Configure Compute to use IPv6 addresses If you are using OpenStack Compute with nova-network, you can put Compute into dual-stack mode, so that it uses both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for communication. In dual-stack mode, instances can acquire their IPv6 global unicast address by using a stateless address auto-configuration mechanism [RFC 4862/2462]. IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack mode works with both VlanManager and FlatDHCPManager networking modes. In VlanManager networking mode, each project uses a different 64-bit global routing prefix. In FlatDHCPManager mode, all instances use one 64-bit global routing prefix. This configuration was tested with virtual machine images that have an IPv6 stateless address auto-configuration capability. This capability is required for any VM to run with an IPv6 address. You must use an EUI-64 address for stateless address auto-configuration. Each node that executes a nova-* service must have python-netaddr and radvd installed. Switch into IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack mode For every node running a nova-* service, install python-netaddr: # apt-get install python-netaddr For every node running nova-network, install radvd and configure IPv6 networking: # apt-get install radvd # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding # echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_ra On all nodes, edit the nova.conf file and specify use_ipv6 = True. Restart all nova-* services. You can add a fixed range for IPv6 addresses to the nova network-create command. Specify or after the network-create parameter. $ nova network-create public --fixed-range-v4 FIXED_RANGE_V4 --vlan VLAN_ID --vpn VPN_START --fixed-range-v6 FIXED_RANGE_V6 You can set the IPv6 global routing prefix by using the --fixed_range_v6 parameter. The default value for the parameter is fd00::/48. When you use FlatDHCPManager, the command uses the original --fixed_range_v6 value. For example: $ nova network-create public --fixed-range-v4 --fixed-range-v6 fd00:1::/48 When you use VlanManager, the command increments the subnet ID to create subnet prefixes. Guest VMs use this prefix to generate their IPv6 global unicast address. For example: $ nova network-create public --fixed-range-v4 --vlan 100 --vpn 1000 --fixed-range-v6 fd00:1::/48