Setting Up PostgreSQL as the Database on the Cloud Controller OpenStack can use PostgreSQL as an alternative database. This is a matter of substituting the MySQL steps with PostgreSQL equivalents, as outlined here. First, install PostgreSQL on the controller node. apt-fast install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-8.4 python-dev python-psycopg2 Edit /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf and change the listen_address to listen to all appropriate addresses, PostgreSQL listen only to localhost by default. For example: To listen on a specific IP address: # - Connection Settings - listen_address = ',' To listen on all addresses: # - Connection Settings - listen_address = '*' Add appropriate addresses and networks to /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf to allow remote access to PostgreSQL, this should include all servers hosting OpenStack (but not neccessarily those hosted by Openstack). As an example, append the following lines: host all all host all all Change the default PostgreSQL user's password: sudo -u postgres psql template1 template1=#\password Enter Password: Enter again: template1=#\q Restart PostgreSQL: service postgresql restart Create nova databases: sudo -u postgres createdb nova sudo -u postgres createdb glance Create nova database user which will be used for all OpenStack services, note the adduser and createuser steps will prompt for the user's password ($PG_PASS): adduser nova sudo -u postgres createuser -PSDR nova sudo -u postgres psql template1 template1=#GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nova TO nova template1=#GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE glance TO nova template1=#\q For the Cactus version of Nova, the following fix is required for the PostgreSQL database schema. You don't need to do this for Diablo: sudo -u postgres psql template1 template1=#alter table instances alter instance_type_id type integer using cast(instance_type_id as integer); template1=#\q For Nova components that require access to this database the required configuration in /etc/nova/nova.conf should be (replace $PG_PASS with password): --sql_connection=postgresql://nova:$ At this stage the databases are empty and contain no content. These will be initialised when you do the nova-manage db sync command.