diff --git a/doc/cli-reference/generated/ch_cli_glance_commands.xml b/doc/cli-reference/generated/ch_cli_glance_commands.xml
index 1dd4dd7e4d..681f7fe6d2 100644
--- a/doc/cli-reference/generated/ch_cli_glance_commands.xml
+++ b/doc/cli-reference/generated/ch_cli_glance_commands.xml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
interface (CLI) for the OpenStack Image Service API and its extensions.
This chapter documents glance version
- 0.14.2.
+ 0.15.0.
For help on a specific glance
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
glance usage
usage: glance [--version] [-d] [-v] [--get-schema] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[--no-ssl-compression] [-f] [--os-image-url OS_IMAGE_URL]
- [--os-image-api-version OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION]
- [--profile HMAC_KEY] [-k] [--os-cert OS_CERT]
- [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--os-key OS_KEY] [--key-file OS_KEY]
- [--os-cacert <ca-certificate-file>] [--ca-file OS_CACERT]
- [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID]
+ [--os-image-api-version OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION] [-k]
+ [--os-cert OS_CERT] [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--os-key OS_KEY]
+ [--key-file OS_KEY] [--os-cacert <ca-certificate-file>]
+ [--ca-file OS_CACERT] [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
+ [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID]
[--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
@@ -119,6 +119,15 @@
+ bash-completion
+ Prints all of the commands and options to stdout so
+ that the
@@ -196,7 +205,10 @@
--os-image-url OS_IMAGE_URL
- Defaults to env[OS_IMAGE_URL]
+ Defaults to env[OS_IMAGE_URL]
. If the provided image
+ url contains a a version number and `--os-image-api-
+ version` is omitted the version of the URL will be
+ picked as the image api version to use.
@@ -208,21 +220,6 @@
- --profile HMAC_KEY HMAC
- key to use for encrypting context data for
- performance profiling of operation. This key should be
- the value of HMAC key configured in osprofiler
- middleware in glance, it is specified in paste
- configuration file at /etc/glance/api-paste.ini and
- /etc/glance/registry-paste.ini. Without key the
- profiling will not be triggered even if osprofiler is
- enabled on server side.
-k, --insecure
@@ -1094,7 +1091,9 @@ Describe a specific model.
glance image-create (v2)
- usage: glance --os-image-api-version 2 image-create [--property <key=value>] <unavailable>
+ usage: glance --os-image-api-version 2 image-create [--property <key=value>] [--file <FILE>]
+ [--progress]
+ <unavailable>
Create a new image.
@@ -1120,6 +1119,24 @@ Create a new image.
+ --file <FILE>
+ Local file to save downloaded image data to. If this
+ is not specified the image data will be written to
+ stdout.
+ --progress
+ Show upload progress bar.
@@ -1180,6 +1197,7 @@ Download a specific image.
glance image-list (v2)
usage: glance --os-image-api-version 2 image-list [--page-size <SIZE>] [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
[--member-status <MEMBER_STATUS>] [--owner <OWNER>]
+ [--property-filter <KEY=VALUE>]
[--checksum <CHECKSUM>] [--tag <TAG>]
List images you can access.
@@ -1217,6 +1235,14 @@ List images you can access.
+ --property-filter <KEY=VALUE>
+ Filter images by a user-defined image property.
--checksum <CHECKSUM>