diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv.rst
index 398ce675ec..e6b9c7a94c 100644
--- a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv.rst
+++ b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv.rst
@@ -1,322 +1,52 @@
 .. _rst_conv:
 RST formatting conventions
-Follow these guidelines for all the RST source files to keep the documentation
-format consistent.
+OpenStack documentation uses reStructuredText (RST) markup syntax
+with Sphinx extensions.
+RST is a powerful and straightforward markup language, that in combination
+with Sphinx, provides a wide range of facilities for intelligent and
+good-looking documentation creation. It uses simple and implicit
+syntax to introduce a wide range of content elements, such as, titles,
+code blocks, vertical lists, and many others. All the source content formatted
+using RST is stored in files with the ``.rst`` extension.
-General guidelines
-Lines length
-Wrap source lines so that lines length does not exceed 79 characters.
-This requirement matches PEP8 standards (from Python) and helps with
-side-by-side diffs on reviews.
+To keep the documentation format consistent, follow the guidelines
+included in this chapter for all the RST source content. When in doubt
+use simpler formatting.
 .. note::
-   Exception to this rule is the content of code-block elements and links
-   within the references.
+   All the examples provided in this chapter are for illustration purposes
+   only and cannot be regarded as pieces of true technical information.
-When formatting a table that presupposes long lines of text, give
-the preference to one of the following methods over the ``table`` directive:
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
-* format a table using the ``list-table`` directive;
-* format a table using the ``csv-table`` directive;
-* format information as definition lists to avoid tables where possible.
-Space and tab characters
-* Do not use tab characters within the code; use space characters instead.
-* Do not place space characters at the end of lines. If used,
-  the checkniceness test will fail because of the trailing whitespaces.
+   rst-conv/gen-guidelines.rst
+   rst-conv/titles.rst
+   rst-conv/inline-markups.rst
+   rst-conv/lists.rst
+   rst-conv/spec-info.rst
+   rst-conv/source-code.rst
+   rst-conv/refs.rst
+   rst-conv/tables.rst
+   rst-conv/figures.rst
+   rst-conv/profiling.rst
+   rst-conv/comment.rst
+   rst-conv/decor.rst
-.. _cg_titles:
-Each RST source file has the tree structure. Define up to three heading
-levels within one file using the following non-alphanumeric characters:
-* **Heading 1** - underline and overline with equal signs;
-  * **Heading 2** - underline with tildes;
-    * **Heading 3** - underline with dashes.
-.. code::
-   =========
-   Heading 1
-   =========
-   Body of the first level section that includes general overview
-   of the subject to be covered by the whole section.
-   Can include several focused Heading-2-sections.
-   Heading 2
-   ~~~~~~~~~
-   Body of the second level section that gives detailed explanation of one
-   of the aspects of the subject. Can include several Heading-3-sections.
-   Within user guides, it is mostly used to entitle a procedure with a set
-   of actions targeted at a single task performance.
-   For example, "Associate floating IP addresses".
-   Heading 3
-   ---------
-   Body of the third level section.
-   It includes very specific content; and occurs mainly in guides containing
-   technical information for advanced users.
-.. note::
-   Under- and overlines should be of the same length
-   as that of the heading text.
-   Avoid using lower heading levels by information
-   rewriting and reorganizing.
-Specific information
-Use special markups to emphasize specific content within the text.
-Depending on specific semantic meaning of the message, you can use:
-* **note** - for a message of generic meaning.
-* **warning** or **important** - includes details that can be easily missed,
-  but should not be ignored by a user and are valuable before proceeding.
-* **caution** - delivers information that prevents a user from mistakes
-  and undesirable consequences when following the procedures.
-* **tip** - wraps extra but helpful information.
-Here is the example of the note directive usage; these can be applied to all
-the admonition directives described above.
-.. code::
-   .. note:: This is the text of a generic admonition.
-             This line is the continuation of the first line.
-             Note may contain bulleted or enumerated lists,
-             as well as code blocks:
-             * first option,
-             * ...
