=============================================== Migrate single instance to another compute host =============================================== When you want to move an instance from one compute host to another, you can use the :command:`nova migrate` command. The scheduler chooses the destination compute host based on its settings. This process does not assume that the instance has shared storage available on the target host. #. To list the VMs you want to migrate, run: .. code-block:: console $ nova list #. After selecting a VM from the list, run this command where :guilabel:`VM_ID` is set to the ID in the list returned in the previous step: .. code-block:: console $ nova show VM_ID #. Now, use the :command:`nova migrate` command. .. code-block:: console $ nova migrate VM_ID #. To migrate an instance and watch the status, use this example script: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash # Provide usage usage() { echo "Usage: $0 VM_ID" exit 1 } [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage # Migrate the VM to an alternate hypervisor echo -n "Migrating instance to alternate host" VM_ID=$1 nova migrate $VM_ID VM_OUTPUT=`nova show $VM_ID` VM_STATUS=`echo "$VM_OUTPUT" | grep status | awk '{print $4}'` while [[ "$VM_STATUS" != "VERIFY_RESIZE" ]]; do echo -n "." sleep 2 VM_OUTPUT=`nova show $VM_ID` VM_STATUS=`echo "$VM_OUTPUT" | grep status | awk '{print $4}'` done nova resize-confirm $VM_ID echo " instance migrated and resized." echo; # Show the details for the VM echo "Updated instance details:" nova show $VM_ID # Pause to allow users to examine VM details read -p "Pausing, press to exit." .. note:: If you see this error, it means you are either trying the command with the wrong credentials, such as a non-admin user, or the ``policy.json`` file prevents migration for your user: ``ERROR (Forbidden): Policy doesn't allow compute_extension:admin_actions:migrate to be performed. (HTTP 403)`` The instance is booted from a new host, but preserves its configuration including its ID, name, any metadata, IP address, and other properties.