Install the Database serviceThis procedure installs the Database module on the controller
node.PrerequisitesThis chapter assumes that you already have a working
OpenStack environment with at least the following components
installed: Compute, Image Service, Identity.If you want to do backup and restore, you also need Object Storage.If you want to provision datastores on block-storage volumes, you also need Block Storage.To install the Database module on the controller:Install required packages:#apt-get install python-trove python-troveclient python-glanceclient \
trove-common trove-api trove-taskmanager#yum install openstack-trove python-troveclient#zypper install openstack-trove python-troveclientRespond to the prompts for database management and [keystone_authtoken] settings,
and API endpoint
registration. The trove-manage db_sync
command runs automatically.Prepare OpenStack:Source the file.$source ~/admin-openrc.shCreate a trove user that Compute uses to
authenticate with the Identity service. Use the
service tenant and give the user the
admin role:
$keystone user-create --name=trove --pass=TROVE_PASS \$keystone user-role-add --user=trove --tenant=service --role=adminEdit the following configuration files, taking the below
actions for each file:trove.conftrove-taskmanager.conftrove-conductor.confEdit the [DEFAULT] section of
each file and set appropriate values for the OpenStack service
URLs, logging and messaging configuration, and SQL
log_dir = /var/log/trove
trove_auth_url = http://controller:5000/v2.0
nova_compute_url = http://controller:8774/v2
cinder_url = http://controller:8776/v1
swift_url = http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_
sql_connection = mysql://trove:TROVE_DBPASS@controller/trove
notifier_queue_hostname = controllerConfigure the Database module to use the RabbitMQ message broker by
setting the rabbit_password in the [DEFAULT]
configuration group of each file:[DEFAULT]
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
...Set these configuration keys to configure the Database module to use
the RabbitMQ message broker:#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove.conf \
DEFAULT rpc_backend rabbit#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove-taskmanager.conf \
DEFAULT rpc_backend rabbit#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove-conductor.conf \
DEFAULT rpc_backend rabbit#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove.conf DEFAULT \
rabbit_host controller#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove-taskmanager.conf DEFAULT \
rabbit_host controller#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove-conductor.conf DEFAULT \
rabbit_host controller#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove.conf DEFAULT \
rabbit_password RABBIT_PASS#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove-taskmanager.conf DEFAULT \
rabbit_password RABBIT_PASS#openstack-config --set /etc/trove/trove-conductor.conf DEFAULT \
rabbit_password RABBIT_PASSEdit the [filter:authtoken] section
of the api-paste.ini file so it matches the
listing shown below:[filter:authtoken]
auth_host = controller
auth_port = 35357
auth_protocol = http
admin_user = trove
admin_password = ADMIN_PASS
admin_token = ADMIN_TOKEN
admin_tenant_name = service
signing_dir = /var/cache/troveEdit the trove.conf file so it includes
appropriate values for the default datastore and network label
regex as shown below:[DEFAULT]
default_datastore = mysql
# Config option for showing the IP address that nova doles out
add_addresses = True
network_label_regex = ^NETWORK_LABEL$
....Edit the trove-taskmanager.conf file
so it includes the appropriate service credentials required to
connect to the OpenStack Compute service as shown below:[DEFAULT]
# Configuration options for talking to nova via the novaclient.
# These options are for an admin user in your keystone config.
# It proxy's the token received from the user to send to nova via this admin users creds,
# basically acting like the client via that proxy token.
nova_proxy_admin_user = admin
nova_proxy_admin_pass = ADMIN_PASS
nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name = service
...Prepare the trove admin database:$mysql -u root -pmysql>CREATE DATABASE trove;mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON trove.* TO trove@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'TROVE_DBPASS';mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON trove.* TO trove@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'TROVE_DBPASS';Prepare the Database service:Initialize the database:#su -s /bin/sh -c "trove-manage db_sync" troveCreate a datastore. You need to create a separate datastore for
each type of database you want to use, for example, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra.
This example shows you how to create a datastore for a MySQL database:#su -s /bin/sh -c "trove-manage datastore_update mysql ''" troveCreate a datastore. You need to create a separate datastore for
each type of database you want to use, for example, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra.
This example shows you how to create a datastore for a MySQL database:#su -s /bin/sh -c "trove-manage datastore_update mysql ''" troveCreate a trove image.Create an image for the type of database you want to use,
for example, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra.This image must have the trove guest agent installed, and
it must have the trove-guestagent.conf file
configured to connect to your OpenStack environment. To
correctly configure the
trove-guestagent.conf file, follow these steps
on the guest instance you are using to build your image:Add the following lines to trove-guestagent.conf:rabbit_host = controller
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
nova_proxy_admin_user = admin
nova_proxy_admin_pass = ADMIN_PASS
nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name = service
trove_auth_url = http://controller:35357/v2.0Update the datastore to use the new image, using the
trove-manage command.This example shows you how to create a MySQL 5.5 datastore:#trove-manage --config-file=/etc/trove/trove.conf datastore_version_update \
mysql mysql-5.5 mysql glance_image_ID mysql-server-5.5 1You must register the Database module with the Identity service so
that other OpenStack services can locate it. Register the
service and specify the endpoint:$keystone service-create --name=trove --type=database \
--description="OpenStack Database Service"$keystone endpoint-create \
--service-id=$(keystone service-list | awk '/ trove / {print $2}') \
--publicurl=http://controller:8779/v1.0/%\(tenant_id\)s \
--internalurl=http://controller:8779/v1.0/%\(tenant_id\)s \
--adminurl=http://controller:8779/v1.0/%\(tenant_id\)sStart Database
services and configure them to start when the system
boots:Restart Database services:#service trove-api restart#service trove-taskmanager restart#service trove-conductor restart#service openstack-trove-api start#service openstack-trove-taskmanager start#service openstack-trove-conductor start#chkconfig openstack-trove-api on#chkconfig openstack-trove-taskmanager on#chkconfig openstack-trove-conductor on