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- Conceptual Neutron
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- Conceptual Nova
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- Install Neutron
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- Install Nova
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- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Lab
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- Quiz
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- Compute Node
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- Conceptual Cinder
- OpenStack Block Storage
- Block Storage and OpenStack
- Compute
- OpenStack provides two classes of block storage, "ephemeral"
- storage and persistent "volumes". Ephemeral storage exists only
- for the life of an instance, it will persist across reboots of the
- guest operating system but when the instance is deleted so is the
- associated storage. All instances have some ephemeral storage.
- Volumes are persistent virtualized block devices independent of
- any particular instance. Volumes may be attached to a single
- instance at a time, but may be detached or reattached to a
- different instance while retaining all data, much like a USB
- drive.
- Ephemeral Storage
- Ephemeral storage is associated with a single unique instance.
- Its size is defined by the flavor of the instance.
- Data on ephemeral storage ceases to exist when the instance it
- is associated with is terminated. Rebooting the VM or restarting
- the host server, however, will not destroy ephemeral data. In the
- typical use case an instance's root filesystem is stored on
- ephemeral storage. This is often an unpleasant surprise for people
- unfamiliar with the cloud model of computing.
- In addition to the ephemeral root volume all flavors except
- the smallest, m1.tiny, provide an additional ephemeral block
- device varying from 20G for the m1.small through 160G for the
- m1.xlarge by default - these sizes are configurable. This is
- presented as a raw block device with no partition table or
- filesystem. Cloud aware operating system images may discover,
- format, and mount this device. For example the cloud-init package
- included in Ubuntu's stock cloud images will format this space as
- an ext3 filesystem and mount it on /mnt. It is important to note
- this a feature of the guest operating system. OpenStack only
- provisions the raw storage.
- Volume Storage
- Volume storage is independent of any particular instance and
- is persistent. Volumes are user created and within quota and
- availability limits may be of any arbitrary size.
- When first created volumes are raw block devices with no
- partition table and no filesystem. They must be attached to an
- instance to be partitioned and/or formatted. Once this is done
- they may be used much like an external disk drive. Volumes may
- attached to only one instance at a time, but may be detached and
- reattached to either the same or different instances.
- It is possible to configure a volume so that it is bootable
- and provides a persistent virtual instance similar to traditional
- non-cloud based virtualization systems. In this use case the
- resulting instance may still have ephemeral storage depending on
- the flavor selected, but the root filesystem (and possibly others)
- will be on the persistent volume and thus state will be maintained
- even if the instance it shutdown. Details of this configuration
- are discussed in theOpenStack End User Guide.
- Volumes do not provide concurrent access from multiple
- instances. For that you need either a traditional network
- filesystem like NFS or CIFS or a cluster filesystem such as
- GlusterFS. These may be built within an OpenStack cluster or
- provisioned outside of it, but are not features provided by the
- OpenStack software.
- The OpenStack Block Storage service works via the interaction
- of a series of daemon processes named cinder-* that reside
- persistently on the host machine or machines. The binaries can all
- be run from a single node, or spread across multiple nodes. They
- can also be run on the same node as other OpenStack
- services.
- The current services available in OpenStack Block
- Storage are:
- cinder-api - The
- cinder-api service is a WSGI app that authenticates and routes
- requests throughout the Block Storage system. It supports the
- OpenStack API's only, although there is a translation that can
- be done via Nova's EC2 interface which calls in to the
- cinderclient.
- cinder-scheduler - The
- cinder-scheduler is responsible for scheduling/routing
- requests to the appropriate volume service. As of Grizzly;
- depending upon your configuration this may be simple
- round-robin scheduling to the running volume services, or it
- can be more sophisticated through the use of the Filter
- Scheduler. The Filter Scheduler is the default in Grizzly and
- enables filter on things like Capacity, Availability Zone,
- Volume Types and Capabilities as well as custom
- filters.
- cinder-volume - The
- cinder-volume service is responsible for managing Block
- Storage devices, specifically the back-end devices
- themselves.
- cinder-backup - The
- cinder-backup service provides a means to back up a Cinder
- Volume to OpenStack Object Store (SWIFT).
- Introduction to OpenStack Block
- Storage
- OpenStack Block Storage provides persistent High Performance
- Block Storage resources that can be consumed by OpenStack Compute
- instances. This includes secondary attached storage similar to
- Amazon's Elastic Block Storage (EBS). In addition images can be
- written to a Block Storage device and specified for OpenStack
- Compute to use a bootable persistent instance.
- There are some differences from Amazon's EBS that one should
- be aware of. OpenStack Block Storage is not a shared storage
- solution like NFS, but currently is designed so that the device is
- attached and in use by a single instance at a time.
- Backend Storage Devices
- OpenStack Block Storage requires some form of back-end storage
- that the service is built on. The default implementation is to use
- LVM on a local Volume Group named "cinder-volumes". In addition to
- the base driver implementation, OpenStack Block Storage also
- provides the means to add support for other storage devices to be
- utilized such as external Raid Arrays or other Storage
- appliances.
- Users and Tenants (Projects)
- The OpenStack Block Storage system is designed to be used by
- many different cloud computing consumers or customers, basically
- tenants on a shared system, using role-based access assignments.
- Roles control the actions that a user is allowed to perform. In
- the default configuration, most actions do not require a
- particular role, but this is configurable by the system
- administrator editing the appropriate policy.json file that
- maintains the rules. A user's access to particular volumes is
- limited by tenant, but the username and password are assigned per
- user. Key pairs granting access to a volume are enabled per user,
- but quotas to control resource consumption across available
- hardware resources are per tenant.
- For tenants, quota controls are available to limit
- the:
- Number of volumes which may be created
- Number of snapshots which may be created
- Total number of Giga Bytes allowed per tenant (shared
- between snapshots and volumes)
- Volumes Snapshots and Backups
- This introduction provides a high level overview of the two
- basic resources offered by the OpenStack Block Storage service.
- The first is Volumes and the second is Snapshots which are derived
- from Volumes.
- Volumes
- Volumes are allocated block storage resources that can be
- attached to instances as secondary storage or they can be used as
- the root store to boot instances. Volumes are persistent R/W Block
- Storage devices most commonly attached to the Compute node via
- iSCSI.
- Snapshots
- A Snapshot in OpenStack Block Storage is a read-only point in
- time copy of a Volume. The Snapshot can be created from a Volume
- that is currently in use (via the use of '--force True') or in an
- available state. The Snapshot can then be used to create a new
- volume via create from snapshot.
- Backups
- A Backup is an archived copy of a Volume currently stored in
- Object Storage (Swift).
- Managing Volumes
- Cinder is the OpenStack service that allows you to give extra
- block level storage to your OpenStack Compute instances. You may
- recognize this as a similar offering from Amazon EC2 known as
- Elastic Block Storage (EBS). The default Cinder implementation is
- an iSCSI solution that employs the use of Logical Volume Manager
- (LVM) for Linux. Note that a volume may only be attached to one
- instance at a time. This is not a ‘shared storage’ solution like a
- SAN of NFS on which multiple servers can attach to. It's also
- important to note that Cinder also includes a number of drivers to
- allow you to use a number of other vendor's back-end storage
- devices in addition to or instead of the base LVM
- implementation.
- Here is brief walk-through of a simple create/attach sequence,
- keep in mind this requires proper configuration of both OpenStack
- Compute via cinder.conf and OpenStack Block Storage via
- cinder.conf.
- The volume is created via cinder create; which creates
- an LV into the volume group (VG) "cinder-volumes"
- The volume is attached to an instance via nova
- volume-attach; which creates a unique iSCSI IQN that will be
- exposed to the compute node
- The compute node which run the concerned instance has
- now an active ISCSI session; and a new local storage
- (usually a /dev/sdX disk)
- libvirt uses that local storage as a storage for the
- instance; the instance get a new disk (usually a /dev/vdX
- disk)
- Block Storage Capabilities
- OpenStack provides persistent block level storage
- devices for use with OpenStack compute instances.
- The block storage system manages the creation, attaching
- and detaching of the block devices to servers. Block storage
- volumes are fully integrated into OpenStack Compute and the
- Dashboard allowing for cloud users to manage their own
- storage needs.
- In addition to using simple Linux server storage, it has
- unified storage support for numerous storage platforms
- including Ceph, NetApp, Nexenta, SolidFire, and
- Zadara.
- Block storage is appropriate for performance sensitive
- scenarios such as database storage, expandable file systems,
- or providing a server with access to raw block level
- storage.
- Snapshot management provides powerful functionality for
- backing up data stored on block storage volumes. Snapshots
- can be restored or used to create a new block storage
- volume.
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- Conceptual Glance
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- Conceptual Horizon
- Overview Horizon and OpenStack CLI
- How can I use an OpenStack cloud?
- As an OpenStack cloud end user, you can provision your own
- resources within the limits set by administrators. The examples
- in this guide show you how to complete these tasks by using the
- OpenStack dashboard and command-line clients. The dashboard,
- also known as horizon, is a Web-based graphical interface. The
- command-line clients let you run simple commands to create and
- manage resources in a cloud and automate tasks by using scripts.
- Each of the core OpenStack projects has its own command-line
- client.
- You can modify these examples for your specific use
- cases.
- In addition to these ways of interacting with a cloud, you
- can access the OpenStack APIs indirectly through cURLcommands
- or open SDKs, or directly through the APIs. You can automate
- access or build tools to manage resources and services by using
- the native OpenStack APIs or the EC2 compatibility API.
- To use the OpenStack APIs, it helps to be familiar with
- HTTP/1.1, RESTful web services, the OpenStack services, and JSON
- or XML data serialization formats.
- OpenStack dashboard
- As a cloud end user, the OpenStack dashboard lets you to
- provision your own resources within the limits set by
- administrators. You can modify these examples to create other
- types and sizes of server instances.
- Overview
- The following requirements must be fulfilled to access the
- OpenStack dashboard:
- The cloud operator has set up an OpenStack
- cloud.
- You have a recent Web browser that supports HTML5. It
- must have cookies and JavaScript enabled. To use the VNC
- client for the dashboard, which is based on noVNC, your
- browser must support HTML5 Canvas and HTML5 WebSockets.
- For more details and a list of browsers that support
- noVNC, seehttps://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/blob/master/README.md,
- andhttps://github.com/kanaka/noVNC/wiki/Browser-support,
- respectively.
- Learn how to log in to the dashboard and get a short
- overview of the interface.
- Log in to the dashboard
- To log in to the dashboard
- Ask your cloud operator for the following
- information:
- The hostname or public IP address from which you can
- access the dashboard.
- The dashboard is available on the node that has the
- nova-dashboard server role.
- The username and password with which you can log in to
- the dashboard.
- Open a Web browser that supports HTML5. Make sure that
- JavaScript and cookies are enabled.
- As a URL, enter the host name or IP address that you
- got from the cloud operator.
- On the dashboard log in page, enter your user name and
- password and click Sign In.
- After you log in, the following page appears:
- OpenStack Dashboard - Overview
- The top-level row shows the username that you logged in
- with. You can also access Settingsor Sign Outof the Web
- interface.
- If you are logged in as an end user rather than an admin
- user, the main screen shows only the Projecttab.
- OpenStack dashboard – Project tab
- This tab shows details for the projects, or projects, of
- which you are a member.
- Select a project from the drop-down list on the left-hand
- side to access the following categories:
- Overview
- Shows basic reports on the project.
- Instances
- Lists instances and volumes created by users of the
- project.
- From here, you can stop, pause, or reboot any instances or
- connect to them through virtual network computing
- (VNC).
- Volumes
- Lists volumes created by users of the project.
- From here, you can create or delete volumes.
- Images &
- Snapshots
- Lists images and snapshots created by users of the
- project, plus any images that are publicly available. Includes
- volume snapshots. From here, you can create and delete images
- and snapshots, and launch instances from images and
- snapshots.
- Access &
- Security
- On the Security
- Groupstab, you can list, create, and delete security
- groups and edit rules for security groups.
- On the Keypairstab, you
- can list, create, and import keypairs, and delete keypairs.
- On the Floating IPstab,
- you can allocate an IP address to or release it from a
- project.
- On the API Accesstab, you
- can list the API endpoints.
- Manage images
- During setup of OpenStack cloud, the cloud operator sets
- user permissions to manage images. Image upload and management
- might be restricted to only cloud administrators or cloud
- operators. Though you can complete most tasks with the OpenStack
- dashboard, you can manage images through only the glance and
- nova clients or the Image Service and Compute APIs.
- Set up access and security
- Before you launch a virtual machine, you can add security
- group rules to enable users to ping and SSH to the instances. To
- do so, you either add rules to the default security group or add a
- security group with rules. For information, seethe section called “Add security group rules”.
- Keypairs are SSH credentials that are injected into images
- when they are launched. For this to work, the image must contain
- the cloud-init package. For information, seethe section called “Add keypairs”.
- Add security group rules
- The following procedure shows you how to add rules to the
- default security group.
- To add rules to the default security group
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- project from the drop-down list at the top of the
- Projecttab.
- Click the Access & Securitycategory.
- The dashboard shows the security groups that are
- available for this project.
- OpenStack Dashboard - Security Groups
- Select the default security group and click Edit
- Rules.
- The Security Group Rulespage appears:
- OpenStack Dashboard - Security Group Rules
- Add a TCP rule
- Click Add Rule.
- The Add Rulewindow appears.
- In the IP Protocollist, select TCP.
- In the Openlist, select Port.
- In the Portbox, enter 22.
- In the Sourcelist, select CIDR.
- In the CIDRbox, enter
- Click Add.
- Port 22 is now open for requests from any IP
- address.
- If you want to accept requests from a particular range
- of IP addresses, specify the IP address block in the
- CIDRbox.
- Add an ICMP rule
- Click Add Rule.
- The Add Rulewindow appears.
- In the IP Protocollist, select ICMP.
- In the Typebox, enter -1.
- In the Codebox, enter -1.
- In the Sourcelist, select CIDR.
- In the CIDRbox, enter
- Click Add.
- Add keypairs
- Create at least one keypair for each project. If you have
- generated a keypair with an external tool, you can import it
- into OpenStack. The keypair can be used for multiple instances
- that belong to a project.
- To add a keypair
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- project from the drop-down list at the top of the
- Projecttab.
- Click the Access & Securitycategory.
- Click the Keypairstab. The dashboard shows the
- keypairs that are available for this project.
- To add a keypair
- Click Create Keypair.
- The Create Keypairwindow appears.
- In the Keypair Namebox, enter a name for your
- keypair.
- Click Create Keypair.
- Respond to the prompt to download the keypair.
- To import a keypair
- Click Import Keypair.
- The Import Keypairwindow appears.
- In the Keypair Namebox, enter the name of your
- keypair.
- In the Public Keybox, copy the public key.
- Click Import Keypair.
- Save the *.pem file locally and change its permissions
- so that only you can read and write to the file:
- $ chmod 0600 MY_PRIV_KEY.pem
- Use the ssh-addcommand to make the keypair known to
- SSH:
- $ ssh-add MY_PRIV_KEY.pem
- The public key of the keypair is registered in the Nova
- database.
- The dashboard lists the keypair in the Access &
- Securitycategory.
- Launch instances
- Instances are virtual machines that run inside the cloud.
- You can launch an instance directly from one of the available
- OpenStack images or from an image that you have copied to a
- persistent volume. The OpenStack Image Service provides a pool
- of images that are accessible to members of different
- projects.
- Launch an instance from an image
- When you launch an instance from an image, OpenStack
- creates a local copy of the image on the respective compute
- node where the instance is started.
- To launch an instance from an image
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- project from the drop-down list at the top of the
- Projecttab.
- Click the Images & Snapshotcategory.
- The dashboard shows the images that have been uploaded
- to OpenStack Image Service and are available for this
- project.
- Select an image and click Launch.
- In the Launch Imagewindow, specify the
- following:
- Enter an instance name to assign to the virtual
- machine.
- From the Flavordrop-down list, select the size of the
- virtual machine to launch.
- Select a keypair.
- In case an image uses a static root password or a
- static key set (neither is recommended), you do not need
- to provide a keypair to launch the instance.
- In Instance Count, enter the number of virtual
- machines to launch from this image.
- Activate the security groups that you want to assign
- to the instance.
- Security groups are a kind of cloud firewall that
- define which incoming network traffic should be forwarded to
- instances. For details, seethe section called “Add security group
- rules”.
- If you have not created any specific security groups,
- you can only assign the instance to the default security
- group.
- If you want to boot from volume, click the respective
- entry to expand its options. Set the options as described
- inthe section called “Launch an instance from a
- volume”.
- Click Launch Instance. The instance is started on any
- of the compute nodes in the cloud.
- After you have launched an instance, switch to the
- Instancescategory to view the instance name, its (private or
- public) IP address, size, status, task, and power
- state.
- Figure 5. OpenStack dashboard – Instances
- If you did not provide a keypair, security groups, or
- rules so far, by default the instance can only be accessed
- from inside the cloud through VNC at this point. Even pinging
- the instance is not possible. To access the instance through a
- VNC console, seethe section called “Get a console to an
- instance”.
- Launch an instance from a volume
- You can launch an instance directly from an image that has
- been copied to a persistent volume.
- In that case, the instance is booted from the volume,
- which is provided by nova-volume, through iSCSI.
- For preparation details, seethe section called “Create or delete a
- volume”.
- To boot an instance from the volume, especially note the
- following steps:
- To be able to select from which volume to boot, launch
- an instance from an arbitrary image. The image you select
- does not boot. It is replaced by the image on the volume
- that you choose in the next steps.
- In case you want to boot a Xen image from a volume,
- note the following requirement: The image you launch in
- must be the same type, fully virtualized or
- paravirtualized, as the one on the volume.
- Select the volume or volume snapshot to boot
- from.
- Enter a device name. Enter vda for KVM images or xvda
- for Xen images.
- To launch an instance from a volume
- You can launch an instance directly from one of the images
- available through the OpenStack Image Service or from an image
- that you have copied to a persistent volume. When you launch
- an instance from a volume, the procedure is basically the same
- as when launching an instance from an image in OpenStack Image
- Service, except for some additional steps.
- Create a volume as described inthe section called “Create or delete a
- volume”.
- It must be large enough to store an unzipped
- image.
- Create an image.
- For details, see Creating images manually in the
- OpenStack Virtual Machine Image Guide.
- Launch an instance.
- Attach the volume to the instance as described inthe section called “Attach volumes to
- instances”.
- Assuming that the attached volume is mounted as
- /dev/vdb, use one of the following commands to copy the
- image to the attached volume:
- For a raw image:
- $ cat IMAGE >/dev/null
- Alternatively, use dd.
- For a non-raw image:
- $ qemu-img convert -O raw IMAGE /dev/vdb
- For a *.tar.bz2 image:
- $ tar xfjO IMAGE >/dev/null
- Only detached volumes are available for booting.
- Detach the volume.
- To launch an instance from the volume, continue
- withthe section called “Launch an instance from an
- image”.
- You can launch an instance directly from one of the
- images available through the OpenStack Image Service. When
- you do that, OpenStack creates a local copy of the image
- on the respective compute node where the instance is
- started.
- SSH in to your instance
- To SSH into your instance, you use the downloaded keypair
- file.
- To SSH into your instance
- Copy the IP address for your instance.
- Use the SSH command to make a secure connection to the
- instance. For example:
- $ ssh -i MyKey.pem ubuntu@
- A prompt asks, "Are you sure you want to continue
- connection (yes/no)?" Type yes and you have successfully
- connected.
- Manage instances
- Create instance snapshots
- OpenStack Dashboard- Instances
- To create instance snapshots
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- project from the drop-down list at the top of the
- Projecttab.
- Click the Instancescategory.
- The dashboard lists the instances that are available
- for this project.
- Select the instance of which to create a snapshot.
- From the Actionsdrop-down list, select Create
- Snapshot.
- In the Create Snapshotwindow, enter a name for the
- snapshot. Click Create Snapshot. The dashboard shows the
- instance snapshot in the Images &
- Snapshotscategory.
- To launch an instance from the snapshot, select the
- snapshot and click Launch. Proceed withthe section called “Launch an instance from an
- image”.
- Control the state of an instance
- To control the state of an instance
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- project from the drop-down list at the top of the
- Projecttab.
- Click the Instancescategory.
- The dashboard lists the instances that are available
- for this project.
- Select the instance for which you want to change the
- state.
- In the Moredrop-down list in the Actionscolumn,
- select the state.
- Depending on the current state of the instance, you
- can choose to pause, un-pause, suspend, resume, soft or
- hard reboot, or terminate an instance.
- OpenStack Dashboard : Actions
- Track usage
- Use the dashboard's Overviewcategory to track usage of
- instances for each project.
- OpenStack Dashboard - Track Usage
- You can track costs per month by showing metrics like
- number of VCPUs, disks, RAM, and uptime of all your
- instances.
- To track usage
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- project from the drop-down list at the top of the
- Projecttab.
- Select a month and click Submitto query the instance
- usage for that month.
- Click Download CSV Summaryto download a CVS
- summary.
- Manage volumes
- Volumes are block storage devices that you can attach to
- instances. They allow for persistent storage as they can be
- attached to a running instance, or detached and attached to
- another instance at any time.
- In contrast to the instance's root disk, the data of volumes
- is not destroyed when the instance is deleted.
- Create or delete a volume
- To create or delete a volume
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- Projectfrom the drop-down list at the top of the
- tab.
- Click the Volumescategory.
- To create a volume
- Click Create Volume.
- In the window that opens, enter a name to assign to a
- volume, a description (optional), and define the size in
- GBs.
- Confirm your changes.
- The dashboard shows the volume in the
- Volumescategory.