-.. note:: This is the text of a note admonition.
-          This line is the continuation of the first line.
-          Note may contain bulleted or enumerated lists,
-          as well as code blocks:
-          * first option,
-          * ...
-Code samples
+Useful links
-Format code snippets as standalone literal blocks. There are several ways
-to define a code-block within an RST file.
+* `Sphinx documentation <http://sphinx.readthedocs.org/en/latest/rest.html>`_
-Standard literal block
+* `reStructuredText: Markup Syntax and Parser Component of Docutils
+  <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html>`_
-| **Directive**    | ``::`` or ``code``                                      |
-| **Arguments**    | none                                                    |
-| **Options**      | none                                                    |
-| **Description**  | * Introduces a standard reST literal block.             |
-|                  | * Preserves line breaks and whitespaces.                |
-|                  | * Automatically highlights language (Python, by         |
-|                  |   default)                                              |
-Use ``::`` or ``code`` directive if you provide the code snippets written
-in one programming language within one file. By default, the code-block
-formatted this way is shown in a Python highlighting mode.
-To define another highlighting language, specify the ``highlight`` directive
-at the top of the file. Use the ``linenothreshold`` option with it
-to enumerate lines within the code-block.
-Always switch on the enumeration for the code-blocks that include more
-than 5 lines.
-.. code::
-   .. highlight:: console
-      :linenothreshold: 5
-   This is the file body with the code snippet within:
-   ::
-     $ neutron ext-list -c alias -c name
-     +-----------------+--------------------------+
-     | alias           | name                     |
-     +-----------------+--------------------------+
-     | agent_scheduler | Agent Schedulers         |
-     | binding         | Port Binding             |
-     | quotas          | Quota management support |
-     | ...             | ...                      |
-     +-----------------+--------------------------+
-Non-standard literal block
-| **Directive**    | ``code-block``                                          |
-| **Arguments**    | ``python`` (default), ``ruby``, ``c``, ``console``,     |
-|                  | ``ini``, and others                                     |
-| **Options**      | ``linenos``, ``emphasize-lines``                        |
-| **Description**  | * Specifies the highlighting language directly.         |
-|                  | * Preserves line breaks and whitespaces.                |
-|                  | * Has special options to number lines and emphasize     |
-|                  |   specific lines within the block.                      |
-To optimize the output of code for a specific programming language, specify
-the corresponding argument with ``code-block``. Use ``ini`` for configuration
-files, ``console`` for console inputs and outputs, and so on.
-Specify ``linenos`` for automatic enumeration of the code-blocks that include
-more than 5 lines.
-If you need to draw a user's attention to the particular code lines, use
-the ``emphasize-lines`` option followed by the numbers of the lines to
-.. code::
-   .. code-block:: ini
-      :emphasize-lines: 1, 4
-      # Configuration for nova-rootwrap
-      # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-      [DEFAULT]
-      # List of directories to load filter definitions from (separated by ',').
-To cross-reference to arbitrary locations within one document,
-use the ``ref`` role:
-.. code::
-   .. _cg_titles:
-   Titles
-   ~~~~~~
-   This is the section we want to reference to.
-   ...
-   The following - :ref:`cg_titles` - generates a link to the section with
-   the defined label using this section heading as a link title.
-   A link label and a reference can be defined in separate source files,
-   but within one directory. Otherwise, use the external linking.
-The following - :ref:`cg_titles` - generates a link to the section with
-the defined label using this section heading as a link title.
-A link label and a reference can be defined in separate source files,
-but within one directory. Otherwise, use the external linking.
-External references
-To link to some external locations, format RST source as follows:
-#. Do not apply any markups to specify a web link.
-#. If you need a specific link title to appear in the output,
-   format a web link as ``Link text <http://web-link.com>``
-   wrapping it in backticks.
-#. If a source file contains a big number of external references,
-   you can separate a link from its definition for better readability
-   while reviewing as shown in the example.
-.. code::
-   Here is a link to the User guide: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/.
