Software configurationThere are a variety of options to configure the software which runs on the
servers in your stack. These can be broadly divided into the following:Custom image buildingUser-data boot scripts and cloud-initSoftware deployment resourcesThis section will describe each of these options and provide examples for
using them together in your stacks.Image buildingThe first opportunity to influence what software is configured on your servers
is by booting them with a custom-built image. There are a number of reasons
you might want to do this, including: - since the required software is already on the image there
is no need to download and install anything at boot time. - software downloads can fail for a number of reasons
including transient network failures and inconsistent software repositories. - custom built images can be verified in test
environments before being promoted to production. - post-boot configuration may depend on
agents already being installed and enabledA number of tools are available for building custom images, including:diskimage-builder image building tools for OpenStackimagefactory builds images for a variety of operating system/cloud
combinationsExamples in this guide which require custom images will use
diskimage-builder.User-data boot scripts and cloud-initWhen booting a server it is possible to specify the contents of the user-data
to be passed to that server. This user-data is made available either from
configured config-drive or from the Metadata service.How this user-data is consumed depends on the image being booted, but the most
commonly used tool for default cloud images is Cloud-init.Whether the image is using Cloud-init or not, it should be possible to
specify a shell script in the user_data property and have it be executed by
the server during boot:resources:
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data: |
echo "Running boot script"
# ...
: debugging these scripts it is often useful to view the boot
log using nova console-log <server-id> to view the progress of boot
script execution.
Often there is a need to set variable values based on parameters or resources
in the stack. This can be done with the str_replace intrinsic function:parameters:
default: bar
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
template: |
echo "Running boot script with $FOO"
# ...
$FOO: {get_param: foo}
: If a stack-update is performed and there are any changes
at all to the content of user_data then the server will be replaced
(deleted and recreated) so that the modified boot configuration can be
run on a new server.
When these scripts grow it can become difficult to maintain them inside the
template, so the get_file intrinsic function can be used to maintain the
script in a separate file:parameters:
default: bar
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
template: {get_file:}
$FOO: {get_param: foo}
: str_replace can replace any strings, not just strings
starting with $. However doing this for the above example is useful
because the script file can be executed for testing by passing in
environment variables.
Choosing the user_data_formatThe OS::Nova::Server user_data_format property determines how the
user_data should be formatted for the server. For the default value
HEAT_CFNTOOLS, the user_data is bundled as part of the heat-cfntools
cloud-init boot configuration data. While HEAT_CFNTOOLS is the default
for user_data_format, it is considered legacy and RAW or
SOFTWARE_CONFIG will generally be more appropriate.For RAW the user_data is passed to Nova unmodified. For a Cloud-init
enabled image, the following are both valid RAW user-data:resources:
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: |
echo "Running boot script"
# ...
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: |
final_message: "The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"For SOFTWARE_CONFIG user_data is bundled as part of the software config
data, and metadata is derived from any associated software deployment
resources.Signals and wait conditionsOften it is necessary to pause further creation of stack resources until the
boot configuration script has notified that it has reached a certain state.
This is usually either to notify that a service is now active, or to pass out
some generated data which is needed by another resource. The resources
OS::Heat::WaitCondition and OS::Heat::SwiftSignal both perform
this function using different techniques and tradeoffs.OS::Heat::WaitCondition is implemented as a call to the
Orchestration API resource signal. The token is created using credentials
for a user account which is scoped only to the wait condition handle
resource. This user is created when the handle is created, and is associated
to a project which belongs to the stack, in an identity domain which is
dedicated to the orchestration service.Sending the signal is a simple HTTP request, as with this example using curl:curl -i -X POST -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
'<wait condition URL>' --data-binary '<json containing signal data>'The JSON containing the signal data is expected to be of the following format:{
"status": "SUCCESS",
"reason": "The reason which will appear in the 'heat event-list' output",
"data": "Data to be used elsewhere in the template via get_attr",
"id": "Optional unique ID of signal"
}All of these values are optional, and if not specified will be set to the
following defaults:{
"status": "SUCCESS",
"reason": "Signal <id> received",
"data": null,
"id": "<sequential number starting from 1 for each signal received>"
}If status is set to FAILURE then the resource (and the stack) will go
into a FAILED state using the reason as failure reason.The following template example uses the convenience attribute curl_cli
which builds a curl command with a valid token:resources:
type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
handle: {get_resource: wait_handle}
# Note, count of 5 vs 6 is due to duplicate signal ID 5 sent below
count: 5
timeout: 300
type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data_format: RAW
template: |
# Below are some examples of the various ways signals
# can be sent to the Handle resource
# Simple success signal
wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
# Or you optionally can specify any of the additional fields
wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS", "reason": "signal2"}'
wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS", "reason": "signal3", "data": "data3"}'
wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS", "reason": "signal4", "data": "data4"}'