- To delete one or multiple volumes
- Activate the checkboxes in front of the volumes that
- you want to delete.
- Click Delete Volumesand confirm your choice in the
- pop-up that appears.
- A message indicates whether the action was
- successful.
- After you create one or more volumes, you can attach them
- to instances.
- You can attach a volume to one instance at a time.
- View the status of a volume in the Instances &
- Volumescategory of the dashboard: the volume is either
- available or In-Use.
- Attach volumes to instances
- To attach volumes to instances
- Log in to OpenStack dashboard.
- If you are a member of multiple projects, select a
- Projectfrom the drop-down list at the top of the
- tab.
- Click the Volumescategory.
- Select the volume to add to an instance and click Edit
- Attachments.
- In the Manage Volume Attachmentswindow, select an
- instance.
- Enter a device name under which the volume should be
- accessible on the virtual machine.
- Click Attach Volumeto confirm your changes. The
- dashboard shows the instance to which the volume has been
- attached and the volume's device name.
- Now you can log in to the instance, mount the disk,
- format it, and use it.
- To detach a volume from an instance
- Select the volume and click Edit Attachments.
- Click Detach Volumeand confirm your changes.
- A message indicates whether the action was
- successful.
- OpenStack command-line clients
- Overview
- You can use the OpenStack command-line clients to run
- simple commands that make API calls and automate tasks by
- using scripts. Internally, each client command runs cURL
- commands that embed API requests. The OpenStack APIs are
- RESTful APIs that use the HTTP protocol, including methods,
- URIs, media types, and response codes.
- These open-source Python clients run on Linux or Mac OS X
- systems and are easy to learn and use. Each OpenStack service
- has its own command-line client. On some client commands, you
- can specify a debugparameter to show the underlying API
- request for the command. This is a good way to become familiar
- with the OpenStack API calls.
- The following command-line clients are available for the
- respective services' APIs:
- cinder(python-cinderclient)
- Client for the Block Storage Service API. Use to create
- and manage volumes.
- glance(python-glanceclient)
- Client for the Image Service API. Use to create and manage
- images.
- keystone(python-keystoneclient)
- Client for the Identity Service API. Use to create and
- manage users, tenants, roles, endpoints, and
- credentials.
- nova(python-novaclient)
- Client for the Compute API and its extensions. Use to
- create and manage images, instances, and flavors.
- neutron(python-neutronclient)
- Client for the Networking API. Use to configure networks
- for guest servers. This client was previously known as
- neutron.
- swift(python-swiftclient)
- Client for the Object Storage API. Use to gather
- statistics, list items, update metadata, upload, download and
- delete files stored by the object storage service. Provides
- access to a swift installation for ad hoc processing.
- heat(python-heatclient)
- Client for the Orchestration API. Use to launch stacks
- from templates, view details of running stacks including
- events and resources, and update and delete stacks.
- Install the OpenStack command-line clients
- To install the clients, install the prerequisite software
- and the Python package for each OpenStack client.
- Install the clients
- Use pipto install the OpenStack clients on a Mac OS X
- or Linux system. It is easy and ensures that you get the
- latest version of the client from thePython Package
- Index. Also, piplets you update or remove a
- package. After you install the clients, you must source an
- openrc file to set required environment variables before you
- can request OpenStack services through the clients or the
- APIs.
- To install the clients
- You must install each client separately.
- Run the following command to install or update a
- client package:
- $ sudo pip install [--update]
- python-<project>client
- Where <project> is the project name and has one
- of the following values:
- nova. Compute API and extensions.
- neutron. Networking API.
- keystone. Identity Service API.
- glance. Image Service API.
- swift. Object Storage API.
- cinder. Block Storage Service API.
- heat. Orchestration API.
- For example, to install the nova client, run the
- following command:
- $ sudo pip install python-novaclient
- To update the nova client, run the following
- command:
- $ sudo pip install --upgrade
- python-novaclient
- To remove the nova client, run the following
- command:
- $ sudo pip uninstall python-novaclient
- Before you can issue client commands, you must
- download and source the openrc file to set environment
- variables. Proceed tothe section called “OpenStack RC file”.
- Get the version for a client
- After you install an OpenStack client, you can search for
- its version number, as follows:
- $ pip freeze | grep python-
- python-glanceclient==0.4.0python-keystoneclient==0.1.2-e
- git+https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient.git@077cc0bf22e378c4c4b970f2331a695e440a939f#egg=python_novaclient-devpython-neutronclient==0.1.1python-swiftclient==1.1.1
- You can also use the yolk -lcommand to see which version of
- the client is installed:
- $ yolk -l | grep python-novaclient
- python-novaclient - - active development
- (/Users/your.name/src/cloud-servers/src/src/python-novaclient)python-novaclient
- - 2012.1 - non-active
- OpenStack RC file
- To set the required environment variables for the OpenStack
- command-line clients, you must download and source an
- environment file, openrc.sh. It is project-specific and contains
- the credentials used by OpenStack Compute, Image, and Identity
- services.
- When you source the file and enter the password, environment
- variables are set for that shell. They allow the commands to
- communicate to the OpenStack services that run in the
- cloud.
- You can download the file from the OpenStack dashboard as an
- administrative user or any other user.
- To download the OpenStack RC file
- Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
- On the Projecttab, select the project for which you
- want to download the OpenStack RC file.
- Click Access & Security. Then, click Download
- OpenStack RC Fileand save the file.
- Copy the openrc.sh file to the machine from where you
- want to run OpenStack commands.
- For example, copy the file to the machine from where you
- want to upload an image with a glance client command.
- On any shell from where you want to run OpenStack
- commands, source the openrc.sh file for the respective
- project.
- In this example, we source the demo-openrc.sh file for
- the demo project:
- $ source demo-openrc.sh
- When you are prompted for an OpenStack password, enter
- the OpenStack password for the user who downloaded the
- openrc.sh file.
- When you run OpenStack client commands, you can override
- some environment variable settings by using the options that
- are listed at the end of the nova helpoutput. For example,
- you can override the OS_PASSWORD setting in the openrc.sh
- file by specifying a password on a nova command, as
- follows:
- $ nova --password <password> image-list
- Where password is your password.
- Manage images
- During setup of OpenStack cloud, the cloud operator sets
- user permissions to manage images.
- Image upload and management might be restricted to only
- cloud administrators or cloud operators.
- After you upload an image, it is considered golden and you
- cannot change it.
- You can upload images through the glance client or the Image
- Service API. You can also use the nova client to list images,
- set and delete image metadata, delete images, and take a
- snapshot of a running instance to create an image.
- Manage images with the glance client
- To list or get details for images
- To list the available images:
- $ glance image-list
- You can use grep to filter the list, as
- follows:
- $ glance image-list | grep 'cirros'
- To get image details, by name or ID:
- $ glance image-show myCirrosImage
- To add an image
- The following example uploads a CentOS 6.3 image in
- qcow2 format and configures it for public access:
- $glance image-create --name centos63-image
- --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare
- --is-public=True ./centos63.qcow2
- To create an image
- Write any buffered data to disk.
- For more information, see theTaking Snapshots in the OpenStack Operations
- Guide.
- To create the image, list instances to get the server
- ID:
- $ nova list
- In this example, the server is named myCirrosServer.
- Use this server to create a snapshot, as follows:
- $ nova image-create myCirrosServer
- myCirrosImage
- The command creates a qemu snapshot and automatically
- uploads the image to your repository. Only the tenant that
- creates the image has access to it.
- Get details for your image to check its status:
- $ nova image-show IMAGE
- The image status changes from SAVING to ACTIVE. Only
- the tenant who creates the image has access to it.
- To launch an instance from your image
- To launch an instance from your image, include the
- image ID and flavor ID, as follows:
- $ nova boot newServer --image
- 7e5142af-1253-4634-bcc6-89482c5f2e8a --flavor 3
- Troubleshoot image creation
- You cannot create a snapshot from an instance that
- has an attached volume. Detach the volume, create the
- image, and re-mount the volume.
- Make sure the version of qemu you are using is
- version 0.14 or greater. Older versions of qemu result
- in an "unknown option -s" error message in the
- nova-compute.log.
- Examine the /var/log/nova-api.log and
- /var/log/nova-compute.log log files for error
- messages.
- Set up access and security for instances
- When you launch a virtual machine, you can inject a key
- pair, which provides SSH access to your instance. For this to
- work, the image must contain the cloud-init package. Create at
- least one key pair for each project. If you generate a keypair
- with an external tool, you can import it into OpenStack. You can
- use the keypair for multiple instances that belong to that
- project. In case an image uses a static root password or a
- static key set – neither is recommended – you must not provide a
- keypair when you launch the instance.
- A security group is a named collection of network access
- rules that you use to limit the types of traffic that have
- access to instances. When you launch an instance, you can assign
- one or more security groups to it. If you do not create security
- groups, new instances are automatically assigned to the default
- security group, unless you explicitly specify a different
- security group. The associated rules in each security group
- control the traffic to instances in the group. Any incoming
- traffic that is not matched by a rule is denied access by
- default. You can add rules to or remove rules from a security
- group. You can modify rules for the default and any other
- security group.
- You must modify the rules for the default security group
- because users cannot access instances that use the default group
- from any IP address outside the cloud.
- You can modify the rules in a security group to allow access
- to instances through different ports and protocols. For example,
- you can modify rules to allow access to instances through SSH,
- to ping them, or to allow UDP traffic – for example, for a DNS
- server running on an instance. You specify the following
- parameters for rules:
- Source of traffic. Enable traffic to instances from
- either IP addresses inside the cloud from other group
- members or from all IP addresses.
- Protocol. Choose TCP for SSH, ICMP for pings, or
- UDP.
- Destination port on virtual machine. Defines a port
- range. To open a single port only, enter the same value
- twice. ICMP does not support ports: Enter values to define
- the codes and types of ICMP traffic to be allowed.
- Rules are automatically enforced as soon as you create or
- modify them.
- You can also assign a floating IP address to a running
- instance to make it accessible from outside the cloud. You
- assign a floating IP address to an instance and attach a block
- storage device, or volume, for persistent storage.
- Set up access and security for instances
- When you launch a virtual machine, you can inject a key
- pair, which provides SSH access to your instance. For this to
- work, the image must contain the cloud-init package. Create at
- least one key pair for each project. If you generate a keypair
- with an external tool, you can import it into OpenStack. You can
- use the key pair for multiple instances that belong to that
- project. In case an image uses a static root password or a
- static key set – neither is recommended – you must not provide a
- key pair when you launch the instance.
- A security group is a named collection of network access
- rules that you use to limit the types of traffic that have
- access to instances. When you launch an instance, you can assign
- one or more security groups to it. If you do not create security
- groups, new instances are automatically assigned to the default
- security group, unless you explicitly specify a different
- security group. The associated rules in each security group
- control the traffic to instances in the group. Any incoming
- traffic that is not matched by a rule is denied access by
- default. You can add rules to or remove rules from a security
- group. You can modify rules for the default and any other
- security group.
- You must modify the rules for the default security group
- because users cannot access instances that use the default group
- from any IP address outside the cloud.
- You can modify the rules in a security group to allow access
- to instances through different ports and protocols. For example,
- you can modify rules to allow access to instances through SSH,
- to ping them, or to allow UDP traffic – for example, for a DNS
- server running on an instance. You specify the following
- parameters for rules:
- Source of traffic. Enable traffic to instances from
- either IP addresses inside the cloud from other group
- members or from all IP addresses.
- Protocol. Choose TCP for SSH, ICMP for pings, or
- UDP.
- Destination port on virtual machine. Defines a port
- range. To open a single port only, enter the same value
- twice. ICMP does not support ports: Enter values to define
- the codes and types of ICMP traffic to be allowed.
- Rules are automatically enforced as soon as you create or
- modify them.
- You can also assign a floating IP address to a running
- instance to make it accessible from outside the cloud. You
- assign a floating IP address to an instance and attach a block
- storage device, or volume, for persistent storage.
- Add or import keypairs
- To add a key
- You can generate a keypair or upload an existing public
- key.
- To generate a keypair, run the following
- command:
- $ nova keypair-add KEY_NAME > MY_KEY.pem
- The command generates a keypair named KEY_NAME, writes
- the private key to the MY_KEY.pem file, and registers the
- public key at the Nova database.
- To set the permissions of the MY_KEY.pem file, run the
- following command:
- $ chmod 600 MY_KEY.pem
- The command changes the permissions of the MY_KEY.pem
- file so that only you can read and write to it.
- To import a key
- If you have already generated a keypair with the
- public key located at ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, run the following
- command to upload the public key:
- $ nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- The command registers the public key at the Nova
- database and names the keypair KEY_NAME.
- List keypairs to make sure that the uploaded keypair
- appears in the list:
- $ nova keypair-list
- Configure security groups and rules
- To configure security groups
- To list all security groups
- To list security groups for the current project,
- including descriptions, enter the following
- command:
- $ nova secgroup-list
- To create a security group
- To create a security group with a specified name and
- description, enter the following command:
- $ nova secgroup-create SEC_GROUP_NAME
- To delete a security group
- To delete a specified group, enter the following
- command:
- $ nova secgroup-delete SEC_GROUP_NAME
- To configure security group rules
- Modify security group rules with the nova
- secgroup-*-rulecommands.
- On a shell, source the OpenStack RC file. For details,
- seethe section called “OpenStack RC file”.
- To list the rules for a security group
- $ nova secgroup-list-rules SEC_GROUP_NAME
- To allow SSH access to the instances
- Choose one of the following sub-steps:
- Add rule for all IPs
- Either from all IP addresses (specified as IP subnet
- in CIDR notation as
- $ nova secgroup-add-rule SEC_GROUP_NAME tcp 22 22
- Add rule for security groups
- Alternatively, you can allow only IP addresses from
- other security groups (source groups) to access the
- specified port:
- $ nova secgroup-add-group-rule --ip_proto tcp
- --from_port 22 \ --to_port 22 SEC_GROUP_NAME
- To allow pinging the instances
- Choose one of the following sub-steps:
- To allow pinging from IPs
- Specify all IP addresses as IP subnet in CIDR
- notation: This command allows access to all
- codes and all types of ICMP traffic, respectively:
- $ nova secgroup-add-rule SEC_GROUP_NAME icmp -1 -1
- To allow pinging from other security groups
- To allow only members of other security groups (source
- groups) to ping instances:
- $ nova secgroup-add-group-rule --ip_proto icmp
- --from_port -1 \ --to_port -1 SEC_GROUP_NAME
- To allow access through UDP port
- To allow access through a UDP port, such as allowing
- access to a DNS server that runs on a VM, complete one of
- the following sub-steps:
- To allow UDP access from IPs
- Specify all IP addresses as IP subnet in CIDR
- notation:
- $ nova secgroup-add-rule SEC_GROUP_NAME udp 53 53
- To allow UDP access
- To allow only IP addresses from other security groups
- (source groups) to access the specified port:
- $ nova secgroup-add-group-rule --ip_proto udp
- --from_port 53 \ --to_port 53 SEC_GROUP_NAME
- To delete a security group rule, specify the same
- arguments that you used to create the rule.
- To delete the security rule that you created inStep 3.a:
- $ nova secgroup-delete-rule SEC_GROUP_NAME tcp 22 22
- To delete the security rule that you created inStep 3.b:
- $ nova secgroup-delete-group-rule --ip_proto tcp
- --from_port 22 \ --to_port 22 SEC_GROUP_NAME
- Launch instances
- Instances are virtual machines that run inside the
- cloud.
- Before you can launch an instance, you must gather
- parameters such as the image and flavor from which you want to
- launch your instance.
- You can launch an instance directly from one of the
- available OpenStack images or from an image that you have copied
- to a persistent volume. The OpenStack Image Service provides a
- pool of images that are accessible to members of different
- projects.
- Gather parameters to launch an instance
- To launch an instance, you must specify the following
- parameters:
- The instance source, which is an image or snapshot.
- Alternatively, you can boot from a volume, which is block
- storage, to which you've copied an image or
- snapshot.
- The imageor snapshot, which represents the operating
- system.
- A namefor your instance.
- The flavorfor your instance, which defines the
- compute, memory, and storage capacity of nova computing
- instances. A flavor is an available hardware configuration
- for a server. It defines the "size" of a virtual server
- that can be launched. For more details and a list of
- default flavors available, see Section 1.5, "Managing
- Flavors," (⇽ User Guide for Administrators ).
- User Data is a special key in the metadata service
- which holds a file that cloud aware applications within
- the guest instance can access. For example thecloudinitsystem is an open source package from
- Ubuntu that handles early initialization of a cloud
- instance that makes use of this user data.
- Access and security credentials, which include one or
- both of the following credentials:
- A key-pair for your instance, which are SSH
- credentials that are injected into images when they are
- launched. For this to work, the image must contain the
- cloud-init package. Create at least one keypair for each
- project. If you already have generated a key-pair with an
- external tool, you can import it into OpenStack. You can
- use the keypair for multiple instances that belong to that
- project. For details, refer to Section 1.5.1, Creating or
- Importing Keys.
- A security group, which defines which incoming network
- traffic is forwarded to instances. Security groups hold a
- set of firewall policies, known as security group rules.
- For details, see xx.
- If needed, you can assign a floating (public) IP
- addressto a running instance and attach a block storage
- device, or volume, for persistent storage. For details,
- see Section 1.5.3, Managing IP Addresses and Section 1.7,
- Managing Volumes.
- After you gather the parameters you need to launch an
- instance, you can launch it from animageor avolume.
- To gather the parameters to launch an instance
- On a shell, source the OpenStack RC file.
- List the available flavors:
- $ nova flavor-list
- Note the ID of the flavor that you want to use for
- your instance.
- List the available images:
- $ nova image-list
- You can also filter the image list by using grep to
- find a specific image, like this:
- $ nova image-list | grep 'kernel'
- Note the ID of the image that you want to boot your
- instance from.
- List the available security groups:
- $ nova secgroup-list --all-tenants
- If you have not created any security groups, you can
- assign the instance to only the default security
- group.
- You can also list rules for a specified security
- group:
- $ nova secgroup-list-rules default
- In this example, the default security group has been
- modified to allow HTTP traffic on the instance by
- permitting TCP traffic on Port 80.
- List the available keypairs.
- $ nova keypair-list
- Note the name of the keypair that you use for SSH
- access.
- Launch an instance from an image
- Use this procedure to launch an instance from an
- image.
- To launch an instance from an image
- Now you have all parameters required to launch an
- instance, run the following command and specify the server
- name, flavor ID, and image ID. Optionally, you can provide
- a key name for access control and security group for
- security. You can also include metadata key and value
- pairs. For example you can add a description for your
- server by providing the --meta description="My
- Server"parameter.
- You can pass user data in a file on your local system
- and pass it at instance launch by using the flag
- --user-data <user-data-file>.
- $ nova boot --flavor FLAVOR_ID --image IMAGE_ID
- --key_name KEY_NAME --user-data mydata.file \
- --security_group SEC_GROUP NAME_FOR_INSTANCE --meta
- The command returns a list of server properties,
- depending on which parameters you provide.
- A status of BUILD indicates that the instance has
- started, but is not yet online.
- A status of ACTIVE indicates that your server is
- active.
- Copy the server ID value from the id field in the
- output. You use this ID to get details for or delete your
- server.
- Copy the administrative password value from the
- adminPass field. You use this value to log into your
- server.
- Check if the instance is online:
- $ nova list
- This command lists all instances of the project you
- belong to, including their ID, their name, their status,
- and their private (and if assigned, their public) IP
- addresses.
- If the status for the instance is ACTIVE, the instance
- is online.
- To view the available options for the nova
- listcommand, run the following command:
- $ nova help list
- If you did not provide a keypair, security groups, or
- rules, you can only access the instance from inside the
- cloud through VNC. Even pinging the instance is not
- possible.
- Launch an instance from a volume
- After youcreate a bootable volume, youlaunch an instance from the volume.
- To launch an instance from a volume
- To create a bootable volume
- To create a volume from an image, run the following
- command:
- # cinder create --image-id
- 397e713c-b95b-4186-ad46-6126863ea0a9 --display-name
- my-bootable-vol 8
- Optionally, to configure your volume, see the
- Configuring Image Service and Storage for Computechapter
- in the OpenStack Configuration Reference.
- To list volumes
- Enter the following command:
- $ nova volume-list
- Copy the value in the ID field for your volume.
- To launch an instance
- Enter the nova boot command with the
- --block_device_mapping parameter, as follows:
- $ nova boot --flavor <flavor>
- --block_device_mapping
- <dev_name>=<id>:<type>:<size>:<delete_on_terminate>
- <name>
- The command arguments are:
- --flavor flavor
- The flavor ID.
- --block_device_mapping dev-
- name=id:type:size:delete-on-terminate
- dev-name. A device name where the volume is attached
- in the system at /dev/dev_name. This value is typically
- vda.
- id. The ID of the volume to boot from, as shown in the
- output of nova volume-list.
- type. Either snap or any other value, including a
- blank string. snap means that the volume was created from
- a snapshot.
- size. The size of the volume, in GBs. It is safe to
- leave this blank and have the Compute service infer the
- size.
- delete-on-terminate. A boolean that indicates whether
- the volume should be deleted when the instance is
- terminated. You can specify
- True or 1
- False or 0
- name
- The name for the server.
