Dot Hill AssuredSAN Fibre Channel and iSCSI drivers
The DotHillFCDriver and
DotHillISCSIDriver Cinder drivers allow Dot Hill arrays
to be used for block storage in OpenStack deployments.
System requirements
To use the Dot Hill drivers, the following are required:
Dot Hill AssuredSAN array with:
iSCSI or FC host interfaces
G22x firmware or later
Appropriate licenses for the snapshot and copy volume
Network connectivity between the OpenStack host and the array
management interfaces
HTTPS or HTTP must be enabled on the array
Supported operations
Create, delete, attach, and detach volumes.
Create, list, and delete volume snapshots.
Create a volume from a snapshot.
Copy an image to a volume.
Copy a volume to an image.
Clone a volume.
Extend a volume.
Migrate a volume with back-end assistance.
Retype a volume.
Manage and unmanage a volume.
Configuring the array
Verify that the array can be managed via an HTTPS connection.
HTTP can also be used if dothill_api_protocol=http
is placed into the appropriate sections of the
cinder.conf file.
Confirm that virtual pools A and B are present if you plan to
use virtual pools for OpenStack storage.
If you plan to use vdisks instead of virtual pools, create or
identify one or more vdisks to be used for OpenStack storage;
typically this will mean creating or setting aside one disk group for
each of the A and B controllers.
Edit the cinder.conf file to define an
storage backend entry for each storage pool on the array that will be
managed by OpenStack. Each entry consists of a unique section name,
surrounded by square brackets, followed by options specified in
key=value format.
The dothill_backend_name value
specifies the name of the storage pool or vdisk on the
The volume_backend_name option value
can be a unique value, if you wish to be able to assign volumes
to a specific storage pool on the array, or a name that's shared
among multiple storage pools to let the volume scheduler choose
where new volumes are allocated.
The rest of the options will be repeated for each storage
pool in a given array: the appropriate Cinder driver name; IP
address or hostname of the array management interface; the
username and password of an array user account with
manage privileges; and the iSCSI IP addresses
for the array if using the iSCSI transport protocol.
In the examples below, two backends are defined, one for pool A
and one for pool B, and a common
volume_backend_name is used so that a single volume
type definition can be used to allocate volumes from both
iSCSI example backend entries
dothill_backend_name = A
volume_backend_name = dothill-array
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dothill.dothill_iscsi.DotHillISCSIDriver
san_ip =
san_login = manage
san_password = !manage
dothill_iscsi_ips =,
dothill_backend_name = B
volume_backend_name = dothill-array
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dothill.dothill_iscsi.DotHillISCSIDriver
san_ip =
san_login = manage
san_password = !manage
dothill_iscsi_ips =,
Fibre Channel example backend entries
dothill_backend_name = A
volume_backend_name = dothill-array
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dothill.dothill_fc.DotHillFCDriver
san_ip =
san_login = manage
san_password = !manage
dothill_backend_name = B
volume_backend_name = dothill-array
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dothill.dothill_fc.DotHillFCDriver
san_ip =
san_login = manage
san_password = !manage
If any volume_backend_name value refers to a
vdisk rather than a virtual pool, add an additional statement
dothill_backend_type = linear to that backend
If HTTPS is not enabled in the array, include
dothill_api_protocol = http in each of the backend
If HTTPS is enabled, you can enable certificate verification
with the option dothill_verify_certificate=True.
You may also use the
dothill_verify_certificate_path parameter to
specify the path to a CA_BUNDLE file containing CAs other than those
in the default list.
Modify the [DEFAULT] section of the
cinder.conf file to add an
enabled_backends parameter specifying the backend
entries you added, and a default_volume_type
parameter specifying the name of a volume type that you will create in
the next step.
[DEFAULT] section changes
enabled_backends = pool-a,pool-b
default_volume_type = dothill
Create a new volume type for each distinct
volume_backend_name value that you added to
cinder.conf. The example below assumes that the same
volume_backend_name=dothill-array option was
specified in all of the entries, and specifies that the volume type
dothill can be used to allocate volumes from any of
Creating a volume type
$ cinder type-create dothill
$ cinder type-key dothill set
After modifying cinder.conf, restart the
cinder-volume service.
Driver-specific options
The following table contains the configuration options that are
specific to the Dot Hill drivers.