# If you require control of the ID, you can pass it.
# The ID should be unique, unless you intend for duplicate
# signals to overrite each other. The following two calls
# do the exact same thing, and will be treated as one signal
# (You can prove this by changing count above to 7)
wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS", "id": "5"}'
wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS", "id": "5"}'
# Example of sending a failure signal, optionally
# reason, id, and data can be specified as above
# wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "FAILURE"}'
wc_notify: { get_attr: [wait_handle, curl_cli] }
value: { get_attr: [wait_condition, data] }
# this would return the following json
# {"1": null, "2": null, "3": "data3", "4": "data4", "5": null}
value: { get_attr: [wait_condition, data, '4'] }
# this would return "data4"OS::Heat::SwiftSignal is implemented by creating an Object Storage
API temporary URL which is populated with signal data with an HTTP PUT. The
orchestration service will poll this object until the signal data is available.
Object versioning is used to store multiple signals.Sending the signal is a simple HTTP request, as with this example using curl:curl -i -X PUT '<object URL>' --data-binary '<json containing signal data>'The above template example only needs to have the type changed to the
swift signal resources:resources:
type: OS::Heat::SwiftSignal
handle: {get_resource: wait_handle}
timeout: 300
type: OS::Heat::SwiftSignalHandle
# ...The decision to use OS::Heat::WaitCondition or
OS::Heat::SwiftSignal will depend on a few factors:OS::Heat::SwiftSignal depends on the availability of an Object
Storage APIOS::Heat::WaitCondition depends on whether the orchestration
service has been configured with a dedicated stack domain (which may depend
on the availability of an Identity V3 API).The preference to protect signal URLs with token authentication or a
secret webhook URL.Software config resourcesBoot configuration scripts can also be managed as their own resources. This
allows configuration to be defined once and run on multiple server resources.
These software-config resources are stored and retrieved via dedicated calls
to the Orchestration API. It is not possible to modify the contents of an
existing software-config resource, so a stack-update which changes any
existing software-config resource will result in API calls to create a new
config and delete the old one.The resource OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig is used for storing configs
represented by text scripts, for example:resources:
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
group: ungrouped
config: |
echo "Running boot script"
# ...
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: {get_resource: boot_script}The resource OS::Heat::CloudConfig allows Cloud-init cloud-config to
be represented as template YAML rather than a block string. This allows
intrinsic functions to be included when building the cloud-config. This also
ensures that the cloud-config is valid YAML, although no further checks for
valid cloud-config are done.parameters:
type: string
description: The contents of the file /tmp/file
type: OS::Heat::CloudConfig
- path: /tmp/file
content: {get_param: file_content}
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: {get_resource: boot_config}The resource OS::Heat::MultipartMime allows multiple
OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig and OS::Heat::CloudConfig
resources to be combined into a single Cloud-init multi-part message:parameters:
type: string
description: The contents of the file /tmp/file
type: string
description: The ID of a software-config resource created elsewhere
type: OS::Heat::CloudConfig
- path: /tmp/file
content: {get_param: file_content}
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
group: ungrouped
config: |
echo "Running boot script"
# ...
type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime
- config: {get_resource: boot_config}
- config: {get_resource: boot_script}
- config: {get_resource: other_config}
type: OS::Nova::Server
# flavor, image etc
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: {get_resource: server_init}