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Technical considerations A hybrid cloud environment requires inspection and understanding of technical issues that are not only outside of an organization's data center, but potentially outside of an organization's control. In many cases, it is necessary to ensure that the architecture and CMP chosen can adapt to, not only to different environments, but also to the possibility of change. In this situation, applications are crossing diverse platforms and are likely to be located in diverse locations. All of these factors will influence and add complexity to the design of a hybrid cloud architecture. The only situation where cloud platform incompatibilities are not going to be an issue is when working with clouds that are based on the same version and the same distribution of OpenStack. Otherwise incompatibilities are virtually inevitable. Incompatibility should be less of an issue for clouds that exclusively use the same version of OpenStack, even if they use different distributions. The newer the distribution in question, the less likely it is that there will be incompatibilities between version. This is due to the fact that the OpenStack community has established an initiative to define core functions that need to remain backward compatible between supported versions. The DefCore initiative defines basic functions that every distribution must support in order to bear the name "OpenStack". Some vendors, however, add proprietary customizations to their distributions. If an application or architecture makes use of these features, it will be difficult to migrate to or use other types of environments. Anyone considering incorporating older versions of OpenStack prior to Havana should consider carefully before attempting to incorporate functionality between versions. Internal differences in older versions may be so great that the best approach might be to consider the versions to be essentially diverse platforms, as different as OpenStack and Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. The situation is more predictable if using different cloud platforms is incorporated from inception. If the other clouds are not based on OpenStack, then all pretense of compatibility vanishes, and CMP tools must account for the myriad of differences in the way operations are handled and services are implemented. Some situations in which these incompatibilities can arise include differences between the way in which a cloud: Deploys instances Manages networks Treats applications Implements services
Capacity planning One of the primary reasons many organizations turn to a hybrid cloud system is to increase capacity without having to make large capital investments. However, capacity planning is still necessary when designing an OpenStack installation even if it is augmented with external clouds. Specifically, overall capacity and placement of workloads need to be accounted for when designing for a mostly internally-operated cloud with the occasional capacity burs. The long-term capacity plan for such a design needs to incorporate growth over time to prevent the need to permanently burst into, and occupy, a potentially more expensive external cloud. In order to avoid this scenario, account for the future applications and capacity requirements and plan growth appropriately. One of the drawbacks of capacity planning is unpredictability. It is difficult to predict the amount of load a particular application might incur if the number of users fluctuates or the application experiences an unexpected increase in popularity. It is possible to define application requirements in terms of vCPU, RAM, bandwidth or other resources and plan appropriately, but other clouds may not use the same metric or even the same oversubscription rates. Oversubscription is a method to emulate more capacity than they may physically be present. For example, a physical hypervisor node with 32 GB RAM may host 24 instances, each provisioned with 2 GB RAM. As long as all 24 of them are not concurrently utilizing 2 full gigabytes, this arrangement is a non-issue. However, some hosts take oversubscription to extremes and, as a result, performance can frequently be inconsistent. If at all possible, determine what the oversubscription rates of each host are and plan capacity accordingly.
Security The nature of a hybrid cloud environment removes complete control over the infrastructure. Security becomes a stronger requirement because data or applications may exist in a cloud that is outside of an organization's control. Security domains become an important distinction when planning for a hybrid cloud environment and its capabilities. A security domain comprises users, applications, servers or networks that share common trust requirements and expectations within a system. The security domains are: Public Guest Management Data These security domains can be mapped individually to the organization's installation or combined. For example, some deployment topologies combine both guest and data domains onto one physical network, whereas other topologies may physically separate these networks. In each case, the cloud operator should be aware of the appropriate security concerns. Security domains should be mapped out against the specific OpenStack deployment topology. The domains and their trust requirements depend upon whether the cloud instance is public, private, or hybrid. The public security domain is an entirely untrusted area of the cloud infrastructure. It can refer to the Internet as a whole or simply to networks over which an organization has no authority. This domain should always be considered untrusted. When considering hybrid cloud deployments, any traffic traversing beyond and between the multiple clouds should always be considered to reside in this security domain and is therefore untrusted. Typically used for instance-to-instance traffic within a single data center, the guest security domain handles compute data generated by instances on the cloud but not services that support the operation of the cloud such as API calls. Public cloud providers that are used in a hybrid cloud configuration which an organization does not control and private cloud providers who do not have stringent controls on instance use or who allow unrestricted Internet access to instances should consider this domain to be untrusted. Private cloud providers may consider this network as internal and therefore trusted only if there are controls in place to assert that instances and tenants are trusted. The management security domain is where services interact. Sometimes referred to as the "control plane", the networks in this domain transport confidential data such as configuration parameters, user names, and passwords. In deployments behind an organization's firewall, this domain is considered trusted. In a public cloud model which could be part of an architecture, this would have to be assessed with the public cloud provider to understand the controls in place. The data security domain is concerned primarily with information pertaining to the storage services within OpenStack. Much of the data that crosses this network has high integrity and confidentiality requirements and depending on the type of deployment there may also be strong availability requirements. The trust level of this network is heavily dependent on deployment decisions and as such this is not assigned a default level of trust. Consideration must be taken when managing