-   Here is an external web link with a link title:
-  `User guide <http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/>`_.
-   Here is an external web link separated from its definition:
-   This paragraph contains the link to `User guide`_.
-   ...
-   .. format the link definition at the end of the file as follows:
-   .. _`User guide`: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/
-Here is a link to the User guide: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/.
-Here is an external web link with a link title:
-`User guide <http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/>`_.
-Here is an external web link separated from its definition:
-This paragraph contains the link to `User guide`_.
-.. format the link definition at the end of the file as follows:
-.. _`User guide`: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/
+* `Quick reStructuredText <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html>`_
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/comment.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/comment.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Indicate a comment by means of the ``..`` marker.
+.. code::
+   .. This is a comment. It is not visible in the documentation build.
+      Generally, use it to include TODO within the content followed
+      by the initials of the person who is to perform the action.
+    For example:
+    .. TODO(OG): add a link to the Decorations section when it is available.
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/decor.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/decor.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Sometimes, the documentation build does not look perfect. To improve
+readability and, therefore, understanding of the content, you can use
+some visual decorations.
+This section contains a number of bells and whistles that are neither
+conventions nor even recommendations, but extra features of RST markup
+syntax for general educational purposes.
+Adding a horizontal line
+You can create a horizontal line to visually separate content elements
+by typing four ``-`` (hyphen) in a row adding blank lines before and after.
+.. code::
+   Paragraph 1
+   ----
+   Paragraph 2
+Paragraph 1
+Paragraph 2
+Starting a new line
+Use ``|`` (vertical bar) followed by a single white space to start a new line.
+.. code::
+   | The first line of text.
+   | The second line of text (new line).
+   | ...
+| The first line of text.
+| The second line of text (new line).
+| ...
+Adding extra space between two content elements
+Use ``|`` (vertical bar) adding blank lines before and after it to add extra
+space between two content elements.
+.. code::
+   Paragraph 1
+   |
+   Paragraph 2
+Paragraph 1
+Paragraph 2
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/figures.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/figures.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Use the ``figure`` directive to include an image, figure, or screenshot into
+the documentation.
+  .. figure:: file_name.file_extension
+     :option: option_value
+The figure directive supports the following options:
+* alt
+* height
+* figwidth
+* scale
+* align
+* target
+* figclass
+For descriptions of the options and their possible values, refer to the
+`Docutils documentation <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#figure>`_.
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/gen-guidelines.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/gen-guidelines.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+General guidelines
+Lines length
+Wrap source lines so that lines length does not exceed 79 characters.
+This requirement matches PEP8 standards (from Python) and helps with
+side-by-side diffs on reviews.
+.. note::
+   Exception to this rule is the content of code-block elements and links
+   within the references.
+When formatting a table that presupposes long lines of text, give
+preference to one of the following methods over the ``table`` directive:
+* Format a table using the ``list-table`` directive.
+* Format a table using the ``csv-table`` directive.
+* Format information as definition lists to avoid tables where possible.
+Space and tab characters
+* Do not use tab characters within the code, use space characters instead.
+* Do not place space characters at the end of lines. If used,
+  the checkniceness test will fail because of trailing whitespaces.
+Use indentation very carefully and keep it consistent since it is significant
+for content nesting. Any indentation that differs from the previous
+one in length, terminates the current level of content either introducing
+a new content sublevel, or shifting to an upper content level.
+Use indentation to format the nested content within:
+* Definition lists
+* Admonitions (notes, warnings, and so on)
+* Code blocks
+* List and CSV tables
+For more information on how to format elements from the list above,
+see the related section of this chapter.
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/inline-markups.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/inline-markups.rst
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+Inline elements
+Sphinx enables specific pieces of inline text. This is emphasized by
+semantic markups that format text in a different style.
+Use the markups included in this section as consistent with their semantic
+.. note::
+   An inline semantic markup has no effect when applied to a piece of text
+   within a code-block element.
+To insert a semantic markup into your document, use the syntax below.
