.. _discoverability: =============== Discoverability =============== Your Object Storage system might not enable all features that this document describes. These features are: * :ref:`large-object-creation` * :ref:`archive-auto-extract` * :ref:`bulk-delete` * :ref:`static-website` To discover which features are enabled in your Object Storage system, use the ``/info`` request. To use the ``/info`` request, send a ``GET`` request using the ``/info`` path to the Object Store endpoint as shown in this example: .. code:: $ curl https://storage.example.com/info This example shows a truncated response body: .. code:: { "swift":{ "version":"1.11.0" }, "staticweb":{ }, "tempurl":{ } } This output shows that the Object Storage system has enabled the static website and temporary URL features. .. note:: In some cases, the ``/info`` request will return an error. This could be because your service provider has disabled the ``/info`` request function, or because you are using an older version that does not support it.