- For example, you might enter the following command to
- boot from a volume with ID
- bd7cf584-45de-44e3-bf7f-f7b50bf235e. The volume is not
- deleted when the instance is terminated:
- $ nova boot --flavor 2 --image
- 397e713c-b95b-4186-ad46-6126863ea0a9
- --block_device_mapping
- vda=bd7cf584-45de-44e3-bf7f-f7b50bf235e3:::0
- myInstanceFromVolume
- Now when you list volumes, you can see that the volume
- is attached to a server:
- $ nova volume-list
- Additionally, when you list servers, you see the
- server that you booted from a volume:
- $ nova list
- Manage instances and hosts
- Instances are virtual machines that run inside the
- cloud.
- Manage IP addresses
- Each instance can have a private, or fixed, IP address and
- a public, or floating, one.
- Private IP addresses are used for communication between
- instances, and public ones are used for communication with the
- outside world.
- When you launch an instance, it is automatically assigned
- a private IP address that stays the same until you explicitly
- terminate the instance. Rebooting an instance has no effect on
- the private IP address.
- A pool of floating IPs, configured by the cloud operator,
- is available in OpenStack Compute.
- You can allocate a certain number of these to a project:
- The maximum number of floating IP addresses per project is
- defined by the quota.
- You can add a floating IP address from this set to an
- instance of the project. Floating IP addresses can be
- dynamically disassociated and associated with other instances
- of the same project at any time.
- Before you can assign a floating IP address to an
- instance, you first must allocate floating IPs to a project.
- After floating IP addresses have been allocated to the current
- project, you can assign them to running instances.
- One floating IP address can be assigned to only one
- instance at a time. Floating IP addresses can be managed with
- the nova *floating-ip-*commands, provided by the
- python-novaclient package.
- To list pools with floating IP addresses
- To list all pools that provide floating IP
- addresses:
- $ nova floating-ip-pool-list
- To allocate a floating IP address to the current
- project
- The output of the following command shows the freshly
- allocated IP address:
- $ nova floating-ip-pool-list
- If more than one pool of IP addresses is available,
- you can also specify the pool from which to allocate the
- IP address:
- $ floating-ip-create POOL_NAME
- To list floating IP addresses allocated to the current
- project
- If an IP is already associated with an instance, the
- output also shows the IP for the instance, thefixed IP
- address for the instance, and the name of the pool that
- provides the floating IP address.
- $ nova floating-ip-list
- To release a floating IP address from the current
- project
- The IP address is returned to the pool of IP addresses
- that are available for all projects. If an IP address is
- currently assigned to a running instance, it is
- automatically disassociated from the instance.
- $ nova floating-ip-delete FLOATING_IP
- To assign a floating IP address to an instance
- To associate an IP address with an instance, one or
- multiple floating IP addresses must be allocated to the
- current project. Check this with:
- $ nova floating-ip-list
- In addition, you must know the instance's name (or
- ID). To look up the instances that belong to the current
- project, use the nova list command.
- $ nova add-floating-ip INSTANCE_NAME_OR_ID
- After you assign the IP with nova add-floating-ipand
- configure security group rules for the instance, the
- instance is publicly available at the floating IP
- address.
- To remove a floating IP address from an instance
- To remove a floating IP address from an instance, you
- must specify the same arguments that you used to assign
- the IP.
- $ nova remove-floating-ip INSTANCE_NAME_OR_ID
- Change the size of your
- server
- You change the size of a server by changing its
- flavor.
- To change the size of your server
- List the available flavors:
- $ nova flavor-list
- Show information about your server, including its
- size:
- $ nova show myCirrosServer
- The size of the server is m1.small (2).
- To resize the server, pass the server ID and the
- desired flavor to the nova resizecommand. Include the
- --poll parameter to report the resize progress.
- $ nova resize myCirrosServer 4 --poll
- Instance resizing... 100% completeFinished
- Show the status for your server:
- $ nova list
- When the resize completes, the status becomes
- VERIFY_RESIZE. To confirm the resize:
- $ nova resize-confirm
- 6beefcf7-9de6-48b3-9ba9-e11b343189b3
- The server status becomes ACTIVE.
- If the resize fails or does not work as expected, you
- can revert the resize:
- $ nova resize-revert
- 6beefcf7-9de6-48b3-9ba9-e11b343189b3
- The server status becomes ACTIVE.
- Stop and start an instance
- Use one of the following methods to stop and start an
- instance.
- Pause and un-pause an instance
- To pause and un-pause a server
- To pause a server, run the following command:
- $ nova pause SERVER
- This command stores the state of the VM in RAM. A
- paused instance continues to run in a frozen
- state.
- To un-pause the server, run the following
- command:
- $ nova unpause SERVER
- Suspend and resume an instance
- To suspend and resume a server
- Administrative users might want to suspend an
- infrequently used instance or to perform system
- maintenance.
- When you suspend an instance, its VM state is stored
- on disk, all memory is written to disk, and the virtual
- machine is stopped. Suspending an instance is similar to
- placing a device in hibernation; memory and vCPUs become
- available.
- To initiate a hypervisor-level suspend operation,
- run the following command:
- $ nova suspend SERVER
- To resume a suspended server:
- $ nova resume SERVER
- Reboot an instance
- You can perform a soft or hard reboot of a running
- instance. A soft reboot attempts a graceful shutdown and
- restart of the instance. A hard reboot power cycles the
- instance.
- To reboot a server
- By default, when you reboot a server, it is a soft
- reboot.
- $ nova reboot SERVER
- To perform a hard reboot, pass the --hard parameter, as
- follows:
- $ nova reboot --hard SERVER
- Evacuate instances
- If a cloud compute node fails due to a hardware
- malfunction or another reason, you can evacuate instances to
- make them available again.
- You can choose evacuation parameters for your use
- case.
- To preserve user data on server disk, you must configure
- shared storage on the target host. Also, you must validate
- that the current VM host is down. Otherwise the evacuation
- fails with an error.
- To evacuate your server
- To find a different host for the evacuated instance,
- run the following command to lists hosts:
- $ nova host-list
- You can pass the instance password to the command by
- using the --password <pwd> option. If you do not
- specify a password, one is generated and printed after the
- command finishes successfully. The following command
- evacuates a server without shared storage:
- $ nova evacuate evacuated_server_name host_b
- The command evacuates an instance from a down host to
- a specified host. The instance is booted from a new disk,
- but preserves its configuration including its ID, name,
- uid, IP address, and so on. The command returns a
- password:
- To preserve the user disk data on the evacuated
- server, deploy OpenStack Compute with shared
- filesystem.
- $ nova evacuate evacuated_server_name host_b
- --on-shared-storage
- Delete an instance
- When you no longer need an instance, you can delete
- it.
- To delete an instance
- List all instances:
- $ nova list
- Use the following command to delete the newServer
- instance, which is in ERROR state:
- $ nova delete newServer
- The command does not notify that your server was
- deleted.
- Instead, run the nova listcommand:
- $ nova list
- The deleted instance does not appear in the
- list.
- Get a console to an instance
- To get a console to an instance
- To get a VNC console to an instance, run the following
- command:
- $ nova get-vnc-console myCirrosServer xvpvnc
- The command returns a URL from which you can access your
- instance:
- Manage bare metal nodes
- If you use the bare metal driver, you must create a bare
- metal node and add a network interface to it. You then launch
- an instance from a bare metal image. You can list and delete
- bare metal nodes. When you delete a node, any associated
- network interfaces are removed. You can list and remove
- network interfaces that are associated with a bare metal
- node.
- Commands
- baremetal-interface-add
- Adds a network interface to a bare metal node.
- baremetal-interface-list
- Lists network interfaces associated with a bare metal
- node.
- baremetal-interface-remove
- Removes a network interface from a bare metal
- node.
- baremetal-node-create
- Creates a bare metal node.
- baremetal-node-delete
- Removes a bare metal node and any associated
- interfaces.
- baremetal-node-list
- Lists available bare metal nodes.
- baremetal-node-show
- Shows information about a bare metal node.
- To manage bare metal nodes
- Create a bare metal node.
- $ nova baremetal-node-create --pm_address=
- --pm_user=ipmi --pm_password=ipmi $(hostname -f) 1 512 10
- aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
- Add network interface information to the node:
- $ nova baremetal-interface-add 1
- aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
- Launch an instance from a bare metal image:
- $ nova boot --image my-baremetal-image --flavor
- my-baremetal-flavor test
- |... wait for instance to become active ...
- You can list bare metal nodes and interfaces. When a
- node is in use, its status includes the UUID of the
- instance that runs on it:
- $ nova baremetal-node-list
- Show details about a bare metal node:
- $ nova baremetal-node-show 1
- Show usage statistics for hosts and instances
- You can show basic statistics on resource usage for hosts
- and instances.
- To show host usage statistics
- List the hosts and the nova-related services that run
- on them:
- $ nova host-list
- Get a summary of resource usage of all of the
- instances running on the host.
- $ nova host-describe devstack-grizzly
- The cpu column shows the sum of the virtual CPUs for
- instances running on the host.
- The memory_mb column shows the sum of the memory (in
- MB) allocated to the instances that run on the
- hosts.
- The disk_gb column shows the sum of the root and
- ephemeral disk sizes (in GB) of the instances that run on
- the hosts.
- To show instance usage statistics
- Get CPU, memory, I/O, and network statistics for an
- instance.
- First, list instances:
- $ nova list
- Then, get diagnostic statistics:
- $ nova diagnostics myCirrosServer
- Get summary statistics for each tenant:
- $ nova usage-list
- Usage from 2013-06-25 to 2013-07-24:
- Create and manage networks
- Before you run commands, set the following environment
- variables:
- export OS_USERNAME=adminexport OS_PASSWORD=passwordexport
- OS_TENANT_NAME=adminexport
- OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0
- To create and manage networks
- List the extensions of the system:
- $ neutron ext-list -c alias -c name
- Create a network:
- $ neutron net-create net1
- Created a new network:
- Create a network with specified provider network
- type:
- $ neutron net-create net2 --provider:network-type
- local
- Created a new network:
- Just as shown previous, the unknown option
- --provider:network-type is used to create a local provider
- network.
- Create a subnet:
- $ neutron subnet-create net1 --name
- subnet1
- Created a new subnet:
- In the previous command, net1 is the network name,
- is the subnet's CIDR. They are positional
- arguments. --name subnet1 is an unknown option, which
- specifies the subnet's name.
- Create a port with specified IP address:
- $ neutron port-create net1 --fixed-ip
- ip_address=
- Created a new port:
- In the previous command, net1 is the network name, which
- is a positional argument. --fixed-ip ip_address=
- is an option, which specifies the port's fixed IP address we
- wanted.
- Create a port without specified IP address:
- $ neutron port-create net1
- Created a new port:
- We can see that the system will allocate one IP address
- if we don't specify the IP address in command line.
- Query ports with specified fixed IP addresses:
- $ neutron port-list --fixed-ips ip_address=
- ip_address=
- --fixed-ips ip_address=
- ip_address= is one unknown option.
- How to find unknown options?The unknown options can be
- easily found by watching the output of create_xxx or
- show_xxx command. For example, in the port creation command,
- we see the fixed_ips fields, which can be used as an unknown
- option.
- Create and manage stacks
- To create a stack from an example template file
- To create a stack, or template, from anexample template file, run following
- command:
- $ heat stack-create mystack
- --template-file=/path/to/heat/templates/WordPress_Single_Instance.template--parameters="InstanceType=m1.large;DBUsername=wp;DBPassword=verybadpassword;KeyName=heat_key;LinuxDistribution=F17"
- The --parameters values that you specify depend on which
- parameters are defined in the template. If the template file
- is hosted on a website, you can specify the URL with
- --template-url parameter instead of the --template-file
- parameter.
- The command returns the following output:
- You can also use the stack-createcommand to validate a
- template file without creating a stack from it.
- To do so, run the following command:
- $ heat stack-create mystack
- --template-file=/path/to/heat/templates/WordPress_Single_Instance.template
- If validation fails, the response returns an error
- message.
- To list stacks
- To see which stacks are visible to the current user, run
- the following command:
- $ heat stack-list
- To view stack details
- To explore the state and history of a particular stack, you
- can run a number of commands.
- To show the details of a stack, run the following
- command:
- $ heat stack-show mystack
- A stack consists of a collection of resources. To list
- the resources, including their status, in a stack, run the
- following command:
- $ heat resource-list mystack
- To show the details for the specified resource in a
- stack, run the following command:
- $ heat resource-show mystack WikiDatabase
- Some resources have associated metadata which can change
- throughout the life-cycle of a resource:
- $ heat resource-metadata mystack WikiDatabase
- A series of events is generated during the life-cycle of
- a stack. This command will display those events.
- $ heat event-list mystack
- To show the details for a particular event, run the
- following command:
- $ heat event-show WikiDatabase 1
- To update a stack
- To update an existing stack from a modified template
- file, run a command like the following command:
- $ heat stack-update mystack
- --template-file=/path/to/heat/templates/WordPress_Single_Instance_v2.template
- --parameters="InstanceType=m1.large;DBUsername=wp;DBPassword=verybadpassword;KeyName=heat_key;LinuxDistribution=F17"
- Some resources are updated in-place, while others are
- replaced with new resources.
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- Conceptual Keystone
- More Content To be Added ...
- Identity Service Concepts
- The Identity service performs the following
- functions:
- User management. Tracks users and their
- permissions.
- Service catalog. Provides a catalog of available
- services with their API endpoints.
- To understand the Identity Service, you must understand the
- following concepts:
- User
- Digital representation of a person, system, or service who
- uses OpenStack cloud services. Identity authentication
- services will validate that incoming request are being made by
- the user who claims to be making the call. Users have a login
- and may be assigned tokens to access resources. Users may be
- directly assigned to a particular tenant and behave as if they
- are contained in that tenant.
- Credentials
- Data that is known only by a user that proves who they
- are. In the Identity Service, examples are:
- Username and password
- Username and API key
- An authentication token provided by the Identity
- Service
- Authentication
- The act of confirming the identity of a user. The Identity
- Service confirms an incoming request by validating a set of
- credentials supplied by the user. These credentials are
- initially a username and password or a username and API key.
- In response to these credentials, the Identity Service issues
- the user an authentication token, which the user provides in
- subsequent requests.
- Token
- An arbitrary bit of text that is used to access resources.
- Each token has a scope which describes which resources are
- accessible with it. A token may be revoked at anytime and is
- valid for a finite duration.
- While the Identity Service supports token-based
- authentication in this release, the intention is for it to
- support additional protocols in the future. The intent is for
- it to be an integration service foremost, and not aspire to be
- a full-fledged identity store and management solution.
- Tenant
- A container used to group or isolate resources and/or
- identity objects. Depending on the service operator, a tenant
- may map to a customer, account, organization, or
- project.
- Service
- An OpenStack service, such as Compute (Nova), Object
- Storage (Swift), or Image Service (Glance). Provides one or
- more endpoints through which users can access resources and
- perform operations.
- Endpoint
- An network-accessible address, usually described by URL,
- from where you access a service. If using an extension for
- templates, you can create an endpoint template, which
- represents the templates of all the consumable services that
- are available across the regions.
- Role
- A personality that a user assumes that enables them to
- perform a specific set of operations. A role includes a set of
- rights and privileges. A user assuming that role inherits
- those rights and privileges.
- In the Identity Service, a token that is issued to a user
- includes the list of roles that user can assume. Services that
- are being called by that user determine how they interpret the
- set of roles a user has and which operations or resources each
- role grants access to.
- Keystone Authentication
- User management
- The main components of Identity user management are:
- Users
- Tenants
- Roles
- A userrepresents a human user, and has associated
- information such as username, password and email. This example
- creates a user named "alice":
- $ keystone user-create --name=alice --pass=mypassword123
- --email=alice@example.com
- A tenantcan be a project, group, or organization. Whenever
- you make requests to OpenStack services, you must specify a
- tenant. For example, if you query the Compute service for a list
- of running instances, you will receive a list of all of the
- running instances in the tenant you specified in your query.
- This example creates a tenant named "acme":
- $ keystone tenant-create --name=acmeA rolecaptures what
- operations a user is permitted to perform in a given tenant.
- This example creates a role named "compute-user":
- $ keystone role-create --name=compute-userThe Identity
- service associates a user with a tenant and a role. To continue
- with our previous examples, we may wish to assign the "alice"
- user the "compute-user" role in the "acme" tenant:
- $ keystone user-list
- $ keystone user-role-add --user=892585 --role=9a764e
- --tenant-id=6b8fd2
- A user can be assigned different roles in different tenants:
- for example, Alice may also have the "admin" role in the
- "Cyberdyne" tenant. A user can also be assigned multiple roles
- in the same tenant.
- The /etc/[SERVICE_CODENAME]/policy.json controls what users
- are allowed to do for a given service. For example,
- /etc/nova/policy.json specifies the access policy for the
- Compute service, /etc/glance/policy.json specifies the access
- policy for the Image service, and /etc/keystone/policy.json
- specifies the access policy for the Identity service.
- The default policy.json files in the Compute, Identity, and
- Image service recognize only the admin role: all operations that
- do not require the admin role will be accessible by any user
- that has any role in a tenant.
- If you wish to restrict users from performing operations in,
- say, the Compute service, you need to create a role in the
- Identity service and then modify /etc/nova/policy.json so that
- this role is required for Compute operations.
- For example, this line in /etc/nova/policy.json specifies
- that there are no restrictions on which users can create
- volumes: if the user has any role in a tenant, they will be able
- to create volumes in that tenant.
- Service
- management
- The Identity Service provides the following service
- management functions:
- Services
- Endpoints
- The Identity Service also maintains a user that corresponds
- to each service (such as, a user named nova, for the Compute
- service) and a special service tenant, which is called
- service.
- The commands for creating services and endpoints are
- described in a later section.
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- Conceptual MySQL
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Conceptual Neutron
- Networking in OpenStack
- Networking in OpenStack
- OpenStack Networking provides a rich tenant-facing API
- for defining network connectivity and addressing in the
- cloud. The OpenStack Networking project gives operators
- the ability to leverage different networking technologies
- to power their cloud networking. It is a virtual network
- service that provides a powerful API to define the network
- connectivity and addressing used by devices from other
- services, such as OpenStack Compute. It has a rich API
- which consists of the following components.
- Network: An
- isolated L2 segment, analogous to VLAN in the physical
- networking world.
- Subnet: A block
- of v4 or v6 IP addresses and associated configuration
- state.
- Port: A
- connection point for attaching a single device, such
- as the NIC of a virtual server, to a virtual network.
- Also describes the associated network configuration,
- such as the MAC and IP addresses to be used on that
- port.
- You can configure rich network topologies by creating
- and configuring networks and subnets, and then instructing
- other OpenStack services like OpenStack Compute to attach
- virtual devices to ports on these networks. In
- particular, OpenStack Networking supports each tenant
- having multiple private networks, and allows tenants to
- choose their own IP addressing scheme, even if those IP
- addresses overlap with those used by other tenants. This
- enables very advanced cloud networking use cases, such as
- building multi-tiered web applications and allowing
- applications to be migrated to the cloud without changing
- IP addresses.
- Plugin Architecture: Flexibility to Choose
- Different Network Technologies
- Enhancing traditional networking solutions to provide rich
- cloud networking is challenging. Traditional networking is not
- designed to scale to cloud proportions or to configure
- automatically.
- The original OpenStack Compute network implementation
- assumed a very basic model of performing all isolation through
- Linux VLANs and IP tables. OpenStack Networking introduces the
- concept of a plugin, which is a pluggable back-end
- implementation of the OpenStack Networking API. A plugin can
- use a variety of technologies to implement the logical API
- requests. Some OpenStack Networking plugins might use basic
- Linux VLANs and IP tables, while others might use more
- advanced technologies, such as L2-in-L3 tunneling or OpenFlow,
- to provide similar benefits.
- The current set of plugins include:
- Open vSwitch:
- Documentation included in this guide.
- Cisco: Documented
- externally at: http://wiki.openstack.org/cisco-quantum
- Linux Bridge:
- Documentation included in this guide and http://wiki.openstack.org/Quantum-Linux-Bridge-Plugin
- Nicira NVP:
- Documentation include in this guide, NVP Product Overview , and NVP
- Product Support.
- Ryu:
- https://github.com/osrg/ryu/wiki/OpenStack
- NEC OpenFlow:
- http://wiki.openstack.org/Quantum-NEC-OpenFlow-Plugin
- Big Switch, Floodlight REST
- Proxy:
- http://www.openflowhub.org/display/floodlightcontroller/Quantum+REST+Proxy+Plugin
- PLUMgrid:
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Plumgrid-quantum
- Hyper-V
- Plugin
- Brocade
- Plugin
- Midonet
- Plugin
- Plugins can have different properties in terms of hardware
- requirements, features, performance, scale, operator tools,
- etc. Supporting many plugins enables the cloud administrator
- to weigh different options and decide which networking
- technology is right for the deployment.
- Components of OpenStack Networking
- To deploy OpenStack Networking, it is useful to understand
- the different components that make up the solution and how
- those components interact with each other and with other
- OpenStack services.
- OpenStack Networking is a standalone service, just like
- other OpenStack services such as OpenStack Compute, OpenStack
- Image service, OpenStack Identity service, and the OpenStack
- Dashboard. Like those services, a deployment of OpenStack
- Networking often involves deploying several processes on a
- variety of hosts.
- The main process of the OpenStack Networking server is
- quantum-server, which is a Python daemon that exposes the
- OpenStack Networking API and passes user requests to the
- configured OpenStack Networking plugin for additional
- processing. Typically, the plugin requires access to a
- database for persistent storage, similar to other OpenStack
- services.
- If your deployment uses a controller host to run centralized
- OpenStack Compute components, you can deploy the OpenStack
- Networking server on that same host. However, OpenStack
- Networking is entirely standalone and can be deployed on its
- own server as well. OpenStack Networking also includes
- additional agents that might be required depending on your
- deployment:
- plugin agent
- (quantum-*-agent):Runs on each
- hypervisor to perform local vswitch configuration.
