ha-guide' 'image-guide'\ 'ops-guide' 'user-guide' ) # Note that these guides are only build for master branch @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ done # Draft guides # This includes guides that we publish from stable branches -# as versioned like the networking-guide. -for guide in ha-guide-draft networking-guide config-reference; do +# as versioned like the ha-guide +for guide in ha-guide-draft config-reference; do TARGET="draft/$guide" if [[ ${PDF_TARGETS[*]} =~ $guide ]]; then tools/build-rst.sh doc/$guide --build build \