+  :markup:`inline text`
+A software application within a line of text.
+| **Markup**             | ``:program:``                                     |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:program:`RabbitMQ```                           |
+| **Example of output**  | Configure :program:`RabbitMQ`.                    |
+A fragment of code within a line of text.
+| **Markup**             | `````` (double backticks)                         |
+| **Syntax**             | `` ``m1.small`` ``                                |
+| **Example of output**  | The following command launches an instance with   |
+|                        | the ``m1.small`` flavor.                          |
+An inline sub-command for the command-line interfaces and inline command for
+different operating systems.
+| **Markup**             | ``:command:``                                     |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:command:`nova boot```                          |
+| **Example of output**  | Run the :command:`nova boot` command to launch    |
+|                        | an instance.                                      |
+File name and path
+Any part of a path specification, including device name, directory, file
+name, and extension.
+| **Markup**             | `````` (double backticks)                         |
+| **Syntax**             | ````nova.conf````                                 |
+| **Example of output**  | By default, the ``nova.conf`` configuration       |
+|                        | file is installed in the ``/etc/nova`` folder.    |
+Glossary entry
+A term that appears in the glossary.
+| **Markup**             | ``:term:``                                        |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:term:`bare```                                  |
+| **Example of output**  |                                                   |
+GUI element
+Any part of interactive user interface.
+| **Markup**             | ``:guilabel:``                                    |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:guilabel:`Project tab```                       |
+| **Example of output**  | From the :guilabel:`Project tab` you can view and |
+|                        | manage the resources in a selected project.       |
+Keyboard key combination
+A sequence of two or more keystrokes or mouse actions.
+| **Markup**             | `````` (double backticks)                         |
+| **Syntax**             | ````Ctrl+A````                                    |
+| **Example of output**  | Press ``Ctrl+A`` to switch between services.      |
+Menu sequence
+An action of navigating a menu to select an item one or more levels down.
+| **Markup**             | ``:menuselection:``                               |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:menuselection:`Project > Compute```            |
+| **Example of output**  | Go to the :menuselection:`Project > Compute` tab. |
+Any parameter for sub-commands for the command-line interfaces.
+| **Markup**             | ``:option:`` to mark parameters that start with   |
+|                        | ``-`` or ``--``, `````` (double backticks) for    |
+|                        | any other parameter                               |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:option:`--template-url```, ````back end````    |
+| **Example of output**  | * You can specify the URL with the                |
+|                        |   :option:`--template-url` parameter.             |
+|                        | * Set the ``back end`` parameter.                 |
+Any option for sub-commands for the command-line interfaces or configuration
+| **Markup**             | ``:option:`` to mark options that start with      |
+|                        | ``-`` or ``--``, `````` (double backticks) for    |
+|                        | any other parameter                               |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:option:`--parent```,                           |
+|                        | ````force_dhcp_release = True````                 |
+| **Example of output**  | * The :option:`--parent` stands for the parent of |
+|                        |   the project (name or ID).                       |
+|                        | * The ``force_dhcp_release = True`` option sends  |
+|                        |   a dhcp release on instance termination.         |
+.. note::
+   When documenting Boolean configuration options:
+   * Explicitly include the truth value
+   * Add spaces around the equal sign (``=``)
+   **Correct usage**
+   ::
+     force_dhcp_release = True
+     use_ipv6 = False
+A literal text with a *variable* part in it wrapped in curly braces.
+| **Markup**             | ``:samp:`` to mark variables with curly braces.   |
+|                        | Do not add any additional formatting              |
+|                        | to the replaceable text.                          |
+| **Syntax**             | ``:samp:`--flavor {FLAVOR}```                     |
+| **Example of output**  | Use the :samp:`--flavor {FLAVOR}` parameter to    |
+|                        | specify the ID or name of the flavor.             |
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/lists.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/lists.rst
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+++ b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/lists.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+Select the appropriate list type to present a sequence of items.