- Agent to be run depends on which plugin you are using,
- as some plugins do not require an agent.
- dhcp agent
- (quantum-dhcp-agent):Provides DHCP
- services to tenant networks. This agent is the same
- across all plugins.
- l3 agent
- (quantum-l3-agent):Provides L3/NAT
- forwarding to provide external network access for VMs
- on tenant networks. This agent is the same across all
- plugins.
- These agents interact with the main quantum-server process
- in the following ways:
- Through RPC. For example, rabbitmq or qpid.
- Through the standard OpenStack Networking
- API.
- OpenStack Networking relies on the OpenStack Identity
- Project (Keystone) for authentication and authorization of all
- API request.
- OpenStack Compute interacts with OpenStack Networking
- through calls to its standard API. As part of creating a VM,
- nova-compute communicates with the OpenStack Networking API to
- plug each virtual NIC on the VM into a particular
- network.
- The OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) has integration with the
- OpenStack Networking API, allowing administrators and tenant
- users, to create and manage network services through the
- Horizon GUI.
- Place Services on Physical
- Hosts
- Like other OpenStack services, OpenStack Networking provides
- cloud administrators with significant flexibility in deciding
- which individual services should run on which physical
- devices. On one extreme, all service daemons can be run on a
- single physical host for evaluation purposes. On the other,
- each service could have its own physical hosts, and some cases
- be replicated across multiple hosts for redundancy.
- In this guide, we focus primarily on a standard architecture
- that includes a “cloud controller” host, a “network gateway”
- host, and a set of hypervisors for running VMs. The "cloud
- controller" and "network gateway" can be combined in simple
- deployments, though if you expect VMs to send significant
- amounts of traffic to or from the Internet, a dedicated
- network gateway host is suggested to avoid potential CPU
- contention between packet forwarding performed by the
- quantum-l3-agent and other OpenStack services.
- Network Connectivity for Physical
- Hosts
- Network Diagram
- A standard OpenStack Networking setup has up to four
- distinct physical data center networks:
- Management
- network:Used for internal communication
- between OpenStack Components. The IP addresses on this
- network should be reachable only within the data
- center.
- Data network:Used
- for VM data communication within the cloud deployment.
- The IP addressing requirements of this network depend
- on the OpenStack Networking plugin in use.
- External
- network:Used to provide VMs with Internet
- access in some deployment scenarios. The IP addresses
- on this network should be reachable by anyone on the
- Internet.
- API network:Exposes
- all OpenStack APIs, including the OpenStack Networking
- API, to tenants. The IP addresses on this network
- should be reachable by anyone on the Internet. This
- may be the same network as the external network, as it
- is possible to create a subnet for the external
- network that uses IP allocation ranges to use only
- less than the full range of IP addresses in an IP
- block.
- OpenStack Networking Concepts
- Network Types
- The OpenStack Networking configuration provided by the
- Rackspace Private Cloud cookbooks allows you to choose between
- VLAN or GRE isolated networks, both provider- and
- tenant-specific. From the provider side, an administrator can
- also create a flat network.
- The type of network that is used for private tenant networks
- is determined by the network_type attribute, which can be
- edited in the Chef override_attributes. This attribute sets
- both the default provider network type and the only type of
- network that tenants are able to create. Administrators can
- always create flat and VLAN networks. GRE networks of any type
- require the network_type to be set to gre.
- Namespaces
- For each network you create, the Network node (or Controller
- node, if combined) will have a unique network namespace
- (netns) created by the DHCP and Metadata agents. The netns
- hosts an interface and IP addresses for dnsmasq and the
- quantum-ns-metadata-proxy. You can view the namespaces with
- the ip netns [list], and can interact with the namespaces with
- the ip netns exec <namespace> <command>
- command.
- Metadata
- Not all networks or VMs need metadata access. Rackspace
- recommends that you use metadata if you are using a single
- network. If you need metadata, you may also need a default
- route. (If you don't need a default route, no-gateway will
- do.)
- To communicate with the metadata IP address inside the
- namespace, instances need a route for the metadata network
- that points to the dnsmasq IP address on the same namespaced
- interface. OpenStack Networking only injects a route when you
- do not specify a gateway-ip in the subnet.
- If you need to use a default route and provide instances
- with access to the metadata route, create the subnet without
- specifying a gateway IP and with a static route from
- to your gateway IP address. Adjust the DHCP allocation pool so
- that it will not assign the gateway IP. With this
- configuration, dnsmasq will pass both routes to instances.
- This way, metadata will be routed correctly without any
- changes on the external gateway.
- OVS Bridges
- An OVS bridge for provider traffic is created and configured
- on the nodes where single-network-node and single-compute are
- applied. Bridges are created, but physical interfaces are not
- added. An OVS bridge is not created on a Controller-only
- node.
- When creating networks, you can specify the type and
- properties, such as Flat vs. VLAN, Shared vs. Tenant, or
- Provider vs. Overlay. These properties identify and determine
- the behavior and resources of instances attached to the
- network. The cookbooks will create bridges for the
- configuration that you specify, although they do not add
- physical interfaces to provider bridges. For example, if you
- specify a network type of GRE, a br-tun tunnel bridge will be
- created to handle overlay traffic.
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- Conceptual Nova
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- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Conceptual RabbitMQ (Messging in OpenStack)
- Messaging in OpenStack
- AMQP is the messaging technology chosen by the OpenStack
- cloud. The AMQP broker, either RabbitMQ or Qpid, sits between any
- two Nova components and allows them to communicate in a loosely
- coupled fashion. More precisely, Nova components (the compute
- fabric of OpenStack) use Remote Procedure Calls (RPC hereinafter)
- to communicate to one another; however such a paradigm is built
- atop the publish/subscribe paradigm so that the following benefits
- can be achieved:
- Decoupling between client and servant (such as the client
- does not need to know where the servant’s reference
- is).
- Full a-synchronism between client and servant (such as the
- client does not need the servant to run at the same time of
- the remote call).
- Random balancing of remote calls (such as if more servants
- are up and running, one-way calls are transparently dispatched
- to the first available servant).
- Nova uses direct, fanout, and topic-based exchanges. The
- architecture looks like the one depicted in the figure
- below:
- Nova implements RPC (both request+response, and one-way,
- respectively nicknamed ‘rpc.call’ and ‘rpc.cast’) over AMQP by
- providing an adapter class which take cares of marshaling and
- unmarshaling of messages into function calls. Each Nova service
- (for example Compute, Scheduler, etc.) create two queues at the
- initialization time, one which accepts messages with routing keys
- ‘NODE-TYPE.NODE-ID’ (for example compute.hostname) and another,
- which accepts messages with routing keys as generic ‘NODE-TYPE’
- (for example compute). The former is used specifically when
- Nova-API needs to redirect commands to a specific node like
- ‘euca-terminate instance’. In this case, only the compute node
- whose host’s hypervisor is running the virtual machine can kill
- the instance. The API acts as a consumer when RPC calls are
- request/response, otherwise is acts as publisher only.
- Nova RPC Mappings
- The figure below shows the internals of a message broker
- node (referred to as a RabbitMQ node in the diagrams) when a
- single instance is deployed and shared in an OpenStack cloud.
- Every Nova component connects to the message broker and,
- depending on its personality (for example a compute node or a
- network node), may use the queue either as an Invoker (such as
- API or Scheduler) or a Worker (such as Compute or Network).
- Invokers and Workers do not actually exist in the Nova object
- model, but we are going to use them as an abstraction for sake
- of clarity. An Invoker is a component that sends messages in the
- queuing system via two operations: 1) rpc.call and ii) rpc.cast;
- a Worker is a component that receives messages from the queuing
- system and reply accordingly to rcp.call operations.
- Figure 2 shows the following internal elements:
- Topic Publisher:a Topic
- Publisher comes to life when an rpc.call or an rpc.cast
- operation is executed; this object is instantiated and used to
- push a message to the queuing system. Every publisher connects
- always to the same topic-based exchange; its life-cycle is
- limited to the message delivery.
- Direct Consumer:a
- Direct Consumer comes to life if (an only if) a rpc.call
- operation is executed; this object is instantiated and used to
- receive a response message from the queuing system; Every
- consumer connects to a unique direct-based exchange via a
- unique exclusive queue; its life-cycle is limited to the
- message delivery; the exchange and queue identifiers are
- determined by a UUID generator, and are marshaled in the
- message sent by the Topic Publisher (only rpc.call
- operations).
- Topic Consumer:a Topic
- Consumer comes to life as soon as a Worker is instantiated and
- exists throughout its life-cycle; this object is used to
- receive messages from the queue and it invokes the appropriate
- action as defined by the Worker role. A Topic Consumer
- connects to the same topic-based exchange either via a shared
- queue or via a unique exclusive queue. Every Worker has two
- topic consumers, one that is addressed only during rpc.cast
- operations (and it connects to a shared queue whose exchange
- key is ‘topic’) and the other that is addressed only during
- rpc.call operations (and it connects to a unique queue whose
- exchange key is ‘topic.host’).
- Direct Publisher:a
- Direct Publisher comes to life only during rpc.call operations
- and it is instantiated to return the message required by the
- request/response operation. The object connects to a
- direct-based exchange whose identity is dictated by the
- incoming message.
- Topic Exchange:The
- Exchange is a routing table that exists in the context of a
- virtual host (the multi-tenancy mechanism provided by Qpid or
- RabbitMQ); its type (such as topic vs. direct) determines the
- routing policy; a message broker node will have only one
- topic-based exchange for every topic in Nova.
- Direct Exchange:this is
- a routing table that is created during rpc.call operations;
- there are many instances of this kind of exchange throughout
- the life-cycle of a message broker node, one for each rpc.call
- invoked.
- Queue Element:A Queue
- is a message bucket. Messages are kept in the queue until a
- Consumer (either Topic or Direct Consumer) connects to the
- queue and fetch it. Queues can be shared or can be exclusive.
- Queues whose routing key is ‘topic’ are shared amongst Workers
- of the same personality.
- RabbitMQ
- RPC Calls
- The diagram below shows the message flow during an rp.call
- operation:
- a Topic Publisher is instantiated to send the message
- request to the queuing system; immediately before the
- publishing operation, a Direct Consumer is instantiated to
- wait for the response message.
- once the message is dispatched by the exchange, it is
- fetched by the Topic Consumer dictated by the routing key
- (such as ‘topic.host’) and passed to the Worker in charge of
- the task.
- once the task is completed, a Direct Publisher is
- allocated to send the response message to the queuing
- system.
- once the message is dispatched by the exchange, it is
- fetched by the Direct Consumer dictated by the routing key
- (such as ‘msg_id’) and passed to the Invoker.
- RabbitMQ
- RPC Casts
- The diagram below the message flow during an rp.cast
- operation:
- A Topic Publisher is instantiated to send the message
- request to the queuing system.
- Once the message is dispatched by the exchange, it is
- fetched by the Topic Consumer dictated by the routing key
- (such as ‘topic’) and passed to the Worker in charge of the
- task.
- RabbitMQ
- AMQP Broker Load
- At any given time the load of a message broker node running
- either Qpid or RabbitMQ is function of the following
- parameters:
- Throughput of API calls: the number of API calls (more
- precisely rpc.call ops) being served by the OpenStack cloud
- dictates the number of direct-based exchanges, related
- queues and direct consumers connected to them.
- Number of Workers: there is one queue shared amongst
- workers with the same personality; however there are as many
- exclusive queues as the number of workers; the number of
- workers dictates also the number of routing keys within the
- topic-based exchange, which is shared amongst all
- workers.
- The figure below shows the status of a RabbitMQ node after
- Nova components’ bootstrap in a test environment. Exchanges and
- queues being created by Nova components are:
- Exchanges
- nova (topic exchange)
- Queues
- compute.phantom (phantom is hostname)
- compute
- network.phantom (phantom is hostname)
- network
- scheduler.phantom (phantom is hostname)
- scheduler
- RabbitMQ Gotchas
- Nova uses Kombu to connect to the RabbitMQ environment.
- Kombu is a Python library that in turn uses AMQPLib, a library
- that implements the standard AMQP 0.8 at the time of writing.
- When using Kombu, Invokers and Workers need the following
- parameters in order to instantiate a Connection object that
- connects to the RabbitMQ server (please note that most of the
- following material can be also found in the Kombu documentation;
- it has been summarized and revised here for sake of
- clarity):
- Hostname: The hostname
- to the AMQP server.
- Userid: A valid
- username used to authenticate to the server.
- Password: The password
- used to authenticate to the server.
- Virtual_host: The name
- of the virtual host to work with. This virtual host must exist
- on the server, and the user must have access to it. Default is
- “/”.
- Port: The port of the
- AMQP server. Default is 5672 (amqp).
- The following parameters are default:
- Insist: insist on
- connecting to a server. In a configuration with multiple
- load-sharing servers, the Insist option tells the server that
- the client is insisting on a connection to the specified
- server. Default is False.
- Connect_timeout: the
- timeout in seconds before the client gives up connecting to
- the server. The default is no timeout.
- SSL: use SSL to connect
- to the server. The default is False.
- More precisely Consumers need the following
- parameters:
- Connection: the above
- mentioned Connection object.
- Queue:name of the
- queue.
- Exchange:name of the
- exchange the queue binds to.
- Routing_key:the
- interpretation of the routing key depends on the value of the
- exchange_type attribute.
- Direct exchange:if the
- routing key property of the message and the routing_key
- attribute of the queue are identical, then the message is
- forwarded to the queue.
- Fanout
- exchange:messages are forwarded to the queues bound
- the exchange, even if the binding does not have a key.
- Topic exchange:if the
- routing key property of the message matches the routing key of
- the key according to a primitive pattern matching scheme, then
- the message is forwarded to the queue. The message routing key
- then consists of words separated by dots (”.”, like domain
- names), and two special characters are available; star (“”)
- and hash (“#”). The star matches any word, and the hash
- matches zero or more words. For example ”.stock.#” matches the
- routing keys “usd.stock” and “eur.stock.db” but not
- “stock.nasdaq”.
- Durable:this flag
- determines the durability of both exchanges and queues;
- durable exchanges and queues remain active when a RabbitMQ
- server restarts. Non-durable exchanges/queues (transient
- exchanges/queues) are purged when a server restarts. It is
- worth noting that AMQP specifies that durable queues cannot
- bind to transient exchanges. Default is True.
- Auto_delete:if set, the
- exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it.
- Default is False.
- Exclusive:exclusive
- queues (such as non-shared) may only be consumed from by the
- current connection. When exclusive is on, this also implies
- auto_delete. Default is False.
- Exchange_type:AMQP
- defines several default exchange types (routing algorithms)
- that covers most of the common messaging use cases.
- Auto_ack:acknowledgement is handled automatically
- once messages are received. By default auto_ack is set to
- False, and the receiver is required to manually handle
- acknowledgment.
- No_ack:it disable
- acknowledgement on the server-side. This is different from
- auto_ack in that acknowledgement is turned off altogether.
- This functionality increases performance but at the cost of
- reliability. Messages can get lost if a client dies before it
- can deliver them to the application.
- Auto_declare:if this is
- True and the exchange name is set, the exchange will be
- automatically declared at instantiation. Auto declare is on by
- default. Publishers specify most the parameters of Consumers
- (such as they do not specify a queue name), but they can also
- specify the following:
- Delivery_mode:the
- default delivery mode used for messages. The value is an
- integer. The following delivery modes are supported by
- RabbitMQ:
- 1 or “transient”:the
- message is transient. Which means it is stored in memory only,
- and is lost if the server dies or restarts.
- 2 or “persistent”:the
- message is persistent. Which means the message is stored both
- in-memory, and on disk, and therefore preserved if the server
- dies or restarts.
- The default value is 2 (persistent). During a send
- operation, Publishers can override the delivery mode of messages
- so that, for example, transient messages can be sent over a
- durable queue.
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- Install Cinder
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- Install Glance
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- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Install Horizon
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- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Install Keystone
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Conceptual MySQL
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Install Neutron
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Install Nova
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Install RabbitMQ
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Lab
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Quiz
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- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Controller Node
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- Getting Started
- Knowledge and skills
- Materials and equipment
- About OpenStack
- OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large
- pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a
- datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives
- administrators control while empowering their users to provision
- resources through a web interface.
- OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud
- computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud
- computing platform for public and private clouds. The project aims
- to deliver solutions for all types of clouds by being
- simple to implement
- massively scalable
- feature rich.
- To check out more information on OpenStack visit http://goo.gl/Ye9DFT
- OpenStack Foundation :
- The OpenStack Foundation, established September 2012, is an
- independent body providing shared resources to help achieve the
- OpenStack Mission by Protecting, Empowering, and Promoting
- OpenStack software and the community around it, including users,
- developers and the entire ecosystem. For more information visit
- http://goo.gl/3uvmNX.
- Who's behind OpenStack?
- Founded by Rackspace Hosting and NASA, OpenStack has grown
- to be a global software community of developers collaborating on
- a standard and massively scalable open source cloud operating
- system. The OpenStack Foundation promotes the development,
- distribution and adoption of the OpenStack cloud operating
- system. As the independent home for OpenStack, the Foundation
- has already attracted more than 7,000 individual members from
- 100 countries and 850 different organizations, secured more than
- $10 million in funding and is ready to fulfill the OpenStack
- mission of becoming the ubiquitous cloud computing platform.
- Checkout http://goo.gl/BZHJKdfor more on the same.
- Nebula (NASA)
- The goal of the OpenStack Foundation is to serve developers,
- users, and the entire ecosystem by providing a set of shared
- resources to grow the footprint of public and private OpenStack
- clouds, enable technology vendors targeting the platform and
- assist developers in producing the best cloud software in the
- industry.
- Who uses OpenStack?
- Corporations, service providers, VARS, SMBs, researchers,
- and global data centers looking to deploy large-scale cloud
- deployments for private or public clouds leveraging the support
- and resulting technology of a global open source community. And
- this is just two years into OpenStack, its new, its yet to
- mature and has immense possibilities. How do I say that? All
- these ‘buzz words’ will fall into a properly solved jigsaw
- puzzle as you go through this article.
- Its Open Source:
- All of the code for OpenStack is freely available under the
- Apache 2.0 license. Anyone can run it, build on it, or submit
- changes back to the project. This open development model is one
- of the best ways to foster badly-needed cloud standards, remove
- the fear of proprietary lock-in for cloud customers, and create
- a large ecosystem that spans cloud providers.
- Who it's for:
- Enterprises, service providers, government and academic
- institutions with physical hardware that would like to build a
- public or private cloud.
- How it's being used today:
- Organizations like CERN, Cisco WebEx, DreamHost, eBay, the
- Gap, HP, MercadoLibre, NASA, PayPal, Rackspace and University of
- Melbourne have deployed OpenStack clouds to achieve control,
- business agility and cost savings without the licensing fees and
- terms of proprietary software. For complete user stories visit
- http://goo.gl/aF4lsL, this should give a good idea
- about importance of OpenStack.
- OpenStack Projects, History and Releases Overview
- Project history and releases overview.
- OpenStack is a cloud computing project to provide an
- infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It is free open source
- software released under the terms of the Apache License. The
- project is managed by the OpenStack Foundation, a non-profit
- corporate entity established in September 2012 to promote
- OpenStack software and its community.
- More than 200 companies joined the project among which are
- AMD, Brocade Communications Systems, Canonical, Cisco, Dell, EMC,
- Ericsson, Groupe Bull, HP, IBM, Inktank, Intel, NEC, Rackspace
- Hosting, Red Hat, SUSE Linux, VMware, and Yahoo!
- The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects
- that control pools of processing, storage, and networking
- resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard
- that gives administrators control while empowering its users to
- provision resources through a web interface.
- The OpenStack community collaborates around a six-month,
- time-based release cycle with frequent development milestones.
- During the planning phase of each release, the community gathers
- for the OpenStack Design Summit to facilitate developer working
- sessions and assemble plans.
- In July 2010 Rackspace Hosting and NASA jointly launched an
- open-source cloud-software initiative known as OpenStack. The
- OpenStack project intended to help organizations which offer
- cloud-computing services running on standard hardware. The
- community’s first official release, code-named Austin, appeared
- four months later, with plans to release regular updates of the
- software every few months. The early code came from NASA’s Nebula
- platform as well as from Rackspace’s Cloud Files platform. In July
- 2011 developers of the Ubuntu Linux distribution decided to adopt
- OpenStack.
- OpenStack Releases
Nova, Glance, Swift,
- Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, (More to be
- added)
- Some OpenStack users include:
- PayPal / eBay
- Yahoo!
- Rackspace Cloud
- HP Public Cloud
- MercadoLibre.com
- AT&T
- KT (formerly Korea Telecom)
- Deutsche Telekom
- Wikimedia Labs
- Hostalia of Telef nica Group
- SUSE Cloud solution
- Red Hat OpenShift PaaS solution
- Zadara Storage
- Mint Services
- GridCentric
- and many more such users of OpenStack make it a true open
- standard innovating and driving the worlds biggest Open Cloud
- Standards (more on User Stories here http://goo.gl/aF4lsL).
- Release Cycle
- Community Heartbeat
- OpenStack is based on a coordinated 6-month release cycle
- with frequent development milestones. You can find a link to the
- current development release schedule here. The Release Cycle is
- made of four major stages. Various OpenStack releases are named
- as follows Various Companies Contributing to OpenStack
- Various Projects under OpenStack
- In a Nutshell, OpenStack...
