Documentation > Python Developer


Developer Documentation for OpenStack Services

Bare Metal Provisioning Developer Documentation (ironic)

Compute Service Developer Documentation (nova)

Dashboard Developer Documentation (horizon)

Data Processing Developer Documentation (savanna)

Database Service Developer Documentation (trove)

Identity Service Developer Documentation (keystone)

Image Service Developer Documentation (glance)

Networking Service Developer Documentation (neutron)

Object Storage Developer Documentation (swift)

Orchestration Developer Documentation (Heat)

Developer Documentation for OpenStack Services (continued)

Telemetry service Developer Documentation (ceilometer)

Volume Developer Documentation (cinder)

Common Libraries

oslo.config Developer Documentation

An OpenStack library for parsing configuration options from the command line and configuration files.

oslo.messaging Developer Documentation

An OpenStack library for inter-process communication.

Command Line Interface Formulation Framework (cliff)

A framework for building command line programs in Python.

Python Build Reasonableness (PBR)

PBR is a library that injects some useful and sensible default behaviors into your setuptools run.


A library for managing dynamic plugins for Python applications.


A Python library that helps make task execution easy, consistent, and reliable.