.. ## WARNING ###################################### .. This file is automatically generated, do not edit .. ################################################# ==================================== Database service command-line client ==================================== The trove client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Database service API and its extensions. This chapter documents :command:`trove` version ``1.4.0``. For help on a specific :command:`trove` command, enter: .. code-block:: console $ trove help COMMAND .. _trove_command_usage: trove usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove [--version] [--debug] [--os-auth-system ] [--service-type ] [--service-name ] [--bypass-url ] [--database-service-name ] [--endpoint-type ] [--os-database-api-version ] [--retries ] [--json] [--insecure] [--os-cacert ] [--os-cert ] [--os-key ] [--timeout ] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID] [--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID] [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME] [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID] [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID] [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID] [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID] [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--os-tenant-name ] [--os-tenant-id ] [--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] [--os-region-name ] ... Subcommands ----------- ``backup-copy`` Creates a backup from another backup. ``backup-create`` Creates a backup of an instance. ``backup-delete`` Deletes a backup. ``backup-list`` Lists available backups. ``backup-list-instance`` Lists available backups for an instance. ``backup-show`` Shows details of a backup. ``cluster-create`` Creates a new cluster. ``cluster-delete`` Deletes a cluster. ``cluster-grow`` Adds more instances to a cluster. ``cluster-instances`` Lists all instances of a cluster. ``cluster-list`` Lists all the clusters. ``cluster-show`` Shows details of a cluster. ``cluster-shrink`` Drops instances from a cluster. ``configuration-attach`` Attaches a configuration group to an instance. ``configuration-create`` Creates a configuration group. ``configuration-default`` Shows the default configuration of an instance. ``configuration-delete`` Deletes a configuration group. ``configuration-detach`` Detaches a configuration group from an instance. ``configuration-instances`` Lists all instances associated with a configuration group. ``configuration-list`` Lists all configuration groups. ``configuration-parameter-list`` Lists available parameters for a configuration group. ``configuration-parameter-show`` Shows details of a configuration parameter. ``configuration-patch`` Patches a configuration group. ``configuration-show`` Shows details of a configuration group. ``configuration-update`` Updates a configuration group. ``create`` Creates a new instance. ``database-create`` Creates a database on an instance. ``database-delete`` Deletes a database from an instance. ``database-list`` Lists available databases on an instance. ``datastore-list`` Lists available datastores. ``datastore-show`` Shows details of a datastore. ``datastore-version-list`` Lists available versions for a datastore. ``datastore-version-show`` Shows details of a datastore version. ``delete`` Deletes an instance. ``detach-replica`` Detaches a replica instance from its replication source. ``eject-replica-source`` Ejects a replica source from its set. ``flavor-list`` Lists available flavors. ``flavor-show`` Shows details of a flavor. ``limit-list`` Lists the limits for a tenant. ``list`` Lists all the instances. ``metadata-create`` Creates metadata in the database for instance . ``metadata-delete`` Deletes metadata for instance . ``metadata-edit`` Replaces metadata value with a new one, this is non-destructive. ``metadata-list`` Shows all metadata for instance . ``metadata-show`` Shows metadata entry for key and instance . ``metadata-update`` Updates metadata, this is destructive. ``promote-to-replica-source`` Promotes a replica to be the new replica source of its set. ``resize-instance`` Resizes an instance with a new flavor. ``resize-volume`` Resizes the volume size of an instance. ``restart`` Restarts an instance. ``root-enable`` Enables root for an instance and resets if already exists. ``root-show`` Gets status if root was ever enabled for an instance or cluster. ``secgroup-add-rule`` Creates a security group rule. ``secgroup-delete-rule`` Deletes a security group rule. ``secgroup-list`` Lists all security groups. ``secgroup-list-rules`` Lists all rules for a security group. ``secgroup-show`` Shows details of a security group. ``show`` Shows details of an instance. ``update`` Updates an instance: Edits name, configuration, or replica source. ``user-create`` Creates a user on an instance. ``user-delete`` Deletes a user from an instance. ``user-grant-access`` Grants access to a database(s) for a user. ``user-list`` Lists the users for an instance. ``user-revoke-access`` Revokes access to a database for a user. ``user-show`` Shows details of a user of an instance. ``user-show-access`` Shows access details of a user of an instance. ``user-update-attributes`` Updates a user's attributes on an instance. ``bash-completion`` Prints arguments for bash_completion. ``help`` Displays help about this program or one of its subcommands. .. _trove_command_options: trove optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``--version`` show program's version number and exit ``--debug`` Print debugging output. ``--os-auth-system `` Defaults to ``env[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM]``. ``--service-type `` Defaults to database for most actions. ``--service-name `` Defaults to ``env[TROVE_SERVICE_NAME]``. ``--bypass-url `` Defaults to ``env[TROVE_BYPASS_URL]``. ``--database-service-name `` Defaults to ``env[TROVE_DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME]``. ``--endpoint-type `` Defaults to ``env[TROVE_ENDPOINT_TYPE]`` or publicURL. ``--os-database-api-version `` Accepts 1, defaults to ``env[OS_DATABASE_API_VERSION]``. ``--retries `` Number of retries. ``--json, --os-json-output`` Output JSON instead of prettyprint. Defaults to ``env[OS_JSON_OUTPUT]``. ``--insecure`` Explicitly allow client to perform "insecure" TLS (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution. ``--os-cacert `` Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to ``env[OS_CACERT]``. ``--os-cert `` Defaults to ``env[OS_CERT]``. ``--os-key `` Defaults to ``env[OS_KEY]``. ``--timeout `` Set request timeout (in seconds). ``--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL`` Authentication URL ``--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID`` Domain ID to scope to ``--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME`` Domain name to scope to ``--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID`` Project ID to scope to ``--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME`` Project name to scope to ``--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID`` Domain ID containing project ``--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME`` Domain name containing project ``--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID`` Trust ID ``--os-user-id OS_USER_ID`` User ID ``--os-username OS_USERNAME, --os-user_name OS_USERNAME`` Username ``--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID`` User's domain id ``--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME`` User's domain name ``--os-password OS_PASSWORD`` User's password ``--os-tenant-name `` Tenant to request authorization on. Defaults to ``env[OS_TENANT_NAME]``. ``--os-tenant-id `` Tenant to request authorization on. Defaults to ``env[OS_TENANT_ID]``. ``--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN`` Defaults to ``env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN]`` ``--os-region-name `` Specify the region to use. Defaults to ``env[OS_REGION_NAME]``. .. _trove_backup-copy: trove backup-copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove backup-copy [--region ] [--description ] Creates a backup from another backup. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Name of the backup. ```` Backup ID of the source backup. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--region `` Region where the source backup resides. ``--description `` An optional description for the backup. .. _trove_backup-create: trove backup-create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove backup-create [--description ] [--parent ] Creates a backup of an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of the backup. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--description `` An optional description for the backup. ``--parent `` Optional ID of the parent backup to perform an incremental backup from. .. _trove_backup-delete: trove backup-delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove backup-delete Deletes a backup. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the backup. .. _trove_backup-list: trove backup-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove backup-list [--limit ] [--marker ] [--datastore ] Lists available backups. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--limit `` Return up to N number of the most recent backups. ``--marker `` Begin displaying the results for IDs greater than the specified marker. When used with :option:`--limit,` set this to the last ID displayed in the previous run. ``--datastore `` Name or ID of the datastore to list backups for. .. _trove_backup-list-instance: trove backup-list-instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove backup-list-instance [--limit ] [--marker ] Lists available backups for an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--limit `` Return up to N number of the most recent backups. ``--marker `` Begin displaying the results for IDs greater than the specified marker. When used with :option:`--limit,` set this to the last ID displayed in the previous run. .. _trove_backup-show: trove backup-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove backup-show Shows details of a backup. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the backup. .. _trove_cluster-create: trove cluster-create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-create [--instance ] Creates a new cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Name of the cluster. ```` A datastore name or ID. ```` A datastore version name or ID. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--instance `` Create an instance for the cluster. Specify multiple times to create multiple instances. Valid options are: flavor=flavor_name_or_id, volume=disk_size_in_GB, nic='net-id=net- uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid' (where net-id=network_id, v4-fixed- ip=IPv4r_fixed_address, port-id=port_id), availability_zone=AZ_hint_for_Nova. .. _trove_cluster-delete: trove cluster-delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-delete Deletes a cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the cluster. .. _trove_cluster-grow: trove cluster-grow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-grow [--instance ] Adds more instances to a cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the cluster. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--instance `` Add an instance to the cluster. Specify multiple times to create multiple instances. .. _trove_cluster-instances: trove cluster-instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-instances Lists all instances of a cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the cluster. .. _trove_cluster-list: trove cluster-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-list [--limit ] [--marker ] Lists all the clusters. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--limit `` Limit the number of results displayed. ``--marker `` Begin displaying the results for IDs greater than the specified marker. When used with :option:`--limit,` set this to the last ID displayed in the previous run. .. _trove_cluster-show: trove cluster-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-show Shows details of a cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the cluster. .. _trove_cluster-shrink: trove cluster-shrink ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove cluster-shrink [ ...] Drops instances from a cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the cluster. ```` Drop instance(s) from the cluster. Specify multiple ids to drop multiple instances. .. _trove_configuration-attach: trove configuration-attach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-attach Attaches a configuration group to an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` ID of the configuration group to attach to the instance. .. _trove_configuration-create: trove configuration-create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-create [--datastore ] [--datastore_version ] [--description ] Creates a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Name of the configuration group. ```` Dictionary of the values to set. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--datastore `` Datastore assigned to the configuration group. Required if default datastore is not configured. ``--datastore_version `` Datastore version ID assigned to the configuration group. ``--description `` An optional description for the configuration group. .. _trove_configuration-default: trove configuration-default ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-default Shows the default configuration of an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_configuration-delete: trove configuration-delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-delete Deletes a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the configuration group. .. _trove_configuration-detach: trove configuration-detach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-detach Detaches a configuration group from an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_configuration-instances: trove configuration-instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-instances Lists all instances associated with a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the configuration group. .. _trove_configuration-list: trove configuration-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-list Lists all configuration groups. .. _trove_configuration-parameter-list: trove configuration-parameter-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-parameter-list [--datastore ] Lists available parameters for a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Datastore version name or ID assigned to the configuration group. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--datastore `` ID or name of the datastore to list configuration parameters for. Optional if the ID of the datastore_version is provided. .. _trove_configuration-parameter-show: trove configuration-parameter-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-parameter-show [--datastore ] Shows details of a configuration parameter. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Datastore version name or ID assigned to the configuration group. ```` Name of the configuration parameter. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--datastore `` ID or name of the datastore to list configuration parameters for. Optional if the ID of the datastore_version is provided. .. _trove_configuration-patch: trove configuration-patch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-patch Patches a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the configuration group. ```` Dictionary of the values to set. .. _trove_configuration-show: trove configuration-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-show Shows details of a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the configuration group. .. _trove_configuration-update: trove configuration-update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove configuration-update [--name ] [--description ] Updates a configuration group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the configuration group. ```` Dictionary of the values to set. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--name `` Name of the configuration group. ``--description `` An optional description for the configuration group. .. _trove_create: trove create ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove create [--size ] [--databases [ ...]] [--users [ ...]] [--backup ] [--availability_zone ] [--datastore ] [--datastore_version ] [--nic ] [--configuration ] [--replica_of ] [--replica_count ] Creates a new instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Name of the instance. ```` Flavor ID or name of the instance. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--size `` Size of the instance disk volume in GB. Required when volume support is enabled. ``--databases [ ...]`` Optional list of databases. ``--users [ ...]`` Optional list of users in the form user:password. ``--backup `` A backup ID. ``--availability_zone `` The Zone hint to give to nova. ``--datastore `` A datastore name or ID. ``--datastore_version `` A datastore version name or ID. ``--nic `` Create a NIC on the instance. Specify option multiple times to create multiple NICs. net- id: attach NIC to network with this ID (either port-id or net-id must be specified), v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for NIC (optional), port-id: attach NIC to port with this ID (either port-id or net-id must be specified). ``--configuration `` ID of the configuration group to attach to the instance. ``--replica_of `` ID or name of an existing instance to replicate from. ``--replica_count `` Number of replicas to create (defaults to 1). .. _trove_database-create: trove database-create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove database-create [--character_set ] [--collate ] Creates a database on an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of the database. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--character_set `` Optional character set for database. ``--collate `` Optional collation type for database. .. _trove_database-delete: trove database-delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove database-delete Deletes a database from an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of the database. .. _trove_database-list: trove database-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove database-list Lists available databases on an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_datastore-list: trove datastore-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove datastore-list Lists available datastores. .. _trove_datastore-show: trove datastore-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove datastore-show Shows details of a datastore. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID of the datastore. .. _trove_datastore-version-list: trove datastore-version-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove datastore-version-list Lists available versions for a datastore. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the datastore. .. _trove_datastore-version-show: trove datastore-version-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove datastore-version-show [--datastore ] Shows details of a datastore version. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the datastore version. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--datastore `` ID or name of the datastore. Optional if the ID of the datastore_version is provided. .. _trove_delete: trove delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove delete Deletes an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_detach-replica: trove detach-replica ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove detach-replica Detaches a replica instance from its replication source. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_eject-replica-source: trove eject-replica-source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove eject-replica-source Ejects a replica source from its set. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_flavor-list: trove flavor-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove flavor-list [--datastore_type ] [--datastore_version_id ] Lists available flavors. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--datastore_type `` Type of the datastore. For eg: mysql. ``--datastore_version_id `` ID of the datastore version. .. _trove_flavor-show: trove flavor-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove flavor-show Shows details of a flavor. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the flavor. .. _trove_limit-list: trove limit-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove limit-list Lists the limits for a tenant. .. _trove_list: trove list ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove list [--limit ] [--marker ] [--include-clustered] Lists all the instances. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--limit `` Limit the number of results displayed. ``--marker `` Begin displaying the results for IDs greater than the specified marker. When used with :option:`--limit,` set this to the last ID displayed in the previous run. ``--include-clustered`` Include instances that are part of a cluster (default false). .. _trove_metadata-create: trove metadata-create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove metadata-create Creates metadata in the database for instance . Positional arguments -------------------- ```` UUID for instance. ```` Key for assignment. ```` Value to assign to . .. _trove_metadata-delete: trove metadata-delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove metadata-delete Deletes metadata for instance . Positional arguments -------------------- ```` UUID for instance. ```` Metadata key to delete. .. _trove_metadata-edit: trove metadata-edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove metadata-edit Replaces metadata value with a new one, this is non-destructive. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` UUID for instance. ```` Key to replace. ```` New value to assign to . .. _trove_metadata-list: trove metadata-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove metadata-list Shows all metadata for instance . Positional arguments -------------------- ```` UUID for instance. .. _trove_metadata-show: trove metadata-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove metadata-show Shows metadata entry for key and instance . Positional arguments -------------------- ```` UUID for instance. ```` Key to display. .. _trove_metadata-update: trove metadata-update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove metadata-update Updates metadata, this is destructive. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` UUID for instance. ```` Key to update. ```` New key. ```` Value to assign to . .. _trove_promote-to-replica-source: trove promote-to-replica-source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove promote-to-replica-source Promotes a replica to be the new replica source of its set. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_resize-instance: trove resize-instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove resize-instance Resizes an instance with a new flavor. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` New flavor of the instance. .. _trove_resize-volume: trove resize-volume ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove resize-volume Resizes the volume size of an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` New size of the instance disk volume in GB. .. _trove_restart: trove restart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove restart Restarts an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_root-enable: trove root-enable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove root-enable [--root_password ] Enables root for an instance and resets if already exists. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance or cluster. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--root_password `` Root password to set. .. _trove_root-show: trove root-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove root-show Gets status if root was ever enabled for an instance or cluster. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance or cluster. .. _trove_secgroup-add-rule: trove secgroup-add-rule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove secgroup-add-rule Creates a security group rule. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Security group ID. ```` CIDR address. .. _trove_secgroup-delete-rule: trove secgroup-delete-rule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove secgroup-delete-rule Deletes a security group rule. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Name of security group rule. .. _trove_secgroup-list: trove secgroup-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove secgroup-list Lists all security groups. .. _trove_secgroup-list-rules: trove secgroup-list-rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove secgroup-list-rules Lists all rules for a security group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Security group ID. .. _trove_secgroup-show: trove secgroup-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove secgroup-show Shows details of a security group. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` Security group ID. .. _trove_show: trove show ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove show Shows details of an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_update: trove update ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove update [--name ] [--configuration ] [--detach-replica-source] [--remove_configuration] Updates an instance: Edits name, configuration, or replica source. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--name `` Name of the instance. ``--configuration `` ID of the configuration reference to attach. ``--detach-replica-source`` Detach the replica instance from its replication source. ``--remove_configuration`` Drops the current configuration reference. .. _trove_user-create: trove user-create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-create [--host ] [--databases [ ...]] Creates a user on an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. ```` Password of user. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. ``--databases [ ...]`` Optional list of databases. .. _trove_user-delete: trove user-delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-delete [--host ] Deletes a user from an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. .. _trove_user-grant-access: trove user-grant-access ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-grant-access [ ...] [--host ] Grants access to a database(s) for a user. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. ```` List of databases. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. .. _trove_user-list: trove user-list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-list Lists the users for an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. .. _trove_user-revoke-access: trove user-revoke-access ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-revoke-access [--host ] Revokes access to a database for a user. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. ```` A single database. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. .. _trove_user-show: trove user-show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-show [--host ] Shows details of a user of an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. .. _trove_user-show-access: trove user-show-access ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-show-access [--host ] Shows access details of a user of an instance. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. .. _trove_user-update-attributes: trove user-update-attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console usage: trove user-update-attributes [--host ] [--new_name ] [--new_password ] [--new_host ] Updates a user's attributes on an instance. At least one optional argument must be provided. Positional arguments -------------------- ```` ID or name of the instance. ```` Name of user. Optional arguments ------------------ ``--host `` Optional host of user. ``--new_name `` Optional new name of user. ``--new_password `` Optional new password of user. ``--new_host `` Optional new host of user.