- has had 64,396 commits made by 1,128 contributors
- representing 908,491 lines of code
- is mostly written in Python
- with an average number of source code comments
- has a codebase with a long source history
- maintained by a very large development team
- with increasing Y-O-Y commits
- took an estimated 249 years of effort (COCOMO
- model)
- starting with its first commit in May, 2010. (I have
- deliberatly not
- included last commit date since this is an active
- project with
- people working on it from all round the world).
- Programming Languages used to design OpenStack
- For more overview on OpenStack refer
- http://www.openstack.org or http://goo.gl/4q7nVI, most of the
- common questions and queries are covered here so as to address
- the massive amount of questions that may arise out of
- this.
- Core Projects Overview
- Let’s take a dive into some technical aspects of OpenStack,
- its amazing scalability and flexibility are few of its awesome
- features that make it a rock-solid cloud computing platform but
- the OpenSource Nature of it and the fact that its Community
- driven, it is explicitly meant to serve the OpenSource community
- and its demands.
- Being a cloud computing platform, OpenStack consists of many
- core and incubated projects which as a whole makes it really good
- as an IaaS cloud computing platform/Operating System. But the
- following points are the main components of OpenStack that are
- necessary to be present in the cloud to call it as OpenStack
- Cloud.
- Components of OpenStack
- OpenStack has a modular architecture with various code names
- for its components. OpenStack has several shared services that
- span the three pillars of compute, storage and networking,
- making it easier to implement and operate your cloud. These
- services - including identity, image management and a web
- interface - integrate the OpenStack components with each other
- as well as external systems to provide a unified experience for
- users as they interact with different cloud resources.
- Compute (Nova)
- The OpenStack cloud operating system enables enterprises
- and service providers to offer on-demand computing resources,
- by provisioning and managing large networks of virtual
- machines. Compute resources are accessible via APIs for
- developers building cloud applications and via web interfaces
- for administrators and users. The compute architecture is
- designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware, enabling
- the cloud economics companies have come to expect.
- OpenStack Compute:Provision and manage large networks of
- virtual machines
- OpenStack Compute (Nova) is a cloud computing fabric
- controller (the main part of an IaaS system). It is written in
- Python and uses many external libraries such as Eventlet (for
- concurrent programming), Kombu (for AMQP communication), and
- SQLAlchemy (for database access). Nova's architecture is
- designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware with no
- proprietary hardware or software requirements and provide the
- ability to integrate with legacy systems and third party
- technologies. It is designed to manage and automate pools of
- computer resources and can work with widely available
- virtualization technologies, as well as bare metal and
- high-performance computing (HPC) configurations. KVM and
- XenServer are available choices for hypervisor technology,
- together with Hyper-V and Linux container technology such as
- LXC. In addition to different hypervisors, OpenStack runs on
- ARM.
- Popular Use Cases:
- Service providers offering an IaaS compute platform
- or services higher up the stack
- IT departments acting as cloud service providers for
- business units and project teams
- Processing big data with tools like Hadoop
- Scaling compute up and down to meet demand for web
- resources and applications
- High-performance computing (HPC) environments
- processing diverse and intensive workloads
- Object Storage(Swift)
- In addition to traditional enterprise-class storage
- technology, many organizations now have a variety of storage
- needs with varying performance and price requirements.
- OpenStack has support for both Object Storage and Block
- Storage, with many deployment options for each depending on
- the use case.
- OpenStack Storage: Object and Block storage for use with
- servers and applications
- OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) is a scalable redundant
- storage system. Objects and files are written to multiple disk
- drives spread throughout servers in the data center, with the
- OpenStack software responsible for ensuring data replication
- and integrity across the cluster. Storage clusters scale
- horizontally simply by adding new servers. Should a server or
- hard drive fail, OpenStack replicates its content from other
- active nodes to new locations in the cluster. Because
- OpenStack uses software logic to ensure data replication and
- distribution across different devices, inexpensive commodity
- hard drives and servers can be used.
- Object Storage is ideal for cost effective, scale-out
- storage. It provides a fully distributed, API-accessible
- storage platform that can be integrated directly into
- applications or used for backup, archiving and data retention.
- Block Storage allows block devices to be exposed and connected
- to compute instances for expanded storage, better performance
- and integration with enterprise storage platforms, such as
- NetApp, Nexenta and SolidFire.
- A few details on OpenStack’s Object Storage
- OpenStack provides redundant, scalable object storage using
- clusters of standardized servers capable of storing
- petabytes of data
- Object Storage is not a traditional file system, but rather a
- distributed storage system for static data such as
- virtual machine images, photo storage, email storage,
- backups and archives. Having no central "brain" or
- master point of control provides greater scalability,
- redundancy and durability.
- Objects and files are written to multiple disk drives spread
- throughout servers in the data center, with the
- OpenStack software responsible for ensuring data
- replication and integrity across the cluster.
- Storage clusters scale horizontally simply by adding new servers.
- Should a server or hard drive fail, OpenStack
- replicates its content from other active nodes to new
- locations in the cluster. Because OpenStack uses
- software logic to ensure data replication and
- distribution across different devices, inexpensive
- commodity hard drives and servers can be used in lieu
- of more expensive equipment.
- Block Storage(Cinder)
- OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) provides persistent block
- level storage devices for use with OpenStack compute
- instances. The block storage system manages the creation,
- attaching and detaching of the block devices to servers. Block
- storage volumes are fully integrated into OpenStack Compute
- and the Dashboard allowing for cloud users to manage their own
- storage needs. In addition to local Linux server storage, it
- can use storage platforms including Ceph, CloudByte, Coraid,
- EMC (VMAX and VNX), GlusterFS, IBM Storage (Storwize family,
- SAN Volume Controller, and XIV Storage System), Linux LIO,
- NetApp, Nexenta, Scality, SolidFire and HP (Store Virtual and
- StoreServ 3Par families). Block storage is appropriate for
- performance sensitive scenarios such as database storage,
- expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to
- raw block level storage. Snapshot management provides powerful
- functionality for backing up data stored on block storage
- volumes. Snapshots can be restored or used to create a new
- block storage volume.
- A few points on OpenStack Block
- Storage:
- OpenStack provides persistent block level storage
- devices for use with OpenStack compute instances.
- The block storage system manages the creation,
- attaching and detaching of the block devices to servers.
- Block storage volumes are fully integrated into OpenStack
- Compute and the Dashboard allowing for cloud users to
- manage their own storage needs.
- In addition to using simple Linux server storage, it
- has unified storage support for numerous storage platforms
- including Ceph, NetApp, Nexenta, SolidFire, and
- Zadara.
- Block storage is appropriate for performance sensitive
- scenarios such as database storage, expandable file
- systems, or providing a server with access to raw block
- level storage.
- Snapshot management provides powerful functionality
- for backing up data stored on block storage volumes.
- Snapshots can be restored or used to create a new block
- storage volume.
- Networking(Neutron)
- Today's datacenter networks contain more devices than ever
- before servers, network equipment, storage systems and
- security appliances many of which are further divided into
- virtual machines and virtual networks. The number of IP
- addresses, routing configurations and security rules can
- quickly grow into the millions. Traditional network management
- techniques fall short of providing a truly scalable, automated
- approach to managing these next-generation networks. At the
- same time, users expect more control and flexibility with
- quicker provisioning.
- OpenStack Networking is a pluggable, scalable and
- API-driven system for managing networks and IP addresses. Like
- other aspects of the cloud operating system, it can be used by
- administrators and users to increase the value of existing
- datacenter assets. OpenStack Networking ensures the network
- will not be the bottleneck or limiting factor in a cloud
- deployment and gives users real self-service, even over their
- network configurations.
- OpenStack Networking: Pluggable, scalable, API-driven
- network and IP management
- OpenStack Networking (Neutron, formerly Quantum]) is a
- system for managing networks and IP addresses. Like other
- aspects of the cloud operating system, it can be used by
- administrators and users to increase the value of existing
- data center assets. OpenStack Networking ensures the network
- will not be the bottleneck or limiting factor in a cloud
- deployment and gives users real self-service, even over their
- network configurations.
- OpenStack Neutron provides networking models for different
- applications or user groups. Standard models include flat
- networks or VLANs for separation of servers and traffic.
- OpenStack Networking manages IP addresses, allowing for
- dedicated static IPs or DHCP. Floating IPs allow traffic to be
- dynamically re routed to any of your compute resources, which
- allows you to redirect traffic during maintenance or in the
- case of failure. Users can create their own networks, control
- traffic and connect servers and devices to one or more
- networks. Administrators can take advantage of
- software-defined networking (SDN) technology like OpenFlow to
- allow for high levels of multi-tenancy and massive scale.
- OpenStack Networking has an extension framework allowing
- additional network services, such as intrusion detection
- systems (IDS), load balancing, firewalls and virtual private
- networks (VPN) to be deployed and managed.
- Networking Capabilities
- OpenStack provides flexible networking models to
- suit the needs of different applications or user groups.
- Standard models include flat networks or VLANs for
- separation of servers and traffic.
- OpenStack Networking manages IP addresses, allowing
- for dedicated static IPs or DHCP. Floating IPs allow
- traffic to be dynamically rerouted to any of your
- compute resources, which allows you to redirect traffic
- during maintenance or in the case of failure.
- Users can create their own networks, control traffic
- and connect servers and devices to one or more
- networks.
- The pluggable backend architecture lets users take
- advantage of commodity gear or advanced networking
- services from supported vendors.
- Administrators can take advantage of
- software-defined networking (SDN) technology like
- OpenFlow to allow for high levels of multi-tenancy and
- massive scale.
- OpenStack Networking has an extension framework
- allowing additional network services, such as intrusion
- detection systems (IDS), load balancing, firewalls and
- virtual private networks (VPN) to be deployed and
- managed.
- Dashboard(Horizon)
- OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) provides administrators and
- users a graphical interface to access, provision and automate
- cloud-based resources. The design allows for third party
- products and services, such as billing, monitoring and
- additional management tools. The dashboard is also brandable
- for service providers and other commercial vendors who want to
- make use of it.
- The dashboard is just one way to interact with OpenStack
- resources. Developers can automate access or build tools to
- manage their resources using the native OpenStack API or the
- EC2 compatibility API.
- Identity Service(Keystone)
- OpenStack Identity (Keystone) provides a central directory
- of users mapped to the OpenStack services they can access. It
- acts as a common authentication system across the cloud
- operating system and can integrate with existing backend
- directory services like LDAP. It supports multiple forms of
- authentication including standard username and password
- credentials, token-based systems and AWS-style (i.e. Amazon
- Web Services) logins. Additionally, the catalog provides a
- queryable list of all of the services deployed in an OpenStack
- cloud in a single registry. Users and third-party tools can
- programmatically determine which resources they can
- access.
- Additionally, the catalog provides a queryable list of all
- of the services deployed in an OpenStack cloud in a single
- registry. Users and third-party tools can programmatically
- determine which resources they can access.
- As an administrator, OpenStack Identity enables you
- to:
- Configure centralized policies across users and
- systems
- Create users and tenants and define permissions for
- compute, storage and networking resources using role-based
- access control (RBAC) features
- Integrate with an existing directory like LDAP,
- allowing for a single source of identity authentication
- across the enterprise.
- As a user, OpenStack Identity enables you to:
- Get a list of the services that you can access.
- Make API requests
- Log into the web dashboard to create resources owned
- by your account
- Image Service(Glance)
- OpenStack Image Service (Glance) provides discovery,
- registration and delivery services for disk and server images.
- Stored images can be used as a template. It can also be used
- to store and catalog an unlimited number of backups. The Image
- Service can store disk and server images in a variety of
- back-ends, including OpenStack Object Storage. The Image
- Service API provides a standard REST interface for querying
- information about disk images and lets clients stream the
- images to new servers.
- The Image Service can store disk and server images in a
- variety of back-ends, including OpenStack Object Storage. The
- Image Service API provides a standard REST interface for
- querying information about disk images and lets clients stream
- the images to new servers.
- Capabilities of the Image Service include:
- Administrators can create base templates from which
- their users can start new compute instances
- Users can choose from available images, or create
- their own from existing servers
- Snapshots can also be stored in the Image Service so
- that virtual machines can be backed up quickly
- A multi-format image registry, the image service allows
- uploads of private and public images in a variety of formats,
- including:
- Raw
- Machine (kernel/ramdisk outside of image, a.k.a.
- AMI)
- VHD (Hyper-V)
- VDI (VirtualBox)
- qcow2 (Qemu/KVM)
- VMDK (VMWare)
- OVF (VMWare, others)
- To checkout the complete list of Core and Incubated
- projects under OpenStack check out OpenStack’s Launchpad
- Project Page here : http://goo.gl/ka4SrV
- Amazon Web Services compatibility
- OpenStack APIs are compatible with Amazon EC2 and Amazon
- S3 and thus client applications written for Amazon Web
- Services can be used with OpenStack with minimal porting
- effort.
- Governance
- OpenStack is governed by a non-profit foundation and its
- board of directors, a technical committee and a user
- committee.
- The foundation's stated mission is by providing shared
- resources to help achieve the OpenStack Mission by Protecting,
- Empowering, and Promoting OpenStack software and the community
- around it, including users, developers and the entire
- ecosystem. Though, it has little to do with the development of
- the software, which is managed by the technical committee - an
- elected group that represents the contributors to the project,
- and has oversight on all technical matters.
- OpenStack Architecture
- Conceptual Architecture
- The OpenStack project as a whole is designed to deliver a
- massively scalable cloud operating system. To achieve this, each
- of the constituent services are designed to work together to
- provide a complete Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This
- integration is facilitated through public application
- programming interfaces (APIs) that each service offers (and in
- turn can consume). While these APIs allow each of the services
- to use another service, it also allows an implementer to switch
- out any service as long as they maintain the API. These are
- (mostly) the same APIs that are available to end users of the
- cloud.
- Conceptually, you can picture the relationships between the
- services as so:
- Conceptual Diagram
- Dashboard ("Horizon") provides a web front end to the
- other OpenStack services
- Compute ("Nova") stores and retrieves virtual disks
- ("images") and associated metadata in Image
- ("Glance")
- Network ("Quantum") provides virtual networking for
- Compute.
- Block Storage ("Cinder") provides storage volumes for
- Compute.
- Image ("Glance") can store the actual virtual disk files
- in the Object Store("Swift")
- All the services authenticate with Identity
- ("Keystone")
- This is a stylized and simplified view of the architecture,
- assuming that the implementer is using all of the services
- together in the most common configuration. It also only shows
- the "operator" side of the cloud -- it does not picture how
- consumers of the cloud may actually use it. For example, many
- users will access object storage heavily (and directly).
- Logical Architecture
- This picture is consistent with the conceptual architecture
- above:
- Logical Diagram
- End users can interact through a common web interface
- (Horizon) or directly to each service through their
- All services authenticate through a common source
- (facilitated through keystone)
- Individual services interact with each other through
- their public APIs (except where privileged administrator
- commands are necessary)
- In the sections below, we'll delve into the architecture for
- each of the services.
- Dashboard
- Horizon is a modular Django web application that provides
- an end user and administrator interface to OpenStack
- services.
- Horizon Dashboard
- As with most web applications, the architecture is fairly
- simple:
- Horizon is usually deployed via mod_wsgi in Apache.
- The code itself is separated into a reusable python module
- with most of the logic (interactions with various
- OpenStack APIs) and presentation (to make it easily
- customizable for different sites).
- A database (configurable as to which one). As it
- relies mostly on the other services for data, it stores
- very little data of its own.
- From a network architecture point of view, this service
- will need to be customer accessible as well as be able to talk
- to each service's public APIs. If you wish to use the
- administrator functionality (i.e. for other services), it will
- also need connectivity to their Admin API endpoints (which
- should be non-customer accessible).
- Compute
- Nova is the most complicated and distributed component of
- OpenStack. A large number of processes cooperate to turn end
- user API requests into running virtual machines. Below is a
- list of these processes and their functions:
- nova-api accepts and responds to end user compute API
- calls. It supports OpenStack Compute API, Amazon's EC2 API
- and a special Admin API (for privileged users to perform
- administrative actions). It also initiates most of the
- orchestration activities (such as running an instance) as
- well as enforces some policy (mostly quota checks).
- The nova-compute process is primarily a worker daemon
- that creates and terminates virtual machine instances via
- hypervisor's APIs (XenAPI for XenServer/XCP, libvirt for
- KVM or QEMU, VMwareAPI for VMware, etc.). The process by
- which it does so is fairly complex but the basics are
- simple: accept actions from the queue and then perform a
- series of system commands (like launching a KVM instance)
- to carry them out while updating state in the
- database.
- nova-volume manages the creation, attaching and
- detaching of z volumes to compute instances (similar
- functionality to Amazon’s Elastic Block Storage). It can
- use volumes from a variety of providers such as iSCSI or
- Rados Block Device in Ceph. A new OpenStack project,
- Cinder, will eventually replace nova-volume functionality.
- In the Folsom release, nova-volume and the Block Storage
- service will have similar functionality.
- The nova-network worker daemon is very similar to
- nova-compute and nova-volume. It accepts networking tasks
- from the queue and then performs tasks to manipulate the
- network (such as setting up bridging interfaces or
- changing iptables rules). This functionality is being
- migrated to Quantum, a separate OpenStack service. In the
- Folsom release, much of the functionality will be
- duplicated between nova-network and Quantum.
- The nova-schedule process is conceptually the simplest
- piece of code in OpenStack Nova: take a virtual machine
- instance request from the queue and determines where it
- should run (specifically, which compute server host it
- should run on).
- The queue provides a central hub for passing messages
- between daemons. This is usually implemented with RabbitMQ
- today, but could be any AMPQ message queue (such as Apache
- Qpid). New to the Folsom release is support for Zero
- MQ.
- The SQL database stores most of the build-time and
- runtime state for a cloud infrastructure. This includes
- the instance types that are available for use, instances
- in use, networks available and projects. Theoretically,
- OpenStack Nova can support any database supported by
- SQL-Alchemy but the only databases currently being widely
- used are sqlite3 (only appropriate for test and
- development work), MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- Nova also provides console services to allow end users
- to access their virtual instance's console through a
- proxy. This involves several daemons (nova-console,
- nova-novncproxy and nova-consoleauth).
- Nova interacts with many other OpenStack services:
- Keystone for authentication, Glance for images and Horizon for
- web interface. The Glance interactions are central. The API
- process can upload and query Glance while nova-compute will
- download images for use in launching images.
- Object Store
- The swift architecture is very distributed to prevent any
- single point of failure as well as to scale horizontally. It
- includes the following components:
- Proxy server (swift-proxy-server) accepts incoming
- requests via the OpenStack Object API or just raw HTTP. It
- accepts files to upload, modifications to metadata or
- container creation. In addition, it will also serve files
- or container listing to web browsers. The proxy server may
- utilize an optional cache (usually deployed with memcache)
- to improve performance.
- Account servers manage accounts defined with the
- object storage service.
- Container servers manage a mapping of containers (i.e
- folders) within the object store service.
- Object servers manage actual objects (i.e. files) on
- the storage nodes.
- There are also a number of periodic process which run
- to perform housekeeping tasks on the large data store. The
- most important of these is the replication services, which
- ensures consistency and availability through the cluster.
- Other periodic processes include auditors, updaters and
- reapers.
- Authentication is handled through configurable WSGI
- middleware (which will usually be Keystone).
- Image Store
- The Glance architecture has stayed relatively stable since
- the Cactus release. The biggest architectural change has been
- the addition of authentication, which was added in the Diablo
- release. Just as a quick reminder, Glance has four main parts
- to it:
- glance-api accepts Image API calls for image
- discovery, image retrieval and image storage.
- glance-registry stores, processes and retrieves
- metadata about images (size, type, etc.).
- A database to store the image metadata. Like Nova, you
- can choose your database depending on your preference (but
- most people use MySQL or SQlite).
- A storage repository for the actual image files. In
- the diagram above, Swift is shown as the image repository,
- but this is configurable. In addition to Swift, Glance
- supports normal filesystems, RADOS block devices, Amazon
- S3 and HTTP. Be aware that some of these choices are
- limited to read-only usage.
- There are also a number of periodic process which run on
- Glance to support caching. The most important of these is the
- replication services, which ensures consistency and
- availability through the cluster. Other periodic processes
- include auditors, updaters and reapers.
- As you can see from the diagram in the Conceptual
- Architecture section, Glance serves a central role to the
- overall IaaS picture. It accepts API requests for images (or
- image metadata) from end users or Nova components and can
- store its disk files in the object storage service,
- Swift.
- Identity
- Keystone provides a single point of integration for
- OpenStack policy, catalog, token and authentication.
- keystone handles API requests as well as providing
- configurable catalog, policy, token and identity
- services.
- Each Keystone function has a pluggable backend which
- allows different ways to use the particular service. Most
- support standard backends like LDAP or SQL, as well as Key
- Value Stores (KVS).
- Most people will use this as a point of customization for
- their current authentication services.
- Network
- Quantum provides "network connectivity as a service"
- between interface devices managed by other OpenStack services
- (most likely Nova). The service works by allowing users to
- create their own networks and then attach interfaces to them.
- Like many of the OpenStack services, Quantum is highly
- configurable due to it's plug-in architecture. These plug-ins
- accommodate different networking equipment and software. As
- such, the architecture and deployment can vary dramatically.
- In the above architecture, a simple Linux networking plug-in
- is shown.
- quantum-server accepts API requests and then routes
- them to the appropriate quantum plugin for action.
- Quantum plugins and agents perform the actual actions
- such as plugging and unplugging ports, creating networks
- or subnets and IP addressing. These plugins and agents
- differ depending on the vendor and technologies used in
- the particular cloud. Quantum ships with plugins and
- agents for: Cisco virtual and physical switches, Nicira
- NVP product, NEC OpenFlow products, Openvswitch, Linux
- bridging and the Ryu Network Operating System.
