Description of configuration options for cfn_api
Configuration option = Default value Description
instance_connection_https_validate_certificates = 1 (StrOpt) Instance connection to CFN/CW API validate certs if SSL is used.
instance_connection_is_secure = 0 (StrOpt) Instance connection to CFN/CW API via https.
backlog = 4096 (IntOpt) Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
bind_host = (StrOpt) Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a particular network interface.
bind_port = 8000 (IntOpt) The port on which the server will listen.
cert_file = None (StrOpt) Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode.
key_file = None (StrOpt) Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode.
max_header_line = 16384 (IntOpt) Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs).
workers = 0 (IntOpt) Number of workers for Heat service.
ca_file = None (StrOpt) CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients.
cert_file = None (StrOpt) Certificate file to use when starting the server securely.
key_file = None (StrOpt) Private key file to use when starting the server securely.