Description of configuration options for [app:account-server] in account-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
use = egg:swift#accountEntry point of paste.deploy in the server
set log_name = account-serverLabel to use when logging
set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
set log_level = INFOLog level
set log_requests = trueWhether or not to log requests
set log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
auto_create_account_prefix = .Prefix to use when automatically creating accounts
replication_server = falseIf defined, tells server how to handle replication verbs in requests. When set to True (or 1), only replication verbs will be accepted. When set to False, replication verbs will be rejected. When undefined, server will accept any verb in the request.