- The common agents are L3 (layer 3), DHCP (dynamic host
- IP addressing) and the specific plug-in agent.
- Most Quantum installations will also make use of a
- messaging queue to route information between the
- quantum-server and various agents as well as a database to
- store networking state for particular plugins.
- Quantum will interact mainly with Nova, where it will
- provide networks and connectivity for its instances.
- Block Storage
- Cinder separates out the persistent block storage
- functionality that was previously part of OpenStack Compute
- (in the form of nova-volume) into it's own service. The
- OpenStack Block Storage API allows for manipulation of
- volumes, volume types (similar to compute flavors) and volume
- snapshots.
- cinder-api accepts API requests and routes them to
- cinder-volume for action.
- cinder-volume acts upon the requests by reading or
- writing to the Cinder database to maintain state,
- interacting with other processes (like cinder-scheduler)
- through a message queue and directly upon block storage
- providing hardware or software. It can interact with a
- variety of storage providers through a driver
- architecture. Currently, there are drivers for IBM,
- SolidFire, NetApp, Nexenta, Zadara, linux iSCSI and other
- storage providers.
- Much like nova-scheduler, the cinder-scheduler daemon
- picks the optimal block storage provider node to create
- the volume on.
- Cinder deployments will also make use of a messaging
- queue to route information between the cinder processes as
- well as a database to store volume state.
- Like Quantum, Cinder will mainly interact with Nova,
- providing volumes for its instances.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-horizon-cli-operations.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-horizon-cli-operations.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d130d78ee..0000000000
--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-horizon-cli-operations.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- Using Horizon and the CLI for Operations Tasks
- Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
- Submit a bug on
- the section above. Short description for the bug summary. Paragraph for the description and
- then tag with training-manuals.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-concept-neutron.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-concept-neutron.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ededb41b0d..0000000000
--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-concept-neutron.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
- Concept Neutron
- Networking in OpenStack
- Networking in OpenStack
- OpenStack Networking provides a rich tenant-facing API
- for defining network connectivity and addressing in the
- cloud. The OpenStack Networking project gives operators
- the ability to leverage different networking technologies
- to power their cloud networking. It is a virtual network
- service that provides a powerful API to define the network
- connectivity and addressing used by devices from other
- services, such as OpenStack Compute. It has a rich API
- which consists of the following components.
- Network: An
- isolated L2 segment, analogous to VLAN in the physical
- networking world.
- Subnet: A block
- of v4 or v6 IP addresses and associated configuration
- state.
- Port: A
- connection point for attaching a single device, such
- as the NIC of a virtual server, to a virtual network.
- Also describes the associated network configuration,
- such as the MAC and IP addresses to be used on that
- port.
- You can configure rich network topologies by creating
- and configuring networks and subnets, and then instructing
- other OpenStack services like OpenStack Compute to attach
- virtual devices to ports on these networks. In
- particular, OpenStack Networking supports each tenant
- having multiple private networks, and allows tenants to
- choose their own IP addressing scheme, even if those IP
- addresses overlap with those used by other tenants. This
- enables very advanced cloud networking use cases, such as
- building multi-tiered web applications and allowing
- applications to be migrated to the cloud without changing
- IP addresses.
- Plugin Architecture: Flexibility to Choose
- Different Network Technologies
- Enhancing traditional networking solutions to provide rich
- cloud networking is challenging. Traditional networking is not
- designed to scale to cloud proportions or to configure
- automatically.
- The original OpenStack Compute network implementation
- assumed a very basic model of performing all isolation through
- Linux VLANs and IP tables. OpenStack Networking introduces the
- concept of a plugin, which is a pluggable back-end
- implementation of the OpenStack Networking API. A plugin can
- use a variety of technologies to implement the logical API
- requests. Some OpenStack Networking plugins might use basic
- Linux VLANs and IP tables, while others might use more
- advanced technologies, such as L2-in-L3 tunneling or OpenFlow,
- to provide similar benefits.
- The current set of plugins include:
- Open vSwitch:
- Documentation included in this guide.
- Cisco: Documented
- externally at: http://wiki.openstack.org/cisco-quantum
- Linux Bridge:
- Documentation included in this guide and http://wiki.openstack.org/Quantum-Linux-Bridge-Plugin
- Nicira NVP:
- Documentation include in this guide, NVP Product Overview , and NVP
- Product Support.
- Ryu:
- https://github.com/osrg/ryu/wiki/OpenStack
- NEC OpenFlow:
- http://wiki.openstack.org/Quantum-NEC-OpenFlow-Plugin
- Big Switch, Floodlight REST
- Proxy:
- http://www.openflowhub.org/display/floodlightcontroller/Quantum+REST+Proxy+Plugin
- PLUMgrid:
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Plumgrid-quantum
- Hyper-V
- Plugin
- Brocade
- Plugin
- Midonet
- Plugin
- Plugins can have different properties in terms of hardware
- requirements, features, performance, scale, operator tools,
- etc. Supporting many plugins enables the cloud administrator
- to weigh different options and decide which networking
- technology is right for the deployment.
- Components of OpenStack Networking
- To deploy OpenStack Networking, it is useful to understand
- the different components that make up the solution and how
- those components interact with each other and with other
- OpenStack services.
- OpenStack Networking is a standalone service, just like
- other OpenStack services such as OpenStack Compute, OpenStack
- Image service, OpenStack Identity service, and the OpenStack
- Dashboard. Like those services, a deployment of OpenStack
- Networking often involves deploying several processes on a
- variety of hosts.
- The main process of the OpenStack Networking server is
- quantum-server, which is a Python daemon that exposes the
- OpenStack Networking API and passes user requests to the
- configured OpenStack Networking plugin for additional
- processing. Typically, the plugin requires access to a
- database for persistent storage, similar to other OpenStack
- services.
- If your deployment uses a controller host to run centralized
- OpenStack Compute components, you can deploy the OpenStack
- Networking server on that same host. However, OpenStack
- Networking is entirely standalone and can be deployed on its
- own server as well. OpenStack Networking also includes
- additional agents that might be required depending on your
- deployment:
- plugin agent
- (quantum-*-agent):Runs on each
- hypervisor to perform local vswitch configuration.
- Agent to be run depends on which plugin you are using,
- as some plugins do not require an agent.
- dhcp agent
- (quantum-dhcp-agent):Provides DHCP
- services to tenant networks. This agent is the same
- across all plugins.
- l3 agent
- (quantum-l3-agent):Provides L3/NAT
- forwarding to provide external network access for VMs
- on tenant networks. This agent is the same across all
- plugins.
- These agents interact with the main quantum-server process
- in the following ways:
- Through RPC. For example, rabbitmq or qpid.
- Through the standard OpenStack Networking
- API.
- OpenStack Networking relies on the OpenStack Identity
- Project (Keystone) for authentication and authorization of all
- API request.
- OpenStack Compute interacts with OpenStack Networking
- through calls to its standard API. As part of creating a VM,
- nova-compute communicates with the OpenStack Networking API to
- plug each virtual NIC on the VM into a particular
- network.
- The OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) has integration with the
- OpenStack Networking API, allowing administrators and tenant
- users, to create and manage network services through the
- Horizon GUI.
- Place Services on Physical
- Hosts
- Like other OpenStack services, OpenStack Networking provides
- cloud administrators with significant flexibility in deciding
- which individual services should run on which physical
- devices. On one extreme, all service daemons can be run on a
- single physical host for evaluation purposes. On the other,
- each service could have its own physical hosts, and some cases
- be replicated across multiple hosts for redundancy.
- In this guide, we focus primarily on a standard architecture
- that includes a “cloud controller” host, a “network gateway”
- host, and a set of hypervisors for running VMs. The "cloud
- controller" and "network gateway" can be combined in simple
- deployments, though if you expect VMs to send significant
- amounts of traffic to or from the Internet, a dedicated
- network gateway host is suggested to avoid potential CPU
- contention between packet forwarding performed by the
- quantum-l3-agent and other OpenStack services.
- Network Connectivity for Physical
- Hosts
- Network Diagram
- A standard OpenStack Networking setup has up to four
- distinct physical data center networks:
- Management
- network:Used for internal communication
- between OpenStack Components. The IP addresses on this
- network should be reachable only within the data
- center.
- Data network:Used
- for VM data communication within the cloud deployment.
- The IP addressing requirements of this network depend
- on the OpenStack Networking plugin in use.
- External
- network:Used to provide VMs with Internet
- access in some deployment scenarios. The IP addresses
- on this network should be reachable by anyone on the
- Internet.
- API network:Exposes
- all OpenStack APIs, including the OpenStack Networking
- API, to tenants. The IP addresses on this network
- should be reachable by anyone on the Internet. This
- may be the same network as the external network, as it
- is possible to create a subnet for the external
- network that uses IP allocation ranges to use only
- less than the full range of IP addresses in an IP
- block.
- OpenStack Networking Concepts
- Network Types
- The OpenStack Networking configuration provided by the
- Rackspace Private Cloud cookbooks allows you to choose between
- VLAN or GRE isolated networks, both provider- and
- tenant-specific. From the provider side, an administrator can
- also create a flat network.
- The type of network that is used for private tenant networks
- is determined by the network_type attribute, which can be
- edited in the Chef override_attributes. This attribute sets
- both the default provider network type and the only type of
- network that tenants are able to create. Administrators can
- always create flat and VLAN networks. GRE networks of any type
- require the network_type to be set to gre.
- Namespaces
- For each network you create, the Network node (or Controller
- node, if combined) will have a unique network namespace
- (netns) created by the DHCP and Metadata agents. The netns
- hosts an interface and IP addresses for dnsmasq and the
- quantum-ns-metadata-proxy. You can view the namespaces with
- the ip netns [list], and can interact with the namespaces with
- the ip netns exec <namespace> <command>
- command.
- Metadata
- Not all networks or VMs need metadata access. Rackspace
- recommends that you use metadata if you are using a single
- network. If you need metadata, you may also need a default
- route. (If you don't need a default route, no-gateway will
- do.)
- To communicate with the metadata IP address inside the
- namespace, instances need a route for the metadata network
- that points to the dnsmasq IP address on the same namespaced
- interface. OpenStack Networking only injects a route when you
- do not specify a gateway-ip in the subnet.
- If you need to use a default route and provide instances
- with access to the metadata route, create the subnet without
- specifying a gateway IP and with a static route from
- to your gateway IP address. Adjust the DHCP allocation pool so
- that it will not assign the gateway IP. With this
- configuration, dnsmasq will pass both routes to instances.
- This way, metadata will be routed correctly without any
- changes on the external gateway.
- OVS Bridges
- An OVS bridge for provider traffic is created and configured
- on the nodes where single-network-node and single-compute are
- applied. Bridges are created, but physical interfaces are not
- added. An OVS bridge is not created on a Controller-only
- node.
- When creating networks, you can specify the type and
- properties, such as Flat vs. VLAN, Shared vs. Tenant, or
- Provider vs. Overlay. These properties identify and determine
- the behavior and resources of instances attached to the
- network. The cookbooks will create bridges for the
- configuration that you specify, although they do not add
- physical interfaces to provider bridges. For example, if you
- specify a network type of GRE, a br-tun tunnel bridge will be
- created to handle overlay traffic.
- Neutron Use Cases
- As of now you must be wondering, how to use these awesome
- features that OpenStack Networking has given to us.
- Use Case: Single Flat
- Network
- In the simplest use case, a single OpenStack Networking
- network exists. This is a "shared" network, meaning it is
- visible to all tenants via the OpenStack Networking API.
- Tenant VMs have a single NIC, and receive a fixed IP
- address from the subnet(s) associated with that network.
- This essentially maps to the FlatManager and
- FlatDHCPManager models provided by OpenStack Compute.
- Floating IPs are not supported.
- It is common that such an OpenStack Networking network
- is a "provider network", meaning it was created by the
- OpenStack administrator to map directly to an existing
- physical network in the data center. This allows the
- provider to use a physical router on that data center
- network as the gateway for VMs to reach the outside world.
- For each subnet on an external network, the gateway
- configuration on the physical router must be manually
- configured outside of OpenStack.
- Single Flat Network
- Use Case: Multiple Flat
- Network
- This use case is very similar to the above Single Flat
- Network use case, except that tenants see multiple shared
- networks via the OpenStack Networking API and can choose
- which network (or networks) to plug into.
- Multiple Flat Network
- Use Case: Mixed Flat and Private
- Network
- This use case is an extension of the above flat network
- use cases, in which tenants also optionally have access to
- private per-tenant networks. In addition to seeing one or
- more shared networks via the OpenStack Networking API,
- tenants can create additional networks that are only
- visible to users of that tenant. When creating VMs, those
- VMs can have NICs on any of the shared networks and/or any
- of the private networks belonging to the tenant. This
- enables the creation of "multi-tier" topologies using VMs
- with multiple NICs. It also supports a model where a VM
- acting as a gateway can provide services such as routing,
- NAT, or load balancing.
- Mixed Flat and Private Network
- Use Case: Provider Router with Private
- Networks
- This use provides each tenant with one or more private
- networks, which connect to the outside world via an
- OpenStack Networking router. The case where each tenant
- gets exactly one network in this form maps to the same
- logical topology as the VlanManager in OpenStack Compute
- (of course, OpenStack Networking doesn't require VLANs).
- Using the OpenStack Networking API, the tenant would only
- see a network for each private network assigned to that
- tenant. The router object in the API is created and owned
- by the cloud admin.
- This model supports giving VMs public addresses using
- "floating IPs", in which the router maps public addresses
- from the external network to fixed IPs on private
- networks. Hosts without floating IPs can still create
- outbound connections to the external network, as the
- provider router performs SNAT to the router's external IP.
- The IP address of the physical router is used as the
- gateway_ip of the external network subnet, so the provider
- has a default router for Internet traffic.
- The router provides L3 connectivity between private
- networks, meaning that different tenants can reach each
- others instances unless additional filtering (e.g.,
- security groups) is used. Because there is only a single
- router, tenant networks cannot use overlapping IPs. Thus,
- it is likely that the admin would create the private
- networks on behalf of tenants.
- Provider Router with Private Networks
- Use Case: Per-tenant Routers with Private
- Networks
- A more advanced router scenario in which each tenant
- gets at least one router, and potentially has access to
- the OpenStack Networking API to create additional routers.
- The tenant can create their own networks, potentially
- uplinking those networks to a router. This model enables
- tenant-defined multi-tier applications, with each tier
- being a separate network behind the router. Since there
- are multiple routers, tenant subnets can be overlapping
- without conflicting, since access to external networks all
- happens via SNAT or Floating IPs. Each router uplink and
- floating IP is allocated from the external network
- subnet.
- Per-tenant Routers with Private Networks
- Security in Neutron
- Security Groups
- Security groups and security group rules allows
- administrators and tenants the ability to specify the type
- of traffic and direction (ingress/egress) that is allowed
- to pass through a port. A security group is a container
- for security group rules.
- When a port is created in OpenStack Networking it is
- associated with a security group. If a security group is
- not specified the port will be associated with a 'default'
- security group. By default this group will drop all
- ingress traffic and allow all egress. Rules can be added
- to this group in order to change the behaviour.
- If one desires to use the OpenStack Compute security
- group APIs and/or have OpenStack Compute orchestrate the
- creation of new ports for instances on specific security
- groups, additional configuration is needed. To enable
- this, one must configure the following file
- /etc/nova/nova.conf and set the config option
- security_group_api=neutron on every node running
- nova-compute and nova-api. After this change is made
- restart nova-api and nova-compute in order to pick up this
- change. After this change is made one will be able to use
- both the OpenStack Compute and OpenStack Network security
- group API at the same time.
- Authentication and Authorization
- OpenStack Networking uses the OpenStack Identity service
- (project name keystone) as the default authentication
- service. When OpenStack Identity is enabled Users
- submitting requests to the OpenStack Networking service
- must provide an authentication token in X-Auth-Token
- request header. The aforementioned token should have been
- obtained by authenticating with the OpenStack Identity
- endpoint. For more information concerning authentication
- with OpenStack Identity, please refer to the OpenStack
- Identity documentation. When OpenStack Identity is
- enabled, it is not mandatory to specify tenant_id for
- resources in create requests, as the tenant identifier
- will be derived from the Authentication token. Please note
- that the default authorization settings only allow
- administrative users to create resources on behalf of a
- different tenant. OpenStack Networking uses information
- received from OpenStack Identity to authorize user
- requests. OpenStack Networking handles two kind of
- authorization policies:
- Operation-based:
- policies specify access criteria for specific
- operations, possibly with fine-grained control over
- specific attributes;
- Resource-based:whether access to specific
- resource might be granted or not according to the
- permissions configured for the resource (currently
- available only for the network resource). The actual
- authorization policies enforced in OpenStack
- Networking might vary from deployment to
- deployment.
- The policy engine reads entries from the policy.json
- file. The actual location of this file might vary from
- distribution to distribution. Entries can be updated while
- the system is running, and no service restart is required.
- That is to say, every time the policy file is updated, the
- policies will be automatically reloaded. Currently the
- only way of updating such policies is to edit the policy
- file. Please note that in this section we will use both
- the terms "policy" and "rule" to refer to objects which
- are specified in the same way in the policy file; in other
- words, there are no syntax differences between a rule and
- a policy. We will define a policy something which is
- matched directly from the OpenStack Networking policy
- engine, whereas we will define a rule as the elements of
- such policies which are then evaluated. For instance in
- create_subnet: [["admin_or_network_owner"]], create_subnet
- is regarded as a policy, whereas admin_or_network_owner is
- regarded as a rule.
- Policies are triggered by the OpenStack Networking
- policy engine whenever one of them matches an OpenStack
- Networking API operation or a specific attribute being
- used in a given operation. For instance the create_subnet
- policy is triggered every time a POST /v2.0/subnets
- request is sent to the OpenStack Networking server; on the
- other hand create_network:shared is triggered every time
- the shared attribute is explicitly specified (and set to a
- value different from its default) in a POST /v2.0/networks
- request. It is also worth mentioning that policies can be
- also related to specific API extensions; for instance
- extension:provider_network:set will be triggered if the
- attributes defined by the Provider Network extensions are
- specified in an API request.
- An authorization policy can be composed by one or more
- rules. If more rules are specified, evaluation policy will
- be successful if any of the rules evaluates successfully;
- if an API operation matches multiple policies, then all
- the policies must evaluate successfully. Also,
- authorization rules are recursive. Once a rule is matched,
- the rule(s) can be resolved to another rule, until a
- terminal rule is reached.
- The OpenStack Networking policy engine currently defines
- the following kinds of terminal rules:
- Role-based
- rules: evaluate successfully if the
- user submitting the request has the specified role.
- For instance "role:admin"is successful if the user
- submitting the request is an administrator.
- Field-based
- rules: evaluate successfully if a field
- of the resource specified in the current request
- matches a specific value. For instance
- "field:networks:shared=True" is successful if the
- attribute shared of the network resource is set to
- true.
- Generic
- rules:compare an attribute in the resource
- with an attribute extracted from the user's security
- credentials and evaluates successfully if the
- comparison is successful. For instance
- "tenant_id:%(tenant_id)s" is successful if the tenant
- identifier in the resource is equal to the tenant
- identifier of the user submitting the request.
- Floating IP Addresses And Security Rules
- OpenStack Networking has the concept of Fixed IPs and
- Floating IPs. Fixed IPs are assigned to an instance on
- creation and stay the same until the instance is explicitly
- terminated. Floating ips are ip addresses that can be
- dynamically associated with an instance. This address can be
- disassociated and associated with another instance at any
- time.
- Various tasks carried out by Floating IP's as of
- now.
- create IP ranges under a certain group, only
- available for admin role.
- allocate an floating IP to a certain tenant,
- only available for admin role.
- deallocate an floating IP from a certain
- tenant
- associate an floating IP to a given
- instance
- disassociate an floating IP from a certain
- instance
- Just as shown by above figure, we will have
- nova-network-api to support nova client floating
- commands. nova-network-api will invoke quantum cli lib
- to interactive with quantum server via API. The data
- about floating IPs will be store in to quantum DB.
- Quantum Agent, which is running on compute host will
- enforce the floating IP.
- Multiple Floating
- IP Pools
- The L3 API in OpenStack Networking supports multiple
- floating IP pools. In OpenStack Networking, a floating
- IP pool is represented as an external network and a
- floating IP is allocated from a subnet associated with
- the external network. Since each L3 agent can be
- associated with at most one external network, we need
- to invoke multiple L3 agent to define multiple
- floating IP pools. 'gateway_external_network_id'in L3
- agent configuration file indicates the external
- network that the L3 agent handles. You can run
- multiple L3 agent instances on one host.
- In addition, when you run multiple L3 agents, make
- sure that handle_internal_only_routersis set to
- Trueonly for one L3 agent in an OpenStack Networking
- deployment and set to Falsefor all other L3 agents.
- Since the default value of this parameter is True, you
- need to configure it carefully.
- Before starting L3 agents, you need to create
- routers and external networks, then update the
- configuration files with UUID of external networks and
- start L3 agents.
- For the first agent, invoke it with the following
- l3_agent.ini where handle_internal_only_routers is
- True.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-install-neutron.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-install-neutron.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98eafd5bd8..0000000000
--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-install-neutron.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- Install Neutron
- Network Diagram :
- Network Diagram
- Vboxnet0, Vboxnet1, Vboxnet2 - are virtual networks setup up by virtual
- box with your host machine. This is the way your host can
- communicate with the virtual machines. These networks are in turn
- used by virtual box VM’s for OpenStack networks, so that
- OpenStack’s services can communicate with each other.
