Configure compute node This section covers deployment of a simple flat network that provides IP addresses to your instances via DHCP. If your environment includes multiple compute nodes, the multi-host feature provides redundancy by spreading network functions across compute nodes. To install legacy networking components # apt-get install nova-network nova-api-metadata # apt-get install nova-network nova-api # yum install openstack-nova-network openstack-nova-api # zypper install openstack-nova-network openstack-nova-api To configure legacy networking Edit the /etc/nova/nova.conf file and complete the following actions: In the [DEFAULT] section, configure the network parameters: [DEFAULT] ... network_api_class = security_group_api = nova firewall_driver = nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver network_manager = network_size = 254 allow_same_net_traffic = False multi_host = True send_arp_for_ha = True share_dhcp_address = True force_dhcp_release = True flat_network_bridge = br100 flat_interface = INTERFACE_NAME public_interface = INTERFACE_NAME Replace INTERFACE_NAME with the actual interface name for the external network. For example, eth1 or ens224. You can also leave these two parameters undefined if you are serving multiple networks with individual bridges for each. Restart the services: # service nova-network restart # service nova-api-metadata restart Start the services and configure them to start when the system boots: # systemctl enable openstack-nova-network.service openstack-nova-metadata-api.service # systemctl start openstack-nova-network.service openstack-nova-metadata-api.service