Passwords The various OpenStack services and the required software like the database and the messaging server have to be password protected. You use these passwords when configuring a service and then again to access the service. You have to choose a password while configuring the service and later remember to use the same password when accessing it. Optionally, you can generate random passwords with the pwgen program. Or, to create passwords one at a time, use the output of this command repeatedly: $ openssl rand -hex 10 This guide uses the convention that SERVICE_PASS is the password to access the service SERVICE and SERVICE_DBPASS is the database password used by the service SERVICE to access the database. The complete list of passwords you need to define in this guide are:
Password name Description
Database password (no variable used) Root password for the database
RABBIT_PASS Password of user guest of RabbitMQ
KEYSTONE_DBPASS Database password of Identity service
DEMO_PASS Password of user demo
ADMIN_PASS Password of user admin
GLANCE_DBPASS Database password for Image Service
GLANCE_PASS Password of Image Service user glance
NOVA_DBPASS Database password for Compute service
NOVA_PASS Password of Compute service user nova
DASH_DBPASS Database password for the dashboard
CINDER_DBPASS Database password for the Block Storage service
CINDER_PASS Password of Block Storage service user cinder
NEUTRON_DBPASS Database password for the Networking service
NEUTRON_PASS Password of Networking service user neutron
HEAT_DBPASS Database password for the Orchestration service
HEAT_PASS Password of Orchestration service user heat
CEILOMETER_DBPASS Database password for the Telemetry service
CEILOMETER_PASS Password of Telemetry service user ceilometer
TROVE_DBPASS Database password of Database service
TROVE_PASS Password of Database Service user trove