- Network Node
- Start your Controller Node the one you setup in previous
- section.
- Preparing Ubuntu
- 13.04/12.04
- After you install Ubuntu Server, go in sudo mode
- $sudo su
- Add Grizzly repositories:
- #apt-get install ubuntu-cloud-keyring python-software-properties software-properties-common python-keyring
-# echo deb http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise-updates/grizzly main >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grizzly.list
- Update your system:
- #apt-get update
-#apt-get upgrade
-#apt-get dist-upgrade
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-lab.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-lab.xml
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--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-lab.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- Lab
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node-quiz.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- Quiz
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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deleted file mode 100644
index 998b9f2ea3..0000000000
--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-network-node.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- Network Node
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-review-concept.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-review-concept.xml
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
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- Review of Conceptual Material
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-storage-node-concept-swift.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-storage-node-concept-swift.xml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/training-guide/associate-storage-node-concept-swift.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1205 +0,0 @@
- Conceptual Swift
- Introduction to Object Storage
- OpenStack Object Storage (code-named Swift) is open source
- software for creating redundant, scalable data storage using
- clusters of standardized servers to store petabytes of
- accessible data. It is a long-term storage system for large
- amounts of static data that can be retrieved, leveraged, and
- updated. Object Storage uses a distributed architecture with
- no central point of control, providing greater scalability,
- redundancy and permanence. Objects are written to multiple
- hardware devices, with the OpenStack software responsible for
- ensuring data replication and integrity across the cluster.
- Storage clusters scale horizontally by adding new nodes.
- Should a node fail, OpenStack works to replicate its content
- from other active nodes. Because OpenStack uses software logic
- to ensure data replication and distribution across different
- devices, inexpensive commodity hard drives and servers can be
- used in lieu of more expensive equipment.
- Object Storage is ideal for cost effective, scale-out
- storage. It provides a fully distributed, API-accessible
- storage platform that can be integrated directly into
- applications or used for backup, archiving and data retention.
- Block Storage allows block devices to be exposed and connected
- to compute instances for expanded storage, better performance
- and integration with enterprise storage platforms, such as
- NetApp, Nexenta and SolidFire.
- Features and Benifits
Leverages commodity
- hardware
- lock-in, lower
- price/GB
HDD/node failure agnostic
- healingReliability, data redundancy protecting
- from
- failures
Unlimited storage
- & flat namespace, highly scalable
- read/write accessAbility to serve content
- directly from storage
- system
Multi-dimensional scalability
- (scale out architecture)Scale vertically and
- horizontally-distributed storage
- and archive large amounts of data with linear
- performance
- structureNo nesting, not a
- traditional file system
- for scaleScales to multiple petabytes,
- billions of
- objects
Built-in replication3x+ data
- redundancy compared to 2x on
- number of accounts, container and object
- copies for high
- availability
Easily add capacity unlike
- RAID resize
- data scaling with
- ease
No central database
- performance, no
- bottlenecks
RAID not required
- lots of small, random reads and writes
- efficiently
- drive failures preempting data
- corruption
Expiring objects
- can set an expiration time or a TTL on an
- object to control
- access
Direct object access
- direct browser access to content, such as for
- a control
- panel
Realtime visibility into client
- requests
- what users are
- requesting
Supports S3 API
- tools that were designed for the popular S3
Restrict containers per
- account
- access to control usage by
- user
Support for NetApp, Nexenta,
- SolidFire
- support for block volumes using a variety of
- storage
- systems
Snapshot and backup API for block
- volumes
- protection and recovery for VM
- data
Standalone volume API
- available
- endpoint and API for integration with other
- compute
- systems
Integration with Compute
- integrated to Compute for attaching block
- volumes and reporting on usage
- Object Storage Capabilities
- OpenStack provides redundant, scalable object
- storage using clusters of standardized servers capable
- of storing petabytes of data
- Object Storage is not a traditional file system, but
- rather a distributed storage system for static data
- such as virtual machine images, photo storage, email
- storage, backups and archives. Having no central
- "brain" or master point of control provides greater
- scalability, redundancy and durability.
- Objects and files are written to multiple disk
- drives spread throughout servers in the data center,
- with the OpenStack software responsible for ensuring
- data replication and integrity across the
- cluster.
- Storage clusters scale horizontally simply by adding
- new servers. Should a server or hard drive fail,
- OpenStack replicates its content from other active
- nodes to new locations in the cluster. Because
- OpenStack uses software logic to ensure data
- replication and distribution across different devices,
- inexpensive commodity hard drives and servers can be
- used in lieu of more expensive equipment.
- Swift Characteristics
- The key characteristics of Swift include:
- All objects stored in Swift have a URL
- All objects stored are replicated 3x in
- as-unique-as-possible zones, which can be defined as a
- group of drives, a node, a rack etc.
- All objects have their own metadata
- Developers interact with the object storage system
- through a RESTful HTTP API
- Object data can be located anywhere in the
- cluster
- The cluster scales by adding additional nodes --
- without sacrificing performance, which allows a more
- cost-effective linear storage expansion vs. fork-lift
- upgrades
- Data doesn’t have to be migrated to an entirely new
- storage system
- New nodes can be added to the cluster without
- downtime
- Failed nodes and disks can be swapped out with no
- downtime
- Runs on industry-standard hardware, such as Dell,
- HP, Supermicro etc.
- Object Storage(Swift)
- Developers can either write directly to the Swift API or use
- one of the many client libraries that exist for all popular
- programming languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby and C#.
- Amazon S3 and RackSpace Cloud Files users should feel very
- familiar with Swift. For users who have not used an object
- storage system before, it will require a different approach
- and mindset than using a traditional filesystem.
- Building Blocks of Swift
- The components that enable Swift to deliver high
- availability, high durability and high concurrency
- are:
- Proxy
- Servers:Handles all incoming API
- requests.
- Rings:Maps
- logical names of data to locations on particular
- disks.
- Zones:Each Zone
- isolates data from other Zones. A failure in one Zone
- doesn’t impact the rest of the cluster because data is
- replicated across the Zones.
- Accounts &
- Containers:Each Account and Container
- are individual databases that are distributed across
- the cluster. An Account database contains the list of
- Containers in that Account. A Container database
- contains the list of Objects in that Container
- Objects:The
- data itself.
- Partitions:A
- Partition stores Objects, Account databases and
- Container databases. It’s an intermediate 'bucket'
- that helps manage locations where data lives in the
- cluster.
- Building Blocks
- Proxy Servers
- The Proxy Servers are the public face of Swift and
- handle all incoming API requests. Once a Proxy Server
- receive a request, it will determine the storage node
- based on the URL of the object, e.g.
- https://swift.example.com/v1/account/container/object. The
- Proxy Servers also coordinates responses, handles failures
- and coordinates timestamps.
- Proxy servers use a shared-nothing architecture and can
- be scaled as needed based on projected workloads. A
- minimum of two Proxy Servers should be deployed for
- redundancy. Should one proxy server fail, the others will
- take over.
- The Ring
- A ring represents a mapping between the names of entities
- stored on disk and their physical location. There are separate
- rings for accounts, containers, and objects. When other
- components need to perform any operation on an object,
- container, or account, they need to interact with the
- appropriate ring to determine its location in the
- cluster.
- The Ring maintains this mapping using zones, devices,
- partitions, and replicas. Each partition in the ring is
- replicated, by default, 3 times across the cluster, and the
- locations for a partition are stored in the mapping maintained
- by the ring. The ring is also responsible for determining
- which devices are used for hand off in failure
- scenarios.
- Data can be isolated with the concept of zones in the
- ring. Each replica of a partition is guaranteed to reside
- in a different zone. A zone could represent a drive, a
- server, a cabinet, a switch, or even a data center.
- The partitions of the ring are equally divided among all
- the devices in the OpenStack Object Storage installation.
- When partitions need to be moved around (for example if a
- device is added to the cluster), the ring ensures that a
- minimum number of partitions are moved at a time, and only
- one replica of a partition is moved at a time.
- Weights can be used to balance the distribution of
- partitions on drives across the cluster. This can be
- useful, for example, when different sized drives are used
- in a cluster.
- The ring is used by the Proxy server and several
- background processes (like replication).
- The Ring maps Partitions to physical locations on disk.
- When other components need to perform any operation on an
- object, container, or account, they need to interact with
- the Ring to determine its location in the cluster.
- The Ring maintains this mapping using zones, devices,
- partitions, and replicas. Each partition in the Ring is
- replicated three times by default across the cluster, and
- the locations for a partition are stored in the mapping
- maintained by the Ring. The Ring is also responsible for
- determining which devices are used for handoff should a
- failure occur.
- The Lord of the Rings
- The Ring maps partitions to physical locations on
- disk.
- The rings determine where data should reside in the
- cluster. There is a separate ring for account databases,
- container databases, and individual objects but each ring
- works in the same way. These rings are externally managed,
- in that the server processes themselves do not modify the
- rings, they are instead given new rings modified by other
- tools.
- The ring uses a configurable number of bits from a
- path’s MD5 hash as a partition index that designates a
- device. The number of bits kept from the hash is known as
- the partition power, and 2 to the partition power
- indicates the partition count. Partitioning the full MD5
- hash ring allows other parts of the cluster to work in
- batches of items at once which ends up either more
- efficient or at least less complex than working with each
- item separately or the entire cluster all at once.
- Another configurable value is the replica count, which
- indicates how many of the partition->device assignments
- comprise a single ring. For a given partition number, each
- replica’s device will not be in the same zone as any other
- replica's device. Zones can be used to group devices based on
- physical locations, power separations, network separations, or
- any other attribute that would lessen multiple replicas being
- unavailable at the same time.
- Zones: Failure Boundaries
- Swift allows zones to be configured to isolate
- failure boundaries. Each replica of the data resides
- in a separate zone, if possible. At the smallest
- level, a zone could be a single drive or a grouping of
- a few drives. If there were five object storage
- servers, then each server would represent its own
- zone. Larger deployments would have an entire rack (or
- multiple racks) of object servers, each representing a
- zone. The goal of zones is to allow the cluster to
- tolerate significant outages of storage servers
- without losing all replicas of the data.
- As we learned earlier, everything in Swift is
- stored, by default, three times. Swift will place each
- replica "as-uniquely-as-possible" to ensure both high
- availability and high durability. This means that when
- chosing a replica location, Swift will choose a server
- in an unused zone before an unused server in a zone
- that already has a replica of the data.
- image33.png
- When a disk fails, replica data is automatically
- distributed to the other zones to ensure there are
- three copies of the data
- Accounts &
- Containers
- Each account and container is an individual SQLite
- database that is distributed across the cluster. An
- account database contains the list of containers in
- that account. A container database contains the list
- of objects in that container.
- Accounts and Containers
- To keep track of object data location, each account
- in the system has a database that references all its
- containers, and each container database references
- each object
- Partitions
- A Partition is a collection of stored data,
- including Account databases, Container databases, and
- objects. Partitions are core to the replication
- system.
- Think of a Partition as a bin moving throughout a
- fulfillment center warehouse. Individual orders get
- thrown into the bin. The system treats that bin as a
- cohesive entity as it moves throughout the system. A
- bin full of things is easier to deal with than lots of
- little things. It makes for fewer moving parts
- throughout the system.
- The system replicators and object uploads/downloads
- operate on Partitions. As the system scales up,
- behavior continues to be predictable as the number of
- Partitions is a fixed number.
- The implementation of a Partition is conceptually
- simple -- a partition is just a directory sitting on a
- disk with a corresponding hash table of what it
- contains.
- Partitions
- *Swift partitions contain all data in the
- system.
- Replication
- In order to ensure that there are three copies of
- the data everywhere, replicators continuously examine
- each Partition. For each local Partition, the
- replicator compares it against the replicated copies
- in the other Zones to see if there are any
- differences.
- How does the replicator know if replication needs to
- take place? It does this by examining hashes. A hash
- file is created for each Partition, which contains
- hashes of each directory in the Partition. Each of the
- three hash files is compared. For a given Partition,
- the hash files for each of the Partition's copies are
- compared. If the hashes are different, then it is time
- to replicate and the directory that needs to be
- replicated is copied over.
- This is where the Partitions come in handy. With
- fewer "things" in the system, larger chunks of data
- are transferred around (rather than lots of little TCP
- connections, which is inefficient) and there are a
- consistent number of hashes to compare.
- The cluster has eventually consistent behavior where
- the newest data wins.
- Replication
- *If a zone goes down, one of the nodes containing a
- replica notices and proactively copies data to a
- handoff location.
- To describe how these pieces all come together, let's walk
- through a few scenarios and introduce the components.
- Bird-eye View
- Upload
- A client uses the REST API to make a HTTP request to PUT
- an object into an existing Container. The cluster receives
- the request. First, the system must figure out where the
- data is going to go. To do this, the Account name,
- Container name and Object name are all used to determine
- the Partition where this object should live.
- Then a lookup in the Ring figures out which storage
- nodes contain the Partitions in question.
- The data then is sent to each storage node where it is
- placed in the appropriate Partition. A quorum is required
- -- at least two of the three writes must be successful
- before the client is notified that the upload was
- successful.
- Next, the Container database is updated asynchronously
- to reflect that there is a new object in it.
- When End-User uses Swift
- Download
- A request comes in for an Account/Container/object.
- Using the same consistent hashing, the Partition name is
- generated. A lookup in the Ring reveals which storage
- nodes contain that Partition. A request is made to one of
- the storage nodes to fetch the object and if that fails,
- requests are made to the other nodes.
- Ring Builder
- The rings are built and managed manually by a utility called
- the ring-builder. The ring-builder assigns partitions to
- devices and writes an optimized Python structure to a gzipped,
- serialized file on disk for shipping out to the servers. The
- server processes just check the modification time of the file
- occasionally and reload their in-memory copies of the ring
- structure as needed. Because of how the ring-builder manages
- changes to the ring, using a slightly older ring usually just
- means one of the three replicas for a subset of the partitions
- will be incorrect, which can be easily worked around.
- The ring-builder also keeps its own builder file with the
- ring information and additional data required to build future
- rings. It is very important to keep multiple backup copies of
- these builder files. One option is to copy the builder files
- out to every server while copying the ring files themselves.
- Another is to upload the builder files into the cluster
- itself. Complete loss of a builder file will mean creating a
- new ring from scratch, nearly all partitions will end up
- assigned to different devices, and therefore nearly all data
- stored will have to be replicated to new locations. So,
- recovery from a builder file loss is possible, but data will
- definitely be unreachable for an extended time.
- Ring Data Structure
- The ring data structure consists of three top level
- fields: a list of devices in the cluster, a list of lists
- of device ids indicating partition to device assignments,
- and an integer indicating the number of bits to shift an
- MD5 hash to calculate the partition for the hash.
- Partition Assignment
- List
- This is a list of array(‘H’) of devices ids. The
- outermost list contains an array(‘H’) for each
- replica. Each array(‘H’) has a length equal to the
- partition count for the ring. Each integer in the
- array(‘H’) is an index into the above list of devices.
- The partition list is known internally to the Ring
- class as _replica2part2dev_id.
- So, to create a list of device dictionaries assigned
- to a partition, the Python code would look like:
- devices = [self.devs[part2dev_id[partition]] for
- part2dev_id in self._replica2part2dev_id]
- That code is a little simplistic, as it does not
- account for the removal of duplicate devices. If a
- ring has more replicas than devices, then a partition
- will have more than one replica on one device; that’s
- simply the pigeonhole principle at work.
- array(‘H’) is used for memory conservation as there
- may be millions of partitions.
- Fractional Replicas
- A ring is not restricted to having an integer number
- of replicas. In order to support the gradual changing
- of replica counts, the ring is able to have a real
- number of replicas.
- When the number of replicas is not an integer, then
- the last element of _replica2part2dev_id will have a
- length that is less than the partition count for the
- ring. This means that some partitions will have more
- replicas than others. For example, if a ring has 3.25
- replicas, then 25% of its partitions will have four
- replicas, while the remaining 75% will have just
- three.
- Partition Shift Value
- The partition shift value is known internally to the
- Ring class as _part_shift. This value used to shift an
- MD5 hash to calculate the partition on which the data
- for that hash should reside. Only the top four bytes
- of the hash is used in this process. For example, to
- compute the partition for the path
- /account/container/object the Python code might look
- like: partition = unpack_from('>I',
- md5('/account/container/object').digest())[0] >>
- self._part_shift
- For a ring generated with part_power P, the
- partition shift value is 32 - P.
- Building the Ring
- The initial building of the ring first calculates the
- number of partitions that should ideally be assigned to
- each device based the device’s weight. For example, given
- a partition power of 20, the ring will have 1,048,576
- partitions. If there are 1,000 devices of equal weight
- they will each desire 1,048.576 partitions. The devices
- are then sorted by the number of partitions they desire
- and kept in order throughout the initialization
- process.
- Note: each device is also assigned a random tiebreaker
- value that is used when two devices desire the same number
- of partitions. This tiebreaker is not stored on disk
- anywhere, and so two different rings created with the same
- parameters will have different partition assignments. For
- repeatable partition assignments, RingBuilder.rebalance()
- takes an optional seed value that will be used to seed
- Python’s pseudo-random number generator.
- Then, the ring builder assigns each replica of each
- partition to the device that desires the most partitions
- at that point while keeping it as far away as possible
- from other replicas. The ring builder prefers to assign a
- replica to a device in a regions that has no replicas
- already; should there be no such region available, the
- ring builder will try to find a device in a different
- zone; if not possible, it will look on a different server;
- failing that, it will just look for a device that has no
- replicas; finally, if all other options are exhausted, the
- ring builder will assign the replica to the device that
- has the fewest replicas already assigned. Note that
- assignment of multiple replicas to one device will only
- happen if the ring has fewer devices than it has
- replicas.
- When building a new ring based on an old ring, the
- desired number of partitions each device wants is
- recalculated. Next the partitions to be reassigned are
- gathered up. Any removed devices have all their assigned
- partitions unassigned and added to the gathered list. Any
- partition replicas that (due to the addition of new
- devices) can be spread out for better durability are
- unassigned and added to the gathered list. Any devices
- that have more partitions than they now desire have random
- partitions unassigned from them and added to the gathered
- list. Lastly, the gathered partitions are then reassigned
- to devices using a similar method as in the initial
- assignment described above.
- Whenever a partition has a replica reassigned, the time
- of the reassignment is recorded. This is taken into
- account when gathering partitions to reassign so that no
- partition is moved twice in a configurable amount of time.
- This configurable amount of time is known internally to
- the RingBuilder class as min_part_hours. This restriction
- is ignored for replicas of partitions on devices that have
- been removed, as removing a device only happens on device
- failure and there’s no choice but to make a
- reassignment.
- The above processes don’t always perfectly rebalance a
- ring due to the random nature of gathering partitions for
- reassignment. To help reach a more balanced ring, the
- rebalance process is repeated until near perfect (less 1%
- off) or when the balance doesn’t improve by at least 1%
- (indicating we probably can’t get perfect balance due to
- wildly imbalanced zones or too many partitions recently
- moved).
- A Bit More On Swift
- Containers and Objects
- A container is a storage compartment for your data and
- provides a way for you to organize your data. You can
- think of a container as a folder in Windows or a
- directory in UNIX. The primary difference between a
- container and these other file system concepts is that
- containers cannot be nested. You can, however, create an
- unlimited number of containers within your account. Data
- must be stored in a container so you must have at least
- one container defined in your account prior to uploading
- data.
- The only restrictions on container names is that they
- cannot contain a forward slash (/) or an ascii null (%00)
- and must be less than 257 bytes in length. Please note
- that the length restriction applies to the name after it
- has been URL encoded. For example, a container name of
- Course Docs would be URL encoded as Course%20Docs and
- therefore be 13 bytes in length rather than the expected
- 11.
- An object is the basic storage entity and any optional
- metadata that represents the files you store in the
- OpenStack Object Storage system. When you upload data to
- OpenStack Object Storage, the data is stored as-is (no
- compression or encryption) and consists of a location
- (container), the object's name, and any metadata
- consisting of key/value pairs. For instance, you may chose
- to store a backup of your digital photos and organize them
- into albums. In this case, each object could be tagged
- with metadata such as Album : Caribbean Cruise or Album :
- Aspen Ski Trip.
- The only restriction on object names is that they must
- be less than 1024 bytes in length after URL encoding. For
- example, an object name of C++final(v2).txt should be URL
- encoded as C%2B%2Bfinal%28v2%29.txt and therefore be 24
- bytes in length rather than the expected 16.
- The maximum allowable size for a storage object upon
- upload is 5 gigabytes (GB) and the minimum is zero bytes.
- You can use the built-in large object support and the
- swift utility to retrieve objects larger than 5 GB.
- For metadata, you should not exceed 90 individual
- key/value pairs for any one object and the total byte
- length of all key/value pairs should not exceed 4KB (4096
- bytes).
- Language-Specific API
- Bindings
- A set of supported API bindings in several popular
- languages are available from the Rackspace Cloud Files
- product, which uses OpenStack Object Storage code for its
- implementation. These bindings provide a layer of
- abstraction on top of the base REST API, allowing
- programmers to work with a container and object model
- instead of working directly with HTTP requests and
- responses. These bindings are free (as in beer and as in
- speech) to download, use, and modify. They are all
- licensed under the MIT License as described in the COPYING
- file packaged with each binding. If you do make any
- improvements to an API, you are encouraged (but not
- required) to submit those changes back to us.