the users of the system, whether operating or utilizing public or private clouds. The identity service allows for LDAP to be part of the authentication process. Including such systems in your OpenStack deployments may ease user management if integrating into existing systems. Be mindful when utilizing 3rd party clouds to explore authentication options applicable to the installation to help manage and keep user authentication consistent. Due to the process of passing user names, passwords, and generated tokens between client machines and API endpoints, placing API services behind hardware that performs SSL termination is strongly recommended. Within cloud components themselves, another component that needs security scrutiny is the hypervisor. In a public cloud, organizations typically do not have control over the choice of hypervisor. (Amazon uses its own particular version of Xen, for example.) In some cases, hypervisors may be vulnerable to a type of attack called "hypervisor breakout" if they are not properly secured. Hypervisor breakout describes the event of a compromised or malicious instance breaking out of the resource controls of the hypervisor and gaining access to the bare metal operating system and hardware resources. If the security of instances is not considered important, there may not be an issue. In most cases, however, enterprises need to avoid this kind of vulnerability, and the only way to do that is to avoid a situation in which the instances are running on a public cloud. That does not mean that there is a need to own all of the infrastructure on which an OpenStack installation operates; it suggests avoiding situations in which hardware may be shared with others. There are other services worth considering that provide a bare metal instance instead of a cloud. In other cases, it is possible to replicate a second private cloud by integrating with a private Cloud-as-a-Service deployment, in which an organization does not buy hardware, but also does not share it with other tenants. It is also possible use a provider that hosts a bare-metal "public" cloud instance for which the hardware is dedicated only to one customer, or a provider that offers private Cloud-as-a-Service. Finally, it is important to realize that each cloud implements services differently. What keeps data secure in one cloud may not do the same in another. Be sure to know the security requirements of every cloud that handles the organization's data or workloads. More information on OpenStack Security can be found in the OpenStack Security Guide.
Utilization When it comes to utilization, it is important that the CMP understands what workloads are running, where they are running, and their preferred utilizations. For example, in most cases it is desirable to run as many workloads internally as possible, utilizing other resources only when necessary. On the other hand, situations exist in which the opposite is true. The internal cloud may only be for development and stressing it is undesirable. In most cases, a cost model of various scenarios helps with this decision, however this analysis is heavily influenced by internal priorities. The important thing is the ability to efficiently make those decisions on a programmatic basis. The Telemetry module (ceilometer) is designed to provide information on the usage of various OpenStack components. There are two limitations to consider: first, if there is to be a large amount of data (for example, if monitoring a large cloud, or a very active one) it is desirable to use a NoSQL back end for Ceilometer, such as MongoDB. Second, when connecting to a non-OpenStack cloud, there will need to be a way to monitor that usage and to provide that monitoring data back to the CMP.
Performance Performance is of primary importance in the design of a cloud. When it comes to a hybrid cloud deployment, many of the same issues for multi-site deployments apply, such as network latency between sites. It is also important to think about the speed at which a workload can be spun up in another cloud, and what can be done to reduce the time necessary to accomplish that task. That may mean moving data closer to applications, or conversely, applications closer to the data they process. It may mean grouping functionality so that connections that require low latency take place over a single cloud rather than spanning clouds. That may also mean ensuring that the CMP has the intelligence to know which cloud can most efficiently run which types of workloads. As with utilization, native OpenStack tools are available to assist. Ceilometer can measure performance and, if necessary, the Orchestration module can be used to react to changes in demand by spinning up more resources. It is important to note, however, that Orchestration requires special configurations in the client to enable functioning with solution offerings from Amazon Web Services. When dealing with other types of clouds, it is necessary to rely on the features of the CMP.
Components The number and types of native OpenStack components that are available for use is dependent on whether the deployment is exclusively an OpenStack cloud or not. If so, all of the OpenStack components will be available for use, and in many ways the issues that need to be considered will be similar to those that need to be considered for a multi-site deployment. That said, in any situation in which more than one cloud is being used, at least four OpenStack tools will be considered: OpenStack Compute (nova): Regardless of deployment location, hypervisor choice has a direct effect on how difficult it is to integrate with one or more additional clouds. For example, integrating a Hyper-V based OpenStack cloud with Azure will have less compatibility issues than if KVM is used. Networking: Whether OpenStack Networking (neutron) or legacy networking (nova-network) is used, the network is one place where integration capabilities need to be understood in order to connect between clouds. Telemetry module (ceilometer): Use of Telemetery depends, in large part, on what the other parts of the cloud are using. Orchestration module (heat): Similarly, Orchestration can be a valuable tool in orchestrating tasks a CMP decides are necessary in an OpenStack-based cloud.
Special considerations Hybrid cloud deployments also involve two more issues that are not common in other situations: Image portability: Note that, as of the Icehouse release, there is no single common image format that is usable by all clouds. This means that images will need to be converted or recreated when porting between clouds. To make things simpler, launch the smallest and simplest images feasible, installing only what is necessary preferably using a deployment manager such as Chef or Puppet. That means not to use golden images for speeding up the process, however if the same images are being repeatedly deployed it may make more sense to utilize this technique instead of provisioning applications on lighter images each time. API differences: The most profound issue that cannot be avoided when using a hybrid cloud deployment with more than just OpenStack (or with different versions of OpenStack) is that the APIs needed to perform certain functions are different. The CMP needs to know how to handle all necessary versions. To get around this issue, some implementers build portals to achieve a hybrid cloud environment, but a heavily developer-focused organization will get more use out of a hybrid cloud broker SDK such as jClouds.