+Enumerated lists
+Use the enumerated list formatting for a sequence of items whose order
+.. code::
+   During the migration process the target host:
+   #. Ensures that live migration is enabled.
+   #. Installs the base VHD if it is not already present.
+During the migration process the target host:
+#. Ensures that live migration is enabled.
+#. Installs the base VHD if it is not already present.
+Bulleted lists
+Use the bulleted list for a sequence of items that can happen in any order
+or whose order does not matter.
+.. code::
+  Valid formats include:
+  * PNG
+  * JPG
+  * GIF
+  * SVG
+Valid formats include:
+* PNG
+* JPG
+* GIF
+* SVG
+Definition lists
+Use the definition list for an unordered list in which each item has a short
+term. For example, key, option, or phrase, followed by its definition.
+Consider using a variable list instead of:
+* An itemized list when your list has a regular pattern of key/value or
+  term/definition pairs.
+* A two column table where the first column lists items of a consistent type
+  and the second column describes the items.
+.. code::
+   Spellchecking
+    Process of correcting spelling
+   Pagebreaking
+    Process of breaking pages
+ Process of correcting spelling
+ Process of breaking pages
+Mixed lists
+Use the mixed types of lists to nest lists of different types.
+.. code::
+   #. The system exposes these components to users:
+      Component A
+       Description of A.
+      Component B
+       Description of B.
+      Component C
+       Description of C.  Note: C is available only for these OS's:
+       * Linux
+       * Mac OS X
+   #. API libraries are available.
+#. The system exposes these components to users:
+   Component A
+    Description of A.
+   Component B
+    Description of B.
+   Component C
+    Description of C.  Note: C is available only for these OS's:
+    * Linux
+    * Mac OS X
+#. API libraries are also available.
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/profiling.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/profiling.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Profiling (conditional content)
+Installation Guides has content that depends upon the operating systems.
+Use the ``only`` directive to specify the content that is operating-system
+specific. Define one or several tags depending on the operating system
+the content belongs to.
+The valid tags for the ``only`` directive are:
+* ``ubuntu`` for Ubuntu
+* ``debian`` for Debian
+* ``rdo`` for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora
+* ``obs`` for openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise
+.. code::
+   Install the NTP service
+   -----------------------
+   .. only:: ubuntu or debian
+      .. code-block:: console
+         # apt-get install chrony
+   .. only:: rdo
+      .. code-block:: console
+         # yum install chrony
+   .. only:: obs
+      On openSUSE:
+      .. code-block:: console
+         # zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network:time/openSUSE_13.2/network:time.repo
+         ...
+      On SLES:
+      .. code-block:: console
+         # zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network:time/SLE_12/network:time.repo
+         ...
+For more details refer to `Including content based on tags
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/refs.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/refs.rst
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+To cross-reference to arbitrary locations within one document,
+use the ``ref`` role:
+.. code::
+   .. _cg_titles:
+   Titles
+   ~~~~~~
+   This is the section we want to reference to.
+   ...
+   The following - :ref:`cg_titles` - generates a link to the section with
+   the defined label using this section heading as a link title.
+   A link label and a reference can be defined in separate source files,
+   but within one directory. Otherwise, use the external linking.
+The following - :ref:`cg_titles` - generates a link to the section with
+the defined label using this section heading as a link title.
+A link label and a reference can be defined in separate source files,
+but within one directory. Otherwise, use the external linking.
+External references
+To link to some external locations, format RST source as follows:
+* Do not apply any markups to specify a web link.
+* If you need a specific link title to appear in the output,
+  format a web link as ``Link text <http://web-link.com>``
+  wrapping it in backticks.
+* If a source file contains a big number of external references,
+  you can separate a link from its definition for better readability
+  while reviewing as shown in the example.
+.. code::
+   Here is a link to the User guide: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/.
+   Here is an external web link with a link title:
+  `User guide <http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/>`_.
+   Here is an external web link separated from its definition:
+   This paragraph contains the link to `User guide`_.
+   ...