- The API bindings for Rackspace Cloud Files are hosted
- athttp://github.com/rackspace. Feel free to
- coordinate your changes through github or, if you prefer,
- send your changes to cloudfiles@rackspacecloud.com. Just
- make sure to indicate which language and version you
- modified and send a unified diff.
- Each binding includes its own documentation (either
- HTML, PDF, or CHM). They also include code snippets and
- examples to help you get started. The currently supported
- API binding for OpenStack Object Storage are:
- PHP (requires 5.x and the modules: cURL,
- FileInfo, mbstring)
- Python (requires 2.4 or newer)
- Java (requires JRE v1.5 or newer)
- C#/.NET (requires .NET Framework v3.5)
- Ruby (requires 1.8 or newer and mime-tools
- module)
- There are no other supported language-specific bindings
- at this time. You are welcome to create your own language
- API bindings and we can help answer any questions during
- development, host your code if you like, and give you full
- credit for your work.
- Proxy Server
- The Proxy Server is responsible for tying together
- the rest of the OpenStack Object Storage architecture.
- For each request, it will look up the location of the
- account, container, or object in the ring (see below)
- and route the request accordingly. The public API is
- also exposed through the Proxy Server.
- A large number of failures are also handled in the
- Proxy Server. For example, if a server is unavailable
- for an object PUT, it will ask the ring for a hand-off
- server and route there instead.
- When objects are streamed to or from an object
- server, they are streamed directly through the proxy
- server to or from the user – the proxy server does not
- spool them.
- You can use a proxy server with account management
- enabled by configuring it in the proxy server
- configuration file.
- Object Server
- The Object Server is a very simple blob storage
- server that can store, retrieve and delete objects
- stored on local devices. Objects are stored as binary
- files on the filesystem with metadata stored in the
- file’s extended attributes (xattrs). This requires
- that the underlying filesystem choice for object
- servers support xattrs on files. Some filesystems,
- like ext3, have xattrs turned off by default.
- Each object is stored using a path derived from the
- object name’s hash and the operation’s timestamp. Last
- write always wins, and ensures that the latest object
- version will be served. A deletion is also treated as
- a version of the file (a 0 byte file ending with
- “.ts”, which stands for tombstone). This ensures that
- deleted files are replicated correctly and older
- versions don’t magically reappear due to failure
- scenarios.
- Container Server
- The Container Server’s primary job is to handle
- listings of objects. It does not’t know where those
- objects are, just what objects are in a specific
- container. The listings are stored as sqlite database
- files, and replicated across the cluster similar to
- how objects are. Statistics are also tracked that
- include the total number of objects, and total storage
- usage for that container.
- Account Server
- The Account Server is very similar to the Container
- Server, excepting that it is responsible for listings
- of containers rather than objects.
- Replication
- Replication is designed to keep the system in a
- consistent state in the face of temporary error
- conditions like network outages or drive
- failures.
- The replication processes compare local data with
- each remote copy to ensure they all contain the latest
- version. Object replication uses a hash list to
- quickly compare subsections of each partition, and
- container and account replication use a combination of
- hashes and shared high water marks.
- Replication updates are push based. For object
- replication, updating is just a matter of rsyncing
- files to the peer. Account and container replication
- push missing records over HTTP or rsync whole database
- files.
- The replicator also ensures that data is removed
- from the system. When an item (object, container, or
- account) is deleted, a tombstone is set as the latest
- version of the item. The replicator will see the
- tombstone and ensure that the item is removed from the
- entire system.
- To separate the cluster-internal replication traffic
- from client traffic, separate replication servers can
- be used. These replication servers are based on the
- standard storage servers, but they listen on the
- replication IP and only respond to REPLICATE requests.
- Storage servers can serve REPLICATE requests, so an
- operator can transition to using a separate
- replication network with no cluster downtime.
- Replication IP and port information is stored in the
- ring on a per-node basis. These parameters will be
- used if they are present, but they are not required.
- If this information does not exist or is empty for a
- particular node, the node's standard IP and port will
- be used for replication.
- Updaters
- There are times when container or account data can
- not be immediately updated. This usually occurs during
- failure scenarios or periods of high load. If an
- update fails, the update is queued locally on the file
- system, and the updater will process the failed
- updates. This is where an eventual consistency window
- will most likely come in to play. For example, suppose
- a container server is under load and a new object is
- put in to the system. The object will be immediately
- available for reads as soon as the proxy server
- responds to the client with success. However, the
- container server did not update the object listing,
- and so the update would be queued for a later update.
- Container listings, therefore, may not immediately
- contain the object.
- In practice, the consistency window is only as large
- as the frequency at which the updater runs and may not
- even be noticed as the proxy server will route listing
- requests to the first container server which responds.
- The server under load may not be the one that serves
- subsequent listing requests – one of the other two
- replicas may handle the listing.
- Auditors
- Auditors crawl the local server checking the
- integrity of the objects, containers, and accounts. If
- corruption is found (in the case of bit rot, for
- example), the file is quarantined, and replication
- will replace the bad file from another replica. If
- other errors are found they are logged (for example,
- an object’s listing can’t be found on any container
- server it should be).
- Cluster Arch
- Access Tier
- Swift Cluster Architecture
- Large-scale deployments segment off an "Access Tier".
- This tier is the “Grand Central” of the Object Storage
- system. It fields incoming API requests from clients and
- moves data in and out of the system. This tier is composed
- of front-end load balancers, ssl- terminators,
- authentication services, and it runs the (distributed)
- brain of the object storage system — the proxy server
- processes.
- Having the access servers in their own tier enables
- read/write access to be scaled out independently of
- storage capacity. For example, if the cluster is on the
- public Internet and requires ssl-termination and has high
- demand for data access, many access servers can be
- provisioned. However, if the cluster is on a private
- network and it is being used primarily for archival
- purposes, fewer access servers are needed.
- As this is an HTTP addressable storage service, a load
- balancer can be incorporated into the access tier.
- Typically, this tier comprises a collection of 1U
- servers. These machines use a moderate amount of RAM and
- are network I/O intensive. As these systems field each
- incoming API request, it is wise to provision them with
- two high-throughput (10GbE) interfaces. One interface is
- used for 'front-end' incoming requests and the other for
- 'back-end' access to the object storage nodes to put and
- fetch data.
- Factors to Consider
- For most publicly facing deployments as well as
- private deployments available across a wide-reaching
- corporate network, SSL will be used to encrypt traffic
- to the client. SSL adds significant processing load to
- establish sessions between clients; more capacity in
- the access layer will need to be provisioned. SSL may
- not be required for private deployments on trusted
- networks.
- Storage Nodes
- Object Storage (Swift)
- The next component is the storage servers themselves.
- Generally, most configurations should have each of the
- five Zones with an equal amount of storage capacity.
- Storage nodes use a reasonable amount of memory and CPU.
- Metadata needs to be readily available to quickly return
- objects. The object stores run services not only to field
- incoming requests from the Access Tier, but to also run
- replicators, auditors, and reapers. Object stores can be
- provisioned with single gigabit or 10 gigabit network
- interface depending on expected workload and desired
- performance.
- Currently 2TB or 3TB SATA disks deliver good
- price/performance value. Desktop-grade drives can be used
- where there are responsive remote hands in the datacenter,
- and enterprise-grade drives can be used where this is not
- the case.
- Factors to Consider
- Desired I/O performance for single-threaded requests
- should be kept in mind. This system does not use RAID,
- so each request for an object is handled by a single
- disk. Disk performance impacts single-threaded
- response rates.
- To achieve apparent higher throughput, the object
- storage system is designed with concurrent
- uploads/downloads in mind. The network I/O capacity
- (1GbE, bonded 1GbE pair, or 10GbE) should match your
- desired concurrent throughput needs for reads and
- writes.
- Account Reaper
- The Account Reaper removes data from deleted accounts in the
- background.
- An account is marked for deletion by a reseller issuing a
- DELETE request on the account’s storage URL. This simply puts
- the value DELETED into the status column of the account_stat
- table in the account database (and replicas), indicating the
- data for the account should be deleted later.
- There is normally no set retention time and no undelete; it
- is assumed the reseller will implement such features and only
- call DELETE on the account once it is truly desired the
- account’s data be removed. However, in order to protect the
- Swift cluster accounts from an improper or mistaken delete
- request, you can set a delay_reaping value in the
- [account-reaper] section of the account-server.conf to delay
- the actual deletion of data. At this time, there is no utility
- to undelete an account; one would have to update the account
- database replicas directly, setting the status column to an
- empty string and updating the put_timestamp to be greater than
- the delete_timestamp. (On the TODO list is writing a utility
- to perform this task, preferably through a ReST call.)
- The account reaper runs on each account server and scans the
- server occasionally for account databases marked for deletion.
- It will only trigger on accounts that server is the primary
- node for, so that multiple account servers aren’t all trying
- to do the same work at the same time. Using multiple servers
- to delete one account might improve deletion speed, but
- requires coordination so they aren’t duplicating effort. Speed
- really isn’t as much of a concern with data deletion and large
- accounts aren’t deleted that often.
- The deletion process for an account itself is pretty
- straightforward. For each container in the account, each
- object is deleted and then the container is deleted. Any
- deletion requests that fail won’t stop the overall process,
- but will cause the overall process to fail eventually (for
- example, if an object delete times out, the container won’t be
- able to be deleted later and therefore the account won’t be
- deleted either). The overall process continues even on a
- failure so that it doesn’t get hung up reclaiming cluster
- space because of one troublesome spot. The account reaper will
- keep trying to delete an account until it eventually becomes
- empty, at which point the database reclaim process within the
- db_replicator will eventually remove the database
- files.
- Sometimes a persistent error state can prevent some object
- or container from being deleted. If this happens, you will see
- a message such as “Account <name> has not been reaped
- since <date>” in the log. You can control when this is
- logged with the reap_warn_after value in the [account-reaper]
- section of the account-server.conf file. By default this is 30
- days.
- Replication
- Because each replica in swift functions independently, and
- clients generally require only a simple majority of nodes
- responding to consider an operation successful, transient
- failures like network partitions can quickly cause replicas to
- diverge. These differences are eventually reconciled by
- asynchronous, peer-to-peer replicator processes. The
- replicator processes traverse their local filesystems,
- concurrently performing operations in a manner that balances
- load across physical disks.
- Replication uses a push model, with records and files
- generally only being copied from local to remote replicas.
- This is important because data on the node may not belong
- there (as in the case of handoffs and ring changes), and a
- replicator can’t know what data exists elsewhere in the
- cluster that it should pull in. It’s the duty of any node that
- contains data to ensure that data gets to where it belongs.
- Replica placement is handled by the ring.
- Every deleted record or file in the system is marked by a
- tombstone, so that deletions can be replicated alongside
- creations. The replication process cleans up tombstones after
- a time period known as the consistency window. The consistency
- window encompasses replication duration and how long transient
- failure can remove a node from the cluster. Tombstone cleanup
- must be tied to replication to reach replica
- convergence.
- If a replicator detects that a remote drive has failed, the
- replicator uses the get_more_nodes interface for the ring to
- choose an alternate node with which to synchronize. The
- replicator can maintain desired levels of replication in the
- face of disk failures, though some replicas may not be in an
- immediately usable location. Note that the replicator doesn’t
- maintain desired levels of replication when other failures,
- such as entire node failures, occur because most failure are
- transient.
- Replication is an area of active development, and likely
- rife with potential improvements to speed and
- correctness.
- There are two major classes of replicator - the db
- replicator, which replicates accounts and containers, and the
- object replicator, which replicates object data.
- DB Replication
- The first step performed by db replication is a low-cost
- hash comparison to determine whether two replicas already
- match. Under normal operation, this check is able to
- verify that most databases in the system are already
- synchronized very quickly. If the hashes differ, the
- replicator brings the databases in sync by sharing records
- added since the last sync point.
- This sync point is a high water mark noting the last
- record at which two databases were known to be in sync,
- and is stored in each database as a tuple of the remote
- database id and record id. Database ids are unique amongst
- all replicas of the database, and record ids are
- monotonically increasing integers. After all new records
- have been pushed to the remote database, the entire sync
- table of the local database is pushed, so the remote
- database can guarantee that it is in sync with everything
- with which the local database has previously
- synchronized.
- If a replica is found to be missing entirely, the whole
- local database file is transmitted to the peer using
- rsync(1) and vested with a new unique id.
- In practice, DB replication can process hundreds of
- databases per concurrency setting per second (up to the
- number of available CPUs or disks) and is bound by the
- number of DB transactions that must be performed.
- Object Replication
- The initial implementation of object replication simply
- performed an rsync to push data from a local partition to
- all remote servers it was expected to exist on. While this
- performed adequately at small scale, replication times
- skyrocketed once directory structures could no longer be
- held in RAM. We now use a modification of this scheme in
- which a hash of the contents for each suffix directory is
- saved to a per-partition hashes file. The hash for a
- suffix directory is invalidated when the contents of that
- suffix directory are modified.
- The object replication process reads in these hash
- files, calculating any invalidated hashes. It then
- transmits the hashes to each remote server that should
- hold the partition, and only suffix directories with
- differing hashes on the remote server are rsynced. After
- pushing files to the remote server, the replication
- process notifies it to recalculate hashes for the rsynced
- suffix directories.
- Performance of object replication is generally bound by
- the number of uncached directories it has to traverse,
- usually as a result of invalidated suffix directory
- hashes. Using write volume and partition counts from our
- running systems, it was designed so that around 2% of the
- hash space on a normal node will be invalidated per day,
- which has experimentally given us acceptable replication
- speeds.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-storage-node-install-swift.xml b/doc/training-guide/associate-storage-node-install-swift.xml
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- Install Swift
- Starting Installation of Swift
- Remote content not available
- image source
- https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
- Remote content not available
- image source
- https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
- Remote content not available
- image source
- https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
- Starting Services
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- image source
- https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
- Finishing Up
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- image source
- https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
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- Lab
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Quiz
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
- foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
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- Storage Node
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xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
Associate Training Guide
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+ Storage Node Quiz
+ Day 2, 14:25 to 14:45
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch001-associate-getting-started.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch001-associate-getting-started.xml
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+ Getting Started
+ Day 1, 09:00 to 11:00
+ Overview
+ Training will take 1 month self paced, (2) 2 week periods with a user group meeting,
+ or 16 hours instructor led.
+ Prerequisites
+ Working knowledge of Linux CLI, basic Linux SysAdmin skills (directory structure, vi, ssh,
+ installing software)
+ Basic networking knowledge (Ethernet, VLAN, IP addressing)
+ Laptop with VirtualBox installed (highly recommended)
+ Introduction Text
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Brief Overview
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Core Projects
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ OpenStack Architecture
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Virtual Machine Provisioning Walk-Through
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch001-associate-what-does-this-book-intend-to-teach.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch001-associate-what-does-this-book-intend-to-teach.xml
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- OpenStack Associate, What Does This Book Intend to Teach
- training would take 1 month self paced, (2) 2 week periods with a user group meeting,
- or 16 hours instructor led. Some time set aside for distro specific training.
- basic knowledge of core OpenStack components (Compute, Block, Network,
- Dashboard)
- create an instance
- understand conf and log files
- understand basics of APIs and framework architecture
- understand shared components
- work off a single node OpenStack implementation
- get on IRC, mailing lists
- able to deploy applications to OpenStack clouds
- able to leverage basic functions including pools IPs and multiple disks
- able to deploy multi-tier applications to OpenStack clouds
- advanced knowledge of OpenStack components including new and incubated
- projects
- able to create complicated network topologies
- able to leverage advanced application topologies
- able to operate and manage projects and elements via Horizon, and some
- Submit a bug. Enter the summary as "Training, " with a few words. Be descriptive as possible in the description field. Open the tag pull-down and enter training-manuals.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch002-associate-getting-started-quiz.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch002-associate-getting-started-quiz.xml
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+ Getting Started Quiz
+ Day 1, 10:40 to 11:00
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- OpenStack Associate, Getting Started
- Knowledge and skills
- Materials and equipment
- Submit a bug. Enter the summary as "Training, " with a few words. Be descriptive as possible in the description field. Open the tag pull-down and enter training-manuals.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch003-associate-controller-node.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch003-associate-controller-node.xml
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+ Controller Node
+ Day 1, 11:15 to 12:30, 13:30 to 14:45
+ Overview Horizon and OpenStack CLI
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Keystone Architecture
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ OpenStack Messaging and Queues
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Administration Tasks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch003-associate-general.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch003-associate-general.xml
deleted file mode 100644
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- OpenStack Associate, General Material To Learn
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch004-associate-assessment.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch004-associate-assessment.xml
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- Assessment
Assessment Question 1
- Configure a ....
Assessment Question 2
- Configure a ....
- Submit a bug. Enter the summary as "Training, " with a few words. Be descriptive as possible in the description field. Open the tag pull-down and enter training-manuals.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch004-associate-controller-node-quiz.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch004-associate-controller-node-quiz.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bab19ac97c
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+ Controller Node Quiz
+ Day 1, 14:25 to 14:45
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch005-associate-compute-node.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch005-associate-compute-node.xml
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+ Compute Node
+ Day 1, 15:00 to 17:00
+ VM Placement
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ VM Provisioning Indepth
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ OpenStack Block Storage
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Administration Tasks
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch006-associate-compute-node-quiz.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch006-associate-compute-node-quiz.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ba885a251
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Compute Node Quiz
+ Day 1, 16:40 to 17:00
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch007-associate-network-node.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch007-associate-network-node.xml
new file mode 100644
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+ Network Node
+ Day 2, 09:00 to 11:00
+ Networking in OpenStack
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ OpenStack Networking Concepts
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Administration Tasks
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch008-associate-network-node-quiz.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch008-associate-network-node-quiz.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61fd63079d
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+ Network Node Quiz
+ Day 2, 10:40 to 11:00
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch009-associate-storage-node.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch009-associate-storage-node.xml
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+ Storage Node
+ Day 2, 11:30 to 12:30, 13:30 to 14:45
+ Introduction to Object Storage
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Features and Benefits
+ Remote content not availableimage sourcehttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1J2LZSxmc06xKyxMgPjv5fC0blV7qK6956-AeTmFOZD4/edit?usp=sharing
+ Administration Tasks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/associate-assessment.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch011-associate-assessment.xml
similarity index 78%
rename from doc/training-guide/associate-assessment.xml
rename to doc/training-guide/bk001-ch011-associate-assessment.xml
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+++ b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch011-associate-assessment.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@
+ Day 2, 15:00 to 16:00
+ Questions
Assessment Question 1
@@ -46,5 +53,5 @@
- Submit a bug. Enter the summary as "Training, " with a few words. Be descriptive as possible in the description field. Open the tag pull-down and enter training-manuals.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch012-associate-review-concept.xml b/doc/training-guide/bk001-ch012-associate-review-concept.xml
new file mode 100644
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+ Review of Concepts
+ Day 2, 16:00 to 17:00
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/module001-ch007-keystone-arch.xml b/doc/training-guide/module001-ch007-keystone-arch.xml
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- Ketstone Architecture
+ Keystone ArchitectureMore Content To be Added ...Identity Service Concepts
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
directly assigned to a particular tenant and behave as if they
are contained in that tenant.
- Credentials
+ CredentialsData that is known only by a user that proves who they
are. In the Identity Service, examples are:
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- Authentication
+ AuthenticationThe act of confirming the identity of a user. The Identity
Service confirms an incoming request by validating a set of
credentials supplied by the user. These credentials are
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
the user an authentication token, which the user provides in
subsequent requests.
- Token
+ TokenAn arbitrary bit of text that is used to access resources.
Each token has a scope which describes which resources are
accessible with it. A token may be revoked at anytime and is
@@ -68,26 +68,26 @@
it to be an integration service foremost, and not aspire to be
a full-fledged identity store and management solution.
- Tenant
+ TenantA container used to group or isolate resources and/or
identity objects. Depending on the service operator, a tenant
may map to a customer, account, organization, or
- Service
+ ServiceAn OpenStack service, such as Compute (Nova), Object
Storage (Swift), or Image Service (Glance). Provides one or
more endpoints through which users can access resources and
perform operations.
- Endpoint
+ EndpointAn network-accessible address, usually described by URL,
from where you access a service. If using an extension for
templates, you can create an endpoint template, which
represents the templates of all the consumable services that
are available across the regions.
- Role
+ RoleA personality that a user assumes that enables them to
perform a specific set of operations. A role includes a set of
rights and privileges. A user assuming that role inherits
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
- User management
+ User managementThe main components of Identity user management are:
@@ -162,11 +162,7 @@
that there are no restrictions on which users can create
volumes: if the user has any role in a tenant, they will be able
to create volumes in that tenant.
- Service
- management
+ Service ManagementThe Identity Service provides the following service
management functions:
@@ -183,5 +179,4 @@
The commands for creating services and endpoints are
described in a later section.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/module002-ch003-neutron-use-cases.xml b/doc/training-guide/module002-ch003-neutron-use-cases.xml
index 390d25520c..85a95a0e85 100644
--- a/doc/training-guide/module002-ch003-neutron-use-cases.xml
+++ b/doc/training-guide/module002-ch003-neutron-use-cases.xml
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
Neutron Use CasesAs of now you must be wondering, how to use these awesome
features that OpenStack Networking has given to us.
- Use Case: Single Flat
- Network
+ Use Case: Single Flat NetworkIn the simplest use case, a single OpenStack Networking
network exists. This is a "shared" network, meaning it is
visible to all tenants via the OpenStack Networking API.
diff --git a/doc/training-guide/module003-ch002-features-benifits.xml b/doc/training-guide/module003-ch002-features-benifits.xml
index bfb09239e0..0c7520d518 100644
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