Description of configuration options for api
Configuration option = Default value Description
admin_roles = admin (ListOpt) No help text available for this option.
api_extensions_path = $pybasedir/extensions/routes (StrOpt) Path to extensions.
api_paste_config = api-paste.ini (StrOpt) File name for the paste.deploy config for trove-api.
bind_port = 8779 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
db_api_implementation = trove.db.sqlalchemy.api (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
hostname_require_ipv4 = True (BoolOpt) Require user hostnames to be IPv4 addresses.
http_delete_rate = 200 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
http_get_rate = 200 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
http_mgmt_post_rate = 200 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
http_post_rate = 200 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
http_put_rate = 200 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
instances_page_size = 20 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
max_header_line = 16384 (IntOpt) Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs).
os_region_name = None (StrOpt) Region name of this node. Used when searching catalog.
region = LOCAL_DEV (StrOpt) The region this service is located.
tcp_keepidle = 600 (IntOpt) Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not supported on OS X.
trove_api_workers = None (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
trove_auth_url = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
trove_conductor_workers = 1 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.
trove_security_group_name_prefix = SecGroup (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
trove_security_group_rule_cidr = (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
trove_security_groups_support = True (BoolOpt) No help text available for this option.
users_page_size = 20 (IntOpt) No help text available for this option.