+   .. format the link definition at the end of the file as follows:
+   .. _`User guide`: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/
+Here is a link to the User guide: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/.
+Here is an external web link with a link title:
+`User guide <http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/>`_.
+Here is an external web link separated from its definition:
+This paragraph contains the link to `User guide`_.
+.. format the link definition at the end of the file as follows:
+.. _`User guide`: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/source-code.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/source-code.rst
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+Code samples
+Format code snippets as standalone literal blocks. There are several ways
+to define a code-block within an RST file.
+Standard literal block
+| **Directive**    | ``::`` or ``code``                                      |
+| **Arguments**    | none                                                    |
+| **Options**      | none                                                    |
+| **Description**  | * Introduces a standard reST literal block.             |
+|                  | * Preserves line breaks and whitespaces.                |
+|                  | * Automatically highlights language (Python, by         |
+|                  |   default)                                              |
+Use ``::`` or ``code`` directive if you provide the code snippets written
+in one programming language within one file. By default, the code-block
+formatted this way is shown in a Python highlighting mode.
+To define another highlighting language, use the ``code-block`` directive
+as described in the :ref:`non-standard-block` section.
+.. code::
+   Add logging statements::
+     from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
+     LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+Add logging statements::
+  from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
+  LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+.. _non-standard-block:
+Non-standard literal block
+| **Directive**    | ``code-block``                                          |
+| **Arguments**    | ``python`` (default), ``ruby``, ``c``, ``console``,     |
+|                  | ``ini``, and others                                     |
+| **Options**      | ``linenos``, ``emphasize-lines``                        |
+| **Description**  | * Specifies the highlighting language directly.         |
+|                  | * Preserves line breaks and whitespaces.                |
+To optimize the output of code for a specific programming language, specify
+the corresponding argument with ``code-block``. Use ``ini`` for configuration
+files, ``console`` for console inputs and outputs, and so on.
+.. code::
+   .. code-block:: ini
+      # Configuration for nova-rootwrap
+      # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
+      [DEFAULT]
+      # List of directories to load filter definitions from (separated by ',').
+.. code-block:: ini
+   # Configuration for nova-rootwrap
+   # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
+   # List of directories to load filter definitions from (separated by ',').
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/spec-info.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/spec-info.rst
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+Specific information blocks
+Use special markups to emphasize specific information within your document.
+Depending on specific semantic meaning of the message, you can use:
+* **note** - for a message of generic meaning.
+* **warning** or **important** - includes details that can be easily missed,
+  but should not be ignored by a user and are valuable before proceeding.
+* **caution** - delivers information that prevents a user from mistakes
+  and undesirable consequences when following the procedures.
+* **tip** - wraps extra but helpful information.
+Here is the example of the note directive usage; these can be applied to all
+the admonition directives described above.
+.. code::
+   .. note::
+      This is the text of a generic admonition.
+      This line is the continuation of the first line.
+      A note may contain bulleted or enumerated lists,
+      as well as code blocks:
+      * first option,
+      * ...
+.. note::
+   This is the text of a note admonition.
+   This line is the continuation of the first line.
+   Note may contain bulleted or enumerated lists,
+   as well as code blocks:
+   * first option,
+   * ...
diff --git a/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/tables.rst b/doc/contributor-guide/source/rst-conv/tables.rst
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+Graphic tables
+Use the graphic table formatting for the content that presupposes short
+lines of text and a small number of rows and columns.
+.. note::
+   As the graphic tables are rather difficult to create and maintain,
+   give the preference to list and CSV tables over the graphic ones,
+   or format the content as definition lists where possible.
