Description of IBM Storwise driver configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
= False (BoolOpt) Allow tenants to specify QOS on create
= iSCSI (StrOpt) Connection protocol (iSCSI/FC)
= 120 (IntOpt) Maximum number of seconds to wait for FlashCopy to be prepared.
= True (BoolOpt) Configure CHAP authentication for iSCSI connections (Default: Enabled)
= True (BoolOpt) Allows vdisk to multi host mapping
= False (BoolOpt) Connect with multipath (FC only; iSCSI multipath is controlled by Nova)
= True (BoolOpt) Indicate whether svc driver is compatible for NPIV setup. If it is compatible, it will allow no wwpns being returned on get_conn_fc_wwpns during initialize_connection. It should always be set to True. It will be deprecated and removed in M release.
= None (StrOpt) If operating in stretched cluster mode, specify the name of the pool in which mirrored copies are stored.Example: "pool2"
= True (BoolOpt) Storage system autoexpand parameter for volumes (True/False)
= False (BoolOpt) Storage system compression option for volumes
= True (BoolOpt) Enable Easy Tier for volumes
= 256 (IntOpt) Storage system grain size parameter for volumes (32/64/128/256)
= 0 (IntOpt) The I/O group in which to allocate volumes
= False (BoolOpt) Specifies that the volume not be formatted during creation.
= 2 (IntOpt) Storage system space-efficiency parameter for volumes (percentage)
= 0 (IntOpt) Storage system threshold for volume capacity warnings (percentage)
= volpool (StrOpt) Storage system storage pool for volumes