Description of configuration options for api
Configuration option = Default value Description
admin_bind_host = (StrOpt) The IP address of the network interface for the admin service to listen on.
admin_endpoint = None (StrOpt) The base admin endpoint URL for Keystone that is advertised to clients (NOTE: this does NOT affect how Keystone listens for connections). Defaults to the base host URL of the request. E.g. a request to http://server:35357/v2.0/users will default to http://server:35357. You should only need to set this value if the base URL contains a path (e.g. /prefix/v2.0) or the endpoint should be found on a different server.
admin_port = 35357 (IntOpt) The port number which the admin service listens on.
admin_token = ADMIN (StrOpt) A "shared secret" that can be used to bootstrap Keystone. This "token" does not represent a user, and carries no explicit authorization. To disable in production (highly recommended), remove AdminTokenAuthMiddleware from your paste application pipelines (for example, in keystone-paste.ini).
admin_workers = 1 (IntOpt) The number of worker processes to serve the admin WSGI application
compute_port = 8774 (IntOpt) (Deprecated) The port which the OpenStack Compute service listens on. This option was only used for string replacement in the templated catalog backend. Templated catalogs should replace the "$(compute_port)s" substitution with the static port of the compute service. As of Juno, this option is deprecated and will be removed in the L release.
domain_id_immutable = True (BoolOpt) Set this to false if you want to enable the ability for user, group and project entities to be moved between domains by updating their domain_id. Allowing such movement is not recommended if the scope of a domain admin is being restricted by use of an appropriate policy file (see policy.v3cloudsample as an example).
list_limit = None (IntOpt) The maximum number of entities that will be returned in a collection, with no limit set by default. This global limit may be then overridden for a specific driver, by specifying a list_limit in the appropriate section (e.g. [assignment]).
max_param_size = 64 (IntOpt) Limit the sizes of user & project ID/names.
max_request_body_size = 114688 (IntOpt) Enforced by optional sizelimit middleware (keystone.middleware:RequestBodySizeLimiter).
max_token_size = 8192 (IntOpt) Similar to max_param_size, but provides an exception for token values.
member_role_id = 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab (StrOpt) During a SQL upgrade member_role_id will be used to create a new role that will replace records in the assignment table with explicit role grants. After migration, the member_role_id will be used in the API add_user_to_project.
member_role_name = _member_ (StrOpt) During a SQL upgrade member_role_name will be used to create a new role that will replace records in the assignment table with explicit role grants. After migration, member_role_name will be ignored.
public_bind_host = (StrOpt) The IP address of the network interface for the public service to listen on.
public_endpoint = None (StrOpt) The base public endpoint URL for Keystone that is advertised to clients (NOTE: this does NOT affect how Keystone listens for connections). Defaults to the base host URL of the request. E.g. a request to http://server:5000/v2.0/users will default to http://server:5000. You should only need to set this value if the base URL contains a path (e.g. /prefix/v2.0) or the endpoint should be found on a different server.
public_port = 5000 (IntOpt) The port number which the public service listens on.
public_workers = 1 (IntOpt) The number of worker processes to serve the public WSGI application
strict_password_check = False (BoolOpt) If set to true, strict password length checking is performed for password manipulation. If a password exceeds the maximum length, the operation will fail with an HTTP 403 Forbidden error. If set to false, passwords are automatically truncated to the maximum length.
tcp_keepalive = False (BoolOpt) Set this to true if you want to enable TCP_KEEPALIVE on server sockets, i.e. sockets used by the Keystone wsgi server for client connections.
tcp_keepidle = 600 (IntOpt) Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Only applies if tcp_keepalive is true. Not supported on OS X.
driver = keystone.contrib.endpoint_filter.backends.sql.EndpointFilter (StrOpt) Endpoint Filter backend driver
return_all_endpoints_if_no_filter = True (BoolOpt) Toggle to return all active endpoints if no filter exists.
config_file = keystone-paste.ini (StrOpt) Name of the paste configuration file that defines the available pipelines.