+ Configure Brocade plug-in
+ To use the Brocade plug-in with
+ OpenStack Networking
+ Install the Brocade modified Python
+ netconf client (ncclient) library which is available
+ at https://github.com/brocade/ncclient:
+ $git clone https://www.github.com/brocade/ncclient
+$cd ncclient; sudo python ./setup.py install
+ Edit the
+ /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
+ file and set the following option:
+ core_plugin = neutron.plugins.brocade.NeutronPlugin.BrocadePluginV2
+ Edit the
+ /etc/neutron/plugins/brocade/brocade.ini
+ configuration file for the Brocade plug-in
+ and specify the admin user name, password,
+ and IP address of the Brocade switch:
+username = admin
+password = password
+address = switch mgmt ip address
+ostype = NOS
+ For database configuration, see Install Networking Services
+ in any of the Installation
+ Guides in the OpenStack Documentation
+ index. (The link defaults to
+ the Ubuntu version.)
+ To apply the new settings, restart the
+ neutron-server service:
+ #service neutron-server restart
Configure OVS plug-inIf you use the Open vSwitch (OVS) plug-in in