+.. code::
+   ============  =========  ===============  =============
+    Flavor         VCPUs      Disk (in GB)     RAM (in MB)
+   ============  =========  ===============  =============
+    m1.tiny        1          1                512
+    m1.small       1          20               2048
+    m1.medium      2          40               4096
+    m1.large       4          80               8192
+    m1.xlarge      8          160              16384
+   ============  =========  ===============  =============
+============  =========  ===============  =============
+ Flavor         VCPUs      Disk (in GB)     RAM (in MB)
+============  =========  ===============  =============
+ m1.tiny        1          1                1
+ m1.small       1          20               2048
+ m1.medium      2          40               4096
+ m1.large       4          80               8192
+ m1.xlarge      8          160              16384
+============  =========  ===============  =============
+List tables
+Use the ``list-table`` directive to create a table that contains a large
+number of raws and columns with the long lines within the cells.
+.. code::
+   .. list-table:: **Quota descriptions**
+      :widths: 10 25 10
+      :header-rows: 1
+      * - Quota Name
+        - Defines the number of
+        - Service
+      * - Gigabytes
+        - Volume gigabytes allowed for each project
+        - Block Storage
+      * - Instances
+        - Instances allowed for each project.
+        - Compute
+      * - Injected File Content Bytes
+        - Content bytes allowed for each injected file.
+        - Compute
+.. list-table:: **Quota descriptions**
+      :widths: 10 25 10
+      :header-rows: 1
+      * - Quota Name
+        - Defines the number of
+        - Service
+      * - Gigabytes
+        - Volume gigabytes allowed for each project
+        - Block Storage
+      * - Instances
+        - Instances allowed for each project.
+        - Compute
+      * - Injected File Content Bytes
+        - Content bytes allowed for each injected file.
+        - Compute
+CSV tables
+The ``csv-table`` directive enables creating a table from CSV
+(comma-separated values) data. It also supports RST inline markups,
+such as, emphasis, strong emphasis markups, code, command, and other
+.. code::
+   .. csv-table:: **ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode combinations**
+     :header: ipv6 ra mode, ipv6 address mode, "radvd A,M,O", "External Router A,M,O", Description
+     :widths: 2, 2, 2, 2, 4
+     *N/S*, *N/S*, Off, Not Defined, Backwards compatibility with pre-Juno IPv6 behavior.
+     *N/S*, slaac, Off, "1,0,0", Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from non-OpenStack
+     *N/S*, dhcpv6-stateful, Off, "0,1,1", Not currently implemented in the reference implementation.
+.. csv-table:: **ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode combinations**
+   :header: ipv6 ra mode, ipv6 address mode, "radvd A,M,O", "External Router A,M,O", Description
+   :widths: 2, 2, 2, 2, 4
+   *N/S*, *N/S*, Off, Not Defined, Backwards compatibility with pre-Juno IPv6 behavior.
+   *N/S*, slaac, Off, "1,0,0", Guest instance obtains IPv6 address from non-OpenStack
+   *N/S*, dhcpv6-stateful, Off, "0,1,1", Not currently implemented in the reference implementation.
+Useful links on table formatting
+* `Graphic tables formatting details <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html#tables>`_
+* `List tables formatting details <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#list-table>`_
+* `CSV tables formatting details <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#id48>`_
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+.. _cg_titles:
+Each RST source file has the tree structure. Define up to three heading
+levels within one file using the following non-alphanumeric characters:
+* **Heading 1** - underline and overline with equal signs;
+  * **Heading 2** - underline with tildes;
+    * **Heading 3** - underline with dashes.
+.. code::
+   =========
+   Heading 1
+   =========
+   Body of the first level section that includes general overview
+   of the subject to be covered by the whole section.
+   Can include several focused Heading-2-sections.
+   Heading 2
+   ~~~~~~~~~
+   Body of the second level section that gives detailed explanation of one
+   of the aspects of the subject. Can include several Heading-3-sections.
+   Within user guides, it is mostly used to entitle a procedure with a set
+   of actions targeted at a single task performance.
+   For example, "Associate floating IP addresses".
+   Heading 3
+   ---------
+   Body of the third level section.
+   It includes very specific content, and occurs mainly in guides containing
+   technical information for advanced users.
+.. note::
+   Under- and overlines should be of the same length
+   as that of the heading text.
+   Avoid using lower heading levels by information
+   rewriting and reorganizing.