Install the OpenStack command-line clients Install the prerequisite software and the Python package for each OpenStack client. For each command, replace PROJECT with the lower case name of the client to install, such as nova. Repeat for each client.
Prerequisite software
Prerequisite Description
Python 2.6 or newer Currently, the clients do not support Python 3.
setuptools package Installed by default on Mac OS X. Many Linux distributions provide packages to make setuptools easy to install. Search your package manager for setuptools to find an installation package. If you cannot find one, download the setuptools package directly from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools. The recommended way to install setuptools on Microsoft Windows is to follow the documentation provided on the setuptools website. Another option is to use the unofficial binary installer maintained by Christoph Gohlke (http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#setuptools).
pip package To install the clients on a Linux, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows system, use pip. It is easy to use, ensures that you get the latest version of the clients from the Python Package Index, and lets you update or remove the packages later on. Install pip through the package manager for your system: Mac OS X # easy_install pip Microsoft Windows Make sure that the C:\Python27\Scripts directory is defined in the PATH environment variable, and use the easy_install command from the setuptools package: C:\>easy_install pip Another option is to use the unofficial binary installer provided by Christoph Gohlke (http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pip). Ubuntu 12.04 A packaged version enables you to use dpkg or aptitude to install the python-novaclient:# aptitude install python-novaclient Ubuntu and Debian # aptitude install python-pip RHEL, CentOS, or Fedora A packaged version available in RDO enables you to use yum to install the clients: # yum install python-PROJECTclient Alternatively, install pip and use it to manage client installation: # yum install python-pip openSUSE 12.2 and earlier A packaged version available in the Open Build Service enables you to use rpm or zypper to install the python-novaclient:# zypper install python-PROJECT Alternatively, install pip and use it to manage client installation: # zypper install python-pip openSUSE 12.3 and newer A packaged version enables you to use rpm or zypper to install the clients: # zypper install python-PROJECTclient
Install the clients Use pip to install the OpenStack clients on a Linux, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows system. It is easy and ensures that you get the latest version of the client from the Python Package Index. Also, pip lets you update or remove a package. After you install the clients, you must source an PROJECT-openrc.sh file to set required environment variables before you can request OpenStack services through the clients or the APIs. Install each client separately using: For Mac OS X or Linux: # pip install python-PROJECTclient For Microsoft Windows: C:\>pip install python-PROJECTclient Where PROJECT is the project name and has one of the following values: ceilometer - Telemetry API. cinder - Block Storage API and extensions. glance - Image Service API. heat - Orchestration API. keystone - Identity service API and extensions. neutron - Networking API. nova - Compute API and extensions. swift - Object Storage API. trove - Database Service API. For example, to install the nova client, run this command: # pip install python-novaclient To remove the nova client, run this command: # pip uninstall python-novaclient To upgrade a package, add the --upgrade option to the pip command. For example, to update the nova client, run this command: # pip install --upgrade python-novaclient Before you can run client commands, you must create and source the PROJECT-openrc.sh file to set environment variables. See .