Verifying the Compute Installation You can ensure all the Compute services are running by using the nova-manage command: sudo nova-manage service list In return you should see "smiley faces" rather than three X symbols. Here's an example. Binary Host Zone Status State Updated_At nova-scheduler ubuntu nova enabled :-) 2011-12-23 17:43:56.492606 nova-vncproxy ubuntu nova enabled :-) 2011-12-23 17:43:55.559948 nova-network ubuntu nova enabled :-) 2011-12-23 17:43:58.159612 nova-compute ubuntu nova enabled :-) 2011-12-23 17:43:58.313404 You can find the version of the installation by using the nova-manage command: sudo nova-manage version list The version number 2011.3 corresponds with the Diablo release of Compute. 2011.3 (2011.3-LOCALBRANCH:LOCALREVISION)